•asggv-A F«w CMP* can be turned lo belter account on H-. poor, lights gravelly eoH, tHafl back wheat. It possesses a chemical action on the soil, by which the poarser particles are disin tetftattdro* 'rendered finer, and theaoil is, earth unmind With ahiraal or vegetable mut ter—is produced bjr the disintegration, or pul verreing of rock*.’ Bile*, or sand, «f the oX ido', or rust dfaiUcum; or, to oioreft miliar, U is pulverised quart*. Claris pro duced i» (be d®K>mpoaitlon of feldspar. Now alt thequartx and feldspar in th« «orlt), wHltf existing in tbe.form of rock, will toot produce a blade of grass | it'is only when decompo sed, dr pulvernted;. and the finer ihbpattt clcs, the better the soil, " -' ; ' , If a toil, then, Is. coarse, the object of the farmer sbonld be. to pulverise h', Wliie&iao only be done by some chemical application, or the growing of aome crop which T has that chemical, power. Buckwheat, bjr 1 a prwwa yet hWideovered. has that the longer it is cultivated, on a given pwc°of ground, the finer will be the partides of toe soil. Itinjures land forcprp, but leaves «ro fine order for potatoes, sod is the best drop to kill invito a comparison of onr good* and price* wiljLsny other inthe natfk*!. Among r. . , DRY GOODS ■- consisting in parte*, ~ -><■■-• Bmgt* Jteegc fating, plain and printed; .G%ngnamt t . f Poking PritaitjftU tiaiet andcoTorii a gopdtioeh of Also, fdfm^iwdarmay^ CaaSimeres, T#tdday 'ErotocliSr silk, ntm *^b%»«Sg%^itiogi.We^w*» nd taow»»‘ Tiekiiqw, Bornmo* Goods r » fW*?* YaroiCarpet ’«*“» of otfcß rtfWm nsmereosto «>?*«•. best Syrup, Spices, Suh, SaitTobacco, or asy olber Article in this Into, willdo well to efOlonus, before pwchasingoUe where. _ _ _ as laigo and complete anasaortmontao can befoand in the county. Among which is CaUeryofsll kinds, Carpenters Tools, Chains, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Data wiScrem’t Poor UflJjjing a > ® ,c * * ® tc * CROCKERY, GLASS & BTONE-WARE, Boots and Shoes, Bats and Caps, Steel, Iron, Naih, Paintt and (Hit, GUut and Putty, Ready-Made Clothing, d(e. Thankful for the liberal patronage of the pas season, Itur undersigned foci a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of our Spring stock believing that good Goods sod low prices will in sure s speedy sale for ready pay- B. B. SMITH St SON. Wells bo rough, May 25, 1854. SEVASTOPOL ALMOST TAKE A great bush fob aossiA-ißOftr. B.P.&W.R) XTAVING purchased andy ■ ,t y, An JsusWofteßsajt for 9$ cents.—JSbWy ’FbUtify s tkoufihme S’Com." lOO,OOO COPIES IN LESS ’DB.. HIINTHtfS Meduak-Mamtai, and Band jfedJTforiha origlb, progress, treatmcoti*Bd core of every-form «f disease contracted’ by promiscuous sexual inter course, byself-rtinaeor, fay sektpl«pBS*A‘yfilli’»A -vice for their preventi«t,*jtoßn in a familiar style, avoiding *ll ihedlSil' technfmdftfei tHld-dvferythidg Ohat would oSeßdilmAnfcqf ACCedct; with snout- Jpitcf fofemales, ftpm the W «lt of twenty years’ suceessfol doxdledtp the cats of diseases, of a delicate Or pn vatOnatbre. %1' " •: , To which Is sddeA-wedpfr for the core of the Idlove diseases, end a treat!so on the Causes,gymp. /fans tod cure of fte FEVER dndAOJJE. ■ ■ ■ Xestirnsny offke Professor o/QbtUttke talks Pieiln JStiifl CfiUege, Philadelphia—* Wt HON TOR’S MEDICAL MANUAL:"—The tblher oi 'hdrdtorfc, uhlikertha msjdrily ofthosO #hojadvpf> kiMtocare lbe diseases of which it treats Is a jnd’ uafocf Pnitcd Stales It awards me ploafttro to recoiamend him to the an for(untle, or to the victim of mslprfcellce, as a sue. ‘Oessful and experienced practitioner, in whose bono Atid integrity tbey may place the greatestconfideoca Jfos, R LoirasHcah, M- D. ./ Prom A. Woadftard, BL D,, of Penn Univertily Philadelphia. —lt gives ipe pleasure to add my tesll many to the profossional sbilify'of the eollior of tb We£ial Manual. ' Numerous esses ofUisease jo Xhi Genital some of tliem of ienjf Standing haw come under mj notice, in which hisskiil bss. been manifest in restoring to perfect,hsakb in some esses where lha patient has been considered beyond medical aid. In foe treatment of Semmol weak, ness, or disarrangement of the functions produced, fay skfabaso or excessive venery, I do not know.his inferior In (ho profession. I have been acquainted prilh the author aome thirty years, and deem it no more than Justice fo him as well ss kindness to the anforlnnate victim of early indiscretloiilto' yecom mend him as one in whose professional skill and in tegrity they may aafely, confide themselves, Alfred Woodward, M. D. ••This is, without exception, the most comprehen sive and' intelligible work published on the classes ol diseases of winch It,treats. Avoiding alt technical terms, it addresses itself to the reosonof its readers. It ts free from all objection ablets tier, and no par ent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in the hands of his sons. The author has devoted ma ny years to the treatment of the various complaints treated of, and with too little breath io.paff end too little presumption to impose, he hoa offered to the world at the merely nominal price of 35 cents, the fruit of some twenty years' most successful practice, —Herald. ERTS “No teacher ortarentshould be knowlede impar. ted in this valuable work. It would save year* of pain and mortification and aurrow to the youth uu dot their charge."-rJf’eoples’ Advocate. . A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of “Hunter’* Medical Manual" ssy«—“’Thousands upon thousands of our youth, by evil example and influence 'of the passions, hose been led into the habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin and (fearful consequences upon themselves and posterity'- The constitutions of thousands who are raising fam ilies have been enfeebled, if not broken down, end they do not know the cause or core. Anything that can be done so to enlighten end influence tbs public mind os to chock, and ultimately to remove this wide spread source of hitman wrelchedeess, would conifer the greatest blessing next to the relig ion of Jesos Christ, oo the present and coming gen eration. Intemperance (or the use of intoxicating drinks) though it ha* slain thousands, upon thou, sands, is not a greater scourge to the human race. Accept my {banks on behalf of the afflicted,and be lieve me your co-worker in the good work you are an actively engaged in," One copy (securely enveloped) will be forwarded, free of postage, to any part of Ilia United States for 35 vents, or six copies for one dollar. Address,(post CCOSDEN & CO., Publishers, or Box 196, idelphia. OtT Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents supplied on the most liberal terms. October 12, 1854-Iy. NCW GOODS, NEW GOODS At Bowen’s Empire Store. /tALL and see the beat and largest stock N-r of Goods ever offered to the public. Consisting of dry goods, groceries, hard-ware, WOODEN-WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING! I flatter myself that I can dress a man to particu lar fits in all cases who desire the ready-made. The Ladies are invited to call and examine (he richest and best assortment of DRESS GOOQS ever before offered in market—which I am prepared to sett at prices that cannot tail to suit. Wellsborough Sept 13,1854. BOWEFS EMPIRE STORE. , Important to the Public. AT J. R. BQWEN’S Empire Store the time has finally come, when Goods can bo bought as cheap in Wellsborough, as at Elmira, Cor ning, or in any other town west of New York ; and thapdhlic at targe ore invited to call and satisfy themselves that this is no Hntnbng. At J.R. Bowen's will always be found on exten sive assortment of well selected ' DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOES and a large variety of Gentlemen's Clothing, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, SCARFS, Ae ail of which will be disposed of at a reduced price J. R. BOWEN. WelUborough, July 37,1854-tf. Family Grocery & Provision STORE. THE subscriber would inform his friends and the citixens of Tioga county generally, that he, has just received a large and superior sop ply of GROCERIES ]AND PROVISIONS, ' SUCH A# Teas, Sugars by the barrel or otherwise, Coffees, Molasses, Stewart's Syrup, Rice, ■ Pepper, Ginger, Saleratus, Allspice, Indigo, Tobacco, Soap, Mould and ' Sperm Candles, Salt by the barrel • or sack. Mackerel by the whole, | and | barrel. Codfish by the 100 or single pound, Flour, Cheese{ Crack ers, Butter dp Eggs, together with overy olher article in the Grocery line,lower than.can be got .at any other place in town, as he is determined to make quick sales at small profits. Tkankfal for past favors he would most respect- ItjDy invite bis friends andlho public generally to give him a call and examine for themselves, M. M. CONYERS. Wellsborongh, May 27,1853, CAPTION I!-—ALL PERSONS are forbid paying any Accounts, Notes or Judgments to James I. Jackson that have been made or rendered for work done at the Woolen Factory and Saw Mill, (said to belong to bimpfrom the Ist day of March 1852, np to the lit dsy of March 1855 j at I have a lease of said Factory.and Saw Mill for the three year* from the Ist day of March 1852, made and signed by the said James I. Jackson and myself, binding me to collect all debts and demands for work done la- said Faotecy add it said Mill during the term of said lease, vra s Three yean. LEWIS C. PENDLETON. Wclltborough, Msr6h 1, ’ssetf, ns couch pd wisinipTiojr* ytrrtlS Wnedy is offered to the comittuHf With x thtt dolifidslWe weftel in no article which Ml. dom fitils to realise the happicil offecU that cah be -desired. 'SewWe i»tbe''Bßl(l.of it* Bsefulntsi and so numerous the cue* of its cures, Aat almost every abound* Apemms, nUWidy khownf vta line been restored fromaiarming and ovendesperate disease* ofA* lunge,- by its ewe. Wbenooeo tried 1 its superiority over every other medicine ofils kind, is todappareut toesospeobser ration, and where jta virtues are known, the public no longer heallafc what l antidote to employ for the distressing.and dangerous affection* at An pttlmo ; nary organs, which are incident to out climate. NpAiug lias called louder for the earnest enquiry Of medical' men, than thr alarming prevalence and Slaliiyof consumptive Complaints, nor hastily one class of diseases hod mom of their investigations ; find care. Bot as yet no od equate remedy has heed I provided, on which 11(0 public could depend for pro. lection from attacks upon the respiratory organs, nn. till the introduction of the CHERRY PECTORAL. This articiois the prodoct of a long, laborious, and I believe succesafol endeavor, to famish the commu nity with such a remedy. Of this lost statement the. American people are now themselves prepared Ip judge, and Lnppeal with confidence to their decision if there is any depen dance to be-placed in what men of every dlasq and station certify ft has done for them, if we can trust our own senses, when we sec dan. geroug affections of the throat and lungs yield to it, if we can depend on (bo assurance of intelligent phy sicians, who make it theif business to know,—in short, if Aero is any reliance upon anything, then is it irrefutably proven that tills medicine does re lieve and docs cure Ac class of diseases it is de signed for, beyond any and ail others Aatnre know, to mankind. If (his be true, it cannot be too freely published, nor be to widely known. The afflicted should know it. A remedy Ast cores, is priceless to them. Parents should know it, their children are riccless to Aem. All should know it, for health can can be priced to no one. Not only should it be cir. culatcd nore, but everywhere, not only in Ais conn try bot in all countries. How faithfully wc have actcdtoaUiis conviction, is shown in the foot that already Ais article has made tho circles of Ae globe. The sun never seta on its limits. No continent is without it, and bot few peoples. AlAoagb not in,so genera) use A other nations as in Ais, it is employ, ed by the more intelligent in almost all civilized countrice. It is extensively employed in both Amur ica. in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Ae far off islands of Ao sea. Life is as dear to its posses sors there os here, and (hey grasp at a valuable re medy with even more avidity. Unlike most prepa rations of its kind, it is an expensive composition of costly materials. Still it is afforded to the public at a reasonably low price, and what is of vastly more importance to Aem, its quality is never suffered to decline from its original standard of excellence. Every bottle of Ais medicine, now manufactured, is as good ns ever has been made heretofore, or as we arc capable of making. No toil or cost is spared, in maintaining it in Ac best perfection which it is pos sible to jirodnf*. ' Hence Ae patient who procures the genuine Cireaav Peotoexl, can rely on having os good an article as has ever been had by those who testify to its cures. By pursuing this course, I have tho hope of doing some good in the world, as well as Ae satisfaction of believing Aat much has been done already. Prepares! by J. C. ATEB, Practical and Analytical Chemitl Lowell, Mate. Sold By ROBERT ROY, Wellsborough; B. Barse, Barseville ;E. Over, Covingion; Dr. Hou piirev, Tiopn, and by Druggists everywhere. March 22,1855.-4 m. DRUGS AND MEDICI AES ! IN LA WRENGEVILLE, PA. rpHE subscribers have constantly -*- on hand at their Drugstore, in Law renccville, a large and well selected stock JBa of DRUGS,