bv ihe courts, and in thy ipannp now requi red in ihes case of public inns and tavern*;,, ihe stitWe lions and penaUies. . z ■■ ±. Tha’fesedWtiod''of tWjStlbbStb fic so frMtfiifof evil, Snd ‘id its results, w in direct bposttibnldlhe law of God, apd the,moral sentiment of the peopla } and js arepfoach Jo thp aga in -which; we |j»e. A stringent and comprehensive law,'remedied hi its provisions, and vindicaiiogthe great- law -6f the Sabbath, in its physical end-moral rb (aliens t 6 than, is required, npt poly by the, moralscnse of community, but would be jus tiiied by every sentiment of humanily.-every consideration of philanthropy, every impulse of pure and genuine patriotism. The history; of intemperance Is written in tears and bipod,, Pauperism, taxation and crimefollows tn its train. A remedy should- be applied; and public sentiment, with the full force of its moral sanction, will apprbve all prudent and consiituttitlptial legislation od this subject. The pardoning power—the harmonious blending pf.rpcrcy and justice in our-Cop stitutipn—rwil be exercised with a-juat regard to bpth these-important principles.: VViih ev ery desire to extend mercy to the unfortunate and repentant transgressor, justice; in fief stern demands, will not be overlooked by the' psrdon of the vicious and hardened'criminal. This power has been conferred on .the execu tive, noi to overthrow the administration of justice, but to'aid and promote it. It should be exercised with great cdutidn; on the most satisfactory assurance that it .is due to the condemned, and that the rights and security of ihe public will not be preju dice ci by the act. To prevent the abuse of this power, and to protect Ihe executive from impoaiiioD. noiiqe of the intended appl.icai.ipq should be published in the city or country where the (rial and conviction took place. Experience has demonstrated the impolicy of subscriptions by municipal corporations, to the slock of railroad companies. This is especially true in relation to county sub scriptions, The practice should be avoided, or at least not encouraged, by future legis latior. Legislation, so far aa practicable, should be general snd uniform. Local and special legislation ought to be discouraged, when the object can be obtained by general laws. Its tendency is pernicious ; and general princi-. pies, and public good, are often sacrificed to secure personal and private benefits, “ Om nibus legislation” bfclngdmpfPplef ip itself, and demoralizing in its influence, cannot receive my sanction. The view and.practice of nvy immediate predecessor on this subject meet my cordial approval Pennsylvania, occupying as she does, an important and proud position in the sister hood pf Stales, aannnl be indifferent to the policy,end acta of (he national government. Her voice, potential for good in other days, ought nov to be disregarded now. Devoted to the Constitution and the Union—as she was the first to sanction, she will be ihs last to endanger the one, or violate the other.— Regarding with jealous care the rights of her sister States, she will be every ready to de fend her own. The blood of her sons pour ed out on the many battle-fields of the Rev. olu'ion, attests her devotion to thd great principles of American freedom—tjie centre truth of American republicanism. To the Constitution, in all ns integrity ; to the Union m its strength and harmony; to the main tenance in its purity, of the'faith and honor of our country, Pennsylvania now is, and always has been pledged—a pledge never violated, and not to be violated, until patri otism cease* to be a virtue, and liberty to be •known only as a name. Entertaining these sentiments, and actua ted by an exclusive desire to promote the peace, harmony and welfare of our' beloved country, the recent action of the national Congress and executive, in repealing a sol emn compromise, only less sacred in pphlic estimation than the Constitution itself—thus attempting to extend the institution of domes tic slavery in the territorial domain of the naiion, violating the plighted faith and honor of tfie country, arousing sectional jealousies, and renewing.the .agitation of vexed and dia • tracting questions—has received froth' the people of qor own and other States of the Unionj thpir stern add merited ‘rebuke.' . IVuh on desire to restrain the full and en tire constitutional right of the State; nor to interfere directly of indirectly wifh'their do meaiic institution*, the jteople df Pennsylva nia, in yiew the repeal of ' tjie Missouri Comptoroiae, the principle involved, and the ooosdqdhdkes resulting from it,-as mark ed already by 'frahrf, violence, arid attife, jitttp re-sffitfned 1 Seif; opposition Wr .the.ex tension of slavery Into territory now free, and renewed their pledgeto the doctrines Of the act of 1780, Which relieved hts’hy constitutiopalmeaps fWm a grievobs Bbciel evil; bTTT*??, in ils.full scope fd tjbe . fiWteciwn of ihe persona) rigblx ofevery hit. > man "being under the Constitution of Penn sylvania, and (ho Constitution of the United Stales, by mainialtifng inviolate the trial by jury, and the writ ot habtcus corpus; to the asseHiod of -fhe 'daft 1 rights of tho North, a* ■well as of the South,' and to the integrity 'of the Union." " 1 _ 'fba, .declaration of these' doctrines, is but ,lhs recognition of the principles -of freedom and human rights. They are tejlher .new Tiof startling. They Were tsught father* at the., watch;fires ot 'dni country's defenders; .aad.fcarped, *mid/ihfl bloody, snow j qf ~Y“P?y Porge, and the mfgMy s tnfBes W ravofurilfti. 1 were stamped with impress upon the .$» da hl° f the Republic,;-nave fillpd .the. hearts, arid feji hurning from the of Orators and statesmen, whose menwrhw l 'whs immott»f as -ihu priaelplea trtey" chariahedj;' They hake been the watch'-word ar/iPthe hope of mil. ; lidns, who.’hhve gone BriforfcUsJbrithtfWritfeh. be of minions yet unborn. ~ In iiamy/qui'jtiotisofNMionatiantl/truly Americarifojiey—ihe-'dufc protect fen‘ofAnwri Wor and .Industry ..egqmaf 'ihfejfeff I *- -wig influence of Tofeigri tabor" had capital J Qtlv ( ttrhofoalid i IVefe 5 .lifii tit life proceeds of tfit ’o£t bw’ lands - Wwog thfrEt«« r in did if. tdocdHon, ind - ’*'-i , ti I to relieve from debt andla: “ homestead billrei tio^dW^g^^tft^r^eci foreign paupers ariili we, tj£a »ate jnte-'pmii aq|; erery ep^ouragemen^ah bib ULprest re low a&f&umjprjny ___ for the honor conferred; and "rny pledgeTto ihemlhfsday fothst ’“'l wrlittry"-; 10-mlixe con fidence, In.assttaiog r this ;.high officei’l. ; ‘^laf^bes^’ l f and to the should I hesitate;lo7Offiffh itiyunafKjoleddw. trust in thy ate duties inn mnnt&r commenrarnte with iheirimporianpe. f Will labor to deserve (he; cbafideacpj-btjd' Appro bation of my -ji' “do hglbx peel, I dare not hope* to .-'espapp. : cptistytei— Deserved cens ura i will r strlwe to nevoid, all other to lions; with no ambitions desires to- 'gratify ; no rcsentmeols Ip'bljeriiH; biit for thopublic good; it will be my endeavor-to perfOfm,every du|yi faithfully and andshaviog done this* wiltabitfethc of a' generous people fbs’atiredi ihatif'they condemn the act, they will al feist'.fttyaid, to roe (he meed of good ,intention. ' • With the Constitution '. fpjr fj itiy' guide ; “ equal and exact Justice to all" my desire; the greatest good of the gtoaiest qoTttter Wy object—and invoking the ntd and blessing of the God of pur and desiring tot'rule in His Suty; and will be to promote "the trite interests 4>ft he Stale, maintain bur. civil,and ileges, dpfendithp honor, and advancoAhe prosperity and happiness bf oni 1 choptfV. ; j ■ james pollack; j Fer thi Agitator. A Word Abpat . ' Mr. Editor Use* by the papers, that applications for licensee are to btr made at the next Court, the first Monday in February, and I wish, through yoaf cofumns,to sug gest to the friends of temperance and good order to Send up petitions, signed by the Vo ters and tax-payers of each township and bo rough, to the Court, praying them not .to grant such, applications. Besides the very weighty reasons which have heretofore existed, why men should not purchase the privilege, apd bo leghlly authorized to deal out liquor, damnation and-death, I. wish to suggest two others which apply, especially at the.grpsent time, ; The first is, that _qyr taxes are already heavy enough, these bajd limps, without hav ing them doubted by il» nWuaffic. The second is;,thmt if * is passed In the Stale of Nat* YorkCfW pre sent wipicr, which is' highly probable, and we have licensed houses (oriihe safeof liquor in this county, multitudes pf rtfori&»ifrom New York 'Wifi migrate fibre’/‘and untold evils will be the result.' ' s It becomes us, therefore, as e mattbr, of self-defence, to pray our Honorable Judges not to open the flood-gates of ruin Upon us at this time. * ' . I know it is said that petitions and remon strances will do no. good, be'liauVd two Side Judges bare made Up lheir minds to grant license to all propel applicants, but I do mot believe this is so; I do not believe the two worthy men who occupy these hon orable stations, are prepared so Tar to repu diate democratic principles, as 1 ip grant a li cense in any place, cppifajy to the' petition qf a majority of the voters am) ’taxpayer* of any borough or township. It,cannot be so. They will do no such thing. Send up your petitions, yon who do not want drunkenness, crime anth wretchedness greatly increased in the place of your residence, and if our Judges will not regard the voice of a majority of the voters and tax-payers, letus know if, and it will prove thorp unfit to hold any office among a free people. Sanex. mporfaut, tefj' A LL PERSONS knowing themselves in ■#* dsbtCd, for subscription* to the u Wcllaborongh . Aitsortiscr," or otherwise, either byN otb or Book CSccoOrp, are requested to make ippedinte payment, iar Uwjr.aocdunl* wilt bo placed in the hands o 4 prop er officers far collection! Come one, cope all I apd 7 -gtie as a liß ik this our time of need. W. P. BAILET. 1 igolotiM Notice. Copartnership .heretofore. exi!U;ng he- JL tween the subscribers tn 'lhc publishing hnsi ness hnder the tiatae bf BAILEY Sc COBB, is this Day dissolved by mutual epnsttnt. The books cif I, the' concern are in thb hands of Mi B. COBB for settlement. ■ .W. : Dr BAILEY,' Jip. 2d. 1855.. ' M- It GOBB. The ‘undersigned have associated themsetvfea In thb paWrthihe business.under the nimi of COBB, STUftRpCK Ik Co , and willVcoullnlid thebusijieaa of tfrfr estibliihmeat under’mis title,'«nlH fcrthbr nitlce. ‘ >- M. H. COBB, 'Jaril 00,1855. ’ PAVID’STPRROOIC.' tVELXSnORO’ ACADEIt 'SPRING TERM of ihe*WelUbn. ■“< rodgb Academy frill commence February SO, and continue J 7 freekn. Tditionat tbe-eamo rates per O per-week, rooto, #0.25. ' Student* can tie directed to boarding place* by calling upon the Principal. ; The’Tench erVCla»B,'l6ru pert cf the term, will die under thej direction oPlfae Cointy’fsopeeintendent. Wo un der* tapd that some of the member* of therein** iasl rail have proved'to beathongthe Very bdsj Toicli er* iii ■flie coanty. Bolarijr Wtd ijvill bq ' additioa to \Jie;to9tti claasef,' Tbbfe will ««fß of beginoetn.vv.Xijtin. fgt.lhp benefit of those wl)8 intend ta.iindy.Krenoh- By order of the Trustee*. and machine shop. that we cart jjrhr^'lf4ld >erti^b!d ; • Woidvti on haoitUawjtwirth .tiowrttbe «Mbe By»?n«.oT’wh»^^*P^RW'^-»rWjW l | l, *^SM , CMthiWt|Wfif |pi>'in®ni for .Cjaii^a ; .1161 'ki-iA ! A .cpTJN , SEWSTBPOI t*p at USt V subicrrtiw hdvfifej received ' n goods 'to*\M 'dHado; offer* a jchdittiejeeiionof S *-A \\ \>’j C> iUK-iV. A A IVi; ! DftT'oaiiiiit 1 Coni!stirir--M' , part :i of fiibad Cloths, Print*/ I <3frtghl»rrmHid E. Dy-. cr, and west by Josiah Graves, containing aboyt-’lo Scree; about 3i or, 25 acres, iptproved, a frame Ifooso frame barn and a (few fruit trSca' iherdbn. To ho aold as the property of Thdmair Graves. 1 'ALSO—-The equal ’undUtded fonirtb part of that tract or land fn Rices' tip., being tots t and 9 ih block I—lots Nos. 11,13, 13; H. ts.ih Mock 2-«elolk 6,6,10 in block 4*-1oIsj8;9,1I) in block 6-—lotad, 5 in-.blook 7-rJota T, B t i 1,12,19, 30 ipjtlapk %-Jots 5, 4 ( J5, lb in ,bJask;B-rjql* 4, 5, 6.1 n bWck Tinhlock 12—lots 4,5, fi, 7,8 in bToofi 14—Inis 7,3.16, -17,18, iols 3, 6,13,14,16,16 In block 17—lots 5,6, Tin block 20—lots* IVT, 8,9,10.'1Jv'14.113, 14, 15 in . block-91w-ldtgs, 6,7, 6.9, 11,13 -In hlhckiO-Wbis ,6,6, 7,-3, Of 13 in Wopk SS-IpMA 6i i\ 3 9, 10,1 v in,block 34—10 U 136,-7,6,9,'10f,15. 16. in block 25—lots 3,4, and btoqksB9,’ol, .36,-38, 40, 41,42 of Ihe toWn plot of Blossburg,,each l^it,containing about 1.61 h pl an aero adrTcacH block about 2| aides—all improved.; /To he *OW ; is ihdiproperty of-Glarttidon Rkthbdne. t6a lowhshipj bbuhlled' cast by W. and L. J. Cooley, by L, J.. Cooley and —~ Cpojufge—contopupg about Willi ihdhV’fc/rty 1: itdfes Improved, it fibihe hiinsb. frame hattij and nppWbfclWW there on. '■ Tii teedld as lheyroperty bf Ji Ji'ShttraWay., ', A.LSO'frThe undivided b;h6-,fth>ih pan "I all.'tlio” following described lils fif'lbhdV—a dettttrt .1% of Wpd atniiite In'tHfc twdsKl6'o¥it¥iunbe! in' the ’asl'too-’W^^iiUAyH^Wahf^thy 'Tfei.' 'hitft ‘hdhdftiralid -ninety swas ~AifSor-rA trapiof W '* ,nr ‘ . riintSo.jlisl, Vt. Willink, warrsntfar-leonVaining l ryOßiacresfdnororo/i lew, OwthvPasfelryiwarrttniJip. i-N* 33Sl#Dd,Up4«VrwedfP%vyw^l,gi!W^5idJ rnct of Inna survdwtd *n»- WAT' ( -j«i»t No. 3360, W. want*, warranted—son taining Stj-iiSre# iWortf'or IMt-hotUyded 'nbrtlrti' fefelprfpd urlf by i ow l ana»tiHJ3f HSI'WW.t. A -• ..r-.'il I '! : . r : ' -le Seymbnrr—oentuipinff | about acre* more w teas,-with libout fWty acres improved, a 1 frame 1 home .a*d apple orchard thereon. To be »old' 4a tbepfoparty Of W. H. Mont gomdry. ■■■•'... ALSO—\ certain lot of laud in Morri* bounded north by road front Nntli ydp la Babb's, past by Farnsworth, 8oin(» ‘by , road from {tfeurooto Te««s,Bucharest hy.fl. Thotnas—coniaipiffe abpuf ’dO ’httbes, ■ With □bout eight pcrpa lmproVed.' To be'Sold as i{te property , qf Caleb) A. Cpmstock. ALSO—tA, (oi of land in'Middlebury iwp., bounded nor»b and south by Stephen Shaft, east by VV/Jfiam French and aidsit by Bin’o ham lands, containing about forty, (Seres, about twenty, acres improved, a. log house dt; log barn thereon: To-be sold as the proper: ty of Wm. Colegrbve. , ' ALSO—A lot of'land in Charleston twp., bounded north by Culver, 1 east by George Bochus, south by David Jones and-west by James Hall, containing 50 acres, about 15 acres improved with a frame house and c a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as (lie property of John Bocbas3d. ALSO—A certain lot of (and in Charles, ton township, bounded north by Culver, cast by Geo. Bochus, south by David Jones, and west by James Hall—containing fifty ncres, with about fifteen acres improved, a frame house, and aome fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of John T. Hall. ALSO—A.certain (at of land in Coving ton, beginning at the north-east corner and with west corner of James Wilten’s lot, thehcC south 11 rods to a post, being the sotith cor ner of said J. Wilien’s tot, thence west 60 feet, thence north 11 rods to the road, ihenon east 60 feet to the place of beginning —con- taining more or less, improved, with a frame house, shed, and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Geo. W. Peck and Joseph Peck. n i ALSO—A lot of land In SullWon town ship, bounrjed north by Wm. Smith, enal by Win. Bryan,!, south by IVn. Brewster, and west by John Clark—containing about 110 of 116 acres tnbrt of less. with about' 30 or 40 ocres improved, log' bouse, and. some fruit trees .thereon. To bo sold as the prop erty of Bradford Ed^eton; : ' ; ; ' f *. ALSO—A certain lot of land in Delmfrr township, hounded east, by E. Fellows. suulh by C. Bu'lar. west by M. Sherwood, At north by H. Hilbolt—containing about. 20 acres with six or eight acres improved, a new frame house and barn, and a few fnilt trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Ly man Spenoer, "at; ALSO—A certain tot of-land in Del mar township, bounded north by Hark ley Furman, ■east by-O. Bacon and E, McCarty,south by Hiram Horton, and west by Wm; Howe and IV. Wheeler—'containing about oiks hundred and ei* acres, about sixty acres improved, one frame house, one fratne jbarn and an ap pie orchard thereon*! Tcf bo sold as the pro perty of Mhrtin Furman and'Daniel Furman ALSO—A certain lot of ,sn Clymot township, bounded north by J, M. Bush, east by Mrs. Dulcher, south by ■ For lands, and west - by Job Head—containing, fifty’acres more or Jess, with about iS'ot 20 acres im proved; a log house, Jog barn; and sdjme fruit trees thereon. To be qold ,qs the properly, gj John B, Benn, iVnii J. Benn, HenryiSteele, and William Davis, ■ * >' Notice is hereby giVen,‘lhat ah' n'nwbnt equal to the:coyls wiR hpffqoired to be paid upon eacb sale when struck down lathe bid der, and upon h failure ro feompty with (his regulation the trad of tand will agnin be ef fered for sale, 1 abd"'rid salq'postponed wiihoiif paymdirt of costa;. , ,'' . k ’r'- ! tf. StterjffvkUffltq, Jan; 11,1855. , FANNf N« miLLB. A TrS NTtd ir: «*£>*« ER St ffJHfi' {JNUftRSIONED >reepdctfu'llv in vfisWthe' Farrterj of Tlogtf'CoDnly/tliai they oro ;j anw Manufacturing' rtifCtrk ISIPROVED,! pftßMioM- Facing; Wo wtte»»fu(i. of SVeUaburough, on lhA.X»aeyf-SWe.ltoiui;.and' feel warranted Jtjt MU'Mill is tho bent ever introduced ialq, Tioga <-o|4nty-,bplh pd respect* cleahfpg lßBlpnd\»dlL*ap tlie&itipg^/.GrasaSled. m^^ed^^^BrchiiMpg :.QWj - ' 1 r pHB. i hid in/oWn, ~X lJ)pj>ubUctfifiheuflw.audWiu m f l *! 1 m fmwM D LACK Sllltf -MiS^TIMiAS 1 , 7 WW/ihe' •'?; WpTiprof B*so l6’ *^ojKin.d ; xaVw«M i -wfflE«-sfeas ■•«*/*■ )*« iMJUfi 'OOfcTBRS’F a - a■« «a« a il *■ * 1 .If.i. *.% / noHfcii.o p,tti J .s'.;ram.«! tv - 5 o EXCHANGE. i , .ItlQi J.JiliU r'.-.i f\'- jlj » i. i'./i -)* M >* Li »* <*■»W fk ;' ?- > *'t :i.'j ii'j = f.',. iV; ~n v, , a •/, ~■; /' ■«•' ; ■•'•'» »►> 1-' ■•• DBP>B*JtEKX ’.o' » i i- Havingfurmed A M-parf ner- (fttdtr ihe Manrgemevt c. WtHiboro’, No». 20.1854; {REPRESENTED. .'; BV\ THE MEW T9ftK TRIBVNE. . ' ’ t-W - DAILY, *6; SEMUWEEKLT, 93 ; WEEK* LY, 93. - ALWAYStN ADVANCE, < 1 *pHE WEEKLY IPRipONE cqmntMicM» -*■’ lu XlYth antiual volume-willi the SofAt^ber—4touafhfiides it, with clrctUWa;fnd'Tporte»wn^ejjf»,a o< i Ijyo greater hbsrajity, of outlay., ib each .department* probably ever.before risked oh any jodrrial. II l)aa bioh Attained, ndl fcy railing smoothly intitecurrent of Opinion before the . wind and banking in the smiles of majorities, but by An. I carries I. fearless de voiion to TfIIJTE AnizESOQßESp.iia above all partisan exigencies', ail temporary iotereste, all mo mentary ilhlsibpg of popularity arid iattfrt. 'ITS HiOROTOH AIXVOCAfcYOF TEMPfeRANCE AND LIQUOR PROHIBITION; OF JUSTICE TO THEuftsPISED AND DOWNiTRODDEN, AND OP THE EQUAL AND INALIENABLE RIGHTS 01’ THE HUMAN RACE; IRRES PECTIVE OF* SES-OR COLOR, base from lime to time repelled mauyi«unsliine friends, whoqe pre judices or seeming interests were (hereby contraven ed, but'base combined to form a character which it wlll eadCaVor tomaiutain, nrjd assign it a position among journals which-we feel (hat it will be hence forth a success not (o Impair. The leading ideas to which THE TRIBUNE is devoted may be bristly set forth as follows; 1, FREEDOM,'to do Whatever is essentially right—not ajoue for which Americans, or Anglo Saxons, or Caucasians even—not for one Race to determine whether they will or will out hold another Race in abject bondage—hot for every Race and Nation, and, every -fdult rational hutuar, being.— This Freedom is righ\f)i!ty absolute in the'broad dfa. main of Opinion, and ihvoivos Uie equal and Smitera. live tight la PoUticalFiVnchises!. 1 \ 9. ORDER, w the qf thi legally indicated majority, te,lnterdict in the sphere of ac tion all practices whlcli |l deems dcmoraloirtg, there fore prejudicial lb the common weal j 9. BENEFICENCE, or the wisdom, snd policy of employing the besovtroea and credit,of Uie com munity to accomplish! works of general and un qoealioned utility .Vo.wbich individual arc in-, adqoxte, or which, though smirreptly epnducliva to the. public good, do nut promise to reimburse, tu I licit direct or indirect income (he outlay required by thcir-ConaJriicljou: ...... 4. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, as llwj corner sldna of a tfue and benignahl National Poli cy,;cqun}iag the paltjraliiatibh of a new And valua ble aft or produce of.lbasoiL >• more important than the acquisition of a Irish' province oi island, and equality ivVilhin xbfedtgißntate .sphere’ hf‘National concern and National effort j 1 5. a4?4 tfiof condition;of.truq Progress (0 be cherished by the most anxious, assiduous study to proflbv iai rtddiljr dB; W,e tte pfopqi Igi Require redress foe , ©vary wrong, and. never to-, be «ur reotferelf except at the call of endangered. Liber (j. Stuff ete the chief Iflhdmatks by which TUG TIU BONE directe its Course. Butts small porrtoh of THE TRIBUNE la allot Wbst is ourremly distinguisned as light read ing j but revrtin Of New Books of decided interest, with choice extracts illustrating their quality are freely given, while 1 tile irdat. bodr oh.our ,devotedlo a-'lucid tod careful digest of (bo NEWS OF THE gAVtWjlh Editorial sonmaate thereon. We have reliable Correspondents in each quarter of (he globe,; aft}) hi I nearly all the principal ..cities of Europe and America, and. their ieUers wili aid our readers to a clearer onjerstapding of the causes which are now gradually tonyerting the Old World into one gigantic arena fir the dciilh-xlrnggie of ri val interests, passions and ambitions-' V' THE TRI BRIN E contains reliable reports of.lit? Sfdrktts. Out 1 CuUle'MarjcctYcpoHs aluiio are worth' mdre than the price ofthe'jwpcr to those Who ale ti) ; gaged in raising pnd spJl(Be.Calt)o. Nd tiaper 1 involving so great ’an cxpehsc as Our Mood Sdmr,\yteliiy ditdld bd affbrded ol thq thekb htfebtij eitept In cbtitidctipn with a Daily, nor could bur Daily be sustained at its price without the aid ofoar' Gauntry Editors. .Liirgcus our circulated frfrjl woaWiipvolvjl ns irptuinoua loss but receipts of-Adverlising, IVebciievv that idTHp.TRIBUTE i< ..tejlitcaihe largest variety and cx(«n«ks» rtf Aohd thtbriMtiOftt cdHedrning the avenu of. the day .which has been- or cqn ;bp cqfD .bined jwUh j -and,in that faitb 'we cppiptpbtl,jt.tq regard of the leading publip. . We qffist ng pljemiums. for . subscribers, tempt nnnp-jo lake’it by'gambling prospects oi win ning farina or taan*ioiauu»fuUery in which tickets are furnished t» -jit pajted», .cinpioy ,pn larteling agjcnlß tq imporlußC .ppoflfi iota tjkifig.if, and none of our robot in dunning'our 'smuertbew pay. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TUI RUNE. ■' Sing(e' , ddfiy, one year ~.'.’l*7 ®9,(10 1 Ttiree copisa,'’ one year 5,h0 -' Five copies, one year-• •>.......... i... 1 8,00 ..Tea conii'i. nns .. Twonlyi copies, 20.00 epj larger _ at t»}p of 81 per aijriunj; . .. . ; '' i At iht prictaf Jhe Tift Clutiiail tcAnrift 'iiAct Vit fqptrto'tdbtcrißfr.’ * ’ ' ‘ '■'.•'•* ! ' ■ SuWcitfpif6rid nray iotaniitice ilatip timei -Fay. dicht iij 'advdHW fX rtfjdjrtd In ill cpser, o'nH the lk MvirUMy diaiiiSnUo'n'eJ WHllo oxplratihri’flf (he advance payment.' - 1 •'■ ■■■( •. '>• ' • . 'Stdiiffliaj tH temiltndfbr adiacriplibn* eh, let ters at oar rijkj,bulHhe,'Pt«t)hßattr at the place .fthoreilhe letteri* wde^owaip. tcabseriptina£. W “ tV«P9j'wW«% De*4 apt, warf lo.b# caUed BpWfrfbV Sw.silWjrfwjoji.' Al|'tni(t j«' hc’cbpmry'Jur Mm to do I }*'fe : #rUe a retfcpjh ■»« ;(ev* wordaiufprS. eiWo, jochMeJU toncy'irid'aeiJfeWjlj awadrfbeT Poal-Ufficc, OWmiyand^Stblc,;' ■™( - i-"lit Nli«‘-YojV. e fingtt .;. r^r.x.'iiVs'•S&BflT i .Tttaeoifedp, stinadii ..Ui.V.K »ywru-.\ .spli •fIW ja:u.,UBU;il,OD7( Pqxtage uti tlfe WeWily Tribtme', for dnayeatOß Portage btr ttm Biirtl.WcoklyTor' one'- Payable quarterly io iidvanee, at tlleotSco where (he uipir W-tpceivecl.; j . ! ' 1 GREELEY tc MeELRATir . I _ u.T»h\he Office. New-Yntjr & CHEAP hUOi N Have juHt received their full slock of P.A-LL .dfcj.WrKTER coops, which includes splendid .assottencnl yf r V Yf QQ 6 DS;,. , /CONSISTING ih part of a Rplrndid, n*- •oHoatnl of KiohiFntnpU MermoeeofaU colon* slavery Ipw.prices; also, Poratnalaa of olj color*. All*Wool anil Cheap Delaiocx, Black Sillin at much lower fbjifi’ forjner prices, 'Mcrrimoc and docheco Prints, Long and Square Woolpn Bha\v|?>at very low prices, Brown Factory, Bleach Muslins, Red and While Stripe Shirting, Blue Oeneida, Bed Ticking, Broad Cibihv, Casi racrea* SatjoeUvKentncky Jean*, Sheep’* Grey Cloth*Cotton Batting, Carpel Warp, Colton Yarn, and also many other articles in (he above line that we havo not time nor room to emuncrale iu a single advertisement.. GROCERIES Am PROVISIONS. Muscovado, Coffee Crushed, Powdered aniTCru-li. ed Sugars, Stewart’s Syrups and Molasses, Old Java, Rio and Caguare Coffee, Young Uysort 'and Black Tea, Fecppr, 'Cin&mon, Allspice, Starch, Ginger, Rice, Bar Soap, Candles. Indigo, Saltpeter,' Alum, Saleraltuv See., Pork, Flour, Fish, Salt, Butter, Cheese, Tobacco, Lamp Oil, &.C., Ac. • Hats and Caps. 1 and Ughl/Colored Dearer Hats, Know. Nothing, Know Something and Kossuth ilaifsßl'ic Silk HaU, SUlr, Fifth and Cloth Caps. Boys Hats and Caps bf cvcrgdescription. ; .. ! ■"u Shoes. Mens* pdlf, Ktp and Heavy Sloga Boole; *l*sv ■ Rubbery Roys' • rapd-YouUih' BooU, Childrens’ Shoe* ofevery description, Ladies’ Shoes, Boots and Gaiter*, a large mmsotUdcul it vefy low (tricct. Wooden Ware. Paila, proems, Tubs, Brushes, Butter Ladies and Prints, Axshelvcßj Washboards, Sugaf Boies, Mea sures, Ac., dte. ' Hal’d ware. Nails, Mill 3?WS,'Ft SdMfa and fiend-Saws, Mill Fifes,, Seqopes, Sliovels; Manure. Forks, Chains, Steelyards,’ Pocket Knives', Table Cullefj,, Door Locks, -'Letches, Bed Locks, Balts and 3ere*ws, Hnrse Cards Snd Brushes, Axes from Uie best man alkotureijt, always oa hand. , • Crockery, by the salt of piece to suit ffie wiinLof GLASS WARE, ghti, WINDOW GLASS, at insnufacturcs prices., EASTERN CLOCKS, war. ranted to keep good lime; ' " , Black, Brown f: typab-snd Blue a Ipw pric§ up, Sac^ t Frgck ami Coals of descriptioiV; Faqqy and BJuck Casimere Pan{p, Cpsfmere and Velrct Vest**, ako, Cheap Vcais of every stylo'eod ShfrU arid CblMro; Wool en Wrappers md 1 Drawers/ Woolen Glofeo %nd MiUenftw Fancy.aqti/jWu6U Silk preval*i Self-adjuslipp Stocks, Silk and Pocket Hand- Woolen Socks, Spsnendcrs, aftd in fact nearly rtial inn/i, woman or child'itfay'wortrtan be found at this establishment* would.return their sincere thanks to the inhabitants r of this Borough and surrounding eoimlry, Ibr the vjery llbemt patronage that has beeti bestowed on them since they'commenccd basinets’ in this and wish, by keeping a large aksort- of Goods to .selectselling at small pro&lm-lo Etdrit e-cofttinnanoc of lho«ftu>e,' • Wellabofo’, Nuv. t, ‘ JON ft $ A.ROE, 1 Dlspolnlion. ', NOTICE ib.he.Mby given- (hurt hech-pcn .not'shlb'tobbtdftfd.ytiaiiiig buiWood C;V. ElU olf arid H. G.Marllft,' rinder-tlic nAnieof ELtIOTT *4. MARTIN, is this day. dissolved by mutual con* sent All'debts‘dbe said firilVltf ha paid to H. G v M»jrliri,by.|«hom all domitidj against said firm will be'hbW- & V. KIXIOTT, Mansfield, Dec. 20,1831 It G. MARTIN. .; . , k 7 l "i *' , ' 1 , *l ' .The .undersigned would respectfully :jn!bmi the ciUtnns of Manafi AJXT?. OILS. . Latent medi. . J/QOJKS. TIONUHY, VAXKCE .apd an endless variety of *• Itaps and fixins 1 ' lo mpnliun,, u'bich will I’d iolj cheap lof-Caishor Pfopu.ce. Cheap, because I have adopt, ed'the'system j consequently I. shall, not be- under the -.necessity of mahiug the responsible civrtbtter .profit), hit bid-debts arid worthless Cotna fficnds, and sdj the a*. SQttmenl.anJ price our goods; We olinrge nothing %. goods and .testing prices, and if tv» dmiVsell you something, then we’ll—^—, that's l Py 3 i , &ua.d dll, ,11. O, bIARXI.X. ~ - ^ap»fipld,t)t, C ..aB.lBS4r g ty. . . _ HERE.b», tOtil t fit ii ai* - eUHRIfS &-- > »BiaKabj:--. UAVING SstolfßV-'s rslrf Band. ’twS 'dbora shore the 'PMshytcriun Church, the subscriber .is ready. In-fhruish In order, WBfTSh hots' Ktl' tytfALF COOTS- Pegged tndHeWed, 1 Made open l(a»pr»iutt|ipwni)afilW) fc» fear out in i ugtj( worn opt. , Aft.-aanjn by liis Boots po ihp u,liy he cnmpany ht)' kdeps,.. it bchpwcs every man to -taka heed how his understanding "in cared lor ' - A'redbbnkhhr'tbare Oft he --’puhlic patronage is jn. spectfiiUraotichcdn ET'-Hldos .exoliangO foroUthii .A Kl/.ii’. u v.Il.cAi'SEARti ' Well,boro', Dec. 2R,-’}854~1 y,.1 !T5 hereby bi**»th«»»nap((HoJti(mh»»ibttn*iii?(i ■A' to thtfCpubtiiCG(TOraon^iPJ»«BlWi,Tidj^ eeu \(T ManirmintO. X. KHioit^wri eumcient iww. %i*MwnutPidliq IWilfMjß flb Cfj«T»ittT.a u’ &