The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, December 21, 1854, Image 3

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    Knickerbocker, ;
old ealablishdd: *6rfc erifprt upon it*
I'griv-fifth year inianriaty'tiex(. :; 'jfWtriere
announcement of tbia .faOl ia sufficient to eo
sure its pomplete fu‘cd^. : ''il'iB:one. of the
best publicatjws b y
Ir.rta at
,net the
ted v*bb#^»%tt^ip. w c %# re
evinced poletfion9ft .articles,
it. i#^M ? earJt
the followwg.
Vo the’ RiWrixlcT|^^l^it§^d'brco n Irib;
utor. ” ’ v ■
The best tatant in Aha country twill be en
listed; nntf TO
m ik6 tFiV mt|ro ftltftrxydr “tk
serving of the first position among our origin
a' Am^ricqp
TERMS.— Three Dollars a year, strictly
, n advance—thdre will be bo deviation from
this condition ; Two Copies for 95,00 }' Fire
coines and 53,00 each. 1 jßobksel;
lers and Posimaster3,are requesied to act a|
Aden's. Those who will undertake to prpr
cure subscribers will receive favorable terms.
Soccimen numpers will bo sent gratia on ap
plication, posl-paid.
Inducements for Clubbing. —The Knicker
bocker nnd Harper's, Putnam’s, Graham's or
Lndv’s Magazines will be sent one. year for
85.00; ihe Knickerbocker and Home Jour
on' for Four dollars’a year.
To every subscriber who will send $3,00
lor 1855, we will send a cerlificaie of mem
bership in the Cosmopolitan Art nnd Lilera
rr Associalion, which will disiribple among
ns members in January next. Powers’ Greek
Slave, and over two hundred Paintings, and
other works of Art, offering new and unpar
alleled inducements to subscribers.
I’ostage.—Two cents per number, pre
paid at the office where the work is delivered,
ojarierir in advance,
Ai remuinnces and all business enmmuni
caiious rnusi he addressed, post-paid, to
34S Broadway, New York,
In Shippen,Nov. 19,by Henry Sligh, Esq.,GEO.
AST of Tioga township, Tioga'county, Pa.
P’6RTE.MO\SAIES —New styles, and
i best assortment ever offered in Wellsboro', at
Itec 2i
/~I|FTB« —Of every imaginable hind, suitable
U lu* great and small, for Christmas and New
k [dec 21] BAILEY & FOLEY’s.
DEEDS —Printed on the best quality of pa
per and in the beat style—double and single
AcKnowledgeracnt, at BAILEY FOLEY’s.
WAN TED-A situation as toucher in a
Common School. Enquire ofM.S. Bhek
well. DoJmar, or of _ S. S. BLACKWELL.
Dec. 21, 1854. **
LECTEKES. —The Wellsbornugh Literacy
Inttituie has engaged the services of the fol
lowing Lecturers:
Joseph Cuhminq3,D. D., January.
John G. Saxe, " Ulh and 12lh.
Miss Antoinette L. Brown, Jun. 25ih and 261 h.
Rev. John Pibrpont, February Ilih and 13th.
Ctssias M. Cut, *• I6th and 17th.
IL Rev. Alonio Potter.
Wew Hearse.
TMIE SnhsmhiT iwkcs ibis method in inform
I l)ie public that be baa purchased a new aud beau*
t.fu* HL\USE,and will be pleased toaccommodale
puni-luillv. tho'C who may need his services.
Wdlsboro’, Dec. 21, ’54. B. T. VANHORN.
TWRSiockMdpisof** Thp MANSFIELD
1 IRON WORKS” will meet at the office of!
fik! Company in Mansfield, on l)io Ist Monday of
January next, at 2 o’clock P. M.. for the purpose of
exn'nr Directors ond Officers for Ihc ensuing year.
O'tiLC Mansfield Iron Vtforks, i J. S. HOARD,
Minefield, Dec. 14, 185 ft. , See'y.
PAME into the enMcMire of
the subscriber on or rfbont the fflSa5BHWi
uif, a dark red steer two years
o.c his'., with snqall horns, and 0*52553056
nil* i. iu one ear. ,The owner can’ have him by pro
nof property and paying charges.
Morn*. Dec. 21. ’54. LYMAN SCRANTON.
AN or about the 6ib msi., on ihe£3j*
sidewalk in front of (he Tin & StoreS-/7b
More of' D. ?. &. W. Roberts, a medium
SIIAER. ENGLISH WATCH,with steel chain at
uriiec The owner can have it by calling on the
iua*rnbcr ond paying for this advertisement.
W clUhoro’, Dee. 21, ’54~3l D.P. ROBERTS.
Calicoes! Calicoes!
Ai porleclly . fast colors, ond the largest
assortment that wai efer offered in Ih'm.coun
:«■ can now be seen at JONES & ROE’B,.
published m
TN order to accommodate “ The People,”
residing in all parts of the United Slates, the
fuuu-hcrs will forward by return of the first mail,
anr Oook named in the following list, the postage
*■.' ue prepaid by them at the New York office.
b« um arrangement of prepaying postage in ad*
t jj)cc, fifty per cent is saved to the purchaser. All
iuicr» containing orders should be postpaid, and di
recite as foIIows:—FOWLERS & WELLS.
308 Broadway, New York.
'-onMilulion of Man. By C»-org»* Combo.
Only authorized American edition—2o Engrav
ings, and a Portrait of the author. Price, Muslin,
hi cu.
Oconee ofPhrannlngv. Containing an Es
?av on the Nature and Value of Phrenological Ev
il; Boariiaiao. Priie 87 cle..
Cile. Thniijjhis on its Concord
4m; Discord, with Valuable Hints and suggestions.
h» Sjzcr. ]5 els.
tiUui ainm. lis lilementnry Prinoiplos found
ro on Uic Nature of Man. By J. G. Spurzhcicn,
M L Wiih an Appci.dix, containing a descrip
tion o( the Temperaments, and an Analysis of the
l 4 MCQo!ogicul Faculties. 87 cts,
Tepnrd this volume as one of the most impor-
UoiUiathos been offered to the public tor many
Ymr:> —Boston Mkd. and Sor* Journal.
lyrioreK on PhreimlogV. ■ fly - Geo. Cornhe.
W»ih Noica, an Essay on the Phrenological Mode
Investigation, and an Historical Sketch. By
feoardman. Illustrated. 91,35. 1
Mir mi iip,; its Mwiory nnd Philosophy. A
Phrenological ana Physiological Exposition df the
Function* and the Qualifications necessary for
H«ppy Marriages. Illustrated. 75 cts.* *
Memory, nnd lutHluuiuul Imppivement J cp-.
pjied to SclT&ducation and Juvenile- lAstrhction.
Twentieth edition. Illustrated. 87 cts. ; /
MnUiniont ; or Phrcmilniry nnfi Physiology
■W*«? l 9 Selection of Congenial Coirtn anibns-l
for lira ■, mcWing Directions to the Married fog
liwng togoilior affectionately and happily. 30ctw
PhriMiolnjjy Proved, lliu.ifiiied mid Applied.
accompanied by a Chari, embracing an Analysiaof
the Primary Menial Powers in their various Do.
grecs of Development, the Phenomena produced by
ibeir combined Activity, and location of the Phre.
nological organs. Together with a view of the
Mond and Theological beating of the Science,
"nec 81,25.’ -
Phrenological Almanac, frith Portraits, Gets.
Phrenology and the Swipfhfre|," Art ftbtb,'
though small work. '&rßevrjoninjierponL ISoL
‘ of their own Charaolersil,l6 cents.
Self.ailfure'bnfl f jri"
clndinfc Ihe ftdtnatiw end,;MahPjpibenl of (Youth.(
. Prfce,B7 ; c«mt»-v s ifi'twii-T viA •-*- f
|“&//made ®r ne»«rma*w_s
Self-Jnstrupior in Phtbhbla'gy' aria iPnySiplo.
mehl,. uy.O, 8, and li’yjN v F<wler'.'': In" paperl 36
wat&l so
Accidents dna Emergencies : A uuta€ y qqn>
• Uining Dirpotinpa ’jf or ■ iav.RlepditJg, <
Cuts, Bruises,
Railway and SlcambpatbAcrtiacply, jPutps aftfl-
Scalds, Biles of Mad Jpjprsd liycs,
Choking, Poison, Fits,. . pizhtnina.
Drowning, etc., etc. Appepdix,,.-TrpJl,,fi
Wts,. ; . »j-t.,n
Bulwer , Forbes , and Houghton, on. tht
Weler-Trealment. A' Conjßil&ti6h-of iPlpersiapd
Leclores on the Subject of Hygiene nnjl; Hydro
pathy. Hdited hy Uoughtoi;. $1,25..
Consumption ; its' Prevention and Cure by
the Wyir-TrealmMU, copMtu’mg
Heornrrfmgp of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds. Afilnms,
Broucliiiin, and Sore Throat By Hr.'.Shew. 87
cents. , ’r > ’ ' 1 - ‘ 1 1 ’’
Domestic Practice df 'Hydr'opafay'vith ii
Form of a Repotl (or tho bf Pnlicnlsin'
consulting their’ Physldiajin" by' Correspondence.'
Ry Ed. Johnson, M. ?1,50.
Errors of Physiciaiis phd others in tTie .
Practice of the Water-Cure. by ,J. H. Rausse.
From the German. 30 cents.
Hydropathic Encyclqcrdia ; a. - System ,fif
Hydropathy and Hygiene. ■ CnntaiiilngOdllihesof
Anatomy; Physiology of the Human Body ; Hy
giepio Agencies, and the. Preservation of Henhlf;
Dietetics, and- Hydropathic Cookery; Theory and
Practice of Water.TrcntmdnU Special Pathology,
and Hydro-Therapeutics, including the Nature,
Causes, Symptoms, and. Treatment of ai) known
Diseases; Application.oCHydropathy to, Midwifery
and the Nursery. Designed for Tamilics pod’
Students, and a Text Book fbr Pliysieians. By R.
T. Trail, M. D. Illustrated with upwards of Three
Hundred Engravings and Colored Plates, Sub
stantially bound. Prepaid by mail, $3,00.
This is the most comprehensive and popular work
yet published on the subject Of Hydropathy. Of all
the publications which have attained such a wide
popularity, as issued by Fowlers asd Wells, per
haps none arc more adaplcd to general utility limn
this rich, comprehensive, and well-arranged Ency.
eloptedin—rN. Y. Tribune. *
Practice of Wnltr-Cure. Containing a
detailed account of the various processes used in
the Water-Treatment, etc. By Wilson and Golly.
30 cents.
Philosophy of Waier.Cvre. A Develop
ment of the true Principles of Health and Lon
gevily. By Balblrnie. 30 cents.
New Hydropathic Cook Book . By R, T.
Trail, M. D. A System oPCookcry on Hydropath
ic Principles, containing on-Exposition of the True
Relations of all Alimentary Substances, to Health,
with Plain Receipts for preparing all appropriate
Dishes for Hydropathic Establishments, Vegetarian
Boarding-houses, Private Families, etc., etc. It is
the Cook’s Complete G aide for all who “cat to live.**
Paper, 62. cla ; Muslin, 87 els.
Science of Sirimminff. With Instructions
to Learners. Illustrated. 15 cents.
Water-Cure in America . Owt Three 2Jun
dred Cases of Various Discards treated with Water
Cases of Domestic Practice. $1,25.
Water-Cure applied to every known Disease .
A New Theory. A complete Demonstration of
the Advantages of the Hydropathic System of co
ring Diseases; showing also the fallacy of live Al
lopathic Method, and its utter inability to effect a
Permanent Cum. With Appendix, containing the
Hydropathic Diet, and Rules for Bathing. By
Rnusse. 87 cents.
Water-Cure Manual. A Popular Work,
embracing Descriptions of the Varmtv* Modes of
Bathing, the Hygienic and Cur.»tivc Effect** of Air,
Exercise,Clothing, Occupation, Diet, Wnler-Drink
ing, etc. Together with Dcpcrlptlona of Dipcftecp,
and the Hydrbpalhic Remedies. By Dr. Shew.
B 7 cents.
Water-Cure Almanac. Illustrated. C cis.
Combe's Phusiology Applied to the Pre
serration or Health, and to Iho Improvement of
Physical and Mental Education. With Notes by
O. S. Fowler. 87 cents.
Chronic Diseases ; especially the Nervous
Diseases of Woman, By D, Ros Ch. From the
German. 30 cents. - . \.-
Digeslion. Physiology of. Considered with
Relation to the Principles of Dietetics. Illustrated.
Price 30 cents.
Food and Diet. With Observations on the
Dietetic Retrimen suited to Disordered States of Iho
Digestive Organs; and an Account of Iho Dietaries
of some of the Principal Mellropoiitan and other
Establishments for Paupers. Lunatics, Criminals,
Children, the Sick, etc. By Pcriora. Price $1,25.
[vun.Ms: embracing descriptions of Scenery ,
Climate, Prnduclinns, Soil, ond Resources of the
Territory, interspersed will, incidents of Adven
ture snd Anecdotes of Travel. By Max Greene.
30 coots.
Hereditary Descent: its Laws and Facts
applied to Human Improvement. By O. S. Fowler.
87 cents.
Maternity; or, the Bearing and Nursing of
Children, including Female Education. By O. S.
Fowler. Willi Illustrations. 87 cents.
Natural Laws of Man. By J. G. Spurs
helm, M. D. An important work. Price 30 cts.
Physiology, Animal and Mental. Applied
to the Preservation and Restoration of Health of
Body and Power of Mind Illustrated. 87 cents.
Sober and Temperate Life. Discourses and
Letters and Biography of Louis Comoro, 30 cts.
Tobacco. ■ Three Prize Essays hy Drs.
Trail, Shew, and Baldwin. 15 cents.
Teeth : their Structure. Disease, and Treat
ment. With numerous Illustrations. 15 cents.
Future of Nations: in what consists its
Security. A Lecture. By Kossuth. With a
Likeness. 13 cents.
What the Sister Arts Teach as to Farming.
An Address. By Horace Greeley, 13 cents.
True Basis of American. Independence.
An Address. By Hon. Wm. H. Seward. 12 c(s.
I.abnr; its History and Prospects. By
Robert Dale Dwcn. 30 cents.
Hints towards Reforms . Consisting .of
Lecture*, Essays, Addresses, and other Writngs.
Second Edition, Enlarged. By Horace Greeley.
Hopes and Helps for the Yotmg of Both
Series. Relating to the. Formation of Character,
Choice of Avocation, Health, Amusement, Music,
Conversnlion. Cultivation of Intellect, Moral Sen
timents, Social Affection! Courtship and'Marriage.
By Rev. G. S. Weaver. 87 cents. . !
Human Rights, and. their Political , Guar.
antics. By Judge HnrlhuU t With Notes, by
George Combo. 87 cents, ... .. . . -
Home for All. -A Neto. Cheap,Convenient,
and Superior Mode of Building, containing fnlh
Directions for constructing Gravel- I 'Walla, with
Views, Plans,, and Engraved llh|sti;allime. Nctv
Edition, Revised apd Enlarged*. 87 cents.
Theprtf of Population. Deduced from the
General Law of Animal Fertility. Iqtrqdijcthm
by" Dr. Trait. 15 cents.
Woman ;' her. Education and lnfluentet' Efp\
Mrs', Hugo ■Retd. "WHhnn hitrodneiion by ftjr»,
C.'M'. Kirklan'd. : With Porlralti. 1 ’ 87, cents/ ‘' ’
EranA of these wdrks ordered/»ndfo
ceived by'tetnrn of thy msr Mail, postage prepaid
by the Publishers. Please inolpseMhe. amount ip,
bank Potts or postage stamps, and address-all orders,
postpaid, to ' FOWLERS AND WELLS.
308 Broadway! New York/ /
N. B—Name yollf Post Ornnlfi Cotowr, «n 4
SrSTBI .i- >i - V.
I ‘'j^MiJHMtMtofirs ■f-'f *«WVlfeltfhil(il ii&fMto •«*» l»WiliUta«tM*4b -.#?
;; :i ‘H; I S. BML»Ey. I,! '' fi •
~ • j r, . ., :."iu vu i|siiNf)'^.' : i : 6sl^and' l fllled' llie i-'t.-v ‘v' ■ ,i (
pRY GOODS, •■' (WihirWMdio&a'Store'ffornterlyßGOiifiSi-AiyDd ;,'.i-i:’ vppii
I -\GROOERIEti; >' > ! b6 r ciipied'By<BJch&'& RtiM.) i STATIONERY t ir.
■ }<> rniti i ’great'-Vatiely of ri'cl. ■.n i „ ~'•
.! SHOES. and desiroHefWadsi we *tod,OCmiAjm-.<* x:«.I.Q
HARDWARE,'' •< 1 -• -take ! j)tea>t»W‘ in exhibi/Ing ’ JEWEERYst- <v;
'‘’qtJEENSWARB^ I u our stock ib‘ (hose ■iyhb' pur. •/■ ’ FANCY.-,COOPS,
ftr'caiti. B</ offering YANKEE.' nil:',
STONEWARE,' '■• ■ ,! ;' goods of the best quality- only, NOTIONS, , ~,„ ,j
'' : FOREIGN’ip | and tit thelowegt p'rioos, iwe V. 'PERFUMERY ,
:- ! -DOMESTIC expedite-merit ; and receive '4*** '-
FRUITS, " • ■ <■ • bur foil sharia of patronage. •■
PISH AND ■i ■ i ■ 'All-kinds-of country pro
> 1 m' i PROVISIONS’, '-•duce "lalte'il' in; exchange for)
GEASSi'SASHi goddd the sotflo as cash.
'■ PAINTS, OILS, ■ . .<iß n-S, BAILEY;
BURNING FLUID, - 1 Wellaboro’,-Nov. 20,1854,
These has long existed a public demand for an
effective purgative pill which could be relied.on aa
sure and perfectly safe in its operation. This Has
been prepared to meet that demand, ind an exten
sive trial* of its virtues has conclusively shown with
what success ft accomplishes the purpose designed*
It is easy to make a physical pill* bat hot easy to
mokrthe besberf wUeb'shoiiM have
nonc of the objections, but all the pf
every other. • This has been attempted here, and
with what success we would respectfully submit to
the public decision. It .has' been • unfortunate for
the patient hitherto that almost every purgative
medicine is acrimonious and Irritating to the bow
els. This is not Many of them produce so much
griping pain and revulsion in the system as to mpre
tnan counterbalance the good to ’he derived from
them. Those pills preduce no irritation. 6r pain,
unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc
tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely
vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any
quantify; but it is better that any medicine should
be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their
use in the several diseases to which they are ap
plicable are given on the box. Among the com
plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we
may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms
of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of ApJ
petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache,
Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side
and Loins; for, in’truth, all these arc but the con
sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an
aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos
tivencss, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof
ula aqd Scurvy, Colds, with soreness of the body,
Ulcers and impurity of lHe blood; in short, any
and every case where a purgative is required.
They nave also produced some* singularly suc
cessful cures in Rheumatism, Qout, Dropsy, Gravel,
Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, rains in the
Bock, Stomach, and Side, They should be frcjely
taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood
and prepare the system for the change of seasons.
An occasional doso stimulates the stomach and
bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe
tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their
stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno
vate the strength of the body, and restore the
wasted or diseased energies of -the whole organism.
Hence an occasional dose ii advantageous, even
though no serious derangement exists; but un
necessary dosing should nover bo carried too far,
as every purgative medicine reduces the strength,-
when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which
& physic is required cannot be enumerated heVe, but
they suggest themselves to the reason of every
body *, and it is confidently believed this pill will
answer a better purpose than any tiling which has
hitherto been available to mankind. when their
virtues are once known, the public will uo lougpr
doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a
cathartic medicine. Being; sugar-wrapped-they are
Sleasont to take, and being purely vegetable, no
arm can arise from their use in any Quantity.
For minute directions sec wrapper ou the Box. :
Practical aud Analytical Chemist,
•LOWEtL, -mass.
Fries 35 CShts per Box. Five Boxes for SL
For ttic Vapid Cure of
This remedy has won for itself such notoriety
from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease,
that it is entirely recount U»c .evi
dences of its virtues in any community where it
has been employed. So wide is the field of its use
fulness, and so* numerous tho cases Of Us cures,
that 'almost'cvm section of the country abounds
in persons puWicfv known, who have been restored
from 'alarming- and even dfeperato diseases of the
lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority
over ever)* other medicine of its kind is too appa
rent to escape observation, whci’e its virtues are
known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote
to employ for thd distressing and dangerous affec
tions of the pulmonary organs which aro incident
to our climate. And not only in formidable at
tacks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties
of Colds, Coughs, lloabrexlSsi &c. ; and for
Children it is the plcasahtest and safest medicine
that can be obtained.
As it has long been in constant nse throughout
this section, we need, not |do mote than assure the
people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever
has been, and that the genuine article is sold by—
ROBERT ROY, VVclUborough; B. Babsse,
Batseville ; E. Dybh, Covington ; Dr. Hum.
Piirey, Tingn, nnd by Druggists everywhere.
December 7, JBs4"lni,
Chairs, Chairs, Chairs;
TjESIpES n vnrietv of nil other hinds of
scribef has four different styles of
which ho is selling at cost prices- Also. '
Two different patterns of Mahogany Spring
Scat Chairs , and Mahogany Rockers,
and three patterns of Sofas.
Also, Rpsewood.Corl Maple, and Commflnohairs
of all kinds. ' ■ E. D. WELLS.-
1 Lawrcnccvillc, Nov. 16,155 d.
Eslray. •
GAME into
the subscriber. on (Its Slit
two Calves —one a Steer, jed
while, and a heifer, nearly 'oil
belli in good condition. The owner is requested’to
tTORSRi Podlnr ,\V »gon nod iHfjwepj.fpy,
ii Sdhilhytho aubscribetVchejtp, foti CasllitorrAJh
prove# paper,- separately, dr together, ,ihorse,
fcagooil, serviceableanidtsL- : .n oil-'
[00t.5.] . r - W. ILBaILEV.,,
AMfi.,| A.-supply of gpda Shot Guns, Ppw'ipf,
Lead,and Sale by . .'V.' CA^.E.jj
T.EAD.P.IPE Ibi Spring?,Tor bale hy t, J<_
JU i.Nov,BU , a r.i «.if.,ft W. RQPKjITSX
- V. M T "T A '±..'-r vrA Trn
. ' The American Artists’. UNtoy.vwQuld roipeptv
,f|illy announce to thp of thq.UniteifStatps
Xnd (lie Canada?, that for the purpose of edliitotlnV
a fuslc far the fine aria throughput (he country,'arid
with a view of Enabling c vcryfamllylobccomd pos
sessed of a gallery of Engravings . ( r
They have deterroined, in order lo create an, cxtpp.
aive sole for their Engravings, and Urns not nifty
give employment to a .large number of artists and
qlhers, hut inspire among our'countrymen a tanto
for works of art, lo present toilie-purchosorsof tHoir
engravings, when 250,000 of which, , ,i't
250,000 Gifts, pf the actuhl coat of 8150,000,
Each purchaser of a (Jtid Dollar Fngravirig,there
fore, receives not only an Engraving"richly' worth
the money, but also a ticket which entitles him to
one of the Gifts when they are distributed.,
- For Five Dollaro,.a highly finished Engraving,,
beautifully PAINTED IN 01 t.abd’ Five Gift Tift
; rte, will bo sent: or Five Dollars Worth of'splendid
Engravings can bo selected from the Catalogue, and
sent by return mail or express, v
Acopypflhc Oiluloguc, together with a sped,
men of one of th/ Engravings, can bo seen at the
office of this paper. •
For each Dollar sent, an Engraving actually toortA
that sum, and a QiU JUket t Dili ie immediately for
The Committee believing that the success of tins
Great National Undertaking will he materially pro
moted by the energy and enterprise of intelligent and.
enterprising Agents, have resolved to Heat with such
on the most liberal terms.
Any person wishing to become an Agent, by send
ing (post paid,) $l, will receive by return of Mail, a
One Dollar Engraving, a GIFT TICKET, a Pros
pectus, a Catalogue and all other necessary inform
On the final completion'of the sale, the Gifts will
be placed in fho hands of a 'Committee 0/ the Ptir •
chaser « to be distributed, doe notice of which will be
given throughout the United Slit lep and the Canady-
100 Marble basis of Washington, at 8100 810,000
100 •• » Clay . 44 10,000
100 •* »» Webster • “ 10,000
100 ** *• Calhoun, - 41 10,000
50 elegant Oil Paintings, in eplen* J
did gilt frames size 3x4 each, (
100 elegant Oil Paintings, 2x3ft each
500 steel plate Engravings, brill* 1
iantly colored in oil, rich gill S>
framcs-24x30 in each, J
10.000 elegaul steel engra.
vings col*d in oil, of the Wash*
ingtnn Monument 20x26 in.en,
237.000 steel plate engravings, from
100 different plates now m pos
session of, owned by the Art.
i»la Union, of the market val
ue from 50 els., to 31 each,
1 firm.class Dwelling, in 31sU«l-,N.
22 Building Lots in 100 and 101 si
sU. N. York, 25x100(1 deep, ut
100 Villa sites, containing each 10,
000 sq. H. in suburbs of N. Y.
city, commanding mdgnific’nU
views of Ilud’n River Sc L. I.
Sound, at
20 perpetual loans of cash, with
out uil’st or security, $250 ca. £ 5,000
50 perpetual loans 100 “ 5,000
100 44 44 “ 50 “ 5,000
250 44 44 44 20 “ 5,000
2000 “ 44 “ 5 » , 10,000
Reference in regard to the Real Estate, J. Viss
ciikr Sc Co., Real Estate Brokers, New York. Or
ders, (post paid) with money enclosed, to be address,
cd, J. W. HOLBROOKE, Sec,y, 505 Broadway,
N. Y
(CT The Engravings in the Catalogue arc now
ready for delivery. [nov. 9, 6m.]
Fall and Winter lUilliucry
Goods, for Ready-Pay.
gllE subscriber would
*=> respectfully inform the citi r
zens of WcUsborongh and vicln
tty, tfiftl die is just receiving a
consisting of BONNETS of every variety, LADIES
caps, Childrens* hats, bonnet lt.
NINOS, FLOWERS*nnd RIBBONS of every bind
chiefs, Silks,. Plain and Barred Muslins, Laces,
Colton and Linen Edging, and a variety of other
things 100 numerous to mention. All of which
can be obtained cheaper than elsewhere this side
of New York city.
The subscriber is now a Ready-Pay bnsi.
ness, and would invite her friends to call and ex
amine her goods before making their purchasfcs, as
she is confident they cannot suit themselves fattier
at any other establishment.
Work dono on short notice and in Ibe moat ap
proved style.
Sho calends her sincere thanks A her friends for
the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to her,
and solicits a continuance of the same.
O” Shop one door front thq residence; of L.. P
Wltislon. , MRS. M. STEVENS.
Wellsbnrough, Nov. 30,1854.
S. B. PRICE, Principal; G. W. BEACH, Assista'l.
Mrs. S. Price, Preceptress; Alias A. Beach, Teach,
of 3lusic.
THE WINTER TERM for 1804-5 will
commence Nov. 28 i the Spring Term Ibt
,1855, Feb. 20.
Board per wed; 31 .TO
fTnilion-portorm -.from 63 50 to SOD'
Deer6otd, Nov. 16,1854-31. . .
BROKE into tpe.enclosure
the subscriber on or about ,tbe
Ist lnst., 3 calvds, oho ball, ddep rctf,
and Uvrt hciffcfs, oinrdrcp red,und tllo
'other light red .with- iVhilp .spots on botlv hindquiir.
iterjt.and a'w.liile spot,on tho.flpju fore, shoulder
>The owner can have them bV proving proper,tviand
I paying charges. " ■' ■ 'LEWIS LEWIS, ‘
• Charleston,Nok-.i90,‘M54-3t. i • 1
; Strpyid ,
INTO the enqloKQrn, of-. .Iha ■
(lubicriber onqr abdut Uip Ist of RmeSSN '■
a bfowi) yearling’,beilor.
' The owner can nWp Her by proving agCllilSCSSi
1 properly and pabitljfiiliiirges.'''
Formihgton, lio'c. fv'ISSl-
IKW of;.
ALL&mdSItK h,
i “ 5,000
i, 50 5,u60
Y. City, 12,000
1,000 23,000
500 50,000
Uninn Academy.
i' van- -r.
; r rfoe6 r ‘6T ~,i
S' b«!>>;nsi (ft# Wirldn* 'wifT •
part aof
»TWffirtmsot of attpolpp*
All-Woof nntf 'OheapDglaines, Black Silks at much
IpwAr forrhfeV’ add Coclrcco;
Prints, Long, aitd tijiiarai Woolen'Shawls-at; vayi
Ipw.'i,prices, Brown, Fwtioryi Bleach
ahd,.Whtla Flannel; Slripp .ShirMpf.,
Blue - Deneins, Bed Ticking/'WfoadTcfotlis, "dw*
'njcfisj I '^tiiicfis',’"l^enfiftliy Shcdp^i'-'Gl^ l '
GlAttf, Gotten BittiilgV Carpel 'WdrpJ'Colton ’Yam/
ahdajwmany other articles, ; in, the, iihovc lino that,
.wehavonot timq.pof. topm to enumeto le ip a^ingla
: lHuacoyado,;Coffia Ctns|tpd,",Ppwdcred and,Crush
ed Sugars, Sic warty Syrups tin d‘Moj« sees, Old Java, I
’Rio ond'CagnTra Coffec, Yttarrg llykd’n trod Black'
Tea; Peoppr, Cinarnon, Allspice, Starch,. Girighr,
Rica,,Bar Soupi Candles, Indigo, SJltpiler, Alum,
; 4pp., Pork;,, Flour; *Eh)h, Salt, ,Butter,
Oil, &c M &cL ",
lints ami Caps. .
. i Blaolt and Light Colored JBcaveJ HaUi Know'
Jfqlllmg, KnoWSompthing and Kossuth Hals, B)V
nntl Cloth'Cads. ’'Boy's fftU’
and. Caps ofcvcry description. ■ - li.r
-■ ; ; Bigots; rtn'd Sliojcs. |- v
’ Mens I 'Calf, ’Elp 1 and Heavy Sloga Bbots; also,
Rubbers; Boys' and Youths’ Boots, Childrens'
,Slioea of every description, Ladies’ Shoe*,.Bools and
Gaiters, a large assprtmeql at very low price*. ~,
. Wooden Ware.
Pails, Brooms,'TAibs, Brushes, Butter - ,Ladles and
Prints, Axchclvc?, Washboards, Sugar Boxes, Alep,
spres, &.C., Sea. 1
j f nco
i ’ h:
il j ■ 4
, , v Hardware.
Naila, Mill Saws, i>< Saws and Hifnd Saws, (Mill
Files, Sooopes, ’ Shovels, Manure Forks, Chula's,
Steelyards, Pocket Knives, 1 Tiiblo Cnllery, Door
Looks, Latches; , Bed ■ Locks, 1 Butts and Screws;
Hnrye Cards and Brushes, Axes from the best man
ufacturers, always op,hand.
by the sett or. piece to suit the wants of purchasers.
tnanafaclurca prices.' EASTBRtf CLOqKS, war
ranted to keep good time.
Ready-lHadc Clothing.
Blacky Brbwn/Drab and. Blue Overcoat?, from a
low price op, Sack, Frock- and Dress Posts of every
description. Fancy and -Black Cnsimerc Panip, Dl’k
Satin, Casimerc and Velvet Vests, qiso, Cheap. Vests
of every style and quality, Shifts anld Collars, Wool
:fen Wrappers and Drawers, Buckskin and Woolen
Gloves and Mittens, Fancjr and Black Silk'Cravals,’
Self-adjusting Sloths, Silk and Lin|n Pocket Hand*
kerchiefs, Woolen Socks, Suspenders, Umbrellas,
and in fact nearly eveything that, man, woman or
child may want can be found at this establishment.
The subscribers would return thejr sincere thanks
to the inhabitants of this Borough and surrounding
country, for tho very liberal patronage that has been
bestowed on them since, they commenced business
in this place, and wish, by keeping a large assort
ment of Goods to select from, andI’selling 1 ’selling at small
profits, to merit i continuance of the same.
Wells boro*, Nov. 1,1854: JONES & ROE.
THE UNDERSIGNED rbspot-tfully in.
form the Farmers of Tioga County, that they
nro now Manufacturing FINCH’S IMPROVED,
PREMIUM FANNING iMlLLS,|threc miles south
of WelUboraagh, on the Jersey- Shore road} and
feel warranted in saying that mid Mill is tho bust
ever introduced into Tioga Cminty both as respects
cleaning fast and well, and the saving of Grass Seed.
Farmers aro respectfully invited to cull and exam
ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere.
ttj* All kinds of Produce taken in payment. Old
Mills repaired on short notice.
10 5,000
4 40,000
Delmar, Oct. 13, 1854-tf.
T ,110 V I' would must res||rL’ifullv inform
** • the citizens of WclNboro’nnd vicinity, that ho
has ju.t opened a Grocery arid Oyster Saloon-one
door balow Cleaver’s Hotel, wlierei he will bo happy
to furnish families with -all .kinds of Groceries as
cheap as the cheapest. Sugars, Irnm the finest white
down to the cheapest brown. Ten. Coffee, Rice,
So4p, Candles, file., of the best quality, constantly
on hand. 1
Fresh from the mint, served up in the host style atoll
reasonable hours of llje day and night. ICT Don't
forget the place.-
VVellshorough,' Nov. 9, 1854.
». P. & W. ROBERTS
XJA\ ING purchased nnriCWL
enlarged the Tin and Stove [jfl y*k
Store ot C. E. Gijay, would call llio .finSfß
attention of the trading pnUUc to
their largo and splendid assortment
of Stoves, coinpr sing a variety
kinds of PREMIUMS.
Also, a complete assortment of PARLOR. & BOX
STOVES, at or below Elmira prices.
of oil kinds, shr
11*0. Eav6 Gut
All Tm-waro (
They respect
wish to pnreha
them that mono
slock before pui
TTake Rloiict.
HOSE inqebii'd to the ,snli^cfiber, niihor
by nolo or | book account, will please call and
settle the same immediately. As she is about rlo
sing-tip her busincsa.slie is very desirous of having
her accounts settled as soon as possible.
WellfboroV Nov. 16, ’54. Mil S. M. M EEK,
Bretts Goods.
LADIES, just drop in at J. R. Rnwen’s
■ cheap store and examine his Bareges, Barege
DclainsyLawnsj Black Silks,,Gingbamsj Crape and
Silk Shawls, and save your temper cent.
~ Wellshorsugh, J unc 20,1 $5 4. ,
. Kobcs.
A FEW baJes-of.NOi I Whole Robes, just;
received by • , „ JONES & ROE,
Wellsborough, Nov. i,18g4, k - , .
Ci H A W IpS !.. SH A W LSI!-—Now is yonr
. liipa, Ladle*, to boy a[ good- warm - wiptcr
Shartlata Very Imv price,at i JONES & UOE'B.
' w " ll ‘ l Nov-t. Ib34i " ■ ! 11
2 fin(l EBSLof oftl j (remand* tapper
V- Wanlsd in csitjangd for. Stoves anp
Tihtvirc, itf - [N6V.9.] UP.I&, Wi ROBERTS.
P ACHEOD - FAINTS. 4-60, nieces 'of CtU
v' choci and'MentiTais'Prints, bf bcaWitbi fllyles,
■jin* received by ■'{Jurio-Ej -- JONES & KrtK.
t'RRN,AND FORCE WfttPS; , wholt-. J
A-f sate'and retail,Trom 510 Id #l5 At
Veltabo'ro\Ndv,9.' Roberts’*
pcs and sizes wanted for household
era m«dc to order at the shortest no.
one to order ond in the best manner,
arcfully proved before leaving the
[oily solicit the patronage of all who
pc tiny thing Jn their line, assuring
jy cun be.sfcvcd by examining their
{chasing cUowhcrc.
I Nov: 9,185-1.
NOLDSr ttgradaSfeoftiteßMn afc>T»j»lly, ? ,» L , -,..\
; ; PftfinHKe teijlittibVty recaiVedof hfcslimctef end''
gpaßlfeilteM/froin Wsijtpertebceiß t*wbtaftP*4 <‘
fiWhis tß^flWf««i»«™>»'>d ) el»ewheK,j»e can, ,
’■ffiimilftiiilti ; Whefiee 1 ’6in«llj' {fef&itf 3
fcrill.bam T««ehor»>.;clM*, : ■•
ofllkiso whodnlwd 4o ePfag* m.lhj.basi. n
pei» iof l6»clnng»»liioh.will ifcwve, Mniw« 0. ,
■' Arrahgcffi'enis hotb>lilteivHo ttsenimWeto pro
cure 1 suitable; Chemical endilPhilosophical iwtrtsr .-,
tricot*, each •»> used in lha, of .
Sbhpfili in the (State of .New Yort.
‘ ' The Academy'building is imfw undergoing '* UidN -
oujh repair analnsitchnmanncr as wiUbaetpto* '
mote (he comflrt'and heallhof the pupils. 1 •
1 Boarding can be L obtained in retpepUUoj private ~
families at,a price Ji‘pt « Deeding 9,1 $0 per erect. ,
The rates of lhUlbn will be n» follows!
' Primary, Department. i..'....’. '.. .91,60 ’ ■’
1 Geog'raphyiArilhWetio'A. EHg. Grammar 8,00. .
- Higher English branches,.,.... .•. >3,09
, Algebra, Geometry da Surveying........ 4,00
. > Languages, Drawing, Painting, ate., 5,00’'
, VtrelUproujfli.Aug. 1t).1854-ff. : ' 1 ■'
XL ted on tlio plank road leading from Elkland to
INTO CLOTHS of every description for furthers*
wear, for three shillings per yard, or on shares at
'the 1 halves.
Wool Cardin? A; Cloth Dr««-
done on abort notice.
The subscriber would any to bii former palrona
and the public generally, doing businete,
not with a one-hone tbaltr power, but on' a durable
stream of water that never fails—baa TWO DOU
entire set of machinery expressly for
Manufacturing. Wool into Cloth,. L
all of whiohis in good .order for doing lotinreSj
which will to pABD ALL WOOL,
brought from a distance the same day, so that the
rolls can be taken back immediately.
All work animated to me tkaU be teellioni.
37 Most kinds of . produce taken in payment Sir
work. Terms —Pay Dawn.-
Addison, June 15. 'Sd. L. C. PENDLETON. . .
Important to the Pwbllc.
AT J. R. BOWEN'S Empire Store the
lime- has finally come, when Goods .can be
bought as cheep in, Wellsborough, as at Elmtea, Cor
ning, or in any other town west of New York ( and
the public at largo are invited to call and satisfy
themselves that this is no Humbug.
At J. R. Bowen’s will always be found an takes,
sive assortment of well selected
and n large variety of Gentlemen's Clothing,
all of which will bo disposed of at a reduced price
Wellsborough, Jnly S 7, iesd-lf.
WHEREAS, an i he night of the 241 h of
March lasl, James I. Jackson, and others by
the use of false keys or otherwise, forced their way
into the dwelling house of the subscriber, while the
family were absent apd removed hie goods mil of
tho house in order to get possession—and further,
the said James I. Jackson took possession of the
Books belonging to the subscriber, and refuses to de
liver them, over to hirmfor all of which, the said
James I. Jackson and others bare given bail for
their appearance to the next court ot Quarter Sess.
ions. This is therefore to forbid all persons paying
any accounts to James I. Jackson made at the wool
en Factory arid Saw Mill from that time until the Ist
clay of March, A. D. 1853, as I have «i lease pf Iho I
Woolen Factory ntid Saw Mill from that until .
the Ist day of March, A. t). 1855, binding mete
collect all debts for work done. \
27*X8*l-tfc .
Delmar, Jut;
subscriber would respectfully inform
~ M» onslatftefs and friends that he still ctm.
tinuos the mctoanlilobnainess, at the old place, at
die wc.l known store of L. I. Nichols, where be will
ho happy to wait on those that will favor him with
a call, and would invite the attention of the pnhlio
generally to his large and commodious stock of
Groce lies, Kcady-iTlade Cloth >
ins and Hardware,
AND CAPS, &c M &c. t
in fact everything else kept id a country stored arti
cles too numerons to mention, and will sell cheaper
than can bo bought this side of Now York city.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange fur goodi
at the highest market price. J. R. BOWEN.
Wellaborongh, June 23,1554.,
- At Bowen’* Empire Store.
/''•ALL un' seo ihe best and largest stock
'-''of Goods ever offered to the public. Consisting
of dry goods, groceries,
SHOES, EfATS AND CAPS, and a large stock
I flatter myself that I can dress a man toparlrct>>J
lur fils in all eases who desire the ready-made. f
The Ladies arc invited to call and examine the
richest int best assortment of DRESS GOODS ever
before offered in market-*—which I. am prepared w
sell at prices that cannot fail to suit
Wellsborough Sept. 13,. 1854.
Bakery and Variety Store.
"DOS I ON, MiLK, BUT'FELI ,& Common
CRACKERS, Fresh listed, by tb« lb., or
bbl. Family Bating,and Fariics, furnished «t
short notice. Deal, also in -GROCERIES, PRO.
CAStI paid for Buttcr.jEtrgs, Clicosc,L»rd, Grsio
and other products of the Farm.
Corning, N, Yi, Ang., 3,1854-tf
T DEEM it .proper'to sny thnllhp cause oil
of my being out of Piaster, for the last few dayji*
was' airing' to fctrcimtstnricea beyond my controfd
TheCunul between Cayuga- Bridge and the Janette
Lock, vvua nol.4p.;rctidineea »t the time to adoectisa
in consequence of building a new) Look. But *
FRESH SUPPLY has juatbeon received, ’and wilt
be ground .Id supply all that .(nay call. ' Cbme nub
odmoaJl. AMOBBfXBYi
ilamficM, May 23,1854
Custom IToot 'At Sb#e B hop.
J A T M. Shi-rwoortV &d J ' wtfrid, Where ihe
•£*-.Be*m’ BW»'cbn«Bn»‘ to maV*, m*pd f »iidl
measure to order; ataa W.prloea M,the tipi#*' %IH
.-ji, t . ■. : - vWfv;
All wwk or* Jlfcaym or j»
—andndt rip.fif i e^e(o | ploce« T till ItVpff Wetx.oiil
1 »>'
CASH wIR 'bfcjtaM ftf ariv gtianUW o(* fciWii
■Jtliddrtee.'*' tll ~' v 0 •
dulyilVlSM. «< ' flßO.fri e^AIW.
T A DIES SHOES—Aji&v Wpttv ju^i 'm
la d*KH%i \ • r <‘°r*R, .TO^ES'k