For the Agitator. ACTDIUK WIND. *T uw.-K.-jp.jpH'vUls,- Ouse then, Cease-than flry tonij'Wring mfgfc'tf# suMmeFaftUenrjirttfe, ‘ Chapgbot lhß,reqitem of onh hud?,. nor with thy . sr volce, deride 1,., . 1 ‘ ;>'4 We Ichow out flowers, lift not their cups, hnraiping ' withfenra of • ,■ W«'Wow tbeirfWfffe fords n 6 bend for IB* -Ut. igun’s lastkiss. ■ • T’' 1 Then hush thy'grieving, hollow voice, earth begs Uie boon of pc*oe» - •.. - .... : • than hash thy'wtfiem wild and itrebg, and let Ihy " anger cease ! . The forest groans In direst'wo, when thy spirit •rashes past, . . ’ * 1 The mountain's pride Us proud head ooWt, Snomiss. Ive to the blast■ ,a -l The squirrel haunts thy ahado no ihoro,«torißgi(g winter food, . , . _ , The mourner’s heart hugs close its woe, and o’er Us sorrow broods,' Then cesse thy moaning, hollow cry, then will not let me rest, ■ • Earth baa enough of thee aud thine—thy spirit is not blest! Through mountain glens where human ear bears not thy clarion ring — Through deserts lone, where man is not, there let thy frensy sing! Up tolha cloud-capt-eyrie climb, where the eagle builds her nest, Her car defies the storm’s loud voice, her, eye the the lightnings lest ’ Then hush thy grieving, hollow moan, earth begs the boon of peace. Stay, stay tby anthem wild and strong and let,thy fury cease. The sad and weary ones of earth heed not thy voice unkind, The memories of other days, sadden, 0, autumn wind! The leaves of life lie withered round, but memory is just— A monitor amid lift’s storms, one who betrays no trust. 0. cease thou then thy hollow moan, 0 grieving au- tumn wind We have enough of saddened thought, of memories unkind ! THE BATTLE FIELD. From the New York Tribune, THE BATTLE OF THE ALMA. JOURNALIST’S OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. Rights above Alma, Sep’.. 21, ’54 The order in whicn our army advanced was in columns of brigades in deploying dis lances, our left prolecied by a line of skir mishers of cavalry and of horse artilery.— Tne advantage of ihe formalion was, ihatonr arms, m case of a slrong allack from caval n and infuniry on ihe left or rear, could as sume Ihe form of a hollow square, with ihe baggage in ihe center. Our great object was to gain the right of tne position, so lhat our attacking parlies could De sheltered by the vertical fire of ihe fleet. We had, in fact, altered our base of opera lions.. As we marched forward 10 Boulj.mak, we allowed me enemv to deprive us of our old basis of operations, in order that wo might gel a new one. For this purpose ihe baggage was brought up and covered by the •lih Division and the Cossacks were allowed to syeep the country in our rear far behind us Our new principle, in fact, was lo open communication wilh our fleets, and, as far as possible, obtain their material and moral aid. In advancing toward t,he sea obliquely, on the morning of ihe I9lh, we wore met by 17 souadrnns of cavalry, deplored lo meet our tiandful of horse, and it was necessary to make a demonstration of artillery and infant rv to extricate oir men from the difficulty into which they had been plunged by advan cing 100 far in front of their supports. How ever, the enemy were driven back by our puns, which made beautiful practice, and the cavalry maintained their ground, having reti red in splendid order belore a force which refused lo meet them when they might have none so, bv a charge down from the elevated position ibev occupied, wilh a fair chance of an encoumer ere our artillery could come up. Uu- line of march on the 20th, as I havd saic was toward Ihe right of our former base, and brought us in contact wilh Ihe i rcnch left under Prince Napoleon, it being understood lhat Sir DeLacy Evans f s divi sior., on our extreme right, should act in concert with lhat of his Imperial Highness the Prince, which was of course furlherest from ine see As soon ns we had ascertained the nosmon ol our allies accurately, the whole line, exlending itself across the champaign country for some five or six miles, advanced. A: the distance of two miles we halted (o ob tain a lillle lime to gather up our rear, and liter the iroops steadily advanced in grand lines like the waves of the ocean, with our left frittered away as it were into a foam of skirmishers under Colonel Lawrence and Motor Norcott of Ihe Rifle Brigade, 2d Bat talion. covered by squadrons of the lllh and btr hussars, and'portions of The 4th, 13th Light. Dragoons, and 17lh Lancers. This 'lnis was,a sight of inexpressible grandeur, and for Ihe first ttmeone was struck wilh the splendid appeatance of our infantry in lino in me distance. Red is the color after all, and tne white slashings of the breast of the coat and the cross-belts, though rendering a man conspicuous enough, give him an ap pearance of size which other uniforms do not produce. The dark French columns on our right looked very small compared to our battalions, though we knew they were quite as sirong; bat the marching of our allies, hdon as they'were with all their packs, ita., was wonderful—the pace at which they Went, was really f‘ biHiog,” It was observable, too, mat our jUaff was more conspicuous and more numerous than the staff of our brave friends. Nothing strikes Ihe eye at such a distance as a cocked hat and bunch of while cock's feathers, and several of our best offi cers very wisely doffed the latter adornment, thinking that they were quite conspicuous enough by their advanced position on horse back nod by the number of their staff around them. , , , The scheme of operations concerted bo* 'ween the generals, and chiefly'suggested to Wd Raglan r st was said, by MM..Marshal ( S*. Arnaud and Gen. Canrobert, was, -that the French and Turks on our right were ta rce lhe passage of the river, a rivulet of the Alma, and establish themselves on the hights over the stream at the opposite side, so that that they could enfilade the position to their right and opposite t 0 QUr ) 0 (i centre . The; Al > ia\ tortuous little stream, which has workeo 1 its-way down through a red clay soil, deepening its course as it proceeds sea* wares, ond which drains thd steppe like lands: on us right bank, making at times eddies to deep to be forded, though It can ' j~ »i Jiiyat , aaiae^gj^ t• ■ 1 awwr*!iwwaa»w^^ r:l - t '' ! ■ :■> bsm tWiimsWl nit , . j.ii n.- ... - ...,.... Hi''§oßßj Uam fw* »!«•) tw*b «JW»t*Mf*nHW ‘ "' aitnifi !■: ?».•.) . ; . L, '. L'l_l n -t-rn-r ■ (i-*uoa* fcohot^ YiOJL.uUw . fl „ft sdrrteliriieS at accbraihft la . At'the t'ladS'wftefe’tlte tuYt’of ihe'feriilsK’ army/erM'ffi^ right-side, iWp’Siw Three' lb six and. tight where the' FfeltcH- 'ifia Viriits are, generally' mrufe*fabva neii' 1 dtfrvla of The river on right oV n’dVjh 'ba’hlt hf the'Atnia J aVe a num ber of Tarfbt; at.'limes’ nbmerqua arid.' close o'fifiablialfina. Karatel. 1 al c times' scattered wtdeUpb'rl mlillld'vibeyaria“ suW : rounded hy mud or ih'rcd' feet ill’ bigfi(.'. , '*i*h§’ > bridgj ’over wiilch’ lhV post read palsies io‘ Islvasib- 11 pol runs tidse' lb, 6be of .’hamlets—a village, in fdctj dr Some ,'l'fiis village is' bpp?oae}?ed J from - tiie north’ road winding rtitougli " a plain nearlylevel till it comes near 1 to, 'the' village,where the’ ground dips, db’tljkt'at the disiancepf three hundred yards k rfiaWpA hdrsebaclk'can hard'. ly see the lopS of" the and more eleVa, led houses, and'canfably ascertain ihV’pbsj 1 . lion of the slfeatqhy the willows "and vbf dure’alnng its'Batiks. At ‘the left or south side of the Alma) the ground assumes it very' different character-—smooth where lh’e bank is deep, and greatly elevated' where the shelve of the Bank occur?, it recedes for a few yards at a rhoderbte bight nbove’lhe stream, pierte'd here pnd there by I he course of the winter's (bVrehls, ’so as to for m'Small ravines, commanded,‘however, by the (lights above. It was on ihse upper’hights that the strength of the Russian.posiiion consisted. A remarkable ridge ctf mountain, varying 1 in bight from 500 jp 700 feel, runs along the' course of the Alina dn’ the letl of'sbuth side' with the course bf the stream, and aSs'iimlpg the form of cliffs when close to the sen’,' This ridge is marked all along its course by deep gullies which run toward tho river (it various angles, and serve no doubt to carry off the floods produced by the fains and the melting of the winter snows on the hills and table* 1 lands above. At the top of the ridges) be i tween the gullies, the Russians had erected earth-work batteries, mounted with 32 lb. and 24 lb. brass guns, supported by nume rous field pieces and howitzers. These guns enfiladed the .tops of the ravines parallel to them, or. swept (hem to the base, while the whole of the sides up which an enemy, ,una ; ble to stand the direct fire of the batteries would be forced, to' ascend, were filled wiijh masses of skirmishers armed with ariexccl lenl two-groove rifle, throwing a large solid • conical ball, with force, at 700 and 800 yd's as the French learnt to their cost. The principal battery consisted of an earthwork of the form of two sides of a triangle, with the apex pointed toward the bridge, and the sides covering both sides of the stream, cor responding with the the river below it, at the distance of 1,000 yards, while, with a fair elevation, tho 32 pounders threw, as we saw very often, beyond Jhp houses of the village to the distance of 1,400 and 1,500 yards. This was constructed on the brow of a hill about 600 feel above the river, bufthe hill rose behind it for another 50 feet before it dipped away toward the road. The accent of the hill was enfiladed by the fire of three batteries of earthwork on the right, and,by another on the left, and these batteries wpre equally capable of covering the village, the stream, and the slopes, which, led up the Ijill to (heir position. In the first battery were 13 32 pounder brass guns of exquisite work manship,’which only (did, 100 welli In tbit, other batteries some $5 guns fa all., It was said the Russians had 10D guns on ..the hills and 40,000 man (40 battalions of infant ry, 1,000 strong each of the 16ib, 31st,'32d and 52d regiments.) Wo were opposed principally to the 13th and 32d regimepls, judging by the number of dead in front of us. I have been able to ascertain by whom they were commanded, but there is a general re port that -Menchikoff commanded the army In chief, and that the loft was under Gortcha koff, a relative of the diplomatist, and ’that the right was under *Bodahofr,-the military Governor-of Sevastopol.!* -Ifis-alsaaffirmed that Ihe carriage of MonohikofT was taken,- iand in itiwas found n copymf*the'- addressed to the Emperor,‘in which’'the: Prince staled lhal'4o,ooo men-might take Se vastopol, but that 80,000 men could be held in check for weeks by-the position al Alma; Largo masses of cavalry,-principaliy.lonocVs' and heavy dragoons, maneuvered on the-hills on tho right of the Russians, and at last de scended the hills, crossed the stream,and threatened our lef and rear'. As we came neor the river our left wing was thrown'back in order to support our small force of caval ry, and a portion of our artillery was push* ed forwnrd in the same direction. Oof dan ger in this respect Was detected -by the quick' eye of Sir George Brown,-and I hehrd -him give the order jbr the movement of llje nrlil* lery almost*as soon as ho caught sight'bfthe enemy’s cavalry, and justaawe were coming'' l to the village. , As J have) already 1 plan of operations wasjbailfif iffeqdJi abtyild [ establish themselves under lifefire.o'f the guns ■on the bights on the extreme pi .‘the enemy’s left. When, that aUack was eje* vefoped, and had met wiiji success, thq flrtl. ish army was to force, (he, fight, apd part of. the center, of, the Russian (positloq, niidthe, day was gained. When wq were about three mites front the village, the preneh efeamers ran as close as they could to the bluff of the shore at the south.side of the Alma, pndpres. eotly we saw them shelling the heiglijs in splendid style, the'shells' enemy’s squares and batteries, and'filially **"'■ ———■* *» »lifx.’C' h.«ffiM»-yn t_> _jlm JTdi'Wd %*!s j tye 1 S!/attf J 8efi tflfe eVCrthe 1 batf jlefiefc Sr ih^ 1 eiieAy ) °Snd K bi/raYing>>right’<info I lHeW*J”dfe&^lhWtt s ¥h^ i, Wack I 'WSsdeTS inside thei I tiibfts'Rrofttnhtfl* 1 which'' flew' iabotft'|6 £(f Idirfectionsj4hl 1 dirfectionsj4hl! i, whetl the: smoke’ j dte : art*s 'a'wa'y 1 there’’weft t: teme to" he 1 been !slrbwefl'fivef‘tfie : grcWhtli-' Russians So ls weredthß'sbtp!l bUt : WithoOt: j effect . " Vuird)ril •wbtf l btdwfl'up' , By ;a‘Pi l etfi!l) ijielTJ Wofßer'irhelllfell hyncclddtft I ibid’ oil' nirnbirecafle Which’ hos t pr3pared* J Tor' ihe‘¥d VincingkFremillf, •anthWC |la4i they ilftwiofi t JVam''ih‘6 l SttrJsitle jffn3dHHeiV^fioVW ; ib'ihb : dbfeftfe«f'iWgilHi«» apd highls, bevorfdMHS'firo l '6rWe l lttßW-gUWJ jof 'ib'd' At' I 1 o*clhck we saW-Ify; idliitnnS'siVbggllng •UpMh’C’ hiJls,co\<- e?ed by if' ’cloutP’dP skirmishers-’whose' fii4 jseiiWecf'tndkt ’(fetidly? (We,'at the"slghl of a e fhf#m</brag > Was» r '6f' Russian 'infantry, to a [ cdjViVßandjng fired rail'd 9bl't’eys ; among IheW.'He -French’-pa it's* ed, but’ir'wtia'oAly (b collettfheir ! skf nYiishers for nsiooriW (Hey ‘VaVi ifji thei h|!I hi'lhe'pai‘deWbr‘ffe, and broke I ho Russmfrs'at once, who fled- in disorder with loss'; up the hill. We could see men drop ying ob‘Both sides, and (he wounded rolling down thesteep. At 1:50, our lino of skir mishers got within range of (he battery on the hi li,’an'dith mediately iho 1 Russians open* ed' i- firent 1,200' yards with effect, the shot (dotting through ! lhe open Hites of the Rifle hjen ,“6 HH-fijH in g'into the’ advancing columns beHitW ere this lime dense Volumes ofeSiHdke^rSSe'frotii-’the ■'rive'r, and drifted' along foifiW-’east ward,’’rather-interfering with' the View of thd Cnefny on the left of otirposi-’ |ion: 1 The’Russians'had set the village on fire. ;, lt »'aS a fair exerCiseof militaryskiil .—wits well executed—'rbOk'placekarifte right lime.-bnd’ shccecded in occasioning a good deal oTannoyance,- Our troops halted when they neared this-village,'their-left-extending beyond it by the verge'of the stream; our right behind the burning cottages, and within (■ange of the batteries. It is said the Rus sians had taken the range of all the pricipal point in (heir front, and placed twigs and sticks to mark them. In this they were as sisted by the post sign-boards on the road. The Russians opened a furious fire on the whole of our line, but the French had not yet made progress enough to justify us in advan cing: Tli4 round Shot Whizzed in every di rection, 'dashing up the din and sand into the faces of the staff of Lord Raglan, who were also’*shelled severely, and 'attracted much of the'enemy’S’ fire." Sltll Lord Raglan waited patiently' for the development of the French attack.’ At length' an "Aiddo-Gamp entne to him and Reported that the'Freneh had cros sed llid 'Alma,* hut they bad net established them sufficiently to justify us in an attack. The infantry werd, therefore, ordered to lie down, and" the army-for a short lime was quite passive, only that our artillery poured forth an unceasing fire of shell, rockets and round shot, which plowed through the Rus sians and caused them great Ibss. -They did not Waver, however; and replied to our artil lery manftiily, I Heir shot falling among' our mdn as they lay, and carrying off legs and arms at eVe'ry round. Lord Raglan-at lust became weary of 1 this inactivity—his Spirit was op—he looked around and saw men on whom he knew he might stake the honorand fute'df Great'Britain by his' Side, and antici pating'a Hide in the military point J of view the crisis of aelion, he gaveorders for our whole line’to advance. Up rose these -scried massfes, and passing through ft fearful shower oF round, case shot and shell, they dashed into the Alma"; and “'floundered”-through its wafers, which were literally, lorn into foam by th 6 deadly hail. Ai the'olher side of the HvCr were' a' ndrnber of vineyards, and to our surprise they were occupied by Russian riflemen. Three of the staff were hero shot down, but led by Lord 'Ragtun in person, they advanced, cheering on (he men.' And now came 1 he turning point of Iho bqllle, in which Lord RnglarV, by his sagacity and military skill, probably secured the'victory at a smaller Sacrifice than'would havebeen mlhetkvise'lhe CaSe'.' '■ He dashed-' over the bridge; ’by' ,! his®staff-"'Prom' Iho rbadTotierU,’’ ifoddf IheßusSianguns, he saw ib# -: SfafH > dnhe' a'cfloii:''-Thd ‘British— line," -which Was'strum "gling fhfSu'gh The river n'hd uprthe highls in' masses, Rrm-todeed, h(i( mowed 'down' bythe .-murderous fire of the batteries, and by grape; round shot, shell, canister, case shot, anti musketry j-from SornCbf the guns'of the cert* itral battery, and from'an imtWcnse-aTtdmorrt-' pact mass of.Rilssiarf infantry- Then mdhcetf otic of tile most bloody and deter mined struggles in the annals of war. The 2d Division, led by Sir D. Evans in the most dashing manner, crossed ihe stream on the right. The 7th FusSjlcers, led by Col. Yea, Were swept'd6'fert;Kymflies. -‘'The'ssth; 80th‘ -atitf9&li, !! led by lfrigJ PennefalhCr, who was •in the' thfikest oft he' fighf; Cheering'dn'hls Lined; Stgaln 'and again Were'checked indeed, ■buf 'nevbrdrcw back' irrfbeir onward 'progress whfch r wa%‘rtiarScd by'ti flbrcb'rqjl of Minnie ■pruakefryf, and ‘ Brigadier ‘Adtims,'wilh the 41st; 47th and 4dih, Bravely charged up'the hillitorfd aided theth in r the bafilo. ,T ' Sir Geo. JJrown.’ cciSsplctious oh a gitfy httrte; tode in ftpifl ofhia Light Diviiion. urging them With .voi'eb, atrd’ gdstnre." Gallant fellows!"they ! were wollHy pfsach n ! gallant chief. The j by one-half, fell, btfelf to reform thefr columns lost for the lime’; the 28d, wilh eight officer* dead and four Woun J ded. weto still rushing to the aided hy ,lha Meemlj,. Tlbirty-third, Setienly-seVehlh 1 IS *• ip»to» , ‘-MY, aA^|'nj^W"J?i ■ (airs jfeiVsyjfr : alysed for a njo.o^nU, ; ° n J ha right pf.,itia, i | J igf)i, Brigade of Highl»nders,»Qrft- storming-, thei hitoftigi on' the left. j. : Their ! 'lmo' MwriirtJsil I®, regulaV i 'ns' ; wbt'fe'Tn •’BVfW’ Pirk.. grope rushedjhrougoMrom-tMJeriibT&.bi)Me4 ry and ned their fnont jfelflJ* the Russia ns ,'Va v 6 rtfl asith?? t ’wb‘f6HiiJr ' positTbri'. ' mass or Russia l ti' , fh%ffl(y*^#? l^o^ii, fiTBi i jfffif : ' down toward th& btSftVy. ’’TfVefhWeir'T wqs the ’crisis of t>o~d|jl.*' and solidjjhey 1 1 90k^d^as' * P IhW fe'irtPcU out of the solid reck’." It was’ Geytinti’dobtjP that if.ou; in(untrVj nafrassed'andl tinned'?)£' ■ L ' .• • . •'? *T iy . ; i ■’'l!'(* I.V.rili.v. they were go[ into lne - Wj|t e wpuJd bays, to encounter again they were, ill ,ca|cu(aied e lo, lan saw the difficulties slliialion..' ’H? asked if it would be possibly to get a,couple, of. guns to bear on thgsa piqssys, Ijhe reply was “ Yes,” and an Aftillepy jomcer, Vybose name I do not know,bfnugh|-up two.gups ; to lire oa the Russian squares. 1 The,firgl.shot missed, but the nest;..and. ihenext.andlho next cm through the ranks, tojcleqnly and so keenly, that a clear lane could. be seen for .a mbment through thp square.;’ After a few rounds the columns of .the square became broken, wavered to and'fro,brake,aed.fled over the brow of Ihe hill; loaviqg-bebiudthem; six distinct lines of‘dead, lying, as close as possible 10 each other,’-making the passaga of the fatal messengers; - ' ‘This act relieved our infantry of a deadly incubus, and theycon tinned thejc,mngnifice^ jv^g£P S3 up (he hill. The tlukajencqiifaged ms men by voice and exdmple; arid proved, himself worthy of his proud commands, aod-.-of the royal race from which he icomesi'--**. High landers,” said Sir C. Campbell, ere they camb to the charge, “I am going to ask'a favor of you; it is, that you’will act so as to justify me in asking iho permission of the Queen for you to wear a bonnet! 'Don’t pull a trigger till you’re within a yard of the Russians!” They charged, and well they obeyed their chieftain’s wish ; Sir Colin Campbell had his horse shot under him, but his mOntdok the battery at a bound. The Russians rushed -out. and lefumutiliuddS 6f‘ dead ■’behind' themr ■ The’Guards' had stopmed’ right 'of the battery ere ihV Highlanders ijot inlo'the left 1 , ' and it is said fhVScofjfT’iiS'ileef’Gunrds were the first’to enter. The Second nnd'Liigbr Dragoons crowned "the (rights. The French turned the guns on the hil(_against Iho (tying masses, which .the qavalry in vain tried to cover. A few faint struggles from the scat tered infantry, n few rounds 01 cannon and musketry, and the enemy fled to the south east, leaving three generals, drums, three guns, 700 prisoners, and 4,000 wounded be hind them. The battle of Alma was won. It is won with;? loss of nearlyS.OOO killed and wounded on our side. The list will ap pear in a few days. The. Russians’ retreat was covered by their cavplry, but if we had had an adequate force- we could have captur ed many guns arid multitudes of prisoners. The Will of a I*«tt Passenger. Mr. Gale? of Worcester, Mass.; who, with his wife and only child;- waslost'by the sink'- ing of the Artie, left a will'with a friend be fore starting for Europe. Afler'certain leg acies to friends and relative, he bequeathed the residue of his'property ioAvife and child, or children ; if his wife "should surVive’ him,' but no child or children,'then all his properly goes to her. The VVorceslet 1 Transcript says: * . It will be remembered that they were in the boat which, capsizing while being lowered, all in the boat were precipitated into the sen and perished, except Mrs. Gale, who clung shrieking to the thwarts, ana was drawn into the steamer again. - hfr.' Gale was seen, as lie was swept.'nway by the waves, with the child in his'arms. Where relatives thus perish, "by Thcf sama. casually, ajtd interesting, ques}io j g t ,ijl)vtjy ises, its to the one who rnayjje qgnstderedijiq survivor of the other, t’he Roman- la\v *ah wa^”enieHalfte(f(l)is ; s’overarV^soli^nW iT i' child, perished first; if an adult, that hbau’r-*' vived (he old and feebler Tire.’' presumption of our own law is.rather that, where no spe cial circumstanees-ate-proved, all are sup, posed to have perished together. But in the present case, iho infant, from its Comparative weakness, must clearly be supposed to have perished before the father who bore it in his arms in the last death struggle, and, from, what facts have been related; Mrs. Gale would seem to have been, for a brief and terrible 'period; the survivor and heiress of her hus band and Son, from whom her relatives would inherit/ m • ' !•-> • -',i i-w c '.t, ' ‘ . -r - - .. How TO-OET RlO OF..MopfitqiXOES.Trt'lih oil or essence of. Pennyroyal, (tha oil- is, the best,) sprinkled around -the rpom, T pnd. over the bed clothes, 4o,.,bed,..ha ybeen found ip answer, admirably in correct;, ing these rowdy insects of their., calithutnp-_. ian and bill sticking propensities.. It is a 'Volatile anicle„and - therefore can do uo inju ry to tho .clothes, wl}ile tbe aromatic flavor is by no means disagreeable. Tom and Joe were talking over their trav-- els together, when Tom asked— “ Were you ever in Greece I” ‘•No, but I fell into ft thundering big tub pf soap once.” * Ttt’b' Printer's Money I- 1 Hhi Wsf rtfo.’YA mmS W waf ftiebiUri' wai bylih^ilefeHd . .os rerv -fr. I.:. v> oppenr m Disown Jcfe^ence*^: y ' :U * '• Jfh wqfmufwm 4/tet-S.HR w s ' I VJf * JBftiefMiMLSPßi repiervd, | felWPk.lnS.-defSpdqnl # , a dvaO!. 1 IfgeL/rS'Pfntly^ His “ summing up” pTwljiph i wp,pt§>bj6-:tp, giyq qqo;)y-,a verbaivn., rppod.'Vijjfc- ike qx ceplioq of, lhef‘ Q&tijlg r ”. wqg deej<M!y-,jicb,i njudvaosussmant,fomihe .legal geoiiemefti The ieft., wjio Js smalb redifaaired, thlnspecimea of.a.,Yankee,. waaindiciei/oc nn assault-and,-battery .on one.' MrVu Qpdder. / .Tho<,facia, aa jdivulged upon triah are-briefly Is-foliowS de. fendant- is in Iheeroploy of iho Mongaup Val lby ; Forreslburg and Jervis Plank Road Com pany as A (otl-gaihfefervaod-resides oil the road-, soilnre mtleSubovß Port Jervis.- Heatfd the tbrnpldlnantj-M. bors. ; ' On a Sflrtday in- February last, the defend ant saw complainant, iri tfre act of beating, his (deft’s) cows along thb highway, & as an inducement for him' to- kprit,'burled a 'few stones at him, one bfwhich.hs the complain ant testified, sfruck him oh the' back of the neck. :i ■ 1 •. Tbe ; testimony bdi rig Concluded, the defend ant addressed Ihe jury “rts'follows : ' ‘ " of ■Alfe Unity;—f dbii’t ftpoW much 1 a bout taW, an'Tkince tho'lnal lias been going on I'Rave co'ricTiided ‘thaij! ought frf know a little more. I lcAipologise per haps for,oppearing In’my owa defence., and will do so by telling you i)ial I feed one law yer, and hired another in this case r but.they both come up missing when I need them most. I suppose 1 might have secured the services of some of these other “ limbs of the law,” that 1 see oround me, but having been chea< led by two of-’em, 1 concluded to go it ’on my own hook,” and here I am 1 1 want to tell you; gentlemen, before I go farther, lhal it is not my fault that this case is here taking up the lime of this honorable court. I think you will give me credit for telling the truth, when Isay that it'ought to have been tried before a Justice of the Peace, if being better adapted to tho capacities of such a court, ihnri of this one. After this difficulty Dodder did'gel a'wnfrsnt for'me from Squifo Cud deback, over in De'erpark. He then charged 1 hat I had instilled him, but five or six rhombs has freshened his recolleclion, and ha now says that I assaulted and battered him, 1 be lieve there is some diffidence between the two charges. Dodder says he swore loathe complaint be fore Squire Cuddeback, and 1 leave it for you to say whether he tells the truth now in say ing that 1 battered him. 1 was taken by a constable before the Squire, and either be cause (he Justice was ashamed of what he had already done, or hadn’t time to attend to it, 1 don’t know which, it went down. Two or three weeks after that I was arrested again, and my wife having been confined, 1 thought it best as a dutiful husband, to be around hum, so 1 got rid of it by giving security for my .appearance tp (Jourt. You know gentleman that I am in the em ploy -of the Wongaltp -Valley,-Forrestburg and Port Jervis Plank - Road Company as a gate keeper. This company it seems had sufficient-confidence in my integrity and hon esty as to place me in that important station, and- ever! if I should receive 83,000 and steal 81,5(f0 of it, that’s between me and the compariy, and it's none of Dodder’s business. Now when the company sent me up along 'litis road'to co|Tecf tolls, this'Dodder was one of thb inhabitants that I found there, in the woods, and I will snv for him that he is a ve ry fair specimen of the rest of the popula tion, but there isn't any of them that seem to appreciate all the benefits of this Plank ,Rpn4.’ , ’ , , • It lot out to civilization, a class of people wfio nfever before realized the idea lhal there was such a thing, as civilised life, and this TJoddar. is-ona-of them.. It is a-facl that,sport, Wiar..l.[qpved there,.ayouog woman, 17 years oldycum-dpwaoufof ihQ) mountains^on the 'Plahk- Roach one day, and said she had never -been oufbefore. - She fnirly seemed surprised to see a whilo mon, and after- asking 0 few questions, wenf back info, the- woods, .This Dodder was my nearest neighbor, and a good deal nearer than I wanted'him, and I hadn’t been-lhera long- before 4 -.heard' ha'had been lying about me to one of the Directors, and -I sooh fourtd out that he wanted to gel his son; who was sworn here ngainst'mo, in my plafce. ' But he hjsn’l done it yct,Shd if you don’t convict mo, I reckon he woVt vefy soon. tt won’t take long to dispose of Dodder No. .2, ‘ He testifies that he saw "fne throw three stones,at his’ fatherland- saw jhe bid man dodge,”' X)n.)tis, l cirpgB-wqjpFqajipn''Ji9' says. I own hopse,, jjj the wqofis, and had to, look ovot aJtfil.lwenly .feel high, >n4nlso^yeA4htepBrah-feqepft^o4 4 tivo.*lpqe . Walls, ltl , ~ . »; r-. r-'. -f.y ivviv.-.. - Well, if he tells, Iho Itgil), all I lhat I had young Dodder’seyes. Ho is certainly a remarkable, boy,,and can't consistently deny bis “ father." ~ I am willing to admit that I done wrong to throw stones at-Doddcr; and I apologize to all the wdrld and this county, particularly, for it. Tbs Doctors tell usthkt'ihorearo twp nausea ,for all diseases, predisposition snd ekcitabili ty; 1-think it was the latter cause that moved ma to stone Dodder. 1-therefore confess my self guilty of -tha assault, btrt tha battery, 1 dsny; ,: arid if yocpflhd me gtilhy of tha bat*. lery, I will appeal from the decision to the Court of High Heaven itself before 1 wiltsub r i saw JTr/Dodder and ' I ]>iiH «wea t ifi^hBt'mS. : 'T'kkked him a grrafhnlnytiueitionij’kfad Ifcasidiry to heav !h!^M?4'r a d >cl-' Tinfflirhave asked . htm^ift Iti 11Cmy^cat, "and if’he ■siorib a® | thick WatTifd *bftlcdV ca nV’flhfl theit 1 stay | lfi’ciih'; s 6tirih'l knew'ho would r (tehy «, And ft : Wbuld r jrieVft me to hear him. ■ He Wottis theft he wan driving my three cows up the Wad,. and.ihftt heVkrntk hi one of’em, but says'it wds’WiihttSmall switch. 1 have provfedh'Wattfiii switch 'Wash pole' about 10 reetfoßg J /and aboUt '3 inche»ecfoBB the bun end, and J( hayfc also proved that when ho' boW ftlh -11 ji' frne ; couldn’t’ the' atieVliit’her.iia *a* ' | so Tdr afTfhiit take the together,' and we f can‘gufeVa (! tKe rest, 'Tfyqii, geqtjef* hfhn, r should aeb nfitf*pdihfa gon at a'rrionißjnd pull thotflgger', Sep thoflish andfiear thefei port, add at ihe"same'time see the man drop, I ihifili you woiird ’say that I shot • him, al* though you rrtight tibt See the ball strike him. Now,“the Tact is; gentlemen, thit o'ne Son* dSy[ I 'Was thy Idiinge id my house, when rnywifesaitltd me 'that Dodder- wan chasing my tows. 'I juniped up and pulled drfmy boofsTrind 1 went out of’doors, and saw Dodder and the cows'comlng- up the road.' It is true he says hfc was not driving them but says he and the cows were both going along the road in one direction, and this Was ao near as f could get him to The cows or (he ' truth, but it is proved that the cows were go* ihg ahead of him, and he was following alter them, with' this little switch, 10 feof long, 8 inchfes across the butt and I reckon you’ll think he was “ driving” them. 1 sung out To him, “ Dodder, stop!” but he didn’t obey my order, and I just threw a stone in that di rection, which went about 10 feel over his head; at the|same time going toward him, while he wSs going towards me. He paid no attention, and I pong out again, 11 Doddor, slop !’’ still he didn’t mind me, and then I just threw another stone, but on he came, and on I.went, and I threw the third stone, which ha says hit him in the back of the neck, but which I think is rather strange, ap we were goingtbwtfrds each other as fast as wo could go,"but he never slacked' up, and by this time we were within about eight feel of each Other. I halted ahdJtollered at the top of my voice. Dodder, why in — l ‘don’t you stop I” about then he did stop, and raise this 10 foot switch, as if to strike me, —I sang out —“ Mr. Dodder, You may wollup my cows, but if you wollup tne with that switch, you’ll wollup an animal that’ll hook !” [Hera the orator -made an appropriate gesture of the head, as in the act of hooking, which was followed with tumul luous shouts and Isugh* ter, that continued several minutes.] Now, gentlemen, if you convict me this Court can fine me §250 and jug me for six months, and if you really think 1 ought to be convicted of this assault, say so, for I am in favor of living up to the laws, as long as they are laws, whether it is the Fugitivei3lave;Laiv, the Nebraska Bill or the Excise Laws. I will rend you a little law, however, which I have just seen in a book I found here—(the speaker hare picked up a law book and rend as follows:) “ Every man has a right to de fend himself from personal violence.’’ Now I don’t know whether that is law or not, but 1 find it in a law book. [A veteran member of the bar who was silling near the speaker, re marked to him that it was good law.] Well, gentlemen, here is an old man, who looks as if he might know something, and ha says this is good law. Now if you will turn to Bar bour something, page 399, you’ll find that the same doctrine is applied to cattle—(great laughter.) Therefore I lake it, I had a right to defend my cows against Dodder’s 10 foot switch. ’ Why gentlemen, nearly all my wealth is invested in them three cows, and you can’t wonder that I became a little exci ted when I saw Dodder switching them with his 10 fqot pole. lam a poor man and havo a large family, consisting of a wife and six children, which I reckon is doing pretty well for as small a man as I am, 1 could not af ford to lei Dodder kill my cows! Now, gentlemen, I don’t believe you’ll con vict me, afar what 1 said. But if you do, and this Court fines*Tnej $250, “ 1 shall repudiate,” because “ can’t pay.” And if I’m jugged for six months, why these Dodder’s will have it all their owrf way up there. But notwithstanding all this/1 am willing to risk myself in your hands, add if you think I ought to have stood by and npl done anything, when I saw Dodder hammering my cows, why then 1 am “ gone in,” toll gate and all. It Is true, I am a poor man, but not a mean one. Thennme of Allorlon can be traced to ihe May Flower /■ when.she landed the pil grims on Plymouth Rock, among the passen gers was a widow,‘Mary Allerton, with four fatherless children, and I am descended from that Puritan stock j and from that day to this, there has never Jived an Allerlop who hadn’t Yankee spirit enough 1° sIO P a Doddor for poling his cows. Ftndonc. (Herelhe laugh ing and. shouting were exceedingly boister ous, in which all participated, and it was several minutes, despite the repealed cries of order, order,” by the court, before order could be restored. Our eloquent and usually unvanquishabe District Altorny, fearing to cope with so formidable an antagonist mere ly remarked ; It ia a plain case,” &0., and left it to the jury, who promptly brought in a verdict of Not Guilty.” Mr. Allerton cer tainly deserves judicial promotion, and we move that he be appointed Crier of the Court.) Cincinnati HI. E. Conference on (Slavery. Cincinnati, Oct, 5,1864. The following report upon (he subject of slavery was presented to tfie Conference this afternoon, by the committee which was ap pointed last week".' This committee which consisted of J. B. Benlecou, David Reed, Wesley Row.o,E,tK West D. H. Lawton, T. D. Crow, M. Dustin, A. Lowrey end Cy, rus Brooks, , ! REPORT. In regard to slavery, as practised in the D. S. we cannot belter express our views than in the language of the the Confer* once of, 1785. Thai language is i «|o hold in fhe deepest abhorrence the pracype op slavery, and shall not cease to seek its, slruction by. .all...wise and prudent means. - And your committee cannot but regard it: w
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