The agitator. (Wellsborough, Tioga County, Pa.) 1854-1865, July 13, 1854, Image 2

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    Awlnl BaUroad Accident.
About UUriy Utt* CoUuhtt—Dread-
jfuJ CraiK.
BAtTmoHE, July 6.—rAn Awful railroad
Occident took place about half-past five ,o’-
«|6ck yesterday afternoon, on . the Susque
hanna Railroad Line, nine miles from Balti
more, near the Relay house.
An excursion train returning from the
American celebration at Rider’s Grove, came
ih'collision with the five o’clock regular pas
senger train from Baltimore for York. There
Were about two thousand persons on the ex
cursion train, which was going at full speed
when tbo collision look place. The excur
sion train contained fourteen cars crowded
with The crash was dreadful, and
the screams of the wounded and dying heart
rending. . . '
A scene ol the wildest confusion ensued.
It isbelioved (hat about thirty persons have
bean killed, many badly wcupded, and seve
ral fatally, and fifty more or loss injured.
Some of those enumerated ore wounded
ro aueh an extent as in many cases their re
is extremely doubtful; indeed some
died during the night.
Nearly all the killed and wounded be
longed to Baltimore. Twenty-tour dead bo
dies were brought in from the scene to Bal
timore at midnight. A number of the woun
ded were brought to the city this morning
and taken to the Hospital. An inquest was
held over the d.ead, but the jury has not yet
agreed upon a verdict.
The Railroad Company is much censured,
and the accident is generally attributed to
■' Several of the wounded died this morning,
and it is believed that several others cannot
possibly survive. The extreme heat of the
weather will hasten the death of those who
arq so badly crushed.
'feu/rmoBE, Juljr 5, P. M.—lt is now said
that about forty dqalhs must result from the
accident yesterday.
Mr. Madisdn Jeffers, formerly Deputy High
Constable, is so badly injured that he cannot
live. Several of those who were wounded
and taken to the hospital, died this mor'nmg.
A! number of others who were wourajed
wqre brought to the city this morning. They
art mostly of the poorer classes.
!Tho report of the accident reached here
fast evening, and thousonds congregated in
the vicinity of the depot to hear the result.
The scene was heart-rending in the extreme.
Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and friedds,
were weeping and wailing in the most piteous
Foreign News.
Pabis, Tuesday-) Tune 27, 1854. —The
Motiileur announces that, according to a
dispatch received from Vienna, dated yester
day, the siege of Siliairia Jigd been raised,
and that the Russians were retiring emaasse.
Their retreat was being effected from a(l
parts of-Wallachia, in the direction of Fok
shan and Biriat.
Letters from the Danube mention that the
Russians are leaving their sick behind in the
hospitals, and the most stringent orders have
been given by the Turkish authorities to. re-'
spect them, and also to deliver free passports?
to (he Russian Surgeon who may be led in
attendance. 1 _
Vienna, Monday morning, Tunc 26—The
night before lust the Russian tdply to the
Austrian tJohq reached Vienna. It is the
effect thatft&t.a mark of high consideration
for consents to evacuate the
Turkish territories.
Bucharest, Friday, June 23,1834. —The
siege of Silisitia is raised, “ by superior or
der.” The Russians have evacuated Giur
gevo, and the whole of the army is to retire
beyond the Pruth. "
CeonstAdt, (Transylvania) June 19.
The Russians are leaving Wallachia in all
baste. They lake with theiri oken,
wheat, and everything moveable on which
they can lay their hands, leaving nothing be- i
hind but their wretched paper motley,
Bucharest, June 157—The march of a
British detachment from Varna to Pravndi,
on (heT2th inst., was announced on the same
day to the commander of the/Russian corps
of observation stationed below Basardjik by
Cossacks. The Russian corps at once com
menced a movement in retreat.
'Constantinople, June 15.—The advan
ced guard of the allied army has reached
Fravadi, between Varna and-Shumla. GeJe
hds Bosquet and d’Allonville, arrived at Ad r
rianople on the 13th, with 4,Qiy) men.
; Obsovo, June 19.—Gen. Liprandi’s army
Erps (from 25,000 to 30,000 strong) is re
iog from Slatina, to join the concentration
the Russian forces in Moldavia.
Bucharest, June 18. —It is understood
thnt the entire-evacuation of the Principalities,
will be commenced on the. ?7tli.
I The damage caused by the blockade of the
gts of the Baltic and the Black Seas, may
iliin'ated pretry nearly according In the
aary rale, of the exports and imports, j
s in 1852,3,800 freighted vessels entered |
the portsof the Baltic, and about (be same i
number left those - ports. The nu'mber of
vessels that entered thn Black Sea was 2,.
600—total 1,500,000 tuns.
The Baltic. —No;oew operations have ta
ken place. The disaster to the British f6rce
Which attempted to enter the harbor of Gamin-
Karleby is confirmed. Fifty-four British
.yere killed or taken prisoners. The Rus
sians also captured a boat and one gun. .We
(have further details of Admiral Plomridge’s
recent-attacks on Brahestadt and other points
iof Finland.'. , j'
Thb Philadelphia Natives are Imhding
round “ freoTtassea" to the'irLocofoco friends,
to Nebraska'instead of These
tickets arelabelfed:
anAopoq Wlhefree pass istjio
cojwojaie figure of .a rooster, who askq,
shall t roost,- friends.f all my great
nesa is gooe!” .
taa ittued the DeatK'yfMfttit <% Jhe txe
tutiooi of Couriland
ed.atjhe laat Sessionor iheE^il^nlfqoira
®ur*r °f
ror v ojtfcuiion |s to. .mks.placg in (&'•
iafl oii I?ndny/tlio.2stli pf f^t^uauv|:
Our b
rial and
wilt hen
it now b
bo furni
may wis i it, an Uursamc terms os heretofore.
Recen, events of a national character, have, in
our opin on, rendered the publication of a strictly
party paper no longer necessary. The Agitator
will diffjr from its. predecessor only in being less
distinctive and bettor calculated in its new form to
bring abiout the end for which every bis
country |honld labor, viz: the expulsion of Slavery
from free soil. It. will support .Judge Pollock for
Governor, and make- the coming campaign
upon issues.
In retiring from the editorial chair, we feel to
thank the people of Tioga for the very liberal pat
ronage they have extended, to tho Advertiser, and
earnestly hope that it will not only bo continued, but
increased to the new paper. In view of his experi
ence as an editor, wc have every confidence in Air.
Cobb’s ability end inclination to render the Agitator
well worthy of the patronage of all pai tics.
Some pithy paragraphia! once wrote —" It is well
to strike while the iron is hotand immediately
added—“ but it is better to make the iron hot by.
"And wc enter upon thi£ffrcsent undertaking thor
oughly convinced of the great practical Until em
bodied in the 'final sentence of that paragraph. It
is doubtless a pleasant thing to find one's work ready
for one’s hands—the iron red and glowing-from the
forge-fire, impressible for the sledge-hammer;
but if a piece of work is to be performed creditably
and wall, the material most be prepared jby the
worker. ■
There is no striding from the alphabet np to tho
classics; there is no vaulting from tho plane of La
her to the pinnacle of Success. To attain either, is
a work of degrees; every step upwards to either
goal, must be bought with toil, and the path of the
carqcsl worker in every sphere of labor, is marked
by the monuments erected by Energy and Perseve
Wc ate at no loss where tohcgin,nor how to con
tinue. Ambitious and reckless men have furnished
us fvilh an abundance of work to do; and with the
countenance and co-operation of good friends, wc
undertake Dial wrtrk^eyfuUv.ilcvctJ«limonient
JwtUne.buLJhaf Success will ultimately crowrTmu
tual endeavor. We expect to serve God in laboring
.for the good of His creatures, and believe there is
,np more acceptable service.
While thoDagon of Slavery frowns open the soil
that God intended should be free, and exacts its daily
-sacrifice of human life and liberty, and disregards
obligations Between man and fjis fel.
lo'W,-L'nq trntjgan' tan be jdlc. While Intcihpcr-'
ojjco sfls'tfTroned SponTtiSruins"ofSomcsKc’poace,
and sends ilscm'issSriea into all the highways and
byewny s of onr laud like" desolating scourges, wc
shall not lack for work to do.
We arc not of those who believe, or profess to be
lieve in doing, or soffering evil to bo done that good
may come. It is always dangerous to do wrong ;
but it is always safe to do right. While evil exists,
the duty of every man is plain. It does not consist
in being politic to gain private ends; bat in a deter
mined and persevering apposition to Wrong in all its
forms, without reference to minor consequences ex
cept so far as they may bo instrumental final
discnlhralmenl of every one of God’s creatures.
With the perfidy, of Arnold Douglas fresh in the
public mind, can Wa allow the present to bear record
of moral cowardice and criminal neglect of duty ?
If the men of To-day fold their arms, the men of a
coming generation must blush for them ; but if they
stand up to their duly, posterity will honor them.
If we are united at the North, tho superstructure of
Slavery, reared as it is upon a sandy foundation,
must go down. -It is only through internal dissen
sion that a final, triumph of Right over the roost stu
pendous wrong&ttf the nineteenth centnry can be
retarded, • , ,
We acknowledge no allegiance and yield no hom
age to any party as a party; and when an honest
adherence to principle ceases to recommend us to
public patronage, we shall abandon this profession
and choose one that can bo retained without a loss
o f self-respect. But there will bo do necessity for
tins,- the public mind is ri’po for reform. Men arc
tired of following demagogues blindfolded. A bel
ter spirit is leavening the masses. The rights and
dignities of freemen are better appreciated now than
over before. What were once considered as privile
ges, simply, are now come to bo rccoguized as im
perative and sacred duties.
“ Democracy,” as it is •• believed and practised,"
is but the ass in tbc lion's skin. It was once Iho'l
progressive; now p rotted retrogressive. We
do not remember when it moved forward, though it
revolves around the star of sclfiintcrcst as does the
earth around the sun. True Democracy is just ta.
king firm root in Uiis Northern soil. Ills springing
thriftily in McKean, Potter and, Bradford, and we
coma to help water the germ already quickened jn
Tioga. This is our object, and our motto—“ Heav
en prosper the RigKL"
We have adopted a name indicative of tho course
wo intend ta pursue. Without agitation, no good
thing ever accrued to Man. It gave ns Christianity
in the place of bigoted Pbarisceisml the Reforma
tion, erected this nation into a powerful independent
State from a dependent colony, and with the bleas
iug'of Providence Upon tho efforts of good men, it
shall yet strike the letters from the limbs of the
minion* who groan beneath (be driver’s lash and the
iron rule of Intemperance... E
Wo still support Judge PoUook for Slate Exeen
tivc, tot as'a distinctive Whig,-bul_aSarr oncompro
misngOnomy to\lho Slave power;-and as possessing
.the manly independence to’avdwjfc; Ori the other
Btgter, in his-greed foi' plicc/ls top cowardly
ioiitvow bis sentiments in tcgard.lothe most impor-
utlhedayi - The-hero of a pocket ve
to, ».non.o>ihmiuid tcSernpon the:
'question ofVhohibitary
hope and'bclicvn that the freemen Oif ¥«mwyi»aiiia i
wtil permhhim to retire to.the shaded oflClearfleld
neitJanupry ,that|u pare .breexps: may ’act- as an
anlidstelo thp ooirppt j»«h»sh ;he baa
>W?»e9iS>r.the(Ps»t twpwtfa halfyeatb,-
>v ;
'J'fjfSSrJ. ‘‘l
'-W*iBWA«KA%ICKET;''''' 9
' ? " FOR GOVERNOR; . ;
I ) FOLIiOOKt Of Northumberland.
:HGE T)ARSTE,rif Allegheny.
Hi M, SMYSER, of Montgomery,
st issue closed the last volume of tlic Ad-
Having disposed of ono half of the mate-
good-will of that paper to M. H.Cobb, it
liter be published and known by the name
sirs, under his editorial supervision. It will
bed to dur old patrons and ail others who
Begin With,
Lc 3€n
high irns^bot
jjligler rclire'fiom puhlicplac<f|6iho
Send cotjgpt
that a trne expression of the sentiment of the peo
ple of lhts Commonwealth, In reference to the infa
.rnous Nebraska measure tnsy bo had. ■ ■ ' ■ {
'' ' ' M.H.CdBB.
Consistency Aground.
There is a class of politicians who are sharp at
detecting holes in the elbows of other people’s coats.
Continually seeking to accumulate capital by crying
the delinquencies of others, they afford the daily ex
ample of tbo ancicnt gentleman who saved at the
spigot while blissfully unconscious that his savings
were vanishing at the bong with a liberal interest
added. {
We were reminded of thisaptcics of economy re
cently, while perusing Vaio «,gf;.the;
sth insL In a blind, cut-away artielp directed
against Native Americans in general and Knpjv-
Nothings in particular, the editor shows that witKall
his vigilance, whetted by interest, bo .sometimes al
lows a gencrons sentiment to escape him; though
injustice it-mustbo admitted that its birth'isevi
dently accidental, and Us nurture not inch as to lead
to its proper devclopement, or a just application of
its principles.
The Union is truckling for foreign votes at the
Coming election. It is supposed to bo under con
tract to do Gov. Bigler’s dirty work, and a more
faithful servant need not be asked for.' It says that;
the foundations of our present form of government
are based upon the “ services, merits and patriotism
of foreigners." Now, tills is partly troo; bat the
facts do not warrant each a sweeping assertion.
We do not bclievo that foreigners desire to insult the
memory of the three hundred thousand brave men
who sacrificed all for their country in the u time
that tried men's sools." But the Union in trying to
conciliate foreigners and monld them to its purpo
ses, gives them credit for more than they do, or can
justly claim in the establishment of oar national in
dependence. Wo are willing to divide the spoils;
but do not forget that there are some native citizens
who by some means have been led to think that their
fathers, too, helped to lay lire foundations of these
institutions and cemented them with their blood.
Tbc main point upon which wo intended to touch'
is this : Under the caption of “ Democracy,” the
Union says;—"Civil, political and religions freedom
consists in the guarantee of Equal Rioats to all
citizens.” Who does not profess to believe this 1—
Yet how few attest by action that their belief ex
tends beyond profession ? Now the paper in ques
tion thinks it exceedingly crncl and unjust to-doprive
any citizen of this Union of any portion of his
rights without just cansc. It does not think any
thing cruel or unjust in the baying and selling of
men, women and children. It does nut think there
is anything wrong in the strong roan’s putting bis
hand upon his weak brother and saying—“you are
mine—you and yours, so long as I can make yonr
bone and sinew profitable I" Oh no! the tender
hearted Union docs n’t see anything worth denounc
ing in this. It is conveniently obtuse in regard to
this binding of three millions of God’s creatures
soul and body. It can see no breach of thatiaud
cd guarantee of Equal Rights to all citizens. in
ebattclizing and scourging men, women and chil
dren !
does n’t the Union Ben in too —p- —-it. i.
stitution,” a breach of this guarantee 7 Because it
professes “logo where democraticprincilies point
the wayand because the kind of democratic prin
ciples U worships always has and over n ill “ point
the, way ” self-interestwerd. 11l democra lie princi
ples have duality of scope and object. U{ on the one
hand they would rear a temple dedicated to'nniver
sal freedom, while they would forge fellers for the
limbs of unresisting millions upon tho other. They
would have, millions upon the right harm singing
praises to. liberty, and upon the left, other millions
helpless and groaning in the meshes of an almost
hopeless bondage. They would have n ore: they
ask those who arc celebrating their own emancipa
tion from chains, lend a hand in shad ling their
weaker fellows, and sanction the action of those,
who, in violation of a solemn promise, ha re thrown
down the barrier erected against the ag
Slavery upon free soil. And all this tl
have men do,because, forsooth, the uni
ten party depends upon living such a me
between speech and action. And these
cratic principles 1 Let them bo crucified.
The Washington correspondent of tliat
that the Nebraska bill docs not legislate f
But who that hts read the offending sect
measure believes such a declaration ? I
of common sense, what is legislation
It the repeal of the Missouri Comprom
direct legislation for the Slave power,
actiucnt of that restriction, as a sequence, could not
have been legislation against it. And if this latter
bo true, why was the South so clamorous for its re
peal as '* unjust, unconstitutional and oppressive V'
Verily, here is some leaking at Use bung, and s mis
erable fallacy besides.
There is one ism which the Union and its clique
have accepted as their guiding star on the road to a
ruinous destiny. That, is Slavery propnganJism.
Winking at tho “peculiar institution ” is nc| longer
tolerated. Nothing less than swearing to support
the Constitution as Douglas and the Administration
understand it, can render any man worthy of rank
ing as one of “unterrified ” in this fast age.
A Good Sio.v. —A Mass Meeting of the Old Line
Democracy was held at the Court House on the 6tb
insL, to express disapprobation of the repeal of the
Missouri Compromise. The meeting was addressed
by the Hon. David Wild or, in an able and forcible
speech, directed against the Slave power, which'was
listened to with great attention and elicited much
applause. Resolutions expressing unqualified disap
probation of the Nebraska bill, and recommending
that this question bo made a decided issue la the
electron of Slate and County officers the coming tall,
were unanimously adopted. A rcsolution,in furor of
the unconditional repeal of the Fugitive Slave law
waa also adopted withont a dissenting voice.
So much for the “ Old Line ” of Tioga, and we
do hope.tbat their example may be speedily imita
ted by their brethren throughout tire State. We feel
to congratulate our. Democratic friends upon (heir
promised deliverance from the gloom of party super
stition. We welcome you back, to the sunlight of
Reason. But do not let it be recorded of you—“they'
promised much, and performed little.” , , •
Quean—ls it true that there is a by-law of this
borough requiring lecturers on scientific subjects to
procure a license for the privilege of teaching mare
m ono evening (if they understand their business;)
than would ordinarily be learned in a month from
books, or at an ordinary school 7
’' >Ve ar<f told that, such a law is in force. Its in-
cvitfelJjrlo discourage unprofitable cjhi
is all very vr|ll; ‘ But
;if lectures' on 'seiehlific subjects, come within the
scopeof this law, 1 wo shall urge itshnScdljilc ret
l|scful knowledge, .
yi ; @i
essions of
oy would
of a rot-
islrous lie
ire demo-
sheet says
tr Slavery,
on of that
tire name
t Slavery,
e was not
ten Da? en-
IQT Thoee pf.out rqiSw who have bOßineksjW
Corniko, sipjiltl not fojfjjbllqetop at UjppicKimßk
; Hotel accommodation^.-
in the field—and
for’ait^bn.' IjU'iibis is inrnished in tbo bosk
nymiier, and his luppqtUlhe beat digestive agent
with which wo are acquainted. ‘Call and see him.
Significant,— Tho Postmaster at Chicago has es
tablished a papar to sda'tain the. Nebraska;, hill,-sll
the other city papers being opposed to that measure.
To give it character and spirit, it is dabbed “Young
America"- —alter a fashionable rumholo owned by
one of the proprietors. This is-perfectly proper,
it identifies the .'Administration with the fum inter*
est, and leaves no room, to doubt tho color and char
acter of those nondescripts y’clept —“doughfaces.”
Wonder if the next territorial bill.wiUhavoa section
especially protective of IblTruin ipljgcst 1
.. Ao
ionTj!—The itself os
follows in reference to .the coming election:
“ We are on the cve.-of an important election in
SjUiia Stated The cnom® of the Democratic party
<hare formed new issues; Persecution for conscience
sake enters largely into the principlesqvpwed by the
enemy. Proscription against oil/ordgners, is in.
scribed on their banner—down with the Cons)jluUtm
is their watchword—civil, servile war, blood and raw
nage, .their avowed object." t *
“Ho sraelieth the battle afar off, the thunder of
tile captains and lire shoutingJos—xxxix2s,
p- Wo intend teimako the Agitator an indispen
sable article in the family circle. The ipalrons of
the paper under its former name may rest assured
dint no pains will be spared to make the new paper
jn every way as good os tlio old ono, and as much
teller as we may bo able. And we earnestly request
ivory friend of Freedom to assist in increasing onr
subscription list. We send this number to several
not subscribers to the Advertiser . If they do not
wish to become subscribers, they can so signify by
retarding this number next mail. •.
I eon tub agitator.
Sabbath School Celebration.
Tioga, June 28lh, 1854.-
The citizens along the line of the Cwrong and
Blossbnrg Railroad, having previously cSjSjcred a
train of cars for the purpose of holding anaftiath
School celebration yesterday, carried' 1 out their pur
pose by giving a public demonstration, which came
off in a shady grove a few yards dislpjtefforn the
sequestered village of Blogsburg,
Many of the cilizcnsvof said village tamg una
ware that die demonstration to be given eiqj|gded so
far as the southern extremity of the road, were ta
ken by not a little surprise to withers a group of
some seven or eight hundred of
men, women, and children, pouringiit'opbn us with
banners, boxes, and baskets of provisions, sufficient
to feed the whole multitudinous throjjgj ,
Any one who is a lover of rural liKand is pleased
at demonstrations that step a from
fiiahionable parlors, and dining sojpbnS, the
fashionable etiquettry of fashionable life” bonld not
have been otherwise than pleased and gratified to bo
a beholder of the scene. An(£§ll loVera ofthe sa
cred volume, as doubtless all present were', mast
have been forcibly reminded ofitho time wtyetOqng
ago, tho multitudes npon throwsfS‘ - Jof the serf of
Gallilee, sat down and miraculous
supply of the five loaves and two fishes/ aipl it
needed but little'd foith tq'make
the spiritual presence answer lo the reel presence of
the same Atvine Redeemer. Like vibe for
*whom he providcd|-we sat dowiyjppqn.the ground in
group of fillies, and one hundredsi an^oaf look of
the delicious faro furnished by the
Ladies, and--which' was of ho
The day was warm and fine, some inconvenience
czperi enoed j n heat^of
draught, which it was difficult to procure fast
enough for the needs of so many, was well adapted
to remind one of the thirst with which the t lliirsty
soul partakes of the provisions of the Gospel.
The most we regretted of the proceedings of the
day, was, that we were limited to two short hours,
as tho extent of the time, wo conld spend, in the
shady grove wo bad. chosen as our retreat, in the so
ber bs of tbc sequestered village which bad been se
lected for onr entertainment.
After we had all eaten and were filled, and had
gathered up the fragments, I doubt nat,-as many
baskets full as the Gallileeian throng did, we were
gathered into a circle listening to the well per
formed serenade of the trio band which had been pro.
vided for the occasion,and which added note Tittle to
the interest i after which we were briefly and suita
bly addressed by Rev. W. F. Parker, when the Mar.,
shal announced that it waa time to return to the'
bars. Before leaving the grounds the different
schools •cheered each other heartily, and we then
moved, as we came, in quiet procession to the cars,
and soon found ourselves upon the way to our res
peclive homes. In this part of the excursion,
many suffered more from heat, and thirst, than du
ring any oilier part of the day, our exit being be
tween the hours of one and two o’clock P. M., and
the heat excessive, except with Uiose, who like our
self, rode upon the top of tho cars and were fanned
by a fine breeze. But now the sufferings of the mo.
ment being over, wc doubt if all do not feel as well
rewarded as if none of these unpleasant ingredients
had been intermingled with their pleasure.
In oar exit from the cars we can only rehearse
the proceedings of our own village, which wo doubt
not was a counterpart to all. Wo marched in quiet
procession to the point from which wc started and
were'there dismissed by prayer and benediction from
Rov. W. T. Parker.
Never before did wo witness such a gathering of
so much interest. It was emphatically a union cele
bration ; composed of Methodists, Baptists and Pres
byterians, all united in' the utmost harmony, and
conducted so as to leave an abiding impression for
good, hpon tho minds of all who participated in tbe
Though a number of the schools in our county
were not present, owing to their living remote from
tile line of the railroads and from other causes, yet
there was a sufficient number present to entitle it to
the name of a Sabbath school mass meeting.
There were no painful accidents such as often
occur upon the cars; and wc doubt if a load of
more precious interest—interest better guarded by
disinterested lore, frequently passes over any of tbe
Railroads of our country.
We fell that wc could seo beneath each youthful
brow, a prize more precious than a casket of jewels.
A special award of praise is duo to Mr. King, tbe
conductor of the train, for the amiable and pleasant
manner in which ho put up with, and indulged tins
mass meeting of little children, giving ap his whole
train of four passengers cars, and then allowing them
to stow themselves away in the three baggage cars,
connected with the train, until they wore all filled;
while numbers enjoyed the breeze upon the lop of
the cars.
Long will the impressions of this day linger
around our memory. Never before did wo with
more pleasure enjoy the fresh breeze; or, listen to
the songs of tbo birds, or the murmuring rill; or
mote enjoy the ride upon the rumbling can; or view
with more delight the variegated scenery, of, hills,
and dells, and trees, and plants, and flowers.
Wo bad many thoughts of the responsibility of
Sabbath School Tellers, and Superintendents, and
fcttltlmt the youthful groups spread out before us,
spoke volumes of our responsibility.
We felt assured that many in that group were si
lently giving a public demonstration that they, were
willing to respond to the call upon their time and
talent, by the faithful discharge of (he duly they owe
to the young. Wo feel warranted in giviog utter
ance to (he thought, (hat from among that concourse,
numbers might have been selected who covet no
higher renown llia'n to go about like the Redeemer,
“doing grjod,” while they are constantly cheered
and encouraged in their labors'of love By the divine
injunction, which was exhibited upon one of the
banners prepared for .tbo occasion,.
Feed iny Lambi"
Lhmna on Asthonou v.—Ojy ciliaeoa qhoflld nof.
fail (o attend ;lho Lectures on Astronomy proposed
,&be delivered at tile Court Uoun by prof. Dayton.
F<tnirta at
./ (unpeople of
ihe - mde
pendeikie. .an».foliOTßSl«ptiir djSßppjcpyal of
the missoun Comprom{fe|*
& great of a'sumptuous
dinner' provided of the Ford
House, soon nfter whlan|'a procession was
formed by Col. Chab™§Eyon, who acted
as marshal, assisted. by|Capt. Bdel Bald
win, and marched orchard of Hon.
Jaues Fohd. Here a Stopd had been erected
and seats prepared about
seven hundred persons, but so unexpectedly
large was the assemblage, that scarcely one
third could be seated. ■
Upon arriving at the,spot; Dr. LEWIS
DARLING was chosen President of the day*
and Dr. Abel HdmpotSy;:'J. W. Gdehen
sey, Esq., H. M. GBBHOUI.D,' E. G. Stevens,'
H. H. Potter, J.fAV KjtJiP, Esq., C. H.
House, 0. N. BtiNpaXRD, Benj. Van
Ddsen, T. J. Lakb, - G| VV. Phelps, A. H.
Bacon, C. Eastman, David Cloos. Wm. C.
Ripley, .James Miller, J, W. Gleason,
Charles E>>i»»i*tiirwoaPowm»,
C. C. Somers, Vice Presidents, and J. F.
Donaldson and 2'kos , £? Baldwin, Seorrla
Thu services were commenced with prayer
b'y the Rev. Mr. McGotiouon, after which
ten guns were fired in potior of the ten inde
pendant southern Senators and Representa
tives who dared to oppose and vote against
the Nebraska [Kansas territoriallaw. The
declaration of independence, which decjarcs
“that all men mere bom free and equal”
was then reqd by the Rev. Mr. Knapp of
Lawrenceville. When the reading was fin
ished, the President introduced the Hon.
David Wilmot, of Bradford‘county,, who
addressed lhe ( audience for more than Iwo
hours and a half, contesting in earnest and
eloquent language,.thelconduct of our present
rulers upon 'the subject, of the extension of
human Slavery, with that of the immortal
Washington, and of the fathers of democracy
in the days of Jefferson,. Madison, Monroe
and Jackson. •
Upon the close of'-tfie remarks of Judge
Wilmot, the following resolutions prepared
hy a committee previously appointed, were
read by J. W. Rvon, Esq., and unanimously
adopted.? A
Resolved, That our political action is based
upon purely democratic principles', involving
the natural rights and liberty of man—that
a compromise of these principles would be
their -yirtual surrender —therefore, consisten
cy, and duty require that wo support no can
didates for office, who are not openly identi
fied lin opposition to tHe repeal of the Missouri
compromise. "
Resolved, That while we will faithfully
abide by all the compromises of the Consti
tution in regard to slavery in the states where
,it exists, and disclaim any right to interfere
with it there, we feel compelled to declare, in
1 reference to the Missouri compromise odc! the
consequent exthnsToßjorslavery into territory
now tree, mat we regard slavery, even its
most mitigated form, as a great social and
moral evil—a relic of barbarism, which must
pass away with the.advance of Christian civ
ilization, and therefore should not have been
extended; to such territory. Entertaining
these opinions, weean bill uvow our hostility
to the 14th Section of the Kansas and-Ne
braska bill as being a departure from
principle of former legislation upon the sub
Resohed, Thai as it has been (he mani
fest intention of all former ncte-of -Congress
to limit and confine Slavery to where it pre
viously existed, we condemn-lb£ Nebraska
bill as impolitic, uncalled for, without prece
dent, wrong in principle and iti violation of
a solemn compact.
Resolved, That we will withhold our sup
port front all the authors and abettors of this
relrogade movement, as well as from those
who are opposed to the- repeal of the 14th
Section of said bill, and the full restoration
of the Missouri Compromise.
Resolved, That our immediate representa
tive in Congress has truly and faithfully sus
tained the .views and feelings of nine-tenths
of his constituents upon this important ques
Resolved, That we would suggest to those
who condemn the repeal of the Missouri Com
promise, and the principle of Slavery exten
sion embraced .in the Kansas Nebraska bill,
to assemble at Harrisburg some lime in Sep
tember next, to adopt such measures as may
be deemed expedient to arrest tho aggressive"
Slave power.
Unsolved, That the proceedings of this
meeting be signed by the officers and publish
ed in all'the papers in this Congressional dis
trict, and in the democratic papers published
at Harrisburg. ( Signed by the Officers.)
Mass meeting at Tioga.
A Mass Meeting convened July 5, 1854,
al the M. E. Church, in the village of Tioga,
and was organized by electing Dr. A. HUM
PHREY President, and VV. K. Mitchell,
Joseph Fish and G. T. Keeney Vice Presi
dents, and S. T. Averill and C. O. Etz
Secretaries. The meeting was then ably
addressed by Hon. David VVilmot, after
which the following resolutions were unani
mously adopted : '
Resolved, That the Prohibition of Slavery
by the Act of 1820, known as the Missouri-
Compromise, as well as the time when, and
the circumstances under which the Act was
passed, pledged in the most solemn manner*
the Faith -and Honor of the National Go
vernment, and of those Slates which sustain
Slavery wtlhin their borders, against the re
peal of the same.. '
Resolved , That the repeal of that Prohibi
tion by the Nebraska and Kansas bill is de
structive of mutual confidence between the
Slates of this. Union—is exposing llte Union
to imminent danger-—is inconsistent with the
fundamental -principles of natural justice, and
is destructive of alj confidenca in tho integri
tjj good. faith, and honor of the National and
Slate,Government, favoring.such repeal.
Resolved,' That the .people of .theiFtee
Slates ought al once to take any and all pro
per measure* in their power, to produce a re
peql qffis much pf (he Nebraska end Kansas
bill hs abrogates the inhibition of Slavery
contained ip the Act'of 1830, and to labor at.
alt times until tho prohibition shaljl be restored.
; j f'< > V f i
V . «. ■ J
Thai as,a portion of the people
of the Free States we will never consent to
tfce admission of any Slate from the Territory
in which it was prohibited by (be Act of
unless Slavery shall be forever exclu
ded therefrom.
Resolved, That the attempt to extend
Slavery over a vast region from which it waB
excluded by law, jvith the .consent of the
slave-holding States, ought to awaken the
people of the Free States to the aggressive
character of Slavery as a Political power,
and to unite them in determined hostility to
its existence iff any Territory now possessed,
or which may hereafter be acquired by the
United States.
Resolved , That w,e avow our determina
tion to stand by the'compact already made,
creating an inequality of Representation in
favor Slave Slates now in the Union,
yet a decent self-respect forfcids the extension
of a principle so opposed «to the formation of
any political--connection with countries 'not
now in the Union upon such'unequal terms.
Resolved, That the Law known as.lho
Fugitive Slave'Law, should be modified so
(hr as, ,fo provide for the “ Habeas Corpus”
and Trial by Jury, in the place where the
person claimpd oa a Slave, is found—holding
ns we do, that self-injustice is to be feared,
from the prejudice in layer of Liberty in (bo
■ Free Stales, than from lift opposite prejudice
in the Slave States.
Resolved, That our Institutions of Go
vernment are in imminent danger of subver
sion from the alarming encroachments of the
slave power—that its destructive and revolu
tionary policy can no longer be doubled or
denied. That it boldly aims at ihe over
throw of all the great principles of Liberty
and equality upon which ihe government was
originally based, and at the establishment
upon this continent of a mighty slave oligar
chy ; that it is 'the principle duly of the free
men of the republic, in view of the peril and
danger (hat surround ua, to lay aside all 1 mi
nor parly disputes, and to unite in political
actioh, and reserve the government from the
control of the Slavery Propaganda, and pre
sent its prostitution to purposes of slavery ex
tension and aggrandisement, and that to this
end our first,effort shopld be directed to the
ignominious defeat and overthrow of the pre
sent national administration by striking down,
at the ballot box, every candidate presented
for our suffrages whose position of alliance,-
and friendship with the national administra
tion is open to suspicion and eventually la
place all the departments of our National and
Slate governments jn the hands of fearless
and incorruptible lovers of Freedom.
Resolved, That the course pursued by the
Hon. G. A. Grow, our able Representative
in Congress, and especially his opposition to
the repeal of Mtssouri-reslrictions, deserves
and has our unqualified approval; and where
as, this is not a lime to prefer new men to the
.friedfclhe true and rh o-faithfvl; therefore,
we .will use our best endeavors to secure his,
Resolved, That these proceedings be pub
lished in the newspapers of this Congression
al District, 1 and of Harrisbprg.
(Signed by the Officers.)
Mass iTleetlnii' of ttie Old Line Dc-
At a Democratic Mass Meeting held at
the Court House in W'ellsborougn, July 6,
1854, to express (heir disapprobation of the
repeal of the Missouri Compromise, &c.,
Hon. R. G. WHITE was chosen President,
and .the following named'gentlemen wajre
elected Vice Presidents : Oliver EtLiotr,
Vine DePui, Waldo Mav, Daniel
cell, Edwin RoYce, Isbael Mebbick,
VV'ji. W. McDoogall, Henry H, Pdtteb,
i James P> Magill, Isbael P. Keeney, Lew
-lis DAiiUNo and James Lowrey. Edward
Maynapi and Alanson E. Silts were op
pointed Secretaries.
Upon the organization of the meeting a
ntotion was made by S. F. Wilson, Esq.,
that a committee be appointed to draft reso
lutions expressive ol the sense of this meeting.
Whereupon the Chair appointed the follow
ing as that committee; S. F. Wilson, C.
H. Seymour, A. J.'Sofield, 11. W. Williams
and Dr. A. Humphrey. After which Hon.
David Wiljiot was introduced, and, in bis
happy j style, delivered a very cifective ad
dress, taking high and strong grounds, against
the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and
the aggressive and growing power of the
slave {merest. Upon his conclusion the fol
lowing/ resolutions were presented by the
committee and unanimously adopted ;
Resolved, That the repeal of the Missouri
Compromise, so far as it was accomplished
by Southern votes, w'as a breach of faith;
and, so far as it was accomplished by -the In
fluence of a Northern President, and the voles
of Northern representatives, a base betrayal
6T“lhe rights of Northern freemen.
Resolved, That us members of the Demo
cratic party we protest against the interpola
tion of the doctrine of slavery extension into
the Democratic creed. That a doctrine so
repugnant to the principles of humanity, mo
rality and religion", so subversive of the rights
of man, and so dangerous to the perpetuity,
of our government, cannot meet the, approval
of the masses 'of intelligent freemen in the
Northern States.
Resolved, Thai (he aggressive spirit of
slavery can be checked only by a manly and
determined Opposition on4tie part of the free
population of tKo Northern Slates.' Thal_to
this end rigorous efforts should bo made to
defeat, at the ballot box’, all candidates for
ofijeg, whether County, Spite or National,
who are known id favor the repeal of the
Missouri Compromise. That the electiop of
Northern men to official stations who,are fa
vorable to Southern interest, (Northern men
with Southern principles) will be proclaimed,
to the world as a'Nebtjpska victory, and in
evitably lead to tjie eventual triumph of the
slave power, and the prostration of the true
principli s of government.
Besot red) That the President and Secreta
ries of tjsis meeting be appointed, a committee
to address such of the candidates pn the Demo
crniicSlale ticket as have nol publicly express
ed their views upon this subject,
Iheiropinions upon the question involv/d in the
Nebraska end Kansas bill fully and expl|sU
|y, and that we will not support
date whose answer is not in accordancej Wiiß'
theviewp here expressed, and who will I nof
pledge hiroseff to use his utmost influence to.