The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, August 09, 1855, Image 4
SliLlCTilflSMibyNJ', TUo ilUlo Candy-GlrL PV ANTOINETTE L. BROWN. “Do you sell ihese things, liitle girtl” The question was asked of a child who could not have seen more than seven years; yet she siood alopa beside an apple and candy stand on the corner of one of the worst streets in the city. She smiled, and nodded under a little, faded hood, and then breathed a very faint “Yes’- am,’’ from two of the prettiest red lips. “But does not your mother help you “Sumeiimes.” “Well how much is this stick of candy ?” “A cent.” “And this apple ?’’ “Two cents,’ _“And this V “Two cents.” “I low many cents will that be, little one 1 n She counted them on her small fingers— “l ive cents ma’am,” she answered at last with a glmious smile, and a pleased tone that said, “1 know I'm right.” “kou are a nice litilo merchant,” I said; hut she seemeu not greaily to appreciate the compliment. Her face shrank away in the shadow. “Sometimes it rains out here,” she ans wered simply, shivering as she spoke. “Then yon feel cold I suppose'!” One more non of the head, and a faint twinkle ol a rougish eye. The child puzzled in- I was afraid she was acting; for she a row ; kf scanty shawl about her, and sank clown on the pavement —looking so weary and paiicnl and faithful ! How it freezes up the heart to feel suspicious of those about us, and especially to mistrust a little child like this. Vt-t I dnl mistiust her—did try to look through iliose blue eves to see if all were sin cere wr.i,n,. 'flic eves fell beneath this searching gaze : and the child stood upagnin a; me apiiie S’am! with a kind oi offended, womanly clignr There is a miserable old woman here in New YorK wna lives by teaching cunning duplicnv 10 blue girls like this, and thrives wonderfully unon the prohts of their (hells and boggaric I i s a new version of the Artful LtuUgi r. ins infamous master the old Jew. and in-v luilow picK-poekcls, translated into Hie lemiiiine, bu‘ not at all improved by Hie process. '1 ms oIU woman sends her pins io me sellouts; anc, when thev find Origin, small ciiihiiun just lit tor tier purpose, thev are coaxed to plav tru'.im, and invited tn her bouse, liiUL’hl to steal adroitly, and in maied imo Hie mysteries o: villainy in gene- A nuiei. nice-looking child is sent into the cars ins' btior-. me limn leaves the depot. . Stie liiKcs n sen' ti' a udy, and acts prettily and nleasanlu enough to gam confidence— 1 adapting net sell mcciv to the slndes of char acter wi h winch she has to deu,. Her short dress is thrown carelessly overihe lady’s, the lime hand is snppee gently under it inio the lady's nockei , the porl.tnonnaie is fished up gepin Irom me denths below—so, also, n may lit, a iiocket handkerchief and sundry fleeter,is —and Ir.uislerred easily to her own. Then ini chile springs up, perhaps with some childish excuse lor running out of the cars : or else in me modes;, genteel manner of a little lauv She Haloes quietly min the de pot. then rushes out and is lost in the melee o; persons m tne street When the conduc tor comes roune, me lady finds she has lost tier pon-monii.. bo bine gnl-ilucvcs are in our own sißi'es. on ou- sulowalKs, turn every" here among Ihenoonlc. wiili their light lingers ready lu net; or “oorrov..’ as rlie Case uc:n mJ->.—• Could inis l.fie ai’Oip-"iri Mo one o: lli.-.n No: I would no.. \v il. nol believe il; but 1 had susocclcd Her. and she felt it ; so 1 talked till me sunsiinic came tc nor face, and her eves looked iruaiiug't into mine. bod Keen us iruin searching alter evil in cv. ery human hear.. Bitter cover n up chari tably. and lei the pood grow over it till H is smotnered in ns confinemeni. Violets and daises and bloc forget-me-nots spring up often Irom me verv iieaits of decay, but if you let them bloom mere, they will scallct seed en ough to spread a nob covering of beauty over everything around ihom. So il is in human inc I find lew who are all good, and never ntiv who are all On the opnosne corner of the street an ap ple woman crouching upon the pavement, waiting lor customers, greeted mo with a smile as I passed. She had seen me talking with the child : and (here were thanks and a gleam of momeri) pride n> her eye, as it glanced across mo siren., bo I went on my way, building a nice romance out of this halo in cident. The woman was the child’s mother; she hau an invalid husband 100 ill to work, and an oluer sar! tc “mind the baby,” and lake care o' her sick father, while their hale one was brought here to he under the eye of her mother and help earn bread for “the loved ones at home ’’ Many a passerbv would stop and buv something Irom the stand because of that sweet child's lace Al any rate it wus a pleasant fancy, and auiic as hkftiv to be true as anything else.—• So i am bound to believe it as long as I live Noi only now. when thesun shines cheer ily upon the Spring-buds, bul weeks ngo, when Ihe wind bn angrily, like the serpbnl, and the lingering cold, as if determined upon being omnipresent and insatiate, stung every wayfarer like a spiteful adder— candy merchant* mane a distinct feature of New York hie. in this department of the mer cantile prelession, women are ever the suc cessful coinneniors to men ; and when fadies were tenderly wrapped m cloaks and furs, and oUt teamen, toothless and dim-eyed, sal collansed on sidewalks ; great muscular dames, with laces wretched in smiles of acid and wurmwo >u, crouched down upon their numb feet to give them warmth; pale mat rons thin and sorrowful, staling piteously with their big eyes at every passer-by, perched shivenngly upon boxes; and stout young girls with fat, red faces set up tents and booths of old crates and dowdyish shawls to hide away from the wind ; every one of them, because coarsely or thinly clad, legitimately entitled to a stand in the public streets of this great metropolis of the Western World. So womanhood is idealized into the third heaven of Fifth-avcnuc parlors, as supennas- culi'ne'and angelic, and actuaJitsd here on earth and the stone pavements of dirty streets, as our most prosperous and patronized -“out of-doors” merchants, ll Lady~merehant» n out on the sidewalks, rent free! They even do business in Wall street, and nobody com plains (hat it is unfemtninel Our poor little candy-girl—if her future is hung darkly with shadows—will the world most pity or blame 1 Some crusty, rusty,, fusty, lusty, musty, dusty, gusty, curmudgeon of an old bachelor gave the following toast at a celebration : “Our fire-engines —j may they be like our old iriaids—ever ready, but never want ed.” “Tom, stand out of the way of that gen tleman.” “How do you know he’s a gentleman 7” “Why, he wears a stand-up collar and swears.” “Sambo, is this the right road to Bladens burg 7” “Y’es, massa, but turn your lubly feet t’other way or you'll neber get there.” One line warned, and here it is. ... BUSINESS JDIRECORY. TERMS OF PUBLICATIOM. Tub Agitator is published every Thursday Morn inn-, and famished to subscribers at'sl 00 per an . num if paid in advance; or $3 if payment he % d*lay. ed oner the year. No subscription taken for a shor ter period than sir months,and when for that term only, payment must be made strictly in advance , or $1 will be charged. The foregoing terms will be strictly adhered 10. No paper will be diseonlinu cd until paid for % unless at the option 0/ the editor Clubs. —7enCopifs,§l ; Fifteen Copies, sls. Advertisements will be inserted at $1 per square , {of fourteen lines or less,) for the first or three con secutive insertions, and 2 3 cents for every subse quent one. Yearly advertisements inserted at a rea sonable discount on the foregoing rates. x O" Transient advertising payable in advance. O’ Alllelters must be post-paid. JOHN N. BACIIE, A ttoiiney and counsellor at ■*"** LAW.—Office, north side Public Square WcUsborough, Pi, Refers to Messrs, Phelps,Dodge &. Co.,N. Y eity lion. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia. July ]3, MRS. ML A. STEVJEXS has just received from New York,a supply of SPRING GOODS which she is prepared lo offer lo the public on terms more reasonable than at any former period. Work dyne lo order, Ladies, call and sec. N. B. Hard limes makes it necessary lhal all in dcblcd should call and pay up immediately. WclLboro'. March 18a. 1 ). S. F. WIJLSON, O’ Removed to James Lowrey'a Office i as. LOWUEV& s. r. AviLsonr, A TTORNHV3 & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, will attend the Courts of Tioga, Poller and .McKean counties. Weiisborougb, Feb. 1,1853, Life »/ ip, h. reward. “ •> S.LII. HOUSIVN. Mils. .S'7o 117,".S last Wad— MAY-FLOWER LONGFELLOW'S FORMS, " GOLDEN LEGEND. GRACE GREENWOOD'S POEMS. STODDARD'S POEMS. For salt at DAILEY & FOLEY’S, WclUboro’, .May 10-55. lAnnsKs t.aiOiX itiauKAnit: COMPANY. ATHENS, lIRAUFOOn 00., PA. f' 1 \PITAL —St!0l),0()()! —Insures Farmers only, on the Stock unit Atutual plan. J. E.Can field Sec’y., lion. Horace Williilon, Pres't. Remem her that an experienced Travelling Agent,represent ing a sound and relialdc Company ncarbome/is pref erable to a foreign Co., ns there cun be no deception. Address, J. E, Webster, A jent, Covington, Pa. Fowlers & Wells, Xo. ‘MS Broad way, have all works on Phrenology, Hydropathy, Phonography, Education, Temperance, and the N.Uhml Scicnrrs generally, They also pub.ish— NLIM, ILLUSTRATI'D—a Weekly ncwsjnpcr, devoted to News, Literature, Science, t»d the Arts; to Entertainment, Improvement and One of the besl Newspapers in the world. 'I wu did hint a year, 'l’m-: WATER-CURE JOURNAL—Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Practice; to Phys ioiogy and Analomv, and those Laws which govern Life and Health. $1 a year. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL—Dcvo- Ied to the Elevation and Improvement of Mankind. $1 a year. ICT For $3 in advance, a copy of each of these Jamals will be sent one year. Address pre-paid, FOWLERS & WELLS. 308 Broadway, Ncwo^rk. ItOlllvlt rr nor UN HAND AT TUB J £ DRUG STORE lI\S CONSTANTLY < WELLSBOROUGh THE vollowl no articles: Ginger, Ground, Glass of all sizes, for win dows or picture frames Glue, Gums of every variety. Hops. Hot Drops, 'Hive Syrup, | Indigo, (best quality,) jinks of all kinds, Lampblack, , Looking Glass, j Leather Varnish, I Lime—Rhode Island, for I while washing, Madder, Nutmeg, \ (Oils, (a hfgo'variely,) Ointments', Oportildoc, Paints of all kinds, Picra, > [Pepper, 'Prussian Blue, Pills of various kinds. Quicksilver, Quinine, jßed Chalk, | Red Precipitate, Rose Water, {Saffron, jSal Soda, •Soap for the Toilet, ;Slarch, | Sponge, {Syringes, a large variety jToothachc Cordial, Unihrr, Varnishes, various kinds Vermillion, Vinegar, Wafers in boxes. tod Seines. German Bitters, HeavebPowdcr, Lyon’s Rat Pills, Magnetic Ointment, Plasters of all kinds, Pulmonic Wafers, Pain Killer, Radway’s Ready Relief, Sarsaparilla Syrup, Tetter Ointment, Uterine Cdtholicon, Vermifuges, various kinds Worm Tea, Dr. Kellogg April 120, 1854. Aconite, Adhesive Plaalcr, Alcohol, Alain, Aloes, Allspice, Ammonia, Annclto, Antimony, Arnica, j Blecehing Powder lo re move mk &. fruilsUins, from Linen, ; Blacking for stoves, >j M “ boots tSeshoosi Bay Water, j Borax, Brimstone, Brushes of uU kinds, ' Bug Poison, Camphor, Castile Snap, Cayenne Pepper, [ Cement for earthen ware,’ Cinnamon, Cloves, Cobalt, (Fly Poison,) Composition Powder, i Cephalic Snuff for head*) ochc, ciiarrh, &c., &c., Cream Tartar, j .Cordial for children, Dover’s Powder*, Dye Woods and Dyeing- materials of all kinds, | Epsom Sails, ; Erosive Soap, for romov*j ing grease, &c., from clothing, Essences of all kinds, Green Salve for horses, Ginger Root, Patent IfJ Ayre’s Cherry Pectoral, Brant’s Balsam, „ Extract, Cough Mixture, God Liver Oil, Hr. 1-itch's Medicines, Dr. Jayne’s “ Dr. Keeler's « Dr. Swayne'rt n Dr. Davis’ Dcpurativc, Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, Gargliug Oil, Graclcnbcrg Medicines, Gorman Ointment, THE' TIOGA COUNTY AG I TAT OR. Cash Paid for Wool J 20,000 lira WOOL WANTED, AT THE Steam Wool, Factory IN WELLSBORO’ PA. TO Manufacture on shares hy tho yard—or in exchange for BROADCLOTHS, CASSI-. MERES, TWEEDS, BROAD FLANNELS, STOCKING YARN SC. The subscriber has rented a part of the Foun dry Building and STEAM POWER for a term of ye nrs, has fitted up the building, in good order, and will be in rcadinesss on the 10th day of June next to Card Wool into rolls for customers on short notice. Also to re calve CLOTH TO DRESS and WOOL to manu facture on shares (qr one half tbo cloth, or by the yard for three shillings. And those wishing to have their wool worked can depend on having their cloth in season. Customers bringing Wool (o Card IVom a distance can have their rolls to carry home with them. Wool, and most all kind of produce received in payment for work. Terms, pay down. May 31,1855. LEWIS C. PENDLETON. KCW SPRING ROOI>S. THE subscribers are now opening their stock of GOODS for the Spring Trade, com prising a fall and complete assortment, and of the usual variety, which will, as heretofore, be sold a ta very small profit for READY PAY. Being deter mined not to be undersold by our neighbors, our goods are marked at the lowest figure; and wo invite a comparison of our goods and prices with any other in the market. Among the assortment of DRY GOODS willbo found a great variety ol Ladies 1 Dress Goods consisting in part of Bereges, Berege Delanes,all-wool Delanes, Lawns, plain and printed; Ginghams, English, Scotch and American ; Poplins, Prints of all shades and colors, a good slock of SILKS. Also, for men’s wear may be found Broad Cloths Cossiinerea, Tweeds; Kentucky Jeans, silk, satin and summer Vestings. Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown, Tickings, Summer Goods for boya’ wear, Cotton Yarn,Carpel Warp, Cotton Batten, with a variety of other nicies too numerous to mention. Groceries and Provisions. A full stock will be kept on hand. Those in want of Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart's best Syrup, Spices, Pepper, Ginger, Saleralus, Flour, Fish, Salt Tobacco, or any other article in this line, will do well to cull on us before purchasing else, where. HARDWARE, as targe and complete an assortment os can be found in the county. Among which is Cutlery ©fall kinds, Carpenters Tools, Chains, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Butts and Screws, Door Hangings, Bills, Ac., Ac. CROCKERY, GLASS & STONR-WARE, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, i Steely Irotij Paints and Oils t Glass and Putty y Ready-Made Clothing, fyc. Thankful for the liberal patronage W the paa season, the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting llio public to an examination of our Spring stock believing that good Goods and low prices will in sure a speedy ready pay. B. B. SMITH & SON, Wellsborougb, May 25,1H55. SEVAS TO VO Xj A LJIOST TAKEIV GREAT RUSH FOR RUSSIA-IRON, 1). P. & XV. ROBERTS TJAVING purchased and enlarged the Tin and Stove ffl Store of C. E. Gray, would call (ho . attention of the trading public to their large and splendid assortment 'king OF STOVES,EISt MORNING STAR, BANG UT, NATIONAL AIR-TIGHT , KITCHEN-RANGE and ihreo kinds of PREMIUMS. Also, a complete assortment of PARLOR. A BOX STOVES, at or below Elmira prices. Tinware of all kinds, shapes and sizes wanted for household use. Eavc Gutters made to order at the shortest no lice. JOBBING done to order and in Che best manner. All Tm-wate carefully proved before leaving ihc shop. They respectfully solicit Che patronage ofall who wish to purchase anything in their line, assuring them that money can be saved by examining their stock before purchasing elsewhere. Wctlshorongh, Nov. U, 18.5.5. TAILORING. r "p HE undersign ed would infon the citizens of Well borough and vicinit that he has again re turned to this* placi and opened a shr over the Post ofiii where lie will be pi ured to doTuilorini in all Us branches, ... a good and workmanlike manner, for ready pay and at prices that cannot fail to please. All work entrusted to him will be done up with despatch,and a fit warranted. CUTTING done on short notice. Country probucc (delivered) of all kinds, taken for work. H. P. ERWIN. Wellsborongh, April 22,1855. ARNOLD’S Bakery amt Variety Store. TSOSTOM, MILK, BUTTER & Common CRACKERS, Fresh Baked, by the lb., or bbl. Family Baking,and Parties, furnished al short notice. Deals also in GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, FOREIGN A DOMESTIC, GREEN % DRIED FRUITS. CASH paid for Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Grain and other products of the Farm. W. J. ARNOLD, Agt. RUFUS ARNOLD. Corning, N. y., Aug., 3,1854-tf. NEW GOODS. subscriber would respectfully inform bis customers and friends that tic still con tinues the mercantile business, at the old place, at the well known store oft,. I. Nichols, where he will be happy to wait on those that will favor him with a call, and would invite the attention of the public generally to his large and commodious slock of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Ready-Made Cloth ing and Hardware, CROCKERY, VVOODENVVARE. STONE WARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &c., &c., in (net everything else kept in a country store, arti cles too numerous to mention, and will sell cheaper than can be bought this side of New York city. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market price. J. R. BOWEN. Wellsborough, June 29, 1854. FANNING MILLS. ATTENTION, FARMERSt THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in form the Farmers of Tioga County, that they are now Manufacturing FINCH’S IMPROVED PREMIUM FANNING MILLS, three miles south of Wellsborough, on the Jersey Shore road; and feel warranted in saying that said Mill is the best ever introduced into Tioga County both as respects cleaning fast and well, and the saving of Grass Seed. Farmers are respectfully invited to call and exam ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. (£/■ All kinds of Produce taken in payment. Old Mills repaired on short notice. ANGUS GRIFFIN 4, SONS. Dcltuar, Oct. 12,1854-tf. “ MAN. KNOW THYSELF !’ 9 An Jncoluable 800 l for 25 cents—“ JErery Family thouid have a Copy.” — r -, 100,000 COPIES IN LESS II ' - -I*W ■ ■ THAN A YEAR, a new edition, revised wjjßand improved, just is DR. HUNTER’S Medical Manual, and Hand Book for the Afflicted—Containing an outline oflhe origin, progress, treatment and cure form of disease contracted by promiscuous sexual inter, course, by self-abuse or by sexual excess, with ad vice for tbeir prevention, writlen in a familiar style, avoiding all medical technicalities and everything that would offend the ear of decency ; with an out line of complaints incident to females, from the re sult of twenty year;’ successful practice,exclusively deleted to tlie cure of diseases of a delicate or pri vato nature. To which is added receipts for the cure of tho above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp toms and euro of the FEVER and AGUE. Testimony of the Professor of Obstetrics in the Penn Medical College, Philadelphia —“Dß. HUN TER'S MEDICAL MANUAL.”—The author of his work, unlike the majority of those who advor- Use to cure the diseases of which it treats is a grad uale of one of tho best Colleges in the United Stales It affords me pleasure to recommend him to the un fortunate, or to the victim of malpractice, as a sue ecssfut and experienced practitioner, iti whose hono and integrity they may place the greatest confidence Jos. S. Longshore, M. D. From A. Woodward, ill. D., of Penn University Philadelphia. —lt gives me pleasure to add my tesli mony to the professional ability of the author of th Medical Manual. Numerous cases of Disease to the Genital Organs, some of them of longstanding have come under my notice, in which his skill has been manifest in restoring to perfect health in some cases -where the patient has been considered beyond medical aid. In tiic treatment of Seminal weak, ness, or' disarrangement of the functions produced by sclf.dpusc or excessive venery, I do not know his superior in the profession. I have been acquainted with the author some thirty years, and deem it no mure titan justice to him as well us kindness to the unfortunate victim of early indiscretion, to recom mend him as one in whose professional skill ami in. tegrity they may safely confide themselves, * Ai-fred Woodward. M. D. “ Tills is, without exception, the most comprchen. sivc and intelligible work published on the classes of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical terms, it addresses itself to the reason of its readers. It Is free from all objectionable matter, and no par. ent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in the hands of his sons. The author has devoted ma ny years to iho treatment of the various complaints treated of, and with too little breath io puff and too little presumption to impose, he has offered to the world at the merely nominal price of 25 cents, the fruit of some twenty years’ most successful practice. “No teacher or parent should be knowlcdc impar ted in this valuable work. It would save years of pain and mortification and sorrow to the youth un. der their charge.”— Peoples' Advocate. A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of “ Hunter’s Medical Manual” says— “Thousands upon thousands of our youth, by evil example and influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin and fearful consequences upon themselves and posterity The constitutions of thousands who arc raising fam ilies have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or cure. Anything that can be done so to enlighten end influence the public mind as to check, and ullimotcly to remove his wide spread source of human wrelchedcess, would confer the greatest blessing next to the relig ion of Jesus Christ, ou Ihq present and coming gen eration. Intemperance (or the use of inloxiculing drinks) though: it has slain thousands upon thou* sands, is not a greater scourge to the human race. Accept my thanks on behalf of the affliclcd,ond be lieve roc your co-worker in the good work you arc so actively engaged in.” One copy (nrcurrly enveloped) will be forwarded, free of postage, to any part of the United States for 25 cents, or six copies for one dollar. Address, (post paid) COSUEN A CO., Publishers, or Box 196, Philadelphia. O* Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents supplied on the most liberal terms. October 12, 185-1-Iy, NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS At Jtowcii’ti Empire Store. /"<ALL and see the best and largest stock '—'of Goods ever offered to the public. Consisting of dry goods, groceries, hard-ware, WOODEN-WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING! I flatter myself that I cun dress a man to partieu ar Jits in all cases who desire the ready-made. The Ladies are invited to call and examine the richest and best assortment of DRESS GOODS ever before offered in market—which 1 am prepared to sell at pric,es that cannot fail to suit. Wcllsborough Sept. 12, 1255. BOWEFS EMPIRE STORE. Important to the Public. A T J. 11. BOWEN’S Empire Store ihe -fX time lias finally come, when Goods can be bought as cheap in Wcllsborough, as at Elmira, Cor ning, or in any other town west of New York; and the public al large are invited to call and satisfy themselves that this is no Humbug. . At J. R. Bowen’s will always be found an exten sive assortment of well selected DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOES and a large variety of Gentlemen’s Clothing, HATS, CAPS, Sill RTS, COLLARS, SCARFS, &,c all of which will ho disposed of at a rcducid price , J. R. BOWEN. Wcllsborough, July 27, 1855-lf. Family Grocery «fe Provision STORE. THE subscriber would inform his friends and the citizens of Tioga county generally, that he has just received a large and superior sup ply of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, SUCH AS Teas, Sugars by the barrel or otherwise , Coffees, Molasses, Stewart's Syrup, Rice, Pepper, Ginger, Saleratus, Allspice, Indigo, Tobacco, Soap, Mould and Sperm Candles, Salt by the barrel or sack, Mackerel by the whole, i and I barrel, Codfish by the 100 or single pound, Flour, Cheese, Crack ers, Butter <Sf Eggs, together with every other article in the Grocery ine, lower than can bo got at any other place in own, as he is determined to make quick sales at email profits. Thankful for past favors he would most respect, fully invito his friends and the public generally to give him a call and examine for themselves. „ „ M. M. CONVERS. Wellsborough, May 7,1855. Chairs, Chairs,'chairs. "DESIDES a variety of all other kinds o of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, the sub scriber has four different styles ol BLACK, WALNUT CANE SEAT CHAIRS, which he is selling at cost prices. Also, Tiro different patterns of Mahogany Spring Seat Chairs, and Mahogany Rockers, and three patterns of Sofas. Also, Rosewood, Curl Maple, and CommOn chairs o( all kinds. E. D. WELLS. - Lawrencevtllo, Nov. 1854. WELLSBOROEGH EXCHANGE. NEW STORE, NEW FIRM AM NEW GOODS; - DRy GOODS & GROCERY DEPARTMENT Under the Management of R. S. BAILEY. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS. BOOTS &■ SHOES. HARDWARE, QVEENSWARE, WOODEN AND STONEWARE, FOREIGN 4- DOMESTIC I FRUITS, FISH AND PROVISIONS, GLASS, SASH, paints, OILS, CAMPIIENE, BURNING FLUID, fc. j TAKE NOTICE. BLACKSMITHING FOR THE PEOPLE. •» rPIJE undersigned bay J. ing taken the Black smith Shop formerly oc n onr line of business. We arc prepared to do all sorts and kinds of work. Mill Irons. can be got up at short notice. Particular attention paid to HORSE SHOEING. All kinds of shoes from tile Common to the Concave Seated shoe. N. B. The system adopted ul this establishment is not to charge 25 per cent extra to pay for bad -debts, therefore those who may patjonixe us can feel assured they will not have to pay the debts of those whonev. cr pay; this plan is succeeding beyond our expecta tions already. We invite all who can to come and aee for themselves,you cannpl loose much, and you may find it to your advantage. May 3.1855,6 m GRAY A LOUNSBURY. DRUGS MD MEDICINES ! in lawrenceville, pa. Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters, THE subscribers have constantly dßQfe for Men, Boys,and Women, a large variety, on hand atiheir Drugstore, in Law, Trunks , Valises, Carpet Bugs , Jpe, renccville,a large and well selected stock Bps Ho would say lo all in want of good and neat of DRUGS, *sre., of every description filling CLOTHING, that he can and will sell used by Physicians in the country, and a 111 the cheaper than can be gotten In this borough, or any. most popular PA TENT MEDICINES of the nny -where tins side of the New York market. This which we offer for sale at price* which cannotfai j s no blow ur brag, but truth—and to lest itcall at ot suit those who may favor us with a call. “Convcrs'Cheap Clothing Emporium," where all Among our Patent Medicines may be found the articles are sold cheaper than on the one paic* following: ysteji. , "Vcllshorongh, May 27% 1855 MarchanCsGargling Oil; Jayne'sExpectorant,AU \ teralive, Tills, Tills , §c ; Motfat's Diftrrs J Tills; Fitchews silver pin led Abdominal Support. | ers, Braces, Inhaling Tubes, and all the medicines 1 prepared by him fur his private practice; BranTs j Txlmonanj Balsam and Purifying Extracts: ' Ayre's Cherry Pectoral; Rogers" Syrup of Tat ! and CanchalaguJ l ; Dillow's Urate Cure; An - f drew'* Fa in K, I ling Agent • Trask', Maannio fit, -jry s & Lmrnbir WaSOIIS, Ointment; Dr. Christie's (uiltamc Belts, etc,;' i ~.. r 4 r * r-o or r< >*■* >rn Houghton's Arli/!n;l Pepsin; Utah's Aiontalicl c All - k IAGIIS ' SLEU.HI>. CVIIhRS. dfc., Ri/trrs ; am/ all the motl popular Fills and Ttr-I V 110 1 '° r 8 ylu ' aura I blhty an d chance ol finish. •mi fanes Ar Cc cannot bo surpassed by any oilier similar establish Also a ijood, assortment of " ,e " 1ll “ ““"‘ft- , ariinni i.VII HrjVk' RODR'c* Workmen ot celebrity are engaged, and Hie best OGIIUUL. ANJJ HtiA.AK bOOBd, materials used expressly in all the manmacinring Biography, History, Miscellaneous Reading, doc. departments ol this establishment. Persons send Paints, Oils ami Dyc-Stlllls, ■ ln U orders may rest assured ol’having them oxecu- GtASS, wholesale and retail. Gold and Silver I oaUo I . IHMr ulUlre sattsilUcti°ii, and finished in every teaf. Fully, Spts. Turpentine, Camplienc, Burning | l wrucular lllc Balne as though they attended in per- Fluid, Varnishcs.ic. 80 ?.V. „, Tn ~ TRAUCII S: HURD. ! titilr AUH2i(x dorre as usual, wiih neatness and Lawrenccvillc.Feb.3, 1855. dC 'l'in'rfVr> . ~ . . , , i AJAJj.Mr ut all kinds done on the sliorlcst notice, ana most reasonable terms. • O*All kinds of merchantable produce (deliver ed) rccivod n exchange for work, at the market prices. A. GROWL & CO. July 13, 1855. HERE’S YOLK CHEAPj ROOTS «fc SHOES! LJAVING purchased Ben. Seelev's old Stand, two doors above ihe Presbyterian Church, the subscriber is ready to furnish lo order, MEN'S $ BOYS' KJP'$ CALF BOOTS Pegged and Sewed, ! WOMEN'S * CHILDREN'S KJP <VI CALF SHOES— MEN'S Sf BOYS' COARSE BOOTS . Made upon honor— and warranted lo wear out in I due lime, and not (o rip until they are worn out As a man in known by his Bouts no less than by { he company lie keeps, it behooves every man 10l take heed how his “ understanding 11 is cared fori A reasonable share of the public patronage is re- J spcctfully solicited. O’Hides taken in exchange | for work. UA. CLEARS. t Wcllsboro’, Dec. 28, 1855-ly. Custom Root & Shoe Shop, AT M. Sherwood’s old stand, where ihe Sears’ Boys continue lo make, mend, and measure to order, at as low. prices as the times will admit. All work warrnntcd-“lo wear out in a year or so —and not rip or come to jficces 'till it docs wear out Hides Wanted. CASK will be paid for any quantity of hides a he highest market price July 13, 1854 AViuc for Coiiiniuiiiou. nniHi Churches of Tioga eounly are re -*• spcclfiilly informed that they can now obtain Ql the Wdlshorongh Drug Store, the Pure Juice of the Grape unudulteiaUd xmlh Alcohol in any Jonn The most satisfactory evidence of its purity cun be shown to those who wish to examine it. Certificates of distinguished Clergymen and the statement of the manufacturer himself. Those inlcrestcdwill do well to procure a supply soon. 11. ROY. Jan. 26,1^54. CAUTION!! —ALL PERSONS are forbid paying any Accounts, Notes or Judgments to James I. Jackson (hut have been made or rendered for work dune at llic Woolen Factory and Saw Mill, (said to belong to bim) from the Ist day of March 1852 up lo the Ist day of March 1855 ; as I have a lease of said Factory and Saw Mill for the three years from the Ist day of March 1852, made and signed by the said James 1. Jackson and myself, binding me lo collect all debts and demands for work done in said Factory and at said Mill during the term of said lease, viz : Three years. LEWIS C. PENDLETON. Wellaboroogh, March 1, ’55-lf. WALL PAPER'—The LARGEST, BEST, CAEAPEST lot of Wall Paper ever brought into this place, for sale at wholesale and retail by Wcllsboro, Feb. 1*54. BAILEY &. FOLEY. TITIDE-AWAKE RATS.—Just receive v ▼ at the Empire Store a large stock of Wide Awake, Hungarian and Kossuth Hats. Call and see Sept. 12, 1854. JUST RECEIVED a large supply of all kinds of! Extracts, for Cooking, and Perfumery of the! best quality at [Tioga] G. W. TAYLOR’S j CISTERN AND FORCE PUMPS, whole sale and retail, from $lO to $l5 each, at Wellsboro’, Nov. 9. D. P. W. ROBERTS*. CHAIN— PUMPS—a large supply for sole chcad by Mu[ap-’ss] V. CASE, Knoxville LIGHT.— Tallow & Adamantine Candles, Burn ing Fluid and Lamp Oil, at CASE'S. TRUSSES. —Benjamin’s Superior) Brass Truss, for sale by [June 22. V. CASE. BAILEY & FOLEY. Having formed a co-partner ship under the above title from Ist Nov. 1854, and filled the commodious Store (formerly occupied by Bache & Ross,) with a great variety of rich and desirable goods, we will lake pleasure in exhibiting our slock to those who pur chase for cash. By offering goods of the best quality only, jand at the lowest prices, we jexpect to merit and receive Jour full share of patronage. ! All kinds of country pro duce taken in exchange for jgoods the some as cash. ' R. S. BAILEY, ANDIE FOLEY. WclUboro*, Nov. 20,1854. Emporium of Fashion, INU 7 CHEAP CLOTHING, &c. iyT M. CONVEUS has just received from XT-L« New York, the largest and most carefully elected assortment of CLOTHS, VESTING, CASSIMERS, 3ATINETTS, TRIMMINGS, &c., ever brought into this country, which he will sell for ready pay cheaper than any other establiihmtH, His stock comprises a general assortment of* every variety of Clothing, from a low price up. SUMMER CO A TS —for Men and Boys—a largo assortment. DRESS , FROCK AND SACK COATS—of eye. ry description, size and color. PANTS —every style and quality. VESTS —of every style, color and description. SHIRTS , Under-Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Over Alls Over-Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves, Umbrellas, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, together with lots of SELF-ADJUSTING STOCKS, ice., Ac. HATS ASD CAPS, of every description—tlie largest assortment in town. \ C\V iUU Vi'V «Em£NTS. A GROWL would announce to the citL • xens 01 Tioga county, that he has associated with him d partner, and the business will be con dueled umjcr Hie turn of A. Growl Sl Co. They will continue at the old stand, in- Wellsborougti •to manufacture to order and keep on hand. T 3 T. VANHORN would inform the citi lens ol Wellsborough and vicinity, that he lias purchased the interest of his partner, John S. Hlisa, in the above business, ano wtil continue at tlie old stand, two doors cast of Jones'Store, to keep on hand and make to order all kinds of Cabinet Furniture—such as Solas, JMvaus, Ottomans, Card, Centre , Dining d|- Breakfast Tables. Dress Stands, Dress and Common-Bureaus .UAIIOCON Y i (Oil II ON WASH STANDS Collage, French and Common Bedsteads, of every description, together with all arliclcsuan ally made in his line of business. from his knowledge of the business he flat ters himself with the belief that those wishing to would do well to call and eaamino his work before sending elsewhere for an inferior article. COFFINS, of every variety, jnado to order, » shjot notice, and reasonable charges. TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no* ice. TTj Clia irs I Chairs I In addition to the above, the suosert jsjpffl|ibcr would inform the public that he has / SV | just received a large and handsome assort* GEO. W. SEARS. mcnl of CANE AND COMMON CHAIRS, Boston and Common Rocking Chairs, d?c .. which he will sell as cheap, if not cheaper,llion they can be purchased anywhere else in Tioga county. Call and see them 1 June 3.1855. SASH A niiliVD FACTORY. SIVNY FORK , TIOGA CO., PA. subscribers having purchased the Sash Faclory al Stony Fork, have- now on hand, ami arc making all kinds of square and fancy Sash and Blinds. Tiie subscribers llallers themselves that they can make as good ami endurable an article, and sell it as cheap as can be obtained at any establishment in Northern Pennsylvania or in Southern New York. IT Ail orders m our line of business will be promptly attended to. S. Si, D. B. WILCOX. Stony Fork, June 8,1834, Carriage A Wagon Jlauufac lory. TTENRY PETRIE would an-.^a,,. nounce to his friends and public generally, that he is the above business on Grafton street, injjncjdiatc in the rear of J. R. Bowen’s store, where be is pre pared to manufacture on short notice. Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies Wagons, of any stylo or description to suit the purchaser and of the very best materials. AH kinds of re. pairing done forthwith and on the most reasonable terms. PAINTING AND TRJMMING will bo prompt ly executed la the best manner and most fash ionablc style. Wollsboro,' July 13. ’55. HENRY PETRIE. Bleached & brown muslins at May 31 1855. JONES & ROB. NAILS by the keg or pound very cheap at May 31 1855. JONES & ROE’S. Mi^•^"Tr%s&“ BODE AND JEWELRY department Under the Manegemeat of ANDIE FOLEY. \BOOKS AND STATIONERY, WATCHES, CLOCKS AND : JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, 1 PERFUMERY, 4' c -i s c -< 4-c. repairing DONE ON SHORT NOTICE, AND ALL GOODS WARRANTED A 8 REPRESENTED. COMTEK’S CABINET BAKIAG.