THE GABAT sekpent is yo.T goaniTQ. V 9 . THE ifteateat variety of STOVES ever wen in Wdishorn,’ lias just arrived at Dio STOVE &. TIN STORE of D. P. & W. ROBERTS. They would call the attention of the public tp their well ae. octcd assortment, consisting of tlie YOUNG AMERICA, Elevated oven, MORNING STAR, Improved, do.,NATIONAL AIR-TIGHT, do. REGOLATOR3,PREMIUMS&LOW OVENS. Also a large assortment of BOX and PARLOR Stoves, at City prices. Those Stoves are selected with the greatest care, especially for tjiis market, and cannot fail to satisfaction. ..Call and fpfl jhem. TIN WARE—of all kinds, shapes, and sizes, mode of the test material and sold as cheap if not cheaper than] tbol of any other establishment in the county. Euvo Gutters made to order on snort no>. tict. JOBBING done to order and in the beat manner. All Tin-ware carefully proved before leaving’ the shop. O* Old Iron, Copper, Brass, Pewter, and also Silver and Gold'either old or new, la* ken in exchange for Goods at the Murkel price. They respectfully solicit the patronage ofa(l who wish, to purchase anything in their line, assuring them lint money cun bo saved by examining their'stbdlc before purchasing elsewhere D. P. W. ROBERTS. Wellsboro.* Nov., 22,1855.-tf. ' . 1 Notice. THE Co. Superintendent and the School Direct* ora of Charleston township will meet at the Youngs’ School House in said township, on Friday, he 30lh of Nov., at 1 o’clock p. m to examine teach ers and make contracts with the same. Charleston, Nov. 1855, By order of the Board. Notice. THE School Directors of Delmar will meet at the School House on Stony Fork near the Steam Mill, on Saturday the 3-Uli of Nov. at one o’clock p. in., fur the purpose of hircing teachers and making arrangements for the winter schools. All teachers who intend to leach in Delmar the en suing winter should be present. Nov, 8,1855. Bv order of the Board. LIST OF LETI'ERS remaining ia the Poet . Office at Wellsboro' Abo. 20, 1855. Itonten, Rota Johnson, John (foreign! llonlm, a Jnckncn, Sail* Pocb<», Comic KNhorn, Mr* S.. lUrtliolonn'W, diaries Hiptorn, Ilimni I Trim I, 11. Lih, Lvlle, James, hat, rata. Wm.C Mlllor. John » Crans. Mrs. <). Moulj, Mrs. A. Cook, Hrrnci. IVmllcton. Heart IkKlef. Alhr- Qnljjlor, WilHuni* IwrrU Uftina* j ({imln. Kllcn (tare Ja*. Krl)\j KllloU. Julia W. U«*CB, .Miss Murimn*; (•rimes. Dan IM . (furwlgn' SkHr Cupl J W HeAbieli. John \ “ ) M uti-rmuu. Mr*. t>* Jones A Conabk ‘White, Elouthai Wilson. PiiMir I>r«ms calling forlhoabwo letters will plow my they are lulvertlaed. A. S. BIIEWSTKU, ]’. M. Trial List for December Term, 1855. James Forv vs. Slmi'on Tower et al.'J Charlc* Me Ewer w. D. Weed ct r\l. 11. Coetlcy el aJ L. DavenpotL ]• A. Tara ts. K. D. Tmuej James Benkart* y* If. WlllfaUon. Jr l.udmU MowarJ vs. L. K. OarflolJ nml Wife. Cuklimao k Smitn vs. s. From. - * v». M. Swly ot ftl J K-’ll-' v< Wm. Pimmon- Mm. Leroy vs. M. Cmmimiga et aL 1/irrnzo UnUiaic r*. Mcrrll A toot. J llaraa Jackson th. ll«nl*on Matttoon. James Pritc vs. Westfield School Director*. T\iom.t« I‘ntnani vs. K. Dyer 0 11. Dyer v*. Thomiu Lee;. A Lh Lear T>*. ?■. Phillipd et al. T. J \>o. \s. J. Sofli'ld ct a'. I’ Thoniiiaor I* J. C«v ct al A. K. Forman \h, Uainca TtmnnUip. John I'm;. yh- Ts«>ga fount... H Mien»»o T*. Alex. Mulil-on ct a’ li TliMtniwo' vy, John Dnvti A. 11. Mcllenn v. Tlopa Connie. .Mwl» SticilCb w. Elurry StU-kli-K J. PickiOKC- \t. Wfllv Ilftrrin > I iv'. X. ThompMP. vs j*. Pamcntic W. Trowbridge cl n\ \t. ». iTutzioan et al. A. I) llOl’kWf i U. (ilctixoi. Kmcry *lkki* t.. Jmm*« Kngli’h Marriot for Lvnr* r«. (' Chtinliin ct nl W. D. Mldrlnugli ct al .1 Oncmnov ct si. E. T. lloy» Ye, ('lark Slohhoh. Ueonett I.«r Doggci Franu« Sior. A. C. Ilu-» th. R K. NUo- Anwn C. Ki» ix II !■ Ajinn-x. L< IVmlicKt \f. J/vmcr* I.Jnck«jrj J S Umifi' vm. JitlimU Socii •. - J. H- vx, El l:is Millc liaar Reach v*. Ilcury Ftcrlo. II W Slcwar is. C Furnun cl iv M T Rarlc- %•. . Pib'» J. I). Xlai. vt. J. ShmcoixS J W. Guernsey ct a \<. W M. Mallnr T. Brace et al t*. O. Fi»li et nl Royal Buan vh, Hiram Whitcomb. J W, Sliof v« Wintlirop Bench R W. Canflclt' v< John Diamond II Bljrelow vx. C. Churchill ct al. >( R Flch »». sanUi flilkey. John M a»- vx. 11. A OuornHcv vl al • Samjwor. v«. J. \ oukln et ni. Tbo». Montano* >s. 11. Mnrkharr Jaro« Mcrrii ty. 11. Milli-toii A Co. R Kel*e» v*. E. P. iMinc. lr* Smith Jr. A 10. r.% C. H. I* Ford. Joseph Harr. fi. W. Knif. Fenton A Rhein* v«. II T Urm* At Unix, perry el & Tnmgh k Jlun. J X Haiti. vx. a. C, Elv. 1 mot) io»iii*hu tv Tlopv County * * I’ l ***- vs. Tri Uartholomev Ha>s. LMim k ( \i. {’hark- Hvon I mon towiiviuj' vh C- l*. Bpfncur et ah Nwmid h**tf.n v*. H. I*. Yeoman* II > h>c v«. EthM Hnrrh. LOOK OUT FOR THE ENGINE! The Seasons change — SO DO FRIENDS AND FORTUNE; AXD BUSINESS RELATION, THEREFORE, TABOR, BALDWIN A CO., {Succeed Tabor , Yovng Co. IX THE FOUNDRY RESIN ESS, AS TUf ANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines, Boilers 11X and Machinery of all kinds; Sloven, Hollow Ware, Tin, and Copper Wan. REPAIRING A JOB WORK done with the least possible dcjjy. MILL GEARXNGSfuruishcd without extra charge /or patterns. PLOWS of all kinds, (two of which took the premium at the late County Fair,J kept constantly Wc have the exclusive right, for Tioga County, lo manufacture and vend the King Store. one of the best (if not the very best) Cook Stoves cvcr invented; which is always on hand al our alore boose, for wholesale & retail. J Their Stoves took the premium over the Albany Cloves at the late Fair. That is a feather in oor C4 P which wo donl intend to have plucked out soon. Coru Shelters, Of all the improved patterns ihpl commend them, selves to farmers. Besides this, we intend lo furnish better Ware, belter articles and belter work, at lower prices than any other establishment in Tioga county will be * ] u ma >* who pays CASH, can gel wbathe buys at reduced prices. This is the loir do S* ®nd iho. system upon which the Tioga Foundry and Machine Shop will bo eon. ducted here*(Ur. Don’t wail for the wo K .,n r come on. TA BOR, BALDWIN 4, CO Tioga, N0v,.15 f 1855.—if. CT Old hop and Copper, and all kinds of pjoduco taken iu exchange (or work. OILKS—A few more pieces of those benmifu O changeable silks at 50 cts per yardman rccei at the Empire Store, and going off- llkq hot cakes. Call and see-them at J. R. BOWEN’S. Corn Shelters-—frojn $l2 dowrT,fo ss7s—for isle by' D. p. &, yr, ROBERTS. EVER CHANGIN6-ALWAYS NEW! LAHGEJ arrival OF ‘ FALL AND WINTER FOODS, AT TIIK EMPIRE STORE. THE SUBSCRIBER lakes the earliest opportu nity of informing the citizens ofTioga county, nnd the “rest of mankind.” that he is now reviving his second ytock of Goods foj the Fall and Winter trade; and he deems it unnecessary and entirely' out of order to go into an enumeration of the thou sand nnd one articles, that lie in common with other merchants keep and arc so Extremely anxious to dispose of. BnMhore is one thing that ho wishes distinctly understood, and that is, he docs not buy goods*id lay upon liis shelves and counters and accumulate the dost of centuries, wailing for that good Uta&' when people are so green, or (what is worse) hard up, as lo be willing to accept the “Old Familiar faces” of these “Shop-keepers,” at the “tariff” first imposed. (No insinuations 7) His motto is “small profits, speedy sales and quick returns." Thinking that by adopting and living vp lo the motto, he shall merit and receive a continuance of Ihe patronage heretofore awarded him, ho wonld say to alt—call and see the sJcw Goods J.R. BOWEN. WclUboro, Nov. 15, 1555. Will Kansas be Free ? IS A QUESTION difficult to answer, but that the Subscriber is offering merclMndiiecAmp, admits not a dunl 1. The ijucslion will be immediately set tled upon inspection of* the GooO* and prices. He is just receiving bis fall stack, which consists in a general assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, ROOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADECLOTHING, HATS &. CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, WOODEN WARE,STONE. 1 WARE, TIN WARE, Dr. Ham’s Invigorating Spirit. "A Word to the Wise is sufficient /’’ The Subscriber has a large and well selected stock of Goods, and is offering them at as reasonable prices as cun be bought in Ttoga Co n or this side of Cedar Run! He who wants a PLUG OF TOBACCO or a GOOD COAT—She who wants a box of StyUFF or a FINE DRESS, will do well lo call and exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. Come and see and be convinced of the truth of the foregoing statement. J, B. POTTER, Agent, For H. H. POTTER Middlebury Centre, Nov. 8,1655. NEW iriBELINEKY STORE. l\|fSS E. P. RICH IVL ARD£, would respect- W - ! fully announce lo the citizens of Wcll.-iboro 1 and vicinity, that she has just opened a new finery establishment over R, S. Bliley’s Store, where she will keep constantly on hand a GOOD ASSORTMENT OF MILLINERY GOODS, , such H« Endics A Children’s Bonnets, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, CAPS, HEADDRESSES, Ac., Ac., All orders promptly attended to. She Will also at tend lo Dressmaking as usual. ICTNo (rust. < Application Tor. Divorce. To Ruth Doicen~- You are hereby notified Uiat David fcowen, your husband,)ma applied to the Court of Cotnuion Ficus of Tioga county for u divorce from the bonds of mutrimony, and that the Judges of the said Court have oppointed Monday, the 3d day of December next, at 10 o'clock a. m., tor hcaring tiie said David Bowen in the premises, at which .time and place you cun attend if you think proper. \Vcllsboro* Nuv. 1, ’55. JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff* W. W. ROBINSON, DEALER IN Doofa % StatiQuery x Blank Books, Wall PapeY — Eng . /is/i, French and American Manufacture, Toilet utensils and Perfumery, Fah ey Soaps, Violtn Strings, G old ] Pens and Pencils, Sfc., ' UAdio,Farming tori township, ,lKmn4B«ndwidow Geei south by -Wickham,*. Tutiiill formerly the’BockWith lot and Edwin *McKinney, and West bjf Jamcd'Bbebb and Hall i—(#tydirilrig,Abbat nlnb hundred aWe*', with; dbbOl' one, hundred and fojrly acres iipproVcitworram® dwelling houses, three plank houses, one frame barn, one blacksmith strap, saw milt, and an apple end peach orchard thereon. ' .•; ~r ,^ —rrrVf_ ■'S f. 55 .„> , '■ ®- ■ ■ H ■ :i * » Also—A lot of land in Tioga 1 township on the north side of Broad, street, bounded 'on the west by FrancisiCaroy, nnd the heirs or tho lute Mrt. E. B Campbell, on the north by ThosiJ. Berry, bast by Tioga Rjiver, and south by said Broad street—Con taining i sis • litres more or less, all improved,- -with some frhit tress thereon. Also—A let_pf land in Tioga township,’ outlie north side, of Cowanesque street, bounded on tbe west by Crooked' Crock, on the north by Margaret Allen, on the east by Samuel Bennett, and south by said Cowanesque street—containing about J an acre more or legs, with a frame house and barn and sotne fruit trees thereon and known ns the (“S. Spgar”) Andrews lot To be sold pa the property of Charles O. Elz and Lyman Fisk. ■ ALSO—A lot of land situate in Richmond and Tiny township?, bounded as follows, to wit, north -by R. S. Doughty’s land, east by A. S Turner south by Daggett & Keys, west by E. S. Doughty— Containing pbout one hundred and forty acres with about forty abres improved, a frame .house and barn and small apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the properly of Israel Mann. ALSO—A lot of land in Farmington township, bounded north by L. B. Maynard and C. Cady, cast by J. Leonard, south by B, King, and west by N. Young—Containing about ono hundred acrca more or Jess, with about 15 or 20 acres improved,« dwel ling house, frame barn, saw mill and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the properly of North rop Young. ALSO—A lot of land in Knoxville, bounded north by Cowanesque road, east by lands lute of the Alba Estate, south by Cawanesqne River, and west bv Vandyke und the Person lot—Containing about eight acrei of improved land, with a two story’ house used as a dwelling house and cabinet shop thereon. To be sold as the properly of Wm. B. Diuiuiick und Joseph Weaver. _■ ALSO—A lot of land beginning at a chestnut stub, standing in the east |ine of Henry Seely's lot, thcncc easterly along the highway to the south-west corner of Daniel Angel’s lot, thence north along said Angel's west line to the corner, thence east to Cy prian Eastman's lot, thence north to Jonathan Mat lison's lot as conveyed to him by A. J. Munroc, west along said Mutiison’s sooth line, to the north cast corner of Henry Seely's lot, thence along Heftry Seely's cast line to the place of beginning—Cou aiiting two acres be the same more or less, with at large three story house used for a tavern and for stores, a stable and other out buildings, and some trail irees thereon. To be sold as the property of Dewitt C. Rockwell will) notice to O. P. Beach. ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury township, bounded north by George Dickinson and others, cast by John Prulznian, south by Jacob Prulzman, and west by William Hunter—Containing 192 acres with about 50 acres improved, log house, frame burn, shed, apple orchard, and someolher fruit trees there on. To be sold as the property of Sylvester Beck with- ALSO—A lot of land In Elklond borough, bound ed north by Geo. L. Ryon, cast by Buffalo sired south by S. A. Duck, and west by John Ryon—, Containing half an acre more or less, with a frame house, frame barn, and some fruit trees thereon. *To be sold as the property of Hiram Buok‘uud S. A. Buck. ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar township, bound, cd north by Win. Taylor, east by highway, south by D. 15. Wilcox’s estate ond others, and west by Benj. Wilcox—Containing abont forly.five or fifty acres, with about Uvcnly.fivc or thirty acres improved, a frame house, Iramc barn and some fruit tides there, on To be sold as the properly of Nathan Wijcqx. ALSO—A lot of land in Bloss township, bounded north by Hannibal street, os laid out in the village plot of Gloss, cast by Morris street, south by E. Dyer, and west by Williamson road—Containing about of an acre of improved land, with a tavern bouse, barn, shed and other outbuildings thereon, To be sold as the property of Benj. R. Hull. ALSO—A lot of land in Glklnnd township, bound' ed north by Mrs. Shumway, cast by highway, south by Cowunesque road and west by Joseph Paul—Con taining one acre, with a luvofn house, slorp, burn and sheds, and some fruit trees llierdbn. Tu be sgld as tho property of John M. Hammond. ] ALSO —A Tot of ; l»nd in Morris township, bound, cd north by;ArchCT,, cast by lands late of Harrison, dcc r d, and south and west by ArchcrV, containing sixlylfour acres, with forty, or forty-five acres impro- frame house and barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as ,lbe property of Robert English. / ALSO—A lot of land ~in Covington township, bounded,north by AnnaJJorris, east by Tilly Mur vin, south by E. Johnson, and west by E. Wclhcrbce Containing fifty acres, with about forty-nine acres improved, a frame house, frame ond log barn, and an apple orchard thereon. To bb sold as the properly of Giles Marvin. WulUboro’, Nov. 8, 1855. JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff, BY VIRTUE of an Or<|cr of the Orphan's Court of the County of Tioga, will be eoltLot Public Sale, on Monday the 3d day of December, alone o’- clock, P. M. nl the Court House, A lot of land beginning at a sugar-tree, the north east corner of No. 4205, James Wilson warrantee, thence degree cast along t|ie .warrant tine one* Hundred tfrtß fbriy two and a 1 half perches to' a poet, thence w«4by lands surveyed for Messrs Meek and others, fifty one perches to a post, thence by laud surveyed for Edward Grosjean, one hundred and lorly two and a half perches to a Beech tree in tho warrant line, thence by the warrant line cast fifty three perches to the place of beginning-r Co ntaining lorly t»ix and a quarter acres part of warrant survey No. 4205, aforesaid. All the right, title and interest of Elijah J- Fellows dcc’d. Terms, one half cash down, balance at the con. formation of sale and delivery of deed. JNO. N. BACUB, AdmW" WolUboro’ Nov. 8. 1855. ... i } application for Divorce. To f*ti ffeatfi —lTou aro hereby noli/ied Ihol Lo ia M. Heatii, your wife, by her.neil frirad, Gonfgc Forris, hue applied to the Court of ’Coalrtidii -EldaS of Tioga county, for a flivorce from the bonda of matrimony, and that lire' Judges of tho said Court have appointed Monday, I be of. December next, at 10 o’ehjck a. in., at the .Court House bn WelUbonf for the hearing oi the said Cn|a M. Heath in form as aforementioned, in tho premises, at which tipie, and pla?e you'ean attend it' proper. Woilsbqro’ Nov. I, ‘55. JOHN MATH EC 5, ? :,t. • Skpiff. Application lor Divorce. - s To Anna Smith —You am hereby notified that'Da. vtd Smith, your husband, has appfied to poort of Coalition Pleas of Tioga county, for iidiydrne' the bonds bf matrimony, and that (he Judges of the said Court fiavq appointed. Monday v tho,9d day of DecemberJncstj'al JO .o'clock, at'llie Caort House ia Wcllsboro'.fb'r Iheheiirlhgor (lie Sqld Da vidSmiUi Ift the " premises, at whichtioie and place ■you can attend if you think proper, /i: ;■ -i ; t \ Wellshoro’Mov, 1; ’55. JOHN 51 ATHENS, / Sheriff: IGA ./m, Orphan’s Conrt Sale. B&7AWP ibd' .'TIS 1 -City*' h\n „ > • s ,^v ■-, Koyli New Baildilipnv ,; WMJte ffcPlW H»u»e/»e the \ public with SCHOOL, Law, arid, Book*. (* cheap as they can be purchased lAiif'SWe of llic City. .» a,n « : 'l Atl Tirß T’OPntAR Tlfft DAY, ;/ tn-iy.tbe' hid »t his coQntef| ; ahd ahy book desired can be fnrnishpd to eider. HA wilt’aUd kcep aTuU asiortflientot V t. ; v ' '"' e wbicli may be porcliasodon rcasonahlctorms.! •.■!,. ' P “ ? S)i I l s< ?' a iwjUbaJwpy« find J 1 splcitjlid jijlj qi '• WATCHER a ... piques, JEWELRY, bn Imnd uml jof'sale" on, tlije principle of .Small profile 6f quick Returns'! With large practical l experience, and having so cured' the aertioia -op a godd-workman irt’lho mfr clmnical Department, those waiting Crotches ; >•.'i Wwufid & i{,UirMivu(l „y, con depend.upon being accommodated satisfactorily and promptly. - He will keep constantly on' hand a large assort ment of English and American' styles of WALLPAPER wbich.&U will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. r * * THanTCfulTdr f>niat favors, a continuance of patron* age is respectfully solicited. G. W. TAYfsOR. ' Wcllsboro*, Oct. 18, of Tioga.^ ROBERT BOY. DRV G x p 1S T A.f ,0 TU EC AM Y, ' Wcl|sbdi - o’ ( Pu. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IS , ioreiona- Domestic "drugs JAMES A. RHODES, Providence, R. I. PROOF OF SAFETY. Now York, Juno 11,1855, “I have mode a chemical examination of Fctfjx and A art Ocrr,’ ni 1 ‘Antidote to Malmra,* and httVe tested U foV Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine, ami Strychnine, but have not found a particle of either in it, nor have 1 found any substance in Its composition that would prove Injurious to tlujconufitu tiou. ■ JAMES 1C CTIfLTUX, M, D., Chemist,” EVIDKNCIToF MERIT. Mb. J. A. Rhodes—Dear Mr: The box of medicine rou sent me tw duly received oh the Itth'of April.' 1 have sold about one half of It. and so far the people who have used It arcunV isiled that it has cured them. It has certainly stopped the Ague in overy one who has used it, and six of the cases were of long Htamling, My sHcr, who has )md it for five or six years back, and Could never get it rtnppod, except by Quinine, and that only u* lungasishu would take it. Is now. I tbiuk, cuftndj b) yournanqdy. ._ . C~ii T McGINLY.” CAUTION TO AGUE SUFFERERS. 1 Vttkcino more Arsenic, >fcmirt, Qnlnfne,' Strychnine, pr AudL-Sneß of any Id tub tb** virtue of which id owing to such poisonous drug*. , The moat (hey cam do is to “break the clttlls'' for a short linn*, while they nro sure to cance ronrtllmional mnhullp* that reaae only wffft life. Re member that thoonly Fever and Ague remedy fhat U harm less as well ob sure, h* .< > RllODßy* FEVER AND AGUE CURE. For rale by UOJIKKT ROY, Wtlhltorvs and by Dealers gene rally. [Sept, fl 1566. 3in Ih, Uni os. ly.] nOUARD ASSOCIATION , PHILADELPHIA. .Ipipdrlaiit Apiiioiiuccmciit* ; f|3C) ail persons ofllicfed with Sexual diseases, JL ; such aiKSPBRMATORRHCEA, SEMINAL VVBAKNESS,. IMPOTENCE, GONORRHCEA, GLROT;fSY 1 LIS, the Vice of ONANISM,or SELF-ABUSE, die., '■ > 'lTiariltful 'for pm favors, a coulinuoncepi'palfon •gc is cdroeslly solicited. ' • jtpbenbj & mak« .« .th^lafcT,**. rita hbdyJArtlh Baking*i- Jijcobnt ‘ pf% ilieatme- an*| ttjrß'ofilh#|«TH&TlOOA -COOIfe MißiNKi" la he tkcate4«t>Tion> Villa r«,Tiog* .Of Pm.Hwh “WnW II .w«w. the privilege# in creiimg (alii capita) t* hundtsd Uioiisaridfdai. “ :V«bDePui, ill B. C.'Wiolhanv : i'^ B « !h » f ' •••>■■ A«iX. Guernsey, ; s&s&*■:>■■* ••{s«*•• Kk. &. Mereerrad,' ’ 1 ' ■•* 1 Jacob Jdhntoo, JiSdlndfifein, ..,. ■ » T.J. Berry, - ■> ! ' A.ifpitiphpey,; „ , ; !;U.E, Smith, ■; • : •• teirii Diggelti ' lll "E. T. ttpitliy. .i 1 : :;ir0^8,>'.",... *. I S. pERBBy an application will bo J-iutdc (a the Legislature, of Pennsylvania, at it* . .nelt’ desiionj for lliecreallon Of a eorporatebody with general Banking privilege* of Issue, dneeant ’and deposit, to bo called “THE BANK OF TIOGA 'COUNTY" with a Capital of One Hundred Tbou. sand Dollar*isaid Bank to be located in the Boro' of Wellaboro,’Tioga Go. Pa,, , 1. L Robinson, B. B Smith, . ‘‘SiFitVllson,' 1 ’■ ' Jaei Lowrty, 1 Juo. Nvßadlie; 1 ' L. I, Nichols.' ’ Wcjlaboro.’ Juno 14,1855. (Cm.) ; NOTICE is hereby given that an application nil) be made to the Legielatureof Pennsylvania at its next session, for the incorporation of a Bank with discounting privileges, with a capital of One Hun. dre'd'Thausdnd' Dollars, with the privilege of increa. sing to One Hundred and Fitly Thousand Dollars, to bopaljcd the “TIOGA VALLEY BANK” pud to be located in Mansfield, Tioga Co. Fa. Mansfield June 25, 1855. Lot fop Sale. THE Subscriber offers for sale a lot silnated in the' Boro*’of Liwteiiccvlllc, Tioga Co. Pa. con. taining about three-fourlha-bf an acre. Said lot is bounded and described as follows, on the west by Middle straf, north by Micsjali Seeley, east by Curtis Purkunrst, on the south by Demand. Said.lot lias on it a good dwelling house netV(y fitted up in neat end convenient style, and painted inside and out; also a good bam and other necessary out buildings. Inquire of JAMES KIN. SEY Esq. Lawrencevifle Tioga Co. Pa. , I, WM, M. JOHNSON, Lawronceville, Jane 14 1 855, (6m.) • WANTED. JOURNEYMAN WAGGON.MAKER wanted to . work by tbe day, month or on shares, at lh« ahop of the Subscriber in Clymer township, Tioga Co, Pa. I have a large quantify of seasoned lum. her on hand, ready to be worked, and would prefer to give the workman a share of the proceeds. CHARLES PRITCHARD. Clymer, June 14 1855. (If.) NEW GROCERY dc PROVISION STOttfi* Mand O. BULLARD, Dealers • in PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, BOOTS * SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Wood tf Willow Wore, Tobacco, Cigars, Fruits, Coofrc. tionenj, Ijc., qe. At the Stand recently occupied by Robert Roy, Welliboro’, Pa. Plaster! Price Reduced! THE subscriber has just received si his mill near Mansfield, 350 tons Cayuga PLASTER stone, where he will keep constantly on band fresh ground plaster t o supply all that may gire him a call. No mistake this tiiheLightning never strikes one tree twice. Price per ton. AMOS BIXDY. Mansfield, Fcb>, IS, 1855 Farm Ibr Sale. JLpgjL fPhe Subscriber offers for J_ sale a Farm, situated [■**jßnin Rutland, Tioga about two miles from Roseville. Said farm contains forty-four acres, is nndcr (rood cultivation, having a good frame fioo«e and bafn, Spring House and oilier nesessary oulbuil. dings and a fine apple orchard thereon. Formerly owned by Martin Johnson. Enquire of the subscriber at Daggell’s Mills, Pa. WM.M. JOHNSON. Daggett** Mills, Pa. OcL 1855~6m. Orphans* Court Sale. BY VfRTUE of an Order bf the Orphans’Court of the County of Tioga, will be sold at Public §ale, on (he promises in the township©!* Middlebury, in said County, on WEDNESDAY the 38th day of November, 1855. al 1 o’clock, P. M. ihe following estate, property of the late Sylvanos Ames, deed, to wit: A (M of land lying in the township of Middlebury, in said county, and bounded north by Lorenzo Lake, east by Erastns Niles, south by Lewis Ames and wesfjry David Palmer, Containing FIFTY ACRES, with about twenty.five acres improved, with a frame house and apple orchard thereon. Tcrmg made Known on the day of sale. \ DANIEL HOLIDAY, Middlebury, Oct 24,1855. Onordisn. Wcllsboro 9 Academy. THE WINTER TERM of this Institution will commence December, 4th. Special attention will be given to the art of teaching. The Assistants are experienced and approved teacher.. Board, Room, Washing &c. al .150 Id $2OO per week. There arc a few rooms in town for thorn who wish to board themselves. Tuition al previous rates and no de duction made for absence unless it exceeds a half term. By order of Iho Trustees. N. L. REYNOLDS, Principal, Wclli,boro’ Nov. 8.1855. New Volumes—Subscriber* may begin Note. Life illustrate d—a fin.* -class Weekly Newspaper, devoted to Ncyvs, Lit erature, Science and the Arts; to Entertainment, Im provement and l’r,ogress. One of iho best Family Newspapers in the World. Two Dollars a year. THE WATBK-CURE J O U R X|A I. -Devoted lo Hydropathy, ila Pliilneophy and Practice to Physiology and Anatomy, with numerous iHustla lionsj and those laws which govern Life and Health 81 a year. T,HE rnRBJIOIOU'ICAI JCOKKiI: Devoted lo all those Progressive Measures for the el evation and improvement of Mankind. Amply Il lustrated, 81 a year. For $3 a eopy of each of these Journals wifi he sent one year. Agents wanted. Address, FowLtaa & Wills, 308, Broadway New-York. MBS. I. D. RICHARDS, Agent" for the shove works, and practical Phrenologist, may lie (hand at the house of Mr. 1. Richards, Wells boro’, Pa. STRAYED from (lie premise* nfgtSSßStff (he subscriber, on or about the middle of October, a dark red year ng heifer. Information concerning her whereabouts will be gratefully receired. Welhboru’, Nov, 1,1855. • J-ST^CKDEY. 7 i ' . ulvod' o.; -.i i V* x- fltotlce'to Retailer*. NOTICE- IB hereby giten to Vender* of Mcrfchn* di*e v>h(* Ji»re, noglfcct£d to procure tjieirJ.i . qenmjß for the rrejent year r lltat the Bemeimusl ho taken ont hy uio firal day of Dcreinhcr Coart, or ‘co*6i'will'dnroe. HENRY' RATHBONE,- i .\V«U*bbio' Nb».,» ■ fieitV o/ 7T»5« C*y Musical t InstfunJeniatt-jpijartos, i >'tt&odeocu, Vfalh}^. Accardcbwq receired und for ralo fey j. ■ ,G<-W«|l|AY|^Qßi |„ C HAWJLS.— Heavy wool, lope’«nd«qm(re,, Ion; ' l O “and ‘vqdtifc Crocllai plain alio fibrilrM C&hmere shawls, a ■ J;U. BOWEN'S.' <