£s£ii TiT«t Togo ! F algor a Fraago! RKortnoi Plaago! I coll thffirffcgnX) fofos tojpnsytr! \ ■■JflPWtasPM •» «•»(• . .Qf :SEupf»))M h*mU»appocU'.lb(»ir dtykci j; iS^^SESi: v •■» . ; , , And West iwdbfly:.^^# n|catf flfellMnjr: -A^riPr<iflhs .-; ,: o J' !/, And withmthey creep naura an Intent s led t ■■ While pitying Mw imiimlJWf ’’** '"' Ths'etrdfglin^h^^^dmwd'i' i: •'■• v -! i !As wild !,-■- ,v;j - !, i„l, , , But I cajl Urtjiytnr; A nwi.a.flrei , n .; „, And tbodgh Iheßifaiw Ve VWne&jier. Yet many ■'» mahH ! nrn^«Hd slont, , • Andtuanya•tripling'gobn l isiodf{“•i A And the tw»itinj fl»<n*» pick Uw.ir andMter,,;j ■ ' As on them, tho ppv-j i,./i . By'sCme boldheart the pcrlUa bikvedj ' . Andtho mother ia Ijappy, per ’cmld''U kiWtf, ' ’ ■ •And Unconscious of all the tumtt)t ! wild,! >.< c ' . Bho clasp# him and matters—• My bhild ;;my,child 1’ 1 scatter tire lightning’s fiercest tfttth, ’ ’ ' -As it suddenly leaps'bn its crocked path. The clouds tosh down fro ortho mountain aide, - And cover the heayena far and wide; > bafkness and .gloom are over the sky T V' - ; Arid all things living toahelterfly: ; 1 ‘And mtmorioglhehdeis begin IC'rMl, ■ -Bat back to my. voice j : I toil, 1 ’toll; And the thunders now less loudly roar [ The sun, breaks through the cloud onqe mote J And iOoks upon mountain, valley’and plain, Smiling in bis blessed light again. I mourn the dead: lot many a day When living they came dt my call (6 pray j And beneath mb now in lhe groundtbey lie, Nor hoar when l aall ftom my turret high, 1 mourn the dead—.and my heavy toll Tells, that another has reached life’s goal. In sad procession the living come', * Bearing the dead to hia lasting homo. Among them the mounters, wife and son, Vainly weeping forhimthat is gone; The gray-haired mother, whose only joy Y earsago, was a merry boy | Those are manly eyes that in death lie dipt, But still as a hoy she thinks of him. And now where tho willow branches ‘wave, Tho trail i gathers round a new-made grave. Ashes to ashes—dust to dust j Tho wife hath lost her earthly trust) And the rray-baired mother can scarcely leave Her clilltj in that lonely, silent grave Bat there a balm for the grief of Ibe suffering :soul In the so emn sound of my ceasing 1011, As it faintly dies in the air away, ' To the moaners it sweetly seems to siy f ' There’s a hotter world that is free from pain, And the loved and the lost shall be (bond again. BIIMOfiOP SKETCH. IMTIATOO AN OVT»tD£B. A KNOW-NOTHING YARN. BY JACK HU HP n Rtgg. All creation and Iha balance of mankind were, early one morning, aroused from the dullness usually pervading the pious, prim and peaceful town of East Nutmeg, by the cry of— " What’s it all about?” “ When did they cornel” “ How many are there ?” “What Wey cntter8 J ?’ r “ WhoTlire they going to do 1” » WhoV’ “What?” “ The Know-Nothings ?*’ 11 Know-Nothings'!” says a native* “Know-Nothings.” “ Well, I’d give a fo’pence lo know,” con* linued the native, “ what in sin it’s all about?” 11 0, you hav’nl seen ’em, eh V' says a jol ly,round visaged, bright-eyed individual, who, with other strangers, and natives of East,Nut meg, were gathered in a knot about the depot, discussing the topic which had in a single night came, saw, and took the town.— “ Hav’nl seen ’em V “ Seen who 7” says the native. “ Tne Know-Nothings,' “ Know-Nothins ! Well, I kinder cal’late 1 hare, a few ’ <• O r you are one of 'em, eh!" “ Look a here, squire, ef you don’t want lo be squallin m yon heap o’ sand, I cal’lale yoeuM heifer not say my ede cation has been neglected in sich a way.” “ Not al all, my dear friend; I only pre dicted that you were a—that is, hang it—l mean do you know what’s out?” “ Yees; I’ll tell veou what’s out squire.” “ Good ; what is ii 11 A writ agin Josh Pruden for breakin’ the Sabbath all tew flinders, playing keards in Deacon Dinkle’s barn.” “Pshaw!” said the jolly man, “I don't mean that sort of work. I suppose you are like the rest of the Know-Nothings, too sly, eh, to be caught 1” “ Squire do you chaw?” “ Yes,” said the jolly-looking man. “ Hand us yeour tobacco, then.” “ Yes, I dori’t chaw.” Git eout 1 gettin’ kinder sharp-set 100, I cal’late. New look a’ here, squire, I gin tew expect yeour from New York,” “ I ’sped you are correct'in your remarks.” “ Wall, I knew yeou was J, can tell yeou fellers a mile off; e’ ye?, can, by kingdom. Now, I cal'late there’s somethin’ gdin’ on, that's a fact—allfiredest raow areound I yer town, this mornin’, bcoul somethin’; feller ever beam ” “ Ah, lhai’s what I was cornin’ at. Now. they say you’ve got up a new mvenlldn-T-a. new-fangled society, or a new order, parly, or sect, or something lhai’s bound to gel Christendom in an Uproar; how is it 1” Eh, yesr when Ihey goto’ to begin il,< squire “ O you git eout, sly dogvain’t you one of ’emt’ ' •nVhai! them, fellows thirt goin‘ to raise sin, and break things?” “I don’t know; lonlylisk ypQ”;honlin ued the squire—'*l only atk fdr information, you see.” ' “ Wall; nftdw, lobw a’hefe;l lellernßver made much b'y dhd• iottgd lghpfilncpt jjfr'Jhis land of universal Ijberiy >pd fidjca-. tion, and a feller know lhal’a a fact; bur, squire, I’ve got ivbftt vkrp^ny-buttons to 1 apple sa«s,ef I wohtfas podr* fellow h4'l~ gist ten shiUto’a and opwarditoknti# w&St’ir kinder basted raound here'll - .-wC tyflullT-ybul” ‘iiY. 'I ' ■ \y-‘ “ Wouldn’t I? By golly) squire,TgoeOf yeoqr tftecrlfler* Rinjeat taJTusall 'about it?” “ I'miustlfeernab'lbal 11 “ I knew yedd be ! hear all about it.” TTT t*>* & 4\f\ V'Bftii e ri n eft rain i i? f % -!«U *JI Ao wi SiSS Iwipaiif Sratni^.^mwi "owi tji&f ««T stiia«q < <i iOTiSKTiI fc*oq<{i> Qti ?sii fc-wan? »M ; >° ttjus* m ■M&g SBua.gmfri&;y .aatK'ttoiWi > h:q3-.w!«>kbih»j: '£i\f Bfrtmpfr istl bafel—t V*\ ** u.iffidjC *m i’te.beeri itodibß (pgob ” ,f #eo( ;W yf !♦■!«»• rim «•.is f .ximss •? i i Ywri PjVlwd bafotb bet»Wtedg,’V'in m# Ebpj i/S atejhrciedlylr^pofldß'theJtflit-,, Iroficrj •■ « vj)l -*,ii ,uu.;^!r. ii ‘lo ; , • “ Can’t *': i'>i'' • ; I‘ Bd?’ hut: fO-tn>) i-.nin has 1 0 J ltow Iknow-y ou’roagood fego.”, ‘ <■[«( uih !ifin-.“J.-i •■;ii-. J'i'.n) ft , j. ■ jg>-4Kwritfno>«hb>b<wav^ j,,r ' <: , “ Soijnf would’nt wonder; nevWr'^lliri’ [btu jm>k m$ I*hft ibb •Tecßnid ‘' ‘'lhtmk?yoli/’-i' l '> »T ' n "h' « alV^eqbiW;.yod : a'retpiitef wfel-' cob, (ai Untslo ''Nat «&id when‘’hfe «Hot >*he" fngi.pf;'’ 'j tf') . <• ; ' ••.!', i; *i;. ' ,f «ir, 'hbwplt give yod ln n'whisper an itaiof wbai’aU£| ‘and -if you loveyour cboifyiJ—t ■'■■ «,i.AV “<9W • rV» „ f. i <* • ' l'?V' nil-, f he b»av« “6rea lefts,'iqi “Our WWlfiS# >o lifittiAvlfabj&rkCiMetHttobgafairir. '■' tt\ 1m fi p)rw ,»>«»; mV .4>vnsJ*;»j atotle ;i ■-■-> SomertMip- Hlfice.i upon.mHSiiofilh* .lO which all attention tf | giveii) icr andtsMetyChriho-pas wngerw*otle.i>f>ili9 bioitifcipidiof <he'trains ingcWdf ;ttt#wn«ri ''■to# There was no ls,«80» rpuediMpidlyj A%ft systematic Mp WSti understood! blewtof 9iwc§eded' by iihe .roU«hen< the; eontlnu*. ■opMail.was. reached* assured evoiybodylhat >«il'ja«B ! rigiii.<>v ! ’.vt. v 1..-,;;':. lA shdfl time aflei' the ; lrwn hadief! l o'nß'of the thSSlatinhj cartier W"* fe on Je tracltf v |l wa?,,Bn thought, ■» Vl „Thp tiinll. df, %ljng, re 1 - MyefanghoUptoofr of. car /.'*#»?• The lrßip far'gone—indeed, ESW* tooctery, en ,ipapo*Bibility. -,He Kept c001, r*?'y WfiMqt»f, f ihe or.jyhic.h uiicflyiijnpossible ib the conductor lo aspetlain; nod 'not, being Jherp wqt<l<t &e dace tte E.ngineer lo 9% to , The only.bope iga#, thfU fa ile weight,, tht car paghv *%,s>;,s<?. fcadfc., ,He,fco|t bis $£«?». *n pi-opipt decision. . iThe itiumpha of Art, blessing of Heaven, hqve placed an agency ib advance pf Ihp.loco motive., . , ' . . • He ,wgnl lo the Telegraph l —and, this was his. message. Ii waattqalmone, and notbf impulse or dismqyr*-“£era«nloe the !be Express, anri see if ail js jigto" He had thus Jar doneinil he could.-nlo. the meantime, on.(hat train, ihp pleasant conver sation.—t(io absorbed reading—the glance s! scenery—.recollection pf a charming hour, passed away—or the bopeofn glad welcome .‘ ho incidenla that .mark, every transit of. intelligent travelers .was in occurrence. .— — f ■ ' -j - *• ■. j *^f()Bcinms > w(wsvPfwVW«Sf6^BBQSSBB S»st w ; ~..t - - ,jf frrr jKaa.fc *cjt pm lalfeK .1" •: ; •, ; V; , pt pcfurth of July I pitch In the big W > - ni I' <>• • ::i • " ■ 'n'dear-nuiieeland!’’ vj ' tbpgiGgSrtgbit; squire'!” l says ilr - ; now you jufst : fallow 1 roe ever •i to i ! - new -take achiir? ''Here w Wl giro 'you the ■ secret. v 'Y<iu i grand Secret sotldtd.’i 111 Up r • .-v le greatest secrecy is to be adhe* <w fisej hold up both ‘ hrfnds. neadfaonow swear —u-n. Wanger byHls-merdeS.;v;i Mt .» T* y ;.< .1' • hi tacnft thatch s< lirdinhid - reachedits destination ssfelyfand ofthai day h&Mtih' a 1 'WffiHiife' oftd’ gehtl# Iboki 1 "The 5 boinjSlftjsled! L.« »*■ *f t m twwy. A-X. I? { p. j ;*- s .<hu, : -A .-!>»»«■»... at fee*',... , c J * fflswMWi ;P-Mpn.oe as, «?*., ift ,«fas,at .erij , return from Canton- ,jh«l thß4w»pj,pccpwa., Jl.Ptas.jiot without >ome,heaitalipnUbelJiß btougbU himself.to tell jt. Ho owured inb IhelvJtehad never before related,itto anyone,' and wished it might not be>repeatnd.f dor he, . w.ag vU aw ill jng. he sa id/lo exposa. himself to > iiselftoihe : dreamer of strange' dreams; It-was-nol; therefore until after bis death-that' Meltmy setfiat • liberty to montionit;eVen imcorifi-. denbej or (allude to it any wayp' Nor Ist it, peth'apy propt(r,:ereD at this distance of time,- Imfeonneet his name publidly'witH the -sub* jeolij 'though by withholding it l -aril 'well, aware’thatf lessen the 1 confidence that-would Otherwise be least : by those' to ’Whom •he wsS petsbnally known), topt'b'nly-liHhei reality (bf'thd dreoWi, btiV inthe’truihdf the fadfS'thaTirhmediately followed' if.' ' 1 1 v I<ef' : it be ; reme'thbeicd I hoWet , e>,' iha! I re» late the dream and'the ci/cumslahces tvefb relaied to line—that, ’I trahscnße'lhera ftbfff ih^mory,^hd iHaf I hold my setf fespon sifie Tor i-he eofreeltm of (ke trointcriplion onl i£ ‘ Egt, to the subject. After slating Sprtfp djf fipulties thut de'taine({*him In his passage aown the’river, h’e,Mid :V “ Wo left our anchpr at Whbmpoa (some iSilden miles below Canton); 00, (he- morntngof (heaecoodio/ October) the wind was light, but favorable, end the wept (tea reptarkably fine.,. Having spate .commercial! papers to arrange, ! employed myself the grgqtgr part,of .the day, below., ,0a coming upon deck I found we bad passed ihe outer tenters, as. they are. called) end were under a cloud ; pf white-sail, fairly out upon the bosom of'lheChina Sea, then smooth-as a mirror, andgleaming with the yellow rbya of thd stin. T continued on deck, conversing with the offi- •Mho ifre?, ahdito tome t>f ■ ■“ Thai Nutmeg. Wellii (b the hoi I we are; n i see thi» is i - ' “ Eb, yL “ And (i red to. nJ above your ' “ Swear 'religion.” “Are yoti an Arteries#?” “Am 1!? I ain’i nothin’ else, by ‘Bunker Hill!” . ■■ ■/! orti'i dew it, squire—-agid tny “ Wilt yofl stand by your country'!’’ “.Will IT' Ye s/sir; till Gabriel loots his horn I*’ ' “ Then, stiear, that you will stapd by the American Eigle; the stars and, stripes, and never reveal the secrets.” " fourth of July and Bunker Hill,” chimes in’ the b'xciled Yankee, , “ riiat's goad, good egg I*’ said the hu morous man. <l Npw t sir, you' are one of us—you are a Knoi» r Nqthing.” “Ypu dunt say so!” L '• V^r~ r HmSiMT a brother of the society, when you see a 0 6 , ... man looking at you with tits right eye shut, - H one of those faial.nds. mtelegteph.c his hands in his pockets, and a cigar-should which bungs news.fef the woful he be Smoking—in the leftsideof his mouib fl,s f 86 to-ulmui, whose return musfbe im -you may know he is a Know-Nothing.” mediate—alter lhe,la*t and worst msuehia ~ Eh vess ,, passed—ibis despatch of the Superintendent “ Well, then, you go towards him, and shut did not reach lha first ,station, till the- Irtin 'your Fell eye, so; you bile the l.hlimb oflfie had P«««ed! But even:|n_ this exigency ihdte left hand, i? he bites—” was fc team oft hope' Thus far atjeastv Ra “ Bites T” tram had gone safely. When thb operator « Yes, if he bites; if he is really one of Qt ‘he first station did receive the message, he ’em, he will say something in a grumbling comprehended in .a moment, the urgent nc lone—something like ‘ what do you mean?’ ff'V* and lh « lmmin L eDt needofhasle.— or ‘do you mean that forme?’ Then he Like a man of sento, he-pushed; the signal bites, you see; then you advance close, and on.nnd to the very first place where the tele, say, slowly, ‘hix a weed in cully!” 6«P« “ uld ta used - he 8 f I n ‘ on ' lh 1 ° Su P e " n ' “ Dutch, ain’t it?” says Yankee. (e ‘! d « ft ‘ B '» eBBa g e -, la J l }. ihese hoors lhat “ Well, no, not exactly, its out language, officer couldl not lake.off his mind the keen Then he’ll say, ‘ whal do you mean !’-mind, anxieties. There before him was the faith he'll be very apt to say that once or twice, less. he knew that without tl dvery | sure. You reply ‘nibs,’ don’t forget ‘nibs- lurn of‘he wheel brought peril. Belter.suc stag his nibs cully I” c t ess a , l,Bndßd lh ® of the despatch. »* Nibs eh yes ” Long “fore the- hour for the train lo arrive, “ ‘ Nib’s, cully, how’s nibs f You then ap- ‘he instructions were read, and the Superin proach close-up, shut the right eye* grasp his ‘endent had companions in his anxietifis.- hand, and pul your left forefinger alongside They awaited keenly the , mmOlo when the of yoor nose, so. He’ll then up and tell you tram should be due. It came, ns. rushing, as all about it 1” tremendous in its speed as ever. First the “He will? How many fellows in ibis town while steam showed itself over the tries, then have joined this society!” »•* «»". dark smoke statfe, with its fifeast “O hundreds; nearly everybody you meei *ptoie» Ihc polished)shining silver concave of ere members; it's raising the-greatest excite- 'he lantern; thenMho sharp whistle to the menl imaginable I” ' brakemen, and all was accomplished ttccu •• Beats Millerites? I was one of them,” rately. Tho train f broUght op all right, and « Beats everything out, sir. Now here’s the hurrying traveler plunged eagerly lor his the oath; you swear by this emblem”—(etc baggage. The conductor, stepping from his valine a bool jack.) train with that quiet,enstortoty, business-like “ What, a boot jack T” movement, found himself at ooCo called by <■ Yes, it looks like a jack, but it ain’t, it’s the station men to keener action; W coitid, a blind, a mystery ; we swear by this. You not believe that anything was wrong, for, nS put your forefinger on your nose, shut one a i® declared of greater truth than d eye, and'swear never to reveal these, our theory; the miles run with Winged speed m secrets, so help your Independence safely,lold of complete order and sOcurily. Now to-night, there will bo a-btbwdmda’r the There was a busy scrutiny about arid un depot, about dork ; when the crowd moves; der the train. The order (jf the Superfillerii. you follow; they will’take you lo the secret dent told that he Was iq ebrnest'. Men got chamber, where you will learn more pallleu- under frricks in ’ plac'd where If ilie locomo lars. -Nati tcobt.” - ’ ' live should bfit'tekß a Breaih, they would’be ’ “ Bh, yesand Nutmeg teft. ' crukhed-r-wheels were 'iried—breaksexam a He had just got into’t hie street when a ined—beams .and bniripeis’oVerhauled—arid I veritable sign met bis-eyeS;' A long-legged; nothing seen as defectiver-arid the despatch double-flsled feftow,- with'blit one riyd in hik that had likhd' the lightning to travel upori head, stood gaping around, with fiishaftds ih seCriled as it (her fire cfy Of lHe his breeches; up grcsNutmeg, shuts hik dye, ItefiaßW friMeslih;&hen the' saw the riiopn and pdkes'his'jhutnb between .his*fnolars. alarm.' brie' of (fiat The mini'with the closed- eye'look* daggers with - ths tit Ker; r and by^’the twitching of Mi fell Wt Htwrty tS giVe $)&• lips seemed lo be speakthg, or doiog 'aoiße- fiit, iirriwt; t-ofislariVj'SticdiaYe omoim—neyer thing like ft, inwardly.” ' r 11 " ,ys ~ absent—ioeverjjeglecifulr--he-todk'ih^t s orie J “Nix it WSridMpi din!'? WJs Nulitegi ad- mqre lasljookrwhichseems io often to crin vanciHg;',! i-« i - ' centrate guccees,-nnd -.diBcovered'‘.hatofrorti •‘'Whit Irt yallerthUflderiFyri ope.oC the cant IheskiOg. didli was gobe!*— says the one-eyed Wish. ', w and.hekneW by the fact thSt from the poinf hrs'hibS.'cUliyi'h'riw’s riibi '!’’ qf starling, the message of. been 1 continued Nolineg, SdygriSirig. 'afidyftlridrig- over-all .this. juurney, thiacar hrid his* Bw i< lohg; i iMfi^' 6 d®*br'add- grabbing lit =tl)fe 'VtiistrUSlidg'' agcqgye J: the value, oftltfa Ihemdvl'toMnt nd Jooa, r -dftWi ftff. aridfute' (hat caraiplrbe. recalled )a r Weh 1 Jf tbfrfthgitoer had.aeeft any ushmuU l^ up and wentdOwn all W'dfieapriiiriwjJf/ f “ jecL ; ‘‘GMltairft' Ydni Ajn’Lyou om.ftf ’em? haJv»y Wby ! didnltnyOu say . id!” wledi jha.quipk adddeo inoyeineDt 'rik irfniiu}g> iptbAbe'hotel 4o.firid tßfiPtofestorl tooat of Know-Nolh'mgneia, find written rnefflories in'lhe hislory.pf Bat iFtoMaoT* Peta Morrik hindiaaddenlyteft ihSf s 'tfiyr’ for parbi trtikbown I rNatmegdma bewx'looW log-for.iEeto-for some<ttoas*t ; iii t s -•!, The path of virtus'lS pitted.' « afe “ if 4,1 ,h# afreogth of irotitiS It wwiorao time, however, before {folV'asfcep eyeh then conscioasnessbf being at sib did not leave The. I managed,or taiher dfeamtd;' thyself stillon deck, watehing’lhe course and'motion of the ship, add Sometimes holding a vague add brief commirnion with (hihgs lortgpast and far away ; these, how. ever, wereirferfe main current *pT the dreaWi ‘was ,’sti|r upon the wind, the waters, andthe.wprld arropnd. ,AH at npce a feeling of unepsinpss camp over me, There was a stir upon deck ; the wind .bad changed, this ship was pul upon a differ ent tack, and under diminished Bail i there waa some invisible alorra a brewing, some difficulty ahead-rwhenoll of a audden a smallaail-boat with a.single man in it, hove’ in' sight at some diatunce over our larboard- bdW. Though aeemingly upon the same lack with the ship, it was perceived rapidly approaching us. In a few minutes it was within a cable’s length of us, and apparently coming directly under our bow. ' The man sitting at the helm re« mained motionless in his seat, making ho ef fort to avoid the fete that seemed to aWait him. The scene became triore and more palnflil, Un til at length the ship was upon it! Then came the cry and the brash I in the midst of Which I awoke, glad enough to find jt ivt' a dream. ■rjf Tf • baro.i “ On coming upon deck the next morning, I was struck with the resemblance between the actual state of things and many particulars of the dream. The wind, the weather, the course of the ship, sail she was under; the ap pearance of tho clouds,.tho sea, the sky, all corresponded with lhp ; vision,of the preceding night. The boat alone pas wanting. But' other thoughts and othe objects soon took pre cedence pf the dreamland of,course no men tion was made of it. I had scarcely been on. deck an hour, when the man atthe masl-ihcod: palled oni,.*A sail, a sail I’ -And to lhe ‘-en» quity .‘-.VV,hereabouts t’ the answer was, O' l ' the larboard-boa, some,two or .three' miles ■ offj Or putting the girisi to hiseye, tip offi cer of- the deck-described it- sS one of that class of'Small river-rrggedfishirigcrafis'wiih which ihihrivers and coasts of Ghina nbourid, and which bre not (infrequently blown off Wo far to regain thbcoast or find their way bdck. It was sodh hear 'enough to be examined by the risked eye; tad I sad> lo'my'WtohiShiricHl that it waS’itf eveff particular the bdaiof ihe dream. It was staodirig upbtflhii sttrirto tribk, under a, p.tngle roan.;on board, seated at the helml It was soon perceived that he paid nd to’-the ship. '-Hisobp seemed to.be pfesrieddownsoas ttt test upon , his shouldriis’,- coVfering bis whold'beb'dahd «fj» waii‘mad» : 're<rdy toße thrpWn to him.lSridbdlkWlftilfcd,liut ! 'tio atrtwelrfe trirhed.’ THeikiisll Vitirift# dwcokbremii w half- Wristio#' tfltfl? in fi hundred r Ihij! Word%stf given iifstatilTßV ? firi'bdat hdtiklr, *’ Al)'lirihdk surging 0 uA kgiy Bsrin|Mnd^ sf the heiri? wrik c down ifi maas^f.putre/a^ Tb'e sigs wa^mfe# Ifft fit- prpfflPW and-j&ojf ua^ Lapi'ihff tditired bwtl m la wrftWtvf'ifi'the' feu# ife ! tbe‘c&£k fifti Writ wft birt’Sii J k&r A, !' X\} jj* ft Fct.vjt ii'. <jiu ; _ PQs3wPwi(^. r , ; , ii i *•: '■ 'i ■ *>—< -‘■' : “ i: — tJ **"£*<> ™ favi Ssw!-- , i i ad- tart fjxm ll »>b \iP**. t J a 'toTfrt*o Vtur>\c* w w>'Tj (f 7 *.va i.Js,lxMlGr ft<£holef|£i«!:ths exagfeeretiob.- bf-nUestlnsl, vermicular / This definition, explained in language lets. ifftofenjoinfi life •ItoMlny «f 14% l^cdV^bTlchbleYtii^ar ;^?®?C^9^r. a^.?P^lß|nß ; .prf«lple«r 9‘ ,wrer^ : |(s,B»rly,Btage, itMhemosi Mbri-. ifieoiingnund, m ui-.d -, it -Mi! „ :i " Ttepliblic thft-teWfe'ri' WjW.'ol r 9t .CPPIPtPt dmWicprisla with a,confidence Whiohilseir is e sufiidieaL however, yr#ll ; hrfohned Jflie #?fewJlwml IbeX Me crynipa%. ignorant t for nomaD'has alright'to, address the ’public, - itS'.tetteral; thaj fit'll, critically.; . .... ■ .'Q . :-; Ad cholera hia become d genCTat," hnd per haps,atieddt.ror' Ifiepte'senl, n permanent dis- i more ; or less .preyalent in -every. State of'.thc.tJnion rrSnnd one, too’, which raity alany bourbwdep any : of ili into the -belong- Jo tAir sjfeiy.'jtc, ufidersland its Phturp. Jar purselyea, aijd. do whatiwo may to-spread the knowledge j ,among those around u*. >. . r A “iiye” cheese Or a cupof'fisjphgworthsi 'thny gj\ie ah'idea>f the tnotioh of thb |pl P S-.| lines health,. . .'’The human gut is a hollow,, flexible, tube, between thirty and forty feet long] bui,-inordor to he contained iVtlhih the body,,il is, toisaVp space, arranged • B * hf'aaiibE.tttiiild coilp forever moving ip healthr-moving too- ntnch in some diaeae-. littlb in others. -To regulate'this tho iiohis the'firstobjert of 'eVe jry disease.' , In affections, -postivensss, usually, called v‘‘ the bowels,” is torpid,!' and-medicinesare given to wake lt op j dni-whaftfetes that,' cures the man. 1 Cos .rfyehess Wihe is,pne-of the. 'first teginningsr—orjt is the attendant of eve ry disease known, to man, In some stage or other of Its progress. But the human’ body is made ip suph a. mapper that & single step canopt bo taken Without lending to move the intestines] khiis it is, injhe.main, that those wbp move abouton their feet.a. great.deal, have the least sickness, andou the other hand, - it a great- dealiaa'd 'hence move inrr^.".”dj>ealth_it Cholera being, a 'disease els move tod object'should bctoles-, sen that motion. The &rsb ihing to" be done fn a ca.se of cholera'is to secure .'quiet-; k ude. It requires but Ssraall amount of idtel- c( ligenoe to put .these ideas together,.end if they „ could oniy'be btifm 1 irf "oVreVfefyheart, this feafful'Scoufge Would jbe robbed of myriads t bfilsvietims. g There can be no cure of-cholera without quietude.—the quietude of lying on the back. The physician who understands his calling is always on the look out for the instincts of nature; And he who follows them most and interferes with them least, is the one who is of lenest successful. They are Worth more to a Him Ihan aH the rigmarole stories which real or imaginary invalids pour in upon the phy- sician'a ear with, such facile volubility. If, for example,a physician is called to a speech less patient—a stronger about whom no one _ can give any information]—ho knows, if. the j. breathing Is long, heavy and .measured, that ■ the braitt is in danger; if he breath as quick from the upper pan of the chest, the abdo men; needsdltbniioii; or if the abdomen itself j. malrily moves in respiration, the lungs are suffering. In violent cases of inflamatioti of the bqweli, the patient shrinks involuntarily c from any approach to that part of his person, t These are the instincts of nature, and are in. ,c valuable guides in the treatment of disease. I Apply this principle locho!era,oreven com- I mon diarrhoea, when the bowels do not act 1 ■more than three or four limes a day; .the pa- ' tient Teels such an uowilingness to moiion that < ho even rises from his seat with the most un- 1 conquerable reluctance; and whom he has, • from any cause, beenmbving about considers- I bly, the first moment of taking a comfortable I heal is perfectly delicious, and he feels as if he i could Stay there always.Tlje whole animal I c/eation is subject, to disease, and the fewest number, comparatively; speaking, die of sick- I ness, and yet instinct is,their only physician, Perfect, quietude, then, on tile, back, is the ( first, the imperative, the essential step towards (be cure.of any case of cholera. Tolbistm may lend, her-aid towards making that quie tude more ]perfecl, by binding a cloth around the belly pretty firnjly. ’This aefs fjeqeficially M dim i bishing. the foo m-wit hi n thq, abdomen for aman may , be. so pressed in a crowd as ootid beeble to stir. This bandage Should be ilfom fi'fdol brbad. dnd lorig enough to be donbled over the body ;- pieces of lope ehouldbe ! *fwmtO one end’ ofitlßffiiVibei, and ■ corresponding number teariothef' J«iH, lisfhg a safer andmofe eflcctivefaStehirtg thanpihs. •■■" FT 1 this'blot his ersfotit wdqlep''flahnßl, i{ ! hfi'B twd’dfliflottiil adiantaDfaiesfils rblwijneaa [ to, thp^ i $t Whit hat bidWilierhjih^^ i b’df9, l; t'fitmrby r condition which. •thktofd lsg ‘ofWere.' Wb'enthe.Asiaiicscmirgs jGfctow* Spldiery, ,immense numbers perished i'but :ao impera-' tiVeorderwasifeued, in»ibe:bot(est : windier,, Shat each soldier wear aitbui.wpplenfiiinfiel' fa. ; mote.th»nfifiy.ppt«ffnt. - if ibe readee-VtillWry' iti i» <ase«! ojf com^ : pen loeenesi of tM ' find ihw «w»t grtieftiHdeiS ItistldtifModl n. lief. j 'SiU 1 l«Uic#tidd of liwtlikct is'to «*«{*« ltfo'Hlrfgtiie wSTiiisi «refl*nwayl'Of | inu4iichibgftia » a sente of ihd stom> *9/> iW'W^J^rwablßjjlhat'lWaeij^jfeafin a «^ r ,lpe:does ; flet iitiphnMht ?» tMtidoeshinoreasetheithirat? haTSild WiP33'dpe« ( iJ»hUa theitpaafiilMfc. “ ' ’-'r-» V 1 ’ wl, , fire* ftßfi JiMyrnplomslare presenti«{ l .ii'.fT • . ''•* •w ■- bn* • .-ißindilhe abdomen (ighdywithwotd; . ,•!!>,; .. - •• v: %»llfi«,pellett!!)Sf ica mthe-Mest ■ >>■ •■ ~j ;i .‘i«->i-tv..;■.•..■w.) >', 4t u, ,Bap4, fpr Ml etfabl»bedv ii^rdttit * :W? flf/: TOOcB< not the housßod things proposed &y braihs'as i‘ifUj Plfii’ r Oft the feU!Mie*i»te<rtprtsehied ip w»il £tfdpatiently aotlt ihd ifiWH al of -■ w,.8 flf iiny.iftsaddra may be In acdn* d l *i° >., by distance npt t] (OSslblß-lp pbtaiii'ei-pbjßieiao! (or several 1 1 . 0 t l *>A!l5! aidel'aytnight prbva fatal.; ' tmdersuch-circumstiinceaj obtain fen SroiiFe .of calotneii mtul .make it ihto a pill with if. fetv. drops of cold water; dryita litlld' by tlO fire or.in the sum-find swallow it down, V. l| e_passago»;do.’Dot e$M6 wilhintwohobrs, : lhep swallow two morenfOald' pills,and con. linui to aWallo.w tWo tnore altbe end of each two (jours until thejbowel* cease to glve their ligb colored; passages, or until the physician afntes. fife lief* \QStf (pfet sort* At*. tfhjcß caus A Rejlabkable 6iactJM3tANcE.—4man iaif hui a ..foreman in hlessrv Starks fePruyftVfron ack wHhitte prevailing itK teas/artcT notwithstanding the prompt at> ent ance sank very fast, irid died early’ in the .evening. The physi. nar; called'm the evening for tne -seventh im< , and found jhh; bony pjeparecjfor the ;ra'e. Whijd standing jby the cprpse, the ihy iiciari thought he. delected a movement-in me of the hatids of ihe deceased, and on 00l ing, closer, J‘w6 or three pf the fingers, is ,t Iso that of the muscles of the arm.. The >hj sician then, remarked that >he sense of tearing was always,the last which left ,ljte todv, and he would soon -ascertain If the ha i was siiir alive. Ho then took one of its hands in his own, and said; Rytljer, if r oi can hear ipe, and cannot speak, answer y - promptly as| ended to hy a" very distinct pressure, felt y - he physician, apd seeo by oihers.ahd it iai repeated.,’ Resuscitation, however, was * course. impossible —Albany Alla* * ’ fact-- -d 1 ilero'-' , tnati colled on aclergymanin Western York", Avowed himself a fugitive sldve, asked for food ahd shelter, which was tei ly hccor'ded. Two'or three.persons being 0( OtsSnt of tfia ftcf, called In to see the r inaway nigger,” when the following d'ra igtfobnSuedT ' , ‘ o'pQsß j'oti hid pretty, hard limes down !d k plenty V’ ' ‘ No—t riever was whipped.” ‘ Wasn’t ?“Welt, you hid to work awful iak? M ■ ■ 1 My Work Was very light.” ' Guess your clothes-wan 4 ! very.nice 1” ‘ I was always well clothe^—! was a good vndt.” 1 Reckon your .victuals wasn’t uncommon in si” l As good ds I desired.” , '* Well! I shpuld givo it as my opinion that ?c j was a mighty big fool for running away V( m such a place as this, just for the sake of th r|iing for “yourself.” ’ “Gentlemen ! tqjr place down south.is va ssal’. Any of yoU can have it by applyiqg pBKTTt.v Nkab tub Mask..—“ I was in cc mpany the other night, a number of ladifa being present,- when a young man proposed a ct nundrum, Which he said he had read In the pi pets. It Was this : “When is a-lady noir’n la ly J” There was a pause-~-‘'Give ii up said all round, when, to lhe infinite horror of the wljole party the querist exclaimed, "Whdn si e’s a little buggy” Nobody laughed—some W ere demure, some indignant, and some ho d iufat inclined toscratch—the querist’s (ate h li tie, He. iwas disappointed;' Fumbling in h s pocket’ be pulled ouf a papCr which’ tbti si Iting for-a ’ moment be ejaculated/ “O, I b g your pardon lidies; ! made a mistake. 7he answer is, When sherisa ltttle aiilky V' 1 knew it was-somesoVt of b carriage,” Combed What liave jmu io largo agaiosl the defendant 1” asked a law. er of aojabOny-headed witness. “ Why,. do bigoted,’’ was the ;ply. “ He’s w hat T” “ Bigoted, bigoted—idoeto’t'you know what al aml” , , i •' •‘Why, no, implied the' lawyer,, who Wad loch of awagl“will you obi” “ Sariainly. sanaihly l does. To be igoled,* culled pusaon most know too oiuctl » one niggef, and not bnough for l#ooig« ■,v i’ . i ■ “ Ma, had yolir tongue got legs I” , '*Oof what,child 1” , " LeM, ma.” . r . v , Certatbly riot }"iu( wny daypu'&k .tbpl fcolfsh potion 1” - , “Oh,oothin£ I heard pa, jay . y<jur tbngtiir was “ Susan, give this c¥ild’tuaw-bat& ana a dpse ,jqif jpniper-befry Ua,: 'tUtd .put'-him';' to •' IptdbkkSnii Wbnt think much .ofll 'if you teittimWtWh^ (bfih him ah Sron* bis wtli'lo' “iKJfoweveryrook onihe kit 'thWi the Whip ; “ and thafy one “ ’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers