J'^SToFpublicatiox. ao.tatur is published every Thursday Mmu :Xz"'t z“,,i “^"4V'r£S' £ str/etly adWFo. AWr mil **•«"*"* ,j un/it ooid /or, unless at the opium of tA« Jffitor. Ryflen Copies, 8161 ADT«T. BB Hmi« be intend at 81 per »««orf. «/foIr le « lines or loss,) for lA«>r« or lAree can ekLe Jnscrtibns, and 25 cents] for every subse- Z„ilie. Yearly advertisemenU inserted at a rea ionaile discount on the foregoing iatet. ■ IT Transient advertising payable m tucance. O' All letters must be past.paiq. __ CLEAVER ttOCSE, (Late Graves* Hotel.) WEIXSBOnOL'OH,-TIOGa COUNTV, PpNSA. 3 nno 8,1854. P. jP. CLEAVER,. Proprietor. sTf. WILSON, IT Removed to James Lowrof a Office, lAS. LOWItBY & S. F. WILSON, t A TTjORNEYS lh coni ' Is of Viltli One soft wo Is worth' Caljing' Adds If thmi' v. Eel thy . I have fell am Human col, Ev’ry bosom n Not on oyc ' Still my heart Glad when oi And my eyes a 'At the eight ol iV Ji- Ajh; bo kind—no secret For our happinesS like this; Kindly hearts are 1 ye Mom sad ones, Blessing ever litmgetli bliss ! Lend a helping hand to others, Smile though allMe world should frown, Man is man, we alrare*brotbers, Black or white, <£>ed or brown, Man is man, thj-origjitll gradations, little recks it Whflfe it stands, God’s image is impßUed npon him, a Scattered over mviy lands; Man is man by form and feature, Man by vice and virtue too, Man is all one oanikgbu nature, Speaks and bindsjjJS brothers true. SELECT Lcarnlit|i We happened, not Cotig ago, lb sit at a win dow and see a parcel-of workmen begin io lay ihe foundation for Crow of bouses; Ina short lime we were l&le to distinguish the relative position of thi parties at Work. They were all Irish. IThe contractor was always busy moving from place to plaC©, -1 with a plumel in his hind, and occasionally referring to afriraft whii R he, held in his hand. It was' easy to see lha; ig.ll the worH. he did ; ina day would not hi n a child. Next .to him came the mason. He had sometimes a heavy stone to lift, bul his job was It nice one, and had no work .10 do to hurt, him'. - ’ oome the man vvl ityas sktlled.lh.ma.. king mortar. not hard nof very dlstrgreeacte' - Sdr s ftiet ti“wa's‘uiie ifiair, - apparently older that all the others, who had no skill, andhpon him fell the gainful task of wheeling the heavy stone, down an inclined plain, into the cellar. We know that when night came, his body must have been com pletely exhausted. Of these workmen the contractor, no doubt received the highest compensation, the mason next, the mortar maker next, and the laborer the least of all. So much fur having a little skill. It is common tiling for a person in straigh tened circumstances to make every member ,of the family earn something. The fat her I works at his trade, the mother takes in sew ! mg, and the boys are taken away from school i to stand in stores, or something of the kind, I for (wo dojlors per week. This is all very i well, except in the cause of the boys. To i ihera a woful injury is dene. They up i to manhood without having any regular em | ployment, and being without education, must * be compelled to be underlings all their lives. On the other hand, if the parents, duly impressed wjlb importance of education, i are willing to forego a temporary gain,'and | give their boys a sound common education, | the final reward is almost invariably a source of great pride and gratification. The boy, after leaving school, goes for a short time to a teacher of Book-keeping and Accounts, and he is then fully prepared to be. a merchant pn his own small capital, if he can raise any, lor he can keep the accounts of others. We will contrast cases of a very common occur rence : Two women are left widows in such poverty that they arc obliged to work for their living. Each Ims a son twelve or thir teen years old. One wadis a petty situation for her boy, and obtains (a small assistance therefrom. The other works the harder, keeps her boy .n't school, fallowing the course marked out above. One boy grows to man hood, still the receiver of petty wages, and often out of a situation. The other having education and skill, obtains a situation, and having the confidence of his employer, bolds it, and is gradually promoted. It soon be comes unnecessary for his mother to labor, und finally she has the v gratificnlion of finding her son, with the manners and habits of a gentleman, in a dorydition to support her in her old' ago, in a style of comparative ease and affluence. It is from the class of men raised in this way, tl at many of our most solid merchants have been taken. It- is to be re greiled that these truths ore not more widelj diffused, for it- is really piti- able tof th% was to assault, he knew*nothing except shat he was a celebrated man and most persons spoke well of him. That was of no consequence, however; his wit .npd satire were agifl intended doubtless not to be neglec ted, as their possessors generally think; so he lent himself tq the infliction of foul slander on one he did not know. The effect of this truculent attack was considerable ; for poison w*|l have its opera tion, by whatever hand and on whatever per son it shall be administered.' An anonymous libel, like a musket ball is equally destructive, whether the trigger be pulled by n child or a man; by hired assassin, or a mistaken man of honor. The charges in this case had a certain effect at first, but afterwards exposed, and proved entirely false. Two years after this, as Theodore was sitting one morning in his office, he received a letter inviting him to call at No. —, in street, at 12 o’clock the next day. He did so and was then informed by the executor of , the excellent man whom he had igno rantly traduced, that he had left him a lega cy oT five thousand dollars, accompanied with words of encouragement to persevere in his honorable coarse of honest industry-and generous hopes. He was further cut to the heart to learn from the papers of the departed, that it Ws he also that took the orphan from the gutter, and befriended him as long as he lived, and whose affectionate kindness death itself had been unable to extinguish. These disclosures suqk down into his heart and rankled there forever. His guilty secret was fell at times during all his days, aching like an unhealed wound. He went from the executor of his second father an altered man, and made a resolution, wihch'he always reli giously kept, never to speak ill again of a man lie did not know. This was the self l covenant of Theodore. It: should be ours ; otherwise be may be found as ha was, spitting venom on our best earthly friend and bene factor. And we would add to this the advice not to speak harshly of one we know, unless we-are certain he deserves the censure, and that it will not produce more harm than good. Thank heaven! the orphans’ father of the present narrative never suspected iVho his se cret accuser was, and was therefore saved that severest of all wounds—the sling of in gratitude. ’■ ■‘**~ l ’ ’T^**! '* •*1 •*?•?■ .~.’3 ~ J>3 ! 1 *>'>■. /i''''.-'!.' |> •■■’> ■ '■" V*?:■ ’ • L '*-'! "'! , 4 1 A li .1 /•* o‘i' •» :-i V' \' cnfcloit »«a tprapmit at awitfs »tfaww. ■ ov BA., “Turn Over and Oblige.” —We find a capital anecdote going the rounds without credit, of a merchant entering his store in the morning and finding hie boy Bobby attempt ing-to'throw all sorts of somersets, and kick ing up as great a rumpus as the clown in a traveling circus. “ What tire you abouti?” asks the merchant, looking astonished at the wjld evolutions of the boy. “Obligin’ my g W), sir,” replied the almost exhausted youth. “ She’s writ me a luscious letter, and- at the bottom of the page says : 'Turn :over and oblige,’ and I’ve been goin’ it for mor’n half an hour.” • ' - - " Mr. Pickles wants to. know jf.the “ blush of Morn,” told of by the-poets in gilt, edged: hooka, is anything like the blush'pfa girl. We are quite upa|ble to ariswfer Mri Piokles. ' A countrit individual who waft caught in the water wheel of a saw mill,- says he in lends Wlipply for a pension as ho is a surkK vof of the Rovdlutioh; . ■ ■ - 1 n Tttß nHOtNKINO br wispdMi”' AY MORSISG, JULY 13, 1884. wiry tile- liegislatare Should! En. .;'f t act the ITluino Law* ' owes protection to a 1 coun- IryVindustry, and is bound to guard the rights of the people. These hftfse- MflHp infringed upon and damaged jby the IgjSplfaffic! Neal Dow paid'at the Chinese i®*m, a short time, singe,’'that, the:'entire host to Penhsyivanlafof the Rum direct and indirect; Was Wi' less than every year. But suppose it is but nalf -this sum, it is reason enough why ouf legislature should interpose and | relieve us attlhis'Oppressive burden. ■ .' is bound ip. guard (lie pub lic.health, by all necessary sanitary tegula, Qur groggeries are pest-houses, ecat- and death through the comma ?njtyi£ They are the fruitful source of dropsy, diseased livers, quick consumption, apoplexy, gftUtyfovers, and other diseases too numerous to mention. . 3.ia the duly of Government toipcovide for the personal safety of its subjects!. Rum* shops spread a snare into which :man!y fall,to (heiranjury and ruin. The youbgmfe temp ted omd taken ; fathers are enticed from (heir fam||||k, and become, by' the ■ intoxicating and a curse to them {"and crimes ofemy sort and degree aro committed under the maddening influence of strong drink. Said’the late Chief-Justice Parsons, “ I.have long in the habit of hearing crimi- ail grades refer all their- miseries to intethperance, that I have ceased to ask then/ the qnuse of their ruin." Hugh Maxwell, Esq.l’tif New York'city, has stated, “ theft of the twenty cases of murder tried by him, whild'Troseculing Attorney, every one was caused by intemperance.” Government ought to protect the personal safety of the people. VYe have a right also to urge upon our Legislature the enactment of fne Maine Law for life following reasons: / 1. Tjie license system hf der eyery modification, Ipi fifty years, and the evils increasing upon us, / 2. Our grog-shops are impoverishing, de moralizing, and have not a single redeeming feature about them. 3. They cost sober people vast sums'in the way of charily to miserable inebriates and their families. ' '*• 7 4. Their suppression is ardently desired bv many drinking men. They want tempta-. uui ur merr way. . 5. They destroy the peace and happiness of lens of thousands of families. 6. They burden the country with enor mous taxes. 7. They destroy physical energies and in lellectual strength. 8. They are cancers upon the body politic plague spots which ought to be suppressed. Public Ledger. The Irish Soldier. Frederick of Prussia, bad a mania for enlisting gigantic soldiers into the “ Royal Guards,’’ and paid an enormouk bounty to his recruiting officers for gelling them. One day a recruiting sergeant chanced to spy a Hiber nian who was at least seven feel high, he ac costed him in English, and proposed that he should enlist. The idea of a military life, and a large bounty, so delighted Patricjt, that he at once consented. “ But,”said the sergeant, “ unless you can speak German, the king will not give you so much.” “Och, and bb jabers,” said the Irishman, it’s I that don’t know a word of German.” “ But said the sergeant, “ three words will be sufficient, and these you can learn in a short time. The king knows every man in the Guards, and as quick as he sees you ho will ride up (6 you and ask you three questions; first, his majesty will ask you how old- you are. You will say twenty-seven —next, how long have you been in service; you must reply three weeks—finally, if you are pro vided with clothes and rations ; answer both.” Patrick soon learned to pronounce his an swers but never dreamed of learning the questions; ‘ In three weeks he appeared before the king in review. His majesty rode up to him ; Paddy stepped forward “ present arms.” “\Bow old are you !" said the king. “Three weeks,” said the Irishman. “ How long have you been in service ?” askejl his majesty.” “ t’wenty-seven years.” “ Am I or you a fool ?” roared (he king. “Both,” replied Pat, who was instantly taken to the guard-house. i - JnsC got Married. , So, young lady, you’ve just got married, and you want to make a show I You desire to convince your early companions and your present-, associates that you made a good match, and'in order to do ihis you will di recllh ip your dally policy, and indirectly in your customary talk, make them believe that he it a-' great deal “ better off” than he is. you must have marble mantles and’aapestry carpets, and then you want a piarlo, upon which ypu don’t know how fo piay, simply because your old friend Sophia has got one,, and a thousand other costly articles must be obtained, all to gratify your ,vanity. Your poor husband gratifies your desires to the ex lent of his abilities, says he cpnnprdp'more - , and then you become sulky, pout, leave the buttons off his shirts, and, let him shirk for himself “ around, the. house.”’ Young lady, you have made.p yinistake. , Be content with, a lit lie,, If it au£fici(Bblu. to ble. Save, w,hal superfiuiliea .cpst, and buy, subsiqntiafuiea,, Never Mary Jane ppspsses../ Look ;tp. whaKyqmwlf and dhildrea may be ; pwBes?ed pf ,!two nrclhrpe years-lheOca-f-ip! -you-pro- prudoni !**-3ftr- Ledger. , ■ -V : - ’ t - If there are ntjpiring naturep that wistfully ask, with empty hands; what We may do with our poverty,tor embellish the earth; to them I sky, when all the works of man are ended, he has not approached the inexpressible beauty of God’s architecture; - Those stalely elms, that teach us every winter how meekly to lay our glories by, and receive the reverses of inevitable misfortune, and that soon will teach us to look out of all misfortunes, and cloth ourselves, anew after every winter, what have ye that may compare with them ? The ca thedrala of the world, are not traded as these, nor so adorned, nor so full of communion, nor pliant houghs on which, with hufnble might, they swing the peaceful singing bird, and from whoso swaying, night or day, there is music' in the air for them that knpw'the sound. Of all man’s works of art a cathedra! is greatest. A tree is far greater than that. Of all man’s, instruments of sound an organ, uttering its mazy harmonies through the somber arches of the reverend pile is the grandest; but the sound in the forest is grandet- than that. And if we wander out from the arid city till we come to these crowned'monarchs'of the fields, we need pot be ashamed to stand with lifted hands and bless our God fora gift of beauty greater than any man may build. It is then herplhat every one may yield to life some embellishment. To the home of your youth may return, with .gathered wealth, to re plant it with flowers. Your native village you may embosom in well selected forests. The traveler may, in another generation, journey along your roads, overarched with elms or shaded with stately oaks. Your villages may grow lovely in a thousand features now un known. Every yard and garden may be a paradis e.—Henry TYard Beecher. A Cure for Hydrophobia—lnfali ble Remedy. ,ias been' tried un jj one hundred and ofjnlemperance are The effects resulting from the bite of a rabid dog are so inconceivable heart-rending that the writer deems it but an act of justice to make the subjoined remedy fublic, for the benefit of the unfortunate hereafter. Within the past two weeks there have-been two cases of hydrophobia of the most distressing cha rade/—one in this city aq,d one in New Jer jeii—amt “ro made In the news papers of mad dogs being seen in and about the city. Every individual in the community, therefore, should procure and preserve a copy of the following; cure, so that itr'case of emergency he might avail himself of its bene ficial tendency.. Wm. Heffner, Esq., of Pass yunk, the-geptlempn from, whom the writer obtained this invaluable receipt, slates that he has known several instances of men and ani mals who have been bitten in the severest manner by mad dogs, but who, having taken this remedy, never experienced any effect whatever of the disease: Take of tho root Allacampane.one ounce and a half; cut it fine then boil it in one half pint of new milk down to a half pint; lake this three mornings, fasting, and dat no food till 4 o’clock in the afternoon. It should be alien every morning, the two last doses must weigh two ounces each. This remedy will have the desired effect if taken at any time within twenty four hours after the accident. The press general)’, by giving the above re ceipt a conspicuous insertion, will advance tho cause of humanity.— Pennsylvanian, Few ladies remember that they carry around poison in their card cases, But it is so, and sometimes to the danger of children or thoughtless people of large growth. The ele gant and highly polished enamel on visiting cards is composed, in part, of poisonous mine ral substances, and if eaten would produce serious sickness. The manufacture of this card paper is said to be exceedingly unhealthy, and we may well believe it. It would be therefore, a kind thing to the workmen en gaged in the manufacture of cards and a safe .thing for themselves and their children, if tjie [laches, who set tlm fashion to these things, would give up the use of enamelled cards,! and (confine themselves to tjiose of plain surface. These we understand, are now decidedly the most fashionable, from what cause we know not, but the plAin, brownish cards are consid ered the most Stylish. It is gratifying to see fashion turndd in the channels of common sense, of health and humanity even though in a small matter. We hope that the knowledge of the dangerous character of these cards will not lead to their restoration to feminine favor and to fashion, which is a very fickle thing— wo mean of course, the fashion is, not the fair. —Providence Journal. VastkessoftheUniverse,—Prof. Hitch cock, In one of his popular scientific works has aptly illustrated the vaslness of the uni verse. Light, although apparently visible instantaneously, really an appreciable time to travel. A flash of lightning occur ring on earth would not he visible on the moon till p second and a quarter afterwards; on (he sun.till eight minutes; and the planet Jupi ter, when at its greatest distance from us, ,(UL fifty-two minutes ; op Uranus till two hours.; on the Neptune ull four hours .and a quarter ; on (he.star of Vega, of the first magnitu 10, till forty-five years; pn a star of the eighth magnitude, till ope hundred and eighty years; and stars of the twelfth magnitude, tilf four thousand years—and starf-pf (his magnitude are visible through'telescope's; nor canine .doubt that,- with .tetter, instruments, storel of : far might-be seen 5 so-fhatlwp may corifidenllysny that this flbeh' of light niog would pot reach 'the rerttotest heavenly .bodyf till -more than six thousand yeart—a-pe -rjod equal to that'Which has blajpaed since rnah’s -creation. "Here'a VasineM 1 Beyond (he 'capacity of'the rhind ib contpmpfafe^' W. D. BAJLEYV PUBLISHER. Trees. Poisonous Visiting Cards, Process of Colalng Oold, A United States mint has been completed in Satt FrandiacOj'abd'is -proKabiy ere ibis . time in active bperatiw coioirtg'dowtt daife vast.treasures of golden :ore. It was inten, deo that it should bSpreptitedlb Coin thirty Millions bf.‘dollars yeajfly. Thefollbwimj description of the system which « shpul t?' be established there, will afford s good gene* ral idea of the ordinary process of coirihut gold. ' The metal, after being received in the,de> posit jroom;’is carefully weighed. and a re* ceipt', given. Each deposit is then) melted separately in thh melting room, had moulded. ■ into bars. These bars next pass through the hands of the assayer, who with a chisel chips ‘' a small fragment from each one, ' Each chip is then rolled into a thin ribbon, and fil'eid down until it -weighs exactly ten grains. It is then melted in a little cup made of calcincd bone ashes, and all ' the base metals, copper, tin, &c.,ore absorbed by the potgus'material of the cup, or carried off by oxydatioihi The gold is then boiled in nitric acid, which) dissolves the silver which it contains, and; leaves the gold pure. It is then weighed,, and the amount which it has' lost gives 'the e.xact proportion of impurity in the original bar, and a certificate of the coin due the depositor is mftde out accordingly. ' : After being assayed, the bars dreTnelted with a certain proportion ‘of silver, and be* ing poured into a dilution of nitric acid, and water, assume a granulated form. In this ; state the gold is thoroughly boiled in nitric acid, and rendered perfectly free from silver, or any other baser metals which may happen to cling to it. _Il is melted with one ninth its .weight of copper, and thds alloyed; is run into bars and delivered loathe coiner for coinage. The bars are rolled out ip. a rolling mill, until nearly as thin as the coin which is to be made from them. By a pro cess of annealing, they are rendered stfffi-; eiemly ductile to be drawn through a Ibngi*' tudinoi orifice in a piece of steel, thus ra cing the whole to a. regular width and thick ness. A cutting machine next-punches small round pieces from the bar, about the size of the coin. These pieces are weighed sepa rately by the “ adjusters,” and if too heavy ' are, filed down —if too light they are re melted. The pieces which have been ad justed are run through a' milling machine, which compresses them to .their proper dia meter and raises the edge. Two hundred and fifty are milled in a minute by the ma chine. They are then again -softened by p process of annealing, and after a thorough cleaning are placed in a tube connecting with the stamping instrument and are taken thence one at a time by the machinery, and stamped*- between the dies. They are now finished, and being thrown into a box, ore delivered to the treasurer for circulation. mi. • The machinery, of course, for tdi tbps processes musl be of the nicest kind,- The weighing scales* alone in the deposit room of the California Mint, cost $1,000:, Grateful Young America.—A - da'y or two since an adventurous boy, numbering some fen summers, undertook to scull a skiff across the 0)uo, from Cincinnati to Covington, When a liltlb moreVhan half his voyage bad been accomplished, a German, gentleman, standing on the Kentucky side, saw the frail bark capsize, and the boy struggling in Ufa angry tide. In a moment he digested him* self of coal and hoots and plunged iotothe stream, and swam to the youth's assistance., He reached him just aslie was sinking-for the last time, and caught the youngster by the head, on which the latter seized him by ; the arm, and, for a moment, both were ini danger of being lost. Happily, the gentle* man possessed great presence of mind, and gave the boy a sudden kick,* the effect of which caused him to release his hold, and enabled his preserver to bring him safely to shore. Again, bn dry land, Young America shook (rue walerdog, arid-turn* ing to bis. said, in emphatic tones, “ What the defi| - 'did you kick me for, you d d old dtitchmaa?” and with thisexflrea* sion ofthanks the youngster started off, leav ing his “ Dutchman” staring after him with mingled feelings of surprise and admiration; at such a genuine and servant expression of gratitude from so young a hand.— Cin, Com •_ mercial. Dagger of Painted Pails. —The editor of ihe Scientific American publishes the fol lowing communication from- James Manleo, of New York, with the advice for all persona to avoid painted pails. A coal of varnish on the outside, is all the embellishment-we ever desire to see on a water pail: “ The oxide of lead with which pails are painted, is a dangerous poison, and I knoty~ that it is productive, of evil in many cases*! Last week, having occasion to take a drink) 1 of water Irom a painted pail, which had been, in use for some months',! was convinced, by ! Ihh taste of the water, that it had^ake^up.a)' portion of the paint, and having analysed {ha water, I found it to contain a very niipUle quantity of it, sufficient, however,df a’large) amount of water wore taken, (o.produce those . fearful diseases peculiar to lead poisonings.” I' Advantage of paving por a Newspaper in Advance.—One of the focts pul in evi dence at a trial in the supreme coi rt, to sus- •- lain the will of the late William Russel of Franklin county, was? that only t few days before-he made the will, he calleda't the office of the Franklin Democrat and paid for hisjj’ ptfytgr ayear in advance, thereby-saving fifty cents. This fact was dwell upon at length; • by, counsel, and commented upon by the Judge." in his charge, as one of great importation;.'-• The verdict of the jury would seem to sustain ' the position, that a man who, bias minijl.apcj . memory enough to pay for his newspaper-id , advance, is competent to make his will; -• / An exchange says, lhal a New Yorker tfdB* ! just been fined live dollars for kissing a lady against her will. The .court, that Imposed the fine; ought to bo booled out.of.lhe hays »of justice.' It’s all nonsense to'Jalk-of jtire? - ’ ing ir 'woman' “ against ‘ her "will,' 1 It itytj’l ' stand to'reason ; it ain't natural. U'cSn’t be ‘ done? The lady that was kissed against ’ her-will cal ihat wouWnit eat ioreato f must belong to thov same imaginaty muteuntd Wthpy j’ Mill, 'whfrlbo who a'Tew Weelis fimce, 'fectjons of ao^i^o^n^dyY mmm