OgfieiMy- XIQQte^Pf Bigler. Black,.Mott, h P. Magill. J. al «l;Andw.MariUum are of Jpe- jtnfei# ‘VK Bairf. KpjTfNothitig ; J; YmkwliM Abel Strait, lodepewl tbe ienriiindei datee/' -■v* ; x. TOWNSHIPS. v Blew . .«•. . Broijllfielii .......... Chatham .’.... Charleston .... *.... Clyraer ........... Covington. Borough ... Covington township... Delmar ........... Desefield .« ........ Elkland Borough Elldand township Farmington ........ Gaines Jackson ; • • Knoxville Lawrenceville Lawrence Liberty Middlebury Morris . J Richmond Rutland Sbippen . .. Sullivan Tioga Union Westfield Wellsborougfa Ward From The Anti-Slavery Bugle. A Tale Of Sorrow. Maetinsvilie, Belmont Co., (0„) July 14,1854. Yesterday, we visited ao aged colored wo man, living' here, who has bitterly experi enced the inflictions of slavery, in all its “damned sacraments of sorrow.” Raised in Loudon County, Virginia, she was early married, as slavery understands this institu tion, and for some years lived with her hus band, until the interest of the master required a separation ; when (he husband was sold for the seuthern market, and from the lime he was started in the slave gang she has never heard from him. For weary years she mourned lor him, and sorrowed ns those who have no hope, wondpring why such miseries were visited upon her who had labored so long and earnestly to do all that was just and right, while her tormentors lived in idleness and ease, safband saved from those dreaded evils (hat rankle deepest in the life and heart of a aitvs. At (he command of her master, she was again married, and with her husband lived on the same plantation, until they were sold and removed to Western Virginia, where for many years they lived and raised a large lamily of children, that were torn from them, one after another, sold, and driven fat away, where there could be no interchange of affec tion, or kindly sympathy for mutual sorrow. Falling into kind hands, when far advaced in yean, they suceeded in purchasing them* telvea, and, by a course of rigid economy toil arduous toil, were enabled to pay the full mm demanded by their claimant. Thus, slier being robbed of a long life of labor, of Dine children, whom tenderest lore and bit* leresi sorrow had endeared to them, with intellects crushed and bodies enfeebled by fitly years’ hard labor, such as is known only in slavery, they procured the acknowledg ment in this Christian land that they bad the ngbt in themselves to their own "labor, their own bodies and souls—that they were free m ggert. Immediately they-set about ear ning money to purchase some of their chil oren, whom they hoped were still within their reach, and formed bright anticipations of some day living with them in a home pur chased by (heir own industry, where at last iney might safely lire and quietly die. Animated by these hopes, they Commenced ins anew, in comparatire happiness, free at least, as they supposed, from any new and limner infliction of slavery.*, But, alas for inem 1 their happiness was only a transitory oream, from which they soon awoke to most painful consciousness. Scarcely bad they commenced to prosecute the plana they lormea, when the husband was kidnapped irom one of the rirer boals on which he was employed, and for twelve long and bitter rears he has been subjected to all the hor- rors of slavery. Just as he passed the cup °' iiDcrtv to his lips, it was stricken from his na "c, and in its stead he has been compelled 10 drink the bitterest chalice that human ■ease can suffer. IViih more than a widow’s sorrow has ibis •ne mourned for him, toiling on through a °rearv life, vainly hoping for hia return, to Jiir net in carrying out their fondly cher imec nope of a home and happiness with children ; but no tidings ever came to tiner ner, and through these long years she nu oven left “ Alone to beer * ; “e-nub and pressure of dark thought*, that came K> * vllong billow in their weight, of care; Aed in alienee, and in secret, and in night, “ B n °bl* heart bath wrested with despair, "id rose more strong than death from Us unwit nessed prayer.” Finally, she has at last heard that away in douih-west, Tut sinking beneath the ‘diehi of years and heavy sorrow, her hus -o,nd uvea ana toils a suffering, heart-broken, "’’Peiess slave, somewhere on the Red River, 10 Amansas. But now, indeed, has despair wneo quite down upon her. She has no | n nu>-niial friends to interest in his behalf '"‘journey to find him would be difficult and “ J ogerous, and the proof of his identity •IncuU to establish, and she has no hope of "deling him again on earth. While she had IT**’ 1? superhuman exertion, amid iffipuldes that would have discouraged a ri unused to deepest disappointment, she ured herself a lule home, whete now, '"poverty and sorrow, ,h e i. waiting until "''change shall have a reunion with her ""g loat husband in that other land, where e ,erv «nt is freed from bis master and onprepte, Judges M | v .*■ t¥ 3r t I I 63 m 62 332 87 27 12 84 75 88 178 62 72 _ 43 83 116 82 62 178 59 99 17 125 88 8 ,11 78 32 141 17 5 22 78 10 23 61 28 4 34 24 84 153 36 146 186 203 205 94 111 74 29 104 46 26 where all tears are forever wiped from their eyes. , There she lives, a monument of the crime of American Slavery. Oh ! when will this vile system be removed from among us, and good men u Rear another altar here, To truth, and love, and mercy dear.” C. S. S. GRIPPING. Cisterns. —Look well to your cistern.— To any one who has examined the contents of a cistern, it is evident that the water & dirt at the bottom often have a strong stench in them, while (he water in the upper part of it was comparatively sweet and pure. This is owing to the animal matter that settles. at the bottom, terming a mass of putrid carroo. In all rain, river or sea water, there are im mense numbers of auimals so to be invisible to the naked eye. Infuse a little pepper into it, to give activity to (hem, and then place it under a microscope, and it will be alive with animals. They are called Infutoriu. They are short lived, and from their immense numbers, often form one-fourth of our rivers. So with the mud in the bottoms of our cis terns. It is caused, principally ,■ by the de posit of this animal matter, and undergoes decomposition, putridity, and produces stench, the same as any other animal matter. Unless it is cleaned out at least once a' year, the water becomes the essence of car rion. To say nothing of the unpleasant smell, its use, undoubtedly is the cause of sickness and death.— Ohio, Farmer, A todno man and a female once upon a time stopped at a country, laveru. Their awkward appearance excited the attention of one of the family, who commenced a conver sation with tho female by inquiring how far she had travelled that day 7 “Travelled!” exclaimed the stranger somewhat indignantly, “ we didn’t (ravel we rid I” Moving West.—“ Philuar, dear,” said a loyal spouse,” who was several years his junior, “ what do you say to moveiug west 7” . “ Oh, I'm delighted with the idea ! —You recollect when Morgan moved out there, he was as poor as we are, aod he died in three years worth a hundred thousand dollars.’’ FiTAy, Curiosity.—lt is said that curi osity induced the Russians at Odessa, after the wreck of the Tiger-to open one of the Moorsom shells ; it exploded aod they lost seventeen men. In this borough, at the Methodist pusonsgs on tho Ulh Inst., by Rev. Isaiah MoMihon, Mr. ISAAC BUSH, of Middlebory, to Miss. CATHA RINE BORDEN, of Charleston. 500 CORD WOOD Wanted at thia office, ianktdiattly, on subscription. We would say to our subscribers, that if they do not wish to catch 'tptdalfilt from our “ devil,” they bad better burr; up tbsir cakes. FANNL\« MILLS. ATTENTION, FARMERS! The undersigned respwnruiiv in form the Fanners of Tioga County, that they are now Manufacturing FINCH'S IMPROVED, PREMIUM FANNING MILLS, three miles south of Wellsborougb, on the Jersey Shore road; and feel warranted in saying that said Mill is the best ever introduced into Tioga County, both ns respects cleaning fait and well, and the saving of Grass Seed. Faroien are respectfully invited to call and exam ine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. XT All kinds of Produce taken in payment. Old Mills repaired on abort notice. ANGUS GRIFFIN & SONS. Drlmar. Oct. 13,1854-tfi ■ Tj'OLEY & BAILGY would respectfully inform the pnbllo that they have just received the largest, best and cheapest assortment of WATCHES if JEWELRY ever offered in this maakel, consisting! of Gold and Silver Banting, plain and Detached Levers, Lepine, Quirtier and other Watches, Clocks of every des cription and at all prieea, from It to 110. jewelry, consisting of Fob and Vest Chain*, Bresstpins, Ear, and Finger rings, Seals, Keys, Cnff Pina, silver Thimbles, Pencils, Gold Pena, See. All the above articles are of the latest styles and flesh from the Manufacturer and Importer, and will be sold cheap er than ever .offered in this markSL . Clock and Watch Repairing done on reasonable terms and warranted. In connection with the above, (hey keep constant ly on band, a large assortment of HOOKS if STA TIONERY which they will sell at city, prices. School, and Private Libraries supplied on the most ret so cable terms, aud at abort notice. WeUaborooghtPct, 13,1894, 'mtFEimy. RT» £(* itliV l life fcfiVi •» f; *8 r&i :. r ■'S’ 49 194 SO “«S 68 174 1 83 ItH :.77 t 69 87 '6B 18 '2O 46 42 145 82 75 135 182 52 16 216 219 , 30 MARRIED. 'Watches & Jewelry. ;fißßi.YlO>a.A AiD©ITAS!iOCK.. 4c. >• jjdi: i A; i few ja 4P) hp*% ¥ ■S'-! :.|V P ■:OP r .(»;■ Vf ‘(3a- Tsv l i, .69 ■;8o 6$ V 71 2 6 14 6 29 , 5:25 61 1 40 .’■t ■5l 31 121 'S’ 6 151 7i “MAW, KNOW TUTS ELF!” An Invaluable Beak for 95 etnlt.—“ Every Family . should have a Copy.” *55 —tc m _ 100,000 COPIES aaiULfisold in less 6/ . THAN A YEAR. A ’BOL new edition, revised MBMhV and improved, jnst i«. DR. HUNTER’ff Medical Manual, sod Hand Bookfor the Afflicted—Containing an outline of the origin, progress, treatment and onre of orery form of disease contracted by promiscuous sexual inter, course, by seif-abuse or by sexual excess, with ad vice for their prevention, written in a familiar style, avoiding all medical technicalities and everything that would offend the ear of decency ; with an out line of complaints incident to females, from the re sult of twenty years’ successful practice, exclusively dexoted to the euro of diseases of a delicate or pri rate nature. To which is added receipts for the cure of the above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp. toms and cure of the FEVER and AGUE. Testimony of the Profeeeor of Obetetriee in the Penn Medical College, Philadelphia —*• DR. HUN. TER’S MEDICAL MANUAL.”—The author of this work, unlike the majority of those who advsr. tise to con the diseases of which it treats is a grad uate of one of the best Colleges in the United States. It affords me pleasure to recommend him to the on. fortunate, or to the victim of malpractice, as a sue. cessfnl and experienced practitioner, in whose honor and integrity they may place the greatest confidence. Jos. S. Longshore, M. D. From A. Woodward, M. D., of Penn Univereily, Philadelphia* — lt gives me plessure to add my, testi mony to the professional ability of the author of the Medical Manual. Numerous cases of Disease of the Genital-Organa, some of them of long standing, have come under my notice, in which his skill has been manifest in restoring to perfect health in some cases where the patient has been considered beyond medical aid. In the treatment of Seminal weak, ness, or disarrangement of the fonctions produced by self-abuse or excessive Venery, I do not know his euperior in the profession. 1 have been acquainted with the author some thirty years, and deem it no more than justice to him as well as kindness to the unfortunate victim of early indiscretion, to recom mend him as one in whose professional skill and in tegrity they may «ifely confide themselves, Auxxn Woodward, M. D. “ This is, witliool exception, the most comprehen. ■its and intelligible work published on the classes of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all technical terms, it addresses .itself to the reason of its readers. It ts free from all objectionable matter, and no par ent, however fastidious, can object to placing it in the hands of his sons. The author has devoted ma ny years to the treatment of the various complaints treated of, and with too little breath io puff and too little presumption to impose, be has offered to the world at the merely nominal price of 35 cents, the fruit of some twenty years’ most successful practice. — Herald. “ No teacher or parent should be knowlede impar ted in this valuable work. It would save years of pain and mortification and sorrow to the youth un der their charge.”—Peoples’ Advocate. A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of “ Hunter's Medical Manual” says “ Thousands upon thousands of oar yonth, by evil example and influence of the passions, have been led into the habit of self.pollution without realizing the sin and fearful consequences upon themselves and posterity. The constitutions of thousands who are raising fam ilies have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or cure. -Anything that can be done so to enlighten and influence the public mind as to check, and ultimately to remove this wide spread source of humau wrelchedeess, would confer the greatest bieasing next to the relig ion of Jesus Christ, ou the present and coming gen eration. Intemperance (or the nse of intoxicating drinks) though it has slain thousands - upon thou sands, is not a greater aconrge to the human race. Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted, and be lieve me your co-worker in the good work you are so actively engaged in.” One copy (securely enveloped) will be forwarded, flee of postage, to any part of the United States for 35 cents, or six copies for one dollar. Address, (post paid) COSDEN A CO, Publishers, or Box 196, Philadelphia. mr Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents supplied on the moat liberal terms. October 13, 1854-ly. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED! THE WOOL-GROWER & STOCK Reg. filter ii the only American journal devoted to the important and profitable brancbei of Wool and Slock Htubandry. It containi a vaat amount of ueeful and reliable information on the above and kindred eabjecti, and ehould be in the band* of ev. ery owner or breeder of Sheep, Cattle, Hone*, Swine or poultry—whether located East or West, North or Sooth, tor most of the matter given in its pages is equally adapted to oil sections of the Union, the Canadas, 4c. ■ The Sixth volume, commencing July, 1854, has been enlarged to THIRTY-TWO OCTAVO PA OBS MONTHL Y, and improved in both contents and appearance. Among other matters of interest to Wqol-growers, Breeders, Gljaxiers, Dairymen, the present volume contains pedigrees of pure-bred Cattle, Horses, Sheep, etc, and the names and resi. deuces of the principal Breeders and Owners of Im> proved Stock throughout the Country. Published in j the best style and illustrated with Portraits of Do mestic animals. Designs of Farm buildings, and oth er appropriate engravings. O’ Specimens sent free. ; Tsana— Only Fifty cento a year; Five copies for 93 ; Eight for #3 —in advance. Back volumes at same rales. . . O’Now is tbs time to subscribe. Subscription money properly enclosed, may he sent at car-risk, if addressed to D. D. T. MOOSE, Rochester, N.-Y gjB64. .jgffn-jw . 3!i ZV.nfttl hf - t Jk Upfti •s*-. a W as ,■3! If*} : vk i-TV;.' ... -- * ■bsb? -.■.46 31 rsrm y>3s 68 122 m am •■Hi "53 ,183 *4B . 36 ,#6 39 .58 208 76 ■-,•...4 62 63 89 70 62, .83; 40, : 50 1 48 116 180 «8 57 160 , 84 .169 $9 16 18 97 108 ‘'BB 117 ,35, 128 80 55 173 ■5B 175 87 7 | 76, 139. they w.- -BAtLEYi (J*W«WW» sfffla,) toil ' ‘' , t .-V .VSTyJA •-. m «£«»* ■-•I . j! *% wwlyi- .Sttpenn* ■ -■ CommonSolttols,-wiU-dallver»-l4c. tare,4ioie request o»; Taejday, evening, l7lbiraVatlbeCourt Iloanin WeUwO»jh..uSqb]6(H*3Weoiwno(t3chool. Sye^i October ~at f*WdMonaigi,: t i -cSJ 48 ■.193 ~•49 , * , J?ld>f9nO i Blwei9»ler»*H«roe*ei&»ter» and the pnbkogenerally,that he keepe on hand constant, lyi.ethfrTweryjn-Wejlshoroagh, . „ ,5,., SOLE; UPPER,' iit ‘ whicbbe will nil (nboth ojdend newoiu Corners on as msohible terms anerer.' 7 ■■>■. ' BBOTISS c ¥K W°?» P& *“d WellriKiron'gh, OctS, 1854wn3. • ■64 142 I „.f- 91«M»)i)fi9lli ■ ■.;■,■ y. /■; WOTICE is hereby giren,'that the co-part, dp nenhlp heretofore eaisting'. between' A. Foley end I.D. Richards,; is. this.Sdth day oC'Aognst, die... solred byjnotnal consent. AH. tboeo indebted to the firm of. FOLEY & RICHARDS, will setlie their BccoOnls with A. Foley. I. D. ftICHARDa Vrellsbqtongh, Oct sth, 1854. IDT The Book & Jewelry bneioeeewill be contln. ued ae heretofore under the firm of Foley &-Bailey. Thankful fbrput faTori, the enbsatiborehppe by a strict attentfon to business, to" merit and receive a continuance of the same. ' ANDIE FOLEY, ' 3w. W. D. BAILEY. 18 38 179 114 17 >O6 >75 "89 32 135 ! 72 IS 164 158 Register and Recorder.. 74, 62 75 21 7b the Voters of Tioga County t The undersigned announces to the Independent Voters of Tioga county, that he is a candidate for the OFFICE OF REGISTER AND RECORD ER, at the coming October Election. XT As he has neither money nor time to spare in electioneering, he asks his friends to assist him| and thereby confer a particular favor upon him. WILLIAM D. BAILEY. Wellsborongh, Aug. 24,1854 To Persons out of* Employ ment. 9SOO to 91,000 A Tear. soon agents wanted. FTIHB subscriber publishes a number of most JL valuable Pictorial Books, very papular, and of such a moral and religious influence that while good men -may safely engage in their circulation, they wil confer a public benefit and receive a fair com pen cation lot their labor. ' O’ To men of enterprise and tact, this business offers an opportunity for profitable employment set. dam to be met with. O* Persons wishing to engage in their sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circular containing full particulars with “Directions to persons disposed to act as Agents,” together with the terms on which they will be furnished, by addressing the subscriber, post-paid. ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, D* In Press, and ready for Agents by the first of October, 1854, “Sepre' lUuetraied Coemption of' the Russian Empire." For further particulars ad. dress as above. [sept 7] TN THE H. S. SENATE.—AII those who J- wish to know the doings of the D. S. Senate for thirty years, will do well to call at FOLEY Sc BAILEY’S Book and Jewelry Store, and procure “ Benton’s Thirty Years in the U. S. Senate,” at the Agents Wee. Call soon, as they ate going that. Weltsoorbugh, Ang. 94, 1854. A LL the School Books that have been An- adopted for use in the WeUsboro’ Academy, and all the School Districts of Tioga county, can be had at FOLEY 'Sc BAILEY’S, at the publishers prices. A supply always on hand. Ang. 24. BOOKS & JEWELRY. TUST received at the Book & Jewelry ** Store of FOLEY A BAILEY, a very large stock of Law, Miscellaneous and School Books ever before brought into Tioga Connly: Also a large assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Stationery, Ac., ot cet, to sell at the lowest eath prices. Wells borough, August 17,1854-tf. TMPORTANT TO LAWYERS & JUS- A- TICES OF THE PEACE. Supplement to Pardon's Digest. A Digest of the Laws of Penn sylvania from the 39th day of May, 1853, to the 18th day of May, 1854, with the older laws not in cluded in the last edition of the Digest—By F. C. Bhiohtlv, Esq. For sale by FOLEY & BAILEY. McKENZIB’S 5000 Receipts, Ladies Medical Pocket Companion, Gentlemen's Medical Pocket Companion. For sale by FOLEY A BAILEY A NEW and interesting Novel—“ Flora Lyndsay,’’ or Passages in an eventful Life— By Mrs. Moodie. For sale by FOLEY A BAILEY. KNOW-NOTHING or Know-Something, know enough to go to BOWEN’S EMPIRE STORE and buy a Wide-awaie Hat —or any other kind of a Hat that yon are a mind to select from his large stohk. Sept. 13,1854. ryiDE-'AWAKE HATS.— Just received ’ ’ at the Empire Store a large slock of Wide- Awake, Hungarian v and Kossuth Hats. Call and ecs ; Sept. 13. 1654. Wine for Communion. rpHE Churches of Tioga county, ore re spectrally informed that they can how obtain at the Wcllsbdrongh Drug Store, the Fore Juice of the Orape unadulterated with Alcohol in any form. The mast satisfactory evidence of its parity can be shown to those who wish to examine it. Certificates of distinguished Clergymen and the statement of the manufacturer himself. Those interestcdwill do well to procure a supply soon. R. ROY. Wollsborongh, Jan. 38,1854. Blake’s Patent Ohio FIRE PROQF PAINT.—2O barrels of the genuine article, just received and for sale at much lesstthsn former prices, at July 13.1854. JONES 4 ROES.’ lift Insurance. THE subscriber would inform the public that he bos taken an agency in the " SUS. QUEHANNA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY” at Harrisburg, Pa.;'and will attend to granting insurances on lives to those who may give him a-call. There is probably no other investment which a ‘ person can make, of equal importpnce.to their (ami ties or relatives, as that of s' life, insurance. The un dersigned will be happy to impart any intarmalioq upon the subject, on application to him; at his office in WelUbotpugh. B. B, SMITH. | Sept 28,1854-3 w. VrEW STYLE ‘MANTILLAS—just re -4-v ceived Sspiendld assortment from a low price up, of entirely new style. Call and see them tithe New Store of.' JONES St ROE. GHAWLS! SHAWLS! —Now Radies yon have s large assortment of beautiful styles to select from at thq Cheap Store of / Oct 27.1853. , r JONEB»4 ROE. DED ELANNEL.—-Just large Ah' lot of plain and twilled Rod FlsnnelJ which will be sold very cheap, at the cheap Cash mors of Nov. 20,1853. r JONES & ROE. 181 William Street, New York Thirty Years School Books. bo Bold at* fr ; wltb'irijr other in \'/Ji.-f Rirfl'io will Good* •„> ..j.l-j.ukr ) Berggm^^#sftonwa%^wlpikuu*> ’• J4unt,^imniprink4r,&nglimtoi.! • *u Ilnglithi Slfi^pk-.fln4niA^o^!{ .i' ; u; ! '■ ‘ -PiOpUn*, P&titjOf tMthafa j/,;;.,;- ■ ,v and eolprtiO good etqckof „,‘ >i i > . : ri.'..''.‘S'Hi'lfitSV ;'■ '1 !<}]-■'.,*' ', Also, fprjnßn’i.ifWT.inay be found Broad datin', Caiiripere*,, Tw,eed»,.KehtaoVj' Jpahi, Vilk'.'Mtlo apd anmihor Veiling*. '■ ' ■ ' r Abo, Shdetln)&-Bhirtinge, bleached and brown, Tiokinjf»,' Snßiner Goods ffirboye’ wear. Cotton Yarn, Carpet WarprCotton, B(»Uen,with a Variety of oth»t ( r^e* ( |o mention. '.. • Grpceriet aiadProTisioni. A ftill Atosk willbekept, ,on hand.. Those In want ofSpgax*, Teas,Conee, jMola*»e*, Stewart'* best Scrap, Spices, Fdpper, Gingdr, Salefatiia, Floor, Flab, Salt Tobacco.or any other 'article ib tbrslihe, will do'well to call .on na. before purchasing olio where. . hardware, ai Urge andcompleteanassortment Hi can bofotmd in t|ie county.' Among which ikCutlery ofallkihda, Carpenter* Tbo!*/ Chains, Hoc*, Bhovel*,Fork*, BntUand Screw*,-Door Hangings, Bill*, dec., dee. CROCKERY, GLASS & STONE-WARE, Boots anA Shoes, Hals and Caps, Steel, Iton, Nailt,Paints and Oils, Glatt and Putty, Ready-Made Clothing, dps. Thankful for the liberal patronage of the paat season, the-undersigned feel a'pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of oar Spring aloek, believing that good Goods and low price* will in. ■are t speedy Bale for ready pay. B. B. SMITH & SON, Wellabdrongh, May 35,1854.' CABINET MAKING. BT, VANHORN would inform the cili * sens of Wellsborongh and vicinity, that he has purchased the interest of bis partner, John S. Bliss, in the above business, and will conlinne at the old stand, two doors east of Jones’ Store, to keep on hand and make to order all kinds of Cabinet Furniture—such as Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, Card, Centre, Dining dp Breakfast Tables, Dress Stands, Dress and Common Bureaus, MAHOGONY & COMMON WASH STANDS. Cottage, French and Common Bedsteads, of every description, together with all articles usu ally made in his line of business. From his knowledge of the business ho flat ters himself with the belief that those wishing to purchase, would do well to call and examine his work before sending elsewhere for an inferior article. COFFINS, of every variety, made to order, at short notice, and reasonable charges. TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no tice. W Chairs! Chairs! In addition to the above, the subsori would inform tho public that ho has f/ K | just received a large and handsome assort ment of CANE AND COMMON CHAIRS, Boston and Common Rocking Chairs, Jpc., which ho will sell as cheap, if not cheaper, then they can be purchased anywhere else in Tioga county. ' Coll and see thorn ! Jane 3,1859, . COSTERS’ Emporium of Fashion, AND CHEAP CLOTHING, Ac. TVT «M. CON VERS has just received from XTX. Now York, the largest aVid moat carefully selected assortment of CLOTHS, VESTING, CASSIMERS, SATINETTS, TRIMMINGS, &c„ ever brought intothie country, which ho will (salt for ready fay cheaper than any other establishment His stock comprises a general assortment o every variety of Clothing, from a low price up. SUMMER COATS —for Mon and Boys—a large assortment. DRESS, FROCK AND SACK CO A 7S—ofevo ry description, size and color. PANTS —every style and quality, VESTS —of every style, color and description. SHIRTS, Under-Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Over- Alls Over-Shirts, Suspenders, Gloves, Umbrellas, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, together with lots of SELF-ADJUSTING STOCKS, &c.', &c. HATS AND CAPS, of every description—the largest assortment in town. Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters, for Men, Boys, and Women, a large variety. Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, sc., tj-c, He would say to ail in want of good and neat fitting CLOTHING, that he can and will tell cheaper than can be gotten in this borongh, or any where this side of tiie New York market. This is no blow or brag, bat truth—end to test it call at “Convere’Chcap Clothing Emporium,” where all articles are sold cheaper titan on the one price system. l Wollsborongh, May 87, 1853. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. At Bowen’s Empire Store. p ALL and see (ho best and largest stock Goods ever offered to the public. Consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD.WARE, WOODEN.WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, ilnd a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING! I flatter myself that I can dress a man to particu lar Jilt in all cases who desire the ready-made. The Ladies are invited to call and examine the richest and best assortment of DRESS GOODS ever before offered in market—which I am prepared to sell at prices that cannot feii to suit Welliborongh Sept. 13,1854. NEW ARRIVAL! SPRING GOODS. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. TONES & ROE, Wellsborough, Pn„ are 1 - “ now receiving direct from New York ahd Bos ton Markets, a largo and Well selected slock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS 4. CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, 4c.. 4c. Cosh buyers will find it greatly to their interest to call I and examine litis extensive stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as tliey will always find a large assortment to' select Rom, and at prices that we defy all competitiori. May 18,1854. ARNOLD’S Bakery and Variety Store. ■DOSTON, MILK, BUTTER & Common ■O CRACKERS,. Fresh Baked, by the lb., or bbl. Family "Baking, and Parties, tarnished at short notice. Deals also in GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN $ DRIED FRVITS. CASH paid for Balter, Egga, Cheek, Lard, Grain and other products of thaKrra. W. J. ARNOLD, Aft. RUFUS ARNOLD. Corning, N. Y.. Aug., 3,1854-tf. k- GRINNELL’S Expedition. In eearcb of Sir John Franklin, by Dr. Kane. For sale by FOLEY 4 BAILEY. LADIES SHOES—a new supply just re ceived at J. R. BOWEN’S. W«lIiWl080« iCABEKV^ under the oharg* NOLDS, a graduatamf-Madiaon' University . J ', r Mr. for one'term, jutohsagiventoosiftr.’nniversai satis. the ihfljfo, „ni n'fioation*, from Jtfa toteWlSii(r,and hie greet enccheehrte Wtf febeSHidw^ioaii' the publio.'* o^^^s ' ' m ,; ■ ■' r ' L W 4?. '■■.■/. ■■ • In addition tcrtho - hi“« nchet tudallytaiight IB eneh l»;ar.Te^|djßr<>. class, eompoeed of tbofeitfhoiirtchd ness of tee(^ih£;^liK , Wifl'i%cpfrt*wrticolir‘ ati temion and mafruetiont' bath 1 item the Principal and the Cannty Superintendent pf jConjOKm- Schpolr. Arrangements bavd.likewi*c l bcen made to pro. care anitable .Chemical ments,sach aa'are osed .ini the higher; order of Schools in,the Stale OfNeW/Ywki The Academy building is now.undergpipif' a Uror* .ongb repair audio cmch e manner aa . wilt-best pro*, mote the comfort and beaUhof the pdpibi Boarding pan: bet obtained in respeotsbte\pri«ala families at a price'net-exceeding 91,50per.week. The rates of tuition vili be.as follows: Primary ■.Department.. .61,69 Geography, Arithmetic 4.. Eng. Grommet 3,00 Higlier English, branche5.............. S.OO Algebra, Geometry & Surveying..... ~'.. 4,00 (’Languages, Driwirig, Painting, dtp.,'.... 6,00 I Wellsborpngli, Aug.’ 10,1654-tf CASH PAID FOR WOOL I A T THE WQCJLEN FACTORY: siiun ted path*plank goad leading frcmElkland to. Addison. Also, WOOL MANUFACTURED ; INTO CLOTHS of every description /orfarmetV wear, for three sbilUngs per yard, or oh shares at the halves. Wool Cardins; Sc Clolh Dres sing; done on short notice. The subscriber would say to his former patron* and the public generally, that is now doing business, not with a one-korte water power, but on a durable stream of water that never fails—has TWO LOU BLE CUSTOM CARDING MACHINES, FOR CARDING WOOL INIO ROLLS.: Also, an enfiro set of machinery expressly for , Manufacturing 'Wool into. Cloth, elf of which is in good order for doing business, which will enable me to CARD ALL WOOL brought from a distance the same day, so that the roils can be taken back immediately. All work entrusted to me shall be Well done. ID* Most kinds of produce taken in payment far work. Terms —Pay Down. . . Addison. June 15. ’54. L. C. PENDLETON. BOWEN'S EMPIRE STORE. Important to the Public.- ATJ, Rt BOWEN’S Empire Store lha time has finally come, when Goode can be bought as cheap'in Wellsborough, as at Elmira, Cor fling, or in any other town west of Now York; and tlie public at large aro invited to call and satisfy themselves that this is no Humbug. At J. R. Bowen's will always be found an exten. sire assortment of well selected DRY .GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOE* and a large variety of Gentlemen's Clothing, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, SCA RFS, &< all of which will be disposed of at a reduced price J. R. BOWEN. Wcllsborongli, July 27,1854-tf. Important. WHEREAS, on the night of the 24th of March last, James I. Jackson, and others by the use of false Ueya or otherwise, forced their Way into the dwelling house of the subscriber, while the. ftmily were absent and removed his goods out of tho house in order to get possession—and further, the said James 1. Jackson look possession of ths Books belonging to the subscriber, and refuses to de liver them over to him, tor all of which, Hie said James I. Jackson and -others have given bail tor their appearance to the next court ol Quarter Sess. I ions. This is therefore to forbid all persons paying' any accounts to James 1 !. Jackson made at the wool, en Factory and Saw Mill from that time until the Ist day of March, A. D. 1852, as I have a lease of the Woolen Factory and Saw Mill from that lime until the Ist day of March, A. D. 1855, binding me to. collect all debts for work done. LEWIS C. PENDLETON. Dulmar, July 27,1854-tf. KEW GOODS. HPHE subscriber would respectfully inform “ his customers and friends that he still con tinues the mercantile business, at the old place, &i the weil known store of L. I. Nichols, where he will ibe happy to wail on those that will favor him with la call, and would invite the attention of the public generally to his large and commodious slock of PRY GOODS, Groceries, Ready-Made Cloth ing: and Hardware, CROCKERY, WOODENWARE, STONE* WARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS , AND CAPS, &0., &c., in Coot everything else kept in a country etore, arti cles too numerous to mention, and will sell cheaper than can be bought this side of-Ncw York city. AU kinds of produce taken in exchange for good* at the highest market price. J. R. BOWEN. 1 Wellsborougb, Jane 29,1854. TO THE PUBLIC. T DEEM it proper to say that the cause of of my being out of Plaster, for the last few daywt was owing to circumstances beyond my conlrold The Canal between Cayuga Bridge and the Junctio Lock, was not in readiness at the time to advertise in consequence of building a now Lock. But a FRESH SUPPLY has just been received, and will be ground to supply all that may call. Come one, comQ. all, AMOS BIXBY. Mansfield, May 23,1854. Fire & Water. CE. GRAY, is now prepared lo furnish • at short notice, common SUCTION & FORCE PUMPS, for Wells and Cisierns, and also has constantly ou hand, LEAD PIPE for convey ing water from Springs. Wellsborougb, Aug. 3,1854-tf. Haying Utensils. /GENTLEMEN, please coll nt J. R. Bow. en's cheap store and look at bis large; assort* merit of Haying Tools of ell kinds, which he will sell cheaper than can be bought elsewhere, Wcllsborough, Juno 39, 1854. Clothing! Clothing! /GENTLEMEN in want of anything in 'J the line of Clothing will-find the largeat stock of the most fitshionable styles at the Cash Store of June 1. 1854. JONES &. ROE. liadies’ Shoes. A LARGE assortment of Reels, Gaiters, Buskins Slippers, Ac,; also, Children's Shoes of every description, now on hand and for sals at much less than former prices by July 13,1854. JONES & ROE- Glove* and Hosiery. A FULL slock of Gents and Ladies Kid f gjlk and Lisle Thread Gloves; also, a full as, aortment of Hosiery, just received by Oat. 97,1853. JONES 4. ROE. Calicoes! Calicoes.! AF perfectly fast colors, and the largest W assortment that was ever offered in this conn ry can now be seen at. JONES & ROE’S. LAWNS! LAWNS!—Now is your lime, Ladies, to buy jour Summer Lawns, from'B to 194 tents per yard, at Utt Cash Store of I Jurl. 1. IBM. & ROE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers