The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, September 07, 1854, Image 1
‘ I All dim . ~,of 1 • ■•'FtriMfv .MU**} ; r-wtaweniwai (d Jftnt doß napri-. $ - ICl l’- » ilcX-* ,l *Ancfi!rei fiftcitfio »hsbti /• && *.'*** j ► tinAgainati evel: add; touts' v,t ' l.or . „fi\aP*bow, for H aUinsj redoubt.' 1 , Chorus;, . ‘ 'i, ’, ■ HuiladAob'Wijo rof Wlidt r 9611i , 4d '-- M t ' The u bastion of t ood,”' ; ahd'?* thi tkljktodtstf* is ■ • goos; ' ; ■'(.•'-■ J ii,„ ■ ,-■■■•■ I-,.-; si ■ ‘ Now sing oF.'bfcfad' BoahAiripj-tSd buUf orstatd,' ( ■- With parchment bicurtbgtbd pjihtvhere to.bait,: WilJj power in .make war on MpsothTOA?d ~ While ho; licks the Bo(V,fiand ( ■ n ' “" Thai (bog glvedhldi %<nhinan3, ' < And Wll'tsatwr the 'wind where 'the inborn ahqcp miljt'atand.i •; -ii ‘ - i , ; Cht)fas: , / . j' . ' ilurrah fox Oie Captain dark, Who made'women and children “tde ‘up to the mark.*’ Go, level the shall' upon proud Honker's height, And bosh Up the memorji of Warren, who fell; A treater 14 he'who encountered the fight, ’GainsVfemales unarmed, as out chronicles lelh 1 Who bombarded. Sap Juan, , . , , And set his bold brew on, , ~ ' To Scare the defenceless —a'*iolhrr to Bruin! thorns; What moral brilliant is Known, On oar proud country* record, o* Hollins's own! ALMS-GIVING. When Poverty with mien, of ahorse, The sense of pity seems lo touch* Or bolder, makes the simple claim, THkt 1 have nothing,'y6n havb much ; Believe not either man or book • bids you dtose the, opening, hand, And with look Your first and free intent withstand. It may be that the tale you hear, Of pressing wants and losses borne *la heaped or colored for your ear, And Utters for the purpose worn. Bui surely Poverty has not A sadder need than this,—to wear A mask fllijl meaner than her lov, Compassion's scanty food to share. It may be that you err to giro What will but tempt to further spoil, Those who in low content would live On theft of other's time and toil T Yet sickness may have broke or bent The active framn and vigorous will, Or hard occasion m prevent Their exercise of humble skill. It may be that the suppliant's life, Ha* lain on many an evil way Of foul delight and brutal strife, And lawless deeds that shun the day. But how can-any gauge of yours The depth of that temptation try ■ What man resists, what mao endures, Is open lo one only Eye Why not believe the homely lette:, That all you give n ill God restore 7 The poor may deserve it better And sorely, surely, want it Wore. Let but tiie rich man do his part, And whatsoe'er Iho issue bo, To those who ask, his answering heart Will gain and grow in sympathy. R, SELECT MISCELLANY. From the Flag of our Union. A GAME ECU A HEART. A TALE OF THE FIFTEENTH CENTDRY. MV W. 11. LORItN'G. Tho .day was drawing to a close, and the shadows of the trees were stretching far to the eastward, over the bronzed greensward of a rural French landscape, as two horse men, dusty and travel soiled, slowly pursued their way along a sandy road that skirted the edges of a walnut wood. Both of the horse men were armed cap-a-pie, and bestrode powerful black destnes, or war horses, but Ihoush the points of the animals showed good blood, their condition also betokened severe service. They were thin in flesh, and moved along with drooping crests, dragging their feel as if scarcely able to support their heavy fur niture, and the ponderous weight of their ri der? armor. Both Knights, for such they were, carried their helmets slung at their sad dle hows, and wore in their stead, riding-caps of velvet. Their lances had been abandoned, but their heavy two handed swords, suspended in broad baldrics, bung behind them, the grip appearing above the right shoulder, and 'he point descending far below the spur. The older and stouter of the two .cavaliers was sheathed in black armor, but others than travel stains dimmed its surface. It was dinted with sword strokes, and hereeod there slams of a deeper hue than rust seemed to In dicate that the wearer had recently been ex posed to deadly peril. The ntfrnor of his companion, while lighter, was far more elegant and'cosily. It was-of fine Milan steel, curiously inlpid with gold, and as light as prudence warranted for, de fence. Such a harness seemed belter fitted for the lilting yard than the battle-field,'and the light and elegantly formed wearer fur a joust at the barrier, than a charge on the plain. Yet he bore himself right,gallantly, in spite of the traces of fatigue and suffering that marked his features. His armor, liktj that of his companion, showed hard usage, and while he guided his courser gracefully with'his right, his bridle hand .rested in a sling. '■ ,' “ By our lady of Paris ?” said he, “ I can not endure this much longer, and methinks Dunois, it were belter td give up all hopes of bed and board,-.and care of leech, aod stretch our wearied limbs for the n night under a green-wood tree, 'turning, oar horsesrou: in graze. Your horse is blown, and .Abdallah seems sinking Under my, weight-. What say you! we must be grooms,(bf themfice.aod rid them-of their harness a’ lost baltla-and a. hurried flight have'shprn os of our revenue. What say you to a. couch on the greenaward wiihilhaiblue vaultTor'lba canopy ]” , , • „ •> “ } might eodure it,, a ire," .replied DunOiSy for it was that gallant noble whom King! Charles VII. addressed,' 1 ! but for yrfu, woun ded as you are, it were madness.Yoa would never ■ I’ise again,' end the hopeof Fraltce nwstt noft bei lost without n bttugglo. . , - “ Weald - lhaf'i' had died undet- shield,. 'TTiTf fojratlytffld^trtgMi itt-TSWdfe BPtttBp;deS| r, ‘‘Say ■ _ 'HKIW’i ,* v- ; quahppe.awjeuufr (leqrtnaMqfPrfaneb -»W rfsfflh y« to drive these island ,tfletr > WMd u nwurDrully. •■' < • .chivairjb of c-Efcaooa; ti*; pres wste, ’ adidihe.- - .>■*■ fi»iili' ,v!ni»,'j' jVjt r wh ! ■;■ iL !tii4ilabted.'giaqt. whin 'heitouohed ffhetp<hvd«aough<orteyabheahk and raily^eroUnd’thi thronBj-.«nd!inri»# the toy aii bidder (Vomthfe dost. Ahd 66eU' in l present fdl fiinieut 'of'rii y auguries of good'forlUfie/'A'bHßllerij ’fearshii crest —• a ehdlter’ui ] ' hand, ■Quod Sheer, sire!’’ fc W4 t'. i ‘ And ap6ke ) tHe rtiona / rch*B fiorsß pricked:up lils*ifcrs, raised his head an'd' et* lered a Joyohrheiihfwhictv wasanswered ‘by bis cOmpahiod' with’njclarioTr ridie. ; 'WitTi 6utnny: pre'sktiW Srihe arrded heel,' ! '6oih horse3'Blfu , ck 'id(p"a ; ' kharp trqf, ond"ks"lHey gamed'the : 'su ; smirttfi}' flight- eWa(iDii‘ l ‘'tfie ‘fldefs, ceive’d, dot faT the lowers of ai Tdrtlly caglle.' . ■■ , ■ - ■ “You were a true propliel, Ounois 1* pried 'the king, “ And noy'‘r(3p pfi, tnj God’s fcame. of sheVfejr,. I ‘/eel Low'sorely I -stp^ip, A De|S o,fit, ‘ Bufono 'opinion in advanc^rememb’ur'.ijiai')h yun der cattle I king of France, .but only Charles'#,cmend/a \voupded .knight. It dges not suit'myjiumoria cfaim the hpjn agg due my raak, ;: \fehen I come a vanquished Jugtiiv.e ffom a Jqsufield,, .Forget, not, .then, .that I am oply an ii (imply knight, you,of«ith ful friend and brother in arms,”,, ‘ “1 wi|l not forget sire,” replied the count, as ha gave his horse the spur.- . . -In a few moments they drew rein before! -the caStle, and Donois, winding, a call on bis! bugle, summbnedthe-warder 16 the haH, and' demanded hnspilalityipf the lord of the cas tle. It Was courteously granted, (heportcullis’ was raised, thodnrivbndge lowered, arid with; glad hearts, the king and his companion rode; under the echoing'archway into-the great court-yard, where’ thelord of the castle'in person,-the Sieur deSorel, aided them todis mount: ■ They wore conducted lo an apart ment,-where they were divested of their anrior,' (arnished with baths and with suitable apparrel, and the king’s wound dressed'b’y’a Skillful practiiiPneri s After this Ihfey were led into the banqu'ef hall and conducted to the -place of honor on ;'ho rai«<id'ddia. was not the sighf bf ! boar'd ijlent/fujly spread, that drew a murmured exd» ,, ' Ht ' on v of.delight from the lips of the kints i a great er airractiou fille j vi'U psoj »,j v i .goul with pleasure. ' Smiling a welcome Id knightly guests, stood".a maiden, the.duughler pf. the host, lovelier titan any lady Charles ha.ct ever be hold. Her fair hair, adorned with pearls fell in gold waves upon her ivory shoulders; her rich but chaste attire displayed the ex quisite model of her form, while her manner at once animated pud high bred, was as charming as her. beauty. At the table, after the first cravings of the appetite were salia ted, and while Dunois entertained the lord of the castle with a description of the battle, the wounded king discoursed of minstrelsy, and love and tournaments to his fair young host ess, displaying all the courtly graces that he possessed lo perfection, yet ever and nnon ihe fair one turned to listen lo the narrative of Duuois, “ And so the king has fled!” she said, with flashing eyes. “ Better he had fallen on the field. It is true then, that he loves minstrelsy and tourneys bolter than the royal life of the camp and field.”' “ Not so, fair lady,” said Dunois. “He did his devoir like a gallqnl knight, charging in the .the fray. I myself saw hjs plumage shorn from his crest, and hiipself \younded.. IliSj wish was to perish with his body-guard, but there were those around .him who s.eized his bridle-reins, and- forced him from the field.’* “ And where is he now I” cried Agnes—far that was the' hiaiden’s name. “ We know nut interposed the }ting, has lily, 111 wo were separated from the royal train. But he is doubtless safe.” “ Heaven be praised for that I” said, the lord of the castle. “ Amen !” responded the lady. During the evening, Charles attached him* self to the fair Agees, but found, il.difficull, 10 engross her attention ; ,ihp handsomer ana manlier Dunois seemed constantly,, lo divert her eyas and thoughts. .He therefore,.finally pleaded hjs wound and an apology for retiring, and afraid lo leave Dunpis ( behiod him, he signified lo the count lo accompany him io-hitf apartment,- ?■ -, -•• “ What taf dnyf, Dunois!” exclaimed the king, as he ,threw- himself upnn liis .couoh “ A battle-fought'and lost—a, faliguiog,flighk with a hospitable roof at last, and. an''angel of be a a ty' to.rev hranfii mti rrg'.stra h“— ~ " You/ldid’ full sire.’’ “’ . y , ( j. . , \i" ... ' “ And she, fhe sorcerA'ss' (urhe'd'Tro'rp me m you. fiuiiotsM am jealously, c .'//J “ Ah| sire! 5 ft'was h midden's caprjcmuf, faiipy, aijif your d’wn youDg'f coni' ..■ J 1-1 rauipi!.,,' ■ , i-j, ‘'ivio Ijessed yoyr rank-:': _ , , , , ¥< ■, ~t l There ills, Dunois, 1 'givo’tfftfhTnc for 'ihe cdptpiMl won by my' rtmftl 'fFmufl! Beloved fdir myself alone.'' '£herbare 'dam OS enough in.frandd who’ lose the hoi’ tWrasm 1 'Dwouldwirf onet the heart > by, my 'mwUli. -Soi/let ud ohtAr'the get her eidWelej-end see whlcft-wilhwinbeW* ■<> U M sucte'yobf' l ,,«j > * £,V.;,4nd. , ....., wssfc. -ug iv,, RitßttP 5 Pfteey j»mqmirw»iW ■; ijiTiThttiUWU day I in'; monarch Was irrecoverably.l<slg pads iftfrtfbe.vMjf teaacnHhaitha.wps.acflole/jpiaj'- his royal rival in lhagoo{hgraEgaorihftjflyely' >Ajjnes. ’vjThe?ibij[di nighfuJhie .fciP&iWW in *“ lort;his>favacsn><p«ppr4p^aft;H-gaiQp(Jiirtjb4f or the ladyiv! Runpis* oiuhtSt pattfcWffl, get-'- i.tiogi dqsperalely-in Iqve.and determined. id -sUcceedj '*v,fv^ fn $ t s -i >./ ; y ' i. /Matters were*in Jhis.slate .wfoeiVathe iking,' now thoroughly fearful for the result,o|;ihis ( auii.itesolved: to: reaorlto onCfo fvthe.B3.4tf a 1 a igemawhich-areas; justifiable jndQVe.nsjn' war snd politics^ ; Hasuri^nwhcd-l)|ibpiV!i > “ 'My Brava iDunoWj” said he,-,'; you knqw how I have loved,you.J’t • r , r n ,j ...t« I'flodeedyaire.i am but toopr(^ijd r t anddi a P; py an your favor Pi--., • •! You saved-my life in_bati(e 4 ” ; “'I wotSld, sactifi<se«tnin& foi -yoira.- ■' • -«lt >■■ i ‘V: «, - •• “ I knewit, Dutiois, and I Jbayo bpeodbink •ing, how I might best-recOmpense ,y our royally and devotion*. ,1, know ;,lhaL iyour 'gflllajii spirit ch'&fesl at llds-idlelife which, my;dis. cabled condition , to 'for a while. It is cruelty to keep you by nly aide,while,you are abld to'siedF.arm>.”, ;iJ,;.* i ■ ‘tSay.nolhhlgtoCU, ty,” cried Duoois, who saw, through the du plicity of faisroyhl.frieftd, Avill in duce me todeaVehyourvropjcajy’aaide.”, “ Nothing but my commands ,” replied the •king- with n. raalioltnis smile* ■ j a. “Oh, if ryour majesty command .-nriy.-ab sence, that’s a different affair,” replied Dunpis 'viiihdeepchagrin,.; : y “ I do command it, my noble (fiend,” cried Oharfesi grasping his .hand. “1 make ; you genoralisimo-oC my armies,.and I command you forthwith to taiSe'lhsrroyal standard ppd rally all true and'gaUant'Spbjßß porl. Here is your conjmiSsion. aCcpmpflpipd by,your warrant, written • by-my -own Kond ’—signed"With ‘thy own Seal: Depei'rtylhia moment.”, ,t - t „ ~ , ' . “I will but bidpdieu;lp;^gngSj”. r ; b ,\ “ Stay riot'even for that.h*y <^ar.friend,” said the king earnestly / ’ “;Your*'hP’r»d ia saddled-imiha c6uri-yardi.; excuses to our .host:; jßjdej God bo with you.’*. f 'J( i. ; *l* } Sire I’.’, Jielipsp. JVP' 1 ohMl normfget this mark of your nWjeSty s confidence and (avor.” 1 ' '• 1 He bent‘llia’knee, and raided' the V*<sj*al hand to his ‘'find/ and th'en,’ wilh' mingled' emotions of pllfle at his advancement, 1 ahd resentment (it the Interruption of his COUrt'- sliip, left the presence and mounted his horse. L iL! ,.' ;<r<, .The king watched hiV departure' 'frorir the rampart. ‘ As'life spurred' digger from under thegaleway, he turhedun his Sdd die and waved an adieu to a certain.turi'el window, from whence, in the guise oflrfluf'. fering liithdjterdbief, streamed the'fuhs'well of the fair A’ancs. ' ’ '' ' “ The absent nronlways wrong,” muttered ihekfng in ilietvdrds'of the'proverb'.' ‘“This formidable rival but'of I tic’way,' the ladjtof the castle is minefV And he.descended to mcei'lhe fn'chiirltrcss, and apologize for the abrupt,departure of his friend. Thai evening he displayed «ilf his graces, and was listened to with maVkedf at tention. There appeared loiie no regret for the absent one. But (he next day, \Vhen Charles was preparing to lay h scientific seigie to the fair one, cameo herald to the castle bearing a proclamation from the cbm’: n)ander-in-chie£ ordering all .heights -in Prance, whether mounded or not, to repair to the. royal standard, and' menacing with lip? hinges dispjehsu;e, and with forfeiture of esi tale and rank, any. who should give har bor. or shelter toany bold 1 enough or base enough ,to disobey the summons. , “I. regret, sir knight 1 ,” said the lady' Agnep, “ that we afe to be so 'deprived of yogreocieiy.’v V,• .v; ; , ' v “ Fpt, that manor, replied, (he Jfing. wt>9 smarted,ai;this .retaliation .opthe pjirtof Du nb(s, the, (notiye. qfi\yhicli_he,,detected ut„(t glance,,! shall not be so discour'.cQus.ns tp leave you suddenly., , I ,wiLl, larry.a.few days longer” , 1 , “ But the,summons' is,peremptory!”,, k , ~ “I am tp.hear niy prmor yet, as you .cap testify) fair rnaiijsp,, have, kindly,) (ended ,ipe/’ ? replied the "king. . “ Forgive ~rpc, fair sip,’’, rejoipgd (he h)3y, “I.think I,can fairly authorize .you to,lake ihe l iield.Bgnin«(; ; ..ijc , t.-- ~ .. «tVi | “ Ah—cruel one ! you are glad of thepre lexlTdr-.ibaoishingroe,V Vir ,;j; 1 , “ Not,(tO'l’l ,;crjed, Agnes,, I ,'. and. if- pay. father,conSenis-srV i; t,-. ■ ■■c“ Consents, to-,,vylip( cried, the old .man, entering the hi\ll,B(' that moniep(., j ; . i; ;* Toimy pfiilongjpgulpy slpy-.a-few days ilonger ihere, paid ihe..king;R.n«i(!u%ly,’’ ' What I’-crieduia lard,of,the easlle,/iln the faceoo/’ yonder proclamation?,- jffflt.fiedt, ■I 2 r«qnldrfnet'lPir.boi , The! kirfg wills every knight, -to-.joipr.his. slaqdard., ;i-- * r , ,) i “il.ihink my. tarrying ww.ld; not displease; ;hia mnjesiydbssid th6;king„ 1 ■„ ,; , [ ■ d. , ‘Thero.ii»ijDO: egeeptipp, ip .the, orders," said/the:) inflejriblet-eld,. mao.. “-Wiell.aofh wounded mpst to. the* standard.An...aloyal knight youmnastfobey.?’; v'ov^ ! triomem 'e horin Theidrkwbridge was I heardsiO)felh-sboof»itd) rTpKdtt'UhehMurtayard, ‘and>dl(paihd cUnlrof; armed- dbolslopa a 1 .wiKiofc 'r*. Ul’r. •** 'f' ‘V f' /1 «S j-Ci’"' * • i ii m |hfeailied iiTdfedi SIP#IW< U «M wS! 4 l»n2*Kl niii j.- f^(wdS»Dm&i!t>l)iel 'brftv£ -wni ■*& aiCtPJ : vK’Sr I '■aawmtiwjj \ah .■•V.-r-ij ( HewsdhaUwotßfl slit Ibeideadjiffiomith 6 r grates 1” cried Dunois. ' “ N£w»cttaif»heu d 'Hffg’lhrdWglt ,J FHlnce» iikduho opf l jJroacfiifrg , d6ftWl J * s <>) <■> ’leVd? jJjjnpc* ; i,,, ‘ •tjjjiealff I,J1 ,J ch a rgb t riiti *»1i0 ; I{ in g'qui v. : ;’ o4, pSißngliSt/ J h4ve'MeK‘PdHtfl ,> -■ * { 1 'English-ih'Farll’b' till'd HhfeW I” cried 'Cliirlci" ‘“'MotHelf’or -I‘tt»tiBt”t>6L, JoW*V nidrne'iflf; J WhipShßlf^flng v .mi' , ’iS»V rf , arnji4t brlnViri'p’ myfc^if’oiriifit^^aieel— Ttiy tfiefaf iporgeK I js>ur 'agbl a? I J It. i - T v>« iwaiw 1 v your vassals], they.must ripe>Un us h Despiiich ! ’Despatch I l cacfi*«maiflnnS ia" _*l ... '■■• >.: ■ ■ ■--'i r. ■.■:■: ■; v.'r.. i f ' (< A“ V 'V* Trii rri-ra *< .'I < *.*» i , v3*lGhaj;lMpr^janc0 A i ar- ( 1 f,6.'fS're i’icrisd^gn^ ■“■ I gp»»,i: wpjm >^oa,rfcfe§ljU»M?SMnl?8 3 flf; ! gr9n.ce l wiiJi ,if c Uie .mms/'W. ■Agnes Sacel eanavaib^nighiJy,,h9itr)y k shßll,offered up.for,yout,’;, r , ft o ■ s Riso,‘ dear s: 9aid miba j„Jtingl atrq. jneifar ~ypurj knight; andibudkle on my”»word and->spurs-m-»t)d I wiltiwear ,your*dolora in - the .field.ii-rGlory -were little worth' without thelpsC” of* Agnes Sore I. 5 ’ - - '.•''■■■] \i '■ trd : ■' “Stviftly moved iHa-fiogers of the beauteous maiden as she armed-htm ToMhebaltle.arul ■ heitdwn scoTf'fhitldretf'from his. shoulders, ns ihebarsiTeby:the side-of the bravfe D (inn la. ,< *!."•. -.e -j::’ ;t* '■“You have''-cdhtjoeredp stfe,” said-the cotint; ’ ■■■ 5- ! '■>>* "• * “ May you be as Corlunaio in war nalnve. He.glftyq AAo^ngigoW#J)(> s fllirj'%qg|inst a king.” Cptlooso Asatiu,.!®istgjr,. : - . s "A-. friend of our*, whoisa mgst,accom plished salesman, andwho-is kept very busy of tha.uprlowndry gooda:housea, was complimented,-not'long-since/in-mapner and form'as follows ; ■ a- i, ; ',-u. r ■ ,- ; :. tu' Ue; had a; - Countryman in- thO,Storo;anfl l(on a very Imndsomarpicce of ‘ladies’ 1 dress goods,‘-liut’uith’Bny.greauhope frlendaveYs—lb keep constantly in practice. So be dashed ahead in fine style; praised the richness‘of the pattern, extolled Mhe ‘texture 'of the fabric,; held it upto-n' favorable'light avouched 'for its" ulfra fushibhnbterress ;‘Untl 'in short let'loose a torrent Sf'dloq'uebch,' in : wbiiihil Was ''difficult to , was most fliitlefed. taste or'ipi? .admiffftgl r.iis|ic or” , Bumpkin’s eyodiaahsd Ayitb-grjxtifiedj,pfi<l e ■at the- complimentary - to himself,; and unconcealed :iasltinishouin(~ai .the .psych : opement-of .beauty iurt-ho..goods and fluency' tin the salesman.': Gntelling- our-friend uy-tho .arm, he-exclaimed,-*-" Slop -right hero .one minute I’ 1 and-dashed- out oflha -slorq-witli ■two or three rapid-bounds.—Grosdtnnyjstood, n little bothered,; holding, the‘ball.of-good* across both -hands-,- just as though--he had frozen”- in thenmtudein which he had so thoroughly impressed-the-rural’gontlemanv— Meantime thialiistmentioned indiOidiml l whis ked two bounting girls out ofacarrysli wltifeh stood in'frbnt of the store,-end' half polling, half pushing them, bfought- thCm tip in,.from of him Op the fluent longue’: ' 11 ' ’"'-I' ■” “Gnls ! stand thfcrc,.-Sally— atid xnvrMistefl'titft Wosi'agaiti /■ I just want the gUJt io 'Kictr' ydu/”’ It is almost needless fd'Sayf iri'view of fhe peculiarity of ihd ci romflsi dried; lha Tobr friend "Wps 8 6W « helmed \viih his" eiij<^i6l|il; ;, di{d''Kr ib his utterance—to the gVeiir disdppoinfttid'n/ of the fiiihe'r and bblfi daughlers." 1 ’ ' —Montgomery{Ala.)-Mail. , A Sacjvso friend ,pf.,ou »n-“ equpl undiyic|o(J..iniefqat” in,a ;Cftatr/pj log perqqnal ; .propcpiy, w o bright.eyed in.teliigent;|itfle > g|rl, of.fiyeySummet’a (expe. rience, who.-rejoice*,in thenamoiof-“Alice.’' In the familylis aiseryant-girl whosor horror is rots, andiA\ho,ichancing;op one in-dhc .-cel lar, makes a 1 roost Qn.Ghinesdrßiatnpede.shoul. iog “ rnCs-l-”-, J! Alie’.’-sleeps in fkOribvfjo Jqw that, placing one Tootem the-inside-of ity she dan eusily-spring 'mf ;A:few evenings'! since; her motherHvae r-mtendiog- heMtf bed, vkhen she suid : Mammapdo-you knowhow 'I gel to be- so' quieted” «“ l “No 14 -ww-ithe - 'reply'. “'Well,” said Aiie,'in great’glee’,'‘tlslfep'otio friot over Ihte’drib,’ arid their •May ‘roifr'iirid jifartF myreff > rigHt‘ ift I*’, 1 *’ , ’“lf : any 6lds’ , 'cnn' J, h’^i : fhdSp‘‘‘<Hjl , dtil 1 ■ -Jj. ;! - A Ttrst uM* S --went W;as school, and for a- re»-momenls.-lia\pnad-.iVer.y4iatlbft* lively. I o', it he .question's, propoutldediiov-ihQ scholars, but; t’being'v apxmbaT.tojrehoUa-his knowledge <oP‘“'ecriptur’b’and"dodt>ino;'-be St'dbd npp Idahing thi- .pen* wfih''bbih:Hflrtds.y‘ : ‘ , ‘ParSoh : hai*d , 'qubli.shim»« “’tfoclS 'John;” ttid'thb' paribn, 1 wlfhlw Stfl-1 e’ttrf i ifsee , fftV' , dfa'^lid|-tnKd , , i krn'bW’ydti'aW’lf? 1 ddpihS dr'inft]yity?i* :gall;of As^^fnr'djffolSiKH djhot "waiisv,.; - «J ''hAih-jtps •; 1 rit-l fi-jftfibfMwi* via kair-rMa-Monlt s.m'.jljjij. v -Trill i'nfeieisiMS&iaddbittjrpeiisiveiH sfial|0>pj^C6. j,^ t£ Si Viw 53d wmm * ir»ob ?itnrf (?) tuitmp. ■; -/// vM in.*» oito csvr^ jg poiiH ...» ipr lUnfefnalP tie-,. Tore the fawtUarmyrnumeditbeir faces home?' rnadamtqffaintetF wiihj^ft l <woy^afti>qns i of Jteyl. MrijitiHM oyer ( the disastrous issue they had /met, and the , ,aarr.ri«■»!!.• £(>< ti- / i .. *’j only way ,of, escape from total annihilation,. The fiery °and v itbjrevSousihafSJigues of ibe. former, and blunl'cliafraftelisiic replies of the latter,-%lii(e'lhe 'cVaSkiiti§ ofithS flames, and’ 1 the fa 11 i rig' bfvcnl u rhn s-and- walls' without > ..the hjgJiffifeiJegrce ronjiyijic. tjT^gap, 1 uif ine solitude whi.eV tfaemprej [ '|irophfeitb' ? llia'n ! ’'ilio iuproar of ■-■the I storm! , ’’Ney \w|’^ppointed Itj icbver ihe relr'eitfJ-'Snd. /the wholp-JpjiJpfy of conduct^Ujlfi^fhnt irhemqtablo retreat scams lo belqQgjslhe;r to' some hero dP.rddnttnceMHariS an aciual mno^ ■ self between drrtrßusMan and by.r.hiftjiQore/ijbl^.cj^i^nSj.^'desjKrDie" ; -vSlorya nd.e^)iauß|l«Bs;ingcnpiiy,.say(;4 : 3 itiob i >beeauUBUy-.aim'iljulaied»-jAVithput provisions,' - urimostjwithouuarms, he hauled -end"countless legipns -of Russia hack from -his ■fields’of‘snett?, andurniidiithondriving alortn,; with V heart' mUamed,'andai.wiUunsubdued, ihe'hovercd.liko 1 a overalie ‘divided and'flying'ratfkS’oMiis counfT'vmfn. ' itnttdbspairiirg, threw 'ihMf thetn' irtW'the snow drifts, ;nntf'lalJ’tfdWnbylli6u3ShcrStt)difcvi::Goldihc : niitribcd and'’ faminc-si ruekluhls ’ghbstVfan ■ti rerf y 'sir6 <> gle 3 J| but ftro ilgh 'tHb- deep srtoV, ‘■With'nothing hiitthe'tall pities istvsyffig s ’and roaring "Wburnfujly in as 'ldhdrharkS (bribe glnvfnjipeVe'; whlle ! «n en raged and well disciplined army was prising 1 iinhT : rehV/ ‘ + oibuJs ofi-'flveits", whose’dtkky r forms"fehHict>d u like spirits through tbe -snow fiffgilthidi’droiikcd'Ptte'f the* falling column's; -while '(rbops'-of’dUgF‘that 1 had followed the | Vr myfrn rtf "MbSchWp fe H otilhe proslralo'ftitms ! bcfor'e lifb was Wholly exlirtef. The storm hpwled'hy, as the at nighfirr the "show id' rest, many’to tiSenb more, while the mbrn'ng sup iMr'sho'iTa til 'all, jooked ' cold 'rind dinQiy ll'p’ flying' Vlotfds' of a, nojrlbein sbyi'Tlicife 'w.pnf long infeVvels noi n. arTrijmpei bole broke the jnijfseii,trens. of..vtio sfaggprijig legions, On | ihe iear of sucirhn VrrnV. MClrf sjght' pf S stifli borrqrp did INey combiit. Noming.bui a gpiril-na unconquerable os. (hfe ijfi'ptf could | .hayejsustpine.d him, or kepi pugging I cpurage..of ; his troops. i.Stumbling every mo -tn(;i)l oyer lhe.deiiri bodies of their comrndes whp bad niarclicd.byl.a few Jipurs'in advance of them, .thousands, threw, away jheirnrtijs yvaptduped pfijnla.tlie .wjjder oflq».itpidie .jyilh cola .qjc be tdafo by ll»q '6b§- .sacks.-;., .Yet,Npy.kepi.o, pr.pu.nd him that ) pji, J ijte r ppwer, of Rpssin.,,.could,* pgt conquer.-.Now,.ordering tijajph ,witlj,ihe skill of -n.-genorA), jaM .now, 'vilb. muske: .in , hand, figliiiog fike.-.a, campipft soldier,, ihe I moral -fotce - example accomplishef! •what aui liorily lalonQ j never could have dona.! At: length the bravp and heroic ,oommander j seemed to have reached lhe crisia of bia/ale, I and there wnsno escape from the-doom iheti: hung over him. The Russians dmd finally placed ibebi'selves belWeen the; French army , ndduhul rearguard, now dwindled doyvn to a | few thousand. Ignorant of His danger, Ney 'WaS'leading his colnmns ihrough a dense fog fo -lhe batiks 'of the Losndna, along which were strewed'the dead bo'dibs'of his country men, when n bnuttfy offorty canon suddenly pail red adcslruclii'c fire into'(He Very Heart of hiS rank's. ' The next tnortibnt the heights before liim appeared lined wiih’denie masses oT ihlhnti'y and artillery. N T !!'y had 'done 'nil thdl mnn could du, atid here Ihs cnreer seemed ul)’ouf ib cluse. ,Ho wus'su.mmoned to enpifu tale! " fie replied,. '" a ''Mufslmi, oT 'Frntl'cd never; surrenders,” and closipg Ins cbfbiptis (jigpchqd, upon.ihe iballeries.. 'flie Russians vye’rq driven From their gups but uiiabfe 16 force.liis. why , through the dense, masses of jfl.fuaTry ~Ney, wgs^, ft pa II y cbmpelted toTn II Ltcji, with Ihe ,losa p/.faalfjiis men. Finding gnemy .lines,on every side U). liein- : ini, ~he. mprqhcd. bach, ip.ward Smolpnsko, thep,,forming, a.bpdy of.four ( thp.usand men,.turned thfi.Dnieper..,,Having reached the sueaffl id safety, ba.ftrfaogedhisfragment bods to? march -over. l the ice , atia -moment’g warning, and then; waiiydllliree hoitrs.hufafe crossing to allow life weak and wounded st/nggro’rs'tffV.6mfc''hiV- ,J ' ’’ 1 ' , - l ßiMrtS ; Mn'fshlil bhd '4til Cii “Wildfirness he. iteabti biirVsb'd fits'e'lbp'dWrpnnd tlinf wilder! ness' sas ‘“filled’ 1 Wfift 1 iitif¥ milhs'he'struggted'dh Wiib bis Wrofy 'dofumns ’six'. lh^oVsnnd' 'of ,lheia °hlltl ' wnfriots. Xt -6neTi trie l hey 'got' in'’<i , tfvad , Ke 'of b and fell unexpectedly upon,, .hi^,advance(!'' i pbsl9'! 'v,hiph K -all .B.Pk Jill >lP.®il e l?i!Po^oß n d.jAb a Hfih r ;fB?^9d,. l ,Wtlhr.ll)? t , cheering words : “ Comrades, npwjs.the mo, ! ment I rallied ' l Thinking did hotJpatjtf'that tffe >ehemy- wet#'/4uk*ffvi(lhe ! aotdi4r8 I; f<rt«te!l’ i r6vWaid;-,whvieil theyidhen* «ifsia 'wiWia | wiih-'enlyfftteftf* HaiadWdt tifeh?*i6M frf it** i wap*** qSadß'Mb V.tXteSfij ! hlk v fe®J!f e> tftaqyfeMgrahnllSeXtc t'U'jnS ! vnfiuviNpyV exhpusling ei“,ys.>' > L e^ROt until lie was left almost aldne. 8jlll f (r#« (a ' H# 1 r The M Wt i >/* musket i S-tfo ffd 1 "fill yhega(p"of f W , ’ 'last'tnaSwayaitferi (<HBe t !seftiyF#od ; Wnf} !Wfib fert A%? frtissiSfaP .JiKiu/x i&lUcii t-V* Cg.--I.itl Ititn v'.W'iW-mtK ’Sk«!cler IDC Idea'S!’ ,•«<« One cvrninf'W i ot&ei'Wid Blidgi K^luikiM' , tall/y l *»ir' fr <hlii*ry etred4sa YoUc^a : 3 >:<t U'ell| ! i 6ia’t v tlifrialrtirtJe« l in‘ seks why, call me a ktfltjWhio, -bnd ' {- Wdn X\ t a 6e/ft I ■slept’ bmong atperfedt fresheV-Of temV«s s my tack will.testify} and tbe Wy'ibey Wta atid I taplbiueiftf iirisgiftsiiwft «AJfe(!ertdld'tftli to ■gef- ft Wofth ' lOne.>‘ditftf c': I : bought' IhlgHiri, Ml guifratileo !si f&jbat aft dboOH^--^'' 1 i>’ ‘‘tr^w^fS'dtt'aWrdii-day.-urid I 'waSka-'sanhTcttnb ftu’o(igh>'iiiWir j , ii ISoken’ Wrtrf* Bom’e’fixhpS ; fdi• dotoosy-h nifthe ’baby, VVeil ( ';lpdme tiy;n’s{fl}|V ; wheW’l seed soifte’oi these nets a'hhngini out.’so I’bundfed-stid “bought ‘one/ -TfW' tib tpuf up*lo ataltdrn close by a' -swDmp. tfbd, iHe vttfro 'powerful nirmbroUS- 'and -troableqomt/'oul i blinks 1 “Ijllgivo you tf> cnih/-•■with ibis ere mnshettii-sUrff lt Wrpd night £otn'c; 1 rtiybdd, shucked mysilf and got in; : ' By-an th a *skeinertf clouds, abdab'eonhfefequarls CtWdetf in under'thy shirt and went'a n't. ’"“'You blasicd'teptilM,” •sea I,'“‘’bile; Ahy ddVi’l you ?—ii , charted,‘or I’maltar I !’' 'Bnd'nT leas 'tliEm' a think-1 wens-eJefAedV" But-bdidoh stood it mightily, 1 tell you, for you'seet i calkilatcd the rtet WoUld 'have at;lea'st"b.6ush el- in it anyhow/'' Welt sit, When morning came, I • wedt"lo' life mnsheon, as rtfafl'hs iltUhder’nnd smelted awful. But, would you 'believe it,"quick qs 1 looked ir)} v tJTfre wasn’t Cut one mu.skeefer' and /te was aiiyj ~ ' “ Don’t talk to mp or'nets,”_ 6ttid'£fintbckr ip, 'conclusion they’re ‘nfbre -tha ’s^eej^rBd| tff|ih'selv£fc 1 'WellThfy afe, a ' '■ k ?qntnjih.-~A young raq’n wlshlngjo l*u'y»- pn old watch lor five dollars- 1 eqd'or fdui{, modifw,,finding u does nqt,feeiqp lime as well as a 'fie w",pne, 'he', pays an roe rdollors jp hive ii thoroughlyßepaired.,',T,wp 'T*°.'*>* 4X*. t- O. B n aipg it T i3*nol, “e?aL~c.t I^'a'w ¥ i!?s ftp ifa ■}'*.&}•. J'fV.P hunting; not,, Cndiog very.plenty,,apd receivipg.a summons ,rr ( om ip pay fflf'hjsjfr_yito~ f n l l j shpl, winch has,amounted Ip eight ,d6llarsjße pays to ,o d pld>rs,e, and pays five tp, hoqt . $5 hues, his liorsq kcpl n{ ijj,e. Iqyprn, r? t wjijch .PWl.te. VfW a f,|.3‘<*bff end 6f.jha.year h|s .¥!' /P r c | ti 01 '?’®.',hoping forty dollars, pnd,,hi3 pivn lo .seventy-hyp. Hp ffl) s & himjeir;'" This is .poV. gelling ..pjojig ~v s r 3 f r?fU”; 80 ih c , Ws .hprso for a , barrel which,fijusheij jh;s'eaxjbly ca^eej;. c 'Ahecdbtc <jf Oriiii " - St- C, 1 v/ mv ,-.f ,J v.!;-, • U’ff TcrriPirlbef, i>y t he -way, -a' sceha'fitiitf. singly-sketched to os by-a- fady ; iri' r -Paris, when we were last abroad, Whifeh ? is oery'iK Insirative of G r is i’a" n alb ral vfeelf-possea sroW, and, indeed, Evnlike ■ importer stability; ‘ SW («he lady narrating) day before, m company With etf Englishfk'dy who entertained a 'ideal.- buP Whdi (hough much admiredTdK'Hdr'Biyle'‘rfiftf'!hW pimliiy, was eccentrically eeir.-will&dnnd'uni ceremonious; One • I of her!'errands, (br'thlj thaonbrhiog, was tor call arid pa'y'Grlst'lwe'n-' ty NapoleonsTorsingingat ■'■one 'oPheir par* ties. ‘The carriage Mopped ; at the prtma : d&i nna'a 1 ! lodgings.' "'ilia-Signora Whs " nOttf'felf home;’- ‘>B u t p t»j"' ekcTarfbed iho imperious lady,yeskmadarri,' now just in herbaih!"''-' “Pooh fthaf-ftWltefS time r4 r wydertr !'{she said oaf of her carriage,•) : let ) urf'g6 straight tooto—lknow the'Wayi»; lAWjiiPSrfbtypf moment, the twadadifedpiisheiljy ihd SWbh ished 'dressing*maid whortißlfhefti alfhd'bed room dOof, and- pdnetrated -to tile dieS4?pg« .tttem'beyond. r - 1--hi.a "Tho re'cppiiort and'treriaa'cfioh' 6? jjtisiiifeiis WaS'C soetie of undisturbed l self-poifeMiikfa, -oii btit h'sides. <> The g&elings ■■ oY* were ram i I iat 1 y : Cx2 .“-Wh HoW> the’‘fa!? singer’s' nfe s WhfcrjbUt'^itfi announcement- of-the -emndyAe 'gracefojly dre'W'ih Her'nidSs&oP^t !; ttdcl{‘fhHir. : iMnch (tlPVjekrly to- k ifebSm'S' Bhe'ftSo,,i ' pi tig hbi»updfldha i 6il-tlo'tb*, ! hiirod'ea l/ wilh ‘the "proru^d ! riKgftra, / «h'6 ■ titled *he«) hfindSAvi’fh % t6W«bteblt J lfia sr : '»tedlWninThi^hW, c SHe» , a^ ablitpasseisCdi (H ke'a Na i ertPQo&n' >maPhdff a, vpilThfjßptefejg lwr ß »i*> mo to one of them qrily, ftheJady, wno . mjd vue tfeinlrfwilh^^ ! imired Grisi for hor behavior : than/prdha-fioesl U>ufinphs:ofiarpro&SBr6lni r al acpng.—//otn?:«fourpaf, iu;.-'., i,,c ...nuins-q \ 4