From tki A’. Y. Tritmn*. Appeal to P«un*jivunlau*. A vrrv grave and Iferaiii wrong was re crniu iierpelruled on ihe sun ol your Smle, which m its fi fleets nnd consequei ces strikes ai the rights and liberties m ul>. One only of vour number, was and still is, me immediate victim: but imv one o( von hnvtnjt nn un seared conscience and a Immune stunt might have stood in Ins place, and may be called »t anv lime to suffer as he is suffering 'Chough he facts are already knpwn to most of you who will read this appeal, we resmie them in ine bone llml they may inane the uaih of duly, and impel vmi to pursue it. j,.nn 11. Wheeler of North Carolina, up pointed Minister lo Central America, recently arrived at "Philadelphia on his wav lo the Isth mus. bringing wi.h him three slaves—a lumb er and ln-r iwo young bovs, whom he de signed in lake wph mm on his mission. The intelligent mother had some general notion ina: her removal lo a free stale bv her mas would entitle her legally lo her freedom, and, on applying, though dbselv watched by her old mauler, lo some black servants til the holel where they slopped, was confirmed in umi presumption. She thereupon resolved lo gel swbv from her musier on or before her arrival u: New-York, and remain lo enjoy her new luund Ireeuoo.- Wheeler, wno keni his eve on his slaves almost perpetually, took them, considerably before Su’clock, down lo me lerrv-boal of the Camden and Amboy Railroao, where he acaled ihem on ine upper deck and sal down beside them lo awui. tile, lime ol siarlmg. Meanmue, a negro servanl ran Irom Iheir lale hotel to the office of the “Society for the rehef-of persons illegally held in Slavery,” established soon ufler ihe Revolution by Ben jamin Cranklm, nnd jolliers, and told .the Sec retary, Passmore Williamson, that a man hod gone down lo Iho Amboy bout with three per sons whom ho was holding as slaves, and who desired tneir (reodom, Williamson being very busy, told I lie black to go down lo (he Dual and iniorm the persons so held by Wind er that they could be so held no longer, hav ing been voluntarily brought bi mm m’o a Iree stale, and advise llieni lo walk on shore one not U neeler a undesirable company, The nearo started fur llte boa; accordingly, but soon Williamson changed he. nnnO and lollowec lie wen dirccm un to \\ heeler ami his lain chadels, ashed the woman if she wulurd te he tree, ana, heme us-mred (hut ►he did. advised her ul in t non , a.u«l opnor luniluis ijhe slarlt ii to t’O: U;> eler bo- murred and U»*U uu iu h'-r <*li>flu wc*ie fruzhiencd h\ the exiled inrun*,’ which hail inhered around iherii. »mi ciinijf In thou m-jaier m iorr«ir; a scnffW on-urd between hurv 3«m‘ in* hali‘»Oui'Mi Uuckb "n.. had erowutn u* ui° scene, oi wiium uiov were carried otl in the tram ol their molhei, who w.i< eager uk huen>. Tuu> all quickis oi>* upheareu. nod Mr. U iUukiouo went Much m run njh*:». whore he absorbed in Mis own luiMneS' Mh fi lb o'clock, when he lull f«»r in* I’llM) »rjn Mciu iii uud look me mm i-> U.i* u>Mi«cjt. when* he h«td to at lend Ti leprai.h comiMtiv next das. n m U f/r i!° rcturn-tl la Phiiattelohi.i, (mrlv. si \ t.r.ot, ho w-r» nnw O' 0111:015 who nrr.iu'i mm on ii haht.u corpui issued uv I i Oisincl Jui)u« K.ine, ui UK; sun nr re- I tiion o r Wheeler. i oininumnn r ' Him to pro auce nit; bodies of the woman am) eliildicu muresuo belore the Buu Jud/e- , -\\ heeler n.ivmu charged him wuii mid st cmuiin men. '1 o mis am; W iiiijhiujh res ponded hr personal upp'-arn ranee before the judge nmi O' alfi-lavd seliniji lorm ihit ihe said lane Johnson and her chr.tiren, claimed hv Wheeler ns Ins slaves, had never been in his f Williamson's cusiodv or Kecpmo. and he knew no' where lhe» were This verified answer Judge Kane pronounced evasive and t conltmjit pf Court , and therefore sentenced U MU mason in prison withoii' or linitl of ouranoi. Mr. W. > conn-el forlhwnh np liin-d for permission to amend me return : bui me i.niac relused n, saving u was 100 late, prom 'ha 1 liour. two mouths since. William son has lam m j til. ihoiion every efiort ha la'i-D maoe uv eniinein counsel to procure hi-* liiier.iiioi. An applicuion in hi' behalf in ■ tie I'eniiM Iv.rni i Supreme Conn lor habeas corpui wn« relused lusi bv Judge l>ew k, ami oiieraaru O' Ihe full bench — Judge Knox sirune ' Ci'Seniinj: —on lie- cround of inde penden’ inrisdiclioii in (he Federal Conns, in i'l n' m e me right lo punisli lor toii'empt; 'he Gotin holding lhal there is no remedy for an auusr o mis right, however flagrant, bul inreuap sn nnpeiichment. So Williamson net in nnsnn, wilhoui hope of" release, and is insuiiingit laid lliai he can lihernie himself ui maxing npropor sohmissinn lo Kant. HIABKIEB A; Elklana. on the lst,in*l, by Iho Rev. H. E. "■eiaroet Mr. VOI.CIIT E, PHELPS lo Mat, DVANTHA SMITH, boll, of ElUam, A; Nelson, oil Ihe Ist Ima.. I.v nit Rn H. E. Ui omicoek, Mr, DAM El, HUGHEY.nrSmben Co. J '■••And Mu. ELIZABETH CAMPBELL of •Vuon, Pe Rciilklrr’t Notice 'YOTFCE i» hereby given, Dial the Executor. ,nd Adimnixtralorri on the following named Estates lure Killed their account., and Dial the .ame will t>r Prevented lo the Orphan.’Court of Tmg. County, « MOM)AV, the 3d d.iv of Dtcunbe:, 1 80 S, lor conhrmiiiion and allowance, tj. account of John Kn* cnllMTenrv B. Card, Mtcuiors of NEIIEMIAH HODGES, Ulc of Sul. ii'TUi Ogcea»«cc rinc account of John inmes and Mary E. Thonv ■l. \omini.irato r « of DANIEL NICHOLS, laic of t nton. occcarec 1 1 "e aecnunt of Daniel 8. SherwooJ, R. P. Buttle. n Di.kc, Admini.tralora ol ISAAC WRAKL, Utc of Rieltmond, ilt-rra.. ' W.D lIAILKY, Reriitsr. R»*pi»lpp*« Office lUhoro.'Nov. !, 1855. f tremendous IypOURIXG OF NEW GOODS AT 11. 11. POTTER’ S. MIDDLKIinUY CENTKR. Pa. PULL NEXI’ WEEK. OTRAYRD frnm the pnmiiwr, ' , , . . |Tr 1 ‘"t .niverjber, on or about the middle of October, a dark red year. UMnl Jmg heifer. Informatiun enneeroing her nrhcrealiouU will he gratefully rerrUeA 08 ** Well.Qointcd Monday, the 3d day of December next, at 10 o’clock a. in., for hearing the said David Bowen in the premises, at which time and place yon carr attend if you think proper. Wcllsboro* Nov. I, *55, JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff". Application lor Divorce. To L*v\ Heath —You are hereby notified llmt Lo* is M. Heath, your wife, by her next friend, George Ferns, has applied to the Court of Common Fleas of Tioga county, for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that the Judges of the said Court have appointed Monday, the 3d day- of December next, at 10 o*clock a. in., at the Court House in Wcllsboro’ for the Inuring ol the said LoisM. Heath in form as aforementioned/m the premises, at which lime and place you can attend it )ou think .proper. WdUsboro* Nov. I, *55. JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff. Applicaliou for Divorce. To Polly Cook —you arc hereby notified that Clmuncey Cook, your husband, has applied to the Coon of Common Pleas of Tioga Co., Ibr a divbrco from tlm bond* of matrimony, and llmt the Judges of the said Court have appointed monday, the 3d d.iv of December neat, at the Court iimisc in Wells, boro* l„r Ibc bearing of the said Clmuncey Cook hi the premises, at which lime and Place you can at tend if you think proper, JOHN MATHERS, Sheriff. WelUboro* Nor, 1, 1855. Difttol(itio|i.M«Tlie Co-partnership hereto fore existing between the subscribers in iho Mer chant Tailor business alTiogn, is this day dissolved by mutual consent G. VV. SWEATLAND, Tu.g«., July IG, '55. G. W. TAYLOR. tLT The business will be carried on under the su pervision of G. W.Taylor, who is authonied to re ceive the outstanding claim* of the bile firm. Thankful for punt tavern, a continuance of patron »jre is earnr>.t{y solicited. BOOKS TEST RECEIVED and for sale by 0, VV. TAY t) LOR, at WrlUboro' Pd. SCENES in the practice of a New York Surgeon HOMES OK THE PEOPLE, 'in suburb and country, Ihe villa, the mansion and the cottage, in a sene* of one hundred original designs. ROBERT ROY. DRUGGIST % APOTHECARY, Wvllsboro’ l>u. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IS l-ORElay DOMESTIC D RITGS & CHEMICALS, MEDICISES. OIL, PAINTS. DYES. ACIDS . VAR. WISHES, PUTI Y, WIND o it. al .1 .s.s, nn vshes. PA TENT MEDICINES ROOTS. PARKS. RIT TERS. HERBS, SEEDS, OINTMENTS, EXTR .I CTS, TINCTURES' TILLS, TOW- DERS. PHARMACEUTIC PREP- A R .I TL i .VS. THOM PSONIA V $ BOTANIC MEDICINES, HOMEOP ATHIC REMEDIES, CHILDREN’S TOYS. INKS. PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, FANCY GOODS BURNING FLUID, POTASH, TAR. LAMPS, $O. ALSO, CHOICE TEA at vrry niuilcrute pr'n:o«. Phyi-i - n\ .ill turn** reenvr currful ullrnlion. Every nrln-le sold «t In* Siore i.< warranted lo be represented to ihe purchaser. All article* nnl factory may be relumed, if uninjured, and Ihe mon ey refunded. Term*, Cash. fEF (’all at the sign of the Mortar, WclUboro* Oct. 2.3, ldsss.H. GRAND RUSH JONES & RljE’S. Where they are now receiving their FALL & WINTER GOODS. WHICH CONSISTS OF DRY POODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FAMILY GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. HARDWARE, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE. TIN WARE, WOODEN-WaUE. READY MADE CLOTHING, AND FLUOR OIL CLOTHS, FLANNELS, EASTERN CLOCKS Warranted to keep good time. WE would say lo our customers and purchasers generally, that our store is now complete, we have a large assortment of every kind of goods and our prices cannot fail In soil llic elo-esl buyers. WclNboro’ Ocl. 25 1835. JONES A. ROE. Red .& While Fijiiincla. A FeSOCotton Flannel*, Bed*licKin;r. Blue Denims, Slripfc Shirting*, Drilling** Drown Factory, Bleached Muslim*, In-h Linen, Table Cover*, mid Spread*, Carpet W.irp,C-otton Yarn, Cotton Dulling, and Wadding just received ol JONES fit ROE’S. Clot||» & CaDSiIIHMI I^ BLACK, Blue qnd Brown Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Doeskin CnsMmcrc*, alsoSatlinell'* and Sheeps Gray Cloth*, ju»l reerhed mid for rale very cheap, at (Oct 25} JONES fit ROE’S. CLOTHING. G 1 ENTLEMEN in want of unything in (he line T of Clothing for the coming winter will Find the largest, r.licopol and best UFboriincnl ul Oct. 25.. JONES fit ROE’S. SHAWLS. —Lndies will find the largest assort, nienl of desirable Myles of Long and Square Drocha and long aud *quaro Woolen Shawl* at Oct. 25, 1855. JONES fit ROE’S. OLAIN Sc FIGURED DELAINES.—PIain dc 1 laincK of all color*, hUo some buliful *lylcs of figured deisms ju*i received at LADIES SHOES Ladle* Will find the largest chea)tf*t and bent assortment of shoes of every description, Guitcrs Lubbers and childrens shoos at JON ES Sc ROE’S. IYOOfS fit SHOES.—Gentlemen's Boots iifcvcry • J deacript'on. Boy's Boots and Shota of all style* and sizes ju-t received at JONES Sc ROE'S. BUFFALO ROBES.—A few Biles of extra No. I* just received at JONES fit ROE’S HATS fit CAPS.—A large assortment joM re. wived, at (Om. 55 ) JONES k ROE'fip THE TIOGA COtJKTY AGITATOR. CHEAP LANDS. BV MUTUAL ASSOCIATION. A Home for All for One Dollar I THE GREAT NORTH-\VESTEUN MUTUAL i LAiiD' A€UEJ\CY I 1 CHICAGO ILLINOIS. WILL DrSTilliltTTL’ ea tho first day of January anil, 1S5(1 among iu Shareholders, by a Committee of Direct ors elected by themselves $133,000 In Lands A Cash. Any person may become a member of tho Association ami Joint owner of the property, on the purchase of ono or umru lhand or quarter shares. Every Shire and Quiirtcr Share will be duly numbered, sailed signed and registered, and will draw its proportion ol the property by its number In whole, or quarter tracts. This Association is a permanent Institution and will con tinue to distribute from year to year. Its prime obj*«ct U to cheapen lends nnd bring a Homestead, a Farm within the reach of all. however limited their ineani. Active and intel ligent Agent* arc constantly engaged inviting fumls of the Association in the best improving sections ut the Cuitm. ..u tho line-* of projected Railway*, and where hi rapid advance moot is c-rtain. land Warrant-* will bo taken at tho Market Kales, for Shares In this Assuciatloo: others will he purolusod furCu»h, and located on tho bust lauds in the dtite and T«rritori(*s of tho Great West. Tho fo-ir Town* purchasing the groaUxt number of shares by FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 185(1. will U* notified to vl-cl a Director each loiunerlutend the distribution, llis exptmi-c*, and two dollars per day, while engaged will bo paid by the Association. As soon ni twivtblrds of the Shares shall have bovn sold, \ht' PreddNUt. Secretary and Directors elected by the Sbrvro bolders shall appoint a day, not Liter than tho Suth day uf January. 1850, and proceed to distribute among thu said Slmrc holders tbs entire prupcriy of (ho AMOclatiun. to the full amount of Share*, or $125,0u0. Tho Property already framed for distribution the prudent ye.\r, (January 185(V,lt<» be incn>a-Ml by ronsiunt inusunent of the Block* sold and the profit* Is as follow * : 1 Farm of 320 actvn, with Orchard and good Buildings, within ouo mile of the 11: It. Station, and 2u milns of Chicago. , « $3U,«,ooU 4 Farms in Illinois, ouch slo*Vr 4.«]j 3 “ “ Indiana, u WO, I.JO. u “ Mis'ouii, •• u*», 1.3-v Ten K-0 acre Tract, lu Wisconsin, eftrh $4OO, 4,00./ Twenty Ml arn* Tracts, in lowa, “ . 24‘J, 1000 Town lots in tin* above States, 5,000 20,000 acre* of choice Wild Land*, gjj.ouu Each Slmn-hoMor shall be entitle*! to whatever may fill to his share in the dUtribullou. In.* it large or small. It may l*u a Farm worth s3»i,ik»o. Hut tu wt ctuc, cun il Uku than one' uerr nf idiut«ly. A premium of SIOJ will b« paid to the Agent win* shall >••11 ih** giv»u«r number uf *hon *; $75 to tiie ; to (In thud; $25 to the lourlh, and a pi.mhiiaol $|UOO will be k'iv. n t*i lliM Fin. C«»iui»uuy, l**dge, or As»ociatiun who shall dUjM*e of tin* gr«atc«»t nmulwr of «*har s. •OaT Agent, wanltd in mtry b»«n in the Union to sell Sh uvs and repot I go at im estmcuU. A Jib-ral ,k»ic *niagu will b* alleioJ and Circulars forwar ds! to or*ler by mail or expn?«>. 100t> Liiiiil IVuri'Uuls Wauled. W»* will }»ay the bsgh.Mt f.nb pri*'****. In »lmro<; or part In «hurc< or «li ra*li. Wu will I*** .it* Land Warrant* on Ihr most iidraiiuitp'niu lomw for [mrlies abroad. Wp hailtis efficient in »»vitv Land office, with plot* of lh« hoM uuent- ml l.iu li in lit > L'niou. Tliie U a rare opportunity to p«r>uti« holding Land Warrant* in tho Ka*t. Males to hare them toc.itr.l by u r.-imbk comjuuy, on t*uiua of the ch dccil Uu-h of tin* I ni*-n, whom rapid advanrjmcnt is certain. It will only be nocruicvry to transmit by null or eipc«ss y-mr U'arra-us July inn-duno ( aal w-i will r«Curu lie* .Sh.vr.-h or ca»h, by return mail, or lbs title- *■» il*o land as iwii a, it cad l»s located. ¥ Ad'lr**«i by uvUl for Shar-i In lb« above Association, or for location of Land Marmot*, Ac. Aleuts tU. X. W. Land Agency, Dox Sii. Chicago, lllinou. N. D. Where parti** prefer U. lands will l»c »nt*-rvd iu their names, and t >x-te-. Ac. paid for them, for an ngivM ]«>i tion of the rise iu value m periods «l dor & \eais. At vkbl«*h tuna it prelerrud by them, ih-dr uiou* , y will be returned w.ili 12 p«*r cunt. ]wr annum iml/re-C la lieu of a title t« tuc l.oid*. l~ lb A VX Send In your Orders at once. 43T* I.’Uer* simply of thouM •ucloto a »uvmj> f>>r return There will! Ik: ihrcc I for llic preparation of teachers (or (hr Common Schools of this county, held this fall us follows; One at Knoxville, com niuncingon Monday, the 22d of Oct., at 2 o’clock P. M., and closing the Salurdiy follow mg. One at Tiogi the following-week, and one at Wcl'.sboro’ the week following that, each to come mrncc Monday at 2 o’clock P. M., and close the fol lowing Saturday ; the lust ona ending Nov. 10th. All touchers intending to (each In this county arc earnestly invite d to attend ; the expense will be but 2,00 in ail, and we believe there is u spirit of pro gress and improvement sufficient to turn in from fif ty to seventy-five teachers in each of the-e Insli lutes. Come, Ladies and Gentlemen, we need to'un derstand each other. Our profession is fell by the community more than any other, and we can make (I honorable as it should be. We have encourage ment In expect board in private families during (he sessions of tlie-e Institute* (or twelve shillings, and other lie* cannot exreed (bur shilling'*, The Sup’l will be assisted in each of these drills by the most experienced teachers in the county, and excels lec turers of distinction from abroad. Touchers are ro ll rred to Victor Case and Prof. Price of Knoxville, Win. G.irrelsun and Jno.Guernsey, Esq’(«.,of Tioga, Prof. Reynold* and 1. 0. Richards of Uellsboro,’ Ibr j)l .ecß to hoard. Teachers arc also respectfully solicited to prepare each an essay ora programme on one of (he follow ing subjects, to be presented and read duiing the ses sion* of the Institutes: The best form of u School Register, Graded Schools in rural districts. Text books. Importance of a uniformity and the best. Construction und arrangement of School houses. The best kind of nupervision fur Common Schools. The best discipline for Schools. Legal und moral or whip und reason governments. Best «iooro*, Oct. 18, 1855. (formerly of Tioga.) CLEAR THE TRACK! The Crimean Cathpaign Ended!! WAR DECLARED ON live purl ol BALDWIN, G(iEKiV SEY &. CO., ng, Inst those old ctklgcr?*, "Second rate Goods and High prices." Friend*, Countrymen nnd all who dryul on good Bargains, (which include* everybody,) we .have Ju>( received « splendid slyek of -> 'Fall and Winter Goods, at oUr Store In Tioga, which can be hod for liiltlr, or Nothing nbdvfc prime cost— willi oceans qf good tA ill thrown on grritii. The first [>iclt is the best pick, so come in while stock is fresh. Dtluys urc dangerous—Pro craMiiiotlon lux frostbitten many a good bargain If you want your money's worth, come on. If you w>uit more than u dollar's worth fur a dollar, don't conic ; hut you will be astonished to see what a pile of goods we can pul up fora dollar. Our block of DRY GOODS ... not made up of l he odd.* and end.* and the rcm« nnntp of “closed up” concerns in the City* hut com prise* u eotrtplele as-orlmrnt of the Llc**l style* and best qualities from the corniest domestic to the fi nest imported fabrics, such as Silks, and Ladies’ Dress Goods, Latest Styles, ond adapted (o every variety of trim mings. Ladies will do well to cull and examine the Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Baldwin, Guernsey & Co., have always on hand a seii.-on.iblc und fa-liionahlc t-luck of Gentlemen's Ready-Made Clothing, wliidi- will be sold at the lowest CASH I’RICKS, ALSO, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glut*, ■ Slone, Jlollmi and Wooden Ware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Oils, Paints and Uye-Slojfs of rrrry kind ■ and of the best quality. with' BOOTS tlj- SHOTS, for Encrybody *,• AH Hmlt of Counity I‘roduct taken tit rx chojigr Jon goods u I the mutkrl prices. T. 1.. BALDWIN. Tioga,Oct. 18, 1835. A. T. (iUKRNSKY, O. B. LOWIiI.L. The Great Serpent • ' t IS NOT COMING, BUT THE EMPORIUM OE STOVES WILT. UK UKKE FOR A FKW I»AYH. I rjMIE greatest variety of STOVES ever «rcn in . I Wcllshoro,’ has just arrivid, at the STOVE & TIN STOIt Eof I). P. & \V. ROBERTS. They i would cull the addition of the puhlic to their well i selected assortment, consisting of llic j \ Ol?NG AMURICA, Elevated oven. I MORNING STAR, Impr. ved. do. 1 I NATIONAL AIU-'I IGHT, do. i REGULATORS,PREMIUMS &, LOW OVENS. ANn a large iiSMirlnutil of BOX and PARLOR Stovcs.'al City prices. These Stoves nrcsclccUd with the greatest care espectuMy for (his mar kit, nnd cannot (ail to give enUrcTßalulaetion. C.. 11 und see than. Tinware of all kinds, shapes, and sizes, made of the best nil tcriai and sold as cheap if nut cheaper than I hut of any other establishment ; in the colmty. Euve Gut- Ur» made to order on short notice. • JOBBING done to order ami In the besimunner. All Tiu-warc carefully proved before leaving the shop. (LT Old Iron, Copper, Brass, Pewter, and al«o Sil ver and Gold either old or new, taken in exchange for Goods ul the Market price. They respectfully solicit the patronage ofall who wish In purchase anything in llnir line, assuring them lli.'il money can be saved hyexumining their slock before purchasing elsewhere. D. P. W. ROBERTS. WdUboro. 1 Sept., 30,1855. * Valuta*»—Subscribers ta*y brpin Note. L V 1 >’ Ihl, u BTBA r E O—A fir,‘ ebnis Weekly Ncwspa|>cr, devoted to News, Lit. eralure, S< ii'iioc and the Arts; lo Entertainment, Im provtfnhui ntid Progress, One of the best Family Newspapers in the World. Two Dollars a year. •Ml E ■WATER-CURE JOURNAL. Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy anil Practice * to Physiology and Anatomy, wi«h numerous ilhislra (ions; and those laws which govern Life and Ilculti/. $1 a year. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL: Devoted (u!dl those Progressive Measures far the el evation and improvement of Mankind. Amply 11. lustrated. 91 a year. / FdrW a copy of each of these Journals will be tent one year Agents wanted. Address, Fowler* fit Wells, 3oB, Broadway New-York. • A "MRS. I. D. RICHARDS, Agent for the above works, and practical Phrenologist, nmy be found. ut the litmse of Mr. I. Kidmrds, WclUboro’, Pa. . Farm (brSnlc ..iimj! 'For Salt*,.; M *hc Subscriber offers for |ENS. ;1 lY the tutacriber* mid splendid ciJlrctiun,. - w, l® B — -* i 1 I ol* House Plants, ol’every \anety, on rca*^. HuUnnd, Tioga county, ' & FUIUUED VVEEAINES —a Ihtijc ‘ able icniM. 4 about lw*o miles from ►tm'-k all vtylcs iihdVnlnrs ; al*i* ret-idcncci Tldju Rovuville. £aid farm contain* - fori y-fi.u? "re"; i* Pnnimrtlaii, Merinoea am) 11. huge*, a hitleh awoVr. j Village Pa. C. N. SLOCOMB. nndorgnod cultivation, haring a good frame Imu.a ; nrn ' I l '™ ( ' v, ’ r h rn 1111 ‘ ; °® ,,,l,cr 4th, 1855. • • *nd barn. Spring House and other iiusemiury ombuil. ‘"lf 3l hlurllmg low rriccn by JH. Bt Wt,rt. |~ ' VIMNO’.S Par nlta*, of "all color* ibst dings add a fine apple orchard thereon. Formerly r ft RLINKS. Valises, Carpet Hags and Satchel* a 1 iVL neeiicti mid f.r sale rerv rli.-up at ow'ridd by M'lr'in Johnson. I X large lot just received at JONES ft ROE'S. JONK'S ft POR*. Enquire of the subscriber at Daggett'* Mills, Pa, 1 J | ‘ WM M JOHNSON '' I Tlf ACKERIiI> hv the barrel, J Mil., and J bid., at -f~> M IVK’IDEIJIES.—A t-pleii.l.d in-wirlminMihl I>s;SiU’. Mills, P a Otl H5O-C.ii'. ' " iVI M, ; . 31 JO.NI',3 i. P.hl’.'S. 'lll n.r.u! at J. ilj, ISO WEN'S. HARNESS MAKIN SI OX OF THE “810 SADD | ■ application u»» Urf> inluturc *of Pef»n.-»ylvi*nia ut fPHE subscriber having re- | |J* uo*i MaMon (which cumiitcßccaon the id Tos»- 1 moved his Hurries* Shop to 1 , y ?* j U lbt wcal,ul » V 1 * &^ 0m Ben. Seely's oIJ stolid, two dobr> / ,i‘l „ y '"i f '/wfi or « llm l»rp-hvl..rian Cllnreli i tI,P ni,ine i, " d ’' Ul,; nf “Till; TlOff.\ COt.S above ll.c Pre-byltrun Ulurcli T Y - BAN(«, l,> Kl lb,l M Tioen Village T.ov.i ready to uuke to order, all nrliulca mirimirtnir to the : . i -.1 ,u v* *m*»ge, * '«*« iv • ' a 1 .*.l • . { Uounty rtmnsvlvnnKi, *nih a (splint of Ouo ilm.. in lhcbc.«l manner and ol the very bcsl 1 , im , /{», , ~ / , v 1,0 , malcriul! ' f • jdrvd Oullara, wito the .pnulugo ofii.- JO FARMERS AMD OTHERS he would 10 dO. sav 'that he edit* article* in tlielr line of ba«imy*-, ' v *., np . CHEAPER FOR CASH limn uny oilier cwtab- , J'™ (/u-f,'"' li.|Kxlfd! llciud. £. E. KIMOA WclUboro,* Ftf», 1,1855, RHODES’ FEVER AMD AGUE CURE, OR ANTIDOTE TQ MALARIA. I POR the prevention and cure of Intwruittvst and jtg'ijrTLM Fcviiti, i’fcvtn and Auin, t,tmx> ami Flvlk, Dns-AccE, Dehiutt, Moiit .mvyits. and ><|] ..tber form* of disetuu wliidi have a cocuuou origin in Malaria or Mla-iua. * Thin Lt ft NATURAL ANTIDOTK which will entirely protect any readout it traveler even in the molt Mckly orVwumpy tocnlitfa*, (V-um tifty or IlUlkm* dNeftse whuleverL or any Injury from cun-lunlly MaUrla or Minima. [ II will Initamly chtik tin* Ague id pvneju* who hfi?e suf* fer*-d fi*r any h-ngth of timo, from urn* day to twenty tears, so licit they need utter to have another ch;ll. by continuing iu U'M,’ according to dirp-tlo||.i. The patient at once begin# t*« itu ,o»Tcr and Mrenpth, ami contiuuea until a iwimaneiit Mti'l radical cur** m eflecitd. t or tvm hotrieli will answer for ordinary cft*>cs; some may mpiirv more. liiftfctioiin pi in ted in (.Joiuien. I reach and •Spanish, accoinpuiy each hotiio, Price one dollar. Liberal diicuunu made to the trade. PROOF OF SAFETY, New York, June 11,15A5, ‘•I hare mod* a chemical examination of •Kii"DC.* Kit r.nand Aoei: Cl UK,’ or *Aj*tii«otx tu M Ujuua,' nnd haw tte' ed It fur Arsenic, Mercury.- Quinine, and .Strychnine, but lave not found u particle of cither in It. nor have 1 found any * ib-tana* In it# couipo»itiwu that would prove injurious to the -uiutilu lion. JAMtc- K. CIUi.TO.N, M. I)., CL< uiut," “Ltwtsucno, L'nlon Co., l‘a., Mar 5, ISii. Mil J. A. Rimers—Dear Sir: '1 !«*• imx of nt mr duly received bn the 11th of Apt it 1 liave sold M*out «urb jk>l»uu->u* drug#. Tbu m.>*t tin*) aVn du id to '•break the chill.-T fin u idiort lime, «hib* the} mr -ur* to muse uul.idira th.a c**.*uri\ i« UIIUDE.*' KKVKi: AVp AiILK CUttK. Fur tain h\ ItOIJKUT IIOV. lfW/«/j.i i '' i * ■ . , m . m m . , c , . , Ihe leachir .s ( lass will receive jiidruelion in lent nnd Epidemic Diseases, and lU fund* can lie ■ . ~ n, , • ~ . . . i r .i i.i i Ihe art o( 1 euelmig limn U.e rnneipiil and Ihe Co nned (or no oilier purpose. It has now a vurp u* ol c ►. a , A h * 0 . • ~ . 1 , v r . , . j . * • oupennttndeni during uie rail and spring Term*, nmins, which the Director* have >olrri lo adveitirc L A f , O ... c» n I ,• i. • i, . UrvflnrW, Aug. 23. »5. *•* R. fUU K. the above notice. II i< needle** lo add that the Aw* I * poriftlion command* the highest Medical skill ol the 1 VFAN'I'ED. «gc, and will 1 1,0 im*l unproved modern I JOURNEYMAN WAGGON.MAKER wanted to trealuunl.—Valuable advice ul»o eiven to nick and I J work by the day, moiitli or on .bare., at Ilia nervou* Innate,.*, ufHieted with Womb Cumpluinl ! .pop of tbu Subscriber in Clymtr town-hip, Ting. Lencorrlnra, A.c. _ Co, Pa. 1 have a large quantity of seasoned Jura. Address, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R. CALHOUN ■ ber on hand, ready to he wnrktd, jt,d would Cnnaultinjr Surgeon, Howard A-vt.ociuLiun, t No. 12 t 0 gj, c tl, e workman a .hare ol’ Ihe ortw-eeds. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. CHARLES PRITCHARD, lly order of the Director-, Clvtnrr, June 14 1835. (tf.) hzba d. Hartwell Pr*«id«ni, GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary October 25, 1855.—iy, tailoring l*»r (he People! THE undersigned would respect fully announce to the Citizens of Welishoro* and vicinity, that ) lie has opened a shop over Roberts 1 Stove i& Tin 1 Store where he will bo happy to attend to (lib wants '■ of (he (teoplu in his line of bu-*. 1 From bin knowledge of ihc buximw hclflnllcrs I Plilfelt’l* ! I*I*ICC KctlllCC'd I " ,os * 1 rTUIE ulimlu Ii» ju>trcccivi>d ai I. is .nil HI lIN I. LLOIHING will do well to (jivfe him aI I W, 350 tons Cayuga I’LAST till cull. AH work cnirualcd lu him will be done willi’ w j, rrf . j IC W |ll keep ronblanlly oi» hand froli ground Denim ps. ind a • n ripply all that may give him a crt!!. No uUULI mistake 1 this never *»Triko‘> nne*Mre® twine. Price s3,jl| |*cr lon. a.UOB BIX Lit. . 1 M.mniirht, Fch. 13,1^53 BARBER ft. HAIR DRESSER,. r I'MIIS HOit-ib ' K'hii- Wclt»bi>r»'Pa. 1 with Ond (ilurtdrcd’Ei Shop in the Bar Room or Roliinson'. Hold. Every- ® r Dwwimii 1 liimu in I.U hue of budum will to dooo o. well and Malloniuiioim ul tin- Hr and an promptly' a* it cun he done in the more ; "'“I 1 / I 1 fushionahh* ('ily snloons. Preparations for removing ‘ ai, , r o '' 11 a 1 c ’ dundroff, and toautyfimp the hair (i.r rule cheap. * 1 "f 11 ? "" ll ";. c Hair and whiuken* dyed nny color. Cull and ace, . cm " t; ' i tcMI C u U S ,Cl Well.-boro’, Oct 18, 1855. (if) i.nporlunce lo married |uopl _ : or those ariilcmpljliiig nu, € L O Tll D It 13 » Sft N « riago. AND By VV«. Yotwo, M. D., WOOL CAROINO ' no ,al * ,cr shamed to present a copy DrtMr* i. ,• , it < . , .'Ehcu.apius to hi* child. li may save him from •*» ONE. on > tort nohecund reasonable terms at . T . _ early grave. Let no young m m or woman enlor irur erwa-w rnrvnnv into Ihc “cerct objigulions of married life Wthpnt Tllfc STMH EOUiIDRY reading the Pockkt ;Es count's Lei no one »«£ WEJ, LS BOR 0\ PA , firing trom a hacking tough, Pain‘in the side,rest- By 13.. r >s] L. C. PENDLETON. 10-** inghls, nervous feelings, and Die a hole train of ? fYi’iitvo" 1 I ~'i ” ! T7\ T” ! Dyspeptic aeiiwalioim, nncl given up l»v their phT*. LOIIIINO.—A large slock in store of the m*' f . , ‘ r. ...... r k . i. 111.111,00 anoi-K-r im-ncul without coiiMiltliiff tins le.t,on., a fit puarai.leed every I,me, an ; -W ,. 4nt;< . „ IVI . „„ irni , ri , or t ,,ore atom to sl ,o a price n.uil the buyer, r u r lam hound ,o sell., |le mjrril . di ;iny dlmChli r ,, nd , rllly nM . M i- p . , Duo. J. K. u **■ • i lM»ok, a* it imt> been the means of wxing thousands Ix-unl ifu ■ unforlniiHlc creatures from Ihc very jaws ofdeath, ist recei. ‘LTAny person sending Ttctnly-Fiz* Cents,enclo. like hoi w *d ’ n a L’llcr, will receive one enpyof this work by ;»v»g ' mail or five copies will be Wirt for one DollaY. -—Address, (pel paid.) DU. WM. YOUNG, d prices { _ __ Ao. 15 % Spruce St. % Philadflpfaiu, i’s, good ' June 7. IMo-ly. —Heavy wool, loiig nnd Mpwrr, long * I O nnd square Broclm, piayi and figured Oshmut M-tniU’ls shawls, u largo variety, at J. li. BOWEN'S. Silks —a few more pieces of those changeable silks nt 50 cts per yard, jn ved ut the Empire Store, and going off cakes. Call and see them ut J, K. BOW PRINTS. —200 pieces priids,all styles at from 61 lo 12i cents per yard. Calic styles, fast colors, ut 8 els. the same as \i*\ at 121; at (ferp, 20, 1855.) J. R. BOW IT* LANNELS.—riain and Twiilid Red 1 .. wfiite and yHitiw of all kind*; uhso stuck of Canton rinnnifU just n-wivrd and cdieafirr than the elie;ijM>l, al J. R. iK)\Vj JAMES A. lIUOUES, IVj.idoa.., B, I. EVIDENCE OF MERIT. FIT WARRANTED. CUTTING done to order on ► horl notice. WolUboro' Sept. 10th 1855, 11. O. COLK 1 ,\olice. THE undertone*), ctlixro* ol* Tioja’fTnunty, Pa„ hereby notice tliul llu-y intend lo mahu ,E.« | IS lIBUKBY an application X idiklc to Uic lAgiHititun] of i\ ons) ivaniy, at its next session, for llic creation of* u corporate bod/ with general Blinking pnvildjjrs of Ukuc, discount nud deposit, to be citßed “TUB BANK OF TIOUA COUNTY 1 * with ncapital of One Hundred Than sand Doil:irx, »uid Hank to be located m the Boto/of WclUboro,’ Tioga Co. i*a, J. 1/Uohin&on, B. B Smilh, S. F, WilsotJ, Ins. Lowrrv, Jcio. X. B.ic/io, I*. 1. Nichols* WclUboro,' Jane,i4, £C«n.] , Illy co. LL. ■JVJOTICB Uhertbygiren that in uppliuation \HU J~ i be* nude to the Legislature oi Pl?iusy(vHiu4 at its next session, fur the incorporation of a Bank \yiili discounting privileges, with ii capital of One Hun dred Thousand Dollars, Tilth flu* of indriM xtng to < ue Hundred and Fitly OollbL, to be called the**TluC»A VaLLBY BANK 1 ' ajulHu be located in Mansfield. Tioga Co. Pa. June iSu5. r PIIE FALL TERM or tins liiHiiiultuiKwHl corti- JL mrncc September 4tli. Special ultailioi*; will be jfiven In ihe art oflcaihinjf. The AM*i-laiit» are experienced •nul approved teachers. Board, Room, Waj»fiinjf itc. at $J 50 to $2 00 pri* week. Thtfru are a few room* in town for lho.*e who boafd llicnmeivcn. Tuition u( previous rotes and no de duction mode for dDscnco unte** ji exceeds a twit* term. By order of the Trustee*. N. L. REYNOLDS, Piincipi 'VdUboro' Anif. it, I£sj. ! Tillage JLot lor Sale. . TH K Snli.-cnbrr offers for >ale a lot minuted in the Boro* of Lnwffncevillc, Tioga Co. Fa. run. \ Laming .ibmrl ihp e-ronrlhs of an acre. Said lot u bounded and ui.mi.uul hh Iblluws, on Ihc *t>l by Middle street, north t«y MicuJ.ili Seeley, east by Carlis P.irkhur>r, on the south by Demond. Said lot bun on it a good two-fdnry dwelling huun , newly filled up m neui and cununicril style, and pa mud inside and out; uUo a good bum and either • necessary out buiWngH. Inquire of JAMES KIN * SEY Esq. Luwreueevillc Tioga Co. Pa. ” v VV.M, M. JOHNSON. | Lawrcnrcvilltv June H Jsjs, '6m. , * I Turning & Chairinaking. JSTICKLKY, Turmt;, and Chairmukcr, would • tidhrm the public tlu.l he ha* recently filled u*> In* shop in good style, and is now prejuri.u lo upmu. ' faclurc -II kinds of CANE & COMMON CtiAlßg, of (he hod material and fini«h, Also Turning done ; in superior *t)lr, on reasonable Unns. SHOP, south end Main aired, opposite H. W. Dtiril’s Wagon Shop. SAMI Kit lIF.U2OG, having rented part nl* J. Slickhv , ’ i Hmn N prepared lo inanufaelurc all kinds ol CA 1)1 NFT WORK (rmn the tip*! material ( uik( in superior K(\le. He Ins on hand several so penor M-iliogiiiiy Hurcaini for sale cheap. ( WrlMuirmigii, April 14, ldjs. SEW GROCERY & PROVISION STORE. Mnml O. IU'I.I. VRn, • in I‘KOVISIONS, GROCERIES, BOOIV if SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTH WO, Wood if Willow Rfljr, Tobacco , Ciguis, i'rmtr, Conftc . Iwiini/, ifc., ifc. Al llic Stand recently occupiMl liy Rnlterl Rnv, Wcll.buro*, Pu. UOUTOK VOl-USKLF! The Pockp( : OR EVERY ONE IMS R. If. RUN DEL, U C. Wirklmm, t * E. Smith, -A. ,0. Rush, Jncob Johiikion, T. J fterry, fL G. Smith, i\. S., Johnson, Joji. Gaydricli, E. T. Bf*ullcjr. AOTICK, Wdlslml-o’ Acndrinv;