The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 23, 1854, Image 4

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A SO»al*t the IWHIoii ,•«**»«*
r.: -wf.'iv* ■w—-J- 1 ' jt'flrtifeAt-3, aJBUj:
oM^.fte^w^ ,rt >' o<>^<^ til • M^ l *' , 115
-God WAWfroWr* God ofHke.Wßcnliisi wo
Hear u« sad bless «», ..-w/
■.• .■*■* o.J nun 1 *
Breilhe’ononr apirtla thy ,lore smi thy '
Teich n»e*H*m-*Wn«f4tafc«^id#*Uß*r ,1,!l c "
‘. 'Teachowto-loto J'w
To lore one another* brother hie brotheri 'c* r
And make tit all free-* 1 -■ r?
Free from the aback lea-of ancient tra.ditioßM.-ir7; &
Free fris* thtoejiauw erf nan hr
Help u» «»eh One hrftM ble troe*rtia|toni:fs; V +
And show tia ’tie manly tie Godlike to Libor I-. it
God oCihir'dMTmeM'. GodofiWtotf,
God o t the beautiful, God, r
-, v .' • Clothe u. and feed tft. _ ,
Show D« lhat Aranca'l|o|da ue in .* , ,
That Jhslaod u all \hou tojlh
" ( Scatter bdrilindneVf . - .., ~*
Help-tie todo right, all Ihe day inn nighty,
■ -
Aid os to conquer mwwkca orinj past; *
Show u» our fulurc/lo ctieer.os and artn^^
The upper, (he better, (he mansion* tlfod
And Gbo Srihe that thegpye canflofhtrtft
Earlyiu 1B&0 : Ss »3iP »W
Yußa, at Cpfdua'a Bar having'for n com|larf
niottv one Rawsun S— 7-chnp,- antf_
ono of.lbose rare chaps lnal ; (iul.oa lh* grW'f,
ily of a person--,while yttfp r ihet s
takes the breath out of you with laughter,
while listening to;ft Ra®*- (wiwtf>hbr«t(i#
nled hint) was the camp, and to
him were all bands indebted for many. on.
amusing and original scene. The following)
between Rawj, and a faw.lrishipan. whd
worked near by:—-.ope John l^plun—iviil not,
soon be forgotten by the hbyS who were At.
Cordua’s. • ■ J " a' ■ A - w
John hid been but a short time' frohrMhe
“ Emerald Isle,” and W&a, Ji&r cdnverfuenee,
rather “ vordqj)l” in his knowledge of thihgs
in general,>npd “ varmints” in particular, in
the mountains, and especially of that putty
colored gentleman yclepl-a skunk,.amanimal
of whose existence and'nature ho had ‘hoi,
probably, the slightest knowledge. ‘ '
One evening John requested me to keep
an eye on his rent ihe following morning; as
it wag his intention to fake his picks to a
smith’s shop to'hake therm 'sharpened;-' bod
would probably atari an -hour sufficiently,
early to enable him to return in season for
breakfast. . 1 promised to dp' soj and then
turned,into my non of pins .slrdw and one
blanket. (Twus the best wo had in those
days.l . .
Next morning, rust as we were, discussing
our pork and slapjacks, ’/oho' returned, and
calling Raws one side, while" his eye'glared
like neat’s in a strange garret, he said to him
rather confidentially—
“ Say, Raws, do \e smill onythlng quare
about me ” - ,
Raws look a sniff,.and recognizing (he odor
peculiar lo a skunk”, replied—' l Yes, John;
you have been in bad company.”, 1 r
“ Faix, an’ ve're right, Raw*—divilish bad
company, lo me sorrow 1 soy it.” 1
“Why, John, Iliad a better opinion" of
you than lo think you had been trying to
coax off one of Mother Cordua’s lap-dogs.”
“Coax ihe dtvil! an’ is it a yocnff
him? Bcdad, but it’s a qunre console the |
ould ’oman has, lo be sure, to be havin’ the
likes of him (or a lap-dog.”
“If you did not want him lo follow you
home, why.didn’t you drive him’back?"
“ Dhrive ‘im back is it!—dhrive ’im back
did you sav 7 Bedad, but the smill ov ’im
’ud dhrive an army backl.. Ids to me indiv
ers (b lake ’nn that I'm owin’for mv on*
christianlike smill; I’ll fell jye ilawa, [ mcl
the Utile dtvil imhelhrail beyanl. 1 had me.
picks sharpened, on’ woz cornin’, backets fust 1
as iver my legs-could carry-me,-whin-l-secd
it) the'pmh afore me a mighty daccnt looking
chap, wid purfy white spots on ’im.tah’ be ja.
bers, gays I, list mind )he . brush ...he.carries
wid ’im, ljq Uould, u bo ;
an’ I jisi tippks -to lliat
same be a' bctrtniful thing lo'g(can?tlie sand'
oul.ov. me gold wid. So'l walks la’un
quite alsily like," expectin’ be. after .lavin'
me ; but dlvil a fbof duftlto Stir," but seemed
quite cohtini that I should take bis brush ; so
says 1, me honey v I’ll lake,that .same console
out of ye in a jiffy. .Theni-seized: hould-.of
me pick wid h°th mo -hands, and aimed - a
stroke betwlne-Ids nyo eyes .'■■“‘put bad? fuck
to that same.piek hatidle for bcino fWolnchea
too short, for by ih'af! srfmu folam I?ip owjn;
the divilisb.inqilUhai'a a,bout tnei‘? ‘
“ Did ho pun away*, from you then, John ? I
inquired RSws,while Hie effort* to-lodtPSOUer’
Btarted-the lent* into his eyes, ’ : ‘- j '
“ Run, -is- ill Faith* ‘and he didn’t the
dtvil an Inch ; but owin’ to'nje dbnvahiance";
to ’im he jist squared -himself about an’—be
thebowly-poker! but ) thought iverV ’po'ihe-’
cary had been .‘turned
loose in mSpoSkfeU.—Be jabers f hufhqjopk
me full in the liice apd eyes aid his fyaalely
stuff. Murther and turf, hut that same bates
me intiroly . Och! but didn’t the ppwers of
It make me fall flat PpoWmb-fucc lo gel clear
of it j andifon lTblled mestanfloWlhkh'ifi
the matter rtf twenty fate dr- moreddn’' hd
niver stopped aVallr' Thin
ving up, aaJjma' licad. It fs thaj is.. hcqrly j l ofr;
with the strivingJ-Jhad 10-Jinpe fcpm.turoingr
meself inside out. 0;)i! ihe dirthv-black
guard I An* is it really ® laptdOg Raws,' ye
call ’im,’”.. . ,’ 4l ' ” --
“ Yes, John, ttjauwas a (SalijimjiaJnp-doa.’
“ Howly fmilLit 1 ?c-pweitthnfodqn’t ad
mire the conMie' I 6r yczMifrtfl? martfrV Inp
dogs. It’s my opinion ihai,Tfinf *amB wg is
close related lo the divif.
him I njay I niver be the owner ofifo
ol him. Oul..will this bastely smill iver lauo
clothes, Raws.” '
“ O yes, only dig a hole in the gr’ohnd,
and bury thetn for a month or so,’unJ‘tha
smell will leave them.” ■, : - » «•
" ATnonth ii it ! ;aa’ whnt^am'J_la’do in
ihe ?'ebfra 'a rag
barrin an shin;' 'Ocbj the murtheE,
in villain.; sm '
—that 11 red
recfmunt-of a
lent Jaor he di
11 riTiorp i
t 7 ',uv «■■!« c.\ > cyi »'.IJ »V , :c.v,.iuj,
{JhOsHWt of *.ld«4g!)bQfiq&
face at the enUrg rafie. of C^ifnrpiy^flggj,
V, 'rSMßiShtflißlS MoAJ »
ing,ani ptmm**ef*entoeMer**t*tM furun.
Iftm if paid «» adtMffefiqr&.iJ yotyiQf U dr. joy.
'id over the year. Ni tShtcription (oFfn/or A r (Aor-
Ur ‘WrihrtfiirttiisP irtonflWJ^nS-token f&rtMftirm
’inly, paymtiHUtt'-Si Medittridlt) ' in adeimcer
or *1 refit : idti j
he ifritiij Nvpaptr WW# tHlcOnlifot*
Ctt) t
s AbV«*»ttt»T*«Tft»atntrt£o rtf
(8/ *arWi& UOfWaf ot 1 thfiSJifc ;
|«ciiTfl« i«S^iibnV, a ®5 l fcen6jP# «W#^ i w6#e*
ottttil‘»he>'fy«f?'ly ofa rW
eanahh l tli*etldni m '■■•'• . '-■'•■
O* Trinutill *■
(ETA li letlert'hhtil(Kjiott~paid'.- -•■■ ‘ ”
. .*a r»« Vx;fi , srrze'J b>w <-'
,■-; jrtfpoir
M A N-t Bfe#, -!(tO tfOAfGNt'S. TO^fßS 1
|“ ter Entire sa&ifttfigh W}Ui w Wfe’i® iven -
, A APlTA^~|i^oQ,oM^l rl^ ur!?s J&»»WP
onlj.oq Ihfl.&ocfcaiKi pl?n. -J. E,C»p.-
ber that an efPQrienced
iog a round and is pref
erable to a forelgli'Cfi., its tWr? ciMwm> deception.
• Add ren, ‘f, E; tj Gorin jflnri, P«. ’■
, " 'w. wtvEiiß, m: p.,
(Lute a Graduate of Cuallelqa Medical College, Vf.
* kr, in Ibe praclicc'of Mcdioiyp and Surgery.
They will promptly altcrra all gallsAn tljeif profess
ion. Otlioo off Main-st., dpjiosflo Ihe'Xresbytefian
Clinrcli. Wellsborough, Pn; ‘- , ' jy 27: ,
s. r. vtixson,
CT Removed to Jaipgß.Ljt^te^’^Oflkc.
XX I,AW, will attend the Churls of4Tp)go,. Potter
city McKean pouiUios. t
tVellsbjfrfrfg-frm t, l 88». ; -?g-•
XX LAW,—jOaice, nollh-Bido CnUic .Square,
Wo'UborougU, l't.
Refers to. Mows. Phelps,Dodge, i, Co., N; Y
and; Hon.A.Y.Pjmons.PhiladElpbia. 13- .
CE*'dTlß|l HOUSE,
(Formerly Grave*’ Motel,’ j -
June 8. ’sd.- ■ - ' P\P. CLEAVER, Prop'lor.
sTiLji irv tilt riEin i
Fplili subscriber having, recently received
■*- his stock of goods dor- the SBaaon, offera- a
choice selection of. «c •. v
consisting hi part Brdatf'Cldth*,Prints, Glng.'
hams/DoliiirisfSliambruyjY Bareges; Cawnd; Part,
melles, Alapacis,-\^clYCiiy i lh'QWtt j*nd /Bleached
Sheetings und’Sliinfngp, TicftingS,‘Driftings, Wad
dings, Baitings, Wickings, Ventings, Cravat*, Slocks,
Collar#,• Handkerchief**, Cambricks, Lace?, Trim’*'
nfings, Grain Bags, Carpet Bugs, Cotton Yarif;
'■'Twine, Carpet Warp, Umbrellas and Parasols, with
a good lot of READYMADE CEOTtfING, con
sisting of Men and Boys’ Eincn and Gingham,.
Tweed and Jean Coals, ucnine Overalls and Shirts,
Vests, &c.
Groceries... . ,
Hyson, Hyson Skin and Hyson Tcqa; a
large lot of Sugara r difforcnt grades and prices. Mo.
U&ac<s Syrup, Pepper,. Bp\cc, Coffin), Co
coa, Ginger, Soda, Cream Toiler, SaleraUia,Candies,'
Lemons* Oranges,
Drugs and Dye Stuffs, Paints and. Oils,
Window Glass and Sash, ,
.•lie’ll D'W'a'R fef.'V ' ~
Axes, Shovels, Jldds, X' Oaf Spades; Crow
bars, Wrought and Cut Nails, iijnfes, Chains,Cow
Bells, Sheep Bell&i Scyflics* hnu Snail)?, Scythe,
iStoneSund Rifles, Mgmire Forks, Hay Forks,Cnuinj
ifunip&, Flint, Horsei Shoe, 'ClblUCfi'and UuV
Brashes.' ; « r, ~ :***••?■* < -
(?£*AS&E*S, T Pino and’ Cedar Vails, Brooms, Wash.
N boafdf, Olot(ies*Pins arid Corn Bdskei*.
9 Straw, Panama, Leghorn, Silk and
Brush Hat*, Caps and Bonnets, Bools and Shoes,
: Codfish and Hallibul, dee., &c., comprising to 'all- a
Urge and well selected assortment of goods, selling
at llio lowest possible prices.
Tire Suscribor a.Vuils himself of the opportunity to
thank his patrons'for their liberal patronage, f or the
past eight years, and respectfully asks a continuance
.of like fnt'cjrr, and.guarantees to..|iif> customers a
■ liberal system•bl r ff*Wj*T»i ns
well ps his ownshall, at ni| times,be consulted. All
■ persons yvanting gotxt. cheap prices, ate itf'
' ‘ cell and .examine, for themselves. His in
tention is nol’to bo undersold. •, ■
Thp highest market price-paid at pH limes for
•JJulUjivGuin, Lumber .Shingles add Ashes. 7 v ..
} KnoAviHe, Jyaa 22,185.4,. IVIPTOR CASE. •
l , 'ari»Hy "Gj , occi*y "& Provision
‘ ■“'"•'stra,. • : ■
rpilE subscriber iwould inform his friends
end the ciliaons oT’Tidgff’county’
that he has jdsftfcetvcd jb'nml "superior sup
ply of" ■ J
" . . ~'si’tfir As”
Teas, Sugars by\ltie hprr'el or oilierwisc,
Coffees, Molasses, Siemens’ Syrvp,Rice,
Pepper, Gingery Saleratvs, Allspice,
Indigo,'.Tobacco, iSoap, Mould I ’and
t Sperm Ca&dleS, Sail by the barrel 1
1 or »ntC MdrK&'el VjFtMwbUi, *• 5
’ ■ i arid i barrel, Codfish by '> 2
the 100 or singli pound,
'Flour, Cheesey Crdclc- '•
’ ers, 'Buttcx' \ ’
together \yilb every other article iii tta 'Grocery
line, lowtr than cin b'o,j?ptat'inyol(i6r' place in
town, as Inr is dcternji[fed 16 ‘ raaSc quick, stilei'at
•mull profits/' f ■ I"'- 5 -' ■* - .t‘ ' c J.
Thankful for past favoi'S' hfc Would'.fnpat respect
{fully invite his friends, and the pilblid generally lb,
i give him a call for^eflflplvcs.
a ... --' ■ p 1 ~ , hi. hi. GOVERS, . *
t 1V^ > Wwch..Ag47..i853'.,.. ..., y;,,.;; ..j
{'* >msy ? \otv ■ JV>? * 1 '* * m
'ttENRY PBTftl^^ul^teiSwy-■
public generally rthttVbcsis c6niin JtngJa2S]ffi3
lllc above indiidS&TrfK Grafton Btrectf-itoniediatutJ' 1
( *° l bc roar of J. R. Bbnv^’lrtyalnir.lplC
I'M ««&*s■miow w&xmmm
Jji tnwmu itrytfJmity
5 ->e«k> lo iTtiaMHuviu CofyJK ~...
3>,»_ jtr—i -r--'' #.ow>iCOßi^B,.
\Wm*H .I N, LESS
ST 11 thaK.a yeXr; > j
||j# • * ti ' " new edition, ’■‘'revised' ‘
'' s- ‘*>n4' tthproved," jort 4s-’ 1
8 MDR;oftONTER'S Midical Jhmuati and HaqS
Bpok=dsr the Afflicteda-Gonta.iniilffian outlipp of yji%,
origint'pfoerpssyirestifieht and; cnfn.oCi syery, form.
ijbprotni»g»ou»! •
Icoarse, by self.&base or by se*u»Jbc»cc»t, jsilh-stl-,
■vJc«'&t.lh#i»iptivsßfibD,Lilian in a.fsnpliarstyjp,
I»voidiBg-ftll<.i9adioa| cter.ythifie.
VthatfWonW oEjpd.Uie.qar of Recency \. wpll£an puj- ( ,
jpcidep>_tq re- s>
jsutt-qf iwwty,.yHr“W»“ c P e wMPW‘ c
qBM.of peases
rvale nature. ~; r:, ,,( >• ;
1 TOiWl)' Receipts -)for, Wo f ciire pf Me
;abovc,diseasM, anda treatise on the' cWsss/miip
itomifpnd Km qf \WFE VgR'VnVAGVK: V '
.. KoTdssoH/'qbafrtKa fiT-lAe'
Pelrn WOK;
this worViintiKc tllo'imijofriy of‘those who adver
tise td cure tho,diseases of which it treats iq ,a grad
uate! pf qno'‘bpthc ! bd6t Colleges !h the UnitcdStotds.
* It commend him to tho un
ifqrtonattfor.lq tHoiyictith pfAhhlpracfic®,' ten sue--
oessful'litpi.experienced practitioner, in white honor
1 andlnfcrrHy they rfiay placelhe greatest confidence.'
f( .e-S'-S «,■>;; I.!-'. J M | g; LdNGßtloiir/M. D.' j
* i From -'A D.\'vf 'BeriA UnivertUy,
PhUadetpMti.~lV gives mo pleasure to Add my lesli
mony td-tiid proTelironahability df the author of the
Medical- Afumroh-oN timorous ruses of. Disease .of
Uis Genial Orgaqs, some of them of long standing)
have come -under! my. notice, in which his shill has
been manifest in restoring Lo.perfeet health in some
cases .where the .pjlipnt haa.hpen considered beyond
medical, aid.,. In-the of Semlijal weak-,
ness, orvdiaar/aqgpmcnL oflbq functions produced,
by-sclf-abaso or excessiveyqnery, 1 da,pot know. Ills
< : t)iq I (mye, .been ocquajated
with the aut.hqcpqipe thirty.years, qnu deem 11 no,
more than justice to • him as well as kihdnepq to the
unfottiinale rr Yjcjtim ) .,oX early indiscretion, to rccom
mcnd lijni sspopio, whose prbfcssidrtal skill khd m‘
legrily’they "may safely'ednfido fliomsclyos, -
“’Aj-Vahu tVoODwiiai). M. Di '
“ Tliis is.’wiltoul exception, the hiosrfcomprehcn
sive spd intelligible work published on Hie classes of
diseased pf which h.treats.' Avoidingalt technics!
terms'. ilTiddrOssOhitstlf tolhereasbnof its readers.
]l U.lrce'lVom'V)) objcctionablr/malter, and no pah
cut,’however fastidious, Ofin object to placing it in'
the hands of Ws'sons. The author has devoted ma‘-
ny'yfeara to thetreatmentof the various complaints
treated of, and with too Utile breath lo puff and too
little presaihption to'impose, he’has offered to the
world at tho merely .nominal pricp of 35 cents. Hie
fruit of'somo twenty years’ most successful practice,'-
— Htrald. ■ • . i
t*No teacher or parentsbould be knondede impar
ted in thla valuable work. It would sire years of
pain and mortification and burrow to the youth un
der their charge.!!— Peoples' Advocate, .
A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of
“ Hunter,'s, Medical - Manual" says “ Thousands
upon thousands of punyoalh,. by evil example and
influence of the passions, have been led into the
habit nf self-pollution .without realizing the sin and
fearful consequences upon themselves and posterity.
The constitutions qf thousands .who arc raising faui
’ Hies jipvo,been ; crifcebled, if not broken down, and
they do nil. Ijnow the cause or cure. Anything
tint can bo donc, s'6 to pnlighlcn and influence the
public n\indas,io check, and. ultimately to remove
this wide spread source of human wrclehcdcesa,
would confer the greatest hlesslngVcxl to the relig
ion .of Jesus Christ, ou the-present and coming gen
eration. Intemperance (hr the use of infokicating
ijrlntis) (Kbdjft HJia?’ slain‘thousands' upon thou-,
saflcfd, IhAtdt' a greater ‘ticonrgo 'to the human race.
Accept thank? on behalf bftjhe'afflicted, and be
lieve me'your co-worker in the good work you are’
so actively engaged in.” !
One copy (securely enveloped) will be forwarded,
free of postage, to any part of the United States for
25 cents, or six-copicsforonedoUar. Address,(post
paid) COBDEN So CO., Publishers, or Box 196,
O" Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents
siippUcd*ori the most liberal terms. .
October 12,. 1854-ly. ' -
subscribers axe. now opening their
JL .stock .of GOODS lur the Spring Trade, com.
prising a full and complete assortment, and of the
usual.variety, tyhieh„will, asjiercloloro, be sold a la
very small profit lor READY BAY. Being deter
mined not to be undersold by our neighbors, our
goods arc n\arked at t|ie lowest figure; and we invite
a coniparhbn of our goods and prices with any oilier
in the market. Among the assortment of
will bo found 4 great variety of Ladies* Press Goods
consisting in part-o£
Beregef,Berege'Delanes, all-icool Delanes,
La<cns,pldii\'and printed; Ginghams,' ’
English, Scotch and .American;
. Poplins, Prints of all shades
■and colots.a good stock of
Also. Tor monVwcar may be found Broad Cloths,
Cassimcrck, Tweeds,' Kentocky Jeans,"silk, satin
and suhtnicr Vesting?. . ■ •
Also, Sheetings, Sliirtingk, bleached and'bfown,
Tickings; Summer Goods for boys' wear,' Cotton
Yarn, Carpet-Warp; Cbttbn Batten, with a>variety
of other rliclcs tdo nmneroos to mention. > .
Groceries ajld Provisions.
A full stflek will ho kept on hand. ■ Those id
want of Sugars, Tcasj Coffee, Molasses, Sjowart’s
best SylUp,.Spices, Pepper, Ginger, Saleraltis; Flour,
Fish, Salt Tdbacqo, or any oilier’article in this line,
willifo Wc 11 to calf, on ua before 'purchasing* clseV
where. Jf "'. .* . 1 " ■< l
as large and complete an'assorlincnl as eah be found
in the county. Among which is Cutlery of all kinds,
Carpenters Tools, Chains, Hoes; Shovels, Forks,
Butts and Screws; Door Hangings, Bills, &«., &c.
Bools pud Slices, Uuts aud Caps,
Stf'd, Iron, Nails, Paints and Oils, Glass
and. Patty, Ready-Made .Clothing, «$-c.
Thankful ibr .tha liberal patrons go of tbe past:
seasonvthd undersigued feel a.'plaasure in inviting
the public to an examination of our Spring stock,
believing that good .Goods And low prices will in
sura s spoody-sukijbr. ready pay. .
■ D, B. SMITH Asoy:
25. Hjfii. , |
& >shoe;
*^®»® r © l llS: ;
i d “Ww#7Th 4 10 '■"**
; B3 ' HWt H’WantcdS J EXGif
*s famiyormitsW
iHVhfghcsVhrarkel ->. ,
t July 13, 185-1. GEO. W.'SEARS. 1
' 'SULK'S.
3 to 'vt »f
-Adhesive Flaiter t
■Aldbh# ..). ..v.
Alum,* i. (
: lAioe» t ! |
Allspice, | t fZ .
.# &b«l®bps«‘SJß4®
"Anne(W, ; tiv ■ „ ■ Hive S>ru ß ,
AnUjnpnj, Vi
Arnica, i l ' B “i'
*! from Lincnf' * ' v: ” IMhtt TartMtt,' *’ ' ! *uH
BlMlneftpSl&vW' 3i - ' Llme»abpde>l«lan4, Xtfl
2«y Water,,« y ,«Mft#* r vn.Vi b*..
Rrfm*ldne, f ' ,'‘ j" ;
•? aat;?‘ J ' v
»ozos6£3S'L'»a i t> *sr
ware’, S"^*-
Ciifcitmof, . ,' V hll» of *arioß»*itid»,
Gloves, ’ - QaicksllvWi® ' 1 *■ ■ c, '•
PfiwM,} ”* Quinary* "•*“ M -
.'*(Jom^ifiOl^■P^)'wder, r ‘ , ' Rdd’lShSlk, 1 ’ -'■
GeplW&uff rqr ’ --
. .1 ibhd &ci, Roie v
dream fraxtar,. .;y' {ltlffivm,/ *-' 1 ' 1 ■ ■“'
■Epsom 1 Satis, '.,, ,' Syringes,! Urge‘variety/
Er ativ t Snip/for feradv ,i ' Toothache Cordial, r J
ing gfease 1 ~&,c. 1 frdm Umhcr, " ,
clotltuig,' '” " ' ydrttlblievvariDn^kmdt,
Esadndetfofall VimS, VWrtnillibn / 1
Green Salve for horses, '" VilWgar,'
’ Gingerßo’of,", "'"v'* yPafcrfin bow*.
"" ''* i^a^e^l u T!ti«li^n€te‘
!• AyteVChetry Pqetorjl, ;i German (Bitters,, . K ' ,
Brant'a Balaaiji, yf 'A t ’• V -
■. „ Extract, ( Lyon’s Rat Pills,..
CougiuMUtnto, \ ~
. Cod Liver 0i1.,.-,., ;; |/ulera of .pi .iind B ,
Dr. Fdch.’s.lVlfldiQtnes, , Pulmome Wajcrs,.
Dr. Jayne's ' “ Palo Killer, .■ ■- .
' Dr, Kpelvr'au'i >• . - Rad\yay’s Ready Relief,.
Dr. Svayue’S' , ', Sarsaparilla §ytup,, ■ j , .
i Dr, Davis’, Dcp.mjtlve, , T4ucr t Ointment, .
FahneatoplL'a Vcrroifoge, Uterit\e.Ca|ualioon,, ,j
GargiingiQii, • VermirugeB>, vur ,“ uB o'ntts
‘Graclenbcrg’vMqdicinjss, Worrit Tea';'Dr. Kcllog’s.
'German Ointment, - - April 20,1854.
: Ss T *Al) MEB r icil\ES ; r
THE subscribers have constanllyjaßHfih
rcnccville_,*;jaiWfnnd .well selected stock . IBBtE ;
7 of DlitfgS, sc., of .every, * / jfy' g ~ •
uacdlbyjKiysiciana in the; country, and all the
, mosffippnfew&a TENT MEDICINES of |he day
itsale at prices which cannot fail
ol moy favorj up with a ball.'' , , ,
A®nra®P2|ul Medicines may he .found the
JBa rSrCdrgffiiy^il; it*
lenitive,' Pith, Pills, &e.) Meffai’s \ Bitter*’ ind
Pillj; Fitelie’t Mver puited tAbdommat'Support
, ers. Braces,jlnhaling Tube*,amJallt/itmedusines
pripartd'byhiitl for hit private practice; Brant’s
Pxlmonary Balsam and-Purifying Extract**
Ayre's Cherry Peflerel fi Rfigtts' Syrup of Tar
i and Canchalague; 2)illou>’s rfrarf. Cure; An
dreiejs Paiji Killing Agent ; trusk’s Magnetic
’Ointment; Ur. Christie Galvanic Belts,' Sfc'.;
UougtyonlSi Pepsin; Blake’s Atputalic
Bitters; aridfaU ihe moif popular Fills'anSyir
• , inifuges,' fyc., Cc.
,Alqo,a-go^d.assortment^f ( , J .....,
Biography, History, Miscellaneous Reading, &c.
Paints, Oils aßtl Dyc-Sluffs,
GLASS, wholesale and retail, Gold' and Stiver
Leaf* Putty, Stytsu Turpcntiie, Caniphcnc, Burning
Fluid, Varnisllcs.&c. '-I ‘
»t. ■ " •
IjftwrertcovUle.Feb. 3jV
and lttaclune Shop.
THE subscriber having : ronied llje inleresl
of Levi Chubbuck in tire Welisborouj ii Foun
dry, is now prepared tojuanufacture most kinds oi
machinery—such us . • ,
Mill Crankti Mill-Gearing, Slide i, Bal
ance-Wheel's, Piillies, <£c., <Sfc. ■
hfpcbin.erjl ,oV all kinds repaired on «liQil;nolice ;
by Experienced, \vortmcD ( and on reasonably terms.
The attention of Farmers is particularly called to
our assortment of Ploughs, which arc unsurpassed
by any other Foundry in the, Stale. Our Ploughs
consist in'port of the celebrated ' •
Chobhnofc Plough;..; i No. 5. •
•' do - . -• ■ do'; • do.' 4.
Dulohct do. Blakhley Plough.
Cofn do." " ’ Side Hill" do.
The Side Hill Plongh-is the dnly 'Plough fhalwill
turn equal furrows ou cither side, nml.pJoW on level
■ Stoves, St<Wes. ” • ' ■
An extensive assortment-of. gloves will ho kepi
constantly on hand, embracing lire besl kinds now
in,use, a, description of.which.he .will give in a fur,
thei; advertisement , , ......
QA|.p|tON .KETTLES, Seven and Five- Pail
Kellies, Pots and Kettles for Stoves, on haccl pnd
for pale cheap, - . .
All orders exo
caledr; Ordmrfor which :he,may not fmva patterns
wil),be inado hy.a skilful pattern maker.
Well'shotoS July j. D. WOOD,
' v: TIOGA Cr
' covim
EfP sub-'
JL sctibcr i f
Machinery, jusl
purchased, loJVir
nish to;ordct, all
Kinds of square,
and , fancy Sash,
and. Blinds.
Square Sash of.
coipmou b|* e b'
constantly on’
hand. m
By long e*pc-;
ricncc in IhebusiJ
ness, the subscri
ber flatters him- k ,
selftlipt he caniiualft,
it as cheap as can be,-obtained at'iiny eslahisbaien
in Pennsylvania !or New, Ybrlc..Calland ato.
<y.KSi V - V ,
. Covington, Marck'fl<iBs4j,e-; w
(CJUl'iic SQbscrjber (Agent ,for\th(r sole of
Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Also
Scarpa’s Oil for peffaVst,, *!-. D. 8. J.
::: .
ri'Hbi splendid assortment ol GoadiS,that
*■ the Bubscribar»-at6-Hoy daily fcosjipoe i$
reiUy.-worUi a All ioPfctSijuns.^a'hey’have.-just
rein rued Tram New‘Yb>k with ihovUrgcal, tusaoiU
mfcnt.df Dry Goods, inctliding Indies 1 Dress
ever offerediilh this eounlry, and all am
lajUejittd to call and Biamine > tliem; > wlicllier they
bo-,U»cla*nßti alttopteJdWperaofiiifinJppotlQit cart:
v»W*UU ccztendv&estate
: b-ir »j 9 TpliWi Site &arprf/Br&& «-£?TS
j July 13,-, JOHBB'fe ROB;
ibjtolp BQJV PTO&
arc a ipwd .19 wkcl fronv
Mb large atc/cS, Sept. 12,1851. '
iur«ahbuj tm>.
iGihfrer, JOrog#d, a ' J
IGlus of alt >ixet,.lor?>.^'
. doßsorp.igtufgfginef,,
' 1 .
yfPHB S 6 tajSer : plfeii jitfe*- id anho'tin |
i ‘'Ji cTnj fd'ht’i diirpatrons “and-the tM oil inan»; {
I kind/* tUit fie;i*isUU«arrylbgin:tbbj.i, a-.‘- .. U
' r ' < '?tf ABtVk-I&I * » ••'
- Jin all hisotd Stolid, ntar tht Will* i
S' tj ;■• .i.jvj,),.-) h-,.rj
■■ [ sl* .wofck. istipnpnufsciured. ftt>m ; lhe .best
of.material^ajid those who favorjchim wjlb a,
fY, are second to none in the market) « J
. * He-will!«ndBBJt«*to Keop’6n hand jUU<r tides 0
' BOUSBUOfcD iFjURN ITURIVjweh aa ~ u ,•
r , Cord, Breol/yt & Cininjr XaHe*, _
• ' French, Cottage tCoiiimon'Bedsteads,
MahdMuVy jifaplf'iihd tiomihpn Bt&fkui,
■jfMLXipt-'Wbrk, 4- vmh- standi.
' Paisbiia*wisHinjf any articles not hffhanif Will be
i jupplwd-to drdor.i .i:-rr*at!' -J ;rA-»—!
ffOfFJt/S of evety laricty Qn l «hort.p9ti®e‘ i •-
7 Chair*! Chairs! i
In connection with the above lie would, a tale that
be {lit .llia beat in the
County a largo and weft'sclectcd*asaorlrtien't of
Rqriiers if jjdnpus pa«irnS’"'which will
be ibid oh reasonable terms. ' D. STIiRROCK.
Welbborougb, July 14, 1854. ■ 1 <
Emporium pf Fashion,
■ I , and
M CONVERS has just received from
New York, the -largest ahd'mml carefully
Selected assortment of •. ’ ) •
bjought intg |hte country, which he will '4«J
for EE*Bt f reel tape f than any Other telabliehmerit
Ilia slock ' comprises a general' assortment o
ev e ryVi irfcty 'o f'ClbtTii ng , froln alow price up.
SUMMER 1 ' COmS-for Men and Boys—a largo
, assortment. „ - - - |
DfiE ss , FROCK ANDSACK CO A TS—ofcve-
site and color.- -i ‘ ' \
stylo and quality.-. '
color and description.
SJZ£KlESjt>fuader-Sb>ris,>, Drawers, Collars, Over-
Alls Over-Shirts; Suspenders, Gloves, Umbrellas,
Weekend Pocket- Handkerchiefs, together with
loti 6f > ■ •
of' every largest assortment in
town. 1 ’ 1 -■ f i
Boots, 1 ' Shoes, and O'allcrsr,
fpc Men,Boys,and Women, a large variety.
Tr unless Valises, Carpet-Bags-, ipc,, <Spc.
Ho would, ssy to all in want of good and neat
5 filling CLOTHING, that he con and will »cll
• cheaper than Can be gotten in this borough, or any
-1 where this side of the New York market. This
is no blowor/.bfogi but.UatU —and to tosL il call at
1 “Convors'fcfie’ap Clothing' Emporium?' *u,
articles are sold cheaper than on the one trice
i bvbteh. Wcllsborough, May 27, 1853.
A CROVVL would announce lo the ciit
-£*-• zens oi Tioga county, that he has associated
with him a.partner,,and the business will be con
ducted under (he firm of A. Growl &. Co. They
will continue at Ilia old stand, in Wcllsborougn,
to nainal'aclurettO order and keep üßhand, ; ■ .
Bnggys Sc Lumber Wagons,
which for style, durability .and elegance of bnish,
cannot be surpassed by any other similar establish,
menl in the Country.
Workmen of celebrity arc engaged, end Ihcbcst
materials used expressly in all tho manufacturing
departments of this establishment. Persons send
ing orders may rest assured of having them
cdt to their entire satisfaction, and finished in every
particular the same as though they attended in per*
REPAIRING dono at usual, with neatness and
PAINTING of all kinds done on the shortest
notice, and most reasonable terms.
CTAII kinds of merchantable produce’ (deliver
ed) recived in exchange for work, at the market
prices. A. CftOWL do CO.
July 13, 1855 a
T> T. VANHORN would inform ihe
zone ol Wellsborough and vicinity, that lie
lias purchased, the interest of his partner, John Si
Bliss, in the above basinets, and will continue at
the old stand, two doors cast of Jones' Store, to keep
on hand and inakc to order all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture—shah as
Sofas, 1 Divans, Ottomans.
Card, Centre, Dining <s• Breakfast Tables,
Dress-Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus,
Collage, French'and Common Bedsteads,
of every description, together with all articles nsu.
ally made in his ling of business.
From his knowledge of the business lie flat
ters himself with the belief that those wishing
to purchase, would do wc.ll to call and examine
his work.beforc .sending elsewhere for an inferior
article. _ t
COFFINS, of every variety, made lo order, at
short notice,ahfl reasonable charges.
TURNING ‘done hi a neat manner, at short no
tice. r . -•
Q Chalrs-I Chairs !
pL 1° addiUoo td the above, the subscrh
would inform the public that be has
J/y [just rccciyedOslarge and handßoineassdrU
tnenl of
Boston and Common Rocking Chairs, sc-,
wliich he will Bell as cheap, if not cheaper, than
they cun bo purchased anywhere else in Tioga
county. Call und bee them \ June 3.185&
Perpetual Button Discovered
ait Last.
THE subscriber Having been appointed
’ agent by S. W. Paine for ill? sale of lb? Roue
it. Pock Improved Direct Action Water Wheels,
would sayto the'owner* of Saw MilliTn Tiogo
county, that .lie is ready to furnish the 'above men
tioned Water Wheel at Wcllshoro’, at any ti nto af
ter this date,On the, most reasonable- terms..
These Wheels are waVranted to do the best bu.
sincss with the least' qti.miily of water of any
Wheel in use, (except-sm-Overshot,).;
The great advanrajres of (lids'd wheels over,-aU
others is thd manner in which the water is applied
Id the wheel; !* Such lhaf'thcre cannot he any waste
sheets rfegolating the qnantilV.
TJfc gaio F* so constructed 1 that it shuts' almost jScV-'
fodly. tigbl. ■ Quantify af water required ririder'
eighljbel licSd/iao squ ate inches; under'2d (let
head, 50 inches j all these in pro
poftjon. t Ajj \yjteolfl, *aixpntc<f to perform accord,
'I? tp.roo°piiaapd’alion, j )f‘.thcy do not wd.lakc then?
not ,abd rc^fadp'Die J dfd wheel?* No wheels uu
onddr teas 1 tl&n’elgh t, (bclfifrad, D, B, ,WIL‘COXC ’
My % ; 7
' €avpe(ingB, deci ueuAso-.
6a y‘"S ■ Room l dideft f
and betfoVy. flirt
. c bi n cswtry'anJira tovgncog we
A Q RBfcfWl§AV]fcM£SS PORK just received
TcO by [Mar. 36.] JO.NES St, ROD.
j flfrftf **£ ofe i
"MAN, His^^^.^rtysicjAN.’’
The great Amoriom Remedy for
Fever Sy Ague, Rheumatism, Dysentery,
Cholics, and Griping Pains, Bruises and
■, Strain's, Burns Sf Scalds, Fresh Wounds.
’ tfytpepsia, Coughs Af Colds. ‘
ff'HIS Medicine jißs proved, and will prove
1 an unconditional Pain Destsotm in all caws,
whether External' or Internal. ■ Hence it baa tecec
red the appropriate name of “," Ji
has, by beiDg r Jkept on band, by families who inovr
its value, bcen tbe means of saving money, and of.
ten life, by Its timely iise In sudden attache, and in
case of accidents. In- alt bruises and Seth wounds
this Death-to-pam is the best embrocation that can
be found. The soreness is immediately extracted
—swellings reduced—and profuse bleeding stopped.
A single dose wilt ease the most severe griping paioi
in the bowels, and a few applications wilt Case Hit
severest rheumatic and nervous pains. Dyspepsia
and its Xtaiu of diseases is driven from its strong
hold. ,(»Fevar and Ague," in -the language of ,
western agent “ can’t stand before old I.eddy smj
live.” Indeed it is so with nearly every disease in
the catalogue. ‘ A Medicine for iSe Million',!
The remedy ia composed of a large number of
articles, ail entirely vegetable, each a remedial ageat
in itself, yet so united us to torm a most powerful
combination, and to. lake away one of these agenu
would detract, from its merits. One)
and the most powerful, - of these articles,is a root
procured'for this medicine only from the island of
Taumagb, in the South Pacific, called
It is used by the natives in almost every aiaeais.
and the secret oi its virtues was impa nemo ;n e
proprietor by a native, i tii '
O’ For certificates, dec., see pampliicls to ut sac
of Agent. ‘
■ CAUTlON:—Purchasorsjpf Death to Pain btvtan
how you arc deceived by the story Hurt Ibc fain.
Killing Agent, and I’ain.Killer arc Hie belter medi
cines. And if yon go'ldtbny Deblli-10-Pnin, ouy .1.
and have no other. Mark the Words, “
pain," printed on red glazed paper, with the signature
of-PrMlDDYpand-copyrtglilodby -Wm-il Rote
Sc Co., 6’encro l Agents, to, whom, all orders muii
be addressed, at ilhico, N. Y.
IV. D. BAK.EY, Sole Agent at WcUsboro’, Pi.
Wellilborough, March 9, 1854. '
The Pockpt TSsculaplus •
THE Fiftieth Ediik
with One Hundred Hi
graving*, showing Disear
and Malformations of the '
man System in every sin
and form. To which is ad(
a Treaties on the Diseases
Females, being of the high
importance to married pcoj
or-those contemplating mi
By Wm Yovxc, M,
Let no father he ashamed to premia copy of 'ie
iEscui-APics to his child. It may save him from
an early grave. Let no young man or woman en
ter into tho-sccrct obligations of married life with
out reading (he Pocket JZbcvlawvs. iXi no one
suffering from a /lac&mcd Cough, fain in Uic siue,
restless nights, nervous feelings, and ;he whole
train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given op bv thou
physician, be another moment without coobuiUdj
the ifiscULAncs. Have (he married, or those about
to be married, any impediment, read this truir use
ful book, as jt has been the means of sating woo
sands of unforluale creatures from the verv ;ain
of death.
(CT Any person sending Twenty. Five Cent a enclo
sed in a better, will receive one copy at this vquoj
mail or five copies will be sent for one Dollar.
Address, (post paid) DR. WM. VOCNG.
Vo. 152 Spruce St. t Philadelphia.
March 16, 1854-17.
Self-Setting illll Dogs,
rPHC undersigned having purchased tie
right of using the above Mill Dogs in Tioe*
county, would announce to the public generaur
that he la ready to Tarnish them &t short nonce, <o
any part of tho county, on the most reasonable
terms, and warrant them to set correct from nail »n
inch to two inches In thickness. They arc 'lie
cheapest and the most durable Dog in use. They
are very simple in construction, consequently very
acsiiy jkept in repair. They can be used for ;wo
saws id a gate just as well as for one.
Terms, $50,00 per sett for one saw, {the man own
ing the mill finding the hcadblocks and boaromf
the men. white putting them in) and $55,00 for two
V. JL—-A)J orders prompt/y attended to.
Wellsboroi'ob, Dec. 5, 1853.
I would say that we hare used lb© above uesen*
bed Mill Dogs lor about four months, and oar
sawyers likc.thcm much and think them prciera*
ble to any they have used. S, E; ENSWOUTH.
Thave a set of the above described Dogs in mv
mil), which I purchased after tc years trial, add
ebn recommend them to do their work well.
WelUboro’, Jan. 5,’54-Iy, J. J. JACKSON-
One third cheaper than White 'Lead, ana
free from, all poisonous qualities.
having greatly enlarged their works, and ini*
proved the quality of their product*, are prepared lo
execute orders Tor their ' '
1 \ ' Superior Paints,
Dry, ahd ground in Oil, in assorted packages of from
25 to SOD pounds; also, Dry, in barrels, of SlftO lb*-
Their }\hite Zinc t which is sold dry.or grouim
inlo.iswarranled t?DRE and unsurpassed for booj
and uniform whiteness.
■ 'K method of'prepqtalion has recently been oIfCC-
Veredityldoh enables the Company to warrant turn
paints to keep fresh and soft In the kegs for any rea
sonable time. In Uijs reaped their paints will - : -
superior to any other in the market.
■ Their 'Thrown Zinc Faint, winch is sold at a lo*
price, and can only be mode from the Zino ores from
New 'dtr-sey, is now well known for iu protectee
outtliliqs when applied-to iron or other metallic rut
Their Stone Cdltfr Paint possesses all Ihejrrdpw
tids of tho Brown,ond is of oh agreeable coloi iot
painting Cottages, Dopnts,.Oiit.buildings, Bridge!,
&c. Dealers supplied on libcrcal trrms by tlicrr
Agents,, , . .FRENCH &TRICHARDS,
Wholesale Paihi Dealers and Importers,
N. IV. cor. of 10th &-*Jlarket S(r„ PhiKidelpliia
Al>ril6tln l,BSi.rlsv. \ i
Dried APPfcEB3*E&e»®L and berries ~, • < V|’CASE.
T)fiACK;‘SfEK'MANTIEJdftIS, from W
-M.,lnw prigaof,B23>tf up W'Slft' afe nDW opeoc<i
IhYydur inspection ttl the' Cash'Swte of
-..June. 1.1854. ft*-- cV/IIJONES ft ROE.
I’t \EUE^ES.-rßt!iJja min's Stiperio r |Jr aus Trustci
- [Judafla.] . I V. CASE.
ot lor salon'