The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, October 25, 1855, Image 4

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“The mischief mikat*: '
Nor-do limy iriui their tongoes also*,
. Bui speak a. language of (heiroiroi ' /
- Pan read a nod, a alirug or look,
■ ■ Far baiter than a printed book;
Convey a libel in a frown,
- ■ Or wink a copulation down."
Thff'duiie* odd obligation df social life art
often misunderstood, as well as sadly violated.
The confidence of friends .is abused, and the
hypocritical, and lbe ma-_
lignanl, lake advkhlage of thnihoughtleSshx
pressions, Uttered, jffcrhaps, in moments of ex
citemeiil, (oprova_ka[distf Ust, lometH jealousy,
and thus onus# bitterness and i|l-wiH- It has
been well and 'forcibly said, “that to repeal
what you have hoard in social intercourse, is
sometimes a deep ireachecy.” The idle tat*
tier, who. runs from door to door, listens ea
gerly to nil ibm is said,then repents, exag
gerntes, or by wicked iosinualions, convoy’s
a meaning that was never intended, is a source
of infinite mischief, and often of bitter and
hopeless feuds between neighbors and fami
lies. We can conceive of no treachery more
deplorable or censurable, lhan lhal which abu
ses the frankness and confidence of an honest
nature, and by persuasion or distrupt,-cre
ales an offence and inflicts a wound Where
nothing of (he kind was intended. Thus a
confidential conversation will be repeated,
with the most solemn injunction not to betray
the mischief maker, who.only tells the Whole
truth, but adds some unauthorized interpreta
tion, or describes the manner as having been
offensive, when the fact was exscily other
wise. Some dark suggestion, h nt, or inuen
do, is also made, and thus a playful remark,
or a frank expressldn is tortured into .a slan
der, an insult, or a slight. The breach thus
created—unwitting'v created, so far as the
original parts ire c-meerned —is widened from
day to day by a double sys'i-m of treachery
and betrayal; the mischiel maker professing
to bo confidential wiih parties, and joining
secresy upon both. Hence, hearts become
estranged, friendship broken, and affection is
There nre we are aware, many mischief
makprs who are so, thoughtlessly, foolishly,
and without any deep, deliberate, or serious
design of doing evil. They are simply blab,
bcrs, or tattlers, who lack discretion, judg
ment and common sense, and who have nev
er been able to practice i he philosophy of hol
ding thi,ir tongues. But there are others who
"are subtle, wily and adroit, and who, as if
prompted bysomo incarnate fiend, seek for
and study every apnortuniiy to undermine,
underrate, darken character, destroy reputa
tion, impair confidence and sever friendship.
We-c Mi-conceive of no darker illustration
Of human depravity, There is scarcely an
Individual in existence who could not be in
jured seriously, if not fatally, by such insidi
qus and double-faced* guile. It is impossible,
at all limes, to be watchful and wary, espo
ctilly in social life ; and when the intercourse
free, frank and undisguised, ut_ such limes
the thoughts and feelings are apt to be ex
pressed with (he utmost freedom, and even
weakness and prejudices of cherished friends
to be alluded to not in bitterness, or weakness,
but m confidence, sincerity And sympathy.—
I' however,la malicious mischief mak-r hap
pens lo he at hand, it is ihe easiest thing in
the world lo misrepresent the real fact of the
case, so as to annoy, irritate and inflame, lo
create a sentiment of dislrusi and of cold
ness, and thus to lav the foundation of a mis
understanding which, if followed up, isshre
to end in enniily'nnd ill will. Some person*
are, rnorcov ■, Quite sensitive on certain sub
jects, while other* are particularly credulous.
Tfie mischief maker is sure lo discover all
(Jlis'antf play Tiis game accordingly.
■There might bo many illustrations pointed
out; suffice*!! to say, the vice is heartless,
cYuel and dangerous, and its victims directly,
or vodi/eclly, may be counted by thousands.
It is such an easy thing lo wound a sensitive
spirit. It is so light a thing lo slain or soil
tne reputalfon ; confidence may be so readily
disturbed; suspicion may be so promptly ex
cited. How many merchants have had their
credit ruined; how many honest men have
had their prospecls blighted, and Ihcir fami
lies subjected to all the horrors of poverly;
how many unkindnesses have been provoked ;
how many familee have been made miserable
by the thoughtless, or the vicious, the heed
less or the crafty and malignant propensity of
the mischief maker. The poor wretch who,
in a moment of necessity, and laboring under
the horrors of hunger, commits some paltry
theft, with the object of satisfying the cravings
of nature, is promptly arrested, eu.-mc.' 1 mid
laot lo “durance vile.” Bt h■ « mmy dr
stroyers of ihe peace of lamdics, dis irlcri
of Ihe happiness of households, in hrrT mir
_ al auaisins of character, perform their wick
ed Whrk so artfully, stealthily and hypocriti
cally that they see the ruin and the wreck
thpy rnake, and yet contrive in escape the
responsibility. Lai th’-m be assured, howev
er, that a day of reckoning will come.
A woman, in many instances, baa her
husband’s fortune in her power, because she
may or she my not conform to his circum
stances, This is her first duty, and it ought
to be her pride. No v passion for luxury or
display ought to tempt her for a moment to
deviate in the least degree from this line of
conduct. She will find her respectability in
it. And other course is wretchedness itself,
and inevetably leads to ruio.
Nothing can be more miserable than to
struggle to keep up appearances. If it could
sdcceed, it would cost more than it is worth;
as it never can, its failure, of the deepest
mortification. Some of the aublimest exhi
bitions of human virtue have been made by
women, who have been precipitated sudden,
ly from, wealth and splendor to absolute want'.
Then a"rtian’s fortunes are, in a manner,
in the hands of his wife, inasmuch as his
own power of exertion depends on lie.r.—
His moral strength is inconceivenbly hr.
creased by her sympathy, her council, ho
aid. She can aid him immensely by reliov
ing him of every care which she is capable
of taking upon herself. Hia own employ,
menu am usually such as to require his
whole time and his whole mind.
A good wife will never suffer her hu«'
band’s attention- (Obe- distracted by, details Jo
which her bW lithe
If she' be proppiedhy dyiieaif)te»lion: and
good, sense,,she wilt perceive when, his spirits
are borne down and-o»erwhelmedy:ehe.of
ill human beings, can'.best miniater to his
needs* For the sick soul her nursing is quite
as sovereign as It is for corporal "ills.-'
if it bo weary, in her assiduity,it, finds
repose and .refreshment.' If it be hariusftg)
and, worn to a. morbid irritability, hen gentle
tone's sisal over il with a eooihing more po
tent than the most exqujsjtp, mu*jq v /IjT pro
ry dead-, her patience anti for
titude have the- power-to reikindle them-in
the heart, : i'od ! hh again goei forthtd rttialir'
his encounter with the lolls antj froubjesrof
life, , ‘ i ... ■ 1
Wasn’t Much on Figures.
An old woman keeping a so called, "crocks
ncy stand,” was one day accosted by a wag
“ How do you sell these oranges 1* ■ | '
“Two cents,* she replied.
“Well,’ said he taking tip one .and turn
ing it over in his hand, “how do sell this
“The same, price.”
“Suppose I give you back tho orange and
take the cake 1”
“Very well.”
“Is this pie two cents T”
“Well, I’ll lake (his pie after all instead
of the cake. Whal do you ask for cider I”
“Two cents a glass.”
“ I’ake the pie back and give me a drink
of cider.”
A glass was filled and handed lo the cus
tomer, who, after swallowing the came,
smacking his lips with great gusto, was de
liberately walking off, when he was accosted
“Pteaso, master, you hav’nt paid' me for
your cider.”
Our friend coolly observed.
“What should I pay fori”
“The cider, lo be sure."
“Did’nt I give yotf-the pie for it."
"Yes, but you did'nl pay for ifig,cake."
“Very well, I exchanged the cake for it.”
“I gave the orange for it.”
“The orange is two cents.”
“Well, why should I pay for ill I did’nt
eat it did 1 ?
“No mailer,” exclaimed the dame, no
mailer; ihere’s a mistake somewhere hut 1
can’t see il; I never was much on jiggers ;
howsomever you need’nt call agath.
A bashful Yockel was paying his addresses
to a gay lass of the-country, who had long
disponed of bringing things lo a crisis.—
Yockel called one day when she was alone
at home. After settling the merits of the
weather, Miss said, looking slyly inlo his
"I dreamed of you Inst night.”
“Did you I —why now 1”
“Yes, 1 dreamed you kissed me."
“Why now J—what did you dream your
mother said 1”
“Oh, I dreamed she wasn’nal home.”
A light dawned on Yockel’s intellect, and
directly something was heard to crack—per
hapTTrwas Yockel’s whip, perhaps not.
“Boss, 1 want twenty-five cents.”
“Twenty-five cents ! How soon do you
want it Jack I”
“Next Tuesday,”
“As soon as that!—You can't have it.—
I have told you often that when you are in
want of so large an amount of money you
must give me at least four week’a notice!’’
I» a vplage in the Southern part of the
Stole, a merchant had got painted On'the
fences round the village —"Go to Mdrkham't
to trade."
A keen, quick-witted rival followed around
after him and painted under the line —"if you
want lo get skinned.”
If vanity overturns not our virlues it cer
lainly makes them loiter.
The Agitator, is published every Thursday Mom
iag, and furnished to subscribers al 81 00 psr an
num if paid in advance; or $2 if payment be delay,
td oner. ihe.year. No subscription taken far a shor
ter period than sir months, and when for that term
only, paymrnt must be modi strictly in advance,
or SI will be charged. The foregoing terms will
be strictly adhered to. No paper will be diseontinu
eil until paid for, unless at the option of the editor
Clubs. —Ten Copies, H ; Fifteen Copies, SIS.
Advertisemests wilt be inserted al SI per square,
(of fourteen liaes or less,) for the first or three con
secutive insertions, and 25 cents for every subse
quent one. Yearly advertisements inserted at a rea
saaable discount on the foregoing rates.
O’ Transient advertising payable in advance,
(O’ AUleltersmuslbe post-paid.
Hydropathic Physician and Surgeon,
[June 14. 1855.}
LAW—Office, north side Public Square
WeMsborougb, l'i.
Refers to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge & Co., N. Y
city Hon.A. V. Parsons,Philadelphia. July 13.
Attorneys & Counselors at Law,
Steuben County, New York.
Geo. 'll. Spencer. C. H. Thomson.
April 18,1855-ly.
07 Removed to James Lowrey’s Office.
Attorneys & counsellors at
LAW, will attend the Courts of Tioga, Poller
and McKean counties.
Welliborough, Feb. 1,1853.
TVTISS H. A. SEARS, will open & ,Se.
-L»JL led School on Monday* lII© 271 h of August, in
tho building back of R. S. Bailey's Store.
Reading, writing ©polling, sod plain Setting. .$1,50
Common English branches, Embroidery 2,00
Higher English branches 3,00
Music, Melodeon 5,00
w Piuno ~8,00
WtflsboiiD*, August f, 1858:
rpHE ffubscribera, arc opening their
JL sto'dk df'GOOIw for, the Spring Trade,cow
prising a'foll and complete Vsiortfienf.'-’and of Uie
usualvarjety, Which: will, it. herefefofp.'Wßoidala
Veryjimail profit Tor RBADYHAY. Being deter
rmned not to' undersold oqr ne jghton^odr
abumparisohof ourgooda endprice* with any other
in tha market. Among thaassorlraent of ■ ■
willbefonnd.agreal variely of Ladies’DressGoods
ocnsiltingin'partdf i; h..
Btreges, Beregq If planes,all-wool Defanei,
Lawns./ platnand printed,' Ginghams, ’
" “English; Schick ’aM ‘AmiHcan.£ [ ' .
i 1 ‘POpliiwJ'PriMi'ofaU shades
andpolors,c gaoistoclc of
Aiao, for mon’a Wear may be found Broad Cloths
Caaaimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, satin
and summer Vestings.
Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown,
Tickings, Summer Goods for boys’ wear, Cotton
Yarn, Carpet-Warp, Cotton Batten, with a variety
of other rlicles too numerous to mention.
Groceries and Provisions.
A full slock will be .kept on hand. Those in
want of Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart’s
best Syrup, Spices, Pepper, Ginger, Sateralus, Flour,
Fish, Salt Tobacco, or any other article in this line,
will do well to call on us before purchasing else
as large and complete an assortment as can bo found
in the county. Among which is Cutlery of all kinds,
Carpenters Tools, Chains, Hoes, Shovels, Forks,
Butts and Screws, Door Hangings, Bills, &.c., &c.
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Steel, Iron, Nails, Paints and Oils, Glass
and Putty, Ready-Made Clothing, Ape.
Thankful' fitr thb liberil palronkga' of the past
Season, the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting
uie public to an examination of our Spring slock
believing that good. Goods and low prices wil in
sure sale for ready pay.
Wollsborough, May 25.1855.
Dress Marks the Man,
OWING to the great riae in paper, there ia a
great and increaaing demand for raga of att
kinds. Therefore, every, aia.ii who wishes to save
the first cost on his old clothes should cast them,
buttons and all into the rag-bag; not however until
he ca)ls at the " '
and selects from the large and splendid assortment
Ready made Clothing^
here 'kept constantly on hand, a suit warranted to
wear as long as any other, and made in (he best and
most substantial manner, and under his own super
rloion. The proprietor has a complete knowledge
of the trade, and can sclllhc best quality of Ready
Made C(othiQg titan any other
establishment In-the county. ’’He keeps a Variety o
Cloths , Cassimeresy Vestings y Drainers,
Trimmings , Wrappers , Shirt8 }
CollarSy Crinmts', <^c.
which will be sold as reasonably os they can be pur.
chased elsewhere. His slock of COATS & VESTS
can't bo beat this side of New York, either in price
style, or quality.
Don’t forget that this establishment took the firs
premium at the Fair of last October.
(IT Particular attention given to cutting and ma
king garments to order. C. OSMUJS.
Tioga, April 5, 1855.
rpHE subscriber would respectfully inform
bin customers and friends that he still con
tinues the mercantile business, at the old place, at
the weil known store of L. I. Nichols, where he will
be happy to wait on those that will favor him with
a call, and would invite the attention of the public
generally to his large and commodious slock of
Groceries, Ready-Made Cloth
ing and Hardware,
AND CAPS, &c., die.,
in (act everything else kept in a country store, aril
clcs 100 numerous to mention, and will sell cheaper
than can bo bought this side of Now York city.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods
at the highest market price. J. R. BOWEN.
Wollaborougb, June 39,1854.
F A C T O K V.
TH E subscriber is prepared by new Ma
just purchased, to furnish to order, all hinds of
square and fancy Sash and Blinds.
Square Sash of common sizes constantly on
By long experience in the business, the subscri
ber Salters himself that he can make as good an
article, and sell it as cheap as can be obtained at
any estabishment in Pennsylvania or New York.
Call and see.
Covington, March 2, 1854.
CPThe subscriber is also Agent for (ho sale of
Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also
Scarpa's Oil for Deafness. D. S. I.
COSMUN has just returned from the City
• with a splendid assortment of
Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trimmings of
all kinds, Ready-Made Clothing of all qualities
and sizes, French Bosoms, Shirts and
Wristbands, Cravats and Scarfs, all
styles, a la Byron Collars, Stand,
ing Collars, Gloves and Ho
siery', Sucptnders, But
iorns of all descriptions, Links and Double
Buttons far Coals, Turk Satin Linings for Coats
Pongee Sleeve Linings and Velvets of ail styles
which will be sold cheap for Cash,
Tioga, April 19,1855.
w. W. WEBB, B. D.,
HAS established himself in the practice of Med
icino and Surgery in the Township of Liberty
Pa., where he will promptly attend all calls in his
Liberty, Feb. 1.1854.
LIME, LIME, LlME!—Kept combintly on
hand at his Plaster Mill near Mansfield, fresh
ly burned and of superior quality. Price, 37J cents
per bushel. A.BIXBY.
Mansfield, June 14, 1855.
JUST RECEIVED a large supply of all kinds o
O Extracts, for Cooking, and Perfumery of the
best quality at [Tioga] G. W. TAYLOR’S
sale and retail, from 910 to 91 5 each, at
Wellsboro’, Nov. 9. D. P. ft. \V. ROBERTS’.
CHAIN-PUMPS —a largo anppty for sole'chead
by, M«fap-’ss] V, GASE, Knpx?)ile .
LIGHT.— Tallow ft Adamantine Candles, Burn
ing Fluid and Lamp Oil,at ' CASE’S)
CAPS & HATS of every description just received
at, JONES & ROE’S.
DR. MUARICEAU’S .Private Medical Compan
ion. For Sale at BAILEY & FOLEY'S
—A, beautiful assortment lust re.
JT ceiveo at (May 31,1 JONES it, ROE'
M A‘t’rßASSES— constantly on hand and
ivi. for sale by B, T. VANHORN, t
May 91 IBM. . JONES ft ROE.
An Invaluable' BinlifSriS Family:
should hdvtd Copy.’!'
g ;lo|,oqO^C^.?TEB
t 1 ■ ■ new; edition,Turevieed
.uBj and Improved,just is
JML.'UUNTER’S Medical Msnual, and Hand
Book for (be Afflicted— Containing an outline of the
origin, progress, treatment' and;cure of everyuttrm
of.diabase ’.contracted by promiscuous sexual inter
course, by seif.abuae Or by sdicual cicekr,“wiih;ad
vice fbr their prevention, written in a (uqilipr style,
.an# ewylbing
that .wouldqffiind the, epr. of .decency. ;wilh ;?H »»•»
|ipe of, complain 4 ippflient to ftfpalep, ftopi, t|ie Ip
aiiß.qf twenty years’ successful pracUce,exclufiyply
dexdjea to the cure of diseases of a delicate, or ,pri
vale nature. . '
To which fp added receipts, for the eure of the
above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp
toms and cure of the FEVER and AGUE.
'Testimony of the Professor of Obstetrics ip the
Pen if Medical College , Philadelphia —“ DR. HUN
TER’S .MEDICAL MANUAL.”—The author ol
his work, unlike the majority of those who adver
tise to cure Ihe diseases of which it treats is a grad
uate of one of the best Colleges' in the United Stales
It affords me pleasure to recommend him to'tlie un
fortunate, or to the victim of malprfidtice, as a suc
cessful and experienced practitioner, in whose hoda
and integrity they way place the greatest confidence
Joe. S. LoNosuoaa, My J). 1
From A. ’Woodward, M. D,, of Penn University
Philadelphia. —lt gives mo pleasure to addjjiy lesli
monj to (lie profcssianal ability of the author of th
Medical Manual. Numerous cases of Disease to
the Genital Organs, some of them of longstanding
have come under my notice, in which his skill has
beet) manifest in’restoring to perfect health in some
cases where the patient has been, considered beyond
medical aid. In the treatment of Seminal weak
ness, or disarrangement of the functions produced
by self-abuse or excessive venery, 1 do not know his
superior ijUho profession- lljyve-baen acquainted
with tho author some thirty years, ab'd deem it no
mure than justice to him as well as kindness to the
unfortunate victim of early indiscretion, to rccora
mend him as one in whose professional skill and in
tegrity they may safely confide themselves,
Alfsid Woodwxed. M. D.
“ This is, without exception, tho most comprehen-
Rive and iuleUigihle'work published on the classes o(
diseases of which it treats.' 4void|pg all lechnical
terms, it addresses itself Ip the reason of its readers,
ll'U free fromjril.objectlonable matter; and ho par.
ent, however fastidious,can .olyectao placing it in,
the hands of his sons. The author has devoted ma
ny .years to the treatment of the various complaints
treated of, and with too little breath io/puff and too
little presumption to impose, he has offered to (he
world at the merely nominal price of 35 cents, the
fruit of some twenty years’ most successful practice,
11 No teacher or parent should be knowlode hnpar
Led in this valuable work. It would save years of
pain and mortification and sorrow to the youth un
der their charge.”—Peoples' Advocate.
A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of
“Hunter’s Medical Manual** says—“ Thousands
upon thousands of our youth, by evil example and
influence of the passions, have been led into the
habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin and
fearful consequences upon themselves and posterity
Tlie constitutions of thousands who are raising lulu
ilios have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and
they do not know the cause or cure. Anything,
that con be done 90 to enlighten and influence the
public mind as to check, and ultimately U remove
Ihis wide spread source of human wrelchcdeess,
would confer the greatest blessing next to the relig
ion of Jesus Christ, ou the present and coming gen*
cralion. Intemperance (or the use of intoxicating
drinks) though it has slain thousands upon thou
sands, is not a greater scourge to the human race.
Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted,and be
lieve me yoar co-worker in tho good work you are
so actively engaged in.”
One copy (securely enveloped) will be forwarded,
free of postage, to any part of the United Slates for
25 cents, or six copies for one dollar. Address, (post
paid) COSDEN & GO., Publishers, or Box 196,
O’ Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents
supplied on the most liberal terms.
October 12, 1854-ly.
Cash Paid for Wool!
20,000 llis WOOL WANTED,
Steam Wool Factory
TO Manufacture oh shares- hy4he yard—Or in
exchange, tdf BROADCLOTHS; "ChsSl -
The subscriber has rented a part of the Foun
dry Building and STEAM POWER for a term of
years, has fitted up the building, in good order, and
will be in readinesss on the 10th day of June next
to Card Wool
into rolls for customers on short notice. Also to re
ceive CLOTH TO DRESS and WOOL to mann
fucture on shares for one half the cloth, or bv the
yard for three shillings. And those wishing to have
their wool worked can depend on having their cloth
in season. Customers bringing Wool to Card from
a distance can have their rolls to carry home with
them. Wool, and most all kind of produce received
in payment for work. Teams, pay down.
May 31, 1855. LEWIS C. PENDLETON.
THE undersign
ed would infoi
the citizens of Well
borough and vicinil
that he has again n
turned to this pl:ic«
and opened a shr
over the Post office
where he will be pt
ared to do Tailorinj
in all Us branches,
a good and workmanlike manner, for ready pay
and at prices Hint cannot fail to please. All work
entrusted to him will be done up with despatch,and
a fit warranted.
CUTTING done on short uoticc.
Country pVobaco (delivered) of all kinds, taken
for work.. H, P. ERWIN.
Wcllsboroagh, April 22,1855.
Tioga Foundry & Ma
chine Shop.
TABOB, rovm CO.
"|\J ANUFAOTURBRSof Steam Engines, Boilers,
IYJ. and Machinery of all kinds; Stoves, Hollow
Ware, Tin, and Copper Ware,
REPAIRING ft JOB WORK done with the
least possible delay.
MILL GEARINGS furnished without extra charge
or patterns.
PLOWS of all kinds, (two of which look the
premium at tho late County Fair,) kept constantly
on hapd.
snhnyn the exclusive right, for Tioga County, to
manufacture and vend.the -
King Stove.
one of tho best, (if not the very best) Cook Stoves
eror invented;: which is always on band at our
store bouse, for wholesale & retail.
Tioga, Feb. 15,1855. • 1
CAEAPESTIoI of Wall Paper over brought
into this place, for sale at Wholesale and retail by
Wellsboro, F0b.1’54. BAILEY ft FOLEY.
O LBS; of old Iron am) Copper
wanted in exchange for Stoves and
Tinware, by [N6V.9.] D. P. ft W. ROBERTS.
NAILS by the keg or pound very cheap at
Nay 811858. JONES & ROES.
a— rpHE, undersigned hav
.ii ill ifli taken the Black
smith Shop formerly oc
byt Jos. Hitch
cock,* back of tho Pro
tuohotaryVqfiiep, proaM
invito, the
/ patrcnagebfthW’ < Who
ace wishing "anything
in out line of, business. ■ We are prepaied-to do'all
sortaiaud kinds of-work. *
paid to HORSE SHOEING All kind* of shoes
(Voiri the Cdtnmon ld the fcorir ave Sealed shoe-..
, N. B, The ay atom, adopted.« t this establishment is
not to charge 25. per oentextr t to pay for bad debts,
therefore those who maypaUoi ize us can feel assured
they 'will hot have to pay the e ebts of those who nev
er pay; this plan is sueceedinj; beyond our expecta
tions already. Wcinvileall vho can to came and
see for themselves, you cannolloose much, and yoq
may fimLil to your advantage
May 3.1855, 6m GRAY A, LOUNSBURY.
rUB subscribers
on hand atlheir DrugSti re, in Law
rencevilie, a latge and well se ected stock BH
of DRUGS, Sfc., of every description
used by Physicians in the Country, and all the
most popular PATENT ME DIVINES of the day
which we offer for sale at pr ces which cannot fai
ot suit those who may fsyor us with a call.
Among our Patent Medicines may beyond the
Merchant's Gargling Oil; Jayne'/Expectorant, Al
terative, Pills, Pills, Ae.. Moffat’s Bitters and
Pills; FUehe’s silver plated Abdominal Support
ers, Braces, Inhaling Tubes,and all the medicines
prepared by him for his private practice; Brant's
Ptlmonary Balsam and Purifying Extracts:
Ayre’s Cherry Pectoral; Rogers’ Syrup of Tar
and Canchalague; Billow's Heave Cure; An
dreto's Pain Killing Agent; Truck’s Magnetic
. Ointment; Dr. Christie’s Galvanic Bells, A c ->
, Houghton’s Artificial Pepsin; Blake’s Aromalic
Bitters; and all the most popular Pills and Ver
mifuges, Ac., Ce.
Also a good, assortment of
Biography, History,Miscellaneous Reading, Ac.
Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs,
GLASS, .wholesale and re ail. Gold .and Silver
Leaf. Putty, Spls.'TnVpSnliiif, Camphenc, Burning
Fluid, Varnishes, &c.
Lawrencevillc,Fob.3, 1855.. j
Family Grocery <fc Provision
THE subscriber would inform- his friends
and tho citizens of Tioga county generally,
that ho has juslroceived a large and superior sop
ply of ’ : ‘‘ ' ’’ ’
Teas, Sugars by the barrel or otherwise,
Coffees, Molasses, Stewart’s Syrup, Rice,
Pepper, Ginger, Saleratus, Allspice,
Indigo, Tobacco, Soap, Mould and
Sperm Candles, Salt by the barrel
or sack, Mackerel by the whole,
i and J barrel. Codfish by
the 100 or single pound,
Flour, Cheese, Crack
ers, Butter <jy Fags,
together with every other Article in the Grocery
inc, lower limn enn he got! at any oilier place in
own, as ho is determined lb make quick sales at
small profits.
Thankful for past favors he would most respect,
folly invito his friends and the public generally to
give him a call and examinij for themselves.
Wellsborongh, May 7, 1855.
Important to the Public.
A TJ, R. BO'VEN’S Empire Siore the
Xa. lime has finally come, when Goods can bo
bough! as cheap in Wcllaborough, as al Elmira,Cor
ning, or in any other town west of New York; ami
the public at large are invited to call and satisfy
themselves that this is no Humbug.
Al J. R. Bowen’s will always be found an exten
sive assortment of well selected
groceries, hardware, BOOTS & SHOES
and a large variety of Gentlemen's Clothing,
all of which will bo disposed of st a rdduccd prico
TrVcllsboroogh, July 27,1855-tf.
At Bowen’s Umpire Store.
/"'IALL an‘ J see the (Jest and largest stock
'-'of Goods ever offered ti the public. Consisting
of dry goods, groceries, hard.ware,
SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and a large stock of
I flatter myself that I can dress a man to particu
ar Jits in all cases who desire the ready-made.
-The Ladies are invited to call and examine the
richest and best assortment of DRESS GOODS ever
before offered in market—which I am prepared to
sell at prices that cannot fail to suit.
Wollsborough Sept. 12,1855,
forbid paying any Accounts, Nolca or Judgments to
James I. Jackson that have been made or rendered
for work done al the Woolen Factory and Saw Mill,
(said to belong to him) from tho Ist day of March
1852 up to the Ist day of March 1855 ; as 1 have
a lease of said Factory ami Saw Mill for the three
years from the Ist day of March 1852, made and
signed by the said Jamca I. Jackson and myself,
binding me to collect all debts and demands for work
done in said Factory and al said Mill during Ilia
term of said loase, viz : TI reo years.
Wellaborough, March 1,'55-lf.
Chairs, Chairs, Chairs.
TJESIDbS n variety of nil other kinds o
acriber has four different styles ol
which ho ia selling at cost prices. Also,
Two different patterns of Mahogany Spring
Seal Chairs , and Mahogany Rockers. '■
and three palhrns o f S'fas.
Also, Rosewood, Curl M iplo, and CommOn chairs
of all kinds.
Lawrenceville, Nov. 1 SI
The undersign
form the Farmers ol
are nnW Manufacturing I
of Wcllsborough, on the I
feel warranted in saying I
cvor inUoduced into Tioga
cleaning fast and well, and)
Farmers are. respectfully
ine for themselves before pi
O* All hinds of Produce
iMills.repaired on short not
Deltnar, Oct. 12,1854—fl
J~ ADIES, just drop!
-9-J cheap store and exaj
Delains, Lawns, Black Sij
Silk Shawls, and save you
' COIfVED’g • '
enpkp CIOTHUVCI, 4-c.
M m.;CONVERS has'just received jrora
• New York, the largest and moat cirefuflv >
elected assortment of « • ■' r 1
over htopghl, intethis country, which* fae wIH till
for KfUfY m dnyolier ftaUMmett
HiS slock comprises a general assortment of
every variety of Clothing, from a low price up. ' ”
SOMMER <7OA3S-ifor Men and Boys—lt Urg*
i .assortment, , ,• v • •< >s :>• .1; r• ■ “
i AACR COATB-ofsva.
ryldescription, size and,color.
PANTS—wiztj Slyleind quality.
every style, colotand description.
SHIRTS , Unddr-Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Over
Ails OvctrSliitlß, Suspenders, Gloves, Umbrellas,
. Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, together sill,
' lots of
of every description—the largest assortment ip
E. 0. WELLS.
NED respectfully in
if Tioga County, that the
MILLS, tbreo miles south
jJcrscy Shore road; and
jlhat sold Mill is tho best
a County both as respects
I) the saving of Grata Seed.
U invited to call and exam,
inrchasing elsewhere,
j taken in payment. Old
jin nt J. R. Bowen’s
mine his Bareges, Barege
Iks, Ginghams, Craj a and
tr len-per cent.
Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters,
for Urge rarle'ly.
Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, dpc., <Spc.
He would soy to all in want of good and nett
Rttiog CLOTHING,, that be can and wilt tell
cheaper than can be gotten in this borough, or any.
where this aide of the New York market. ,Thii
is no blow or brag, but truth—and to lest it call it
“Convers’Cheap Clothing Empbrium," 'wlie’rej an,
articles are sold cheaper than oo the okk nict
arsriM. VVcllaborongh, May 87,1655.
T) T. VANHORN tyould inform the chi.
zone of Wellaborough and vicinity, that he
bus purchased the interest of bis partner, John'S.
Bliss, in the above business, and will continue it
the old aland,two doors east of Jones'Store, to ketp
on hand and make to order all l kinds of Rabbet
Furniture—such as
Sofas, Divans, Ottomans,
Card, Centre, Dining <Sf Breakfast Tablet,
Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus,
Cottage, French and Common Bedsteads,
of every description, together with all articles uto.
ally made in his line of business.
From his knowledge of the business be Sit.
lers himself with, fhe belief.,,those wisbinj
to purchase, would do well to call and ; uajnou
his work before sending elsewhere for an inferior
COFFINS, of every variety, mode to order, t\
shjot notice,and reasonable chargee.
TURNING done in a manner, at short so
TT| , Chairs! Chairs !
Afnli. In addition to the aim VO, the subacrh
xSSßbcr would infurih tlia public (hat he bn
Jr /f J jaet received a large a(id handeotn'eatiorl.
monl of
Dostotiftind Common Roclcing Chain <%e„
which, fan will sell as cheap, if'not cheaper,tliao
they can be purchased anywhere else in Tioga
counlj. Call and see them ! j June 3,1855.
A GROWL would announce to ihe cili
• zens ot Tioga county; thal~hB llacsaapcjncd
with him a parlner, andtheWsinesa'wlTl be con.
ducted under the firm of A. Crowl & Co. Ther
will continue at the old stand, in Wcllaborou,a
lo manufacture to order and keep on hand,
Buggys & Lumber Wagons,
which for style, durability and elegance of finish,
cannot be surpassed by any other similar establish
,mcntin the country.
Workmen of celebrity are engaged, and Ihcbcst
| materials used expressly in alt the manufacturing
| departments of this establishment Persons seed
! ing orders may rest assured of having them execn*
edl lo their entire satisfaction, and.finished in everr
particular the same as though they attended id per*
REFAIRING done as usual, with neatness tod
FAINI'ING of all kinds done on the shortest
notice, and most reasonable terms.
ID-All kinds of merchantable produce (delivett
ed) recived n exchange for work, at the markr.
prices. A. GROWL A CO.
July 13, 1855.
Carriage & Wagon Manufac-
nounco to his friends and
public generally, that lie is contiiminga32_2EL
the above business on Grafton street, immediate
in the rear of J. R. Bowen's store, where be is pre
pared to manufacture on short notice.
Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies,
of any style or description to suit the purchaser
and of (he very best materials. All kinds of re
pairing done forthwith and on the toost reasonable
ly executed in the best manner arid most lash
ionablc style.
Wcllsboro,’ July 13, '55. HENRYi PETRIE
HAVING removed lo (he building in the
rear of Bailey & Foley*, store, the subscriber
is prepared lo furnish lo order,
Pegged and Sewed,
Made upon honor —and warranted to wear out in
due lime, and not to rip until they are worn out.
As a man Is known by bis Bools no less than by
he company lie keeps, it behooves every man to
take heed how his “ understanding '* is cared for
A reasonable share of the public patronage is re
spectfully solicited. TT Hides taken in exchange
for work. L. A. SEARS.
Wellsboro*. Dec. 28, IBSS-ly.
Kalian and American Marble,
Agents. 13 a]let Sl Foley, Wellsboro i 0. P.
Beach, Knoxville; J, E, Webster, Covington.
Tioga, April 26,1855.
Custom Root A Shoe Shop,
AT M. Sherwood’s old slnnd, where the
Sears’ Bore continue to make, mend, «nd
raeasurif to order, at aa low prices sa the times wilt
All work warranted—-ip wear out in » year or u
—and not rip or oomejo pieces Hill it doet wear o
Hides AYanted.
CASH will be paid for any quantity of bides a
the highest market price.
July 13,1854. GEO. W. SEARS.
MRS. M. A. STEVEN'S ,h*> jusl received
from Now York,a supply of SPRING GOODS
which she is prepared to offer to the public on terms
more reasonable than at any former period. Work
dona to order, Ladies, call and see. c
N. B. Hard limes makes itnecesaary (hat ill
debted should call and pay up immediately.
Wellibcro’, March 39,1658.