The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 23, 1854, Image 1

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    MA K s
it c. b. sfera-r.
The '{{ary of Abb 1 ! fikt » oftbe-*rH*»,tt
That leapt lioiplhe.lhtrodtMlond alroog.
And IxiU up tbs limb* and the fcitesof the tree*.
And die* S« il'pkesWotdSlj f' 1 '' !<i " u ''
Like the wrelhorthe u it breaks on the shore/
Proroked bjt the wingiif tbe-blAstr i
To melt Mil de*he{, Qfp tockawith a totfj r , (1 | /
And tW ms pawed!, o-.
The ftrneof aMut fiWtbedaw on the InJf 1
WhiohjatbtiieoCfltbo *>“ hwponaumedj. u
Like adgearo, or ibo torajr on the brow,of a fon,
. Or tVffash pf a aWiit eagle’s plume ' ■
An eind target erelldsm o to the ear,
• A PteaJnw;which never wat felt; i ■ ••
A ahrinsi with the footstep* of. worshipper# near, //
But jost ire thcjr found U apt) tsejl! ,
Tbh strength of a Man ! like aPMthef Sent ont'•
3k, f«K& the stormjptril’ofaetij 5-. - ,
A leaf in the arpiiof q.burtioaa? stnutj ,
A snail, on the lightqjpg** pm flf ot— 0 t— " ,
A mute to be lost in the folds 6nbe grut;
A sigh in the'ear r oF the gate p* * - 1
A drop-in the odeah to'qalvtr end pea,
No echo to whisper lhntale-1 ■’ . ; ■ -
The hope of a Men! Hls'us'hJgH as the Stirs, -
As deep aa the rathomless snScb';'I ■" ' -••
As strong at the earthquake thavbroskelh its bent
And swift as Uie light, in its rqco: •
The glpry. And fame, and.strength shall decay.
Bin the,hope of the spirit is sure;
And fresh, When the son-end the stars fade aWajr,
Wilt (brever dnd-eVer endure f—■ if. Y. Mirror,
■ Ifflt YET,"
A TALE founded on facts.
“ Not yet,” was heard spoken in a loud,
ouick lone of voice, succeeded by ihe report
o! a pisio!. emanating from the bottom: of u
dark, subterraneous vault, hitherto undisturb
ed bv sound from the commencehient of
time, except by the deep-toned, majestic
voice of thunder, as it pealed tt» awful anath
emas Irom the thick, heavy clouds, ns they
covered the mountains: This frightful abode
o' terror was situated on Cumberland moun
tain, near the 'foid 'pitssing ihrougW
me Crab Orchard and to Knoxville,
see Surprised at what 1 heard so unexpec
ted'v in that hideous wilderness, 1 checked
mi norse and listened with intense avidity,
to hear once more from that horrid dwelling
place of mysteries, before 1 could lake my
leave of this strange affair; and whilst thus
suspended as it were by hone, fear, and ago
ny, I heard, as I thought, a female voice ex
claim. “ Thank Heaven, I am safe.” My
curiosity was now excited beyond expression,
(marine first the voice of a man, then the
tout voice of death's instrument, and still
more, the soul-animalinp voice of a female,
al' conspired to excite mv most profound
sympathy and my greatest astonishment. I
could no longer refrain from dismounting nnd
rushtnc to the secluded aperture. After |
some minutes of breathless surprise, looking I
itirou'.'O me dark foliage of the thick pine
leaves, I discovered the bleeding form of a
man lying prostrate in Ihe lowest part of the
cave, with a pistol in one hand, nnd a dirk,
as \ r fallen from the other close bv his side,
Al* w'as still—death and silence reigned tri.
umpfiant -there. After manv attempts to
discover the parlies to I his strange affair, I
ventured still clos'er to Ihe victim of demon
passion, meditating upon the scene now dem
onitra'ted before? me. • Where were the - ac
tors of this bloody tragedy t lime seemed in
sufficient for their escape. And could ir be-J
possible al 1 that I had heard had resulted j
iron; an act o r suicide l Prom the rapid i
succession and incongruities of sound, I tho’t
The ball had passed through his head.—
coor man, thought I. vou have fallen a vic
tim to disapointment. disappointed ambition,
o' blasted hopes of earthly felicity, and have
retired far from the worlds vulgar scrutiny—
hniinE' in nature's dark recess, alike his per
sor and his bloody deed. And if so, lam
an intruder upon the purposes and designs of
me deai. But upon an examination of his
nisiu . luund it to be loaded. I found nfty
coniectures were all wrong, and for the safe
t' o im own person*! hurried away from I
me scene ol outrage and death. Many COD
tectures presented themselves during my even
me s ride, vot all ended in doubt and uncer
tain". A clue to the facts seemed covered
m impenetrable darkness. Alter traveling
twemv miles through a wild wilderness, see
mg no human being and hearing no human
voice, except theconslanl re-ileralton of “ nol
vc ’ “ inank heaven, 1 am safe,” which
rang as if spoken Irom the lops of Jhe itia
icsuc pines in every direction. My feelings
urangeiv according wilh ihe scene now sur
rounding me; the.winds howled hideously as
met passed ma by*—the. loud roaring of the
cataract s awful full, and ihe deep gathering
ciouus mat shut out the light of day, nil, all
kept mi heart awakened and my mind on ter
ror s vision ben 1 .. After a ride of a few hours,
lorninaielv reached the beautiful town of
1-. before the mantle of the night fell upon
hi! 1 had no sooner crossed the river and
gained admittance into a hoiel, than. I com
menced, by interrogatories, to seek for some
elucidation to the melancholy spectacle I had
mat evening witnessed. I asked the landlord
y there was any nows about town. He re
nlied that there tvusa great excitement perva
ding all ranks of society by the sudden dis,
appearance of two young men, ant} also, of a
voung lady ; all of whom had been raised in
me Place lie said Mr. McCloud and Miss
-'•ary L«awson had crossed ihe river for the
purpose of attending church some four or Five
miles distant, and in ihe evening Col, Van
kvKe followed in the same direction, and
nothing has since been heard from them.—
fte said McCloud bnd Van Dyke wore rivals
m.’ the hand of Miss Lawson “ McCloud, 3 ’
ne said M is very wealthy, and consequently
"s is usual in such cases, he is (he favorite of
Clary’s parenis. Yet Col. Van Dyke is the
tavonte of ihe young lady ; and knowing (he
parties as ,1 do, my apprehdnsiond are 'of'i
serious character.” '' ■
Before retiring to bed, I related the whole
•ccne I had witnessed to the hotel keeper;
and by the dawn of next day morning'some
fifty or sixty genlfimen'rods' tip'to the 1 hotel
and requested me to go with them bttektothe
mountain. There ‘was one difficulty’ -with
me; if the two tronsaClidhs Trad no eoonec*
non, 1 might become on object of at least'au*.
p,oion ' '
In four hours’ ride wa alighted oeaMhe
•pot, found the body, but it was so mutinied
and lorn to pieces by the woUes.BB .not rto
nave one feature of "recognition. V •. .. T
i soon found myself the object of suspi-
* ji I J
L.n i>v.i I'-vriia A,
fl *J *)ii i»JJi "ilc Ila . | ' n | -‘ 1 yjtniiirj KJJ-Jl'- - r nr. f ■ i l^C.
■i i ijjv.
< M .Wti' jpt (I 1
’ " •~ y ~ w " !rT ' TO ,»tt- <NU 57 kmuui &A3* ,^»aofl8T»
xrox r>, :Mmmmmrnjmmhis
lrftanyj’orhica f :idtenrdgatorieslr
arm; ■ Sospiflloftinoweitmr*t'ihtwa dfotne**'
many said'il j 'Wa2riBViMcGlomrj’mien|»i* , »n
latintis Wfireofithw.qpmorit; andssoonlLoras
politely 1 WformtdSt would dire
iy idaid ih my arrsKt.iandoihal Shaftff t>*a»;
comnjanded-io’lHftbrffpniy anbm-tdatbsieCraUt
.Orchard/ Soon after 'idunmrrivalji fdkindi
undergoingi'thd dormalitiesdof>o ariaL
before 5 a' court-' of'idaultry.
wab'cOhveyed'icnheiUfteHiai witness agbibits
mO/flfMi alao for-intaitnenf ntthe placet
After ihe-exipbrtodrfatlwdaiQnncltitledpand .■
i he'magistrate hahded'thai'Sferiff /ti.fmitirhu*
to commit me tolprisbnv'hd'-saidj'-f.cpradpsiiv;
you must ma ln jail,'* indijusljias uli
arose frdm my sear, manifesting tav-titiDgqessx
to obey His command*, snbmitring--iriyBeir in*',
to the'iron fangs'bftte;|aw>witlmut'justice or!:
the least shadow r Of:icrimb,"PQt l witttouia tnur-i
mur, there was'hdsrdte. voice; loin Land cleOty
exclaiming “ noP ! yet,'Vu: At -Ihat'moinenttd
general shout ensued, proclaiming;' f <her« a
the Colonel.'’ A 'tail;fine I looking: young
man stepped in and |; aaid: “Slop,BherifiV
this man' is guiltless s ;! Ilamithe mia;-i-kiiled.
McCieud;” The whole orowd.'Stood.for'-eev*
era! momenta as if 1 electrified,‘until 'thaLaw.!
ful silence Was disturbed by sbrialft from' the:
relations 6f both McCloud r atid •Van'Dyke j.
leflts flowed in torrents') ■'cveVyihearl teemed,
full of unrestrained grier. -Old iMr.'Lawson
came Up to tfie ColotVetfand asked if'herknerw
anything of his lost ’Mary, while-bis'-frame'
trembled With fearful emotion; Van'Dyke
replied, with a placid smile on his face:—
“Sir, she is safe, and'you will find herolrMrt
White’s about two 0 distant;'< She- is
there, the same' tirftJona, Inii&ent, immac,
ulated child she was when decoyed from her
parental home by- a'treacherous villain.”*—
Then turning to [he 1 "Sheriff - , he 'said : “sir,
I ani ready 'to- answer! I ho- demands- of ..the
law.” Ths formalities of n ■-trial -before va
court of inquiry, were had, ani Van Dyke,
was committed id
Various were the to Je
suit. The ablest lawyers of the day ’ w6re.
employed on both ,
The day filled,,with p)° me nl3 consequen
ces to the prisonerjiftl length arrived.' - Jibe
court.yard was crowded w(th an excited,au
dience. All eyes were on the alert to catch
one glimpse,of lhg prisoner as he entered the
court house. His own voluntary confessions
were read in evidence agfins; him by ibe
prosecuting counsel, and proofs of his rival
ry of McCloud, and other.circumstances wore
established. Then Miss Lawson was called give testimony. She came lean
ing on her father's arm—her pale, Intelligent,
and interesting face, was modestly concealed
by a vail and bonnet. All eyes were fixed
upon her as an object of pity ap'd extreme
beauty., She came forward trembling with
fear and sensibility to give evidence against
her benefactor, her preserver and idol of her
heart. The tremor of her , voice, and the
gentle undulations of he bosom evinced by
the embarrassment of her mind, and the
peculiar delicacy of her position, had aroused
the sympathy of a crowded assembly. .Af
ter a Few moments of composure, she gave
the follow ing statement of facts : “ I was
decoyed off from.home, some months since,
by Mr. McQloud, we started to meeting, and
after riding some lime, I asked, him if we
were not lost. He said he believed so ; then
he said he knew where we were, and that we
had been lost, but we were now on the road
back to town. ' After much conversation, he
remarked, in an angry lone of voice, “ Well,
Mary, I clearly see under all, circumstances
you intend marrying Col. Van Dyke, and be
fore he shall thus trample over nriy exalted
claims, you and myself must fall victims to
your inflexible obstinacy.” So saying he
turned out horses out of the road, and we
had not proceeded far before lie dismounted
and hurried me from my saddle down - into it
deep frightful cave.” “ Now, Miss.” said he,
“ death or tho full assurance of yodf hand',”
and at the spme lime waving a pistol in one
Imnd,ano a dirk in the other. k I .plead f° r
life, but he'seemed unrelenting'; his' eyes
flashed'fiery indignation ; -at I .ceased
to Speak, a 1 Then,” he said,die obslinale
Mary,’’ roisifag his dirk over.rriy. head,-and
pointing it to tny heart. 11 Not Yet!'' soun
ded in my ear, followed by the report of a
pistol. McCloud fell—l turned,.my head
beheld my deliver and exclaimed, Thank,
heaven Tam safe !” Col. Van Dyke then
conducted me to Mr. White’s where tl- re
mained bntilmy father came and conveyed
me home
“ Is (hie thoman you cull your deliverer
asked the allorny of the -tjefeflderU; pointing!
to the prisoner, who had rcmtunedreDpet
ceived by Maty until,ihil momenlt ,«. .....
She gave.a scream, and-fell iolo n slate vpf
insensibility from which she did-, not recover
for several days. 1 •• m-.; t- •: 3
■With the testimony of Miss Mary,>lhe at?
torhey for.ihe- Commonwealth closed pn his
part.' The counsel for thadefendenl.thence*
marked that ha wauled no. wiines&efrb^;^* - '
ent relied alona> on , the? tpstimonyvof Mjse
Lawson for justification.. The a|lornpy r for
ttye Commonwealth then gave to the jury n
, b/ief sujWhWy of tfie'prlrtciplW Of 'ltfW"and
of'thp; evidejjite beffHng upon iW3fi'caSe,''Ktttf
pressed upon jßmjurynhe Importance 3>f‘ en
lo|eirig thelkWe df'tHel&tldaeamlst bVerytof*
fender, ho'wever draflhguished bS'migHi
The counsel for thd defendenflhen aro*ei;and
with much ability nhd more "than ' ofdittany;
silionp.oppumeg by,lhe attorney. fp;jhe, pro
not yjol jhpf ihcMpainp^irted
of «a»;pecf*sary
of and atrocious murder., ThaVt.gsteM of
shame, degradation, and pamshmettyvafa
■gtmrf Isj
itwtji rv> nl i , ~ ~i r~i it nn f~ ~*inn ■■ nn » g ■- *— -- * » -*-*—*—— ” * - - ■
■ 'Dyhogihried
. ‘s»«*(Mie*tppt*tM« tad of d&a
i community for the rescue of ioaoetat&ttad:
mMfetpMIn»®#SISV2:. 1 n »®#S I S V 2:.
! iMigv
w « ve .%BjfcmypviM l !BTO8 a I s &]£,
;qfew^, ft od fimgK .m
XljtjHs's jj^^e^ngf
fIJftPwVMwJ *Jt i'-cr* dvi|fn btJbih wg
.iXiiwviUWg£pey;'<br A%iy^(ytl9A^?po()^p 4
jin a strong le^^ppe»^^J^Sg ,iijr ; .
{martprftiuanSuassufoeji inrfifcopsnjp^.pf.the
ngihem, byr, D6HM iw, ftfltt ..iR:
gutneote cHa«pako ; aboul, t»;bppn wijtpn
o*9e iwaSasubrtilted uo t4hft*ji«y. in-Egrbls.
hoor»atKl!B«rfuUlrfpettseio£:ih» final
look possession of the MMmbty*
and appr^’en^fftlTSwayeth-eactrtpsorn—the
jury in close
coDsttlatlqh iptheir f'odml L ' r AP‘!dbgtH n 'tlfey
ctffye. Io the"clerk's "tablef"With ttfe'shW ‘taH*
sSlbran n |i i epal t ßtamng"in'a'"vJrdlcf 6T “-’ijun/'
ly. . I'he ?ie'rn Y -ar(3 the*
rtßg^!nfiu^e| a J Ihtfxtrtihsflßre*
w’&lth, pfiyetf%Sß ,^dßTt‘onid'lh r e"bts(lef ffcih
Itnclonhe ncart.* i lowa's f eviderif r the vei'-'i
die had heenwro'og frornjhdSi \VJ tH iffiidfi re- ■
1 " r a ' !,l,st ” « ■■ t ’
fOn' life ‘nisi ‘ffidrnrng'tV ju3gc ! ftr6hoUrt-'
ced’the’-sen^eKce'Xrileoih'fn cOtilbfmity'WilB 1
I tie yerdlcf oMhe jury:;”arid • decTde'd’ tha’t tV
ten dayB_C(il;' Vati Dy kb ’shojfld ‘atone for the'
murder of McCfobd 'by his public" execution :
oif?he ! galloVB. s ’“ - ■ lfc ; lS •’' - J ‘‘ il »•
’ The faiar'diy sooh camCi Bringing with Tt :
a gelfera) glodmi“ Evdn theeletnenii'shove
seemed conscious ofihV’liiJiibtfcS';abduf to
be ififlicted J *on < the tiobld'Vnn'Dyke.' Dirk,
lowering' Cloudy obscured the sky—the thum’
ders peuled,,their solemn' note's—the light
ning’s'' awful' glare-and quick 'flashes'Strtdk
terror and, Mu'rqi into the stoutest' heaVts if
aiid''lhh mhffled drum * added' still"another
note to ijih soleimnijy .of the heart-sickening
scene. “. Triblisa tids of spectatois had' assem
bled before the hduf qf execution. A plat
form had been erected and clothed in the
deep habilifncnts'of mourningahd death f and
on" ihii whs soon seated the youthful," con
demned felon, surrounded by some ddv’Otfed
friends of both sexes. The'officer "having
charge of the solemnities of that day arose!
and commanded silence, in order that thfei
condemned' might be heard, - 'The Solemn
silence of the assembly, which then ensued,
farj far surpassed aoyihing that id had" ever
witnessed upon any former occasion. • -
It was, a moment of breathless anxiety,
until Vjin Dyke stepped forward, in full view
of the numerous assembly.’ His fine form,
open countenance, and dignified’ .self-posses-’
sion, won universal admjration nbdVVmjtt-’
thy. , “ You .are friends,”
said Vet? Dyjte, “on Ihe present occasion
to witness the death and degradation of
a feljow.citlzen. You cdfno ’to see the in-,
flictiop of a disgraceful punishment for impu- -
ted crime. Butin tHe midst of de’dth, and
in i he, presence ot God,' and this assembly, I
proclaimidiat lam no nlurdefer. It is~irue
I directed the'shot thnl killed him!' I glo
ry in the ac| —I should have'been lost torthd
feelings of a m?i), lost to every noble impulse,'
had I acted a different purl. My conscience'
acquits all crime, and ITeel no fears
in pieeling the, judge of the universe. I‘,'kil’-
led’ McCloud in protecting the idoToT’my
heart from the meditated vengeance of malice,•
jealousy, ambition, disappointed I’' 1 ’' love, a'nd
vindictive wrath —in defence of a lovely wo-'
man,’dearer to me than life itselD For her
alone would' I live, and for herd now die.
NW; officer, I hm'done.” - . ' - •
In a Imomehrthe manly'form of’Cnl; Van
Dykd was’ cbvered with’the sad habiliments
ofdeath j'and‘ as the officer waved his hand
in token of instant’ action, a-cry'was heard.
Homes dame' with lightning Speed. ■ A Shrill'
voice exclaimed, 1 “ Not yeti oh; not yeti l --
A' lovely woman*with n tnale servant, - rushed'
to thd’ platform! 1 Shc-borc' in her hnrtd 1 the l
pardon of Van Dyke from the Governor, - '
Shd Wcnt.'ihe'gVateful - messengerofloveand
’ feturrted -in Mime' to sava-.hec
benefactor dnd*(tfs idol sonl from air
igriomintodadeath.lit an instant the lovely’
Mary Ldwson Was in ; ihb armfe of -GSI. .Van'
Dyke'bird tiio-WoWdf by-'pnei universal shout
of-jSy-britf Bfi'prbbSiionfeviheed lheirsympa<
thy for' the v h’efybi3m Sf 'Ook Van Dyke-ond
, Maly tsvssri' ' * ■- ’ u ....
’ Tinib 'rdlled Bn F .I(V is~ mighty revolution*
producing ils Worfderful Changes. - Years-hud
passed by;- * , ! r siW' | lll#nfagatni':vThby vyere
baSkinglff eh'rTltly (elictl'y.f ■ IssitkeAihemlif
thedryathl stream
of nffhdtidn : |"-irrri' : lho Tr ojiee beautiful Maty
f' ■'‘•'NjJlWei !*t*-oh,‘no»
yCfi’ l —RiisielMile Hiratd. ! '-i .f : uc
tO '• ' Tn' * 1 i' ' ■rtw' ''C ? n HI "| 1 . ;
- iTirt? Hbwjit oeMs-wWßSjj.—T}ib Kniqk.
erbockertella-Qf ft,mb%yvt\Q stoJm.Q,fivo-db\,
lae-hill counsel tried; tq
provedhat ihemote ,wos not worth, five 4”|-
lars, it being
said,i\e.i,Bevy,^ t
: S (ale,,but he,did pqt, ,llt]nk 7 jio .was,
a(l of ppt, to be .willing
' 'fhe ndflppfid’i n'Useln
Vi tiffin*
that WseVfq?
"‘lf'biyirHijni? bfclieVS (Wo everyfiffh
fljS UnileirState*' bWfiea WSrsa and
dveVV fehfff’ a - JJOg, Wtv And IP ctfct Wole : to : iUJW
p’irnqe' tfogs than if does ilWtpiDijieri,?'' ; i'‘
•v'pfr, * rvr'.' • ■ t
' “ft WDs'Ho iwlumn; alill.’snd dead, ■ , i -
That you might hear the fairies lighter tread,
The spider's step ashe wove hie snare
From tree to tree, or snails creeping there," "
-we Jt Swl.ttU .g?<B»l{v;v> l*3i. I v . wt . ...» , . - I .
&J(Old ij,
! | bo»x*' vi- mvj»
j J»U fc. i .1 '|» KDMI&K UmiJ K.
Cay of H akcmao*,*ilkf»y v
'’Aioill , rfoorf'bn»he s lOdn i of Mbyfs#e»donb.
i Ttfriwlraki/andimered- rhd-' Straits;
orSSngar. A group op scattdVed'roehs; and'
fernifliekoff'the extremity 3of‘ihe» cs popped*
thf’Stfails fits r&iher ‘difficult ’ttP’ifevigelu-’W
pr?leni,‘dn account 6f ttlg!ii!fog«,T»hich'irtW
cflpWiHih sUlriftidf’.'atoJ 1 thtf
cfijO&sfa Want tvhlcirWd'h’dbe'to Btsbpiyr*At !
b?f -(
cfioreffm WWdf ifeEdird 5
harbor dpehei! to , ui , »i’M^n.‘ ;a l^tbl^de' : W
nDOlher,Gibraltar, It has the sameJopg. flSjf
®fiS«!WWiqghl MTrari^
b km.o r ihwbjfahJ'mUiriffi M--,
PUgftJar I amjpjjcfe wt(hm
n mile of the shQre.'and.jg ftlqygy
free from rocks
by a sandbank, a prolongation of the istjj.
but A O ., distance of sfx orjejgKljni ie?‘ft*? £'
see into a rapge.of hißvfrqm ’.one' to' lhree
with,snow, send to. i fie'
bay,Jurnisliing (he best pf water,
'file plain is finely cuhivaicd^od,jibing yj) -
lagealine the shore. Xbe
netsin-a decoction.of,a; speci?a,of sjl|S'U \q~
give them a duaky:Colot, audio
leak liable lo roi. ■ VKeJook&h.plentjfnjly-j-.
one day 20 buckets, with.-more :thao i2(U|ne
saliVroiVsoirte .weighing 16 pounds.. Ihsqa
turalisl shot many rare biriis, very small.par-,
iridges,- and very■ lorgo-snijjes, n loonf,wah, a,
khob'dbove his bill like on Indian>gopse,.a;
rtflnditife’-sea-pye, the-smallest third.ahm.
Bfi’TniSjhntl n beautiftif species of-wild ducji.
MShj of the doors of. the fishermen’s houses
tvefe oriinmehled with 8 likeness of his Sub.'
lei f faneah''Majesty fully equipped, with horns
and pitchfork,. •
"ijjdoa aitec'we efitcred ijje harbor Wefstiyt'h
ccortdiof loaded papk-h'oßsSl&ave
)he ciiy and pass over.ihe isthmus, -We jgf
(er ward lea rncd that they .feared ,wc bad come
t(!nakeyenodnnceon.tbem for the capture and
imprisonment in Matsmay of ihe-crew-.of.nn
Atfiericun vessel which was'wrecked on this
coast in 1849. In uvo or three L'da'yV,.how
ever, they were reassured, rind ninny of th'e
principal men.-including “the, (governor, yjsi_-
ted us on boards Most of the junks flipped!
awdybri ouriirrival, so that there wera not
mere.than 200 in the harbdrN' A- well-built
stone wharf*wifh'sfhpi’tb down' t 6 the wa
ter was assigned to US.' . ’ ’ •
The city has, ,1 should jguhss, about 4,000
houses and perhaps five limes as many in hah
it ants. The two main streets are parallel and
run along the footof tbamounlain. -Narrow
er streets fun from tha whnrves up the moun
luii), crossing both'lbe principal streets, one
of which is about thirty feet higher than the
oilier. The jower of these is almost os broad
as Broadway, and infinitely cleaner. The
houses on it are well built; most' of them
have two stories, with shops on the ground
floor. On the croaS-streel which starts from
oor' r Wharf,-and above both- the.principal
streets stands a temple, whioo hSs been >os.-:
sighed to us Tor Our daguerreotype apparatus.
It comfhnnds a splendid prospect : -of the city
and harbor.' A lilllO to llie west of this cross]
streeVis another, Which seems to belhe Fifth
avenue of,-Hakotade, The manner'of buil
ding reminds one y .jry strongly of Swilzertaqd-
A flat projecting roof is covered with shing
les, which are fastened by long poles, with
stones laid upon them;'broad-galleries run
quite around thq upper sfoiy j’before the door
is.a little wooden porch ; thisj too, wiVh'pro!
jscling gable, which, as well as the pillars that
support it, are often adorned: with rjp.h -car
ving.l The temples, one of which is at .least
850 feel--square, are profusely ornamented
with- carvings, -Dragons,/horses, bulls and,
hares figure'largely,-hut- tortoise-shells and
cranes carry the. day. The tortoise-shell -is
herd theWiblenr of beautyv The
Vehtisbecome tortoises’. ' Ureat precautions
ate taken against fire. Casks of'watersliind
in the house.yards i tw|4.?.oft, s lh e roofs; fire
buckets are hanging- near; fire companies
are organized. ‘ The first'-’captain'who.-rea
ches a fire pfkritS bis standard -lhare, and'-no
.other‘compdirjffcnn give rfhy aidLunlesittl-his
express dostrtf. 'Thi nku f bar 1 unify r o P ■effort-;’
but, ip sßiie o'r'h’ll'lhis; I ■Saw rraceS'-of'sev--
eraf recent'ft rcip''Tliepfillfce hns-'a'milirafv
eff HalrOtadV
are l lh?y‘ wltf aVefngo sca'fcdfjr' rfio'lnS'
itmfiva.fceL' s 6 da fit" ifs IBB 4
innabtiaqls of, th qfrh pfe/ndflScrn ‘ islitndSi^’
■C9fltr?k , > estM w
hecome/flmil Kif-'jvjtj^oiue.oUjhqi.r sir? nge,
customs. 'thp^Rjhgssa^p.of
.Maumay, espeot9ijy u is:yr)gtt?P§,c^ij
|well-bred»,wel|^up^ippafl J /iud i hiw„con|uc. d
!ied-hi(nsUH> bolhpa*guest nqd, hpsl (
,ning grace.! fQnftjee^bjtl^ryTe.vt.jn^tr^,
: women'p'-bul
oirr'ferttfde to he l dagtrerreolypedhacj.plensiog.
.faces and charming manners. The dresssfifi
; ihe Jifpanesfe ‘w®nor> boasts tof ttowsew-w.ih
'■ ir'sorl ofitfhW covering the
, saffneftr-mpetwin frontal aadj%
. faslfned by myk
, Tjhtr-dresd together, except
. tvK&nJ Aalkb +a|VidlyfW»rJrbMtt4-
iThen it jlwaJs-Be^fires -) deraftged- , ißndi flies
: open,«XposinglheJ^rn.d9#a4lhe>jvawi.
, w-l look forward ioniimol.TYhrj'
fa/fofwSrd, Nvhen"«ur''whallfig .■fleet iDiilbft
:seas northeast of Japan, abdqperhspa flyenja
1 thOiAficlio ,Q«an,^hftll,
plßniifukptQvigioqs.and a.h.Bnriy
the heritor of lkl«>tftde.*riY.
. Uln ir 6 si »*Crb‘ ; Tjm-n a-d
I *>x,v» b»5 ,«rti yrf uibi at} 'll - ijW i a
town nr r6tamf broil ib% folloioingnttwtjfc
ab6dl J Mfs> HeMfewite&a -pair o£*Aofaas:
wlSfeß' hrPVBl«‘d,'i'and l of which- betook 4h«5
carifhlfi*&lf!~" i> ’Every T day*~be' supplied them
plentifully"wlth',graihj';bu('to biB 'surprise* in*
fit Sid SrnhWViffgl'iw'Mbis *tmitmem,,tbSy
gfes%^irtbl|ppoblfe'r,'-He?was at *-do»s
f 6 fhis, ! ‘
k&SI hpdettes! '"i'tfey PfclWlrys ! wailedfMmpk- :
jtfto (Kb foahgbr; fhey^wbuld l thrusnhMi 1 'no;
hesl!. ' uuf lBebalfireia l fire i W > Itortr aiftf'
bony tbfaflt waK’sbme- 1
jh mg won a pilfer in The pnimalsfhemVeUes,'
bribe manVoT ( 1 lit ?Te edftijt'.l r T Ru “biWfer j
hUenclh resolved' ib*sin¥!sf the v bartf''and'
Wjgich^^ v wl^e fc ealTns. “"'He' acqbftjifi|ly !
poar!pi| TtbplS'' itftetTilv-
ihejfflangetwith"oots'"6‘ut% .Screed
* . I* 4 ”' i fcA-At wi-VA
Pia,pfu§gJL. agjqy - - 6
horses.-d roppgikthpj r jtswgs grain,a^
ayiduy,. t\na begiy\ to egt wtin'iT
Wilt-a 4s s P.9b, 'res-'
lored imihe.Jbarnr-brokep mom
«lrott» M pC hungry, ho’r
£ea t J)U»yaaijheir/obdj 7--ihol&ubilemapobser
and start. blu3kn.suddenLy. fnDm .(he manger,
with a snort of-pain. or.affright, Peeping
cautiously-over into: the manger, ,he sa,w. fine
or sir-enormous rats, .who .were, ravenously,
devdurlng-lho grain-; .-end-as-soon ns the
lmrses-'V9nturod, l 'vlth (be..evident .hesitation,
and misgiving inspired-by-n iitlla^xperience,.
lo'-ndproach'-the -,-mabgcr and* again insert
(heir noses'in the'gram, these.ferocious crea
tures spring‘ at them and bile their
lipS;‘ , ln ffiisway the game went>.on—the
by -hunger,' occasionally
makTng an 'efflirt to 'get' a rrtoothful of the.
groin, atid'tffe rhts os regularly driving them
back; UntiP, in ' a very short lime, tha-onts
Werb entirely' devoured by these pi-rof-icnl
savages, ¥nd the poor horses leffempiy ! ‘
j ‘ Another' Tact.-wbith transpired in a town
near Qartford, will serve to'illustrate the sa
gacity of rats; A' gqritleman 1 , whose house
was infested b'y IhetSe 1 verniih, made a jbur-
his family ‘to a distant city! and
fcarefujjy’ .tip everyihirtg in his house
during hia abs cn 'c’e. . At a considerable dist
ance from his, house, and beyond a 'small
intervening hill,,\y.ns_situated,a large factory.
Returning home after an abscnceof a week,
he reached his" residence at nightfall’. The
n?xl morning, at daybreak, he. went to the
factory above mentioned, There had been a
light fall of snow in (he night, anff before
reaching the factory he observed innumerable
sroall-Aracks of animals, leading in the direc
tion of ,his hpusq,, „ Tracing them further, he
found them-to proceed from the factory, and
to lead in a broad, trail, directly to his house,
They.-were.evidently the.footprints of rats,
and there .wane apparently upwards of a hun
dred of them. Now there had, previously
to-hls-absence, rats in the factory ;
and-the inference was, that the. cunning fel
lows'hadwesorted to that locality during his
absence, as they coaid obtain nothing to cat
at tire house. But the question is,by what
gift of animal-cunning, or instinct, were they
apprised of’the return of the family, and
ihnt; (bo, within n few hours, almost, of their
arrival home;-*— Hartford Time's,
Tile Poor Girls.
■ _Fo,r a young Indy to be pretty, proud, and I
poor, in-a city like this; is 100 often fatal to |
her, vjrjue ; and if she fall in her daily strug- !
gig.lp keep r up appearances, a victim to her I
vqnity, the sin .must be, measured by the I
force, of jha, temptation thul Induced ii.-r-
Knowingjhut .she cun buytt beautiful dre&,
or,, pay a, wealds aboard, by yielding to a
transitory pleasure,...the .temptations, from
without and from within .overcome the
tests of conscience.,and the fcars.of fu
ture r. the fair one fulls into the frai( one, and
the blighted (lower, no ornament of
creation,,ia thenceforth an object, of. pity, sad heaven’s angelsweep,. \vhiJe
I be'heartless multitude of ea rtliTSUiiiiud ,• sin-i
ners, - particuiarly.of her
nt ihe - moorv“'prosiiiuie,” and treat heivas-ond
[met all hope'of redemplinn:' ’ ..t '.
I ‘Wo da - ; not soV that sopietyi*. altogether.
Wrong *iiritff tfeutmenl iof what -are.termed
‘‘-bhdndoned - femstesV'’'- -It -isjnecfessary that
n ( lipe shouldi be'drawh'(olihoogh it may of
leniih’merdfy tf’ficliiibus one) be'fwecifVirtli
ous’’anil l Yiclptis ’ivb.rtiert ; and'tve ’rfever'cburd
n rTdc’ra i h'n3^tvTfy fflie ■ strmesSeiaT'd isffitictiiW
slio’sld^no’rapply afW^olh'e'VtfbfiW^r's’St.^ 1
@t‘ ! l|aV’eV n'eil^one/slipaidSlice'
■lfevonalihe Safe of. salvnl i idn J *ii aSii^ing >l to'
ihejvpakeE vessj;l f a slcrn6a3 orjustice neither
■iajja^9s§l i Jjiy5 M l°gc|ung. with
tQ.Jba sgcjglly separated as .a
.goal from The sheep—
publiclynond privately,, avoided,
amk Branded -ns .po;‘hrabandoned.'. .man!—
Andore llwoms.pC lh&sveaker vesseli in4be
I midst' of-lhuvgreaiep temptations,; (OTbe^Ua,.
! ished 'mbre rfgorously 1 ’A me«rrbolme|, or a
\ nOW'dfdsspdoV B’loa f off breadj-hiayie; the
, price 'df.Woman ! s - Hunger,zanily,
’ th%-ffSV’e of- the-4oautiful, : hnd"ovTO' the love-
Of bSf oWh'kilßpring,' may lead ’ womarf ,tb
seirhefself into Shame and degradatitmi- 'i
i ,^^Pd^!ff!irt Sv w' ) Tiever «o Wlaltetted'itt ’hix
; cdfldltfdh'ii'tSdvSr fdrtpied' - }« - hig*wWwr
ilf ■ he'wfin ts'b reffd lie' know show ioeartr it;
i cl6lliin£hW'kitiW#Hioy in 'geflh'
! TES; ]iah^'6f : Wafvatidn,‘'and tfiV criwPof
' fariitafiirfg bnbbs!Wyeftfrovp S Tth IS
hlrb deaTa liule moreiftilly
wohket hialf br Cica-
lion indiscriminately against that misferablf
class of Women whose private sorrows swell
farce cities, "hopelessly
fcdfiaefffrted iKS'-smlest Soa'oC' Godi
Y.* Jffifcw# a *..
u O'gehll j toin-jour bntbsr min f.■
woistas.’v -
; i i. -Wejul inui gsßs * keening wraoc »
The Couwe vf TTfue Lsre never
, .«bad« o.ldw B(«f guaotli. ~
; 6rul|l .garty constating of
khq .bjicle, tor ,brotk|r! ? aßd h!»
Svijfer a h (Ufoe, i^ 0 M<T jwi ■ becoros'
iplojlbe ciljr'ob Friday last
Pt»i P'!"F!P al 1 hotels,—^
youngs men tod ai»
new oympipess One was g black
smit| hf^t^oafet,wood; and
tbey:ha,d,,(n, I cpn(eraplation lo.'locale ia the
city.hiroa. hgu^ r work at their trades, and
liye in.peace ap’d contentment. The mother,
instinctive, thoughtfulness, had brought
along a articles necessary fur
domfiff ic r com/otl, ..She had also a corijitter-
which she proposed to
expend in.deUidg her daughter up in house,
keeping, tytd prominent in her purse figured
a twenty, pound note, .which had been care
fujiy; (reasurep (pt a,. ,l 'raiqy day”; or some
jubilant occasion like'the present., K &rt sud.
deply of the .party ‘ was changed lo
Sorrow, and their rejoicings lo larhenla.
liqps,, _ j .,
■ in. thecqurse of Saturday, ihe ton asked
his.fiiolher /or t tiie;,.mpDey. she ,had, for.(ho
purpose,pf exchanging it. Tor, current funds,
and in pallet confidence she entrusted it la
h(s,-chatge.,lni.epp)P a ny,,with his wife he
Went-cut to 5 sep “ the elephant,” and effect
amexchange of. qurrhney. Hour after hour
was his, return--..expected at the hotel, but
evening, came,, andstill the truant son had
hot made.- bis appearance, Inquiries were, and it was ascertained lh? young man
and his belter hallf had taker! the cars for
Erie, leaving ,his mother and the newly mar
ried couple destitute of finances. T ; he grief
and the mortification of the mother cap letter
be imagined than described, and the smiles
and blushes of thebride wgra exchanged for
tears, Her, hopes were dashed to earth. —
They could not go to housekeeping, could
not pay their hotel bill, could not return to
Canada, pquld not „ dp. any thing.
Hera, was trouble chough for the first day
aftpr marriage. ,The o|d, lady stormed and
wept by turns, while the bride did nothing
but sob out feminine imprecations on her
cruel brother. . It was not so much the money
they cared for—t,bey copld earn more—but
their family had always been respectable, and
it was q burning disgrace that a member of it
should be a thief and,a runaway. They did
not wish him arrested, that would only odd
to,their distress. The son-in-law, fortunately,
bad a, and by the assistance of
the gentlemanly hotel proprietor, the remnant
of the bridal party were enabled
search of relations, residing not far from the
city. The son; with his ill-gotten cash, will
probably .manage to live miserably some
where, fill he is provided with quarters waih
in stone walls—an event which may not be
fat distant. —Buffalo Com.
Singular Cause of. Death. —The Des
Are (Ark.) Citizen, of the 14th ult., says[:
s VVe have been shown anexlracl of a teller
from a gentleman residing near Lawrence
v.ille, Monroe county, In which he stales that
Aaron McMulfin, aged some ten' dr twelve
years, was killed by the bite of a rattlesnake
under the following circumstances : It seems
that the head of the snake had been severed
from its body and laid on a log. The little
fellow had forgotten the head was there, and
laid his arm in its mouth, which was instant
ly closed on it, ahd was only disengaged by
pulling it-off with his other hand, tearing a
vein and an artery of his arm. lie died in
24 hours from the'effecls of the bite. 1
Tub Richmond Dispatch ajrys that Mr.
Elliott-having made arrangements fora bal
loon ascension from that place was prevailed
upon by a young man named Carrier to
make a brief ascent held by cords. Carrier
having got into the car, soon rose above the
heads of the multitude, when, to the astonish
ment of every spectator, he cat the
which held, the balloon to the earth, and
sailed off rapidly tpwards the sky. , The
disappointment of Mr, Elliott, who was antic
ipating a magnificent serial voyage, so affec
ted.him that ho fainted. Carrier' succeeded
in making a safe descent, very much to the
surprise of everbody. ,
The, editress of. the' Lancaster Literary
Gazette says she would as soon nestle her ajgtls nest of swingle tow, ns nilow
a man„uilh whiskers to kiss her. I would
adyisa all the young men that to
editress to shave themselves, or Stand one
side. , , ~ i
The Green ' Mountaineers iri Vermont,
instead of payinglwclve cents a pound for
beef stenltS, are luxuriating Upon bear steaks
of lire best tjualiiyy which are had for Ura
tnere ftm of going after them. - Thereabouts
beafa are thicker than’blackberries.' ■
lashqs, in Npffylk, Ya., the .pther day, for
steajiqg one lagh for every dollar. AjV
textile wt)s, oyer, heljiankcd ilia
Bforilf, ryVd gave, .three triumphant crows, a
~A StnAiWS'pHBsAN'rMENT.—The Grand
Jury of- v ßichftiond District S. C., omnng iia
presentments,’has recommended the re-open
ing'■ of the African slave-trade. /They tel
forlh'ilsPSuppoacd advantages, and even nec
essity-tithe Souih, and attempt to justify its
hnmanilV arid morality.
■ Two girls, who were
sjnce fpf horse stealing, <Sjg., were sentenced
op Tpgsday .IheSlsl ult., to four years’ hard
laborprison. Their .bravado
was pronounced,
|ftjja they shed tears freely.. ».
' As^Slw.”-—The-Addison, Sieubcn
- there is a young man
;tfyth^*qoadr ? Senders rfSfdirifj
‘ifr tQfaoWn. l 'wh& isdPlYlO years old, and
fsefgh^Tobi is over 18
indies in length. Beal this who can.