The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, October 19, 1854, Image 3

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    , oea of u -fcav% »o?* ve^
boaVtftite H»6Wfl &iij»fto‘ lje gavfe
up in every rowset fprout relief. The R«V.
tL g eml ®-
Mttfittilo ell on board.JVre sttal ever
kindoesstoSfflgfc** wh6
tve -th> t !-'fl» steamer
tb J
f««BL Pietro, bound
from and bfelongingtd Greenville, France.
As near a 4 »re’Couldi learn, -the Vesta was
fttebiibg r E. S^E. f »nd : vva*' flrrtßloff out
course twbpoints, with all 'dailB"V«t—wind
W. by 8. . „ . , . ..-
Ho?; anchor stock, aWul seven By four
inchea square, was driven through the bows
of the "Arctic, about 18 inches above the
water line } and an immense bore had been
made ql the same instant by the fluke of the
anchor about two feet below the water line,
taking fore-end aft the: plank, .and finally
breaking- the chains, leaving the . slock . re
maining in and through the side of the Artie,
or it is not unlikely that as so much of her
bows would had been crushed in, that soma
of the heavy longitudional pieces of iron
running through the ship may have been
Jrivcn through our side, causing the loss of
our ship, and I fear hundreds of most val
uable lives. JAMES C* LUCE.
terrific Ttmadcr-boll.
A correspondent at Peoria, Illinois, sends
the following account of a terrific thunder
bolt which fell upon a house in that city,
about midnight on the 24th September :
Those of,our citizens who had retired
were startled from their slumbers by one of
the most deafening peals of thunder that, we
candidly believe, eve* reverberated through
the firmanent. It was not a particularly
sharp, but was rather a collected roaring, as
if a million pieces of artillery had been dis
charged at once ; ond the sound seemed in
no direction or locality, but to fill all space —
in fact, it seemed as if the entire universe
united in the terrific utterance. The light
ning which preceded the explosion (strictly,
epeaking, although it appeared to be at the
same instant) was as intensely vivid as it 1s
possible to conceive. It must have been one
ol the most voluminous bolls of electricity
that ever descended, for its effects were ama
zing, and almost unprecedented. It seemed
to burst in nil its fury upon the residence of
Cap), Morrison, on Third street, and left in
its trace a sad record. The house was a
story and n-half, of brick. The bolt first
struck the East chimney, and passed down
the same to.a bar that passed through the
building to secure the walls, where it forked,
one of the forks ripping up the roof on the
North s|dej of the building, tearing apart the
East wall,Vn'd running along the earth'in
the back -yard to the privy; another fork
pasaed down the diningroom, shattering the
ceiling, and finally took the same shoot as
the other,, thinning nearly parallel with it to
the privy, where they met. A third fork
passed into the second story, where it
branched in two opposite directions one
branch streaking through the chambers, shat
tering into fragments a door which was
closed, and passing out through the West
side of the house, after which it ran over the
ground in the adjoining yard in a singular
manner ; and the other branch passed above
the stairs into the hall, and out at the front
door, tearing up the outside steps, and. cour
sing about' the front yard ond tearing up the
earth in the same manner as the other forks
did back of the house. At the foot of the
stairs two sons of Capl. Morrison were lying
in the hall, having chosen that place on ac
count of the warmth of the night. The
eldest of these received the, whole force of
tnc electric stream, and was rendered sense*
less And incapable of speech, giving utter,
ance only to a few feeble groans. Instant
efforts were made to restore him, but they
were of no avail, in an half an hour after
life was extinct. The body, to all appear
ance, was not injured in the least, there not
being even a fracture of the skin. Next
morning the face wore an expression as
natural asjjife, and presented the appearance
oi calm slumber. The other brother was
terribly lacerated, both thighs being furrowed
vertically, to the bone, by a number of fright
ful gashes. The physician who is in attend,
ance upon him has but little hope of the suf
ferer’s recovery.
Capt, Morrison was silting in the dining
room al the lime of the cataslrojShere, look
ing nut of the South window, and he des
cribes ihe impression produced upon him a«
similar to being struck upon the head with a
brick. Bu. in a moment he recovered from
tbe shock, and discovered the room filled
wnh dusi, and the wreck of the wall King
around him. He immediately proceeded to
look ufier'ihe safety of hw family, who were
u ienng frightful shrieks from all parts of the
house, when the sight of his two sons, one in
thein<t agonies of death, and the o'her wel
lenne in blood, struck his stout heart with
terror, and completely unmanned him. His
oaughier, n young girl, narrowly escaped in
jury, although she was considerably shocked.
So- slept m the chamber, ihe door of which
shattered ns above stated. She said her
firs’ idea was, that the house had been blown
U P wnh powder. There were two other la
dies sleeping in the house ol the lime, neither
o( whom was seriously injured.
The building presented next morning a
frightful appearance, having been completely
riddled, from the roof to the cellar. The
"eps to the upper chambers, as well as those
which led to the cellar, were thrown some ten
inches from the walls, and so shattered as to
render them unsafe to use. One of the iron
rods used to fasten the carpet to- tho steps,
was taken by the electricity and hurled up
through the stairway with such force, that it
penetrated one of the rafters of the roof; to
such a depth as to require an ordinary-sized
vnan topniiit out.. The atmosphere in the
vicinity was strongly Impregnated with sal-'
phor, as if thare bad been an immense pow
der explosion.
Id conclusion, we may safely say that this
occurrence is one of the most wonderful and
terrible phenomena of electricity on record.
The lady who took everybody’s eye must
n»»e had quite ft supply,
are ever Slavery!
W\m it 1 WIT
’thidtf that 'chto#' wlfttoulf thifis
helmis iterant ly|
IntWelflntf|Pay'aV;tfe !^<e"Wt2
t few*
or.golyneata.wooeFJhan the rLet
with, and 5
boltiSf oUf tjrtJnS^lhqtit-iA? bit Proytdenco. itpi
, tGAdft'to^4biitwjgrpea m jjie ,distant
futurejbutgloryiitthhdprofitto thotitmost
: by what He kak 'ddne forh im- in. tra n splaht.
ing bini - heref-iand abetting. 1 binAlawork on 1
obr plantstibns^ rV tjtt lha : and
planters of tba South, while
“ Baptists and ' Meliihdists,” (aqd ’dther de-;
twminattonahavffig'a votes,)
. in cHriatianizihg the hegrof keep : lheir slaves
at hard, workr under strict discipline; ■ out,
idleness and mischief- while thby’live; and,
when they, comb to die, instead of 'sending
thenv off to African er-manumitting-them to
a life of “ freedoth”- licentiouabess ahd nui-'
sance, mill them ofbf totheir children, or
direct them to be sold Where they wilLbe
made to work hard and be of service totheir
masters and -to the country. True philan
hropylo the uegrtr Mgins 7 like ' fcKSrlty, at
home ; and if amithern men WoUld, acl as if
the canopy of .heaven were inscribed With-a
covenant, in letters offira that the negijp Is
hero and here forever, Ts otir’'property.and
ours forever, is never ,to be emancipated, is
to be kept hard at work, and in rigid subjec
tion all his days; and is never to go to-Africa,
to Polynesia, or to Yankee Land, (ftr. worse
(ban either) they would accomplish, more
good for the race in five years than they
boast the institution itself to have sccomplsh
ed in two centuries, and cut up by . the roots
a set of evils and fallacies (hat threaten to
' drive the while race a wandering in the west
ern wilderness sooner than CufTbe will go to
preach the gospel in Guinea. —Richmond
An Eccentric Will.
Mr. Railing of New Hampshire, wasamong
the victims of the last railroad accident be
tween Brighton and-London. His heirs, after
having paid him the customary funeral hon
ors, did what all heirs do in similar cases,
opened the will of the deceased, to ascertain
what share each was to" have in his posthum
ous liberalities. As he had never given a pen
ny to’either of his relatives, during his life
time, they expected to be the richer, now that
he was no more. -One may imagine the sur
prise caused by the first line of the will:
“ This is my testament. I give and be
queath all my' goods, present or future, mova
ble, in England or on the Continent, to that
railroad company on whose road I have bad
the happiness to meet with death, that blessed
deliverance from myterrestrial prison,”
Further on, (he testator gives his reasons
for his bequest. The idea had taken firm
possession of his mind that he was destined
to die a violent death, and the most desirable
one in his view was that caused by the explo
sion ofa locomotive. He traveled, therefore,
constantly on the"rkTTrOaffs in England, Bel
gium and France. There was not A station
where he was not known. All the conduc
tors were familiar with his peculiar costume.
He had narrowly escaped death several times.
Once he was shut up in a car under wather,.
another time he wqs in the next car to the one
that was shattered, and ha described wilh the
greatest enthusiasm those terrible accidents,
when he saw death so near, without being
able to obtain it. Disappointed in Europe he
went fo tho United Stales. He made frequent
excursions on Ihe Ohio, the Mississippi, (he
Ontario, the Niagara, but notwithstanding
their frequent explosions, be returned with a
whole skin. He was destined to he crushed
under a car of the mother country. It is
skid that the relatives will attempt to break
the will on the ground of insanity, but it" is
probable that the railroad will win the suit in
spite of the proverb that the murderer never
inherits from hia victim.
“ Mias, can I have the exquisite pleasure of
rolling the wheel'of conversation around the
axletree of your understanding a few minutes
this evening ?" The lady fainted.
Wanted at this office, immediately, on subscription.
We would say to our subscribers, that if they do
not wish to catch 'special fils from our “ devil,” they
had better hurry up their cakes.
Wellsboro 5 & Tioga Plank
Koad Company.
The annual meeting of the
Stockholders of the Company will be hold on
Monday the 6lh of November next, at 1 o'clock P.
M., at the Court House in Wellsboro’, when an elec
tion will be held thr President, two Directors and
Treasurer of said Company. iGEO. M’LEQjD,
Oct. 19, 1854-2 w. Seft'y.
"VTOTICE is hereby given, that thoco-parl-
D nership tie re In Tore existing under the name of
HASTINGS do McNITT, is this day dissolved.
IT All persons indebted to the above firm will
please make immediate settlement with Wm. Me
lt itt.
Dclmar, Oct 16, 1854-3 w.
Landholders Take IVotide.
THE MORRIS CLAIMS (of the late
Robert Morris,‘Financier of.lho War of
the Revolution,) Will be SUED OUT. OccbpanU
and othersean Have Confirmatory, Quitclaims and
Free Titles, by early application to
JOHN MOSS, Sole Grantee, No. 50 Wainnt St,,
EDW. WALN, Esq., No. 3 York Building,
J. L. HUSBAND, Kaq., No. 3 Saosom St,
.Attorneys at Law, Philadelphia, Fa.
Oct 19,1854-lm. , ~ ~
THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully ini'
■ form the Fanners of Tioga County, that they
are now Manufacturing FINCH'S IMPROVED:
PREMIUM FANNING MtLLSfthreeiiiiles south
of Welisborough, on the Jersey Shore road: and
feel warranted, in saying that.ssid-MUlis t|;ebest
ever introdaced into»Tioga County,
-cleaning fa»t and well, and the saving of Crass Seed.
Farmers are respectfully invited io ball and ezimt'
ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere: v ,v
IT All kinds of Produce taken in payment Old
Mills repaired on .short notice.
Drlmar.Octl3,lBs4-:t£ I ( -f
’• > ' '
_ n , itHriedfthe
_ progress,. jidjehi
of disease cdulricted'by promiscuous sexual'lnter-
ty,sexuri i exce^ I vrtlh'hd.'
TiM fbraW prerdritwij, written iji n fomiliir style,
avoiding all [gjtodidtf Wcbhlcali tteaimd bverythihg
that but-i
line pf-cdindlain&JnftMeiit to femalw/’ftmh*ttlie' re
dexoleff Wthe'eai'o bf diseases bfndellhate, dr pri-,
rale nature, , _ .w-'j-Vf.-* v
To which ia Added. Receipts' for tha euro ofthe;
abort di»ea*B«,and a'tiinitise on the caUsCstayihp
tomsand curaof the FBVER itiii'i&m. : * 1
Tetiimtiny ofihePiofeitor of ObtUtriio'in -At
Ftnn -toidical CeUe^i,'Philadelphia—“ Dtb HUN
TER’S MEDICAIf MANUAL.”—The author of
this work, uplike-tHb'majority of thosewhir adver
tise to' curelhe dladaiies.of whichittreata iSagrtd
uate of one of the best Colleges In the United States.
It affords me'pleasure tdrecoiumend him to the nn-'j
fortunate, or to the; victim of faalpradliee, u c suc
cessful and experionced'praotiHoner,ih Wbosehonor
and integritythey inay place thegireatest cdofidence.
’• ■ : Jos."S. LoNosnoavM. D.
From A, Woodaard, M, D,, of Penti Univeroity,
Philadelphia, —lt gives mo pleaSUreto addihy testi
mony, to the professional ability ofthe author ofthe
Medical .MdnuaJ.,'Noinerou»CaBe* pf Disease'df
the. Genital Organs, some oftheinof longstanding,
have come under my notice, in which'his skill has
been manifest in restoring to perfect health in’tome
cases where tha patient has' been considered' beyond
medical aid. Inthe'treatment of Seminal-'weak
ness, or disarrangement of the funotioha produced
by self-abuse or excessive venery, I do not know his
superior Inthe profession. I have been acquainted
with the autborsome thirty years, and deem it no
more than Justice to him as kindness to the
unfortunate victim of early indiscretion, to recom
mend him as one in whose professional skill and in
tegrity they may Safely confide themselves,
Airum Wooowabd. M, D.
” This is, without exception, the moat comprehen
sive and intelligible work pnlilished oh tbe t classes of
diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical
terms, it addresses the reason of its readers.
It ts free from all objectionable matter} and ho par
ent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in
the hands.of bis sons. The anther hat devoted ma
ny years to the treatment of the various complaints
treated of, and with too little breath io puff and too
little presumption to impose, he has offered to the
world at tbs merely nominal price of 95' cents, the
fruit of some twenty years’ mast successful practice,
u No teacher or parent should be.knowlede impar.
tod ,in this valuable work. It would save years of
pain and mortification and sorrow to the youth un
der their charge.”— Peoples' Advocate,
A Presbyterian clergyman inOhio, writing of
u Hunter’s Medical Manual” says “ Thousands
upon thousands of our youth, by evil example and
influence of the passions, have been led into.lfao
habit of self-pollution without realizing the sin and
fearful consequences upon themselves and posterity.
The constitutions of thousands who are raising fatn.
ilios have been enfeebled, if not' broken down, and
they do not know the canse or cure. Anything
that con be done so to enlighten and influence the
public mind os to check, and ultimately to remove
this wide spread source of huthau wretchcdcCss,
would conlbr the greatest blessing next to the.relig
ion of Jesus Christ, on the present and coming gen
eration. Intemperance (or the use of intoxicating
drinks) though it has slain thousands' upon thou
sands, is not a' greater scourge to the faqman race.
Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted,and be
lieve me your*co-worker in the good work yon are
so actively engaged in.” ’
One copy (securely enveloped) will be forwarded,
free of postage, to any part of tba lioilod Btates &r
35 csnU,or six copies for one dollar- Address, (post
paid) COSDEN & CO., Publishers, or Box 196,
(EJ* Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents
snpplied on the most liberal terms.
October 19,1854-ly. .
Watches & Jewelry., „
Tj*OLEY & ; BAILEY would respectfully
J- infotmtho-pablio tbit they have jUßt'rccoived
the largest, best and cheapest assortment qi
ever offered in this maakef, consisting of Gold and
Silver Banting, plain and Detached Levers, Lepine,
Quartier and other Watches, Clocks of every des
cription and at all prices, from 91 to 910.
consisting of Fob and Vest Chains, Breastpins, Ear,
and Finger rings, Seals, Keys, Cnff Pins, silver
Thimbles, Pencils, Gold Pens, dec. All the above
articles are of the latest styles and fresh from the
Manufacturer and Importer, and will be sold cheap
er than ever offered in this market Clock and
Watch Repairing dona on reasonable terms and
In connection with the above, they keep constant
ly on band, a large assortment of
which they will sell at city prices. School, and
Private Libraries supplied on the most reasonable
terms, and at short notice,
Wellsborongh, Oct. 12,1854.
TH E sub
scriber i b
prepared by new
Machinery, just
purchased, to fur
nish to order, ail
kinds of square
and fancy Sash
and Blinds
Square Sash of
common sizes
c o n b t a oily on
By Jong expe
rience !n the busi
ness, the subscri
ber flatten him
self that ho cap In-,. , good an —-
it as cheap os can bo obtained at any estabishment
in PennsylTanii or New .York. Call and ape.
Covington, March 3,1854.
87 The subscriber n also Agent -for the sale of
Dr. D. Jaynes celebrated Family Medicines, also
Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness. D. 8.1.
fT LOCKS.—A large qnanhty of CLOCKS
just received at FOLEY A RICHARDS', and
saleeiHi]). August 34,1854.
A large stock just received and for sale very ] , [Jnpe I.] JONES A ROE.
-LT-L greatest Horse Medicine in use, far sale by .
Knoxville. Jone 32.1854. , V. CASE.
v less variety, now receiving, by
March .30. - 1 JONES A ROg,
“TQ BQLS. PORKjfor sale by
[au-3 3 tf.] , VICTOR CASE.
Knoxville Ang. 3„ 1654-tf.
GAME.— A sopply of good Shot' Cans, Powder
i Lead and Shot, for sale by V. CASE.' '
T> EADY-MADE CLOTHINO.-Alargeassort-
JXmeiii for'sale by. * ’J. R. BOWEN, ‘ -
6VA A BUSH. CORN for sale by i ■:<,
gj U.yKnoiVillo. June 23,1854, V. CABE-. s
61T/|.BARRELS PORK,,for sale by lhe btrre
bor pond. at, /. M. M. OONVERS.-
' • will do .well to call and examine this hive
assortment before IpUrfchksing' elsewhere,' st 'tho
Cheap Store of [June l.[ ' JONES A ROE.
~ ' ) ' 1 *
the public keep*, on |iand;c<iti»tanl,
w k|eh;Je wiU>ellto„bpUi,oM*n4 new cdatbmatoh
ai-reuooable teirn»-»j'4T<ir.. S’ ,-f' '-Pn'M'?
CTThe highert Cauh prioe* paid for HIDES and
SHEEP 'BEETS.i *"i q* * ?S’3 -X
WelUborongh. Oct S,iBs<-4n2. '
'PnllllclVoHCei '.'inira
"D EV ., J. F, CALKIN 9 County, , Superin
•*-*' will deliver a’lee
tnreat the rcnjdesl w thd fricnffs of Education, on
TneriayOTMibgvlTtlii'wWil thej.CWrt'House in
Weilaborongh. Subject,'The CommonSoliDol' By*,
tem, and Education generaliy. 'T’ l ’’ ’ J
; ■ «■. ; tj SCHOOL'DIRECTORS7 '}
October 5,-1854? i -i? if \ Willtborough.
'i '. . ' Thirty Years'' . ;
Tft-THE,U. ihpw.whh
~y .Wi«h to, know the doing* of He C, S. Senate for
Wirtyy£ar». will do welj FOLEYA
BAILEY’S Book arid Jewelry Store, and procure
“ Beoton’a Thirty Ycarayi tile U. S. Senate," at He
Agents pticeL Call io6n, as they are coins faiL
Aog. 84, 1q54. '
... Sclioolßopks. ...
ALL the School Books that have.been
for use in the Wellaboro’ Academy,
and all the. School Districts of .Tioga county, con be FOLEY Jo. BAILEY'S, at the publisher*
priees., A supply always on hand. ■ ■ : Aug; 24.
TUST recoivftd-'at the Book: & Jewelry
. Store of FOLEY & BAILEY, n very' large
slock. ofLaw.MiscellsneonsandSchool Book sever
before,broughtintoTiogu County: 1 Also a large
assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Stationery, &c 4 ct
cet,lbsell at the lowest cash cnee*.. -
Wellsboroagh, Augoitl7,.fi?s4-tf. .. „ . ~
TtCES OF THE PEACE. Supplement to
Pardon’s Digest A Digest of the Laws of Penn
sylvania froth the 39th day of May, 1853, to the
18th day of May, 1854, with the older laws dot in
cluded in the last edition of the Digest—ByF. C.
BaionTtv, End. ' For sale by
McKENZIE'S 500(1 ‘ Receipts, Ladies Medics
Pocket Companion-, Gentlemen’* Medica
Pocket Companion. For sale by
A NEW’and interesting Novel—“ Flora
Lyodsay," or Passages in an eventful Life—
By Mrs. Moodie.' For sale by - - *
Know-nothing or Know-something,
know enough to go to ROWfiN’S EMPIRE
STORE- and buy a Fwaucn Hat~oj any other
kind of a Hat that you are a inimTto select froin
bis large stock. Sept 19,1854.
TATTDE-AWAKE HATS.—Juki received
• v pt the Empire Store a large stock of Wide.
Awake, Hungarian, and Kossuth Hals. Call,and
ees !_ | Sept 12, 1854.
Wlno for Communion.
, rrtHEChurchea of Tioga|couhiyare re
' spcctfiilly informed that they can now obtain
at'the Wclisborough Drug Store, the Pure Juice of
Ae OrapcunadulUraUd wilk Alcohol in any form.
The most satisfactory evidence of its parity can be
shown to those who wish to examine it. Certificates
of distinguished Clergymen and the statement of
tho manufacturer himself. Those Jnterestedwiil do
well to profcure a supply soon. 1 R, ROY. .
Wellsborougb, Jan. 36,1854;
Blake’s Patent Ohio
•nIRE PROOF PAINT.— r2O barrels of the
A- genuine article, just received and for sale at
mncb lesshhan former prices, at
July 13.1854. __ JO
Life Insur.i
rpHE subscriber would inform the public
that he hoe taken an ■gone}' in the u SUS
COMPANY ” at Harrisburg, Pa-J and will attend
to granting insurances on lives to those who may
give h m a call.
The o is probably no other investment which a
person can make, of equal importance to their fami
lies or relatives,as that of a life insurance. The on.
dorsigi ted will be happy to impart any information
upon the subject, on application to him, at bia office
in Welliborougb. B. SMITH.
Sept. 28,1854-3 w.
-i-’* coived a splendid assortment, from a 'low
price up, of entirely new style. Call and see them
al the New Store of , JONES & ROE.
you have a large assortment of beautiful styles
to select from at the Cboap-Stdre of
Oct. 37, ISM. JOp
RED FLANNEL.—Just received a large
lot of [dain and twilled Red Flannel, which
wilt be sold very chcao ,et the cheap Cash Store of
Not.SO, 1853. j JONES & ROE.
AGON FOR |3ALG. —The subscribers
> t have a new two-horse Spring Wagon, which
they will’sell cheap for Cash or good paper.
Horse for Sale.
HORSE, Pedlar I Wagon ond Harness for
Sale by the subscriber, cheap fqr Cash or ap.
proved paper, separately, or together. The horse
is a good, serviceable animal.
[Oct 5.] I W. P. BAILEY.
Dress Goods.
LADIES, just drop in at J. R. Bowen’s
cheap store and examine his Bareges, Barege
Detains, Lawns, Black Silks, Ginglmfns, Crape and
Silk Shawls, and save your ten per cent,
Wellaborsugh. Juno 29,1654. . . t
CACHECO PRINTS.—6O piecei of Ca
chcco and Merimac Prints, of beautiful .styles,
just received by ■ [Juoo l.] . JONES. & ROE.
ees of Beeheo’s latest stylo Silk Hats just re
ceived by [Jane l.j JONBT A KOE.
BOOTS AND SHOES—Thq largest and
best stock of BOOTS AND SHOES ever
brought into Wellsbototigh, found at ’
Sept 12,1854. t . j. J. R. BOWENS’.
largest and best
V v assortment ever offered in this, piece, for,sale
at [JunelO, 1853;] jM. hf- QONVERS'i !
1 of small cheek- Ginghams, at one shilling per
yard, perfectly feet colors, just received at the Cash
Store of [June 1,18541] - JONES A ROB.
low price of 83.50 Up-to 410,are now opened
for your inspection sit the Cash Store of '' ''" 1
June 1,1854; ■ > JONES A ROE."
-fTCT ANTED, at GRAY’S Stove Store, old
V T Iron, Copper. Brass, Pewter, Lead, Rags, Ac.
fY4RUBBES.—Benjamin’s Superior BratijTfUMes
for sale by ] June 83. j V.’CASB. ‘
etfcwhltili-will, as hMfetoftrtiWsdtttiU
in the market. Among tHe atibrtmellt -of ■ ‘ *
Wll 1 be found a great variety olLad lei’ Dress Geode
ieotail*litfgldip*r(of ; ;;.>4; *4 ■ 4m.- '>.4* of :
Bereget, Bierege Delanet,an~tßool j>elani»,
'J&viuyplain and printed; - GingAamr,^
■' u Englith, Amrican )
: V ‘ Popli7Ui Print» of ull tkadts
4„ ji:. : >And goodstbeTeof '-' ■•
f -,iv-v sift- I'L-K'g . - ;•■; ■ ’
AUojfqr men’* wear may be <foiind Broadcloths,
Cuthneree, ./Tweed*,, Kentucky Joans, silk, satin
apd anmmor Vestings., ’ ,
.“ Also, Sheetings, Shirting*, bleached and brown,'
Tickings,-Sumraeif Goods foV-boys’ wear. Cotton
Yarn, Carpet Warp, Colton Batten, will, o variety
of olbor rliolea too nopcraastooKnlion....
- Groceries and Provisions.
•>.A full. stockwill be kept on hand. Those in
want of .Bogus,. .Teas, CoSee, Molassey, Stewart’s
beet Syrup, Spices, Pepper, Ginger, Salcratns, Floor,
Fish’, Salt Tofiaico, or any other sVtiole'iri this line,
WJli'do well location ns befOrti 1 purchasing else-
when. - 1 ■
enlarge and complete anossorlment as can bo found
in.tho county.. Among which is Cutlery of all kinds,
Carpenters Tools, Chains, Hoes, Sbovebt, Forks,
Butts and Screws, Door Hangings, Pitta, Ac., Sc C.
: Hoof* and Shoes, Hals and Caps,
Steel, Iron, Nails, Paints'qnd Oils, Glass
and Putty , Ready-Made Clothing, 4fc.
' Thankful for the liberal patronage ofthe past
season, the undersigned feel a ‘pleasure in invilint
the public to an examination of pur Spring stogjV
believing that good Goods and low prices will in
sure a speedy sale for ready pay.
h, May 25,1854.
BT. VANHORN would inform the citi
• sons of Wellsborough and vicinity, that he
fans purchased the-interest of his partner, John 8.
Bliss, in the above business, and will continue at
the old stand, two doors east of Jones' Store, to keep
on hand and make to order all kinds of Cabinet
Fofnilure—such as .
Sofas, Divans, Ottomans,
Card, Centre, Dining dp Breakfast Tablet,
Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus,
Cottage, French and Common ■ Bedsteads,
of every description, together with all articles usu
ally made in his line of business.
. From his knowledge of the business he flat
ters himself with that-belief that those wishing
to purchase, would do well to coll and examine
his work before sending elsewhere for an inferior
COfTINS, of every variety, made to order, at
shorfnotice, and reasonable charges.
TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no
Chairs! Chairs!
ItTL In addition to the above, the eubscri.
iSSSkber would inform the public that he has
| jusl received a large and handsome assort
ment of
Boston and Common Rocking Chairs, dpc.,
which he will sell as cheap, if not cheaper, than
they can be purchased anywhere else in Tioga
county. Call and .see them 1 June 3,1852;
Emporium of Fashion,
In/” '
MM. CONVERS Hns just received from
• New York, the largest and most carefully
selected assortment of j
ever brought into this country, which lie will sell
for ready pay cheaper than any other eetailiehmcnt
His stock comprises a general assortment o
every variety of Clothing, from a low price up.
SUMMER COA7 S—for Men and Boys—a large
r; description, size and color.
PANTS —every style and quality.
VESTS —of every style, color and description.
SHIRTS, Under-Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Ovor-
AUs Over-Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves, Umbrellas,
Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, together with
lots of
of every description—the largest assortment in
Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters,
for Men, Boys, and Women, a large variety.
Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Sj-c., dfc.
lie would say to all in want of good and neat
fitting CLOTHING, that he can and will sell
cheaper than can be gotten in this borough, or any
where this side of the New York market. This
is no blow or brag, but truth—and to test it call at
“Convers’Cheap Clothing Emporium,” where ill
articles are sold cheaper than on (he one price
system. Wellsborough, May 27,1853.
[ES & ROE.
At Bowen’s Empire Store*
CALL and sec the best and largest stock
of Goods ever offered Vo the public. Gentling
SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, and a largti stock of
I Hatter myself that 1 can drees a map to particu
lar fit* in all cases who desire the ready-made.
The Ladies are invited to cull and examine the
richest and best asanHment of DRESS GOODS ever
before offered in market—which I am prepared to
sell at prices that cannot fail to adit* *
WelUbgrough Sept. 12,1654. 1
TONES & ROE, Wcllshorough, Pn„ are
" now receiving direct from Ncw.Yo.rfc and Bos.
ton Markets, a large and well selected stock of
dDy goods.
Cash buyers will find it greatly to their interest to
call wnd examine this extensive stock'before par
chasing, elsewhere, as they will always find a' largo
assortment to select from, and at prices tint we defy
all mrinpetition. May 18,’ 1854.
Bakery and Variety Store.
D CRACKERS, Fresh .Baked, bythe.lbr, or
bill. Family Baking, and Parties, furrnshbd at
short notice.- 'Deals also' in', GROCERIES, PRO
VISIONS, FOREIGN & domestic: green
CASH paid for Batter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Grain'
and other products of the'Farm.:
Corning, N. Y.. Aug.,.3,1854-tf. <■ ...
GRIN NELL’S Expeditiunin search ofSUJoIm
Franklin, by Dr. Kane. For sale by
LADIES SHOES—A new supply-j»»i re
ceivedat J. R. BOWEN’S,,,
X. commence oii : ;iber4m next,
;; **’. REY
•fcdJ°». ,iji ;1 -miz- : ■
from the M*m6»y and
quslificattons, &o*»h}» exnsr tenant* and
•romdjia •“ '
In' l addUioiaj|tq tiwbtandhs* ifl
inch Inslilntionm!lfctr*b i »ri)l:b« cbm,
new of t£
*° Pl
eats snitabje/XliejpuMl andfbilosophicil mitru.
menta, sdofi of
Schools in tbeElale jy;.Yprk. j r ,
Tbo isrioiy undergoing * Oiom
opgh repair and m'fctß&'a thandcrur wlffbest pnx
Baardlng respMtibla prlwrto
families'll a price, net exe«dihg : f !£& per weak.
The rates of tnitibnwiit beasfolWs:^
Primary Department.... ..1 .';,-. i‘ti. . ,Sl,£o
Geography, Arithmetic AEngi GrammarB,W
Higher English hraiicher .”..,. 1,00
Algebra, Geometry A Surveying,;; ..... w 4iH) ‘
WcHsberongb. Ahg. MjjJM&ae,.:. gy-’T,
, v •>
a T the; , w.oqJjEN Factory
led on the plank roaddeeding frogi Eikland lo
Addison. Also," WOjO L UANVPACTViufiI
INTO CLOTHS of every Sdescripliorf for firmer*’
wear, Tor three ehiluigs per, yard, or oa (ban* at
the halves. ;• ’, ' . ~ - . , ■
Wool Carding; & Cloth Brer
done on shptt notice. v ,- • >
The subscriber would eay (o his former patron*
and the public generally, that is now doing business,
not with a one-hone vyater'power, brit on adorable
stream of water that never fails—bos TWO DOU
entire set of machinery expressly lor , .
Manvfajcturivg TPiool info £Joth,
ell of ijvliichia in good order lor doingbcsinesa
wliicb will enable me to CARD All/ WOOL,
brought (bom a distance the same day, so (hit the
rolls can be taken- beck immediately.
All work entrusted to me ehall be well detie. -
ST Most kinds pf produce taken in payrpent fiir
work. Terms— Pay Down.
Addison, June' 15. ’54. t. C. PENDLDtOtf.
Important to the Public.
A T J. R. BOWEN’S Empire i Store- lbs
xX time {me finally come, when Good* eat) he
bought as cheap in Wellsborodgh, ae at Elinira, Cor
ning, or in aiiyolhentowh wtri of Hew Ifotk t and
the public at large are invited to call and aatiaiy
themselves that no Hombog.
At J. R. Bowen’e will always be found an oaten,
sire 'assortment of well selected
and a large variety of Gentlemen's Clothing,
all of which will be disposed of at a reduced price
Wollsborongh, July 07,1854-tf. .
"VSf HEREAS, on ihe night of the 24th of
’ ' March last, James I. Jackson, and ethers, bj
the use of false- keys or otherwise, forced their way
into the.dwelling house of the subscriber, while -the
family were absent and removed his goods out of
tho ‘house in order to get possession—and farther,
the said James 1. Jackson took possession of the
Books belonging to the subscriber, and refuses to de
liver them over to him, for all of which, the said
James I. Jackson and. others have given bail for
(heir appearance .to tiie next court of Quarter Sess
ions. Tins is therefore to forbid all persons payind
any accounts to James I. Jackson made at Ihe woof,
en Factory and Saw Mill from that time until the Jat
day of March, A. D. 1853, aa I have a lease of the
Woolen Factory and Saw Mill from that time until
the Ist day‘of March, A. D. 1855, binding me to
collect all debts for work done. r
Palmar, July 27,1854-tf.
'PHE subscriber would respectfully inform
bis customers and friends that be s(ill ram.
tinucs Uie mercantile business, at (be'old place, at
the well known store of L.l..Nichols, where be>itl
be happy to wait on those that will lavor him with
a call, and would invite the attention of the public
generally to bis large and totnmddiousutock of
Groceries, Reftdy>llladc Cloth*
ing arid Hardware,
AND CAPS, &c., &c.,
in fact everything else kept in a'counlry store, artt
elcs 100 numerous to mention, and will sell cheaper
than can bo bought this side of New York city.
All kinds of prodnee taken in exchange for gooda
at the highest market price. J. K, BOWENi
Welleborough, Jpne 23,1854.
T DEEM il proper lo say that (he caus»W
of my being out ofPlastcr, for the last low d«y»n
was owing to circumstances beyond, pry contxojd
The Canal between Cayuga firidge and the Junclio
Loch, was not in readiness at the lime lo advertise
in consequence of building a now Lock. But k'
FRESH SUPPLY has just been received, sbd will
be ground to supply nif that may call, dome ones
como all. AMOS BIXBY, ,
Mansfield, May 53,1854.
Fire Jk Water.
CE, GRAY, is now prepared lo furnish
• at short notice, common SUCTION &,
FORCE PUMPS, for Wells and Cisicrns, and alio
has constantly on hand, LEAD PIPE for Conroy’
ing water from Spring*. $
WollabOrough, Aog/3,1854-lf.
Haying Utensils.
please call at J. R'. Bow.
en's cheap atora and look at his large saeorl
menl of Haying Tools of all kinds, which" lie Wilf
ecll cheaper tlmh can be bought elscwfaerei -
Wellaborougb, Juno 39, 1854, . ,
Clothing! Clothing I
in want -of anything’iff'
the line of Cloihing'will find the largest Block
of thc'inost fashionable! styles at IheCaalrStors of ,
Juna 1, 1854. ~... , JONES *,K0J8.,,
Ladies? Shoe*. 1
A LARGE assortment of Coelp,’ Gaitirr*,'
Baskins Slippers '&e. I also, Children** SKowf
of every description, now on haudend for sale' at
much less than formor.gricei by--. - ■.
July 13,1854. • , JONES & ROB/ ,
ftlovcstfnd Hosiery.
Ai FULL Slock of Gents nnd l.sdies Kii)/ and.Lis|of bread Glotcsi also, a- Bill, aa*
sottraent oi Itpeisfy, just rcceiv?dhy.,, . .■ . .
Oct, a?, lew.. ■ . Jofrj&k roe
Calicoes! Calicoes! '
petfdbll J fast colors, ahd : ;i he) largest
assortment that was ever offered "in this touts
ry capjow be senP »t ■ - JONES; & .RQE*fti •
LAW NS! LAW NS!—NoWi«;yollMi'mAj>
Lad icsi to < buy . j our Summer Lawns, frfcroS
to 131 cents Wf jiirdrul.llie C.v|> Sloroof, ■/
' J'uWl, teS4. 1 ; ' ' ■ JONES k ROE.