“SSm^* 3 : aSftfrtMi-. e^y^>a “^^4 an l eB s isssm w^ wlo * 1 ' £9mJ& s££S&£SU«Me be raa rrijri M»., ■ whom' heWrows4 ■ W" teoca of making gng lady ift, *) cqip Keep a ,MCtat,.e)ia tell her ope. • . • •• , • •;.. ....... • * No. 1‘ promised .(-what feminine would not l)ihrt het Bps ahbdld faoeleiWlyaealed,- when, Whshfng !ikb‘a pednyvlielr companion' whisperddtq her eat tKat gfia vydtr going (o, .‘ , . ' "To whdmT’ exclaimed the excited num ber one. .. ~i■ i ~ Another promise of secrecy, and (be-name. of the ReVi Jobtr Hward Wilson was softly breathed.' 1 ' “Who 1'? qxelainhed number one, while her earnest gasa'betokejoed her astonishment. —The name wastgoin repeated, and forth with young lady No. I became suddenly, diz zy, andi'bui folr the implication of sal vdlatil, sod cold, ffhWf* l fainting'exhibition; in the mercer establishment would have ensued. After h While, when sufficiently calm to ex plain, she lady dumber two that she, 100, whs under an engagement of marrihge; ro Jfaa rawresd Receiver, and she was l hbtf iiisWfig.’purchases' of bat* wading. garments. 5, ' ;'■* '* ' .v 1 Anbther keii'b'dt fieh was tl e consequence, of thisdi»closiire, for young lady iwd\ immediately went, through the same motions «» het* hredeeeasor, 1 and again the pungent mixture and coji water were in requisition. The retdrned, without their pbrdlfasesjldirie quief village, where they spaisdily ; ppoofairaed-lhe yillpiny of rfie raacally .pttßlpr, - whoj getting wind that al) was discovaredv/mada melts between two davs during the past week. Since lirs it. ha* been discovered that he someljmea&ci forged a drift on,Mr. Elliott, of the Method iatjlook Concern, which tyaa honored. No tidings have been heard* of him lirtCe hiSSbJqhDtulalidn, but we presume he will turn pp under anothernamtf, when.he can discover a convenient Geld to reap a hat-, vest by, playing.upon the credulity of the bus.- ceptibld TehiitifnW Who have a penchant fat love and sanctity. From the N. V. THiufi*, Scone* In. Ujc Kamu Election. The character of recent irruption into Kansas by the tjavo.irlying hordes of Miss ouri, becomes more and more transparently mlamoue as each new development of its de> isilscpipeeiojvie'v. ; Wp.wmpi^itora.»eri- ; ous sources still further ilWraitoW iC the' beauties pf squatter sovereignty, and of the soundness of tin opinions of Mn. Everetf, Senator Badger, and other distinguished per* tons, that Kansas had no chance of being a slave Slate. The testimony which these scenes beat to the character of that Northern treachery practiced oy Pierce, Douglas, Touccy &’ ’Co: in the jtassaga .of the Ne braska bill, is so conclusive and damning as to require no of comment. We extract from The Herald of Freedom. •fn* Voting at LAwhE'troE.—ln this D’litnct, tyjtere ihfr late census report indica ted but S6(f voters; tbe election shows there were 1,03d’ votert [tolled; nearly three times, as great’q hero; and yqt ajargg qttfhher of our actual residents, and particularly those from a dis tance, did no exertistf tbbil' right tothe elec live fawphisVAS .they found they could not do sowitboul ogeriog .theirli ves, nib Free-State strength -in this District i« fftjfc five to one, and yet- the Pro-Slavery ticket has a (majority of rtbrethad three'm onei Mr. went 10 Vote in the ipbrdiag was Ibrdjbly Reefed- frhmihegroiiifd, and pqfsued by aft angry pWwd to the’ bank of ,lhe rivpt with curses and. ihreatniogs of daStruetion, and compelled to jump down the declivityI,' 1 ,' When ir revqTvey whs discharged at: him, and a ball narroWfy escaped' His head. He raaatang thatbeaohi aud' leaped unscathed. ‘ •' • ' ’ ’ Vot*m Aanco. We - repaired to ibe polls about 10 o’clock in lh| Booing, bm retired on the assurance of numerous friends' that Wo'WOra'in gredt personal danger, think, ino it best to. delfcr opr rights as an elector to a Tatot,period in thorny, wb?n it was hoped belter order wodbl -jwovjaii, At about 4 ,t)o)U r and. s■: charged out duties without mo lestalipo.. Tt.was the time wo ever ap- ballot-box'viih, aB inairumenl etiefeashf ead-we trust it Wijl be the last tirtrtivwill be necessary to be guar dbd with' a reftrtue of .lriedds, each hrdfided r l } > h ; Wie t knsveaTnKm«Vveri,'M^< ifc'g'lewil of'- "last fise,.,,, Tint VoWho-is* TEooas«ii.r-sAftor: it sthS'fatWftiSetrKy ascertained ' than the jium.; tejr qf parsons iniporledr ioU? Lawrence, frp/n «i|p<¥lri, wap gjraaffj, (hat) Utp mndedi a eompanv of 300 froft^ihfrttaihbody, »hd &bk ttyAtiwb -line of iToempsah,, pjith thej-swjr ,o( n ' terfan amt Oismct, a*ntijomyof, whontiura h among the Misseuriamr t ajejni; favor’of ihe instiiairon ofiSlavOry ’’ •■••^ ihts-diiaeDsbipor jHac9 v of jresidepoe j oroifer leatreJiujr^,«iTft> licke'C,,.’. ~.' , y t ]' ] ~ Tell r d|gpioiJUB' .exerdse tha«ps»elegfe* hfm ; Wlbe lot? i s G6nSHWtl(}n,6ppro*cho(trttei i^|{d : feWb, p T A-Slay o'- ry yde.' JBw'HwVhe a 0,.,»« ■ yo(£j ihauicket, wheii-BoraS' ona jcnoosed pffitia; bat,- w!i>lfl tPthfrd appliefli pp) a .IjuUlt ihi6ligtj 4 ,|jirh 'opfwr, lie left. pQtlanter. •■ The*Firiendi'/of TProedotni ffadtog ihW '(Be fnVatf6M,“ (jointly! retiTpd ! tt6" : ire hdsrtred' Ho Free State ?o!es r olher than three or four,, were oast in' the Districts through ‘that party was largely m the ; while the Pro- 1 Slavery marauders Cert Missouri polled bei tween four and five hundred. ; The late census returns showed that, thus far, ivery Election District in the TtrriUt ■>- ry was .seated by a large majority bt voters from (b’e FreeSSiatps,' ‘ BOOK dk JBWBLBIi STORE ll - vsint •- AT fIOGATIILAftE! "DEADER I Do yoii warti a Watch of a ■bb i little finer quality, and a little cheaper than you can get one this side of the City 7 Young man—do you -over think sopia “bright particular star" would shine brighter, with the aid of a.peaqUful.Riog, Bracelet, or Pin 7 Housekeepers—do you went the. beat kind of pil ver 5p00n5,.&.0., werrnntedVilid.verychQapd 6r Plated Ware done .in the most »nj>»l4 Q V la lr. ra fn. r J e r i Os Ger/oan-JSUwr.iVVar«ihai won’t tu(o,yellop 7 >ltynu .warjtqqy-cf these orjiclqi, you bare only 10. iwlt at G, W. TAILOR'S Book Sc. .Jewelry Stern afTioga. Village,jUsuera may always,ha fiiuad for aatefraveasonabletetma, ,t- . ) Clocks;’ l9old 'dnd Silt er" Defer; Lepide , Cylinder Escdpemedt ' Hunter and Common .. Watches, ■ • Finger Rings % Ear- JPrtgft, B'ntiel&s, Pins; sc. —ALSO— and Miat-illaneoua, Stationery— a su perior sasOrtmeirt. Ink-ofilbe best quality. Tioga, Ap. 26,-55. ■. .. fc.W; JAJfliOflr. S'E .t “E C.T' * MISS H. A. SEARS, will open a Se lect Sohool on MONDAY,'the 7lh of .M*y,-in, the building ba'ck of R Js. Bailey’s Store. • ' ' TpixioN: ... Reading, Writing, tpelliiig,'and pTSth Sewing. Common English brencdiea, Embroidery 0,00 Higher English branches. 3,00 Music. Mclodeon .' 5,00 “ ' Tiaho 6,00 Wellaborb, April 96,1855. TIOGA MARBLE YARD. TAYLOR A TILLER, DEAtEBS IN Italian arid American Marble, FOR mantes,?, monuments, Tombs CENOTAPHS, GRAVESTONES. , Ao'xnts. Biiut II Foi.av, Welliboro; 0. P, Bxacii, Knosrtlle; J. E. VlfUTta, CovingUm, . Tioga, Apfit26,1355. Jury Lls'jt—June Term, 1539. o banp junopa, Brookfield —Isaac Flank. Chatham —J. B. Doane. DRnurartEr i Wokeman, Robert Steele, E. Welh. erboe, Rollin Reed, fi. C. Wilcox, Joshua .Peet - Deerfield —James Works, John Howland. Arohi bald Kpax, David Clooee, Samuel Pierce, Farmington — Philip Vincent. Liberty —J. J. Werline, John Finch Jr, ' Laurence —J. M. Smith, Samuel Ryon, ' Richmond —Reuben Bailer, John Drew,.- • , Rutland —Michael Wbolf. Sullivan —Johq Fox. Tioga —Richard Mitchell, Wetlfield—i, Doty. TRAVERSE JURORS. Brati^v '®W**rrlllvyap Bard,, I'!, Marten.., — ff'etyteid—Tbotoat Thomas Pride £r- r- Tho*n«*Jked thus »lpr JhcJjarors .who have.hpen already 'atjmnioned to appear aajheifirjt May;' siaagiggMlsg. dfis'piiie?; 2 i .....v-i i ryiog«,r^ptJi\l9,l|S.t. ; , b,; y .. ol^ pHTk', AJUvlm’M# Wft. PPJ * ’.;’ v ti\",'.S7' iMkVm irNvß. BAk*^upterttcfKtK#f}ppthtei i “Concord, N. H. Jan. 10, 1855: '■ .Tljiacertifiea iha't the Corn Planter Dana.' Saf UMtiyvii Cffaßbtiter," {waa.d atjKpcne, ip, hjitenm 3AW'*ew , lho’l?iahldt Inufaon iibaliely of'SdiU, r iWWbtk tnir&ble accnraey and despatch »abdAonfideuPy*be- - .otnrMnd'il ait' tfibidddiy ISO beat implement of tbs kind within my knowlftgi -'-NIB: BAKER - ,. J | - - ... President N.H.Af*Society. ! )ofWsW- Iftfmpenin'-klsC obnourain 1 . Ui< opinion of Got, Baker. Ttiia:Plahtei£Bdli4fae premium at Die lairtVnhaSl'Piflf'bf’(he itirß Sobielypond was Boomlx aa&jfand thehfcsl, Planter bn exhiUititmj but tlie bcft'erer used in tfie cbohtty. ‘- ‘i s'*- 1‘ ' 'Tijp'bnhteriber haa.’purchased for; this- County, and is prepared!in furnish the^(an(st ; .(oor-" der- Hb is also Agfcnl for, the, saloptHhoJßighl in" Potter’County. , . ' GEO. PAYNE. , 10,1855. Y . . , SJEEHO®b: & WS&M*** . Attorneys-A; eoumeloryikt law, ■■• C'O RN ; f SUmbeu County, NeW York. - 6co. T. Spincta, • C. .11, TupHßoti. April 18,IBSSaly ' Notice. rpHE SCHOOL, DIRECTORS ofDelmar Will * meet at the. School House near E. P. Deane’s on Saturday the -\>Ui day of" May jnst., for Hip pur. pose of entering jri to contracts with lynchers to keep the schools jn said district during, the ensmbg sum mer term. -By order of the (»ardl." Dclinar, April.s, (855. ip. HEISE, Secretary. MAS. OT., A. STEVENS hsa just received a supplf ofSPriING GOODS is fwepited to offcrtolhe public on iennft rnort dt ahy 1 former period* Work done IdWiJfer, Lndiiis.call and see. ; Bird times’mafctSs H necessary that all in debted should cell and pay'vup’immediately. Wellaboro’i March 89,1855. Public Notice. TTfrUteKEAS, niy wife -Carolina 'ha* loftmy ‘VV hddehd : ’Wro l Withodtjuatcaa«eor pros oca liftn. This Is tilhrb'id alipersonaftom harboring or trusting hdt on’my aocount,a» 1 shall pay no debts ofhßrcbotradling after this date. ’ m Shippen, Apr. 12! ’ss> NORMAN WOODARD. Dress partes tfao Man. OWIN6 to-ttte greet-rise in paper, therA 1 is e great and increasing demand for rigs bf all kindt -Therelbro, every, man Who 1 wishes to lave' the first cosl brt'his'old etothes /shMld 'cast them, buttons’and 111 tit'o tint rag-big: not however until bessUcettfad' - PBEJinntl CEOTHING STORE, ; ' ' . , AJ i. ZlOqA, and selects from the large and splendid assortment of Itchdj’ J®ade€ lot lung, there kept constantly on hood, a anil Warranted to wear u long as any other, and made in the beat.and moat substantial.manner, and under bis own auper visioo.The.pi'oprielot lias's complete knowledge of Ihetoufe.and can. sell the best'quality, of Ready Made Clothing considerably cheaper than stay other establishment,!!! thecounty. He keeps .a variety of Claths,Cassimerds, Vestings, Drawers, Trimmings, Wrappers, Shirts, Collate, Cravats, : ?9.iB6S. A„T.Qt>ERNBEY, ‘ ... . .. v .ft.«..lflW,EWw. vl , I wm,Jiyye ajl bi> Phrenb'togy,' HyftropaUiy, , _Hionoira\>liyv EduWlbn, Temperance, {fii iNewapaper, dwroled to-Hewtj Literature, Sotenbe, 'uqlttiM A'tUvto Enlirtalnmsni.llmpfoVemant'uid iPfognaf!. - ;Oci6lof iift l)es( ifat<»ptpeftin’thßWort(& • , ; v ■ty* = -.,,j >.., ( THE WiTERfCUBE JODRNAI^-Prtotod.to HydrojnlHy, it» Philfl«ophy-*nd-Prftolice; lo Pbys imtfwi <»tfcK-W«Srn .’♦llyeaf. v i - - 1 ->f i JMi irMlijr.iiTUTiifpiißHti .. 1 1_ jjt,. wm i ■ißsßaamMßsb j *»* s'gfflSE'JffiSaSWSfeii }(.-•’«« v~» I ty\ hM« I ipirita ; EERESITIII COI^LMHTS ; “ ™T.<.*.•* "; rs;,. \ • PKimTB COMPANION, r. - \-yr-p^Af^-^umia^vf' s ',r'- • -• mo*l»oio» ' ." >j | ** ■ '■' ,; '- 1 ! rthte. eIUWi.Md wld lif lb«lKlo^|»l. c . ; MflfisShaaT": >w : airt -KwA-« w m* gij ratem TfflmimwnM" "- 1 ; , hir* tMn MU/ol irtteh {her« wertWwitit of ■ ’“■ OSE|TO! D tHODSAS* SENT’BY MAIL., •tfcriJnj tt» Wh. ttiM Jho ftanUa iy*(sa, which th» , of - which vth6lr\ delicaeyi medical - Uasy suffering from protapruitieri (folUng of Ihe.wttnb),- or - from cJbu»‘ (weakne*, debility, 4c.) Hany aff la conitabt fc£«ay fop many iaonthfl proccflfog (fonfino moot difficult If not dangerous deliveries, and stow and uncertain. n^QTorie*... Samp wboao boonlcd during will eahh find in.iU pages, thr towns of and relief. It U of coarse Cosray fliljytha TStiooa of, tended for the married or tho** conlemplaHrig maniage, Beadgr, jaf jjou a hiaband'or a fother? a wlfe'or a mother? Hava you the eincar* walfora af those you love at heart?» Prove’ your^aiocoiity,. xo t&a in learning what C*o»«t intertewwitlf thflr:he jOtt.and yoin; u it fi#s to thouaaadx, many M {wiu aa9 aoz^y,.followed.-by alaaplact 41ghU, IndapaefUtKif the ffilod, for 1U .ordinary avocation; add oxhatnting' Ufofo - mtjujt for. medical attendance! rbodiclnei a admail rerUsed wbteh otherwise would provide for Reclining yean, the IhfinnlUea of ago'and propwof ",\ lt '' 1 N • ln consequcnlN} of the pdpubudty of thr'VoA*, ; a t evidenced by its exlraordiaaiy aale, VarloUN- IzApOil* havo beop;4t%nptod..M wall on|book£«ljcr» ut on, the public, by imiiatiom of jßpunoua editions, and •aireptitioon'lnrHhgeteerita of bopyrigfaV'*ft<}‘'6tb«r ‘ d«Ttcr« -and doeaptlwifc' it -hat-beMr found neoaasary. tbentfora, lo 1 ' ‘' “ ‘ ' CAUTION THE PUBLIC to boy no book anlws tha word* 11 Dr. A. U. Rauiucrac. 129 liberty Stre«t, N. Y. ’’ it on (end the entry ia tha ClorV* Office on the back of) the title page j and bay only of nMTtccUbto* and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and add/tu* to hi A. 11. Matzricead. r . - f#moir-*«o«tor4>r bn* iwiar. ''.the waAa RIED. WOMAN'S PEIVATB m&lOAb QOM pAUtON” is sent (modal fret) to any pvt of the tTnit«o 'Statc*» th«. Oaptda* and Britun Pkatfapes, AU Utten must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr, A, M. MAUHICBAuJ boh 1294, HeW-Tor* City.- Publishing Office, Ho~ 12& Liberty Street, New* York. ' f '”- ' * A'fijsarzis; '■ Mrs. Cynthia -Williams, mandate—. Went* Se Surk, Carbanduie —E Flint, Williamsport—l)r:3;D Bcoll, Bedford—Gi DMain, Mnnsburg —BAlLEY Sc FOLEY, Wellsboroujrh. HARNESS MAKING; NEW AHRiIWEMIiNTS i!! r PHE subscriber having pur- A A A chased the HARNESS! SHOE OVER Ai GROWL Sc GO'S WAG. ON SHOP, We||3borQngli, Pa.. areK(yiio^W^/ > ready to make Ui order all articles pertaining to the business,' id the best manner and of the very best material. '. ■ * 30. FARMERS AND OTHERS He would say Uiot he aelj«/ai*licle» in their line of business CHEAPER FOR CASH, than any other estab lishment in the Cotinly . ‘ A good asbortment of Whips, ttnrncss/'Ac;, Ac*, consWnlly on hand, - REPAIRING done lon abort notice and in the besl-postibld biaqnerl ,• 1 . (CT'AII eidera prorapUjnfilled and. warranted to' give entire.saliifuction. . ■ (CTCoI) and.examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, " Live add Lot Live,” is bio tnultiilL • O* Most kinds of Cqoqtry produce taken m ex changd jqr;Wof)r A iair share of public patronage respectfully so licited-,. & E..,K!6)[ftALfc. ■ Weltsbdtq,* Feb. * V _ Tioga Foun dry &i cfcine Shop, TABOU, ¥OUKe &CO. TIT ANUFACTURERSdf Steam EnglHea, Boiler*, IwL' and'Machinery of'all kind* f Stove*,- Holloir Ware, Tin, end Copper Ware. REPAIRING & JOP WORK'doqe, with (he l*a6t posaihlo delay.. •" MlEEGEAßlNGSfuruijshedioitAoUfertrdcAarge or patltrnt, ! ' - ' FLOW& of all kind*, (twb : of whichtook the* premium at (he late County Pair,) kept oomtanily on hand We have the exclusive right, fdrTibg«Goußly,to manufacture ajidvepdlhe . .s .> , j v -J K|n«'S ttVVey ■■ '~i ■ one of-the best '(lf nut tho vety best) Cook ®toyg» ceer invented; whlfeH is *lwny« da hand at ouf ; store house’, for wholorile&i retail. , TABOR, YOUNG &.COi Tiogn,FVOj»| FLASYfUtatone, yfForelw will ketty coMlautfyon hand foshnpaAd blatter, to suoply-all that msygive him. a call.. Ho twice. 1W«5.50 JftW . AMOS MXBYI - Jj*inytl(i,rtb,ls ) lSss ~ •. •. ,!;•/ v"A'f \ 1 I- ■- - .- U WELLSBOBOUGH EXCHANGED ' ■ Cl Hii-i'iO.’, ru . mtCeotom ■•;=•*> .t*.- : -‘ BOOTS'J&SSiiES. HMCBWAR tin iM * ■ r.l '*fi f • -QtJBENSWASBi ' -, j 1 ''WOO&MAIfjD l STONEWARE* ■ I - '■ ; -’- ! i )■•«*"■ DOMESTIC '•.( FBUirSr ' ( i '; « PROVISIONS, , .OEMs: SASHy , ’ OILS, " CAMPHENE. BJJRNING FLUIQ, fc. ;U£W goods at kmxhui i rpHßi (tulwtinber Jmvingrefieiiily jcecei««d * ibfc .good* ffw offeti a . CoSaaUtaiig in part of BroSd Print*,' Gitigharas, D ala i n eS, •Shartibrtysl Peramelles, AUpacaa, VaUcia, Brawn ;«nd SIwU (ng** and! Shirtinga, Tickio(f«, DrUling^' Wad dings, Battings, yfickings, Ventings, Crnvals,Slocks, pouars,, Randkprcifiefa,, CamßrtcKs, tacts, Trim ming*, Grain Bag*, Carpel t Bag*,' Colton Yarn- Twin*, Carpet Wara.l/mbtailaa and Parasols, with a goad Iql)of UEADY-iMADE CIATjaiNG. con aisUn(s of) IJen and -Boys'- Danina OretalU and Skirls, Vails,,&ci ' .. . !’■ (iroccHcs. ■ Hyson,Hytoh, Skin and Young Hyson Toss; a large lot df Siighrs, different grades and prices, Mo- Syrup, Tobacco; Pepper, Spice, Coffee, Co- Boa, Ginger, Soda, Cream Tarter, Sa|eratu?,Candies, arid - Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils, i Window Glais and Sash. HARDWARE. ■' Axed, Sfithvels, Hoss, )*• Cot Saws, Spades, Crow, ibtrs. Wrought and Cul.Nsils, Hinges, Ciioins, Cow ißellA'SbeepDellp, Maoure Forks, Hay Forks, Cham Pumps,'Paint. Horse, oboe. Clothes and Hair .finished Bed-cord and Hatter-Rope. c rookery; oh Ass wash* looking GLASSES, Pine end-Cedar Pails, Brooms, Wash, boards, Clothes Pins and Corn Baskets, Silk and Brash Hats,'Caps end Bonnets, Boots and. ShO«„CodEah l &c., &.C., comprising in oil a large and well selected assortment of goods, selling at tile lowest possible prices. Thaqfnl lor past favors, the subscriber would in vile all those warning goods at gnat-bargains lo call and examine for themselvae. Wanted, In exchange for Goods, Notes slid Accounts, all kinds Grain, Shingles, Lumber, Ashes, Pork, Batter, Eardr&c., at the highosfmarkel prices. * aTjeSt. VICTOR CASE. ARNOLD’S ; Bakery and. Variety Store. BUTTER & Common -L> OjtafcfCßßS, Fresh Baked, by (ho lb., or bbl. Family Baking,and Parlies, famished at short hutice. : Denis also in GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, FOREIGN A* DOMESTIC, GREEN Dmpro mviTs. ~ CASH paid' for Biiltbr, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Gra in and olher products jiftha tarm- . W, J. ARNOLD, Agt. RUFUS ARNOLD. ■ Corning, N. Y-, Aug., 3,1854-tf. (JRqitbm Hoot Sc Shoe Strop, ATM. Sherwood's, old stand, where the Sr* as’ Bovs continue to mnkc, mend, and measure to order, at as low pricet as the times will admit. All work warranted—to wear Out in a year or so —and not rip or come to pieces ’till it doee wear ou Hides Wanted. : CASH will be paid for any quantity of hides at the highest market price. July 13,1854. GEO. W. SEARS. l> tiAP(its. —A fresh supply of Blank Deeds Mortgages, Nates, Attachments! Declarations Summons,. Spbpoenas, Warrants, Constable’s Sales- Collector's Sales, Sec., Sec., just printed, and for sale at Ibia office. Carpetings, Sec, HIHE subscribers Nave just replenished their A- stock of Carpeting, and now feel justified in Saying that their Carpet Ware Room excela in quantity, quality, variety, richnesa and beauty, that of any oilier in this country, and at to prices we are confident they are aa low as any establishment (bis sidb of New York city." QUj CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES’, . MATTINGS, JCOVINGTON, TIOGA CO? PA. TtJ E subscriber is,prepared by new Mq ' just purchased, to famish to oVdsr, all kinds of square end ftney Sarh and'Blinds. Square Sash of cqimnon site* constantly on hand. ‘ By long experience in the business, lhe subscri ber, flatters himself that he ' cap make at good an article, and scl) llt as cheap as can be obtained .at any estabishment ifa Pennsylvania or Now York. Cult and see, DAVID 8. IRELAN. Covington, March'S,lBs4. 1 subscriber is also Agent for the sals of Dr. D. Jaypea. celebrated FatUUy Medicines, also' Spf rpo'j Oil' fof Dcafqers. ' - D, 8. 1. O R/1A LBS. of old Jrortpnd Copper wanted in -erchaDgo.lot Stoves and T»iW«N , .by. [Nov.S.) iDP. fr ff. ROBERTS. T\|GiEDS-”Prtotcd, on tho .bost quality of pa- V) per and in the beat ityle—douWe and single at FOLEY's. A. ./"i HAIN-IFDMPB—a lafgb supply for sals cheap V_y ny ' ‘ [ap-'SST V. CaBE, KnSxville. [ iAt.cr.iA .nil -.lt Wa ji.-» , ... ■ KE HATS.-tJuat receive I •» » ’aUhVHntptfis Bldro eihirgeetoek of Wide AWake/ Hungarian 'and kossulß Hats; ‘Gall and i of good ashes wanted at the Asheryof JhaaubseriWratlKwwiue.., ; .4,pr>Wi VrC!ASE, i WEB* -i s I*s-..: -no r ;J ' : i f! BlSfiig formed t'fed-ifiiMher abtp'dblJer-iltoibovofillajfVdm ■SWfnodioufr dlorb [tfiilr a 'great' Var^jr -; 'bP , '#ii9l i&d' i dd»fr«blo :: go<3dii 1 ! "wb' Will lli 1 in exhibiting oK sioclTlOihoXe' wfiopur hsiw’lW bash.; By ofiering Oodspf the l*Sl quality obty. dd ii life lowest priws, We Xpeef 16 merit and redeiVe ur.lbll share of patronage. All 'kirids 6f country pro uce tiken' lh eXch'artgO ’ for 1 goods the some as Cash. l ' , ! R.S. BAILEY, ANDIE FOLEY. WW A Ml, , Haye, juql, received t(ie[r JU|I plock of t. ai t *, j|a s’« whiob,includes a spleodid assortment of, ' . - D R Y.GOODS,> ; /CONSISTING in part: of ■ splendid at* soriment ofßifcbFrench Mfcrino*s«f alt.cojotf,, nt very tow prices; also, Paramatas of all, color*, 1 All-Wool a.nd Cheap Delaines, Black Silks almticti ' lower than former prices," Mer}iinoe ahdCicheeo Prints, Long and Sqaard Wdottn Shawls at'Kfy-" low pricesi Brown Factory,, Bleach Muflins, ; Bed and White Flannel,Cotton Flannel, Stripe Shirting,’. Blue Denejns, Bed Ticking,.Brood £lolh», Can* - meres, Satinet!*, Kentucky Jeans,* Sheep’s Grey Cloth, Collcri Balling, Carpet Warp, Colton Tara 1 and alio many other articles in: the above, lino lbal, we have not time nor room la enumerate is a singf advertisement. GROCERIES AND FRQMo^S. Muscovado, Coffee Crashed, Pondered end Crush ed Sugars, Stewart's Syrups and Molasses, Old Java Rio and Caguara Coffee, Young HVson and Click' Tea, Feeppr, Cinamdn, AMf-prcc, Starch, Ginger, - Rice, Bar Soap; Candles) Indigo, Saltpeter, Arana Saleralua, doc., pork, Flour, Fish, Salt, Butter, Cheese, Tobacco, Lamp Oil, doc., doc. Hats and , Black and Light Colored Beavef JJat*/Kno» Nothing, Know Something and Kossuth Hals, Bl’k Silk Hals, Silk, Pla?h arid Cloth Capa. Boys Ila a and Capa of'every description. - Mena’ Cslf, Kip and Heavy Slog* Bools; alar, Rubbers, Boys' and Youths’ Bools, Child re on. Shoes of every description, Ladies’ Shoes, Bpdp! and Gaiters, a large aasortmeal at very lory prices, Pails, Grooms, Toby, Brushes, Butler Ladle* gnd Print*, Axehelvea, Washboard*, Sugar Boxes, Mea sures, doc., doc. Nails, Mill Saws, X Saws and Hand Sitws, Mill File*, Scoopes, Shovels, • Manure Forks, Chain*', Steelyards, Pocket Knives,. Tablo Cutlery, Poor Locks, Latches, Bed Locks, BuUs and Screws, Horse Cards and Brushes, Axes from the heal q>si>« ufaclurers, always on Hand. Crocfecry, by the tell or piece to suit the wants or purchasers GLASS WARE , also, WINDOW GLASS, at manufocforea prices. EASTERN CLhCRS t war* ranted to keop good lijpe. Ready-Made Clothing. Black, Crown, Drab and Blue Overcoats, from a low price up. Sack, Frock and Dress Coats of every description, Fancy and Clack Casimero Pants, ffl*k Satin, Casimere and Velvet Vests, also, Cheap Vest* of every style and quality, Shirts and Collars, Wool en Wrappers and Drawers, Buckskin and Woolen Gloves and Mittens, Fancy and Black Silk Cravats,- Self-adjusting Stocks, Silk and Linen Pocket Hand kerchiefs, Woolen Socks, Suspenders, Umbrellas, and in fact nearly everything that man, woman'br child may want can be tbund at this establishment-. The subscribers would return their sinccreAjwnka to ll)e inhabitants of this Borough and su’rroßidfßg' country, fot the very liberal patronage that has beat] bestowed ott them since they commenced bnsinesn In this place, and wish, by keeping a large assort ment of Goods to select from, and selling at small profits, to merit a continuance of the same. Wt-llsboro’, Nov. 1,1851; JONES & 808, NEW GOODS. FPHE subscriber would respiecttlilly inform his customers and friends that lie still eon-, tinucs the mercantile business, at the old place, o\ the wed known store of L. I. Nichols, where lie Will be liappy to wait on those that will favor him with a call, and would invite the attention of the public generally to bis largo and commodious stock of DRV GOODS, Groceries, BcaiJjvilladc .Cloth ing autf- Hardwares CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, STONE,.. WARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS , AND CAPS, &c., &e., in fact everything else in a country. acU elcs 100 numerous to mention, snd will shlT cheaper than ban be bought this side of Nftw York cjly. 1 All kinds of prbdhee taken in exchange fof'gcods ’ at the highest market price. , J, a, DOW JEN. Wells borough, Jane 53,1854. , PARER IMIVGIftfPS DEPOT. [No. 4-t Courtlau.a u, Nept fork, nigfrlu Vp&fitt Jh't r jfercSont'a Hotel;] - Thb croton manliTaotiib, ING CO. (orgamjed under Hie. General Man. ofacturing Law of (fie State of New York,) offer* at wholesale, in qnanlities to suit purcjmscr., at Mannfadluror's Lowest Prices, for Cash Or a pprov«4~ credit, * j PAPER lIANGIEGS, of ctctj variety .of'itrio-' and price. BORDERS to match, FIRE-BOARD PRINTS a preat variety. TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. OID PAINTED WINDOW SHADES, WIDE-GVRTAIN ■ i Window shade fixtures, ‘ Of iho latest styles and superior finish, all of their own manufacture ami importation. .A* Ifieip stock is large and entirely new,'lliey invite Mereluhir, Booksellers and dcaldrii id these articles,ld ieffl and examine their atylea add prioca whenever tiidy visit the cityi • New York, March i, tSfifi.. PERSONS tire fdrDtd paying any Account*, Notes or Judgment* to Jamcsh Jackson that hara been mads or rendered for work dune at Iho Woolen Factory and£J*»fMlU,, (*»(d to belong lo him).from the. let day of March 1852, ofa lb ilia tat day of March 1855 ? at. I'baw a lenwdof kaid Factory and Saw 1 Mill' forth# three yean frorrt. the lit dayof/March ■ 1853, iftftdd and. ,i g «4. W»l, Jwkaoft, an^mynlf., ids to collect all debit and demand* wufk dona in widFactory andot aaid Mill daring the' loravof: aid .lease, »«iTjtrw year* * , ' LEWIS, PHfOttiWN. Wcltibiroogh, Mafchl, r 'ss-lf. —'• ' •op »>- •TiiADJESi just droj» iQAllJkß.vjWeni* eMm(nehis RatMM,Date??, % )’°w AftrtM MMirmtattf '■ ANWPsPOLBy;.' . pi 'ft'.’ Jc-’j ”• >,. *■»{ v BOOKS'ANM r .. STATIONRRTr ;l i WATCHER CLOCKS AND ■ JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, YANKEE notions, r , ■ PERFUMERY, 4*., 4*C.,4’C. •' .V',; REPAIRING, 7 > ' DONE ON S&OJVt- n notice, .»s ALE GOGDS' 7 - ,r; ; WARRANTED AS ■*» SEPRESENTEDi AP Boots and Bhoc«L Wooden Wa|r©. Hardware. M V,-; W m