The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, August 03, 1854, Image 1

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    of jP«BIi<CATiON
Till Agitato* it published every Thursday Mom
iav.tad furnished to subscribers at $l-50 per an.
nam if paid in finance i or.s2 if payaent lu delay.
erf over the year. No subscription Men for a shot-,
ter period than sir months, and when for that term
only, payment must be made strictly in advante,
sr 91 will be charged. The foregoing terms mil
be strictly adhered to. ‘No paper will bedueontinu.
erf until paid for, unless at tie option of the editor.
CLDBS.-Te n Copies, m ; Fifteen Copies, 815. will he inserted at SI per square,
(of fourteen lines or less,y for the first or three eon.
secutive insertions, and 25 cents for every sabse
quenl one. Yearly advertisements inserted at a rea.
sonahle discount on the foregoing rays.
Bjr Transient advertising payable in advance.
O’ dll letters must be post-paid. __
w. w. w£bb, ra.
(ImU a Graduate of CastUton Medical College, Vt.)
HAS associated himself with Dr. N. Pack*
er, in the practice of Medicine and Surgery.
They will promptly attend at! calls in their profess,
ion.' Office on Main-st., opposite the Presbyterian
t'lmrcli, Wellsborough, Pa. jy 27.
(Late Graves' Hotel.)
June 8, 1851. P. P. CLEAVER, Proprietor.
O’ Removed to James Lowrey’s Office.
■Ch- LAW, will attend the Courts of Tioga, Pester
and McKean counlic**
Wellsborougfh, Feb. 1, 1853. .
A LAW.—Office, north side Public Square,
Wellsborough, i i.
Refers to Messrs. Phelps,Dodge Al. Co,, K. Y.
citr, Hon.A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia. July 13.
LAVS.—AII business entrusted to his care
will eccive prompt attention. Office the same as
occupied bv R. G. White, Esc July 13, *54
DEALERS in Watches, Clocks,
vc- Ware. Jcwclrv and Fancy Goods, A*/yy.
Books. Slalioncrv. A"
(O’Particular attention paid to repairing Clocks,
Watches and Jewelry. All work warrantee.
Wellsborough, July 13, 180.
nxcii & siierwood,
Italian and American Marble,
O’ Entire satisfaction will always be given.
Juiv 15. 1854-:,
(Nucre#s0 r to Hoy Sofielc.
TAEALE'u it. Stoves, 'i it,, Copper ond
* Sncet-lron Ware Sale Room, one door cast
o r J R, Bowen 1 * Store WclUboro’. July 14, *54
r PHL subscriber would inlorir. the public
that lie has purchased the large and commodi
ous house lately occupied by L. M. Bodtne, on the
ryrnc p o r Mam street and the Stale Road, and will
t«- able to accommodate all who mav favor him
with a call. The house is newly fitted up in a style
dial is unsurpassed by any other in the county. It
\> kept strictly os a Temperance house
Wellsboro*, Jply 13. 1854 DAVID HART.
Carriage A Wagon iliauulac-
TTENRY PETRIE ivould an-.
nouncc to liifl friends and
imldic generally, that he is
ttic above business on Grafton street, immediately
in the rear of J. R. Bowen's store, where he is pre
pared to manufacture on short notice,
Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies,
o. anv style or description (o suit the purchaser,
anc o" the very best materials. Al! kinds of re
pairing done’ forthwith and on the most reasonable
painting and trimming win be prompt.
n executed m the best manner and most fash
ionable fat-VU-
Any jobs ol repairs, making or repairing Elliptic
•Smogs, florae Shoeing, in short, all kinds of work
done in the best manner and warranted
Wcllsboro.'Muly 13. HENRY PETRIE.
A GROWL would announce to the cili
7,cna or Tioga county, that he lias associated
with nun a partner, and the business will be con-,
ducted under Die firm of A. Crowl At Co. They
mi, continue al the old stand, in Wellsborough,
to manufacture to order and keep on hand,
Biiggys & Lumber Wagons,
whichJW style, durability and elegance of finish,
rinnot be surpassed by any other similar establish
ment in the counlrv \
Workmen of celebrity arc engaged, and thebost
maionAi* used expressly in all the manufacturing
tituarliocnls of this establishment.. Persons send
inr orders may rest assured of having them exccu*
cd*. u thor entire satisfaction, and finished in every
particular the same as though thov attended in per*
REPAIRING done as usual, with ncaldofta and
/M/.Y77.V0 of all kinds done on the shortest
nonce, and most reasonable termr
IT All kinds of merchantable produce (deliver
cu rccivca in exchange for work, at the maVkcL
pri( V A. CROVVL 6i CO.
Jui} 13, 183.’,
r pHE subscriber lakes pleasure in announ- •
x. cmg- to his old patrons “and the rest of man
kind,” that he is still carrying on the
in all iu branches, at his old Stand, near the Wells-
Mroush Acadetm.
His work is manufactured from the best
o* materials, and all those who favor him with a
till may rely upon obtaining articles which for]
T\, arc second to none in the marker.
Hr will endeavor to keep on hand all articles of
household furniture—such as
Pier. Cert re. Card, Breakfast if Dining Tables,
French, Cottage & Common Bedsteads,
Maple and Common Bureaus,
Dress, Light, Work, <%■ Wash Stands.
Fersons wishing any articles not on band will-be
supplied to order.
COFFINS of every variety on short notice.
Chairs! Chairs!
in connection with the above be would stale that
be has just received from the best factories in the
county a large and well selected assortment of
Rockers of various patterns , which will
be sold on reasonable terms. D. STDRRdCK. 1
Wclisborongh. Jnly 11,1851.
. Carpetlngq, &c.
subscribers have just replenished their
- stock of Cupeling, and now feel justified in
saying that their Carpet Ware Room excels in
'luanlily, quality) variety, richness' and beauty, that
ol any other r m this. enunlry, and as to .prices .we
arc confident they are as low as any establishment
this side or New York city.
MATTINGS, &c., ■
B| i at me very lowest possible prices, at the new
c «a 3tore,of [Nov. 3,] JQNfiS ■& KOij,,
l—iK I.
" -I ■*
U tyi fSgienaiott M tfre mt* (ft m &pvm& ot mtMt&ff &tfmm.
-.1 ■ • ! ■■
YOL. 1.
[From fie Charleston {S. C.) Courier. !
Casta v*. Heart.
At eve, when the moonlight was shining,'
And the soutfe wind in whispers Arose,
A. youth bftho Ashley reclining.
Thus poured ash.colored woesi
11 1 sigh and I siijg for a maiden.
Who dwells in thd depth df yon grove;
Not the lily its whiteness arrayed in,
So beautiful seems to my love.”
And the maiden, she drank in the ditty.
With keen ear and a tremulous heart.
But there dwell on old man in the city,
And be in her ip usings Jiad.part; ,
She answered Love's song by another,
To the very scmo.aif. bnt less sweet.
And some sighs that she could hot quite smother,
Found thejr way to the youth in the street.
“ Ah me! —l confess you are dearest,
But then you con buy nothing dear;
Your voice is the sweetest and clearest,''
And I dote on ymr whiskers and hair :
But (lien, the oltrinon in the city
Has bonds, and bank notes, and a store
Of treasures both coellf and pretty,
And he promises gold with galore.
" With you, I procure love by marriage.
But love is poor feeding alone;
With him—have horses and carriage,
With you—but a crust and a bone ;
He leaves me no time to consider,
Still pressing with tongue and with pen,
But if ever he leaves mo a widow,
With his treasures—come sing to me then."
“ Can you loan me two thousand dollars (o
establish myself in a small retail business?”
inquired a young man not yet out of his
teens, of a middle aged gentleman, who was
poring over a pile of ledgers in the counting
room of one of the largest wholesale estab
lishments in our city. The person thus ad
dressed Aimed towards the speaker, and re
gatding him for a moment with a look of
surprise, inquired—
“ Whal security can you give me, Mr.
Slrossor ?”
“ Nothing but my note, replied the young
I’man promptly. I
" Which ! fear would he below par in mar
ket,” replied the merchant, smiling.
“ Perhaps so,” said the young man, “ but
Mr. Barton, remember the boy is not the
man ; the time may come -when Hiram
Strosser’s note will be ns readily accepted as
that of any other man.”
“ True, very true,” replied Mr. Barton
mildly, “ but you know business men seldom
loan money "without adequate security—oth
erwise they might soon be reduced to pe
At this remark the young man’s counte
nance became deathly pale, and observing a
silence of several moments, he inquired, in a
voice whoso tones indicated his deep disap
pointment —
“Then you cannot accommodate me, can
you ? ” •
“ Call upon me to-morrow and I will give
you a reply,” said Mr. Barton; and the
young roan retired.
Mr. Barton resumed his labor at the’desk,
but his mind was much upon the boy and bis
singular errand that he could not pursue his
task with any correclnes, arid after having
made several blunders, he closed the ledger,
took his hat, and went out ini o the street.
Arriving opposite the store of a wealthy mer
chant upon Waler-sl, he entered the door.
“ Good morning, Mr. Hawley,” he said,
approaching the proprietor of (he establish
ment, who was seated at his desk, counting
over the profits of- the week.
“Good morning,”; replied the merchant,
blandly, “ happy to see you ; have a seal?
Any news —how’s trade? ”
Without noticing these interrogations,-Mr.
Barton'snid :
Young Strosser is desirous of establish
ing himself in a small retail business in
Washington street, and called on me this
morning to secure of me the loan of two
thousand dollars for that purpose.”
“ Indeed ! ” exclaimed Mr. Hawley, evi
dently surprised alibis announcement; “ but
you do not think of loaning that sum, do
you ? ”
“ 1 do not know,” replied Mr. Barton.—
Mr. Strosser is a young man of business tal
ent, and strict integrity, and will he likely to
succeed in whatever he undertakes.”
“ Perhaps so,” replied Mr. Hawley, doubt
fully, “ but I am heartily tired of helping
these young aspirants for commercial honors.”:
“ Have you ever suffered any from such a
source?” inquired Mr. Barton, at the same
time casting a roguish glance at Mr. H.
“ No,” replied the latter, “ for I never
felt inclined to make an investment of that
“ Then here is a fine opportunity to do so.
It may prove better than slock in the bank.
As for ntyself I have iponcluded that if you
will advance him one thousand dollars, I wilt
contribute an oqoal sum.”
“ Not a single- farthing would I advance
for such a purpose; and it you make an ini
vestment of that, kind I shall consider ypu
very foolish indeed.”
Mr. Barton observed a silence of, several
moments, and then arose to depart.
“ If you do not feel disposed to share vvith
itrue in this enterprise, I shall adyapcelhe sum
myself,” * . j ~
Saying .which,, he left the store,. ’
Ten years hdVjP passed away since, t|io oc
currence of the conversation recorded ifi the
preceding chsplpr, and Mr. Barton, pale apd
agitated,-is Handing at the same desk as
: 5 1 .
when first iridroduced to the reader’s atten
tion.; As page a Her page of His ponderous
ledger was examined, his despair became
deeper and deeper, until at last he exclaim
ed— 1
“ I am ruined—utterly ruined!”
“How sol” inquired Hiram Slrossor, who
entered the counting room in season to hear
Mr. Barton’s remark. '
“ The lost European steamer brought news
of the failure of the house of Perleh, Jackson
& Co., London, which was indebted t 6 mo in
the sum of nearly two Hundred thousand dol
lars. of the failure has becomq gene
ral, and my creditors, panic-stricken, are
pressing in my paper to be cashed. The
hanks refuse me credit, and I have not the
means to meet my liabilities. If I could pass
this crisis, perhaps I could rally agpin, but
it is impossible ; my creditors are importu
nate, and 1 cannot much longer kdcp my
head above tideX replied Mr. Barton.
“ What is the (extent of your liabilities?”
inquired Slrosser.
“Seventy-five thousand dollars,” replied
Mr. Barton.
“ Would that sum be sufficient to: relieve
“ It would.”
“ Then, sir, you shall have-it,” said Stros
ser, as he walked up to the desk and drew a
check for twenty thousand dollars. “ Here,
take this, and when you need more, do not
hesitate to call on me. Remember it was
from you I received money to establish my
self in business.”
“ But that debt was cancelled several years
ago,” replied Mr. Barton ns a ray of hope
shot across his troubled mind.
“ True,” replied Strosser, “ but the debt of
gratitude that I owe to you has never been
cancelled, and now that the scale has turned,
I deem it my duty to come up to the rescue.”
At this singular turn of the tide of fortune,
Mr. B. fairly wept for joy.
His paper was taken up as fast as-it was
sent in, in less than a month he had passed
the crisis, and stood perfectly safe and se
cure his credit increased, and business im
proved, while several other firms sank under
the blow and could not rally, among whom
was Mr. Hawley, the merchant indroduccd
to the reader in the prece'dinjg chapter.
“ How did you manage to keep above the
tide?” inquired Mr; Hawley of Mr. Barton,
one morning, several monthp after the event
Inst recorded, as he met the latter upon the
street on his way to his place of business.
■ “-Very easily;' iuJteOp I tun usaarb -jwf •
replied Mr. Barton.
“ Well do tell mb how,” continued Mr.
Hawley, " I lay claim to a good degree of
shrewdness, but the strongest exercise of my
wits did not save me, and you, whose liabilities
were twice as heavy as my own, have stood
the shock, and have come off even better by
the storm.”
“ The truth is,” replied Mr. Barton, “ I
cashed my paper ns fast as it was sent in.”
“ I suppose so,” said Mr. Hawley regard
ing Mr. B. with a lopk of surprise, but how
did you obtain funds V’ As for my part I
could not obtain a dollar credit; and the
banks refused to take my paper, and my
friends deserted me.”
“ A little investment that I made some ten
years ago," replied Mr. Barion, smiling, “has
recently provedrexceedingly profitable.”
“ Investment!” echoed Mr. Hawley, “ in
vestment ]”
“ Why, do you not remember how I es
tablished young Strosser in business some
ten years ago ?”
“ Oh, yes, yes,” replied Mr. Hawley, as a
ray of suspicion lit up his countenance, “ but
what of that 7"
“ He is now one of ihe heaviest dry goods'
dealers in the city, and when this calamity
cnmo on, he came forward, and very gene
rously advanced me seventy-five thousand
dollars. You know I told you on the morn
ing I called to offer you an equal share in
the stock, that it might prove belter than an
investment in a bank.”
During this announcement, Mr, Hawley’s
eyes were bent intently on the ground, and
drawing a deep sigh, He moved on, dejected
and sad, while Mr. Barton returned to his
place of business, with his mind cheered and
animated by the thoughts of this singular in
Confidence.—“ You say you have confi
dence in the plaintiff, Mr. Smith?”
“ Yes, sir.”
“ Slate to the Court, if you please, what
caused this confidence.” 1
“ Why, you see, sir, there’s allers reports
’bout eatin’ house men, an’ I used to think— ’’
“ Never mind whal you thought—tell us
what you know.”
“ Wall sir, one day I goes down to Cdpfi:'-
env’s shop, an’ sez to the waiter, sezl, give’s
a weal pie.”
Well, sir, proceed.*’
“ Well, just then, Mr. Cookem up,
an’ sez he, ‘ How du, Smith, what foil gain'
tu hov 7 ” ,
‘“Weal pie,’ sez I,”
“ ‘Good,’ sez he, ‘ I’ll take one tu ; ; * so he.
sets right down and eats one of his own weal
pies right afore me.”
“ And did that cause your confidence in
hita‘l”’ ‘
“ Yes, indeed, sir ; when an eatin’ house
keepers seta- down afore hiacustomers, an’ de
liberately eala one of hi* own weal l pies,no
man refuiesto feel confidence—it shows'him
to' be an hbnest man." J.' ' “
Gbe.vt -DrovS or Sue lift, A drove of
sheep, ndpabering.eleVeli.lfibusand head) pass :
ed through Edwardsville. Illinois, on the-8lh;
instant. .They were from the State of Tenn*
esseej and are to be wintered in Missouri
till next 'spring, when wjlj be to
Salt take.. ’ ' .■ j.'< -
'-V3? ■■ ,-;.v.T- ’•
i* la the beginning or wisdom,”
From tie Oermuniown Telegraph.
Value of Nitrate of Soda a* a Ufa-
In very many sections of our country, this
article is now extensively used as a stimulant
for soils, and especially for those cultivated
in grain and grass, in our late agricultural
journals of, the better class, I have lately
noticed some very interesting Sccounls, all
gping to confirm the fact that the nitrate of
soda is an economical and efficient fertilizer,
particularly when applied to the above crops.
In a Liverpool paper, the following has late
ly appeared, and we copy it, in hopes that
some who may have hitherto questioned the
utility of this and similar applications, may
be induced to test its virtues for themselves,
and thus be enabled to judge
whether it is capable of being made an eco
nomical adjuvant(in the great and important
process of vegetable nutrition, or not.
“ On (he 6th of iMay last,” says the writer,
“six alternate ridges of wheat 'measuring one
acre,,two rods and five perches were sowed
cwt of nitrate of soda. In a few
days thc-difierenco between the ridges of the
same size, could be discerned at a considera
ble distance from the field, which difference
continued through the sufomer. . The two
sorts have been reaped, threshed, measured
and weighed separately, and the following is
a correct account of the produce.”
Nitrate wheat, 48 bushels, weight per
bushel 66 lbs. Of that portion of (he field
on which no nitrate was sowed, the produce
was 23 bushels, weight per bushel 5.6 lbs.
Straw of the same, one ton, five cwt., one
quar., two lbs. The quality of bol(i is rep
resented as inferior.
1 “ It will at once occur to every reader,
that the quantity applied in this case was ex
cessive. Had the application been limited to
one half or two thirds fhe .quantity, its action
on the crop would, in all probability, have
been more efficient.”
So far as my own observations extend, and
I have made some new experiments, with Ibis
article, it appears to be a most valuable and
efficient manure, and we have no doubt that
it will bo so regarded by all who try it, judi
ciously either on grain or grass.
One great and important advantage result
ing to the farmer from the. u»«-of ittore con
centrated manures, is the ease and cheapness
with-which they may be transported and ap
plied. It costs but a mere (rifle to dress
soils with .them, while the expense of manu
ring wholly with compost, or other manures,
substracls a large sum from the income of
the most successful and lucrative crop. That
a totally barren, or perfectly exhausted soil
can be restored, and rendered productive in
cereals, or even in the most valueless vege
tables of the cultivated classes, without the
joint and associated action of humus, no far
mer whose experience, or whose knowledge
of the practical science will gainsay. Its
action even upon emasculated soils would no
doubt be beneficial, yet it would not be suffi
ciently so, to insure the full developement
and perfect maturation of valuable grain. In
conjunction with' humus, or putrescent and
rapidly decomposing vegetable or animal or
ganisms, it would tend powerfully to the pro
duction of (he great primal object of tall agri
cultural enterprise—(he wealthy development
and perfection of the vegetable systems to
which it is applied. As a top-dressing for
timothy, nitrate of soda is said, by those who
used it, and contrasted its effects, with
those of other mineral and vegetable Hianures,
to he superior to any article knljwn.
Farmers, Look to yonr Forests.
The forests of Western Now Yprk, and
indeed of a\) the Western Slates ate disap
pearing like the morning mist fromlihe hills.
The increased rapidity of thift destruction is
hardly manifest, because the landmarks of
the forest disappear after a few y jars, and
give place to fertile fields. I
Prominent among the enemies of the forest
(although it must be admitted a friend to hu
manity) is the railroad. The immense
amount of timber used in the construction
and management of railroads can hardly be
conceived. Bridges, ties, and fuej, create
such a demand for the products of the forest,
that they disappear before it as they do be
fore a devouring fire.' Nothing is spared.
The noble tree of a cejitury’s growjb 13 call
ed for, to take its plaice in some gigantic
structure over over a river dr yawning chasm;
the vigorous yolmg oaks are embedded in the
mud, every two or thijee feet apart for hun
dreds of consecutive miles, there to jrot away
and perish within fivej.years. Evbjn the de
caying and otherwise, worthless pee is cut
up into fuel to supply the-never-to-bp-sulisfied
cravings of the iron steed, that thunders in
his swift career over the plains. |
The demand for fuel, even in this city,’ to
supply the locomotives alone, is l perfectly as
tounding.'. A railroad 1 train : is run Ireghlftrly
everyday out of 'town,'over the'Lockporl
road, for the sole and'only purpose'of hring
ing in fuel for' the locomotives of the Central
road. How 'much lo'ngdr is (his| to' last ?.
How soon, at this rate,.will the 161 l stick be
cut from all bur hills and plains 1 And yet,
the Central is only 1 one of (he counjless.num
bbr of the like'destroyers of the foreit-r-con-'
suming in b day the product of a'century.
Somo probbss oughflo be 'immediately,
adopted to reliderj railroad lies less'perisha
ble, bud to substitute orsppie other ma
terial for wood as ||»rio^looopip^e; for
i unless this is J djjnq, a,lbrei?t tree will, live ere
long only in We wpuld
have begun, VitH 1 the significant warning
farmers, loofeto your forests! —Rural New
Yorker. _ , ,• ' •
.if! VM'-
M: T
It the First IVilk Poisou?
A friend informs us thnt Mr. FI. B. Wy
man, of Sidney, lost a valunblo sow not long
ago, in consequence of giving her the first
milk of the dow afier calving, and asks if it
invariably causes such trouble if hogs are fed
on it. We believe that it does. We one
year gave such milk to a sow that was with
pig. It made her sick and she cast her pigs
before her time, all of which were dead. We
were told that such would be the result if we
fed her with it, but we were faithless. The
next year wo fed it to aether under the same
qircumstancc and the same—all the pigs were
dead. Wo found that rather costly experi
menting, and wo have never tried it again.
Last spring one of our neighbors who had a
very fine sow, fed her with a pretty generous
portion of such milk, she immediately be
came sick and came near dying.
And now we have the fact related of Mr.
Wyman’s sow, as above.
We think those experiments sufficient to
warrant the conclusion, that such milk is
highly injurious to swine; or a least to sows.
It would be rather expensive to go into a sc
ries of experiments, to prove that such food
is invariably injurious to swine, but when
isolated and accidental Cases are followed by
the same result, it is fair to consider it an
established law of nature, and worthy to be
put down among the scientific facts in ani
mal physiology. —Maine Farmer.
Omer Paslm’s History.
The son of a poof Austrian Lieutenant of
the name of Haltah, Omer was, in his youth,
appointed Sub-inspector of Roads of Dalmatia.
Already he was tired of Austria, whoso go
vernment be detested, Turkey being the
neighboring country, offered him the best
chance of making his fortune; with a pass
port and some money he passed the frontier,
and entered by (he village of Omer-Assay.
Hardly had he penetrated into Cosnia, than
he was plundered by robbers of all he pos
sessed, even to his shirt. A Turkish pea
sant took pity on hihi, an<t furnished him
with clothes and money. Arriving at Benja
Louka without resources, he was happy to
find employment In the house of a Turkish
merchant, he had a daughter, with whom
the young Austrian became enamored, and
was about to marry her, when unfortunately
she died. From this time Hallab turned
Mahometan, and took the name of Omer,. in
remembrance o( the first, Turkish village he
stopped at. From Benja Louka Omer wont
to Widden, to seek service under Hussim
Pasha. At this lime he was in the flower of
manly beauty, representing one of the’most
graceful models of the Croat race, with pure
and soft complexion, eyes soft and penetra
ting, and a splendid figure. The Pasha was
encamped in sight ol Widden, in a superb
green lent, lined wiih red velvet and gold.
According to the Hastern custom, Omer en
tered the lent without ceremony just as the
chief had risen from his siesta.
“ What do you want?” asked the Pasha.
“To enter the service of your Excellency.”
“ We have already too many strangers in
our troops,” was the reply.
Omer then took out of his pocket a small
packet neatly folded, and begged the Pasha
to accept it.
“ What is all this ?” asked the chief.
“ Some gloves, your Excellency.”
“And what are they used for?” (gloves
being a thing unknown to him.)
“ When you are marching in Ihe broiling
sun,” replied Omer, “ have not your fair
hands sometimes blistered, and do not your
finger's often gel stiffened holding your hard
bridlis ?’’
“ And how do you put them on ?” said the
Pasha, with a smije.
Omer quickly showed him. Having got
(hem on, Hussim raised his arms and gazed
at his bands in astonishment, as did also his
officers, who just then entered the tent.
These gloves got Omer employment, and
soon after he became the Pasha’s aid-de
camp. When the Governor of Widden died,
he set off for Constantinople, and rising
gradually, became Geheralissirao.— Cor. of
the Phila. Inquirer. ' I
How to Mou NT^TllonsE, — A letter from
an officer on board the U, S. ship St. Mary,
dated St. Marys, Huacho, Pern, published in
the Burlington Free Press, gives the follow
ing description of an (entirely original and
ludicrous mode of modeling a horse :
The women do all, work here, and the
men are a good-for-nothing set of gamblers
and thieves- The women ride cm the hind
quarters of their horses without a saddle,
cross legged, with the load on the horse in
front. They‘mount the animal by taking
hold of his long tail, making a loop by doub
ling it up and clasping with one bond the
upper and lower parts of the tail, and then
putting one foot in . the loop, and the o
foo( °n the joints of the horse’s, leg, thj
cend as if going up stairs.;- They
Bland erect on the hone before eil
The horses never kick or stir.' /
A' Patheh’s Advice,— Jetfms, my son,
keep away from the gbls/ Ven you'see one
cording, dodge. Just jsuch a critter-'as that
“ young tin‘cleanin’’’the door on the other
side of the strer I,'fooled your poor
Jemmy,' If itindn’t'been for her, you and
your dad might, haye-been in Californy, hun
liij, ditnuns, niy sbn. j . , >
with his Bread, i
himself 'in d u “ Cal
WO.- 4.
Tjio man who quarrel
md butter, has only found
rape,fever sincb,'ftnd is. now
ing His owa- words l w -r-Z)w*
Tlic Cochineal.
The Cochineal of Commerce, ha? t
wgldsj, andTetv pi i
who are' undpqtia|nteft >i[itblhenaiural
article. whfchja tbs principal i
dient imalhour moat brilliant' dyes.wot i
.iiispeciiorii believe # Wbea,. bietober , i
Mima!, v if iho yeglable kiijj
Butao.itjs, mid millions of pound* pf
.minute insects are' :reared and sacri
madejan important Stticle ofcommero ■
sold in' the variousinQrkets of the whole
ized world, ih ordeftogralifyj Iheeyeof
Two members 6f the lower animal
(foil play important (rails ib,mihs(eri
human luxury and pride, ,viz : (he silk
and the Cochineal fly—the former in spi
the Ihfead of all our most cosily (elite hi
and the latter in giving (hem their brill
of hues, from the flaming scarlet, the br
orange, and the blushing crimson, t
delicate pink, and the pale-tinted rose,
these colors, in their infinite variety of t
as well as all others a tinge i
enters as a component, are made from
The insect is obtained from Mexicc
ilie neighboring countris, and is raisei
tree of the Cactus family, on the ju
which it feeds. When the insects are
erly matured, they ore killed by pourin
them boiling water, or by roasting iht
plates of iron. After being thoroughly
(he insert is packed /or the trade. Im
quantities of this dye-stuff ate used hi
Europe and t the United States, in sil
carpet manufactories.
The belle who, in a five hundred
shawl of Canton crape, promenades I
way, captivating the heirts and turnin
heads of fools and coxcombs by the mu
cence of the display, does not, perhaps,
enough of natural history and the mechanic
arts, to understand that all the cosily 'para
phernalia is manufactured out of the shroud
of a' crawling worm, and dyed with life
blood of an immolated bog.
‘ Medical Use of Salt.
In many cases of a disordered stomach, a
teaspoonful of sail is a certain cure. l(i tlie
violent internal aching, termed cholic, pdd a
teaspoonful of salt to a pint of cold wafer —
drink it and go to bed—it one of the speedi
est remedies known. The same will revive a
person who seems almost dead from receiving
a very heavy fall, &c.
In apoplectic fit, no lime should hi
in pouring down salt and water, if su
sensibility remain to allow oP-'swnllowji
not the head be sponged with cob
ler unlit the seise return, when salt will
pletely restortrlhe patient from the letlm|
In a fit, the feet should be placed in tyarm
water, with mustard added, and the i legs
briskly rubbed, all bandages removed from
the neck, and a cool apartment procured if
possible. Jn many cases of severe bleejding
at the lungs, and when other remedied fail.
Dr. Rush found two leaspponfuls of salt pom
pletely stayed the blood. i
In case of a bite from a mad dog, jtvash
the part with strong brine for an liour,|then
bind on some salt with a rag.
In toothache, warm salt and water hdd to
the part, and renewed two or three I mes,
will relieve in most cases. If the gur|as be
effected wash the mouth with brine; Jf the
teeth be covered with tartar, wash them
twice a day with salt and water.
In swelled neck, wash the part with 1 fine,
and djrink it twice a day until cured.
Salt-will expel worms, if used in food in {t
moderate degree, and aids digestion ; but salt
meat is injurious if used much. —Scientific
American. .
People are 100 much given lo slammer!”
said Mrs. Pariinglon, solemnly, as she t6ok
her hands out of some gingerbread she was
making, and held ihem over ihe pan, as if sho
was invoking a blessing on the savory mass.
She turned half round as she spoke, and Mrs.
Sled who was busy with,her sewing, looked
up. “Why will people indulge in daloaiel,”
continued she, “ and give opprobrioub ntn/es,
when (hey should go along in peace and har
mony, with consciences voiding of’ence.
Whole neighborhoods are sol in a blase by
scandaliers and lale bearers, and envy is to
bottom of it, six limes ouf of five. tSomo
folks can’t bear to see some (oiks pnspcr.
Now, if I know my own heart, I dot’t be
believel'vc got a single enviable quality, and
I thank heaven for it.” Mrs. Sled at
assent as she resumed a patch on the ki
a pair of juvenile galigkins, and Mrs. P
a diver for pearls, plunged anew benea
.yeasty compound. And weßlre gralefu
dame,-that thou hast those enviable qu
now disavowed through misapprehe
and the world is grateful, and pleasat
ces will those be in which the lines
benevolence aro cast, for a neighborhi
thy beniggity would glow like a landsc
the rays of a t sumtner sunset; and the
of peace descend upon it like the dew
pul Iko to bed first, or there’s no more
See wherfe, e’en now, the treacle disa
before obtrusive fingers, and vain, Oh
tress P,, wiH'thy after search for the
of the molasses jug prove. —Boston J
Gum Arabic.—ln Morrocco, abi
middle of November, that is, aAer t
season, which begins in July, a
juice exudes spontaneously f>om th
and principal branches of the acacia-t
about fifteen days it thickens in the
down which it runs, either in vermic
worm) shape, or commonly assum
form of oval and round tears, about
of a'pigeon’s .egg, of different, colors,
belong to the white or red gum tree,
the middle of December, the Moors
on the border of the forest, and the
havest lasts six weeks.
[bg down.
The gum is packed in very largo
leather, and brought on the backs of I
and camels to certain porls t where il
to (he French and English merchant
highly nutriqious. During the whole
harvest; oLlfie joutneyv and. of the .
Moors of thd almost entire
it, and experience proves, that six ot
gum. are sufficient for the support bl
twenty : foyr hours. (
“ OILLV, my boy, can’t you, eat
morel’,’ “ VYell, I, don’t know but '
mother, if I stood up.”
A California paper says the
oamphene is “eternal vigilante;”'an
a gallon.
> the
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