The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, February 22, 1855, Image 1

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    K 1 Kl> WO BDB.
l M»t»l towiinj
n« Uid
r 11l ljril
- 4<!l '
o) .AM-Uidt*tabUwW'fc« t * B J otl: '•' 1 2 l1 ; ' JO “
„ t wi
..-,j ua) i
■*v"n MwbtSi*t*v3r WI ’>}
,i To to^ajijfopoMftwyiy-*^ l 7 Jws> •»■'■
fafa*«WUt*he*,*B fatta’lipkro
i,W(pi^«Wg.^^4*ppiw>ss?of*i nv.<>}
«jf( ‘ ~* s o ll>.lt
i--.-!>E. i
jlblftanuL ■
Aad W\i,i
lfatetW »UU£ant lt)& opreify 1
AbftlghtUwahoWtdndtaarawlydaobiri i«o: Hi
Yard*((tbtiyouwed-toqnct) years ttopt..<
Ho*, dojou KlfO tbal breabwaUr, yoMd fiM 1,,
Dpein’i Ujat It cep ytm respectable) and pul, ’ , . 1
Strait on yoarpanh* f' Doh’HJial'stick id yobr'
Crtpf i DMn , Whß(i they pat*
Tint there * Why don't you Irylofillop tha canid?
1 ihoalj tiiiak too, would Caleb co]d hsut" *>w(s,o£
Such -damp stuff. Who are yon, any bow 7 ,
WhatS goibglo. coibe ol youf; Ybirf’e found 001,
Yoor’tgoUff the'Falls.', ;iix p
That’s itl Yuunscdntlbe dppisb.'causeypar'e j
Nothing bn t rafo-iyatei.i In apila of yourbars, . .j
You bare b? bofrow from frpm blber IM&f 'id'ltbsp'j
YooVaclf from geffrag dry. ~ Her you cSff babkrdpVl
Milystrtsin, adou!' ’■ ‘ ~ i -~T"~‘ V ' n |
FOR THE PißMfift.
' ''' Frith t ii 3Veia England : Firmer,
“How much- laod-haVe you got herein
your lat r Mivß/igga
“I hare one-acre.” ■ -i-- i -.! ; . „
“One acre! nndhere-you fra taking the
New England Farmer, ibo-VvUinaior, Hor
vcg'i Magazine and \ba Horticulturist, nai..
all because youhave one acre of. ground!-
How many, .such papers would you have if
you had a hundred acres t
shouldn't-probably need any mote then
I lake now; you know. Me. -Chapmen* one
can go,through with all the motions, on one
acre, as Well,as on a hundred.*’ - ,
. “ A'poaa can , throw away, money without
any, if he has a mind ;to. For all the good
you geffromsuchperiodicals; .you -might'as
well y probably'throw, away itho. money they
cost iato the iheyarenothing but-hum
bugs.” /■,! ' • ■ i- -. ,
.h’iipoy-two dolUn -for. the New England
Farmer, one dollaribr,the.-Cs&satori.three
dollars for the Hoftiiiulturitt, -do
llars for Honey'* Magazine^-ia . dl r eight
dollar*;” -i; ' i« : , a - ' -• -- or .
“Eightdollars ! enodgh:W> buy atip4op
barrel and a, leg of bacon'-; and then
if you read these ;petiodioal»i-lheire -is- twice
the amount of the money spent in time-read
ing them-.": ;, .f U .. V ;
“I do actually reader hear read almost
every word there is in them. ■ My boys end
I take turns in reading, and one reads: aloud
while.lho-rest "work/’'.
“Complete nonsense INo wonder your
shop don( turn out any. more boot* in a day;
than it does I"?
“Perhaps we dontdo as great days’ works,
some days, as some of ourTneigbbqts, but i I
guess that in the course of the year we turn
out'ks maßT!’ic«irdiog toihtf handedt ’ Worh, 5
as most do.” '
'"I suppose' it is but of these ptlhlibations
you get your" foolish h'otidni about so 'many
kinds of fruit trees. ' Ope' bf my flays came
home a while ago, and said Mir. Briggs had
got lots and Ibtd of fruit tteea add inch things,
that cost I dbh’tkndw how much, pad warned
bib to buy some grope Vines,pear freeSj and
so on. 1 told him it was all ftplishpess, and
nbno let me hear him shy anything about
Spending money so - foolishly,'You have, J
Wid put tea'or fifteen dollars this
Bprjhg,“' ■; r ' v ';
“Yesitearly asfhuch again; I.have laid
oat Iwenty-fir’e dollarj for Uees iad {garden
fruits.** 1 ' ' ;
“Tweaty-fiva dollars I I wooded you tire
toot on the town, or io jail, at least, before,
nbw.” ■ / ■ •
“I’m not afraid pf cither; HI bet yen
the twenty-five dollars I’ll sell you that
nmbuhrof Triiit from’ those, things for which
I paid the’ twenty-five dollars, In five years.”
'■Done I 111 stand you; sp yuur trees will
coSt yStf'fifty dollars}sure, ih money, besides
the llfoe thrown away in telling them oat and
taking care of them." 1 ' ’ ’ ’’ ’
“ As for the time spent in setting them out 1
br taking care of them, it is os good exercise
pd pldyidg ''half, • Wicket ’or anything disc.
While We w£tbsetlibg (hhitt out, one ofyour
boyvcamdtb gel my boys r td go over to Mf.
Mobdy’hj'where, hd'said.there was to he'd
great lithe I have no dbabt
your boyh speb'rfjust Brnlaoh timß playing,
as mine do with end so forth j/.iijd
then'' something hot In' playing tne
altertgth'Ta all laid bill for nolhihg.” • J ■ |
‘‘Well.ll'doh't (jast'anylhlhg to plaf hall,
bottreercosl ifeonb^.-’"
. the ISregbiph Wbifr red hr Ihe,
’ iwof-ma-;
kerijm a town dot more ,ihatf thirty. dlled
rrbdifidatohr, ■“ an
firtggs, In wh°s*’ ®>bb' thh coniekia;:
tidncScurfed,Was h; min of
bdiytntellfgmifce ferine' df
«H<! circumstances in, life, ;Hb : had ’be€(n,A
ec^CTt.b.d w '>>ked hisWy On VUfe.-ritdf'
*£°Lr fe * **«' tM’Hu'm
extrefte atfd httnfeiirieht'.'tia'd ‘ihfnfir’hW kf‘
| of!
’i siflßv! (Slid )‘l 1]
.10 38k«)
j *<
i oi Irjioiß'jbgs Jl
| ,9?ecf oj .t ;yyo'i Mfc
|n WtSKiid Y W\. isymuCi'H ; ■ •• uiSi-- <;
r* J * -J®
I..loanua iK’ttqEsfljtta ti -mo yamo ma ._«• - '■ --- *
■l--1V |1 -‘ . iLtij. -«-ir.ii nirintub 'a.iiti.Biwbt-ftt-AM'iii r.-.V. ;i .
W^2ipss :
•iMMto mt *arfiMm&amiim
&mmim L mif.
iM ! pam
! SsiS^^S^A' , S3isS :
JheMeh& Of>er
sifAfti 11 '" ,,wr wof |wsgrio>«oiii«
k rime, omm
finder the. spß^fej
had apiece
there,aidihe niMfenOraajqmd pleasure
ettfhJfW’tlfpdfn, ,
ud’id'tbeamhsoul’ibl "sieht’* waddtoh&hdtf'
rifr? (^Sii4an^i|^BiheY ,! i»eTgihfiort
ma'ndf the ‘‘ddmffihn stamp;” " He|
uphn dr unddtomt>Wi';as'
“fdlly” find' "nbnsentie'’ ‘ 'Veddy 1 to
sndfer at every One who' Step’ped aside Kdjn'
Ihe comfrion irdoki’ 'loplted 1 simply silly to !
him to'see a ipdn Sidy 'at horrid ]from;"mu'3-'
ter,’’Or “IrainiiDgi” ‘bf "shows,'’ find ' sdend 1
hid Jjmp m culltvafin'g a gahdeii i lbt>’ iiwiedd;
of. loitering nwpx tfip evedifi’i a’l'tha’thfife/
smotipg and heading s or r te)|ing a deal of
nothing, pr worap. 't'o'' spend' i lha
horaei', reading aS ihe jPhWh ;
and H6rttpuUuris's6td. - ’’' '' ,
Years .pass, pad Mr. Briggs’ , “one, acre
shows jhat'he and his boys, have, not.
read the" papers in yam; They had leaVhed
hoV to oul a tree, and hoy (o tpfea. pate
of it after it was set 'out. Everything sHow
ed it. received the right kipd of fpda apd care
and straightway began to bringforlnfruUs'
meet for good Cultivation, Ipa .shpfl ume
die wants of. the. family were, more thansup
plied, and the surplus found a ready
with jW, neighbors at good prices.' , , ’ ’
Tbpse etirljl pppjesi sb ‘rlph and. tempting,,
whpji flll., dtfier. apples were 'so green
has;l-and pearS l,, they ~ty6ot as'
fast as the sun Ap'd].
at three, tout and live centsyapiepe.;' Then
such clusters of rich, ripe grapes—too tempt
ing for the cojdest id pass witbpu) watering
mouth, Mr; Qhaprfiab’s Farpily'were among]
the best customers for the tempting fruit--
learned their excellence' by the
liberality of Mr. Briggs, who foiled io
send a,speqi(pep of bis bps}, to . .neighbor.
The fifth seaport came, Was Vpul|ful'
year. Apple, peat* peach, plum,’'and all
other,tree's were, goaded with fnn{.‘\Kedpmg
in mind h'ts conversation with Mr. Chapman,
'Mr,.Briggp ( h a d'j!' re ° b'S, family to set
down every npmVworth'dr&gt id, hl'v
: Chpptpaq or his. family./ This it'*
• happened, was a year of .extreme hard times.
Tho.boot business was at its.lowest ebb; lit;
1 lie VprK and'very low wages—and yet the
prices of eVety kind of provisions up io the,
‘‘highest notch,” and money ' extreniely
“tight.” . ...
But.there was one family that did'pot seem
to be io thp leapt affected by ]i|ie
low.prics?, of labor, high prices of proyisipps.
'hiklwo oldest ,of them
J"spaiq dhange” ‘tp let pit shdrt firae. with la
teresi, tp their peedKneigJiho^;',
Ode day Mri Chapmanj who°wa's .shorty
applied to Mj-. Briggs. foif a .A
"quarter,” moaning fifty dollars for three
1 mpp,tbs. „ , ' , * . x,
"Yes,” said Mr. .Briggs, “I 'hair
or a ‘whole, ’ just as you like,” J ' ;
“Whdi, a hundred dollars by you thpse
titties 1 1 donS see how it comes. You and'
your boys, don’t work any haidor than T and,
niy hoys.dpj.aftd, we catjh.ardly get along;—,
top ire iso dreadful
tiding i fiats to buy iS'
Pojatpek a dollar ibu*h‘!
el, bed,C.'h(|aen, cents.,tj,
cen\s,Agge twenty-five Mnts a ddzen.
flqu,r'iss 9)r Iwelve dpllarf.ti hattblji ~|dpw
can a man live?” " '' 1 ' i
•|Il won't .he hardly fair fof, me tp ask
you for that, wentVWd-dpiwkd' pow| w>U,
ur ‘" ]: ■. )V ' J
•fTWenly.-five What .do ' yoU.
mean I I don't understand you I”
Hh J ttfi
V .
•‘Don’t you- recollect...we have a bet be
tween us about the price of sopto fruit".frees
I bought dye years ago jiext spring V* t
“Ah, 1 do remember something pbjjuf iU—
You were to give me tweiiiyrfite djollacsir
you (h'dnVget your iwenty-fiv'o ppjlfurs'bacli,
fot.the.products of fhpsa, jijpea pod
things. ‘. jl wj} cbroe very.bandyJuft no*’* ‘
‘‘Don’t be'too, fast, neighbor. ViH afraid,
it wph’^lconic very.handy mi J' [ “flfaf
was whatlwas aunniftgybu
»ji4w dpiiari.i” ,;, . ''"{".
"“jviial.l you don’t prpfenj (b say that
hfi><tw^njy-five" 6^ls
frp,ri j,OM fam.r ■.... ' t ',V ~ ... .
thftt, from ;hal (*en|y;.
five WiP
bought and paid for* of coitfse itdop l ift-,
lt possible I ' , n
.may Jpe good sente In xm (hlngs Mpfchmes.
TA, T 1 0
. <&' ■
! ihzl
{ §af
peas, leans .and-all other garden.vegetables.
aitftrtwaW and hfJabfihdancbF
Eroralha years
iopg.fhefcw;,lhea*i|r*i am*m
{ i»i,
Wiater) July) wheat shortly
aneverltsiing.jobloiUkai .oareof ibetn.!’,. jl
, needs nombre time f and<mon«y-then
you ihrow that' kthobftt to
hplWhg at’alj/ N* l of £. heavyimeal ; hilli.
Which , isoothealihyio.
doctof' faas lo’Btep ,r fbot; into my
MUw *wr4" remedies fift -m ailment?, nnfl
t hey.are-notlardUcr. take.” ciid ■» .> .-■
• Mh Chapman pacthe- into- his
“weasel skin,’’ etfa'feA’witb-'a “flea in his
Cftf ** *V ‘‘ ' ' I /.' ,«<|i ’
<r Q.-'I JliH.
IpeHlilitf'wrave-Eitraordinkf f
Vreierrettonclildißaa, Bodies*
f wri ! , ..t
.ha.., Frmn lJu D*j/iam (0;) Empirt.
Mri •Creotge i wfi6 ’hascharge o
Woodland ,
called upon by Mr., GeorgqP.ltoy, Who te
sidesabout three, milesiombeasi of, Gorman*
lown. ie fhircpuniyj tomoVdtbe remains 6f
bis first witt jg^attach eittd other bodiei,,
frotn.ft r§pi)y'j|wi^g||^^s|prhia'fhriii,
sod inter them in Its lot ih the Germantown
Cem6tbry. ' J ThebajryinggroUndwas made
many years ago upon the side or'a little hill,
ma;fi|ld the'residence or
Ur. Loy, In accordaocs.vith the custom of
Miami yaUeyt whenalmost.'eye,'
ty property-hdlder •WatK’n buryingiground
upon hisfarni; -.-u v •
Loy s first wife, who,.was. interred.,, about:
twenty ■fbnt r year* .ago. ■ On reaching thecof
fin it was'fdand-tobe leasplon’jit
pletely inearth hi atpf ~wlap i| t&lhfe- -nwuiftj
of*Ve. ; .rjThis they. soon, ascertained, to
be a difficult ;ta!»lr ) : afid‘ , «h» small : fprco en.
gaged at jt
tance. The earth at UIW (trine, was complete.
hr. lahaKrioaMtoaiad thocoffin, and removed
from under the coffin, as far as could be
Reached, and ‘ found difficult to
evenmovß It, '■
Thd'asMsiSrtio'of sir'imen was af lertoth do
-1 tained, and it, required dll, the, strength they.
1 were jn,possession of Ip raise’ poffip From
i its .bed rand place it .open the ground ,at the'
[ side'dJUhe grave.- ■ -It whs sujtpokfed by those
in the the Coffin
wasjfii|ed with Wdte’rj pn ( .of,'its ex;,
trertt&ibedvioess.ibdt after ;it was taken; from
the: giave, it iwaa measorobly dry, ahd no
signs .of watSif'eourd'hef dhCoVhrdd. -' r .
Thbjid was then With removed,
WbeoJi was ascertained that toe body was
fn S&’OteelHeat stale of preservation. Upon
a close examination it.Wds found that the fe
tndiy would not- give Wajhtmdef • (he press*
ufa of a piece bf .'boprd Whichono offhe
gentlemen placed upoti the corpse; and lhis
strange circumstanceled tOhStill..further in.
vestimtion. ''Tbsshroud, and*indeed all the
covfcrjtog which was upon fhe. at the
time olf twenty-fout years ; ?go,
had- disappearedrr-uot a vestige of, them re
majobd., The body was ptofoctv excepl the
rigm mgrffora the knee to Ankle jbint,
tvhefSi tne flesh seemed'fo
andtay at thp ;• hmtoraof.theoji[fin/i& Asub.
stanch resemWtagaihes mixed -whhaaod.—“
WfoK.this eipeclatlan of decay lho body And
iintpsjeihibited the MMft b)f-
jotjaathay did when life and animation‘were
[ifdhed, had been petrified I It
WaSj by Some strangequalityof the parth,
: imd other cauaesrtfwhich'We can form no
conjectafcvtnrned: into aotomj, of a.dtab) fit
mpre properly color; and the
chtselbf the artist might' imitate, not could
' man (firm 1 divined The smile that lighted:
Upf her countenahch 'at the 1 ' moment “'when
dekth 'gbrtliy divided the C6rd-Whlch‘ bound
1 lhd’SouT |o ! cl|yj still seemed to llngerjopoo
ihbfacA i; of > st«hb'f -Th U light 1 of die’eyesl
: atid they were BUUhebf bbl r from
(te PUt
, ufitrtr thp9o tv|ibwdWi vjeWlt)^; n wilh'n*tofllHi* t
mem.-that hUmasTorm dfStofthj ■ r - : l ooii .f--
iThb graVp 5 6f Ihh : fiaiidcMtd-df !l Mr. Loy
Whtflteic'ehmrhdl aßd'lne Cofiin’eibdmed.—
IflWi alsb fotrtid td-be’i he»vy, antt l iwben
tnuch'lh'd same
atfphartnccf'is' that M "Mrt.' Loy, ,J -it was
ndlW'pprfeSti HtTweftf; 1 although petflfiedi—
Hie body .atiif limbi had; about'lwj' adthh ftp
petfrafihe as they did r in'-lire, hdl : thb -'Mtterlor
tatfWlUf nife-life %h7o<rr, i;: -TH® «a6n*Wf
aufr^atJle’fhrnSpddh'ft&fifd l Wrth'lhe' fhoriaiSs'
bfthb fihildwarf.tfiat 'bhh'fifiirUpbtPiSopei.''
rifled skull was to all appearitddnhi WW# 1
asthWJ f;l Klr', 1 -Ladd' Clippedd' B»all r rifti-
iftwirs ;fenbt>-
the other
oriifwb «''ntifnfe^were 1 aMjipetrlfsllfpef
-1 ri ffedl ! dnd 1 Hverh riibstiy 'detaty ed. - '
* f U ;! MfnuJt(oil| biy-Ub rtK
whMh* 1
ejr 'fit
) wcTfb J 'myi ; bh'ft^d ! «eu, bav*
*■■ (io l»..ti- usi.inri;
iM;«< OJ'r.o '„mJ oT *rta&Ui*a *VLrI ,V;f3U
Sob Smith,
*edingly!interestingi;and' amubingivblCmay.
as cxbibitjp# thoosrtyrtrugglespflhe
ma'in-ibo 1 west and -spuil ? wd*t-trelsfiai
foltokhag' o3d hi»<|iem-<
gttekttonSnl dtorgfifl ’fili-tf -oTEui7. ; iro'J_: Jwtw- u‘J
r^Be»«nt^ttt»«Wlflifl>^Hd; &toe‘.€*Mcphri
gaiheredneatadrinkibghouse, mOSt'Of them l
seated"aM , ' ! 'Stoppe dlo toake
what tiTaii thflDBattfeip 1 ,, ' / ft’ , %fii SuridSy;”hiissJ'
there lad
whiskey. ‘ The firsiihihg l notiefed:phhligb't
in'g'ftks lip SingaTair ’’ffiisltiotr’'of r trtia'' of'the
horiesi df 'the p'ailty. 1. He whs kneSlihgdoWn'
aniStahdKFih w ‘ (lei 1 , *»*««»■'
wedgeaTp ‘of twd'lbgk'of
the and hawks'| stoke having
evidently ton',directly,ega|hBt the binldingat
About £yq riper,
quite, senseless, wi(h a igash m pis ,throat
whieh might have lot dutp. ilwuMpd.Uyes.-rr.
As fn,cfltof the crowd weW sea ted and
smokittg;. . j;,,,- ~ ,
/^batw.;<o,Mhitsi?4T>fl3“ir eP
the matter-.,hewJ” n ; -- ,■• ; i.v
t‘Maller,t”;Sir,nnsi(»ered opp [p ,p. drawling
voice, giving, agood, spit, and refilling . his
mouth with.a new. cud. “Matter enough f
ihere’s heeae quarteMacflpV,, u.. „
“But how came this WneadhotaekiUed l".
I I .-it! =■•;; u-tou I-!-■■'!
Snaweretluthtt chawiogjispitlipg
gentlenjarvi raanWas considerably. in liq
uor, r reohbn,>and be-hro hia> horse chuck
again the house) and ,that’s the.'.whole;on
ft.v Mtl '-wi i •• *' .1: rl
"Has h doctor bean sent for J "inquired-one
of oaf party. 111 ■ ■ «■« >«•■: ■« ■.«>'! .‘.it-** l
, “I reckotibsre ain’tmoob oieofdoctors
bore," replied anothatdf ibecrortd.’W “Burnt
brandy codrdn’t save' Cither of ten))-man ; or
hosa;”;'-’ ’"• •**“•'* ; ■
! this man a wife intjnr
red 't. ' l,l ' ■- ■ ■ ' ■•" r >*- 1 ' -v»‘
1 "No children that rknowrofi’'ah«wSred«-
fetriaie.who \raaslnitt£ ontho ground kShort
diitSWfee /rbm the dead ‘hran'jSmoking ‘tom
nnflPfflv ' r \ u -’ 7 ciJ n-MA* t~'>. £#:»:.•* *-
"Ho Ws, d ; wffe'r ,t remarked:’ '‘'‘Whaf-
i <i yei,” Sighed the female—"fl Wkd alp' un
for'tundte race, , Poo^'pad'i. fip lost thd whis-',
ky;V / x
'* 4 t}o yoti happdn lo iinbvt' ,'fiia wife
she been informed of the’’' untimely death of
her husband ?” were,my next inquires,. '! r
■ “Do Ikhbw her?" Haashebeeßinforraed
; 6rh ! U 'said’ tbp- I
reckon you! afrit P??* 1 -
1 am thq unfortunate .wldder»’ 7 4 .
| "Yoti madam I .'i-Yon the wife of'the. man
who has been so untimely cut off?”; 1 exclaim
ed in astonishment.
what obbiJfff?’’ mid she.' “Uff
tiroety Cilt ofT! 1 His throat's ciJl;'that’s all,
by the tarnal shtir ji end of ‘a Kg; ! and ha far
it’s being UQlWlely, T don’t bst
wfeirnbw'as any warnTpf ftiuch
account, no now!" 1
She resumed ■ her arid we i*atim
ed our joufnby.
' Jones stepped Uploa gentleman who was
engaged in cohvertation• with about a doteri'
others^and'said; ! • " ■ *■■■■
* t Vll sCeftis W rae r hav# seen yobr phyii*
ognbroy sbfchewtjere, l»fore/biitlearJW>tim
aginb whdifb," “T" i! ' ’ ” -I--’-”*'
j “Very ItiMttl haVehben ,tt(e f
yirgiri'seddsprayerS to
Clod, but c&fHcs’lfot pftd abut lb himbut the
alalo bf BllVbp'lhe tmtnbera' bf the
dlect, add hath Jo it'ihe Itibbr of'7ove t ßddihp
ijnd the union in
it of
qiogVlilb; it hath glides danger;
it iB|moro aai oiorb sad ;,it of
sorrows, ,a«d, Pf.J?y»i jtt \iej unde/,
more burdens,. nntL . M the,
strength aod ,.1 Kp&o ;l> u rdqpa
are. deligh'tfgj. JB,.}b .gftW ,9
the worldj aqd ,pre^,nw n «iflgtfoq)s, fi|l*,ci|- r
ies and chaydbest-fb&W itself*, pellb:
acy, Jikdtahe flfcon.,tipple*
1 dwells iuiiergaujf! iw&me%.feut,Rits i a,lotto,
and ia coqbßed.pndvdiea, lo^iagdlafity; but
builds, e bouse,
:dnd'gathers awßetpessJrom cyetyflower, and
.labors sod unite* uttasocieties ,»od republics,,
,'anitoods outc9lbnk»,r,jai)dliMs t ;ithej yrpxU
«hh ~deHaaoib*t=-endi obeys their.; king*.,and
.exercises many the
ibterdst’or ia-thalsiatoofgCKtd
hath detaigOedthei pres..
ai ta i.U> r “Z'ff f ■{} &<»•,->.
;! H ujfl.
much- wIU” jt **!«•«,(
~) , Bo*dByoit
muoh*idfclgwaraberpl"iv. »«j? r.ii
fjKmi tto(
you'brlbg <i»lately I GtVbbMMty'.
jnakes tbs cows dry, and they drink, yioo-
jyOli 'it, i-ji-.r, t
.W'tffe'rSaaWj/' is otH jv* iK*s*j
cl tJft* •'Blij’jfl tyip
M I AiWaA obsoivet tb&tcb&lppki.ptidu.M
, »j( .iiiruorw^.'•'.i'«.;.v
1 vtji w fair. wa 'i.i :
„ Ja%Ga|yafoii,wBaeogsged fp Mwk, Mb'-
lboonlydaughter of; a.tplhjed
raercbanti sshed. ttfObildt'end
thmmstied foyißarii Jiyfafetehe wasite study
pnd-ready io ssk(»nwtb»idfities'or « matron;'
jthhfs MkHtoiieeUigJlftSr -Jack’s* studying
Inedicitte.aa hehad oitsHlpre foiiube.bitbld
kmh¥»Utifi«i.ahd ;,S0 changed,
;. Iftwhnn completed. Jack hastened home,
knd- pp aeonßr 'flirived ,io Bostonytban.~he
wootmseanihof TotnAVinkle,to leacttihow
(lis sisle* w*e~old Winkle livedon a fitncy
fatmabout forty milea frpmßoston; fom
lold-biia tbat.luejsisteri bad-.grown tip hand
someandattraeiite—thdtehe had : receiveda
first Viiie wee witty and ajeeom
plished; but that she had befcn infeCfed wilh
(he Bloomer mkfiia|and nothing: ooptd -retire
her of - hbr ridiiulous determination to -i wear
adopHha habits of the rpder
sex.->- He said that his father had - remonstra
ted-in void," and that nothing-could- ourk- her
of hfer folly-;* i.ri"-'- ' .>•■ v
Hdw iadk abhorred an ttaseketh Wontani
triSrry MelitldaVHfr'resdiVedj if'hd failed to
cbfivdrt the^yooftjgfady to his nofibas of proi
prrety i by a System- of tafcftei He had Vapidly
cdritSeived; he woliid abandon heV to some less
feBifdiobrBuitdr.'-''HriVirig Imported Ills proj
’ ect io Toni, fie started by railroad for Winkle
‘ Ixidgei'anfflri a : cbirpfo of hdtlftir’waß shaked
wafmljr'by tbehabd" by Mri ;7 ’Wißkll;'-''The
oldgemldmoHh'ft'n’arcd him foiagfeat change
.in his iaOghtdr.Vdd tidpeT&e would 1 hot,'be
dSllurae, SoWtich'
premised,he mirdducedthelover to the presence,
‘of hisiady’dn3 her’iouhfdiMarla, a Verypret
h®r W*-
. i jHejipda jaunty black velvet .riding
Cap* beneath which her hnir ap'pearedi crop
ped short like a men’s; a frock coat buttoned
jUp'W'lhtf throat ?’«- p«ir bf Taultlessly-fiiting
panwlbonsi bnd Htile high' heeled boots. If
abe had faebH f a N tatrdevillk actress jack wdnia-
hut he was very sorry
to'see Vlkdy'So- Intimately’ associated with ,!
his happiness, in tWidtjulpmefit. - She; how
aveftwair’bvid.eDtly prbudofthe independence
4hS%Msiteftf w “'‘ !r "" wtnr-n-../
■ JackkisiedfieF; ! butltb kissed her cousiri;
fed, ridt“ , c'htii , dfy' fb' t; the “Satisfaction of the'
6r<%opr. v " ‘"■<••■;••• •
i was'Jusf goiHg blit ioShobt Avoodcobks !”
said hlelinda; “there’s ,hiy gpn in, the cor-"]
per.” * r */ / ’’ .. _ t>> ■ 'j
, ,‘‘Jpo ybulrida as "well' as. abbot i u aitced ’
, i.', ’. "" ■■■■ ■ 1
■ ; tV i.dorin"
do any (hHigelse! Jva just, keen putting
my hotse Up lb Stone walls; he’!! make a'
Capital' fedCor. , -’J - Jtv.-'-i* n- test. ~-
“Of you discard the sidesaddle
•; “Ho} so bad as that,” replied the Bloomer,
.rfM’pWg. n:.' ; • • ■. -; ■■■
“l-A.gdlhg to - sde |p my jSfapcr, r ‘ra : ck', ,,;
s 'i:'/; :
“iJepe glr(;*’ Sam Mark;
Wbed. Winkle ,fp(i [ i htittfored
■ Mr,, Winkle’s joke; whcri, he introduced me,
still .the
wero-nonp other , my-Melinda j you ate
just Jrhal my dreams.”, ‘
.“Andi-wUp do yptj.takojnw for,.then, you
AfkedMefinda., ~ '
1 - "For just what you are, my .hoy I”., cried
Jack, slapping her, on . the back—“honest
Tam VVioklo I. Handsome enough for a girl
to be sure, but. altogether too rough (or
UttCU*, t'*‘ If: 'tt ~ ■* M t.,
;. -ttßut I assttreajyon; Mt, Cary said
Maria, '. ■■
“Don’t assure me that, you .ore .not your
own aWedt self,“;said Jack, tenderly, but (elf
me all about your life here.’ What a char*
ming, l retired placet ' How -abundant is- (be
country in resources for the gratification of
true feminihe-tastes!*-■ With it birds and
flowers for admiration and culture; ils plea
skht walks,’scenery forthe‘pencil j - and. then
| books,-music; And household work forin-dboV
.anriptbyirrent on rainy l days ’and evenings.*-*!
Such. do(Jbt!eSs,-my dear Meljnda htls • (bund
’j|-B -• I JOS .3 .'I -j,; ..
; "But let me tell yob.Mr.'^fysftfrt—” in*
iterrtipted the fCal MelititSa I ."^ ‘ n f‘ i: f , ' !
. '“B6‘ q\iie’tl 'Toni !'* biffed Jack,irffik(icntiy.
,“Do tip' bir-Wltfi into the
-You must, know I hitfe'tfwbf Hef things'th"
'.stay'to , "
;aaM H to, paM;„Tom, v
’ l here^og^yob rJ remip.da l b«pfHbeT>''^niob
adpbuntsof ;it in Paris,. and,
roa(|a!heF<re«hm«)l JaWgh; cottsumedly.,*}.'
nur-Bxpeasa. ,-jDoce. ip i«/,whilteywi
Wpa»o;i«Hbe street* of Paris dressed.ta male
comouurt ini
iekrnisal tiinevhut.Mily tolerated } (ho
'licfensaaf) ism*. ,n?v . V
“ “Ft Wan absOreid’mamMfWbesUrer'’ * riei
■yU'cJ' tS&r&'Vjt-’n -r’/'J r m -^j
" i “l> 'year 1 odßtfetoiHf.’*
Jack, warmly, preMlng’ hW 'htW?
~ ‘ filc S 6tftiSt'lh4ri'ftiwyif'^flititted' Btemtiv
and'barM tin ' l *
. yMarunlE ift t i'i
'Slute h'HTk
~i r >'
“Don’t you want lo iooik at ifio ground *
•aid Melinda, in .it subdued, enAagiuteiii
£#a>toSM&M Ad
turifb«d^fleMSSSaHtfiicSi. ?■« w fbt«t
ijnAtia&smr ’mtt*&a&
Tiraf , ' 1 ’ (IM f^ !ftft9(, '- ) «gdifd*!«> ;jni! i,“i>i
\: kfe& >
i thUiiffy^’iald^kJ^fßrßtei:-
[la (■_';» «aJl>t-li ?jn ; hf,V I l ' yiuf OS'.a
'‘Jsrtyediteih Mt^fiaTdkfU'#W*fold tbi''
tndraing; ?; Wii ■
aaid^Mfelnidav'i^in^chliiliy? s^l '!!
, “I beg yo.ur - pardon, Mias Maria,’-’oiM*!
Jmty ! wOT’a Hsjsm t
twdepi , p4£ u t; ‘ t -‘ r -> I fj) ym«n
“T«l f We *t» apttkdgr
lifidalfftiMmijg. «< t-Wfttasw*’
wmm y int^^
. *«*■' DMttt
er 'dn‘d byrtftg i T , ’ t; ' Tp I
: «f db ! > ’ feld-M«ia, s alat'«W
• "‘iBWII :r I ,?
Jdcfc> ''*■-'= > '"' : I f*‘ mi,-!■)/. to ue;,oil
, : “nb” dfc(ft«iotti ~iB ald'
Bq«r ! f itihiW arpfilr
clbtheir'l ‘wafited to fcitoMh
firfr~rtfe ko niVther'>'W»e-!fc» ; ’
iflemi” ■ ’ ■ , ‘ r '■■ • > ‘ •'
M “Pair of jHthttloon* amonglhe® t ,, aake«r
VVMfe. * > iw’ w/i' .1(3/ tyinyr,
;. Melindlrblbctatttfy. .«tTbe>' !
belong^ - Ip a Bloofebfi'diho '<mk *gt?
“ f i! ' i ' .-,» ,iy? **mlt
Ibrdbgh'it’ all. dUredyou.-wheij .iwt: -
eryftody’&seliad ttfed and /bitedjW'm' swn?-'
’ “Will yoii}rdfgi»e>foel*«ked Jadlw*‘a > .w--I
“thertVlfty bafidj?’ traid Melinda firanWr.’ 1
“I rorgive '‘'ihantf' ybtj too I
’lesada wW8 r ahdty obejbut'l na^deicl«it?ti'd rJ '
''curbthe •■■t.u>o ,«s..<m<3v>j
n .w.
tu V
wl k»3'4!‘h>fvW# S
V--. *>.ii
Bvsok abb '
a fipfi clayefjlwXpJsba.waa ’ws«W«fl
dj# il happenai} ,
, : a flteg’£y Mt j* r n
«jJk»9I P^ikkut,ss4ls?.-,
beat him,m,a r ia9ster}iej.
! In.ifimmidstg£]
older, than Eeeliibbt,-Job to
master the large ly, came rUatebg upy
with Ifars ia hiseyes,.Bnd his cbeekith o^ ,
ashed many blpyajyi
meant to V', ;; , V
lad, 'il r. r ., ~ ",
This Boy,was afierwprik, Jkird ,Py roa.r-r,
•Ihpt bpowi
.anythmg Rf Row,, T 7. -
.n- ' of a Wu^ch.
Mr. Jacob Short, op his way borne fromFtl
lecture, la which He hadbeeh much interested,
, tell in with a Veil dresited^getiiteHiaff 7 wfeb
addressed d caihajv inquiry 1 to him;' uFrofo
tluaiw)uiry j .procee(kd an
much in?'
,te rested that .be patted wtUt hte nev acquaint*
anee wiih t6gtei;,« n*■
: A rnoroepi iaAerwards bcieg desiroUtl pt ■
learning riliol limfe, /he, feltr i .;
To rbUicopsternalion bpibupd it,;ya*gone; r,
fie elodce bethobgblhimjjelfpCihePpijaiawi
practice pi adroit, t,plclf|toCkeia.lo ptiV do l)tp
guise of 4; gemlebja/i* in order to facilitate -
iheitopbraiions.p QC course hia aiupiciopd ,
instantly ; tested u|>oti tis. Idle acipraiptancer
liuckily be wa& iq( sight.; js’o<b’i , , .
[ He rfip aftcr him wiiha baity, step, abd.
succeeded indverteking bisk' • M _ v
1 .t'Sbrretfdefc lftttidJsß, ins* «kj
, lerejinfetl (fijt. cohseiptebpep b*uj*»d ,
Jour head." ' .he Ai,u', V 3
:Tha gemleoian,ipr pickpocket* tented pete,
: aod n* if. bp were inclined .to resist,;
r but theresolutetoi»and,bearinjro[.Hc.Sbofl ■
intimidated’ blot, dbd'hP yielded to (be rtiqai* i
Mr.Sfprt went borne : congratulating blm
selffltf (he bad displayed;; i
. He related the ad Venture to His wifei.jwbd .
instead Of pttising be anticipated abo
would, exclaimedi ; ; > .i , -• • >,
“ Why, Jacob, whal have you aooot
Your own watch is, lying onlbe labU.wbefe •
yon left it before going to tbo lePteKi ,:!ThaA :
1 Should tire 10 aoe tp/. hulbond a {fob. -
pocket.”-., -j.i'l ,v ! - ~t
; Jacob eat down in trepidation,. .1,1 wifi ell.
true. He bad actuallycntpnliUed a highway ■
'tpbbery, when -aa heimagined-ilasitpa'bpiy
'recovering,bis alolonproperty. ; f .hO ,tojrn;hr.
He 'slept but liiilei that sight., -Vision* of
hand-cuffs atid pHaoti bats uoated befottl ilia
\rQuWed-raind*&b4hatoae ; froin»isleep|lfi»a
bed (hobextintorningto-rtad. tiwlfollpwing
abnoancenietiiinihe nwrttjftg paper*}. 1
. OiJx*Aoe.-d i ‘‘ Wpdwtfb tbdt h
was violently assaulted by a stranger and
threatened Wi!i*|nftant death. deli;
.wil rdp hss’ k Wßtc|ti '
ttSsbdrtafid 'atobij
b6tt»^^h;l&bort;He babd bW
: to r e&}csi(i hitnsSlf
. ifsmL He4tfength !^lKb^fif!
t seiilf hjs SrtftijWiib tfid OiaM'iS tKa.ileV' Wr;
.^ain'sibieni^n'f, df ; tfco M fii!stiiko
i .whiefi fwd;bccdVredi : and < wilbfn 'mjiM that
. ha fitt*
mediateTyf u *\ :
1 v l
» tefWK ; It'peed
' Itefhpkaitl tfiat 'Mh Short has ikitlripd high*
tpjbe that
ihfe frahsgtt&lf Jb»*»