‘ I All dim . ~,of 1 • ■•'FtriMfv .MU**} ; r-wtaweniwai (d Jftnt doßft.tt napri-. $ - ICl l’- » ilcX-* ,l *Ancfi!rei fiftcitfio »hsbti /• && *.'*** j ► tinAgainati evel: add; touts' v,t ' l.or . „fi\aP*bow, for H aUinsj redoubt.' 1 , Chorus;, . ‘ 'i, ’, ■ HuiladAob'Wijo rof Wlidt r 9611i , 4d '-- M t ' The u bastion of t ood,”' ; ahd'?* thi tkljktodtstf* is ■ • goos; ' ; ■'(.•'-■ J ii,„ ■ ,-■■■•■ I-,.-; si ■ ‘ Now sing oF.'bfcfad' BoahAiripj-tSd buUf orstatd,' ( ■- With parchment bicurtbgtbd pjihtvhere to.bait,: WilJj power in .make war on MpsothTOA?d ~ While ho; licks the Bo(V,fiand ( ■ n ' “" Thai (bog glvedhldi % “ } might eodure it,, a ire," .replied DunOiSy for it was that gallant noble whom King! Charles VII. addressed,' 1 ! but for yrfu, woun ded as you are, it were madness.Yoa would never ■ I’ise again,' end the hopeof Fraltce nwstt noft bei lost without n bttugglo. . , - “ Weald - lhaf'i' had died undet- shield,. 'TTiTf fojratlytffld^trtgMi itt-TSWdfe BPtttBp;deS| r, ‘‘Say ■ _ 'HKIW’i ,* v- ; quahppe.awjeuufr (leqrtnaMqfPrfaneb -»W rfsfflh y« to drive these island ,tfletr > WMd u nwurDrully. •■' < • .chivairjb of c-Efcaooa; ti*; pres wste, ’ adidihe.- - .>■*■ fi»iili' ,v!ni»,'j tt-i.il' jVjt r wh ! ■;■ iL !tii4ilabted.'giaqt. whin 'heitouohed ffhetp by, my 'mwUli. -Soi/let ud ohtAr'the get her eidWelej-end see whlcft-wilhwinbeW* ■<> U M sucte'yobf' l ,,«j > * £,V.;,4nd. , ....., wssfc. -ug iv,, RitßttP 5 Pfteey j»mqmirw»iW ■; ijiTiThttiUWU day I in'; monarch Was irrecoverably.lAjjnes. ’vjThe?ibij[di nighfuJhie .fciP&iWW in *“ lort;his>favacsn>./ ; y ' i. /Matters were*in Jhis.slate .wfoeiVathe iking,' now thoroughly fearful for the result,o|;ihis ( auii.itesolved: to: reaorlto onCfo fvthe.B3.4tf a 1 a igemawhich-areas; justifiable jndQVe.nsjn' war snd politics^ ; Hasuri^nwhcd-l)|ibpiV!i > “ 'My Brava iDunoWj” said he,-,'; you knqw how I have loved,you.J’t • r , r n ,j ...t« I'flodeedyaire.i am but toopr(^ijd r t anddi a P; py an your favor Pi--., • •! You saved-my life in_bati(e 4 ” ; “'I wotSld, sactifi■■ i ‘V: «, - •• “ I knewit, Dutiois, and I Jbayo bpeodbink •ing, how I might best-recOmpense ,y our royally and devotion*. ,1, know ;,lhaL iyour 'gflllajii spirit ch'&fesl at llds-idlelife which, my;dis. cabled condition , reconcilca.me to 'for a while. It is cruelty to keep you by nly aide,while,you are abld to'siedF.arm>.”, ;iJ,;.* i ■ ‘tSay.nolhhlgtoCU, ty,” cried Duoois, who saw, through the du plicity of faisroyhl.frieftd, Avill in duce me todeaVehyourvropjcajy’aaide.”, “ Nothing but my commands ,” replied the •king- with n. raalioltnis smile* ■ j a. “Oh, if ryour majesty command .-nriy.-ab sence, that’s a different affair,” replied Dunpis 'viiihdeepchagrin,.; : y “ I do command it, my noble (fiend,” cried Oharfesi grasping his .hand. “1 make ; you genoralisimo-oC my armies,.and I command you forthwith to taiSe'lhsrroyal standard ppd rally all true and'gaUant'Spbjßßts.tp.Mtisup porl. Here is your conjmiSsion. aCcpmpflpipd by,your warrant, written • by-my -own Kond ’—signed"With ‘thy own Seal: Depei'rtylhia moment.”, ,t - t „ ~ , ' . “I will but bidpdieu;lp;^gngSj”. r ; b ,\ “ Stay riot'even for that.h*y <^ar.friend,” said the king earnestly / ’ “;Your*'hP’r»d ia saddled-imiha c6uri-yardi.; excuses to our .host:; jßjdej God bo with you.’*. f 'J( i. ; *l* } Sire I’.’, Jielipsp. JVP' 1 ohMl normfget this mark of your nWjeSty s confidence and (avor.” 1 ' '• 1 He bent‘llia’knee, and raided' the V*9 smarted,ai;this .retaliation .opthe pjirtof Du nb(s, the, (notiye. qfi\yhicli_he,,detected ut„(t glance,,! shall not be so discour'.cQus.ns tp leave you suddenly., , I ,wiLl, larry.a.few days longer” , 1 , “ But the,summons' is,peremptory!”,, k , ~ “I am hardly.able tp.hear niy prmor yet, as you .cap testify) fair rnaiijsp,, have, kindly,) (ended ,ipe/’ ? replied the "king. . “ Forgive ~rpc, fair sip,’’, rejoipgd (he h)3y, “I.think I,can fairly authorize .you to,lake ihe l iield.Bgnin«(; ; ..ijc , t.-- ~ .. «tVi | “ Ah—cruel one ! you are glad of thepre lexlTdr-.ibaoishingroe,V Vir ,;j; 1 , “ Not,(tO'l’l ,;crjed, Agnes,, I ,'. and. if- pay. father,conSenis-srV i; t,-. ■ ■■c“ Consents, to-,,vylip( cried, the old .man, entering the hi\ll,B(' that moniep(., j ; . i; ;* Toimy pfiilongjpgulpy slpy-.a-few days ilonger ihere, paid ihe..king;R.n«i(!u%ly,’’ ' What I’-crieduia lard,of,the easlle,/iln the faceoo/’ yonder proclamation?,- jffflt.fiedt wermyou-.my.son, ■I 2 r«qnldrfnet'lPir.boi , The! kirfg wills every knight, -to-.joipr.his. slaqdard., ;i-- * r , ,) i “il.ihink my. tarrying ww.ld; not displease; ;hia mnjesiydbssid th6;king„ 1 ■„ ,; , [ ■ d. , ‘Thero.ii»ijDO: egeeptipp, ip .the, orders," said/the:) inflejriblet-eld,. mao.. “-Wiell.aofh wounded mpst to. the* standard.An...aloyal knight youmnastfobey.?’; v'ov^U--.in ! triomem 'e horin Theidrkwbridge was I heardsiO)felh-sboof»itd) rTpKdtt'UhehMurtayard, ‘and>dl(paihd cUnlrof; armed- dbolslopa a 1 .wiKiofc 'r*. Ul’r. •** 'f' ‘V f' /1 «S j-Ci’"' * • i ii m |hfeailied iiTdfedi SIP#IW< U «M wS! 4 l»n2*Kl niii j.- f^(wdS»Dm&i!t>l)iel 'brftv£ -wni ■*& aiCtPJ : vK’Sr I '■aawmtiwjj \ah .■•V.-r-ij ( HewsdhaUwotßfl slit Ibeideadjiffiomith 6 r grates 1” cried Dunois. ' “ N£w»cttaif»heu d 'Hffg’lhrdWglt ,J FHlnce» iikduho opf l jJroacfiifrg , d6ftWl J * s <>) <■> ’leVd? jJjjnpc* ; i,,, ‘ •tjjjiealff I,J1 ,J ch a rgb t riiti *»1i0 ; I{ in g'qui v. : ;’ o4, pSißngliSt/ J h4ve'MeK‘PdHtfl ,> -■ * { 1 'English-ih'Farll’b' till'd HhfeW I” cried 'Cliirlci" ‘“'MotHelf’or -I‘tt»tiBt”t>6L, JoW*V nidrne'iflf; J WhipShßlf^flng v .mi' , ’iS»V rf , arnji4t brlnViri'p’ myfc^if’oiriifit^^aieel— Ttiy tfiefaf iporgeK I js>ur 'agbl a? I J It. i - T v>« iwaiw 1 v your vassals], they.must ripe>Un us h Despiiich ! ’Despatch I l cacfi*«maiflnnS ia" _*l ... '■■• >.: ■ ■ ■--'i r. ■.■:■: ■; v.'r.. i f ' (< A“ V 'V* Trii rri-ra *< .'I < *.*» i , v3*lGhaj;lMpr^janc0 A i ar- ( 1 f,6.'fS're i’icrisd^gn^ ■“■ I gp»»,i: wpjm >^oa,rfcfe§ljU»M?SMnl?8 3 flf; ! gr9n.ce l wiiJi ,if c Uie .mms/'W. ■Agnes Sacel eanavaib^nighiJy,,h9itr)y k shßll tliey.be,offered up.for,yout,’;, r , ft o ■ s Riso,‘ dear s: 9aid miba j„Jtingl atrq. jneifar ~ypurj knight; andibudkle on my”»word and->spurs-m-»t)d I wiltiwear ,your*dolora in - the .field.ii-rGlory -were little worth' without thelpsC” of* Agnes Sore I. 5 ’ - - '.•''■■■] \i '■ trd : ■' “Stviftly moved iHa-fiogers of the beauteous maiden as she armed-htm ToMhebaltle.arul ■ heitdwn scoTf'fhitldretf'from his. shoulders, ns ihebarsiTeby:the side-of the bravfe D (inn la. ,< *!."•. -.e -j::’ ;t* '■“You have''-cdhtjoeredp stfe,” said-the cotint; ’ ■■■ 5- ! '■>>* "• * “ May you be as Corlunaio in war nalnve. He.glftyq AAo^ngigoW#J)(> s fllirj'%qg|inst a king.” Cptlooso Asatiu,.!®istgjr,. : - . s "A-. friend of our*, whoisa mgst,accom plished salesman, andwho-is kept very busy in.one of tha.uprlowndry gooda:housea, was complimented,-not'long-since/in-mapner and form'as follows ; ■ a- i, ; ',-u. r ■ ,- ; :. tu' Ue; had a; - Countryman in- thO,Storo;anfl l(on a very Imndsomarpicce of ‘ladies’ 1 dress goods,‘-liut’uith’Bny.greauhope frlendaveYs—lb keep constantly in practice. So be dashed ahead in fine style; praised the richness‘of the pattern, extolled Mhe ‘texture 'of the fabric,; held it upto-n' favorable'light avouched 'for its" ulfra fushibhnbterress ;‘Untl 'in short let'loose a torrent Sf'dloq'uebch,' in : wbiiihil Was ''difficult to , was most fliitlefed. taste or'ipi? .admiffftgl r.iis|ic or” , Bumpkin’s eyodiaahsd Ayitb-grjxtifiedj,pfi g|rl, of.fiyeySummet’a (expe. rience, who.-rejoice*,in thenamoiof-“Alice.’' In the familylis aiseryant-girl whosor horror is rots, andiA\ho,ichancing;op one in-dhc .-cel lar, makes a 1 roost Qn.Ghinesdrßiatnpede.shoul. iog “ rnCs-l-”-, J! Alie’.’-sleeps in fkOribvfjo Jqw that, placing one Tootem the-inside-of ity she dan eusily-spring 'mf ;A:few evenings'! since; her motherHvae r-mtendiog- heMtf bed, vkhen she suid : Mammapdo-you knowhow 'I gel to be- so' quieted” «“ l “No 14 -ww-ithe - 'reply'. “'Well,” said Aiie,'in great’glee’,'‘tlslfep'otio friot over Ihte’drib,’ arid their •May ‘roifr'iirid jifartF myreff > rigHt‘ ift I*’, 1 *’ , ’“lf : any 6lds’ , 'cnn' J, h’^i : fhdSp‘‘‘ino;'-be St'dbd npp Idahing thi- .pen* wfih''bbih:Hflrtds.y‘ : ‘ , ‘ParSoh : hai*d , 'qubli.shim»« “’tfoclS 'John;” ttid'thb' paribn, 1 wlfhlw Stfl-1 e’ttrf i ifsee , fftV' , dfa'^lid|-tnKd , , i krn'bW’ydti'aW’lf? 1 ddpihS dr'inft]yity?i* :gall;of As^^fnr'djffolSiKH djhot "waiisv,.; - «J ''hAih-jtps •; 1 rit-l fi-jftfibfMwi* via kair-rMa-Monlt s.m'.jljjij. v -Trill i'nfeieisiMS&iaddbittjrpeiisiveiH sfial|0>pj^C6. j,^ t£ Si Viw 53d wmm * ir»ob ?itnrf (?) tuitmp. ■; -/// vM in.*» oito csvr^ jg poiiH ...» ipr lUnfefnalP tie-,. Tore the fawtUarmyrnumeditbeir faces home?' rnadamtqffaintetF wiihj^ft l qns i of Jteyl. MrijitiHM oyer ( the disastrous issue they had /met, and the , ,aarr.ri«■»!!.• £(>< ti- / i .. *’j only way ,of, escape from total annihilation,. The fiery °and v itbjrevSousihafSJigues of ibe. former, and blunl'cliafraftelisiic replies of the latter,-%lii(e'lhe 'cVaSkiiti§ ofithS flames, and’ 1 the fa 11 i rig' bfvcnl u rhn s-and- walls' without > ..the hjgJiffifeiJegrce ronjiyijic. tjT^gap, 1 uif ine solitude whi.eV tfaemprej [ '|irophfeitb' ? llia'n ! ’'ilio iuproar of ■-■the I storm! , ’’Ney \w|’^ppointed Itj icbver ihe relr'eitfJ-'Snd. /the wholp-JpjiJpfy of conduct^Ujlfi^fhnt irhemqtablo retreat scams lo belqQgjslhe;r to' some hero dP.rddnttnceMHariS an aciual mno^ ■ self between drrtrßusMan and by.r.hiftjiQore/ijbl^.cj^i^nSj.^'desjKrDie" ; -vSlorya nd.e^)iauß|l«Bs;ingcnpiiy,.say(;4 : 3 itiob i >beeauUBUy-.aim'iljulaied»-jAVithput provisions,' - urimostjwithouuarms, he hauled -end"countless legipns -of Russia hack from -his emperur~-andj.ov.er- ■fields’of‘snett?, andurniidiithondriving alortn,; with V heart' mUamed,'andai.wiUunsubdued, ihe'hovercd.liko 1 a overalie ‘divided and'flying'ratfkS’oMiis counfT'vmfn. ' itnttdbspairiirg, threw 'ihMf thetn' irtW'the snow drifts, ;nntf'lalJ’tfdWnbylli6u3ShcrStt)difcvi::Goldihc : niitribcd and'’ faminc-si ruekluhls ’ghbstVfan ■ti rerf y 'sir6 <> gle 3 J| but ftro ilgh 'tHb- deep srtoV, ‘■With'nothing hiitthe'tall pities istvsyffig s ’and roaring "Wburnfujly in as 'ldhdrharkS (bribe glnvfnjipeVe'; whlle ! «n en raged and well disciplined army was prising 1 iinhT : rehV/ ‘ + oibuJs ofi-'flveits", whose’dtkky r forms"fehHict>d u like spirits through tbe -snow fiffgilthidi’droiikcd'Ptte'f the* falling column's; -while '(rbops'-of’dUgF‘that 1 had followed the | Vr myfrn rtf "MbSchWp fe H otilhe proslralo'ftitms ! bcfor'e lifb was Wholly exlirtef. The storm hpwled'hy, as the at nighfirr the "show id' rest, many’to tiSenb more, while the mbrn'ng sup iMr'sho'iTa til 'all, jooked ' cold 'rind dinQiy ll'p’ flying' Vlotfds' of a, nojrlbein sbyi'Tlicife 'w.pnf long infeVvels noi n. dlru.ni arTrijmpei bole broke the jnijfseii,trens. of..vtio sfaggprijig legions, On | ihe iear of sucirhn VrrnV. MClrf sjght' pf S stifli borrqrp did INey combiit. Noming.bui a gpiril-na unconquerable os. (hfe ijfi'ptf could | .hayejsustpine.d him, or kepi pugging I cpurage..of ; his troops. i.Stumbling every mo -tn(;i)l oyer lhe.deiiri bodies of their comrndes whp bad niarclicd.byl.a few Jipurs'in advance of them, .thousands, threw, away jheirnrtijs yvaptduped pfijnla.tlie .wjjder oflq».itpidie .jyilh cola .qjc be tdafo by ll»q '6b§- .sacks.-;., .Yet,Npy.kepi.o, pr.pu.nd him that ) pji, J ijte r ppwer, of Rpssin.,,.could,* pgt conquer.-.Now,.ordering J.is tijajph ,witlj,ihe skill of -n.-genorA), jaM .now, 'vilb. muske: .in , hand, figliiiog fike.-.a, campipft soldier,, ihe I moral -fotce - example accomplishef! •what aui liorily lalonQ j never could have dona.! At: length the bravp and heroic ,oommander j seemed to have reached lhe crisia of bia/ale, I and there wnsno escape from the-doom iheti: hung over him. The Russians dmd finally placed ibebi'selves belWeen the; French army , ndduhul rearguard, now dwindled doyvn to a | few thousand. Ignorant of His danger, Ney 'WaS'leading his colnmns ihrough a dense fog fo -lhe batiks 'of the Losndna, along which were strewed'the dead bo'dibs'of his country men, when n bnuttfy offorty canon suddenly pail red adcslruclii'c fire into'(He Very Heart of hiS rank's. ' The next tnortibnt the heights before liim appeared lined wiih’denie masses oT ihlhnti'y and artillery. N T !!'y had 'done 'nil thdl mnn could du, atid here Ihs cnreer seemed ul)’ouf ib cluse. ,Ho wus'su.mmoned to enpifu tale! " fie replied,. '" a ''Mufslmi, oT 'Frntl'cd never; surrenders,” and closipg Ins cbfbiptis (jigpchqd, upon.ihe iballeries.. 'flie Russians vye’rq driven From their gups but uiiabfe 16 force.liis. why , through the dense, masses of jfl.fuaTry ~Ney, wgs^, ft pa II y cbmpelted toTn II Ltcji, with Ihe ,losa p/.faalfjiis men. Finding gnemy .lines,on every side U). liein- : ini, ~he. mprqhcd. bach, ip.ward Smolpnsko, thep,,forming, a.bpdy of.four ( thp.usand men,.turned north..to.wgr.da thfi.Dnieper..,,Having reached the sueaffl id safety, ba.ftrfaogedhisfragment of.-anr.army bods to? march -over. l the ice , atia -moment’g warning, and then; waiiydllliree hoitrs.hufafe crossing to allow life weak and wounded st/nggro’rs'tffV.6mfc''hiV- ,J ' ’’ 1 ' , - l ßiMrtS ; Mn'fshlil bhd '4til Cii “Wildfirness he. iteabti biirVsb'd fits'e'lbp'dWrpnnd tlinf wilder! ness' sas ‘“filled’ 1 Wfift 1 iitif¥ milhs'he'struggted'dh Wiib bis Wrofy 'dofumns ’six'. lh^oVsnnd' 'of ,lheia °hlltl ' wnfriots. Xt -6neTi trie l hey 'got' in'’lP.®il e l?i!Po^oß n d.jAb a Hfih r ;fB?^9d,. l ,Wtlhr.ll)? t , cheering words : “ Comrades, npwjs.the mo, ! ment I rallied ' l Thinking did hotJpatjtf'that tffe >ehemy- wet#'/4uk*ffvi(lhe ! aotdi4r8 I; f tftaqyfeMgrahnllSeXtc t'U'jnS r.ni ! vnfiuviNpyV exhpusling ei“,ys.>' > L e^ROt ..pk until lie was left almost aldne. 8jlll f (r#« (a ' H# 1 r The M Wt i >/* musket i S-tfo ffd 1 "fill yhega(p"of f W , ’ 'last'tnaSwayaitferi (:‘ditftf c': I : bought' IhlgHiri, Ml guifratileo !si f&jbat aft dboOH^--^'' 1 i>’ ‘‘tr^w^fS'dtt'aWrdii-day.-urid I 'waSka-'sanhTcttnb ftu’o(igh>'iiiWir j , ii ISoken’ Wrtrf* Bom’e’fixhpS ; fdi• dotoosy-h nifthe ’baby, VVeil ( ';lpdme tiy;n’s{fl}|V ; wheW’l seed soifte’oi these nets a'hhngini out.’so I’bundfed-stid “bought ‘one/ -TfW' tib tpuf up*lo ataltdrn close by a' -swDmp. tfbd, iHe vttfro 'powerful nirmbroUS- 'and -troableqomt/'oul i blinks 1 “Ijllgivo you tf> cnih/-•■with ibis ere mnshettii-sUrff lt Wrpd night £otn'c; 1 rtiybdd, shucked mysilf and got in; : ' By-an th a *skeinertf clouds, abdab'eonhfefequarls CtWdetf in under'thy shirt and went'a n't. ’"“'You blasicd'teptilM,” •sea I,'“‘’bile; Ahy ddVi’l you ?—ii , charted,‘or I’maltar I !’' 'Bnd'nT leas 'tliEm' a think-1 wens-eJefAedV" But-bdidoh stood it mightily, 1 tell you, for you'seet i calkilatcd the rtet WoUld 'have at;lea'st"b.6ush el- in it anyhow/'' Welt sit, When morning came, I • wedt"lo' life mnsheon, as rtfafl'hs iltUhder’nnd smelted awful. But, would you 'believe it,"quick qs 1 looked ir)} v tJTfre wasn’t Cut one mu.skeefer' and /te was aiiyj ~ ' “ Don’t talk to mp or'nets,”_ 6ttid'£fintbckr ip, 'conclusion they’re ‘nfbre -tha ’s^eej^rBd| tff|ih'selv£fc 1 'WellThfy afe, a ' '■ k ?qntnjih.-~A young raq’n wlshlngjo l*u'y»- pn old watch lor five dollars- 1 eqd'or fdui{, modifw,,finding u does nqt,feeiqp lime as well as a 'fie w",pne, 'he', pays an roe rdollors jp hive ii thoroughlyßepaired.,',T,wp 'T*°.'*>* 4X*. t- O. B n aipg it T i3*nol, “e?aL~c.t I^'a'w ¥ i!?s ftp ifa ■}'*.&}•. J'fV.P hunting; not,, Cndiog very.plenty,,apd receivipg.a summons ,rr ( om ip pay fflf'hjsjfr_yito~ f n l l j shpl, winch has,amounted Ip eight ,d6llarsjße pays to ,o d pld>rs,e, and pays five tp, hoqt . $5 hues, his liorsq kcpl n{ ijj,e. Iqyprn, r? t wjijch .PWl.te. VfW a f,|.3‘<*bff end 6f.jha.year h|s .¥!' /P r c | ti 01 '?’®.',hoping haanmounted.io forty dollars, pnd,,hi3 pivn lo .seventy-hyp. Hp ffl) s & himjeir;'" This is .poV. gelling ..pjojig ~v s r 3 f r?fU”; 80 ih c , Ws .hprso for a , barrel which,fijusheij jh;s'eaxjbly ca^eej;. c 'Ahecdbtc y t he -way, -a' sceha'fitiitf. singly-sketched to os by-a- fady ; iri' r -Paris, when we were last abroad, Whifeh ? is oery'iK Insirative of G r is i’a" n alb ral vfeelf-possea sroW, and, indeed, Evnlike ■ importer stability; ‘ SW («he lady narrating) day before, m company With etf Englishfk'dy who entertained a 'ideal.- buP Whdi (hough much admiredTdK'Hdr'Biyle'‘rfiftf'!hW pimliiy, was eccentrically eeir.-will&dnnd'uni ceremonious; One • I of her!'errands, (br'thlj thaonbrhiog, was tor call arid pa'y'Grlst'lwe'n-' ty NapoleonsTorsingingat ■'■one 'oPheir par* ties. ‘The carriage Mopped ; at the prtma : d&i nna'a 1 ! lodgings.' "'ilia-Signora Whs " nOttf'felf home;’- ‘>B u t p t»j"' ekcTarfbed iho imperious lady,yeskmadarri,' now just in herbaih!"''-' “Pooh fthaf-ftWltefS time r4 r wydertr !'{she said oaf of her carriage,•) : let ) urf'g6 straight tooto—lknow the'Wayi»; lAWjiiPSrfbtypf moment, the twadadifedpiisheiljy ihd SWbh ished 'dressing*maid whortißlfhefti alfhd'bed room dOof, and- pdnetrated -to tile dieS4?pg« .tttem'beyond. r - 1--hi.a "Tho re'cppiiort and'treriaa'cfioh' 6? jjtisiiifeiis WaS'C soetie of undisturbed l self-poifeMiikfa, -oii btit h'sides. <> The g&elings ■■ oY* were ram i I iat 1 y : Cx2 .“-Wh HoW> the’‘fa!? singer’s' nfe s WhfcrjbUt'^itfi announcement- of-the -emndyAe 'gracefojly dre'W'ih Her'nidSs&oP^t !; ttdcl{‘fhHir. : iMnch (tlPVjekrly to- k ifebSm'S' Bhe'ftSo,,i ' pi tig hbi»updfldha i 6il-tlo'tb*, ! hiirod'ea l/ wilh ‘the "proru^d ! riKgftra, / «h'6 ■ titled *he«) hfindSAvi’fh % t6W«bteblt J lfia sr : '»tedlWninThi^hW, c SHe» , a^ ablitpasseisCdi (H ke'a Na i ertPQo&n' >maPhdff a, vpilThfjßptefejg lwr ß »i*> mo to one of them qrily, ftheJady, wno . mjd vue tfeinlrfwilh^^ ! imired Grisi for hor behavior : than/prdha-fioesl U>ufinphs:ofiarpro&SBr6lni r al acpng.—//otn?:«fourpaf, iu;.-'., i,,c ...nuins-q \ 4