The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, December 28, 1854, Image 4

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    < r bai ’-oV-l' ■'•
V"* 1
s- OoJf «i^<iastoy]tfojh»vol , » wi^un^* :i ”
It wM inebriation, oauaedbyjwr-
UTirna tw'tf«SfV of cider triads ffpVnjrppley
itftif wfiSmVm it. At
Whstbet faMba last fourMpd-lwentXjffipurs 1
base bwoab, isthe |»iot
lioft? ’lf ibal (ieriod l: huVfl in
tdiicMed, then thetime hasArrtyedwfleq any
penoa who wishes to havua regular “ drunk, •
Doed only to apply to the nearest hydrant.—
Heretofore 1 have supposed'wafer tohe* bev
erageWanocent .and harmless hu) 'now —
welJTno manor-*! ,wil! nut anticipate,. •, List.;
ea while I relate a “ plain, unvarnished tale,
“ I left my boarding' house in company
with a friend; to wilneSsilieShake
speriah revival at Burton's—the “ MiJsurhmer
night’s, dream.” Before leaving the hotel, at
his suggestion, we partook of a potable,
known, I think, as punch — whiskey punch.
I watdVd attentively the preparation of thi»
agreeable beverage, and I am certain that
there entered into its composition n certain
amount of water—Croton water as I have
every reason to believe; and lam also sure
that in that treroendueus draught, I imbibed
the first instalment of that villainous liquid
which produced the diabolical state of facts 1
am about to describe; and also that the sec
ond and third of those ingenious inventions,
(both of which we drank on the spot,) were
qs guilty, in this respect as their “ illustrious
predecessor r And 1 furthermore conscien
tiously stale that my glass of brandy, rimool
the couple wo ordered noon afterward,/ and
which, according to my invariable custom,
should have been “ straight," was also sur
reptitiously diluted with the same delectable
fluid by the malicious bir-keejer, for I re
member experiencing n slight confusion on
going out. and mistaking a topsail
for tbo Broadway theatre.
We immediately entered another saloon to
procure the wherewith to steady our nerves,!
when we partook of two good gin cocktails '
and a brandy smash individually-and 1 slite, I
according to the best of my knowledge and
belief, that our principal ingredienis in each
of those compounds was water —Croton wa
ter—introduced therein by some evtl-disposed
person without my knowledge or consent.—
On leaving this saloon, 1 noticed that my
friend, although a single man, bad by some
mysterious process of multiplication, become
two. I kept fast hold of both, and after
doubling with a great deal of difficulty, a great
number and variety of corners, we reached
Burton’s. Tickets being mysieriouly procu
red, we entered, and eventually obtained seats.
Finding after prolonged trial, that it was im
praclihleso pul my hat in my vest pocket, I
placed it on the floor and pul both feel in it.
The theatre generally seemed to he mixed
up. The parquelle, gallery and dress circle
were all one, and the siago was whifling nr.
ound at a rale which must have been ex- '
tromely inconvenient to the revol ing ac
tor. .
Al length, after a liberal allowance of o vr r .
lure, the curtain went up, and I wan en ib erl!
by tha moat unrt-mi'iiog aitt-nlion lo coiv-i-n
-train the actors sufficiently to understand the
performance. And many things which I
hitherto deemed dramatically incorrect, were
presented m my wondering vision then and
there. “ Hyppoly la" was dres»ed in knee
breeches and brognns ; and “ Ttiunin" did
not, to me, present a very {airy-like appear
ance in a fireman’s red shirt and a three cor
nered, cocked hat. “ Oberdon" was not so
objectionable, (being a gentleman.) in n talma
and placid pantaloons, though even he might
have blacked his boots and omitted the spots.
And I fear I did not properly appreciate the
rest of the faries, who had their heads deco
rated with 'sunflower* and their hands full of
At Inst the entertainment wns concluded,
and I remember consulting with my duplica
ted friends as lo the feasibility of a return to
Brooklyn, lo our boarding house. Oo our
journey thither we witnessed many strange
things, about which I desire information.—
In the first place, is it the custom, a general
thing, for the City Hall and Barnum’s Muse
urn to indulge in an animated contra dance
Up and down Broadway in (he middle of the
night, accompanied in their fimlic movemens,
by the upper story of Stewart’s and the Bible
Society’s building f for they certainly did, on
that eventful evening, nnd I feel called upon
to entre my solemn protest against these o >c
turnal architectural salalory exhibitions, a*
unworthy the dignity of the Empire City.—
And I would with all humility suggest, that
if tie stony goddess of justice, whose appro
prt'ite place is on ihn top df the City (toll,
will desert her responsible post, she might
choose a more becoming - amusement th in sit
ting cross-legged on the top of a Houston
■tree! stage, pl ivin wi'h a jewsha p.
I am now convinced that Bowling green
fountain is not permanently located on the
lop of Trinity Church cross j bui that it unis
on that memorable night, my wonering eyes
bore ample testimony. 1 am.sufficiently ac
quainted with (he City to knowl that Aslor
House should be found, on the corner of Bir
clay street, but I am ready lo lake my oath
Ibal on the particular occasion it plied as an
opposition ferry boat between Whitehall street
and Hamilton avenue. The last thing I dis
tinctly recollect is trying to pay the fare for
three on this novel crafl, with n-singid 'piece
of money, (which I now know to have been
a Bongtown copper,) and demanding two and
sixpence change, which I dido’i get.
In the morning, I found myself in bed
with my overcoat on, and afterward discov
ered my bopts under the pillow—my hit in
the grate, with my l hairbrush
in it—ray' watch in the water, jug, nnd un
latch key in the bird cage. I presume. I had
tried to write h letter lo some one with my
toothi brush, Us I found that article in the ink.
ainnd, ’
IfdV, if Croton water interferes with my
susceptable system in this unaccountable
manner, what shall-1 drink t I would resnrr
to milk, bm 1 fear ourehy'Hdiiionhf iho lac
teal contains sufficient of the'aqueous enemy
la again, upset my too delicate’ nerves, 3V
you only can I come, and! exclaim like Ca>
•ar, when be toojwap afflicted with superfluitV
of Wfttar, " Help naSauius, or I sink,” I aub-
<■ Q. R P. B. ,;:
would >6 4ia3o(W^rrlws»Jr
s*'. ijjHl®.
T« Aarrnro%hpUUMieiede^,^r^ay : i^
ingikki'fsirnitktd <to sobseftberS at ♦M(hf lr W‘
adM'i/'paUin adotnei; or&ifyatfmtiiUU deUg.-
td obtflhiiieaC. No subscription take* for^ ashoY
ter ‘periodlhun sirmonthtiand token fprMt'term'
aalyj fiinttntmott ht' made strictly in advaaw,
or^t'sMil be charged. Thsforegeinrtirms mi
bt strictlyUdh'rred to. No paper iriU'bt diieontinU
eJ vml’puid for, vh'lesset.lie epiieh of theMitor.
Cioi£±Ten Copies. 812; Fifteen Cop«i,;«l§."
inline inserted at 81 perSyuarif,
{of fourteen lines or lees,) for the first or three eon
secuth&jHMiinfi'tsd $s cents.for-tiers' »ww*.
quint oat. . Yearly adctrtiseinents inserted at aria,
tan able,discount ontheforegoing fotee. .. -, •; v .
O* fransient advertising payable in advance.
0T 4fiietters.mutl be,post-paid, ’ ’ , ....--
Italian anclAmcncan MavWc,
FOIJ ,/<V ,
IT Entire satisfaction will alwu'vi'be given.
July IS. IBS4-ty. J
CAPITAL —$200,000! Farmers
only.’on the Slocte and Mutual |ilun. J. E.Can
field See 1 ;., lion. Horace Willislon, Pres’l. Renicni
ber that an experienced Trareßing Agent,represent
ing a sound and reliable Company near Iminc, is preh
erable to a foreign Co;, as there can 'he no deception.
Address, J..E. Webster, Agent, Covington,. Pa.
W. W, WEB If, M. I).,
{Lite a Oraiatltdf Cattlelon Medical College, Vt.'
TTAS H»»'iciaii-<1 luiiim'li’ with Dr. N. Pack-
A A t a,in the practice of' Medicine and Surgery.
They will promptly attend all calls in their profess
inn. Office on Mnin-st., opposite Iho Presbyterian
Clinrch, Wcllshornugli, Pa. - jy 27.
O* Removed to'James Lowrey’s Office,
AA LAW, will attend the Courts of Tioga, Potter
city McKean counties*
Wellsborough, Feb. I, 1853.
A*. LAW—Office, north side Public Square,
Wellsborough, I t.
Holers to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge &. Co., N. V
and; Hon.A.V.Parsons,Philadelphia. July 13.
(Formerly Orevet' Hold,)
June 8, '54. I*. P. CLEAVER, t'rop'lor.
f IMIE subscriber hnving recently Thrived
Ins slock of good* for the *co»on t oSbr* a
choice selection of
0 mailing m (/art of Broad Cloths, Prints, Ging
b mis. Drains, Sh&mhruys, Barege*, Lawns, P&ra
rnetles, Alupacas, Velvet*, Brown and Bleached
Singling* and Slnrl'wgß, Ticking*, Drillings, Wad
ding*, Uditlngs, Winkings, Veiling*, Cravat*,Stocks,
Collar*, Handkerchief*, Cambrlck*, Laces, Trim*
ming*, Grain Dag*, Carpet Dags, Cotton Yarn,
Twine, Curpct W»rp, Umbrellas and Parasols, with
a good lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, eon.
slating of Men and B«*ya* Li/en and Gingham,
Tweed and Jean Cuati, Ueninc Overall* and Shirt*,
Vents, dtc.
Hyson, Hyson Sain und Young Hyson ’Teas ; a
largo lot of Sugars, different gradi'Mnd prices, Mo*
lame*, Syrup, Tobacco, Pepper, Spice, Coffee, Co
coa, Ginger, Soda, Cream Tarter, Salcralus.Candies,
Lemons, Oranges,
Drugs and Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils,
Window Glass and Sash.
Axes, Shove)*, Hoes, X Cut S iws, Spades, Crow,
bar*, Wrought und Cat Nail*, Hinges, Chain*, Cow
Sell*, Sheep Hell*, Scythes and Stmlh*, Scythe
Stones and Rifle*, Manure Fork*, Hoy Forks,Chain
Pump*, Paint, Horse, Shoe, Clothes and Hair
GLASSES , Pine and Cedar Pail*, Brooms, VV&gJi
board-r, Clothes Pins and Corn Baskets.
Puimleaf, Straw, Panama, Leghorn, Silk and
Dru«li Hats, Caps and Bonnets, Boots and Shoe*, and ffuiiibut*fitc., &c., comprising in ull a
largo nnd well selected assortment of good*, selling
at the lowest possible prices.
ThfiTiuscriber avails himself of the opportunity to
thank his patrons for their liberal patronage, for the
past eight year*, and respectfully asks a continuance
of like favors, and guarantees lo hi* customers a
liberal system of trade, in which their interests as
well as his own shall, at all times, be) consulted. All
persons wanting good goods, ul cheap prices, fere in*
vited to call and examine fur themselves* His in*
tention is not to Hr undersold;
The highest market price paid at all timet for
Butter, Grain, I urn tT, Shingles and Ashes.
Knoxville, June ;££, 1834. VICTOR CASS.
Family Grocery Sc Provision
r PIIE *ubsrribi*r would inform his friend.
and the citizen* of Tfogn county generally,
that lie haa just received a largo and superior sup
ply of
such as
Teds, Sugars by the baml or otherwise,
Coffees, Molasses, Stewart’s Syrvp, Rice,
Pepper, Gin-'er, Suleratus, Allspice,
Indigo, Tobacco, Soap, Mould anil
Sperm Candles, sal> by the barrel
or sack. Mackerel liy the whole,
i and i barrel. Codfish by
the 100 or single pound,
'Flour, Cheese, Crock
ers, Butter «$• Eggs, m
together with every other article in the Grocery
line, lower than cm he got el any other place in
town, a« he is determined to make quick vales at
email profits.
Thankful Tor past favors he would most' reaped
fully invite his friends and the public generally lo
give him a call and examine for themselves,
WelKborongh, May 27,1853.
Carriage & Wagon Manufac
ITENRY PETRJH >v„ol,| nn* mm
“ LJ “ ntirince to h\* friends and the©Scs**K
f/dblic generally* that he is cohtin*iitigS2__SsZ
the above business on Grafton street, immediately
in the rear of J. R, Bowen’s More, where hole pre*
pared toraanufacUjre on short notice, , •
Carriage*, Buggica, Sulkies,
i- Wagitlis,
of any, style pr, description to pnit.lbe purchaser
and of the .very .bcsl materials,. All kinds of re,
pairing done forthwith and Bo the auwt reasoaaite
IPAIIrtINQ AND liinmtm will-icT>rompU
tnthohwt mituaeroiid most frsH
iootble Kyfc.: • " •- ‘ n ; : . i’JaljlVSi. BBmiPmit
]le Book for S|s ctnli:—J*Btery FSnily
soL d ' i^f ' L.&ss
: Dte Mfrfie&i MomiSli’ tnd 'Hift'i'-
Book foe IB#- 1 *n ootiinfl of thSi
origin, piogrc»MMatmeot andcurepf every I
of diseaseconlrmt^di.byjPJ^ii^oij^rexoa^,insert
coarse, to, wmMdr*wr. Wnial exCeW, w\Ui so
vice forlßtnV'y rivenli'ofli written ink fkinilinHdJJe?l
avoiding and everything.'
that would ofiiihif.the fca'rdf’deie'Scy ;,.wiUi. an huWj
lino of fomplaJilUdiieidOWC.V? females, from tho re
eul^of, twenlj/yearsV successful practice, exclusively
dckdtdd to tlio “cure of aiseasea of a delicate oryH
vale nature, i" ■’ 1
To which is'added. h&ipU for of tl»er
mbo»Bswt!i»e^’indjd'treatise on the .caiivi", ay>»J>r.
tomsand cute of iimJ ! ‘£VJERjtni AOUE.
Teitinumy of Ihe 'Pihfeteor of Oheletiiet id tAe
Penn Medical ~Cdtlfge, Philadelphia —*• DU.- HON
TEft*S MEDICAI/MASU3SE’ k i_Thß author.of
this yporft; Untiko tlnTthtijorily of thpsy who
titp,to;cure of wiucli iltreats is a grad
uate of ono of the bppl Colleges in the jOntied Slates.
It affords nip pleksnre (ii'fccominend him to llio an.
furtutiale, or lb thd victim dr malpractice, u» a and.’
cessful un'd eyircriehcbdpWotUioner, in whoso honor
and integrity they may place the greatest confidence.
/• i"i ' / : , Losasiioae, M.' D. ■,
PrWn A. TVooduwriij'a. D., of Penn Vniterejiy,
Philadelphia . — ll gives' iiie pleasure lo add my tesii
innhy 'to the protfcssibnal ability of the author of the
Medical Manual: Name rods cases 'BF Disease Of
the Genital Organs, tnnife of them of long standing,'
have conic Under my notice, in which his
been manifest in restoring to |ierfecl hcullh in Some
cases where the patient has been considrred beyoftd ;
medical aid. In tlio Ircatrocht of Seminal wenk
ness, nr disarrangement of the functions produced
by Killlalmae or excessive venery, 1 do nut know his
superior in the profession. 1 have been acquainted
witli the antlidr some thirty years, and deem il no
mure than justice to him a* well as kindness to the
unfortunate .victim of early indiscretion, to’ redoni
mend him as one in whose professional skill and in
tegrity they may safely confide themselves,
Auden Woodward. M. D.
" This is, wilhdht exception, the most comprehen
sive and intelligible work published on the classes ol
diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical
terms, it addresses itself lo the reason of its readers.
It ts ffeo from ail objectionable matter, and no par
ent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in
the hands of his sons. Tho author has devoted ma
ny years lo the treatment of the various complaints
treated oh and with too little breath io puff and too
little presumption to impose, lie has offered lo the
world at the merely nominal price of 25 cents, the
fruit of some twenty years' most successful practice,
— Herald,
u No teacher nr parent should be knowlcdc itnpar
ted in (his valuable work. It would save years of
pain and mnrtiHcution and sorrow to the youth un
der their charge.”- Tuples' Advocate,
A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of
11 Hunter's Medical Manual” says—.•* Thousands*
upon thousands of oof youth, by evil exomple and
influence of the passion*, huvo been led into (ho
habit of without rcalixing tho sin and
Fearful consequences upon ihcmselvts and posterity.
Tho constitution* of thousands who arc raining fam
ilies have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and
they do not know the cause or cure. Anything
that Can be done oo to enlighten end Influence the
public mind as to check, and ultimately to remove
this# ,wid* spread source of human wrelchcdce«?»,
would confer the greatest blessing next to the relig
ion of Jesus Chrisf. uu the present and coming gnnt
rratinn. Intemperance (or the use of intoxicating
drinks) (hough it has slam thousands upon thou
sands, is not s greater scourge to the ’humali race.
Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted, and be
lieve me your co-worker <n the good work you arc
so actively engaged In,” \
One copy (securely enveloped) will bo forwarded}
free of postage, of the United Slates for
25 cent*, or dix copies for onedolfar. Address, (putt
paid) COSUEN & CO., Publishers, or Box 196,
O' B mltscllers, CitiwiMti and Book Agents
supplied on the most liberal terms.
October 12, 1854-ly.
rpiiE f'ljljstTifierH *ir<* now opi-nui;* tfieir
JL Block of GOODS for Iho Spring Trudft, nom
prUing a full and complete assortment, and of the
usual variety, which will, an herelolore, bo Bold a la
very small profit for HEADY’ HA i’. Being deter*
mined not to he pnderKold by our neighbors, our
goods are marked al ( the lowest figure; and we invite
a comparison of our goods and pricun with any other
In the murket. Among the ussortmenl of
will be found a great variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods
consisting in part of
Utreges, Eerege Delanes, all-wool Delanes,
Lamas, plain and printed; Ginghams,
English, Scotch and American;
Poplins, Prints of all shades
and colors, a good slock of
Also, for men’s wear may be found Broad Clollis,
Cussimeres, Tweeds, Kenladlfy Jeans, silk, Satin
and sommef Vestings. '• -
Also, Sheeting-, Shirtings, bleached end brown,
Tickings, Summer Goods for boys’ wear, Colton
Yarn, Carpel Warp, Cotlnn Batten, with a variety
of oilier nicies 100 numerous to mention.
GrocericN mid Provisions.
A lull stock will he kepi on hand. Those in
want of Sugar*, Tens, Coffee, Molasses, SlewarlV
best Syrup, Spices, Pepper, Ginger,Saterutus, Flour,
Fish, Salt Tobacco, or any other article in this line,
will do welllo cull on us before purchasing else
8* Urge and complete annssorimcnl an c*n he found
in Ihe county. Among which inC-ullerv ofall kinds.
Carpenter* Tools, Chains, Hoes, Shovels, Forks,
Butts and Screws, Door Hangings, Bills, &c., &c.
Boot* and Shota, Mat* ami Cupn,
Steel, Iron. Nails, Paints'and Oils, Glass
and Putty, Ready-Made Clothing, dj-c.
Thankful for Iho liberal patronage of the pa»l
season, the undersigned led a pleasure in inviting
Ihe public to an examination of our Spring slock*
believing that good Goode and low prices will in
cute a speedy sale for ready pay.
Wellsboroogh, May 25, 1H54.
fTUIE unrftTMan
-*• ed would inform
the ciliiena of Well
borough and vicioil
that he has again n
turned to this placi
and opened a shr
over the Post o 111 to
where he will be prr
ared to do Tuihtrin
in all Us branches,
a good and workmanlike manner, for ready pay
and at prices that cannot fail to please. All work
entrusted to him will be done up With despatch, and
a fit warranted,. .
CUTTING dope on short notice.
Country prbbndc (delivered) of all kinds, taken
for work. _ . 11. p. Ell WIN.
Wellsbornngh, April 92,1854. i
Blulcv’m Patent Ohio
I? iRi-i’HOOF paint.—2o inriffii-nr iin*
genuine article, just received and for isle at'
otticli len than former pricer, at -
July 13,1654, JONES &, ROE’S.
Ol A BARRELS PORK, Jbr rule by-the barre
or. - - 111. M. CONVERT
T- IUHT—-TallOrr Jfc Adamantine Candler, Born
J-fr ing FliiiHß .* CASE’S.,:
7|o BBLS.HEAvVmESSPOI I "* u.t receive
[Mar. 39.} or 8 ft 808,
.nAtt'icoifsTANtLi oir hawd J&t yns" >
Aconite.- ■_■ iGinger; Ground,- ‘i
fciiS oj‘.ii.r«.,rotw;m-]
Jkldm,. ' , , I
«SK, 5 ''>
Ammohlt, (?&[ ' Hdt'Drops.'* •
iaSftkittOi /: wi, Hive-Syrm. i ;
iArnipa, -
’Ble6dlitor , sfede» Lpiriptlapk,-
afcijifc ihkdefr'BilSlaitW I^oJMpfciGlnj».n. T
■ ftomLinim,:'. ' T Leather -VctiiisnJ , .
■Blacking , Wand, for
“ "bpOts & sh?(s» { while
.Bay Waldr, ', *l7-1 MWdder. ,j;
‘Bdfaii ’ ' ,Lr ' ■' Naimcjt, ... . ,
Oils, {a largovnncty.)
.Brushes of all kinds, Ohtlmcnts, ‘ * -> 'V
Bug I’qison, ‘ i Qpnrtijdoe, i
CampW. Paints of all kinds, : '
Castile s<inp t ' Picca, , . ,■■
Cayerind Pepper, Pepper, , ,
Cement for earthen Wkre‘ Prussian Bide,
Cinnamon, . Pills'oTvirious kindsj >
Cloves, Quicksilver, ,
Cobalt, (Fly Prison,) Qumtno, , .
Composition Powder, Bed .Chalk, ~
Cephnlid Snuff for head- Red Precipittlej ' '•
ache, catarrh, &.C., &c., Rase Water,
Cream Tartar, Saffron,
Cordial fifffl'ii'Jfe'T, "f ‘ C
Dover's if ' Soap for \
Dye W Ohrid tftdf DyeinjfStarcli, .. V
materials of all kinds, 18 pn n gdf-- : -■ \
if fi flSyringfcs, i* large'epriply,
ErjKiye’Soap, f.if
mg grease, dec., from t'mlmr, - - •
clothing,,.. Varnishpa, various kinds,
Essences of all kinds, ' Vermillion,
Green Sj]ve for horses, Vinegar,
Gingcf Boot, { : f VVsferi'inSiokee. /-j
Patent Medicines.
Ayro’a Cherry Pectoral, Gorinun Billers,
Brant’s Balsam, , Ueave Powder,
Extract, Lyon’s .Rat Pill*,
Coojfh Mixture, ■ Magnetic Ointment,
'Cod Liver Oil, Plasters of all kinds,
Ur. Fitch's Medicines, Pulmonic Wafers,
Dr. Jaynefs “ Pain Killer,
Ur. Keeler's “. . Ready Relief,
Dr. Swayne's “ Sarsaparilla Syrup,
Dr. Davis* Decorative, Teller Ointment,
Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, Uterine Calholicon,
Gurgling 6il, . Vermifuges, various kinds
Graolcnlterg Medicines, Worm Tea, Ur, Rellng’a.
Gorman Ointment, ■ April 20, 1854.'
TtlE suhscribors Imvfc citsitmlly &&j[m
on hand allhcir Drugstore, in Law- yffTjjf
renceville, a large and well selected stock Hh
of DRUOSy ifc.y of every description l&Lffk
-used by Physicians in tho country, and all the
most popular PATENT MEDICINES of the day
which we offer fur sale at prices which cannotfail
ot suit those who may favor us with a cull.
Among our Patent Medicines may be found the
Mar chant's Gargling Oil; Jayne 1 # Expectorant, Al
teraiive, Villi f, VtUs, See.; Moffat's Billers and
Pdh; Fi\che's silver pitted Abdominal Support
ers, Braces, Inhaling Tubes, and all the medicine#
prepared by him for bis private,practice; Brant's
Pxlmonary Balsam and I’urifying Extracts:
Ayre's Cherry Pectoral; Rogers' Syrup of Tar
and Canchalague; DiUow's Heave Cure • An
drew's Vain Killing Agent; Truck's Magnetic
Ointment; Dr. Christie's Galvanic Belie,
Houghton's Artificial Pepsin; Blake's Aromatic
Bitters ; and all the most popular Pills and Vt r*
mifugeSy sc*y Cc .
Also, a good assortment of
Biography, History, Miscellaneous Reading, dec.
Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs,
GLASS, wholesale and * retail. Gold and Silver
Leafi Putty, Spts. Turpentine, Caiupheuc, Burning
Fluid, Varnishes,&c.
77? A UGH $ HURD.
Lawroncevillc.Feb. 3, 1854.
. and machine Shop.
r riHE subscriber Imving rrmr-d the intcresl
JL of Levi Chubbuck in the Wellaborongh Foun
dry, is now nJrcparcH to manufacture most kinds of
machinery—snub us
Mill Cranks; Mill [Gearing, Slides, Bal
ance-Wheels, Shafts, Pollies, dj-r.
Machinery of all kinds repaired on short notice,
by experienced workmen, and on reasonable terms.
The attention of Farmers-is particularly called to
our assortment of Ploughs, which arc unsurpassed
by any other Foundry iulliq, Slate. Our Ploughs
consist in part of the celebrated ■
Chubbuck Plough, N O . 5.
do. dot dp. 4.
Dataller ■ do. Blackley Plough.
Corn (in. Side Hill do.
The Side Hill Plough is the only Plough that will
furrowa on cither aide, and plow on level
Stoves, Stores.
An extensive assortment of Slows will be kept
constantly on hand, embracing Ihe best kinds now
in use, a description of which he will give in a fur
ther advertisement.
CALDRON KETTLES, Seven and Five Pail
Kettles, Pols and Kellies for Stoves, On hand and
for sale cheap.
All orders thankfully received and promptly exe
cuted. Orders for which he baay not have patterns
will he niade by a ekilliil pattern maker.,
Wellsboro’, July 22,1853, J. D. WOOD.
IT fl E hub
scribcr i s
prepared by new
Machinery, jusi
purchased, to fur*
iiish to order, nil
kinds of square
and limey ;Sa»J)
und Blinds
Sqtmre Sa?hof
common sires,
constantly on
By lohg expe»
ricnce in the hur«i«
nep*, the subscri
ber flatters liim*
wlf that he can make as good an article, and sell
it as cheap as can be obtained a( any cxlubiahinentT
in Pennsylvania or New York. Cull and sec.
. Covington, March 2, 1854.
CT The subscriber is aim Agent for the sale of
Ur. D. Jaynes celebrated,family Medicines, also
Scarpa's Oil for Deafness. ‘ • D. S. I.
Worth Seeing!
splendid assortment ol Grinds ihnl
~ the subscribers are now daily receiving is
rcoly worth a cull to examine.. They have just
returned from .New York with the largest assort
ment of Dry Goods, including Ladies' Dross Goods,
that was evtr n lie red, in this country; and all arc
requested to cult and examine them, whether they
wish tn bay or -not To enumerate articles would
lie useless to attempt. A personal .inspection can
only give one to idea of what this extensive estab
lishment contains. :
Th* Nea. Store of, ,
July 18, 1854. . .] JONESA, RQB.
KNQW, NOTHING or Know-Something,
. knotfennughto go to ROW BN'S EMPIRE
BTOUE and buy a Widc-awike Hair—ea any other
kihd of •Ret'thal you we e mind to select TrbUi
W* large stock. 1 8*^12,1854.
.' Tf ./ ' MHTBBi’. ' '•;-, •■ j
Jarjfe«iandipo*t cardftlljf
ever brtrajflirinlq jtKis he wilt eel!
for KtkDY f^l'ehetiptrlhantfnyvtiefefiaMthmeiii
'His" stock tomprisc* 'ii
everyynriety or Clothing. f>onfUf6W T dp’. !
SVMUBRCOA 3S—for Mcri *Td Bbya^atarge
i'.awMrtinbnt. "■’■ 1 l ' !|,l ' l - ii |" : . ’ r '. r l ‘" r ‘' J j. ‘
. ->ry deMriptianVaize ind eofon ' ‘ '
BANTS—cieiy style and'qualify. ”' v ■''' ’ '’ *
VESTS —of every style, color and-descriptidd. 1
SH/ftTS, (Under-Shirts, Drawer*;- Cqllara. Orer
,,AU» OVer.Shitl*j, Suspenders, ‘GlOve*J‘ombrcTlus,
■ Nebk and Pocket 'HandkqrcMcflf? together w/tb
lota of ' ■ • .ott y
of every description—the largest aatortmentin,
town, -, ■ J -,'j • . j 'y- •■ : ;
Boots. Shoes, and Balters,.
for Men, Boys, and Women, a large variety.
Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, <£c., i£c.
He tVdiildany to all inwanl of good and neat
fitting CLOTHING, that he eon and will tell
cheaper Ilian' can be gotten in this-borough, or any
where thiir aide of tlie NcW York market.' This
i« no blower troth—and to teat it call pt
“Convers 1 Cheap Clothing Emporium," Where *IL
articles are. sold cliicaper tilth bn the one price
system. " .. Wellaborooghr May 37; 1853.
A GROWL would onnouuco io ihe ciii
* tens oi Tioga county, that lie has associated
with him a partner, and the business will be con
ducted under tlie (inn of A. Caowi. & Co> They
will conl' the old stand, in Woltsborougb;
to manufacture lu order and kcepmn hand,'
Buggvs & Lumber Wagons,
which lor style, durability and elegance of hnish,
cannot bc'surpanscd by any other similar establish,
ment in the country.
Workmen of celebrity are engaged, and the best
materials used* expressly in all the manufacturing
departments of tills establishment. Persons send
ing orders may rest assured of having 1 them execu
edl to their entire satisfaction, and finished in every
particular the same as though they attended in per
son. / , ...
REPAIRING done as usual, with neatness ana
PAINTING nf all kinds' done on the shortest
notice, and most reasonable terms. ■ ,
O*AII kinds of merchantable produce (deliver,
ed) reeived in exchange for work, at the market
prices. A. CitOWL &. CO,
Juiy 13.1855.
BT. VANHORM would inform ihe ciit
•• zens ol Wellsborough and vicinity, that be
has purchased the interest of his partner, John S.
Bliss, in the above business, and will continue at
Hie old stand, tw o doors cast of Jones’ Store, to keep
on hand and make to order all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture—such as
Sofas, Divans, Ottomans,
Card, Centre, Dining dp Breakfast Tables,
Collage, Preach and Common Bedstead r,
of every description, together with all articles «su*
ally made in |>ia line of business.
From his knowledge of the business he flat*
ters himself with the belief that those wishing
to purchase, would do well to call and examine
his work before sending elsewhere for an inferior
COFFINS, of every variety, made to order, at
' short notice, nnd reasonable chorees.
TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no
•O Chairs! Chairs!
In addition to the above, the sabscri
'RSß&bcr would inform the public (hat he has
j sjj v just received a large and handsome assort-
ment of
Boston and Common Rocking Chairs
wliicli he will sell as cheap, if not cheaper,lhan
they cart ho purchased anywhere else tn Tioga
county. Call and see them ! June 3, 1852.
Perpetual Motion Discovered
at Last.
THE subscriber having been nppoinled
agent hy S. W. Paine for the sale of the Rose
do Peck Improved Direct Action Water Wheels,
would say to the owners of Saw Mills in Tioga
counly.that he is ready to furnish the above men.
tinned Water Wheel at Wcllshoro', at any lime af
ter this dale, on the most reasonable terms.
These Wheels are warranted to do the best bn.
siness with the least quantify of water of any
Wheel in use, (except an Overshot.)
The great advantages of these wheels over all'
others is Uie manner in which the water is applied
to the wheel, is such that there cannot be any waste
of water, the gates or sheets regulating thcquanlity.
The gale is so constructed that it shuts almost per
feelly light. Quantity of water required under
eight feet head, 130 square inches, under 20 feel
head, 50 inches; ail heads between these in pro.
portion. All wheels warranted to perform accord
ing to recommendation, if they do not we lake them
nut and replace Ilia nld wheels. No Wheels pu
onder less than eight feel head. D. C. WJLCOX.i
Wallshnrougli, July 13, 1854. ’
>iili<crtlifr*< hming (mrehf(M*ci the
Sash Factory at Stony Fork, have now on hand,
making all hinds ol*square and luncy
Sash and Blinds.
The subscribers flatters themselves that they can
make u« gtwd and endurable an article, and sell it
aa cheap as con he obtained at any establishment
in Northern Pennsylvania or in Southern New York.
XT All orders in our lino of business will be
promptly attended to. S. &D. 11. WILCOX.
Stony Fork, June 8, 1854.
Wine foi* Communion.
r PHbi Churches of Tioga coumy are re
vpcctfully informed Hint they can now obtain
al the Wcllshorough Drug Store, lire Pure Juice of
the Grape unadulterated with Alcohol in any farm.
The mo.-l satisfactory evidence of Us parity cun be
aliowii to those who wish to examine it. Certificates
of distinguished Clergymen and the statement, of
themanufteturer himself. Those inlcreslcdWill do
well to procure a supply soon. R. ROY.
Wellshornugh, Jan. SG, 18J4. ,
'T'HE subscrilsTa have just replenished I heir
*■ stock of Carpeting, and now feel justified in
saying that their Carpel Ware Room excels in
quantity, quality, variety, richness and theauly, that
of any oilier in this country, and as to prices wo
are confident they are as low as any establishment
tliis side of New York city.
all at the very lowest possible prices, at the new
cash store of [Nov. 3.1 JBNEB &. ROE.
ED FLANNEL.—Just rwived n large
lot of plujiuand twilled Red Flannel, which
will be Fold verj cbeao ,ii the cheap Cush Sior» of
N0t.20,t853. . JONKS& ROE.
G H A W LSI SHAWLS! N-w Ladies
~ you havea largeassorlraent of beautiful styles
to select from at the Cheap Store of
■ 0ct.97.1653,. » ■ • JONES & ROE.
'OT'IDE-AWARE HATS.—Just rceei.vid
■<- * i " af Uie pmplre Store « large slock of Wide*'
'Awake, Hungirtad and Kossuth Hats. Call and
W Bcjrt. 13, 1654,
Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus,
Carpelluiis, dtc.
!—•-- ' ±
V - DH, 'pnitip EBDdVs
, ••■ I! ihpigreat, American Remedy for
,Fetter dp -Ague, Rheumatism, Dysnttr,
Cholict, and Griping Pains, Brii„ IW| j
irS(raini, Burtu Scalds, Fresh
DyspepsiOty Coiighs dp Voids.
Medicine hits jtrnveti, and will p lt ,
* [ah unconditional Pirn Cestsotib in ,j) ar
whdUier'External or Interna}.' Hence ii in,
ved the appropriate name of " Drslk-tc-l'ai,,*
bar, by being kept on liond by l'"n)ili( B »h 0 t ,
its, value, been the means of saying money, .
ten life, by Its tinier^ 1 use in Hidden aU;.t-k.,
case Of accidents. In oil bruises and flesh
this Death-tu-psin is the best embrocaiian that r
be;found. .The soreness is itumcdintely rim,
—swellings reduced—rand profuse bleeding
A single dose wi|lease the most severe griping
in'the bowelsi and a few applications' will
severest rheumatic and nervous pains. Dvj wth
and its train, of diseases is driven from n,
hold. i‘Fever and Ague,” in the language a'j
western' agent “can’t stand before old Lied, ~
live." Indeed it is so with nearly every <n>ti H
the catalogue. A Medicine for the Nittm;
The remedy is composed of a large im'mt,,
articles, all entirely vegetable, each a remcdijl,,,
in itself, yet so ahited as to torm a most m*,,
combination, and to take away one of ilit-e
would materially detract from its merits, v,
and the most powerful, of these ■
procured for this medicine only from ibc .mm
Taumago, in the Suulli .Pacific, called
It is used by the natives In almost everv dim,
and the aecref ol its virtues was impd ,J. [C ,,
proprietor by a native.
1 O’ For certificates, Ac., see pamphlets lolc b
[ of Agent.
1 CAUTlON.—Purchasers of Dealh In Pain h f ws ;
how you are deceived by Use i-torv that the Pit.
Killing .Agent, and Pain-Killer are I lie oetter tni
cines. {And if yon go to buy Death-to-Pain. lar
and have no other.' Murk the words, " Onik
pain," printed on red glazed paper, with Hie ngosn
of P. lIEDDY, and copyrighted by NS m . i.
& Co., General Agents, to whom all nicer,
be addressed, at Illiica, N. Y-
W. D. BAILfiY, Sfale Agent a(
WolUhoroogh, Martm 9, 1b54.
. The Pockct JCtfonla|)iiiB:
HpHli Fiftieth Editinn,
JL with One Hundred En-
gravings, showing Diseases
and Muiformulions oftlie Ha.
man System in every shaji
and Turin. To which is add'
a Treaties on the Diseases
Females, being of the highest
importance to married people,
or those contemplating mar.
By VV.w Yodjto, M. D.
Let no father be ashumed to present* copye
ASsculapics to his child. It may >avc aim raj
an early grave* Let no young man ur acmn"-
ler into the secret obligation** of inarnru ire »*•!•
out reading the Pockkt rEscui-APii>. utt r «
suffering from a hnekmed Cough, I’am n n.t >v
restless nights, nervous Ict-lings, t/r r*<
train of Dyspeptic scnaaVmnh, and ci'cn ’Ji» *»v:t*
physician, he another moment vtnimui •.onMitiif
the .Esculapius. Have the nmrritc, or miokc «•«
to he married, any wnpodiment, read tin* min w
fill book, as it has-been Ihe means 01 sMij.* u
sands of unlbrlualc creatures from Uic hit ,«i
of death.
O* Any person sending Ticenly-Firt cVuikkx
scd in a teller, will receive one copy 01 ’in* «or**f
muil or five copies will be sent for one Ofilnr
Address, (pott paid) DR. \HI. VH( VG.
•Yo. 152 Spruce St. t I’huaOftiM
March 16, 1854-ly.
Self-Setting Dogs.
r pnii undersigned timing pun nieni u
fight of using the above Mill IWs m
county, would announce to Hie puuhr
ihul he it ready Iq furnish them al ►hen nmkt.:?
any part nl the county, on the nm>i
terms, and warrant them to eel correct Irom nail it
inch to two inches in thickness. They *•* TA
cheapest and the most durable Dog in a*c. "to*
are very simple in construction, conKwmir w
acsily kept in repair. Tliey can be \nea 'or »:
saws in a gale just as well as for one.
Terms, $50.00 per sett for one saw, (the man on*
ing the mill findli jr the heudhinck* mm 'fwren
the men while pulling them ip) and $55.00 lof '»*
N. B.—All orders promptly attended ’o.
I would nay that we have iwd the aw»vc flee.-
bed Mill Dogs .for about four month*, x:
sawyer* like them much and think ihmi l'f'’ m *
We to any they hove used. S. E. KN^WOKIN-
I have o *«cl of* the above docnlad 1(1
mill, which 1 purchased after a years trial, it*
can recommend them lo do (heir work ««n
Wellaboro*, Jun. 5,’54-ly* J. 1. JAt’KSOS*
One third cheaper than White Lead,
free from all poisonous qualities.
The new jersev zinc compa^
having greatly enlarged their works, acfl
proved c/ie qnultiy of their products, arc prepay® 1
eibcute orders lor (heir
Superior Paints,
Dry, and ground in Oil, in assorted packagerofftf 3
25 to 500 pounds; also, Dry, in barrels, of 200 its
Their White Zinc, which is sold dry or 7' r --'
into, iswarranted PURE and unsurpassed lor
and uniform whiteness.
A method of preparation has recently hern
vered, which enables the Company to warrant an
paints to keep fresh and soft in the kegs fur soy or
aonable time. In this respect their paims* 111 *
superior to any other in the market.
Their Brown Zinc Paint, which is sold si l 0<
price, and c.m only be made from the Zinc arts os’l
Now Jersey, is now well known fm its
qualities when applied to iron or other mcuil' cll ''
Their Stone Color Paint possesses all the P rf ‘f* r
ties ol the Brown, and is of an agree a lilt' C"i ,v
painting Cottages, Depots,Outbuildings, line!*
&c, Dealers supplied on libereul Imds'by efi
Agents, FRENCH Ik RU HARI)?,
Wholetale Paint Dealrri and hjifortirti
N. W. car. of XOth &. Market Slsi, Philadelp* l
April 6lh 1854. •
for sale by /■ • (June 22.1 ‘V. CASS
low-price of *2.50 up to >lO, are now o?**
for your inspeetiap at the Cash Store of
Juno i r iss^.y; Jones &
f It USSES.— Ben jam in T a Superior Bus*
JL for sale by [June 83.] . V. <"•
BUSHELS of COHN. loTsa.eoy
vktx'R CAtifi
Dec i. j’^3