The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 16, 1854, Image 4

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    Really XUlak He Did?
I wilted till the twilight
And yet he did not come,
I-straycd along the'brookilde _ ' t
And slowly wandered home;"
When Who should chine behind me
Bitlhim I would have bid;
He laid he oaftie to find me—
Do you fealty think he did 7
He said that elnee wo parted,. r■■
He’d thought of nought so sweet,
As of the Tory moment,
The moment we should jneetj-' "
He showed me where, half Shaded
A cottage home lay hid:
He said fbr me he made it—
Do you really think be did 7
' He said when ho first saw me
Life seemed at onde divine—-
Each night he dreamed of angels;
And evefy face was mine. ‘,
Sometimes a voice, when sleeping*,
Would all bis hopes forbid,
Add then he waked up weeping—
Do you really think he did 7
A Scene From Heal Life.
We copy the following from "The tfiVe
Points’ Monthly Record,” .a journal devoted
to the interests of the Mission established in
Iha locality whose name bears, by the Rev.
Mr Pease. The nutritive illustrates .the
character of the work which Mr. Pease is
doing there, for religion, for purity, nnd fur
<• A Few Sabbaths since, nt ser
vice one of the most degraded specimens of
humanity thal ever greeted my vision, come
staggering into the Chapel of the House of
Industry. His wild and frightful looks, ragged
and dirty beyond description his eyes rhd nnd
swollen, rendered him-object of disgust and ter
ror. hie seemed to look at the children with
wonderful —* Beautiful I beautiful! Oh ! that
mine were here !’ He sal an hour or more,
and then with a long earnest look at the chil
dren staggered out of the chapel, and went,
up the dark • valley of the shadow of death,’
—Cow Bay.
“As the bell rnng Tor service in the after
noon, and while the children were clustering
together, the same wild looking man stag
gered in once more. He surveyed the faces
of the children with the closest scrutiny, and
at length his eyes rested on two bright-eyed
little girls, who were singing one of their lit
tle hymns. He sal immoveable as a statue
during the whole service, gazing intently on
the faces of these two children.
“The services closed, the congregation
dispersed, yet he lingered, and the tears
came coursing down his face, thick and fast.
“ Dr. b- , asked him, 1 what was the
“lam a drunkard 1 A wretch—an nut
cast, homeless, and without a penny. Once
I had a home and friends.—Who loved and
respected me. Time passed on I became a
drunkard. One friend after another left me ;
still I drank on, and down, down I fell.— Fa
ther and mother both went down to their
graves with broken hearts. My poor wife
clung to me when all others deserted me. 1
still drank on, pawned one article after anoth
er until all was gone and when my wife re
fused to give me her wedding ring, which
she had clung to with the tenacity of a death
grasp, I felled her to the earth, seized her
finger, tore off the ring and pawned it for
rum. Thai fatal blow maddened her, and in
despair she too drank, and together we wal
lowed in the gutter.
“ Penniless we begged our way from Ver
mont to this great city. Here we hired a
small cellar, in a dark dismal street, and sent
our children out to beg. Many a weary day
we spent in that dreary cellar, while our
children wandered in the streets, begging
for their drunken parents. About forty days
since my little girls went out to beg and
/Vom that hour to this ! have not seen them.
“ Without food or Are 1 clung to my dis
mal-abode until hunger forced me out and
then I began to search for my children.—
My degraded wife has been sent-to Black
well’s Island, as a vagrant, and alone 1 went
to the Island to the house of Refuge, to the
Tombs, and in desprir I wandered to the
Five Points, and for the last few days I have
lived in Cow Bay, among beggars and
theives. To-day I saw two children, who if
they had not looked so clean,' and sung so
sweetly, 1 would have called them mine.—
Oh ! would to God they were 7”
“ Tell me the name,” said Dr. S., “ and
I will see!” In a few moments two interest
ting little girls were led towards him. At
the first sight of this fearful looking, man,
they shrank back. The poor man sprang to
his feet, exclaiming. “They are mine !My
children, don’t you know your poor old faj
ther 7—come to me my children. Faiher
loves you, he won’t hurt you. He reached
out his arms : the little ones were timid at
first but they soon climebd upon their father's
knee, while the tears were streaming down
Ills face. 1
“ Kiss your poor drunken father, my chil
dren!” But the faco of the man was so
black and filthy, not a At place could be
found. Soon they forgot the dirty faces and
remembered their poor degraded father, and
each entwined their lit'le arms around-his
neck, and fondly kissed him, and the elder
one said, wiih a voice that touched every
heart—Father, we are so happy here, we
want ,to slay. Won’t you come and live
here 100, papa ? What makes you drink
so 7 Dear papa ; do sign the pledge and
not drink any more. Mr. Pease found us in
the street begging, and now we are happy.
Do papa, come and live here, and be good to
us, ns you used to be.”
“ The father's heart was overwhelmed—
ho sobbed ahd groaned aloud. For more
than an hour they sat together, till at last the
old man arose, slilf clinging to his children,
and oxalaimed—The pledge ! the pledge ! I
will never drink again I
“ I gave him the pledge, and From that
hour he has most faithfully kept it. • Hole
,now a man again, engaged in business; earn-'
hng ten dollars .per week, and hone -'■would
recognize in the well dressed mart—who
still boards in the house—the degraded origl
inal, whose portrait can still be seerf at the’
house'of Industry, daguerreolyped .in all its
striking deformity, and aide equator.- ■
Whatls the difference between an allernrv
ted homicide and the butcherin'* 6f a sWftiet
Hold your- breath for the answer. ' One is
assault with intent to kill, and the* other fe
to kill with anlntent to salt. " ;
Business directory.
terms of publication.
ci over theeeqr, ‘TToilibicnpfiop taken, for a thof--
ter period i&txn tir ditnlti, andAvhiit for that term
only, payment Qtut be :pudt jtrietty fooftiance,
ei until pini for.'unletetlt'theeptieriof the editor.
Clubs. —Ten Copieti iipj ftylef* Copies, $l5.
Advertisements aill be inserted atsl-pereyuqre,
{of fourteen lihes ir leif,} fbr thi first or three an.
tecutive insertions', and 35 eenlsfit every those
fofnt site. !r Yearly advertisements i ntertedatd tea
tenable dtsfoaitt on the foregoing rales.- ■*
(TT* Transient ddvirtioing payables nadvance. ‘ •
’i? All [mere Toastie pett-paid, “ - ! ■'
Italian and AlmcricajiMarWe,
Iron . • .. ;
O’ Entire satisfaction will always be given.
July 13. 1854-1 y. , : ~ - '
CAPlTAL—s2op,fl!pp WyJnp.ures Farmers
only,on ihe Mutual plan. J. E,Can
field Seify., Hon, Horace WUlislon, Prca’t. Rciiiem
ber that an experienced Travelling Agent, represent,
ing a sound nnd reliable Company neat home, is pref
erable to a foreign Co, as there cun deception.
Address, J. E. Webster, 'Agent, Covington, Pa.
W. W. WEBB, M. 8.,
(LaU a Graduate of CaslUlon Medical College, Vi,
HAS associated himself with Dr. N. Pack
er, in the practice of Medicine and Surgery.
They will promptly attend nil cells in their profess
ion. Office on Muin-st., opposite Uio Presbyterian
Church, Wcllsborough, Pa. jy 27.
IT Removed-to-James Lowrcy’s Office.
-eA- LAW, will attend Iho Courts of Tioga, Poller
city McKean counties.'
Wellsborough, Feb. 1,1853.
TAEALF.RS in Watches, Clocks,
IV ver Warp, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, MiTvh
Books, Stationery, &.c.
O’ Particular attention paid to repairing Clocks,
Watche* and Jewelry. All work warranted.
Wcllsborough, July 13, 1854.
A LAW. —Office, north aide Public Square,
We'lsborough, Pi.
Refers to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge &, Co., N. Y
and; Hon. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia. July 13.
(Late Graves' Hotel.)
June, 8 1854. P. P. CLEAVER, Fiopr T Dr.
tpHE subscriber having recently received
■*- his stock of goods for the season, offers a
choice selection of
consisting in part of Broad Cloths, Prints, Ging.
hams, Detains, Sharabrayp, Bareges, Lawns, Poni
incites, Alapacas,. Velvets, Brown and Blckchcd
Sheetings and Shirtings, Ticking*, Drilling*, Wad
dings, Baitings, Wickings, Vestings, Cravats, Slocks,
Collars, Handkerchiefs, Cambricks, Laces, Trim
mings, Grain Bags, Carpet Bags, Cotton Yorn ?
Twine, Carpet VVnpp, Umbrellas and Parasols, wfyh
a good Jol of READYMADE CLOTHING, con.
sidling of Men and Boys* Linen and Gingham,
Tweed and Jean Coats, Donine Overalls and Shirts,
Vests, &c. i
Hyson, Hyson Skin and Young Hyson Teas; a
large lot of Sugars, different grades and prices, Mo
lasses, Syrup*. Tobacco, Pepper, Spice, Coffee, Co
coa, Ginger, Soda, Cream Tarter, Saieralus, Candies,
Lcmpns, Oranges,
Drugs, and Dye Stuffs,-Paints and Oils
Window Glass and Sash,
Axes, Shovels, Hoes, Cut Saws, Spades, Crow
bars, Wrought and Cut Nails, Hinges, Chains, Cow
Bells, Sheep Bells, Scythes and Snaths, Scytho
Stones and KiScs, Manure Forks, Hay Forks,Chpin
Pumps, Paint, Horse, Shoe, Clothes and Hair
GLASSES, Pine and Cedar Pails, Brooms, Wash
boards, Clothes Pins end Corn Baskets.
Palmleaf, Siraw, Panama, Leghorn, Silk and
Brush Hals, Caps and Bonnets, Boots and Shoes,
Codfish and Haltihul, &c., &c., comprising in all a
large and well selected assortment of goods, selling
at the lowest possible prices.
The suscribcr avails himself of the opportunity to
thank his patrons for their liberal patronage, for tho
past eight years, and rcspcctlully asks a continuance
of like favors, and guarantees to his customers a
liberal system of trade, in which their interests as
well as his own shall, at all limes, be consulted. All
persons wanting good goods, at cheap prices, are in
viled to call and examine for themselves. His in.
tenlion is not to bo undersold. -
The highest market price paid at all limes fur
Butler, Grain, Lumber, Shingles and Ashes.
Knoxville, June 22, 1854. VICTOR CASE.
Family Grocery & Provision
fpilK subscriber wbuld Triform his friends
and tire citixcns of Tioga county generally,
that lie has just received a large and superior sup
ply of
Teas,Sugars hy the barrel or otherwise f
Coffees, Molasses, Stewart’s Syrup, Rice,
Pepper, Ginger, Saler'atvs, Allspice,
Indigo, Tobacco, Soap, Mould and
Sperm Candles, Salt by the barrel
or sack. Mackerel hythe whole,'
i and } barrel; Codfish’ by
the IQJ) or single pound, 1
Flour, Cheese, Crack- ' 1
ers. Butter <£•' Eggs,
together with every oilier article in the Grocery
line, lower than can be got rft any other place in
town, as he is determined to make quick sales at
small profits.
Thankful for past favors ho would most respect*
fully invito his friends and the.-publib generally to
give him a .call and examine for themselves, 1
. , - M. M. CONV£BS. ’
WclTsTiororigli, May 27,1853.
Carriage & Wapon fllamilhc
. lot-y. ■ ' • .. /.. -
TTENRY PETrtlB ; w6uld'--hn.^j ßßi B
- A- nonncc to hit fritndt and
public generally, that he is continaingi32-S2C
the above business on Grafton street, immediately
in Ihe feahof'X R. TiowenVstore, whCre he is pre
pared loTSiinu fiic lure on sirorf notice, ' (./
Carriages, Buggies,
„ ’-o.i a Wagons, v.v ~....
ntnd of dic very best materials.' All kinds of
pairing done forthwith end.on the mofcl reasonable
terms/. o‘ >■: "Ziy.QL n* ’ r r ’ * •
y expcuTeoipnilc~Bcst maimer rand roost fash.-
-jonabk style, x . '■
Wctfeboro,’ July 13,’54!" HENRY PETRIfi. '
• %‘tfE' Mo.6a‘ l&tf'AWl.
; T|DfS:S]ELFi«
An 'lnvaludbU Book for 25 cent*. —''Bitty family
iltis Copy.”
v ‘-i* I 1 ! 21 f1 ’lOO,OOO COPIES
**£Told in'.less
“ THAN A yeas. A
•, p?w edition, revispd
~v . just, t»-
DR. HUNTER’S Medial dfahubi.'and Hand
Book ibr an outline of the
origin, progr«s*,-tre«tnienfand eaife of etory form
of'disease contracted byproraiscuous sexual inter*
Gourde, by.l tclf-abusd or byrsexml excess, with ad
vice for Uieir prevention, written in a! familiar style,
,avoiding:alf-medical technicalities and everything
that (Voold.offend theear cfdepency; with an out
line of complawtsincidtml .to.females, from the re
spltoifljvcply.yWßVencccssfu) practice,exclusively
dpxpled to .the, curs of diseases of a delicate on pri
vate suture,,;. ... ,
To which is added receipts far the cure of the
abovcdiaenawand a treatise on lhe causes, symp
toms and.jCure df the FEVER arid AGUE.
. Testimony of {he Professor of Obstetrics in the
Penn Medical College, Philadelphia—" DR. RON
TER’S:MEDI9AL, JUNUAL.”—Th? author of
this work, unlike, tho majority of those who adver
tise to curb"the “diseases'of which it treats is a grad
uate of one of the hestCollegesin the United States.
. ft,affords me pleasure to. recommend him to the un
fortunate,'or to tho victim of malpractice, as a suc
cessful and experienced practitioner, in whose honor
and integrity they may place (he greatest confidence.
Jos. 8. Longshore, M. D.
From A. D., of Penn University,
Philadelphia,—\t gives me pleasure to add ray testi
mony-to the professional ability of the author of the
Medical Manual. Numerous 1 cases of Disease of
the Genital-Organs, some of them of longstanding,
hove comb under ray notice, in which his skill has
keen manifest in restoring to perfect health in some
cases where the patient has been considered beyond
medical aid. In the treatment of Seminal weak
ness, or disarrangement of the functions produced
by selltabusc or excessive vencry, I do not know his
superior in the profession. 1 have been acquainted
with the author same thirty years, and deem it no
more than justice to hint as well os kindness to the
unfortunate victim of early indiscretion, to recom
mend him as one in whose professional skill and in
tegrity they may safely confide themselves,
Alfred Woodward, M. D.
“ Tin's is, without exception, (he most comprehen
sive and intelligible work published on the classes of
diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical
terms, it addresses itself to the reason of its readers.
It ts free from all objectionable matter, and no par
ent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in
the hands of his sons. The author has devoted ma
ny years to the treatment of the various complaints
treated of, and with too little breath io puff and too
little presumption to impose, he Ims offered to the
world at the merely nominal price of 25 cents, the
fruit of some twenty years* most successful practice*
— Herald.
“ No lonelier or parent should be Icnowlcdc impar
ted in this valuable work. It would save years of
pain and mortification and sorrow to the youth un
der their charge.**— Peoples' Advocate.
A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of
“Hunter's Medical Manual’* says—“ Thousands
upon thousands of our youth, by evil example and
influence of Urn passions, have been led into (he
habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin and
(earful consequences upon thcmselvi-R and posterity.
The constitutions,of thousands who are raising fam
ilies have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and
they do not know the cause or cure. Anything
that can be done so to enlighten and influence the
public mind as to check, and ultimately to remove
this .wide spread source of human wrelchcdeess,
would confer thq J greatest blessing next to the relig
ion of Jesus Christ, ou the prosent-and coming gen.
cralion. Intemperance (or the use of intoxicating
drinks) though it has slain thousands upon thou
sands, is not a greater scourge to the human race.
Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted,and be
lieve me your co-worker in the good work you arc
so actively engaged in,”
One copy (.securely enveloped) will be forwarded,
free of postage, to any part of the United Slates for
25 cents, or six copies for one dollar. Address, (post
paid) COSDEN & CD., Publishers, or Box 190,
Sj* Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents
supplied on (he most liberal terms.
October 12, 1854-1 y.
subscribers ni*e noiv opening their
JL stock of GOODS for the Spring Trade, com.
prising a full and complete assortment} and of the
asaai variety, which will, as heretofore, be sold a la
very small profit for READY FAY. Being deter
mined not to be undersold by our neighbors, onr
goods arc marked at the lowest figure; and we invite
a comparison of our goods and prices with any other
in the market. Among the assortment of
will bo found a great variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods
consisting in part of
Bereges, Serege,all-wool Delanes,
Lawns, plain and printed; Ginghams,
English, Scotch and American ;
Poplins, Prints of all shades
and colors, a good stock of
Also, for men’s wear may be found Broad Cloths,
Cassiincrcs, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, silk, satin
and summer Vestings.
Also, Sheetings, Shirtings, bleached and brown.
Tickings, Summer Goods for boys' wear, Cotton
Yarn, Carpet Warp, Cotton Batten, with a variety
of oilier nicies 100 numerous to mention.
Groceries and Provisions.
A full stock will bo kept on hand. Tlioso in
want of Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Stewart’s
best Syrup, Spices, Pepper, Ginger, Saleratus, Flour,
Fislt, Sail Tobacco, or any other article in this line,
will’do well to call on us before purchasing else
as large and complete an assortment as can bo found
in the county. Among which is Cutlery ofsli kinds,
Carpenters Tools, Chains, Hoes, Shovels, Forks,
Butts and Screws, Door Hangings, Bills, &.C., &c.
Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Steel, Iron, Nails, Paints and Oils, Glass
"and Putty, Ready-Made Clothing, <s•<;.
Thankful Tor (lie liberal patronage of (be past
season, the undersigned fed a 'pleasure in inviting
the public to an examination of our Spring slock,
believing that gond Goods and low prices will in
sure s speedy sale fqr ready pay.
•Wcllsborough, May 25,1854.
THE .undersi,
ed would inf'
the cllisens.of.Wcl
borough and vicinf
that be has again
turned la Ibis plai
and opened a si
over the Post- o£s<
where bo will bop
dred lo d,o Tnilori
in all its branches, ... . - k
a good and workmdnliko 'manner, £>r ready pay,
and at,prices that cannot fall to please.. All work
entrusted to him will be done up with despatch, and
a fit warranted.
CUTTING done on short uotice.
Country probdcc' (delivered) of ail hind?, taken
for work. H. P. ERWIN.
Wellsboroogh, April 22,1854. ■
Cusfomlloot &Slioe Shop,
A.T 11 Sherwood's, old ■ stand, where the
Boys qpntlnuo to make, mend, end
measure to order,at as low prides as the limes will
'adroit. i ■ S ■ • •
t Airkrork'-warranted—to wear out in a year or so
—and not rijrbt come to pieces’lill it does wear out,
- ' Hides Wanted;? ; nv
- CASH will, bo paid for.any quantity of bides at
the highest market price......
July 13,1854. ' GEO. W. SEARS.
hAs odwisTAirtriv orf, band at Thri_
wptmzMdVGtti W V M M9m'
~1 lArjaK !
.,-i vhKt ai^rv^V’T*’ l !a ;
AI fgd.o,tel\A& ? Jr*m-
A1um,,..,,,. ~Jj ■; H)n§h v.Vn.< .v.. i
Alobbj Hi t (,-x .;)• n . ,
', M ~~ ”°P?*, ‘ c "
An>**' ‘WJbo?* ,e Hfa6BDiS|>ef
Arnica,.,, r .
B leeching, Powder t0.r0,,
,, more ink aj-fr^iutfuris,
, .JromjLioen,; ,
Clackingfotstoves, ...
Bay Water,, ;• ,
Borax, - ,
. , / , ;i
Brashes of.alj Jsjtjds, ..
Bug Poison, i'Seji
Camphor* •, •• i ’
Castile Shop,' ‘ ’ ■
CayonrfetPeppcft ■’ if*
( Cement for earthen wore,
Cobalt, (Fly Poison,) •
Composition Powder,' t
Cephalic jSnufffor head
ache, catarrh, tie:, &C,,
Cream Tartar,
Cordial for children,
Dover’s Powders,
Dye Woods and Dyeing
’ materials of dll kinds,
Epsom Salts,' '
Erasive Soap, for rcraqv
lag grease, dec., from
clothing, tt'.'.i. ~
Essences of all kinds,
Grech S ilve for horses, [
Ginger Root, 1 ' 1
Patent I
Ayro’s Cherry Pectoral,.!
Brant’s Balsam,
„ Extract,
Cough Mixture,
Cod Liver Oil,
Dr. Fitch’s Medicines, i
Dr. Jayne’s “ ■ I
Dr. Keeler’s “
Dr. Swayne’s ■ 11 ,
Dr. Davis’ Depurative,
Fahnestock's Vermifuge,
Gargling Oil,
Groefenkerg Medicines,
German Ointment,
. <i
Hivo.Syrupi j y pr/ -
IndigpJbeßtqußlttyO -
Inks of all kind?, . b
UantpMacit,.;’. , ’,, ■
Looking Qlasa,
Loathqr Varnish, ,1
I^itne—Rjiqflo Islan^fw
Madder, _, . „,i . , .
Nutmeg,’ , >t .
Oils,'{a largo vprielyO
Ointments, ’" ■ ■ •
Opodiidooi f
Paints of all kiq((s, «
Piero,'- * 1 !
Pepptr* X# r.
Prussian Blue, ■ j
Pills of various kind?;
Quicksilver,... ...
Quinine,' ■',■ 1
Red Chijk,,
Rod precipitate, !
Rose Water,
Saffron, 1
Sal Soda, 1
Soap for the Toilet,
Syringes', a .large Variety,
Tootbachd Cordial,
i Outlier,•. '
Vormilfion, . ; r
Vinegar, '' / '
Wafcrt in boxes;
flcdiclncs. ...t
German Bitters,
Ucavc Powder,
Lyon'a Rat Pills, .
Magnetic Ointment,
Plasters of all kinds,
Pulmonic Wafers,
Fain Killer,
Rojdway’s Ready Relief,
Sarseparilla Syrnp, ,
Tetter Ointment,.
Uterine Calholicon,
Vermifuges,various kinds
Worm Tea, Dr. . Kellpg’s.
. , April 20, 1854. ■
THE subscribers have constantly
on band at their Prug Stare, ip Lay
rcncevillc, a-large”rfnd we!! selected stock JSS
of DRUGS, $(., of every description *
used by Physicians- in the country, and all tho
most popular PATENT MEDICINES of f thc day
which we Offer for sale af prfcuswhitfh cannot fail
ot suit,lliOse tVlio,may favor us with a call. , ;
Among our Patent Medicines may be found tho
Merchant's Garbling Oil; Jayne’s Expectorant, Al
terative, Pills, Fills, Ac.; Moffat’s Bitters ofiil
Pills; Filche's silver plated Abdominal Support
ers, Braces, Inhaling Tubes, and all the medicines
prepared by lilrn,for, his private practices Brands
Pxlmonary Balsam and Purifying Extracts:
Ayre’s Cherry Pectoral; Rogers' Syrup of Tar
and- Ganchalugue; Dillaw’s Heate Cure / An
drew's Pain Rilling Agent ; Trash's Magnetic
Ointment; Dr. Christie's Galvanic Bel(s, lye.;
Houghton's Aflificihl Pepsin ; Blake's Aromatic
Bitters ; and alt the mOrt popular Pills and Ver
mifuges, ifc„ Cc,
Also, a good assortment of
Biography, History, Miscellaneous Reading, See.
Faints, Oils and Dyc-Stufls,
GLASS, wholesale and retail, Gold and Silver
Loaf, Putty, SpU. Turpentine, .Camphcnc, Burning
Fluid, Varnishes, Ac.
Lawrcncevllle, Fob. 3, 1854.
and Machine Shop.
The subscriber httving rented the interest
of Levi Chubbuck in the Wcllsborongh Foun
dry, is now prepared to manufacture most kinds of
machinery—such as
Mill Crunks, Mill Gearing, Slides, Bal
ance- Wheels, Shafts, Pullies, <Sfc.,
Machinery of ail kinds repaired on short notice,
by experienced workmen, and on reasonable terms.
Tito attention of Farmersis particularly called to
our assortment of Ploughs, which.are unsurpassed
by any other Foundry in the State. Our Ploughs
consist in part of the celebrated ’
Chubbuck Plough, No. 5.
do. do do. 4.
Dulclier do. Blackley Plough.
Corn do. Side Hill do.
The Side Hili Plaiigli Is the only Plough that will
turn equal furrows on either side, and plow on level
Stoves, Stoves.
An extensive assortment of Stoves will be kept
constantly on band, embracing the best kinds now
in use, a description of which lie will give in a fur
ther advertisement.
CALDRON KETTLES, Seven and Five Pail
Kettles, Pols and Kettles for Stoves, on hand apd
for sale cheap. ■
All orders thankfully received end promptly exe
cuted. Orders for which he may not have patterns
will bo made by a skilfrtl pattern malter. 1
Wcllsburo', July 22,1853. J. D. WOOD
TH E sub
scriber i s
prepared by new
Machinery, just
purchased, to fur
nish to order, all
kinds of square
and fancy Sash
and Blinds
Square Sadh of
caramon sizes
constantly on;
By long ezpe*
rience in thcbusi*
noss, the sub&ri* 1
her Hallers him*
self that ho caniiL as goo*
it as cheap fee can be obtained at any estabishmcai
in Pennsylvania r or Now York.' Call and see.
Covington, March 2, 1854. '
03*The subscriber'is also. Agent for the sale of
Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also
Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. ; ' - D.S. I.
Worth Seeing I
fpHE splendid assortment ' '6/ Goods I hat
L the subscriber's are now daily receiving is
realy worth a cqll to examine. ' They have'Just
returned from New York with the largest assort,
ment of Dry Goods, including Ladies’ Dress Goods,
that was ever offered in this country, dnd all are
requested to call' and examine thefni'whether they
wish to buy or not' To enumerate articles would
bo nsefess to attempt. A pcrsonaF'inspection can
only give one an idea of-what this extensive estab
lishment contains. • * " *
«-T ; '• “ : Tfie Neh'&torexif '
Jiily ifo-lfet*" - ;; - JONES fc ROE.
, TT" NOW-.NQTH ING, or Kpnw.Sqmethinp,
' AVi know enough to go to BOWEN'S EMPIRE
STORE and buy a V/idt-auyikt Hat —or Uny other
kind of a Hat that your are a' mind .to select from
his large stock. . Sept. 12,1854.
, Fn»IT7»B r
rpHG subscriber takes pleasure m>,annouo,
JL cing'|h)hU.old.patrona ,, an(Lthe rest of man
kind," thjit he on the
,v•» makiwe :■
hlsoldStttidi Hearth*'Wells
borough Academy.
His work is from the best
of materials, and/alf'(Brae who favor h' ra with a
Ball'Wnf Bly '.obtaining articles whleh for
CHEAPNESS '^eoa^Wdvrabjli-
TY, are second to none in the market. ’’
r' tHe'Wilt endeavor to keeponhand all articles o
, o J?i fr, Centre,Card; BreM’aitJf. JXam Tables,
Trench, Co'llage & Common Bedsteads,
Mahogany, Maple and Common J Rureaus,
' VresSi Light, Work, Sf TTdsft Stands.-
1; Persons' wishihg any articles not on hand will be
supplied to order.- ■ .
COFFINS of every variety bn shprl notice.
ifchairs! Cliairs!
In coHndctldh With the above he Would stale that
he has'just received fVom the best factories in the
county a large.andwell selected assortment of
Rockers of various patterns, which will
he sold on reasonable terms. D. STURROCK.
; ’ Wellsborough, July 14,1854.
Emporium of Fashion,
cheap clothing, &c.
M,M,.CPNVEIiS has just received from
• JJpw York, the largest and most carefully
selected assortment of
ever brought into this country, which he will sell
tbf rt.advpay cheaper than any other establishment
His stock comprises a general - assortment o
every variety of Clothing, from alow price up.
SVMRtER. COATS —for Men and Boys—a large
ry description, size and color.
PANTS—every style and quality.
VESTS— of every style, color and description.
SHIRTS, Under-Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Over.
Alla Over-Shirts; Suspenders, Gloves, Umbrellas,
Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, together with
’ -lolaof ~ ~ : '
of every, description —the largest assortment, in
town, .
Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters,
for Men, Boys, and Women, a large variety.
Tr'tmJcs, Valises, Carpet Bags, Aye., Aye.
He would say to all in want of good and neat
Ruing CLOTHING, that he can and trill sell
cheaper than can be gotten in this borough, or any
where this side of the New York market. This
is no blow or brag, but truth—and to test it call at
“Convers’ Cheap Clothing Emporium,” where all
articles arc sold cheaper than on the one price
system. Wellsborough, May 27,1853.
new Arrangements.
A GROWL would announce to the ciii
• zens or Tioga county, that he has associated
with him a parincP, and the business will be con
ducted under the firm of A. Crowl Sc Co. They
will continue at the old stand, in Wellsborough,
to manufacture to order and keep onj hand,
Buggys & Lumber Wagons;
which for style, durability and eleganep of finish,
cannot be surpassed by any other similar establish
inent in the country,, .
Workmen of celebrity are engaged, and the best
materials used expressly in all the manufacturing
departments of this establishment. Persons send
ing orders may rest assured of having them exccu
edt to their entire satisfaction, and finished in every
particular the same as though they attended in per
REPAIRING douc as usual, wllh neatness and
PAINTING of all kinds done on the shortest
notice, and most reasonable terms.
O’AII binds of merchantable produce (deliver,
cd) recivcd in exchange, for work, at the market
July ms: ,;i
T> T. VANHORN would inform the cili
zena of Wcllsborough ond he
has purchased the interest of his partner, John S.
Bliss, in the above business, ond will continue at
the old stand,two doors cast of Joncs’Store, to keep
on hand and make to order all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture—such as
Solas, Divans, Ottomans,
Card, Centre , Dining, dr Breakfast Tables,
Dress Stands; Dress arid'Cdnimon Bureaus.
Collage, French and Common Bedsteads,
of every description, together with all articles usu
ally made in his lino of business.
From his knowledge' of the business lie flut
ters himself with the belief that those wishing
to purchase, would do well to call and examine
his work before Bending' elsewhere for an inferior
COFFINS, of ovory Variety, made to order, at
short notice, and reasonable charges.
TURNING .done in a neat manner, at short no
tice. 1
Bj Chairs! Chairs!
In addition to the above, the subscri.
would inform the public that ho has
f til J just received a large and handsome assort,
menl of •
Boston and Common Rocking Chairs .
which lie will sell as cheap, if not cheaper, than
they can bo purchased anywhere else in Tioga
count;. Call and see them 1 June 3,1852^
Perpetual Ulolion Discovered
THE subscriber having been appointed
agent by S. W, Paine tor the sate of (lie Rose
&. Peck Improved Direct Action Water Wheels,
would say to the owners of Saw Mills in Tioga
count/, that he is ready to furnish the above men.
tinned Water Wheel at Wcllsboro’, at any time af
ter this dale, oh the most reasonable terms.
These Wheels arc warranted to do the host bu
sincss, with the Iqasl quantity of water of any
Wheel in n»6, (except an Overshot.)
The great advantages of these wheels over all
others is the manner in which the water is applied
to the wheel, is.such that there cannot be any waste
of water, the gates or sheets regulating the quantity.
The gate is so constructed that it shuts almost per
fectly light. Qnanlity ;of water required unde/
eight feet head, 130 square inches, under 20 feet
head, 50 inches; all between tjicso jn pro.
portion. • All-wheels warranted'to perforrti’nccord.
ing to recommendation, if they do hot wc take them
nut and replace the old' Wheels. No Wheels pii
onder loss than eight feet bead. D,B. WILCOX.
Wollsfaorougli, July 13.1854.
- • Carpetings, Jfcc.
have jliat replenished their
■ stock of Carpeting, and now 1 feci justified In
saying tbatthoir Carpel / Waro Room excels in
quantity, quality, variety, richness and beauty, that
of any other in this country, and as to prices wo
ard confident th6y are as low os any establishment
this sine of New York city. ’
alt,.at the very lowest possible prices, at the ooW
cash store of .. (Nov. 3.] JONES &■ ROE.
F .XGfJT,—Tallow ,& Adamantine Candles* Bum
-Li ing Fluid and Lamp Oil, at V. CASE’S.
Vl CCDBDBiaBAYY MESS PORK just received.
‘xO by [Mar. 30.] JONES & ROE.
at Cast.
j 0 ft’
V;i';MAN'9ls jpHYsiciAN.” *
db. ramp LEDDtr’a
■ ■ The great American Itemed; for
Fever Jjf Ague, Rheumatism, Dysentery,
Chalice, and Griping Pains, Bruises and
Strains, Burns df Scalds, Fresh Woundi,
Dyspepsia, Coughs if Colds.
fFHIS Medicine has prayed, and Vvftl pror®
an unconditional Pain Destsoteb in all case,
wheliier External or Internal. Hence it has retei.
ved the appropriate name of u -'DtaH-to-Pain." I 1
has, by be|tig kept on hand by families who kaor
its value, been the means of saving money, and of.
ten life,by ife timely ose in sudden attacks, andm
cade of Occidents.' In all brnisßa and flesh woundi
this Dcath-to-pam is the best embrocation that can
be found. The soreness is immediately extracted
—swellings reduced—and profuse bleeding stopped.
A single dose will ease the most severe griping pan,
in Lite bowels, and a few appUoktions will case the
severest rheumatic and nervous pains. Dyspepsia,
and its train of diseases is driven from its strong
hold. “ Fovef and Ague,” in the language of ,
western agent “can’t stand before old Lcady ir.d
live.” Indeed it is so' with nearly every disease i n
the catalogue. A Medicine for the Million’.!
The remedy is composed of a largo number 01
articles, ail entirely vegetable, each a remedial agent
in itself, yet so united as to form a most powerful
combination, and to lake away one of these agents
would materially detract from its merits. Ond
and the most powerful, of these articles,is a ran
procured for this medicine only from the island of
Tuumago, in the Soutii Pacific, called
It is used by the natives in almost every discaie.
and the secret ol its virtues was impa rtcdlo '.he
proprietor by a native.
CFTorcertificates, decreed pamphlets to be mo
of Agent.
CAUTlON.—Purchasers of Death to Pain beware
Itow you are deceived by the story that the Pam.
Killing Agent, and Pain-Killer arc the better medi
cines. And if yon go to buy Death-to-Pain, bar it
and have no other. Mark the words, “ Deatlm.
pain,"printed on red glazed paper, with the signature
of P. LEDDY, and copyrighted by Wm. L. Sore
& Co.', General Agents, (0 whom all orders mutt
be addressed, at It Idea, N. Y.
W. D. BAILEY, Solo Agent at Wcllsboro', Pa.
Wellsborough, March 9, 1854.
The Pocket Mr I
THE Fiftieth Edili.
with One Hundred ]
gravinga, showing Discaj
and Malformations of the f
man System in every sh;
and form. To which is ad<
a Treaties on the Disease!
Females, being ol’ the higli
importance la married
or those contemplating mi
By Wm Young, M
Let no father be ashamed to presents* copy of the
iEscuLApius to his child, it may save (liai from
an early grave. Let no ybung man 05- woman en
ter into the secret obligations of married life vtith*
oat reading the Pocket JEsculapjus. Let no one
suffering from a hacknied Cough, Pain in the side,
restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole
tram of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up dy ihejr
physician, be another moment without consulting
the jEsculapius. Have (he married, or those aocci
to be married, any impediment, read this trufv use
ful book, as it has been the means of saving thou
sands of unfortuatc creatures from the very ]avi
of death.
O’ Any person sending Twenty-Five Cents enclo
sed in a letter, will receive one copy of this work by
mail or five copies will be sent for one Dollar.
Address, (post paid) DR. WM. YOUNG,
No. 152 Spruce *S7., Philadelphia.
March 16, 1854-1 y.
Self-Setting; Mill Dogs.
undersigned having purchased he
right of using the'above Mill Dogs in Tinea
county, would announce to the public general!?
that he is ready to furnish them at abort notice, lo
any part of the county, on the most reasonaoie
terms, and warrant them lo set correct from bail an
tnch lo two Inches in thickness. They arc ‘.he
Cheapest and the most durable Dog in use. They
aro very simple in construction, consequently verv
acsily kept in repair. They can be used for two
saws in ij gale just as well as for one.
Terms, $50.00 per sett for one saw, (the man own*
inglha mill finding the hcadblocks and boarding
Uie men while putting them in) and $55.00 for two
N. B.—All orders promptly attended to.
Wf.llsborodgh, Dec. 5, 1653.
I would say that we have used the above oesen*
bed Mill Dogs for about four months, and oar
sawyers like them much and fhink them prefera
ble to any thby have used. S. E. ENSWORTH.
T have a set of the above described Dogs m nw
mill, winch I purchased aiW a years trial, and
can recommend them to do their work well.
Wellsboro’, Jan. 5, ’54-1 y. J. I. JACKSON.
One tfyird cheaper than White Lead , and
free from all poisonous qualities.
having' greatly enlarged tlicia works, and im
proved the quality of their products, arc prepared to
execute orders for their
Superior Paints^
Dry, and ground in Oil, in assorted packages of front
25 to 500 pounds; also. Dry, in barrels, of 200 lbs.
Their TY/nfe Zinc, which is sold dry or ground
into, iswarranted PURE and unsurpassed for body
and uniform whiteness.
A method of preperation has recently beqn disco
vered, which enables the Company to warrant their
paints to keep fresh and soft in the kegs for any rea
sonable lime. In this respect their paints will bo
superior to any other in the market.
Their Brown Zinc Paint, which is sold at a low
price, and can only be made from the Zinc ores from
New Jersey, is now .well known for its protective
qualities when applied to iron or other metallic sur
Thoir Stone Color Paint possesses nil the proper
tics of the Brown, and is of on agreeable coloi for
painting Cottages, Depots, Out-building;, Bridges,
See. Dealers supplied on iibereal terms by their
■Wholesale Paint Dealire and Importers,
N. W. cor. of lOlli So Market Sts., Philadelphia
April Gth 1854.
Dried apples, peaches <tnd;berries
for)sale by [June 22.] V, CASE.
low. price of $2.50 dp to $lO, are now opened
for your inspection at the Cash Store 6f
June 1,1854, ’ , JONES & ROE.
TRUSSES,— -Benjamin’s Superior Brass Trerscs
for sale by , (June 230 /’ V. CASE.
‘4nfV BU SH£LS Of CORN, for sale bv