The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, March 29, 1855, Image 2
isiminmiKLi •r;050 niJiJiWptHftjtAV) 1 !®®® . ai>V«rt<HWl A»» W#««b W oV to lo tmi mkW (#nd piwrt rtio*Houte; : !••(.: '''' n * :, ‘. a '‘J ‘ u.; 11., V.i i;p li5iTO3S. *■ : ' ■ ' I uM ln i to i?kM one fev£J&,-9M! Si)?® an n» >lVer fit, FoWnda, _ , , , ' }q ' mcfease jhd ftf ? .ss at# to educAto'leffiiwm a cblle&Ha, Fhil^ Mr h' • lr3/f - !l - - “ . . - ''l ' ‘ pno ‘frorA-' Jeflcrsop^o^ryl feialini?'l6 msWi]ibrj(' ,]fqupr ! ««V ■ r tflzefhe county.. ’ , ,■-. i,-. , :■. . ~, := lpk'e imporl;, ; and ot? Tor pVojiioilory liqyorTdw/!.,' , ’ f ,-, one, Tof 'dig same plWt, signed tip® 9\ : lb*9 salary of superintendent oT cbtOfpdn, spfioolsj.pne ibr'aneWepunly 16 pg called,Tibnesla, nm) tliniihtf' b‘o?rifii)gs be erected, ‘ 'vHlbpot ,jaxa- tfOCl... , . ‘ Mr; 'Bushrsundry, relating to the scpop) law- • ~ ■ , 1 , ; I . , 'Mr,'Bald'vin/ope for a divisiort. of school tax in Tioga cbbmy ;' one relating ‘to the fee bill; upd one relating,to a ’certain turnpike road company. . , ~1 |Wr. ’tp'incorporate a_ bridge company Wayne county, '. , : . Mr. Siuldevan't, one from J 25 members of jbc orddr of “Oppd Templars” ,of Siqrling ville' ’Wyoming,county,.for-a general prohib itory liquor’lpwV , • , '■ . The Speaker announced the pill to repeal ibe iMnsh taws, os, thy-first-ii* order; the question being, on its, foul passage. . ■ Mr, Er,alley moved the House go intoCtOlTlr miuee,pf -Abe fvhpj.e, fo( special arpeudment, to. strike out dU after;)l«i enacting clause, and insert a new bill, repealing the act- pf 1 Olh, April, Ibß,- tfcgulaiipg the granting of tav •rn.licenses in ll)e cily and county of Philo del* phia,— • . .Mr. Eraiby predicted that the .Legislature would: rise triihw.C knowing any thing of iho character indicated by the original bill; and ihe.fwnds pf.this teH would miss ih<? oppor tunity of remedying the evils they had-brougbl upon (hemßmVeV, by the infamous licensing aystem they 1 had in. operation within the hmits of Philadelphia. He wap satisfied, and the majority of the people had so de. (dared, dhtfUhey wished to be let alone—that they-,tattled no legislation upon the license laws of. prohibition; and all Philadelphia ought to.require, is the repeal o( the;license i. fATter some passed—Yeas 47, nays -30,] March 17. —bills bbxd in pl\ce. Mf. 'Holcomb, b hill to a ferry over the Susquehanna river■'in I '{ v DwmnJnsl ; So, a bill to repeal llicfadt to prevenl' the oh structions in Tionesta creek, ' • Mf. Baldwiti, a bill to repeal, so far as -re lates to iJ’logs-anS Wayne counties, the acf of 16Bl)| prcdlihitirrg the‘ circulation of foreign birinfl' ndteS. ■ t ' ‘ Mr. Avery.-a bill to incorporate the Bqhi mink bridge Gompanyi A BlclanoliOily neetiikg. We clip the following sketch from the local reports ol u Baltimore paper. It relates one of (he harrowing scenes of every -day life ! ■ A few months since, the dingy looking Alms. House wagon,' on its route to gather the daily quantum of paupors, arrived at a certain Police station, to-receive the last in instalment of unfortunates, previous to tlraos fnitting them lathe quartet's provided/onlhem byt thitsOorp<n;«uotj. At tho-.tfrrivdl ,of she vehicle, at tlm.Station: House, (there appeared room; for only one more patlpnr upon the crowSed'hofloh. This seat wots, at lenghi, occupied hy_ an oidpriy, deoeppp 'man, bowed fjtnpst double thtpugh diseatiqi misery, mod distress. The.carnage, with-ile,-, melancholy, ro'icdaiqng the streets toward* jte'dea, (million in perfect silence, for. the spacp, of ?ptpe four ,pf, syc minutes, whim suddenly-,a, withered,, hula womqp, .seated moqdijy. in a.porner of the .carriage, turned, toward* ‘he riecripcd man spolton. of pbove, anti ehouiod “John, John 1 do I see you or. a ghost!’' ‘.‘Mary,, by all that's damnabio i" _,wap the muttered _yet audible response of -the aged back-bowed man. , , it is, JVlaryy ’ grqwled the Jiltlo-pld ladym.'a shrill, sharp falsetto. tap four ago, leaving me,and the twp bahiesfcj siarvb and tjjei” ‘ ’ ... " “Starve antf .diq ipdpedj” rejqined tlqp, ,o!d, pipner—“phfql ]efj ynpitq.aeeh fly, for, TO J°h. Vetff phle la,eapapearly aa shoe k n tq-kefjp youjppUppd childrepfcptfi starvtnjr.’’ ' 1 .y. llu'vft” .°y ,Vf°9>ap, .“but. you forget the consumption and the blood spit ting thatnearly killed roe .before you ran away, and[fiy«,idays after'you (were gone,,the chil dreawerbstwving.aod I waa.under the hbndd of (he DispenStsfy .fioclor,fthat brought roe. qp, fropt d . bed' fer few imserahle days, which wllf .and; I / f'Amiithi qhjldreniT-Aitllß ifoq and jSfidm— where are , Vhcy 2” inutrtvutqd/.the umsetaJitei tofali wilft.a husky /voiefe,— ,':jd imY“ “Oh! safe enough-1 tell you, husbandf-n Josey the- Wueveyeihgood, playful litrio ,hoy is &»< asleep ih Wesf'erb Potter's Fidld;->-da r- her folder! burls «tdi put to sleep in Eastern Potter’s Field; Bbf rheidnottwe Ippt fold, wouldn't-Idt'-hdr 'test, they <cut bjj the‘flesh frdnHholtones' pf whaf yotl vjsed lb (tail you Own ffehlfy 'EWy■ ydtf htylPS „y,h«in«a7?iTm dociatadansed j?r J-I ■IrPiSW- Wires .efter- cdtiaa'amy illm ffwtfjrppf.her bpties.” ' ";' , , ! \# r »kK *oi» from m WMJIfbW jftlher was (hepply reply, and ’the towards ns destina- Bffh, With' its .human freight of mgfptmne, improvidence, poverty and wickedness; '■ THE Aff mTb. ftoBK l:ra( T °r • • All BusinesSand owcr edSmunicaUairt ba addressed to Hie Editor to insure attention. 1 Thursday MormugrMar: 9&, I 85». SEl* those \vliQ_PUy-OABE YE AB in AIK ,i (QTlJoal re»d’BMdw»,’S«fflriWey;&2Ccft.B«’*.T4J- l | rortbeoiehi Qntfa'irdipsgflli.'il = •••«rlu wiU «i n™q i ~t. ■■■! in bDiVjlb'Wi , y?is*j.yKX fuyf&Qh-Mf&t fcP&^j mariihtj?, i receiving pupiis. I patronized. § if % Mr. Roswnu, \Vilu»p tyhfl j fatally injured pom BTO&fliPfiSi-Wif«ov ering slowly. ,L.i .ni u.l -’id no At' d .. •»- : •■" -rod fc.. - \ ID" Dr. PhtenoWgy-aiid.PiiysidlogyKlwiliis pl«c*,<od Erfday evening. His lecture* ori Ptyidlogf WuhstHp in teresting and in«tr6rti</d. ; ~H w Idciuro tdtfte ladics only, was well ; -I ■, 1 1: I , r - i'ti CTMi.'Ajiiii? a l !*®) City with n splendid- ing in price Irom to $223j each./ jHer,ho*-«lH) added largely'-to ilia Mods ofotber-jeWßiy.; dSivc him a caht 1 ’ : ■ 1 ' ’ • • “ No jMav Court,—ln pursuance of ap opt, .qfjtbf present Legislature,.published jnpu/.luslweeliVj}:,- per, there wjll.hsi no silling of Ihq Couth anlllJMtii;. This arrangement #as made, wtf aV4 Informed, in order to give tHo'’lddiHerMSn ‘tiftefto the river and'ght bacjc-lo attcttil ID” Mr. Geo. Pay he of this boro'dgh', mrornfa*us that he has purchased Uni right, to manufacture and seß Dana’s Patent Corn Planter, for Tioga Comity, This Planlcf is tl ifarid os estimated by gqod judges, .can-do \lie.,wofU of three with hoes. lUoP^t,ia;iriftipgi—S3,, Onfcra may be nddressod to.Mr.JPaypp-at Wells boro, 7 Tlm». Itopubtlcaus .hptiL.fa^e.4.,£k«) sweep of New llaniMhirp, electing jtfclcalf Governor by 10,000 majority, ihrii_Cdn|ressmen against one fierce!!*,, leu- sl»fp Sajsfars. fafa of Ihiq House agafpsl'7o i*ieroeitca., : cain&X • . ! ••(.. Oil: -u ’Khfj «V* History does not tell ns ,wlpMfirst;oreeied;-lho har rier of castpbetwccnlhf oudsupwranid tlis,producer by whioh distinction Uw-faM«r lias been iuliufajpfaC, and even in UlO dsoline,.of-t|)ft pipeteonlli #gpU«y., and under tho bonofipent, ocratjo institutiqqs, is assigned t|ie : |luWf». l -,!%?• put history boars witness,«»,well (hqt.EUch a harrier has existed apej ,ntiil Rousseau tells us that,property iuliuid capje wise;. } Some pne, raoye arahii,ioua velfdli .lhan Us fallows, caflt hi; eyes ppop.a portion of die earth rapre fair than the av,cr;ge. and tcippling- to nip ,n^ : arioc, and bodging it about, sqt up the title or pos "TlTTfir?dll77kflhgtfTiDt rfnr^cmd t W^gtiy|^J | ki\i indeed it as a very probdblo hc'glnnihg ot a' sys. ieiti which has produce 1 # ofid tiMcf ori'd liilnfcfilj oiiaufcqnaily. 1 ' So wc may 1 supp'dso tbflt the ’false dislipcllou existing between Ufa Reducer and con sumer was set dp*iri aMmiiuf'mahfter. For nil -like distinctions require force in their cstoWishmCnV. There must be a thrusting down of ibe'Nntoral and add a farcing np of (lit, Au iiliciu!, before any.suite nt tilings foreign and repngnant to gehccal Inluitioo ean-be founded. ' In tho proper' tucccssiort of ideas, Do aucli a one us—l-llio creature - si,all iiava ,ptecc, danoe of tlie areotor”—can ..prevail, us jt .js nol it) order-. The Artificial cannot sepereff'o tl>P,NulHrjil without,a degfee ofafcKsq heipg cpipfaycd-, VJ'c.ql. lulled to til,a fast fast iyheok pu. *.JeVjipg show tiiUl uioncy'Bboulil never, jw madutbe; iiisltu, ment Of oppression to Labor; and the fact is nppa. M'U, - ■ . • , The Dignity of Labor (las .beep ibo .of-cf. sayi»U for. nearly a.minlpryj opd pf vicious Ithhurers. It is a grand tbeipp, apd.BQrßxhaiijjlloss that it cannot be over worked lor a thousand years to pome. Eswiyists have usually treated the abdj-acl question, while lecturers deal in gqhcrehlies 1 from importance of the subject calls for a h'fiok pf a thousand p , agcs >l contamin'g , all tfi'n'abi cicnt'snd mode in data, together with practical dis quisitions' follbiyjrig in order- as the sermon totloWd die (exl, ' There; are.two' men ih lluk Country either of Whom ‘ id 'emfdeiitly qaalifitid' fir 4 task of such vast importance—Henry furies/afirf ffbfacc Greeley; i’crhsfts tlicivr arc thd bAly 'iMnDs'fcdpaWc nf (rra pi ffling sb'ciesffully with a difficult of freutt t 1,1,1 . ,1. 1 f. ' r-rn/y ,-<i; i vr ....tit ''The true mcaiore ,Sf \yortS', Not, »>■ some suppose! dipahlliiy't<viw tueflit, but the result of'that CkpitWWy’mide' available by aolivHy. Tlia«, 'th»l man iwAo -grows' achundred ' bushels of Wbeat-iM of greater value to eotnnmnity than ho wlio liciiahed and cpncUmcsiL it cannot justly be urged in favor of tiro consumer who does little else but cat, deep and sputlf,lhat,,ho. cteattS.e market for the producer, for whether active or idle, hostili mnat waL Thubr fbr the .psrotjtli ecr is just as .ln (ho one case os in lh'c.otlicr, Every meo, l l(yoTtfQro,’wlipco(|siin(tp3 upd never, gfo, ddcos, robs Community of those, eetyiqeß to wftifi> it is entitled. Eqr God daeopiJptVcdfnen. pith no (tsc, lysu fucullies;. therefore, in the econptayoi fNalorc naprovipjoifidp made for dyonea. llcoca,he. who eufferytljc fithefp hejean e%t(# r PVido lor yj,t otjijj viol lies a law of, jti&.opo nature, hut in/licts jyn in jury upon ilia fellow men. . '' ' .. Why? Let us employ adjoinsly jJlqktrfllipp.s iA, inlpaoiing We -harp idiscoVoje'iit (o, be pH .(iff. .J-jj* poresi?<s thfttithajflwie w>S<i)t? Sfio)j«p.d ptvtagg Unguistjahlo;. but rh, is and, a»qrpo,jf( ei^p tionltw} Sp, Ipo^qijjefljfnon.juilijL .iim-r—;• root tv>i “tiim, .j-i ; y,.r, .-ui He geffm: % %ine»i,hul sjytiys ; f j(ft,Wg.yyjip ; Apejroyed l] , {)V ill^mjjctL labor, had stored Ibcp 1000 is.|)||U, Withdrawn fypjp lAp stuffs, and while Bloses tfye wages pf* jj'ia 'for ■ • the‘season, thecircumstances'of tlie lmmeiiiate com” 'mnnity mb... depressed and. the,members jjuQcK hi : ; Umipr<jpoH'(ou-tbat;tbq jrajp'deslfluyyjJ ft , u , „ L | 4«»iih the W Bi fi ra ß l^.i ß ,,^ ! fou*( R . 1 , stely, nWcfoOftij pf ; remaining of valuation end jho poQtor ( classes ate jis- ; fressod- But there are hplf a,n)i\lion of non-jifbdUr ■ co nutry; ana these, % laboring evijn for’ ’ fiealih-’s'saßeV might ijaye rqidtipUetf ; iliu nfedtid bt purchase, or increased tho Stop' AeynVdifl’Cfjhsiflhii.' i pluai and; yhaii» tbo °U&| non.prodocerst -They are bul droncs in live »£fial muej vish instruments J>y which they oro lo procure the superfluities as $ w8 a ■ -nrg'dimbgttTiytß'iifllmnL'P oirmhm'ngn'g sbrotdcre- - J^iowfWteai WflnoWliM eew%iAflfVir^ no I mvon avert i)'>’{ It thn Ji ,„Ip to»T?SSjto S&MOT %cmm each in Ills true po»ilion,-n f/i f}}9.9 §9^} U ?okow[liai r Ucry man* .convchfcrVce. 1 ptoiltltea i’llg 4?eceslai^/j(o \hb J bf the intellectual and mprpl nattlrbk'of ifio fnVp,*)4 4 j ben^fiictartiiwHlks iiM'k'f/sbnfi'owiiC lie assists l« ‘ffSirf 3 \hV 1 i-adf . r TIIW lit 1 fesVjEV ! liiVtilek^Hfr'thb^Ma^f’^^ft|fcd^; I < 'aiik rttfeiVcs'in fclbhvih'o.bfCTtti of cchtiMereel 111 Karif fb a producer, though of (li!lcrclrt'’lhibgb, ■' But’there are thnb?anap l iy fiS VSCtil febirfAlbiU ioriiifoat with the' fi.i'mpb'brinKctroit. '-^l’ffe : fnlnes-s* of IfonluKxl iri'rf; • Womb nbooif. iB produces!*) mubh.'aacb isWbrtli ba r >irt com'iiHlnityV'imd overy ; inilividuul’s fsVortii shbnUi bo estimated by the 'good'bo accomplishes, jtot bythb g-old UiMtocuftulWlns, drtlie fame Wo For lunsi miy'prod ana Whin but dooliol; yelbo very industrious. His worth in; community is 0-j Jenin j using,he-perverts; his tUionti., bfherefiirojrtndiistry j cannot he«iiitßtt,ctitotloo Imcofidjlionnlly. via I, . .'bpptensi jtbst Ilia digllii/; iWWurdt, Jayl lpcigi»,irtAil<J mttUve ajitl lhei result-! For,lo,bpji4-1 polled by 4 -gppd motive nntil -wo, by djpiegijrpipg 4>lq(UoBl of successful. )(isy lodge Jut a reo pit, odds nothing to, our : wojps -' X/aj bof.oipst bs hy, lhy,ptrK)ppl of aclpal hon oftf iti,fi99sr r . 8 'UI>OU| tbp, rape, , Tl«fO if jsocifi \y ;^ : figbjJy find tiictnsf/lves in the traces—where all ought to bo .waS„J{? ajcycljing,flpqlrjijp. -So u l^;«wsJa^ o w-sff"^'’-, t te; <^ r r > «3‘ L cve ).°. f I man, the firmer anil tlw tnachapic. Eveu.licrp inutile bqcltwoods, llytre is an atjemjtt at aristocracy—'siiccps),in arialoerbfj with i inkppcCq finish. These are our bacljivooks ribnprbduoors— having very littld lo bo proud of and a. trroil'iical to re^^mb^; '} . ■j; ■ _v ' tH'corao down filtfrid with ‘fSi€* better.'’ Tfib ( df !( ditjcctWdJ cart ;break tiotl l W^d6ft’l.Hy ; jiTAdhccrdriy r 'th6 ; vindicate^jh^Dpiwp^L^Rj r * • “Kate Ayijsbww)—a Tala pi By Chaa. j. Belerson. T. B. Petefeqri, JniiVaJclppia. I***f ' | - -»» *—r-—*-■ ■ ft -,V'-y we arc somewhat AmllWvi Mr. I’ctcWn is a wri ler fvlio.liM a fine appreciation,of those qiiStilie's of rtftrirl which' ro'dilbr Men' faWids, dr’iftfmhiuS ng thy hfitili-eerthose/(natifld ntay ifeterrtiinci TitereTo'ro;' hha'clbYs arc strongly marked, nml pass' for tviirt Iheirfafc’ds are Wi‘(hJ "Tlids, in tfio liertfihe, wc nlwajk Vcbognizc (lie Same liighfniiidbd,’ brave, self-possessed arid ; ‘gentle in 'the parlor, amhMliij’ liivfill confusion of shipwh’ck, a captive imon gUa-wlesal refugees, or the- nialreti pre riding- ovaj-rhe (indite (t01d..-. ItfiiMrsniVarrin, the ponctiliOUK, VJ«riiy J>fo(tcl, ariiioorationWahfpperof blood and blrtßjdj fjteeorittuji ail. emergencies.-' In Undo LaWrooco lbo sirnple dlgnityiof.ilie.Chrietiart Phtfosnpltci- opponent i H tlie midi! of tl, u atie lootafioi wedding gutf'lpassc/jtbled, W (ho town math sinu of Vjm. AyWstbrit. nsimthf* liprpldp log qapin at 9«ve<Urtv«(ier.- la Chaplcs ,Aj<ies%J in , presented ilto mu): <tpnel?cle of a net ungenerous nalufot ppulinuplly hy ; uu£jdlcd passions in Arrisorpvea M,»D traduced foyi Op ah —-Cdpill(lc;of Wjiug wliea, Ironed un-, tier the Ifsli, plains and lliprcloae aqj. ural,i)nd wo sy/ptpwtd tjie.bpoii to w.hpi^rp, a good story well tjdd, ■ We, Wpc.&ssrs,galley V’ Eojuy wi)J ftiiljkj bopiaf of ilio o(pj-)i.' O’ ttVha'4 tho ptMlni'o of boating- tha SiUiiiday exercisio aMliß.(.ftc.|deiiiyin Krisi village, fast ,xi-rtk »nJ eameaway pleased. >vitli (lie bisiU ' ..'lit) declamations were good indeed—belter lldi’p w ;hntj cipdctedUo iienr. fieveralarlwidoclttimsdUviUi tul tnOTWcanwti£,i) tpnyljWry aJfcstiysshWlc.spqaJ),, ers. It is no easy mailer lo stand «j),and tjcflfcjiu «cl 9pj:sel S Ibyt-piuees gp at ,W,liie;.ffloakwg ( luluqteft^osehqolboy. wdMtioes.i.eoi'i.ritd’. bly good. The papers were also remarUblyigood. .iljiAlr, ftKV.fpfcs. tve rccQgiilzQ.p,i)4ppy blending of tiiosc qualities of mind and licart which peculiar, lyfil him toijo.lbe j«gbW; contemplates leaving tern), Cf’OapTiiighborisfeduld’lcaep ctooL-' . •'Such pdeVttinL'cOostilßtitm og 'he possesses* <jan ; dotahdore firtqueot stacks cf(j tocijjunaot lifajnlhai whiiWnmsi lra.v e (Smded every ifibte.pC hisbodj (uiolndlng hiaiweochea pocket,) iwliw) i«o, Jj/ p: .pqpqrr HeeayslHwlrftdsgi) of tjjV- Ifpglfr lw<m(fl, u?: Ukq U/ay every adi Nt».,‘bjoimvfiliptj fug;, "iW wo ifldvytfjr /‘y^fnrc^er) honor* dps mookness-t -; .n/JPirfffJ 1 ?, 1 !? t(i o “ri'iglil •nsrp” since we came Mo ? a,co W iy (R’fifAjWjViW'' ‘iin<«&V fin ffl ee^!!n^ilifA^d c ff•' i ndylub it"»4lio3y s?> tl"e mr{ r (al B ‘kc?wVcd "®i?feits tS'sKcf *.? IM^ I #^<i^'hwws of ndfhekVd'Mr' : list. WTO iiferfeofl Os’itiyf tlfi'dj Iftd StbppdS thb 'JCtt-' , §■%'. .'Add ■ tte idda Is rldidelbas, 1 ‘‘SVhtin fids bell jit is not at all uncommon to •ietfa'fibß v «olHrtn-'rf I m3Wi >l in‘lhat' l iflb^'weikvdsliilo sildh ii tiring IfoM rih'fr''dpiutta'd'tn(be i On the contrary, our advertising columns.' a&rcai#' ’ fillip rtrbedrinoidiicW wiitlikt '.soj pan Bpfew«|oeptfbyXli»jißaiEat:a*cidqftt.« ( wt .' jo-jib -oWhatjgmJptrimttaLtnd] QtittojftilMfi’s, fiwniB<-<|& tii_atiA a tWtow ff(W« Wd! -pm-neighbor is -nof)-to inijuiroabaulthat nicd-lHdirliWlddWrnni 'dfd3«tOTument:p»p/(iri(&li. ed by the honorable JiW(hp)tasoboiidtrbtlcKkttf itefd 5 110 iey might fij Unt or proa qtnand to nj want; that liber of emj lovo the nog losses. t Granted nj ier enough to np for a noftansfsf And i Govd ,-Wo nlnted then wi jjp” .iIuIMI WinJlto^Q^ Uncle Sam for double rations of the pap aforesaid. \VhyTftWWS I t); I R,,W?ASW»d 1 and wo tern w» tenfcAr jb^M. y^'pwittift ?sk^Ms& <> f war^&e was a Tjo^a r jjtwys voted the “(oeoloco ticfccf?^VcappriJtcJul SaLUieaft nireeiipnesl whigs KfiHSlUat one to be. Further* wc"dnped no one. • \Ve never BdfoBa4a»K^dlis^4hWa i rf^(«tet'wl^ st '« liot ffMbb'Juagd:Wll66»,B^lStejB«^<aSly ( •pfWAbtaovtitge' tm ie't iM/ld'rtitt 'JAhtf'•*«» *Ti* bßlijrti'Jve dfl tbd'paWrf’ CSb 1 fP f dny'(na« was-txln pOdlTitttyiti ftlfeetinv:uif»ie«rii9rti}i4er) ut)djrt*fftLiiM,ibbli dv<j 'Ufahoebwofk'ftr «ibtfa,;CMto,d«ii(irttoSl election ai «f. Diincr lmpArti4cß^i'>W«/»dviicd'iio : tnso larvate either for, btysppiin»b'tliOß»;.';ttir'..,,i; t tjr.o to.y} //WloTlltwfc dnwiwMews! /Oonuldaojir.niidi JJDcs’ boipuiaalheyiPbinot'ees, St.-tpeWnd.inn onf pUpßiflp. tftjpw*.! C»l4> v irti ifejfiy dlUo,. hp(b,U)py to , P)?&<} publicly.; ,'>V r e pxinlrdPlp<i9fc/fl r -«A Wr. ffisfog- Ui?oi;tq bcorparcp, Pddphftcgpji Mf-jqftrw.fw lipkels.prmle^.pn^fvh^u; cif him a much larger sum tbdp dyb, yp,u »><j w-Hw^ciP wifu the most disinterested charily for yoUf weal;. ■; ir-i -JiU taoiT viv'.-x iiacj v))Pi<£> jf-ind •, nesses, wo aSeclianatcfy advise foil not to_ neglect ypur own' business " in' ’ 16' I spT'i3f l^ )’ (tut ftelghbora'. ‘AnM' Tlinhtrl if'yabVislV to psn^hiiS people th’allWb Bfc‘ St inOrnstcf’ ujr fcannjn jjnml Qccitfy ; you had hctteV clciif ydUWbW’friiti cfiaVjfca’W# ItlWc'brought agalhsif ydn, fiftt. '• ‘GbloUei, the ibtcb llgfebt ‘tncWbf Tjbga efrabty •will 1 36b'tfib 'WekknbiW ybo'exhibit id' bringing dountor-tdlnr^te'bgaVnbtHlA ibbile' ybu : dblig6'"lhe chargc4tbri)iigWt*glfuioi<j«ni.'- We hate met 1 ali ypof l Oh sighs ’ all tV-YcprUcd-them/ Wc : iiowcalUoppn-yaUto-cxptetrr.y (Aieii T drtrt(h»ice'' course on the Nebraska, bill and the Teiftpceaocb pubSitSdn; or WO rtnSsi puUilh'tbe pegfe-tu Eagld in parallel colnmne, aokvuidublaat smbmed;.-! Wc shall enter,hilOunaaijiimcrit to-ptoyi) our.bonesty.v .The! : people will judge of tli«i,'lind.are: shall rjordt Appeal 1 teora their flcotiitia, > Cbm! rtejgltbor.jai At (libflrfyiW daU.ue by. anyhamlibo thinksnpprppriste.i not dpscfnii toencb Ibiwwwijbiwi t A sJiQxthtLAgifqivr. >| 1 ~;;SciJ Ea.iOin U»e J*iW i. -iwrifingHiD,advocacy of;tbd BigbetJiavyviibadT.a'. strong smso of rim shy* 0e39 foganimg.itbißJtapiq! ( lornre ateiy. ■ Tbis v niy idtl’erence lo our.; cbicltei}.- hOaned:fTteb(ia, has loannq 9omp gloryttlljU df. 6ei I ng..tlie fim no aallio .mo<Je?i/«ws,. ia (diese digginsj ab<v-wholE«)me,', nahadnxnb, respecting! (hd central gocsiibniof our ptfisedb and fueu to politics. > ' • While! have slept,, ihesrm has haapiming, land Olliers have the honor lo herald his point ihrg.. . Thrpovvor of ilie“imjuiSiiiojh' I ’ hasiptis aed. njvay,.aad. fiaidieo. has kdv' i4iai,aur;caith is Jonly k secondary. .tfc ijie-, son. ; Haw (ir leds hespeijinbld iwetaiouMlnionisa i vergfihhn iha.pdraeculors.of Gfllilip !",,They ' affirmed dft.fcppareftt:,lruih-r--that;!eartk js/flig jCenler of t ha-physical;,universe.; ,lho uaiOß. ■ savers l would r have; the .mamsiealing ipsptu ilioo primary lin Ihfti’ioijraijniiiih j.«llr;i)iy.i(ie and humua. authority. secondary -itnc) .ousti i -BT/y«-+a Jijaffilfefi-'oljsujidiiy.jhQih inilogin and logit, ibanaustnalf obiigalionsif olutiienct i&tciatzly dtcnvedojxamihefbiligh er Law and, therefore imy. hvrman lam wkich contfiooerts Ike fHghen, of obligation] arid Mas no/ fight- to-, be obeyed, In . juocticd, because,,til) miellig.4nt people , feitdw ihis. doctrine <to be-i;lrue;...though! for fnany. reasons, but-Tcw-oro; willing fo .{tvo.vy ' it in 'directuind''.tnanly. tul’ins.. ■ /fbej avowal comas howQverbaa-occasion,.de/nmwls ;,!ikc ■ judicial opinions which are hold .in. reserve hnnl-enHed dutifaym cteein hand. :. / ;j ft ivanis inpiprojihdc (p ioil us, ihat,,ai onso j is nearlypipfe for ffooisfori, upon, (he Calendar of. our national Gtyet,undJTcrpiiner.srrrfiiglf. er. Lavs-wSi Laicer .Lem', : .Wilha,,pcpp.lo,ihnt knows.flowtoiqrcaieigoiTernredniSi l pod’ mhke and alter constitutions, be afraid to meet-.tlijs questioniinta ranbljftppiHll, Will they (puch longer be foolsdwith. Hthc notion, that an-in stitution, which isL.qihd’SUra.oiisll yiliaipies,'’ is needed' as bo'e-of the'pillars ;or. : l'he state 1 ! • .North No.,SjhasiW paoqliar.wajy,of, treat ing the case, a method always co-rclalige )o Hint of-aha'steveOcratPf"! Itijsiart'eeho.p/’ iho south. .•.?f.We'.will-conlrp),the-unjpp,i’.spy| i]iB south,:“or go out of ill’,’ -;Voh, j’’ .-jCr.ieq Ufa , 3, ahaoniob savers—‘Mefclhn,Sop((i litiye ! otvd way, or.' she'll, tttnely, /Union i Yon .fanatics, .pro.carrying (patters too fa'?nr Youmtetbrihgtpg on;a pgrifouscristsi!'.’, i. SlaTeafcial'siandiUpiQOiSnvors, is,': fl for . you, ,for it, Once, your oppression ftlipost an Aatrafctioa,' rang Haafceajforai,v0 t ppr,apathy. But we loved the Union, and yjojwpl}, pndpr- constitution opq|cl <by .'pprfact. We knew that the "Compact”, protec^yll jbui thosinratploihe evil ofofe„sd flpt sfiqiq lp-i(p vdry. nealt nundobra ' yx>u bwd<¥J 1 dndjet thh «ppifcs#ed»g9 : | wm grewrnntpailebtylydn itbo Djbinea»diaiiiibfl!i)fi§fls,tJiaj ! ■ beVmraf -thecoveea/U lllc j • asuaflUeacerioU/citrndlrJyhrtW Ifec jj^qnigpity! .the patriarchial institution, that ~wp; qlrqpst , . hsknvedlyoup.wpfgohljijipjlr/tlip.iMnioft-io^'i'f , bladpj.hpauiatt..lip,ti»jwiyprißn n^iJipXi ( la?ki : i stain upodiour,iW(jqnaloc/ldrnotfirrr’tlWi.SQp rqe, ; jofideep.najionni gqi H, ; wp d.rePfnpßi- i 1 j While-anil 'ifwwefWi ijlilfictjgkoj Wte)«fprty d Oh.matbntoa(era.j|nd j iu(iip»-apIYj»r 1 Yj»r8 t i t aattufferua.tC ljhe cppqpbctjjdid jl j pot,. aulhorisiC i .y,oii.,to.;](pgts(ale for slavery t, . beyond -dll doubt, d,di'i|iqdJtoyeyqir« i , this pi, , iyouthandsi bpi,,yjju l ip.^^,j GIT AT BJpfeg the bloody Cayennds, pe| JMiAr ihe Colonel’s feelings, By! jw 'diiL nol as he charges,’ti|or[bo! Hmontsap to 'unforeseen chLjice.'l lit wo now ro-stato, that it was n :din f n of I] Wr tip ' hearts. Once we saw t^JUwrty^h<H>tmcijaU.aßdslft,vej>--Qnly! a lemporarft^CC^sow^-^pM'jiWe.s^B^jaxery —slavery—slavery, em Iroenj^doordinate. Q - l,r liberl} ’ a " ?! %£(s¥'> stands By quite other guaranties, and not at tiHefiqiaWrt#- «ft&, WdmWtoWlbe SSttffe can read the blessed words, about liberty -afiti 'Wjftfdh r 'r7>>RtsiAvtKtidi^SSetnlcring) «r*bhlsh idt & IlPun l: rtlih l ßfc(§uHr/Syfeo« fWI WjlNfe t/dub WdrlffW# duw. Rbftett&eMWHpWftiifil ittiSc wmHfitftqfotlstl 1 - iiAioa| ! vW(ii>B '«ot hlgligf‘Td9qy;i JB<jf"ybt»dcail gbtifv a'/'tJdVll-' diiid l , 3fcf 1 Ife-felbve Vex tradition • cbAipdfctitbftvWch'iihe'Wofih-ils diVWHV sfenttoste frbfrrtheiiftonba wilPybd^l Thdl : reb iffer jfd* fe foir you l to ■ bd'hoped IbnbV dyinHgd?' o ' ’’ ban . ■;■•-• t'l •■'!* , ’ '-nnbvh uiii my-dear .pdsillanimOtis-rea'derj frh’d'ffri' lerwfletßby the word or WO 1 ■rvifH' theei ; !h' all respect tblndss; 1 on ft«iitef3 / dMoetrilfe) fer -ttißch pains l have | been spcwtUd Watliy the like of thee,,ln‘ieV IpeoDto'paU'tdiihttbhgaUon. - ■ : > ••-•' ;•••"' 1 > ••I'dobnm nor-dost thou, that be Whos4 iiHdrefeiSi polili&il'tjrotherwise, depend. |Up<jp sjanery, c&rosrabbet 'doctrines,■■ farther. lihaftito -qfee ihem Tor his stelfish cads. Yelp : ihou'-'hast .observed, perhaps, "that the slave-., iholdeiqtand mora especially,- his -.fiunjuea; in itheiiieo states, often pleach from; the text-rii >The>.no.wers. that haian^ordainedof’GptU’ , whiob'j preacirirtgii:ia«tl“(niquitjr frm»e/i fay. , laiy’?. a.faindiiigon ahe-doascienoe.?'.,. If their | tpeeiching don't metoqtisi ,that, -you-wiil-ob- j > ib nob at dlljta.thelr purpose. >.■' yndoubtodly. Gad ordaihed human goteta-. To protect human lighl&j Did- not God''alsd'onidinift -tntwal fot ).. 'fa:gave rd.each) boatt-rtco: go vfl ra the government itself. Uo you belicva>ihpUg<m arnmentihastedy to.require thee- or me to do, a wronger la Jiioderus front doihg right.'! I‘, .In ocdpublful ,nase ihft judgeijjentuot the law piaker.' he,rßSn pedled.” G cap led, but dost ibau think slavery, its-: extension, oriheocotehmg-.flfi escaped slavesfdeubiful matters.). :>l£.so -1.. Wave., no niore torsayu ..Wilt -thou plead' this doubt in the GouUt-of Heaven,; upon our dead [ politicians to vouch for (.heel •!.,■■.; ■•>,. > ,r ' SCIRE FACLiVS.-,- »ii •'•n w &ci«6<>)s. f T.o the, Directors .of Common . Schools id Tioga Qduniy. , . , • <4en,'P.ejibn :■ —As (bis is (fie ' season of titiwjn/iNmA f™- ul,.thp fjuggqstipn of, several Di recto is,']'have : Uiouglp-jt lpfay before,you through 1 1J10; papers pi. u Jias'be'qpVaiid wili.Jjip.pgain 1 orqly, in your fcqveral districtsj. p, few sugges ; Mpps.ijial'ipay. i.rqporiqnce jp’ai'Jiirg you 1,0 djsqljarge this gttft pi your duiies, I ncetl not rqpiiqd you that, in discharging this trusti of your office,, you youcb the, people shpfel they ate, always,sensitive, ymi inylmir.'poekVi | <#s I sijqujd ool'.prpceedjipre, yvitb- I out lljp clearest : wprrnnl|'npf yef wi'ihia that' i vyqrraptj.except.ior l)io.g,Veal'ek' "opd'pf ilie ■ having a‘special regard for | liie £ bup(lreds-,pj' clfildreiy jiudpVyoqr charge ip.ijo upunppaanj scnsp.,.,Kdf yet ncbii you' bg ;rqi)iiiideiJ Uuu.oq (ins question of ftpapees i mainly 'depends all ilio dikpansiaciion ilipi ex -1 (ptS.Jlr.fpniniuimy rpsjipaing the wqifiiug ufj ppr -Qpitipiou School system, 'fp comluc , the piQpied ( a|iiut3 of. a scltapl boiirj spcc,e«y (l f MII y, Jo r., a, teric sp e a re q u ire s-‘a 11 lhq| caicfijntioa.jrcqaij fed in good financiering ‘at any, giber husj- U§ s Si, ;li bappbeen the, deathblow to rpur.ex oeil.cnt,school, system in nipny of triqtsj that 3hq assessments, of iQXcs'ijns, postponed top Jong,; dilUfory, cowardly,pol iactpts apjpoinlwl, accoutijs hac'opip tangled, tbe ’ ircasijry „crnbarrassed,' cqm rtjftis unpaid,.teachers bcpiine fmypfilutmlej the gif liwciiS.,clamorous fpr , and| schppl Jiouses w apd.,ag{iiflSA fa.xrig,-,Olcct'lo’rs, jesiWtg nud, \yiiat js the ltduulc ! Bail is-at the ho,I to at, of Ijbe, it. i grs, can we ngt.tupid this difficulty? can., ,Qaa we. not in onp ypar,place evet-y disfript jh .this.county on lining financial basis! W« can. , You fiuvp the pp.WCn will you take it in )iand promptly, wisely giidi RMSeyete to .the end ? .Then am, with you, your .humble sqcvant, asking fjprifhpt.fftith/ul, pdmtpistfftlioh 'pf ihe jajy; whkk'ahall operato.qqqplly iujion.all, andgiye to i a)l the,J3Ub(ic, .; 7n, t'hq p re-' viops/our,*<j ,cppHnuniqa!iorlf, wp, ()a,yp mentioned /several defects, m, admimgfjca; lion; w(iiqbiiave,caused some fncijoA fn qur operations. 'lfiiishas ft is prosqniycl. ttint 1 the boarij. ojl directors' Is pow, full da yqoii dipiriQt qf \]ip county. T& jo,w, is-ygfy. dpfiiliie ifjßspgciing the duty of qpqh bqgrd tp-kwy adax.ou or.fxjfu/e tha first i'kpdpy 9( : eqchybar f qlogtign ~in, February and,.the, of tfierp ip.fuii yiqjp for eitph new.boapd plec/. ip ’ beepmp.,ftc(gtaipted with Ihe h'tjsiaess qf jl)p i p.Qffio.# hfiipa Pfo^WPp) o .‘upf i lawj.pnfi/fkft : \hq. old i yqmp,,jnto bg ffiadi pGAfay,; qr)d. %oCojffbl/pp,,l)l,,work,;,thg ,ps s eac.ti ieayher ito; «no f Hf)|).j! pj S e fi.qp!>dhaf W.bc .pmd oy.d thesuc. 1 , ifFi spjmp 1 1 ibe, Rtreop, I m siiaqid sei 1 ' ‘!'?y^iy £3 .hqfhljy 'yfaii?-, lion through one oßheir i ‘m§C/!»9. : Wh r•Ts.teejs ! 1 apmetbiog Jikejhe IpTlowirig schpdulb.sboufa he drqwa up qs the hnsjs'bnkielfig'efil bfc’tlo^ .j b9JSS». t Ihlß.Bhppld qliy.jhei .toSidrsK sto .a st a at r> ties of the - • 2. 9 9 Jt '.lOK'h "ftoas 8«1 sutliw Vif)os ’ 9 R ■L.v-'i bi.iJ swS> b% A in No. tmUp ijjoH .bl/flit si liglii ssatasiov A. r By (or the year c^ l^Bi lß^e)t i a^4< yj eß y B fc ear |y < The lolliro^UbleJCThlhQfeiißfhfifflad^ul; - • p r«ffl>feW9i>^j4w lector, • Hi uuno'o , *o;i* t*T 4. Trim t?r^t,i l ; < ;!.,-,„ 1 , V< l JalT . 5. From pi»Nibti«BsM;m«at'i£>id,i:A. This last estimoto | stertld'^ceed%e'f) re vi ous oniflfa'ifbdnFfite to : ifl(fj'vr for ex onerationsJsfc, easily ascertain ihe.percwtflge JaJjftjfUd.W'bernViey have thus ahpirtarftbdi 4h«f(Oggteg6te-•’amount needed.. ir!tb'Sy’'tHflJ orfhsM"{ffi ‘tifSrtdis as- the school larv, < ~))(jtbJ j( iie.o f t7.ji jKCifnojjfon the same. -Bofote Ihefirst'of,.Juno, iFdjopoio be able each'; : ydard;of I bdhboF' ! dftectors in »|sr Mr, PWfMPifil wilt have receiyetj v 4)r^)poM&',^t l i^ 1 ,, this' meditog, if ;Ihejdir.eo<orseee properto-bold an adjourned rpeef inrp of-theirown 1 ' will give o J coji|>fltff With them more fully on "ugoh'text books or .any olhor.subject the general interest of do r oorompnwWla. ' ■ ■" Yoiin? tfafy tnriy. jveiate jour blood joject it all over o'ur jatea, into our houses, if possible into our To tlic 1 J' | hWqtyapce of imy sincereHianiififiot gnlyio! tbe-notice/you jgave th rough (he columiwiof youc valuable paper, of myhaying'&ddi'Cssed-' the citizens ,of NVells t ho£o, , 'bgt ttlsb for tht} 1 ad ,viee it coii.tainptf, ~ Ap, regards, the., first pan ’of whore you racoon blended, ntfe to ■condense ihy lectures, thoonly eseuse 4 have to offef i|”,“zeaf for ffte cause!' ‘Ati(| in eon nccfiop {vi|h iiie;!aU,er-pttrt of thedspine*—l wish the ffrofesiing 'friend' dr Tefrtpe ranco would catryjDlit.eq&ally'Ss much zeal, ,to help ma along ta my ia-bors of.iova. For jsomo limes, as in llie-ease of Wellsboro,* I did "not clear my personal-expenses, btrt’ I Vfwnys adhere to the old eongp'Hberd’sagood time coming l bo vs,” li.uVhow.gooA ttwiy be, •o'r hdw soon-flrsi, I knaw ndu'- lWhen 1 visit IweHsbOrd’ again ,■■oB iiho«Sailet-siy3,; Twill ; sptn‘,dsh'O«6» l Jlortv)‘hophig.-iho Mends of lyo«r plabe ’alßtt will •efyim-oot adarger com* • pensiationdlbr-my sorvlCeS. • > ’ ■ ■ - Wishing-yhtr'Sip,-as a co-opern,iordn our ■ glhrious cause, aU success. Yours,-&c. ' CAPT. WM.iiM. MH/USELL, D. DvGvW;-0. T;,of Oi*of G-. T. i.of’NOUhl America. ' The'London Sailor. ?■1 . . For Oie Ag itator. We hpar from Harrisburg, that- the two houses-of (ho i-egislaiMre met ur Convention 00 Tuesday, ns per adjouranicflt. Uut Japed io make choice of, a Senator, and posloponeu the fi/oct/qn.u/iid m.xi October.- /t.wtil bp seen by the hpliotings, jn another pert of thin, pa .ner* lUat-ilr. iLmituuu u .of hi* su|)(>opt€j s, but, be is by no means beatep,—> ■lpdfte long,interval, hfc 'yill doubtless recover due lost groupd, and as he is tjte • surewitest, most., reetk'fts and daring, of politicians, na will ouj-generai pis opponents, anu purenase voles enough to ’tarry him into the coveted .spat, S'ugh appears to. be tha purpose of this unusual prgceedure.on Iho par; at tha Legts lature,- , , o Aiid now let- pny ope look, calmly at suca 'a liesull of jii£ honest apn-slayory excitement of labt summer. lu QlhetS(ft(ißs theiSebras- Ha swindjadias elected good opd.lrue men to IHo Senate, i H'iscotiam senUa Duraee, one ,of ihe old and inecl body-guard of Ireeuoin; reelected ;\e\v Tork; lUass ..nchuscus,,prefers Wjlspo, Eyetpll; iona i l o jH l i'“!!i> rus *- U3 , Cwsax although idle did .pot-vote on ifie NcbrasHu question, and l' [nils in Har,laa, who Is beyond suspicion; and I Cnpsylvapia, Has she no soil to-J r eprepept bpf i,ddj^ na Uon at iliis.opjrage, u,nd to speak 1 'If I *',seiviniem pn'tbejiWm: die EdyedSin'ies .Senate? where Ts Wil’mefE*! Scarcely I " ,( r diink cou 'd Be (rus j ted, and his election would at least be cunsid- J e fea.4'lr; u iri]Ji of i‘he‘causc of freedom; ho gel's a tow voles,‘antf the diflerenrsecliohs of ihe state jitdf Jjtis way and llial, otic 'or i iyeslern, one for on- Ciisfcrp man, with very Iftilareterenpe to (lie quesllpn of freedom.— The quesl/pd if Slavery appears scarce to ho , ’pj'dp ,'Blp cpiisidpraiiop. ‘ Our'Sc na! or may Be a jpaii who will vote'aHvay our interests in I par national territory 1 ; he' rimy bo one who wlr vote lb establish an inquisition : n our midst,, malic us give account of our alms giv ing., ni)d sehd' meti 1 ' ip" shoot into crowds gn the pretence ofebfching Runaway i negrytSs, and'then' defy our Courts to“)'ry 'o punish" hup." Jib mny, be a mere todVoC Ilia , slave power, provided ho comes ,Irhm the fight barfoT the country, and ibis perversion of feeling's lias been "brought’ atom' thVtiugh Know i\o( Surely nevep. was any thing hytter hiimpd,Tor ihe/rkrtowlcfe is as the folly of idiots.'' I; "" J r ' . PennsyWanja known enough (o pie|js||ves ,rptycdia?)|:e in iho (amity or •free' status, they would finite untied .(of not perbop* Jio w dtheH I ,'tgf’he is “wdHd’-wlcJe repmation^Vbwmg'our or hip 1 , opposition to .i.W'ni'rrie )3 a most important'matter, anti seeding'' Him to Senate wpuld have a moral effept v »l& the <?ltec( id'll Of rio olheWWtrtr&Wd 'fihVe. ■ ;; 1! - * l 'Plis»i»tmf^i ? dri^miroh GaERfiV P BOTOTk &4*Seft na (Oiih qd ; calumna a-noiice ofSlbiso nbtdidnft' •„W'9-aiB loot m.lhoiflabilldf-saying wfalion ltoisuch.«ieiJic«ag ire ,generally BtBO. go ing the rounds of .dewspaper** bdtdih rtla* Hpn IpAyor’s 01u>f?y,.PqotQr«J„ yp, feel (hat \vii t h,pro- R.rWJy, i rtom tliq;lkv I |»’aH,^y ( o (! trje(l.U, rghb‘BPfiiP)!.jdso,med iji,pnd,irv hi{i, n xyife,_ii Jiepefi*, y’pxMY, rf\y iol 1 (liViiirtfil of tjlwT feycping V’ ' '' „ honej/; wbal kind of ■ ; "' ■i J! f.GkliKWty-Ooi'Svp’i United Sl;tU;s gomtor, A . »f« C #