JON.E% ettleStatitNi AND SigEte%tl4 MAII,TIN - SBURG, w.yA. Consulting Office, No. 32 West King St., a few doors from the Court Muse. Observe the sign on the side of the door. Office hours from 10 A. m. to 12 31.,. and frona_g_ to to 4 P. it., and 6`to 8 in evening. • • • The-Doctor's long and'stfCcessful practice at Hagerstown, Md., and the past five years at Martinsburg, W. Va., and nearly four years at, the bedside - in the different Hospit als of the large cities Aenables him to give fall Satisfaction to the afflicted, without the use of that deadly poison Mercury, and oth er powerflil Minerals that annually send thousands to a premature grave. .All Nervous itiseasekspeedify cured. Let the weak - and nervous ,bear in mind that wlit , n they have -symptoms indicating ma ny other diseases, it originates principally front the nerves. - :3;',.11.1NAT., WEAKNESS. . •.- This dreadftil scourge of suffering human ity, brought on from unnatural habits of youth; or learned from evil companiOns at school or while alone. Both sexes, old and yOung, are guilty of it, and it is , hastening .thousands to . that bourne froM whence no traNeler returns. For all such Dr. Jones has discovered -ai'fiever-failing treatment that will soon. bring ahout new life and ful ly restore enfeebled manhood. - - - - S YP.H LIS; . - - This disease_ strikes. with terror to the boldest heart, where it is soon discovered in the roof of the mouth and throat, with diecoloring . blotchps over the head and bo dy, fait betraying the unhappy yid ini,death ending the suffering. sMake an early_ application, and be cured without any change of diet or hindrance front husiness. or 'detection of friends. GRAVEL CURED • • - Without the dangerous medium of an oper ation. FEMALE COMPLAINTS or every form speedily cured. .Affection of the Kidneys and Bladder,' and all kinds' of Chronic Diseases, no mat ter how long standing, speedily restored. • Dr. Jones can be consulted by letter de scribing symptoms, age,an.d how longstand ing. All letters strictly confidential. ' The completion of the Cumberland Val, ley Railroad to Martinsburg will make it convenient for patients from Maryland and Pennsylvania to call and consult with the Doctor. • Dr. Jones will of visit patients excep where they are i t able tn consult him a his office. His family practice at Martins burg is sufficient evidence of his success. All letters must .)e afllressed to , D. W. JUNES, M. D., . Martinsburg, W. Va Inay2l ly SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $4.00 Per Year ----To— aarpor 7 JOUIt. , AL OF CIVILIZATIOA'y. The best publication of its class in Amer ica, and so far ahead of all other weekly journals, as not to permit of any comparison between it and any of their number. hs columns contain the finest collections oi reading-matter that are printed. *.* * Its illustrations are numerous- and beautiful, being fitruisbed by the chief artists of the country.—Doston Traveler. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $4.00 Per Year =CZ= EarperN • A REPOSITORY OP FASHION, &O. It isreally tlie only illustrated 'chronicler of faShion in the countrY. Its supplements alone are worth the price of the paper.— )NUe fully' maintainipg its position as a mirror of fashion, it also contains stories. poems, brilliant essays; besides general ano personal gossip : —.Boston Saturday Evenine Gazette. t SVBSCRIPTIOT PRICE s4.o6Per Yea ,For further particulars, &c., Addre:. 'HARPER & BROTEIE—S, New York. jan 22—tf TWAT oIIED rJEE" :OE esi, :127-11 Undersigned desires to inform th public that he is prepared to furnish WALNUT AND ASH T • BALUSTERS AND . NEWEL POSTS of any style desired. Also 1'1 . 1;1i:1 PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS for - Buildings, Estimates of quantities o - Material anti Prices. Sena for price list.— recmonable. CFO. F. I.IDY, jutier4 tf Waynesboro', Pa Executors' Notice ;.:TOTIC'E is hereby given that letters tes IN lament:ivy on the estate of Sohn Bench hoof, hit of Washing,too township, dec'd have 1s en aTanteil to the undersigned. All persons knowing thenc.elves indebt ed to said estate will please inaini payment and all ha vin;_.: claims. will present then properly authenticated for settleinrnt: DAVID D. BENCIIIIOOF, W ENC.( IIIOOF , non - I2 Ct.] Expentors. B I.XTO LE Improved Cucumber 'Wood '"' Pmp, Tasteless, Durable, Fificient and Cheap. The best pump frit' the least mon ey. Attention is especially ) invited to Blatchley's Pat ,- elm Improved Bracket and - 4 Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without . _ - 11 nquovinz the Pump, or dis :7-1 Mad lig the joints. Also the copper chamber, never malts-or" scales, and will outlast any other.,For sale By dealers and thn trade generally. I ni - rt> for Blatchley's Ptupp, and.--if not or sale in Tour town, send ' - CH I.S. G. BLATCII.I.EY, Manufacturer, 500 Commerep St., Philadelphia, Pa. mar 12-8 M TALI AGE'S P.A:pm - Eei THE CHRISTIAN ti,„T WORK `THE LEST RELIGIOUS WEEKLY.' A choice of Two IbtArrirrr. Pamtmts. ..An Illustrated Portfolio of Twelve 'Gerns by lientiseliol. each S.! x 19,7, in.. or the su perb l'lrromo, ['wins," 2:2x28 in., after !Anil:seer. ' Price Sizil.'?s, - .INo extras of any kind. IVithetit premium E-3 :1111 1 111. r. V.N'N nod exclusive territory. Samples arid cir culars free. Semi Postal Card si once to 11013A.T10 C. I: LNG, Publi , ber, nn, `_'l; if 1.3»x 5103. New York_ OO.ACIii2A E lISVG the subscriber announces to his friends IL and the po bile that he has purchased "the (7eactrEttetor:, formerly owned by Israel' - Heys, and is now engaged in the above bus- 'laser, on Maiti Street, tit - the East end of Waynesboro. a-knowledge of the business, and - employe. ,, -- "3 but the best 'lthrkmerf, - and I.)y - strict attention to busi newhe hopen to , Tnerit a Shglf , of patro l u t .ve. ~A.ll kinds of new. w'oik on liar 1 orders tilled protnyitly, • Jun tirEO. D.UAWKEJ DR, MOB FARDNEY'S fAMIT.OI I 3IOI3L --o THE proprietor of this medicine is atrad uate of Jefferson _Medical College, of I'bi]adelphia of 4353;,sitics then he has - made chronic - -diseases his sPeeiid study;-= hag had good sitcom in the treatment of such diseases, which has induced him to put out thinmedicine before the public.— A medicine which ought-to-be-in - every fam ily in the land. - .Those who ,have used it speak of its great merit. Is'composed of the BEST KNOWN MEDICINES in the - Materia .Medica, and compounded with great wire by the proprietor, under his own supervision_ and, wade in a scient;lic manner. Tha DEMAND EOEIT IS INCREASINO and in a short time it will bpe:ome-a STAISTP4.IID • FAMILY MEDICINE. • Acts on the Liver, Lungs and •Kiclneys Good for• the following diseases, such as • Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Dispepsia, Sisk•Headac_h_Q, "__Consumption,__ Constipation, Totter, and Chronic Diseases generally ; very good for children in small doses, being mild and pleasant. Try it and convince yourself of its merits, then commend it to your fi fends. Also makes his celebrated FAMILY BIT TERSAvhich have stood the test for a num bee' of years. Good , for Indigestion, • Low ness of Spirits, Dyspepsia,' 'Foul Stomach, Cramp, Colic, &c. - Try it. Prepared only by ' JACOB • FAIEIRNEY, M. D ., Dißce and Residence, 1337 Brandywine St., • Philadelphia; Pa. AGENTS WANTED. Sold by Dr. J. B. Amberson, Waynesbo ro', Pa., Dr. Carl, Greencastle, Pa., J.S. Nix on Clumemrsburg, Pa. ma,y2S-ly TEETH! TEETH !! TEETH !!! ~ - BEAUTY BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY !_ BEAUTY 1 BEAUTY ! BEAUTY! BEAUTY{ BEAUTY! Nothing contributes more to beauty of the features than a PER.: FETT, REGULAR; .. • _ . _ CLEAN SET OF TEETH,whilo a neglected, , ftl.thy,diseased mouth ' . disgusts every behold , • g r., Such things' are noticed now - 4 days much more than formerly; and good teeth and a sweet breath are considered indispen-- Bible to every LADY AND GENfLEMAN. BhWARJ of ail preparations which are highly recommended for WHITENING the an 'acid which—dos- Aroys the -tiny.-. Dr. Forrest -keeps con stantly on hand of his own Preparation a su perior TOOTH POW DER,which keeps the Teeth absolutely clean, leaving the color of the Enamel just as na ture made it. For the convenience of my pa trons, I have adopted the patre'nt TOOTH POWDER BOTTLE, so constructed - as to distribute the powder nicely on the BRUSH, and can, be carried when traveling and several may use from the same bottle with propriety. Having had an experience of over seven years in the nu.nalitcture and adininistration of N,i• trous Oxide Gass, I am prepared at all time: to administer this popnlar Anaesthetic. either to children or adults for the extrac tion of teeth, without pain or any unpleas ant effects. Insertion, Piling and Filling of Teeth *carefully executed. Office next (loot to Bishop's Art Gallery, Main St., Chain bersburg, Pa. ' FORREST, DD. S. N. B.—Teeth that have become discolor ed, I am prepared to bleach and restore to their natural color. Prices very modera.e. may2l ly QUINCY FOUNDRY AND GlatllllDE CHOP _- r ir lITE subscriber informs the puplic tha .11. he has several paterns of Iron Fencing and Porticos, Wagon Boxes, equal to the English Box; Motz and Self-Atarp ener Mold Boat ds, Lad sides, Shears, Cul:- ters tC Points, Feed Cutters and Grinders, 5 different - sized Kettles, Skillets, Flat Irons, Dutch Ovens and Lye Plate ; also Separator Castings. of different kinds, Horse Powers and Bevel Jacks ; also the METCALF EXCELSIOR POST BORING & \YOOO SAWING MACHINE, the shop s priees for \Odell are, $50.00 with out saw, SO.OO with saw. Will saw from 20 to 25 Cords of Wood per day—also saws Sitinglag: - Ono man can bore from 250 to 300 posts per day. Cantle run with water, steam or horse power. Two different kinds of Sausage Cutters and Sniffers. Dar All repairing done in the best man ner and charges reasonable. I feel thankful for past favors and hope for a continuance of the same. ' • Yours Respectfully, 3011 N L. 111,EXCIA-LF, mar a—ts Quincy, Pa AI AL l.1:11rtt of vehicles of any de scription, new or econd-handedrcan ie _supplied at the old "-Waynesb6ro' Coach Factory" on Church street. The subscrib er cordially invites those desiring anything in his line to . call and examine his stock and leain his prices, which he feels warran ted in saying will compare favorably with that of any other establishment in the coun ty. REPAIRING ofall kinds will receive prompt attention. Thankful to the public for past patronage he solicits a continuation of the i=ete in the april 10-tf FARM FOR SALE ITEM Heirs of George Wiles, dec*(l, offer their farm at 1141.vate Sale, which con: tains 152 .A 1 C R., E S first quality of LIMESTONE LANI) with good. improvements. If not :told- the said farm will be for rent. For further irifitrma- I ion enquire of the undersigned. living on the prim ikes. JOHN WILES. augt27 if ~t,r3teStratQr's Hatioa, 74 4 TOTICE is hereby given that 'letters of administration on the estate or ilitunwr LACRENS, late of Washingtqn township, de ed, have been granted to the undersigned. all personsimiebted to said estate will make lwmen, and those having claims win pre sent them properly authenticated for settle-, ment. CHAS. 0ct2.2 6t 1.87 a: NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS !! MERCHANT TAILOR, lIAS now on hand and for sale a fi,,,31 Ape of NEW GOODS for gentlemen's wear fur Spring aLi.l Summer, such as , . _ ELFGANT STYLES-AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS of every description, all of which will 'be READY-MADE CLOTHING SHIRTS,_ CUE IS, ARE UNRIVALED. They -contsie and examine the Spring and Summer Styles No trouble tn show gdods. Remember the place, South-east Corner of Public Square jun° 5, 1873 G. B. PATEtiT SELI -RiERULATIMGI CLEANER, BAGGED AND POWERS! INo implement more Important to the farmer than a First-class Grain Thresher and Cleaner—for none pays him so well and so -;pecaily. The above cut shows the only Geiser Ma chine now built under the immediate eye •4f the old inventors themselves, with all the additional improvements made during the past 1S years, and now with FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN & MATERIAL tiffs Mach; -.43 jr'st stands high above all 01 its class: As a thresher it is equal to the best, as a cleaner it is superior to any exist ing Machine. This is admitted by all hon est competitors. Indeed it is the only Ma ithine that really can, by one operation, thoroughly thresh and clean grain fit for market. But the fact that grain direct from this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain direct from any oth er machine, settles the question of its supe riority as a cleaner over all ethers. Impar tial judges at all the State and County Fairs where it was thormighly and practically tested, in competition with other leading machines, always agree that it is more sim ple—more easily understood and operated by those unskilled ill machinery—more du rable—threshing as much and yet cleaning better—with less power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use— and besides• all that is sold for less moLey according to capacity. These Lids are further attested by the thousands of pur chasers; some of whom have had them in use for the last 18 years. To supply taq wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz:-‘- From a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lover Power, to a 10 Horse Lever Power, with prices—ranging from sl9u to $360, without iirwer, We als - o make the latest impproved triple-geared Horse Powers, suitable for each size machine, ranging from $OO to $135. and all fully and fairly warranted. For further information send for circular and price list. • _Responsible Agents in Territory not in trodne (1-. Address. Tli GEISER MANUFAC'G CO., tinvxmanto', Franklin County, Jan. 21 f Pennsylvania. L. RI, WiciALEEigiSeERIGIEVS 011.11 BES LIXEAXD LIVERY STABLE; FT HE undersigned still continues the same 1 business at the old place. Mee and Stable in the rear of Washabaugh's Tobac co Store. Ills Omnibus leaves Waynesbo ro' in the morning' at 7 o'clock, and returns at 7 o'clock in the evening. • His stage also leaves at 9 o'clock, P. M: for the W. M. R. 1., via. of Monterey Springs. 'This line connects at Menterey with the Gettysburg Stage at 11 o'clock, every day, Sunday excepted. rA ll express znat!pr promptly attend ed to with tare. Ait express matterpot de livered can be bad by calling at Washa— baugh?s'Tebneco Store. FOR SALE. One Spring Wagon, nearly new, With pole, shafts and three springs, all in fine order. On easy terms. may 7tf J. 11. WQLFERSBERGER. EMI= ITFIIv subscriber will pay the highest 1 market price for 15,000 feet of Poplar. and Walnut Lumber delivered in .Waynes liora':" ti. F. 1,1.111 7 . oct 1 tf SPRING ANR SUMMO_,III= -9- -o .GEORGE• BgERNER CLOTHS, SSPIERES, so'd at prices to suit the times and made' to order with neat- nesa and dispatch. Alsci a complete assortment of His large, well selected stock of UNDER-WE AR, DRAWERS, HOSIERY, NECKTIES, GLOVES, Satisfaction guaranteed in all, cases. Call G:OTS.,Ii.,' 7S GRAIN SEPARATOR WAYNESBORO', PA LUMBER WA N.T E D 1814, 18 3. s .VVOLFF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, • White_ 9st9ds,E!p*o:iderits and ',peep Groceries, QUeelagWare, Poots & Shoes,- Ced_anygre, Hardware. O UR Dry Goods Department consists }n part of Ladies Dress Goods, Black Silks, Black and Colored Alpaccas, Empress Cloth, Japanese, Cloths, Alohairs, Poplins, Lustres, Percalek Lawns, embracing everything - in he Press Goods line olgered to the trade.— . FULL STOCK OF HENS WEAR English, tt: .Auterean Cassimers; " Litiens, Jetts, 1/enums, Doeskins, • Corduroys, Cottonades, - - • Blk. Cassimere and Cloth. Notions and-white goodi; of every Variety, Ham bur ,edging and inserting Ruffling, 'lloney Comb Whit, Napkins, Bosiery, Gloves, Corsets. • Lace and Linen Collars - and. Handkerchiefs, • Suspenders and , ' Head Nets. • A full line of Shies,--, and Gaiters for - Gentlemen, Ladies, Alis - ses,Boys and Children. We have constantly on band everything usually:kept in a well-regulated store. We ask an examination of goods and Drumm ho fore purchasing alsowAere. STOyFIf tY; WOLFF. VESTING'S- May. 16,1872. 4-T ELDE.N'S %NAY always be found a fall and prime I.T.A.stock of COLLARS; BOOTS 4.ND SHOES. &C. &C., PAPER COLLARS ee!l.. Watches and Jewelry repaired. • North E,;* Corner of Public, Square Dec 5, 1872—tf • 41LE) - 1417 - 1111-M 01. Na TRITLE •Offers at low prices a large.number of No. I Cook Stoves for coal or wood the best in market,also the Celebrated Morning Glory Stoves, with and without ovens, at reduced rates. Also a number of other Batie Burn ing Stoves—also Parlor Cook Stoves—Par lor and Fire-place Heiden, the best in mar ket, all of which le will yarrant andsell dt less rates than any Stove Hone in Waynes boro.' He is now prepared to put up at short no tice First:Class Brick Furnaces and warrant them. On hand a stock of nine-plate Stoves and small coal stoves. A large stock of Tin pressed and iron-ware roofing and spouting of the best tin. Repairs done promptly and at pricps that none can complain. Call and see his stock as it will pay you for the trouble, and it is right these days to keep posted. MANISKINI HOUSE EUITEtt .6{. W., Cgs. rayon' &SA. Paid Sts prPOSITE BARNUM'S CITY ROTEL, -rap - Tems 41,50' Per Day. ISAAC ALBERTSON,-Poprietor. S. XLiitPER, Manager. The oldest and best ap*ointed Institution' for obtaining a Business Education. ,_ - For•citculars,.address '• . ''— _. _, . P. DILI. to ar-SONEV - •-",- sepal Lin eo m] - - • - - PittslitirgiTai - .., ...- • DEALS/MIN HATS AND TRUNKS, WEAL GLOVES, - SUSPENDERS -AND - - UNDER-WEAR, CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY -, _ AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. FIBITURE FURNITURE I L Alm E sTOp-K-1 rpm subscriber informs Ida crigtormirs and the public • generally „that he- has greatly enlarged his business and has at present the largest stock of. FURNITURE ever offered for sale in Waynesboro!. His stock consitsts 'of , , _ - Dressing Bureaus, • • . 4 - ' • pf every description with- 0r .without marble - tops; Wash and Parlor Stands -" . with marble tops, Mint, Tepey, sin- • gle and'ilouble Drawer Stands, Exten sion Tables, ranging from six to fourteen ft. in length ; sax-leg• Dining and four-leg • Breakfast and Between • Tables ; French Bedsteads, full and bag Jennie 'rind, do., Cottage , Bedsteads of various kinds and a large stock of common Pop.- lar Bedsteads; Wardrobes, - _ Walnut and Poplar Safes, dif ferent styles and_ pricetc - Sinks;Hat Racks, Brackets, langing Hat Racks, different kinds, Chests, Doughtrays, Etc PARLOR FURNITURE : Full Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits,-Lounges, Mattresses, &c., &c. - Cane Brace Arm Rocker, . ,Cane4rick Arm Rocker, • Large Cane-bacic-Rocker, Ladies' Dining 'Chair, Bent Rim Dining Chair, Bent' Rim Office Chair, Douglas' Arm Chair, English Parlor Brace Arm Chair, Walnut and Imitation Marble-top, - Cottage Tables and Stands, Round Corner French, do,; Parlor, Chairs & Tete-a-letot, COFFINS ; ' • • • The Casket and Pittsburg, Coffins always on hand, besides a large stock of his own man tifacture—Promot attention will be given to this particular branch of his business. He returns thanks•te'the.publie for• their past liberal patronage and invites one and all to call and examine his stock and learn his prices. ,'Satisfaction guaranteed in all caser. . . JO.I.EPH H. GREBS, West Main Street, jan 15,1874. - Waynesboro', Pa. AND NECK- - 4111E11 L -101301, MANUFACTURER OF SASH, DOORS, FRAMES, MAN - - TLES; BRACKETS, MOULDINGS, &C., AT .TIIE ANTIETA:k FACTORY. I shall continut/t mannlhctute of all kinds of Bnilding.Material as heretofore. Particular attention paid to furnishing Stairways, Newel's Balusters and Railing of hard or soft wood. Prompt • attention given to orders ; also Grist Chopping. Post Boring and Bill Saw ing at short notice. TO THE PUBLIC , Thaos.ful for past fayors, we ask,you for ,a continuance of the same. Factory 11 miles South of Waynesitoro', Pa. april 10-tf A..M. 0. NEW TIN STORE •*i HE undersigned would most iespectfnlly P inftAlin the citizens of l'irayneshoro' and vicinity that he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street,"opposite Stover sir. Wolft's Dry Goods emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good supply _of • COOS Jr. COAL STOVES; • MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to - "sni the times. All kinds of work .done in his line with neatness and dispatch, such as roofing, spouting and repairing. You will, find it to your interest to give him a call be-: fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the' Big Red Coffee Pot, Always- on • the post.— Thankful for past favors he hopes for a con tinuance of the same. ;Yours. Respectfully .- nov 19 . CLAYTON M. FREY 13- T. 33A3MBITT'S Pure. Concentrated: Potash / 0 R L Y E - , - • Of double the Strength of any other SAPONIFYING SUBSTANCE. hare feeently perfected a new method of packing my Potash, or Lye, and atrinow packing will only in Balls • the coating of which will saponify, and does not injure the soap. It is packed in boxes containing 24 and 48 one lb. Balls, and in no other way. Directions in English and German for making hard and .soft, soap with this Potash accompanying each package. B. i f:BABBITT, junelB 10w 64 to 84 Washington St., N.Y: BARBERING 1 BAIIBERING I subscriber havingrecontiv ed and papered and added new furni ture to hie bhop ;announces to his custom ers and the public that he will leave noth ing undone to give satisfaction and make comfortable all who - may bee pleased to fa vor. hint with their patronage. Shaving, Schampooning, Nair-cutting, etc. promptly attended to. A long experience in the bar bering business enables 11 to promise sat isfaction in all cases. V. A. PRICE. Sept 18-tf . • AFTER an absence of fifteen yearal agtin ocate, in the town of 'Waynesboro' for the purpose of carrying on a trst.class Tai loring Establishment. Nono but the best of workman will be employed, and clothing -made in theinost fashionable and durable manner. Also plain suits-to suit certain classes of mon. Particular attention paid to cutting_ men and. boys clothing all in style. Scouring and renovating done up e qual to any, outside of_ the cities. My place of business ia.on Main Street, nextdoor to Amberson's Drug Moro. and 2 doors West of the Waynesboro' Hotel. By' attention to business, and n disposition to please all, I hope to receive a liberal share of public pa tronage. Respectfully, ttc., oet-22-tf • JAS. A; FISHEII. STOCILOROODSIFOR SALE. THE undersigned intending t o engni) n the mercantile business in Hagerstown, offers-for sale his stock of goads nt Ring gold. •Any one wishing to engage in 'husi -111:89 of this kind cannot get u. better stand In the State or County. I will sell on rea sonable terms. Further information eln be n t ov d l9 - h ,t &ll H y,ling on • • C. . DETROW, CHAIRS, I t. C NO T I C SS- nu= do (Xl„ PRCiPB. GEO. FRICIry San. A.YN ES B. 0 R.O '' STEMI-ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS 21t;i33/AI3ELEIi , . - • c-, . 44 • ...\\ ,4„,..,.. 11/iter..—_. '' -..ta — "&), . tw--....0.(4 , - . 7,--- r ____:-..—:-.7 - , , ,i rf .„. k .;N i ',:... ; ~ , -77 -' 7 ' - 7—u •-- t,!.: - ..2- , k... , ,v , :1 2, iii ,r2,774:---- ,:; flit:4 '''. $•- ---7-- . - 4-, — .: - ,\J.)J!,.;k4 M' s : , ir il i;VrtV gr 4 4.. 5,z,,A*.r.. -. iitit, c ..-,-- „ , ~._ ~."-T: L '1 ..". tTli .5., STATIONARY AND PORTABLE • -• • STEAMINIIINEkIettIitS," Portable Saw Mills, and all other Machinery made to order. z •• •• The aboyd cut re;iresents our Horizontal Engine with Improved Side Bed. • This de sign makes it strong, neat •and durable and ,upon which-we htiye made some yaluable imp;royements, espdciallg upon the tiorkipg parts making them durable and' economi cal. We build Horizontal Engines with box beds of different - sizes and - designs and up on the most improved plan. We also make Upright Engines of differ- ent sizes and atyles, and where economy of space is an object, they have some advan tage over the Horrizontal,. also in the wear of the Cylinder,which is always eqiial in an Upright Engine. • . • A special point of advantage in these En 4 pines is our (A: 0. Frick's) recently invent ed and patent "self-adjusting BALANCED SLIDE VALVE, suite to all Steam Engines and Locomotives. It leaves the Engineli as simple in operation as those of the or ..- ry plain slide valve class. We direct spec ial attention to this superior valve, and in vite correspondence. • We, give special attention to Portable Engines and Saw Mills; also . Agricultural Engines for threshing grain and for farm purposes generally. Also SrI'MASZE 130ITYMEIS, of all sizes. Further: information may be obtained from the manufacturers, FRICK &..COMPANY, Waynesboro', Franklin Co., Pa. may ?,--tf • CHARTERED APRIL 14 ,16704 waTTIEUDIW MUTUAL IJft IiNAVRANGE aGMPANYt OF I.VAYNESBORO', FR,OKLIN CO. PA • ASSETTS OVER •$x50.000.g0 Policies issued on Cash Or Mutual Plan, and hideinnity assured from lass or damage by fire, or by lightning, whether The en sues or not. DIREOTOR Simon Lecron, .(Pres.) B. F. Winger, Jacob Hoover, (V. Pres.) F. B. Snively, Jos. Douglas, (Sac.) A. 13,f3trickler, J. W. Miller, uTreas.) Jacob J. Mind, Samuel Hoeflich,• Geo. J. 'llkley; Samuel Frantz, D.*.H. .This company,.probited by Charter from insuring in specially hazardous ribjzs, can offer • pIIEAP INSURANGn on all safe class property ;. is economical in its management and 'has paid its losses without any assessment upon the premium notes. AU orders for Insurance pro'rnptly attend ed to by D. M. GOOD, AgCnt. june2s!7,4] REMINGTON FAMILY SUING 11110#INE! rr 41 - IE sub Scriber announces to the public that he his the agency for the sale of the "Remington Family Sewing Machine" in Franklin county. having tested its work ing qualities and capacity for several months he can safely recommend it as the very SEM I/ IitACILINE 12 1 1 WE. Its construction is such that it can-be run at a higher rate of speed than any shuttle , machine now, in use. In factories where the speed has boon registered, ever 1000 stitches per minute have been attained with ease. It is strong in all its parts, and free , from the harsh - and . jarring movements, 'and friction, common in inferior machines. A simple change of the-npedie and thread and , it will sew the finest cambric. or the heaviest leather. The shuttle carries a large quantity of thread thus saving in, a great measure the trouble of filling the bobbins. The Reining.ton has no rotary eams, cog wheels or lever arms to make a mottle, run hard, of to get out (Order. Any girl of ordinary intelligence can keep it order without the least difficulty. The subscriber also informs his customers and the public that he has just opened out his new . PALL AND WINTER SUPPLY of CLOTHS, CASK:ME:RES, ITESTIN - GS, and all other goods for gentlemen's wear.— e solicits an inspection of his stock. oct 16-•tf T. J. FILBERT. 2111 SAE ill AL R K JIB subscriber informs his customers and the public that he continues the butchering business at the old stand, in the celler on the 7oUth-east coiner of the. Dia mond, Waynesboro', Pa, Prime beef, veal and lamb always on hand. A special sup ply will always be provided for Saturday evening. Bologna sausage to be had at all times. Thankful to the public.for past en couragement he hopes to merit a continu ation of their patronage.' a pr3o tf C. STOTIFFn. FREIGHT WAC.iO.I.NI-f • HE subscriber informs • his customers and the public that lie continues his freight wagon• daily -between Waynesboro and Greencastle, l'ereons desiring opal or other freight taken $o or fro will please give hina a call. All orders can be left at the Store of Martin Geiser. . ..oct 15 'DAVID MINOR. Gp'NS I GUNS 11 THE subs eriber would call the attention of the public to his stock of goods, such as Double and Single Barreled Shot Guns, Seven Shot Revolvers. Single Shot Pistols of all kinds. A lot of second-hand-Revol vers very low.' Shot belts,. powder Basks, game. oags,. powder, Shot, caps, cartridges, all of which will be sold cheap for cash by J. H. JOHNSTON: julylatf CORN, OAT. 4 AN EYE:. 'HE subscriber will meet persons every I Saturday at Staver - lr Wolft's Store in 'Waynesboro' for the . purchase of grain,. whem. they ere requeEtedto bring sauiplcs. Pay CASH Cin_delivir`y. .naty7„H . iv. 000 D; , DR: ,c,RE,EO44-$. • - BLIN',7CIEABER. -• Ytt rkg this inreliiemcineln yourhouse T ,without putging,bymenne of, Fills or gowilers• Yott can do; without Salts; Caistor Oil, Citrate of lftt(ingaititeniffi• - or 'Manna, and sp on. „In:Wig/trait: none of these; the BLOOD CL' A:ASSltliiiiimbiti» tue for the .:whole of "thiirn,:‘;'4iidYwliatiti betterAt May lie taken withaifet#likid corn fort by the MOSAilicate•wqinplA,Toll an: the robust man. It is veil! PolatignWall4' •thereforo easily 'administer ed. to tliildten, It is' the Only vegetable f•reparetion existing which,will 'answer in'tb . hrdaeii of ers - tromel f iteghlating theaction of thtLivir'.. Without making you a life-long -victim to .the use of Mercury . ' or. -BlueLFills.. ..11, will opep.,the. Bowels in a p - ror and:Wholeraine manna —beitieconipOse&ilif sn;tableinedi6aments. 'There is nothing•likeFalitney's Mend . Cleansner, • fir - the etre of all=disordere of ttie Stemach,-Live4 Bowols, Xidneys and Bladder : , For isrerviontOisenses, Headache, CostiVenese,_ Indigestion Billions Fever, and all denmgoinenti of the internal viscer re•. Yon havein'thier. medicine ii•ParucE4 fOr mime' of the Mostiliamfulitml.dlingeteuo of an-diseases:: • ". : • . uvzi,Colimarters.,--Tbe state And eftinlir ty of the bile .intuit first *be attended to, in ordef to iiteSeryiihealth. The bile in "ayir tinted state,- oV ivlfen not duly secreted; is oftener obstructed belle liver mid gall Wad: der, and becomes a source of dyspepsia,con stipation, ,aniVneivonst complaints; lunar . dice, etc., Theßanicei:being.fitrictly veg etable,, and Confiiiiiiivlthat properties,:and great alteriitiae` prOperties also, wilkfct likeW* Moistifiligied -medicine inAndthis complaint:: Thonsindshave- found relief, d thoifisandt wilEyett - urn.•*to.tbis ~ • 'after-exhansting4heirpursee and patiende sear ch-of-health. ' . Giddiness of tae of the mind, foetid breitth;:ehated tongue_,"loifiCof appetite,..pains-and weakiielfit the •stidn a eh, enlargement-cif thiAiverziAtichiness of the skin, constant i fever andthiis, with a total disrelish fer,businesaddeasitre, or any kind of" - employinetit, FAIIRNET'S PANACEA, if , takeir ind persevered' in for a few days,will temoteiihts whole chilli:of symptoins." - Theiluids'of the body-become pure, the mind-elear,the'iitenmeh strength ened, the* tongue .clean i t he appeld t nim pro ed, and the,wholelYstem so ben eflfted that disease, during bad weather,is loss liable to afflict you. "An oune - "Pie,iention is worth more than a Pound- of Cllff4':. The Panacea Will not only cure old standing and malignant complaints, but iimie of the beilt'preveritir , tives of such- disorders, ieyer offered to, the world. You can avoid severe attacks of acutii.dir senses, such as -Typhoid, Billions and. BR* ted and. Intermittent Fevers; by keeping your blood purified: The different degrees of all such diseases depend altogether up= on the condititin Of the bleed, forif this vi tal fluid is deranged,yett will take a disease mach More readily thin itlietWise,and the suffering will be proportion to the-amount of foreign matter-in the'blood.. - This is - so reasonable that vrefieed not here make any it I natl.:l6ms. This medicine ioi,gbly.recounnendea for 'all chronic or Ad - standing complaints,such as Scrofula, Totter, Salt Rheum, Bbewnat: ism, &c, • Pt epared by P. FA TIRSEVS BROS. itz, -Waynesboro', Franklin county. Pa. , Sold by F.. FoUrthman:ancl S. Burns Alnr berson, M. D. Ikttggisbs.,' Wayneshoro!,.Pa r june2s SPMNG Stillina GOODS, COON & STONEELOUSE jnst received a- large- find welland'2 JUseleet-d 'stock of 'Spring au Sunniier Gonds,;'which they otter to the Penile.' of Waynesboro' and aintounding einnOry at - the lowest cash prime.. - The 24:tock 'oonsista in part of. _ • LADIES DRESS GOODS , , . . , of the newest and latest- style's ';;' Goods of every description' for men anirlitiy 4 .!& *ear i Shirting Stripes, .. , Brown and Bleached Illimlins, .• Sheeting ? Tick ings, Linen & Cot- ton Table Diaper's, Towels & Toweling:, Table. Covers, BO morals, CalicoeS, Irish Linens, GingLams ' a large lot White Cotton quilts, very cheap, Table & Floor Oil Cloths, Oil & Paper Window Blinds,- • Ladies Lace Points * Shalls;:: . • - • ' a largo' lot Of 'Stockings, Handkerchiefs for nren, ' • Women and ChAilren, , ' Linen, - Lace& Pappet Collars Laces, Edging. and Inserting,. • Silk and Cotton fringes and Trimings of every descriptien Kid, Silk and , Cotton .. • • and everything else in notion lino Boots Shoes and Strati , lliits,.'Ladies and Childiens*Gaiters,.Shoes an& Slippers, to, gether with Groeuries, rd•vitro; IVaro, Queensware, Glassware, ' and Wall Paper. CSill gird 'see our_ goods before buying elsewhere. • . COON ' STONE HOUSE. 0ct.,80, 1873 .. : BOOT AND- SHOEMAKING C== E.D.I o v ,Lt (IN and after the first: of, April next our Nficustonters tintl-us in the room net' occupied by Wm. Blair as-a Printing 01lico, where we intend-earrving on the hoot and Shoe business - as.usta -From our experir mum in -the •business fa - selecting lire best stock and worknian. we homto•nieritn lib eral share of patronage. It will be our con. stant aim to make a neat and artistic, filing boot. We make the best work in town at prices - ranging frOm3 and Upwards, ttedoi. ding to prite of Material.. We are Lerman ? ently located here. . . We-have a few - customers that we hair° asked ofted for. their bills, and irthev do -not appear soon we intend •putting find! names µt the paper, so they may not calc4 others. " .4FerThankful - for past favors we. ask' u; con thAsincn of the same. • mar 5-tf J. FORD tt: SON. FURNITURE! FERNITITRE!I WORTH SEEING ! ITIHE display. of title Furniture, such, as 11. Dressing Bureaus, Wasik StandB - Bed steads, Extension Tables,-Centre Table's, Wet Noss, Tint Racks, Children's Cribic 4 c. Everything in the Ca her' --zthe best in market, having been carelblly And, substantially Toanufactured out of the'%rery best material—at H. I)sraow's, 3 doers East of the Presbyterian Church; East Main St., Waynesboro', Pa. Call and see his display,. Prices low. Thankful for past favors'lto - hopes to btrabie tor_ merit n still.furthep share of the public's patronage. •.; . noy 13-4 - DVI.P.OW.