The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, October 19, 1854, Image 1

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W* 9 ltytaAiK
riitniltj«f Wfamiaf.B&nlmttf* Jade »pWsfcf-i
uL i} yfttHU »ndi*iate[bUyiri>- -
W MU«BUy'ffe«»* «K*ad*hiAi*
. itt . 6ni'-i*mvii WMfeuMpi
hearttailhßWgßjtmihkeiwdiJiiHh »0» kWlyipwtofed;* -
irs deem.jApiKuiAsePriW l ***' WW'WiW-.
mqoqi :« ; *
Dwfc*i»tojK«»U«# fotmibifWii ,
HiMpwfy,^W»» ~1 ■ ■
Tflstertrj garment wasJlotatters lorq; ,
jl 0 neallh b« bad, nor weaUhyTKWdi■ CoaM Malm,
To lifthirifttj) to Jfcn« uadtoftme?
Tslshntok^l^^P^JwiW'lffoWw^ 1 - ■
Th« OTW?ringjwpq*B ,«f W*,(gMt wd j
Not all4eAtW> of Ibo earth coda,bind.
Tbs high aspirings tf bu' active blind.
Am I,’ neaaid,bfa»ib»d byfloavcn’sdectee
An ignorant hirtUng all toylife 1
Moat I bo JW> _
Drove,noqmced, initfr ted, scorned from day to day?
Was one'creatbd to nstxrp the sod,
And forceiiftstAer nnropaid to tollt
Did God make Atom Jord ..andme.rtoft
Form Aim for wisdoip, and-raako me,a. tool 7
Shall wealth construct fbe skin,
And I fbrbiddeb e'erithe friiaA to rue 1
No! Boundless Wisdom-been in nature’s plan,
Made all men ttnereigiu and made me. a men.
Dor me the earth abondanoefyipids j
For. nterich verdure ciofrrea. Ihe &rllle fields ;
For ms the rain descends,'the river flows,
The songsters warble, and the nphyr blows;
For m* ml nature' spreads before toy.eyes
A thousand beauties of a thousand dyes, •
For me the planets In their courses toft
And tempt Bom esrlh to heaven the inquiring soul J
Science to me upveil* her beautooUsifece,
And wisdom beckons to her Kind embrace;
While earth, and heaven, and all things are combined
To invite tbo stndy of the wondering mind.
1 will not yield to be' a powering slave j
ril claim the freedom God so freely gave i
Break all my chains, o’er every barrier rise.
Scale fartie’shigh lowor.and grasp the glittering prise.
'Snd rise he did, despite the halo and pride
Of high .born fops, end other fools beside;
Poverty’s fetters now no more could bind
The vigorous pinions of his active mind.
With unknown labor, stop by step he rose,
Grappled with want, and conquered ail his foes,
TiU, fair revealed, in learning’s ranks he shone,
ilia claims acknowledged, and hia.talents known.
In vain did Envy from its native-place,
With frightful hissings, lift its hideous dice;
In vain did-Bigotry upon him frown,
And stilted pedants.try to beat him down;
Like a proud bird, he soared, until bis form
Securely rested for above the storm.
And then, with’ pity smiled upon the foes
Who vainly tried bis progress to oppose.
Thus the prond eagle to the mountain hies,
When darts assaiiand dangers round him rise;
Perches securely on someTefty peak,
Smoothes his gay plumage, whets his mighty beak,
There sits majestic and with piercing hen,
Looks down conlemptnans on th’ abodes of men.
And SO may all, with lofty thoughts inspired,
By nature .gifted, and by genina fired,
From want and darkness force their upward way,
To thefpll (iilaze of intellectual day.
Troubleaittay come, and threatening.clouds arise,
Their path to darken, and I’ obscure the skies;
Envy may sneer and try to pull them down,
Slander may,bite qpd Jealousy may frown;
But every foe before the mind must fall—
Untiring labor will o’ercome them all,
E’en as the axe, with many- a soundiog stroke
With, crash tremendous, fells the proudest oak.”
AW affecting incident.
Looking over the columns of this journal ]
for ifae past fortnight, we light upon the fol
lowing marine item:
“ Bark Harvest arrived at this port yester
day, in 43. days from Liverpool. Gapt.
Crawford reports having experienced west
erly winds during the whole passage. In a
hurricane on the lllh 40° 20 min.
long 63° 30 min. thirteen steerage passen
gers were washed overboard, in trying to get
aft after the s|jip had broached to.”
Short and to the point is the foregoing; no
sympathy will it excite ; the terms in .which
it is presented are 100 much like the tabular
statements of the weekly bills of mortality to
move the general heart to grief —the reader’
roads it and passes on to the next paragraph
with simple indifference. But there are
hearts to whom it will come like the knefl of
the last hope—homes where it will fail like
Egyptian night, crashing out all that is fair
and beautiful in existence upon earth, and
making s desert of despair, where erstwhile
bloomed the fragrant flowers of hope.
In conversation with Mr. Cass6ly,.of the
office of the Commissioners of Emigration,
he related the following case:
The other day a portly gentleman of sixty
years or thereabouts, whose face bore the in
dex of his benevolent .heart, came into the
office of the Commissioners. Following him
was a neatly attired, good-looking Irish wo-j
man of about thirty-five years of age. The
old gentleman walked up to my desk, and
striking a heavy gold-headed cane upon the
floor with marked emphasis, demanded—
“ Where are the Commissioners I I must
see them immediately!’’
I replied that the Commissioners were not
there, but if ho had business with them we
could attend to it fdr'htm. With another
rap or his cane upon the floor, he said :
“ Well, Sir they ought to be here, then—
thev ought to be here. What else do we
want them for, if they can’t attend to their
business ihemselves V’
I saw it would be vain for me to attempt
in reason with him, no I let him proceed, his
(-holer everv moment augmenting, and bis
cane becoming more emphatic.
“ Here is a.poor woman looking for her
children, and I tyant you to find them for
her; do you hear t I want you to find
them (with.another rap.of,bis cane) immedi
ately, Sir.” 7
“ What ship axe they Mining inT’.T asked.
“ They have pome already, end she ckn’i
find them ; ih« ship is already inpori,'? | "
Turning to the woman, Isaid,‘‘mv flood'
woman,.you should have informed ut;.before
the ship .arrived, and then we hhVe
<ared,for,ihpm* until you came. I ',’'.'.
“ Well, ahe did'not do it until iflef lhe
•ship bad arrived,” broke in her chpjeric.
friend, “and you must find them for, herj
Iqaieiiy inquired what ship-they pama in t
, was ?• The ,B«rk Harvest;”-,
MWaif?*® .wellanifaatjliJe, apdiiirping tic
Harvest.” .inquired.,#
names of the children.
thlm wid |ha other#-'
Wf ; me whiftyo hwV,t|iin
before yes,” said the woman. a
,i £ - .e-''.i>s(: 110,1
-.{fitUa i(i» t
If.,"*? '-to
whea ipj-.'Cmy'Mi
'vv.v rtf
; - * s ;
s; fiVea*
ibraated'about lhem«hfßhfly>t You'tnurttfind
tb»Bi,‘loy, ( *tona»,>dnd ; (nbt aittbow asking
their tinaraes. liaay, ■Sir,iyou,i«jM< find"
sthpm>{ j rm har ;ftietd ;'!l dtavaicomaibere
without fee ofc reward to see justicedopeiher,
and'she Andi then -
We slick thundered: against<the)floor .again,
' t i ! .
Irturaed to bimianditnW>hirt! I had'eride*-
ored to iba aa < pbtient with himaalcould,
dwt aa-he ■ wassoi insanely vio(ent,!licould
fee) obliged if ha "would > Wivdithe office,, and
then! could, attend to.< the> woman's, business
morereadily. This .staggetfed’- bind! J ( f I
ieasetheoffice,” he, arid be poai.
lively teemed about to-, choke, with! iodignn
lion. He ‘ihreaieoed abd. vociferated for
'some time, bul'finally.iupon, being! threatened
with arrest, left. 1 then learned that the wo,
man had come all the , way from i Vermont,
where* she had left a husband-and three ohilf
drento.maet her olher litile ones from' thd
old counUy. I ’ learned ■ that ■ the children’s
nameswereJohn,Annie')andKate- .Whalen j
aged respectivelyflS, H, ■ Of course
they were readily found upon the manifest,
but my heart almost turned to ice when 1 1
saw written against the name of each :
"Wasied overboard .” J
Fearing to shock iheqtoon mother with too
sudden ft revelation of-her.;bereavement, I
-asked her if she had bepn long expectiogber
children. - .
“ Oh,- yes, Sir, the husband -first .left fluid
Ireland and came out,-and (oiled and scraped
until'he aimed 'money enough for- mefeelf
and the three childer that’* here, to come out
wid. And, Sir, the parting <wid the other
darlints was a sorer IbroUble ; but thin I
knew they’d soon follow us. And whin I;
came here, Palhrick, that’s mehusband, was
.taken sick, -in Varmont;bnt-1 worked meself,
night and day, and got the bit -and the sup
for him and the childer. And thin I-hep’
scraping and saving*!® bring out' the others
and every sthray sixpence I could; ait nlput
away in the ould stocking,untillhadenough
lo pay their way out here wid. I sent thim'
the money, nigh foorteen weeks -since, and
niver an hour-since that 1 didn’t, in mo heart,,
pray-to the-Blessed Virgin to kape thim from
har-rra. And now, sorra, they’re here in
this haythenish city, and meself;- their own
mother, can’t' find ’em.” ’ •' ,
I told her that when ahe seat for her chil-,
dren, she must have expected that they
would necessarily be exposed to many dan-.
gers, coming alone and unbefriendod as-they
were. I told her she must not be alarmed if
we could not find them for her.
She quickly replied"*'
“I’ll find’’em if I sarch the world over;
I’ll not real me till 1 see me childer.”
“At length,” said Mr. Caasely, “.I told
her that they were dead —l told her they
had been washed overboard, and never never
shall forget the fearful.shriek that burst from
her very heart as she looked at me with a
kind of idiotic incredulity, and then saw—
realized the whole of the sad truth. ..She
tore off her bonnet tad shawl, and clutching
her hair, pulled out handfuls of it by the
roots as she bewailed her lost ones, and ejac
ulated in the most agonizing lone :
“ Shure a good God wudn't be go cruel as
to kill my dear, my darling childer. Ph,
Sir / won't believe. it / the presto, says He is
our Heavenly ’Father ; and a father loves bis
little ones.” In this way she raved for a
long time ; at last she became less violent
and left the office, declaring her determina
tion not to go home or near her husband
and the other childer. She said she would
go to see a friend, and we have not seen her
since. This is one of many such scenes in
the office of the. Commissioners- - N. Y.
The following rat story was related lo us
by a neighbor, and did it not come from a
source which entitles it to the utmost credit,
we aboutd feel somewhat dubious about the
truth of (be . matter; but as it is, we believe
every word of it:
Our neighbor says that he was very much
hsrrassed by these animals, and had devised
various plans for .their destruction.. Among
the expedients employed was a barrel placed
upright, which he had prepared by sawing a
hole in the upper head about .six inches
square. Bait was put in this barrel near the
bottom, just. above a few inches of water,
hoping the rats might be induced to jump in
and be. drowned.
Prom time to time the delicious morsel
was. taken away and no rata entrapped-
Peeling.anxious to know by wbat.meansthia
was accomplished, he himself in a
favorable -position to watch : progress,. The
secret was;soonl.out. Several.rats soon col
dee ted, one larger than the real taking, the
lead. This one let himself down ..into the
barrel by clinging to the edge tof the-open..
iog. Near this;Was a small auger
which he; inserted one of .his.fore, paws, while
iwith the other be clung -to the -edge of itbe;
large* bote,itljetehy securing-a fityn grasp,—
Then anotharuW.oulddescend-'UnliLhocoyld;
embraceihejrat’w.roundilhc ao,
on till mpeffecf stem. wHsfqr,inod ; laijsjd(?w.n-.,
.V> the
iwhich.hadheW himself inireserse* ( r*ftfl<W>>
tbe chnin aodhtoe away lhe prizeiyßpi ihn,
mootcurictu pt^rtjof tjw to
QuMoformaht fijis ffiatlwbsjHffw
bwogbtflut act 4 rat vcntwreff.hvwuch
ejjt -tci eheto in its disposal.:.-r~Wc*yS«fti :
TbOnacripti - ... n-i
w iirrgT'-'j; a rfi.i »ij
' Dr. FiuiHCWW used to sayinatriPh «
5 ; —. I'ltiiS u'f} oi oi
.!,„t, j -Vi'Ml* • MWOBTnB ;'
/V.'-Jjj acSl *** kfawfe 'WAir'atiaMt at; lurvJ»
\U i-f.i't
tv F4ii ’HAaifiP ’KtolMWOfapH
4tefflMtt«ypen ? 'jpoi
looktghwilh %braW oft daring. J .
in front of baUlg, .yfhsn ; swords were gleam
(Mir; ■aqd,icW«igifll©Hnd,^ /^bo,%jr) aer^
ipeatauof the luxnrl Jutre-jpURg. tho mpuoiljO
4)iniaole,when,the ; yfM Ending
jts oaks ficoßJ their reeky
ingithem pteofr meal tip, t)re.,plsi&.;. .I.ha'yc
iseentheSe thing* with ft swelling spjul,
-knew i not,> that, recked.
make* me tremble)ikea,«hilid. Xhpye’ujed
lo bvaroOmc it wit unmanly
nailed (prido jto. my &idr-J hftye ,aopgi)l.fpr
moral courage in the leseone .of.philorepby—
but it avails :me nothing—-at Ifia first low
moaning of the distant cloud, my begirt,pittite
and ;
i Myin voluntary dread .of. thunder,; hap,. Us
origin- iivan iocidcpMltat; occorredwfietf 1
ton child ofi ten>yearn. ,1 bad ® little cpu
sin-rq,, girl:the «aroe age-ofmyself, who had
been the .constant -oompanion of jny .chijd
hood. Strange, itieit afterjheflapsß, of,plmpst
a sooro years,'that countenance is sp famil
iar to me- > I can .see the.brjght.yotipg .pic
ture—her largeieyes, fiashingdike, e (»auljfnl
gem; her free, locks streaming as, in-joy upon
the rising gale, and her cheek 'glowing like;
a ruby through a <,wreath of transparent
show. - Her voice had the melody apd joy
ousnesstof-abird’s, and when she hounded
ovarthe Wooded hill or the frcsh-green, valley
shouting a- glad answer to every vpice of na
ture,and clasping her lillle hands in.the very
eoslacy of . young-existence, she - looked as if
- breaking-away dike n-freed nightingale from
the earth, and going .off where .all things
were beautiful and happy like her.
it was a morning in the middle of August.
The little girl hod been aomodaysat my fa
ther’s - house, and .-she was now to -return
home. Her path Jay across- thefields, apd
[gladly became lhe companion of.-her walk.
I never knew-a, summer morning more, beau
tiful nnd istrll. Only one Hale cloud.,was:
visible,-and that-seemed as.pure/and;while•
and peaceful, as if it-had .been, the incense
smoke of some burning-oensor of the skies.
The leaves bucg silent -in the weodsfthetya
ters of the bay had forgotten tbeirundula
tioos, the flowers were bendingttheir,r r , heads
as if dreaming of the,rainbow aud the dew,
and the whole atmosphere was oC.sucn a soft
and luxurious sweetness, that it seemed a
aloud of roses scattered, down by the,hands
of b Pari.ftom the far off; garden* of* Bub
dise. The green earth-and blue-sea ware
abroad In their boundlessness, and the peace
ful shy bent .over and blessed them. .The
little creature at my side «■ in a-delirium
of happiness, and her clear sweet voice, came
ringing upon -the air os .often ,as she., heard
the tones of a favorite bird, or found some
strange or lovely flower in her frolic wander
ings. The unbroken and.almost supernatu
ral tranquility of the day continued until
nearly noon. Then, for the first time, the
indications of an approaching tempest were
manifest. Over the eummit .of a mountain
dt (he distance of about a,mile, the folds of a
dark cloud became suddenly visible, and, at
the same instanti a hollow roar came down
upon ihe-wiods as.if it bsd been, the sound of
waves in a rocky-cavern. The-cloud rolled
like a banner-fold upon the air, but still the
atmosphere Was calm and the leaves as
motionless as before; there was net-even -a
quiver-upon (be sleeping Waters lo tell of the
coming hurricane. To . escape the tempest
was impossible. - as - the only resort we fled
to an oak, that stood -at the foot of a (all rag
ged precipice. Here we remained and,gazed
almost-breathlessly upon the clouds, marshal
ling themselves like bloody, giants in thesky.
The thunder was not frequent, but every
burst was *0 fearful that the young creature
who stood by me, shut her eyes convulsively,
clung with desperate strength to roy arm,
and shrieked as if her heart-would .break. A
few minutes and the'storm was upon us.—-
During the height of its fury, the. little; girl
lifted her finger towards the precipice, (hat
lowered above us. I looked.up and-an ame
thystine'flame was quivering upon its grey:
peaks, and the-next moment the clouds open
ed, the rooks tottered to their-foundation, a
roar like the-groan of a-Universe .filled the.
air, arid I felt myself blinded and thrown, I
knew not whither; How long I remained
insensible I cannot; teH5 but when conscious
ness returned, (he violenceJof the tempest was
abating, (be roar of the winds dying , in ibe
tree tops, and the deep tones OMhe thunder
coming in-fainter murmurs from the eastern
hills. < .• ,
I arose, and locked trembling tod almost
delirious around. She was dear
idoi'pf rhy
iKe *fet, grceti eartb. - AfiSl* a moment of
rrreSolujioni I went up and tipimhen
The Handkerchief- Ujiqn ’herneck «tts 'slight'
MyreDt.'ahd a aibgfedark spot upon
sqhTtold •share Thh-jWiHkray 6f deothhad
jbceii.' At ‘firdl T claSped'hed to my bwW
#fth a my df agony ; lildhai ,, dotwf
‘a«d g#sd ihto'hef Tadefi Slmbat jWrtt
: l«a idt^Wd'k'iirteethjr ; rbhhifiidf 1 brow, 1 ha
;lbofe of terrfcr Held 1 faded-Trdrif her lips; and
'ao ,in(iint l! ibdaiWi Hilly
.thb^o-^tTO 1 fed ‘ tln|tf upbtf ‘ htfrishiek
jwaa.lovely m in life, and a* T preHebd »Ur ttP
wSV' 6f- iwfyWjidaaaDad,
! y KsfeSWMfA Wepfoy
aW '«S*?iyby llW'hrt^
trmrfr su*r- ;tmfcadW>&ka fti&iu. . 'S -fl^H^.‘*Uflft fetoflfrft*j r :£?:?;* -.-. a ! .
<o -i*i ST*,/ JMt atlwM ia ifiswoi fitrii, gs'i'.ti*.y iwU
a#jt .»■♦.« : 1_ _£L
.frqfbS&i ay;t3 VlJi^i«>
— Y f~*
KTia.i-' ■-.' lilahiit gili l : _
b( are:
AmispAm& fowk Mife m>
ipf : “4< ft
«n?rf MHgnJSyOf: intent J^ng,
(pfiSprifigii MM# toa#
£ui,.,f .wpsroJwwjij
: be re 3 and:
• whereiiho.sunlit waters are .Daver brokea hy
-iheßtOfm-breath.of Omnipotence. < j ■■,;•-■!'!
; My ireaders, wil (understand - why. 1 shrink
jo'terror famMihe’ thunder. :■• Even the con*
sciousoess of security is no relief
ifear has aßsutned (tae> nature of 1 an instinct,
■ andseemsindeed v partoftny existence. '
■;' ~ ,! " r T : . ;
ThaMhe, 'GaJiJep was
by ,opps :
day Jp reoapt and r .aj>iuw,
abundantly re
.ceivgd hat, tljq. ijun ,isilvo,cen|erof,our .plan-;
elEtfy dystem, and lhe-Eafth,.one j amopg sev
eral orbs periodically revolving around the
center, has ! been fCry widely credited, but not
fully admitted., :We.have/epeatodly(met.aa
aertions that yrhat tjhe Ipqujsjtiop cpndemped
was, nol;Jhp abstract ..doplnge, .of. Copernicus
andGahleohut the
of the datter to base it-upon and .establish it
by texts qf Scripture. Jn Wajker’s Biherni
an Magazine we find a little translation of the
sentence actually passed on Galileo by the
Inquisitors, together .with hie abjuration there
in.exhaled. The Magazine affirms (hat - this
senteltce had imver.before-appeared in Eng
lish save in a provincial.'newspaper, a-few
yea W-before, anduhat the authenticity. and
accuracy of the following-translation may be
Telied-bn. •” : r r '
Sentence paisi&upon Galileo ty the Court
of Innutrition: ■ ' ■ -
Whertas; you, Galileo, son of tho -late
Vioqent ; Galileo, of FlorenCe, being eevenly
yea'is of age, had a charge brought against
yeti in the year 1615, in thfs’boly office; that
you held ds' true and erroheoua opinion held
by many, tiamelyTftbt (he shn is'the
center of the wbrld, and immovable. and that
the earth mp»eiB''eveh dlurnal 'moßbtf ;
alsojthat y ou- had certain scholars'into whom
youinsillled the satpe doctrine; afso, that you
bri 1 thispoinf
with certain inathecnaiiciahs of Germany;
also,, that you, pubUshe'd certain epiiilea, trea
ling of thesolar spots, in which you explained'
the same doctrine, as true, because you an
swered to. the objections which, from tipie to
time, were brought. against you, taken from
the holy acip(,.by glossing oyer the said,
scripture according to your own .senses and
that afterward, when a copy of a writing, in
the form of an epistle,, written ,by, you ton
certain late scholar of yours, was presented
to you. (it following the hypotheses of Coper
nicus,) you stood up for, and cer
tain propositions in it, which are against the
true sense and authority of the holy scrip
ture. t
This holy tribunal, desiring,'.therefore, fo
provide against Ihejhcdnveniences and mis
chiefs, which have issued hence, and in
creased, to the danger of pur holy faith;
agreeable tp the mandate of Lord N
and the very eminentdoctors, cardinals of this
supreme.and universal inquisition, {wo.propo
sitions respecting the'immobility of the; sun
and the motion of the earth, were adopted and
pronounced, as under:
That'the suh is ib the center of the - work!,
and immovable in respect'of local motion, is
an sbjilrd proposition, false in philosophy,
formally heretical, seeing it is expressly con
trary to holy scripture.
The earth is not the center of the World,’
nor immovable} but moVes, Oven with a diur
nal motion is also ah absurd proposition, false,
in philosophy, .theologically,
is at least an error in Afith. .
• But, whereas, w? thought fit in the interim
to proceed gantly with you, it.was agreed up
on in the holy,congregation held before !). N.,
on the 26th day of Eeburary, i6l<s, that the'
most eminent lord cairdinafßqtlarroine should
enjoin you entirely 10/ececje ffom the afore
said false doctrine, and shouldnot. teach it to
others, nor defend il, nor dispute concerning
it; to which command if you would not.sub
mil, yon should be cast Into prison t and, in
.order to-put,in execution ;the same decree, on
the following day you wete gently,admonish
ed in the palsce before abovesaid most emi
nent lord Cardinal Sellarmine, and afterward
by the same lord bardinal. and by the com
missary at tho holy office, inotary and,wit.
nesa being prcSCnt.entirely todesist fromthe
eSiderrbneousopinibnj’and ibatthereafterit
jsfibSld'hbt fe ; tor youtoMdefendit,
orteaphjf,in i d'rty mannbiVeiitftr-by'apea
kibg'hf Wrtfintt'j ytoUtyrimiti l
ojSWifehe*, y<j(d.wcm'« that ttmedismisfedv
t fine migjh jeot ttpel y.rje
spreadbofartber to ; (he iseeioue.detiiinent -of
thb'Garh'olie dcoreo by
px t f- pf, ,wp(ch«) pf
doctrine,** Wch pronounced, false,
4ctimhiwiiriliwihlw i «nni^'£ialog6c«f>^U
a wyr~>'
fWtiD?’Bjyije¥ ,^PUßUSHfiaja=)
Jr/ (^|f-M»Q}%a-
presence declared to be
in (ha said hooky byvarious circumlocutions,
fm ’’at
#hltll w
lihee sh Wnjdjf hah'OT mo tilths ' be
hie 1 wjqfch'hath mirf ad-
thf'WM lioly hafhe 6f
our Lord Jeaus-Cbrist, and.of ‘hia.-mosfgid-
■we, bythirCUr definitive Sentence, by Ihead-i
yiebarid jbdgmentof oar most reverend, rratf
ters of-fibly thedlogy, and thedoetortef both
tows, our cbvifaseHors' respecting (ho canoe
controverted' before usj -between ‘the 1 magnifi
cent of both laws;
FiCial bffieejOri.’the
dab part,'arid-ypu Galileo'Galileh’defendahl,
as : abo<ie;Onthe second part tfrd's&y; judge
and declare, by the presefil processional wRi
ting,, you the above, said Galileo, opaccount
of- thosethings which haveheen adducted jn
written process, and which,you haya/copfes
sed as above, that you have, rendered your
self.liablatot he susptcionofheresy ,by .this
that is,, you believed andawiniained a
false doctrine, and oonlrary to.lhe holy end
divine scripture, namely, ihalthebun’ is the
centered-theorb of. the earthpand that it does
normove from lhoea»tto-tbe west, ahdthat
tho-earth moves and is* not the center of the
worldVahdMaVthis may be held
and defended: asapfobahle opinion, ,after, it
had been declared and defined to the contrary
to:holyi scripture;, and consequently
have incurred ail tho censures i and penalties
of the holy canons,-and Other constitutions
gepofal and particular, eiiactCd 'and promul
gated against such; delinquents, v»ht c h it
is our., pleasure to absolve you, on condition
that -first,"with sincere heart end faith un
feigqcd','y6u abjuro, edecraie aiid detost the
above errors and heresies, > andevery pother
error,, and heresycoptrary to the Catholic
Apopto)io Roman Ch'urcfi, .in o|fr presence,
in that formula which is hereby exhibited, to
But that your gtevioiis and pcrtiiiious er
ror and transgression' may riot - remain 4 alto-'
gelher unpunished, and' that yotf mayherenf-'
ldr £ fie more cautious, serving as ah example
to others,'\hirt they ihay abstainfroni like of
fences; we decree tbCt the book' oflhe Dia
logue of Galileobe’prohibited - hjt public'edict,
and'we condemn' yourSClf to lbe prison df (bis
holy office, to a time fir be limited by'bur dis-"
cretion ; and we enjpin, under the title of sal
utary pebance, that, .during three years to
comp, you recite, once a week, the seven pe'n :
ilei)tial, psalpis, reserving to .ourselves ibe (
power of moderating, changing,.o( taking
away entirely, or in part, the aforesaid penal
ties and penitencies.
And so weßay, pronourice,and by our sen
tence declare, enact, condemn, and reserve,
by''ihis and every other belter mode of for
mula by which of right we can and pug Kl.
So we, the, tinderwriten Cardinals, pro
nounce: P, CARDINAL .DE asculo,
and others. ,
“ And so, Squire, you don’t take your
corinty paper 1”
“No-, Major. I gel the city pa'pers on
rduch better terms; and so I take a couple
of them.”
1 “'But;'Squire, “these county papers prove
great convenience to us. The more wo en
courage them the better their editors can
make them.”
ii why I don’t know any convenience they
are to me.” .
"The fafra you sold last fall was adver
tised. in one of them, and you thereby oh
lainetj a customer. Did you not 7"
“ Vary true, Major, but I paid three dol
lars for it.”
“ And mafle much more than three dollars
by it. .Now,■"if your neighbors bad not
maintained that press and kept it ready for
use, you. would.have been without the means,
of- advertising your farm. 1 saw d notice of
your daughter’s -marriage io one .of those
papers , did that cost anything ?”
•? No, but—”
And your brothers death was: published
with a long obituary notice.”
" Yes, but-—”
“-And-the destruction of-your neighbor
Brigg’s house by fire you -know was' exag
gerated-till ’the authentic accounts of our
newspaper set them right”.
“Oh. true, but—
“ And when your Cousin Splash was out
for the Legislature, yop appeared much
gralified'atlnan'ewspaper defence dost
him nothing!" a
“^es I 'yiw, a 6at ihSScr nifh'Tieiks for the
readers,. They cause the 'people tdjlako ■pa
pers',”’ i 'V
■ No* no, Squird drudge, not j£jjl arp like
yqii,'. ypu,"'thb'day cpmej
when'sbme ope. will )pj>|pgy ;
dn y ( our;ii<§ ; m3 ,,an d ;',lh y - printer,.
if jfl *$!»• />eayj.,blacfe.jne,
aqd w^tb,#l.l your be
the;«wie.ia- g&ejMoja pau
par-,, ..■%op.r,, 11 liberslif?4anid such things
f HU».»WhehiOf. hi}i buy caa be
at'rwig^ ;
inarkiOfiiywr:‘.t Poor hois wm.
spoDging>an,"ahiiparyJ;-+-Go<»d ,,no,n i n 8'
jwm, - *•&
Slavery Extend**.
'The (bHowtngbiflife subjectof Slaveryis from
mdWH-Mig ■>Wnss-tfs
fihB»n. tfaugHW'
teds wd'Npa, f«i
qertaiqly,- .of-, fporlpl !.. Jq.Jto
■mid»t,of thd, apparent ; a ,|}!Jl^aU
wwg mm*
Course, ; lbe l?iU Tor .ojf,
.ftanpaa lgi;rHm;i,aa, :
object Av#s iho solemn prptußiu'qn j
erected thirty years ago, against the spread -
ofalasery in thogo;regipqs... At 6 tin?
(here was .not.a citizen .legiiimately iQ
tut part -of. the jga'j?o|j, ia ve
a,/ejTr intriguer*,,was, jdreatrung.ofsacb jl,
measure ;,whenjiot not
• single .individual
face of the most strenuous opposiUdn fronf
North and West, this bill was, suddeniy'pre
sented to a. Congress, not elected in reference
to it, pod forced, to, a ,passage, by oil. the ty;
rannicql .arla known (olpgislaltop, andall the
sinister influences within (be reach of an, uh
scrupulous Executive. A .grosser violation
of all the requirements of honor—rpfalli ha
gafefiuarda and guarantees of republican'ispS
was seldom, perpetrated. ,
This w.e shall show: and in the firs! place,
jet-us remark, that,, the .-pretence by which
the acl-was.carrlcd was, fraudulent s a false
bood ou*e face of it, and ..designed-only as
a (popular catch for the unreflecting. It pur*
ported to,give the right of self-government to.
the people.of the territories; but it did no
such thing.; It.denied that right in the
most important particulars, and mystified it,
so in others as to render it worthless. . Nomi
nally, conceding the. “ non-intervention*’'.of
Congress in the local affairs of the territories,
it yet intervene in every form in which ipi
tervention .is possible.. It Imposes (ho Gov
ernor and all other officers open them; it
it proscribes the most unheard-of oaths to tha
people; it restricts (he suffrages of actual
citizens; it places in .the hands of the Presn
den Una d his agents the power to mould, (ha
fulijffo, character of .the community-; aqd it
authorites noilegislalion which i» BOl.subjecJ,
directly or indirectly, to control tha federal,
government. The only non-intervention
which ia established is the permission, to in
troduce slavery into a district whore it was
before forbidden, and tha transfer of the leg-,
islative control, hitherto exorcised by the
representatives of the whole people, to a bo. a
dy of judgus appointed, by the executive. ,ll
had no othev eqd, frpra the .beginning, and m
that end it has succeeded.’’
" An open disregard of thewill of the con*,
stituency is always a.grave offence ina pop*,,
ular government, .but. how flagrant and un
pardonable is it, when it is committed in fur*.
theraoce of measures which look to theover*
throw of popular liberty 1 Had the Zebras* -
ka bill been comparatively unexceptionable,
had it contemplated.some,great and useful,
improvement or. reform there would even,
then have existed no excuse, for the haste,
the violence and the audacity with which it
was pressed to o vote; but when we reflect
that its principal object was, to repeal* salu
tary ordinance against the diffusion of a pesti
lent and lamentable evil, wo search, dictions-,
ries in vain for words to express our feeling
of the magnitude and malignity of the wrong.'
“ Away, then, with the flimsy pre tea l (hat.
slavery is banned by.what Mr. Webster cal
led 11 the laws of Godby natural position
and circt/mstanoes! These «ve admit, have
much to do with the prevalence and strength,
of the system,—but they are not omnipotent
nor final, are only accessory, either,
for it or against it, —and the will of man, his
determination to abide by (lie perennial prin
ciples ofi right, or surrender"them to a tern?
porary and. short-sighted spirit of gain,—is
what gives character ia - this respect to sooie-J
ty. Nebraska and Kansas, will be slays. >
States'if slaveholders go there, and this ia
the long and the short of-the matter.; let.the :
soil woo and. the climate smile encouragingly -
upon whom it pleases. If the Americanpeo
ple donotnow—on the instant rescue those
lands to freedom, it is in vain that they will
hereafter look to Nature or any. other influ
ences for their salvation. ■
“ We’ are* indeed, so far from being per
suaded that it is not ,mesnt to lake-slavery
into our new territories, that we begin lo Sir
lertain tho conviction, that the propagandists '
of the South, will not stop even Vith" thb ter-''
ritories. it is imputed to author?-"
lies entitled to fespect, (hat they cherish R
policy which aims, not merely at Its estab- '
lisbment within the limits of all the 1 new
states, but at |ho consolidation of it/byTor
eign conquests.”
“ We ’repeat, that Until ‘the sentiment of'
slavery is driven back to its original-bburids ■
■to the states to which'it legitimately belongs,
the people of the North are vassals. Yet
their ematicigalidri iS practicable if dot easy.
They have oply to evince a determination' to
-be free, and they ate free! They are' tOdJs
card all past alliances, to ‘put ftside'all pre
- sent Tears. ib dread ’no ’ future cbdlitlons, in ~
the sihMc'iidpe'of carrying lo h speedy vic
tory a tuftbet inscribed with these devices:
! Tiiarl’dia'e'iL ol' the FooiTivfc Law— T(ih
Restoration ' op tub MissocHiCoilpro- •
more.Slave States^--No;nob b
.Sla,vb Territories — Tub Homßstradfoh
Tbbb 'Men on tiib Public Lanos.”
« SoNNJf.tlo, youknow ,your letters.?”
■MyovSff, uveiof ’em?’ . .
u Possible lur.What art they 1” ,' t '-
;ge and let ’,!” > >.
~ Smart;boy,; go. to ihß tub ; and wei^oni 1 .,
A brain of such ■ fertility can’t bekept;
lltoa moist.”, ~• ». • : ;>;rv,air i-i'iJ-: -
ler Ll an4
j 1 » f* »/» ./*-'•
iftow jiwmis I hed« gust feol y nial puJfejo«t>i fan .
.watofc *»<lia(ys i) ■W’owr j-i'ui-J v/su,e£<s Ul