■C-fMC*' N EW' SPRANG GOODS f'Ptl'fe'' subscribers'era l . DOW opening their JL Block of-GOODS fof the Spring Trade, com prisingAfelt and complete assortment, and of the usnalvariely, which will, as heretofore, bo Bold a la very small profit for READY PAY. Being deter mined not to bo undersold by onr neighbor*, our good* are marked atthe lowest figure; and we invite a comparison of oor goods and price* with any other in the market*'. 1 Among the assortment of DRY GOODS will be fopnd a great variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods consisting in part of Bereges, Berege Delanes,all-wool Delanes, • Lawns, plain and printed; Ginghams, English, Scotch and American ; ' Poplins, Prints of o|J shades arid colors, a good slock of SILKS, Also, for men's wear may be found Broad Cloths Canimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, satin and summer Vestings, " ' Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown, Tickings, Summer Goods,for boys’ wear,.Colton Yarn,Carpet Warp,Cotton Batten, wilnisitariety of other rlicles 100 numerous to mention, Groceries and Provisions. A full slock will be kept on hand. Those in want of Sugars, Too*, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart’s best Syrup, Spices, Pepper, Ginger,Saleralus, Flour, Fish, Salt Tobacco, or any other article in Ibis line, will do well to call on us before purchasing else where. ; HARDWARE, as largo and complete an assortment as can bo found in the county. Among which is Cutlery of all kinds, Carpenters Tools, Chains, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Butts and Screws, Door Hangings, Bills, &c., Sec. CROCKERY, GLASS & S.tONE-,WARE, Bools and Shoes, Hals and Caps, Steel, Iron, Nails, Paints and Oils, Glass and Putty, Ready-Made Clothing, Mti | «iinSrff pillcrns- Tiu KING OF STOTES,J> — —/ MORNING STAR , BANG UP, NATIONAL AIR-TIGHT, KITCHEN RANGE and three kinds of PREMIUMS. Also, a complete assortment of PARLOR & BOX STOVES, at or below Elmira prices. Till ware of all kinds shapes and sizes wanted for household me. Lave Gutters made to order at the shortest no IICP JOlifilSG done to order and in the beat manner. All T m-wure carefully proved before leaving the nhou. They reppcctfully Bollcit the patronage of all who wish to purchase anything in their line, assuring them Ihit money can be saved by examining their slock before purchasing elsewhere. Wcllsborough, Nov. 9, 1854. Family GroeerT &. Provision S T ORE . r rMIE subscriber would inform his friends J-. and the citizens of Tioga county generally, that be lias just received a largo and superior arip ply c~ GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, ; SUCU AS Teas, Sugars by the barrel or otherwise, Cofees, Molasses, Stewart's Syrup, Rice, Pepper, Ginger, Saleratus, Allspice, ( Indigo, Tobacco, Soap, Mould and Sperm Candles, Salt by the barrel. ' or sack, Mackerel by the whole, i and i barrel, Codfish by the 100 or single pound, Flour, Cheese, Crack ers, Butter understanding ” is cared for A reasonable share of the public patronage is re spectfully solicited. IP* Hides taken in exchange for work. L. A. SEARS. Wellsboro’, Deo. 28,1854-ly. Custom Boot & Shoe Shop, ATM. Sherwood’s old stand, whdre the Sears* Bovs continue to make, mend, and ■qedsttre tu order, at as low prices as the times will admit. . . . All work warranted—to wear out in a year or so —and not rip or come to pieces ’till it doco wear on Hides Wanted. CASH will bo paid for any quantity of hides at tiro highest market price, July 13,1854. ' GEO, W. SEARS. *, -■ . COMER’S-/ • - Emporiumof Fashion, ,; cto.xHiftrf ,&c." 1 Mf t M. COiNyjJIiS 6«s jjipt recjeiyed,frorp, • Jfew.yprk, the, iargest' iiod mpatcarefblly' ejected assortment of .. ■. ’ ■ •>• ’ CLOTHS; ; VBSTIN G,,CA£SIMERS,' SAtINETTS, TRIMMINGS,■„ &c.,V « Met brought Into thU country, which he will aol for iCnr r*v cheaper than any other eetablielmenl Hi. .lock comprise, a general ■ usorlment 1 every variety of Clothing, from a low price np.■ SUMMER COAIS-rftu Mon- and Boy.—a large assortment, DRESS, FROCK AND SACK COATS—of eve* ■ry description, size and color. PANlN—every style, and quality. , ' VESTS-Xif-every style, color and description. SHIRTS, Under-Shirt., Drawer., Collars, Over- Alt. Over-Shirt., Suspender., Glove., Umbrellas, Neck and Pocket Handkerchief, togetherwitb lot. of . ' ’ SELfODJUSTING .STOCKS, &c„ &c. nil ATS . of every,, description—;the largest assortment in, town. . , Boots, Shoes, and Balters, for Men, Boy.,'and Women; a large variety. Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, dfc., AfC. He would say to oil in want of good and neat fitting CLOTHING, that he can and mil fell cheaper than can be gotten In this borough, or any where this aide of the New York market. This is no blow or brag, but truth—and to lest it call at “Convers 1 Cheap Clothing Emporium,” where all articles are sold cheaper than on the one prick systiu. Wollaborongli, May 27,1853. A GROWL would announce to the cifi * zens ot Tioga county, that he has associated -with him a partner, and the business will be con ducted under the firm of A. Growl & Co. They will continue at the old stand, in Wcilsborongh, to manufacture to order and keep on hand, Biiggys A Lumber Wagons, CARRIAGES , SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, Ac., which for style, durability and eieganco of finish, cannot bo surpassed by any other similar establish mcnl in the country. Workmen of celebrity are engaged, and thebesl materials used expressly in all the manufacturing departments of this establishment. Persons send ing orders may rest assured of having them cxccu odl to their entire satisfaction, and finished in every' particular the same as though they attended in per son. REPAIRING done as usual, with neatness and despatch. PAINTING of all kinds done on the shortest notice, and most reasonable terms. O'All kinds of merchantable produce (deliver ed) recived n exchange for work, at the market prices. July 13.1855. BT. VANHORN would inform ihe cilU • zons ot WelUborough and vicinitj, that he has purchased the interest of his partner, John S. Bliss, in the above business, and will continue at tho old stand, two doors east of Jones’Store, to keep on band and muko to order all kinds of Cabinet Furniture—such as Safins, Divans, Ottomans, Card, Centre, Dining ccn made or rendered for work done ot the Woolen Factory and Saw Mill, (said to belong to him) from the Ist day of March 1852, up to the Ist day of March 1855 ; os I lave a lease of* said Factory and Saw Mill for the thteo years from the Ist day of March 1852, made and signed by the said Jainep I. Jarkson and myself, binding me to collect all debts and demands lor work done in said Factory and at said Mill during the term of said lease, v/z : Three years. LEWIS C. PENDLETON# Wfellsborough, March 1, ’55-tf. HARNESS MAKING. NEW ARRANGEMENTS!!! r FHE subscriber bavins pur chased (he HARNESS SHOP Aft. iihUi .OVER A. CROWE & CO’S WAG- jffiSteSgMßk ON SHOP, Wellsbornuf h, Pa., arc ready to make to order all articles pertaining to IJis business, in the best manner and of the very best material. W FARMERS AND OTHERS he would eoy that he sells art icles in their line of basinets CHEAPER FOR CASH than any other estab lishment in (he county. A good assortment of Whips, Harness, &c., &c., constantly on libnti. REPAIRING done on short notice and the best possible manner. i”' ID* All orders promptly filled and warranted Hr give entire satisfaction. O’ Call and examine his stock before purchasing cltjcwlicrc. “ five and Let Live,” is bis motto. O’ Moat kinds of Country Produce taken m es change for work at the beat marketplace. A fair abate of public patronage respectfully so licited. E. E. KIMBALL. AVellsboro,' Feb. 1, 1855. Tioga Foundry & Ma* chine Shop. TAIUHt, YOUNG & CO. MANUFACTURERSof Slcam Engines, Boiler** and Machinery of nil kinds; Stoves, Hollow' Ware, Tin, and Copper Ware. . REPAIRING & JOD WORK dono with tha least possible dels v. , MILL GEARIfrGS famished tmlAoul extra charge or patterns. PLOWS* of all kinds, (tvto of which look the premium at Lhg late County Fair,} kept constantly on band. ... W© have the exclusive right, for Tioga County, I® manufacture and ycud. the __ ; * ( r Kin? Store. ’ ' ‘ one of the best (if not the very beat) Cook Sloaee eeer invented; which is always on hand at our store house, for wholesale & retail. • ...TABOR, YOUNG it CO. Tioga, Feb. 15,1858, BOOK AND JEWELRY DEPABTMENT • Under tie Manegement ef ANDIE FOLEY* . BOOKS AND ' 1 STATIONERY* WatCfles, Clocks and JEWELRY, FANCY GOOD o. YANKEE '** NOTIONS, PERFUMERY, fo., Sfc., Sfe. REPAIRING, DONE ON SBQRT NOTICE, AND ALL GOODS WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. - Rats and Caps. Hardware.