The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, August 09, 1855, Image 3

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Republican Canon*.
"(It OTICE U hereby given to the voters of Middle
_[\J i, ur y —those who are in fovor of the fusion of
all patties, for I ht purpose of rescuing apdpresent
ing our free territories from the blighting curse of
human tlavery-lhat a .meeting will be held at the
Holiday School House on Saturday the 18th met, for
the eurpoie of appointing three Delegates to rente
sent this town in the Republican Convention, which
convenes at Tioga Village, on the 23d insL
J. B. Custody, Nathaniel Thompson,
D g. Stevens, Calvin Hammond,
Ezra Potter, ll’m. Stevens,
J. B. Niles. Thomas Keeney,
Ama. Haxlith, J, B, Pottery
E . J. Sieve**, j . H. Westbrook ,
7jY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Fieri Fa-
X/ clas, Venditioni Exponas and Levari Fa
cias, issued out of the Tioga Common Pleas
and to me directed, I will expose at public
sale'nt the Court House in Wellsboro’, on
MONDAY the 3(1 day of September next,
at one o’clock P. M., to w/i.
A lot of land in Gaines lownaliip, bounded north
by S. X. Billings, east by Long Run, road south by
Wfellaboro & Coudersporl road, and west by S. X.
Billings— containing one acre of improved land with
a tavern bouse, barn and some fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as iho properly of Benjamin Harse.
ALSO —A lot of land in Deerfield township bound
ed norlh and east by C. A. S. S.iorl, south by Cow
ancaque road, and west by R. H. Mosher—contain.
u)£ i acre of improved land, a la r ge Tavern house
ahd frame barn thereon. To be sold as the properly
of Wm. A t'alkncr V. w
ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston township
bounded north by Jeremiah Klock, east by David
Jacobs, south by Thomas Davis,and west by Daniel
turns —containing about 93 acres with about tiO
acres improved. Lame house, two frame barns with
shed and an apple orchard thereon
ALSO—A lot of land bounded north by Jacob
DocksUdcr, cast by Peter Tipple, south by Simeon
Ely, and west by Jeremiah Klock—containing about
GO acres with about 40 acres unproved, frame house,
log barn, and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as
the prnncrtvof Noah Wheeler, Adminisl'rof BuUcy
ALSO —A lot of land in Tioga, bounded nortli by
Una? o' - U W. Ballard, cast bj Clark, Sumner
A. Clark,and Fox & Bronson, south by Andrews &
LangUon. and west by Martin's interference lot so
called —containing about 1*25 acres.
ALSO—AIso a lot called the Calket Steam Mill
lov—containing about 236 acres with about 40 or 50
acres improved with four frame houses, two frame
barns.a'stcam saw mill and shingle Mill thereon
ALSU —A lot in Lawrence township called the
Calket Loyal Sock lot—containing about 258 4 10
acrcL. T o oe sola as the property of Samuel Whit-
ALSO—A lot of land situate m Covington town-
Blujv. T mga county, bounded north by Slate Road,
cas: Di E Dyer, ami V W. Gray; south by T.
Marvin and E Dyer, and west by JoAah Graves—
containing about soventv hvc acres, with about
Iweniv or twenty five acres unproved; a frame house,
Iraim barn, and a few fruit tree- Uiercor. To be
sold as the property o'* Thomas Grave?.
A [.SO—A lot of line u Covington township,,
bounded north bv A. Douglas and 0. V Taylor, cast ■
bv J. Jennings, south bv j,imc> Copn ami Oliver 1
Elholt, nod west by David Bowen— containing one I
hundred fikocn and 1-iu acrc& more or less, with
about forty acres improvcc. i iramc barn, frame
house and some fruit Irees thereon. 'Jo be sola ai
the property o r Era«ius Frankiu.
ALSG—A lot of land m Eikland Boro 1 bounded
nortr. br public road, east, south and west by John
Kvnn—containing one fourth o* an acre, with a
iramc house an«! some fruit ircc« thereon. To be
solo a- the properly ol Edward Kennedy
ALSO—A lot of hind in Ihe Boro 1 nf* WeHsboroh
beginning ai the corner ol Main and Norris streets,
thence south fill v-.iv£ degrees cast on said Norris
street, two hundred and hi.v feet to Pearl
street, thence south fortv five degrees west along
said Fein street sr:iv feet, thence north fbrlv-fivc 1
degrees west two hundred ano tillv feel lo Main
street, thence north foriv live degrees cast along said
Mam sired sistv lect to the place of bcLMiming—
containing one Hurt, o' an acri. designate a on the
plan of Wcllsboro* as lot No. 11 south of the Ave
nue. wiin a Iramc inrn inereo:. To be sold as the
properly of Joseph Soheld et. ~
ALSI t —A lot of land in Jackson township boon,
ded north hr Rufus Daggett, east by public road,
south br Win. UaggolV, west bv Thomas Taber—
containing <ixtv acres more o'- ics« with about thirty
acres improvcc. To be sold as the properly of
Hannan Al C. C. Uagye
ALSU—A lot oDand in township, bounded
norm oi plank road.cnst bv A. Cl. and west by
Harris Hotchkiss—containing about A an acre, im
proved, a frame hoike and barn and some fruit trees
thereon To be sold as the property of Margaret
ALSO—A lot ofland in Richmond township boun
ced noilh and ea«t hv Joseph P Moms, south by
road leading to WclLhorr. ‘ and west bv the Tioga
River—con-taimng one and a hah. acres more or
less, improved, with dwelling house, shed and some
fruit trees thcrc-or. To be sold as the properly of
Jabci >mi
AK'SO—A Ini of lane in Farmington township
bounded north bv Bingn.iir. land, cast by William
Baste:, soutl In H B»udi«)i' and west by Gilbert
Bum**c‘v—coMUimng foru live «* fiuv acres with
about iweniv acres improved, block house, shed and
some fruit trees thereof.. To he sold as the properly
of Chaunccv A. Bailey, John Weeks, John R. Weeks
and Cnas Wee.
A\/St»—.\ lot o r land in Middlcbury township,
bounded north by Jason Pru'zman and I. Briggs,
east hr 11 !' Westbrook, south by James Brown |
&nc trrv j t Smead—containing about 150
acre*., win ainut 7U acres improved, framehouse,
rrame barn and some fruit trees thereof. To bo sold
a? inr iKopcrii o/‘ George W cslbroo>.
ALSG— V lot of land in Dclmar township, boun
poc no r lr bv Slrawbridgo warrant, and Steele’s
cast pi Struwb’idgc warrant Al south by Wilson
warran*—conlainmg about 30b acres with about
c or Hi acre, unproven. a Irame houao, mid tog j
Darn tnereor.. To be sold as ihe property o( Lyman
ALSO—A lot of land in Muldlebnry township,
bounded north fav Geo. Dickinson and others, east
ov John I’rnizman, soulb bv Jacob Prulzman, and
west by William Hunter—conl-fining 193 acres with
about 50 improved, log house, Iramc barn and shed,
npplo urcbaid and some fni't t.ocs tlicrcon. To be
sold nsllie properly of Sylvester Deckivili..
ALSO—A lot of land in Farmington township,
Pounded nortli by Leri Redacld. east by Rob. Cas
oier. soulb br Simeon Cadr.and west br George
Seelv—containing about 100 acres with about 50
acre, improved, frame house, frame barn, frame for
a barn, and some fruit Irees thereon. To bo sold as
the proper! v of Abner Cadv
ALSO—The equal undivided half of a Saw Mill
and the necessary water and road privileges, for the
same, siluale on the farm of X. C. Sweet in Middle
onrv township To be sold ns the property of A.
M. Sweet.
ALSO—A lot of land in Covington township,
bounded north by lands of J. Slcbbms, east by James
Pearson, south bv Zimmer lands, and west by Levi
Hart—containing 100 aces more or less with about
20 acres improved, and a lov house thereon. To bo
sold as the property L. C. Levalty
ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland town
ship, bounded north by Barnhart, east by
Joseph Harding, south and wbst by Goo.
brown— containing about one hundred and
80 acres, with about sixty acres improved,
one frame house, frame barn and apple or
chard thereon. To be sohi ag tbe properly
cf Isaac Benson and John Benson.
ALSO—A lot of land in Farmington
township,, bounded on the north by A. J.
Fisk, Joseph Symonds and Mrs. Bryant, east
by Mayhee & Mercereau and widow Gee,
south bv Wickham and Tulhill formerly the
Beckwith lot,and Edwin McKinney, and west
by James Beebe, Webster and Hall—contain
ing about ninojhundred acres, with-nbout one
hundred and flfty,acres improved two frame
dwelling l house£,thfee plank houses,,ope
frame barn, one Blacksmith Sli6p,'Saw Mill
and an apple and peach orchard thereon.
also —A 10l of land in Tioga township on
the north, side of Broad street, bounded on
the west by Francis Carey and tha heirs of
the late Mrs. E. B. Campbell, on the north by
Thos. J.Berry, east by Tioga river, and south'
by said Broad street —containing six acres
more or less, all improeed, with some fruit
trees thereon.
ALSO— A lot of land in Tioga township on
the norlh side of Cowanesquo street, bounded
on the west by Crooked Creek, on the north
by Margaret Allen, on the east by Samuel
Bennett, and south by said Cowanesque street
containing i an acre more or less, with a
frame house and barn and some fruit trees
thereon, and known as the (“S. Sugar”) An
drus’ lot. To be sold as the property of
Charles 0. Elz and Lyman Fisk.
ALSO —A lot of land in Covington and
Richmond townships, bounded north by Anna
Morris, east by Kiphart, south by S. B. Kel :
sey, west by Jennings and Taylor—contain
ing about 120 acres with about 35 aerds im
also —A lot of land in Richmond' and
Covington townships, bounded norlh by S.
B. Kelsey, oast by Kiphart and Johnson,
south by A. Graves, and west by Jennings—
containing 40 acres more or less, with about
20 acres improved, a frame house, frame
barn, and some fruit trees thereon. To be
sold as the property of S. B. Kelsey.
ALSO—The undivided one fourth part of
all the following described lots of land :—A
certain lot ef land situate in the township of
Gaines, in the county of Tioga and slate of
Pennsylvania, bounded north by land sur
veyed on warrant No. 2360, east b*y No. 2-
379, south by 2433, and west by No. 2382
—containing nine hundred and ninety acres,
be the same more or less, and being the whole
tract of land surveyed upon warrant No.
also —A tract of land surveyed on war
rant No. 2379, W. Willink warrantee —con-
taining 793 acres more or less, bounded north
by'Bmgham lands, east by warrant No. 2360,
south by warrant No. 2382 and land surveyed
m warrant granted lo R. G. While,and west
by the Potter Co. line.
also —A tract of land surveyed in warrant
No. 2360, W. Willink warrantee, containing
885 acres more or less, bounded north by
Bingham lands, east by warrant No. 2367,
south by warrant No. 2379 and 2481, and
west by warrant No. 2359 above described.
also —A tract of land surveyed on war
rant No. 2384, W, Willink warrantee, con
taining 500 acres, and being the east half of
said warrant bounded norih by warrant No.
2359, cast bv warrant No. 2431, south by
warrant Nn. 2 L 27, and west by west half of
same warrant.
also —A irad of land part of warrant No.
1040, containing 138 and 5-lOvh acres, boun
ded nortli by lot surveyed lo Wm. Swart
wood, east bv Isaiah Furman, souihhv war
rant No. 2360, and west by lot surveyed lo
Sylvcsier Daw and aflerward conlracled In
R. G. White, with 60 or 70 acres improved,
lour frame houses, one frame and log house,
siv barns, a blacksmith shop, saw mill, and
some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the
properly of .les-m Locke dec’d, in the hands
nf his Admrs. S. E. Ensworlh and J. Bean
icrre tenants.
ALSO —A lot of land in Middlcbury town
ship, bounded north by D. A. Clark, east hy
Sylvester Beckwith, south by Jacob Prulz
man and west by J.icveret Wilcox—contain
ing about 17 acres with about Tony acres im
proved, frame house, frame barn and some
fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the prop
erly of William Hunter.
ALSO—A lot of land situate, in Jackson
(now Rutland) township, beginning at a post
on the east hnn of a lot surveyed for John
Rudd, south two hundred and forty nine and
six tenths perches to a hemlock, east one hun
dred and ten perches to post, north one hun
dred ninety-five and six tenths perches to a
post, west forty five perches to a post, north
fifty four perches to a post, west sixty-five
perches to the beginning —containing one
hundred forty seven and seven tenths acres,
being part of two tree's of land surveyed in
pursuance of warrants Nos. 975 and 970 in
the name of Myers Fisher, with about fifiv
or sixty acres improved, a frame house, frame
barn and an apple orchard thereon. To be
sold as the property oj - John Rf-nson.
ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury town
ship, bounded north hy Bingham lands, east
by Clark Cole and south and west by Martin
Stevens—containing 65 acres more or less,
with about 30 acres improved, a log house,
frame barn and stable and apple orchard
thereon. To be sold as the properly of Thom
as Lcei,
ALSO—A lot of land in Gaines township,
bounded north bv Goodman’s Estate and
others, east by S. R. Ramos, south by James
Walrous, and west by W. W.Tate —contain-
ing about 300 acres with about 40 or 50
acres improved, 3 frame houses, 2 frame
barns, saw mill and apple orchard thereon.:
To be sold as the property of Goo. W. Phe
nix and John L. Phenix.
ALSO—A lot of land in Delmar town
ship, bounded north bv Henry Broughton
and A. Ivreiner, cast by Wm. Bachn, south
by Daniel Knapp, and west by A. P. Cone—
containing fifty acres more or less, with about
twenty acres improved, two dwelling houses
and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as
the properly of Nelson Davis.
ALSO —A lot of land in Wellsboro,’ boun
ded south east by Main street, south west by
Water street, nonh west by Water street, and
north east bv R. G. White, being 120 feet
front on Main street, by 250 feet on Wain
street, with Tavern House, Store, Barn, some
out buildings, and a few fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as the property of H. B. Graves
& Co.
ALSO—A lot of land in Bloss township,
bounded north by lands of (he Arben land
Co., east by Seymour Davis & Co, south by
road, and west by Seymour, Davis & Co., —
containing about one acre improved, with a
frame house and some fruit trees thereon.
To be sold as the property of Joseph Allen.
ALSO—A lot of land in Tioga Village
bounded North and East by G. W. Taylor,
South by Lewis Dagget and West by the
VVilliamson Rond, being 25 feet front 6n
Williamson Road by 125 feet deep. To .be
. . ___ ir J . i —■r.-r-s .... i o,«»; ji . n m-~
01 4 “ the properly.,of „R. R. Rundle.
* ALSO—A lot of land in Union township,
bounded norih by George Foster, east by
Foster and Griswold, south Lewis Weiskcopp
and west by Ambrose Barker and George
Foster-containing about 32 acres, about two
acres improved, frame house, stable. Sawmill
and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as
the property, of T. S. Griswold.
ALSO—>A lot of land in Charleston tsp.,
bounded norih by H. Claus, east by L. J
Cooley, south by Cooley and west by Chas.
Cooledge —-containing about 134 acres, about
acres improved, a frame house and frame
barn thereon. To be sold as the properly of
Joseph J. Shumway,
ALSO—A lot of land in Union tsp., boun
ded north by land deeded to Wm. R. Rath
bone end land contracted to V. C. Tilton,
east by land contracted to L. Dann, south by
Isaac Reeder and west by Jos. Middaugh—
containing 28 acres. To bo sold as the proo
erty of Wm. W. Spalding.
ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland township,
bounded north by land formerly of William
Rose and land contracted to Geo. W. Brew,
er, east by said ,Br.ewer and land contracted
to Albert Jurfson, south by (and of Jefferson
Pruizman and land heretofore deeded to Ez
ra Wood and west by land contracted to
Shadrach Thompson—being lot No. 4(5 on
the subdivision of Bingham lands in Rutland
township, containing 97 acres and allowance
with about 80 acres improved, two frame
houses, two frame barns and granary and
other outbuildings and two apple orchards
thereon. To be sold ns the properly of
Marlin Johnson.
H. A. GUERNSEY, Sheriff.
Wellsboro’, August, 9,-1955.
NOTICE is hereby given that an amount
equal lo (he cost will be required lo be paid
upon each sale when struck down to the bid
der and upon a failure lo comply with this
regulation the tract of land will again be of
fered for sale, and no sale will be postponed
without payment of costs.
Inhalation ofrlQodlcatcd Vapors!
1 BY
Johnson Stewart Rose, M. D.,
of the Royal College of Physicians,
and for years Senior Physician in the London
Royal Innrmary (or Diseases of the Lungs.
In this ugc of progress, medical science has con
tributed her full share lo the genera) welfare; and
that which shines resplendent, the brightest, jewel in
her diadem, is her last and greatest gill,
Medicated Vapor Inhalation,
In the treatment of CONSUMPTION and kindred
affections. The most absurd notions, narrowmind
ed prejudice, contemptible ignorance, and unblush, j
mg quackery have long existed in the treatment of;
consumption. Men of skill and reputation as phy
sicians, have prescribed nauseous compounds to bo
taken into the stomach, to cure disease in the lungs;
while the brazen.face quack held up his nostrum as
the only star of hope for the consumptive—if only
enough of it were swallowed. The stomach—where
no disease exists—being the receptacle of all this, is I
soon rendered unlit to perform its functions, and the
health thus materially injured. All must see the
absurdity, the positive injury,of such a course ; the
disease is in the lungs , not in the stomach; then
why, m the name ol common sense, do you not ap
ply medicine dit ecihj lo the Lungs ? The advantage
of Inhalation in Consumption and Throat r)Ui»n«p«.
is, that medicines in the form ol Vapor are applied
directly lo the Lungs where the disease exists ; the
stomach is thus Iclt free to aid in restoring health,
hy administering In it healthy, fffe-givng Ibod.—«
halation will not reach ! The means, 100, are brought
within the reach of all, the manner of administer
ing ilie being so simple, that the invalid is
never required to leave home, where the hand of
friendship ami affection lends so much lo aid the
physician's efforts.
The Inhaling method is soothing, safe, and speedy,
and con-isls in the administration of medicine in
such a manner Unit they are conveyed into the Lungs
in the form of tapai, and produce their action lit (he
seal of (he disease. Its practical success is destined
lo revolutionize the opinions of the medical world,
and establish the entire curability of consumption.
I earnestly appeal to the common sense of nil
afilicled with Lung diseases, to embrace at once the
advantages of Inhalation, and no longer apply med
icine to the unoffending stomach. 1 claim lor In
halation a place among the priceless gilts that
nature and art hath given us, that “ our days may
be long in the land,” and as the only
Ark of Refuge.
For the CONSUMPTIVE; a method not only ra
tional, but simple, safe , and efficacious.
To many ol my professional brethren throughout
the Union, I lender my acknowledgements lor their
frank and manly course, in tcslilying to the merits
o( Inhalation. I shall be pleased to cooperate with
them in offering to the afflicted the blessings of
Medicated Vapor Inhalation in the treatment of
One word for myself, in answer to those claiming
to have introduced the practice, and to the tribe, of
imitators who, with brazen impudence, claim it as
their own. 1 both wrote in favor of Inhalation and
practiced it, 15 years ago! Tho apparatus then
used, with the medical employed, achieved
only a partial success; 1, therefore, did not claim
for it then, those Miraculous powers t which a tong
practice lias since enabled me to give to it. Proof
of Ibis may be found in my work published in
Applicants will please state if they have ever
bled from the Lungs, if they have lost flesh, have a
cough, night sweats and fever turns—what and how
much they expectorate, what the condition ol their
stomach and bowels The necessary Medicines,
Apparatus, &c., will be forwarded to any part.
TERMS: —Five Dollars, consultation fee. Bal
ance of fee payable only when patients report them
selves convalescent.
Recommendations by Physicians,
\Ve, the undersigned, practitioners in medicine,
cheerfully and heartily reccommcnd Dr. Rose’s
iriclhod of treating discuses of Ihe Lungs and Throat,
as the best and most effectual ever introduced into
medical practice. Oar convictions arc based .upon
having several of our own patients, confirmed con*
sumptives, restored to vigorous health, a Tier a few
mouths I rudiment by Dr. Rose, In the above named
diseases the application of 44 Medicated Vapors,”
inhaled directly into the Lungs, may be justly con
sidered a great boon to suffering humanity, render*
ing Consumption a perfectly curable disease!
Dr. Rose deserves well of the profession, for his
unwearied labors in bringing the Inhaling method
to such a degree of perfection.
Dr. Rose's Treatise on Consumption.
Price One Dollar. Address
Office, 831 Broadway,
New York.
N. B.—-The new postage law requires pre-pay
tfient of letters. My correspondence being exten
sivo, applicants to ensure replies, must enclose pos
tage. 0“ Money letters must be registered by the
Postmaster— such letters only will he at our risk. XU
• [ Vugust 9, 185 L—6iu.}
IS hereby siren Hurt a special Court, for the trial
of the following tauees, will bo held at the Court
Houte, tn Wellehoro.i the Hon': David Wilmol,
commencing on the. 3d MONO AX «{ October next,
to continue tioo.werXt.
' J. F.DONALDSON, Froth's.
August 8,1855.' f ' - ■- y
J. Emery for use of J, Beecher, vs. A. O. CkurchiU.
G. Hustons' Exr. vs, D. Holiday, et. at.
George Corlles, vs. Damd Hurlburt. '
Samuel M. Fox, et. at., vs. Jeremiah Thantpson.
Stevens for Parsons, ■ ve, S. Beckwith.
Hiram Beebe, vs. James Hill, et. al.
George Wallace, et. al. ve, Isaiah Inscho,
Travis and vs. Isaac Benson.
Fand and Irvine, vs. John Magee.
Vine Do Put, re. Sylvia Parmentier.
Tioga improvement Co, vs, H.W.Bostw ict,etol.
Ho/fa County, • ej, John IV. Maynard,
Phtneas P, Morris, ~ vs. Philemon Baker,etal
fame vs. Eleazer Orvis,
Martha Stevens, t)•. J . Norris, Exr.
5Vm. Bache, el. al. vs. P. P. Cleaver, et. al,
J. H. Gilbert, ve. J. Lockes' Admr's.
Demlap {,- Coopman, ,ve. same.
S. S. Packard for
Eckel, et. al. , e». S. Shumway,
John SV. Guernsey, no. Eraetue Niles,
Mine vs. Wm. Hutson et, al. 1
Register’s 'Notice.
’ Administrators of the following Estates
have settled their accounts, and that the same
will be presented to the Orphans’ Court of
Tioga County, on MONDAY the 3d day of
September next, for confirmation and allow
ance :
The account of William Harrison, Ad
ministrator of the Estate of WILLIAM
MEEK, lalo of Wellsboro’, deceased.
The account, of Jlarlin Raker,
lor of the Estate of SARAH HANDY, late
of Rutland township, deceased.
The account of Leander Smith and Henry
Ralbbone, Administrators of the Estate of
CHARLES HORSLEY late of Elkland
lownshp, deceased.
VV. D. Bailey, Register.
Registers Office, Wellsboro’, Aug. 9 1955.
rpllE UNDERSIGNED, of Wellsboro’, hereby
JL announces to the voters of Tioga Counly,llial
lie will be a candidate for the office of County Trcas.
uror at the enduing October Election.
Aug. 2, 1855. A. J. SOFIELD.
THE UNDERSIGNED, of Charleston, respect,
fully announces to the voters of Tioga County,
that he will be a Candidate for the office of Sheriff
at the coming October election.
Aug. 2, 1855.
THE UNDERSIGNED,of Middlcbnry, hereby
announces lo the voters of Tioga County, that
be will be a candidate for the oilico of Sheriff at Die
ensuing October election.
Aug. 2, HOWARD 11. POTTER.
County Commissioner.
THE UNDERSIGNED, of Charleston, and one
of the oldest settlers in Tioga County, announ-
to the voters thereof that he will bo a candidate
for Commissioner at the next October election.
fpHE UNDERSIGNED, of Sbippcn. respectfully
J_ announces to the voters of Tioga County, that
Aug. 9.
THE UNDERSIGNED, of Elkland boro’here*
by announces lo the voters of Tioga county,
that he will be a candidate for the office of Sheriff
ut the next October election,
A’eio and lit/i edition bringing the laic down lo 1855
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ports to be, A safe legal guide for Business Men. By
John &nns, late Alderman of Walnut Ward, in the
city of Philadelphia. Tho Sixth Edition. Revised,
corrected, and greatly enlarged by Frederick C.
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Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice In the
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oc*, and a new, full, and comprehensive Index. By
Robert E, Wright, Esq. In one thick Octavo vol
ume. Price only $3,50.
DOVS DIGEST-1700 to 1955.
A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, ftom the
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filili, sixth and seventh, by the Hon. George M.
Slroud, Eighth Edition, Revised, wi/h Marginal
References, Foot Notes to the Judicial Decisions;
Analytical Contents; a digested Syllabus of each
'i’ilJe; aad a New, Full, and Exhaustive index. By
Frederick G. Brightly, Esq. t Author of 4, A Treatise
on the Law of Costs, 1 * ‘'Equity Jurisprudence,”
“Nisi Prius Reports,” Editor of ,4 J3inn's Justice, **
&.c. One thick Royal Bvo. Price only $5,00
o*The freshness and permanent value of Pur
don’s Digest are preserved by the publication annu
ally of a Digest of the Laws enacted in each your
These Annual Digests are arranged in precise con
formity to the plan of Pardon’s Digest, They art
each of them, republished annually ; are connected
together hy a general index (prepared anew each
year,) which embraces the contents of the Laws of
each year since the pablicntibn of Pardon’s Digest
in one alphabet; and are bound up with Pardon’s
Digest, and olao sold separately-
Titus Lite purchaser of Purdon’s Digest will al
ways be in possession of the complete body of the
Statue Laws of Pennsylvania down to the very hour
when ho purchases it. Those who have already pur-
Debased Purdon’s gesli may always complete it to
dale for the small sum of Fifty Cenls t the price of
a volume containing all the annual Digests issued
since llte first publication of the present edition of
Purdon’s Digest, as heretofore staled.
Law Booksellers and Publishers.
17 A- 19 South Fifth Street,
First Store above Chestnut
CTOrdcrs or letters of inquiry for Law Books
from the country, promptly attended to.
Hydropathic Phytieian and Surgeon.
[June It. 1855.]
iSav and. &ss.—Bva, n.t=
Inrun & Button,
Bran offers to those suffering from dealbess, his
infallible sural remedies, which have been successful
in nearly three thousand cases of Confirmed deaf
ness! These remedies have been pronounced by
Drs. Khramcr, of Berlin, and Dclcau, of Paris,and
Curtis Pilcher, of London, as li\e most wonderful
ever applied far diseases of the internal and middle
ear. They comprise different courses for the vari
ous discuses that affect the external and middle car.
If the disease is confined to the externa) ear, their
effects are apparent on the fiilh or sixth day. Lc-
Brun warrants a cure in every cose when the ear is
perfect in its formation. Ho has eighteen certifi
cates from those who have been deaf from infancy,
whose hearing is now completely restored, and they
are now enabled to learn the language ! Over twen.
ty-seven hundred cases of deafness have been suc
cessfully treated by him. Certificates to that effect
may be seen on application.
In all cases of deafness arising from incarnation,
thickening, or even perforation of the "membrana
tympani usually called the “drum inflamalion of
the mucus membrane of the “tympanum and eust
chian lube,” with accumulation of mucus; nervous
affections, polypus growths, &c.; or when the dis
ease can be treated to the effects of scarlet, typhus,
bilious or intermitted fever,colds, the use of quinine
and mercurial medicines, gatherings in the ears in
childhood, &.C., the sense can, in nearly every in
stance, be restored. Where a want of secretion is
apparent, the “auditory canal, 11 being dry and scaly \
when the deafness is accompanied with noises in
the cur, like rustling of leaves, chirping of insects,
fulling water, ringing of bells, pulsations, discharge
of nutter Vhen in a stooping position, a sensation is
fell us if a rush of blood to the head had taken place;
when the hearing seems perfectly acute where there
is much noise, or less acute in dull, cloudy weather,
or when cold Ims been taken, the course pursued by
Or. Leßrun is considered infallible.
Dr. Dul’ton is the only practioncr in the United
States, who practices the new, painless, and success
ful method in treating all the disease lo which the
eye issubjeef. Where every other means have failed
lo afford relief, he asks from such a fair and impar
tial trial. Patients, by sending a few particulars of
their case, can have remedies sent to any part. ,
“Wc, the undersigned, practitioners of medicine
in the city of New York, having had occasion to
witness the practice of Drs. Leßrun & Dufton, in
disease of the car and eye, laying aside all profes
sional jealousy and prejudice, freely admit that the |
course pursued by them in treating diseases of these
delicate organs, from the unparalleled success which
has attended it, is well worthy the attention of our
professional brethren throughout the United Slates.
Their system of treating diseases of the middle and j
internal car, by the use of “medicated vapors,”
forms q new era in the practice of aural surgery,
and fills ap a void which has long been felt by the
general practitioner. In diseases of the eye, they
seldom require lo jcsorl loan operation. Asskilffu
uurists and oculists, and enthusiastically devoted to
their profession, wo cordially recommend them to
such as may require their aid.” (Signed,)
Alexander K. Mott, M. D., GeobgeS. Grekn, M.
D., Horace Winslow, M. I)., C.has C. Delpan M.
D., Ali-ston B. Francis, M. D., T, V. Van Burkn,
M. D., Bedford Uoremus, M. D.
A 'eu> York Avgust 7, 1849.
Students wishing to perfect themselves in tills
branch of medical science, will find an opportunity
by joining the class, at the Ear and Eye Infirmary
of Ur. Delacy LcUrun, Union Place. (.'Uniques,ev
ery Tuesday and Friday afternoons, from 1 till 3
o'clock, during Medical College terms.
Terms —Five Doha's. Consultation free. Ten
dollars to be paid when the hearing is restored to Its
original acuteness. Address, Urs. J. DELACY
LKIJUUN & DUFTON, Union Place, New York
N. D.—A treatise on the nature and treatment of
deafness and disease of the car, with treatments of
the deaf and dumb. Price one dollar. (LT Money
letters must bo registered by the Postmaster. Such
are at our risk. July 26th, 1355.
ri uik undersigned, citizens of Tioga Vkninty, Pa.,
X hereby give notice (hat they intend to make
application to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at
its next session (which commences on the Ist Tucs.
day of January 1856,) for the creation of a corpo
rate body with Ba iking or discount privileges, by
the name and style of the “THE TIOGA COUN
TY BANK, 11 to be located at Tioga Village, Tioga
County Pennsylvania, with a capital of One Hun
dred Thousand Dollars, with the privilege of in
creasing said capital to two hundred thousand dol
IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an application will be
made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, al its
next session, for the creation of a corporate body
with general Banking privileges of issue, discount
and dep it, to be called “THE BANK OF TIOGA
COUNTY" with a capital of One Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, said Co ik to be located in the Boro’ of
Wellsboro,’ Tioga Co. Pa,
J.L Robinson, "B. B Smith,
8. F.WiUon, Jas. Lowrer,
Jno. N. Bachc, L. I. Nichols.
Weltsboro,* June 14, 1855. f6m.]
Administrator’s Aotlcc.
WHEREAS, I Adlers of Administration on
the Estate of Barnabas Seeley, late of
Brookfield tup., dec’d*, were this day (June 27th ’55)
granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing
themselves indebted to said esrate arc requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
will present them for settlement
NOTICE is hereby given that nn application will
be made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania at
its next session, for the incorporation of a Bank with
discounting privileges, with a capital of One Hun
dred Thousand Dollars, with the privilege of increa
sing to t'nc Hundred ond Fifty Thousmd Dollars,
to be called the “TIUGA VALLEY BANK” and to
be located in Mansfield, Tioga Co. Fa.
BY virtue of a writ of Fi Fa., issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county, and
to me directed, I will expose to public gale at the
Court House in Wcllsboro’on Saturday the Hlh
day of August at 4 o’clock P. M., the following de
scribed property, to wit:
A lot of (and in Covington township, bounded
North by Pliny Whittaker, cast by Silas Smith,
ond Banj. Wilcox, south by Benj. Wilcox and west by
Silas Lamplicar—containing about fifty acres, more
or less, with about forty acres improved, log house,
frame burn, about 170 apple, and some other fruit
trees thereon. To bo sold as the properly Joel H
MISS If. A. SEARS, will open a Sc
led Sehoot on Monday, Iho 27th of August, in
the building back of R. S. Bailey’s Store.
Reading, writing, .polling, and plain Sewing. .81,50
Common English brunches. Embroidery 2,00
Higher English branches 3,00
Music, Mclodcon 5,00
“ Piano 8,00
Wcllsboro, August 2,1855.
Haying tools—first quality
ill JONES &, POE'a
Vine DePui,
J. S. Bush,
J. W. Guernsey,
P.S. Tuttle,
Jas. G. Mcicercau,
J. Schnuffein,
A. Humphrey,
Edward Bayn,
Seth Daggett, ,
Lewis Daggett,
Tioga, June 21, 1855-6 m.
B. C. Wickham.
A. T. Guernsey,
F. E. Sir *th,
A. C. Bu«h,
Jacob Johnston,
T. J Berry,
H. E. Smith,
11. S. Johnston,
Jas. Goodrich,
E. T. Bentley.
JNO, W. SEELY, > Admrs.
Brookfield, July 5, *55-6w.
Mansfield June 25, 1855.
Sheriff’* Sale.
H. A. GUERNSEY, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Office, Wcllsboro,’ July 17lh 1855.
Great Excitement at Tioga!!
But tlio new firm of BALDWIIT,
to tlio test interests of lire trading community.
The era ot High Prices has passed away and tint of
has just began. The; are converts to the doctrine
that the “NIMBLE SIXPENCE” is better than
the “SLOW SHILLING," and believe tbol
is the only honest principle of action. Their stock of
is not made up of the odds and cads and the rem
nants of “closed up" concerns in the City, but com
prises a complete assortment of the latest styles and
best qualitieMfom the coarsest domestic to the fi
nest imported Ikbrics, such as
Silks, and Ladies’ Dress Goods,
Latest Styles, and adapted to every variety of trim
mings. Ladies will do well to call and examine tlio
Stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Baldwin, Guernsey & Co., have always on band
a seasonable and fashionable stock of
Gentlemen'll Ready-Hade Clothing,
which will be sold at the lowest CASH PRICES.
Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glass,
Slone, Hollow and Wooden Ware,
Iron, Steel, Nails, Oils , Paints
and Dye-Stuffs of every kind
and of the best quality,
with BOOTS f SHOES, for Everybody.
*,* All kinds of Country Produce taken in ex
change for goods at the market prices.
Tioga, March 29,1855. A. T. GUERNSEY,
Dress Marks the Man,
OWING to the great rise in paper, there is a
great and increasing demand for rags of all
kinds. Therefore, every man who wishes to save
the first cost on his old clothes should cost them,
buttons and all into the rag-bag; not however until
ho calls at the
and selects from the large and splendid assortment
Ready Made Clothing',
here 'kept constantly on hand, n suit warranted to
wear as long as any oilier,'and made in the best ami
most substantial manner, and under his own super
vision. The proprietor has a complete knowledge
of the trade, and can sell the best quality of Ready
Made Clothing considerably cheaper than any other
establishment In the county. lie keeps a variety of
Cloths, CassimereSy Vestings, Drawers,
Trimmings, Wrappers, Skirls,
Collars, Cravats, <Spc. dpc,,
which will be sold as reasonably as they can he pur
chased elsewhere. His slock of COATS &. VESTS
can't bo beat this side of New York, either in price
style, or quality.
Don't forget that this establishment took the firs
premium at the Fair of last October.
Ij* Particular attention given to culling and ma
king garments to order, O.,OSM(JN.
Tioga, April 5, 1855.
COSMUN has just returned from the City
• with a splendid assortment of
Broadcloths , Caseimeres, Testings, Trimmings of
all kindsy Ready-Made Clothing of all qualities
aud sizeSy rrench Bosomsy Shirts and
Wristbands, Cravats and Scarfs , all
ttyleSy a la Byron Collars , Stand
ing Collars x Gloves and Ho~
nery, Suependers , But
torn* of all descriptions , Links and Double
Buttons for Coots, Turk Satin Linings for Coots
Pongee Sleeve Linings and Velvets of all styles.
which will be sold cheap for Cash.,
Tioga, April 19, 1855.
Tioga Foundry & Ma
chine Shop.
MANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines, Boilers,
and Machinery of all kinds; Stoves, Hollow
Ware, Tin, ami Copper Ware.
REPAIRING tie JOB WORK done willi the
least possible delay.
MILL GEARINGS furnished wWiout extra charge
jr patterns,
PLOWS of all kinds, of which took tho
premium at the late Counly Fair,) kept constantly
on hand.
We have the exclusive right, for Tioga County, to
manulacturc and vend the
Kin;; Stove.
one of the best (if not the very besf) Cook Stoves
oner invented; which is always on hand al our
store house, for wholesale & retail.
Tioga, Feb. 15,1855.
THE SUBSCRIBER returns his thanks
to his former friends o* their patronage. ff/jW
hoping he may continue to see them and i*
many more new ones. He has just received a new
addition to his stock, and he wishes all to call with
out delay as he can sell as cheap if not cheaper than
any other establishment of the kind in this section
of the country.
D” Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry Repaired in tho
best manner and en short notice.
O’Also a targe supply of the best Ink.
Tioga, Ap. 26,-55. G, W. TAYLOR,
Italian and American niarble,
Agents. Bulky & Foley, Wcllsboro; O. P.
Beach, Knoxville ; J. E. W ebster, Covington.
Tioga, April 26, 1855.
TH E subscriber is prepared by new Ma
just purchased, to famish to order, ail kinds of
square and fancy Sash and Blinds.
Square Sash of common sizes constantly on
hand. •
By long experience in the business, the subscri
ber Batters himself that ho can make as good an
article, and sell it as cheap os can bo obtained at
any eslabishmcnt in Pennsylvania or New York.
Call and see.
Covington, March 2,1854.
(CTThe subscriber is also Agent for the sale o
Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, al*u
Scarpa's Oil for Deafness. D. S. 3.
Attorneys & Counselor* at Law,
Steuben County, Hew York.
Geo. T. Spenceli. C. H. Thomson.
April 18, 1855-ly.
LIME, LIME, LlME!—Kept constantly on
hand at his Plaster Mill near Mansfield, fresh,
ly burned and of superior quality. Price, 37 J coni*
per bushel. A. BIXBY.
Mansfield, June 14, 1855.