. f W Su*' eisijttiSustvyiSJ'wPS'i..fWA'* f T* ,:« .-jteygfcwfr -*• . * jUttou die ««oug yoat idndted. i f..-* esWA-'-i =$ *r.«rt ! b-, i ««»» ->7* flwcHW-wwem. - : - •-e imrfSiyobiWhoodi; Worthy Manhood and -. thfil ‘]i . -.-is : ‘V , ~ , , MW^ J--v . . , ... , ’. „3Pin(MgJi.si>nheajna oa yaar : gfave. pwe* thy wltaw, ; j\nd «ol\ voices, rrliifipor.tlieo, , < lijtwpncat t(ia tip)p the,’dogy, exciajmtng ea he did so— s . :.'‘,f’ie 4 , fie, i.fis, for /sharaed -idisgtaceful I you mep. citizens ofErßgtowp.wiir you standby ; | Oon’t.theftairike Aydag ( >Detftdpl’ugbl’’ qfiad td.lha Dei caQ,who,w*« about to cat right bad- teft'anir tmg.iha dpgsjwijlt his cane. . : ‘ : ~ -‘\ ! imjrjao|f I*’’shouted the Deacbn. wihi erident fw*dJK. s<; \k'' - ’ s thyi dogsy Dcacon PiigiH“qcßa£di yr «'■> f .‘fMtiit'&d you say ao •d the DeaconV i * “4’htpf:hid dottf DwcdhHPligbP 1 ' wiporided ihe Deacon wifh vnuamiii. And f o #®? 1 tlie W .fcwv> to the spirit of the thing, j ihnsj raptnndltupky'A'.toi.look; aWt g§ri;add ;Bdb - v CaiTier< j who the | town attempt; to and-.aireStvtbe offend er, the Squire ytwiUifsal through the-win dow df a :hblghl»ring : watohmak«r,'doing a ' hhap’ bfdaiiiage; while 1 lit Wyer’Hbokdrilb;aU tQ. ,I*l4 Jjbe . take i by. the ’fitnoun blacksmith ,ip ; tjtq short ribs, «nd: went.reeling .dowa: Gumho’fti cellar with a fearful velocity IThefrietidsand'fel low* fchurchmeaidf Deaastm-Pdghtookmdes against' shop boy? of Abrtthahii sebtrig’ ihbiremployerthUS beset, c«(ino men,, full .pfufftb ; asj 1/olic, jbejiqving. if.j|cfis a free fight, tried their hands and sticks, up on the comlfafinfs iridiserfminafely, so that in (e?i than hour, the quiet and happy IqWO ofF/ogfown wps’.ijKakeSffdm ilk prppKpty 1 , by .one grand, 'suhlimely' ridiculpus ahd, ier» lifts. battle. . Heads and - windows ,were smashed—chiidieni and , women r Bcrearasi, .flew—labor cpa«d—and so furious, mad pod excited, became the-whole community,’that, a quiet, looker on,'if there Mad been any, would have sworn (he evil aes were all-in Frogtown. " A .heavylhurider shower finally put an end to the row.; the dogs were all more or less killed, a child severely wounded, n.nran scalded,,a r ;;.tbe:hqrse ran him self to death ihiaowcer was, beatep awfully by Bob Carter, whose, wife and, the. wives' l of many others were'dangerously scared;. the painter was; crippled, dry goods ruined; ’ a QOaker apd a Jbebedn,; two Iri?h’roep, Joe Tucker, town constable, lawyer Hooke/, Squire Catchemood some fully whipped. _ lawsuits ensued, Ipuds fol lowed, and (heehtifd peace and good repute of Fcoglown annihilated—all by. a remarka ble dog fight. HENRYdIAY‘B ROSHSKaRAT^S. Demolition ofthe AthUmdManeim. We made a promise some days ago, Says the Cincinnati Gazette of September 25th, to give an Bccouot.of our visit to Ashland,' which for so many years was the home of Henry Clay,* name dear to the American and to which memory clings like ivy to the osk.- ■ i '' Ashland has often been described by abler pens than ours, ; and its name has gone forth io ihe ends of the earth. Those who have preceded us, however,-saw Asblondwhenin its full glory, as a quiet, modesl.unpretcnd, ing dwelling,.and when .the occupant was io bis pride of place, first in the race of men. Those days have passed away, never to re turn. Not only- has the jeweHvanished from our,-sight,bullhe bas 'bpyo. broken which' contained it." ' , He‘nry i ‘Clay'' ia need, and .Ashland is « ruin, - I ■ . li was, near the' close of a warm end plea, sanl day, that we rode in. a. carriage from the hotel door in Lexington to Ashland. We were riot prepared : fa find the dwelling total-' ly demolished, but alt that remained of it was part of a brick wall; which had once served - 10 divide the parlor From the library, and up. on this some half dozen men were at work with crowbar and pickaxe, levelling it |p the ground, AH, therefore, that remains of the | old homestead of tile Statesman, is a pile of bricks and' rubbish. We were told that the. present proprietor of the estate—n son of Henry Clay—is about to erect on the site ol the old dwelling a new edifice, of its exact form 'add character. This will make some amends for the work of demolition he has completed, but it will ,hardly pardon it. The old house been repaired, it should not have been destroyed. It was one of those consecrdiediapots, those shrines of lib erty, to which the pilgrim would oft retire to revive and strengthen his love of coun try. Aside from the interest affixed to the spot because of him who, for so many years, found therein his home, (here is nothing re markable about . Ashland. The estate par. lakes of (he general character of the lands in the neighborhood of Lexington, being rich and fruitful; There are malty fine trees in the immediate, locality- where the.dwelling stood, and we can scarcely imagine n more, props* rural home than Ashland once Wes' for such a man as Henry Clay. But itsiglo ry bos departed; Henry-Olay’s bomb is ra jzed' to the ctjtrth. It was a mortified and disappointed spirit that'we left Ashland and directed bur »aV towards the cemetery, which .id bn the other side of Lexington from Ashfgpd, hut .near the blpiojy inhabited part of die. city.,, . It is an exceedingly well selected spot, and conlaioß.rasnv handsome monuments. Our chief desire," howevfef.was lo see the grave of thel*‘-Great Commoner.’’ '.We sbon joiiiid it. It is.marked, by no stone, or monument. The place of the sepulchre, however, is- well selected, -Henry Clay lies just where’he migat’ to~in .the h§art,jtf Kentucky, The spot ,is hcauiifuji’and quiel, and “.he,sleeps .Well,” His gjravjeia leaped up jo 1 the Usual form, and coveted wiiih .the green a,ward. It iB to build K fiiB-,ipo.puni.bij(..on iheppoi. where he oow,,iest*. We. ownthat ;we liko'lhe simple .beauty of his-unmatked thgo We would a monument. It brought la ourmindtbe. grave of Sir ‘Walter Scon, in St. Maly'S sßileJ mi he mined Ah ,be jr- 3f*E|«Vl^ beatsjto ’mnobrimnia}:dione} -Ifie.‘grebn: quiet nod JwlK that .re^ddth.seep!! , . , fWi«d,y»*s !»=»*» uVJftr jcV ptorv.” Smith fimstartnLond lbe; WsDdly wqtWed kind eAdb^;to- ! p|«rce hi* syllable* oldlw together^ upon' tftrdew tj J ,A 7 fefefefl of Nothings" |we teen psi«blUbed:inlLondonyCanada: West:' 1 :j Thb trust of Freedom is in Labor. I 2..1 hii’* V4ni FITCH A SBERffiOOD, iDBilidRS ■■■■' ATHEMSj.BBADFqSd CO., pa. " P APIT.AL—*2OO,O66I--Insures .Farmers 'Vf’phlyi bndie'Stack and Mmaal plan. J,’E.Osh-' fiald.Sfiq’y.,'Hoh, Horace Prea’t. Remem ihga sound find reliable c3np«iy^ie^Hordeola pref erable to a foreign do., as there can. bepo deception. Addte«s, : JjKAVebstar,. Agdriti CoYingten.'ra.' Wi W; WBBB, ,M, D., {Late a Oradtiate Of'Giillilon 'Msiteal College, V(. HAS- associated himself with'Dr. N. Pack : nfiii* the" pwoticebP Medicine, and. Sorgyry. They will pfomptly : attend all calld in their profess ion, Offioe on Main-st.; opposite the’ Pfdsbyterian Chorch,Wellsboroogh 1 , Pa.’ • jyS7. CT.Beoioved to Jimea Lowrey’a Office. lAB. XOWBEIAS. E.WIESOS, ATTORNEYS & GOUNSELLORSAT •“*' EAW, will attend the Courts of Tioga, Potter city McKean counties. vyellßboroaghjFeb. 1,1653. FOUST A BAIWY, inrWatches, Clocks, Ware, Jewelry ,ni)d Fancy .Goodsjdgjht Books, Stationery, &c. ID* Particular attention paid to repjiripg, Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. , ’All work, warranted. WelUboropgli. July 13,1854. ' JOHN IIBACHE, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT -fl- LAW.—Office,- north side Public Square 1 , WeHaborough,.Pi.. Refere to Messrs. Phelps, Dodgo-fe Co., Jf. Y. and; tton.A.V.Persons,Philadelphia. July 13. CLEAPBR H OGBJG, , (Late (prases’ Hotel.) WELLBBOBOUOIt. Ttoo.t couurv, PgSIfA. June, 8 1651 P. Pi CLEAVBR. ■ Proprietor . SfIUJN THE having recently'.received . his stock of goods for the season) offers a choice selection of , ~. . BBT Atfb>Br . / ' Consulting it) part, of Broad Cloths, Prints,.Ging hanjs, Detains, Sbambrays, Bareges, Lawnd, Para -meUAs, Alapacsi, Velvets, Brown and Bleached -Sheetings and Shirtinga r Tickitiggi DriUiogs,iWad dipg»,Baltlng«, Wickings, Vestings, Cravats/Stoqks, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Cambticks, Laces, Trim mings, , Grain Begs, Carpet Bags, Cotton Yarn, ‘Twine, Carpel Warp, Umbrellas and Parasols, with a good lot of READY- MADE CLOTH ItJG, con sitting of Men 'and" Boys’ Linen .and Tweed and'Jean Goats, DcninoOverails and Shirts, Vests,'&c. ' \ ; Groceries.. +, Hyson, Hyson Skin and Young Hyson Teas: a large lot of Sugars, different grades and prices, Mo lasses, Syrup,Tohkcco, "Pepper, ‘SpiCa, Cfcffec, Co.- coa. Ginger, Soda, Cream Tarter, Saleratus, Candies, Lemons, Orahgos, Drugs and Dye , Staffs, Paints and Oils, Window Glass and Sash. HARD W A R,E. Axes, Shovels, HoeS, pd Cat Saws, Spades, Grow-, .ban,’Wrought and Cat Nails, Hinges, Chains,'Ckiw' Bells, Sheep Bells, Scythes and Snaths, Scythe Stones and Rifles, Manure'Forks, Hay Yorks, Chain Pumps, Paint, - Horse,-Shoe, Clothes and Hair Brushes. . CROCKERY, GLASS WARE A LOOKING GLASSES, Pine end Cedar Pails, Brooms, Wash boards, Clothes fins and Corn Baskets. Paimleaf, Straw, Panama, Leghorn, Silk and Brush Hats, Capsond-Bonnet*, Boots and Shoes, Codfish and Hnllibm.&c., &c., comprising in all a large end Weir selected assortment of goods, selling at the lowest possible prices. The suscriber avails himself of the opportunity to thank his patrons for their liberal patronage, for the past eight years, and respcctiully asks a continuance of like favors, and guarantees to his customers n liberal system of trade, in which their interests as well os his own shall, at all times,be consulted. All persons ;Wanting good goods, at cheap prices, are in sited (o’calf and examiqg. for themselves, Hia in tention is not to bo undersold. The highest market price paid at all times for Butter, Grain, lumber, Shingles snd Ashes. Knoxville, June 22,1854. VICTOR CASE, jPamliy Grocery & Provision STOKE. THIE subscriber would inform his friends and tho citizens of Tioga .county generally, that he hpp just, received ,a largo and superior sup ply of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, SUCH AS Teas, Sugars by the barrel or otherwise, Coffees, Molasses, Stemart’s Syrup, Rice, Peppery Ginger, Saleratus, Allspice, Indigo, Tobacco, , Soap, Mould and SpermCapdles, Salt, by the barrel ( pr sack,:Mackerel bti the whole, ' ,/J and i ■ barrel. Codfish by the 100 or single pound, Flour, -Cheese, Crack ers, Butter «£■ 'Bggs, together'with every other, article in’ the Grocery line,l6wer 'thad ciin be gbt' at any oilier place in toym, a»,jmia deterpnincfl (0 ,make quick sales at ,, ~ . ,? . , pq would most respect {tilly invito his friends and the public generally tq give himattaUandexiinineibr thfemadlvesi ; t ?'£■ y-U'Wiyf M. -M/GONVERS.’ ‘ ! WelbboroagH,'May 27,1853. ' - •- ■ ftariflige Wagon HlanufU(> p-A nounce to his friends and Iheflflt^afL f* lio.geßßfalty.tliat he yhovd,business;on .Griftnolafreel, iinrnediatS/ takr*if J..K;-.Boweh < a»farß,;whew he:is pre-- idtOtoamßkotarh on jihortiiolioevi; \ <.f Suilfletf > v*,).- : u t mragpaa£ i„ n pf any style pr dasoriWtoblo .sniMhe : purchaser.’ knd.qf ttovyery vbwil materials. Alii kind* of is-i s reqaonajdq' jy -.tlM' bat; manner And tnnst fiuh iunohje.stylo,- -i ~ ; WeUaboro,’ Jnly 13, >54. HENRY PETRIE. T’SW ~, TCWrVCtfttws*'Mr i falltekp: AT TBS . i •SWP^ ffdtWW. . ; -'. ", Oils, (alacgejartety,) |j Ointments,’. ...,,. i OpsdtHoe» . , ..,,, \ | PunteoEaUklndp, . , f | /■, Picr»i : Bcpptr., ;• . . ■ ' Prussian, Blue, : ; Pijla-of , various .kinds, Quicksilver, -■ Quinine, Red Chalk, .. ■. ~ ■ Bed Precipitate, %i Bose Water, Saffron; ■ Sal Soda, Soap for the Toilet, Starch, - . Sponge, Syripgee, a large yariety, Toothache CoVdial, Umber, ■. Varnishes, various kind*, Vermillion, Vinegar, Wafers in boxes. ledicines. German Bitters, Hpave Powder, Lyon’s Rat Pills, Magnetic Ointment, Plasters of all kinds, Pulmonic Wafers, Paifn Killer, Radway’s Ready Relief, Sarsaparilla Syrup, Tetter Ointment, Uterine Calhoiicon', Vermifages, varioas binds Worm Tea, Dr. Kcllog’s. April 20,1854. wßirtßmmvGi *4?. K-tf sh «•»•; i .« feMniJWnep.'; ~,i | x ßtattWi»f/p*#}*rsa,, a. Bay Water, oßptt*,- w,’ -4 - Briqvpow, . -.1: ; , Bruahsffipf«U,^dsi ; Cwsphor,; •. ,Ca*tMe,So»p ( Cayenne feppen m „ Cement for ,oat then ware, Cinnamon, | Cloves, ;, . Cobolt, ! Composition Powder, Ceptjalio gnuflf fbr bead.- •pheicatMrh.&c;, &c, GeoawjTvUr, . Cordial for children, Dover’« : Powders, ; 1 Dye Wood* and. Dyeing materialsof *ll kinds, Epsom Salts, Erosive Soapj for remov ing; grease, fee., from . , clothing,. Essences of all kinds. Green Skive- for horses, Ginger Soot,. Patent I Ay re’s Cherry Pectoral, Branfsßalsnih, ' „ • Extract, Congbjdirturo, Coif Liver Oil, Or.Filch’s Medicines, Dr. Jayne’s I ' “ I Dr. Seder's “ 1 I Dr. S wayne’a “ Dr. Davis’, Depnrativc, Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, Gargling Oil*_ Grapfebberg Medicines, Gorman 010100001, [ DB( 68 AMD KIEDICI«E§! INLA WRENGEVILLE, 'PA. fPHE subscribers have constantly -t on hand at their Drag Store, in Law- ’SfiraT rencefille, a, large and well selected stock jHSB of DRUGS, qc., oT every description ' used by Physicians in the cduntiy, and all,the most popular PATENT MEDICINES of tbe day which, we offer for sale at prices which cannot fail dt’ suit those who may favor us with a call. Arooog.onr Patent Medicines may be found the following' : Merchant's Gargling Oil; Jayne's Expectorant, Al terative, Pills, Pills, Ac.; Moffat's Bitters and Pills;, niche's silver pitted Abdominal Support ■ ers. Brocf*, Inhaling Tubes, and all themedicinet prepared' by Aim for his private practice; Brant’s Pslmdnary Balsam and Purifying Extracts : Ayre’s Chsrrff Pectoral; Rogers’. Syrup of Tar and Conehalqgue; Billow's Heave Bure; An drea's’ .Palp Killing Agent; TrysTc's Magnetic ■ Oijilmeitt; Dr. Christie's Galvanic ,Relts, ifc.; Houghton's Artificial. Pepsin; Blahs’* Aromatic Billers igad ail lie most popular Pith and Ver mifuges, Ce. 1 | Also, a good assortment of , SCHOOL AND BLANK BOOKS, Biography,- Histdry,'Miscellaneous-Reading, &c. Paints, Oils and Dye-Stuffs, GLASS, wholesale amft retail, Gold and Silver Leaf; Putty, Spts. Turpentine,' Campheno, Burning Fluid, VarnisncH, &.C. i TRA UGH fs ■ HURD. Lawrenoeville, Fob. 3, 1854. WEEESBOKO’ EOIUVjBBY and Machine Shop. THE subscriber having rented the interest of Levi Chubbuck in the Wcllabdrongh Foun dry, is new prepared to manufacture most kinds of machinery—-'such as Mill Cra.nks, Mill Gearing, Slides, Bal ance-Wheels, Shafts, Pollies', <%•€., . WOOD. Mew Cheap Millinery Goods, I for Beady-Pay. TH E subscriber would , respectfully inform the eili- ' .zpns. of Wellsborough andvicin- . ity, ithat she ia just receiving a mW -Sf FASHIONABLE MILLINERY *OOOOB, consisting ofBONNETS of every variety,LADlES CAPS, CHILDRENS’ HATS, BONNET LI NIN.GS, BLOWERS and'RIBBONS of every kind and quitity, GLOVES, tMITTS, 'EMBROIDE RIES,. Collars, dndersLeeves, Handker chiefs. Silks, .Plain and Barfed Muslins, Laces, Cotton and Linen Edging, and a variety of other, things too numerous to mention. All of which can be obtained cheaper than elsewhere .this aide of New York city. The subscriber is now ‘doing a Rtady.Pay bnsi ness, and would invite her friends to call-and ox amine'hergoods before making thoir purchases, as she is confident they cannot suit themselves better at dny other establishment,:' Work, done onahort notice and in, tfan !most ap proved style.' _ . ' ‘' r Eke extendq-her,sincere, (banka to' her friends for, (he very liberal patronage herelofqto extended to her,' and-sqlicil«>»-cqqtinpanc6 of the some. -. , , D* Bhop one door front therosidepco of L. P. Wilislon. MRS. M. STEVENS, i . WelliEeroOgh, Apfil 27,1654. • ’ I " ’ ■; ; - 4 Worth Seeing! :| _" . v -fjiHß splendid assortment _ol .Goods ithai? ■L' tbe etdjjetibers ,are’ CnupN)T FORGET TBE ELACE! rj ‘ . Th't Neus Start of :■ i Jaly 13,1854. JONES & ROB. «j|l ahisSb min f ’itflblnlbir irtkto'lifWebi ftr CHBAjhN^M^O'ANl^inniiffUftMlLt' *ymbn* Jf* J ! ■apiit, OiMm CaW, MtafMty j 1 :3£itActeorp,oeb.Joly. 14,1854. ... ... , NSW ißMififiillMm A GROWL would announce to thV titi-. •' zene or ,thkt hdhie MaßofliaUd .with him a partner,, and the boaiaesa will, be con ducted under ,the firm of:A. Caown/fe Co. .-They will continue at the old eland, in Wellabotropgh, to manufacture to order and keep on hand, Htiggyp & li»wilier CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, Ac., 'whichfhf style, durability and elegance of finish, cannot bo' surpassed by any 'other similar establish, ment in the country. , • ■ Workmen of celebrity atoengaged, and thobest materials used expressly in all' the manufacturing departments of this establishment.., Persons send ing orders may rest assured of having them execn edf to their entire satisfaction, and finished in every particular the same os though they attended in per son. REPAIRING done as usual, with neatness and despatch. PAINTING of all kinds done on-(he shortest notice, and most reasonable terms. IT All, kinds of merchantable prodnc B (deliver, ed) recived in exchange for work; at the market prices. A. CROMfL & CO. July 13, 1855. FDIimXIIfiE WAftE BOOill FOR TIOGA COUNTY, THE subscriber, encouraged by the libera) patronage ho has received for the last three years, has enlarged his stock, and now offers a good variety ol the most durable and elegant Household Furniture at the lowest prices. He has upwards of twenty different kinds ofChairs from the Common Windsor'Coltage, to the best Ma hogany spring seat,and mahogany rockers; twelve different styles of Bedsteads; three styles of Solas and Tables, including Mahogany and Marble top Centre Tables, bureaus, Work Stands and Wash Stands in great variety. His stock is so large, and price so low, that it is an object lor those wishing PURNITDRE in this county, to visit his rooms. He is also the agentof Messrs. BLISS & AMES, of. Addison, for .the sale of their very superior. WINDOW SfiSH, BLINDS AND DOORS, which he sells'.at the same.prices, as. the; are, pur chased at his Factory. E. D. WELLS. \ Lawrenoeville, Sept. 7,1653. Perpetual motion Discovered at Last, HPHE subscriber .haying been appointed 'A agent by S. W. Paine for the sate of the Rose & Peck Improved Direct Action Water Wheels, would say to the owners of Saw Mills in Tioga county, that he is ready-to furnish -the above men tioned Water Wheel at Wellsboto', at any timeaf ter,this dafe, on the most reasonable terms.. These Wheels are warranted to do the best bu siness With the least quantity of water of any Wheel in use, (except an Overshot.) The great advantages of these wheels over oil others is the manner in which the water is applied to the wheel, is such (bat there cannot be.auy waste of water, the gales or sheets regulating the quantity. The gale is so constructed that it shots almost per fectly tight. Quantity of water required -under eight feet bead, 130 square inches, under 20 feet bead, 50 inches; all heads between these in pro portion. All wheels warranted to perform accord ing to recommendation, if they do not we take them out and replace the. old- wheels. No Wheels pn under less than eight fbot head. D. B. WILCOX. VVallsfaorough, July 13,1854. Custom Boot & Shoe Shop, AT ,M. Sherwood’s old siand, where the Sears* Boys continue to make, mend, and measura to order ( at as low prices as tb© times will admit. ” All work warranted?—to wosr,.out in a year or no not rip or com© to pieces dots wear out. Hides Wonted. CASH will he paid for,any quantity of hides *1 the highest market price. * ■ Ju1y.13,.1854. GEO. W, SEARS. SASH A l ACIHRY. NJVNY FORK, WOO A CO., PA f |'Hß sulwcrli •*TB bavin” .jruirhasrd ,IKp Sash Factory at ,Stony Fork, have now on hand* and making all binds ofpqmire, and butoy. Sashajidßliiids. The auhsoribers.QaUen themselves that they can make as good end endurable an article, and .aell it as cheap as can'be obtained at any establishment in Northern Ponnsylvanja or in Southern New .Yo>k. O’ All orders in ,qiir (me of bumuesa, vvjij. he” promptly attended to. • *. D. B. WILCOX. ; Stony For k , June 6,‘ 1854.' - ‘ 1 ■ €arpetingiB,&c. T'HE aubscribora have just replenished their 1 ■*' etock jpf Carpeting, and now.'feei-'justified in saying ihht tjiei'r Carpd t: .Wire, RoomTcxcela in quantity, quality- Viriety, richness and Wanly-Hint of" any Other ■ lit this cdhhlry, and ks to ‘ pricer lie o* e Spnfidpnbfrißy;aro.M low. as shy establishment tigs of-New .Yotk.cjly, ... MUNOOW-.SHADES, ■ ‘ tir . ■•' *<*, Vil ■ all htrtW-Vert-JoWeat pAsaiMe prlbes.nt the new ciah’ktpfrdP'f J{Npy;3[.j - “ JONES * RQE. | Jin iGHT-fiTallow.fc,Adamantine -.Gandies,-: Bfirn ipg.Floid sndiLampOil,- at , )--V. CASE’S. - . BBta HEAVY MESS PORK fnrttfcolveil by [Mai., 30.]; ; ; JONES & ' ‘-inn BUSHELS of-OORN,' for aale 6V ww VICTOR CASE Cholics,and. PftptngPaintyßrmta and ,'. .'Pffmepfi(t ~AH> . ALt .OTH?K 'jURDEIBp’ pispAaEa. :,fee;aipihe win prove , in bncondltidpalPain JhibTabm In ill mc«, wheflrerErterneler Internal. dfencert ba* ryeei. red 'the appropriate bine of ,l iDerrtS4o*Paia.*’ R hae.-by.being keptpn htndhy, fkmiliea -who. know its value, been the meafli of earing and of ten lt(e v hy Us timely die in sudden,aUkcks, and, in base of accident!. 'ln ill Tmfises and flesh wound* 'this embrocalion./hatcan ;be; found, i Xha>soraMM-4*< —ei^ellipM,reduced—ripd pfofo»e| hly-flp’qf&pPiyi. A single Jose will ease the most severe pains ih'/Jie bowels, did a/fe w applications 1 ww Case the severest-rheumatic sndnervoas pains.(' Dyspepsia and ita trato- Of diseases lsrd;iten frpiPriU strong hold. “Fever'and’Aghe,” in'iho'laignagoof a ' western ■ agent “can’t- stand before tdd’Xeddy and -live.” .it iaed with; nearly wry disease in . the .catalpgue. Ji Medical for Ike.MiUum'J The remedy is composed of a large number of .articles, alt entirely vegetable, eachkrebtedisl agent in ItseUi yet' so united aa to forth a most powerful combination, and. to' take away bne of these agents wmtjd materially detract from its, merits. One, and the most powerful, of these articles,is a root procured for this medicine only (Vom the island of Tauma'go, in the South'Pacific, called TAYU, OR LIFE ROOT! It is need by the natives in almost every disease, and the secret oi its -virtues wee impa rtedlo the proprietor by a native. O* For certificates, Stc., eee- pamphlets to be hid of Agent. CAUTlON.—Purchasers of Death to Pain beware how -you are deceived by the story that tbe Pain- Kilting Agent, and Pain-Killer are the belter medi cines. And if yon go .to boy Death-to-Pein, buy it, and have no other. Mark the words, " Dealn.io. pain,” printed on red glazed papef, with the signature of P. LBDDY, and copyrighted by Wo. L.-Fo«e & CoGeneral Agents, to whom all order? mutt be addressed, at Itbica, N. Y. , W. D. BAILEY, S9IO Agent at Wellaboro’, Pi. WellSboroagb, March 9,185d.' DOCTOR YOURSELF! The Pocket JBsrul. OR. EVERY OWE HIS THE Fiftieth , Edit; with One Hundred gratings, showing Reset and Malformations of the 1 man System in every shi andforra. .To which is adi a Treaties on. tbs Disease Femalds, being of the big) importance to married poo) or those contemplating mi riage, ’ Bv Wm Young, M... Let no father be ashamed to presenla copy of (he JEscvlatws to bis child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman en ter into the secret obligations of married life with out reading the Pock*t jEsoDiapins. Let no one Bulling ftom a haqhnied Cough, Pain ip -the side, Xesßess nights, nervous' feelings,, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their physician, he another moment without consulting the jEscoi-»rirs. Have the married, or those about to be married, any impediment, read, this truly use ful book, as it has been the of saving thou sands of onfortuate creatures from the very javi of death. ’ ; 1 O'Any person sending Twenty-Five Centa cnclcr sed in & letter, will receiye one copy of this work by mail ot five copies will be sent for one Dollar. Address, (post paid) DR JVM. .YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce StSPhiladelphie, March 16, 18S4-ly. B,T B A.B K 8» Self-Setting Mill Bogs. undesigned having purchased the , right of using the above Mill Dogs in Tiogt county, would announce to the public generally Ihalhoia ready to furnish them ataliort notice,to any part of the.epunly, on the most reaspnable terms, and warrant then) tq set correct from half dn inch to two inches in thickness. They are the cheapest and the most durable Dog in use. They are very simple in construction, consequently rery oeqjly kept in repair. They can boused for two saws in a gate just as well as for one. Terms, fothOO per sett for one-saw, (the mao own ing the mill finding (he headblacks and boarding the men white putting diem in) and 955.00 for two saws. N. B.—AU orders promptly attended to, D. B. WILCOX. 1 Wsllsborouch, Dec. 5,1853. I would say that ive have Used the above descri bed MU) Dogs for about four and oor sawyers like them much and think them prefers* ble to any they hayo used. 8. E, ENSWORTH. I have a set of the above described Dogs in my mill, which I purchased after a years trial, and can recommend them to do their work well. Wellsboro’, Jan. 5 f *54-ly. J. I. JACKSON. JKIiVC PAINTS. One third cheaper than White Lead , and free from all poisonous qualities. 'THE NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY L having greatly enlarged'their'works, and lip* proved the quality of their products, are prepared lo execute orders for their Superior Paints, Dry, and ground in Oil, in assorted package* of from 25 to 500 pounds; also, Dry, in barrels, of 200 lbs. each. Their, White Zinc , which is sold dry or ground into, iswarruntcd PURE and unsurpassed for body and uniform whiteness. A method of preparation has recently been disco veted, which enables tbeCoinpany to.warrant their paiiits to keep Ireshand soft in thu kegs for any rcb' aonable tinte. .In tWa respect their.; paints,will be superior to any other’in the market. Their Brovin Zinc Pqiril, whiohia sold ata loir (Price, and can only be maddfromthe 2Hno pres from ‘New Jersey, is imw wull known fur its ptoteciinr 'qualities when applied to iron or Ollier rootslliocur* ■ faces. ‘ Their Stone CoiotPaint po&csses all the proper ties of the Brown, and ip of an agredable cole for 1 painting Cottages, Depots,iOut-huildinga, Bridgca, 4tc. Dealers ’ sppplied cn. libeieil trrms by Uieir A B enU > m i .raENgH^JRICIU>DS. ’’OfilefOle Pant Dealer! ajid Importer!, N. W. 'cor. of lOthJo Market April-6th jggd.r r • r G AMBIA' Supply of dood ShafrGutis. Pos'd 3 Ldad'shd Sho{,for; Mo tif J V."C/tBE. RBAbY-hIADE CTOtHTNG. : --'X large assort ment for sale Jby ■ J. R;'BOVVfiN. IPBWV j A bARKEtS PORK, for ule hy the bw p, CONVERT DR IED APPLES, riERBIB 3 fab solo by [Juno 23-1 V. CASE-