The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 09, 1854, Image 4

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    Motttf ou «•« Brnlied Heart.
: Ho W .«m>o»‘ h « b,uU ! d 11 hMrt
A worcf of kindness falls,
And to tin dr/ ano parched soul
X The mdut’ning tear-drop caua;
' 6 if tficy knew, who walk the earth,
’’Mid narrow, grief and pain,
The power a word of kindnee* beta
Twore : Paradise again.
The woakeat and the poorest may
The simple pittance giro.
And bid delight to withered heart!
Return again and h«.
Oh what ia life if loTe ** lo,t '
If raan’a unkind to man—
Or, what, tho hesren that watt* beyond
Thia brief and mortal apan 7
Aa alara upon the tranquil sea
la mimic glory shine,
go words of kindness on the heart
Reflect the source divine.
Oh, then be kind where’er thou art,
That farealheat mortal breath,
And it shall brighten all the life,
And sweeten eyen death, .
From tie Albany Journal of October Stb. ■
Singular Adventures of a Man as
a Hoiise-iuuld— Arres* und Expo-
A few months ago, a robust looking person,
dressed in the becoming garb of a female do
' meatic, made application al Burt s intelligence
office in this city for a situation to doordma.
if housework. Soon after a lady from Schd
hirie county applied for “ help,” but all whom
she selected were unwilling to leave town.
The “ domestic” above referred to, however,
expressed a willingness to engage, but the la
dy did not like her appearance; but finally,
she was reluctantly compelled to accept of
her services. She accordingly ordered her to
appear with her trunk at the Mansion House
at eight o’clock the following morning, where
she found her on lime, but quarrelling with
the carman, whom she offered sixpence all
(ho money she said she had—for conveying
her box to the place of rendezvous. Ihe
lady settled the difficulty, placed her protege
in the stage, and proceeded with her to hgr
pleasant mansion in old Schoharie.
Noihing transpired for several Jays to dis
turb either mistress or servant. 'lhe latter
took bold with most wonderful industry ri
sing at four o’clopk every morning, and
king so long as.nny work was to be done.
Indeed, so assiduous was she that the lady of
the house reproved her for working-.harder
and later than was necessary. Her only re
ply was that she “ could not bear to be idle,
and would rather work than play." ‘ J
The first remark on her eccentricities wah
made by a little girl, whom one morning en
tered the parlor, with open mouth and.eyes,
exclaiming, “ Oh! grandma, what do you
think, the new gtrlgoes down the cellar stairs
at a single jump !” But this was not deemed
sufficiently strange to excite any other remark
than that she was a “ smart girl.” New de
velopments, however, were in reserve, A few
evenings after when all the workmen abou)
the premises were at supper—fifteen oKwen
ly in number—the household was startled by
the boisterous laughter of the men. On en
quiring the cause, it appeared that “ Eliza
beth” had, on a banter, jumped square over
the broad table, dishes and all al a bound, and
offered to wager a new bonnet that she woufll
do the same thing if a chair were placed on
the top of the table—only stipulating for a
single step backward. No one, however, ac
cepted the wager, but all concurred that “she
was n leetle theusmartesl critter in the dig
In the course of lime, a fellow servant girl
(with whom the strange girl roomed) in
formed Her mistress that she could not re
main an.V longer in the family if “ Elizabeth
did not leave. She refused to assign any les
son for this intimation; but “ Elizabeth,
when arraigned, said the other servants were
angry with her, because she “ refused to con
tribute a dollar to the priest.” As this was
known to be true, “Elizabeth” was told logo
to her work and the other girl to leave if she
persisted in her demand.
“ Elizabeth” continued to grow in favor
with all hands, in spite of her .apparent stu
pidity ; but she was particularly intimate with
one Patrick,” with whom she often took
evening rambles. Her mistress chided her
for this intimacy, warning her against all
“ gay deceiversbut she closed all
by the very unexpected piece of information
that “ Patrick and she were engaged to bo
No ona suspected anything amiss in “ Eliz
abeth," untirono morning, on the return of
the gentleman of the house, after several,
weeks’ absence. The' family, consisting of
sons, daughters, aons-in law, grand-children,
&c., were quietly sealed at breakfast, with
“ Elizdbeth" serving at Ihe table. The gen
tleman scrutinized her pretty closely, when,
as she retired, the breakfast circle was star
tled by his throwing down his knife and fork
and exclaiming “ that girl’s a man—-didn’t
you nplice her beard i" “ Now, don’t be
boyish with your nonsense,” from bis Wife, 1
and a hearty laugh from the whole group, was
all the response he received for his wonderful
discovery. “Elizabeth ’’continued work,
with greater vigor and effect than any girl
ever did work before, and the family resumed
their congratulations at their good luck in
having picked op so “ good a girl." f
In a week or two the gentleman of the
house had occasion to leave home for a lime,
end was about to get into bis carriage when
it occurred to him that there might not be
money enough in (he safe for household'and
business purposes unlit hiereturn. He looked
through his account bdok and found that!
there should be some 375 dollars in gold in
the safe, besides some paper money. On
looking to see whether he was right, he fdund
the paper money, but the gold had disap
peared. Hero was ‘*a go.”- ! “Who was
the robber 1” was the next question. He de.
cided in his own mind that there was but one
servant in the house with wit enough to get'
hold of the keys and remove the money 'on.
observed, and she wps the favorite and lrus
ed nurse of the grand-children, whose mis
tress was then absent. It was determined,;
therefore, that • she ahould be arrested, her
trunks searched, dec.' A search warrant was
accordingly obtained) with'directions to the.
officers to stand in readiness la come when
'seat for.
As if to confirm the justness of those sue?
picions, the girl informed the son-in-law,
whoss children .she had nursed, that she was
going to leave in a few days—although shuj
■ ■ 1 > r T£T tf* *** i*.
had previously freqqently. r de,
sire to always live.wiih-lie family, who bad
uniformly treated her with, great
only meftMhot I can v
! n6lsiayhe;e!any longer. I
Monday" mprnihg,”-.; So the
to be on haptl. Mdodsy rooming, just before
the siege Ibft.Bßas to have lh# absconding«
servani’d'lfUSkS Waircheft/'' XaliWi.'
to searohoer t rupks. -This was confir.BiaJtoft,
strong as holy writ/that •hetJWtr.rha jhieti
« WhV* doybh want - t» W search- your
trunks T” ~« To '&S JhaV »>/e£ pdllf ;
ing but what telpngs.lp ran,”, /‘T?®
pose that you were suspected of. ibelli .
“ No, but 1 'supposed I might be.” ■■“ Why !”
>• Becaus’e'Vihei'o ara?,lhp« kbputrhobouie
who are, Biealit>g',e v efyining, ijiey my
their hands'on,an(] I cannot ftayVwheta'.they.'
are.” “ Why -did 1 you keep-/this, informa
lion from u‘a V*-; Because", When I went to tell
Mrs.— slid said she would" not" "listen'
to any complaintsirdro servants ahouy each
oiler, and compelled me to be silent.”
To whom do you refer V' “’ToEliza
belh, who'has been stealing somdrhipgevery
day,” Shy then proceeded to jqame several
articles which she knew “ Llizpbeih” hadelo
len. and to Justify herself for the course she
bad taken/ - ”" 5 "
This changed the aspect* ofSjV
(airs, and the fact that the same day Eliza-,
belli” announced her determination to leave
the "next morning, did not render Ihfem any
the less interesting j but, prpinfsdd *amore’
speedy denouement than was", anticipated.
It was against her trunk that the search war
rant was now directed, just as it was ready
to be placed on the stage. '..She demurred,,
but the law, at this "stage of proceedings,
knows no demurrers, and the trunk was un
covered. Rolls of linen, silk hoods, a dozen
fine linen chemise, fine dresses', pieces of cot
ton cloth, shock, dressing gowns.ooe 'mahV
linen shirt, big enough fpr“ daddy. Lambert,”
nnd sundry other .commodities, indicating
the wardrobe of an heiress rather than, that
of a cook. The ’spectators footed on'am
azed, and the mystery was not rendered any
the less a mystery, by a very badly written
letter, to the following effect: <. -■
“D£AB Lizzy.;—Hurry .lo us, ns yoiif
mother ># dying, when you cptnel wilt do all
I promised, >1 have the muaoy for you } and
if you haven’t-enough •'to get here' with, if
your friends will furnish it we will "return ir,
There will be a wagon for you at, Lambert
ville.-. Come immediately.”.
This letter, it afterwards appeared, she had
induced a servant in a neighboring family to
write, saying that she wished to show tl as
an excuse fur her desire to leave so sudden
But,” said the servant girl, “ this won’t
have a post-mark, and they will detect you.”
“ Oh! you leave that to me, wap the reply;
when Vhand the letter I will take it -out of
the envelope.” But the letter was found pre
maturely, and, in spile of her protestations,
she was hurried off to jail—the officer believ
ing that when she saw the bars,she would
relent and confess. But not she I On en
tering the cell she looked around rather com
placently, nnd ordered up her baggage. Tins
was refused her, but she persisted so reso
lutely that her request was complied-with, on
the ground that she shouldonly takeout what
she required for her use white in prison. On
doing so, a rasor and strop/eft out 'of the ,
bundle, and on her being told that she could
not retain articles so useless to her, she beg
ged piteously for them, as “ the only thing
left to her by her dear dead father." Ol
course, no human officer of the law could dis 7
regard such a plea, and she was allowed to
retain them.
As soon as the arrest was made public,
wiltnhe news that.hat. trunk had been found
filled whh stolen ‘goods, tho neighbors wilh
whom she associated, came (locking to the
house with all eons of arlicles which they
had received form her as presents. Many ot
.the arlicles Were recognized by the family,
but others wefe hot, bu\ enough wcrf inden
lified to rcndcrrtjrgutlt, of the prisoner-clear
enough for a jlity.' '" ’
Her trial came on, when her counsel,ad,'
vised her lo plead guilty.,. This, al Arst, she
refused to do; but-finally consentedr-rnot,
however, until she had remained over night
in custody of theundec sheriff, aUhis house.
He persuaded her la this course, and took so
much interest in her case that-very unkind
suspicions found utterance; how unjustlyj
the sequel will show. ,lo consideration of her
plea of guilty, the judge was vpry merciful,
and sentenced her to three months in the-AN
bany penitentiary. i ,
Here she arrived ja few days ago, and .the
worthy matron received her kindly, and in
troduced her to the female department, and
front thence ,into (he baihihg ;K>6m, from
whence a 'senes'of loud screams fojr “.Mr.
Pillsbury,’; wero sdbn heard j and on his ap
pearing, the matron hid her blushes, a (id re
quested him’ 10. “TAKE.TnATiMjyr.AWJvy.r’
Mr. Pillabury.Uke a.gentlemanas heis,coru
plied with this vejy reasonable
the rascal cropped and auited ia proper Lgar-.
meats, set, him to work ’among'those of his
own sex, where he now is, with as proper- a
crop of beard as any man could desire, and
such a crop as he could arty day have hkd
while a housemaid, end as he would have.;
bad, but for the Bemi-d4ily?application of the
razor left him by his ‘‘ dear, dead father /”
~ The rascal refuses to own lo thestealipg of
the 8375, being,delerraihe3pdoublles«, |o ge;
hold of it as soon as be is released from hid.
present quarters. -.This denouement- has
wonderfully stirttdfdp lhe.duiLhlQod .nf. the
Schoharie Dutch and greatly disappointed
those who-had a promise nf an opportunity jo"
“dance at the weddipk” of Patrick and Eliz
abeth f‘’ ‘. v ‘ ■ - - 1
“ If you can’ilceip airakD,” said < pteacfa*
er (o one of Ms ’Warisfi/'rtwhjrt.' you feel
drowty^wh/ take a pinchof snuff/’’
J The shrewd Kply^me l i~~~ — .
“ The snuff should |w put in th?, sermon
- P ®»!*viS*AKO*;Jl a
AtL virtues aft in peril when filial pieiy
,jives way, .
I" Needed—Money to pay for our stock. *"
t2¥ ? Tib $a 6 btf^i'
C TEB£*§ ye «?WII.
Tub AtitlMbS ti]paUtikeie»tr9 ThuniaftSttn
{*&*«* PI tUftfuS- WZ
«um t/pttjdi»£dwc<!iw;& Vjwewi h t *[w
ed over the tufarthtios tqkenfir a ihor
tfr period than r&'miaUt, and ichen'for that term
iidy,,&Vrun},mi#t\ be, -made tititfhf■ fn'a4pa»e6f,
''"JjiJM&jhuiit. J&rMwm.fiite#**
'be Mrialf, pifr icill be &eoß<mu-j
L 4•
[ <?' m «^arf•
tecalite for evpty
queptene,' ■JVf’Hq at s rear,
toaMt a t‘ff „
dsßi[(iff»g payable in advance.
tT Attftllerf mutbfapaei-patd.
■ s lhl^«Ha j Jfe sMfeiiwbttl), -■
' •" 1 UtSALEBS IN'
ItallanandAiuerlcan Marble,
ID* Entire satigfuctiop will alwnja, be given.
July 13. IMI-Ty? y * " r, ' k '
C a pit a W.Q PQ'r-i - " rmer3
only,on*theSwKntanolnuluafplan. J. E.Can
field Pres’C ' Remem
ber that an, 'Travelling Agent, represent
inga sound and reliable Company near home, is pref.
cruble 16 a foreign Co?/aa there can be'no deception.
Address, J. EjVfebwjr. :Age'nt, Cbrlngton, Pa.
*' W, w. WEBB. mt. D.,
'{hntf 'n Graduate of'CiiUeton Miilieal College, Vt
HAS associated himself with.Dr, ft. Pack
hr, in tho practice of Medicine and Surgery.
They will promptly attend all calls in their profess
lop. Office, on Main-sl., opposite Ulo Presbyterian
Church, Wallaborough,.Pa. jy 27.
s; ri wiesow,
O” Removed to James Lowrcy’s Office,
Attorneys & counsellors at
L Aty.'wW attend the Courts of Tioga, Potter
city MoKiiarMoahlTes.' ■ ‘ ‘
Wellsborongh, Feb. 1, 1853. '
• ’& 'DAI LEV, ■
I DEALERS in'Watches, Clocks,
< fir, 3^?e ; Jewplry .aad Fancy Goods,
Books, Stationery! Stef . cr,,.H
O’ Particular nleijltonpaid to repairing Clocks,
.Watches StrtffJeVelry!’ All work warranted.
• Wbllahqrough, July 13.T854.
Attorney and counsellor at
LAW.—Office, north side Public Square,
WellsboroUgb, Ft.
Refers to Messrs, Phelps, Dodge St, Co., N. Y
and; Hon.A.V.Parsons,Philadelphia. July 13.
(Late Gravis’ Hotel)
June, 8 1854. P. F. CLEAVER. Proprietor,
r PHE subscriber having recenily received
his slock of ■ goods for the season, offers a
choice selection of
consisting in part of Broad Cloths, Prints, Ging
ham s, Detains, Sbambrays, Bareges, Lawns, Fara
mettes,. Alapacas, Velvets, Brown and Bleached
Sheetings and Shirtings, Tickings, Drillings, Wad*
dings.'Battings, Winkings, Vestings,Cravats,Stocks,
Collars, .Handkerchiefs, Cambricks, Laces, Trim
mings, Grain Bags, Carpet, Bags, .Cotton Yarn,
Twine, Carpet WarhfUrhbrullift'stta Parasols, with
a good lot, of READY MADE CLOTHING, con.
sisting ot Men and Boys’ Linen and Gingham,
Tweed and Jean Coats, Dcnino Overalls and Shirts,
Vests, A-c.
Hyson, HjsonSkin and Young Hyson Teas; a
large lot of Sugars, different grades and prices, Mo
lasses,' Syrup, Tobacco, Pepper, Spice, Coffee, Co
coa, Ginger, Soda, Cream Tarter, Saleratns,Candies,
Lemons, Oranges,
Drugs and Dye' Stuffs, Paints and Oils,
Window Glass and Sash,
A«s; Shovels, floes, X Cut Saws, Spades, Crow
bars, Wrought and Cut Nails, Hinges, Chains, Cow
Bells, Sheep Rolls, Scythes and Snaths, Scythe
Stones and Rifles, Manure Forks, Hay Forks, Chain
Pumps, Paint, Horse, Shoe, Clothes and Hair
GLASSLS, Pine, and Cedar Pails, Brooms, Wash
boards, Clothes PjtujintL CornJiashcta.
Palmleaf, Stilt and
Brush Halt, Ca’da 'and Bonnets, 'Boots and Shoes,
Cndnsh and Hallibut, doc., Ac., comprising in all a
largq and well selected assortment of goods, selling'
at the lowest possible prices.
The siiscribcra Vails himself of the opportunity to
thank bis” patrons for their liberal patronage, for the
past eight years, and respectfully asks a continuance
of like favors, and guarantees to his customers a
liberal system of trade, in which their Interests as
well as his own shall, at all times, be consulted. All
persons wanting good goods, at cheap prices, are in
yiled to call and examine for themselves. His in
tention is not to be undersold.
The highest market price paid at all limes for
Butter, Grain,'Lumber, Shingles and Ashes.
Knoxville, Juno 22,1854. VICTOR •CASE.
Jrbeefy& .Provision
FpEIE subscriber' would inform his friends
■ ~snd the citizens of Tioga county generally,
that lie has justToceivcd a large and superior sup"
, . SUCH 'AS ~ ,
p'easi Sugars Jy- ikgbprrelyqr otherwise,
J Coffees, Molasses',SfcwaWs Sjrup, Rice,
Pipper, Ginger, Saleratvs, Allspice,
~ I/lfigo, Topkccd, Soap, Mould and
Sperm Candles ( Sail by the barret
or sack, Mackerel by the whole,
i and i barrel, Codfish by
the 100 or single pound,
Flour, Cheese, .Qrack
‘ ‘ -ers,- Butler Sp Eggs,
together With' every dther art!6ld fn 'the Grocery
line, lower than can be got at any other place in
town, as bo is determined to make quick sales at
small profile. ' - . '
pa»jt favors ho would most respect-
Itilly invlldhts frioqdaA net the public generally to
•give him a call and examine for themselves'
Carriage <fc IVagou Jtiauufac
i lory. - •. •- 1
jtTENRY PETRlßitotmld mti-f-—.-
. ■ nounee ip; his friends and ibefigßKK
pub|ic geocral|y, that ho is continuing-SES-SE
theajfovebusiness op Grafton street, immediately
lb the rest of J.R. Bowen's' store, where he is pre
pared to manufacture oh short notice.
CaiTlagcs, Buggics, Sulkies,
. Wagons,
of any stylo nr.description' to suit the purchaser,
and of the very- best materials. All kinds of re
pairing done forthwith and on the most reasonable
terms. -
executed in the best manner and most fksfa
?bnablp style. -
Wcltsboro,' July 13/54. HENRY PETRIE.
' • ■ »AS 'OOSBTA 4 NTIY. OH! lIABO AT-tf**' A.
| •*»» ■< -K
Aah«vei>la*H£ ’■ Glass-brail Mw*;lW
Alcohol, ‘ 'f B '--tetMto
AlnW,'-- ■■' ! ■" 1 K'J A— OEJA
Aloe#, V Ikjrj? -1 ii'A’ A( karielyi ;dj
'AHxince, ••’ »«» bn. iiij< Hop*, ::i.Q »« I'too* .j»U
Aftttrfh'rti 1 "tv -r?-o; H<Ai®roH»<aj'-’«'3 ,7■>)'■■*
nv«l vuufl .mi «»ir>
Ahtlriohyw >«' w t-ut! Indigo,(beatAuality,) •> 1
Arnica, Inlta of •> A
n- UadnpMxskrfi—OtfJA
1 t*
1 ;from■ Li oIS n, /.. , just
Backing fur stoves, 1.-. LMneTrRRodS IwV>d,>.or,
; i- c « boots do shoes . ~tyhUa,wa»JiHig,,',s p, ”1
Bay-Wilier,’ in. j> ■WUhtoib ■; '■*»; '•■■n'-m
Borax,-.;! , Nutmeg,n u. ! ■
Brimstone,' t -.o’. large „‘i
Brushes of til kinds, Ointments, ‘ , ] ,
Bug Poison, ; -- , pport;l(|Qq,
Camphor, ~n ; P«i)l» of.aU kind*.
Castile fs<wp., , v ~ ; Ptc,™* v ■
Cayenne Pepper,
Cement for earthen ware, Prussian Blue,
Cinnamon, !' ' Pills Of yaxibija kinds,
ClmTee’ - ' S u i°H%v ' ' , .
Cobi(t, (Fly Poison,) ;. e ' =
Cohiposlliop Powder,’ Red ChaHc,
CcpMib ! Sauff ToV.head- Red Precipitate, '
kclid,"catarrh, Ac'., Accl, Rose V" ■;
CreiuffTartarf" °’ ‘ i : - Saffron, T , ‘ ' '
Cordial for children, ; '
Dovcpfc PbwdeVs, ' Soap for tho Toilet, ’
bye Woods and Dyeing Starch/” - ■
-fOarerrala of'all kinds;- Sponge,' ■■
Epsom Stitt,’ 1 * ■ wo Sjfinges, a targe-variety,
EraSivd p Sbap, Tot refttor- Toothache ‘Cordial, ■* 1
ing grease, ’&o,j from Umber," ’ ■ _
clothing. Varnishes, various kinds,
Essences of all kinds,' , Vermillion, 1 -
GrceitSalsa for horses, Vinegar; ■ •
Ginger Root, ■■■ . • 11 ’Wafers in hexes.
Heave Powder,
Lyon’s Rat Pills,
Magnetic Ointment,
Plasters of all kinds,
Pulmonic Wafers,
Pain Killer, ’
Radway’s Ready Relief,
Sarsaparilla Syrup,
Teller Ointment,
Uterine Catbolicon, -
Vermifuges, various kind*
Worm Tea, Dr, KelFog’s.
April 20, 1851,
Salem n
f Pectoral,'-
Brant’s Balsam,
„' ’ Extract; ' !
Cough Mixture,
Cod Liver Oil,
Dr.-Filcti’s Medicines,
Dr. Jayne’s ■ “
Dr. Keeler’s “
Dr. Swsyne’s r “
Dr. Davis’ Depurativc,
Fahnestock’s’ Vermifuge,
Gargling .Oil,
Graofcnberg Medicines,
Gorman Ointment, -
rpHE subscribers, have constantlydH
A on h a nd allUeir Drag Store, in Law•
renceriile, a large and well selected stock - |BE9 -
of DRUGS, of bvery-description *
used by Physicians in- the country, and l ail; the
most popular M EDICIN ES of the day ,
which we offer for sale at, prices which cannot fail
ot suit those who niay favor us with a call.
Among our Patent Medicines may be found tho
Mar chant's Gargling Oil ; Jgyne's Expectorant, Al
terative, PHU, Mis, See.) Moffat's Shirrs and
Pills; PUehe's, silver plated Abdominal Support
ers, Braces, Inhaling Tubes, and all the medicines
prepared by Aliri forhisprltats practice; Brant’s
Pxlmonary Balsam and .Purifying Extractor,.
Ayre's Cherry Pectoral; Rogers’ Syrup oj Tori
and Canchalague; Ddlow's Heave Cure / An
drew’s Pain Killing Agent; Trash’s Magnetic
Ointment i Dr. Christie’s Galvanic Bells, Sfc.;
Houghton’s Artificial Pepsin; Blake's Aromnlic
Bitters ; and all the most popular Pills and Vtr
mifuges, &c., Cc.
Also, a good assortment of
Biography, History, Miscellaneous Reading, &c.
Oils and Dye-Stuffs,
GLASS, wholesale 4 and retail, Cold and. Silver
Leaf, Putty, Spls. Turpentine, Catnphene, Burning
Fluid, Varnishes, Ac.
LawroVicevlUe,Feb.'3, 185). ~
and Machine Shop/ 1
fPHE subscriber having rented the interest
JL of Covi Cliubbuck in the Wellsborough Foun
dry, is now prepared to manufacture most kinds of
machinery—such as
Mill Cranks, Mill Gearing, Slides j Bal
ance- Wheels, Shafts, Bullies', fyc., dfc.
Machinery of all kinds repaired an short notice,
by experienced workmen, and on reasonable terms.
The attention of Farmers jit particularly called to
:our assortmed/of Ploughs, which'arc'Unsurpassed
: by tfhy Kthc> Foundry in. the State. Our‘Ploughs
consist in part of the celebrated
Cbnbhuok f lough,. i........ . No. 5.
do. ’ I do ‘ ’.. do. 4.
Dulchor do. ' ’ Blackley Plough.
. Cora. ’ 1 do..' ; 9*de’ Hill '• do.
The Side IJIII Plough ia.fhc dgly Plough that will
turn cqual'furrpws on cither side, and plow on Icvc’
ground. ' ' ■’ J
Stoves, Stoves.
An extensive, assortment of Stoves will be kept
constantly on hand, embracing the beet kind* now
in use, a description of which he will give in & fur.
thcradvertisement, ; , ■ ,> r
CALDRON. KETTLES, Seven and Five Pail
Kettles, Pots and Kettles for Stoves, on hand and aheap.
All orders thankfully received and promptly exe.
cuted. Orders for which he may not have patterns
will be made,by a skilful pattern maker.
Wellsboro’, July 23,1853.- . - ; I. D. WOOD.
Met*,'Cheap millinery Goods.
- for Remly-r , aj / . .
TiH E anhscribeTi. would -
respectfully inform the citi.
zonsof Wellsborongh and Vicin
■ily, that 'she is just receiving aj^B^y*dT7~SwP
■ consisting of BONN ETS of every variety! LADIES
PLOWERS and RIBBONS of every kind
and' quality, GLOVES,’MITTS, .EMBROIDE
chiefs, Silks, Plain and. Barred ' Muslins, Laces,
Cotton and Linen Edging, and a variety of other
things 100 numerous to mention. All of which
can be obtained cheaper than elsewhere this side
of New York city. ‘ .> - .
The subscriber is now doing a, Rudy. Pay bus!-
ness,-and would invite liCfl friends to call and ex
amine her goods before making their' purchases, as
she is confident they cannot suit, themselves better
atanjr,other cstablisjimcjit,'''' '* V‘ "*
- Work ’done on‘short notice and - l(fth« inost ap
proved style. i lv ' ‘
I extends Wjßineere thanks to herjfriehda! lor
the "very"libcritf palronqgo hdrClofure' extended Ip her,
and solicits a conlinuandepf IbekoTnc,' - • '.‘ l ' l
CTSnop hhe door ftfim W 4 residence of L'. P.
Wilislon. MRS. M. STEVENS.
W.ellsborougb, Aprll 1654. ‘ ' ' ; '"
y Worth Sefihg!-
THE splendiij assortnient, of Qojdda that
L -the subscribers, are now daily receiving Js
realy Vrortli a call to ozapurio. They have just
returned from New York with the largest assort
ment of Dry Goods, including Ladies' Dress Goods,
tbit was ever offered in this country, and all ate
requested to call and examine .them, whether Urey
wish to boyar not. To enumerate articles would
be useless to attempt. A personal inspection can
only give one an idea of., what, this extensive,estqb
lishmenl contains. ' ■,
j . m j fftss Start of . h . .■-
duly in, Iwl. Jones & roe.
V ,u J >4? .WBbLSBOfIOUaBi P 4.
subsoriber L lakoa pleasure jn announ
X b cing,to 4 Jiu old ra)ron«“g#d the real;of ipan
kigil."thUß* U^tiU patryiog pnthe
%. Mxui »,«....
In aiyiA at Ins
borough ' 1,',.’ ‘ ■■*'--
His frotfa the best
of-rnairfbiK, and *dTl ( RiWd wnb'fiyor biin with a
e4ll'bnay !! #*ly i apbn- obtaining 1 articles-which Tor
TY; W JIW‘S thßflMket
He will endeavor to Keep on n*nd ail articles o,
■ Pier, Centre, Card, Breakfast If Dining T“Hes, 1
Be4iu**s. - , _i
Matogontfr-Maple ana Common
Dress, fA'ghff'Worh, Wash
wiShinS'inyjirtictes'nbl oh band will bo
supplied lb’order. ll 1
.OOFFififj pf trerj variety on abort notice.
Chairs! . Chairs!
In cOnnacliod wtth thcabovo he would state (hat
be has j the, besf factories in the
county a’mrgo selcCled'assortment of
Rpr-kers of tarioift patterns, which will
be bom bn reasonable terms. D. STURROCK.
\Ve lls6 u ro uj/l.Jnlyli ,-f &5 4. ,
'announce io the ciii
.* or Tioga, county, that be has associated
tvitij him a parlperf and the business will be con.
ductcil.adder, toe firm of A. Growl &. Co. They
wiU caqtinuc at the old stand, in VVelisborough,
to manufacture to order and keep on band.
Buggy» A lmmbcr Wagons,
which for atyie, durability and elegance of finish,
cannot fie surpassed by any other similar establish
ment innhe'eouptry.
Workmen of celebrity are engaged, and thebest
materials used expressly in all the manufacturing
departments of this establishment. Persons send
ing orders may rest assured of having them execu
edt to their entire satisfaction, and finished in every
particular the same as though they attended in per
REPAIRING done as usual, with neatness and
PAINTING of ail .kind 9 the shortest
notice, and inoaffcojofiable terms. ! .
ID" AII kinds of 'merchantable produce (deliver
ed) recived in exchange for work, at tho market
prices. - A, GROWL &. CO.
July 13, 1855.,
THE subscriber, encouraged by i he liberal
patronage he -has received for the last three
years, has enlarged his slock, and now offers a good
variety of the most durable and elegant
.Ilotiselioltl Furniture
at the lowest prices.
lie lias upwards of twenty different kinds ofChairs
from tho Common Windsor Cottage, to the best Ma
hogany spring teat,and mahogany rockers; twelve
different elylcu of Bedsteads; three styles of Sofas
and Tables, including
Tlfo/too-ani/ and Marble top Centre Tables ,
Bureaus, Work Stands and Wash
Stands in great variety.
His stock is so large, and price so low, that it is an.
object for tho so wishing FVRNII'ORD in this
county, to visit his rooms.
Ho is also the agent of Messrs. BLISS & AMES,
of Addison, for the sale of their very superior.
which .he sells at the same prices, as they arc par*
clmscd at hU Factory, JE. D. WELLS,
Lawrcnccvi/Ic, Sept, 7,1553.
Perpetual iUution Discovered
at Last.
THE subscriber having been appointed
• agent by S. W. Paine for the sale of the Rpse
Or. Peck Improved Direct Action Water Wheels,
would, say jJj the" owners, o( Siw .Mills in Tioga
county, that ho is ready to furnish the above,men,-
tiaifed Wafer WhS'oT at'Wcllsboro’, at any fimeaf
tcr.tbiS'date, on lhu,most rcaspuablolernis.
~Tlieee>Whoels srb warranted to do' the best bu
sincss with, (ho least quantity of water of any
Wheel iiPu«o,'(te*cd|il ah'Oversbbl.)
’J’he grcat.rtdvpntages of these wheels over all
others is the manner in which the water is applied
to thqqvheel. u such that there cannot be any waste
of water, the gates or shoots regulating lliequanlily.
The gate is so constructed that it shuts almost per
fectlystigbt, Quantity of water required under
eight-feel hcktl, ISO square inches, under 20 feet
head, 50 inches: billheads between these in pro.,
portion. All wheels'! warranted to perform accord,'
ing to recommendation, if they do not wo lake them
nut'and rej lacC lhe - old-‘whcels. No Wheels pu
ondor less than eight feet head. D. B. WILCOX.
Wollsfiorough, July 13,1854.
r PHE undersigi
ed infer
the dll Zens of \V ell
Jrorpugli and vioinit
.that he has again rt
turned to this placi
and opened a alu
over ilio Post blßci
where ho will he prr
ared to do Taitorinj
in all Us branches,
a good and workmi ready pay,
and at prices ;thj}tjcaflnoyaitto.pleMei 'Alt work
entrusted to him will be done up with despatch, and
a ill warranted. - .
CUTTING done oil short notice.
Country probucc (delivered) of all kinds, taken
vvTu’ , . • - 11. P. ERWIN.
Wclleborough, Apu| 22, Ksi.
; Custom Boot & Slice Shop,
AT M. Sherwood's'old sinnd, where the
Sears' Bovs continue to make, mend, and
measure to order, at a* low prices as the limes will
admit..-. ' I
3 to wear out in a year or so
not rip of cojne (opieecs 'till it dors wear out f
Hides Wanted.
.1 u. , W 1 P 9ll * *" or any quantity of hides at
the highest market price. ■ .
July 13. 1854. GEO. VV. SEARS.
subscribers having ■ purchased ihe
■ Sash Factory .at Stony Fork, have now on hand,
and are making all kinds of Square and limey
' ■ Sash and Blinds.
The subscribers flatlets themselves that they can
make as good am! endurable air article, and sell It
ms cheap as can be obtained at any establishment
in Northern Pennsylvania or in Southern Now York.
O" AH. orders in bur ’ line of business 1 will be
promptly attended te.-_ fB.v& D. B, WILCOX.
Stony Fork,June S,18od;-o- i. : s '
.r ', *; . !V'
tpHE subscribers hove just replenished their
stook rof Carpeting, and ' nbw feel justified in
saying' that their Carpet-Ware Room excels in
quantity, quality, variety, kiohnem and baanty. that
of any other m this country,,and as to .prices we
S O P('d e ol they are aa low :as any eatabDabment
this aide of New. York city,
~ MATTINGS, &c.,
all at the vdry lowCsTpossible 1 prices, at the new
■cash store of [Nov, h.] 1 JONES & ROE.
LIGHT. —Tallow &'Adamantine Candles, Burn
ing Fluid and Lamp Oil. „t V. CASE’S.
/| Q BBLS. HEAVY MESS PORK jnst received
StObyfMar.3o.] , JONES & ROE.
of CORN, for sale by
'The great American Remedy for
Fever 4* Ague, Rheumatism, Dysentery,
Chalice, and Griming Fains, Bruises and
Strains, Burns 4* Scalds, Fresh Wounds,
Dyspepsia, Coughs 4* Colds.
r PHIS Medicine has proved, and will prove
an unconditional Pain Dxstrovu in all cases,
whether External or lolcrna).' Hence it lias recei.
ved the appropriate name of u Death-io-Pnin." It
has, by being kept on hand by families who know
its value, been the means of saving money, and of.
ton life, by its timely uso in sudden attacks, ana iq
case of accidents. In, all bruises and flesh wound*
this Death-to-paih la the best bmbrofc&fion lhatcan
bo found. The soreness is immediately extracted
—swellings rcduccdf—ond profuse bleeding slopped.
A single dose will ease the most severe griping paint
in the bowels, and a few applications will ease Uie
severest rheumatic and nerdons pains. Dyspepsia
and its train of diseases is driven from its strong
hold. “Fever and Ague, 11 in the language of a
weslern agent “can’t stand before old Leddy &nd~
live.” Indeed it is so with neatly every disease m
the catalogue. A Afedicwc/or the Million 1 !
The remedy is composed of a Urge number of
articles, all entirely vegetable, each a remedial agent
in itself, yet so united as to lorm a most poweriol
combination, and to lake away one of these ugenu
tvould materially detract from its merits. Jnet
and the most powerful, of these articles,is i :oot
procured for this medicine only from the island of
Taumago, in the South Pacific, called
It is used by the natives in almost every disease,
and the secret oi its virtues 'Was impa rtedlo Uic
proprietor by a native.
T J' For certificates, &c., see pamphlets lo be un
| of Agent.
CAUTlON.—Purchasers of Death !oPain beware
how you arc deceived by the elory that the Pam*
Killing Agent, and Pain-Killer arc the belter medi
cines. And if yon go to buy Death-10-Pain, buv ,i.
and have no other. Murk the words, M Death io.
pain” printed on red glazed paper, with the signature
of P. LEDDY, and copyrighted by Wm. L. Rose
Si, Co., General Agents, to whom all outers jdu>i
be addressed, at Ilhica, N. Y*
W, D. BAILEY,SoIo Agent at Wellsboro'. Pi.
WelUborough, March 0,1§54. *
The Packet .Psculapuis :
Fiftieth Edtlioi
I with One Hundred E
graving?, shewing Disease)
and Malformations ofllie H*
man System in every sha
and form. To which is addi
a Treaties on the Diseases
Females, being; of the higlic:
importance to married peopj
or those contemplating mai
By Wm Young, M. D
Let no father be ashamed to presenla copy of the
jEsculapius to his child. It may save him front
an early grave. Let no young man or woman en*
ter into the secret obligations.of married life with,
out reading the Pocket JSsculapius. Let no one
suffering from a hacknied Cough, Fain in the ?ioe.
restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole
train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by (heir
physician, be another moment without consulting
the iEscuLAPius. Have the married, or those aooui
to be married, any impediment, read this truly we.
ful book, as it has been the means of saving Uiou
sands of un/brtuate creatures from the very ;awt
of death.
CT* Any person sending TWnty-.Fice Cent* enclo
sed in a letter, will receive one copy of this wors ay
mail or five copies will be sent for one Dollar.
Address, (post paid) DR. WM- YODNG.
No. 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia.
March 16, 1854-ly.
Sell-Setting mill Dogs.
T’lHfcl undersigned having purchased he
right of using the above Mill Dogs in Tiota
county, would announce to tho public generally
Ihat no is ready to furnish them at short notice, to
any part of the county, on the most rcasonaole
terms, and warrant (hem to eel correct from half an
inch to two inches in thickness. They are die
cheapest and the roost durable Dog in use. They
are very simple in construction, consequently very
aesily kept in repair. They can be used for '.wo
saws in n gate just as well as for one.
Terms, 950.00 per sett for one saw, (the man own
ing the mill finding (he hcadblocks and ooartfiDg
the men while pulling them in) and $55,00 for two
N. B.—All orders promptly attended (o.
WfctLsßOßorcir, Dec. 5, i£5J.
I would say that w© lidve used the above acscn*
bed Mill Dogs for about four mouths, ano dm
sawyers like them much and think them prcicri*
bio to any they have used. 8. E. ENSWORTH.
I have a set of tho above described Dogs in mv
mill, which I purchased after & years trial, ina
can recommend them to do their work well.
Wells boro', Jan. 5. 'S-l-ly. J. I. JACKSON.
One third cheaper than White Lead , ana
free from all poisonous qualities.
having greatly enlarged tiieir works, and im
proved liie quality of their products, are prepared to
execute orders for their
Superior Paints,
Dry, and ground in Oil, in assorted packagesol'froaf
25 to 500 pounds; also, ,Dry, in barrels, of 200 lbs,
each. / • -
Their White Zinc , which is sold dry or ground
into, iswartthled PURE and unsurpassed for uooy
and uniform whiteness, •
A method of preperation has recently been oiseo
vered, which enables the Company to warrant their
paints to keep fresh and soil in the kegs for any rea*
sonablo time. In this respect their paints will bo
superior to any other in Ilia market,
Thpir Broun Zinc Paint, which is sold at a low
can only be made from the Zinc ores from
New Jersey, is now well known for its protective
Jjualilies when applied to iron or other metallic sur
acos. r _ ‘' ■' ’ ' • ■
Their Stone Color'Painiposicstts ill the proper
ties of the Brown, and- is of an agreeable color tor
painting Cottages, Depots, Outbuildings, Bridges,
See. 'Dealers supplied’ qn libercal’trims by their
Wholesale Paint Dealers amt Importers,
N. W. cor. of 10lh.& Market,6ls„ Philadelphia
April 6th 1854.
Dried apples, peaches and berries
for sale hy [June 22,) 'v, CASE.
low price of 92.60 up to 910,'ore now opened
for your inspection at the Cash fjlorb of
June 1,1854. JONES & ROB.
■WANTED, ol GRAY’S Smv o Store, old
1 T Iron, Copper, Brass, Pewter, Lead, Rags, Ac,
f-pHUSSES—Benjamin’s Superior Brass Trusses
_L fur sale by | June 32.! -'.CASE.