y.jir vi u- 1 :i>‘Vj in -5 i. i ->Vd ,Ka‘>i. A. tTT#-'Ad'a «; ffewJ*.' Qoffw Edlf24 r T (i-895. Imwo w iO’SfM 1 WFMterlvbW^Wte-^ m s&'*? Ifk ati-Ve eihiSwali'-tlf ode if tml ot l W'sM**’ W’ ifidiffe in to voie for Simon Cameron. Yefc'Mt.i Wi«(je’ ,, £lai^to^'afi' ll anfr-Gah?eroj(nian !| J wa^rfW^ak r hfe^d ) %6duP'H’h i n^'fendcdB; ( «ha%i4r whi affdM-' •fed’** -tßfWifibWifW h#“tt •f'fioVy^fisi' wtth'rrfy'rei 5 . ofiWtWft.idf'ffitf edrftdnl'««r c ? Hha lfrotoWt&% ! , « W> if *M jbsP.ij B bftdWttftdW: ••;“«■'' -" ,a :y n; ft tyiitmSff T Koft 'Wpfiesaifd Mo Sb&ofmckMSged&il' dr*faVittdne!3:-U-\ ■ ( FKmtaao a visit to his grandmother! sfid,a(r so to Mrs. Wallers, after which (he ,f,euuned to his, honje.,, During i.bo y/.lhe *«rtw day tnd" mother was called out iff the house for a few fellow awfully burned by ,Ins,clpiljes. having taken fire., jf As M iWn was extin guished'lie said 'lp,ip’s .mother,. “litplq you.J Wkd I g§ Jo die;" and during Ihe .nigfii Ihe jftle 'hpy nlAsl.icuThia was • l WWi'ie*Waor4td»ry paddu fi*g'the: whale ~dayi.ho h«d-. spoked dying, idojoyed 'exceUenti-hoafth.-r- . —t—i — > ,• ■ ‘ Horrible IDiicoverj—-Ten .Persons ,I»cr*«JU«4 Pwiniei.i. Wp.are by'a geniietiino . from 1a Ifoyeu«v Lnil., tviihilbfrdelaila of ay umor CMfrent in ih»t,cily on Thursday, which fill ,lhfti pany jo Whom, it. refers. ,• We oajy tViiiq tumor njay prove .anex aj>geratipa r iC'Domnfoui)dedi it is possible that It iiaconty, »highly«dksbnod' PehssT- of UwaceaUnf hf ttoWsof'ir famifybeifoeeri itus Galanas (wbliahfed la Itfd Ff*ej* of >ttn 10th ihst. i Ohdbh Saiurttay.jireceding' the mbdrorablfa tha'fJlsfor JbaUk>s two familiar num boring 'ten ‘porWtWf’tnov'i ing fttMn.Qouihßm lndl«n« t& N«rlWSfl| ! lilt/ nois r arrived (it Oxford, iho county iftnVof wwrW Iff rayeuß, wiin ivo .ox-leamsy. Mil, well J tfrcSflAed''4ith :v 'iiddeSS'aMei for. 'ftc Voadli They (he' aiojnT and on Monday morn| ng 1 j? bdllmep TfteiV; journey." a prnirio, pnjy trnout nvd mites from pjnqrd,. came* dpi wiighf Wh?4h ‘bi’ea.Mm mifi tor, ‘ ™ r - ; The carMseVtir^ I }U» tiny-upon Ufa ifa .W«li Arising, infant at ? Jptjer \fo.wpyp.wa*a h6 *t>{ wag t . ons wiity, Ijad, fevfas.tfap* up, and burned evejythiqglhey had in them, intfaieffirtt pi utile their Tfvw,' ; sdt Ar frombWa'fapot iwfar&andithe; partyi’pja'niy »ctf|ceated' info «j)o»4rifty«iaioear,JwrflU'[ be addresed to the Koitor to imoro'oUenlion. respectfully Inform (he Citizens! w !. n r .T.» UiTT’ 1 - VIU l .in.mn;u ■ 1 > |u l^», v >y. 11 o'clock A., at ,ah(l Af, ihfi, m : TJWb-‘ !■• ~ A .on t entl^ tied —*>’ Rcfijjreet, 1 * iaahnoanccd-by llie-'PliUtdctpW'il !paili«hJrtTlibia: {frees a/id »blprtiyiaobb« isiustlil Dblftfr '{Wei*»" paper says,' ‘.‘ltJia On all ablest .. fhrwany i -places Ujb authorattlw.Tery.lifad of tl«f popblafto .monca nplara of.UiKdayl'l lindna cloth bindinf,:sl,aS-rtwo«oluoie»,lpaperj'tl;' Sofrt byrtajl pdat Bait);ip,PhUadolphi4i‘l '■ "! ' O’ Dr. G: York'ja .gjying a course’tjpfteff tenures Sn &^tro^lo^y J dnJ , phyßU’ al.'iho'fcJnri HoaSo m jW»tdrdngh. pis leo-; lures are illustrated will) life-sire portrait or disiin 'gnished and .'natorioes phrehrip/tW-b'eSt fcdilcction ifn.tha cauntty.i : Dii.S?;,' , b no jrfeWfldas, titifWhUy and truly a scientific man, intimately acqilSthtbd with his subject. ,'MVb may:state, inorderitoVbow .bow his ability i» :estirdatod, tbal.bo.gatca course ,<4 Irootures-tn i oeigltoting tillage,where Wo wore residing, soma two years pidce,si(d: lectured iito .eveninga bf inviUtlpn >ftpr obwinghis r'qghlar ; ■fioutsp, tohrxcjotidienMsv.i if ' ’7;'i 11 i■’ CP A UtttftaJ on thfc 20tb insl., and conlinahjg fbordaya; dndtr' the direction; of.Profi W, Ji- BaunffiT, Wiltibo .Mltf M-'Vroy,! Bradford co.. Pa. Prof Bradbury it on Cbf UB laojt eminent ctnnpdsna oftha agei k'ad the-, occasion cannot Ail to ptovd a rich-feint to IbS'lotart'of trvi jks, Tiic F.eßtJyal concludoftwiUi iCoaoertv J Tfck, eta for the ocurao, $1 ftmgenllaaMrvda.cenU (br La diet. , , . i - ■ Tire Lisrhune.—Pursuant ld’ hotic^, L R.' ‘ft/nt, Teq.. road his'pdera entitled “Th? jjigp,, Brass,’’before, a ( sljm asl J*r!ddy,eVdning., Aa.s satirical ppe/nI con sider (i equal, and, in mitfiy' parfcuinra. inporior to Saxe’s Money Kring, (hotfgh.in (icing recited to emp ty benches ita delirerj Wanted thit«xprfiSsio/),whidh an audience always inspires. We consider Ll(o ‘pb cm ■‘Worthy 'ofWtociilvb patfotirTgeJ and' indicative of (to tadiJ iHlehl inlhV'ttbthdl;- Wir hn'ly'-regrot i that Uia SndientW was sW atnnlV; bßt’»”te4riifijjb|it}qß ; of circumstances rendered a large andionce imposst-. •hleJ reaidpa «l Cdyning. H. T; • ' V. Si SexiToa Mar-ms. —ln another p|aco will 1 be found an, interesting, letter from Judge W.ilmot re la live to (bo Cameron letter. It was called put oy (lie imprirallcllecj meatiness and dishonorable conduct of E. B. Chase, who, (laving obtained a letter liom tVilmot to Cameron, published it in a garbled form, will] a vie* to misrepresent JudgeWlmOl’s positikn tin fhe'SCnator qaesllon. To thdsti ktqtitnntei with Chase, his part ifi -this matter will appear in admir able harmony with his general character, and* the publication of the lotteV in-a mdlilated fornt will'on ly increaso thoir contempt for the man who nitsfcrd pulously misrepresents the* senliraehla -of 'others. We invito a.peroktl df both Wilmot’s and-Laporle’a ietteifc in this'paper. Head and jtidge. <;■ Wilmot’s letter is c'dastis c edougb Id fclistorlhe cimscicnceofany oflendoV oucarth'*~oicept that of B. H, Chase. .To a onin of tiis indifferent moral dot velofirucnt it must be slightly cutting;. vTbO 'letWJ', as mutilated by him, represented Wilmol as exp CD sa in g himself in fever of Cameron over ull'pfier rijpls. WhnVHti did vfay wai, (Hit He preflmdCWerdn be fore dll hit rivals ■of iho “OLD'-'LlNfe'-DEMO CRATS.” The suppression of this of the sentence by Mr. Gliasb is plainly’ intentional, and entirely distorts the meaning of the sentence at written byJCdgt Wilmoth JndgS Wilmot express ed hia preference for Camerdh over all Ait Otd lahe Democratic rivaUr 'Chaan omltsipart of the sentence r-rttic-rfiosttirtportarit [krt—andTnalet JAdge .Wil mot Dxpntt.a prrfoienco;far Camtron drtr AH* ri vals, : ■’* " ' ' ■ ■’ it i ;.i. Suppose s. .man should give na a nolo fir tSOi Wp,»U down and altor it. to.ieadAaOO. . ThatwduW ba a ponitsnllary offeneo.. But-it would nut be' rt whit worse than .the action of Ezra B,’ Chape in tba mutilation of,Judge; tyjlmqt’t leltpr. The ,tan)e principle cnteia into apd govern* both actions. . Judge Wrjmat’s.yitcgrity )»iilnot (to,donblad by any man,.who knows him., B nt he certain friendt hereabout, who- by ..nature cpn .never rite I bighpr.in the scale of opposition, iac/tfeting, .and 'who’ lOs'e no opportunity'to' damn him wlln “faint prlute,* ‘These ihcn, (if iho form is allowable hi this idorfneci?dn,) ‘ ife ‘ rb amftfig ]t*'&uter4) kr title*.'ll Ifd'tWoily l should ’bS ‘vHUißirt Uil? slid'-llri! i- ' ‘ ; sSa (al Science, the farmer, 4rid' te ; rb4{bk n -A' M( ,f^ u ,‘pwV wi>h*w aer« lijU number peculiarly j cut ja^d. descriptioa of Field's travelling Bridge may be koo 10 i-Nci Tb« • Patent Q ■ay feror tt «loproc« «o by aaS f Wth ibeli { lAerSesdi igUtniik r ’*«lS SSS&fmJF*** - Ist—Wilh thefjlavo power. It baa always prtSiVM Y liflAtfllf'iifi&Mlflfev - (&fi > o & rtfi',a'fb4yj l»mw.,w4 S n 4 «»jatftS». SfdiJte .owmwflg Influanpfl Of with, Jrhiclftfhg jfflWfSibatß been i.tff-| MM# (gd, «waygd< i3?lw vprg*fi«.flf *, WpJS* L b W n ; Ug- I W°hJir>te > W ;J»OTJW • $d 4 | ai'«cWrns!^ , /«ii ( t^.,,m; •iltf vato' 1 bojte' 1 of »eb'f|4iifm% 'UjSipaAy ttornthe !! %(SIW joto' J wlftfik‘ I lt'li dtiidd#.'" 'ftte, 'Pharlscda ‘Were Wo( Sr ■pf6&iyrih^Hmh J 'lnW4 saihk, Pharisaical^lisstdera.; 'Thiiy hateff ‘fiWt ; .”'’lVae'BoHikn» cartiefid for Uio nix’t deepest ha. tred. ''koril felbrm'S always ha Vo'booh objects ’of their ‘-ospeaisl : kbKot'rdnce; f snd ; the : T Chips ranee ■caUtfc.hSi iHti-demddratiaj hecatiteriL; -«rtB4ct«twfi gelding 6ftoaUinabJo'»l|hU:lo:pletife6' ooe’s self to behave decently and ■ ,In short, /tbjedl pijbsorvience to Umlhb Will ot Wo TeddeVs bn the part of the pcoj pie, bfl ( fi^^piS^^ I tfein(icfalifir > tl» Bchc.,l raing of begn Ab}p .lqwM>y cUobkVlho j mor^I 1 progress of.tbe'- njAwpa, anti,' tho (i'le’’ diaypi .upjllioplane of de-' velqpmcpi unfil Aey‘,began to feel the iqiieppndenqe; dub to Uie eieVa^kty.' 1 WiJli tl!c fnr6j of'lfiis feeiing; ofinliejwtfdanM jHa'lnlljiAWoi''co^rupl’bjaiie^sbe- 1 , (pinkie kbtiirdb and : (W‘ pirfcniftics of ttepiky to,- got cold—an, omen of , ' ; ' Tiiu 1 rrtcihAtnployeif tb'etiwa reotgtfdiatliqn of] :vie hMp areinspgtopj'lsie 'becaiise the twirls 1/ojy.' leSs.'The .people are noW tWougliiy artmsedVnd. the 'anlr.Slavery senlimbht is anchored tbcijr hearts. Ciihijhig’ah’d sophistry camtit uproot ‘lt; (or hertnribrth ’deinhgdguc* have : li deal Willi ihinkieg oodhdt'WUH'thOsewlib will permit ' -pdliltdlans io think for them. There ts'avast diff. ‘ '*lre«(S£ : thinking' boats i and 1 the-only hope fbr freedom rs'in'lhe d«UrniiSalt6hof tbaniaabss'todoiteir'owfl thinking. 'T ' J \ ' There-la out 'linpofel ejgri- beaniini'. f midthe wreck of eld clgaAldationvcpail from the wtecklt-; self. Once, tbOpoopte/ watch bd :the (ItarfcrsT-Jiow, j the ordtr of things; if reversed, and die* leaden that', 1 were, watch the people. i llhyiogiloM; coktroLpthey' 1 toast ;ba- wtaebtjfo, fpil(»»;,'whe*e- thiy obco:leo.| : Jbaxe-| stfaiat? .aT pptly. ’• tibofe Wpre * .onrdbtShClisnWw; ’ lhp sob-leadcw. aßd tlif strife , grew to be, how the ci-devant leaders shon)() ,beft i keep, pace with the people, A good illustraypn of line occurred; in this, county. Thb Eagle, for in- to (bp Washington Union on the Douglas infamy until the hostile attitude of the pddplp toward that rhoasfire wop too evident to be mistaken. Then, it lobk ifS position on the'fdrlcb (degeherito bird!)’and tried to sort'd two mkitet'S— how, sudceasfhlly, the jlaWic ore • already aware. This coarse was paraded essentially by the clique that managed Ml*;Hyon f s shark ' of the campaign. It Wrt opposed to the 'Nebraska swindle because it wait jiU&y.' r . They preached ahti-Nebraska sernitfes “wllhout HosiUttiooi" But Wljeri tbcy got fi lift ( Wl. lot-bdi tho ivjint the Happily, thi people saw tlte sbnlldwneasr of their ptolensions. , The people were in dardest’ ;i u: u. :3d—With deeret abciaUeak'. . It qwy Ire intecesdog.-ty those dot exactly posted up in these; mattowiond e specially; lothosa fnrotgnc ere iyhp clung.skklsiof tbe demoerfatid party W Ictoapiopsly, ho% -that mbji strobe bugbear, Knpw-dintfiingi|un, got iplp ;o fnfiofca", bounty Wcil, genl)emeq li p’e aro'orpiiibl/ ipfurmed tint its first ppitjmj jn UteM-,p»rla, at least, tyara,Qld-, democrats, tjf lire walfif.’, .It is a. grpat thing, to,bavea nutlet of strings to.pDjljaa dopbl! fill ijsippajgn. jypp ftpojjirfijf they iwtred little wl*at kind pf.(irjnp f| ui untno Wtyjn^^.of t ? jiipy4ele»fpd tlpe nrincioia ,pf ),ha.' >ijt v^o Wf M tMit nugkt 7, 'irfejiAs, yi(h‘ rfßcJjJipUlioiap*) ?t wm hhnid tlrtit' it'fejight Hejp (d. grind ,'tbe peprocrpl/p gfik, llW foaiicl woiildhH work firt* priWto'ends ffii?y ij^api owniddenly disgusti eA tfith rti’o 1 (5yV. Still, they ktjeW just as much aboiitits' principles ntid 'objects wt|cn' 'they beep mo members asthty'did- ‘Whe’nf they ibaritJoniia they did nol k'hoW but’tliMt tbifyht'lghf cdriltql it 1 for WO leave the knerila Bribe OBdefout of the qoedr , tiohi • Oaf pdrpolso ii'lbehoW ftfe'-'Altitude of the ; leaden df IhdDeiiiocrkdyttward all 1 popular (We. meije, asf effected faith* ryianiovmihgbl ihe gab- I lfeadar*;jth»t i.is' l jdst what: policy dictates. j oatß/wJillljjfof ’ftt Mobneyland Oderf Sofimidt ms ;do the rabidest Know-Nothings, uatia Uey exit dor-' I vptes. WJ’blpragyi afl.lcifihiHan y^*, 6 fflin9i°WW. l d in . d L l *bt k e ,f*«’tp««,sny 3)Vi >p« 1 11 l fejlp.WTnifist .bcfiyj» olei:'t|onJ , interest f p &*>s.«* * Wp. ?w d c fp^?«' tii MeKnow-NgtijloM Ai^(Jort. ,! OSiS’^^rynscrvalwa 1 W^d.; s! pfe f i^l Sr h- Id dowd l ofitlie'T’o£« dPWttSe.'kbd Ukt its prtBec«Jdr Ih 1 : lh»' «%V J ya.r-'?bcie'‘if « wigWimbcteih 'Vfhlllibßrp*, al'laUt'ife bard' thratnoka feoitt it ttubßr I iriofmed tB View jl toaifitvdrtW*; %hb art'-adcauht dif ih a wtllWid andd awtaiawry ipuboiiitaa li sdyodattsV' But, if i 1 ■ trAringiundefiedspltdoiis 'pUHyugd; n 'Why ifioihiit, f o®»a torbeiftaihtNiy In fttpcipla irp 0 td n pros (bkriOTi tastabdo ideotify tbwbselwi Nvlth ad afpjf t edanlinhnrery.SQcietyit; Hat. focanyi pqrpose,< fvUialr- iTraßjtbermiie «onw tQiediiea identified. fiSM (JP«.ip?ipfws4i)tt' bjrt'fteooijitai wt*s .|Wl«Bd«rw it thewjnutft; felljt*ieyf e»4«,i iX^tdle.tiM.Pqetf. iSt?( 'fttpkßhi.Hrfm 4 litwi. ti*Uuun .ht S upon 4&1. jneaAs to eiatic parity. It tyill fkil, signally. For how cat) q ¥MY tljr.w IthoM IOTI icings.' I tbs beat qi iwleri * F««wp‘Ci>»i Siratrf : £OQJ =t • w - We •■jinks* l that a little Gorernment pap has a fifigMj>‘W6lHjfiiyeflflt'EAtW.iiei|jtilibr > s constilu. ‘whiehr being intCTyretedr*ae«netb ■■nbwehwr •yoUHmw,Wd-Jimmy is“‘BroMy^oitllwCiiyeiniyi «site«^sgsiM battle wai fought, alHJ'ilttOtdody Cayenne* played hide and seek under iris-nose for a month or two! ■ , d IWw.iJfßims ‘Oilottel'ls UtWdlbMi with >s)Ul''k>ti> scissor*. ; We thfakltliiatithiH'fd.i , tBttl*Sagsr^*ata^! , te .prim jumpy >uSsr»d i(i>.tbs*B)div , ldn»t'«ha ShoctsgqxUlitad i .impmenetSfini thb: (ho^edliiue! Ae.Calwtt Bi9tt:gfiai ,uhttie«<*Bd.'i»iafwaye rearijnfttWflnstt &rl,-:,Aje iy'ousaliafahblT.'QqisS' mil: c-iw.i -ml- si'. by wWeh ! Mr, ■ on about' three HiiliVaboW toe'(ficmtli of Cidar ltuti. SeTertlT rilC'n 'Wore gellinglogs inlo a slide Which had tlireb : -Twbddg* Wcih sttirted: dftWb the Siay*,' they 1 sHotlfleWri WiQh about Ve locities, and meeting at the junction, one' l wa* 'tfirowO-oVor the '*itte. tllrJ W., r linfbrtanaloJystood near, and: (ha dog, .itsikibg another, iknotkod him dbwn :, ir>d ftH atrota h'mbody li He was immediately 4*UieaUd('batliilß rtdbTW7*aM. doahtlblWhariilkit ijdaldfioßl. ■ ’ ••'■••"» I-.;-. r - - '■ irtformbd-that Mr. DayW Kick ftorii a hofic, week before la»t Hbihd hiasia a yaang twirtb, yyheii Ihe (da tb bbiyad v aiVere kick ontha trip rnhietr dteabtel him. •ThadolrUien wheeled ■ and- iimok- the old fraan tnth billi'teeti'inithe/lowelr'part of lhe;abdaineni cawing his dsn Ur in nshortjtinie.r.'MrrCr. was s highly re fpeWcy.an4«»lkmoi;citij«m ; a ; ,n,i, •i • ■ ~,w. ... -,vv_t .i v; , 1,. . . . Infprjnatlon jnfftpte.d.crJohn, B. .Clark a inrfi, in 8h;j). peo VlownsWp,■ nnrr,tVellshoro’,Tioga jCptmty,.Pa. Siid’plark IB fropj IT two and *, hajf jqara J/He’qu (tij. t'od ip- his' nolghboralhat bo. was formerly prom TOio3q Island, yifaa ono of the ,adherents of Dorr atid w'ai imprisoned for participating in thd Dorr Rebel-. 'lisp.' l Papers in his ppbaeision (jo W thoW thfi he. 'wps'at the rirtto' of (ilk depth tho'ownei''of a hoiiso 'ftiii’Jdt'ln thetiiljiof 1 ProVidence'l^.,?. " JJa had also an interest ft' a tract op land oh'whlch ho tiffed and l oft* Wtvofk at the'timß'of tiis death. 'He lived "Aldhtf and %-nB itohdVt ihff’tiareof his death.' Hja body, jot warra ( was discovered by & •ehihced to'pass by soon afier this Vcbident. _Ho 'Was tSßefi! dp and 3 detent ly Piterrei 'hytlio hiighbort, 1 ‘and hi* personal ptoiferty Utfe# tirthe! piascafcibh of Wp^iHism^^lor'oPdJOltihiyiTiSjfi'CirantyPa; l »< A*ytfcrth»Kiri(tbleiit.><' But toyebmpose *agood pne;> •’ tI«J • ideepksr-lHoophtj atbe’ i wostintbnse |tudy,iand ; thsi noiCiBe«toe(iiaboitvxtre.-«bso> Kl>eois«»jiti;. HerfcOjthe'smallrjiuimbee (datrt'-'Wotka tktlltat© aotd«Hy-.waul)«: perusal, : lu.-d vm j!) m i.f. w'mf'urf'.'. • ififc ed,, bayppbtamed (Sp of trade lire United Siqt&s. )b,u it fomi FfVtjl ffij Moltrot* Republican* | FBOdB JDDGB Wll4 iii Mr. ’owa»4|[ Fsb’v, 24, 1855. 1 of the Republican. j .iuuiu jim iean, m majßunt; a letter pur4 me to Simon jissrtra ~ V 3.(lM^iW in h!s insane dusititqiidOn^anj injury, hasgone far to verify, the truth of thd WIl 1 b§ u ?ediBfioft'B;m< *6#=' Wbj»pdrt ?! 'prettented a ddguetVedippr'utfat thietiife (d! “ROHRBACK"—-a nanie t h al.yefy tth-j rimF/Ghasa tonJiarepriSSjbi m'Mf readef?£Wj?oSlfitf^i 'n|(rcV,'(n ■ttie,fedi»fflttS df 1 ohkbf Ihd GdVdrtior’a nietroJ >|i6liiMt«qt4lili'.'>at thp, names qf Dawson, For. ly, had „ candidates for Dmied- State* Aft« the eledlfaft M tymcratic" except Mr* Cameron at once ftohi ify ‘JW ikidad edwrio pov lineal ckm folddboods aimed at rnej bedh'extdlirhg me aa’a mod el- of political bdhsi«edcy ! ind iritegri 'v>' •■ l 1 ‘ ' 1 TWnaotiv efortheperpelratlon of his m dacious vlllftny at this I 'juncture, i 6 'tdo pjain •li> homrstaken. It WCs’itrtended for effect upon the liCglslaluPeiand fo influence the re -Buh tO' cOmeoff on TtiMddy heatt,-the 27th lost. Fop thiV‘tf«asW h was' held back until it was though tioolaletoexpose and counter not'the fraud, f heard'(WO Greeks ago through a'lelter-wrhten'by Mr. LaporlelO E;'o. Good'- -rich, that Mr; Chase —then- in Harrisburg— was showing a letter from me to Air. Came, ion, containing expressions o ( kindhess'and personal regard, with a view to influence my friends to the support of that gdnileman.— When informed of this by Mr.- Goodrich. I remarked jit once, that I cared nothing about it beyond ilhe fact, that Mr, Cameron hod allowed sol unscrupulous and unprincipled a man as Mi. Chase, to have possession of (be letter. The Result haademonstrated, that this remark was not without foundation. The lelfef was nof wfitten for exhibition or publi cation yet if-Mr, Cameron chose to matke ihs» uaa of it. f catred not h straw if ft were-published in every. paper-ih the Cotri mqnwoaith, andiretrf by-ail her-citizens. I thought, I cnniessj thaHt was fretiching upon the point of honor and gentlemanly inter course; to place the teller.-ib lfic ; hands df a known ‘unscrupulous enemy. : This adt just ly-mafees Mr. Gamferoh>esponsible •' and a sharer in the infamy which atlach'es to the usa that has been made of it. The My ap. ology he enrr offer Tor placing the letter jo the hands of Mr. Chase, is that, he wished it to be used in the manner, and fbr tffh parppsd that it baa been- used I, and ihal ihera wierio man in the State, Mr.- Chase 'excepted, who Would stoop to on Set so shathCfuf and base, i ; - ''Butlo the letter, Pnd (he motives for !lf garbled publication 'dt (hie lime. So little thought did I give the subject,and so little did I cake about it, whenMsarried Ufet Mr. ChasP was showing the letter 'ifr Harrisburg, (bat I did not even, write to: mjr'fridnd Lafortb upon-the subject. 'I Well krftotwthPl it eon* tained.nothing of the'”least importance, aod that it could nut falp)j»b« used to foflaeada , the action of 'any ope. The' first use made of my tetter, was W see if the tone of personal kindness- that prove • ded>it, bould n