The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, March 15, 1855, Image 4

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    During this arufthe'tocoaediog month, lh»
pruning; got through wttlvj-,
be cutildWehoughM 'Secure .Jirgnpljfj,
mid if the limb be a large one, it is better to;
trim it off after the saw with a ihirpi kjajfe
or baichefA The saw i* a poprpfpoingiq.
siruirterttiaUhe beat; without trimming-after
it, especially on the outside- qfjhe wound;
as it will scarcely ever heal over, whereas, if
(hihradches are'ddi with a sharp instrument,
and the tree healthy.{.tte’ surrounding bark
will soon and ibua;a»ert
to pruning, varies with.
the diffErent ,■ . . „
Apples where alto,wed full,
scope hrtrsly weak' ant),
<Sh»fctt*Dcha > ahd all spay wl cleat); out in
iMtadf jit thi s (tee. Duett and espalier
trees require somewhat different pruning, but
ittott hr Which choqld be performed in (be
summery all that fa required at thia aeason,
being to shorten in the unproductive shoots
& (reeawithin two or 'three 'in-,
®l oTlhetr length,taking (afire to-preserve
the fruit hods,,which are' readily known by
their round end plump'form/ • 10 ■
Peach Tret* are much benefited by pro
filng/a#, ff cdmmenced while young, the
tree Will always remain bushy # and “close,”
while it led (o itself; it will ‘become in a
abort time, an ugly straggling tree With a Tew
bearing shoots St the top.'' Cat outfall weak
spindly growtbj except where wanted to fill
up a vacancy,' and' slioffen-in the leading
shoots of each brunch. Wo prefer this to
■ shortening the branches we intend to leave,
df the tree is incliod to be crowded, a third
% bf the young wood may be taken out with
advantage. It is belterlo leave (he pruning of
peach trees ’till all excessive cold is past, aa
r the fruit buds in extreme eases are killed by
frost; o v nd where this occurs; pruning moat
be ffoW iiccordingly.
■ 'The native grape vines (hat have remained
uncovered and, unpruned, may be done at
any time. The fruit will come much finer
and suffer less from mildew and other pests
if ample apace is left for (he development of
the foliage. Under no pruning should the
bronchos be nearer each' other after they are
'done than eighteen Inches—three feel is bet
Currant and Gooseberries should also be
pruned; .Jrpes; .of the red -and
. while currenis requite the young wood well
bock; nod 'gooseberries, the last
year's 'wood thinned considerably, leaving
young wood enough to be free. from crowd
ing during summer. ‘
' The black current is touch neglected in
this country.' To grow it' to perfection, re
quires a moist soil; very rich ; in pruning,
it .only (cqu'trqs'i the branches thinned; and
Opqas/onqlly the older ones taken out. — Coun
try Gentleman.
'Tn . ■ .in.
. Rales for Ralslog Poultry.
We find Ihe following in the papers with
out credit) and we donol know iia origin;
- 1 j- - AH young- chickens, ducks and tur
keys -should be'kepi under Aver of the
weather during jhe rainy season.
2. -Twice or three times a week, pepper,
garlic, &c., should be mixed up with their
food, , - ' ;
... 3. A-small lump of asaafoeiida should
be placed in the pan in which their water is
given them to drink.
"4, ’ Whenever they manifest disease, by
t}gs,dropping, of the wings, or, any other out
ward sighs of ill health, a little assafcatida
broken into lumps, should be mixed with tbeir
6. Chickens which are kepi from, the
Auoghill while young, seldom have the gaps;
therefore it should bo the object of (hoes who
itave change of them,'so to confine the hens,
as |o preclude their young from the range of
barn or stable ynjds. ...
Should aiijncßicfeens haVe J lbe gaps, mij*
‘tip small portions of assafoealida, rhubarb
dnd popper jmo fresh btifter, ind give each
chicsep as much of the mixture, as will lie
on half the bawl of a teaspoon.
• 4 7.‘ * For the pip the following treatmenlia
judicioustake off the Indurated cofenag on
the point of the (ongU6,'ttnd give twice a day,
fot twh Or three'daysjß piece of garlic the
size of a pea; ifgarlic cannot be obtained,
onion,shallot or shives will answer; and if
neltlier of these be convenient, two grains
black pepper, given in fresh butler will an
Cheats Compost for Cora.
Having received the credit for two years
past, of having as good pieces of corn as
miyja pur neighborhood, and attributing, oar
success maipiy to tbe use. of « single hand
ful of cheap compost, dropped in each hill-’be
fore planting the corn, we give you o- state
ment as io how wo form it.
Supposing a load to contain twenty-five
butbeU. we lake two loads of muck manure
from Pur hog-yard, one load of-wood ashes,
and three bushels of plaster paris. Work
the pans thoroughly together with.a honor
•hovel. Our corn ground having received a
posting of manure before being plowed, tbe
harrow follows the plow lengthwise of thd
farrows untill the surface is well pulverized.
We mirk one way for the hills with a shal
lot, furrow of the plow and then draw a chain
the other way which shows the place for each
hill, 1 jfhe compost gives the corn a good
Start abd 'the manure helps; it out; We have
also, for the two years post, soaked our teed
corn in a strong solution ,af tobacco waferj
and’ have not been troubled touch with worms.
Let-it remaln in the solution frdm' twplfe to
twenty-four hours. J '/ .•.
Cows with young calve* *hould ! bo well
attended to. at thi* season, and both kepMn
clean comfortable quarters and regularly and
well fed 1 * '
« To preserve nleadowsihtheir productive 1 ;,
ness ii is necessary' to.Jba'tjfow tbemevery
second aulumn—apply lop-dressing and roll
them well. The!rouble dttdofcpenso will be
richly repaid in increase of crop. '
Horace should alwayr aland' on a level
rjfcM- an*- i
Tax Agitato* it pahluhtd teery Tkttnday Murk
hg,l»itJimMed''io‘nt*eribert at tlMjkraii
' I»r period (Aa* rir mntit\a»d"wlitil far (Aal term
M] f, ptymiiU matt ie -mdo rtrietly Ot'dittiui,
4r #1 teilHt-thargei, ilia ftngiCtg'iermt iew‘
Aa olaet/y Mired la. No be rfiwoatini*
eduktil paid far, mnlett ai (M ' tie fitter-
Cur**. —Ten Copit _ tM^t^anCopia^lS.
UlDVSsrmiitorn pill teinteritJ mt $i per iqvarr,
(jtf foaritenUtut or fti tit ',/frM or tkteo c«*-
Otcutio* ittitriiont, inti. $U o*iil» ftr .totrt *«W*
gnent oar. Ytkrly odotrtiotnttUointtrUiMtmtt**
nuaili ditcount on th* fort going rtitt.
■ ST 7taari«iU <4whiiiitf MDoUcittifamce. !
-ID" AH l*Uer'('*i«tt 6<f poit-poii, ' '
C. H. ,
Italian and Am^rleanSlarble,
•' ,'v 'M’\4 |
. B 7 Entire satisfaction willalwaj»ibc given.
July 13.1854-ly. : "• ■ ’ v
’ i COMP AN If, ’
/CAPlTAL—s2oo,ooo}—lnsures Farmers
only, on the Stock end Mutual plait. J.E.Can
ficld Seo’y., HonJHorace Willialoii, Pres’L Kemem
her that an eXperiencedTravcHingAgent,represont
inga found and reliable Company near home,ia pref
erable to a foreign Co., as there esn be no deception.
Address, J. E. Webster, Agent, Covington, Pa.
ID* Removed to, Jnmea Lowrey’s Office.
LAW, will attend the Courts of Tioga, Potter
city McKean cqoniips. • . ■ ■■ .
WeJlsborougb, fcb.l, 1853,.
LAW.—Office, north aide Public Square
Wellsborongh, Pt.
Refers to Messrs. Phelpe,Dodge A Co.,N. Y
and; Hon.A.V.Paraoni.Pbiiadelpbia. July 13.
cleatgr House,
(Formerly Oraeee' Haiti.)
June 8, *54. P. P. CLEAVER, Frap'Ur.
Family Grocery & Provision
THE subscriber would inform his friends
and the citizens of Tioga county generally,
that bo has just received a large and superior sop
ply of
such as
Teas, Sugars by tie barrel or otherwise,
Coffees, Molasses, Stewart's Syrup, Rice, ‘
Pepper, Ginger, Saleratus, Allspice,
Indigo, Tobacco, Soap, Mould and
Sperm Candles, Salt by ike bon'd ,
or sack, Mackerel by the whole,
i and -barret, Codfftk by
' the 100 or single pound, ; ‘
Flour, Cheese, Crack
ers, Butter dp Eggs,
together with every other article in the Grocery
line,lower than can be got at any other place in
town, as he is determined to make quick sales at
Thankful for past favors hdirodld most respect
fully invite his friends and the public generally to
give him a coil and examine for themselves.
Wcllsboroagh.May 37.1853.
XJ AVING purchased. and OWJL
enlarged the Tin and Stove 'II /S
Store ol C. E. Gray, would call tba ’.flMlrei'
attention of the trading public to
their large and aplcndidanortment
of Stores, comprising « variety of
kinds of PREMIUMS.
Also, a, complete assortment of PARLOR & BOX
STOVES, at or below Elmira prices.
of all kinds, shapes and sixes wanted for household
use. Ease Gotten made to order at the shortest
lice. •'‘*3 itS-’ u'j :
JOBBtSO doOe to order afid-in the best mariner.
AU Tin-ware carefully proved; before leaving the
ihpjPk’,' ■; - ■ • t
They respectful)/ solicit the patronage of all who
wish to purchase goything in tbeir lipe, unring
then) that money, can be mtn) bjr.qrauuni, tbeir
stock before purchasing elsewhere. v •
WelUboroogh, Not. 3, 1854.
Important to the Public..
ATI. R. BOWEN’S Empire Store the
-L±. time bis finally come, when Goods can be
bought as cheap In Weltsborough, as at Elmira, Cor
ning, or in any other town west of New York t tod
the public at large are invited to call and satisfy
themselves that this is no Humbug.
At J. R. Bowen's will always be found an exten
sive assortment of well selected '
and a large variety of Gentlemea’e Clothing,
all of which will be diapoeed of at a reduced price
„. , I. R- BOWEN.
Welliborongh, Joly 87,1854-Ufij
TTfTHERESS, on the high! of (he 24th of
" ' March last, James 1.-Jackson, (iKi others by
the use of fslso keys or otherwise, forced their way
into the dwelling noose of the subscriber, while the
ftmily were absent and removed his.goodsoul of
tho noose in order to get possession—and farther,
the said James. J. Jscksoolook possession of the
Books belonging to tho subscriber, and refuses tofle.
lifer them over to him, lor alt of which, lira, said
James I. Jackson and others baregiven tall fbr
their eppcanne* to-tbo next coart at Quarter Sess
ions. This is therefore to ibrbid ail persona paying
any accounts to James I. Jackson madeat lira woof
en Factory and Saw Milt (Jrom (hat time until (ho Ist
day of Sfaroh; A. D. 1852, aa I have a lease of the
Woolen Factory and Saw Mill from that.time until
the-Ist day -of March,’A», 0. 1855, binding me to
collect alldebtsfqf wprkdooe, • i
Dolour, July 2T, 1854-I£l'
" low pritaof t&SO up to 910, are now opened
atths Cash Store of ~ ~ r
, Jun» 1^185i., : ;, T ~ JQtiEB dc RO&
■L>* fereale V -{June gjl.} -• V. CAfiß.
i>y fMar.9o,} -t • * ■■ * Bob.
DED FLANNEL.—Jurat received a large
.7 ,<( * of P***" twilled Fed Flannel, which
wil be sold very chcas at the cheap Cash Store'of
Nuv.aO, iSM. JONES B 0&
***■-,•. u~-_ i ■i/'jyri lir >
.. Tft # A,'J olnf YA GtT A TOR.
ear.- a.
.Hir 'tUP 1 ■ I'.ifAcW'.-tidilJflfl. .reaised
: MHlKr nSr* rn 1 “r
Mtdieai Manual, and Hand
Book for the AIB icted-iCoAUimog an ootilne of the
origin, progress, treatment and cute of every form
ofdiaeaat obotraeted by pfomisfcoous sexual inter
coarse, by seltabase or by sexual excess, with ad.
vied for IMirpreVenUdn, written ip a familiar style,
avoiding all medical, leehnicalilipa and ,everything
thak wdnldnScod tbeest of decency! with an not-
Una of ocnplai pts incident Ip femafes, frpm the re
vUlboftwenty yean* soooeasfttl prapltqe,exck«ively
demoted to tb* cure of diseases of a delicate or prt
\ • ->
To whicfa is added receipts IbMlfe core of tbj
ahoTe.dlseas^AWj' the mnjw, symp
toms' ami eoSM-«io: FEVER ond.AV 17E. ■
Testimony (f <Ae, Ptdfiiior "of Obeltltiet in lie
re n k:m&l ColUgt. DR. HUN
TEE'S JUSWQAL MANdAU"-,Hw autlior of
this work, unlike the majority of these, who adver-
Use to on* theriiseam* of (Which it traaft U a grad
uate of ,one of the beslCoUogesintha United States.
Uafift4sme torecompwndhim toUieun
fmtoi)ate,br to the victim of malpractice, aa a auc
ocatfiil and experienced practitioner. In whose honor
and integrity they may blace the greatest confidence.
Jon, S. Lonosboxe, M. D.
. From A. Woodward, M. D., if Penn Vmhenity,
PhiladtlpUac- It gives me pleasure to add my tesli
mony lb the professional ability of the author of th
Medical Manual, Numerous cases of Disease 0
the Genital Organs, some of them of long standing
have come nnder my notice, in which hie skill has
been msnilbsl in restoring Id perfect health in some
cases whefe the,patient has men considered beyond
medical aid. ' lathotrcatmenl of. Seminal weak
ness, or. disarrangement of the functions produced
by seifabuse of expidsive vehefy, I do not know his
superior in the profession. 1 have been acquainted
with the aatb'or some thirty years, and deem it no
more than justice to him as well as kindness to the
unfortunate victim of early indiscretion, to recoin
mend him as one in whose professional skill and in
tegrify they siiiy t&fely confide themselves,
Auked' Woodwaed. M. D.
'•This is, without exception, the most comprehen
sive and intelligible work published on the classes of
diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all,technical
terms, it addresses itself to the reason of its readers.
It ts free from all objectionable matter, and no par.
ent, however fastidious, can object to placing it .in
the hands of his sans.. The antfaor has devoted ma
ny years to the treatment of the various complaints
treated of, end with too little breath io puff and too
little presumption to impose, he has offered to Hie
world at the merely nominal price of 25 cents, the
frail of some twenty years' most successful practice,
“ No teacher or parent should bo knowledo impar
ted id (bis valuable work. It would save years of
pain and morti&calion and sorrow to the youth un
der their charge.”— People? Advocate,
A Presbyterian 'clergyman in Ohio, writing of
“Hunter’s Medical Manual” rays—“ Thousands
upon thousands of oar youth, by evil example and
influence of the passions, have been led into the
habit of self-pollution without realising the
(earful consequences upon themselves and posterity
The constitutions of-thousands who are raising fam
ilies have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and
they do not know the oaosp or cure. Anything
that can be done so to enlighten and influence the
ptiblle mind as to cheek, and ultimately to remove
this wide spread source of humau wretchedeess,
would confer the greatest blessing next to the relig.
ion of Jesus Christ, oo the present and coming gen
eration. Intemperance (or the use of intoxicating
drinks) though it has slain thousands npon thou
sands, is not a greater scourge to the human race.
Accept my tbanka on behalf of the afflicted, and be
lieve me your cn-workor in the good work you are
so actively engaged in.”
One copy (securely enveloped) will bo forwarded,
free of postage, to any part of the United States fur
25 cents, or six copies for one dollar. Address, (post
paid) COSDJEN A CO., Publishers, or Box 190,
S 3" Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents
supplied oh the most liberal terms.
October 12,1854-1 y.
THE subscribers are now opening their
stock of GOODS for the Spring Trade, com
prising s full sod complete assortment, and of the
usual variety, which will, as heretofore, be sold a ta
very small profit fur READY PA Y. Being deter
.mined not to be .undersold by our neighbors, our
goods are marked at the lowest Sgvrc; and we invite
a comparison of our goods and prices with any other
in the market. Among the oaaortment of
will be found a great variety oi Ladies’ Dress Goods
consisting in port of
Benges, Benge Delanes, all-wool Delanet,
Lawns , plain and printed; Ginghams,
English, Scotch and American;
Poplins, Prints of all shades
■ . and f olors, a good stock of
' S : iiLjKS'.
Also, for men's wear may be found Broad Cloths,
Caasimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, satin
and summer Vettings.
Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown,
Tickings, Summer Goods lot hoys’ wear, Colton
Yam, Carpet Warp,Colton Batten, with a rariety
of other nicies too numerous to mention.
Groceries and Pcoritfions.
A full stock will be kept on hand. Those in
want of Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart’s
best Syrup, Spices, Popper, Ginger, Salcratus, Flour,
Fish, Salt Tobacco, or any other article in this line,
will do well to call on os before'purchasing else,
as large and complete an assortment as can be found
in the county. Atnpng which isCutlery ofalt kinds,
Carpenters Tools, Chains, Hoes, Shovels, Forks,
Butts and Screws, Door Hangings, Bills, &c., &c.
Boot* and Shoes, Hath and Caps,
Steel, Iron, Nails, Paints and Oils, Glass
and Patty, Ready-Made Clothing, dfc.
Thankful for the''liberal patronage of the pas
season, the undersigned feel s ’pleasure in inviting
the public to an examination of our Spring stock
believing that good Good# and low prices will in
lore a speedy tale for ready pay). .
.., .' 8.8. SMITH & SON.
Wellsbproogh, May. 55, lfc(s4. 1
' ■ Blake’* Patent Ohio
EMREL PROpF.PArNT.— 2O barrtls of the
genhlne article, just received and for aide at
much tessthan fwder tnricai;at : . r
,July 13.J854„, ; JQNEB& ROE’S.| *
(jF petfectly. faat; oolorsi and the largest
aasortment that was ever offered in this coon,
ry can cot be.seen at * JONES k ROE’S.
LEAD pipe fur Springs, for sale by
N«M. ; D. F.'Jfc W. ROBERTS.
3 ftOßfaBT Ro¥ ■ f i
r . JiAg'toamTrrfcv oK hahd at tjib
•VV.7 V’’ ''r.-Vf ■
Acowle, t', .' Ginger, Ground, 1 ', , v •.
jpSivofleeter',., \,, Giw ofaUsiSs, fofflrta;
mm y ;,
Alum, Glue, , ( , M .>,,,•
A10e5,.;.;, |
Annette, Hive Syrop,
Antimony, - Indigo, (fowl,quality,)
Arnica; Iqkaqf jdlWnds,
Blenching Powder to re- Lampblack, .
, move iiA $n fruit stains, Locking Glass,
from. Linen, ' Leather Varnish, ■
Blacking for atovee, - Lime—Rhode Islaodi for
u 2_ ,*boot»U flutes ' white washing,
Bay Water, Madder,
Borax,* - : ' i Kutnteg, ;
Brimstone,* Oils, targe'variety,)?
Broshe* of all kinds, Ointment*,, ’ ,
BpgToijiiii; , , Opodilddc, i I
Camphor, ~ Paint* of ail.kinds,
CasiileSoap, ” " ■ ' ' Picrej
Cayenne Pepper, ■=i. .. Pepper, ; ,
Cement lit earthen ware, Prussian Blue, ?
Cinnamon, Pill* of various Unde,
Clovesi'*di-'U.»' •I'-rt-i iJWelcailrisrl'3; t.
Cobalt, (Fly Poison,) • Quinine* <•
Composition Powder, Red Chalk,
Cephalic Snuff for head- Bed Precipitate,
ache-catarrh, Ac., Ac-, Rose Water,
Cream Tartar, Saffron,
Cordial for children, Sal Soda,
Dover 1 * Powder*, ■ Soap for the Toilet,
Dye Woods And Dyeing Starch,
materials of all kind*,' Sponge,
Epsom Salta, Syringes, a large variety
Eraaiye.Soap, for remov- Toolbaqhe Cordial,
■ Jng.greake* Ac., Rom timber, - , V
clothing, . Varnishes, various kinds,
Essences of all kind#, ' Vermillion,
Green Salvo for horaes, Vinegar,
Ginger Root, Wafera in boxes.
Patent Medicines.
Ayre’s Cherry Pectoral, German Bitters,
Brant's Balsam, Heave Powder,
„ Extract, Lyon’s Rat Pills,
Cough Mixture, Magnetic Ointment,
Cod Liver Oil, Plasters of ail kinds,
Dr. Pilch's Medicines, Pulmonic Wafers,
Dr. Jayne's “ Pain Killer,
Dr. Keeler's “ Radway’s Ready Relief,
Dr. Swayne’s “ Sarsaparilla Syrup,
Dr. Davis' Depuralivo, Tetter Ointment,
Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, Uterine Calhaiicon,
Gargling Oil,' Vermifuges, various kinds
Graeienuerg Medicines, Worm Tqa, Dr, Keliog’a.
German Ointment, April 20,1654.
1 ! .o
fPHE subscribers have constantly
on hand at their Drugstore, in Law
renceville, a large and well selected stock IRSfI
of DRUGS, SfC; of'every description üßca
used by Physicians in the country, and aU the
mosfpopular PATENT MED WINES of the'day
which we offer for sale at prices which cannolfail
ot suit those who may favor os with a call.
Among oar Patent Medicines may be found the
Manhunt's Gargling Oils Jayne's Expectorant, Al
terative, Pills, Pitts, Ac.; Moffol's Bitten and
Pllle; fitehe’s silver putted Abdominal Sapport
en. Braces,lnhaling Tithes, and all the medicines
prepared by him for his private practice; Brant's
Pxlmonary. Balaam and Purifying Extracts :
Ayre's Cherry Pectoral • Rogers' Syrup of Tar
and Catuhalague; Billow's Heave Cure;. An
drew’e Pain Rilling Agent; Truck's Magnetic
Ointment; Dr. Christie's Galvanic Belle, fye.;
Houghton's Artificial Pepsin; Blahe's Aromatic
Bitten; and alt the moat popular Pills and Ver
mifuges, Ac., Cc.
Also, a good assortment of
Biography, History,Miscellaneous Beading, See,
Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs,
GLASS, wholesale and retail, Gold and Silver
Leaf, Putty, SpU, Turpentine, Cam phene, Burning
Fluid, Varnishes, &c. >
Lawrcnceville,Fob.3, 1854.
Fall and Winter Millinery
i Goods, for Ready-Fay.
OTSHE subscriber, would --—^
respectfully inform the citi-'
tens of W ellsboroogh and vicin.
ity, that she is just receiving a
consisting of BONNETS of every vsriely.LADIES
NINGS, FLOWERS and RIBBONS of every kind
chiefs, Silks, Plain and Barred Muslins, Laces,
Cotton and Linen Edging, and a variety of other
things 100 numerous to mention. All of which
can be obtained cheaper than elsewhere this aide
of New York city, .
The subscriber is now doing a Beady-Pay busi
ness, and would invito her friends to cal) and ex
amine her goods before making their purchases, as
sue is confident they cannot suit themselves better
at any other establishment. ' _ 1
Work done on short notice and in the mostap.
proved, style.
■Rhe extends her sincere thanks to her friends for
the kery liberal patronage heretofore extended to her,
and solicits a continuance of the snmo.
C Shop one door from the residence of L. T
Wiliston. MRS. M. STEVENS.
Wellsborongh, Nov. 30, 1854.'
Chairs, Chairs, Chairs.
"DESIDES a variety of all olher kinds of
scriber has four different styles of
which he is selling at edit prices. Alss,
Two different patterns of Mahogany Spring
Seat Chairs, and Mahogany Rockers.
. ■ ifnd three patterns of Si fas.
Also, Rosewood, Curl Maple, and CommOn chairs
pi all kinds. ~ , E. D. WELLS.
Lawrencevitlo, Nov. 16,1654.
.Horse fop Sale.
tTORSE, Pedlar Wagon and Harness for
■J; Salahy the subscriber, cheap'for Cash or ap.
proved psjfer, 'separately, or together.* The horse
«a good,serviceable animal. .
■ [Oct. 5.] W. D. BAILEY.
.. dtes have you fccn (lioae clietp Miriiwet and
Fanunatas andrlaia and-Fignred Dplaina, at
Well.boro’, Nov. 1,1854, JONES &. ROE’S.
' ' Worth Seeing'!
splendid assortment of Goods that
the aubserlbers are now. daily receiving is
realy worth a;caJl to examine. They have just
returned from New York' with the largest assort,
menl q[ Dry .Goods, including Eadics’ Press Goods,
that was eyet offered ia this country, and all are
relocated to call and examine them, whether they
wish to buy or pot. To enumerate articles would
be useless to attempt, A personal inspection can
only givo«np*n idea of what thia eatcosive estab
lishment contains. \ . ,
' 1 TA« Nets Siote'of ; '* ■ ■
July 13; 1854. ■ JONES fc ROB.
IT NGWtNOTHING oti Knmv-Somethinp,
■f~v know enough to go to JJOWBN’a EMPIRE
STORE, end-boy a Wide-awake Hat— or any other
(rind,of * Hatthat.yaa ore nmind to select from
his Urge stock. > ~t' '• • Sept. 12,1854.
Of etery imaginable kind, suiUbio
IJ for grdat and amall, for Christmas and Now
Year, at {dec 21] ’ BAILEY ti, FOLEY’a.
TRUSSES. —Benjamin’s Superior] Brass Truso
for solo by ■ [Juno 88. v, CASE.
rlMiiY physic.
" Jguj hw long nbtoi a public demsS tot $H
effective'pnig»tfre pill Ulrich conldbfrwlicioa'M
, Wto.aod PfWr fe to m*, h^«
been prepared to meet that demand, and an uxten-
Snbfubt Its'virtue* has conclusively shown Vlth
- what auoeoa* H aoeomplishoa the trarpoee-dedgnel.-
It bewr tomako* physical yn«,batnotea«y to
makethe beat ofallj»tt»--*one which ahouldhaka
,sdkb of the ob!ectiop»j but ail the
every other- This Jins been attempted, here, and
with what adcccas.we would respectfully eulpnU to
the'pubUc decision. It has been nnfbitunate'for
• the patient hitherto, that almost every purgattrd
' medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow
elm This'll not. Many of them produce so much
griping pain and revulaunx la the systcniM to more
, than counterbalance the good to be derived from
them. These pillt produce no irritation or pain,
unles* it triae from a previously existing obstruc
tion ov'derangement fn (he bowels. Being'purely
vegetable, no halm can arise from their use in any
quantity ; but it b better that any medicine should
bo taken judiciously. Minute directions for. their
nse in the several diseases to which they are ap.
plicableare given on the box. Among- the com
plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we
may mention liver Complaint, in its various forms
of Jaundice, Indigestion,'Languor and Loss of Ap
petite, lawlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache,
Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side
and Loinsfor, in truth, all these are but the con
sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an
aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos
tmmeas, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof
ula arid Scurry, Colds with soreness of the body,
Dicers and impurity of the blood; in short, any
and every case where a purgative is r|quired.
They nave also produced aomo singularly suo
. coastal cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel,
Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pams in the
Back, Stomach, and Bide. They should be freely
taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood
and prepare the system for the change of seasons.
An occasional dose-stimulates the stomach and
bowels into healthy action, and restores tho appe
tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their
stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno
vate tho strength of tho body, and restore _ the
wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism.
Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even
though no serious derangement exists, but un
necessary dosing should never bo carried-too far,
is every purgative medicine reduces the strength,
when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which
a physic is required oannot be enumerated here, but
they suggest themselves to the reason of every
body; and it is confidently believed this pill will
answer a better purpose than any thing which has
hitherto been available to mankind. When their
virtues are once known, the public will no longer
doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a
cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are
Kant to take, and being purely vegetable, no
can arise from their use in any quantity.
For minute directions see wrapper on the Box.
Practical and Analytical Chemist,
Prise S$ Cents per Bex. Rvs Boxes fox SL
, ■ - For U» npM Carp of .
This- remedy has won for itself such notoriety
from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease,
that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi
dences of its virtues in any community where it
has been employed. So wide is tho field of its use
fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures,
that almost every section of- the country abounds
in persons publicly known, who have been restored
from alarming and even desperate diseases of the
longs by its use. When once, tried its superiority
ova every other medicine of its kind is too appa- •
rent to escape observation, and where ils virtues are
known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote -
to employ for tho distressing and dangerous affec
tions of the pulmonary organs which arc incident
to our climate- And not only in formidable at
tacks npon the lungs, bat for tho milder varieties
of Colds, Coughs, Hoabhenbss. Ac.; and for
CHiLDUSif it is the pleasantest and safest medicine .
that can be obtained!
As It has long been in constant use throughout
this section, we need not do more than assure the
people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever
nasbecn, and that the genuine article is sold by—
ROBERT ROY, Wellsborough; B. Baese,
Burseville; E. Dyer, Covington; Dr. Hum
phrey, Tioga, and by Druggists everywhere.
December 7,1854-4 m.
The Pocket iEscnlapiiis:
THE Fiftieth Edith
with One Hundred
gravings, allowing Oiscai
and Malformations of the U<
man System in every aba
and form. To which is adt
a Treaties on the Diseases
Females, being of the high
importance to married peoj
or those contemplating nit
By VVji Young, M. D.
Let no father be ashamed to presents copy of the
£soolsfioB to his child. It- may save him from
an early grave. Let no young man or woman fin
ter into the secret obligations of married life with
out reading the Pocket jEscbj.apios. Let no on -
suffering from a hachnied Cough, Pain in the side
restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole
train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their
physician, be another moment without consulting
the JExvLATwa, Have lhe married, or those about
to be married, any impediment, read this truly use
ful book, as it has been the means of saving thou
sands of unfortuate creatures from the very jaws
of death.
D* Any person sending Twenty. Five Cenlse nclo-
Bcd in a loiter, will receive one copy of this work by
mail or five copies will be senl for one Dollar.
Address, (post paid) • • DR. WMj YOUNG,
'■ > No. 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia.
March 16, 1854-ly,
One third cheaper than White Lead, and
free from all poisonous qualifies.
f having greatly enlarged their works, and im*
proved the quality.of their products, ore prepared to
execute orders for Ifaejt -•
Sapeflor Paints,
Dry, and ground lit Oil, in assorted pachagesof from
85 tosoo pounds; also, Dry,in bands; of 200 lbs,
Their While Zinc, which is sold dry or ground
into, iswaxranted PURE aod. unsurpassed for body
and uniform whiteness.
i A method of pro pc ration has recently been disco
vered, which enables the Company to warrant their
paints to keep IVesh and soil in the kegs fbr any rea
sonable-, time.: In this respect,their painta will be
superior to any other Jn the market, , .
. .Their Jtnm Zinc Paint, which!" sold at a low
price, and ean only be toads from the Zinc ores from
New Jersey,, is now well known fbr ita protective-
applied ta iron or other metalUesax,
faces.' ■ ■ - ■ < - • i. . v ,
Their Slone Volar Paint possesses all the proper
tics of the Rrown, and is of an agreeable color for
painting Cottagea, Depots; Qat-bnildings,.Bridgca
dec. Dealers supplied on hberoal terms by their
Wholesale Paint Healers and Importer*, '■
N, W. cor. of 10th &, Market Sts., Philadelphia
April C11i1640,
* «
Emporium of Fashion,
r. in Siriesiir.f'.' ~
♦New York; thd. larftrt apdJnoatcaiejaUy
i wifl'aell
> d<tapirihv**kj[oihtt ) ifablithmnt
™ itoik coinnruM a-general 'aadortniem 0
t l. ot c “U>«nr» ftoto* kwr price cp.
SUMMER COAJS—fin Man' and Boy —a litre
assortment. *
17 description, tixs uid color,
/MNTO-werery alarVo and quality.
rjam*-*f wry ety to, color aqd deceriptioa,
AIM Over-Shirte, Suependeta, Gloria, Umbrellas
Neck and Pocket fiandkerchlefa, tngelfiri a.ii!,
lute of ■' ■ w, “
c vHA.»9 AND .CAPS, ?
of every description—tUe- Jugwl UKttmest in
town. M
JBoots, Shoes, and falters,
for Men, Boys, and Women, a large Tandy.
Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags', &c.,
He would jay to all in want of Soon and neit
fitting CLOTHING, that he can and trill ttll
cheaper than oan be gotten in this borough, or toy.
where this side of the New York market. This
is no blower brag, but truth—and to leat itcalUi
“Conyers'Cheap Clothing Emporium," where i u.
articles are sold cheaper than on the out nici
system. Wellaborongh, }lay flfr, 18S3.
A GROWL would announce io' the cili.
• zcns oi Tioga county, that he has associated
with liim a partner, and the business trill be con
ducted under the firm of A. CaowL do Co. They
will continue at the old stand, io Wellsborougii,
to manufacture to order and keep on band,
Buggys & Lumber Wagons.
which for style, durability and elegance of finish,
cannot be surpassed by any other similar establish,
ment in the country. *
Workmen of celebrity are engaged, and the best
materials used expressly in all the manufacturing
departments of this establiahment. Persons send
ing orders may rest assured of having them ciecu
cdl to their entice satisfaction, and finished in every
particular the same as though they attended in per
REPAIRING done as usual, with neatness ana
PAINTING uf all hinds done on the shortest
notice', and most reasonable (eras.
ID* All kinds of merchantable produce (dclWer.
ed) recivcd n exchange for work, at the market
prices. A. CKOWL & CO.
BT. VANHORN would inform the cm'.
* zens ot Wellsborough and vicinity, Uial he
has purchased tho interest of his partner, John S.
Bliss, la Che above business, and will continue it
the did stand, twd doors east of Jones* Store, to keep
on hand and make to order all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture—such as
IJ'HE subscribers having purchased iho
• Sash Factory at Stony Fork, have now on bans,
and arc making all kinds of* square and fancy
Sash and Blinds.
The subscribers flatters themselves that they can
make as good and endurable an article, and sell it
as cheap as can be obtained at any establishment
id Northern Pennsylvania or in Southern New Yoil
ST All orders in our lino or Business, will m
promptly attended to. D, B. WILCOX.
Stony Fork, June 8,1854.
Wine for Communion.
rpHE Churches of Tioga .couoiyf are rei
spectrally informed that'they can iAw obtain
at the WcllsboronghDrng Store, the Ptfre Juict cr
the Orape unadulterated viith Alcohol in any form.
The most aatiefactOry.evidence of its parity can In,
shown to those who wish toyxamino it. Certifica' 6 *
of distinguished Clergymen and the statement ol
the manufacturer himself. Those interestedwill d«
Well' to preciife a supply sohn. R. ROY.
Weilsborongh, Jan. 86,1854.
Carriage & Wagon Manufac
XTENRY PETRIE \vould an- r M-m9.
f--*- nounco to his friends,and. IheSglCptSh
public generally, that he la continuingSE-I—
the above business oh Grafton'street, imraediaic’f
in the rear of J. R. Bowen’s store, where he is p rt "
pared to manufacture on short notice,,
Carriages, Muggics, Sulkier
qf any stylo ot description to suit the purchase
and of lho very best materials. Allkjnds of J ' -
pairihg done forthwith and on the most reasonable
terms. '
ly-executed in the best manlier and most ‘aab
ionable style. r’-f '■ ■> v ■
Wellsborn,’ July 13, '54. _! HENRY PETRIE.
sale and retail, 1 from $lO to 315 each, at
Wollaboro', Noy. 9. D. P. &. W. ROBERTS’.
T ADIES SHOES—A new supply just re
<M ceived it J. R. BOWEN’S.
Sofas, Divans, Ottomans,
Card, Centre, Dining if Breakfast Tablet,
Dress Stands, Dress nqd Common Bureaus,
Cottage, French and Common Bedsteads,
of every description, together with all articles usu
ally made in his line of business.
From his knowledge of the business he flat
ters himself with the belief that those wishiii?
to purchase, would do well to Call and examine
his work before sending elsewhere for an inferior
COFFINS, of every variety, made to order, it
short notice, and reasonable charges.
TURNING done in & neat manners At short no
tice. •
Chairs! Chairs !
OL In addition to the above, the sabicri-
JJ*tj/Jl hcr would inform the public that he In
fra if Just received a large and handsome morn
menl of
Boston and Common Rocking Chairs,
which ho will sell as'cheap, if not cheaper, linn
they can bo purchased anywhere else in Tioga
county. Call and see them ! June 3,18511.
Perpetual motion Discovered
at Last.
THE subscriber having been appointed
agent by S. W. Paine for the sale of the Rose
is Peck Improved Direct Action Water Whcc(<;
would say to the owners of Saw Mills in Tioga
county, that he is ready to furnish the above men
tioned Water Wheel at Wellsboro’, at any lime al
ter this dale, on the most reasonable terms.
These Wheels are warranted to do the besl bu
siness with the least quantity of water of any
Wheel in use, (except an Overshot.)
The great advantages of these wheels over sd
others is the manner in which the wafer is applied
to the wheel, is such that there cannot be any waits
of Water, the gates or sheets regulating the quantity.
The gate is so constructed that it shuts almost per
fectly tight. Quantity of water required under
eight ibel head, 130 square inches, under 30 feel
head, 50 inches &aU beads between these in pro.
portion. All wSfrcls warranted to perform accord,
mg to recommendation, if they do not we take them
nut and replace the old wheels. No Wheels pu
onder less than eight feet bear), D. B. WILCOX.
Wallsborough, July 13,1854.