The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, November 09, 1854, Image 3

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    A Celestial DeipatCh;
We take the following from the Wisinglon
Sentinel of Nov. let i
U. S. Steamer SosauBHAXNA, £
City of Nankin, Chißa, May 81. J
To thbEditohs of tub SentJuei —
Gentlemen:— l forward you a translation
of a “ Mandatory Detpalcht which Cap
tain Buchanan received from the Minister of
Slate, at Nankio, io reply to. his letter, an
nouncing the arrival of bis excellency, Mq.
McLane, the American Commissioner to
China, The letter speaks (or itself.
Respectfully yours, .
a mahdatoby despatch.
Lin and Lo, honored with the. meritorious
rnnK of earthly magistracy, holding the of
hce of first and second ministers of the State
0 ' the second class, promoted two degrees,
*nd this Mandatory Despatch to Buchanan,
*'ihe United States of America, for bis full
Whereas, ihe Heavenly Father and Ibe
Heavenly Elder Brother have greatly dts-
Diaved their favor, and personally commanded
our Sovereign, the Celestial King, to come
down and be the peaceful and true Sove
reign of the world, and have also sent Ihe
Invel kings to be assistants in the court and
strong supports in the establishment of a
flourishing government; now, therefore, when
uni city, the Celestial Capital, has been es
tablished and built up by the Sovereign Au
thority of the Heavenly Father and the Hea
venly Elder Brother, it is the very time that
q| nations should coma and pay courtly
honors, and all the four seas advance to re
ceive instruction.
From you, Buchanan, there has been re
ceived a public document, in which a desire
n expressed to come and see the Eastern
King's golden face; bul we.flhe ministers of
Suae, on reading what is contained therein,
find that you have presumed to employ lerma,
used in correspondence bet ween equals.
'1 ms is not at all to conformity with what is
because our Eastern Kingfmav he live
mne thousand years') has resnecllully receiv
er tne celestial commands to come into the
world and to be the Assistant of the Celestial
bourt, in drawing together the living souls of
al nauons : {therefore,} you. who reside on
me ocean's borders, and are alike imbued
win tavurs, ought to come kneeling anj
memorials, thus conforming lathe principle#
a irue submission, so as to show your sin.
cenli in company to pay eoOr
Uu‘ we. the ministers of State, having ex
amined inis communication, have nm submit
'* i! 10 me golden glance of tne Eastern
bmg, lest we should excite the anger o( the
solders glance, and draw on ourselves no
jh cnmmaliu. Kindly Keeping in mind,
i..nvever, that vuu are re-udenls on me ocean's
e iders, and have noi Known tne rues and
• remnnies of the Celestial Conn, indulgence
■ tne past) may be gran'ec : but hence-
mmi,. as ti is right, you musi conform in
t- established rules and inaKe respectful
n- rnorin
Wan regard In ihe favor of ihe H-'avrnlv
r-liner and the Heavenly Elder Brother dra
mmed in opening and awakening your minds
si- as ro induce you in come to pay court to
me irue sovereign and to be near to the Ce
lesns 1 Capital, all this vnu have obtained ns
f in mife-dniion of the grace of the Heavenly
Paine.- and the Heavenly Elder Brother, and
i. i' also vour happiness
1 tie irniv submissive, however, most os
surer)!> will prepare rare, excellent, and pro
ciO’o inmg,-, and come and offer them in ho
nm of me King ; in Ibis manner showing ihal
mi understand Ihe mind of Heaven Now,
iip'ause the Heavenly Father, Ihe Supreme
i/'rr. in- August High Ruler, is the only
■’nr irue God, the Father of the souls of all
avion' under Heaven : and jesus Ihe Sa
' on- o' me World. Ihe Celestial Elder Brn
■a • i» im Superior Elder Brother of all men
<- a- nauons und- r Heaven, and our'Sove
-■f'en the Celestial King, is the peaceful and
rue Sovereign of all naliona under Heaven;
accordingly, therefore, all nations under
nraveii ought to reverence Heaven and obey
me sovereign, knowing on whom they may
decent. We are, indeed, much afraid that
w vou uo not vet fully understand the
■ nines o l ' Heaven,‘imagining that there are
cisnnc'iuns as of this nation and of iha' nn
■•oi„ and Knowing Wie oneness of ihe true
1 nerelore. we send this especial Mandate
M Uesnai: ..
i ton do indeed resned Heaven, and re
r''Sniz» in* Sovereign, ihen nur Celestial
-cur,. viewing all under Heaven ns our (ami
• - ado nermit \uu, year by year, id brinu
:nmne. and annually come to pay court, so
itia you may become ihe ministers nni pen
t"earine Celestial Kingdom.forever, bathing
vnurseives in the gracious streams of the Ce
i“siiii 1 Dynasty, peacefully residing in your
Moos, and living quietly, enjoy great glory.
Ttm is the sincere desire of us, the great
Ctmckty ought you to conform to, and not
io oppose this Mandatory Despatch.
1 weniy.fourth day of the fourth month of
Hie murtti year of the Great Peaceful Celes
n ‘ ttvnas'y, Tuesday, May thirtieth, one
inouaand eighl hundred and fifty-four,
Clutis Hovel, W iumosovob, Pihba.
P. I*. Cleaver, Proprietor.
, Uc. 30 At 31. —E. P. Dean, Del mar; F.
C Snealer, Pollsvillo ; Dr. R H. Archer,
i 'i"rns; A. C. Johnson, Covington ; H. T.
bmin., Pme Creek; L. Dimraick, do.; L.
•'■or;.. Cnudersporl ; H. P. Baird, do.; L.
too, Westfield; H. H. Poller, Middlehury.
Nov. I.—D. J. Gillett, Barrens; H. Ja
,lr M do.; Q. Coon, do.; A. Woodhouse, Cha
™u"g ;C. Woodhouse, do.; Y. Puinum, Jr.,
Coungton; W. H. Wiener, Elmirn ; H. Kil-
Dur m M.D., Covington; V. M. Gray, do.;
Nov. 2.—M. Mayer, Philadelphia ; ,H.
With, PmaCreek; S. Wisqer, do.; Cyrus
Faber, Canton; Y. Glover and wife, Pike
Mills; Miss j. a. Ross, do.; Mr*. A. E,
bang, Richmond; Miss L. Nisbeti, Balti
more ; Miss E. Nmheli, do.; T. Lloyd, Pine
Creek ; Mrs P. Harris, do.; RrLlovd, do.;
M .Meyer, do.; H. Lloyd, do.; R. H.uchin
'on.Jer-ev Shore; C. L Hackel. Catilon.
It M, Wilson, Alba.; J««. M. S ( ie»r, Avon;
n W ' Cani.m; I, M. Rncfiman,
“Hiiimore; C. Gregory, do.; E. H. Hasskin,
Nov, g 4 L. Fitdh and lady, Elkhorn;
J. Wilcox, Middle R|dgp HorjQp„do.;
E. Hastings, db.; MiBa*4j», r .|Ji»ybr/ -Indiana;
Geo. Maas, Chatham; Ni-A‘. Elliott, Cherry
Flats ; A. J. Elliott* do.; J. Lewis,‘lthaca j
C. L. Wattles, dm, C. 'W, Edmunds, Pino
Creek; Geo. Coob; BarhriUK W. ff. '(upper,
Havanas, P. W. SWafer, P«tiavitle;-& Line,
Elmitht; A. N. Briwh, do,- Mre..;H| WUne*
and niece, do.; i c
Nov. j6'& 6.-—W. Hathaway, Tioga ; A.
Wood house, Chemung; .id. Wood house, do.,
J.Fuolknef, Mansfield; P. Williams, Mans
field ; C. J. Ax ford, Canada West; L; ft/
Faulkner, Mansfield, , ' . • , n r
LEAD PIPE tot fyrinn, jp, sale by
Nov. SI. , tl. P. A W.ROBER+B.
O LBS- ®f old.froo and Copper
wanted in,exchange lot Stores.and
Tinware, by [Nov. 9.] fa. p. A ft. ROBERTA
•ale and retail; Doha #lO to #l5 each, at
Wellaboro’. Nov. 9. D. P, W. ROBERTS’.
%Vellsboi*d Acndeili(.
rppTHE WINTER TERM commences
on Tuesday, ffdv, 28,1854.
- By order of Trustees.
Auditor’s Notice.
THE undersigned, having been appointed
an Auditor to distribute the funds arising firom
the sale of the Real Estate of leash Drake, dec’d,
hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties
of said appointment, on Friday the Ist day of De
cember, at 9 o’clock A. M., at bis office in Wellabo
ro' at which time and place all persons interested
may prefer their claims If they think proper.
Wellaboro. Nov. 9.’54.-, .8. B. SMITH, Avtr. ,
Auditor’s Notice*.
NOTICE is hereby given, that I will at
tend to the duties of my appointment as Au
ditor in the mailer of the distribution of the pro
ceeds arising from the sale by (ha Sheriff of the re
al Estate of Clerk Slosson, at my office in the vil
lage of Tioga, on Friday the first day of December
next, at 1 o'clock P. M., and all interested are re
quested to then and there present and substantiate
their claims to said proceeds, or be forever debarred
of claiming any part of the same.
Nov- 9. 1854. C. H. SEYMOUR. AudV.
T HOYT would most respectfully inform
" • the oitixona of Wellaboro' and vicinity, that he
has just opened a Grocery and Oyster Saloon one
door below Cleaver's Hotel, where he will be happy
to (bmish families with all kinds of Groceries as
cheap as the cheapest Sugars, from the finest white
down to the cheapest brown. Tea. Coffee, Rice,
Soap, Candles, dec., of the beet quality, constantly
on hand.
Fresh from the mini, served up in the best style at all
reasonable Hours of the day and night. IT Don't
forget the place.
Wellalioroogh, Nov. 9, 1554.
Register’s Notice.
"VTOTICE i» hereby given that the Adminis
•k ’ tralors and Executors on the following named
estates hare settled their accounts, and that the
same wilt bo presented to the Orphana* Court of Ti.
oga County on MONDAY, the 4lh day of Decern,
her 1854, for confirmation and allowance, viz;
The account of Milton Bowman, Administrator
of GODFREY BOWMAN, late of Brookfield, de
The account of Chartes Blanchard, Guardian of
the heirs of RICHARD ELUSON, late of Elk
land, deceased
The account of John Brownell, Guardian of the
heirs of BENJAMIN MILDER, deceased.
The final account of Zacchcus Mallory, Guardian
Thf account of Curlis Parkhorst, Executor of
WILLIAM EVANS, Idle of ElkUnd. deceased. .
The account ot Jame* Gray, Administrator of
CHARLES PIERCE, Ule of Tioga county, dec*d.
Register** Office, WVH*boro,’ Nut. 9, 1854.
J. P. MAGILL, Rf^iitrr.
0. P. & W. ROBERTS
HAVING purrhn.spd nnd
enlarged the Tin ond Stove [■ sf I
Store of C. K. Gray, would call the
attention of the trading public to
their large and splendid assortment
of Stoves, comprising a variety of
kinds of PREMIUMS.
Also, a complete assortment of PARLOR It BOX
STOVES, at or below Elmira prices.
of all kinds, shapes and sixes wanted for household
use. Gave Gutters made to order at the shortest no
JOBBING > done to order and in the best manner.
All Tm-waro carefully proved before leaving the
They respectfully solicit the patronage of ill who
wish to,purchase anything in their line, assuring
them that money can be saved by examining their
slock before purchasing elsewhere.
Wellshoroogh, Nov. 9, 1854.
BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Fieri-
Factas, Venditioni Exponas and Lev.
«ri Facias, issued out of the Court ol Com
mon Pleas of Tioga County, and to me di
reeled, will be exposed lo public sale at the
Court House in WeHshnruugh.nn MONDAY)
the 4>h day.of December, 1854, at 1 o’clock,
P. M., to wit;
A lot of land in Lawrence township, houn
ded North by Peter Keep, east and sooth by Spur,
cell land, and WCul by land of Peter Kdep, contain,
iog about 84 acres mure Or less. To bs sold U tbb
property of John AraoL
ALSO —A lot "I land in Charleston town-'
ship bounded north by P. Culver, east by John Hart
and N. Austin, south by F. Wingate, and west by
Joel Culver, containing about 50 acres, with about
35 scree improved, a frame house, frame bars and
apple orchard thereon;
Also —A lot of land in Charleitnn town
ship bounded north By P. Culver, east by John Hsrt
and N. Austin, south by F. Wingate and west by
Joel Culver, containing' about Sttacres; with about
35 acres improved; frame house, frame barn and
apple orchard thereon. To be (old as the properly
of E. H. Jennings.
ALSO— A lot of land in Deerfield town,
ship, bounded north and east by C. da S. Short, south
by Cvwanesqua rpsd and west by IL H. Moriin, con
taining 1 acre of improved Und, a. largo tavern
home and frame barn thereon. To be sold a* the
property of WHHam A. Faulkner ind'/amei Faulk
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham lown
-1 ship, boooded north by Binohim ‘lends snd Mr*.
' Lore, east by Nr Short and Harvey Leaeh, south by
John.Sfaort and west by, D. A. Churchill, oonUirt.
ing about 60 sores, about 14 acres improved, ■ log
hoose, frame bun and a few (Vuit tree* thereon.
To bo sold a« the properly of tJocralesCornell.
ALSO —A lot of land in Clyrner township,
bounded north by D. Kilbutp, east by 8, .IWw,
South N. Owens, and west b; Potter Co. line, con
taining about 60 or 70 acres nearly all improved.
To be sold •• the property ol D. F. Ellsworth,
ALSO—A Ini ol land in Charleston iown
rhip, bounded north by Kloek.soDth’hy Elisstntl R.
Willard, ai* highway, and west by Bliss add
Walker, containing 68 sorts more or less, with
sktmt ftvty awes ioipnrted. Crams boait, Sbotshtyr
TH :
barn, Corn-hpqsi tndan apple orchard thereon.- To
be nld u d#. JbhnMitliej!*.
ALSO-a-A Jot otf lend io Charles torMpam
ship;booM«d north tTCaiYec, Boohp*
•oaUi by David Janos «>4. Mall.ebn.
tuning 50.acres,ahoal U tern improved, with a.
f“W Jw‘ a >»l | d.» firiv, (roil tree* thereon. I To te
Bochui." V.
ALSO—A lot of laud in Charleston town.'
ship, .bounded north try Joseph Wilcox, east by S., jf.
Rice, soatb by Dirlt U - Tipple end wert by Won;
Bailey, containing about® 10 acres with aboat tOQ,
■ere* improved,* frame house, frame barn and ap
ple orchard the resin. To be sold a* the properly of
A. G. Churchill. '- -
ALSO—Alotof tnndin Wcll*birto\houiw
ded north. w«*t by road (aiding from Wellsboro* to
Mechanic's HolW, north-east by A. Peake end
■oath bJr AV Ll'Tnbmpson and others, Oontainiog ('
of an acre, mors' or teas, improved—being a throe
cornered piece cutoff by road abovetnentioned from
land of Anna BaChe, with frame house thereon.
To b* *old la fbO property 1 of John Kimble.
ALSO—A’lot of hind in Charleston town;
•hip, bounded north'by Stratton, East by Mr*. Ship,
pen, south by A." Eaton and E. Hart, and west by J,
Kullins, containing 70 dr 80 acrei. To' be sold as
the property of John R. Rollins.
ALSO—A lot of land iii Middlebury town
ship, bounded north by lands now or formfcrly own.
od by James Bryant, east by land of Thomas West;
John West and Ire Davenport, south bylandt of N.
T. West, S. V. Bemtn snd G. W. Herrington & Co.
weat by lands of T.X. Baldwin, Joseph Gee a&d A.
Haslett, with 443 acres of land to be sold as the
property of Che*. Churchill
ALSO*—•A lot of land in Covington town
ship, bounded north by Ann* Morris, past by 'Tilly
Mtrvio, south by E. Johnson and west by Francis
Wether bee, containing SO acres with about 49 acres
improved, frame house, frsrao-snd log barn and an
apple orchard thereon- To be sold as the property
of Giles Marvin.
ALSO—The equal undivided half part of
• lot of land in Rutland township, bounded north
by D. Crumb, eaat by Thoe. Holton, weal by A. Ro
*elle and E. Wheeler, gpd eduth, tjy(J-. Rnuell and
Roselle, containing about 100 acres, about 15 or SO
acres improved, with a frame bouse, log liable and
a few frail tree* thereon. To bo sold as the proper,
ty of Reuben Slieor.
ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston town,
ship, bounded north by Culver, east by Geo. Boolma,
south by David Jones and west by James Hall, ooo
taining 50 acres, about 15 acres improved, a frame
house and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as
the property of ino. F. Hall.
ALSO—AII (he interest of defendant io a
lot of land in Gaines township, beginning at the
south-west corner of warrant No. 2335,1 hence north
along the warrant line 330 rods to a chestnut tree,
the north-west corner, thence east 375 rods to lot
surveyed for Dudley Howell) thence south by Ren.
ben Davie, 160 rods Id domef, thence west 100 rods
thenoa eonth 160 rods; thence west 175 rods to .thu
place of beginning, containing 603 acres more or
less, Being part of warrant No, 3395. To be eold
a* the property of Reuben F, Davis.
AliSO— A Ini of (nrid. In Sullivan town
ship, bounded north by A. B. Farmer, east by N,
Smith and others, south by Wood's estate and west
by Arad Smith and others, containing about 300
acres with about 100 acres improved, log iiouse,
frame house and barn, and apple orchard (hereon.
To bo sold as the property of John Benson.
1 H, A. GUERNSEY, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Office, Wellsboro’, Nov. 9,1854.
Sheriff’s Sale.
BY Virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out
of Hie Court of Common Picas of Tioga coun.
ly and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale
at the Court House in Wellsboro', on Saturday, the
3d day of December next, at one o'clock, P. M. to
A Ini of land in Farmington township
bounded on the north by A. J. Fish, Joseph Symonds
and Mrs. Bryant, east by Magee, Met cereau and
widow Gee. south by land of Wickham Sc, Tolhill,.
formerly the Beck with lot, and Edwin M'Kinney,
west by James Beebee, Webster# and Hell—con
taining about 900 acres, with about 130 acrca im
proved, one tVame dwelling house, three Plank hou
ses, one tVaiilD ham, one blacksmith shop, m Saw
Mill, and an apple and Peach orchard thereon.
Sheriff*» Office, Wells uro*, Nov. 9. 1854.
The American Annan’ Union, would respect,
fully announce to the citizena of the United States
and the Canadas, that for the purpose of cultivating
a taste for the fine arte throughout the country, and
with a view of enabling every family to become pos
sessed of a gallery of Engravings
They have determined, in order to create an exten
sive kale for their Engravings, and thus not ouly
give employment to a- large number of artists and
others, but inspire among our countrymen a taste
for works of art, to present to the purchasers of their
engravings, when 250,000 of which are sold,
350,000 Gifts,oflhe actual cost of 8150,000.
Each purchaser of a One Dollar Engraving,there
fore, receives not only an Engraving richly worth
the mnney, but also a ticket which entitles him to
one of the Gifts when they are distributed.
Far Rm Dalian , a highly finished Engraving,
beautifully PAINTED IN Ol and flee Gift Tick.
ets, will be sent: or Five Dollars worth of splendid
Engravings can be selected from the Catalogue, and
sent by return mail or express.
A copy of the Catalogue, together with a speci
men of one of the Engravings, can be seen at the
office of this paper.
For each Dollar sent, art Engraving actually Wurth
tkai sum, and a Gift Ticket will 6s nutiuduUtly for
The Committee believing that the success of this
Great National Undertaking will be materially pro
moted by the energy andenterprise of intelligent and
enterprising Agents, have resolved to treat with sueh
on Hie most literal’ terms.
Any person wishing to become an Agent, by send
ing (post paid,} 91,‘'will receive by return of Mail, a'
One Dollar Engraving, « GIFT TICKET, a Pros,
pectus, a Catalogue and all other necessary inform
On tlie fioal completion of (ha sale, (he Gifts will
be planed in tb» hand* of a Committee g/ Ids Pur.
them* tu be distribnted|doe notice of which will be
given throughout the United Stales and the Canadas.
100 Maible bopU of Washington, at 9100 910,000
100 “ “ Clay • “ 10,000
100 “ “ Webster • “ 10,000
100 “ Calhodn, • 11 10,000
50 elegant Oil Paintings, in splen. '
did gill IVamca size 3*l each,
100 elegant Oil Painting?, 2*311 cac
500 aleel plate Engravlnjpi, "brill.
Unity entered in oil, rich gill
frames 34x30 in each,
10.000 elegant .steel pi -to engra
vings cnl’d in oil, gf the Wash
ington Monument 20x26 in.ea,
837.000 steel plate engravings, from
100 different plates now in pos
session qf, owned .by the Art
ist* Union', of the market val-
ue from SO cl»., to II each,
1 flrri-ela»a Dwelling, in 3l*\N. Y.CSIy, 19,000
93 Building Lob jo 100 ami fold I
ria.N, York, 95x100ft'deep, at
100 Villa filer, oontaining.eueli 10,
000 11. in nibnrba of N. Y•
city, commanding magftific’nt
riewi of Hpd'o River A In
Sound, it
90 perpelo"! loan* of cash, with
bui iniV dr ieciility, |230 ea. f • 3,000
50 perpetDlil loans 100 * 5,000
100 « *■ “ SO •* 5,000
950 • • “ “ 90 « 5,000
9000 " « "* O “ 10,000
Refine tide litVegaril to the Real BWate, F. J. Vj«».
pmcr A. Real Eriale Brnkefa, New York. Or.
der*, (p»«t paid) with rnfiney be adrirex.
ad, J. W. HULBROOKE. 8«y, 505 Broadwdjr,
i CT Th« Engraving* in the Catalogue tra *n it
[■xeady for dflimy. {ijoe. 9, Omj ,
■ j* a « me:<■ v v
'. received ihektXull'jtiosfc.'oC q
. whtblf ipeludfes a
llOt V.j) R Y-6,0.Q-D'Si, ,VK~J V
/TjGNBI3f?/JG in pSrt of :«\«|ite(jdWt at
ort l a * l '( of Rich French Meflhbdafbf iffeoldta
a K<A Farathati* ofTLir cdbre,’
All'Woblsnd Cheap DMaVnesi’Bladit Sirtts iil much
tower loan- IbrirferVlcev, ‘RUrrlSbte and CoeHepb
Prints, t Long'and SbuirA Wdoleb 1 fihiwla airily
IrfW- prjees. Browh Factory,: Bleach Muslini/Retf
add'White FTantfAl, eottonjnibtlefifiOitie Shi’rtiHg;-
Blub Deneins, Bed Ticking. Broad cfoth»,"Cß«h
meres, Satinett*. KMtteSf .Jean*, ShWs .GreV
Cloth, Cotton Bjttlhg. Cirpet Wafp.Coltm) Yarn,
and alao many other artfcMs'ln'the SboVe lhrt that
wo have not lime onr ropm Ip enumerate In * single
advertisement. - ! - - h - ™P. PI j>
Muscovado, Coffee Crashed) Powdered and Crusli
ed Sugars, Slewart’s.Syxnps.yip MpJassejaPMJava,;
Bio and'Cagnara Coffee, Yblthg fl/sih Vrfd Black'
Fo“, F® e PP r i Clnamon. Allspice, Starch, Ginger,
Rice, Bar Soap, Candles; Indigo,'Saltpeter, Alum,'
Saleralus, 4c, Pork, Flour, Fish; 'Salt, Butter,
Cheese, Tobacco, Lamp Oil, Ac,,4c; - ’ ■
Hals and Caps,
Black .and Light Colored Beaver. Hats,. Kpow
Nothing, Know Something 4tid, Kossuth Hats, Bl'k
Silk Hats, Silk, Plash and ClbltfCap*. Bays Huts,
end Cap* of every description;'
flOot» and Shoe*. 1 ' ' ,
Mens’ Gulf, Kip snd Heavy, Singh’ Boots; also.
Rubbers, Boys’ and Yoqths’’ Bools, Childrens’
Shoes of every description, Lsdies’ Shoes, Boots and
Gailerr, a large assortment at.veiry low prices.
Wooden Ware;
Pails, Brooms, Tuhs,:Bru*he«, B,ult*r JLadlst and
Prints, Axehelvea, Washboards, Sugar Boxes, Mea
sures, 4c., 4c. .
Nails, Mill Saws, X Saws and Hand Saws, Mill
Files, Scoopct, Shovels, Manors Forks, Chains,
Steelyards, Pocket Knives, Tablo Cutlery, Door
Locks, Latches, Bed Locks, Dolla and Screws,
Horse Curds and Broshes, Axes from the best man.
ofacturers, always on hand.
by the sett or piece to auit the want* of purchasers,
manufactures prices. EASTERN CLOCKS, war
ranted to keep good time. ,
Ready-made £lothing.
Black, Brown, Drab and Blue Overcoats, ftom a
low price op, Sack, Frock and Dress Coats of every
description, Fancy and Black Casimere Pants, Bl'k
Satin, Casimere and Velvet Verts; also, Cheap Vests
of every stylo and quality, Shirts and Collars, Wool
en Wrappers and Drawers, Buckskin and Woolen
Gloves and Mittens, Fancy'and Black Silk Cravats;
Self-adjusting Slocks, Silk and Linen Pocket Hand
kerchiefs, Woolen Socks, Suspenders, Umbrellas;
and in fact nearly everything that man, woman or
child may want can be found at thia establishment.
The subscribers would return their sincere thanks
to the inhabitants of this Borough and surrounding
country, for the very liberal patronage.that haa been
bestowed on them since they commenced-bnstnese
in lids place, and wish, by keeping a large assort
ment of Goods to select from/ and selling at amail
profits, to merit a continuance of the same.
Wellsboro’, Nov. 1,1854: JONES &. ROE.
"VTOTICE is h'-reliv given ihnl the pnr'rer-
Lv ship heretofore existing between ANDIE FO
LEY and W. D. BAILEY, haa this day been dis
solved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to
Foley Sl Bailey, or to Foley Sl Richards, are reques
ted to make immediate payment to Andie Foley,
and all persons having claims arc requested to pn.
seollheni tor settlement. ANDIE FOLEY.
Nov. 1,1854. W. D. BAILEY.
UhAfK SICK, Black nnd VVhilo Braver,
-I-* Kossuth, Know-Nothing, KnoWrSomelhing, and
all other kinds of Hats just received
Wellsburo’. Nov. 1,1854. JONES 4 RDth^
Bulihlo Robes.
A FEW hales of No. I V\ hole Roboa, jtisl
received by JONES & ROE.
Wellaborough, Nov. 1,18f4.
•I'-*- dies have you seen those cheap Marinoes and
Paramatas and Plain and Figured Detains, at
Well-boro’, Nov. 1. 1854, JONES 4 ROE’S.
SHAWLS! SHAWLS !—Nr,w is your
lime. Ladies, to buy a goad warm winter
Sbowl at a very low price, ul JONES 4 ROE’S.
Wellaborough, Nov-1, 1854.
DOO'l’S AND SHOES.—The largest ns
sorlmenl that waa ever brought in Ibis country
can be found at [Nov. 1.’54.] JONES 4 ROE.
F4NNlt\e MIUS.
THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully in
form the Farmera of Tioga County, that they
ore now Manufacturing FINCH’S IMPROVED,
PREMIUM FANNING MILLS, three miles south
of Wellaborough, an the Jersey Shore rpad j sod
feel warranted in saying that said Mill is the best
ever introduced into Tioga County both aa respecta
cleaning taut and well, mid tlie saving of Gross Seed.
Fanners are respectfully invited to cull and exam
ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere.
ID* All kinds of Produce taken in payment. Old
Mills repaired on short notice,
Delmar, QoU 13, 1854-lfV
Wellsboro’ & Xioga Plank
Itoad Company.
Stockholders of the Company will be held an
Monday the 6lh of November next, at 1 o'clock P.
M., at the Coart House in Wellaboro’, when nn elec
tion will be held for President, two Directors and
Treasurer of said Company. GEO. M’LEOD,
Oct. 1?, 1854-2 w. Sec’ y.
NOTICE is hereby piven, (hut lh«co.pnrt.
nership heretofore existing under the neme of
HASTINGS it McN ITT, it tins day dissolved.
ST AH pcrtnni indebted to the above firm will
please make immediate settlement with \Vm. Me.
NiU. .
Dclraar.Ocl. 16, 1864-3 w.
[ “ 5,000
i. 50 5,000
10 5,000
Landholders Take WoUce.
ert Mnrria. Financier of the War nf
the Revelation,) will be SUED OUT. Occupants
and others can have Confirmatory, Qbll Claim* and
free Titles, by early application to
JOHN MOSS, Sole-Grantee, N 6. 50 WalnulfiL,
EDVV. WALN, Esq., No. 3 York Betiding.,
J. L. HUSBAND, E*q.,No, 4 Sensom Su, ■'
. Attorneys at Low, Philadelphia. Pa. :
Oct. 19. 1854-lm.
4 40,000
1.000 30,000
> r . c Hress -ClihMlSv -. i
LADIES, just drop in nl J, R. Bowen’s 1
cheap ttore -and' examine hie Bareges, Bangs
Delalns, Lawns, Black Silk*, Ginghams, Craps and
Bilk Shawls, atid save yotlr ten per cent.
. Wellsboraugh, Jnne 99,1884.
m Bo,ood
CAIvHECO PRINTS.—BO piece. of Cai ;
chepn and lifcrimad Print*, of- beautiful styles,
fast refcelvrdby [Jane I.] JONES■&. ROE.''
aes of Beeline's latest style Silk Hats just ro.
craved by [June I.) JONER it ROB,
/'tAMEi—-A eapply of good Shod GtWs, Powder i
y and Kwi, frr «!• VjT Y. CABJ.
Hats! Hats!
Air’/if cgfnisWe 'Sqikfir Hi ! eirttt*!—“ Edtry TbfiUy
-Mu- atm km** copy* ,
. THAN a YEAR- i A,
-ffiLjJr , pew edition, retdsbff
' * . and^hnpioved,
I BRi’ 1 HUNTER’S KUdiial tfhhisl, and Sand
.Book i IbrAfaa'Afflidted-i-GontamiDgwiioQtlinaof the
.ongin,jwogretp, tresjment and. core p’f every fprjn.
,of diseasecontracted by.prom(*cooos *exual inter
oodrse, ‘by selCibdsC bf by SeXtetl 'eibess, wilh id.
tide' ftr their prcventiobiwriUsn in l * ftmiliar-style,'
all' medical technicalities and everything
thsl.wouldosmd the iwr of.deapncy ; willi aijjQqt.
line of coptpUint* inciden\ Ui females, front, the re.
sutt'of twenty yepr# successful j>ruclt<;e,ercla«lvely
deioted to tipi cure of diseases bf • delicate' or pr..-
vslonatbre. • • -■
To. Which ia added reoelpt* (or the cure of the
abore disc4*«a, aQd a treatise.on the causes, aymp.
toras end cure of lhe FEVTSR end AGUE.'
Tutikumy i/ iAt Pie/faier ifOhtklr fcr'fit Oie
Pen* MidU*l'OoUegi, PhiUitMi*—" DR, HUN
this, work, pnlikf tlip ip a JorUy of I; tlio*e who. adver
tise to cure the diseases of which it treats is a grad
uate of one pf (he best Uolleget'i’n the United States.
It aSb<dn me pleasnre' Ih recommend him to the un
fortunate, or to (lie victim of malpractice, at a sue.
cestfullmd eyperiencep whose honor
and integrity (bey .may place tbe grcttcal confidence.
Jot.’ S. Longshore, jJ. 'D,'
Tim A. Woodward, it, D., of Penn Unhemly,
Tkiladtlpftia.—ll gives me pleasure to add my tesii.
mooy to the profemiunal ability of the author oflhe
Medical Manual. Numerous eases of Disease of.
the Gonilal Organs, tome of them of Jong standing,
have coiue under my notice, In which bit skill has
been manifest in reslCring ta perfect health in tome
cases where the patient has been considered beyond
medical aid. In the treatment of. Seminal weak
ness, or disarrangement of (He functions produced
by sclUbuae or excessive venery, I do not know his
inferior in the profession. I have been acquainted
with- the author some thirty years, and deep) H no
mure than justice lo him os well aa kindness to the
unfortunate victim of early indiscretion, to recom
mend him as one in whose professional skill and in
legrily they may safely confide themselves,
A I.rats Woouwaao. M. D.
“ Tbit is, without exception, the most comprohen.
sive and intelligible wont published on the classes of
diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical
terms, it addresses itself to the reason of its readers.
It Is free from all objectionable matter, and no par
ent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in
the baoda of Ilia sons. The author has devoted mu.
ny years to the treatment of the various complaints
treated of, and with too little breath io puff and too
little presomption to impose, he has offered to the
world at the merely nominal price of 35 cunts, the
fruit of tome twenty years'mostaucccnful practice.
— Herald .
“ No teacher or parent should be knowlcde impar
led in this valuable work. It would save year, of
pain and mortification and sorrow to the youth un
der their charge."— I‘toplet' Atfoocots.
A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of
"Hunter’s Medical Manual” says “Thousands
upon thonsands of our youth, by evil example and
influence of the passions, have been led into the
habit of self.pollolion without realising the sin and
fearful consequences upon themselves and posterity.
The constitutions of thousands who are raising fam
ilies have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and
they do not know-lhe cause or cure. Anything
that can be done so to enlighten end influence the
public mind as 111 check, and ultimately tn remove
this wide spread source of human wrclcbcdeess,
would confer fhe greatest blessing next to the relig
ion of Je.ui* Christ, uu the present and coming gens
(•ration. Intemperance (or the use of intoxiceiing‘‘
drinks) though it has slain thousand, upon thou
sands, is not a greater scourge to the human race.
Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted,and be
lieve me yoor co-worker in the good work you are
so actively engaged in.”
One copy (securely enveloped) will be forwarded,
free of postage, to any part of the United Slates for
35 cent., or six copies for one dollar. Address, (post
paid) CUSDEN sc. CO., Publishers, or Box 196,
O* Bookseller*, Convaaocre and Book Agent*
Mipplad on Ibo most liberal terms.
October 13, 1854-ly,
■ Leather! Leather I >
loked ihiu method
" * 1° llarnessmakcra ond
the public generally, on hand constant
ly, ot hi* Tannery in Wellsborongh?
which he will well to both old and new customers on
aa reasonable terms ns ever.
CFThe highest Ca.h prices paid for HIDES and
Wrllsborougli, Oct 5, 1054-mS,
Thirty Years
TN THE U. S. SENATE.—AII ihw «hr.
-*• wish to know the doings of the Us S. Senate for
thirty year*, will do well lo call at FOLEY &
BAILEY'S Book and Jewelry Store, and procure
" Benton's Thirty Years in the U. S. Senate, at the
Agent* price. Cull soon, as they are going faat
WclUboroogh, Aug. 24, 1854.
School Books.
A LL Schm.l Rooks ihfti have been
adopted for n*e irt the Wellsboro* Academy,
and all the School Districts of Tioga county, can be
had at FOLEY &• BAILEY'S, at the publishers
prices. A supply always on hand. Aug. 24.
JUST fpcmvorl a! the Rook & Jewelry
Store of FOLEY &. BAILEY, a very large
stock of Law*, Miscellaneous and School Books ever
before brought into Tioga County : Also a targe
assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Stationery, &.C., cl
cet., to sell at the loxoni enth prices.
WeUaborougli, August 17,1864-tf.
X TICES OF THE PEACE. Supplement to
Portion*# Digeat* A Digest of the Laws of Penn
sylvania from the 25th duy of May, 1853, to the
18lh day of May, 1854, with the older law* not in.
oladed In the Idkt edition of .-the Digest—By F. C.
Baiaurtf, Esq. For eale by
Blake’s Patent Ohio
PIRE PROOF PAIN T.—2o barrel* ofrhe
X genuine article, joal received and for sale at
roach leas than former prices, at
July 13,1854. JONES & ROCS.*
(slaves and Hosiery.
A FULL amok of Gem* nnd Lntiics Kid,
Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves; also, a Rill as
sortment ol Hosiery,'just received by
Del. ST, 1853. JONES it ROE.
■l-' ceirad a splendid assortment, from a tow
price up, of entirely hew stylo. Call and see them
tl the Ndvv Store of. JONES A, ROB>
MoKENZIE’S 5000 Receipts, Ladies Medina
Pocket Companion, Gentlemen’s Msdica
Pocket Companion. Fur tale by
ANEW and inlerestiiii! Novel— ■* Flora
Lyndssy,” or Passages in. an ercnt/pl Life—
By Mrs, M«odie. For sale by
.XT NOW-NOTHING or Know-Svntething,
*LV. - know enooghlo go to BOWENS EMPIRE
STORE and bay » Wm-amki Hotnr or any other
Sad of a Hat that you kre a mind to select from
s Urge slock. fiepL 18,1864.
.* Y at the Empire More a larva stock tof Wide-
Awake, Hungarian and Kossuth'Hats. Call and
“« ***<}**.
Ginghams i ginghams i—4o piece.
of small cheek Ginghams, at one shilling per
yard, perfectly list ccbus. just received at the Cash
Store of 1 [Juno 1. i664.] ' JONES it ROE.
UVI A BARRELS PORK, tar sale by the barre
or fou d, M {1 14. QONVERa.
WELLSBOKO’ icaimsmy,
' X. will comment*) jm (he 38th day of November
ihit, under the cbafghof Mr.NEWELL L. REY
NOLDS, a gradtmte 6f Madison UniSefshy.'
Mr. Reynold* .Bu had charg* of. this AcUWlny
( jpr one tcrm.aua nasgivcii Ui’us'fkr, DtiiTersaiaali*-
From his character arid
qualifications, from his'experience in' teaching, and
from hia great success newarid elsewhere; weektr
’ cheerfully recommend (he fjcbdol to the ptlronage of
(he public.
In addition' to the branches usually taught .in
•such Insthotiona, tliere viU the a Teacher*' class,
. composed of those Who intend to engage in tho busi
ness of leaching, which will receive particular at.
tendon and instruction, both from the Principal And
the County Superintendent of Common Schools.
Arrangements have likewise been made to pro
cure suitable Chcdileal and PhHopopHiCal instru
ments, such as. are used in the higher order of
Schools in the Slate of New York.'
The Academy buildjng is now undergoing a thor
ough repair aha In siich'a manner as wiil'be*! pto
mole the comfort and health of tliCpupiH. - ‘
' Boarding can bo obtained in respectable private
r*,a price not exceeding 81,50 per wetk.
The rales of tulifoh will be as follow*: r
Primary Department- .... i 81,50
Soograph/, Arithmetic dp Eng. Grammar
Higher English branches ifi flf
Algebra, Geometry & Surveying 4,00
Languages, Drawing, Fainting, Ac., 5,00
WclTshorough, Aug. 10,'1854-If.
At the woolen factory siu» ,
ted on tile plank road lending from ElaUnd. I?
INTO C LOTUS of every description (ot farmers'
wear, for three shillings per yard, or oh shares tl
the halves.
Wool Cafdlng A Cloth Dres
' sing
done on short notice.
The subscriber would say le kit former patrons
and the public generally, that is now doing business)
not with a one-horse water power, but on a durable
stream of water that never fails—has TWO DOV »
entire set of machinery expressly for
ManvfaclurUig Wool into Cloth,
all of wbicliis in good order for doing business
which will enable me to CARD ALL WOOL,
brought from a distance the same day, to that the
rolls can be taken back immediately,
AH work entrusted to me shall if well done.
CT Host kinds of product taken in payment for
work. Down. -
Addison, June IS. '54. L. C. F ENDLETON■
Important to the Public.
At J. R. BOWEN’S Empire Store the
_ time hat finally come, when Good* con bo
bought as cheap in Wellsborough, as at Elmirs, Cor*
ning, or in any other town tfcsl of New Y ork } and
the public si large are invited to call and satisfy
themselves that this is no Horn bogs
At J. R. Bowen’s will always be found an exten
sive assortment of well selected
and a large variety of Gentlemen's Clothing,
all of which will bo dt&posud of «l » reduced price
Wdlbboroogh, July 27, 1854-tf.
WHEREAS, on the night of ihe 24ih of
March fast, James I. Jackson, and others by
the upc of false keys or otherwise, forced (heir way
into the dwelling liouse of the subscriber, while the
family wore absent and removed bis goods out of
(hothouse in order to get possession—and further,
the said James I. Jackson took possession of the
Books belonging to the subscriber, end refuses to He*
liver them over to him, for all of which, the said
James I. Jackson and others have jpven bail for
their appearance lo the next court of Quarter Set*,
ions. This is therefore lo forbid all persons paying
any accounts to James T. Jackson made at (he woof*
cn Factory and Saw Mill from that time until the Ist
day of March, A. D. 1852, as 1 have a lease of the
Woolen Factory slid Saw Mill from that lime until
(he Ist day of March, A. D, 1655, binding me to
collect all debts for work done.
July 27,1854-lf.
'"PHE sntarriher would re*peoifutly inform
hip customer* anil friends that he still coo
linucs'the merconiile busbies*, at the old place, at
ihe we.l known store of L. I. Nichols* where he will
be happy to wail on those that will favor him With
a call, and would InViU the attention of the public
generally to his largo and commodious slock of
Groceries, -Ready-made Clotlu
ins and Hardware,
AND CAPS, dcc.,
in fact everything else kept in a country store, arti
cles too numerous to mention, ind will sell cheaper
than can bp bought this side of New York city.
All kinds of produce taken iu ezciiange fur goods
at the highest market price. J. R, BOWEN.
VVellaboroagli, June 89,1854.
At Bowen’s Empire Store.
ALL an' 1 see ihe best and largest stock
'~ / of Good* ever offered to the public. Consisting
of dry goods, groceries, hard.ware,
wooden.ware, boots and
SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and a large stack of
I Ratter myself that 1 can dress a man to particu
lar Jin in all cases who desire tbs ready-made.
Tbs Ladies are invited to call and examine‘tho
richest and best assortment of DRESS GOODS ever
before offered in market—which 1 am prepared to
sill at prices that cannot fail to suit.
j Wellsburough Sept. 12, 1654. _
Bakery and Variety Store.
CRACKERS, Fre.h Baked, by the lb., w
bbl. Family Baking, and Parties, rurnislud a(
abort notice. Denfc*" also in GROCERIES , PRO*
CASH paid tar Butter, Eggs, Cheeie, Laid, Grain
and oilier producla or the Farm.
Corning, N. Y./Ang., 3.1854«-tf.
I DEEM il proper to snv 'He entire nf
of my being.oul of Floater, fbr the list fttv deywj
was owing to eiremnstanees beyond toy tonUcM
The Canal between Cayuga Bridge una tnv dunciio
Lock* wue Dol in rehdinußi at the lime toidvertice
in consequence of building a new Lock. But a_
FRESH tfUPFLY has just been received, and will
be ground to supply all that may call. Come one*
come all. AMOS DIXBY.
Mansfield* May S3* 1854*
Baying Utensils.
/''J.ENTLIJMEN, 'ptensp call ot J. R. Bov*'.
'T eu'a cheap atora'and; Ipojk at his large assart,
mant ef Raying Tool* pf : hll kind*, which bs will
aell cheaper than ean he bohghl eiaewhers.
WellihorongU,Jana SB. 1854. , ■
Calicoes! Calicoes!
AF perfectly Insi colors, and >he l|xgnt
aaaortracnt that waa evcrdfferedln this tPMt
ry can now be aeon at JQJjjtjß.A ROE'S,,
Ladies shoes—a new supply j<i»t r«
qoived at S. R. BQVSfVR,