The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, July 12, 1855, Image 4

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The word of language, or
in impfioi diVeotioh, aommahdetf a4ifd of idm-t
perance in food and Ijeyernge, a sijict r^'.reini,
upon the licentious anpejitcs. regulnripdpalry ;
aaiHll&V? ana nppafei,'
and obsdlfVtfrtrcfePdFlftqueni days of
The v gißSrbl morfal seoSh 6f mankind has fftv
en to tHrift'nilW fa'll'independent sepsatiop.—
Now, although' jhe result pf phyaidftl
morality jt hoVtt|erspfft ; pnject ofits ipjtliriciiori
in scrimura, &p'r a)i this 'donseqiiehCfas deafly
foresectrfwMre ’sense etijoios
it ; yet the wfa ’tendency' of such observan
ces is lo brinV lhe .entile body to that 'state
wtteWSln' ifajrarra'pf bjopd ahd' bone dhd
tnucle, of pei’ve and organic func
flops, are AtM.ip .their 'scperale' a’hd' mutual
action'to'giVe'tne'rtama its highest pbwersof
strength and endtfrahbfa, and fitness’ for'fall’
the peculiar of existence’V fand 1, in'
lljo mere pliyeicaptwh'scWshess oTihlshdalth
ftiwsfCptej tnend,(s happiness.
It'ft'hm mferfe\y me absence of pain end On
easiness, .but a |sasujve,. feelirig of ; buoyancy,
andfort,Mcf.lpsl in prdpcy-tipn ad
those Jaws ’aw riot ’observed, (here is fa corfes-’
ponlii»jM|ofijbjisioa} atnd
ual sirretnglmifdMitire'fauflilifng
wflitvaik the streets wemeet with i|.'
towrtlions-of each extreme, Here behold ! a
patriarch, whose slock of vigor ,jhreo score
and tpn impaired.
fifjgje|cpl /brrn,Wji,rrn step, his‘elastic limbs,
hU updimmedisensesj areao many certificates
dfgtjod conduct.;,or rather, sb many jewels
arid Orders pf nobility with tv hi ch nature has
(or his!fidelity to her Jaws. —
complexion shows that his blond has
never bnedi occupied;'i)is pure breath, that
he'htffa'never yielded’his disgestive apparatus
for a vinlner’a cesspool; his exact language
fand keen apprehertSionsJ that his brain lias
never been drugged or alupified by the pnis
ridj of Jhe distiller or tobacconist. Enjoying
his the highest, he has preserved the
ppwar pf enjoying them. Despite the moral
of the schoolboy’s siory,he has eaten his
cake and still kept it. As he drains the cup
of life there are no lees at the bottom. His
orgpns will reach the goal of existence to
gether, Painlessly as a condle burns down
in its socket, So will he expire; and a little
i.niagipation will copverl, him into another
Enoofi, transplanted from earth to a belter
world without the sling of death.
* - ■ ■ 1- - r ■
The Resurrection.
Against ihe resurrection itself there is no
presumption, and in favor of it a strong one,
from apology. Many works of God natur
ally, and strongly, dispose the mind to admit
the doctrine without hesitation. In this cli
tpatetnlmosl the whole vegetable world dies
annually under the chilling influence of win
tgr.' 1 At the return of the spring ihe face of
nature is renewed :->-and all the plants,
wjiich it .was adorned,
are again qotlted with verdure, life and beau-
insect creation we find a direct
ihe'resurrecirDn itself. Animals
begin,their existence in ihe form
Alter continuing sometime in
lira Itiitiihle »)nte of being to which are noc
cs^rily’confined by their structure, they die,
an3^treigonR v In the moment of death they
coniflrdet for themselves a species of shell or
tomb,>jn which they may, with the strictest
propriety, be said lo be buried. Here they
are dissolved into a mass of semi-transparent
•aler the whole of which remains of the,
previously existing animal exhibiting lo the
eye jiq trace of lifev and no promise of future
revival. When ihe term of its burial ap
proaches a period, the totnb disclose? and a
Wingdd animal corns forth, with a noble form,
dflen exquisitely beautiful; brilliant with Ihe
gayest splendor ; possessed of new and su
perior powers, and destined-to a more refined
nhdeXalted life. Ils'food is now the honey
of flowers ; its field of being the atmosphere.
Hera ii expatiates sat large in the delightful
exercise of its faculties, and in the high en
joyment of those sunbeams, which were Ihe
immediate means of its newly acquired ex
1 Could there be a rational or even suspic
ious dodbt concerning the power of God, and
hir-sufficiency to raise the body from the
gray^;’’thus change in the world of insects,
aqcqmpltyhed. before o«r eyes, and for. these
anijnals,. not less extraordinary than that
which we are contemplating is fpr man, puts
an end to every such doubt, add places the
pnssibi|ii|SaCptbl& Ovett 1 beydhd&lebutA. ■ In
ir.itth, -this change is nothing less .than #
riemaypo of the (
About Bucftwacnit.
drops ckn be lamed tb'hetter account
or,,s pdnr, light, gravelly spij, (han buck
wheat. . It possesses a chemical action on
ll’fiftjwyt,- by which the coarser particles are
diientegraled or rendered liner; ond the soil
is thereby improved. ( Pure, inorganic eanh r
—that is, earth unroixed-tyilh animal or veg-j
etatAamaiterr-tia produced by the disinteg
ration of pulverizing rocks. Silex, or sand,
it more /hrinifiar, it .Is, pulverized quartz,—
Clay js; produced by thu decomposition of
feldspaj;. Now all the quartz arid felbsdor in
the world, while existing in, the form of rock,
wilj not produce a blade of grass; it is only
when decomposed or pulverized; and the
floor, the particles the belter the soil.
Ifctt *oit, then, is coarse, the object of the
farmor should he to pulverise can
only be. .done by some chemical application,
or the grawittgof Some crop which has thkt
chemical power. ' Buckwheat, by a process
yet Undiscovered, has (hat power, and the
topger it ip cultivated, .on a given .piece of
ground, lbs finer will be the particles of tho
soil. It injures land for corn, hut leaves it
in’finer order fur potatoes, and is the best,
crojMo kill out hushes, wild grass and mal-t
low greensward. To fit tho land for the next
Crop, in rotation, plough in ,n
crop of buckwheat in blossom.
As forcmn.BytpPPMn small qualities,
wp could not recommend it, a# .made
from if; though light whan hot, and Iwaty.
“* co * ( l liver when cold. A constant use of it
has a tendency, also, to produce cutatihoys
disease ; but, boiled with' potatoes, apples or
-i’.'.'i '?' &•*' tn,e r ° r hogs. i ' AVhert
gforfhd,d eieirteht lOr mitch tows. FM
9f ldl\.? l hpding in the fjeld, it is fireat
•for themselves.) The blossoms afford ma-1
Jerjiabfor (hw-votj test' honey, .andM.-a'sfea-!
soft of the year ; wlien l other* ’ffowfers. are
gore f>
horses, as it bloafs them, rather than Fallens ;
antj what appears foba/at) pyl upon horses
by, hhckwheal'in a disappear by.
hard -work in. a day. —Ohio Farmer.
there iinoiiej^Ekiittgl
Eight thousand five hundted square miles
of this earth’s surface (ire devoted to the cul
ture of tobacco. The quantity annually pra
duced has Recently bbeh estimated to be four
and a half billion of pouhds, or ;four and a
half pounds to each inhahilftftt.': The'first
cost pf one year's growth of tobacco, at four
apd a halfcpnts a pOUrtd/isohß.hundred and
eighty (pillions of dollars ,* but ihe’ Sdni Art
nqally,expanded for tobacdft by thd Whftle hu
map, family, .is thoughV-'tol total least five
.hpndred millions of dollars',' This-OmUld
keep an army of reeChbrs at
work, at a salary pf,(flSbbSattd dollars each.
It wpuld put a railroad '.noond.lhe worldi It
would pay for three_ railroads, double track
frond !U tiould
support all tho honest-poor on the globe. If
it ,'dtete (wflhirt <Be{f&iftp'dss of’lbe F tiiimin
power, wliiph it is not, —to, spend so vast a
sumjudiciously in improving the human race
by knowledge, discipline and art, it would in
(wo or .three generations, banish from the
world ignorance, want, crime, and disease.
Ah ! man earns money enough; what he
want| is the wisdom to spend it!
The nicest article for washing windows is
depr skin, as no particles come off lo adhere
to the glass, and make it look as if washed
with feathers. There is no need of anything
larger than a hand basin for washing win
dows. The great splash some people make
in the exercise of their art is entirely useless,
and is moreover deleterious. When the water
is permitted'lo run down in great quantities
upon the glass, it dissolves the- potty and
soon loosens the panes ftom (heir setting, and
also stains the glass. Two pieces of wash
leather and a bowl of suds are all that is
necessary. Wipe the glass first with the wet
cloth or .leather, and after it has became dry,
with the clean cloth, and it will look clear,
and far more so than if rinsed in a dozen
pails of water.
Duni.NO a late concert at City Hall, in
Manchester, several of the seals having been
spoken for were labelled “engaged.” Upon
the audience leaving, it was ascertained that
one of the ladies walked home with the word
“engaged,” in large letters, upon her back;
one of the labels having been fastened lo her
d ress.
■ 'MOBEiri H HO V ' ’<
Aconite,’ '
. Adhesive Plaster,
t Aleobul,
Bieeching Powder lo re
move ink & fruilstains,i
from Linen,
Blacking for stoves,
“ “ bools & shoes
Bay Water,
Brushes of all kinds,
Bug Poison,
Castile Soap,
Cayenne Pepper,
Cement for earthen ware,
Cobalt, (Fly Poison,)
Composition Powder,
Cepbalio Snuff for head
ache, catarrh, &.C., dec..
Cream Tartar,
Cordial fur children,
Dover’s Powders,
Dye Woods and Dyeing
materials of alt binds,
Epsom Salts,
KrasiveSoap, for remov*
ing grease, from
Essences of all kinds,
Green Salve for horses.
Ginger Root,
Patent. Iftcdicineg.
Ayre 1 * Cherry Pectoral, German Bitters,
BranlVßalsam, , iy<S aV{ i powder.
t A^a^li^OlmWktp
Plasters of all kinds,
Dr. Filci! a Medicines, Pulmonic Wafers,
Dr.,Jayne’s •• p ain Killer,
Dr. Keeler’s «* Radway’s Ready Relief,
Dr. Swayutfa “ SarsajmrillJSyrap,’
pr. DaVis Depnratirc, Tetter Ointlrient, ’ T
Fahnestock e Vermifuge, .Uterine Catliolicon,
Gargling Oil, Vermifuges, various kinds
Uracfbnbcrg .Medicines, Worm Tea, Dr. Kellog’s
German Ointment, ' April 20,1854.
ttj* Removed to James Lowrey’s Office.
LAW, will attend the Courts of Tioga, Poller
add McKean*counties!'
Wellsboronglr,Fe(t. 1, lfis3.
LAW.—Office, north aide Public Square
WeUsborough, l'i. .
Refers to Mcssrs. Pfaclps,Dodge & Co., N. Y
ehy Hon.A.V. Parsons,Philadelphia. July 13.
/CAPITAL—B2OO,OOO!-rlnsures Farmers
only, on the Stock and Mutual plan. J. E.Can.
field-Boc’y., Hon. Horace Williston, Pres’t. -Romem
berthit an experioheetd Travelling Ageht,re[tresent
ing n sound andrclinble Company ndar homo, is prof,
crahle to a foreign Co.,«s there caa be no deception.
Address, J. E. Webster, Agent,.Covington, Pa,
, • C&ali’s, CUltlri, Cliairi;
TJESIjOIiS a variety of nil other kinds o
i-L> of UOVSEIKfhD FURNPI'IfRE, the sab
tcribcr has four dilfercnl stylos at
which he is selling at cost prices. Also.
.Tan different patterns nf Mahogany Sprang
■ Seat Chairs, and Mahogany Rbokers.
1 and three patterns nf Sffas.
Also, Rosewood, Carl Maple, andXJoinmOn chairs
of all kinds. 'E. D. 1 WELLS.
Lawrencovillo, Nov. 16,165-|.
• ; TifE' ttdo a' cftiikTy' A ’Hi iA :
' jii E « , 'k’K*a Wl W® s.:
nr HE
X* stlo Wop (JOOtiS toi' ftflfSfyrmjjs Trade, com 4
complete-«880rlfBEnt, »rtd oQlha
:asnaL vor iety,wliich will, as - ire retft fore, be soliiata
very eipa)| profit f°f RBAPVPAJf. Being deter,
miqgd not tq bo .apfiarsold by ,o,nr neighbors, our
goofis ore marked pt Hie lowest figure J and we invite
a comparison of one goods aqqpncexiwilb any other
in tlie market. Among, tbe assorlmsntof, ;
drt csoobs
willbe found a great variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods
consisting insert of >-t f <• ■
Bereges, BePege Delanes,all-wool Delanes,
Eaten*, ptainand printed) Ginghams,
English, Scotch and American ;
iPoplins, Prints of alt shades
and colors, a good stock of
Also, for mon’a, wear may bo found Broad Cloths
Caasimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, satin
an'daommerVeslmgs. . ,
Tilso, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached end brown,
Taking's, Summer. Quods for boys’ wear. Cotton
oartifOarpet'-WarpvColton Batten, with a variety
other vlioiek.tddtnhmoroasdoinehtiOo.-
Ginger, Ground,
Glass of all sizes, for win
dows or picture frames
Gums of ©very variety,
Hot Drops*
Hive Syrup,
Indigo,(best quality,)
Inks of all kinds,
‘Looking Glass,
Leather Varnish,
Lime-—Rhode Island, for
while washing,
N ntmeg,
Oils, (a largc\aricly,)
Paints of ail kinds,
Prussian Blue,
Pills of various kinds.
Red Chalk,
Red Precipitate,
Rose Water, ■
Sal Sods, ,
Soap for the Toilet,
Syringes, a large variety
Toothache Cordial,
Varnishes, various kinds,
Wafers in boxca.
and rjroTislons.,
' 'A'Tull stock'witl bd - k<pt l, bh hand; ■ Those ;in.
Want 6f Sugars, Teas, Coffee; ’MdfasSfes, Slewbrt’s
best'SVrdj), Spideii,' Pepper, Gingel{ Saleratiia, Flout,.
Fish, SaltTqbacco, or qpy other artipip in phis line,,
will do well to call on us before purchasing elsp.!
where. •> _ , . i
as Urgd and coniptete aii assortment as can befuold
In thocouoty. Aiming which is Cutlery of all kinds,
Carpentera Toojs, Chains, Hoes, Shovels, Forks,
Butts and Screws, Door Hangingsi'Bilts, &c., &,c]
Boots and Shoes, Hats and Capij
Steel, Iron, Nails, Paints and Oils, Glass
and Putty, Ready-Made Clothing, Spc.
Thankful for the liberal patronage of tlic pas
season, tlie undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting
the public to an examination of our Spring stock
believing that good Goods and low prices will in
sure a speedy sale for ready pay.
• B. B. SMITH &. SON.
Wellsborough, May 25,1854.
HAVING purchased and
enlarged the Tin and Stove |fl /%
Store o( C. E. Gray, would call the.
attention pf the trading public to
their large bnd splendid assortment
of Stoves, cqmprising a variety of fMgpgggßi
kinds of PREMIUMS.
Alho, a complete assortment of PARLOR & BOX
STOV£&, at or below Elmira prices.
of all kinds, shapes and sizes wanted for household
use. Eavc Gutters made to order at the shortest no
JOBBING done to order and in the best manner.
All Timware carefully proved before leaving the
They respectfully solicit the patronage of all who
to purchase anything in their line, assuring
them that money can be saved by examining thpir
stuck before purchasing elsewhere.
\Wlfiwfough, Nov. 9,1854.
HE undersip"
cd would infill
the citizens of We)
borough and vioift!
that lie has again I
turned to tbit plot
and opened a sh
over the Post oQii
where he will he
ared to do Tailori
in all its branches, ...
a good and workmanlike manner, for ready pay
and at- prices that cannot fail to please. All work
entrusted to him will be dune up with despatch,and
a fit warranted.
CUTTING done on short uoticc.
Country probucc (delivered) of nil kinds, taken
for work. H'. p. Erwin.
Wellsborongh, April 22,1854.
Bakery and Variety Store.
CRACKERS, Fresh Baked, by Ihe lb., or
bill. Family Baking, and Parlies, furnished at
short notice. Deals also in GROCERIES, PRO
CASH paid for Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Grain
and other products of the Farm.
Corning, N. Y., Aug., 3,1854-tf.
rPHE subscriber would respectfully inform
his customers and friends that he stijl con
tinucs the mercantile business, at the old place, at
the well known store of L. I. Nichols, where lid will
be happy to Wail on those that will favor him with
a call, And would' invite the attention of the public
generally tahjs (argo and commodious slog)e of
ski; VdoHi,
RCady-Dade Cloth*
; Inland Hardware,
AND CAPS, &c., &c., -
in fact everything else kept in a country store, aril
clcs 100 numerous to mention, artd will sell cheaper
then catibe' bobgbt this side of New York city.
All kindi) of produce taken in exchange fur goods
at the highest market price, J. R. BOWEN.
Wollsborougb, June 29,1854.
. I- Important, Very. -
A LL PERSONS knowing Iheinselves in.
cfo&ied; for subscriptions to the “ Wcllsborongh
Advertiser,” or otherwise, either by Note or Book
Acotint,- are requested to make immediate payment,
or their accounts Will be placed' in the hands of prop
er officers for collection I Como one, come all! and
gice us 1 a lift ip this our time of need.
Jan. 20, 1855. * W. D. BAILEY.
r A DIES, just drop in at J. R. Bowen’s'
-U cheap store and examine hjs Bareges, Barege
Delains, lawns, B|ack .Silks, Ginghams, Crapo and
Silk Shaw)s, and save your ten per cent.
UNDERSIGNED respectfully in»
form the Farmer* of Tioga County, that they
are now Manufacturing FINCH’S IMPROVED,
PREMIUM FANNING MlLLS,'throe miles south
of Wells borough,' on the Jersey Shore road ; and
feel warranted in saying that said Mill i» the best'
pvor introduced into Tioga County boll* os respects
cleaning fast and well.ind the saving of Glass Seed;
Farmers are respectfully invited to'oall and exnrh-g
ine for Iheinselves bofpre.purqhaajng jjsewliqrp.
O’-All-kinds ofProduce token in payment Old
Mills repaired on shnrt notice.
Dolmas, Oot. 12,1854-tf. •
WIDE-AWAKE HATS.—Just receive
T ' at the Empire Bfore a largo stock of Wide
Awake, Hdhgarian and Kossuth Hals. CalUhjl
8681 '■ ’ ■ Sept. 12. 1854. '•
CHAIN-PUMPS-u large supply for sale ohead
bjr Mn[up-’ss] V. CASE, Knoxvi(|o
■CA EAPfiST lot lof Wall P ? pcre,vcr brought
into this place, for sale at wholesale and retail by
Wo|lsboro, Feb. I’S*. BAJLEY & fOLEy,
r K]X«,w',
An liivaluaite BaokforHSxenU—VMvtry PsUHy]
i thiuld-haiem.COpi/j" ■ -1. j,"
{wd**, ■ SOLD. IN.iL.-ESBI
%IM ' > ‘ new ,1 edition, .refined;
.. and improved, just isj
. DR. if HUNTER’S Medital'Hinual, arid Hand!
origin, pjqgr*s», v lre«lper(t l 'and Surd "of every form
af pipease conlrpctoaby prpmUcuoup sdxdal inter
coutpp, by. seifiabnse dr, by ■ sexual excesk, with ad-,
vice fat inplrpreyenlion, written in a familiar style,
avpiding alli medical technicalities and .everything
that would offend the ear o( decency'; with an.pdt
line of complaints incident to females; ftotn the re
mit of twentyy ears' snccexsfolpraclicej exclusively
dcxoled to the cure ofdiseases of \ delicate or pri
vale nature. ’ “
To which‘fS added receipts for ffio* cure of the
above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp
toms ahd curt oSp'ths' FEVER and AGUE]
Testimony of-the Profemr .ofQbstfpwsinlhe
.Pswiyftdical , College , Philadelphia —,“,pß., (RUN-,
TER'S MEDICAL , MANUAL, The author ,(d
: hia„WiOtk„un|ityi j tlie>xjprilF,,9f .those
.fixe to curetbe diseases, ofwiich
uatopf bpo,pf ,!he ( ]fn)tod.%les
-It, afford* jnpipipe fnro. (p< j;ecopip] mm tij the un
lbrtunate, qr to Urn, victim of malpractice,,as a ; suc
cessful .and experienced priotitiquer, iii VvhoM fieno
dud integrity they way pk'fel|io greatest cdrtpdencp
~,il,oe.'S. D V]
Prom A, Wo adorned, if. D.,af Pwn. Uniperfity
Philadelphia.— lt gives, me pleasure to agd my ,le«ti
many loilbe professional-ability of the author of th
i ledicbl Manual. Numerous cases of Disease jo
tlie Genital-Organs, some of them of long standing
have pome under my notice, in which his shill has
been manifest in restoring to perfect health in some
cases whore the* 'pktienl has been considered beyond
medical aid. In the treatment of Seminal weak
ness, or disarrangement of the functions produced
by self-abuse or excessive venery, I do not know his
superior in.the profession. I have been acquainted
with the author some thirty years,and. deem it no
mure than justice to him as well as kindness to the
unfortunate victim of early indiscretion, to rccom
mend him as one in whose professional skill and in
legrily they may safely confide themselves,.
Alfred Woobwxab, M. D.
“This is, without exception, the most comprehen
sive and intelligible work published on the.classes of
diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all ledbnical
terms, it addresses itself to the reason of ils readers.
It ts free from all objectionable matter, and no par.
ent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in
the hands of his sons, Thejanlhor has devoted ma
ny years to the treatment of the various complaints
treated of, and with too little breath io puff and too
little presumption to impake, he has offered to the
world" at the merely nominal price of 25 cents, the
fruit of some twenty years’ most successful practice.
— Herald.
11 No teacher qr parent should be knowledc impar*
ted in this valuable work. It would save years of
pain and mortification and sorrow to the youth un
der their charge.'*— Peoples' Advocate.
A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of
“Hunter's Medical Manual” says.— “Thousands
upon thousands of our youth, by evil example and
influence of the passions, have been led into the
habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin and
fearful consequences upon themselves and posterity
The constitutions of thousands who arc raising fam
ilies have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and
they do not know the cause or cure. Anything
that can be dope so to enlighten end influence the
public mind as to qheck, and ultimately -to rcrtiove
his wide spread source of human wrclchedcess,
would confer the greatest blessing next to the relig
ion of Jesus Christ, cm the present and coming gen*
cralion. Inlcrajwronce (or the use of intoxicating
drinks) though it has slain thousands upon thou*
sands, is not a greater scourge to the human race.
Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted,and be
lieve me jrour co-worker in the good work you arc
so actively engaged In,”
One copy (securely enveloped) will be forwarded,
free of postage, to any part of tho Untied States for
25 cent*, or six copies for one dollar; Address, (post
paid) COSUEN & CO., Publishers, or Box 19G,
Philadelphia. •
O’ Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents
supplied on llic most-liberal terms. '
October 13,1854-1 y.
At Itowcn’s Empire Store.
CALL see the best and largest stock
of Goods ever offered to ihe public. Consisting
SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and a large Block of
I Balter myself that I cun dress a man to particu*
or Jilt in all cases who desire the rtady-inade.
The Ladies arc invited to call and examine the
richest and best assortment of DRESS GOODS ever
before offered in market—which 4 am prepared to
sell at prices that cannot fail to suit.
Wellsborough Sept. 13,1654.
Important to the Public.
AT J. R. BOWEN’S Empire Store the
time baa finally came, when Goods can be
bought as cheap in Wellsborough, as at Elmira,Cor
ning, or in any other town west of New York; and
Ihe public at large are liiviUd to call and satisfy
themselves that this is no Humbug. , '
At J. R. Bowen’s villi always be found an exten
sive assortment of welt selected 1
’ and a large Variety, of Gentlemen's Clothing,
all of-which will be disposed of at a reduced price
Wellsborough, July 27,1854-tf.
Family Grocery & Provision
' " STO RE,.
THE subscriber would inform, his friends
and the,citizens of Tioga county, generally,
that lie’has just received a.large and superior sap
ply of
Teas, Sugar shy the barrel or otherwise,
Coffees, Molasses, Stewart’s Syrup, Rice,
pepper, Ginger, Saleratvs, Allspice,
ftidigo, Tobacco, Soap, hfouid and ,
Sperm Candles, Hall by the barrel
or sack, -Mackerel by the whole,
i and \ hatrel, Codfish by
the 100 'dr iingle pound,
Flour, Cheese, Crack?
ers; Butter <s• Egge<
together, with every other article in the Grocery
line,lower than lean be got at.any other place in
town, aa he is determined to make quick sale* at
.nail profits.
■ Thankful for Would most rcspect-tl
Ujilly ipvito ,his friends and the public generally
veihinj iv call and examine fop them selves.
, M.AI.,COpmS,
Wcllsborongh, May 97,1853.
forbid paying any Accounts, Notes or Judgments to
James J, Jackson that haye been made or rendered
Ihrwork dimeat the’Woolen FaclofyaqifSiiiw" Mill;
(said W' belong tobinl) front tlia lab da/ of March
1859,up to tlie fit day'of : March 1855 ;>t I have'
a lease of sa'iji Factory and [Saw Mill fop the th{Ǥ
year'a'frcifn ‘the 'lst day of HtWli 1659, made and
signed, eai)l ( '' Jdmei llJa'dksoo and ihffw.
binding the to collect all debts and demanesforwurk
idqne in said Factory and, ql said Mill during the
terin of said lease, : These^est*;' 1 '• J /
1 ’ ' ' • ' LEWIS C. PENDLETON*, '
Wellsborough, March 1, ’SS-tf,
1..; (’'-..Mv; P»rlk«.f»ww
THIS remedy-ix ofiered tO; Jbetcommanity with
tho'confidenoe we feel in ,ap article which sel
dom’fhilsto realize the happiest effeeia that can be
desired. So wide is the field .of its.nseftilnesa iuid
so’oUmerOuS the eafp* of itf cures, that almost every
section of the country abounds fit, persons j.publjcly
known, who,faave been restated from alarming and
eyed dpsperlte discaaes of tbe lpngs,- by Its f use.
When once Iribd.-its snpcriprUy- over evcry olher
medicine of il»kind, ; Is tobappatehl.lo escape obser
valion, .Sod wheie {its viriosz arp; pnoyrtVtke public
nC looger )>eaitxte what antidote to employ upcUia
apd nficqliops of thp pnlijo
bary ’iirgans, to eby clienkte. '
~ , Nofbiog bxs cal Ted (pqilef lor the pdmes.f ehqdlry
of tiiedicarmen, than Uie‘alarming ‘ prevaletace am)
fqtalitj; of nor has apy qne
class ,of diaeaaea hqq more ot- lheir. inveiligalioni
and cafe.; .But yet no has-been
provided, pn,’which the cpnjd depend for pro
teclinn from attacks upon tlie4cspirstbry organs, un
This article is t ahprodpet of .a Jong, laborious, pad
I believe successful cndcavdr, to fbroish the comniu
nily willj such a remedy. Of this last statement
the. American'people are now themselves prepared to
i'uoge, anil 1 appeal with confidence to their decision
f tfiere as any dependence to be placed in what men
ofevkfy mfin and station certify ilhas done for them,
if we can trustour own tenses, when we see dan
gerous affections of the throat and lungs yield to if,
if we can depend on the assurance of intelligent phy
sicians, who make it theif business to know, —in
short, if there > 8 an y reliance upon anything,, Ikon
is it irrefbtobly proven that this medicine does re.
lieve and doqs cure tlie clpas of. diseates if is de.
signed for,*heyond any and aMoliißrs4lTaf , ai« know,
to mankind. If this be true, it canaut be too freely
published, nor be to widely known. The afflicted
should know it. A remedy that cures, is priceless
to them. Parents should know it, their children are
ricoless to them. All should know it, fur health can
can be priced to no one. Not only should it bo cir
culated nete, but everywhere, not only in Ibiscoun
try bat in all countries. How faithfully we have
actedl on this conviction, is shown in the fact that
already this article has mode the circles of (be. globe.
The sun never sets on its limits. No continent is
without it, aitd but few peoples. Although npt in so
general use in other nations as in this, It is employ
ed by the more intelligent In almost all civilized
Dounlrics. Uis extensively employed in Übtb Amer
ica, in 'Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the far
off islands of the sea. Life ie as dear to its posses
sora there as here, qnd they grasp at a - valuable re
medy with even more avidity. Unlike most prepa
rations of its kind, it is an expensive composition of
cosily materials, Still it is afforded to the public
at a reasonably low price, and what is of vastly moro
importance to them, its quality is never suffered to
decline from ils original standard of excellence.
Every bottle of this medicine, now manufactured, is
as good as ever bus been mado heretofore, or as we
are capable ofmakirtg. No toll or cost is spared, in
maintaining it in tlie best perfection which it Ts pos
sible to produce. Hence the patient who procures
the genuine Cher a r Pectoral, can rely on having
as good an article as lias ever been had by those
who testify to its cures.
By pursuing Ibis course, I have the hope of doing
some good in the world, as well ba the satisfaction
of believing that much has been done already.
Prepared by J. C. AVEIL Practical and
Analytical Chemist Lowell, Malt,
Sold By
ROBERT ROY, Wellsborough; B. Babse,
Barsevillc;, B. Dyer, Covington; Dy. Hum
phrey, Tioga, ans by Druggists et’et'ywhere.
March 92, 1855.-4 m.
BBKiS Ai\D 11KlU€Ii\Ii8!
rTHE subscribers have constantly
on hand at their Drugstore, in Law
rcnceville, a large and well selected stock
of DRUGS, I'fc ., of every description
used by Physicians in the country, and all the
most popular PATENT MEDICINES or the day
winch we offer for sale at prices which cannotfai
ot suit those who may favor us with a call.
Among our Patent Medicines may be found the
following; ■
Marchant't Gargling Oil; Jayne'tExpectorant,Al
terative. Pillt, PilU, Ac.; Ueffat'i Bitten end
Pllle; Fitche's silver plated Abdominal Support
erg, ‘ Braeeg, Inhaling Tuber, and all the medicinei
prepared by him for hit private practice; Brant’t
Pxltnonary Balsam and Purifying Extracts:
Ayre’t Cherry Pectoral; Rogers’ Syrup of Tat
and Canchalague; Dillow't Heave Cure; An.
drew'i Pain Killing Agent; Truth't Magnetic
Ointment 1 Dr. Chriilie't Galvanic Britt, 6;e.;
Houghton's Artificial Pepsin; Blah s't Aromatic
Bitten ; and all the matt popular -Pill, add Ver.
mifuget, 4,0-1 Ce.
Also agood, assortment of
Biography,History, Miscellaneous Reading,&.c.
Pafipls. Oils and Byc-Stiill£,
GLASS, Wholesale and retail. Gold and Silver
Leaf. Firtlyi'Spts. Turpentine, Camphcnc, Burning
Fluid, Varnishes, i.c.' •-
LI AVJNG purchased-Ben. Sbeebv’s old
Stand, twto doors above the Presbyterian
Church, the subscriber,.is ready tp furnish to order,
Pegged and Sewed,
hfade upon honor —and warranted to wear out io
due lime, and not to rip until they are worn out
As a man is known by his Boots no less than by
he company he keeps, it behooves every man -to
take heed how his "understanding ” is cared for
A reasonable share of the public patronage is re.
spectrally solicited. D* Hides taken in exchange
for work. L. A. SEARS.
Wcllsboro’, Dec. 28, 1854-ly.
Custom Boot <fc Shoe Shop,
A.-T-M, Sherwood’* old stood, where the
Scabs’ Boys continue to make, mend, and
measure to ordarj at as low prices as the limes will
All -work warranted—to wear out in a year or So
—and not rip or come to pieces ’till it dees wear too
'Hides Wanted,
.CASH will be paid for any quantity of hides a
he InghesUnarkct price.
, July ,13, 1854. . GEO. W. SEARS,;
p lOHT.—Tallow Jf. Adamantine Copdlos, Burn-
Xj ing Fluid and Lamp Oil, at CASE’S.
rrtßUSSfS,—Beniamin’s Superior] Brass Truss,
± (br safe 1 by ' [June 22. V. CASE.
i> :! Rfeyw ,1855. : - JONES. A. rob.
NAlLShylhokod expound very cheap at
J MS}* 31 1855. JON ffeit l ROE’S.
TOST RECEIVED a largeisnpply-df* dll' Mods .S'
el Imrulvfor'uHkihg, %nd Perfumery of\Mr
Ml at [Tioga] G. W. TAyLOR'B
. hV S ■
Emporiom of Fashion v
•un.sUi ,;ilis^vu'j.-.-imama; ■> >, # - ’/
. ■ ;diOarßrvA -
Ml- SbtiT
• r « Jfoßglil intothU cbanlry.which heW;n „ A
Hisstook comprises.* gepenl tiwuirZ?”! I
SUMMER Co4lS—fot Men , M d Bovs_. P i,...
assortment “ ? JU P
»xm MOCK AN# 1
• rr deseVi^Uoniinland«olor.' me * !
| P AftTS+reiery style and Quality, *
XEfl'%6 f, [f L ' i f cy $ U ' *S* and d ««iptron.
SHIRTS , Under-Shirt*, Dravcra, Collar* rw„
Alb Over-Shirts, Suspender*, Gloves Umbrellas
Neck and Pookef Handkerchief.,'SS
Jots Of . T
r - .< A.»P!tAFS,
of every .descriptwn—the, largest assortment in
BoWs. Shoes,and Gaiter*,
for Men, Boys, and wonieoi & largevitlely,
V'it'M’ YpM’l** Carpet Sdgi‘<td., 4re.
‘He frdAld 'say to all'in and tiekt
fiKing‘:GtOTHING,- thlt..hai e) Jd «j|friU
cketptr tlian tan bagotlcft lathis boronjjh, or any.
wljen: Ihip pido of lhe» New ■ 3C<jfk n market. Thli
18 no bWot brag, but, troth—and latest it call
“Cdnvefs’Clteip Clothing Emporium, 11 where m.
articles are sbld cheaper -than on the one raitj
stbtEm. , y Wellsbcreogh, May 27,1E&5,
A GROWL would- announce to the cili.
*ens oi Tioga county, that he has associated
with him .and the business vqll be cos.
ducted under the firm of A. Caowi. & Co. The.
w(II continue at the old atqnd, in WcHaborougli
to manulhcture to order and keep on hand,
Biiggys & Lumber Wagons,
which for style, durability and elegance of finish,
cannot be surpassed by any Other similar establish',
ment in the country.
Workmen, of celebrity are engaged, and the best
materials used expressly in all the manufacturing
departments of this, establishment. Persoif send
ing orders may treat'assured of having thcn/eieca
edt to their entire satisfaction, and finished in ever?
particular the same as though they attended in ner.
son. ' '
REPAIRING done as usual, with neatness sad
PAINTING of all kinds done on the shortest
notice, and npost reasonable terms.
iO* All kinds of merchantable produce (deliver,
ed) rccived n exchange for "work, at the market
July 13,1855,
T 5 T. VANH9RN would inform the cili.
zens ol Weliiborough and vicinity, that fie
has purchased thcr|intereßt of his partner, Joim fi.
Bliss, in the above business, and will continue 11
the old stand, two doors east of Jones'Store, to keen
on hand and make to order all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture—such as
Sofas, Divans, Ottomans.
Card, Centre, Dining <s* Breakfast Tablet,
Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus.
Cottage, French and Common Bedstea dt,
of every description, together with all articlcsusit.
ally made in his line of business.
From his knowledge of the business he fiat,
tors himself with the belief that (hose vishiur
to purchase, would do, well to call and examine
his work before sending elsewhere for sn interior
COFFINS, of every yarifty,*, made lo order, a
sbjO) notice, iind.reasonable chargee.
TURNING done id a neat manner, at short no*
TJ Chairs! Chairs!
BTil In addition to the above, the subvert*
would inform the public that he Mi
jfv v just received a large and handsome assort*
menl of
Boston and Common Rocking Chairs. <Sfc„
which be will sell as cheap, if not cheaper, than
hey can be purchased anywhere else in Tioga
ounly. Call and see them i Jane 3,1852.
Perpetual Motion Discovered
at l<ast.
THE subscriber having been appointed
agent by S. W. Paine for the sale of the Roto
Ac Peck Improved Direct Action Water Wliceli,
would say to the owners of Saw Mills in Tiog,
county, that he is ready lo Ibrnish the above men
tioned Water Wheel at Wellsboro', at any time af
ter this dale, on (he most reasonable terms.
These Wheels are warranted to do (he best bu
siness with the least quantify _bf water of asr
Wheel in use, (except an Overshot.).
The great advantages of these wheels over all
others is the manner in which (he water is Applied
to the wheel, is such that there cannot be any waste
of water, the gales or sheets regulating (he quantity.
The gate is so constructed that it shuts almost per
fectly tight. Quantity of water required under
eight feet head, 130 square inches, under SO feet
head, 50 inches; all beads between these in pro
portion. All wheels warranted to perform accord
ing-to recommendation, if they do not we lake them
nut and replace, the old .wheels. No Wheels pu
ondcr less than eight feet head, D. fi. WILCOX.
WallsborOugh, July 13,1854,
sash & Btiiiftft Factory
fPHE subscribers having purchased the
■*" Sash Factory at Stony Fork, have now on hand,
and arc making all kinds of sqnarcand fancy
Sash and Blinds.
The subscribers flatters themselves (bat they can
make as good ami endurable an article, and sell it
9s cheap as can bo obtained at any establishment
in Northern Pennsylvania or in Southern New York.
O’All orders in our line of business will-ba
promptly attended to, S. &D« B, WILCOX.
Stony Fork, June 8,1854. _
TVinc for Ceiipmunion.
rpHE Churches of Tioga county are re-
JL gpcctfully informed that I bey can non obtaib
at the Wcilslioroqgh Drug Store, the Pure Juice c(
tie Orapc unadulterated with Alcohol in any /am
The roost satisfactory evidence of its purity can b*
shown 16 those who wish to examine it. Certificate*
of distinguished Clergymen and the statement of
the manufacturer himself. Those inlerestedwill do
well to procure a supply .Sopn. ’ H. BOY.
Wellsborofagh,'Jan.'26,lBB4. ' .
Carriage Wagon> JtKaoafho
f ory;
TJENRY PETRIE would an- jpjpg,
A_L jounce to his friends and
public generally, that be Is y->
Vbp buiineis on Grafton jipMnediaic-
In the rear of J. R. Bowen'a alore,where he is prc<
pared to manufacture-op. short notice,
Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies
pf any stylo of descrfytio'n to suli lbs purchaser
and of (be Tory best Materials. AB kind# of re*
pairing*-ifone forthwith and on the moaVWMonabJe
‘"painting Af/P be prompt
ly executed in the best'-ffifirferand most lasn
'““wbS'' JHly ia.'kVr tiEKRY FCTRIE- l
fi pumps, whole-
V euloiofid rui»il, froroJWfttt}.jHs owh.«‘
Wnjlaborof, Nov. 9. P,P, »- W.BQBERgT
WASDLSi-A heauUftil
eelved at [May 31,] ■ JONES to KOB^'
•n s
A. GROWL <&. CO.