l[p*^ r tbm».S3&V r&pMican, May 88. V Same timejimffo published aa account of'tKd murder br Miss TborntOp.ao ing ■ypufib 'girlr residing. tieftt Gaslop£pila baWa. Immediately after the murdet and t)etßoipn:of the negro, bis immediate 049 Wt ment ww awiowriy contemplated by *hh peo ple ief»Sutnpler county, but-«fleroBture d& MMliw tlta taw eWdlog- hiWlbW the ‘btHfody of the ,ptojit!f/officers, ■tfdiib' vvfc* committed to. At the late term of the Circuit Court of Sumpteßcounty, *tbb 'MOrbey Sppoiatedby the Court, in the "dftWtMlgd of‘We duty, moved for achhbgb OfyctioetO Green Couptyi < XhoJudge, was euswiaediby (bssion Wjs-tnmfe .fho match was applied, and in a few moments the da,- roujipg flam.es were enveloping the doomed negro; .bis fearful cues resounded through the air, while the surrounding negroes who witnessed 'jjisTdiieadlbl dgony and horrible conloriiohs sent' up an mvpjuniary howl of His. sufferings, though excruciating, were short 1 in a fety minutes the flames bad enveloped him entirely, revealing now and then, as they fitfully swayed, hither and thither, his black and burning carcass-like a demon of the fire, grinning ns if in hellish mumph at bis tormentors. Soon all was over, nothing tv as left ,but the burning flesh, and q’tiarred skeleton of this human de'il, who could thus deliberately perpetrate so foul a crime. The horrid outrage was fearfully avenged, and though the beayens were reck ing wjih tho stench of burnmgllegh, yet jus tice was satisfied ; ihe law of retaliation was infhciea.Bß nearly as.it could be, while rhe example made of this wretch had, no doubt, asaiuiary effect upon the two thousand slaves Who witnessed his execution. We are for from approving of the infliction of mob law, yet in aggravated coses like this, popular ebullition will manifest itself, and in view of the enormity of the wretch’s offence we, as a public journalist, cannot approve, yet we have neither time nor inclination to censure the conduct of the people of Soulh- Sumpter. Justice was inflicted by them, and i thousand deaths of . the kind were too good for a dpvil like negro Dave. GomKry Papers. We have-beehTor Many years in the habit o'- reading several newspapers printed in ru nt towns in different Slates—a habit wtiich we would-conitnend to all desirous of keeping up t general and comprehehsive view of so-' ctety at large and its in lift e nee's. ft is a mis? take la imagine that all the .talent extant is monopolized by our cities, and a still greater error to aoppose that the latter with their sel fish, though great energies, and with their ad mixture of foreign population ahd education, can show the slranger-wbal the heart of the American people really is- Those -who are capable of making the necesWry allowances, of forgetting the drawbacks lb which many a country ediloris liable, and of which many * city-editor iSevor ddeanled, will fimNn our" American-press ascompared'wifh tHat'Cf'other countries, a degree of originality and common seme which holds out the fairest hope for years to come, that we havq.)iule reason to feag that the spring of originality which gives life to our national character will ever ce dried up. The straightforward earnest ness with which, the American country press discussgjp.jqipoftafll politicalpit other ques tions, ancf the shrewdness which it displays in bringing them directly home to its readers, torm subject of invariable comrfibhffaiiop to intelligent Europeans who have had ; opportiipitiea Lagt and per-, baps least, tnougji not less attractive to many, ins American country press can collectively lay claim to more dry humor than any one who has.notexamined lh6,subject is aWare of. There is,, more real original wit evolved by ine American press-in npe day than can her found infill. the collective nawspapera of Eu rope for one year,'and the-very great propor tion of this is from the country .--PJiifadeL p/tta Bulletin. < Office or Gbakd Wobt'h'y Secretabv, > Grand Lodge of I'.’D.of G. T. J Mansfield, *1 joga Co.,Pa. June 13.-SA. ‘ R**otpgd,JhM the G. W. C, J.. of this Gi«od Lodge be lotevoltelfte com tmuioo of VVm. M. Murrell, as D. D, G. W. C. Ti, and thit’notido thereof be given in the Temperance 'papfera 0 f the Stale. Adopted. I certify the above to be a correct extract, froin ihe Journal of Prpcendings of |hp Quar* r -°^ e l ? rand Lod ge i. O. of ?* ,ho m of Juno,.WSs. , p. pUQKMAN. Q, HT. Secretary. pmfii the crest w«i*ge» about $16,000. .^,wprM p ss, #the bordeb wlib «h^ ,; ihey i hWd Wa/&BPSPf&a* aqd back. an*il rdJfelrtid' dftd dollar a day W-'' ■sWwsr w *. m?oi wfdragb reqßltolDbe T«e violence of its members wps but.pprt. flfjwe: services Tor which‘they were ; :paid,'' StifeT arc the statemenis .pf a fletCfttletter ‘ fibrin y z U ' ,u ; : Wte are pfctoed to, lehrn of. tha depth,hf |I?. K \V. Goodrich, Esq., late of Smethppfl, M’Kean county, but-at-the time nf hisudd ceesejr citizen ten.by Mr. O. aiqca hid rempreal to Kapaas, .has made him a Iwsi of friendawhqreyer |tis letters are read, and wa-deeply.regrot.hm .un timely death.*' Hie lonely wife,..far from friends, with at), her earthly hopes, blighted, we would be,glad to jtpeqk jtlnd words, lo ter,' if iu our power. Let. us bear.jp mind thai .there are sorrowing ones around us whom we con befriend if so disposed. —Covdertporl Journal, .- •<- ... ■ Profound ignprapee makes a man io. He knowsjjoihjng, thinks he .can teach others what he has just now learned himself; whilst he who knows o great deal, can scarce imagine any pno 'cannot be acquainted with what he says, nod,speaks for this reason, with more indifference. *„ .... Rev. IV. Bullard will preach at Liberty on Sun day lbs Bth of duty forenoon or afternoon, as 'the friends there may appoint HARRIED. At Tioga on the 17lh inst., by Rev. W. Bullard, Mr. 80. W. CAMPBELL and Miss LORETTA' E. SANDERSON, oil-of Tioga. Notice. THE undersigned, ciljzens of Tioga County, Pa., hereby give notice that jhey intend to make srppllcafloh 'to the EegislhtOro of Pennsylvania at its next session {which'commences on thelstTuos day of Japbaty J 856,) for the creation of a corpo rate body with Banking or discount privileges, by the n'Amc aUd’ style of Hits "THE TIOGA COHN TY BANK," to bo located at tldea Vitlige, Tioga County Pennsylvania,- with a capita! of One Hun dred Thousand Dollars,.with Ihe privilege of in. creasing said capilifl to tW.o hundred thousand dol lars. Virte DePrii, B.'tt. Wickham, J. S. Bneh, • A. T. Guefntey, J. W.Ouernscy, . F. E. Smith, F-S. Tuttle, A; ./ ;, fTftlts’ fhxti tie belt ttaSnoftcWrji# ihwtyion 4luM, In*’ in Ret; rielrly l e«sty (hing-M>tte lino if GbodfcW be fbaftd ia 4blt «i. mbo(v»nieat-'tii»el»iH mnlcethH# Hw*«a«Kbrit. -.' icSfiS «fc;RQB. si.assa ; T 'AWNB.*.GiINeHAMa*-A r> Gsatooapiinti jort rac'd at [Mayjbt]... JON@S feSQBtS. ST?Ltf 'reeeiwi J-a some beautiful itylei of Mantillas at May 3I t 1865. JQNES&EOE’a Long. &■ square brqcha shawes,*! veay luw ipriear aL. . - ■ JONEtift. ROE'S: OwINETS, RIBBONS'*’ tfNlNfiS; af* Wil. £) dfeng flalsjost recoiycd at JONES Si. ROE’B.' Tl EABYMitBE CLOTHING.—Just rcceiyco a It large stock of Ready Mtide Clnthing for the ■aprin^arid-'aofflirier''trade,-which will tin sold eta ■very small profit at , JONES & ROB’S MEN’S BOOTS*. SHOES & GAITERS—AIso Boys shoes of every description at, Moy .3I .1855. , ... JONES & ROE'S? , TRUNKS. Valitda, Carpet' Bagd'aiW Satchels a large lot just received at JONES & ROE'S. TI/TILL SAWS & FILES.—A large lot mrl re. ■lYl ceived at .JONES it, ROE'S, MACKEREL by the barrel, i bbl., and'j bbl, at' May 31 1855. JONES & ROE’S. OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE, at May 31,1855. JONGS * ROE’S. ■pXNE.ptUE 1 IJLACK I; CaBsimcros,'Wmcds,Kdhtucky'Jeifts,ahd aura, mcr Goods fer men arid' boys' vdOa h Jtftfrkcdl veh at JONES & POE’S. . 20,000 lbs WOOL WANTED, ' AT THE . Steam Wool Factory IN WEIjLSBOKO’ PA. ITIO Manufacture on shares by tho yafd—or ,in 1 exchange for BROADCLOTHS, CABSI MERES, TWEEDB, BROAD ELANtiEI& STOCKING YARN ($O. - \ 7 The subscriber' lias rented a part 'bf,Sfts''l?dih. dry Building and STEAM PQWpR years, has filled up tho will bo in tcadinossp oh the wilt day. or June next lo Cfftr^iyb^l into rolls for cuplomerVoH ! fil\oYl Police. Al#o to re ceive cloth iv Dress and wool tb rp&Mt ftetuto on shares (or ono half tho cloth, of by the yard for three shillings. And those vylphingjtojiaye ‘their wool worked can depend bn ho Vibg in season. Customers fringing Wool toCafoobm a diitapcb can have theit "rolls to i^^y i 'hdhtf with then). VVoolvnnd most oil kind of prdddee rideived in payment for work. Teams, pay down. May 81.1853. LEWIS C. PENDLET()||. «£W GROCEIIi & PROVMXffiI STORE. Maml O. IJIUrfsAltD, Dr*h,rs • in PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, ROOTS f SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHIHG, Wood Willow Wore, Tobacco, Cigars, Fluitt, Confec tionery, Sjc., ifc. At the Stand recently occupied by Robert Roy, Wellsboro*, Pp. SPEWQER.& THOHSOBT, At to racy ■ & Coun»elor» at Law, CORNINO, Steuben County, New Tom. Giq. T. Spencer. C. H. Thomson. April 18,;g55-11. . COSMUN has ]o»t relumed from Iho City • with k eplgodid assortment of Broadcloths, Cassimsres, Vc«ting-», Trimmings of all kind*,, Ready-Made Clothing of all qualities dud sites, French 'Bosoms, Shirts and Wristbands, Cravats and Scarfs, all tlyltt, a la Byron Gollaff,'Stand.' itig-CMars, Clones irtid Ho- " eiery; Sycfcn * TIOGA MARM£ TARO. , T VliXrBR; & E TZ, D'EAtfiHk* IN' Italian and American Marble, for MANTELS, MON-OMENTSi TOMBS CENOTAPHS, .GRAVESTONES. AortiTS. Bailkv So TqixYr, Wellsbopj 0. P. Biwcn, Ktiotville; J. E. \VEi9TER, Codington. Tiojtt, April 36,1885. DOCTOR YtHIftSELF! , The Pocket JSscnlapins; OR EVERY ONE H" TIIE ; fiftielh, &Ji ’with Ono Hunted . graving*, showing Diioai and Malformations of thr ' ijun System in every dnd’ form. To which is a* .» I’reotles nn the Discor Females being of Uie importance to married pei or those contemplating riogo. •• ' By Vliji. Yovua, M. D. Let np father bo ashamcu prew. , copy... jEscUlapiOs to hit child. ft may soya him eirly grave, tot ho young than, or woman enter into the secret obfiga(lohi of married life without reading the FobKrr. iEeOcwridß, Del no one sof. ferhig fromaJiadtiefl Co ugh. Fain in the tide, rest less nights, nervous-feelings, anti the whola train of ‘Dyspeptic sensationj, and givep’’op by their phys. Wan, bo another moment without consulting the •aEscoumus. Davo lho married.or those about to H married, any impediment, read. Ihia truly useful; tpqk, bps beop tlio jnpooa uf saving. ,;linm»ajid». of unfortunate spaatures frqip the very jap!a ofdeolb. (E/’Any person sending Twenty-Five Cr/Usencto-, eedio * letter, will receive one copy of ,tl«« worjtby mail, or,five copies will be sent for one Dollar. Address, (post paid.) DR, WM. YOUNG. ]yq,Jsi3 Sprtue St., Philadelphia, { June 7, 1855-ly. AIMUNISTIIAXOR’S NOTICE. , WHEREAS, Letters of Affmliji«tnillb6 &n4he EMato of .JULIUS Jutland tf'wnKhip; Tioga' Co. Fa, #re' this day (Jnni 11, 1856,5 opnited' W IhA 1 liritferaighed. All ,'pcfattaa k now i n JrtjotafcfclVes, i to > sai a ttr6^£l Jjufstcd' J "gfetl&'igi-and Hit# paving claims ate najOesleiJ $ draSanf » a l* o f° r settle -pim. A, HUMPHREY'FiIWff, Pa. i> ' S.’aiWßAJ^troy.Ta. 1 land U, 1853- ' - ' - > ■ ■TSP. MUARJCEAjU'S griVale Medical Com (tan iXJ .j*n. YoHSritfSi BAILEY A FOLEY’S. JPI .A,' A iW>: ™mb ■; “ ' 1. *■ ; 1nfea6»' d»‘ riwirt* W-feUJ ■'•>•- r"'- 1 ■ Ow *Hi^«f■ tank]* ayttbn, > the tfaifth thvj and for' their delicacy forbids seeking adrjeef' . »qffcrtng Vonii); C ( OT fomjiußr In cooiliat *£oay &r many inoatti* preceding canon*. m«oi ifany have difficult'lf dclirirjcs, nad tV>w and Uncertain i-e&tarfpa. Sosa Trboa'e Ihwfure .- baarded daring each ttme/Wlli ,flud In 1U pages tha jnoans of prevention, adjfcHdritJdk’and reliet It Is of coursd Impracticable to conyey folly the radons kubjeots tree tab of, ei they ore of o nature strictly la testa) for Uis Bjsrijod or tboso. oonUmpklfa* yitrifbt|i. ife a %> P r W°h.'a hoshwsJ or O- tetherr.w .HSiOr mother t Hare you tho sin core vettaro of tboso you ley* at bead? IVoro your sincerity, and lose no Umt {n teething what c&uaes Interfere with their hMflth tnd'h&£. phtajowt less than yobr dwn. It vIU avoid to you and yean, ms it has to thousands, many a day qf pained taxiely, followed by sleepless nights, iocapeoUating-ths - - mln£ for Us ordlhary:nroedtToo; and exhausting tbosa meaqa. lor medical attendance, msdioluM aud ' wbiofa wpuld provided *>cilrilng" mihhUiee of inU the proper edotkiion of yoi»yohJta#ciJ. , tejtgweqMgfes of popularitr'oMh* wort. unpuehcM uy ita * ex^aordfo*jy sate,'tsHoos Itopcif. WQrp aw been nttemiriiN, -u>«kWii««-a* «« brdmlUtiona orjrae-bage, spurious editkme, and surrapUmna infringembnts r dr copyright, aud o\hfr derlwi; lutd deceptions, it hta boon found neeeasarr, 1 -therefore, lo u 'dAUTIOriI THE PtißLiD to buy no book unless tl(fl words “Dr. A. )i. MicaftsavL 120'dibCrty BtMc«; N. Y.'» Is on (tad the elitr> ’iTthJ ClerWa Office on the back title yngi] ahd 'buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, or s* 1 *! by mail, and address to la A. M. Hauricena. «- Upon receipt of One Dollar “nra Bt». WED WoMaB'S PRIVATE rtEDIOjU, eofi. PANTON” is sent (isoiUti frtt ) to any part- it the United States, the Oasadas and- BritiA EfovUifrll*- All letters must be post-paid, Bnd addßiud-ta Dr. A. M. MAURTOEAUj box l&sty, Mew-Tork Oitr, PnbUshlnc Office, Street. Haw TorL - u ; . »/. '*!> v* Aflcm Mr*. Cynthia Williams, Honrtdefe—WdnU & Stark, Carbondalc—Z Flint, B. 0 8co«, Bedford —G D Rtairt^oinsbufi—BAlLEY & FOLEY, WtUrhormlgh. " . -\' v “' M ■*' S® LE CT f S(! HO Oil. MISS U- A.,.-SEA'JBS, will open ase. Ihcf Schodl 6TMpNDAt., ,(fid Ttijiof May.in the. building kick of R. 5. Bailey's Storp. - - fvitioN: -- ! lading, waiting, spelling,,and plain SoWihg.'j|isj Common English braircheS,Bmhroider.y i..... . 2,00 Highor English. Jtraqcbei' .. ■....... , .i.,'. . ajoO Mu»ic, MJelOdepn...). v , ; ,..... j..,... -SjOO: “ Pian0.............. ~i....,..,8,00 Wellsboro, April 88; 18S5i r" - LIFEof Vf t H.SEW»P. - , “ "• SAJii: fiQVSTON, ms.SiowE&hnt Y-fidWEk WNOFEbrnm £OEMk-. . • , ■ . sTOomuw'& J F(teais. ’ ll ■ ■ ■ For ulo ot-'BAIIiEY & FOLEY’S, Wel|sbqioVMsy,lo*s6, Press tM ML OWH®9'.Cfefe.. .Hie flock of Oanjt be jsql Ibis. sifie.'cC saw, iejUtet ibißltW tty!e f or dually, , 1 .... . -.>.,,1 - ■ !9«f l lepk.j.hefifat premium"at the Fair of last October. _ _, 1 . j BT t'arfictilhf aUrnljon .giVon to_.eultin| w^rp«- p£a, April 6,1855. , t IVOTXC'JE'-i; '' ■ r tTS hereby -gig«a-forbicl *': ■ ■'<) • it. ifA IOHUIHj fW*" GLASS, SASH,'yr^'\ ! v- f f jrtldfilce, Would n onr line of budfffMSr sort* nnd trndi.bf work.' ;V/-‘- fc V’JWI ttttofc'.r •„■',■ Cjfi be } gri( up * t ihdrl' Oolite; 'rirlidulaV (Mentions jmhriJ-df’sHoo* from the Common to the Concave Seated shiWi -- Nrß;Theßy*tmr>adopl«d aMbis establishment is sjmsasttssmßSSss: &**!«!& ™>»- er pay; this plan is succeeding beyond our expects, linos already. We inyilpall who pjm Xdr iben^el*ep it .yon r and you ■ WWaOLAfI lS' DEAE’.H -.j 4-**V>V. W lljc iq^rcils. ; of thp The erjdl High Ftl(jcaliia iiaycd,awtj(.gp(i,thxl of S|i4 has just begaa. They re coOTetUte ths doclrirte tfail.ifas.?‘fUUBl.A£EXPßN6Bf ji* .B j uch aa ' afid Lftdieg' Dresg (JiooflSj ' LateStSlylett. dml atiapted tb ovefy variety df tritn mingw: Ladics wilt well lo colt and oiamite the Slock before pufctinsmgolaewhere. Baldwin, Guernsey A. Co, Ju*o olvsys oh Bend a seasonable and fsshionsbio stock of whjch will b« sold st Iho laikesl CASH PRiCga. ■■■■'l, ’ AEsd, Groctriet, ffardvaare, Gian, Slone, #pUof_ War f, Jfrjon,, , Sjfil, QUa, Paialt t , 1 1 and J?j le-Btvfi of kind ,■ , and of the fait quality, , ~ i oith, B&QTS ■# AKPJS‘S.-,/»r Eeetybaifa/. 'V Ai( kinds fif ffwntiy Rio&itt Aflktn 111 V»c cAaagt/sr goods at tie market prices. - r > - •' ic E Baldwin. Tiogs, March 29,1855. A. T. GUERNSEY, .. - O.II.LOWBLL, NEW ARItANGEMENTSb!'! t r FHE subscriber Tin vine par- V. * CROJYL&'Cp’S WAG. ; Pa., are «iOigSSi5J*V ready to make to orddr all article* pertaining tq'tfje, business, in tlio best ipanner and of the material. 20 FARMjffig Jjfb OTHERS hi *»y thpl,he .arliclesjn their lino of businW CIIBA'PIES- than any other esttW lislmient in ificr cij’unly. A gqod. OMorltnenlxif . Whips, Unrues eonslonllylori hand, uiu cBJEEAAIk'JI'IWiI.dotiB on abort noticojmd in the best possible manner. ID* All orders promptly.'filled and wamitttfl to give entire satisfaction. 1 (Lf’OjtilAitd.exaouoe.his stock before purchasing' elsewhere. “ Lire and LU Live,'’„i» his. motto.. 07 Most kindp otCoufllry Produce taken in ov change lot ,work,at the beat market price. A fair share of public patronage respectfully so licited. E. E. KIMBALL, ■ ' 1 .o -• 600 K, ~c~j6 ,i i,?rn; THE SUBSCRIBER! rejurns his, Jh'pnks/HW to his former.flkeijcfkfbr Roping Ut'rnajT ljj jnany more now JAM fbbbifetiVnaW' addition to his alockyUntMle wishes tin M call -Wlthl if notchekpet ihtni "aby otliedaiilablbdHanßt) onthb bifid W tfiM sectieq : _of the connlry. ,'- v ’a' :i "a ■' .' '■ v ' J^’SfatchtijClucks,'ftiiewelry Repaired 10-tbd Jrisl manner *' '>■ ».>.'■ STfl-BE, i 07 Also a Urge sflpjtly of Ihs'lMllrib. 'Tioga, Ap.26,4-45.. - •' G, W. TAYLOR. IVfBS. CA ili from ofSPHjKe-fiSipi^ Vpicb she is m WT&Vid'WFf to the pijbjio qrjjtcrms, .mere roaaoiiS^Set.ahy'former pecipA/.iWork dine to piAarj Levies,. cailepd see. ‘ , < ■ dsbted shdm^catfjnd; irritncSaleiy.. TTAS jatt»blab»a'hnn*BiniD'tWprifoffce’tSf' Mefl • ffife Township PUHteS 1* tirproeliooj 0;. .;i-:£ ; ,'•■ Jn-'div' ,*j.w? - H©mN6^HlN(^ Tg V ■. /.I t.^.5 csss’ &gs%ff*&&fa r mn • rtsr: aaSa^iiffis^K® jmtOLEy. 1 ■ , Jwmmr I. Willfttrtt;' T; P«( ~subscriber haying X*N»(fc*n4&to*' fw ** Coi*l.lln s3 h%° S^itofe.rKint.,. s6rtthsn»- l> «.»»»*« ■v- ShitnhiWTrf< fmto&Rk, : Alaj««a», ' YfJv?¥<' Jfrown ssd J^qlMrahW ■nimgH Giiirti Sag*,’ Catyfc|< Bag*. (Mjfcf'Yrfi. •wW-l'A «f EEAPY, UAD£ ■•" tr «WW*e«e*. In . . .¥ ■,. '.Ji ilft-V > , Jli ■ J - • •'Ui rf>’i. Hymn, Hjkmi Sun ana Tsmvjl t -a Axe»,§hor«J». Hop* !«• CiAfew*. Bpaldot,'.{?r«d- Ws, Wrought and Cal flails, Hipges, ChaißSrJpgjf Belts, Sheep Bells, Manure Forks, Hay Forks. Chain Pumps, RafAt, ’■ Horse; Shite, ; Ciolhek ! Sms TlSl Broshes, Bad.cordliidHaller-Rope. v ’ ! i r " ~WQpxmtf\GtAss fvase M&aamm and Cedar Phils, JfrqoHHtW»»h Irorof,Cloches Phis and Coro,Basket*. SHk and Briish HdtS.'Cafrt ana Bolmns/ iEwM WuJ Shoes, Go&fish,>&.e., &c., comprising in till ti larjfeand'yteU feeleeted Assortmentafgoodt;ifeUittf »l>e,Wc»t I paH ! ibte;pnce*. , '*o xhanlhl lor past fivers, Die rite all those .waiting goods at great bjtxgjdps to .call andsizlniiht) firrih’otptltWs; • ' * , In exchange for Goods, Notes and Accounts,iitllt kinds of Grain, shiogi«s, Lumber, Ashes; Poik, Butter, Lord,&c. T al the highest'market pricefe , Knoxville, Nov. 2t, 1854. VICTOR CA Tioga fpanjr* & W&C , iCftros jffßoPk.- ■• n TABOS, youae & ..*r ■ TVA A.JS pf Steam Engiaca, Baikt*) 4’JU dnd Macbijjcry of aR kinrjp; Stovss, .Hpllps Ware, Tin, and Copper Warp. . . REPAIRING & 108 WORK d6uo viith t& least possible 1 - MILL GEABIJjGS furnished BilASuKitrs.dsrgss or ptlifnij , PLOWsf of til kinds,, (two pf which, (bpkcjhe premium at the late Codhty Fair,) Sept ioMumly on hand. ‘ , ? ~. y , -.tr f Wo here the exclusivejight, for Tioga County, la manufacture pud vend lire r >" .. Wof the best fof uulUie vsryheal} CoplaSjsM. «eer inrenteo; wliich la always on hand’at oUr ptoY* house, for wholesale & retail. ' ! TABOR, YOUNG Square Bup of iilep constantly on, ißy o*pario«i«e Hh TTfti4SU«rt6S«;-tTf» aklWa® l bimrtlf tbkthnian lira f'felWi }S d ..« u gWvirffLsfc iny ealjibishmebl la rennfy|T(inia or Now, XarJU.' CillTOdiie'i. “ r ■ ,: -ri"— s -'c, ‘ i ®AVH) S-IREfc^W;- rorVnfJoW, WmrohQ,‘TBM. ' '« ’ • -* 1 BXlk® apbspribix iiinluo Ajfwil for Ibd /wtehfj t>r. D. Jaynes celebrated family Sejm’s Oil for. Dpofnesa ' . r IVtbc Woipeii «f ; 3-.. «as» GREET! 54G •<■ The. tmd6rBifjnadv«il«u>WN» ofWellshijtnV .tiofh. coopty, f.k-, fcwrjngjbfc.; Oomo the proprietors of one 1 of tbagreatqtj. JUbpr;- , Saving Machines of the,Age, would refpeetfcljr in. fbrtn the “Lady public’* th'3t"t)iey iShejSnMSo shdwlhi jitldilydPHn* old edog*— ; 3 f>, , ‘•Scold, seoM, fiel, feel, ■ ■Scolfliseoldawsy .i '■ ’ There i» nae look lho,!iojJS» ' , 'Open » was!)ihff:?ny." ' , .Ifo'r their new .Machine, combining cheapness and of them-MrAHfcMiw «Hd l effhcliWn*{ jiilla Moating in the water in wliich the cloliids an-, Worked by a lever. machine doegiU- wont' wiijtoflt injury to cloths*, and WP petfoqUy, (hsV. « dren.niay >a washed fwithojit. Iftkino oat tho »taj»,. • Call’ and examine tHoin at Styrrocaiii Cabinet &im» Wlicre lliey are 'sdfd Wf Kl r ’ - 1 tlVNl>lS.'£TUftllpCK' «a fOKSTTB. J Vfill»b«ougl(,Feb.J, 1866. ■' |t i " - T [iHE aflbpcribeis juHfeplenwbcd.vheiTsv r,J- *tublt pfTCarflf Uijgvflow feel justified jn- t saving. .W«sW Ro^ n ?. e?^feil i ' ,: fltjinUiy,.quUU»,vwjely, richness sad Many,ifjat. ,«f, atfy dihe'r infills courtly, ind 48 to prices wo" are oUfiduitJtiM¥W 'ijherb ftd'WiMiOfepViJdfeittßmy on hand fte»W^roOhd !