The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, January 04, 1855, Image 3

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    A. M g ' r » B , P IBOa OaT-ooufK.r—Wa have.
On Sunder morning .■ BDh nit* Mr. LABAN L.
2®E * “•
[HeI«(i)M»(A tpdi teu.ChiWrctfc'Wtfd name root'
releliW lb mwgJbj*. la**. Hif ,<fceth-IMa pc*qeW
and iriitoiWiM; ,',Tne ToUawwff tine* wnran hi*
rtrt»df{fcSsh'‘A y-v *>•*«» i.nmy- ,
: rii.Wmd'VMV rt »b^r*d'» ! r«ie,
No uhwr in \ia» .
A Sevjpt’MOtiifl dfepcital the. gloom
Oa, $8 33th H-ion of ipljn pud
The ateroreaperpl/eathihasboen among
us add had noyefed one bldsdpm, frorti the
family tide. &'d^*| r 'c.tyimed another of his
own and we are left to mourn .aver the mem
ory of the loved but early called: There is
one grave more in the church-yard, and'one
chair vacant at the ’ home circle, bp I 6ne
more added to swell the 'eternal chorus .of
11 Glory io the Lamb.” So should the mour--
Tiers raise their tear-dimmed eyes, up from
the desolate hearth and the darbdhed horde,
to the Heaven where the lost''dwelleth; trus
ting— believing that he is wailing and watch*
mss for them, and that his presence there
will be but another lirtk in thfe "chain, that
dailv and hourly,is drawing them nearer.
“ For we know, Iho’ sorely desolated
When the children we have Joved depart,
Their earth vestures are but sublimated,
So in gather closer to Hie heart.”
THE Cn.parlnership heretofore existing
between the subscribers in the Dry Goods busi
ness is this day dissolved by mutual combat. All
demands due said firm ore to be paid to Geo. F. Ba
ker, and ail demands doe (turn said firm are also to
be paid by Geo. F. Baker. S. L. BARBER.
Covington, Dec. 28, 1884. O. F. BAKER.
January 4,1855-Sl.
7 IS 1' OF LETTERS remaining in the
Post-office at Wcllsboro, Pa, Quarter ending
Dec. 31,1854.
Barite, Hansford 9 Jones, David P
brown, .Clark 9 • Knickerbocker, Will R
Beach, Tlios, Esq. Locke, Mrs. Lydia
Broughton, Urial Light, Marvin T
Blackwell, M'aa Mary Lobar, D
Baker, George j Lockwood, Mrs. Eliia
Beebe, Joseph- L Long, Babet
Clark, ThpQißa Moore, E [I
Chany, Jl—W ( . May, John Esq.
Cooley,’fester .Miller, Eugene A
Churchill, ar.,o. Mills, Wm H
Culver, Collins Moore, Jeremiah
Dailey, Edward 0 M’Cann, Patrick
Dodge, Fmnklin Putman. John
Dickinson, James'"- ' ThttoKii'J W
Enorick,. Dr. C G Pratt, Mias Emily E
Frank, Wm Scott, W O'
Farley, Rev. J 9 . Smith, Octavius
French, Lucius 9 ' Seamans, Henry A
Farrell, James Sherman, David
Fisher, Mrs, Amanda Vonen, Miss Susan
Fisher, Chas, H Von Winkle, P W
Hoag, widow of S. Hoag Vamyc, Virgil,,M. D.
H.nvill, Wm Ward, Dwight
Higgma, Thomas Wetmore, Mrs. Perea
Higgins, Mrs, J V Willson, D P
Holliday, V B Whitcomb, Hiram
Hams, Samuel Weber, Bendichf *
Heih, B Y Waiss, Theodore •
Jackson, J P
'German letter*.
Person* railing for any of the abrote lei
tera will please say they are aifverliseil.
License Petition.
To Ike Honorable ike Judges of the Court oj Quar
ter Sessions of the Fence of luges cotrnty. Fa.
The petition of James Kimball respectfully show
eln Thai your peiilioner occupies a commodious
hoa«c, *i(ua(e in (he Borough of Wellsboroogb, said
count), which is well calculated for a public, house
of entertainment, and from its neighborhood> and
situation u suitable as well as necessary (or (ho ac
commodation of ihe public, aud cnlerlainmcn( of
strangers and travelers; that he is well provided
with tabling for hofses, uod all conveniences neccs
•ary for the entertainment of stranger* and traveler*.
He farther respectfully pray* the ('unrl to grunt him
« i. cen-e to keep uu Tim or public !um*e of enter
tiimnent at (he jtlucc liereia n-aned, and your’peli
tinner will ever pray, Slc.
1Ve.25, 1854,
The undersigned, citizens of the Borough of
WtdUbormivh iforc**a id, being personally acquainted
with Jims* Kimball, I lie above-named petitioner,
and ultui huviWg q knowledge of the house for which
the License- is pr«yi*d, do hereby certify that sach
fmu-e 1* necessity to accommodate the public and
SKierinin idrdngcrs and iLiveh-r*, llial lie is a (KT«nn
of £ood repulc for honesty ami temperam e, find that
be i« wed provided with h'«us*» room and ennven*
lencen lot* tJks lodging and ncrommoditlion of strum
gem and Irtyt-lera. We therefore brg leave In re*
commend lhal a license be granted to him agreeable
to hi* petition.
Junes Locke, Wm. F. Robinson, G. \V. Carman,
P. P. Cleaver, Jalftte Sherwood, L. Cleaveland.S. H.
Landis, L. I, Nichols, Q. L. WiUco*, R. 8. Bdiicy,
W. A. Roe, B. T. V.ihhorn, S. A. Mack, M. M.
Convert, A,. J. Soficld, E. W. Uyss, It. A. Giu.rn*
*y. A. Growl, B. B. Smith. Jan. 4, *55-31.
iJcente Petition.
To the Uon or able (lie Judges of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace of Tioga county , Pa.
The petition bf Wm. F. Robinson respectfully
showelh tlial your petitioner occupies a commodious,
bouse, situate in (he Borough of Wellsbproagh,
which is well calculated for a public house of enter-,
loininent, and from Its neighborhood atui situation,
i) well as necessary for the accoininofla
ton of the public and entertainment of strangers and
travelers. That ho is well provided with stabling
for horsca and all conveniences necessary for the eq
leruin’menl of- strangers and travelers, He, l|ieM,,
fore rcspcol/ojly, prays ,ihc Court,io grant him a Li-
Mese to tceep-an.lnp or public. 1 house of entertain- j
■seat at the place herein-named, and your petitioner •'
wifi overprice. ",TO f. HOBWSOIf. ~
Dec. 35,1851. -
The upderaigned,. ciliaeny. of, tl»o r Bprongh pt
•veHabordwthkfafenjg, being pprsonallyacqnainled
wiUi Wm,' F. RbWDfSfl, tfie above hambd pplttioncf,
*nd alapjhivlng, bf .the taa'eefcrWhicbj
“ 6 certify tlisl such opppp.
J»i Ifavplsrs, that h#,ja.4,pct!«pp;of
good repute fbr honesty and
be u weU.drovided.-Wuh, house rooruand coavea*J
Kimpa fwibe-IpdglogiandaceopnabatlJdß fbriitjar&l
gerrfpd. Uayelera. therefore beg leave lo'rfeS
a,tcWillew ( «. -M. Cot.vefc, R.-8; Bailw, W.i
*• A.GaehrteyJ
6 ’ w - Carman, J.I Hitn.
ball. 8. R. Smith, S. A. Mack. Jan. d. -
gwenor BruiTro.
. for •»» *7 ' ,[fnne 23. J V,
wit tri «»?>*<■
• ' ' ' 1 • * '
Ijicpuse Pcjitioi*.
TV lie Honorable ihe Jaieu of the Court of Qior
}er Sessions i{. tie , Tioga ioutij/.Vi.
" The -pctUidn, of George T. Millet reepeotmlly
ehdwnUU -'That your- peSllohfer.Wifpios'tde com.
motions house situate in. the Bocodgh of Elklindi
and knownas the Davenport stand,which indwell
calculated for-a pubUoihouse pf entertainment, and
lies been occupied aa .such for a number of years!
and.from it* neightwrbood .and situation is suitable
as well .as. necessary fpr tbe acconimodalion of the
public and the entertainment of strangers,and trav
elers jllial'beis welt-provided' with tor
horses'and all conveniences necessary fortheetilcr.
■tavnment of strangers and travelers. He therefore
respectfully preys the Court to grant Win e License
to keep an Inn or public house of ctitertainraentat
tpe place herein named,'and your petitioner-will
ever prey, &c. - GEO. T. MILLER.
■Elkhmd Borough, Dec. 86,1854,
Wo, the undersigned, citizens of the Borough of
Elkland aforesaid, being personally acquainted with
Grtorgo T. Miller; the above named petitioner, and
also having a knowlecge of the house for which; the
License is prayed, do hereby certify that such a
house is necessary to accommodate the public and
entertain strangers and travelers; that he is a per
son of good repute for honesty and temperance, and
that he is we)) provided with house room and conve
niences for the lodging and accommodation of stran
gers and travelers. We therefore beg leave to re
commend that a License bo granted to him agreea
bly to hi* petition^
Ged, Dormnce, Wm. Evans, P. S. Wrtgbt, John
Dailey, Timothy Coals, John L. Davenport, John
W, Shoff, S. E. Hunt, Charles Ryon, Edward Kcn
nedy, J. Parkhurst, Wtn. T. Humphrey. Jon, 4,-3.
TbtAe Uonowhle the Judges of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions of Tioga county.
The petition of the undersigned respccllullv shew
eth that hois desirous of keeping an Irin or’Tavern
io Blots township, in the house in which ho now re
side*, (known m the Seymour House) that he \s well
provided willtliouse room and conveniences for the
accommodation of strangers and travelers, and prays
(he Court to grant him a Licence for that purpose.
Dec. 26, 1854, CHAS. LAWRIB.
The undersigned, citizens of Bioss township, do
certify that an Inn or Tavern is necessary to accom
modate the public and entertain strangers and trav
elers, at (he place proposed to be kept by Charles
Lawricos above set forth, and that said applicant Is
of good repute for-Jioncsty and temperance, and
well provided for house room and conveniences for
the tire ucco/mnodalioh of strangers and traveler^.
James H. Gulick, Clarendon Haliibonr, D.ivid Co.-
ry, George Bodson, Richard Tabor, John Baker, H
Brewer, J. Heron, P. L. Clark, Evan Bowuit, Sle
phen Bowen, E. J. Bosworlh, Martin SlntlLon.
January 4, 1*55-31.
LECTURES.— Tile Wellsbonwgh Liletacy
Institute has engaged the services of the fol
lowing Lecturers:
Joscru Comoivos, D. D-, January.
John G, Saxc, “ 12Lb and 13th.-
Miss Antoinette L. Brown, Jan. 25th and 261 h.
Rev. John Pierpont, February 6ih a v iid 9lh.
Cass»o9 M. Coat, 41 IGln and 17th.
■ Rt Rtf. AiOAb PoTTW- 1
IS hereby given that an opplicalion hnbeen mddo
to the Court of Common Pleas ol Tioga county,
by J. S. Hoard, H. G. Martin and C. V. Elliott, and
others, to grant a charier ol melioration for litem,
ry purpose*,to themselves, thcirassochiles andsuc
c»*.««ors, under the name and *dyfe of the u MANS.
sufficient reason bo shown to (he contrary, the
Court will decree that they become and be a body
incorporate. J. F. DONALDSON, Prol'y,
December 85, 1854-Dec. 28, 41.
If AVINtI [itirrhi>ni ‘Bkx ISkklf.v’s nUL
■ Stand, two doors above the Presbyterian
Church, the (‘ubanrlher is ready l» Ilirni-fi to order,
MEN'S $ HOYS' KlP's CALF Bool's,
Pegged and S- wed, , 1
Made upon hojtnr —nryl warrpjited la wear, out in
due hot lo irpqnul they are vVrvrn out.
As u man is known by Ins Boots no less than by
he company he kefjw, it bu/ipoves every man to
take heed how his •* understanding ” is fur
A reason iMo share of the public patronage is
spectlully solicited. .iLT Hides-lakeo' ih exchange
for work. LOREN SEARS
Wellsboro*, Dec. 28,1854-Ay. ■ • ■"
IU“OTICE is ht'mby ”iv«n ihul llie co-pafl
- ncrabip heretofore raislinif-between C. V. EHi.
oil and H. G. Marlin, under llieimmfcof ELLIOTT
& MARTIN, in this day dissolved by mutual con.
sent. All dubU dud said finn'wiif be ■ paid'to M. G,
Martin, by whom alNcmbnds against said' firni will'
be pdid. i C. V. ELLIOTT, '
Man*fidd,Deo.2(UBs4. H..G. MARTIft;
The undersigned would respectfully • inform llio
cilixenO of Mansfield and Rurrmmding ,I country,'lliat
be baa on.liand tfnll assortment of ;■ '■
Notionsand variety pf *Mr?ps.<yid,filip«J'.
too nnrrrernhs to mention,’which *lll no Brtld "cheap
for Cash or Prodnce. I have adopt
ed.thp system) jebnsequcntly.'l shall iuf
be ncoexsjty of maloug (Jie responsible
eiUra,proifk)wrj)ad : dphnand.
worthies* epcotuiU.. Come i rriepd B *«id.»ep.,lhe ae-‘
sortmeat, anq .Rrjce opr gqptUjftwp chare? nothing;
for showing eoqf^ 1 ?m) il _r f ljj n g .pripes,
don’t sellyou something, thou we’ll———, walV
aih- A’ctW vMfi&ttM’ -
, Mansfield, Dee. aS 1 , ■;
wr-tbti bM.’.qWliiy :4f,v*-
X/ pcrAAd ia-.Uift to*Mtjte»Hto«blo, .tnduiiacls':
Acknowledgement, at BAILEY &. FOMHHk..:,
'sitiistlon ■' in 'b
VTl'Qo'nßob Sob®?!. orKB.;Bl»?k
well;tld(iWKoVtf . - J.B:^LfcKWELC.
TV, «Wif tltTtr. yTtiiF> .n*---i;..-. -
i ,'J - ■■l-,/-.IT,, UJL.iI
-»v V ’j-* ‘ ■' iT*n—^
.License Petition.
■*■ iuXlVlh sjtijAFvqlurae. with the hhigtitQf 1
Rrftnrsbwifrr'snmswMs’it with acircala tic ■
000) larger tUa'h,vijtfiCTer before tccotf*
genets! nevjspapt*whoever. This c\r
heen attaint
m»7,c)UliaN!«<*l cdrrtipondenU, and- *r
probably*#® tsfoWißkeilibn, M&ijWte-,.-. vji .Sag,;
been attaipadf notfbyjqtiling
votion to ■T&t( t TE&tSti,
partisan exigeqqi«,plt temporary intere»t*,*|f.#ol
lapntaey ,i7iuwnf pifryahtUy and' iftfloUKurSlfty
tq Ciine; repelled/mtßy’sunshine frinniftpwhosoippei
judices or spemfbg. interests were (hereby contrui/en
ed, but farm a clullracUr whichiit
will endeavot to,maintain, andAsaignila. position
among journals which.we.fcel. thaiUwiil be hence
forth a success,nbtlo impair,..-
The leading idesStowhich TUEiTRIBUNE ia
devoted may belwiafly.act forth aa follow*: .
1. FREEDOM, ('whatever is essentially I
tight—not u lone-jot WhiduAmeracans, Or' Anglo
Suions, or Caucasians eyeOrrOol "for one Race to
determine wbetltetrtliey will or will poL hold'another
Race, in every Race and !
Nation, and every adult rational .homan being.— |
Thia Freedom is rightfully absolute-in (he broad dc. <
main of Opinion,'and involves the equal end impera
tive right to Political Franchises; - 1
2. ORDER,.or the necessary right of the legally!
indicated otajarity-.lp interdiol.ip the sphere uf act
lion all pVa.cticcS Which tlierc
fore prejudicial to the common weal;
3. BEfIEFICENCFf, dr the wisdom and‘policy
of employing the resources and credit of the com
munity to accomplish works of general and un
questioned utility to which individual means arc in
adqnatc, or which, though eminently conductive to 1
the public good,Mo 'nut promise to reimburse, to 1
their direct or indirect income the outlay required by
their construction ;
corner stone of a true and benignant National Poli
cy, counting (he naturalization of a new and viilua- |
bio art or produce of the soil as more Important than I
the acquisition of a fresh province or island, and
equality within .the' legitiprate sphere of /National
concern and National-effort;
5. PEACE, os a vital condition of true Progress
to be cherished by the .most anxious,assiduaus study
to proffer as readily as wo tire' prone to require
redress' for every .wrong, arid ncyor v to .be sur
rendered except at the'cull oFeddiihgercd ’ Liberty.
Such are the chief landmarks by. which THE TRI
BUNE directs its coarse.
But a small portion of THE TRIBUNE is allot
ted to what is currently distinguished as light read
ing; but reviews of New Books of decided interest,
with choice cxlsacts illustrating their quality are
freely given, while the great body of, our paper is
de voted to a lucid and Oarclhl digest of the NEWS
OF THE DAY, with Editorial comments'thereon.
We have reliable Correspondents in each quarter of
the-globe, and in nearly alt the. principal cities of
Europe and America, and thfcir letters will aid, our
readers to a clearer understanding of the causes
which are now gradually converting the Old World 1
into one gigantic arena for the death-struggle of ri-'
val interests, passions and ambitions-
THE TRIBUNE contains reliable reports of’the
Markets. Our Cauls Market reports alque are worth
more than the price oflhe piper to those who arc in
gaged in raising and selling Cattle.
No paper involving so great an- expense as our
Weekly and Semi-Weekly could be afforded at IhO
price of these sheets "Ctßepl ia cunnectum WTHI a
Daily, dor could our Daily be sustained at Us price
without ibc aid of ourCmlnlf-y .Editors.' Largo as
our circulation is. ii would involve us ia rumodstoss
bet. fur lb ei;ita ol* Adverit-ing. We believe that
in THE TRIBUNE is yeabzed the largest variety
mid iii solid ititurmalinn"concerning the
events ot the day wiiich-has been or can bo com.
bleed wilt) extreme cheapness j and in that faith we
commend it-M the ".ivorable regard of the reading
public. We offer no, premiums for subscribers,
tempt none lu lake it by gambling prospects ot win
ning farms ur mansions ia a lottery in which tickets
are furnished to its patrons, employ ,no. tarvelihg
agents to importune people .into taking it, and was
none of our 'room' in' tfunhidg bur subscribers for
pay. ' - ' '
Single copy, one year..... . .... 92,00
Three copies, one yc.,r, ..5,00
Five copies, one year. 8,00
Ten copies, one year v. 12,00
Twenty copies, to one address ....... .-.20,00
And any larger number Tot -Ibß rate' of 91 per
annum. '
At the price of ike&h o Club* we cannot direct'the
paper to eackeubterib'r.
Subscription* may commence ntany lime. Pay
incut in advance is required in ail caxex, and the
paper ih invumbly discoiilimicd ttllhe expiration of
Hie advance payment.
Money in iy Ikj remitted for puhscripiinn* in let*
ler* ulour risk.; , IVstm'rfclGP'Hl the pl.icx
where Jliulellcf if* m tiled ehoulij bu mide-uciju nn
led will) ilxcoulcuU aivi.kccp a of lhe
bills*. .V- . * ' >;
Utils or any specie.paying bank., in Uic United'
States or Canada,received at* puf for eubsprijilintis.
#Wo liavo no travelling agent.*.- Any <moiwjs|iiiig
to receive Tiik need not wait to be Called
upon fur,lij3 i?pb ; '4cripijoa. All that is necessary for
bim lo de is to write a )T letU-r in us lew words a^,pos
sible, inclose the money and wme.lhe imm« of the
Hubscnlier with Um Piwl-OOicej County
and direct the letter to
, i:/ r ,
'*■ “ i .• :! Tnbime Office, Nptf.York.
TUIUUNE. •. - ’
PerwilVrcfiTdlug ai point* wlu-ru mails arrive oiV
cncr tJmn-oncc « ; OTf'rfqajssUd to examine tjie
' We twfW cbcupetl paper,
q)1 iHingm Uoiled SlulcsV
Stogie copy* one ycaj> ,X 11. ...... .$3,00 ,
Ttfo .copica, ,% v . 5
Ktecopica, '■ *'» '
> P^TAGE ? pfTSE TRIBDN f E. : ■;
Portage pti the; .Tribune one/ year is '
] rOrthgeoirtriol,Weekly TnVpnjji /or ode
! * ostege </n ’ 'Bornl^ecli(;.|or one year&Sj
iPSyaliJe ii} ndtanc6,.atj lliooifice where
{L.^.4J,.,QRBSI4Hari&Jtt«ai.RATH: y
*——'Tribune Office, bfew.yor^
V" ' ,'fl.S w. Utsir ite. i
Subscriber it>J«a thwimeihod toinfomv
i .Ibe pUblit thntbfc a usn and beau
liCul HEARSE,and willilirdleksed'Uo'ooCotnWbdalb
punctually,' those who tnay need his services, 1 »' ‘-£
1 .Wehalxßo*, Dcci.Blj ’&4ji iH.'T. VAWtIORN.
Jl t IRO?J AVORKS.’V. wili tneeliatr Woffled®
Said ,Company ,|n Manifold, hi! Mondty «rf
J«pofciy,gy*f,.a\B o’plmkf. M). fbfrthe p««piwa;b£
oleqlW pjrecUua andjPiJcpra f)r ? lhe'.epsu(Of yearv,
Q^Bian^oljlwßWaka, », J>?&>HQAftDi.u
, Jlfan'jheld. Dec„ld.,lBsi ijl - r jSet’.y
; -,di V-'nri- EfltrnV" ' ,lr "> w !i'-jv.uife
:/<AMB : Wl6 .the ■hdawffw.V ‘5
'“M past. Wipi. amalL .ijytjuffifr.
nblcfrSkmdetrV Tlfoqwn^xaijwe bins broro
TO 'l«n Si‘t-
:i\* '•<s
»: --j
«'• ’' a, ’'’ :
‘ii f -->m j
7 .-;t fISH AND-
■ ' CAMP.HENEi ■
BURNING FLfflD- fa ji
NEW & BHIftR S^OffS.
Nave jasr received,(heir fbll atocfc bf’v
.P A t
. which includes a' sptatdid Assortment of.'
/CONSISTING in .part of b.spjeridid as
,V- ww'hnenl of Riob French, Merinoea of ail color*
at very low prices; slug, Paramatas of all .color*,
All-Wool and Cheap,Delaines, Black Bilk* at much
layer than former price*,' Morrimno and .Coobcco
Prints, Long and .Square Woolen/%lm wls at very
low pricer, Brown. Factory, Bleach. Ill uslin9„Rqd
and While Flannel,-Cotton Flannel, Stripe Shirting,
Blue Deneins, Bed Ticking, Broad Cloths, Casi
mcrcs, SalincUs, Kentucky JCants Sheep’* >Grey
Chili, Cation Butting, Carpet Warp, Cotton Yarn,
and also many other article* in the. above line (bat
wo have, not tocnuuierate in a single
advertisement. 1 - '
' Mascara do, Coffee Crushed, PowdoreSandCrush
ed Sugars, Stewah’a'Syrups tl'nil MoldiaCs,o(oaVS,
Rio add Cagnara‘Cofree,'Ydung’Tlysili aho Blick
Tea, Pecppr, Cinamon, Allspice, Starch, Ginger,
Rice, Bar-Soap, Candle*. Indigo, Saltpeter, Ajum,
Saleratus, Sec., Pork, Flonh Fish, Sail,. Dptuir,
Cheese, Tobacco, Lamp Oil, Ac., Ac.
Black and. Light Colored Beaver Hats, Know
Nothing, Know Something and Kossolh Hal*, Bl’k
Silk Hals, Silk; Plnsh and Cloth Caps. Bays Hats
and Caps of every, deseriptioh. • ■
Boots and $h««8. .
Mens’ Calf, Kip and Heavy Sloga Boots ;■ also.
Rubbers, Boys’ and Youths’ Bools, Childrens'
Shoes of every description, Ladies’ Shoes, Bools and
Gaiters, a largo assortment at ypry.low prices,
Wooden Ware.
Pails, Brooms, Tabs, Brashes, Butter Ladles slid
Prints, Agehtlved, Washboards,'Sugar Bdxcs, Mea
sures, At;, Ac. . ' ‘
Nalls, Mill Saws, X Saws and Hand Saws, Mill
Files, Scobpcs,,.Shout Is, Manure Forks, Chains,
Steelyards, Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Door
Locks, Latches, Bed Locks, Bulls and Screws,
Horse Cards and Brushes, Axes from the best man.
nfactorcra, always on hand.
by the salt or piece to suit the wonts of purchasers.
mahuftet'nres Ipriccs. I ' ‘EASTERN CLOCKS, war
ranted fo keep good lime.
Ready-Made Clothing.
Black, Brown, Drub and Blue Overcoats, from a
low pries ojvSack, Frock sod, Dress-Coats .of every
description, Fancy and Black Casimerc Punis, Bl’k
Satin, Oaainlero and Velvet Vests,'slao, Cheap Veits
of every stylo and qunhiy, ShirU and Qollars, Wodl
en Wrappers : and Djfawers,'Bock6kifa and Wbolcn
Olives and Miltons,'Faftty and 'Black SilkCraVSts.
Self-adjusting Stocks, Silk add Linen Pocket Hand
kerchiefs, Woolen l Socks;'Stjsjißndcrs, Umbrellas,
and in fact' nearly everything that nian, women or
child'raay wafil can be feupd at-this establish menti
The suhseflbcrswoulH return (heir sincere thanks'
to the inhabitant* of this'Borough'and'kurror.ioing
country, lat.lho very liberal patronage-that has been
bestowed on them since they commenced business
in tills place, and wish,, by keeping a large assort
ment of Goods,to select from, and soiling at small
profits, to mhrrt'fi continuahee of iho same.
WuHsboroV‘Wov. 1,1854: JONES A ROE.
form Ihe Farmers 6f Tirtgn Coimiy, that they
tiro" now Miiriufiictiiring' FINCH'S I.MPIiOVKI),
PREMIUM three imU* suuih
of U on ibe Jeisey Shore road; and.
feel tyarfiinied .in saying Unit said Miiljxlho best,
ever introduced Into Tioga County bulb os rc*«pecU
cti'aiiing luttapd the giving,of Grass Seed,
Fortners afd respuHfully'iiivHed to cull and exmn
ine for Ofeiiiselves before purchasing elsewhere.
O* AH kinds of Fr*nhu!e taken in payment; Old
Mills repaired on short notice.
Dohnar, Oct. 12, 1854-lf. « ....
NEW «B(I( EB¥,
l' Wi JU 111; ,IU.SI iv*pi u: Ilu M v in It Mill
.'thc oilirena pf WoJJahpro/apd vicinijy, (Imt he
‘yxgvd a'Grocery ami. .Oy>(ar, S.lrspi one
dohr*&daw Cfqnycr*a Hol'd, jylttTO lie wilt b.B'lliippy
1,1 furnish families, dvilii pjl 'kiftds of Grnqcries as
cheap-gs the cheapest. Siigar»,'(rnin the finest white
down to ihe chea|ieel browri, Top. Coffee, Rice,
Soap, Gandies, dtc. t 'of the beet qualify, constantly ;
on : b»ndi ■ • i> . -
■ tJYSTERS ■ '
fresh-(him (lip ynfnl, sorted dp ; in (he hcsl'rtyfc it iH
reasonable hoard of the 'da’jf and nigbl. CP Don't
forget the place. '• ' y'
' qf <of <
palletM[h 'Tb*l j-vntmm .c>h:^)><9BeftdHF”
MdbtftNo srAnfakNOtw; 'NAjtibNAL
iSTOVES, St of WbwjElmiraj&lcri*- . : ; v ,„.0 . U
': -7xrJP“F < M r ®
of all hinds,
l dse/'' )DaW ft»ttdrt>th«de farofdeV atibe'shorlhal'ooi
itk»i'.u? ■■
! . JOBBING done towdeftanatuathis kssdwaWiuV-
All .'eaiilfallyt,p/oTed
them, Am
mck, v - x'MW{mmr£ r
our i »lOBkv I toihc»e^wftoVpW^^''' 3 >t4^^4K'Qi^M^^
expeciiAoisaKneni -feiii^- v , ■* ,; :
ouf of
gVttiMba (winao* ca«fcftVnff-i i- • ANI*,
■- <«- -R,;'S. BAILEY,* ! Attf GOODS C, . ;.. J. |
i'*» 3 'V'V V 4* '
;^ e n.lKmiVNoT, 20.1854.! REPRESENTED. !
,' msm%- n?ji
Tula, remedy has. won for itqelf inch aotoriety
from its quies of q\ ery variety of pulmomuy disease,
that it is entirely unnecessary'to recount the evi
deuces of its virtu as in any community where it
has been employed. So wide is the field of its use
', fulness, and so'numerous the cases of its cure*,
that almost every section of the country abounds
1 in persons publicly known, who have been restored -
I from alarming and even desperate, diseases of th*
Inngs'by its use. When once tried its su'peribrity
; over cvety 1 other medfeitte of its kind is tod apptr
; rent to escape observation, and where its virtues ate ~
, known, -the public no longer hesitate what antidote '
to employ for the distressing and dangerous afieef
tidns of the pulmonary organs which.are incahmtt;
to,.ovu; slbnate. (And not only,ln formidable at-,
j tacksuipon the lungs, but for the ’tnilder vanetici ‘
1 of Conns, Couoas.'HoA'oßEyEas.' &c. j ond -fot.
■ Ckilukhn it is the pleasantest.and safest medicine
thotf.can boobtaipdir - •
.As it has long' bead i# coiiattmf risd thibughertt '
this section, we need not do . more, than assure the
. ncople.its quality-ishebt up tothebest thet itev«. .
his Dben. and that the gehuhie arttd'cld sbld ;
HtO'Hiift-p..ROf, i*
B irudvllK-'t' K.' tivEii, Ci>ylngic.m : Dr.
Lpiinuyp'rinsrni.und bv(Ufuggists everyvvlfere.
I Pecemitier t, 1854-4ln, , . ~ ’ '''■
i, €haiift*, €liaii'B, (CHairs,
1 T>,EBIDES «- - »»rh , tvwtC - -u(|,'A’th<*i*'j{iflds of'
y phmusEHoirO sub.'
■ scriber bag rijar. diflbrenj ,St> Iqs ' ' * T
. BLACK aAff& cii.Auas,
which he (selling-at cost.prices., Also,
.Two diffetfhLpaUfiTnspfAWugfitp Sjjring
, Seat C&7tir*,Vind[ MdfiQgahy Rockers.
; “■ pdrferjvfftf S;f ( <e.
1 Also, Ro»ewWd,-Clirl Utabto, hod CommOn chairs
-ol all kinds. .vjgt v v ''"' B.- DWELLS.,
~ , fcworenb«yillcfN>>y. ! tt?i 1854; " lr " ' "’'
'-! ' ; WnV«<Tf<>fv ■ J .., T~
’ tif dk'SErPerfb^'w”!nn .md Hnrrtesa for
~4-4:J9«M by, tha>ifubseriher,’ohcip for Cssfr oy-apl'
; prated: tti pv^eepjiat c *?< : or together. *.Thi%tjrfc
tji a good,saiticeahlo onunaLii f:.-rh ‘ :i*; yc- i
M w: a bailey. .
dlcs' h4TB.j»'w^4hp»3bbds|rtl4Wnfteijnd
Taranwtaa and : plitO! ,n ,“ Figqrad,peluinB,*t<-, .-t-j
• wai«iK,rd#ffiv. jr^SiiioEi
,t •■'•■■■.■- Tmns.Tr.- .;- .-.A-!?-
P-TiAl W.
4aohed/ iTh®!ASroef dan'RardU bJr lla u»
■adbscrtber and payjnrfjAb-iß^ioisttwment,
; 7>.p.<rqbEr , !b. r.
liwii ws
V Riii - ?{
Thebe bis long existed * public demand lor in
effective . purgative pill which, conld be relied on.aa.
xuio and perfectly safe in it* operatibn. This ns*.
- been, prepared to meet that demand, and an exton
air* trial of it* virtue* has conclusively shown with -
whit success it accomplishes the purpose dciigned.
. It .is easy to .nuke a physical pill, but not easy to
make, the best of all pill »—one which should hare
1 none of the objections, but all the advantage*, pf
every other. ’ This has.been attempted here, and
with what sqecess we would respectfully submit to
the public decivion. ft has been unfortunatefor
' the,-paticnt,hitherto that almost every purgative
. medicine it acrimonious and'irritating to the 'bow-;
. els. Thii isnot, Many-ofthem produce so much
. griping pain and revulsion in, the system,as to, more
thipi cpwiterbalanee the good to be derivedßum
therm ' These pilU produce no irritation or'psfe,
§ ties*. it arise from a ptcMouslyhxisting.olistrus-.
on or' the hoyrels. Being purely
vegetable,.no harm' cah.anse frpm their use in any
quantity;-but it is better-that any medicine shahid
bo taken judiciously.- Minute directions .for their
uso in -fhoiSovelil dfeeaies'ln' which they aid ap
plicable, axe given on the box.. Among the com
plaints which have been Speedily cured by thorn, wo
- may mention Liver Cootplaint, in its various forms
of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss ofAp
petite, Lis tlcssncss,.lrritability, Bilious Headache,
Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Fein In tie 'Side,
and Loins;' for, in’truth, all these are but the con
< sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an
aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos
trrenesa, riles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof
ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of thd body,
- Ulcers 'led- impurity of the blood; in short, any
and every case whkeu a purgative is required. "
They, have, also produced, some singularly suc
cessful cures in BhenmatismpGout, Dropsy, Gravel,
Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Poms in the
Back, SWmachfaird Side. They should be freely
taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood
~ and prepare the system for the change of seasons.
An occasional dose stimulates the stomach; and
btivtffls Into healthy action, and restores the‘'appe
tite and rigor. They purify the blood, and, by their
stimulant action,.on the tareuiatbry system, reno
vate the strength of the body, and restore tbs
wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism.
Hence an occssional dose is. advantageous, even'
though no serious derangement exists; but un
necessary, desing should never-bo carried too Jet;;
as ovorypurganve medicine ; reduces the strength;
when taken to;exccss, The thousand cases in whi*h
a physic is required cannot be enure crated here, but
they suggest themselves to the reason of cvciY
horn ;■ and it is confidently believed this pill wifi
, answer a bettor purpose than any thing which has
'hitherto been 'available to mankind. .Then their
virtues are once known, (ho public will no longer
doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a
cathartic medicine. - Being sugar-wrapped they ars
plcaSaht to take, and being purely vegetable, no
norm can arise from their use in any quantity.
For minute direction*.SOe Wrapper on the Box.
Practical ntul Analytical Chcpilst,
. LOWELL, MASS. ’'' '
’ Prt«o 25 Cedtiper Sox. Five Boxes far $1
yar the rapid Cure of , ,
COUGHS, coEds, hoarseness,
.. , jrib
The Acidemjr btfildiogh now upjfeVtlrt* Iffiw-
oea]tb fite.ptfpjfc:* ; ,:>*•
f*milie»;at,4prlddDot eRMMf 51‘,60 {^fWvt'K. 4 ,
j of Aoilion will b#4* follow*: -H'-H M
J Plriwto ,.
i Gwffnph», Arilhmei(c iSt E»f. flr*i»majr, .
’ nigher'Etylltbmuefilit.\[ 3,ot* .
1 A)grtraVG&i߻fr]r!4. Sutnyitijr....,
: Liaeiiigt»(.Dt3Wing, PaiZiiito'i
, Apgr Ift. 1864.tC ; -.« *-.,x.-
■f+S- ledonthe fUriti road lia din rfrdip Bt blind lo
Addison. Ato, WOOD' MANUPACT'Pnt’D
INTO CtA)%BS.t>t every description for' iinagn*
wear, for,three shillings per yard, of.oh-»hurei at
the halves. " ‘
Wool Carding Ac CH><h Dic^
. 1 .‘ sing ■*
dorth on short notice. .
' The subscriber wdnld say fo his former jwffdrs
and the public g<merally,thal iarftw doing liiiSiotjfs,
net mitt a one.hone mater jmerr, bat on e
stream of water that never fails—has 2’BO I,OV*
entire set of machinery expressly for . ;
Manufacturing Wool into Clol?t T
tSt'of which!* in good older for dolngt.ui (pt to
which will enable ruu Vo CARD' ALL'
brought from. % di*Wnco,the aatnc day,'so that lh«
rolls can be taken back immediately.
AH work 'entrusted to me shall he tveil dane._ _
' OCT Mddl kinds of produce taken id payment T r
work. Term* —Pay Oaten'. '■ ' . -
Addison. Jnne 15. 'si L; C. PENDLETON.
Important to Ihe Putilif.
AT j; R. EO WEIS’S/ Ejn]f»iro Si*"y aVr.n
time has 'finally come, when ‘ Goods’ ct n be
bought as cheap in WellsborOogh, as at Eliinra. '..r
ping, or inany other town west of New VoiJ. ; troll
the public at large ere invited to collsdd >.ii-.|y
thelbselre* that this is no Humbug.
Af J. It. Bowen's Will always bo (bund an c.-.toi
sive assortment of well selected
and a large variety of GentlcmepVClothiug, •"
all of whieh will he .disposed of at a reduced price
J. B. fiOWJiK.
Wcllsboronglii’July BT. 1854-tf, ..
WHEREAS, onjthe night of ihe-Zdth nf
March last, lames I. Jackson, and other* by
the use of false keys or otherwise, forced their way
into the dwelling house of the subscriber, while/he
family Wore’absent and removed his goods onl.of
tho house in order to get! iKmcssion—and fuHKt-K
the said James 1. Jackson took possession- of'l he
Bucks belonging to tile subscriber; and refuses to det
liver them over to him; for ail of which, jjitI apiu
James I. Jacketmand others have, given ha if for
their appearance to tho nest court ol Quarter Send
ions. Tills is therefore to forbid all persons paying
any accounts to James I. Jackson made at (he wool,
en Factory and Saw Mill from that time until the Ist
day of March, A. D.-1852, as I have a lease of fits
Woolen Factory mid-Saw Mill from (bat time until
the Ist day. of March,A.-D. 1855, binding nielb'
cullcplall debts, done. . „'
Pelmar. July 37, l$S4-tf.
" WiBW.rGOODS.. - '>.
nnBE subscriber would! respectfully infi(rtn
hi* customer* and /Viands .that, be. still
tinned the niorudhillc business, at the old plaf-v, at
tile We. Known store ofL. L. Nichols, wher'c hc Will,
be happy to wall on those that will favor him wllh
a call, and.would invite the .attention of thtrpiililia'
generally la his large and commodious slock pf,
DR V ft O ODS,
Groceries, Ready-MadeClolSi
ills; and Hard warts *
.AND CAPS, &(.v, #c.,' -Cv • '
in fuel everj thing else kepi ini country stole, btlr.
clcs too puiqerous to mention, and will sell-cb'cajiur
than can tic bought this side of New York cilv. -
All kinds of prodilcc taken imcxclmnge for (roods
at Kio highest-market price. 'J. il. BOWDN.
WcllnUoroughj Jane 29, 1864. -’"Vi .
■4l ItuU'eii’s Empire Store.
nn J nee‘the best end largenl.Vttx'k
of Goods ever offered to the publvp. Consisting ”
SHOES, HATS' AND CAPS, and a large tlari of
I flailcrtnyiself that I can 1 drosaa man to pifricu
lar Jilt. in ell cates who desire the rrodyunade. ' : '
The Irttdiorare invited to call and examine the'
richest and bjctl mfortment of DRESS GOODiCtvi V ■ '
Iwfliro offered hi. imr|tct.-wUicl» I ara prpUrMpd t<r
self ii’t prices Ihbt'canQol'fail.tQ suit, - \
..WcllidHirougli'Siipt'. 12 ■ tBsf. • r . ‘ ,
■ Jl. . ARNOLD’S •-X" ■ ,•
ana Variety Store. V
bO&i:°N. MU,K, BUTTER $ .ComuwT
Y_U»ACK IiRS; rnih * a*£ff. ■ W th« .
bblf tatoil/*; Baking; iftd Pafttt&v
short M«>ticc. ip , OjßOO£ftJs^
OASH'pAid'for fcirfcr, Efrg»,
ami other pfodact* ol' the Farm.' - "■ -T
\y. J. ARNOIiP. Agt > RUFUB ahh6cdh ; •
Coming, ff. Y„ Aqg.j 3,lB£4 n tG'. k •;:b :
'■.: - XaTIILI»|JIII>IC.: « '•
.; , °f my being out of PUiter, Tor the Uri ;
g*!ijL”i n fi^^ c towiiiDyjjopit'QW
1 ««° ! '
t? VWMJj «upHljr ! .«4lpwlj WRftS'rflsfemwSßei';
A >
-<?* :!
- All-wofh