MAKCMC3BDBES. O'. tflOOSSBOU) & jr^J l i.pßlNSON;W#bb,rp,'') - , H J, P. DONALDSON, « •• JNO; DICKINSON* Dclroa«V > S •• P. 8- TUTTLE, Ttogai * I » ’ This committee -will award on other do* nestle end houfchtltf imnaHotunwSwt men tioned. „ BOOTS & EBtJITS, RAISED, IN THBCOUN'IT. For beet peck S*tpet Potatoes, 91 “ best “ Irish PoUtoes, 1 T'i'besl 12 Onions, 1 be»l6 hepds.Cabbagfe 1 41 best 6 Blood Beets, • 1 ” best 6 Carrol#, 1 " best 6 Celery-blenched, 1 44 best 6 Satisfy, 1 44 vbesfpair Egg Plants,' 1 -« “ hest peclt Tomatoes, 1 “ Jest'S Pfcraneps, 1 M best 9 Turoeps, 1 " M best 9 beads Broccoli, 1 ’* best 3 heads Cauliflower, ■ 1 best general display of Vegetables, 2 41 beat 8 bnnches Grapes—black, 1 ** best do. do. . —white, 1 41 best do. do. —lsabella, 1 41 best do. do. —Calawaba, 1 “ best do. do. Natire, 1 41 best variety, 1 41 best 12 Autumn Apples, 2 ;; *• u ■ do. d" i best ft Winter Apples, 2 41 2d do. do. 1 *' best variety, 3 of each kind, 2 4 * 2d , do. ' do, 1 v “ best 6 Auiumn Pears, 2 * 3 * 2d do. ’ do. 1 ■ 41 best 6 Winter Pears, 2 ‘ 4 ‘ 2d do, do, 1 4 * best variety, Bof each kind, 2 41 best 6 Freestone Peaches, 2 “ 2d do, do. 1 “ best Clingstone Peach, 1 41 best variety, 3 of each kind, 2 41 best 2 dozen Plums, 2 •“ 2d do. 1 41 best 12 Quinces, 2 - 2c do. 1 4 ‘ belt pair Water Melon*) 1 belt 3 Musk Melons, 1 f best 2 qts Cranberriea—cultivated, 1 1,1 best 6 Apncou, 2 2d do. 1 ** best 6 Nectarine*, 2 •' 2c no. 1 J. L. ROBINSON, Wcllsboro, 'j WILSON WHITNEY, Charleston) JS. T. BENTLEY, Tioga, } F. E. SMITH, do* j C, H. HOUSE, Farmington, J BUTTER, CHEESE, HONEY, AND FLOUR. Ppr the best 20 lb* Maple Sugar, $2 00 »• 2d do. do. 1 00 , ?• best 100 lbs. of Wheat Flour, 8 00 ■ ** 2d do. ■ do. 1 00 * best 100 lbs of Rye Flout, 2 00 41 2d do. do 1 00 V best 100 Iba-Buckwheat Flour, 2 00 " 2d do. do 1 00 .** best 50 lbs Barley Flour, 2 00 ■■ *• •2d do. 1 00 41 best firkin of Butte:, 3 00 best 10 lbs of Bullet, 2 00 . 2d- i do. . do. 1 00 4 ‘ best sample Cheese, not lets than 15 lbs., 2 00 ..." 2d (Jo- 'do. do. 100 “ best sample Honey in Comb, 2 00 ,V Ad do. do, 1 00 A .-written statement of the manner of ma king putter and Cheese mutt accompany each 10t,.' WM. K. MITCHELL, Tioga, fe&jRGB MbCLEOD, Wellsboro, > f R. G. WHITE do ) • LUMBERMANS CORNER., /.For best manofaet’d 1,000 ft. Lumber, $5 00 improvem’t in making Lumber, 6 00 * rn, ‘ treht manufac'd 100 sawed Lath. ~ Dip. 4< best bunch tawed Shingles, do. " best-bunch shaved Shingles, do. “ best 2 dozen Pickets, do. Applicants for premiums on the 1,000 feet of Lumber must notify ihe committee on or before the 22d of July neat. One board, least 20 feel, must be exhibited on the Fair grounds. All other articles ex hibited on the ground. CHESTER ROBINSON, EDWIN DYER, * seth daggett, cr- ' '10; I I*ll-, B f IL-G» l ffl6sK» 1 / > , JNaw.iß^yJjWsr*. Brookfield, Jaly s,’sSrsw. : ~ V-. WOWt® II H£BEB¥ eiTES t Hay 311855. JONES k ROE*Bi MILL BA#s& FILEB.-A large kg last re. Mired at JQNBB * ROE’S. ■:\,JCKO ■ ■. - BUSINESS MAN'S LEGAL GUIDE; aUO, Notice. 1855. UWW 000118. 1655. , - BEARY HAPE boots * J&PEB; HATS. CAPB, CARPETB. OIL ; Hatting, crockery, , HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE,. GLASSyVAIUB, WINDOW GLASS ~AND:B&K( CUTLERY. AC. ' Ritiierß 'tAocitu from, the bestMaDufscto toricx, and Warranted to kqep good Nine. - Nrtlla ftom tiiii ■ hdsl mariufactories olwaysoh i hand, aodiu-ractncarty everything hi the line of Gnpds pqp.kd.**Pl . • KfiffOJ. ffOOBS, chew for cash. Byoffirting TANKEE goods of the besf quatity'dhly, NOTIONS, ' ... end ar the nricM l '’att P ERFUMEMY, expect to merit and receive,^-1 4' c -» 4 , oiir full sham of patronage. All binds of country nfQ. REPAIRINO doce taken ’in exchange for . DONE' ON 4Jf™T goods ibe same at cosh. ... R. S. BAILEY* AIl GQQD#. . wiJT^BSSSSP^ Welbhoro’, N0r.30, 185 C. - \R£pRE[$iN$JS& r ; ;» .■ NEW6OMS fntlß [Subscriber having recently received A Ait (ttelk oT goaib f« the mmoU, vitas a choice •election of esr cooxse, . . Cora feting ra part of Brood Cl#i, riftMs, Gtngham>,De lames) Shambrava.l’kvanieUea, Abpacas, Velvets, Brown and JWeaek*d.illtet. ings- »nd*-Bbwfj»g*,. Ticking*, JfeßKaga, Wad* din;*, Baffin;*, Wi«iiijpjVe*iibfaiEtiv*li,Flotka, Cottar*, Handkerchief*, Camhvieky, Lac**, Trim mings, Grain Bkgs/Girpel Bagk, Cotton Y»rn- Twine, Carpel Warn Umbrellas and hnnh, with a good lot of READY-MADE CI.OTHING. cm listing of Men and Boys' Coat*, Danin* OnfaJk and Shirts, Vests* <(e. Hyson, Hyson Skin and Young Hyaon Tea?; a large lot of Sugars, different grades amf prieet. Ma- I Asses, Syrup, Tobacco, Pepper, Spies, Coffe*, Co coa, Ginger, Soda, Creant Tarter,Saferataa, Candn *, Drug» and Dye Stuff,'.Pnmtu and Oilt, Window Olatt and Satk. hardWarjb. Axes, Shovels, Hoes, X Cni BaWi, Spa dr S, Claw bar*, Wrought and Gat Nails, Hinges, Chsiaa,C**r Bells, Sheep Bells, Manure Forks, Hay FaikAChaih Pumps, Paint, Horae, Shoe. Clptnes and Hair Brushes, Bed-cord and Halter-Rope. ; , crockery,'glass ware a Lpoano GLASSES, Pine and Cedar Pails, Brooms, Waah beards, Clotbes Pin* and Corn Baskets, Silk and Brush Hals, Caps and Berms la, Boot* and Shack, dec., dee., comprising in all s large and well selected assortment of good reselling at the lowest possible prices. Thanflii Ibr past favors, the sobscriber wo*W ia rite all those wanting good* at grant bargain* to call and examine lot Ihemseltas. WANTED, In exchange• for Goods, Notes and Aecdmit*, all kinds of Grain, Shinglts, Lumber, Ashes, Park, Bolter, Lard, dec., at the highest market prices. Knoxville, Nov. 87,1854. VICTOR CASE. DOCTOR YOURSELF! The Pocket M: ilnpli OR EVERY ONE HIS r THE fiftieth Edit!., with One Hundred Ed graving, showing Diaeaw and Malformations of the li ntan System in every ahf and form. To winch is ad< a Treaties nn the Diseases Females being of the high' importance to married pcoj or those contemplating mi riage. By TV*. Yoons, M. D. Let no ikllier bo ashamei pi ipr to his child, It may save him from early grave. Let no young man or woman enlar into Die secret obligation! of married lire wilboat reading the Pocket JSscoLAnus. Let no one (of fering from a hacking Cough, Pain in tho aide, real leas nights, nervous feelings, and thowhole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given- np by their phys ician, bo another moment without consulting the itlsCDLsnus, Have the married, or those about lc be married, any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving ihomand* of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. O" Any person sending Twenty-Five. Cents enclo sed in a letter, will receive one copy by mall or five copies Will be sent ibr one Dollar. Address, (post paid.) I)K. WM. YOUNG. As. 133 Sprscc St., PhOoddMa. June 7, 18S5-Iy. ADniiiisiriuTdtt's front®. WHEREAS, Letters or Administritlotr on the Estate of JULIUS CLARK, late of Rnllend township, Tioga Co. Pa„ were this day (June 11, 1855.) granted to. the undersigned. All |fofr«ns knowing IhenKelVes indebted to uid Estate ate re quested to settle immediately, and those haring claims are requested to pi's sent the same for settle ment, A. HUMPHREY 8.8. STRAIT, Pa. ( Mmt ** June 14, 1855. SELECT SCHOOL: M lBs H . At REAAS, trill open a Be iTJL lent School on MONDAY, the 7th of May. in the building back of R. St Bailey’* Store. TUITION. Reading, writing, spelling, and plain Sewing.'.#l,so Common Engliah branches, Embroidery...... 9,00 Higher English brenchea #,M> Music; JUclodeon ~, JS.OO “ Piano, 8,00 Wqllsbofoi Aptil 2J3, 1855. , . . , T tf'E of IV. H. SEWARD. -Li “ ■■ SAM. HOUSTON, MRs. slow Ns la ft Wtrt-jSAY-rijaiWUi LONGFELLOW'S POEMS. “ GOLDEN LEGEND. QfIACE GREENWOOD'S POiStS. " STODDARD'S POEMS. tbr soli at BAIJUET X TOSXrjL Wellshortf, May 16-55. ' ' NOTICE. IS hefeby given ferbaMrirg aB oersone htlhoving or trusting my wjfir Elcm» wtrM> aw a/ ■*- eoont as I ahal! pay no debt* of her contracting after this dale. , JAMES W, WABINER. , Dolmar May «th 185*. " ’ MRS; ML A, STEVENS hi« iantreesitU iron New y«|ujMppl; of SPRINQ GOODS which ah* ia prepared 1* oner telbe public on term* more naaonable then at any former period. Week done to order, Ladies, call and roe. N; B. Hard times makes it newsuiy that aD ia ■ debled shonjd call, and pay op immediately. WeflsbonJVMareH 26,1855. LIME, LIMP LIME! —Kept constantly •» hand at his Filter Mill near’MaitsAeld, mb. ly burned and of anterior quality. Price, ST) nrata per bushel. ■ • ’ • Ai’BfltßY. Mamficld, lone 14, 1955. • W.W. WEBB, W. |> n HAS established himself in the prithee Mad ieine and Surgery in the Towaskap nf'Liberty Pa.. wboM ibe still promptly ollcaA** aalts i a We profession. Überty.m U 1854. rdl, MOARICEAU’S Private Medina} Compaq -Mien. For Sale at BAILEY « FOLBY* mm? iff] CSroceries*