STATEMENT -of Die «3»iri of the Manafield | Iron Work* made in compliance with tjifi.*# AwombW of 7th April 1849, •biwiftf' IhP-Mnfc dinon of Mid company on the 30th day of November 1855; • . • Capita! Slock,.• •• • > Amount Babacribed, DR. To amount actual)/ paid > n 510 ck,... 936,446,67 Bi/ta. payable tor Caab, Goods, Labor, and Materia) • 16,310,01 Bv 720 acres land, including ore beda and wood 10t*,............ 910,800,00 H acres in furnace lot, including fur nace, kilns, buildings, dwellings, ■nd machinery 996^11^)6 Merchandise, ore, coal and materials on hand as per inventory, 9 10,350,30 Tioga County, S 3. James Lowrey, the President; J. S. Hoard, the Treasurer and’ §«crql*ry of the "Mansfield Iron Works" —being severally swqrn say that the forego mr statement fs true to the best of their knowledge ir,d belief. JAMES LOWREY, J.S. HOARD. Birorn to and sbbscribed- before -mo, December 15,1855. i *D. L. SHERWOOD. J.P. New York Tribune, 1855-6. THE TIUKUNE is dot in the middle of it* fifteenth year: Vol XV. of its weekly i?*uo commenced on tlm Ist of Sep* lumber last. The American public need not now be made nc* with iu character or chums to consideration. With Iriit u subortiinAte regard for prudence, policy Vr popularity, it ban aimH to stand for Righteousness, for Truth, fof- Human ity. ajr.mW f"rlifi«**l lutqnlly, Fnunl mnl Opprwloi). There i< not a slnve-lmder on this Contenent, though he may never p-.ul anything but his WIN of salt- and u«lr< pay aide, who dn •» not knuff and hale thcTRIHVXK; there is not an exton imp fabricator hkeXirtv Vork. Tint NEWARK .MERCURYonce f rdbly remarked that i* hud never known a hard, griping, •crewing. avaricious employer who was not hostile to the XRIBU.SK, n*>r one eminently geuoruns and kindly who did not Hko it. Prompt and pUmspokcu in its denunciations of Iniquity nml ulmba( to the cries of the wronged and suffering, In Us columns the advocate* of novel ami unpopular theories con- ! tcmpluung the melioration of human woes, especially Ihoso 1 of Uk voiceless and down-trodden, I\avv ever found au-honee And hospitality , while it has anleutly ros!>»le*l, and will per* mleutlv comtiai every attempt to proscribe and degrade any cixn of dicermleo oi Nativity, Creed or Color. In defiance of calumnies the moil atrocious, and of hostill txes the most deadly und untiring, TUB TUIIIUN K lias grown H-aduv m public appreciation bum the day of its origin. Its mciu« «*1 wmun the public hv%e been augmented m proper tiuk Instead of a single editor with cue or two assistant, lu organization now compm-vi a numerous body of wi iters, t,vh ntud by special iwcomplldimcui and ex)etriencc for tire pa.'icular line of diitcussain to which hU pen (s devoted; the dtih annum! of reading matter pun. more than quadruples that of lu earliest ito-ne*. a ««tafT of viiln-d correspondents en circles the globe, transmitting early and intulligont narrations ./ whatever i* nu»3t worthy of attention, while Politics, Leg ulation. Literature, Art. History—iu short whatever affects lin> locinl well-being of mankind, Polemic Theology alone ox fcnieo—finds here the freest und motl searching discussion. Attache-! i'V profound conviction to the lu*uiflcent policy of h,.m-trial development a and Internal Inlcrcoiiiiniinlcntlon, im*i\ cbmnplon through tiu laM. HMf- Qr-jiur' whs UKXKV CLAY—fmliotd, mon-ovet, Mith that writ of furboaniuce toward -oar v«ik«*r ut-itdibor* and tou nr.l iho much urongod Aborigines of tlua Continent, and of ivare aiili All which will hujlow tin imnn* of Mlilg, THE TIIiUUN'K. Mini** aurrcnUering'iiu Jot of its jtojkt iiidepend riice fOojiTHtC'l i a mostly Mid ardently with flu- Whip p,irt) * lunjt »* U« \ltnllfv waa preserved \Mn*n in I*oo-2 an ul irmpl was made to interpolate bltm'-hmUiiiK into its creed, *c stcrnlj itM-U-d Unit imposition , miujj.ui th<- cio*H‘ of the In l*rcsMentlal rjovn*. It wu- that iv large jHirtion of tlic Whig* preferred to defeat their own part' rather than allow at Anl(*Slpv«ry wing to share Its triumph, evon ututar u con- Mnaine Chief on a Pro-Marerj platform, «e knew and pro planned tliat the Wing part) win* no more. Snhwqui-nt events, inindiiig the rise uud culmination of the Know Nothing ruinpimc), and the epei’dy ah;*orptk»u therdauf the whole I»kp ->f \> luglem. only confirmed onr nndoubting antici]«ttous With no niokly himentatkiu«, therefore, fur ihe i.irtitahl) l*\goSie, but with hope and Jut, and hyioputliy, aa-l M*>rd» of cheer, hate wnhailed the bcglunlngand wau-lied Ui<* prugress of that mighty REPUBLICAN fu*»v‘tm-n( which, mnwlkdb) the jM-rddtoaii violation of the Missouri Coniinirf, an') »tuunlaU-d b) the ashmmhug uutrugv* whorvof tbo rights .' tin- Fr*- Pettier* of Kansas lute been the victims—by tho rcpiAied ajul utter vjtuuion of Uieir el.ntJons by un armed moh collected hr conspiracy and hurled mddenh upon (hem* from Hip \*ur\W counties of the neighboring Slave Stale, i* dinned t<>*ueep nnnr the lundmnrk* of old part) feuds, and unife the imp h'-art* and strong nrm* of the lu our might) effort to contlue the -tonrge and scandal of our (-.•nun withiv Hit limit* of th* Piute* which unoiael) np ti«U i. To utv sum** of this effort, the energies of THE TUIIH'N'K will !*• sternly devoted* while the TEMPERANCE REFORM, iiirlnditijr the entir** suppression of th«* Tmlth* in Inioxieating B**ter-igi'a. Will hnd it a* heretofore, nu earnest an-! nuflineljine chanifut.. Ominienemg iv adnilt folio «heet of moderate “l/r. and wltli scarce!t u almib.u of pauvunpe. THE TRIBUNE m now i,- «»l in quarto form. DAILY (three dUtinet editions; tteinl- uud wrrklv on a nh«**t J 4 b\ 34 Inches, eight ample page* of nix columns racn Jw. Circulation has aUadily grown ;rom nothing to the following aggregates Daily issues levc. bi. morning. 59,51)0 copies. Scim.Wcekiy 12,175 •* Wccki, ••• 137.750 “ California edition 6.000 •• Tola i TTf bfU.*ve no other new-pApor in tin 1 world has a subscrip ttt-n livi oyq>- half so Inrgr a* ibis; Aim no nf anx •■jr, can dval jt. jluMir*bty not to perceive ia liua uiiprcccOt-D- W patronage seme evidence of public approval ami esteem. IEIUIe THE TRTMJXIi employ* no traveling agmt* and sends eot no paper* on mitt. If Jt la not stoppe* «Hu>n thn term **i«J for csjHrea, «ad the nubnonbcr dm** not üboor* further • ■ par fur i* ne report tu no legal imrcn to coiujk-1 Jjiiu. "n the Wrcklv. wp mean to stop rxrry jvijxt on the expire* non <*f th« Julian-y pn.vrauul, awAlting a frenh. rvuult.’aico from the ••uiwpribop. Jf none ‘•omes, tl* account is rioted. >»e juti (f.j htcal ageuts; wish no tnoooT paid to mix when tho jw\.KK 1,1. $-2 three c.ipie* fur {5: fixe copies fur $8; ten f jw (w« nty copies or o'er, t-evu xnnaEsd for fl «wr Wtjiti c..piea, or oxer to Address of each subscriber. $1 PA A'luti-rap nut A t aJJ limes be made to a dub a! the price p*w hr tftota- already in il. ORKKLY k McKLRATIT. N’o. JM Nassau $L Sew York. “THE GOOD TIME CODING.’' BY T. S. ARTHUR. fpiIOSL wuo wi-h lo hear somethin; of that long-expected day, should red this book. Ill* w, ting 00 immense sale—sooo copies bav in? twin ordered in advance of publication, c sene u copy an receipt ol the price—Bi. 1. XV. BRADLEY, Publisher, North, Philadelphia, Pa. ‘ “• wanted lo sell this and pop unr Kik, in ull pan, 0 c t|| C coun i r v. Send (or our Ln-I and term, lo Agents. Truth is stranger than Fiction!! Xy L m,l 'L «,» that G. ,W. Tnylor is receiving Iroui the Miimlf., r-liirers. the licit and chivp. «l im of CUNOS &. MELODEONiS, ever offered "> 101. county. He cj,, an good instruments r"' 1 “V," fl “ r pn«» Ml-jtjr dealer*; dajl at Jlic 800 l Store. \V c lhhofo\ December 6, 1855. Look This War. flZfu TV Ivovc to announce to the .mal e h'ted up machinery (at no ‘ for ‘".l P ur l>o.e „f Plating wllh gold vr Hirer. Those wishmg such work done will ~W (ivc me a call. G. \\ TAVfaitl Wdlshoro 1 Dec. 13. 1855. 1 AYLoR T)LAIN &. FIGURED DELAINES \ u r . e t Muck all styles and colors ; also Persian cloths ratametus, Merinoea ent| Doha gee. a belter assotu menl than ever before offered in the county, end sclh mg at startling low prices by J. R. BOWEN. S l^tc r '.Tlk. m at Ta SoV 5 o Vi e e r ° f T«l >t lha • b 1 50 c,a P cr yard, just meet. n *’ * am « “ff like Ixh caitea. Gall and ten them at J. R.fIOWEN’S/ P ri, price* 1 from 6* to 12} cents per yard. Ca!i co y goS style*, faal colors, at g ets, the same as usually sell “ ls}i ef al B. ROY’S. .. .. ’ r f fc Cal nstr »inentB Pianos, Sfti’tt W CO-, against those old codgers, ll Second rate Goods and High Prices 1117,425 copies. Friends, Countrymen ond all who doot on good Bargains, (which includes everybody,) we have just received a splendid pluck of at our Store in Tioga, which can be had for liittle, or Nothing above prime cost— with oceans of gopd will thrown on grafts. The first pick is the best pick, so come in while Block in fresh. Delays ore dangerous—-Pro. craidinution bad frostbitten many a good bargain If you want your money's worth, come on. If you want more than a dollar's worth for a dollar, don’t come ; but you will be astonished to see what a pile qf goods wo can put up for a dollar. Our slock of DRT GOODS is not made up of the odds and.ends and (lie reg* nunU of “dosed up” concerns in the City, but cofia. prises a complete assortment of the latest styles end best qualities, from the coarsest domestic to the fi nest imported fabrics, such us Silks, and Ladies’ Dress Goods, Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of trim* wings. Ladies will do well lo cull and examine the Slock before purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin, Guernsey & Co-, have always on hand a seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen’s Ready-Hade Clothing, which will be sold at the lowest CASH PRICES. ALSO, Groceries, Crochety, Hardware, Glass, Slone, Hollow, ond Wooden -Ware, Iron , Steel, Nails. Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuffs of. every kind ’ and of the best quality, . i nth BOOTS dj- SHOES, fur Everybody, *,* All kinds of Country Product taken in ex. change for goods at the maikel print. T. L. BALDWIN. Tioja r Oct. 18, 1855. A. T. GUERNSEY, 0. B. LOWELL. NEW MASONIC HALL, ■ PHILADELPHIA. AGENTS wanted in every town and county in .the United. Stales Ip soil the beautiful picture of the . .. ..... in the S'cw Masonic h all, Philadelphia, xiuW Plate, is selling very rapidly, and, elici.lo.the admira tion of oil, (or the cormctpefs.apd fidelity with which the . J . STATU Ally, TtIESCO PAINTINGS, AND H'BNjjl'nK - Are represented, and the Brjlilicbdouly and narmo ny of the colors. Site of Plate, 93 X 98. Price, $3 00. Booksellers and Picture Dealers wishinr to take tgendtes for ii t will,pleasdaddf«H for Airier mfoiv motion. L. N. ROSENTHAL, LUhogryjAer." , , _ Plnlndelphia.' AGENTS! AGENTS! ,v PERSONS accustomed lo procure snbscribers for Books, JMayazinea dpc, or get pp cjul if for newspapers, arc requested to. send us tlicir names and roddiessf apd wo .wilL /ocj»at]|l ;them, fpeerof ohpree, a specimen,numbpr of.n.mblicilion r tot which they ty|ll find ready said; and We will allow llfcWVconumAsito of ; SO r p« J dMVlfortheir ilcftlce#. J. BRADFORD dt' RRoTHER, Nji- 9 Courtlahd iliJJdtf Yotlt. I ATCLURE & SELLERS, ~ Harrisburg, Pa, Fall and Winter Goods, Grand Lodge Room, -. fHE TIOGA vqoryiFY ArtJUaociatlon! i ’ which / L Iq fortnlng the New Collection, the dlffOiton of work. ot AKBUct-X AKT, ami “the cnconragcraent of Am«HcAh : fftMilua hare Hot beon v overlooked. Ooznmfiuld&s bkv« been fused’to mAQJOf the mostdiatiogutshod American. Artist*. who. will contribute some of their finest productions,.-!,Anoug- thorn l, w)WEa& xoculod ,be K'ww-ifyteg Sculp- George Washington, THE FATHER OP JDS COUNTRY, ; Benjamin Franklin, THE PUXLOSOPIIBK: Daniel Webster. THE STATESMAN. A special agent has visited Europe and made careful and Judicious selections of foreign work of Art, both In Bronze and Marble; Statuary and Choice Painting*. The whole forming a largo and valuable collection of Point ings and Statuary, to be distributed FKEE among the mem* bors of the Association for the Second Voir. Terms of membership. The payment of Throe Dollars constitutes any one a mem ber of till* Association, and entitles him to either one of the Magazines for one year, and also a ticket In the distribution of tho Statuary and Paintings. Tli© Literature issued to subscribers consists of* the follow ing Monthly Magazines; Putnam’s, Knickorbock er, Household Words, Ornhaia’s, and Oodoy's Lady’s Book. Persons taking five memberships are ohUtled to any five of the Magazines for one rear, and to six tieleU In the distribu tion. Tho tfet proceeds derired- from tho sale of member ships, are devoted to the purchase of works of Art for the ensuing year. The Advnnlascs Secured by becoming a member of this Assodatloo, are— 1 si. AU arsons receive the full uilut qf their subscription at Uu start, m the shape of sterling Magazine Literature. 2d. Each member is contributing towards purchasing choice Works of Art, which are to bo distributed among themsfhva, and are at the same time encouraging the Artists of the country, disbursing thousands of dollars through Its agency. . • . Persons in remfting funds for membership, will please give their post njfkt addrfJt in full, stating the month they wiah Hie Magazine to commune?. and liavo the loiter registered at the Post («Hco to prevent loss; ou its receipt a certificate of membership, together with the Mugazluc desired, will bo for warded lonny part of the country. Those who purchase magazmcaat Hookstoros, will observe that by Joining this Association, they rrccicc the ifnyiuine aniifnt ticket in the nnimul (hrfWbrtfftm all at the same price they now pay for the Magazine alone. For Memberships, address, C. L. DERBY Actuary C. A. A., At either of the principal ' Kulck-rlx-ck.T Mugnzfue ’ office, JW Broadway. Now York or Western Office, 100 M ater Street, Sandusky, Ohio Subscriptions received by JOHN N. CACHE, Ilonorory Secretary, for WellaLurough Pa, 1 WelUboro’ November, bth, Jbos. Union Uagnerrcsin Gallery. MR. E. W. BECKWITH Would inlorni iheLa dies and &’iilluiiien ol Wellsboro 1 and vicin- ity, that ho will remain a few days at the above named with his LARGE AND ELEGANT GAJ.LERV, GIVING TO THO6C WHO WISH A PERFECT LIKENESS ' or tUcmscfves or friomls, an opportunity Jo obtain on.. BY HIS ARRANGEMENT OF LIGHT, the eye is made to look life-like,'liowever light it may be—the features prominent—tbo dress.- gloat and distinct, —thus producing a Picture superior to those very black or palo likenesses usually taken by itin erant operators with an ordinary light. CHILDREN OF ANY AGE TAKEN IN A FEW SECONDS’ Fathers! Mothers! Brothers! Sisters! fail not of securing one or more of those mementos 61* life winch ut a future lime may not be obtained.-—• How many sad reflection*, and deep regrets, have l>ecn cxjicrienccd by friends, when a loved one has been suddenly lahe/i from them, and no likeness left of what was once so dear, but that engravdn on memory 1 * fading tablet; —whilst heartfelt emotions of gratitude are always expressed by those who have secured the life-like countenance ot a friend passed away. Mr. Beckwith will vMt private residences in caoe of sickness, or to lake a likeness of a deceased friend, if desired. Copies taken from Paintings and Daouerbectvpes. “How dear to my heart tire scenes of my childhood, When fond recollection presents them to view." Who would not like a picture of the homo of his childhood, and the village green around which so many associations cluster, pr the home of his riper, years, when fur removed from that loved spot where friends and family dwell. VIEW OF SOUSES, PI’BLIC QAffDKXS, PVBLIV SQCAItES, ECENERT, ' ‘ taken on a targe and ap'pVoVcd s»rite3 u td : the undersieMd 6ri‘ the'Eaiate of fio/iry CprraJji li(e of, Chath dm tip, dec’d, all persons Hititig CliTms against said; eaiate qre ie<| nested without ifelay, Vnd all those indebted to thq‘irame.lo make iotiheduth payment to EDO F ,fIOW LAN t>, ’ ■ fiLIASM CURRAN; T > I- i n !•. " •: ■■■■'■, : C Mini*!.- '• RAixy cvRSAW' "' M Chatham, Dec. 6,164 J- ' ddra'i.' ■ CHEAP X.ANDB- ■ -,;il PV; MUTUAL ASSOCIATION. ":;-f A Home for All for One Dollar! Qk«rtn-JSU«»SI. va .. THEGgE^TNORTH.WESTERN . 1 imNpisu wo ’m'at day-vrf January next, " 1866^ eapw, it* BhsWboljlerß,' by a Oommltteeoi Direct ors elected by themselves ■ In Lnuils A Casb. Any p«WOQ>may; v beeomftf.)t»Mpbep,of joint owner of tho property, on the purchase,of Ono or uiore shores of Oh*ttoKn&HA. *-•*''i '.sW-ib ;A ! Bw Bbyo And v Qdarier BhAra. will JLm dv|lv numbered, tooled signed phlr a^trifl of the property by its tumiberia^lwlmur^QArmxjttpets. i This Association U a pcnuanl>aL'uistitutlon and will enn* floue to distrfbate from yedr4& prime object is to cheapen lands-4nd; bring a-;HomqstendrA ,Fernv within • tho reach of all, however limited their means,. Active and Intel ligent Agent* are eons ta nll y ’ iripigSl tuvesUug fhhds of the Association In the best improving sections, of thVVhMa'i do the linos Of impacted llaifwayit aad wherp its rapid advance monk U; certain. . , land Warrants will 'bo token at . the Market Rites, for Blares in this Association; others will Us puftbosedfor Conh. and located oa the best lands In-the Statu and Territories oi the Orent West. The four towns'purchasing the greatest number bt'ilrafes by FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, IBW. will be uollftodtoelect a Director each to superintend tho distribution. Ills cxpeui*cs, and'(wo dollars per day, While engaged will bo paid by the Association. As soon as two-thirds of the Shares shall have been sold, 1 the President, Secretary and Directory elected by the sbarc hbiders, shall api>olnt a day, nut inter than the «Jolh day of January, 185 G, and proceed to dLdnbutOnmong the said Share holders tho entire property of the Association, to the full amount ot Shares, pr $126,000. Tho l*ropcrty already secured for distribution the present year, (Jdnuary 1850,)‘tu be lucrcanc-d by cun-tlunt investment 1 of toe Stocks fold and tbo profits is as follows t 1 Kona of 330 acrea, with Orchard and good Buildings, within one mile of the H. K. Station, aud 2d miles of Chicago. ’ ' ' ’ $30,000 1 Eivm,l6oAcrea,in lUickcounty,.M’i»coniin, l wlth young • ' Orchard, fair buildings, and half timbered. 20,000 4 Farms In Illinois, each $lOOO, 4.(XW 3 “ Indiana, ‘ u COO, 1.600 2 u “ Mhuouri, “ GOO, . 12A) Ton IfiOncre Tracfsin Wisconsin, each $4OO, 4,LOU Twenty 80 nen- Tracts, ia lowa, ** 21U, 4,800 1000 Town lots in tRo abpvo States, 6.000 20,003 of choicu WUd Linda, 30,000 Each ‘shar- holder shall bo ontitJc-1 to whatever pay full to bis share in the distribution, ho It large oriulall. ft may be a Form worth $30,000. Dnliu no case, cun ii U lett than one acre of Quad Laud or a Tutpn Lot. Any person becoming entitled to a Farm or Lot valued over $lOO can have cash for dcOyQthig only 25 jkt cent- Stnuiiir. prizes will oo takeh £a of'the next year. Titles to Lands will bo forwarded to Shareholders at tho rneri*cost of Notary's fros for oeknowlodgmc-nt. This Rare Chance for a Fortune shimin ho soruroil at ouco, by sending In your orders for Slmniijinmedlatcly. - 1 A jir-smlum of $10’) will he paid to tho Agent who shall soil the greatest number pf shoren} STJto thu;>cconJf s6(rtt> the third; to the fuiirtli, autlfl |ireinium of $lOOO will he given to that Firu ComiNvny, Loilgo, or AsnucUlion who shall dispose of thp greatest uuiubet of shares. , &ijr c Agoutn wanted in every town in the Union to sell Shares rnid report , . A liU nd percentage will bo nilbwCd and Circulars foprar dod to ordur bynnall or express. 100t> lian . Agouti Qt, S. .W. Lantf Agency> Jlox 802. Chicago, Illinois. V. B. Where parties' \treff»p ft. lands will bn entered hi thcir-nnmss, anil t*Otncs. Ac. paid for them, for nn agreed por tion of the rise in \.ilu« in periods of 3or 5 years. At which time if prefetrod by them, their money will be returned nith 12 i»«r coat, per papain luton-st iu Ueu.of ft title to the land*. &p.'*ca* Sehd Id your Orders it r that gqibd time, when people-arc sb gredri, or (what is worse) ha'rd up, oh lo be willing lo accept the “Old Fuaiilldr 1 faces" of these “Shop.keepers,*’ at the “tariff” firkl imposed, (No insinuationH?) * i Ilia motto U epeeny snloa, and quick rcluftis." Tliihking that by adopting and living vp to the motto, Ire shall merit and receive d continuance of the patronage heretofore awarded him, he would soy lo all—cull and see the New Goods. J. R. BOWEN. Wellsboro, Nov. 15,1855. Will. Kansas be Free ? TS A. QUESTION ddficull to answer, hut that the X Subscriber, is offering merchandize cheap, ndmils not'O.duubi. The question will ho immediately set tled upon inspection of the Goods and prices. * Hfc is just receiving his fall block, which consists in a general Assortment of DRV ROODS; CROCERfES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY," BOOTS' AND SHOES, ready;,madeclothinu, hats ' '• A PATS,’BOOTS &’ SHOES, 'WOODEN WAR|S,ST()NE. ware; tin Avare, • “4 Word tp the Win it tvffiqient /’’ i Tfio Subscriber lias a lilrgeahd wed selected Mocti of Goods, afiriis tlient at us rensonabld prlrbs ha ennbe bought ill Tioga Co.,'Ob this side ofCcdar Run'! • ■ 1 ‘He who' mania a PLUG OF TOBACCO m : n GOOD 'COAT—She vvluy wants u box of SNUFF or a FIND DRKSS, wilt ilo M'cH In' bail 6 ltd' dm hi. ine before purchasing* elsewhere. • ' ' ■' Conic and ace und be convinced of the truth of llio foregoing statement. JB. PO'ITER, Agent,' ‘ '■i' Tdr H. H. L’OTTER. Middiebury Centre, Nov. 8, 1855. OROCERV & PROVISION ! ' STORE. . M and O. BillLißD, Dnnlprs • in /IRQVISIONS, ,OROr,EKIES, BOOTS. S SHQES, RB4Qy-MA OE. qfiOWKfG; Woe* tf Hfqfr* sTolracqot Cigan, Fruit?; Confer. lionery, ifc., Ifc. At the Stand, recently'occupied Roy, \Vfil|nbufq’, Rn. >j, l; | n. !;: ' ; I j I '' ISlaVterYw IMibKcdHced.! ‘ nrXHEaiibacriUer ban iual at Itia mill-near JL; l Mwsfi6W,'3SO fotifcOtfliga PLAW’EGfto.bV lieiwill liaDd/Vtadi ground. a|»l,n>a> giro. iiim .&,eail. Hb mistake (his limeLtghlninj never-Hrikea-one tree iwico. >-PHoo 95,50 per-tew'" AMOS'fiWfltT.J I } lui b«jj hr/i jo-h JLi OHXWIS.— Baity 'wool, long »nd,«quare,.long «h»vYjl'r».fc(TJte variety ntu ~m Jiß. wJ 9®^; JJ Ppjfil Podia aQoSnocs of nil *l»li nul sues just receircdnt _ JONES & ROE'S. Bo^S.-aW JJ I just received al JO.V'dS 4 ROEjS rph* .iey&Fo. I Icy'g ehtire sloeK • o(,'[Bouk«, ijlalionory'end Jewelry, ami added (hereto his former Stock at Ti oga, atidja bfge anij fjqh assortment from the 6ky, may be found ncrcallcr in Boy'mcw BnlldlMp, wbelre freewill be ■ hijii)y_ to nerve (he public with SCHOOL, LAW; and MISCELLANEOUS Books, an Chdap as they cati bo purchased (his side of the City. ■ 1 ~ Att'Tflß POPULAR MAoXziSES OF THE t>AT,. may"be had at;lii» dqnntcivand any book.ifcai'red cun befiirnisliod To'eWfcr. He frill also, keep a full asibruhenl of ' ■ ■' ■ Stationery ind Ink, which may be purchased on reasonable terms. Purchasers will always .find a splendid lot of . " WAlCttEis; OLOICKS, JEWELRY, on hand lor sale on thp principle of ~ '‘Small profits -TAYLOR. WcllHboroypct. l8 r t^ss ; . (formerly of,Tioga.) r* » fi* (P> . fc*® J* J ROBERT ROY. D R U G Q PSf 7’ s 's■ >A V O VH t'C ARY Wcllsboro’ Pa. WHOMSALK A RETAIL '■•DEALER IS " / OREIG'N if DOMESTIC DRUGS* CHEMICALS, MEDICINES , OIL, PAINTS, D YES. ACIDS, YAR. NISitES, . PUTTY, WIND OW.GrZ.4SS. BRUSHES, PA TEN T MEDICINES ROOTS, BARKS, BIT. TERS, HERBS, SEEDS, ■OINTMENTS, EXTRACTS, TINCTURES. PILLS, POW. DERS, PHARMACEUTIC PREP ar Aim ns, Thompsonian ddra(c prices. Physi cians* prescriptions wilfatail limes-"receive core. , ful attention, Every article sold, at 1119 Store U war , ranted Itr Wd« itie purchaser.'' *kl| articles not satisfactory may bo returned’* if unlnjurj cd, and the money refunded. Terms, Cash. * ' 33* Call at the sign of the Mortar. _fl\ Wcllsboro 1 Oel, 25, 1655. U. GRAND RUSH JONES & ROE'S. Where they arc now receiving their FALL & WINTER GOODS. WHICH CONSISTS OP DRY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FAMILY GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS-ANP SHOES, HARDWARE, CROQKEUY, GLASSWARE, TIN ware, wooden.ware, ready maj>®;glothing, and floor oil- EASTERN CLOCKS to lime. E customers nnd purchasers Vg is now complete, we haVj every kind of goods and iktiii iho closest buyers. * JONES & ROE. • Flauuds* ALSO.Cqtlpii Bed-ticking, Blue Denims, Strlpo- fehlrtings Drillings, Factory, Bleached Muslins, Irish Linen, Table Covert*, and Sprcods, Curjtel Warp,Cotton Yarn,Colton Balling, and Wadding just received ul JONES &, ROE'S^ Clotbs & Cassimci'OH* BLACK, Blue and Brown Broad Cloths, Black und Fancy Doeskin Csissdmercs, uleoS.itlineU’s and Sheeps Gray Cloth*, just received and for sale very cheap, at (Oct 25) JONES &. ROE’S. CLOTHING. GENTLEMEN in want of anything in the line of Clothing for the coming winter will find the largest, ehenpCbland best assortment at Oct. 25. JONES 6l ROE’S. SHAWLS. —Ladies will find the I argent np«orl ment of dcrtinble styles of Long and Square Broclm und lnng uud square Woolen Slmwls at Oct. 25, 1855. JONES & ROE’S. PMi? £ Kioy 1(140 .DEL AIN lie- JL * laines of alt colors, also name butiful styles of figured deluins ju>l receiv'eif lit ‘ ’JONES'tHOB’fe. T, AO\pS,, SHpsf>,lndies will find the Inrgci JLA- ,clien|iyst slid ,bosl sliaenof every, ddscriiiUeo, Gaiters Rubbers find,cluldtoim slides a i ■■ , JONESfr -V HATS At ! jft«t re ciivdtf, tt (Odl/23-0 • JONKS ROB’S- NliW SiOKli, MISS B; P. RICH- -•*r^' v ' respctol-' *’ fullyntVnoullcu tbthb ciiixeiU of WeJUbqro* *nd 1 *Viorrtitj, tlist nlrt huft'junl opened a now ■ lincry c*tablii*hfficnt otcr lU S. * • BJilcy's-Si o^ 1 where‘«lro keep constantly tih'bandit' il! . •• ’ • ,J GOOD A S S.QTR. TM E$ T „; .of uilunDr y goods, ..... . fuch a« Batiles & CUiMrcu’s Bounds, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, CAPS,HEADDRESSES, Sluh’Sij:., i . > All orders promptlvatlcndcd (o. She will also at. loodtoOraa»m»l.ini;a»ii«iiul. !£T No Irunl.' W" ■" ~v , LIME! Kept oon»Unlty on j ‘li'a'mt at Ills Plaster Milt near Mansfield. IVcsU- If and of-.suporiqr (ji*aliLy. .Prijo, SVj mjlU Delaine, Lawns, Black Crape, ami Silk Shawls, and m\t your Wnptrceiil' ' *'' r ' RHODES’-^B^ER^il^&Cttri^imE, ; , OR ANTIDOTETO MALARIA, TJjO® prevention »mJ cure 1 of anti BotSv-liiTw Snii'Addn Omit* iidPtvr.,' ,u, Ti'< i,o, lT B»jiM, ud all other fcniu of diieuo which h«»o i'Wunlon or&in In lUtalU.of Miwm.’■ .. *j i « t r^M*„to^^s3gg^^^riVt t^ y .SSS?y t localita* from toy. Agues* BHUou. dlaea* whatever. or ur itynry from comduntly icfluuing Malaria .or If will fattriUy cheek 1 (ha A|fro* In peteorm whohave «ttf- ‘ ferua for any length of tim?, from-one fry to twenty yaruia that (hey need nervr to liavo another chill. by 'continuing In use aCconUcrg to rifroction* . The pattrarat onco begtnn to ro cover appetite and strength, kml contlnuo* until a permanent and railkal enre it efltaurf. ' > BS-Ono or two bottles wiUnnswcrfur ordinary cases; somd may more. Directions printed In Germso, French ainl .Spanuh, accompany each bottle. Price oao dollar, liberal dlscouaW made to the trade. JAMES A. RHODES, PrarldonM, R, I. PROOF 6FSAFETY. . • K’cw York, Juno 11, 1860 "I hare mode a chemical ejcamlnatkm ofOinoeas Farm a id ■ Ague CbHiL’ or 'Artawtr. to and have tested it or Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine, arid Strychnine, but have not found a particle of either in it, not have I fbtmdaftj stbatai c« in iu composition that would prove injurious to thccunstßu tlon. JAMES R. CITIITO.V, 51. D. f Chemhl,** EVIDENCE OF MERIT. f “I.Rwiahimo, Cnldn Co., Po., May 2,1805 y fthuJ. A.Rhode*—Dunr Ftrr jSTrt box of medicine you sent me wan duly received on the 11th of April. ] hare nold about sotwhalf of it. and h 6 fir the peojrfe who have used it are sat isfied that it has cured them. It has certainly stopped ihs 'Ague in every obe who hue used it, and six of the cusoa wtra of long standing* My sister, who ha.« had it for flvo or six years hack, uud tuyldiiovor get It stopped, excapt by Quinine, and that only ns long ns she would hike it. h now. I think, entirely cured by your remedy. 0. K. MtXiLNLYj* CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS; 1 Take no more Arsenic, MerpuryLQtdnlne, Strychnine, or AnU-Forlodic* or nunlicinos of any kind, the virtue of vrl Ich Is owing to such poisonous drugs. The most they can do »to l *bmik tlio chills*’ foe n short time, while they are sari to cause conrtjtnUonal mnhuhos that cease only with life. R» member that the only Fever and Ague remedy fbot U harm* less us well iw mire. I« RHODES' FEVER AND AOl'E CERE. For sale bv ROBERT ROY, II tlUhoro; and by Doalors g*n* rally. {Sept, 0U55. 4ui U, Um os. ly.] 1 BOOKS JUST RECEIVED and for sale by G. W. TAY LOR, ol Wcllaboro’ Pa. SCENES in the practice of a New York Surgeon HOMES OF THE PEOPLE, m suburb end country, the villa, the mansion and the collage, iu a series of one hundred original designs. A charming new novel—“ Winnie and I.** “A Book lor \hc limes we live in.” “Lucy Boston—or Womans Rights and Spiritual ism ; illustrating ific delusions and Follies of (be Age. Subscriber offers for sale a lot situated in the Doro’ of Lawrcnccvillc, Tioga Co. Pa. con taining nbont Ihrcc-fourlhs of an acre. Said lot is honmfod and described as follows, on (he nest by Middle sired, noilh by Micajah Seeley, oast by Curtis ParklmrM, on the south by Demand. Said lot ha* on il a good two-story dwelling house newly fitted up in neat and convenient tiyle, and pninUd inside and out; also a good barn and oilier necessary opt buildings.’ Inquire of JAMES KIN SEY Esq. Lawrcnccvillc Tioga Co. Pa. ' WM,M. JOHNSON, Lawrcnccvillc, June 14 ISS5 I (Gtn.) » Wauls, ■& Things Wauled. WANTED by almost every farmer in the coun. ly, a bottle of the “Liquid Heave Cure,” to check the first indications of henvew, and the proven (ion and cure of all diseases that affect the wind of horses. ,ALSO, a box of Dr. Power’s “Hibernian'Oint. menl, a sovereign remedy for Gall*, Scratches,Gra. ics, Bruises, tiesh wounds, and all cutaneous disease* la which horses or horned cattle arc subject ALSO, a box of Ihc “German Hal Killer,” one of the safest und best articles in use fur destroying rats and mice, or Lyons celebrated “Rat Pills,” for the same purpose, For sale ul the Wclbboro* Drug Store. Dissolution. TMIECO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore rxislinjy be. ■*• tween Hie subscribers uniior tbe stylo of Tabor Youudr. Co., la ibis day (Nov. 5,) dissolved by mutual consent. L. TABOR, ROBERT YOUNG, ‘ 'l*. L. BALDWIN. ' ■ ' A. G. GUERNSEY. O. B. LOWELL. The business will liercaflcr be carried oust the snme place by Tabor, Baldwin &. Co, who nil col lect the accounts, notes At:., of (he old firm. , WASTED. JOURN EY MAN. Wa'OGON-MA KKR wanted to work hy„ the, day, month or.on shares, at tiro shop of the Spbscribijr in Clyrjier township, Tioga Co, Pa. I tiiiyc u largo quairtilv of lum. heron hand, ready to' bit’worked,'und would prefer to give the.workman I Bharc of tho proceeds. ,t CHARLES PRITCHARD. Clymcr, Juno U, 1855. (If,). W. W. ROBINSO N , OEitra is Bobks,Sidtiouetyf Blank Books, Wall Paper—Eng, lishfFrench and Ainei icon Manufacture, Toilet utensils and Verfamny, Fan. cy Soaps, Violin Strings, (Sold ..Pens and Pencils, J{(., dfc. All the popular Maga tines and leading Nttcspo, pere mail be had at his Counter. COUNING, IV. NoTs 15,1955. CLOTHING.— A'large slock th sloVe'of the la teal Muons, «:fit guaranteed- every tirke, as bo a price to suit Ifce buy! r. An I-yirvhoyod foseJl. Sept. 30, 1853. ‘ J. H. BOkV£N. =5B B C. Wickham, A. T. Guernsey, F. E. Smith, A. C. Bush, - Jacob Johnston,' T. J Berry, 11. E. Smith, JI. S. Johnston, Jus. Goodrich, E. T. Bentley.