TTjffiw. Wbealia was.P«sident,of thi UohCifSmtaw, wa» most grossly insulted Ky-olv, at.,t on the scaffold—how fares it with them? Cherished ns earth’s honored sons. The good who spoke the truth, and suffered for its sake—where are they I The beat and bright est—first in our thoughts and love. And jet, v, hat did they? Like men, they spoke the truth that was in them. This was their courage, If they had been silent, if, tremb ling before tyrants or mobs, they had feared to tell what they knew, to speak whai they feltj:'lhey would have lived nnd died like oth er-men, But they had the courage to do this, and through their suffering nnd truth, lighted up with new glory and power. Gi*e us the moral courage before every thing else I Uis (he only bravery on ohicb haifunily nviy coun' for anv real blessing.— Give US moral courage 1 lor while it nerves a man for duiv. n roo’s 00l of his bean hale and revenue, and all bid passions, making him wise amid dinger, <-;ihn amid excitement, just gtjiid Inwiessfles', n>( pure amid corrup tion. It is the crowning beauty of manhood. — V. M. Clay A Quick KhimßTKk. —Governor Morris, of New York, had a high i«—.j»*i*= (or Buhop Moore, a man noted o n 00l > lor ihe purity of his character, but also for the retiring modesty of his disposition, and for the general favor in which la was held. As the story ran: A dinner was given by some one of Gover nor Morris's friends when he was about de parting for Europe. Bishop Moore and his wife wore of the piny. Among other things that passed in conversation, Mr. Morris Said that,ha hid made his will in prospect of go ing abroad; and, turning to Bishop Mo>re add to him : Mv revorened friend, I have he. 9‘iea'hed lo you my whole stuck of impu dence. Bishop Moore replied: Sir, you are not only very kind, but very g« nerous j you have left me by far the largest portion of ynur estate. Mrs. Moore imm-d itely added: My d ar, yon have r un" :: to p 'session of yopy inheritance remarkably soon. 'l -A - Awo»eorro» r^xspfK(nmTr;'tii DiVe a RBU- ftftginiSt' ffineral £PMW '§,'JUME BUe fOfy':ltiS»gedtKba-'ou|ft ftS’Rilioa Jfendeh^Wlm.,wss jail."' He ~hpd Unties tale, but (hiskiodof prop,- erlyrcannol' be sold ih’Virginia i'urtlddsmtihC discfeiibnf of thC owner. 1 He : had.rt large a and gflkp of <:hi|dfeir( ypre ying in jnilto selling hislnnd.A/riend ’hinted to himutiaiprdhdkly WSsWnglori ifhew nothingof the preceding,'and’that 'll I 'would, he'will lo'bend t httt(iti J t^t^ n t i *®h < late i ment of the circum?jances.'"' , the Very next' pbs'r fVtipr Pniladeljiliiai afer the arrival of his, pelitipn ip- tjhai-g’ijyibrppghi him an order for his immediate—release* to gether wirh-aful I discharge and a severe rep rimand to his agenl for hdving acted .ui such a manner. Poor Rouzy was ; consequently to his family, who never laid down their heads nt night without first presenting prayers to Heaven “for 'heir beloved Wash ington,” Providence smi'ed upon the labors of the grateful family, and in a few years Rouzy enjoyed the exquisite pleasure oP-be ■ ing able to lay the money with interest at the feet of the truly great man. Washington reminded him that the debt was discharged, and the General, to avoie the pressing im porluniiy of the grateful Virginian, who • could not be denied, accepted the money— onty, however, to divide it among Rouzy’s children, which ho immediately did. Sheridan and his Son Ton.—Sheridan had a great distaste for anything like meta physicial discussions, whereas Tom had ta ken a liking for them. Tom ono -day tried to discuss with his father the doctiine of nec essity. “Pray, my good father, 1 ’ snid he, “did ynu ever do anything in a slate of perfect indifference—wilhout motive, 1 men,of some kind or o'her ?” Sheridan, who saw w,h it was coming, and by no means relishing such subjects, even from Toni, or any ono else, said: “Yes, certainly.” “Indeed !” “Yes, indeed !” “What, total indifference—total, entire, thorough indifference ?” “Yes, total, entire, thorough indifference." “My dear father, tell me what it is that you can do with—mind—total, through in difference?” I “Why, listen to you, Tom," said Sheri This rebuff, ns Tom told me, so discon certed him, that he never forgot it, nor did he ever again trouble his father with opy of his metaphysics.—iUbore’s Memories. A Gentleman was reading from n paper that Mrs. Burrow was to have a benefit at the Boston theatre, on which occasion she would introduce her sister ns Lady Gay Spanker. A little girl of the fumilv, who did not exactly hear aright with much sim plicity inquired it Lady Gay would spank her before all the folks. Good at Guessing. —“ Well, Pal, whicl is ■ lie way to Burlington ?” “How did you know my name was Put T “O, I guessed ii.” “Thm. be the powers, if ye are so good at guessing, ye’d better guess the way to Bur lington.” Rev. Sidney Smith being once called out by a woman to christen a child immediate ly, as it appeared to be dying, nnd asked on his return in what stale he left it, answered "1 gave it a dose of castor oil first, and baptized it afterwards so now it is ready for either world. A cripple in the right way may heal a ra cer in the wrong one. Nay, the fleeter and hciier the racer is who has once missed his wav, the farther he loaves it behind.— Bacon. BUSINESS DTRECOUY. TERIJIS OF PUBLICATION. The Agitator is published every Thursday Morn ing-and furnished to subscribers at $ 1 00 pv an. num if paid in advance; or 32 if payment he delay, ed oner the year. No subset iplion taken for a shor • ter period than sir months,and when for that term only , payment must he made strictly in advance, or 31 will be charged. The foregoing terms will be strictly adhered to. No paper will be disconlinu rd until paid for, unless at the option of the editor Ci.oor.— Ten Copies,s I ; Fifteen Copies,3ls. Advertisements willte inserted at St per square, (of fourteen lines or less,) for the first or three con secutive insertions, and 25 vents for every snbse yuentone. Yearly advertisements inserted at a rea sonable discount on the foregoing rales. O’ Transient advertising payable in advance, O’ Allletters mustbc post-paid. Hydropathic Phytician and Surgeon. ELK LAND, TIOGA COUNTY, PA. (June 14. 1855.] lOIIN If. BACHE, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office, north side Public Square WeUsbvroujfh, It; Refers to Messrs. Phqlps,Dodge it. Co.,N. Y city lion.A. V. Parsons,Philadelphia; July 13. SPEWOER ft THOMSON, Attorneys Ac Conusclors at Law, CORNING, Steuben Comity, New York. Geo. T. Spencer. C. H. Thomson. April 18, 1855-ly. 8. F. WILSON, O'Removed to James Lowrey’s Office lAS. LOW REV Ac S. F. WILSON, A TTORNRVS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, will attend the Courts of Tioga, Potto/ and McKean counties. Wcllsboroogh, Feb. 1,1853. SELECT SCHOOL. MISS H. A. SEARS, will open a Sc. led Sohool on Monday, the 27th of August, in the building baofc of R. S. Bailey’s Store. TUITION. Reading, writing, spelling, and plain Sewing. .$1,50 Common English branches, Embroidery...... 2,01} Higher English branches 3,00 Music, Mclodcon 5,00 “ Piano 8,00 Wellsboro', August 2,1855. WALL PAPER !—The LARGEST, BEST,; •; CAEAPE3T lot of Wall Paper ever brought into ibis place, for sale at wholesale and retail by Wellsboro, Fob. ra*. BAILEY At FO(,BVj " ~ g a- ; fie;y(ky,YA oxeaiT & bqe. X,.Sopt Trade, com pfUjng’a and of the be sold a |a mined oar Bereges,, r) English, Scotcfi and., .Ayneriqqn ; &Ukfdes and colors, o gyod-slQek of’ , - .1 > ><’.!. ■ »n.KB.’'' ’ •*;» ■' . A no, (or men's wear (nay be found Broad Clothe Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, Kalin and »niHtner.Vdstl(f£s. > • ' '!• i inr .... 1 Also, Steeling*, Skirtings, blcaohedand brown, Tickings, Summer Goods for, boys' weary Cotton Yarn,Carpet Warp,Cotton Batten,-with* variety of other rlicicadoo numjtopti^oipenlion. Groceries and Provisions. A full slock will be kept on hand. Those in want ofSugaru, Teas, Coffee, Molasscp, Stewart’s best Syrupy Spices, Pepper, Ginger, Salera(hs, Flour, Kish, Salt Jubacco, or any oilier article ihdhis line, will do Well to nail on us before purchasing else where , ,!*l H,A?BWAH£>E, la large and complete an assortmenittß.Cß'B be found In the county. Among which id Culler; ofall kinds, Carpenters Tools, Chains, Hoes, Shoyels, Forks, Batts and Screws, Doer Hangings, Bills, &c., Slc. CROCKERY, GLASS & S.TONE-WAR, Boot* and Shoes, Hat* and Cap*, Steel, Iron,. Nails-, FpinU, and Oils, Gian and Putty, Ready-Made Clothing, dfc. Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past season, the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of our Spring slock believipg that gopd Goods and low prices wil in sure aspeed; saleforreadypay; • B. B. SMITH &, SON. Wcllsborough, May 25,1555. Dress Marks the Man, OWING to (lie great rise in paper, there is a great and Tocrca6in£'demohd fiwfi rags of oil kinds. Therefore, every naan who wishes to sura the first coat* on his old dollies shodM cast them, buttons and all into the rS£-bsgf; nol.-lio t weve> Split he calls at (he * store; and selects from the large and splendid assurlmcni Ready ITladc Clothing', here {kept constantly on hand, a suit warranted to wear as long osany other, and made in the best ar.d most substantial manner, and under bis own super* vision. The proprietor has a complete knowledge of the trade, and sell the best quality of Ready Made Clothing considerably cheaper than any other establishment In the county. He keeps a variety o Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Drawers, Trimmings , Wrappers , Skirts, Collars , Cravats , ij-c. which will be sold as reasonably as they can be pur chased clsewhdre, Ilis £lock of COATS & VESTS can't be beallhis side of Kcw;Yotk, either in price style, or quality. Don’t forget llml this establishment took the firs premium at the Fair of last October. CT Particular attention given to cutting and ma* king garments to order, C. OSMDN. Tiogn, April 5, 1655. THE subscriber would respectfully inform Ins customers and friends that he plill con tinucs the mercantile business, nt the old place, at the wc.l known store of L. I. Nichols, where he will be happy to wait on those (hut will favor him with a call, and would invite the attention of the public generally to Ills large aad commodious stock of Groceries, Ready-Made Cloth ing and Hardware, CROCKERY, WOODENWARE, STONE WARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &c., &c., in (act every thing eUc kept in a country store, art) ctes 100 numerous to mention, and will sell cheaper than can bo boughtlhin side of Now York city. Al! kinds of produce taken in exchange far goods at the highest market price. J. R. BOWEN. WeJUborough, June 2.9, 1854. SASH k BLIND FACTORY. COVINGTON , TIOGA COTA. Til E fiuli.scrihi-r h pn-pnrnl by new Mn. just purchased, !o furnish to order, all kinds of square and fancy Sash mid Blinds. Square Sash of common sizes constantly on hand. By long experience in the business, the suhscri. her flutters himself that he can make as good an article, and sell it os cheap asetm be obtained nl ony csuhishmcoL in Pennsylvania or New York. Call and see. Covington, March 2,1854. CrThe subscriber is also Agent for the sale of Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. D.. S. I. CUSMUiS bus just returned from the City • with a splendid assortment of Broadcloths , Cassirneres, Vestings , Trimmings of all kinds, Ready. Made Clothing of all qualities and sizes, French , Bosoms , Shirts and Wristbands , Cravats and Scarfs , all styles, a la Byron Collars, Stand, ing Conors, Gloves and Ho siery, Suependers, But iorns of all descriptions, Links and Double Buttons for Coals, 7 ark Satin Linings for Coats Pongee Sleeve Linings 'and Velvets of all styles which will be sold cheap for Cash. Tioga, April ID, 1855. W. W. WEBB, M. HAS established himrelf 5n the practice of Med icinfc and Surgery in lho Township of Liberty Pa., where he will promptly attend all calls in his profession Liberty, Feb. 1. 1954* - LIME, LIME, LIME! Kept constantly on hand at his Plaster Mill near Mansfield, fresh ly burned and of superior ijuulity. Price, 37J cents per bushel. A. iiIXBY. Minefield, June 14, 1855. TUST RECEIVED a large supply of all kinds o O Extracts, for Cooking, and Perfumery of I lie best turlily at [Tioga] G. W. TAYLOR’S riISTRRN AND FORCE PUMPS, whole sale and retail, from $lO to $l5 each, at Wellsboro', Nov. 9. D. P. St. \V. ROBERTS’. CHAIN-PUMPS— a large supply f or sale chead by Ma[ap-’5S] V. CASE, Knoxville LIGHT. —Tallow St Adamantine Candles, Born ing Fluid and Lamp Oil, at CASE’S. CAPS St HAT? ofevery description just received “I JONfiS>&, ROE’S. : : J. DU. MUARICEAU’S private Medici,! btfmiim. ion, For Sale at BAILEY & FOLEY IS PARASOLS.— A beautiful assortment just re. coived at [May 31,1 JONES & ROE’ TliTATTßASSlSS—constantly on hand and ITJTTor sale by B. T- VANHORN. NAILS by the keg or pound very chcan at May 311855. JON Bi & ROE’S. AT TIOGA, \CU GOODS. DRV GOODS, DAVID S. IRELAN. Anew remedy for the " geitidWV Jinndicc/ BrdMy;’lttourtnt|im; jPcveri, , ■ h<&V W cr cent c*|ra to jury for bad debts, p|Lui)iM uy imtyißpJfc 3 ' ure d they will nol*liave to pay the debts of, nes. ' dr pay:: thisplan is. succeeding beyond pur ; lions tilrcUdy. W e invilp all w)io to cpmy apd oeb fci themselves, you eimnoi Ipose, ipuch, and you mnyUnrl it to your advantage. ■Miy 3, 1855, 6 m GRAY &. LdONSBURY. DRW3S AND MEDICINES! .... ..fiY PA. u THE suhsr fibers have constantly inL on hand aUhejr Drugstore, |p Law,.,Yterjr renceVillhl n la’tjfc a'rfdwell selected atodlt- jHsB - of DRUGS, Sfe.. of every description used 'by Physicians in’ life country, arid all the most popular PA.TEN7* MEDICINES of the day which wo offer for sale at prices Which cannot fai ot suit those who may favor as with a call. Amodgaur Patent Medicines' may be found the following; Uatchanl'e Gargling Oil; > teralive, Pills. Pitta, fc Plllt; FUche’s filterpk er», Braces, Inhaling TV prepared by him for hit j Pxlmonary Balsam an Ayre’t Chrtrij Pectoral and Canchalague; Dill dre.w't Pain Killing A , Ointment; Dr. Chtitlie Hopghtoa't Artificial P Bitten ; and all the mot mrfugee, dfe., Cc. . Also a good, assortment of SCHOOL AND B Biography, History, Misct Paints, Oils a GLASS, wholesale and Leaf, Putty, Spts. Turpenl Fluid, Varnishes,&c. Luwrenceville.Fcb.3, 1,1 Family Grocery & Provision STORE. THE subscriber would inform bis friends and Hie citizens of [Tioga county generally, lhal he has just received p. large and superior sup ply of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, SUCH AS Teas, Sugars by the barrel or otheneise , Coffees, Molasses, Stewart’s Syrup, Rice, Pepper, Ginger, Saleratus, Allspice, Indigo, Tobacco, I Soap, Mould and Sperm Candles, Salt by the barrel or sack, Mackerel by the whole, J and 1 barret, Codjish by " the [TOO or' dingle pound, Flour, Cheese, Crack ers, Butler crer offered to the public. Consisting of dry goods, groceries, hardware, wdoden.waße, boots and SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and n la rgc block ol READY-MADE CLOTHING! I flatter myself that 1 c; in dress u man to parlieu* or Jits In all cases who desire Ihc ready-made* The Ladies are invited to call amt examine the richest and bestasaortmet I of DRESS GOODS ever before offered in market--which 1 am prepared to sell nt prices that cannot uil to suit. Wellsborough Sept. 12 1855. CAUTiON !!—j\LL PERSONS arc forbid paying any Accounts, Notes or Judgments to James 1. Jackson that have been made or rendered for work dune at the Woolen Factory and Saw Mill, (said to belong to him) frbin the Ihl day of March 1852 up to the Ist day of March 1855 ; as I have a lease of said Factory and Saw Mill for the three years from the Ist day Jf March ISs2,made and signed by the said James I. Jackson and myself, binding me to collect all dtbtsand demands for work done in said Factory and at said Mill’during the term of said lease, vfz : Three years. LEVYIS C. PENDLETON, Wellsborough, March 1, ’55-lf. Chairs, Chairs, Chairs. TJESIDF.S a variety of nil oilier kinds n of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, the sub scribcr has four diftcrenl styles oi BLACK WALNUT CANE SEAT CHAIRS, wliieli bo is selling at coil prices. Also, Two different of Mahogany Spring Seat Chairs,-and Mahogany Rockers. and three patterns «f S!»« f «i / -i< ■_•■. .- ■,* ” SAm COATB**t Vt . - tjjte a/id. note ■/ p , i / > >fY7s~-every I styl,c and quality, , eWry style, cofoi; (misdescription. S/lrtlS, UiVdet^S flirts;' Drawers, dollars, Or t r Alls OveriSJiirlai ' Closes, DnibretU, Pocket Hundbcrcbiofsi ,lols of SELF-ADJUSTING &c„ *, MATS AND CAPS, of every -ideaeriplidn—the largest assortment „ town. ’ <■ ■ '■ .1 k; Moffat'» 'Bitten l and (ted Abdominal Support- the medicinet private practice; BranCt K .JRvibvg , Extracts: j? Roger 1 ? ‘Syrdp of Tat ino’e Hr ate Cure; An gent; Truek'e Magnetic f* Galvanic Belle, Sfc.; 'fpsin; Blake't Aromatic t popular Pills and Ver- jLANK BOOKS, llancous Reading, See, id Dye-Stuffs, retail. Gold, and. Silver ne, Camphene, Burning 'RA UGH i; HURD 855. 14 BULLS. FARMERS! Inrd respectfully m I if .Tioga County, that the FINCH’S IMPROVED' M ILLS, three miles voulh Jersey Shore road ; and that said Mill is the beet a County both ns respects -9 the saving of Grass Seed, y invited to call and exam, purchasing elsewhere, pc token iu paymeut. Old, nice. Bootsy Shoes, -and Staiterg, for Men; BoysyandtVdtaeß.a largo vkrlety. Truakgs Vitlites, Gprpet Bagt; dfc., q c . Ho would eay to all hi want of good and nt ,i fitting. CLOTHING, that, he eon and will nil Cheaper Ilian can be gotten iq this borough, or saj. where this side of the NeW York market. Tbi is no blow or brag, but troth—and to lest it cilln “Conters'Chcnp Clothing Emporium,” where 1U articles are sold cheaper than on the on* riici svstesi * Wellsborougb, May J27,aBdi, CABINET M AKirvts. T? T. VANHORN would inform\he ciii. *-'■* ions oi' Wbllsbordugli and vicinity. Dial I* •has parchMd the interest of his partner, John 8 Bliss, in the above bnaiucskj and „ tjte old stand, two doors east ofjpnos’Store, to k,„ on hand and make to ordor.oil kind* of Catmu Furniture—such as ' ‘ Softisj Divans, Otl6nian«, Card, Centre, Dining & Bredltfusl Table,, Dress-Stands) Dress nno Common Bureaus MAHOGONY Sc COMMON WASH STANDS. Cottage, French and Common Bedstead,, of every .description, together with all articles om. ally made in his line of business. From his knowledge of the business lie flu. ters himself with the belief that those wishin; to purchase, would do well to call and Mamin, his work before sending elsewhere for an inferior article. COFFINS, of every variety, made to order, i; shjol notice,and reasonable charges, TURNING done in a neat manner, at abort t> lice. Chaim! Cliairs! In addition to the above, the Huhciw ffßSSSdber would inform tlie public tliot helm //v | just received a large and handsome biiui- ment of CANE AND COMMON CHAIRS. Boston and Common Roc/Aug Chain re spectfully solicited. IT Hides taken in exchange for work. L. A. SEAI(S. Wellsboro*, Dec. 28,1855-Iy. TIOGA MARBLE YARD. PHILO TIILLER. DEAIKR IN Kalian and American Maii'ble, fi'H MANTELS, MONUMENTS, TOMBS CENOTAPHS, GRaVE-STuNES. Agents. Bailev &, Well-born; 0. ?■ Beach, Knoxville; J. E. Webster, Covington, Tioga, April 26, 1855. Budt & Slmc Mop, AT M. Sherwood’* old ttinnd, where the Sears’ Bovs continue to abS measure to order, at as low prices an the (tines will admit. All work warranted—to wear out in a year or ro —andjiol rip or come to pieccs’till it doe* wear oat Hides Wanlcd. CASft'wilt bo paid Tar any quantity of hidei I the higliEijl market price. July 13,1854. GEO. W. SEARS. MUS. M. A. SXEVEMS (unjustreceived ,Troin,hfew Vork.a rupplyof SPfiING GOODS which siic is prepared to ofiinJo the public on lortfia more repqoiniliie than at any former period. Work done to order, Ludiea, call and see. Nr B, Hurd limes makeg'it-neetSMary that all In dchted should call-and pay np immediately. WMl.bofo’.Maieh 20, l?Si.