The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 23, 1854, Image 3

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    Tke A|t »f the PiUlfrcjiii
Some have npt hesitated seriously to as
cribe 10 our foreftiher Adam, ihe height of
nme hundred yards, and the age of almost a
housand years. But the accurate and ra
tional investigations modern philosophy,
has convertejltbe puftpoaed hones of giants,
found in different, parts of the earth,,into
those of tin elephant and rhinoceros; and
acute thenlogists have shoVo that the chron
ology of the early ages w*s not tboepme as
that usot 'at present. _ Some, particularly
Hensler, have proved, with the highest' prob
ability, that the year, till the. time of Abra
ham, consisted only of three months; thaljt
was afterwards extended to eight; and that it
was. not till the time of Joseph, that, it was
made to consist of twelve. These assertjdns
are, in a certain degree, confirmed by some
of the Eastern nations, who still reckon only
three months to the year; and it
would be altogether inexplicable why the life
of man should have been shortened one-half
immediately after the flood. It would be
equally inexplicable why the patriarchs did
not marry till their sixtieth, seventieth, and
even hundredth jear; but this difficulty
vanishes when we reckon these ages accor
ding to the before-mentioned standard, which
will give the twentieth or thirtieth year; and,
consequently, the same periods at which
people marry at present. The whole, there
fore, according to this explanation, assumes
a different appearance. The sixteen hun
dred years before die flood will become four
hundred and fourteen ; and the nine hundred
years (the highest recorded) which Methu
selah lived, will be reduced to two hundred
an age which is not impossible, and to
which some men in modern limes have near
ly approached. — Dr. Tan Orden.
The late gale swept away and drowned
two hundred cattle at Squan Beach. About
thirty h*e others were also carried away by
me rapid rising of the sea, but managed to
swim to the mam land, a distance of eight
In Blossburg, on the 19th insu, by John Evans,
HACKERTY. all of Brown low nr hip, Lycoming
county. Pc
At the Marsh Farm, on the 20th insl-, MARIA,
wife of Mr. John Pearson, aged 36 years.
Dieo. in lowa City, lowa, on the 30th ult., ED.
H ARD MAYNARD, late of Wellaborougb, Pa.
At a.meeting'of the Bar of Johnson county
called aChrtva Cilv on the 21st day of Octo
ber at 10 o’clock. W. Penn Clarice was
called to the chair, and B. Clark appointed
Secretary The President stated that this
meeting had been called ns a tesiimony of
respect to the meranrv of tows bo Maynard,
Esq., late a member; of the Bar of Pennsylva
nia, who recently came lo this Stale, and
died at Ihe Crummy House in this city on
On motion of Mr. WooAm a committee
consisting of Messrs. Woodin, Whie,her and
(; W. Clark was appointed'to report resolu
tions expressive of fhe sense of this meeting.
Ths following resolutions were read and
Whereas, It has pleased an AD wise Provi
dcnce lo call from os a ■brother in our pro
lessiop. Edward Hayward, recently of
'linen Co,. Penn'a Bar. Ihereiort,
Resolved. That our short acquaintance
with tor deceased has been sufficient te im
press upon us the belief that he was a man
Mhu-e talents were an ornament to the pro
fession of which he was a member< whose
nonesty and morality adorned m and whose
eenllemahTy deportment would have endeared
mm to us in more than the ties of friendship.
Resolved. That we sympathize with the
lanniv of the deceased, who by this dispensa
tion lound themselves with none but stran
gers to condole with their bereavement.
Resolved, That wo commend his wife and
nu little ones lo the care of Him who has pro
mised to be the orphan’s Friend, and whose
kind protection is withheld from none.
Resolved, That the chairman of ibis meet
ing renuesl the District Court ol Johnson
count v now in session to have copy of the
proceedings of this meeting placed upon the
record thereof; and request an adjournment
ot saio court for the purpose of attending the
luneral of Iho deceased this afternoon.
Resolved. That the proceeding* of this
meeting be published in the lowa City pa
pers, ana a copy thereof sent to the family of
tne deceased, and one lo the publishers of
'I ioaa Co.. Pa
On motion a committee was appointed by
tne chair to make a suitable arrangement
ret alue to the funeral of the deceased. Ad
tourned lo meet at the Crummey House at 2
o'clock Ibis afternoon
K. Clark, Sec >.
(XJ- A copy of Resolutions passed by Eu
reka Lodge No. 44. I. 0. of 0. F., Tuesday
evening, Ocl. 31, 1854
Whebeal, it has pleased an Allwise Pro
vidence to remove by deaths from our Order,
bro. Lowabd Wavsabd, of Tyoga Lodge,
No. 230, of Pa., a stranger among us, tfaere
Resolved, That in the death of Bro. May
nard our order has lost an ornament, and we
Hereby tender to the Lodge of which be was
a member, our sympathies in this our mutual
Resolved, That we deeply sympathise
with hu bereaved widow and relatives in this
•cvete and trying affliction.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions
be sent to the family of the deceased and the
Lodge of which he was a member.
Resolved, That these resolutions be signed
bv the officers of the Lodge, and printed in
'be papers of the chy.
P. H. LEE, N. G.
E. Mktcu.f, Sec'y.
lowa City Weekly Republican.
Hats! Hats!
•DLACK SILK, Black and White Beaver,
„ Kossuth Know-Nothiag, Know-Something, and
•J! other lund, of Hat, iust isceivad hr
WtUsboro,Nov. JQRES » ROE-
f"NACHECO PRINTS.—6O pieces ofiila
ohcP° “d Merimac Prints, of beaotUU atjrfae,
]u«t.received by [June 1,1 JONES & RpEy
G AME-A supply of mod Shot Om»s, Powder
Letd sad Shut, for site by V, CAM.
CLEAT;eb. -akeitam.
W &
E. B. Campbell, Phelpa’ Jjillt ; X 'J. Crawfitfdf
do.; H. Sibley, Eotne; H. Wopdbprn» dp.;
H. Johnson, do.; L.Trutnble, do.; E.?EUkyi*
do.; Cy H. Edwards, ’
nett, Canton; W. Penney, Cedar Run ;.L.
Bird, Coudersport; H. P. Bird, G.; fl.
Bailey; Mansfield; 0; W; Sackett. CorningV
H. Crofiit, Pine Creek jp C. L. Truman. C
edar Rup ) E. 6. Campbell, Jersey Shore; J.
Smith, Elk Bun.
Nov, 17 * 19.—“ W, Pinney, Cedar Run {
M. Hart, Charleston • <}; W, Budkirk, Cedor
Run; M. Sweet, Maine ; S. C. Webster,
Middlebury; C. G, ’Dennison,- Tioga,; iS.
Wilcox, do.; Jerome B. Potter, Middlebury;
Henry S. Archer, Morris; Charles B.Hoyt,
Osceola; L. Truman, Cedar Run ; D.Bur-,
chard;’Pine Creek ;■ CLEdmonds and wife,
do.; C. Harris, Cedar fßnn; \9. W. Case,
NoV. 20 & 21.—F. Owen, Tompkins Go.;
J. Hoagland, Covington; W. Hoaaland, do.;.
P. P. Putnam, do.;. C. Stern, Albany; L
Dimmock, Pine Creek; E. Elliott, Rome;
L. Trumble, do.; H. Johnson, do.; L. John
ston, Warsaw ; Misa Johnston, do.; J. Law
rence, JadHson; E. Rose, W» -Bowro»P;
do.; A.'Snell, do.; S. Gale, West field, ; -Mtrt*7'
H. G. Smythe, M. D., Mansfield; £, P.
Dean, Delmar; L. Taber, Tioga; E. H.
Hasskins, Elmira ; C. Leonard, New York;.
W. Pinney, Cedar Run,
THE Co-partnership , herelofore existing
under the natpe pf C|IARI*K9 O. £TZ & CO.,
■a thia day dissolved by mutual cooseoL
Tioga, Nor. 20,1854. CHAS. O. ETZ,
[nor 83-3w.] LYMAN FIBK.
CAMB into the enclosure ofaBHWMBf
(he subscriber on the sth insL,
two City es—one a Steer, red and .
white, and a heifer, neatly alt white,■MSß
both in.'good condition. The owner is requested to
prove property, pay charges and take them away.
Charleston, Nov. 33.1854. GILLI 9 DARTT.
Tioga Co. Bible Society.
County Bible Society will be held at Ihe Court
House on the Evening of Monday the 11th Decern
her next.
All who feel an interest in the truly Christian en
terprise of furnishing the Holy Scriptures to all,
without Note or Comment, ate cordially invited to
By order of the Board,
Presbyterian Church.
AGREEABLE to the arangement signed
by most of the Stockholders of this Church it
appears that a large majority prefer that (he pews
should be sold subject, (a ssseements, accordingly
they will thus be sold at the church on Saturday
December 2d at 1 o’clock P,M.
By order of the Trustees.
C. G. OSGOOD. Clerk.
Well.borough November 23, 1854-2 w.
Jury List.—De<
James Swinlar,
Joseph M. Davis,
Josiah Harding,
D. Holiday,
John Craig,
A. King,
James Kelly,
J. Stokes,
Wilson Davis,
John Filler,
S. Davenport,
J. M. Shaffer,
J. Ludingion,
John Mace,
J. N. Boyd,
H. P. Vanness,
F. Culver,
George Cockran,
Spencer Waters,
W. F. Robinson,
G. Stevens,
Lester Palmer,
Amos A. Clark,
H. Barlow.V
Richard Videan,
Joel Adams,
Goo. S. Ryon,
L. K. Spencer,
Wtn. Wilkinson,
Hiram Kimble,
Bosn'ell Willard,
C. F. Miller,
L. Bacbe,
Clark Garison,
C. H. L. Ford,
Nathan Miller,
Albert Newell,
S. H. Levegood,
J. A. Hathaway,
John Redficld,
S. B. Barnes,
John Oslrutn,
George Longwelt,
P. Boardman,
O. Bly,
P. Price,
Elias Tipple,
H. Cloos,
Alfred Jackson,
M. A. Congden,
Chas. O. Spencer,
Benjamin Cure,
John Wass,
Stephen Beebe,
Jacob Shines, .
Joseph Keller,
Geo. W. West,
Andrew Ba riles,
Isaac Plank,
D. W, Hubbard,
T. L. Lake,
David Heise,
A. H. Bacon,
R. W. Stewart,
John W. Gatlin,
0. H. floose,
Lewis Miller,
John Evans,
Jesepb Ballard,
H. H. Sheßer,
C. M. Dibble,
James Bryant,
Stephen Beeman,
H. Zimmer,
A. Truman,
J. H. Gulick,
Charles Jaquish,
J. P. Sleeper,
John W, Fitch,
J. J. Worline,
A. Murdaugh,
Moses Lee,
C. Eastman,
E. Sherwood,
B. Short,
Cyrus Webster,
John James,
D. A. Bowen,
Lemuel Peas,
Selah Clark,
Robert Steel,
John Blackwell,
Byron Clark,
Thos. B. Putnam,
11. S. Johnson,
John Furguson,
Reuben Stevens,
John A. Kemp,
0. P. Taylor,
Hire id King,
Jesse. Curron,
Wm, Jolly.
Take Notice.
THOSE indebted to the subscriber, either
by note or book account, will please call and
settle the same immediately. As she is about do
ling up her business, she is very desirous of tiering
her accounts settled ss soon os possible.
WeUshoro 1 , Nov. 16, ’54. MRS. M. MEEK.
CAME to the enclosure of the subscriber,
on or about the first of October, THREE TWO
YEAR OLD HEIFERS; one Waok with a tine
back, orte' ptle red with lias book, and the ether
white with a little red about the held, in very good
condition. The owner Is requested toe prove proper
ly, poy charges and take them away.
Delmtr, Nov. 16,1354. E. F. BODINE.,
T JJAD P|P6 for Springs, fur sale by
4U Nov, p. .D. P. tfr W. ROBERTEL
O fIAA LBS. of old’lron And Gopher
A'v*'”” wanted in exchange for States and
Tuivrsre. bjy [Not. 9.] D. p. ROBERTS- ‘
sale and retsil, Bom HO to RIS each, st
\fetlsbqfeVynT. 9. D. P. £W: ROBERTS'.
iTuctdiy.Nov, 99,1851. ‘
■ \' . By order of Tnalew
Union Academy.
a B. PRICE, C. W. B&Ci&Aaaiata’f.
Mn. 8: Parc*, I’rtcrftrtt; Mi*a A.Baao*, IkifA
•* ■.'■ i . r . n^\v>f-tv^-4AA" v
The winter Vin
tomanm Stir. 9B| tbs Spring Tertp'fcr
1855,’-n&»l 'i .4,,.-.
,Ba*rdiMr.« f»A tl SO
Tailioa per term.. ...i »v.-. 5,00:
J Detf6eld;«^-Id. ? tos4*at.
TDESIDES n variety of "II o>h*>r kind* 1 of
aj of novsEaoLD tvsnitvsh, ow mb.
tcriher W iodr different iijkt ai
which be iaaelijnf ii out price*. AU»,'
7V« diferrnl patterru of Mahogany Spring
Seat Ckti&t,'-and MaJngauy Rticktri.
ani thrU fatienu of Sofa*. -
' Alep, Roee wood,Carl Maple, «*>d CommOn cfrtif*
of «U kind*. ’- • \ E - P* WELLS.
Lawrencenrte,t|or, 16,165*.
A Chance to Make Money I
L PLOYMENT.—The •obtcriber i»((rnarona o
tiering ee agent in each county and town of the
Union. A capital ef fropa 5 to 110 ppiy will be're
paired, and anything like an efficient, energetic
roan can make from three (o fire doilara perday;—
indeed eoroe of the agent* now employed are real).
Xing twice that anm. Er*ry infartnation will he
Nor. I&r3t Box 601,.Phila,Pa. Poet Office.
■VTOTICE is hereby given that (he Adminis-
L v tratore and Executors on the, following named
estates have Killed their accounts, and that the
same will he presented to the Orphans 4 Court of Ti
oga County on MONDAY,' the 4th day of Decem
ber 1854, for confirmation end allowance, visi
The account of Milton Bowman,' Administrator
of GODFREY. BOW MAN. late of Brookfield, de
The account of Charles Blanchard, Guardian Of
the heirs of RICHARD ELLISON, tale of Elk
lend, deceased!
The account of John Brownell, Guardian of the
heirs df BENJAMIN MItLER, deceased.
The final account of Zaccheue Mallory, Guardian
The account of Cortii Parkhnret, Executor of
WILLIAM EVANS, late of Elklarid. deceased.
The account of James Gray, Administrator of
CHARLES PIERCE, late of Tioga county, deC*d.
Register’s Office, Welisboro,’ Nov. 9, 1854.
J. P. MAGILL, Register.
HAVING purchased and IfljL
enlarged the Tin and Stove (■
Store o( C. E. Gray, would call the
attention of the trading public to
their large and splendid assortment jife-iH.
of Stoves, comprising a variety offlfeaSgflß
kinds of PREMIUMS.
Also, a complete assortment of PARLOR St COX
STOVES, at or below Elmira prices.
of all kinds, shapes and sites wanted for household
use. Eave Gutters made to order at the shortest no
i. Term, 1894.
The Amekicak Aetists’ Union, would respect,
foil; announce to the citixens of the United States
and the Canadas, that for the purpose of cultivating
a taste for the fine arts throughout the country, aqd
with a view. of. enabling every family to become pos
sessed of a gallery of Engravings
They have determined, in order to create an exten
sive sale for their Engravings, and thus not only
give employment to a large number of artists and
others, but'inspire among oar countrymen a taste
for works of art, to present to the purchasers of their
engravings, when 250,000 of which are sold,
259,909 Gifts, of the actual cost of 9190,000.
■ Each purchaser of a One Dollar Engraving, there
fore, receives not only an Engraving richly worth
the money, but also a ticket which entitlee him to
one of tiie Gifts when they are distributed.
For flee DeHart, a highly finished Engraving,
beautifully PAINTED IN OIL, and fine Gift Tick
rtt, will be sent: or Five Dollars worth of splendid
Engravings can be selected from the Catalogue, and
sent by return mail or express.
A copy of the Catalogue, together with a speci
men of one of the Engravings, can be seen at the
office of this paper.
For each Dollar scot, an Engraving actually wo rth
that turn, and a Gift Ticket wifi bt immediately far
The Committee believing that the success of this
Great National Undertaking will be materially pro
moted by the energy and enterprise of and
enterprising Agents, Have resolved to treat with auoh
on the most liberal terms.
Any person wishing to become an Agent, by send
ing (post paid,) 91, will receive by return of Mail, a
One Dollar Engraving, a GIFT TICKET, a Pros
pectus, a Catalogue and all other necessary inform
Obadiah Inscho,
Win, R. Seely,
W. W. Gilbert,
Newbury Close,
Robert Rowland,
Elias Beaty,
On the final completion of (he sale, (be Gifts will
be placed in the hinds of a Committee of At Pur
ehotert to be distributed, doe notice of which will be
given throughout the United Stales and the Canadas.
100 Marble bods of Washington, pitlloo 910,000
100 “ “ Clay . *• . 10,000
100 “ “ Webster • « 10,000
100 “ *• Calhoun, x • •• 10,000
50 elegant Oil Paintings, in splen- 1
did gilt frames site 3x4 each, ) “ 5,000
100 elegant Oil Paintings, 3x311 each, 50 6,000
500 steel plate Engravings, brill.'
iantly colored in oil, nob gilt
IVaines 31x30 in each, ,
10.000 elegant steel plite engra
vings coPd in oil, of lb* Wash
ington -Monument 30x38, 1
337.000 steel plate engravings, from ’
100 dH&reirt plates now-in piss
session of, owned by the Art
ists Union, of the market ni
ne from SO to 31 each,
1 firat-elat>Dwelling,in3lsl-st-,N.
93 Building Lots in 100 snd iOlst
sts. N. York, 95xi00A deep, at
100 Villa sites, Containing each 10,
000 sq. ft. in subnrba of N. Y.
city, commanding magnißc’qt
views of Hod'S Hirst « L- 1. 1
Sound, it
80 perpetual bane of cash, with
out Inl’st or security, 8350 ca. ( 5,000
SO perpetual leans- 100. “ s^ooo
10ft “ .* ■ “ 30 “ 5,000
850 i* ■ * » 80 « 5,00 ft
3000 « “ “ 5 “ 10,000
Eefcrsooa in regard te liie Keal Estate, F. 1. Viss
can fcCo, Baal Ratals Brokers, Nat* York,. Or.
d*». (post paid) sHb money (sdnalitaisiddMa
ed, J. W. HOLBROOKE, Beej, 50S Broadway,
,v,y. . . •
IDfl 1 !* Engravings-ta the OtUbgns art'now
ready Hsr delivery. [nor, jjjftmi]
Chain, Cbaln, Chain.
Be|ister’» fthtice.
JOBBING done to order and in the best manner.
All Tin-ware carefully proved before leaving the
They respectfully solicit the patronage of all who
wish to purchase anything in their line, assuring
them that money can be saved by examining their
alack before purchasing elsewhere. ,
Wells borough, Nov. 9,1854. ' 1
AF twtfccOJ dolort,wd the lorgost
Vr astortmcntthitwaa cterofikrtd in tha Hsa*
ry eio now It tcvo lit ■ JOTflb (OjHB
r«cia«, yeodiU(ini ,aa4;Lgy , v
afi Facias, issued oQi ofabe.fouirl of Com
mon H&a' of Tioga Counly. aod
dcjwded'td puWicPale ttlhS
faojuri Ppiisß.m %MONDAY,i
.’the d'b.daj' of XSgceiqjier, 1854fp 14 Vcloob,
(Ij. M r •« »i«i ' ...r.
' A I"' of land inXawwnee (ownnhip|:boun'i
,iM North bj Peter Keep, net and Math hy Spur,
roll Und.tod weal byland *f Patar Kwft .eoatjun.
ag eboui St acres non or less.' Totaaold a» ths
properlybf Juba AroeC . '
' Amo—A lur of ln»d in Charleston-town- 1
abipbouaded north by P. Colter, cm by John Hitt
jano N, Aostht, aonlh b» F. Winfmte and ml
Joel Colter, containfits (boat SO acre*, with 1 a boot
j 25 tcrea toproted tranle hceue.Otinabara hbd
apple 4KWH thtrion. To b« Said «* thaprujwrty
‘of £•’U-Jeuoiny*.
i ALSO—A lot of land ii) Deerfreld town,
.•hip, bounded Berth and etal by C. A S. Short, south
by Copraoe*n» road and treat by H, H. Morlin,coo>
Saining i aere of improved land, a larga tavern
house and frame barn thereon. To be add as the'
property of William A. Faulkner and Junes Faulk
ner. "
ALSO—A lot of land in Cho'J>am , to* ft.
•hip, bounded north by Bingham lends,,enj,,Mrs.
Level, tail by. N. Shor t and Harvey Leach, south by
John Short and west by D. A. Chardiili. conlaia.
ing shout,6o aorea, about 14 acre* improved, a log
house, frame barn and a few frail tree* thereon.
To bo eold u Ihe property of Sooralea CpraeiL r
ALSO—A lot of land in Cly oner township,
bonnded north by D. Killburn, east by & Rniter,
SootfrN. Owens, and weal by Potter Co. 11ns, con.
lainlngaboul 60 or 70 aeree needy all' Improved.
To be told u the property'of D. F. Ellsworth.
ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston town
•hip, bounded north byKldelr, sOoth fay Blie* end R.
'Willard, east by highway, end west by Blise and
Wolkeri eonteinirtg 68 aterei pole dr less,-with
about forty teres improroed, frame house, Shoe-shop
barn. Corn-house and an apple orchard thereon. To
be eold as the property of John Math eta
ALSO—A lot of (and in Charleston town
■hip, bounded north by Culver, east by (too. Boehos
south by David Jones and west by James Hall, con
taining 60 tdree, about 15 scree improved, With a
frame house end a few fruit trees thereon. To be
sold ee the property of John Bochus,9d.
ALSO—A lot of land in Chnrleu'on town,
•hip, bounded north by Joseph Wilcox, east by 3. J.
Rice, south by Dartt da Tipple end west by Wm.
Bailey, containing about 110 acta with about 100
scree improved, • frame house, frame barn ind ap
ple orchard thereon. To be sold aa the properly of
A. G Churchill.
A-LSO—A lot of land in VVellab'iro', boun
ded north-west by road leading from WoUsboro’ to
Mechanic’s Hollow, north-east by A. Peake and
south by A. L. Thompson end others, containing J
of on acre more ;or less, improved-«being a three
cornered piece cut off by road abovementioued from
land, of Anna Daobe, with frame house thereon.
To be sold as the property of John Kimble.
ALSO—A lot of l«nd in Charleston town
ship, bounded north by Stratton, Blast by Mrs. Ship
pen, sooth by A. Eaton and E. Hart, and west by J.
Rollins, containing 70 or 80' acres. To be sold as
the property of John R. Rollins.
ALSO —A lot of land in Middlebury town-,
ship, bounded north by lands now or formerly own
ed by James Bryant, east by land of Thomas West,
John West and Ira Davenport, south by lamb of N.
T. Weal, S. V. Boman and G. W. Herrington Sc Co.
weal by lands of T. L. Baldwin, Joseph Gee and A.
Haalelt, with 443 acres of land to be sold es the
property bf Chts, Churchill.
‘ALS.Q-rA lot of ,bind in Covington town
ship, bounded north by Anna Morris, eaat.hy Tilly
Marvin, south by E. Johnson and west by Francis
Wctherbee, containing 50 acres with about 49 acres
improved, frame House, frame and lug barn and an
apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property
of Giles Marvin.
ALSO—The equal undivided half part of
s lot bf land in Rutland township, bounded north
by D, Crumb, east, by Tims. Holton, vest by A. Ro
selle and E. Wheeler and south by C. Russell and
RottHs, containing about 100 acres, aboutjils or SO
acres improved, with a frame boose, log stable and
a few IValt trees thereon. To bo sold as the proper
ty of Rodbeu Shear,
ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston town
ship, bounded north by Culver, eael by Gee. BoehUs,
south by David Jones and'west by James Hsll, con
taining 50 acres, about 15 acres improved, a frame
house and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as
the property of Jno. T. Hall.
ALSO—AII theinlerest of defendant in a
lot of land in Gaines township, beginning at the
south-west corner of warrant No, 2335, thence north
along the warrant line 320 rods'to a chestnut tree,
tiie nortb-west comer, thence east 375 rods In lot
surveyed for Dudley Hevyetl, thence south by Reu
ben Davis, 160 rods Ip corner, thence west 100 rods
thence south 160 rods, tbcnce west 175 rods to the
place of beginning, containing 602 acres more or
less. Being part of warrant No. 3335. To be sold
as the property of Reuben F. Davis.
ALSO—A lot of land in Sullivan town
ship, bounded north by A. B. Farmer, east by N,
Smith and others, south by Wood’s estate and west
by Arad Smith and others, containing about 200
acres with about 100 acres improved, log house,
frame house and barn, and apple orchard thereon.
To be cold at the properly of John Benson.
ALSO, a lot of land in Farmington township
bounded on the north by A. J. Fish, Joseph Symondt
and Mr*. Bryant, east by Magee, Mereereau md
widow Gee, south by land of Wickham A
formerly the Beckwith tot, and Edwlta M'Kinoey,
west by James Beebce, Wcbsters and Hall—con
taining about 000 acres, with about 130 acres im
proved, one frame dwelling house, three Flank hou
ses, one fnme| born, one blacksmith shop, a Saw
Mill, and an apple and Peach orchard thereon. To
be sold aa the |properly of Lyman Fisk.
ALSO—A lot of unimproved lend in Law
rence township, bounded north by J. Ford, east by
J. Francis, south by Geo. Van Gorden and Patter
son, and west by Palteraon and Harris—containing
one hundred acres. To bo sold aa the property of
Clark Sloason.
ALSO —A certain lot of hind in Tioga
township, bounded north by C. H. Haunter, east by
Ira McAllister’* estate, south by Jacob Schiffelin,
and west by SylrU Parmcntior—containing abutit
one and a half acres more or less, with a name or
plank bouse thereon.
Also —One village lot in the village of
Tioga, containing one fifth of an acre, more or least
bounded north by C. M. Place and Joseph Fish, east
by school bouse lot, south by Walnut street, and
west by C. H. Place, all improved.
Also —A lot of land in Tioga township,
bounded north by T. J. Berry, east by crooked creek,
south by T. J. Berry, and west by La Mange,
and being all that piece or parcel of land, known a*
the Hatch or Arm—containing about sixteen
acres, till improved, with a log home and apple
orchard thereon. To be sold ae the property of
Clarissa Willard, Administratrix o I William Wil
lard, deceased.'
• 10 5,000
4 40,000
Y.City, 13,000
ALSO—A certain lot of ,land in Covington
township, bounded north by’lends formerly owned
by EQidU-and Hdagland, toulb by Jonathan Jen
nings, east by S. B. Kelsey, and west by Jacob
J ohnson —Containing about forty.five acres,-with
about fifteen acres improved, one log home, shanty,
and tome Suit treed thereon. To be sold sa the
property of Jacob Johnson,
500 50JM0
ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland ,tpwpi
ship, bounded north by Artetnae Barnhart, east by
Joseph {Utdtng,tooth and west by Gporge Brown-?
eontaioipg about one hundred ami fifty acres, with
about forty acres improved, one feamo iwuae, frame
ban, and apple orchard thereof lei to sots ii lbs
properly of John Benson and Isaac Bsfleoc.
H, A- GUERNSEY, Shsrtf;
Bbcrifi> Offioe/Wellsboro*, Ndv. 9.18 M., ; , \!
WOXIC& » hereby gif*?* that on
•LW omoqm eqool to thbootta will ho wjni
red io be paid opca wch mIo vrltta.hiyuck'
down to the bidder, and upon I failure to I
cumply with thie mtsibiiM the tract of land ]
ajiff ■ ajpmTtar i^, ,! Bofoo'si»tBt'l
will he rirtht vf a*W* :
| vIJS ihfctr 'full aiofiir Af 1
' which includwaw apleodid assortment ofr -
of a aplendidaa*
. v< eqrtmcnt of Riph French MeriMeaufanoeiorr
at .very-low .pyidMj,4b«, Penmates of all colon,
All-Wool sad Cheap Delatoe*. Black Silks stmuob
fewpr than fcnaerpeioevMertiuw* and Coebaoe
■Prints,) topf . pad Sonora Woolen ShtwU at yery
lo? prices,. Brown Mcfory, Ble*ck Muslins, Red
end While flenoel,CoUoo Flannel, Stripe BhirUor,
Blue Oenrine. Bed Ticking, Broad Clothe. Cam
meres, Satioctu, Ksntucky Jeans, Sheep’s Grey
Cloth, Cotton Batting, Carpet Warp, Cotton yam,
and alro many , other article# in the above, line that
we have not lima uflr room Ifrenumerate in a single
;• GRoctßtts Aim rsmamm,
.Muscovado, Coffee Crashed, Powdered and. Crash,
cn Sugars, Stewart's Syrnpsond Bohests, Old I Java,
Rio and Caguara Coffee, Yoong Hysoa sad Back
Teaj Peeppr; AlUpice, Burch, (Hager.
, Rice, Bar Soap, Candles, Indigo, Saltpeter, Aiuufc
Sajeratua. to.. Pork,; Floor* Fiah, Saif, Butter,
Cheese, Tobacco, Lamp Ojd. dte., 100.
Hats and Caps.
Black end Light Colored Bearer Sits, Know
Nothing, Rnow Something snd Kossuth Hats, Rl’k
Silk Hats, Silk, Flash and Cloth Caps. Boyt Hale
and Caps of every description.
Boots ami Shops.
Mens’ CblG Kip end Heavy Stoga Boots j also.
Rubbers, Boys’ and Youths’ Bools, Childrens’
Shoes of every description, Ladies’ Shoes, Boot* tod
Gaiters, a Urge assortment at very low prices.
Wooden Ware,
Pails, Brooms, Tubs, Brushes, Butter Ladles snd
Prints, Axehelvos, Washboards, Sugar Boxes, Mca*
surer, Ac., Itc.
Nails, Mill Saws, b< Saws snd Hand Sews, Mill
Files, Scoepes, Shovels, Manure Chains,
Steelyards, Pocket Solves, Table Cutlery,- Door
Locks, Latches, Bed Locks, Butts and Screws,
Horse Cards snd Brushes, Axes from the best man.
ttfixclurcrs, always on hand!
by the sett or pieep to soil the wants of purchasers.
manufactures prices. EASTERN CLOCKS, war.
ranted to keep good time.
Ready-Hade Clothing.
Black, Brown, Drab and Blue Overcoats, from a
low price np. Sack, Frock and Dresa Coals of every
description, Fancy and Black Caaimera Pants, Bl'li
Satin, Ca.imcre and Velvet Vests, also', Cheap Vests
of every style and quality, Shirts and Collars, Wool,
en Wrappers and Drawers, Buckskin and Woolen
Gloves and Mittens,'Fancy and Black Silk Cravats,
Self-adjusting Slocks, Silk and Linen Pocket Hand
kerchiefs, Woolen Seeks, Suspenders, Umbrellas,
and in fact nearly everything that roan, women or
ehild may want can be Brand at thia establishment.
The subscribers would return their sincere thanks
to the inhabitants of this Boruugh and surrounding
country, for the very liberal patronage that baa been
bestowed on them since they commenced business
in Ibis place, and wish, by keeping a large assort,
ment of Goods to select from. and selling at small
profits, to merit a continuance of the same.
Well*boro', Nor. I, mi: JONES St ROE.
THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully id.
form the Fanners of Tioga County, that they
are now Manufacturing FINCH’S IMPROVED,
PREMIUM FANNING MILLS, three miles .both
of WeiUboroogh, .on the Jersey Shore road ; and
fret Warranted in saying that said Mill is (be best
over introduced into Tioga County both os respects'
cleaning fast and well, and the saving of Gross Seed,
Farmers are respectfnlly invited to caij and exam,
ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere'.'
ID* All kinds of Produce taken in payment. Old
Mills repaired on aliirl notice.
Delwar, Out 12, 1851-lf.
T HOYT would most respectfully inform
* the oitixena of Wellsboro* and vicinity, that he
has just opened a Grocery and Oyster Saloon ado
door below Cleaver's Hotel, where he Will be heppy
to Ihroiah families with all kinds of Groceries as
cheap aa the cheapest. Sugars, Irnm the finest white
down to the cheapest brown. Tea, Coffee, Rice,
Soap, Candies, Ac., of the best quality, constantly
on hand.
Fresh from the mint, served np in style at ell
reasonable llolirs of the day and night. CT Don't
forget the place.
Wellgborough, Nov. 9,1854-
Auditor’* Notice.
VTOTICE is hereby given, that I will at.
Tv tend to the duties of my appointment os' An.
dilor in the matter of the distribution of (he pro
ceeds arising from the sale by (lie Sheriff of the re
al Estate of Clark Slotton, at my office in the vil.
lags of Tioga, on Friday the first day of December
next, at I o’clock P. M-, and all interested are fe.
quested to then and there present and substantiate
tbeir claim J to said proceeds, or be forever debarred
of claiming ariy part of the tame.
Nov. 8, 1834. a H. BEYMOPB, Aud'r.
fpHE undersigned, having been appointed
ah Auditor to distribute the funds arising from
the sale of the Real Estate of Isaac Drake, dec'd,
hereby gives notice that bo will attend to the duties
of said appointment, on Friday lire Ist day of De
comber, at 9 o'clock A. M., at hit office in Wollsboj
ro' at Which lime and plage all persons interested
may prefer their claims if they think proper.
Wellsboro, NoT-VSd. B. D. SMITH, AtidV.
Landholder* Take Notice.
eft Morris, Financier, of the War of
the Revolution,) will be SUED OUT. Occupants
and others can have Confirmatory, Quit Cluimi and
Free Titles, by early application to
JOHN MOSS, Solo Grantee, No. 50 Walnot SL,
BOW. WAtN, Esq., No. 3 York Building,
J. L HUSBAND, Esq., No. 4 Sanson, S^
Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia, Pa,
OcL 19, 1854-1 m. __
Pres* Good*.
LADLES, just drop in ,8t J. W- Bnwcn’a
cheap store end examine Mi Bareges, Barege
(Detains, tame. Black Bilks, Gingliamiivcape and
Bilk Shawls, and save yoar ten per cent.
Wallafaoraugh,Jnne 39,1854. ■
: Bafihlo Robe*.
A PEW boles of No. I Whole Robe*, just
received Ira JONES & ROE. j
Welisboroogh, Wav. 1,18g4. -j
i WEUSBtfid’ ACAMpEt,
THE WINTER TERM ofihkaSitvito
KOLDB,* grUoat/of MadisonOniwwa^
J ’Mr
ftr on*
-ImMw. •*" y - *:U4:■■ ?.•,-.--i;
■From the teeliibonyieetived ofchie.ebaractarend
frwahia ujwrieocaui leaching* and:
frim hi»-grebta»*t»«i.h*ieapd eU»wb«e. we-can ■
cheerfully recommend thtMml to the.patronage or
0b pubUtf* f , ' : ‘■ - ,,t ~•. ■. ~, .*
" In addition totbe’fcancl>*a.naually taught fn
tteh Instiujtiaha, IberewUl boa. Taschera’ ulsaa,
AorapaMd olJiMbb e«o intend toengageintberhnai-;
Casa of Uachlng.whiobwill teoeiM p«nie»la».,at.
tentioa abd iWrttelloo, fasti) iron Hie Vt inaipal an<A
the Count/ o( Coainjon .Scbooh.
•■ Arrangements hare likewise beeh rondo toiro.
'•tin tollable fcbemlwl.aod Phitoaopfaicbl Umru
menu, inch be are, (tied to the niftier order of
Schoola m lha Stale of JftW York. ,
The AeadearhaiUpig f* now mitrgelvg * Aw* 1
bngb repair and .in aaoh a piaimer ai trill oektpio*
mote |bi.qqi»forl and health pf'tfae pupils.
Boarding ran. be in reapeetabl* prlvele
families at a price not exceeding 11,54 per week.
The rates of taitloa will be as follows:'
I Primary Department 41,53
- (geography, Arithmetic & Eng. Gra.mmar 2.00
. Higher-JSngliali.bninrt'w., ... ( 8,00
Algcbr*, Geometry 4. Bumying 4,W
,' Paidtin ji &C.,‘.... .-SjOO
WcHaboroogli, Angi 18,1054 It
AX ted on the plank .read leading from XUland to
INTO 6LOTHS of erery deaeriptlon for (efatert'
.wear, for three abiilinge per yard, or on shares at
the bahres.
Wool Cnrdiag 9c Cloth Dm*
done on abort notice.
The subscriber would say to liia former patron*
and the public generally, that la now doing huaineim,
net mtk a oneheree inter pouer, bat on a dnrablt
atream of water thaVnever fails—baa TWO CO IA
entire a«t of machinery expressly for
Manufacturing Wool into Cloth,
all of whichia. in good order for doing hurinna
which will enable, me to CARD RLL tVOOT,,
brought from a distance the same day, au that the
rolls can be taken back immediately.
Ail work entrusted to ms thall b* pelt done.
O* Mom kinds of prodnen taken in payment fbr
work. Terms— Pay Oaten,
Addison, June, Ij. '54. L. C. PETiDLCTOy.
Important to the Public.
ATJ. R. BOWEN’S Empire Store th«
time hu finally came, when Gouda can be
bought as cheap in Wellaborongb, u at Elmira, t-'er
ning, or in any otiter town west of New Y ork 1 and
the public at large are invited to caQ and satisfy
themselves (hat Ihia Iff no Humbug.
At J. R. Bowen's will always be found an ettetw
sivc assortment of well selected
and a large variety of Geotlcmcn'a Clothing,
all of which wilt be disposed of at a reduced price
Wellaborough, July 27, 1854-lf.
WHEREAS, on the night of the 24th of
March last, Jnan 1. Jackson, and othcra by
thc.uac of false keys or otherwise, forced tlicir way
into the dwelling bouse of the subscriber, while the'
family were absent and removed hie goods out of
tha hdnsc in order to get possession—and further,
the raid James I. Jackson look poasesaion of tha
Books belonging to the subscriber, and refuses to de
liver them over to him, for all of which, the said
James I. Jackson and others have given bail for
their appearance to'the next court ol Quarter Sess
ions. This is therefore to forbid all persons paying
any accpunls to James I. Jackson made at the wool
en Factory and Saw Mill from that time until the Jin
day of March, A. D. 1852, ss I have e lease of the
Woolen Factory and Saw Mill from that time until
the Ist day of March, A. D. 1855, binding me to
collect alt debts for work done.
Dolmar, July 37,1654-tf.
rpHE subscriber would respectfully inform
hi* customer* and friend* that lie still con.
lioucs tits mercantile business, at the old place, at
the we.l known store of L. 1. Nichols, where he wilt
be hippy to wait on those that will favor him with
a call, and would invite tlie attention of the public
generally to bla large and uommodioua (lock of
Groceries, Beady.Hade Cloth,
tag: and Hardware,
AND CAPS, &c., &0.,
in feet everything else kept in a country atore, arti
cle! too numeroua to mention, and will tel) cheaper
than can b» bought thia side of Now York city
All kind# of prod ms taken in exehaiwe fur goed*
at tha highest market price. J, 8.-BOWEN.
Wetteborongh, June 29, jftSt.
At Bowen’s Umpire Store.
CALL ao'l see the best and largest stork
of Gopda ever offered to iba pobKo. Cousinting
SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and a large stuck uf
I Ratter myaelf that 1 can dreaa a man to puit.ctt
lar Jilt in ail caaca who deal re the rca^fMs'e,
The Ladles are invited to call aadegamino the
richest snd best assortment of DRESS GOODS ever
before offered in market—which 1 am prepared tu
act) at prices that cannot fail to suit.
Weil thorough Sept. IRJBSd.
Bakery and Variety Store*
CRACKERS. PWi Diked, by the lb., ox
bbl. Family Baking, and Pirtiea, tUmblnrl <■(
!<horl notice. Deal* >l*o to CROC ERICS, PRO
CASH paid Tor Cutler, Egg«,Checae,Lit<l, Grain
sad other product* of the Firm.
Corning, W.' Y., Aug., 3,1854-tf. '
i XO Tllli PUBLIC*
T DEEM it proper to say that ine cniu-e o[
a f toy being oat of Plaster, for the list It w dapn
wm owing to circumstances beyond roy contyoM
TlwCtnu between Cayuga Bridge* and'the
Uck.waa not in Tcadines* it the time toadvcrtfca
in oonacquence of building a our Lock, But a.
FRESH SUPPLY has just bom received, end vil)
be ground to luuply ill that nujt.eaflL Come one,
come all. AMOS BIXBY,
MsntHeld, Mi* 53.1844.
Leather I Leather!
T F. RIBERCftrDE, lakes ibis method
J • to infer* Shoi(Mkcrs, Hafaea*atik«p * B d
the poUie (enmity, Rut he keep* robiod cekitiou
ly. ot hi* TMtcn ia WelWwruugb,. -fn.
JW* wm, dud HAH»mr*ATD»,I
WlWsHibbfemaiacttr. , .
Pahpripea part tHIDES etid
** MkX J-. R. JOWg*,’^