The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, September 20, 1855, Image 3

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    personally flattering, but because it showed
him that, they.Ww'not disclosed to decide on
b& official career m’advaiMWr -It showed him
that he might rely on “*oo“ aW” ‘“enc
oring .oidrcbtne' obstacles Which; fie hwas
•wwe existed, but hoped Were not insiirmojipt
«hle [A voice—Yes, you shall have our aid].
H?. regretted to see, io certain porlipof of the
Territory, a disposition to nullify the “laws
which iwve been enacted by soon Legisltt*
tu/s* This was a revolutionary movement
which was greatly to be deplored.' ■ He re
gretted, he said, (Hat he had arrived 100 late
to form the acquaintance of the members of
tha •Legislature., Me knew nothing of the
laws passed by them, but from the ability and
patriotism of the gentlemen who composed it,
he doubted not that they Were wise and judi
cious, open resistance' s and nullification of
them were not,,the proper way to defeat their
provisions. If they were unconstitutional,
there were-'courts ■id appeal two, which bad
been created (or Ihe purposed deciding such
questions. As to the Legislature that recent
ly adjourned at-tho Shawnee'Mission, he re
garded it as it legal assembly [Cheers,] and
thought that the objection toils power, ground
ed on its removal from Pawnee, was puerile,
as every Legislature enjoyed the rights of re*
moving the Seat of Government at pleasure.
The Executive and Judiciary of the Territo
ry had acknowledged the Legislature as a le
gal body and so would he [Good.] He re
garded their laws as binding on every citizen
of the Territory, and would use all his Exe
cutive power and authority to carry them in
to effect [Cheers.] He said ho did not intend
to address them on Ihe various questions that
divided the parties in the territory ; perhaps
he did not understand them ; and he had not
expected to speak on (his occasion. To one
subject, however, he would allude—Slavery.
His official life and career were not unknown
to a portion, at least, of (he citizens of Kan
sas. He had no intention of changing bis
political faith. He thought, with reference to
as Missouri and Kansas wore
adjoining Slates, as much of ihein immense
commerce up the Missouri which was already
rivaling ihe commerce between the Uuniled
Stales and some European countries, imlsi
necessarily lead 10 great trade, and perpetual
intercourse between them, it would be well if
(heir insulations should harmonize—as, oth
erwise, there would be quarrels and
corner /ends. He teas for Slavery iu Kan
tat [Loud cheer.-.] After lhanking the nudi
cnce the new Governor withdrew.
Gen. Whiificlti spoke next. His speech,
10 use a Duich phrase, was “worse as bad
i' was far inferior even lo his enli-eloquent
address lo the delegates m the Shawnee Mis
Cries were raised for Gen. Birbee, bul ihe
g« Ila n< brigadier suddenly bolieo.
The nudience then shouted for Parks.
Col. Hay mounted the steps. I am reques
ted to say that Mr. Parks’ modesty prevents
him from speaking,
A free-and-easy voice : "Well, Colonel, F
hone nothing will prevent you from speak
mr ’’
Co',. Flay, with dignity; “Sir, t speak nl
the point of the pen, or to reasonable gentle
men—never lo an excited crowd ”
The crowd happened lo be in a good hu
mor, and tqok this severe cut as a jest, and
cheered ihe speaker.
You will observe ihnt Gnv. Shannon hin
ted that he might rennire the aid of Missouri
ans; for the crowd that he addressed was
composed of residents of Westport, and West
port is in the Slate of Missouri. Whether
the Governor is aware of this Tact I know
not; bul Ido know that he called the Kan
sas Legislature (when speaking lo Missouri
ans in Missouri) your Legislature.
Ex-Got. Reeder has published in the St.
Louts Democrat a review of the opinion of
Chief-Justice Lecompele upon the validity of
Ihe law passed by the Kansas Legislature
while sitting at the Shawnee Mission. It pre
(tents no new aspect of the case on his side,
but gives the Chief-Justice’s argument a thor
ough whittling. He dqyes ns follows :
“However I may differ as to the propriety
of an opinion at all, it is due to the Chief.
Justice lo snv that the inefficiency of his ar
guments is lobe ascribed not to his want of
ability, but lo ihe weakness of a cause in
support of which, as I am convinced, no man,
of w hatever aliilit v, could make an argument
which it would cost any great amount of men
tal labor triumphantly lo refute.”
“Skrved Him Right.” —A young lady
arrived at Galesburg, Mich., last week, lo lake
me cars. While wailing, she was grossly in
sulted. A warrant was issued for the rascal.
Ine moment the culprit reached the hotel,
tne citizens forcibly look him from Ihe hands
of the officer, stripped him of all his clothing,
smeared him with tar from head to foot, coal
ed him ihorougbly .with feathers and after
trotting him through ihe streets straddle ofan
oak rail, gave Ihe newly plumed bird four
minutes to run five miles, which ha accom
plished satisfactorily on theexprestrain,which
arrived soon after.
Rophetter Democrat,
Dohntbrook Fair Abolished. —The sub
scription in Ireland to raise £3OOO to pur
chase the patent by which XJonnybrook Pair
*O9 held, from the proprietress, Miss Mad
den, having been successful, the Lord Mayor
Boyce, of Dublin, hna issued his proclama
tion suppressing this veteran scene of fun
frolic and riot.
On the 29th of Aug, in Dryden, N. T., hy Rcr.
George L. Foote, Rector of Zion’s Church, McLean,
Mr. I. D. RICHARDS of Wellsboro,’ P., tod Mrs.
WEALTHY F. WILCOX of the former place.
Tailoring f«r the People!
THE undersigned would respectfully announce
lo the of Weltsbaro’ and vicinity, that
M naa opened a shop over Roberts’ Stove & Tin
Slore wbere he will be happy to attend to the want*
of the people m hit line of basineti.
From hit knowledge of the boaineaa he flatten
himanlf. jpjth. the belief that thoee wishing GOOD
JTTTING CLOTHING will do well to gTve Wed ,
all. All work entrusted to him will be done With
neatness, and a
CUTTING done to order on abort notice.
w t R. R. RONDEL,
Pcjil. 10th 18SS,
The- G?eatSerpent 1
7: n i*. *7 u ivf rVj s’- i
WILL BS'tfkltE rojft A FEW DAV&- _
rrtHE West e*t variety of STOVES' evorjoen in
4 :: WelU&‘i>C,' hii jutf .rrired .t the STOVE
would call tho il/enlion of tbC.publio to their well
selected assortWetitv'consisting dr the
:YOUNG 'AMEkI&Av •'•Elevated oven/
- Also a largo assejtpqenf of BOX and FARtiOR
Stoves, at City ptlde*.'
These Stoves are selected'with the 'gWhlest ’pits
especially'(hF' this' market, bad cannot rail to give
Cill snd seo them;
■ 1 '''Tinware ,
of sit kinds,,stupes, and siiKs, rondo of the best my:
torisl sad sold ss cheap .if- not cheaper than lh«t ,qf
sny. other establishment in the copaty,. . Esve.Gut
ters nude to-order'on .short notice.' V ■
JOBBING done fo order and in the bestqnfjjhet.
AIITin-ware carefully, proved before /eaviflg.lbe
"bop., ’ ' : . 1 ' v . V ’’
S3T Old Iron, Copper, Brass, Pewter, and slso Sil
ver and Gold either old or new, taken in .exchange
for Goods at the Market price. . .
They respectfully Solicit the patronage 6f all who
wish to purchase anytliihg'in their line, assuring
them lint money can be saved by examining their
slock before purchasing elsewhere;'
Wollsboro.’ Sept., 20,1855. w
EMBROIDERIES. —A splendid assortment just
received at J. R. BOWEN’S.
SHAWLS. —Heavy’ wool, long and square, |ong
and square Brocha, plain and figured Cashmere
shawls, a large variety, at J. R. BOWEN’S.
CLOTHING. —A largo stock in store of the la
test fashions', a fit guaranteed every time, as
slso a price to suit the buyer, for I am bound tosell.
Sept. 20,1855. J. R, BOWEN.
SILKS. —A few more pieces of those beantjlh
changeable silks at 50 ota per yard, just recei
ved at the Empire Store, and going off like hot
cakes. Call and see them at J. R. BOWEN'S.
PRINTS.— 200 pieces prints, all styles and prices
from 6J to 12] cents per yard. Calico’s, good
styles, fast colors, at 8 els, the same as usually sett
at 12j; at (Sep. 20,1855.) J. R. BOWEN’S.
FLANNELS. —Plain and Tjvilled Red Flannels,
white and yellow of all kinds; also a large
stuck of Canton Flannels just received and selling
cheaper than the cheapest, at J. R. BOWENS.
slock all styles and colors; also Persian cloths,
Parametlns, Mcrinoes and Dcbages, a better assort
ment than ever before offered in the county, and aelU
ing at startling low prices by J. R. BOWEN.
i w.w and rinpnlarlr successful remedy for the
A cure of nil Bilious diseases Costivenesw, Indi
gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism* Fevers,
Humors, Nenonsneas, Irritability, Inflamma- t
tioiis, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back,
pnd Limbs, Female Complaints, Ac- Ac. Indeed,
very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi
cine is not more or less required, and much sick
ness and suffering might be presented, if a harm
less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used.
Xo person can feel well while a costive habit of
body prmails; besides it soon generates serious and
often fatal diseases, might have been avoided
l.v the timely and judicious use of a good purgative,
'j'lns is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and
Kiliuii* derangements. Thevall tend to l»ccoine or
produce the deep seated and formidable distempers
which load the heim-o* all over the land. Hence a
reliable family physic is of the first importance to
the public health, and this Pill has been perfected
with consummate skill to meet that demand. An
extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes
sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing
any thing hithcrtoMiuowu of any medicine. Cures
have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub
stantiated by persons of such exalted position and
character ns to forbid the suspicion of untruth.
Among the many eminent gentlemen who have
testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention:
Dr. A. A. H atkm, Analytical Chemist, of Boston,
and State Assaycr of Massachusetts, whose high
professional character in endorsed by the
Ho.v. EnwAßn Kvkkktt, Senator of the U. 8.
Ronr.HTC. Winthuop, Ex-Speaker of the House
»f Representatives.
Ariiott Lawubncr, Minister Plcn. to England,
f Jokk*B. Fir/.P\TIMCK, Cath. Bishop of Boston.
Also, Dr. J. 11. Chilton, Practical ChemUt, of
New York City, endorsed by
Hon. W. L.* Maucy, Secretary of State.
Wm. B. Astor, the richgst man in America.
8. Lbi.and a Co., Propria of the Metropolitan
Hotel, and others.
Did space permit, w« could give manv hundred
certificates, from all parts where the JrilU have
been used* but evidence even more convincing than
the experience‘of eminent public men ia found in
their effects upon trial. t \ -
Those Pills, the result of long invcstfgntibn and
study, are offered to the public ns the best and
most complete which the present state of medical
science can afford. Thnv arc compounded not of
the drugs themselves. Hit of the medicinal virtues
onlv of* Vegetable remedies, pvtrnrtrd by chemical
process in a state of print), and combined together
id such a manner ns to m-urt* the l»cst results. This
svstciu of composition for medicines has been found
in the Cherry Pectilral and Pill* both, to produce a
more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob
tained by aiiv process. The reason is perfectly ob
vious. VVhifc uy the. oM mode of composition, every
medinne is burdened with more or less of acn
mnnious nnd ininrions qualities, by this each indi
vidual virtue only that is desired for tbo curative
effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual
ities of each substance employed s«rc left behind, the
curative virtues only being retained. Hence it Is
self-evident the effects should prove as they have -
proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer,
more powerful antidote to disease than any other
medicine kpown to the world. * 4
As It is frequently expedient that my memnne
should He taken mulct the counfeel of an attending
Phvaidftn, and a«» he cftuld not properly judge of a
remedy without knowing its composition, 1 have
supplied the accurate Formulae by which both my
Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole bqdy of
Practitioners in the C nited States and British Amer
ican Provinces. If, however, there should he any
one who has not received them, they will be
promptly forwarded bv mail to his address.
Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how
few would he taken if thoif composition was known’!
Their life consists in their mystery. X have no
The composition of my preparations is laid open
to all men, and all who are competent to judge on
the subject freely acknowledge their convictions bf •
their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was
pronounced by scientific men to he a wonderful
medicine before its effects were known. Many em
inent Physituans have declared the same thing of •
mV Pills, and even more confidently, and are will
ing to certify thqt their anticipations were more
than reaHicdtbv their effects upon trial.
Then nb«nte by thrtr powerful influence on the
Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it
into healthy action remove the obstructions of,
the stomach, bowels, Urer, and other organ* of tnp
body, restoring their iiregnlur action to health, and
by correcting, wherever they cxjsty such-derango
nfents ns are t)ie first origin tof disease. *
Being sugnr'wrnppcsl they arc ‘pleasant to take,
and being purely vegetable, no harm ran arise fhpm "
their nee in anv quantity. . , ’ .
For minute directions, see wrapper on the Bo*.
JAMES c; AtEB, : '
Practical and Analytical Chemists
Brie* U Centa per Box. Five BozeaforSL'-i 1 ■
. : ''' sm.n «r : .
ROY. Wellsborotigh; B. B.arse,
Barsevillei E. Dyer, Covington ; Ur. Him
phEby, Tioga, and by Druggists everywhere.
August 16, 1555.-4ni.
TlTATTRABBEB—cod'tanlly on hand add
IH for tall by B; T- VANRORN.
r ” C'vO ■*WD r > VVfew
‘ feU^iESS; MANS-I,E6Alrt}tJ|Dß.--r,
*• *»• (0'1859
A' »pce and qw«(-pf. Aldenwn
Pennajlwmu, 1 Deluding all the' Forma of
Procfia nnd Docfo JEntrioa; and S3I
ohlj whafeyer may be ‘ deemed"Valdable' W Jaidttea
ortb'ePs*ee,bulio Landlirda, TenantiJkbdßehtrl
- and. making ftlirtdldme'Vhal it'bar-'
tJ&k. A Aft ftr : BailnA»Meni f 'By
R 1 Aiderntanif Wmw Wud( (6 the i
city.of'Philadelphia! ’ THeSuUl'^lllo , n; :,l He»iied.
cpfrccted, ah'd grAtly'l ehjaVgtid‘ by Trtd Aick' C.
ttifilitly: Bjci, Aiiifwr' rf “A TredUai'onlhe Law
or«.‘«su{.i , rdtf eofer^W'Plibiae
porft 1 ” 7 Editoj' ot “Piirdon’i pigeiti"lBtci In ode
thick volilrtid, Oeiavd. ’ Price (mtyßi.OO. 1 : '■ v '
Courts’ of .Common
«rid J Tqrminer,Uiq Supreme-an A QrpfanVConriit.
and tlfe offices of Uie viiriodsCi vll officers and Jaii.
ticcs of the Peace. Fonrth.edition, revised, Correct
ed, eolarged, ond adopled lo the ■ present'state of the
taw r with copious l explanatory Notes aud Relercn
oe», nnd a new, full, and' comprehensive Index. By
Robert E, Wright, Esq. In One thick Octavo vol*
ante. Price only $3,50.
' ALSO.'
DON’» I>I«EST.-1700 to IMS,
_ A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from (he
year 1700, to the Blh day of May, 1855. The first'
four editions by (be late John Pardon, Esq. The
fifth, sixth and seventh, by the Hon. George M.
Slfoud. Eighth Edition, Revised, with Marginal
References, Foot Notes to the'Judicial Decisions;
Analytical Contents; a digested Syllahtis of each
Title; and a New, Full, and'Exhaustive Index.' By
Frederick C. Brightly, Esq., Author of “A Treatise'
on the Law of Costs,” “Equity Jurisprudence,"
“Niki Prius Reports,” Editor uf “Binn’s Justice,”
Ac. One thick Royal Bvo. Price only-85,00
S3* The freshness and permanent value of Pur
don’s Digestare preserved by the publication anno,
ally of a Digest Of the Laws enacted in each year
These Annual Digetlt are arranged in precise con
formity to the plan of Pardon's Digest, They are
each of (Item, republished' annually ; are connected
together'by a general index (prepared anew each
year,) which embraces the contents of the Laws of
each year since the publication of Purdon'a Digest
in one alphabet; and are bound up with Purdon’a
Diyesl,and also sold separately.
Thus the purchaser of Pardon’s Digest will si
wsys bo in possession of the complete body of the
Statue Laws of Pennsylvania down lo the very hoar
when he purchases it. Thosewho have already pur-
Dchased Purdau's gesti may alwaya complete it to
dale Tor (he small sum of fifty Cent*, the price of
a volume containing ail the annaul DigeshnVsßued
since the first publication of the present edition of
Purdon'a Digest, as heretofore staled,
Law BooKSELLxas and Pobusuxss,
17 A 19 South Fifth Street ,
First Store above Chestnut!
ETOrders or letters of inquiry fur Law Books
from the country, promptly attended to.
1855. NEW GOODS. 1855.
ARE now receiving their full supply of SPRING
and SUMMER GOODS, consisting in' part o
Eastern Clocks from the boat Manufcclo
tones, and warranted to keep jrond tirpo.
NllilS from the beat manufactories always on
hand, and in fact nearly everything in the line of
Goods can be found in this establishment and prices
that cannot fail from suiting the closest buyers.
Thankful for past favors wc would still inyjle our
customers and buyers generally to an examination
of our new slock, believing that if GO.OD Goods
and LOW PRICES are an inducement they will
make their purchases of us, JONES &. ROE.
Wellsboro.’ May 31, 1855.
find a beautiful assortment of Shoes, Gaiters
and children’s shoes a( JONES & ROE’S.
May Slat 1855.
LAWNS St GINGHAMS.—A large slock of the
above Goods, also Merimack and Cooheoo prints
just ree’d at [May 31st] JONES 4. ROE’S.
some beautiful styles of Mantillas at
May 31,1855. JONES St ROE'S.
Long & square brocha shawls, >
very low prices at JONES & ROE’S.'
drens Bats just received at JON ES & ROE'S.
Boys shoes of every description at
May 31 1855,
rpRUNKS, Valises, Carpet Bags and Satchels a
JL large lot just received at JONES St ROE'S.
MACKEREL by the barrel, } bbK, and j bbl, at
May 31 1855. JONES St ROE’S. .
The Pocket M lo
THE, " fiftieth' Edili
’ wit(i Ono Hundred
graving*, showing Disci
and Malformations or tho
man System in every si
and form; To which i* ai
a Treaties.on 1 the Disease
Females being of the bighi
importance: to married pear
or those contemplating
By Wit. Yooso, M. D.
Let no father be ashamed to pi .... a copy Oi .
.■Esculapids to his child. It may save him from an
early grave. Let ho young man or woman enter
info llw goojret. obligations pf married .1118. wilhqpl
reading (lie Papier JSscnLipwa. Let no one suf
fering from a'liaching Cough,’Pnirrin tlie side, rest
less nights, nervous feelings, and tho whole train of
Dyspeptic sensations, snd given op by their /phys
ician, bo another moment without, consulting the
dGscuLArios. Have the married, or those about to
be married, apy iofpediment, read this truly useful
book, as it has been tho menus of saving thousands
of unfortunate creature* from the very/jaws of death.
O’Any person sending Twenty-Five Cent* eiinlo
sed in a letter, will reepivo one copy of this wort by
mail or five copies will be sent for one Dollar..
Address, (post paid.) ’ DR. WM. YOUNG.
- No. 152 Spruce St-, Philadelphia.
Juno 7, 1855-ly. .
. Conrl Sale.
BY VIRTUE of ah Order dr the Orphans’ Court
of Tibga County, I wjlf expose to sale at pub
lic vendue on the premises, on SATURDAY, tlie
99th Bay of September, 1855. *t 1. o’clock. ?., M.
the following property, late Ihe' ealato of John F.
Smith, deceased, AU that certain. 4ot or .piece of
land situated In-Charleston tow whip' Tioga County,
Ra; described, aa, folio w<t Bounded, pdrthsby, lands
of .Jacob. Ingrichi cast, byj lands of Alonso Whithby,
smith by lands of Rossell Baker, end west by the
road leading from the Connty road-to Middlebury
-rsConlainiug about one fourth of an acre, with a
story arid half frame house
Terms made known on day of, safe. '
. Charleston Sept, (5,1855-4>v.
mm Mife
r JTHE Isjubftflritejjf having’., ■
JT RM«M|'{hi» Harness Shop
Ben. SeeJyJs «jd »Uudv.two >d«»fflߣ£S*L
above tbq Presbyterian Church hUgWy
watdjriaL; ''■
v W AIfD OTHERS he would
Hho of tatimaii
CHEAPER FOR CASH than T ady! other Cstab
hshmentlntbc county." A'good SSsbrihscdl Of o. : '
Whips, Ilarhess, t&'c.i ‘ &c.,
CARRIAGE.THINMINOdotukin (behest afyte,
and as clio«t »i.iteanba.<Jonoelicwhore.
constantly mi JitindT A a a
"' REPAIrtiNC} done’ ohiihdrt notice end in
tne beai posaiblo manner. ' '■
07 Call and examine' His stock bcioro pnrebasing
elsewhere, Ll»^ftdLMLlve.’ f ht hia mottu.
. ly Mostj kinds of Country Produce takati in ex
change for work dl the beat, market price, i'
A fair share of public patronage .respectlblfy so.
liclldd. / E. E. KIMBALL.
Wellsboro.’ Feb. 1,1855. u '
■M-d TlOn luvingbeen granted to (he aubsetiber
on the estate of Elijah Fellows, late of Middlebury,
dcc’d, thosq indebpad lo laid .estate ere tq
make immediate paymeql! and .those, having cUima
against it to present them for settlement.
Wellsboro’ Aug. 83-55; JNO. N. BACHE,
. . Aim'r.
An Ordiuaucc.
In relation to Ride Walie in the borough of fTtllf
Be if ordained by the Bwrgtu and foun
council of the borough of Welltboro' and
it it hereby ordained by the authority of
the tame , Thatirom and after the publico
lion bf : this ordinance, the Side WulKs on
Main Street in Wellsboro’ shall be made of
Plank instead of gravel; and that the first
section of the ordinance, entitled i’An ordi
nance requireing ’.he owners and occupants
of real estate on Main Street lo make and
keep in'repair the Side Walks on (he same, 11
passed 17th day of May, 1855, be so far al
tered and amended ns to require (he said own*
ers and occupants of lota on said Main Street
to substitute plant for gravel in the construc
tion of said Wfllhs.
Passed llte,l6ih day of August, A. D. 1855
t , C. G. OSGOOD, Burgett.
attpst, B. B. SMITH, See'y.
Orphan’s Court Salt’.
By virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of
Tioga county. Pa. pre will expose to public sale, on
the premises, on MONDAY, the Ist day of Oclo
her next, at 1 o’clock P, M. the lollowing described
property late the estate of Conrad Wicst, deceased,
situated in the Township of Liberty,Tioga County,
via i Bounded on the north by lands of Joseph Mor.
ris, on the east by lands John Haven, on the south
by lands of Conrad “King, end on the west by
landsafjas. M'Vay—containing EIGHTY ACRES,
with about thirty 'sore, imprved, a log 1 bouse' and a
young orchard'thereon.
Terms made known on day of sale. '
Liberty, August 98, '55-41, 1
Administrator’s Notice.
WHEREAS, Letters ol Administration have
been granted to the undersigned,on theestate Albert
A. Johnson, late of Jackson, Tioga County, Pa., dc
ceased. Notice is therefore hereby given to all per.
sons indebted to said estate to make immediate pay.
gtSSeSti^e'W’^fle^nr 1 «“■
Jackson, August 28, '55-Gt.
ING, done on short oolice and on reasonable
terms, at the Steam Foundry in Wellaboro’ Pa. by
Sept. 13 1855. * L. C. PENDLETON.
Established by Binnoy k Ronaldwn In 1796, on tho base of
Bowel/ OormantoTn foundry of 1739.
THE lon* experience of (holereral proprietors of the Phila
delphia Typo Fonndry enables JOHNSON 1 00. to offer to
the printing emit tho
Largest Variety ol Types, .
and all the appurtenances of a Printing Office, to be found tn
any establishment In the United Prates, and of a quality too,
which U deemed to be unrivalled. The cnm]>ofition of the
metal need is calcnlated to afford tho groatestdurabiUty; while
the scrupulous care exercised in the fitting of tbe type la
aurh as to ensure necuracy and squareness of body, Ac.
I«, Johnson A Co’s facilities ore so extensive as to enable tbsm
to DU orders of apj ampunt'riUior in..
Scripts. Flowers,-Borders, Cats,
Brass or Metal Rules.
Dam Braces, Labor Sating Rules’ Acc., &c.
Precis of «II kliuh, and all sorts of Printing Materials,
(roost of which are made by A C 0.,) wUI be furnish*! at
Manufacturer’s prices. d
Ktereotyping of Books, Wood Cuts, Jobs, Ac.
Mi" Type used la Bterotyplfag, for sale at red need prices.
Moon Cots designed apdongtnred In the finest stylo of‘art.
Mlf L. J. A Go's ‘‘Minor BpcClmcnßook, n (acknowledged to
be the first of Its class In the country, and original In its ton*
ccption and getting up) will bo sent to all printers who have
not recch ed It, who direct how U may lie transmitted.
No. o. Sansom it, near tbe hall of Independence. Philadel*
pUla, Pa.
September 10,1455,—.1t
TfOR the prevention end cure of Intermittent end
A Uemittsxt Fit kbs, Vkvxb and Ague, Chills and Fxvru,
Dcwo Aout, QsjmaL Dkiuutt, Kiaiir Swkats, and all other
forms of disease which have a common origin In Malaria or
ThU is a NATURAL ANTIDOTE which will entirely protect
any resident or traveler even fn the most sickly nr swampy
localities, from any Ague or Bflllous disease whatever, or any
injury from constantly inhaling Malaria or Miasma,
It will instantly cliecfc the Ague In. persona who have suf
fered for any length of time, from one day to twenty yean, so
t|uvt they need pevor to have another chilli by continuing in
u« according to directions. The patient at once begins to re
cover appetite and strength, and continues until a permanent
ami radical cure is effected.
or two bottles will answer for ordinary cases; some
may require more. Directions printed in Herman, French and
Swinish, accompany each' bottle. Price oou dollar; .-Liberal
discounts made to the trade.
JAMES A. RHODES, Providence, R. I,
sew York, Jnne 11,1*55.
“I have mode a chemical examination of ‘Khowcs Firm axt>
Aoci Ccaa,’ or ‘Asti dote to Malaria, 1 and have tested It /or
Arsenic, Mercury, Quinine, and Strychnine, but have not
found a i article of cither indt, Uurhave 1 found any substance
in its composition that would prove injurious to the constitu
tion. JAMES IL CHILTON, 21. D n Chemist.*
“LzWnmtnta, Union Co. Pa. May S, 1855.
Sis. J. A. Rnosis—Dear git: Tho tux of medicine von sent
mo was duly recotTod on the Itth uf April. 1 hare Hold about
ouo half of ft, and bo thr tho pdoplo wbo hare used It arc sat
isfied that It has' cured them. It has certainly: stopped!the
Ague In crory one who has used it, and six of tho cases pore
of lona standing My sister, who ~ has had ft‘for fire or six
years hack, and could never got It stopped, except by-Qulnlne,
and that only as tong SA she would take it, Is nowjil think,
entirely cored by your remedy. C. It, MoGfNliY.'*
Take no ntpyo Arscnltr. Motnuy,. Quinine, Strychnine, or
Aoti-Pcriadice or medicines of any kind, the virtue of which
U owls*.to snchccdsouous drugs, Ths most they can do Is to
KprMh the chills” fora short time, while .Ahoy Wo sure'to
ennse oonrtlUillohal nuladfei. that foaso only with life. HA-
Ferer and'Ague rSosedyfhat lihann-
lot sale hv EOBEBT HOT, H VUbont and byOealan gene
rally. 6 1855., 3tn Is,Omos. ly,],. . * ,
Fine blue-and black broadcloths
CassimßTe*, Tweeds, Kentucky Jcnns, midsum
mer Goods for men and bov« weir just received'ni
mtmm should, mow,
rr;t; j >. oeat-TT if; iU,.i
.. tip'wife dingers from
tsar 16 yekr lit that pitiable condition as not even '
h forone day to feel tha fcappy kod > sxhiUrat iiig :
■ O WJiVq erjloymenp of hrqlth 1(J ■ ■
,-K . ... .
•. • *?tr jeers ago In wo fluihcf health end youth..!
■ and buoyancy of spirit!,' rapidly, and anporaniWl£'
; explieably, hewmera fsSbb, iwklyi Ssllow, dchili- !
• Wi* iW“« .*•*? frame emulated, nerve* unstrung.
, spirits depressed; Count* ninoe 'Wiring . tho 'impress
! ofoulfering,aad an nlMrphyslonl and mental pros-’ '
I'-iffi?” l oriring rropj.lgnoranep pf lbs, simplest and
tdoinsst Arts* of.heslth, as connected wltii tbo mar
' risgerstale, the iviohtlto of whinh'entails diSaiiss, '
lufferingaqd. inuqfy, npt only $6 wlf«, |mt:oflsn,
mmmm )mam upon thbcbildren
“ Okskeation,”
' ■ r
> *>,’!i FROM THE PARENTS. V.," ■
•■And mart tWi »nUno.»- UMttWUt. u tb.™ ns
ramtdyf ko railed Kahopet”
-.- -Tlis.raaveJy ia.tra.Stßdwtar tho esawt-ane-avaMlnr
tttm, sad knowloj tho ramodiH, and beneßtlnx t>r lh»m.
Th.ra pdiptsd ont la / r ‘ 1
nonseox o» nssasrs os tram.
Oh* Hundredth Edition, ISmo., ff. 250.
. (os ran trorisi nraa' sooDia; ci.oo.']'
A standard worn of Mtsbltshkd tspntntloii. found etasssd
In tbs catntoguM of tbs nest trsds sales In Ksv York.
Pbilsd»lpUls, sod other cities, sud sold by tbs princtpsl
! wu A i ?JI*9 ‘ n tfcf-nnuaa SUtes. It ns am onbllslwd
in IU7, AtDc*
Hat« been toX of which Ihero were apvrards of
attesUng thl high sstimiUan In vhloh it is held u>»
llabls popabb Kedlcsi
the aistboc tuvfof devoted bis exetoiire attention lo the
treatment of eoxnptaints peculiar to females, In revpeot to
which be is /early eotUmted by Ihunsandx both in person
and by tetter.
H*f# artry woman eta diacorer, by htr own
lynptomi with thow deteribtd, the nature, character,
eaoaee tod the proper remedlea for, her oompUlaU.
The wife' about becoming a m6ther has often need of
loatraction and adrloe of the ntmoct importance to her
future health, in reepeet to vbleh her eenaUWeaew fw
bUe edoanUiDg a medical gentleman, will find melt In*
wtrootlon and advlca, and also explain many ajmptoma
which otherwise would occasion anatet/ or alarm at all
the poenllaHtWlnddent to her situation are described.
How many are anOeriDg from obstruction* or IrreguUp-
Itiee peculiar (o the female system, which undermine the
health) the effects of which they aro ignorant, and for
which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice.
Many suffering from prdapna uteri (faffing of the womb),
or from floor aßrut (weakness,' debility, &c.) Many are
In constant agony for many months preceding confine
ment Many bare difficult If not dangerous deliveries,
and slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives aro
hanrded faring such time, will each find in Its pages the
means of prevention, amelioration and relief.
~lt U of coarse impracticable to convey folly the various
subjects treated of, as they aro of a nature strictly in*
tended for the married or those contemplating marrbgo.
Reader, are you a husband or a lather? a wife or a
mother? Have yon the sincere welfare of thoee yon love
at heartf- Prove your sincerity, and lose no time In
learning what causes interfere with their faHUh and hap
piness not leu than yonr own. It will-avokl to yon and
yours, as it has to thousands, many a day of pain aad
anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, incapadlaUng the
mind for its ordinary avocation, and exhausting these
means for medical attendance, medicines and Advertised
nostrums which otherwise would provide for declining
years, the infirmities of age and the proper education of
yonr children.
In consequence of the universal popularity of the work,
ntfcroptSr~as"V?tl Tfo* bool&lftr*"E on
the public, by Imitations of Utle page, spurious edllinns,
and surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other
devices and deceptions, it haa been found necessary,
therefore, to
tcbny no book unless tbe words “Dr. A. M. ILu-tuour,
I‘AI liberty Street, N. Y., 1 ’ Is on (am) tho entry in tbe
Clerk’s Office on tbe bites of) tho title page; sod boy
only of respectable and honorable dealers, or lend by
mail, and address to In A.' >f. Uanrieean.
WUpon receipt of One Dollar "THE MAB
PANION” is sen! (maOdryree) to any part of tbe
United States* the Oanadat and British Provinces.
All letters moat be poet-paid, and- addressed to Dr.
A. M. MAUBIOBAU, box 1224, New-Tork City.
Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, Near-
Mr«. Cynthia Williams, HaartdaU —Went* A
Stark, Carbondule —E Flint, Williamtporl — Dr S. D
Scott, Bedford —6 D Main, Maiiuburg —BAlLEY
&. FOLEY, WtUnborough.
IS hereirygioen- that a special Court, for the trial
;*/ the fallowing causer, will be held at (he' Churl
Haute, tn Wellsboro,’ by the Han. David Wt'fmof,
commencing on the 3d MONDAY of October nest,
to continue two weeks.
J. F. DONALDSON, Prolh'y.
August 8,1855,
J. Emery for use of J. Beecher, vs. A, O. Churchill.
Wm. Bingham’s trustees, vs. A. C. Cole et al.
C. Hustons' Exr. vs. JO. Holiday, et. al.
Ororge Corliet, vs. David Hurlburt.
Samuel ill. Fox, et, at., vs. Jeremiah Thompson,
Stevens far Parsons, vs, S. Beckwith,
Hiram Beebe, vs." James Hill, et. al.
George Wallace, el! al, vs, Isaiah Inteho.
Travis and Turner, vs. Isaac Benton,
Land and Irvine, vs, John Magee.
James Loarey, vs. Alexander Combs.
u vs. Rodney Combs.
II “ ‘ * -
r». Dariut C. Aadrui,
VfiSrDePtti, r«. Sylvia Parmeulier.
Tioga Improvement Co, vt. H.W.Bostuick,ttdl
Tfoga County, vt. John W.Mnynard.
Phiueat P. morrit, vt. Philemon Baker, eJaJ
tame vt. Elea ter Orvit.
Natiha Stevent, vt. J. iVbrrts, Egr.
Hot. Baehe, et. at, vt. P. P. Cleaver, ft. at,
J . H. Gilbert, ' cx. /. Loetret' Admr't.
Dunlop & Crottman, vt, oame,
S. & Packard for
Eckeli tt. at. vt. S. Shamway,
John W Gutrntry, vt. Erattut Nilet. ,
tame vt. Wm. Hutton tl,'al.
Register’s Notice.
Notice is hereby given, ihm ihe
Administrators of the following Entitles
haveseltled (heir Recounts, nnd thnt the same,
will be presented to ihe Orphans’ Court of
Tioga County, on MONDAY the 3d day of
September next, for confirmalipp and allow*
The account o.f. William Harrison, Ad
ministrator of ‘tlie Estate'of ' WILLIAM
MEEK, late of Wellaborb’, deceased.
■ The account of Harlin Baker, Administra
tor of the Estate of SARAH HANDY, late
of Rutland township, deceased; : '■
The account of. and Herity
Raihbone, ’.Administrators. of the Estate of
CHARLES HORSLEY lain of Eiklond
•" ' 1 ' W. D. HATLEY, Regi»teA^‘
fleeter* Office, \Vellsbnrn\ Aag. 61855.
r ’SDIES, jutt -drop'ln At LR. ttaWen’s
JLi tbc«p (tori and examine hit Bqlregck, Barege
Detain*,'Lawn*, Black Silk*, Gingham*) Crtpeand
Bilk Shawls, and aaeo your tan per cent.
FOR SALE!—A good yoke of Oxen, ehqniro of
Charleston Sept. 6th, IPJS.
T^f ebartestoq, sad mm
J; ®, “• Tioga County, imu.
’ »°tef* tbcteoTtbu b« ■ na4td<U
. 4. n g-.?r,v - . BHOMWAYi
.M :v ■ COMmwijldllEa. .., ..
rpHE of Shippes, rispeetfoliy
,X ; JHW nce ? to , ••“ »0lcr» of Tioga Cpunty r lb«l
tw Will w n ctrtdidalo 'MfiCoQoty Coirimlnlooerti
iW'hellOdtobeteleoUoD. DAVID ELUS;
■ liAug.tS; ,-. i„ u i. , il.
r. vo -■ SHERIFF.
rpm ONDHISIGWEDi if :E*landjbow’Uf»
* by announces to tln voter* of Tiig* euohtw
tbit lie will Us a candidate foe tbe «Re* jof Sheriff
at, Ibe pext ; Octobei claelio*. .. , ‘ f'-
■ •' '
fpHE undersigned, oiliten* of Tiog* CWwtyiftas
X hereby give notice tbit they ietend to wife#
yppUqaticratqlhq Legisbtlure.pfj Eenaaytsanja et
its .next tension {which (fornmenoesoa the lit Tpaa.
dty of JamraFy'lSSS,) for-tllb d&atibd 'of a oorpbi
rsfo body with' 'Banking tit discount
Urn nameond style of tlre TIOGA CODNy
TV BANK,” lobe.located at Tioga Village, Ti°ga
County Pennsylvania, with a capital of One Hun,
dred Thousand- Dollars, with the privilege dfln
creasing said capital to two bandied thousand dot,
.Vine DtPoi,
J. S.Boeh,
J. wl Gdernaay,
P.S. Tuttle,
Jta. G. Mercereta,
J. Scbnufiein,
A. Humphrey,
Edward Bayn,
Seth Daggatl,'
Lewie Daggett,
Tioga, Jane 91,1855-Cm.
IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an application will ho
1 made id the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at it*
next acaaion, for the creation of a corporate body
with general Banking privilege* of iraue, discount
and deposit, to be called “TilE BANK OF TIOGA
COUNTY” with a capital of One Hundred. Thoa
sand Dollars, said Bank to be located la the Boro* of
Wellsboro,’ Tioga Co. Pa, •
J. L. Robinson, B. B Smith,
8. F. Wilson, Jaa. Lowrcv,
Jno. N. Gaelic, L. I. Nichols.
Wellaboro,’ Juno 14,1855. [Cm.]
NOTICE is hereby given that an application will
bo made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at
it* next session, for|tlie incorporation of a Bank with
discounting privileges, with a capital of One Hun
dred Thousand Dollars, with the privilege of increa
sing to One Hundred and Filly Thousand Dollars,
to be called the “TIOGA VALLEY BANK” and to
bo located in Mans Held, Tioga Co. Pa.
Mansfield June 35, 1855.
Wellsboro’ Academy.
THE FALL TERM of this Institution will com*
mcnce September 4th. Special attention will
be given (u the art of teaching. The Assistants aro
experienced and approved teachers. v ßoard, Room,
Washing &c. at 9150 to $2 00 per week. Thera
are a lew rooms in town for those who wish to board
themselves. Tuition at previous rales and no d*»
duclion made for absence onJes* it exceeds a half
term. By order of the Trustees.
N. L. REYNOLDS, Principal,
Weltsboro’ Aug.J6,lBss. .
Village Lot for Male.
THE Subscriber oilers for sale a lot situated ia
the Boro* of Lawrcnccville, Tioga Co. Pa. con
taining about three-fourths of an acre. Said lot n
bounded and described ns fallows, on the west by
Middle street, north by Micajali Seeley, cast by
Curtis Parkbnrsl, on the south by Demand.
Said lot lias on it o good two-story dwelling hotiso
nnpda A}t— I i.. n»oi.,anii rnnwnii- |W and
painted inside and out; also a good burn and other
necessary out buildings. Inquire of JAAILS KIN
SEY Esq. Lawreocevillo Tioga Co. Pa. ;
Lawrcnccville, June 14 1855, (6m.) •
Anditoi’’* Notice.
NOTICK is hereby given, that I will attend hi
the duties of my op|>oinlmcnl as Auditor in
he matter of the sale by the Sheriff of the real os
nlc of E. D. Tinncy at the Feb. term last, at tho
suitofil. & office in Wells*
boro’, on Friday, the 3Ut day of August, inaL, at
S o’clock P. ftL, of stiid day; at which time and
place, all persons interested in the tfand arising
trorn (ho said sale, arc hereby notified to present
nd substantiale their claims to it, or be forever de
barred of coming upon the same or any part there-
Aug. 9,1855,
Tnrning & Chairmaking.
JBTICKLEY, Tamer, and Cbairmiker, would
• inform the public lint he has recently filled up
his shop in good style, and is now prepared lo manu.
factors ell kind* pf CANE &. COMMON CHAIRS,
of the best materiel and finish. Also Turning dona
in superior style, on reasonable terms.
SHOP, sooth end Main street; opposite H. W.
Darn’s Wagon Shop.
SAMUEL HERZOG, hating rented part of J.
Slick ley’s shop is prepared to manufacture all
kinds of CABINET WORK from the best material
and in superior, style, lie lias an hand several su.
perior Mahogany Bureaus for sale cheap.
Wellsborougb; April 14, 1855.
Union Academy.
TMIE First Term for the ensuing year will com.
mence September 4th; the second, November
7lh; the third, February 19,1856.
Tnition, from 83,50 lo 83,50.
Lessons on Flaw, and .Micron, 8,00. •
Board per week, 1,50.
The Teacher’s Claita will receive instruction in
the art of Teaching from the Principal and the Co,
Superintendent daring the Fall and Spring Terms.
Deerfield, Aug. 93, ’55, .. 8. B. PRICE., ;
work, by the day, tnotilli ot oa shares, at Um
shop of (,ho Subscriber, in Corner township, Tioga
Co, P<i. I have a largo quantity of seasoned lum
ber on hand, ready to be worked, and would prefer'
to gire the Workmaii a share of the proceeds.
Clymer, June 14 1835. (tf.)
Marnl O. BULLARD, Man.
i Wiliam Ware, Tobacco, Cigara, Emit*, Caaft e.
lionrry, iff., tfc, M ‘lie Stand recently occupied
by Robert Roy, WcllsburuVPa. ■ . , ,
Plaster! Priceßeduced!
TRIE ihbtcriber hat just received at hismillnear
1 i Mansfield, 330 tons Cayuga, PLASTER atone,
where he wljl keep conttanlly pp hand
plaster ,o supply all Jhai may give' him a oil. Nd
mistake 1 this' timpLlghtning ndver'smkes'dne Ink'
twice. Price 85,80 per tori: AMOS BIXDY.
MunafitldjFeb. 15,1855
W. W. \yEBB, M. D., ' f
HAS ejtablishc(i hira*e)f in the practice of Med
icino and puritery iii the Township of Liberty
Pa.; where' 'he “will' pfcihpily attend all culUirf kb
profession. ' i '' '■»
.'liberty, Fob, 1, j 854. .■ ■ ... . ,
tSaRASOLS-A’ beautiful assortmentjust re
r Otived at' [Mby;3t.) . JONES & ROE*
tSR MtjARtCEAtJ’S Private Medical Cora pan-
D ion! For Sale at DAILEY &■ FOLEY’S. ’
May 31 1855. JON E 3 & ROE
B.C. Wickham, ,
A. T. Goenwt;,
F. E. Smith,
A. C. Boih,
Jacob Jokottoo,
T, J Berry,
H. E. Smith,
H. S. Johnston,
Ju. Goodrich,
E. T. Bentley.