q/.lie N. Yl itwune. St. Lou is, Monday., JunaYi, 1B65;„. , I have-just been convening with aAriend of mme who has recently visited thu. seat of warTrW.oiloso- Missouri—-and [ have-lea iJied from him soiria facia wbich.shauld be known to the many readers of The Tribune* The papers .of‘f his. any;, and many of thesp-cclled “conservative” sheets of the North, we sdsn the habit of crying Peace, Paacer when.(here in in reaUly: no,*peace, but on the, contrary moai violent strife and confusioD j .il is getting no common to say that “quiet is beginning to reign on the Missouri frontier," and lhai “all wif! yet be well,” ihat it is high time .for the reaf facts in the case to be publishcrf at the East, where every one may read them with out nroiudice. and where the truth may as sault even the deaf enrsof our jmbecile 'and impotent Administration. My friend of whom I speak is hy'btfth and education.a Pro-Slavorv man j yet his-good sensa and honesty lead him to speak the truth always, he says that Wqs\eri» Missouri is at present under a Rpign of Terror modeler' rible than that of Robespierre, because.exist-' mg-in a land claiming-to be free, enlightened and Christianized. The fire-eaters eremrgan izcd m a secret band, and conspire together m-secret meetings. Their hand is againsl every man who will not loudly advocate their damnable doctrines. Those who are rtof with them these Slavery propagandists con sider lo be aga.msi them, and no ancient ban of excommunication could be more fearful than their, avowed enmity, .Whisky is their inspiration, and hemp and tar and feathers are their arguments. They have resolved to hang, to bully and intimidate, un til the curse of slavery sliall-he fixed on Kan sas. You have learned ol the conduct ofj these men toward Mr, Philips, a lawyer of Leavenworth, whose only crime was a re mopsU&nce against perjury and illegal voting (lojr.lhe-cbarge that he was engaged in the afljray in, which that notorious rowdy, Mai coift Clark, .was justly slam, is now ocknowl edged to be false ;) how they dragged him over to Weston, tarred and feathered him, rode him on a ran, and sold him at auction. Such an outrage has never before been com milted, in our State, its brutal details, make one’s heart sick. Yel my inlormant soys that Phillips bore the ordeal like a and re. fused, though be was threatened with hang ing, lo sign a written obligation to leave Kan sas. Though a man of slender form, he has a fiqry eye anu a daring heart. Those twelve men woo have so deeply ■ injured him will hear (torn him yol, if appearances ore not very Jeceithii. They profess lo be re spectable—some of them ate editors and law. yer* and physicians; and Phillips will yei teach them that the rights of a freeman-are not lo be trammed upon with impunity. | Affairs on the frontier are in a. very : threat- [ ening stale. The fire-eaters, though a minor- j ity m .Western -Missouri, bully, and beat { down the peaceable, and conservative inhabi-j turn*. They -.are. well armed, and, devote j themselves assiduously to their work, Eed.l on'iiy that dtupken demagogue, Davy Atchi-I son, they believe themselves in lire full tide j of success. ■ They-pram-of dissolving the! Union as crazy sailors talk of southing a ship in a 's|orm. . Ttrey trample upon law and, order daily, and unless a reaction takes place soop lhere will be bloodshed m abundeoce. Meantime oat President of shreds and patches, careless or ignorant, sits at his ease in Washington. Why should he do,anything? Atchison, the damnable bloated trajtor, is Pier ceV Attorney in fact for Missouri.and Kansas. Hu will take care of the interests of the South, which are in truth, if our national politicians are to he believed, the only affairs in the coun try worthy of .attention, lie is amply able to do all the dlny work of ibe.Adinipisiralion in this quarter without any help from his masters. As for Nebraska, the following from The Nebraska City flews may interest your rea ders’: , . *'i£he question of Slavery pr po .slavery has at lopi been raised in regard tolbe south-- ern portion of Nebraska. We have with up, many Mipsounans nod Virginians—-some of theiribave their slaves already here—wbo : ore among our most enterprising and popular citizens,-and we are will aware that though, they say butimle in regard to the matter, they are bent upon establishing ‘the peculiarinsti tution’- in . Southern Nebraska,-,if jt ean ho done-by a majority vote, Eipi from, Soul hern- Slates are moving here, south, of the Platte, faster perhapsthan any other ol.W*. of .-settlerp. Emigrants from. Northern States are scarce at present in proportion, to,. (hofe, from ; and as south of , the Platte' River is already the most populous portion of lhe terrilory,aod as it acknpw|edgedbyall to be far the best agricultural part of Nebraska, it is a matter of .importance to all whether it be $ Free or a Slave Slate.” “We do-opi.affirm,os many unacquainted; with b« question is to whether the 'cottony, ihe.P.lalte Rivet shall be a -Slave ..Territory or not, w being agitated. TbaVis beuenhan wo.hopßdtfahlXwo Slave TetrilwieSi instead; of one! Pleased are we that ihey-ahottld. have gtarlod-the tjuostionamong So TVorff Missbfirtahit tfr your pottsf* feegd and hold pqlil lh¥granB ¥ifnfy Which it »ntpv' on (lie road from (lie South td.Telic'M you,' North Missourians, yours is. [hp post of honor! ‘You'dro jhe vanguard o/' th'B South 1 f" |>iVcCn« &n 3 lo"»»y 'Vtf tuchji'd spef£tion ; pf "ifie grearpHncißlß'ihsf triumphed ia flfft glhrlflfus iWolulioti 1” u: -r^ Cot. GipKTßy, thh;Knijw.Nb(tyng cantji for for, Tehnpßseo. iurhr‘oui W be a patSTof ft4/BSuii r 6^ir&p ? Si r ' G'edf^. : town. ''■*'"** *s*o r^ . T •_.vafjBa * ’ —-—:—,>, t!v i oifi Tns cit* fitiet of t Blrifitoua! colOK&mf. w wa» girl, on Baimsoy{>' -ri A* n f ~ku j THE^Ag^Af^! *,* All 110.1r.05.,3 mu. be addressed to the Editor to insure attention. Tlmsday Morning, June 81, 1855. REDUCTION IN TERMS!!!! The P-üblisbcrt.of.llie AffiIXAIOB respectfully Inform the Citizens of Tioga County lliqi theyitt'lH ■ flu-stlsh Ihe paper hereafter, id - lUose who pay ONE Y®AHiWt AD VANCIE, atON® pOhVAn- ; DIAJfKo XEAODEB’S JBEPQRTS f) on superior p«pcr,'jn»l prinled'andTdr'VMe at this Office. Two Reports bn « sheet—3l pcrqu'irc. They can be ordered by mail, or-otherwise." . J3T We are requested lO|»4n o°9oe 0 °9oe (fiat Bjahop Ponca will bold service in me Episcopal church in this vipqge, on Thursday .morning, 58th -lost. No tjee will then bo given of .other appointments. "tCT Wo regret that a certain groccryman about torn should incur the efiprgo of asking an exorbit-. not price for cider. Ollier ’ necessaries of life are very dear— very dent. Apples werevery plenty last fall, and why should cider hs eb-dear? Query : at two dollsfa a barrel’, how much profit will be real ised by selling at sixpence a glass 7 Attention, Backbones! lion. J. It. of oiuo< will pd drcw the people of |IiU County qn l^iq-subject of Slavery,altlie Court House in Wellsborp’, on the 6th day of July next. Let none i miss this opporlu nity to hear Ujo "Old War-Horse" o( the 'Weal, •who has a development of backbone not surpassed by that of any other man in the country. Judge Wilmot will propably be here alto,and a grand time may be confidently expected. Co/nc one and all. Which town shall send the largest delegation 1 The Republican Standing Committee, composed of the following gentlemen —G. W. Stanton, L. Bachc; C. O. fefz, W. W. McDougnll, Edwin Royco J. 0. Whittaker and 6. E. Enaworih, are requested to meet on that day without fall, to transact impor tant business. The K. IH. National Convention. Tl»i» body adjourned on the 14li»inst, at midnight -—the £Uvc’ Power having achieved a complete tri* umpb in gelling pro-slavery resolution* passed by a vole of'ncarly two to pne; not, however, until thir teen of the Free Slates bad withdrawn from the Con vention in disgust. The entire North, Ncw-York excepted, baa since entered protest against the ac lion of that body, and hove sent out an Address to the people as manly ond fearless as it is just and honorable to the people of the Free Slates. We publish this address in another column. The whole country bus been anxiously looking on to see what position the Order would assume on the great question of the doy. Not so much that its ad verse decision could permanently or materially af fect the cause of Freedom, fbr every ami-Slavcry man has abundant internal evidence that the North wilhternbjy distinct boundary liner, is henceforth to act a prominent part in the political arena; but to ascertain whether the impolicy of acquiescence would,be adopted by tbe Order n* urged by a -venal press under (he censorship of demagogues. Tbe North luu vindicated its integrity; and though the South has nominally gained its ends, (he spirit of Agitation has not been laid. it is not probable ilbat the decision of a Conven tion cojhpo*ed of a majority of Southern fire-eaters, will be held os pf greater imj>oriance than the bon. e«t convictions of duty which to a great extent in fluence the Northern masses. Fortunately, the day hag. gone by in which freemen will submissively bend to receive and wear the yoke of Southern dom ination. There Is little danger of further cession of rights on the part of the North. The summer of compromise is past, tbe harvest ended with the Ne braska infamy, and the North is saved—from fur ther humiliation. The past year has been unusual ly favorable, to a development of "backbone," in ibis Northern dime, except in the case* of a few whose proclivities will not tolerate a spinal column. less flexible than'than' tfiaf Oftho \Of iu6h ire those ••Who bond the eupplc hingejof the knee Thu ChrUl iftey follow fawning ” Sbakapeareahould have been «pared to' thi« age; tpembalmZindEalhlesamae the woadorQil manifeat ationi oftiamarf nature exhibited* in-the '.“ground and lofty' l tumbling l of- the poUmute'political won ’thtca or to-dtj. ■ ‘ . ■’ ; fiat to the Convention: There w»» a “lion in the: way"—nay, tore of (them-rona-displaying ■ thaaul. I«neati»faetionlhat the gorged.heartcan r «how : ; that waaiho.Jljaok Pptver, The other,ex. hthiled the watchtpl, .that.come*. linn, gbt and ipapllj l)u» was the true North ? for the; North dtdixeiid an unuauat number of. btplihDOM.ln. that Contention. We noli (*d, briefly last -week that » number uf Catholic* applied for admis/iop at delegate), but W.ero. refused,; they were fromXuuijiana. num btrTrpm Alabama ictre admitted. -And the religious tes{ was finally expunged irita (lie, ritual! Loyola himtelf copld hardly firjtl fault with the Order now ! But why was (ho religious 'test stricken out ? l^or■ a very plain reason : 2 he Southern Cath'olice are attiring the elaunchett uphoUl&i of {he ijlooe, PoioerJ ; ;The Newl?oiV'(Sdfefaiion Kai toMredltiffelf with sI»Me a nd -dlgrace, It ttedd sponsor,for a- Ml ofj , rcidihliontdrirhth'h fpiaß Bilt i^ad^iuS 1 out. tfcdignstlbo. Shainoksily nggrtMivd as the S«Kh is, a&hd not Oie eheeli'to-offif such’sn IhdulF to'tM fate* Slates. NO; r »nd‘ so-tlta usdll- resort ' ™» W"a tbingt! to uodsilakelio dirty a fAteeOf work. ■ And' fanbo wbole'Clwlea»l*-Fw!or«idlid obtained' ■t».i IVorejo^o-.^tatfia-isjnoka ftOnsy lyanigje, - i ”■* rs >» w .f« p)i«. SgffiooU t)H4 eaijtjtij,.trifle. tSoptheaij ■the llborljee of the (ceut|pant' ;......-... Bpt.Cfawling pay ha, cpriadso tpjpri faynjWof 3ft me to in the Gotmuition, o( Jh'pt fcuildrfph olfr^lutiopsjjy ofr fVeadora. fined 'lijo Northern., delegation 'wlh ; IBdignalion‘prid dWgu at. Bb' ha? pill ty 2to«t(rfij£» oyoe we ore credibly .informed. The facte .submitted .to'its sre briefly, u follows: The town furnishing the number of paying subscribers .was to locate the lair. Oa the evening alluded ..to, llio several . committees made their reports- Wcllsboro’ and Delmar reported lete than the actual number of sub. ’ stnbere on their bonks, owing to the fact tKal one of (he subscription books bad not been returned. The actual number of subscribers on book in Dei-' mar and WeUsbdro’ was 163. Tioga reported 148 bona fide subscribers. The proposition to deliver the names and the money' tothe- Secretary was not vbted down by Wellsboro’, as slated in tho Edglo, as it polled bolitwo votes. Now wh« dU'Tiogai do ? Driven to the po'sli-slte acknowledged but one hundred- and iliirhjJhree • bona fide sataoribers. iuateadsf 148* nafirst report. i yd 1 Tii at 6Jf5 had .been pieced in. the oommiUoo’s hands by t a Tiijgan.no be uvbd aaihß cummittoe ■ proper." dollars wore used in a game .of profit „aa-dip .SecteUxylebook wiU i. passjelb. fio.tliaraption, to lpc*la„tlie Pair at this ; J PUcP, WA?, fiol lie o%tw of. ,lUc r .mag ■ uanlmily, aclflruinpctcd. aa it.isnjofo than suipeop ; fd, pf Mr. F. Ef.Srnivh. bul ip awmjdancc witb lW). ( 'te?ms of a mutiial agreement by winch 1 die town furnishing the most subscribers should locate ‘the «• - >' - ~ -/ii'a lilcrary eflbrt, (lie cdmunmicStiorf issimply cofitehiptftlei • AndW{fnWW>infc : it,-our‘ «eighbbr ~b&'ifolate)] Unde T the most' ‘im']ioMinl rblet, to the ‘pgifl dbsiSjvliflceof Wbryi -pubKshor U’hoaeld J By-eviry toaMMaralißir bfjhoWOr'nfrid duty. vH« im "awpr* in- -of* coaiMonSty, admuaibki ex. ■ na* aa ink. i-'Btiristthnrata: *w*|h sit papers tlmt lay claim to respectability, and *dh< neighbor knows it as well as we da No paper a&ii tend ils'obluma*; us htkckguarde, « to tedteu ‘ftil«to grio»aiWßa,anji longer \oj claim to-tha sop .portof,;deQoßUtßcn. MWnSd to'our adverti’- Sink ihjfbmns it wilt'ho icfeti U^rknf'tiiog’a friends f are'aw(|fcceTilte has an offer to advojtiwr a tooneyed inUitpUon 7 Elkland, Coring tor}* Bfcsabnrg, wakafttji ? ll'a a ftea fight—tnixjnl well. lt-doea dor soul good to aee a : -Chauo« tor a general moaa. Tioga and Wellaboro’—alarl ftlr.lake-il cael. snd “the' de’ll wk’ tKo hindmoiV.” Cowper sung— , - , , ~ “Sla (cm,-i titcrsec tod by a ftafrow frith, Abhor each olbar." Churchill shall sing— •’Towns hitched together by a piankcn way, Busy each other." Go-ahead, friends. C Wo look a peop into tho Foundry Iho other day, and are pleased lo notice the evident prosperity' of the establishment under lla present management' Messrs. Wands, Roberts St, Go., base also attached to their Foundry, a Flow minufiwtory, where We were shown an improved-iron beam plow, that look* ed as though it would do good execution. They will exhibit one of these Flows at the Fair, We dropped into Mr. I* C. Pendleton’s Wool Fac tory in the second story of tho Foundry building, saw stacks of wool, raw and manufactured, got ex tensively confused with the hum of the engine and the “mosbeen,” slid down a steep flight of stairs and went home a wiser, if not a beitpr man. “Siates Rost” is tho unpretending title of s new story by Dichena, just published by Mr. T. B. Pe terson, Philadelphia. Like everything written by Diokcns, Oils tele illustrates a phase of human na ture. The scene is laid amid the stirring scenes of the Reign of Terror. In Louis Trudsine we have an exhibition of ambition sacrificed upon the altar of a lofty fraternal affection. There are several excel lent characters introduced. It may be ordered of the publisher. Price 35 cents. VVater.Cbsi &. Phmrolooical Journals. Fow lers &. Wells, 308 Broadway, Now-York. The June numbers are before u>, in typography irreproachable, in interest, unflagging, aa conservators of health mural and physical, able, fearless and independent. Xew volumes commence with the July numbers, and we earnestly urge our friends not to neglect this opportunity to secure one or bath at these invaluable Journals for the coming year. O' The weather is hopelessly Novemberish. Corn can hardly recover from the check it has elready ex perienced. The ‘oldest inhabitant* knacks under. 3i‘ A friend has handed in the subjoined extract from the minutes of the Agricultural Society’s meet ings, wbicli fully exonerate WelUborb' from the im putation of dishonesty in live mallet of locating the Fair. It will be seen that tho charge of dishonesty naturally enough attaches itself to the individual who scribbled for tho Eaulf. last week; “Resolved that the lawn furnishing ihe lar gest number of members to the Society, by ihe first Tuesday of Muy next, shall ligve ihe right of designaling ihe place for holding ihe next annual fair. It being understood that Delmar and Wellsboro’ bo considered as one district.’’ The committee adjourned to meet the Ist Tuesday of May, being the first week of next Court, tjio time of holding Court being post poned until June, the Committee did nol hold its meeting ontil June, June sth. Tho committee ma, the Presi dent in the chair. 1 “The Committee on motion Woceoded lo call for ihe reports of Iho persons appointed to solicit and procure members ; whereupon, Charleston, through J. L. Kingsbury reported 80 members, Tioga, through J. VV. Guernsey reported 133, and Wollsboro’ through VVm. Harrison reported 133 members, Wellsboro' and Delmar being considered one township, on motion resolved that the next fair be located at Wellsboro.’ Signed, G. D. SMITH, Rcc. See. TrcmcudoiDt Power «l Air. The tornado that recently passed over La peer County, Michigan, was the most violent ever experienced in that State. The damage to houses, barns, fences and forests is verv great. The heaviest loss will be the destruc tion' of the valuable pine and other limber in its course. So great was the force of the whirlwind that nothing could withstand it. The giants of the forest ivhich have withstood (he storms of a hundred years, were Wfertched from their firm roots and tossed about like straws. Even stumps firmly, embedded in i mother earth, were torn Upnnd carried many rods. Old logs which had' lain upon the ground for years, were disturbed and torn from their resting places, Tho air was lite rally filled with fence rails, limbi of trees, boards, rafters, shingles, &c., which were lift ed to an immense height. The course Of the whirlwind was in a nearly east direction, ranging from twenty rods to half aVnile in width and making a clean sweep as iKwent. In some place's even the culverts acres* the roads were torn up by the tornado, nndNhe roads generally are filled up with a promra* cuouS assortment of timber dbd rubbish of all kinds. An eye witness says that the whirlwind presented the most singular ap pea ranee. He says the wind would rise in un immense whirl, drawing up mils,iifnba' oT trees, boards, leaves, dirt, dfcc., to a great height, when'suddenly it would deem to drop again on the earth, jand feed itself with a neW supply dt sutftfnhingaAas were movable and again ri&e, caWyiijg upwith it substances of great weight.! ■ 1 -i- ■ /PAffLQ O» ASCENSION— Th ? ee Firrv Wn-w bled in Four Hours. —W.u. D. Banmistl* of Adrian Cily A ascended on ferU day fast iq ajjalloonirpm that place, at 10$. in tlie morning, and descended ip Cjarion County, Pennsylvania, at 2J inthe a(letnpop, making the computed diatqqcq of, three hup* died and fitly mile in the extraordinary, short