The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 16, 1854, Image 3

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    American Diplomacy.
We see 111 the papers a lutto anecdote
which well illustrates the beautiful character,
of the gentleman who represent this favored
,.A citiaen fe the United
States came to London to take out ~a patent
for some invention. In order to elude the
discovery of its secret, during its completion,
the different parts were entrusted to different
hands, and an unfortunate machinist of BeU
gium one of them. He hnew not what
he was working on, but just as lie had .com.
pleted his task, be was pounced upon by the
police, the supposition being that he was ma
king an infernal machine lor the special bene
fit of Leopold. .However, he told his story,
and his employer in .London came
forward and confirmed it. The American
minister in London communicated the facts
to the legation of our beloved country in
Brussels. Our consul, Mr. Siebel, was not
at home, and the poor mechanic remained in
his cell. His wife upon this went to the
American legation to urge haste, whereupon
the secretary who then.and there represented
the proud bird of Columbia, replied in the
following terms :
“ You may be glad, Madam, that his Ex
cellency is not in Brussels, for he would not
have moved a pen in the whole affair, while
1 ventured to lake some steps in his absence.
You may say what you like, but the matter
is one of political conspiracy, and the Gov
ernment of the United Stales is not in
clined, and will not funher any revolutionary
scheme. We are. Madam, tired of that
rude quality : teen in America, and hope
to have in tome peart, a good, orderly mon
The poor woman, who had heard some
floating rumors of a different character res
ppcting our government, went away slightly
astonished and considerably dispirited. We
commend this lively secretary to Maroy. As
the war against bug wigs, small swords, and
Knee breeches seems to be nearly ended, our
premier may perhaps bestow a little attention
upon this beauty of Brussels.
“ A. Klnn »moii] IUo Women.”
A. remarkable trial came off lately io Or
ange county, New York, wherein a man
named Riuglaud was plaotiff, and certain
brethren of the Methodist persuasion were
defendants. The suit was instituted by the
Plaintiff to recover damages from Defendants
for pitching said Plaintiff out of
Tne lacts were these in brief; Ringland, in
company with his wife and another female
Inend, went to an evening prayer meeting at
Uio Methodist Church at Gardenlown, and
took his sent in the rear of the room, by the
side of his wife and friend. An ancient cus
tom in that particular Church forbids males
andjemalcs from silling together during ser
vice, antKsoon it was circulated through the
congregation that “a man was among the
wortien,” The Plaintiff was requested to go
on the “ man’s side," but he remained sea
ted. One of the Trustees—after th£ Plain
tiff had explained that it was his wont to sit
by his wife,—consented that he might keep
m-> spat, provided he would behave himself
and keep quiet. Other members, however,
nrotested against such infraction of their
lime-honored rule, and five of them insisted
that the Plaintiff must “ go to theothnr side.”
or an nut of Church. The Plaintiff would
noi leave ihe woman, and thereupon com
menced a free fight. Two defendants each
grasped a leg, another two each seized an
arm, and another carried the head. The
Plaintiff squirmed and kicked, the Defend
ants tugged and pulled, the men and woman
pot 'horouuhlv mixed up, tin lights were ex
liniiuished, the stove and pipe tumbled down,
ine pi.niuiff was Qirned out “ feet foremost,”
and the defendants were decreed to pay 851
lor an assault and battery. But the ram
stuck in the women.
A Pennsylvania Comfany of emigrants
for Kansas territory arrived at New Brighton
no Monday last, hy way of the Pittsburg
and Erie Canal. The Pittsburg Dispatch
ms that with the additions they received at
New Brighton, and (he number sent forward
on Friday lnst T the whole number is fully
bar hundred men, women and children,
mostly, however, persons in the prime of life.
They are all friends of and op
ponents of slavery. In passing New Castle,
Pa., the party found the people there, assem
bled in a mass to salute them with pleasant
greetings and good wishes.
The New Hampshire Free Democratic
Convention nominated Asa Fowler, of Coo
cord, ns the candidate for Governor. He
was formerly the law partner of President
Pierce. Mr. Hale addressed the Convention.
Cliatii House, WeLUsosouon, Pinna.
P. P. Cuavik, Proprietor.
Nov. 7.—C. H.. Edwards, Pine Creek ;S.
B. Sprout, Elmira ; C. G. Dennison, Tioga ;
J VV. Newell, N.Y.; O. B. Wilcox, Delmnr;
J. T. Wiener, Pine Creek; J. Davis, do.; C.
W. Wilkins, Qalon; C. Wells, Pine Creek ;
R. F. Davis, do.; Jared Davis, do.; W. Da-
V ' J . do.; N. Finch, do.; J. B. Benn, do.; P.
M. SheafTer, Pollsville; I. M. Bodine, Bloss
burg; S. J. Hoard, Mapsfield.
8 & 9;—D. B - Fitch] Elmira; J. L. Wells,
no.; C. E. Wells, do.; P. G.' Andrews, do.;
tl. GrifTm, do.; G. R. Bailey, Mansfield ; C.
H. Edwards, Pine Creek; L. L. Johnson;
Warsaw; Hiss Johndon, do.; T. Ktlborn,
Clymer; G. W. Buskirk, Cedar Run; G. J.
Goodwill, Clymer.
10 & 11. —W. E. Gaylord, Elmira ;'Geo.-
Westbrook-, do;,* M. Cowen, West Branch ;
D. Ellis, Pine Creek ; C. L. 'Truman and,
wife, Cedar Run ; Miss Kate Trumap, do.;
Miss A. B. Dexter, Owego; J. Alexander,
WelUborough ; C. E. Wells, Elmira ; P. G.
Andrews, Big Flats ; D'. Griffin, Minehole;,
f. L. Wells, Elmira ; L.W, Reed, Barrens;;
I. S. Pratt and wive Campbell own ; Mias Md
Veiie, do.; D. S. Mackie, Liberty ; E. Oliver,
Elmira; g. D oan n nd wife, Pine Creek ;J.
Donn and wife, do.; Miss E. Doan, do.; P.
Doan, do.; J. Rodgers, do.; ■ J, Oooledge,
Cedar Run, 1
o W- Whisky Ron s
C. Paddock, Clymer; D. BurJinggam»,-dd.;
J. H. Ross, Tunkhannnck; R. W. Clark and
nwee, Saratoga; H. Smith, p t „ e Creek;
Miss M. E. Smith, do.; J. B. Strong, Mains*
l>“rg; D. If. Husted, do.; H, Hosted, do.; J.
wikis, do,; A-Old rich, Now York,
. IttAKHIED. -
Id Dalmar, bo the. !& init, bj Rev. Ur. Bock
well, Mr. W. W. WEBBED., ind’Mls* LAURA
A. CATLIN. •- “ • • t •
««VI i ■ - i i
Ip thiapUMfon the sob ofW.
B. and Mttjr Clyiaer, aged lyw, 4 month* Rod DU
days. . . ■ ■
Died, OoU $9, of wHmmptibo, after a li waring
iUnejuy'BMELINE, wife jwT'Joel fatkhonl, at bis
residence in Elklind. "
She died as she lived, e Christian, and
with the full hope and assurance of a life
beyond the. grave, where t}?klh and sorVow
enter not. ;
The following, flespltftions were unani
mously adopted by Elkjand-Lodge, No, 434,
I. 0. pf 0. F., Oci. 30, 1854.
Resolved, That w|,ile we bow in humble
submission to the Will'of Divine Providence,
in removing by death, from our midst, the
beloved and amiable wife of our Brother Joel
Parkhurst, we do deeply sympathise with
him in his sad bereavement.
Resolved, That we do also .'deeply sympa
thise with- Iter numerous friends and dear
relatives in tneir great loss bf a loving .and
dutiful daughter, aOcind and worthy bister,
and a friend of whom' none can say aught;
and most especially would we extend our
sympathies to those now motherless children.
Resolved, That we will ever cherish the
memory of her many virtues as .worthy, of
remembrance and imitation by our sisters,
wives and daughters.
Resolved, That these resolutions be enter
ed upon the Records of our Lodge, and a
copy of the same be sent to oat, Brother Joel
Parkhurst, ns a testimonial of our kind feel
ings toward him in this his hour of trouble.
And furthermore,
Resolved, Thai copies of the above be
sent to both the county papers for publication.
J. R. Huslbut, N. G.
W. M.. Evans, P, Sec’y,
Take Notice.
THOSE indebted to the subscriber, either
by note or book account, will please call and
settle the same immediately. As she is about clo
sing up her business, she is very desirous of having
her accounts settled ns soon as possible.
Wellaboro’, Nov. 16, '54. MRS. M. MEEK.
CAME to ihe enclosure of the subscriber,
on or about the first of October, THREE TWO
YEAR OLD HEIFERS; one black with a Hoc
back, ono pale red with line back, and the other
white with a little red about the head, in very good
condition. The owner is requested to prove proper*
ty, pay charges and take (hem away.
Dclmar, Nov. 16,1854. E. F. BODINE.
Union Academy.
S. B. PRICE, Principal; C. W, BEACH, Attitla'l.
Mrs, S. Prjcc, pTtceptrtts; Miss A. Beach, Teach
of Music.
THE WJNTER TERM for 1854-5 will
commence Nov. 28; the Spring Term for
1855, Feb. 20.
Board .per week 91 50
Tuition per term 5 00
Deerfield, Nov. 16,1854~3t.
Chairs, Chairs, Chairs.
"DESIDES n vnrielv of nil othf*r kinds of
scriber has four different styles of
Which bo is selling at cost prices. Also,
Two different patterns of Mahogany Spring
Seat Chairs , and Mahogany Rockers,
and three patterns ff Sofas.
Also, Rosewood, Curl Maple, and CommOn chairs
of all kinds. E, D. WELLS.
Lawrenceville, Nov. 16, 1854.
A. Chance to Make Money!
PLOYMENT.—The subscriber is desirous of
having an agent in each county and town of the
Union. A capital of from 5 to 810 only will be re.
tpured, and anything like an efficient, energetic
man can make from three to five dollars per day;—
indeed some of the sgents now employed are real!,
zing twice that sum. Every information will be
1 niven by addressing, (postage paid.)
j ” , WM. A. KINBLER,
Nov. 16-31. Box 601, Phils., Pa. Post Office.
List of Letters
TJEMAINING in the Post office at Wells
•lX borough, Nov. 15,1854:
Barts, A. A. Kress, H. W.
Barrett, Dan or Josh’s McDonald, James
Black, Mrs. Sarah.A. Myers, John L.
Borden, Ansel > 01 instead, Mrs. Jana
-Bcchtal, George 2 Prindle, Samuel Esq.
Butler, Francis J. Pinkney, Miss A.
Clark, ArVine Ryman, Banj. Esq.
Crandall, Edwnrd P. Smith, Ira
Cornell & Smith Smith, John H.
Cudwarth, Mrs. D. A.Shearmnn, David
Dunfee, Thomas' Spaulding, S. S.
Farr, C. Jr. & Co. Stone, Margaret
*Flniis, Geo. Heinrich Taylor, Lucius
Hoag, Mrs. Annis A. Tyler, Amos 2
Harris, Francis H. Thomas, Johiv 2
Harpner, Abram Teall, Miss Susan
Howard, Joseph, Esq. Townsend, Miss P. A.
Heerman, John. Torn or Town, R.
Heister, Miss Lucy A.Walker, N. IT. Esq.
Ingham Leonard Walker, Nelson
Johnson, James - Wilherill, John 2
Jurelds or Jurdds, J.F.Wands, Miss Margaret
Kelley, Nelson Williams, Jas. Esq.
•Berman Letter.
Persons calling for the above Letters will
please sgyjhey are advertised.
Nov. 16. A. S. BREWSTER, P. M.
LEAD PIPE for Springs, for sale by
Nov. 9. D. P. & W. ROBERTS.
2tinrt LBS. of old Iron and Copper
wanted in exchange for Stoves and
Tinware, by [Nor. 9.] D. P. A. W. ROBERTS,
«a1« and retail, from 910.10 915 each, at '
WeiUboro', Nov. 9. D. P. &. W. ROBERTS’.
U ellsboro Academy.
THE WINTER TERM commences on
Toeaday, N0v,28,1864.-
.. By order of Trustees.
CACHECO PRINTS.—6O pieces of Ca
cl\pco and Merimac Print*,of beautiful styles,
jont received by (June I.] JONES da ROE. 1
sea of Bcebee'a latest style Silk Hois just re.
eeived by [done I.] JONES & HOE.
GAME.— A supply of good Shot Oops, Powder
Ldad and Shot, for sale by V. jCACfjQ.
Calicoes! Calicoes I
rip perfectly fast colors, arid the largest
U ssadfUMßt that wat .ever offered in this conn
ry can errw bc Soen at JONES do ROC’S.
OOOf'S AND largest as
-*-* sortmeDl that was ever bronght in this fcountry
can be fruod at [Ndy.lJSt] JONBB&ROE,
Aaditor’s Notice.
r pHE> having'Txien appointed
t sK. tn Anditorlo dlstribgte the fond* arising Prom
the aalb of Ihe'Rekl Estate of Hadd Drake;-ddffd,
hereby give* notice the t ho will' attend to the daliea
of laid typolntmefitl’ oif Friday thel*t, T deJr”«tr Di
cimbef, at'9 o’clock; A. M., at hie office m.Wellsboi
ro’tit which' time' and place all persona inlereated
mayprefertheir claiiris if they think proper. ,t : ' r v !
B. B.SMITH, AtaTr. '
Auditor’s Notice 1
is herdjty given, that I will at*
L'tend to ths. dntlca of my appointment as Ao
dilor m the Dialler of the dutribntion of the' pro
ceeda ariiingfromthe sale by the Sheriff of the re
al Estate' of Clark Slbtaon,' at 1 my office 1 in the ail.
lage of Tioga, on Friday tlie first day qf December
next, at 1 o’clock P. M-, and all interested are re
quested to then and there preaent and “•übslahliate
Iheir'claims to aaid'jiracceds, or be forever debarred
of claiming any part of the same.
Wwr. 9. 1854. C. H.'SEYMQUR, AarTr. '■
T HOYT would most respectfully inform
• the citizens of WelUboro’ and vicinity, that he
haa just opebed a Grocery and Oyster Saloon one
door below Cleaver's Hotel, where he! will be 1 happy
to ihrnish. fartiilica with alt jtinds' o/ Grdceriea as
cheap as the cheapest Sagara,(rom the finest while
down to the cheapest’brown; Tea. 1 Coffee, Rice,
Soap, Candles, Ac., of the best quality! Constantly
on hand.
Freeh Rom the mint, served up in the best stylo at all
reasonable hours of the dsy and night (CT Don't
forget the p|aqb.
Wellafaorough, Nov. 8,155 -
• ' Register’s Notice.
"VrOTlCE'is hereby given (hat ihe-Adminis
tratoraand Executors on the following named
estates have settled their accounts, and (hat the
same will be presented lb the Orphans’ Court of Ti
oga County on MONDAY, the 4th day of Decem
ber 1854, for confirmation and allowance, viz:
The account of Milton Bowman, Administrator
of GODFREY BOWMAN, late of Brookfield, de
The account of Charles Blanchard, Guardian of
the heirs of RICHARD ELLISON, late of Elk
land, deceased.
The account of John Brownell, Guardian of the
heirs of BENJAMIN MILLER, deceased.
The final account of Zacchciu Mallory, Guardian
The account of Curtis Park horst, Executor of
WILLIAM EVANS, late of Elkland. deceased.
The account pi James Gray, Administrator of
CHARLJ2S PIERCE, laic of Tioga county, dcc’d.
Register's Office, Wcllsboro,' Not. 9, 1854.
j:,r ' J. P. MAG ILL. RegitUr.
XJAVING purchased and WWL
-*-+ enlarged the Tin and Stove {■
Store of C. E. Gray, would call the
attention of the trading public to
(heir large and splendid assortment
of Stoves, comprising a variety of
kinds of PREMIUMS.
Also, a complete assortment of PARLOR Sc BOX
STOVES, at or below Elmira prices.
of oil kinds, shapes and sizes wanted for household
u<o. Eavc Gutters mude to order at the shortest no
JOBBING done to order and in tho best maimer.
All Tin-ware carefully proved before leaving the
They respectfully solicit the patronage of all who
wi»b to purchase anything in thoir lino, assuring
them that money can be saved by examining their
slock before purchasing elsewhere.
WelUborough, Nov. 9,1854.
The Aukkioan Artist*’ Union, would respect
fully announce to the citizens of the United States
and the Canadas, thatfor the purpose of cultivating
a taste for the fine arts throughout (he country, and
with a view of enabling every family to become pos
sessed of a gallery of Engravings
They have determined, in order to create an exten
sive sale for their Engravings, and thus not ouly
give employment to a large number of artists and
others, bnl inspire among our countrymen a taste
for works of art, to present to the purchasers of their
engravings, when 250,000 of which are sold,
150,000 Gifts, of the actual cost 0f 8150,000.
Each purchaser of a One Dollar Engraving,there
fore, receives not only an Engraving richly worth
the money, but also a ticket which entitles him to
one of the Gifts when they are distributed.
For Five Dollars , a highly finished Engraving,
beautifully PAINTED IN OlL,and/tor Gift Tick
tili will be sent: or Five Dollars worth of splendid
Engravings can be selected from the Catalogue, and
sent by return mail or express.
A copy of tlie Catalogue, together with a speci
men of one of Hie Engravings, can bo seen at the
office of this paper.
For each Dollar sent, on Engraving actually worth
that turn, and a Oi ft ticket will be immediately for
The Committee believing that the success nf this
Great National Undertaking will be materially pro
moted by the energy and enterprise of intelligent and
enterprising Agents, have resolved toltreat with such
on tbs most liberal terms.
Any person wishing to become ay Agent,by send
ing (post paid,) 91, will receive by return of Mail, a
One Dollar Engraving, a GIFT TICKET, a Pros
pectus, a Catalogue and nil other necessary inform
On the Goal completion of the sale, the Gifts will
be placed in.the hands of d Comnfittee oj the Pur -•
ehaatr* to be distributed, due notice of which will be
given throughout the United Stales and the Canadas,
100 Marble bait* of Washington, at 1100 $lO,OOO
100 “ “ Qiiy . “ 10,000
100 “ “ Webster - “ 10.000
100 “ *• Calhoun, • •• 10,000
50 elegant Oil Painting*, in splen. ('
did gilt frames site 3x4 each, (
100 elegant Oil Paintings, 2x3(1 eact
500 steel plate Engravings, brill-]
, iantly colored in oil, nch gilt;!
-frames 34x30 in each,. ' J
10.000 elegant steel pl ilo engra..
yings col’d in oil, of the Wash-]
ingtan Monument 20x36 in.ea,'
837.000 steel plate engravings, from'
100 different plates no(v in pos
session of, owned by the Art
ists Union, of the market, vol
. tie from 50 els., to $1 each, .
1 firaUclaaa Dwelling, in Slst-st-, N.
S 3 Building Lots fn 100 and'lol»f (
sis. N. York, 25xl00f\ deep,'at i
100 Villa sites, containing each 10,
JKlOeq. ft. in suburbs of N. Y. j
. city, commanding inognific’nt J
views of Had’n Rj;er& L, I, '
Sound, at |
SOpqrpelaal loans of cqsb, with-,
i out int’sl or security, $350 ea. j 5,000
5p perpetual lows 100 “ ( *5,000
100 u * SQ. “ 6,000
350 “ “ “ 30“ 6,000
2000 " “ « ;5 “ 10,000
Reference in regard to lhe BealßsJate, t. 3. Vits
enta 5s Go., Real Rotate Brokers, Near. York; Or
ders, (post paid) with money enclosed,to be address,
ed, 3. Wi HOLBROOKE, Sediy, 60S-BrdatMriiy.
N« t: '• ’ '
lO'Tho Engravings in the Catalogue nfoiftiv
ready -for dcliv«i‘j’. [nov, 9, Gnu}' ■*''
■ . - SHERIFF’S, SALES. ..
of , Bund|ry writaofFieri-
yendiiibDiv and' Lev!-
«iri F»ciftB,:isaued out of iho Courier Qonv
motr PledS of
reeled, will be exposed to'public aale atVtbe
Court Hoitsein Wellaborougitoii MONDAY,-
the 4th day of December,
p. wit: ~ ■
A lot of land in Lawrence township, boun
ded Ifbrih'hy,Peter Keep, east and south by Spor
nil land, and west by land of Peter- Keep, contain,
-og abdnt 84 acre* more or baa/ Taho koM ulhe
propetiyofJohn Arnot .■«
Atso—A lot bf land in Charleston town
ship bounded north by P-CulVbr; east by John’ Hari
and N. Austin,south byF, Wingate and WeSt'by
Joel Culver, containing abonf SO'Seres, 1 Vrilir about
25 5 acres improved; 'train* hottae,’frame' bUe and
apple orchard thereon. To be sold aa the property
of £, H, Jennings. 1 -
ALSO—A lot of land i'rr Deerfield town,
ship, bounded north and easthf 'Q. & S. Short, aoiilli
by Oowanesque road and wlcsl by R 1 H. Morliri.con.
t tining'i acre of improved laud, a large tavern
house and flame bam (hereon. To be sold os the
property of William A. Faulkner and James Faulk
ALSO—A lot of land, in Chatham town
ship, bounded north by Bingham lands and Mrs.
Love), east by N., Short and Harvey Leach, south by
John-Short and west by D. A. Churchill, contain
ing about 60 acres, about 14 acrea improved, a .log
house, frame barn and a fen fruit trees thereon.
To be'sold os the property bf Sooratea Cornell -
ALSO—A lot of land in Clymer township,
bounded north by D. Killbum, east by S. Kniver,
South N. Owens, and west by Potter Co. lint, con
taining about 60 or 70 acres Dearly ail- improved.
To l)e so)d as the property of D.F. ; Ellsworth.
ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston town
ship, bounded north by KloCk,south by Bliss and R.
Willard, east by highway, aniL west by Bliss and
Walker, containing 68 acrea more or less, with
about forty acres impCovoed, frame honse, Shoo-ahop
barn, Corn-houac and an apple orchard thereon. To
be sold as the property of John Malhort.
ALSO— A lot of land in Charleston'town
ship, bounded north by Culver,'eial by Goo. Boehus
south by David Jones and west by James Hail, eon.
taining SO acres, about IS acres improved, with a
frame house and a few frnit trees thereon. To be
sold as the property of John Boehus, 3d.
ALSO— A lot of land in Charleston lown
ship, bonnded north by Joseph Wilcox, east by S. J.
Rice, south by Dartt & Tipple and west by Wm.
Bailey, containing about 110 acres with about 100
seres improved, a frame house, frame born and ap
ple orchard thereon. To bo sold as the properly of
A. G Churchill. ‘ ■
A'LSO —A lot of land in Wellsbnro’, boun
ded north-west by road leading from Wellsboro’ to
Mechanic's Hollow, north-east by A- Peake and
south by A. L. Thompson and others, containing J
of an acre more or less, improved—being a three
cornered piece cut off by road abovementioned from
land of» Anna Bachc, with frame house thereon.
To be sold as the properly of John Kimble.
ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston town
ship, bounded north by Stratton, East by Mrs. Ship,
pen, south by A. Eaton and E. Hart, and west by J.
Rollins, containing 70 or 80 acres. To be sold os
Uic property of John R. Rollins.
ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury town
ship, bounded north by lands now or formerly Own
ed by James Bryant, east by land of Thomas West,
John West and Ira Davenport, south by lands of N.
T. West, 8. V. Beman and 6. W. Herrington Sc Co.
weal by lands of T. L. Baldwin, Joseph Gee and A.
Haslclt, with 443 acres of land to be sold ns the
properly of Clias. Churchill.
ALSO-s-A lot of Innd in Covinglnn town*
ship, bounded north by Anna Morris, east by Tilly
Marvin, south by R Johnson and west by Francis
Wethcrbec, containing 50 adres with about 49 acres
improved, frame house, frame and log barn and an
apple orchard thereon. To bo sold as the property
of Giles Marvin.
ALSO—The equal undivided half pari of
a lot of land in Rutland township, bounded north
by D. Crumb, cost by Thos. Holton, west by A. Ro
selle and E. Wheeler and south by C- Russell and
Roselle, containing about 100 acres, about IS or 20
acres improved, with a frame house, log stable and
a few fruit trees thereon. To bo sold as the proper
ty of Reuben Shear.
ALSO—A lot of land in Chorlesion town
ship, bounded north by-Culver, east by Geo. Bochos,
south by David Jones and west by James Hall, con
taining 50 acres, about 15 acres improved, a frame
house and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as
tbe properly of Jnn. T. Hall. '
ALSO—AII the interest of defendant in a
lot of laod in Gaines township, beginning at the
south-west corner of warrant No. 2335, thence north
along the warrant line 330 rods to a chestnut tree,
the north-west comer, thence east 375 rods to lot
surveyed lor Dudley Hcwcll, Ihenet south by Reu
ben Davis, 160 rods to corner, thence west 100 rods
thence south 160 rods, thence' west ITS rods to the
place of beginning, containing 602 acres more or
less. Being part of warrant No, 2335. To bo sold
as the properly of Reuben F. Davis.
ALSO—A lot of land in Sullivan town
ship, bounded north by A. B. Farmer, cast by N,
Smith and others, south' by Wood’s estate and west
by Arad Smith and others, containing about 200
sores with about 100 acres improved, log house,
framehouse and barn,and apple orchard thereon.
To bo sold as tbe properly of John Benson.
ALSO, a lot ill'hind in Fnrmingiofi township
bounded on the north by A. J. Fish, Joseph Symonds
and Mrs. Bryant, cast by Magee, Metccrenu and
widow Gee. south by land of Wickham St, Tnthill,.
formerly the Beckwith lot, and Edwin M’RinnCy,
west by Janies Beebee, Websters and Hall—con.
taining about 900 acres, with about 120 acres im
proved, one frame dwelling house, three' Plank hoa.
ses, one frame barn, one blacksmith shop, a Saw
Mill, and an apple and Peach brehord thereon.- To
be sold aa (he properly of Lyman Fiat.
ALSO—A lot of unimproved hind in Law.
renco township, bounded north by J. Ford, east by
J. Francis, south by Geo. Von Gqrden and Patter,
son, and west by Patterson and Harris—containing
one hundred acres. To bo sold. as the properly of
Clark Slosson.
ALSJ—A cerlnin lot of land in Tioga
township, bounded north by C. H. Hamper, cast by
Ira McAllister’s estate, south by Jacob SchiffelUi,
and west by Sylvia Parmentier—containing about
one and a half acres more or lest, with a Rams or
plank bouse (hereon.
Also—One village lot in the village of
Tioga, containing on* fifth of an acre, more or loss,
bounded north by (J. H. Place and Joseph Fisli,et«t
by school house lot, south by walnut street, and
west by C. H. Place, all improved.
I “ 5,000
i. 50 5,000
Atso—A lot of land in Tioga township,
bounded north by T. J; Berry, east by Crooked crock,
south by T. J. Berry, and west by La Mange,
and being all Dial piece or parcel of land, known at
(he Hotchkiss lot or farm—containing about sixteen
seres, all improved, with a tog honso and apple'
orchard thereon. To be told as the' property of
Clarissa Willard, Administratrix of William Wll>
lard, deceased. .
10 5,000
4 40,000
ALSO—A certain lolof lend in Covington
township, bounded, north by lands formerly owned
by Elliott undfloo gland, south by Jonathan Jen
nings, east by 8. B. Kc’pey, and west' by Jacob
Johnson—containing about tbrly-dvo acres, with
about fifteen acres improved, one log house, shanty,
and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold
property of Jacob Johnson,
ALSO—A lot of land in Ruiland town
ship, bounded north by. Artefbas J3stnh«rt,east by
Joseph Harding.iw'nth and wett by George Brawn—
containing about onahundreejand fifty acres, with 1
about forty acres improved,' ooa.fiamo NoUav, ftsmd
born.and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the
property of John Benson add Isaac Benson.
Sheriff’s Office, Wellsboro’, Nov. 9,1854.
IVOTICE i« hereby gieehj that an
" amuum equal to the cosls will be roqui-'
red to be paid npqn oadh Bile ' Whdil styuck,
1,000 33,000
500 50^000
dowo tg lhe and upon a failure to
comply kiiui this;iiegulatida theli'actpf Jamj
wilj- 3ga|n ;f t»s offered j formtle, and.npsale
will Ik poslpotiod without payment of costs..
\ • *nA • C\ \ t.“'JTi - 1
. - JOIV E 8 A BO E - -
Have! just received 'their full stock of ;
; w|;n*»'b goods,
. which includea a splendid, assortment of
.jOQtyStSTING jn part,of a, splendid a«-
.»/ aoiUueqt .orßich French Merinoes of aUcolora
at vary low prices;-aJ»o I .P*ramaUq of all cdlars,
. All-Wool aqd- pheap Delaines, Black Silks at qmch
lower tiran, former., prices, Mcrtimao- and Cochcco
Prints, Long Squaro Woolen Shawls at very
low ’prices. Brown 1 Factory, Dleacli Muslins,. Red
ind-jWhife F!anDfc) t CotUjn Flannel, Stripe Shirting,
Blue Deneins, Bed Ticking, Broad Cloths, Casi*
meres. Regluoky Jeans, Sheep’s Grey
Cloth, Cotton BaUing, Cqrpci Warp, Colton Yarn,
and also .many other articles in the above'lino that
we have not time nor room to enumerate in a single
advertisement. 'j *-
Muscovado, Coffee Crushed, Powdered and Crush,
cd Spgarp, Slewart’a Syrups and Molasses, Old Java,
Rib and Caguara Coffee, Young Hyson and Black
.Tea, Peeppr, Cinamon, Allspice, Starch, Ginger,
Rice, Bar Soap, Candles, Indigo, Sallpeter, Alum,
Saleratus, See,,-. Pork, Flour, Fish, Salt, Butler,
Cboeae, Tobacco, Lamp-Oil, &c., lie.
Hats and Caps.
Black and .Light Colored Beaver HaU, Know
Nothing, Knodr Something and Kossuth Hats, Bl’k
Silk Hats, Silk, Flush and Cloth Caps. Boys Hats
and Caps of every description.
Boots and Shoes.
Mens' {Calf, Kip and Heavy Slags Boots; also,
Boys' and Youths’ Boots, Childrens'
Shoe* of every, description, Ladies' Shoes, Boots and
Gaiters, a largo assortment at very low prices.
Wooden Ware.
Pails, Brooms, Tubs, Brushes, Butler Ladles and
Prints, Axchelvos, Washboards, Sugar Boies, Mea
sures, Ac., See..
Hardware. j
Nails, Mill Saws, bd Saws and Hand
Files, 'Scoopes, Shovels, Manure' Forks, Chains,
Steelyards, Pocket Kuives, Table Cutlery, Door
Docks, Latches, Bed Locks, Butts and Screws,
ftorta Card* and Brushes, A sea from the beat man
ufacturers, always on hand.
by the sell or piece to suit the wants of purchasers.
manufactures prices. EASTERN CLOCKS , war
ranted to keep good lime.
Ready-Made Clothing.
Black, Brown, Drab and Blue Overcoats, from a
low price ujvSack, Frock and Dress Coats of every
description. Fancy and Black Casimcre Pants, BPk.
Satin, Cosimere and Velvet Vests, also, Cheap Vests
of every stylo and quality, Shirts and Collars, Wool
en Wrappers and Drawers, Buckskin and Woolen
Gloves and Mittens, Fancy and Black Silk Cravats,
Sdf.adjusliug Stocks, Silk and Linen Pocket Hand
kerchiefs, Woolen Socks, Suspenders, Umbrellas,
and iii fact nearly everything that man, woman or
child may want cun be found at this establishment
The subscribers would return their sincere thanks
to §ie inhabitants of (his Borough and surrounding
country, for the very liberal patronage that has been
bestowed on them since they commenced business
in this place, and wish, by keeping & large assort
ment of Goods to select from, and selling at small
profits, to merit a continuance of the same.
Wdlsboro’, Nov, 1, j!Bs4i
TUE UNDERSIGNED revpnclfully in
form the Farmers of Tioga County, that they
nro now Manufacturing FINCH’S IMPROVED,
PREMIUM FANNING MILLS, three miles aouth
of WcUsborough, on the Jersey Shore road ; and
fed warranted in saying that said Mill is Dio beat
ever introduced into Tioga County both aa respects
cleaning last and well,and (hesaving of Grass Seed.
Farmers arc respectfully invited to call and exam
ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere.
(CT All kinds of Produce taken in payment. Old
Mills repaired on short notice.
Delmar, Oot. 10,1854-tf.
Landholder* Take Notice.
crl Morris, Financier nf the Wnr of
the Revolution,) will be SUED OUT. OecojnnU
and others can have Confirmatory, Quit Claims and
Free Titles, by early application to
JOHN MOSS, Solo Grantee, No. 50 Walnut St,
EDW. WALN, Esq., No. 2 York Building,
J. L. HUSBAND, Esq., No. 4 Sansom St., '
’ Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia, Pa.
Oct. 19, 1854-1 m.
■jVTOTICE in hereby given lhat the pnrlner
-‘•v ship heretofore existing between ANDIE FO
LEY and W, D. BAILEY, has this day been dis
solved by consent. All-persons indebted to
Foley & Bailey, or to' Foley Sc Richards, are reques
ted to make immediate payment to Andie Fbley,
and all persons having claims arc requested lo pre
sent them for settlement. ANDIE FOLEY.
Nov, 1,1854. W. D. DAILEY.
1 Thirty Years
TN THE U. S. SENATE.—AII those who
wish lo know the doings df the U. S. Senate for
thirty years, will do Well lo call at FOLEY &
BAILEY’S Book and Jewelry Store, and procure
“ Benton’s Thirty Years in (ho U. S. Senate,” at the
Agcn|s price. Gill soon, as they arc going fast.
Wctlshordugh, Aug. 24, 1854.
School Boobs.
A LL Iho School Books lhat have been
adopted for nse in the Wellsboro’ Academyi
and all the School District* of Tioga county, can be
had at FOLEY &. BAILEY’S, vt the publishers
prices. A supply always on hand. Aug. 24.
TUST received ai iho Book & Jewelry
~ Store of FOLEY St BAILEY, a very large
stock of Law,' Miscellaneous dnd School Books ever
before brought into Tioga County: Also a'large
assortment of Watches, Jewelry; Stationery, Ac., ct
cel., to sell at thu bnpttl iath priest.
Wellsbiorough, August 17,1854-tf..
■L TICES OF THE PEACE. Supplement to
Purdon’a Digest. A Digest of tho Laws of Ponn
sylvania front the 39th day of May, 1853, to the
18th day of May, 1854, with the older jaws not in.
eluded in the last edition of the Digest—By F. C.
BaianTLT, Esq; For sale by
Dress Goods.
T ACHES, just drop in «t J.‘Rr Bnwcn’s
Lf Cheap stoic Mid examine his Baregut, Barege
: Detains, Lawns, Black Silks, GinghalmtJCtapo and
SiUt Shawls, and (avjr.your ton per ,
11 WelfsWsngh, Jane 39, .1854, -
. Bufihlo Kubf jsl .
A FEW bn Ins of No. I Whnhv Robes, just
received by . JONESA ROB,
WfUsborouglyNor. 1,16g4. ~
•aLI. diet have Vou seen those cheap IViarinoes.and,
Plain and Flghfed '
Wellsboro', Nmr. 1.1854,: JONES St ROE'S.
CHAMPS! gHAWLSI-Now .is.,your
Ladies, to .boy • food: warm wlptw
Shawl ula very low JONES St ROE'S.,
tyellsboroogli, Nov; lyltlDfl. 'f 1 ~ 1
LADIES- S)HOES— : A nhw supply just re
ccivcd at *: J R.
nptAE WmTfiß'-f'EifSf*6^thfs 1 lAstitotion
-L will commeiw>B;onlH& 2811 k day of November
imW under tho.p)iaige, of MtINEV/JELL L. REY
NOLDS, a graduate of bWiaon University.
Mr. ReyflpldaVqia Wd ebarde 6f jfili Academy
for one liajijep Uid» falrj Vmjyeraal satis,
faction,"' . ,< :
From Iheleatimbny.recelyed of* hU character and
qualißcations, fromhia .experience In teaching, and
from hla great success here, and elsewhere, we can
cheerfully recommend the School to the patronage of
the public,' . ■; 'v ,
In addition to.the brencoos tenally taught in
each Institution*, there willbea Teachers' class,
compoeed of thoae who'intendtoengegain the bust,
neat of teaching, which will receive,‘particular at,
tenlion and instruction, both from the Principal and
the Cottnly'Supcrinteiident of Common Schoola.
Arrangements haveljhewise been made to pro,
cure suitable Chemical, and Philosophical instru
ments, such at ate .used Iri the higher order of
Schoola in the Stalo.jof New York,
The Academy building is now. Undergoing a thor*
ough repair and in such amknnor as will best pro*
mote the comfort and [health of the pupile.
Boarding pan bo obtained in respectable private
familiea at a price not exceeding 91,50 per
The ratea of tuition will be ae follows:
Primary^Deparirrferit.'.. A.. .91JS0
Geography, Arithmetic & Eng, Grammar 3,00
Higher English branches ~, 9,00
Algebra, Geometry dcSurveying 4,00'
Languages, Drawing; Painting,:*.c.,..... 9,00 -
Wcllsboroagli, Aog. 10,1854 if.
At the wololen factory situ*
ted oti the plank road leading from Elkland to
INTO CLOTHS of every description for farmer* 1
wear, for three shillings per yard, or on abarea at
the halves.
Wool Carding Sc Cloth Dres
done on short notice.
The subscriber would w»y to his former patrons
and tbc public generally, that Is now doing
not with a one-korst water power, but on a durable
stream of walcr that never foils—has TWO DOU
entire set of machinery expressly for
Manvfaciuring Wool ifito Cloth t
all of whichis in good order' doing burners
which will enable mo to CARD ALL WOOL,
brought from a distance the same day, so that tbo
rolls can be taken bock immediately.
All work entrusted to me thall be writ dove.
CT Most kinds of produce taken in payment fur
work. Terms—Poy Down.
Addison, June 15. L. C, PENDLETON.
Important to the Pnblic.
ATJ. R. BOWEN’S Empire Store the
lime lias finufly come, when Goods can he
bought as cheap in Wcllaborough* ae at Elmita,Cor«
ning, or in any oilier lown west of New York ; and
the public at large ore invited to call and Miliary
themselves that this re no Hambog.
At J. U» 6owen> will always be found an cxlen.-
sWe assortment of well selected
and a large variety of Gentlemen 1 ® Clothing, •
all of which trill be deposed of at a reduced price
- - J. R. BOWER.
AVcllsborongh, July 57,185i-tf.
WHEREAS, on the night of iho 24ih of
Marcn lari, James I. Jackson, and other* by
the use of false keys or otherwise, forced their way
into the dwelling house of the subscriber, while the
family were absent and removed his goods out of
Iho house in order to got possession—and further,
the said James I. Jackson look possession of the
Books belonging to the subscriber,and refuses lode
liver them over to him, for all of which, the said
James I. Jackson and others have given bail for
their npjiearance to the next court oi Quarter Sees,
ions. This is therefore to forbid all persona paying
any accounta to James I. Jackson made at (he wool,
c'n Factory and Saw Mill from thattitheuntil iho Ist
day of March', A. D. 1853, as I have a lease of Iho
Woolen Factory and Saw Mill from (hat lioio until
the Ist day. of March, A. D. 1855, binding mo to
collect all debts for work done.
2T, 1851-in __ , ■
Del mar, Jnl;
rpHE subscriber would rqspeclfully inform
hie customers and Mends that bb still Cod.
tinncß the mercantile business, at the bid placet at
the well known store of L. I. Nichols, \vliereJ*'Wll
be happy to wait on those that will favor hint with
a call, end would invito the attention of the publto
generally to bis large end commodious slock of
Groceries, Ready-Made Cloth
ing and Hardware,
AND CAPS, &rr., &c„
in fact ever?tiling e|te kept in a country More, arti
cles 100 numerous to mention, and* will eel) cheaper
than can bo bonghtthis side of Now York city..
All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods
at the highest market price. J. It. BOWEN.
Wellsborough, June 29,185j>.
At Powcn’b lEmplte store.
CALL nti rl sea the best 1 and largest slock
of Goods eVer offered to the public. Consisting
of drv goods, groceries, hard-warb,
SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and a large stock of
I flatter myself that I pan dress a man to .particu
lar fill in all cases who desire the rrady-vuxde.
Thu Ladies ate invited to call and exsmine the
richest and best assortment ef DRESS GOODS ever
before .offered in market—which I am prepared to
sell at prices that cannot ftilto soil.
Wetliborough Sept. 13,1854.
Bakery and Variety Store.-
CRACKERS, Fresh Baked, by the lb., or
bbi. Family Bating, and Parlies, furnished of
short notice, Deal-, oiao in GROCERIES,. PRO-
CASH paid lor Baiter, E"gsi Cheese, L»«J,' Groin
and oilier products ofthe Farm..
Corning, N. Y., Ang., 3, 185-l-tf. _
I DEEM ii proper lo sny-ihnt iho cause of
of roy boiqg out of Flatter, for tlielaat (ew dayttr
was owing to oircumstonccß beyond pjjt,centroid
The Canal between Cayuga Bridge and I lie Junctio
Locki was hot in teadmess *1 the Bnflrtd’idveflieo
in consequence of building a hew Look. ißoi »
FRESH SUPPLY has jlml been received, and will
be ground to supply alj thal may call. Come one,
corns all. . .. AMOS BIJiBY.
Manifold, May 23,lijSL '
Leather! Leather!
JF. RIBEROLLE,. tyke*. ihi« method
• to ipform Shoemaker*, li«JijW*inaJcer'» «»d
the public generally, that hekeejw palieijd eobetant
ly, at hr*‘ftrirtery in WellabOfoogh." ' V'"
which be wlll.eelt to both oW and new coelomtn on
am leeeonabla terme ae evei*
■ST The highest Cub^nicaa paid ior
SHEEP PELTS. • , - ' . ■ , •-•hr.-,!
WeilsWough, Pet. 5,
Ol A BABELS rdRK. far mla by tfc.'bjw
Zi J-4t or jK'ud, at -I H- t-tfK.yEßfl, ;