The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, January 11, 1855, Image 4

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    ' . Mfi. iv?'.
wtT: moral, tfaj
nMaf cMel b» acctwotedtoeosues.
uotil r yoo«o granger,.fresh,
pretiy and lively j? and .then; come* a feeling
that tbopatlhei 1 hfyotfr AosmriiV no longer
fresh, i flhd 5* dried’. . dead, please.
good jytlX of the'atranger, and
vy,fl'l aWtnd;>rooreto the whim*
of the yourftnoy, man
of yOP^ s^M.ds?i!^.Bj?, r > ~'.>
t tonally iliesqclety. your rosrnaga ensures,
when. a. superiorintellect come* and astonish
es you. Ypu qre tlied: conscious.of. thelde
fcoupf jyjpjrcopjp jntonVeducal ion, dad be-
degrpys to neglect the society youufed
to enjoy before., ■■<•
,v The other day I was’hilled on by, a young
haan.who, though he ■ is tni tried to' a sweet
** eighteen,” and has just-fathered the pretti
est and boy ever seen, said that be
M had not bliandfthe'd celibacy: [A
voung lady, who ishtbSsed with an eltenlive
pod .affectionate husband, and surrounded by
all..the.; comforts of life, told me that she
wished site -had married hef first love, al*
Hiough-he never could reciprocate her passjfln.
Another lady, equally well circumstanebd,
said that she did not enjoy herself any. A
gentleman of my.acquaintance, who’hns-a
pretty, amiable Bod.pfieciionaio c wire, and an
Iqierpßiing..daughter, is in the habit of leav
log his.' interesting family at night to see hfs
male friends. ■ A lady n genllenlah
who rfas idflpliely bet superior in intelligence,
and rejoiced'tn her marriage, but her joy was
soon changed to morrow, for her husband
went out almost, evening tor attend lec
tures or converse with his literary friends.
Sho w,qs incapable of (ijscina,Upg Ay, her con
versd'ion os site ottJ not Vnow now to tails.
A gentleman, iq .'ponsqquepce of the gross
blunders which his wife committed in compo
sition, came to think lightly of her, however,'
he studied -to please her reasonably. Not
n bonk did he read pt show her, welt know
ing lhal she could nol„apprcciate the beauty
of sentiment, or, expression. : She was con
demned l P suffer. Sjie was not happy.
dafi, 1 love (?) f . marry, and thno what?
Why;,puffer disappointment. Beware 1 If
yop cannot love sincerely and be loved sin
ccrely<in retarn,' do not marry.
eclated lo a large anil fashionable audience
at Hftripsdalc oa Saturday evening week.—
Tho following beautiful passage—assuming
that. Truth could .not bo hidden long, nor
Error finally triumph—Concluded her ad
dress :
“ Think ye that the (ruth can be slain? Code
gather together the clouds of heaven to weep
for Us decease—scoop out its grave in the
deep valley of the' Missis-;ppi— exhaust the
mines of Australia and California to manu.
factum, its golden coffin—Engage the Alps
and'(ha Andes an ita pall bearers—the Him
match and the Rocky, mountains to bow as
mourners over its Niagara to
chant its, requiem at the burial; lay it low in
the heart of the earth, and level nil the hills
to pile upon the .mound nbova its resting
place: it will rend the whole earth at its.
ascension, and arise again to resume iis im
mortality ore it has lain three days in tho
sepulcher. ■ Dust to dust, but truth and light
badjt only to the fountain of truth for a new
baptism, The mortal may pul on immortal
ity ; bin the pvqr, living can never dip.!
“Of thirik .ye't.hat jbe irqihcat) Uo fetter,
ed t Go4o tfye workshop of the Cyclops and
forge manacles lor , the winds f, Go pinion
tho wfngs of the atmosphere tiil they shall
droop Wearily over the fainting earth ! Go
make chains delicate enough to bind the hot
pulses of light dad life, which are sent out
by the heart throbs of the sun to tho farthest
exiremt(iesof lhe solar system ( but think not
that them hrd barriers subtile etfough lo stay,
the jmlso tides of truth, which are to c.irci\laie
like dtqlife(biood qf the\in;verse jhrtAf gHrtu
theTeebfaal (eiiremity ofthe-’immortal finite,
comptuoioated from the ever beating heart of 1
tbe jofiDile!” . ,
PhoVidb a Ho*b„—r ought
every married pair, *aya Fojyler, to,secure a
permanent residence for themselves and chil
dren j for without it, floe, powerful, mental
faculty must, suffer. . This “-moving” is ru
inounly costly, alike destructive of properly
and' pleasure: cripples prevents
planting tmae, and vines and obliges tenants
to frequent the grocery with tnoney in hand,
fort thousand—tittle if land
owners* they, ,cao duly
itppneiaii fidmsifli', Wmg ohse,owned and
lost brio';; a(W'being cast ußon*lhe stony'
hearted landlords. they repossess themselves-’
of a comfort«blaj,doirrioil,'agaln |o feast upon
the prrodueis of their 6rqh v
ards. Father, mother, whoever .'lhou tut,
first, wkalsyef'olsoyou do ur leave undone,
and Ito wev^jit ri ngen]t>sour pOVerfy _e venl as.
yourbesi meaps S’ OT_
hi till-black*
enqqj ahjn jar. The
>d r
lerfiwrt milk/
els ewadijy [fegamtheiraccustomed Wrench
and hleatin.'
JBElfi&i’V I girl'iis^l^im
a jufa.
, Wiiidtf is.tlw rntwl girl i»l|h her
Rrii 7
Hobbwbl* xoic&irptdr js|'
•tagger undgytia.efijMJwf (tiling tpit jqu&i
fat,« ' J
(0/ fourleeiVneifittett,}for the firerar-three can.
ucutive id&U&h ■*}“* 25 e«U« ,«*>»*•
guentone. ' XeOflyfiivjtfl&meptf ineettedatarea.
tonabU rateo f ,*» , '
r l&iTrontit>tiaivei&lAg‘payabU iit'adtanceV'
tQT-JlJ Utterim«it\e jKfJ.pnidi •'■•'’■ • •■'• ’■ *--' c ■■
1 FITCH* SUEitWOOb, " v
Italian a^An^i^nAii^
•i <' •*-** \\ 4 - ’ ' .
•- ' GRAVE-STONES. ■ '>
f ID* Entire beglvedl Ji
July 13,. 1854-1 y,-.. -.w.-'A ;• i;.-- ,
-j r AF'W 8 *# hadfobd ;"
only! on tlw Slock aiid Mn^toia^;' J>£,Can
field Sec’y., Hon. Hdrace
ber thyt aAeipatiehSed sY»vellinf
ing Qiinpaiiy
erabio to a foreign Co., as there'tan be nodecepUon.
Address, J.;&AVeb»ter/ Agent,_Cpyyiglon, Pa.
(Lalta OtfidufUM BtulhioifM{3sa%fDUigt,TVt.
TT AS associated hiinselfSfilhDr. Nr Pack-
J- J- rs, in the practiceof Medicine and Surgery.
They will promptly attend all calls Jtitbeir prpfysa
iotp Office on Main-si; opposite the Presbyterian
Clmrcli, Wcllaboruugii, f*a, ; . •. v ! iy 27.
■■ 8. F. ffIMOS, , .
lp*Bemoved to James Lowrey 1 * Office.
Hi LftWBEY Os 8. F. WttSOS,
A f COUNSEt J LOR§ , A’ , r
will attend the Courts of Tioga, Potter
city McKean counties, , 1 -■ ■■ ■<>
Wetlsbotadgh, Fob. 1,1853,
JOllili K. BACHJG, 7~7
LAW,—Office, north -elds Public Square,
Wollsborodgb, I's, ~ ,
Refers to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge & Co.,N. Y
and; Hon. A. V. Paraphs,Philadelphia. July-13.
(Formerly Grows' Hottl,} ■ •
June 8, *54. P. P. CLEAVER, Prop'tor;
r PHE subscriber having recently received
his stock of goods for (be season, offers a
choice selection of ' . 1
consisting in part of Broad Cloths, Prints, Ging
hams, Detains, Shambrays, Bareges, Lawns, Parti
niellos, Alapacas, Velvets, 'Brown and Bleached
Sheetings and Shirtings, Tickings, Drillings, Wad
dings, Battings, Wickings, Vestings,Cravats,Stohfcs,
Collars, Handkerchiefs, Carobricks, Daces, Trim
mings, Grain Bags, Carpet Bags, Cotton Yarn,
Twine, Carpet Warp, Umbrellas and Parasols, with
a good lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, con.
staling of Men and Boys’ Linen and Gingham,
Tweed and Jean Coats, Dcnine Overalls and Shirts,
Wats, &c.
Hyson, Hyson Skin and Young' Hyson Teas; a
large lot of Sugars, different grades add prices. Mo.
lasses,' Syrup, Tobacco, Pepper, Spice, Coflee, Co
coa, Ginger, Soda, Cream Tarter, Sateralns,Candies;
Lempns, Oranges,
Drugs and Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils,
Window Glass and Sash,
• Axes, Shovels, Hoes, Cot Saws, Spades, Crow
bars, Wrought and Cut Nails, Binges, Chains,Con
Bells, Sheep Bells, Scythes and Snaths, Scythe-
Stones and Rifles, Manure Forks, Hay Forks, Chain
Pumps, Paint, florae, Shoe, Clothes and Hair
GLASSES, Pine and Cedar Tails, Broqmpi :
boa rtfs,'Clothes Pins ahd Corn Baskets.
Palntleaf, Straw, Panama, n Leghorn, Silk yind
Brush Hats,'Caps-and Bonnets’ Boots add Shoes,
Codfish and Hullibul, &c M dec., comprising in ell a
large and well adopted assortment of goods, selling
at the lowest possibtd priqca.'l J ?
') The suscdbcr.avails himself ofUhe opportunity to
Blank his patrons for'llisirllbcrul ipr tic
past eight years, ahd respectfully asks a continuance
of like fayorg, and guarantees to bis custornefa o
liberal system of trade-in Which their, jflleriffs ns
well as,llls own shall, si dll limes, beeohstilled ’All
persons wanting good goods,,prlceb, arc in
vited lo call and examine for themselves. His in.
Icnlion is not to be undersold. ,
The highest market price paid at all limes fin.
Butter, (.rain, Lumber, Shingles and Ashes.
Knoxyille, June 23,1854. VICTOR CASE.
Family Grocery Si Provision
*•’- S,T <0 JR„E -
■rptlE BubBcribec w9uljlin(bfm life friends
> J- ind the citizen* ofTiojf*.county'generally,
lb»i h« has jint received a largeahd sapOrior sup
ply of- ■ V“ '
stem as ■ ;■ -
Tent,' Sugars by the barrel or otheraiee,
Cojfelt, Molasses, Stewart's-Syrup, Rice, •
Pepper, Ginger; Saleratus, Allspice,
Indigo,,Tobacco, Soap, Mould and
Sffrm band '
I’or sack Mocker el. by the whole,, t..
i and i barrel, CodJLsh by
the 10()i or tingle pound,
Flour, Cheese, Crack
ers, Butler 6f Eggs,
together with every other article, in the Grbcpry
line, lower '(hah can be got etariy outer place in
town* <4 be is determined to make qaick aelea at
sliullprofitH. • ■ ■ '•
Thankful for past favors he would moat respeet
‘fvlly invita Us.friends amtlho public generally to
give him a call and examine for themselves. .1
‘ , , M. M’. CONYERS.
WelTrborop jh A Wn|r 27,1853.
Carpetings, «&c.
rrtHE iubscribefe havejuWt replenished their
r- atbofc of| Carpeting, and now feel justified in
skying thal_ (heir CarpeV Ware Room excel* in
quantity, quality, satiety, richness and,beauty, that
of anynlhqr i/i thisconnlry, and B» to pricc« r yre
are co'nßde'nl'thny are aa low as any establishment
tbia sfdeof Nfew York'city. ' .
V V. mMAIVTINGS, &c., i
,«TI ttthovefylowestposaibfe prices, at the new
cashstorbof ''{Kpv.3| .., JQxSES,Sc.RpP. .
J Adsfrtahtlno Cahdk»,Bdrn
JIU Snjf'' * : CARE'S. -
ceived t';*plpniM l ,4rt®rtmeifi, T 'frqßi a tow
JXii* up-, of OntrWiW neW'atylfi' 'Caltand J MB thfc'W,
aVtho JKw Wfoof :“. TJONES 4. ROB.i/
W. W. WEBB, H. D.,
tbit woulipffimd the S\.with an out
»uU ! driwenty'j|eare ,
ae»sdHo Mfriure of .diseases.ofa sljigle‘ hi pri
vate suture. ,ik- • 1 -.*:• ''•■•’•,*•' ■ 'J.
To,wbioh', i* ,'4dd«d .rcoeljta .for the cure of ths
abovediseases, and a treatise op Die pauseSjAypip
'tools'and cujeof the FEVER and AOVBt
f.tnn DR. HUN
TBfi’S. MEDICAL MANUAL."—The author of
tliis wprk, unlike the mojorilj^ v flf. those, who adver
tise to core the. diseases of winch it treats is a grad
uatiS'ofdno of the Besl'Collegcs In the United Staley.
It affords me pleasure to reconidiend him to theW
fortunate, or to tbs' victim Of. inalpracllce, aala sue*
cpsdful and experien^ij,ptacWio,ner I Jn whose honor
and integrity,the; may place the greatest eonfidenoe.
’ ‘ Jos.S. Lonoshobe,' M. D.
Prom A. Woodaard, U. D., of Ftnn UnitertUy,
gives m* pleasure to add my testi
mony to tho professional ability of the author of the
Medical Manual. Numerous cases of Disease 0
the Genital Organs, some of them of long standing,
have come under my notice, in which hiaskilllias
been manifest in restoring to perfect health in some
vfKerc the patient hot'been Considered beyond
medical'aid. •In tho treatment of Seminal Weak
ness, or disarrapgcinept of the .functions produced
by self-abuse Or excessive v'enery, I do not .know his
tuptrior in the profession. 1 bare beon'dequaihied
with the authorsonie, thirty' years; end. deem it no
more than him as well as kindness }o the
unfortunate victim of early ‘indiscretion, to recom
mend him asone in whose professional skill and in
legrily theytnay safely’confido themselves,
. Alvrid \V oodward, M. D.
u This without exception, the most comprehen
sive and intelligible work published on the classes of'
diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical
terms, it addresses itself to the reason of its readers,
It is free from oil objectionable matter, and no par
ent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in
the hands of his sons. The author has devoted ma
ny years to the trestmentof the Various complaints
treated of, and with'too little breath id puff atid too
little presumption to impose, be has offered to the
world at the merely nominal price of 35 cents, the
fruit of some twenty years’ most successful practice.
— Herald.
“’No teacher or parent should bo hnowlcde impsr.
ted in this valuable work. It would save years ol
pain and mortification and sorrow to the youth un
der their charge"—Peoples' Advocate'. '
A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of
“Hnnter’i llledica). Manual” says—“ Thousands
upon thousands of our youth, by evil example and
influence of the passions, have been led into the
habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin end
fearful consequences upon thenisclvis and posterity.
The constitutions of thousands who are raising fam
ilies have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and
they do not know the cause dr cure. Anything
that can be-done so to enlighten end influence the
public mind as to check, and ultimately tn remove
this wide spread source of human wrelchedcess,
would confer the greatest blessing next to the relig
ion of Jestis Christ, on the present and coming gen
eration. Intemperance (or the use of intoxicating
drinks) though it hus r Slain -thousands upon thou
sands. is not a greater scourge to the human race.
Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted,end be
lieve me year co-worker in the good work you are
so actively engaged in.”
One copy (securely enveloped) will be forwarded,
tteeof postage, to any part of the United Slates lor
25 cents, or six copies for one dollar. Address, (post
paid) COSDEN &. CO., Publishers, or Box 196,
O* Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents
snpplied-on (be most liberal terms.
October 12,1854-ly. _____
THE subscribers aro how opening their
slock of GOODS fof the Spring Trade, com
prising a rail and complete assortment, and of the
usual variety, which will, as heretofore, be sold a la
very small profit for READY FAY, Being deter
mined not to be undersold by our neighbors, our
goods arc marked at the lowest figure: and we invite
a comparison of our goods and prices with any other
in the market. Among the assortment of
will be found a great variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods
consisting in part of
Btfeges , Berege Delanes, all-tcool Delanes,
Lawns, plain and print cjji; Ginghams,
English, Scotch and' American ;
Poplins, Prints of all shades
and colors, a good stock of
Also,for men’s wear may be found Broadcloths,
Casaimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, satin
and summer Vestings.
Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown,
Tickings, Summer Goods for boys' wear, Colton
Yarn, Carpel Warp, Colton' Batten, with a variety
of other rticles 100 numerous to mention.
Groceries and Provisions.
A full stock will be kept on hand. Those in
want of Sugars, Teas, Coffee,- Molasses, Stewart’s
best Syrup, Spices, Pepper, Ginger, Salcralus, Flour,
Fish, Salt Tobacco, or any other article in this line,
will do well to call on us before purchasing else
as largo and complete an assortment 'as cun bo found
in the county. Among which is Cutlery ofall kinds,
Carpenters Tools, Chains, Hoes, Shovels, Forks,
Butts and Screws, Door Hangings, Bills, &c.,&c.
Boole and Shoe*, Hats and Clips,
Steel, 'lron, Nails, Paints and Oils, Glass
and Fitly, Ready-Made Clothing, <fyc.
Thankful for the liberal patronage of lire post
•eoaon, the undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting
(he public to an examination of our Spring stock,
behaving that'good Goods and low prices will in
sure s speedv sale for ready pay.
, .B. B. SMITH & SON:
Wellsborongh, May 25, IftSd. '
fPHE undersigr
-*■ ed would infer
the citizens .ofWcl
borough and vicinil
that lie.haa agaihi
turned to this plai
and opened » .»hi
over the Poplpffii
v?h«re bp wilr lie pi
ared Tailorii
in all Ui’ijrinctio*,
a good-kpd -worki
'add at pricpa that ..
i«dtrusledJTo himVillbeddneup with despatch, and
a fit warranted, ' ' ) .
s wCUTTING domTon short uoiice. 1
Country ; prbbiioc (delivered) of all kinds, taken
for work. iV* , i H.'P. ERWIN. '
i r’Wells borough, April 22,1854. V- i\t , .
*; Blake’s Patent Ohiu
•'C’iRE PROOF PAlNi'<jr-2iQ barrels of ihe
•*■ if % Mila ,&
f'atl| s^n^l° merPn ' :ea & t&fe-S.'*
,i>i y( ' MRREtS PORKJBmie Bv4tie v bVn4
jor porid.'aV' '■ iIJ):i M. M.^CONVBRB;; 11 -
! 'C*HA<WiLa ; I ~SHAWLSj;—Now.-,Ladie
Tg%havo.«lat;a assortment bf besnliral style
*0 select ffomnt.tiiwCbotpStore of ■ < ■''
' Oct. 97,1853. /. ijQNBS & fOS.
*** ' ■*» n i ' , "f‘r(
i Atom,..-' :< i . ®“V‘,i.i«j#&{,-> a' *
HAWmE* 1 ”'-''■•"•*': ;! ‘ 1 GtosotfAetynrtelyi *
■AlWrfeii.if.i' :Vi-V, VviT*-- Hdp^ii^iilTi,’-' •*s:':• T.' -■
»; > s ‘< Hdtn|W^^»h«!&'>':;'-? t .
tis - ! w |'>jsv-i-. . 1 -, ; , ,’‘',
? Ahtimbrtyiy' ■■ i ‘ 5 -
Arnica,' l>-<ni;-J ’■ ~' *,;>, inkVofalfkinds, ■’-'-
BbecTiing Powder to : rh- ,;,.<■
< ’moye inkdefrailaUinii Lobkmg-Gla**,:-.) v : ‘‘ :
- fromXinen, -V'. V,, Le»th«(iyar«Ub,''>" ' ll
Blackinglorslpves,’ ,-co. lsland, for
,i v;« bobtsdr, shoes ■ whilbwashihg;-- 1 /•'■ .-
Bl; W|lir|('' '. >r- Middeiv'i zautii-s.’ ■■•.
Borax) ,?•:, ■r-.:-. ■ . ,-r Nalmegp'-‘-■‘; if §
Brimstone, ’-Iv;, ti.'-il'i Oils, (4 lirgetTarioty,)
Brushes ofallkinds,>ii Ointments, :-V •>>
Bag tv . .:iii Opodildoc, : • • '>-'■
Csmpbor, ■! ''■ ' i ' Palntibf allkinds,' t’.'" ;
CaillleSoßp;' ‘Vi .Picra) 1
i >.i/l Pepper) In.-Ki -V.i i • j’l_
Cementfbkeirthen'ware,Prasslanßliie.i!. •-'••'
Clansman, _V- ’ V.' If ’ PilUtffvsndUsklhds)*'’
Closes,' 11 •*•'■ QaiekeVlvtirV S'-‘! f '?'■ 1
Cobalt, (Fly Poison,). ) Qainino.v- ■ >vor
Composition Powder,'* ’ ’ Red Chalk,'"-•b -? j .i
Cephalic Snuff- for head; RcdFrdoipitate,;-’ mo -o--
. ache, catarrh, Ac,, Ac., Rose Water, ■ ->■'*■■ '■
Cream Tartar,'' • Saffron, -
Cordial for children,- ••- • Sal Soda, '< ‘
Dover’a PoWdero,'; i • Soap for the Toilet,
Dye WoOda t and Dyeing Starch)
materials of all kinds, Sponge) '
Epsom Salts, ' Syringes, a large rarioty
Erosive Soap, for remov- Toothache Cardial, 1
la 3 grease, Ao.,- from Umber, ■ '■
. c|otbing, - • Varnishes, various kinds)
Essences of aU kinds, ' Vermillion,
Green Stive for horses,- Vinegar, •
Ginger Root, ■ ■" Wafers in boxes.
Patent Medicines.;,
Ayre's Cherry Pectoral,' German Billers,
Brant's Balsam, 1 Heave Powder)
„ Extract, ' Lyon’e.Ral Pille,
Cough Mixture, Magnetic Ointment,
Cod Liver Oil, > Plasters'of ail kinds,
Dr. Fitch’s Medicines, Pulmonic Wafers, '
Dr. Jayne’s ** Pain Kilter,
Dr. Keeler’s " Railway's Ready Relief,
Dr. Swayno’s “ Sarsaparilla Syrup, '
Dr. Davis’ Depnrativc, Teller Ointment,
Fahnestock’s'Vermifuge, Uterine Calholicon,
Gurgling Oil, , Vermifuges, various kinds
Graofcnberg Medicines)* Worm Tea, Dr. Kcllog’s.
German Ointment, ' April 20,1854.
rpHE subscribers have
on hand at their Drugstore, in Law- i'ttPV
renceville, a large and well selected stock
of DR UOS, ife,, of every description 4E3
used by Physicians in the country, and all tl)e
most popular PATENT MEDICINESoC the. day
which w'c offer for sale' at prices which cannotfoil
ot suit those who may favor us with a call.
Among our Patent Medicines may be found the
Merchant's Gargling Oil; Jayne’s Expectorant, Al
terative, Pills, Pills, tie.; Moffat's Bitters and
Pills; tUche's silver plated Abdominal Support,
ers, Braces, Inhaling I'ubes, and all themedicines
prepared by him for his private practice; Brant's
Pxlmonary Balsam and Purifying Extracts:
Ayre's Cherry Pectoral; Rogers' Syrup of Tar
and Canchalagut; Billow's Heave Cttrej An.
drew's Pain Killing,, Agent; Trusk’s Magnetic
Ointment; Dr. Christie's Galvanic Belts, dfc.;
Houghton's Artificial Pepsin; Blake’s Aromatic
Bitters ; and all ’the most popular Pills and Ver
mifuges, S/c,, Ce.
Also, a good assortment of
Biography, History, Miscellaneous Reading, &c.
Paints,. Oils and Dye-Stuffs,
GLASS, wholesale and retail, Gold and Silver
Leaf, Putty, Spla. Turpentine, Camphenc, Burning
Fluid, Varnishes, &c.
TH E sub-
BCtiber i p
prepared by new
Machinery, jusl
purchased, to fur
nish to order, ail
kinds of square
and fancy Sash
and Blinds
Square Sash of'
common sizes
constantly on
By long expe
rience in the hufi.
ness, the subscri
ber flatters him
self that ho can- m<u..
it as cheap as can be obtained at any estabishmom
in Pennsylvania or New York. Call and see. * ■
Covington. March 2,1854.
CfTiie subscriber is also Agent for the sale of
Dr, D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also
Scarpa’s Oil ■ for Deafness. D. S. J, .
fPHE splendid assortment of Goods that
the Subscribers are now daily receiving ia
realy worth a call to examine. They have jus!
returned from New York with the largest assort
ment of Dry Goods, including Ladies’ Dress Goods,
that was ever offered in this country, and all are
requested to call and examine them, whether they
wish to buy or not. To enumerate articles Would
be useless ito attempt A personal inspection can
only give one an idea of what this extensive estab
lishment contains. -
IffpH E subscriber would
respectfully inform the cili- ' '
Kne of Wellaborouglv and vicin
ily, that she is just receiving a
MlfoirNEßY GQOEi, :l T^k
consisting of BONNETS of every variety, LADIES
■NXNGS, FLOWERS and RIBBON? of every kind
and quality, GLOVES, MITT?, EMBROIDE
chiefs, Silks, Plain and -Barred -Muslins, -Laces,
Colton and Linen Edging, end of other
things 100 numerous to mention. All of which
cin ha, obtained, cheaper than, elsewhere this side
oRNew, York,city. ■ ■ ~ . tl
~ The subscriber,is now doing s Rtady.Pay hnsi
ness, and would invite her frlendsto call and or
atnine her goodsbefbrrrmnking their purchases, as
she i«J. confident they cannot- suit themselves better
,at any lather establishment. •• V; done on short notice and in the most ajl
pt-favodsfyle.; t , ,f ; •-'•f •••■ v-
She extendi her .sincere thank* to hbr-'friendi for
the very liberal patronage herelntbreextendedtoher,
.and Boliqilaa Oonlinuanbe.of the' mm.* *' >;-
> : (O’ Shop-one door ffpm the rcaidcned ; ofL.'P
WilUten. - Mu 'STEVENS.
. ~\Vel|B W ooe h ,Noy.3g.ltel.-;- > -'- .. .
TT ng,-
4 V to. gftto bowE&ps empire
JlaUrrOt aayrolhor;
kind ypp, afo a mind’.to eeleoltromi
hfwlargeVbot. • vW „ v Jß,
VJ fbrigroal km}' amalt, (brCHrletitwii and r$W
Yeir, ;«i. , s (dec 91]. . BAILEY 4, FOLEY’*.- '1
Lawrenceville, Feb. 3,1854.
ton, TIOGA CO., PA.
Worth Seeing!
• f "Tie New Store of ■ • - I
July 13i 1854. „■ ■ • JONES & ROB.
Fall and Winter Millinery
Hoods, for Ready-Pay.
• aiW-rV
■ ■ Tldwqripiiop, site and color. u-v }! t,r. ,a*l ~
•23^sj^ ? ! ?r^ y r r
; Drawee <foßwy,y(toi'r
' ’ ’, Ay*^»etSßitU,BuBMnder9,G)OTefcAJroli)re|Ui
~.:, .f.fcATS AMD CI'ArJPJS*:-- .fa ’
■%i9JP&-.- (Jejcfiplionr-llie > Jargeflvinsortmom Id
iiO.WB. J, V j.f.-..!.‘-ili'V.' f ' ■'■ ■ IlijlSK •>■') >S “■*■> ,
t., Boots, Shoe*, and ' Oaiten,
!’ '■ for Meni'Boys,and Women, dlarge variet/V 1 >
,Truhfc3,Valises, Carpet Bqgs,£c ff $6:
■• IJi’ would ejylo all in want of good and, neat
filling CLOTfflpTGp that he can ..add- wi|i if)l
cheaper titan, bita begotten in lhia'bor<mgh,pr any
where lids .aide ,of Uie ; Noy? ' Yorh, This
ie no bid* or brag; hul' at?
“Convert* Cheap Clothing Emporium,"* - where all|
articles are; v aoidietreaperihan "online on* prior;
sypfiu. , , ■WellBborough,,Ma? 37i lffi3.i
A 1 1 CROWL f 'would' anriounco to lhe' dili
* zeds otTioga county, that he bhs associated
with himia parlnor, and the business' will bq con
ducted Under' the Brm oF A. Csowt & Co.'] They
will contihne at tho old stand, .in Wellsborougb,
o mahufactnre to order and keopdnhahd,
Buggys Si liombcr' Wagongi
which for style, durability and elegance of finish,
cannot be surpassed by any other similar establish
ment in the country.
Workmeii of celebrity are engaged, and thebest
materials used expressly in all the manufacturing
departments of this establishment. Persons send
ing orders may rest assured of having them exeon
cdt to their entire satis diction, andfinished inevery
particular the same as though they attended in per
REPAIRING done as usual, with neatness and
PAINTING of all kinds done on the shortest
notice, and most reasonable terms.
S3* All kinds of merchantable • produce (deliver
ed) recived n exchange for work,' at the market
prices..A. CROWL &. CO.
July 13.1855.
BT: VANHORN would inform the ciii
• zens ot WclMborough and vicinity, that he
has purchased the interest of his partner, John S.
Bliss, in the above business, and will continue at
the old stand, two doors cast of Jones’ Store, to keep
on hand And make to order all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture —snob as ,
Sofas, Divans, Ottomans,
Card, Centre, Dining Breakfast Tables ,
Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bareaus,
Cottage, French and Common Bedsteads ,
of every description, together with all articles usu
ally made in his line of business.
knowledge of the business he flat
ters ■ himself with the belief that those wishing
to purchase, would do well to cal) and, examine
his- work before sending elsewhere for an inferior
COFFINS, of every variety, made to order, at
shorlnolice,and reasonable charges.
TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no
|3| Chairs! Chairs!
In addition to the above, tho subacti
'fiSHfcber would inform the public that hcha
ffV (just received a large and handsome assorts
ment of
Boston and Common Rocking Chairs,
which he will sell as cheap, if not cheaper,than
they can bo purchased anywhere else in Tioga
county. Call and see them ! June 3,1652.
Perpetual Motion Discovered
at Last.
THE subscriber having been appointed
agent by S. W. Paino for the sale of the Rose
At Pock Improved Direct Action Water Wheels,
would say to tho owners of Saw Mills in Tioga>
county, that he is ready to furnish tho above men
tioned Wajer Wheel at Wellsboro’, at any time af
ter this date, on'the most reasonable terms.
These Wheels are warranted to do tho best bu
siness with the least quantity of water of any
Wheel in use, (except an Overshot.)
The great advantages of these wheels over all
others is the manner in which the water ia applied
to the wheel, is such that there cannot be any waste
of watotAhesgates or sheets regulating thoquanlity.
The gate is so constructed that it shuts almost perij
feclly tight. Quontily of water. required under
eight feet head, 130 square inches,'under 30 feet
head, SO inches! all heads between these in pro
portion. • All wheels Warranted to perform accord
ing to recommendation, if they do not we lake them
nut dud-replace the old wheels. No Wheels pu
■onder less than eight feet head. D. B. WILCOX. ->
Wollsborough, July 13,1654.
MHHE substribers having purchased ‘the
Sash Factory at Slony Fork, have now on hand,
and are making all kinds of square and fancy
’ Sash and Blinds.
The subscribers Balters themselves that they can
make as good and endurable an article, and sell U
as cheap as can be , obtained at any establishment
in Northern Pennsylvania or in Southern Now York.
fCT.AU orders in our line of business will be
promptly attended to. ~: 8, AVILCOX.
Stony Fork, June S, 1854. ,
Wine for Conimnnlj>nj
fpHE Churches of Tioga county ore re
-*• speclfully informed that they can now obtain
at the Wcllsborough Drug Store, the Pure Juice of
the Gripe unadulterated, with Alcohol in any form.
The most satisfactory ovidencoof its pqtilycan be
shown to ’those who wish to examine it. Certificates
of distinguished Clergymqn and the statement of
the manufacturer hiinselj^.Those inlorcstedwill do
well 'to procure a sijpplV' soon. * R. ROY.
Wellsborough, Jan.'.^s, ; lBs4. ■
Carriage & Wagon Mannftic-
Irt!' 1 rt !'
•*--*-qounqo to, h)s/rienSs and ,
public goncrallyj that 'tie is
the above business on Grafton street, immedistebjf
; ln the jeer of. J- R. Bowen’,* store, whore be is pre
pared to ntaDufaolure on sliyrt notice, • ? , Kj [
CarrlagesyHßtigglcs, Sulkies,
. v;. . 5
■of any style .or suit "the purchaser
end of the very' ben materials.' All kinds ofjfe,
pairing_done forthwith arid'an thomostriasonabie
terras, u: -.sY-ri'et
Jy eiec)tt&diin. ■ thoObest kfiihner and. most fash-,
.iotmblestyle. ~ ' i’J
B»lttbnd>rei»il, fisom glOilb 61ie» aTefE 1 * J* T
ar WeUabdriiVNdv.S. ft p.jfe, W. nOBERTS’J
■pAcriE66 W#rs.—eo P ie l c<£, if ikl
checo and Merimac. Prints, of bewßlW i*WW£;
rcccKcd’^: ( T.-J ‘ JONRS & j!
sWt.>mAgue,, Rhturiia{t»i9,;Dyte»tiry
, , Cbolioi, and-Griping Pains,:Bruittt and
T/HIS Medicine has proved, and will prove
«U mm,,
ved ;ilie' appropriate mpißjol u P'taikfaPa\n." It
hasi bybeifigkeptbii'iaWd bf fnhul'es / wlio know
l£a viloe|been thoifntaAs‘bf *ayihg»mirtfty'i and of.
,tenliro,by.ltstimely.nBe uven'ddenßUaolie,otid in
ca»o of accidents.; In'ail, bruise* .and flesh .wounds
'this Dcalh-10-painis jlho best embrocation, .that .can
be.found* The VofenOse is immediotely.ertraded
—swellings Hd’jjrblhW bleeding stbppen
A single dose will ease the most severe griding paiij
iu llio. bowels, apd ■ a few, •; applications will ease the
sbvcrest rhempalic apd nervous pains. Dyspepsia
«(nd Us train of disposes is driven from its strong
Hold.' “Fevirarid Agne," in the 1 ' language of a
Western agent “can't'sUmf before old £eddy and
live." Indeed wittt nearly every disease in
tbe, catalogue. A Mtdiciaqfor tAe.MUUn'J
The remedy js composed..of a large,number of
articles, all entirely vegetable, cafih a'rcmcdial agent
in itself, yet so united as to tom a most powerful
combination, and to take away one of these agents
would materially detract. from its. merits. One
and tbe most powerful, of these arliclcsps a toot
procured fijr ibis medicine only from the island of
Tuumago,'m the South Pacific,'eallcd ' '
It is nted by the natives'in almost every discard,
and the secret ol iu virlueß> \vb* imps rtedto the
proprietor by a native'. '
O’ For certificates, ic,r,seo pamphlets to be had
of Agent. '
, of Death to Pain beware
how you aw deceived' by the story that the Pain.
Killing.Agenl, and Pain-Killer are the better medi
cine?. And if yon go to buy Dcatli-10-Pain, buy it,
and have no other. (Mark tlnj words, “ Death.ta.
pain," printed on red glazed paper, with the signature
of P. LEDDY, and copyrighted by Wm. C. Rote
& Co., General Agents, to wlijun ‘all orders mail
bp addressed, at llhica, N. Y. y. - i
‘W, D. BAILEYsSoIo Agent atWellsboro', P».
Wellsh'orotigh, March 9,1854.
T|»e Pocket M I?
THE Fifiieih Edith.
wilh'One Hundred Ei
gravings, showing Discs?
and Malformations of the '
man System in every stu
and form. To which is adi
a Treaties on the Diseases
Females, being of ib e high
importance to married peof
or those contemplating mi
Bv VVai Young, M
Let no father be ashamed to presents copy of the
iJSscotAPios to hie child. It may save him from
an early grave. Let no young marl or woman en
ter into the secret obligations of married life with
out reading the Fockkt iEscuijipHJs. Let no one
suffering from a bapknied Cough, Fain In the side,
restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole
train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their
physician, be another moment without consulting
the jEsculapiub. Have the married, or those about
to be married, any impediment, read this truly use
-1 ful book, as it has been Ibe means of ssnng ihcu
sands of unfortuate creatures from the very jaaa
of death.’
O" Any person sending Twenty-Fine Cents enclo-
& teller, will receive one copy of lids work by
mail or five copies will be senl/or one Dollar.
Address, (post paid) DR.WM. YOUNG,
No. 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia.
March 16, 1854-ly.
fcW-Sctting Will Dogs.
fJ'HB undersigned having purchased be
right of rising'the above Mill Dogs in Twga
county, would announce to (he ■ public generally
that hci« ready to fUrnish them at short notice, w
an X P£ r * th© county, on the most reasonable
terms,-and warrant them to set correct from half an
inch to two inches in thickness. They are the
cheapest and the most durable Dog in use. They
are very simple in construction, consequently very
neatly kepi in repair. They can be used for two
■ saws in a gate just as well as for one.
Terms, $50.00 per sett for one saw, (the man own*
ing the mill finding the hcadblochs and boarding
Lbo men w/ilfe potting them in) and $55.00 for two
N. C.—All orders promptly attended to.
, . . WellsboßoVob, Doc. 5, 1853.
I would sby that we have used the above dcsci/*
bed Mill Dogs for about four months, and our
sawyer# like them much and think them prefera
ble to any they have u*ed. S, E. ENSWOUTII.
I a set of the above described Dogs in my
mill, which I purchased after a yefcrs trial, aofl
can recommend them to do their work” well.
Wellsboro’, Jari. 5, ’54-ly. J.‘ I. JACKSON.
One third cheaper than 'White. Lead, and
free from all poisonous qualities.
. "*• having greatly enlarged their works, and im
proved the quality of (heir product*, are' prepared la
execute orders for their
Superior Paints,
Dry, andground in Oil, in assorted packages of from
25 to 500
Their White Stine, which is sol'd dry .or groana
into, iswarronted PURE and unsurpassed tor body
and uniform whiteness. ' l 1 •
A method of preperation has-recently been disco
vered, -which enables the-Company jo Warrant their
paints to-keep fresh and soft in die kegs for any rea
sonable .time. - In this respect thbir'paints will bo
superior to any other in the market' ' '
Their Urown Zinc Paint,rwhicli'iif sold st s low
price, and can only bo made from the Zinc ores hem
New, Jersey,, is now well known for Us protective
qualities when applied to Iron or other metallic sur
faces, - '• ■■ ■ 1 ' '- v,! -
Their Slone Color Paint possesses'all*l he proper
.ties of the 1 Brown, and is.ofw'rigreesble'coloi for
painting CMtagde;- pdpots.'Oat-baildibgß, Bridges,
&e6s Dealer# supplied, on iibereal .Irrina by tbcif
Agehts, -' 11 'VRENCH & RICHARDS,
’ ■ Whoteealk Paint Dedtera dfid'Pmporlert,
N. W, ridr. of lOth ‘Si, 'Mart(;t"Sls.,'Philadolplii«
, . Aprii6th'lB64. 'I-" ' ' r " i':‘;
r\iyi:b apples, peaches berries
JL/'ifor.tabjby ~ •! {June'S?.]''"' i^..OASE-