VILLAGE RECORD, EVERYIT/1131fSDAY I.l4lnasci BY:W,Bt4I - 1::; lEWS—Two,Polliirs.pers'Annwn if. paid wi.thiit the year; Two Dellarsand Fifty 'cents after the expiration • • of the year., ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square (10 • - lines) three insertions,.sl,soj;for each subsequent insertion, Th r live Cents per Square. A. liberal discount made to yearly adver tisers. LOC:I-U.—Business Locals Ten Centsper line for the Iret insertion, Se'yen ' Cents for subseuuentinsertion Vrofeosional ,DR. M. L. MILLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ters his professional services to the citizens of Quincy anti vicinity. Office near the•lsurger Hotel. apr9-tf ISAAC N. SNIVELY. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO' PA. . Office at his residence, nearly opposite he Bowden House. Nov I.—tf. JOS=I-1. 3DOT.TC3M.A.S, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WAYNESBORO', PA. Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties.. N. 8.--Real Estate leased and sold, and Firelnsurance effected on reasonable terms. December, 10.1871. 'VETERINARY SURGEON. irt'll, , ellENltY BOWLS (formerly of Vir lfiginia) announces to the citizens of Waynesboro' and the public generally that he is prepared to treat the different diseas es to which horses are subject, including lock-jaw. Thorough study and many years practice 'are the best recommendations lie can offer. Persons requiring his services will find him at Mintei's Hotel. may2l' tf . . S TR 4 c 4 4" StEGEON. 4' Office :it his residence, N. E. Cor. of the Public &ware, Waynesboro', Pa. apr o-tr REMOVAL ! 111 rPT7 - E - EN - k+ll - ' ANTZ has rcmoved to the new Office building, adjoining his dwell big on West end of Main street, where be can always,be found, when not engaged on profeSsional visits. OFFICE HOURS :—Between Sand 10 o'clock, A. M., and 12 and land G and 9 P. M. Spec ial attention given to all forms of chronic disease. An experience of nearly thirty years enables him to give satisfaction. The e most approved trusses applied and adjusted to suit the wants of those afflicted with her nia or rupture. apr 23-tf A. K. BRANISHOLTS, RESIDENT DENTIST 11 ALSO AGENT For the Best and most Popular Organs in Usr Organs always on exhibition and for sale at his office. We being acquainted with Dr. Branis bolts social , and professionally recommene him to all desiring the services of a Dentist' Drs. E. A. HERING, J. M. Rxrm,E, " A. H. STRICKLER, I. N. Smvutv, " -A. S. Bognatwis, T. D. FRENCH julyl7---tf - _ - H. rolaNzir & Co. Produce' Commission Merchants No. 77 NORTH STREET, BALTIMORE, MI). Pay particular attention tb the sale of Flour, Urain, Seed, Liberal advances made on consignments. may 29-tf • THE BOWDEN HOUSE MAIN, STREET, WAYNESBORO', PENN'A. 9' TIE subscriber baying, leased this well. known II AO property, announces to the public that he has refurnished, re-pain ted and papered it, and is now amply pre-: pared to accommodate the traveling puluile and others who may be pleased to, favot him with :their patronage. An attenti've hostler will at all times be in attendance. May 23--tof SAiNI'L I'. STONER. LIVERY ! LIVERY ! • 7' 3 'l.l.E.subscriber informs the public that be has opened , a' new Livery Stable, on West Main Street, at the Sanders' stable.— Speedy u-ses a Int first, class eon vey :owes fu rnithted at all times. An attentive tier ‘ctll always he found at, the stable. the publws patronageisriaspect tuli •.• lichen. JOIL S. FUNK. jul:, In If TMLORING. o,,brwribor announces to his old ens• igniters and the public that he has again taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and tvtll be pleased to receive a share of ptiblic patrontle. His place of business is on Lei tersburg street, nearly opposite Beh's Pot tery. J OS. N.DEItt.O.N. nay l-tf "JDL-%. I 1:2, *Y - ! HESub sc Fiber notifies the public that he has vommeneesl the Dairy business awl will_supoly Citizens regularly every morning with Milk or Cream at low rates. lie will also leave a supply at M. Geiser's Store where persons can obtain either at a ny,hour dufing the day. _ _ _ nu - • 27-ti COAC=3MAK2NG_ Mite subscriber antaminves to his friends IL and the publie that he bas purchased thieCoaeli Factor:, &innerly owned by Israel 11 ess, aid is now engaged in the above bus iness, on Main Street, at the East •end of Waynesboro: Haying a knowledge of the business, and employing nn-r , 3 but the best lvorkrnen, and by strict attention to busi ness lie hopes to merit a share of patyonge. : AU kinds of new work on liar d orders filled Proinptly.' Jan. 14 t BACK"AGA N.. - stibseril - >e; informs the public that I he has again , taken up . his residence i❑ • waytiesboro'• and leased the Basement of the Walker building in which to carry on • t.he• hoot and shoe, making lati4ine:ss: He will also give - prompt attention to all kinds of repairing'. A sharp of the publieg pa trotage i - a-te4ectfully sotieited. - • . aped-ti 1.1205. BB,INGUAN. BENJ. TRICK P.F,Cf.-11 TTAWKET 'll):11. MOD FilIR.NEy$ .- 01tawr inmate ~ 0 ~ rr tHE proprietor of this medicine is a grad l mite of Jefferson Aledieal College, of Philadelphia of 1853; since .then- he has made chronic' diseases4is speCiaT study-: has had good success in the -treatment of such diseases, which has induced him to put out this medicine before the public.— A medicine which ought to be in every flint ily in the land, Those_ who have used it speak of its great merit. Js composed of the BEST KNOMTN>MEDICINES 'in the • Biateria Medics, and compounded with great' tare by the proprietor, under his own supervision- ancLmade in a scientific manner. :The - . DEMAND FOR IT IS INCREASING and in a short time it will become a STANDARD FAMILY MEDIC" INE.. Acts on the Liver, Lungs anti Kidneys Good for the followhig diseascs,such as Liver Complain*, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Dispepsia, Sick• Headache, - Consumption, Constipation,' , 'Vetter, and Chronic DiseaseSeerierally . ; very good for children in small doses, being mild and pleasant. Try it and convince yourself of its merits, then commend it to your file: ds. Also makes his celebrated FAMILY BIT TER which have stood the test for a:num ber of years. Good fo - r Indigestion; Low ness of Spirits, Dyspepsia, Font Stomach, Cramp, Colic, &c. Try it. Prepared only by JACOB FAHRNEY, M. D., Office and Residence, 1837 Brandywine St., Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED. Sold by Dr. T. B. Amberson, Waynesbo ro', Pp., Dr. Carl, Greencastle, Pa., J. S. Nix on Chatthersburg, Pa. may2B-ly TEETH CTEETH ! ! TEETH!!! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BESUTY! BEApTY! BEAUTY! Nothing contributes more to beauty of the features than n PER- REGULAR, CLEA.N SET OF TEETHovhile a ne7.lect ed. filthy,diseased month disgustsevery behold er. Such things are noticed now -4 days much more than formerly; and good teeth considered indispen- Bible to every LADY AND GENTLEMAN. BE\VARE of m.ll preparations. which are ighlY-remmii-e-rae-d -for WHITENING the t th. They contain MT acid which des stroys the ENAMEL. Dr. Forrest keeps con stantly on hand of his own Preparation a su- perior TOOTII POW ER,which keeps the Teeth absolutely clean, leaving the color of the Enamel just as na ture made it. For the , convenience of my pa trons, I have adopted the patent TOOTH POW DER BOTT LE, so constructed as to distribute .the powder nicely on the BRUSH, and can be carried when traveling and several may use from the same bottle with propriety-. Having had an experience of over seven years in the mr.nafacture and administration of 'Ni trous Oxide Gas% I am prepared at all times to administer this popular Anaesthetic either to children or adults for the extrac tion of teeth, without pain or any unpleas ant effects. Insertion, Filingand Filling of Teeth carefully executed. Office next duos to Bishop's Art Gallery, Main St., Chant bersburg, Pa. 11. PORRE: , T, D. D. S. N. B.—Teeth that have become discolor ed, I am prepared to bleach and restore to their natural color. Prices very modera.e. - may2l ly QUINCY FOUNDRY AND 11 P - r lIHE subscriber informs the puplic tha ,11. he his several paterns of . Iron Fencing and Porticos, Wagonßoxes, equal to the English Box; Motz and Self-sharp ener Mold Boai ds, La a sides, Shears, (Int ' tern - ck Points, Feed Cutters and Grinders, 5 different sized Kettles, Skillets, Flat Irons, Dutch Ovens and Lye Plate; also Separator Castings of different kinds, Horse Powers and Bevel Jacks; also the METCALF EXCELSIOR POST BORING & WOOD SAWING MACHINE, the shop prices for which are, 550.00 with out saw, $65.00 with saw. Will saw from 20 to 25 Cords of Wood per day—also saws shingles- One man can bore from 250 to 300 posts per day. Can be run witht , watcr, steam or horse power. Two different kinds. of Sausage Cutters andStuffers. repaicing done inAlie best man ner and charges reasonable. ' I feel thankful for past favors and • hope for a continuance of the same. Yours Respectfully,. , JOHN Js. METCALF. mar s—ts Quincy, Pa COACIIMAKING. 111011ERSONS in want of vehicles of any de scription, new or second-handed, can be supplied at the old "Waynesboro' Coach Factory" on Church street. The subscrib er cordially invites those desiring anything in his line to call and examine his stock and learn his prices, whichlie feels warren • ted in saying will coMpare - favorably with that of any other establishment in the coun ty. REPAIRING of all kinds will receive prompt attention. Thankful to the public for past patronage he solicits a continuation of the same in the future. • JACOB ADAMS. upril 10-tf FARM FOR SALE. Cr HE Heirs of George Wiles, dee'd. offer 110.0. their farm at Private Sale, which con tains ' ..152 first quality of LIMESTONE LAND with good improvements. If not sold the said limn will be for rent. For further iliforrna- Vail:enquire of the undersigned living on the premises. JOHN WILES. - aug27 tf AdtzxfzcUtifitoes N6trce. OTICE is hereby given that letters of adtninistration on the estate 'of ['Aunts? LAcusNs, late of Washingtnn township, de c'd, have b.Aen granted to saidthe undersigned. All persons indebted to estate will make payment, and those having claims will pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. 'CIIAS. WEST, Adro'r. oct22 6t 1873. 1873. SPRING AND SUMMER-! NEW GOODS ! NEW. GOODS !! GEORGE BCERNER MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS now 'on hand and for sale a - full-line of NEW GOODS for gentlemen's wear for Spring std. Summer, such as CLOTHS, cASSDIERES, ELFGANT STYLES-AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS of every description, all of which will be sold at prices to suit the times and made to order with neat tteschkd dispatch. Also a complete assortment of {LADY-MADE CLOTHING His large, well selected stock of SHIRTS, UNDER-WEAR, DRAWERS, CUFFS, NECKTIES, ARE UNRIVALED Satisfaction gnartinteed in all cases. Call and examine the Spring and Summer Styles No trouble to show goods. Remember the place, South-east Corner of Public Square june 5,1873 G. B. (C, aillf=il al realf=l PATENT SELF-REEEULATtNa GRAIN SEPARATOR CLEANER, BAGGER MD POWERS! 'No implement more Important to the fa . rmer than a First-class Grain Thresher and Cleaner—for none pays him so well and so The above cat shows the only.Geiser Ma chine now built under the immediate eye the old inventors themselves, with all the additional improvements made during the past 18 years, and now with FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN & MATERIAL this Mach; . .e just stands high above all of its clitss.. As a thresher it is equal to the best, as a cleaner it is superior to any exist ing Machine. This is admitted by all hon est competitors. Indeed it is the only Ma chine that really can t by one operation, thoroughly thresh and clean grain fit for market. But the fact that grain direct from this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain direct from any oth er Machine, settles the question of•its supe riority as a cleaner over all ethers. Impar tial jud4es at all the State and County Fairs where it was .thoroughly and practically tested, in competition with other leading machines, always agree that it is more sim ple—more easily understood and operated by those unskilled ih machinery—more du rable—threshing as much and yet cleaning better—with less power and more comfort to hands than any other machine use— and besides all that is sold for less moLey according to eapacity. These fiets are further attested by the thousands:of.,pur chasers, some of whom have had them in. usefor 4 the last 18 years. To sn,pplft_toq wentaef , all, we ,now make 4 sizes, : vie:— Frouirs2 Horse Railway or 3 HorselLever Power, to a 10 Horse Lever Power. with prices ranging from. sl9u to $360,• without power. - .. • We also make the latest imPproved .tripleleared... Hoarse Powers, suitable for each size machine, ranging from $9O to $135, 'and , .fully and fairly warranted. For fbrther• information sent for circular and price list. Responsible Agents in Territory not in troduced. _''Address. TI 1./EISF i lt MANUFAC , G CO; Wayamonoe, Franklin County, Jan. 21.4. - - Pennsylvania. • '- S. ft, WREERiSBERGER'S UM . UNE AND LIVEDI.STABLE, WA.YNESBORO', PA. I} -11 E undersigned still continues the same I business at the old place. Office and Stable in the rear of Washabaugh's Tobac co Store. His Omnibus leaves Waynesbo- I' hi the morning at 7 o'clock, and returns at 7 o'clock in the evening. His stage also leave , ' at U o'clock, P. M. for the W. M. R. it., via. of Monterey Springs. This line connects at Monterey with the Gettysburg Stage at 11 o'clock, every day, Sunday excepted. ne..All express mater promptly attend ed to with etre. All express mutter not de livered can be had by calling at Wastua haugh's Tolacco Store. • FOR SALE.* One Spring Wagon, nearly new, with polo, shafts and three springs, all in fine order. On easy terms. may ctf J. R. WOLFERSBERGER. LUMBER WANTED! 11111 subscriber will pay the highest market price for 15,000 feet of Poplar. and WuLuut Lumber delirered in Waynes boro'. - . 41 ‘ G. P. LIDY. • octltf VESTINGS- HOSIERY, COLLARS, GLOVES, &C. &C., 074. ' ! SPRING: 1874. ii:6o.*-lif. - 4":00 . DEALERS IN DR:147.600W; NO'llONSi, White Goods, Embroideries and Laces Groceries, Itueens are,. Boots ‘4S6 She** Cedarw, e, Hard.ware. OITBDry Goods Department coniiiiks • in , part of Ladies Dress'Gmids, Black and Colored Alpacoas,'Empressaoth, Japanese Cloths, Mokairs;Poplins,Xustros, Percales, Lawns, embiracing • everything in he Dress Goods line offered to thelradn-: • A FULL STOCK OF 'iIENS English, & Amercan• Cassimers, Linens, Jeans, Denums, .Doeskins, • ~ corduroys, Cotto nades, . - • Blk. Cassimere and Cloth. Notions and white gmids of eirery variet y, Hambur edging and inserting honey Comb Napkins,'„ hosiery; OloveS, Corsets.- .• Lace and Linen Collars . - and Handkerchiefs, 'P Suspenders and Head Nets. A full line of Shoes,, and Gaiters for Gentlemen Ladies, Misses,Anriitiaaren. We have constantly on land everything usually kept in a well-regulated store. We ask an examination of goods and priLluats... fore purchasing elsewheke. - . - STOVER & WOLFF. May .16,1872. AT ELDEN'S -0- ANAY always be found a full' and prime LVlstocic of BOOTS &ND SUOES, HATS AND TRUNKS, PAPER COLLARS WEAR, GLOVES, SIISPEICDEIIS AND UNDER-WEAR, CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, KINDS OF 'NOTIONS. Mk-Watches and Jewelry repaired: North East Corner of Public., Square Dec 5, I 872—tf 0511101VIIL111 - 111LT: Mil as 71.41. TEME Offesi at low prices a large number of No. 1 Cook Stoves for coal or wood the best in, market,also the Celebrated Morning Olo: v Stoves, with and without ovens, at reduced rates. Also a number of other Base Burn ing Stoves—also Parlor Cook. Stoves—Par lor and Fire-place Heaterb,lbe best in mar ket, all Sf which he will yarrant and sell at less rates than any Stove House in Waynes boro.' Bela now prepared to put np at short no tice First Class Brick Furnaces and warrant them. On hand a stock of nine-plate Stoves and small coal stoves. A large stock of Tin pressed and iron-ware roofing and spouting of the best tin. Repairs done promptly and at prices that none can complain. Call and see his stock as it will pay you for the trouble, and it is right these days to keep posted. ItI4NSIAMI HOUSE ROTEL!, Oar. Fayett & St. Pari Sts OPPOSITE BARNUM'S CITY HOTEL, WED .. Terins . $1,50 Per Day. • ISAAC ALBERTSON, Proprietor. J. S. HARPER, Manager. nov 21—tf - r 4l The oldest and be app?inted . lnstitution for obtaining a Business Ediwatton. ' For cireulana, address I'. DUFF& SONS • sep24 3m e o m 3 Pittsburg, Pa, FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! L.4, - .R 4:4:AT QP K i ' H subscriber informs. big customers rind the public Onerally..that he- has greatly enlarged, his bnsiness and_,has at present the. largest stock of FITRIIITURE ever offered for -sale-in Waynesboro'. His stock consists of ~ .—.(-Dressing,Bureans, every description,' or without ' marble ,ISAbiptf; Wash and:Parlor 13finds v it , 4,.marbbilops,Plint,freplisi, sin gge,And: double 'Drawer Stinds - ,,,,,• Exton . rarightg fthin six to fourteen ft. length;in Dining and'fofir-leg - "Breakfast - and Between 'Tables ; French.Bedlteadrniftilland,hitlf .'Jennie Lind, - do., 'Cottsge,s ; . Bedsteads of various grinds and a* ;stock of,cominon, Po pr nbir•B,edsterids; Wardro b es, Walnut and' Poplar Sires/ dif ferent stiles and prices, Sinks; Hat Racks,;;Brackete,' Hanging lEtat.ilacks, 'different kindsi,Chests,, poughtrays, Etc PARLOR FURNITURE: _ . Fall Parlor Suits, Chamber Saito"Lounges, Mattresses, &c., , Cane Brace Arm Rocker; • •'• ' • Caue-baek -Arm Rocker, Large Cane-bacicltocker, Daiing Chair, ' - Bent Riin Dining Chair, Bent Rim Office Chair, Douglas' Arm Chair, English Parlor Brace Ann Chair, Walnut and Imitation Mairble;top, ' Cottage Tables and Stands . , Round Corner French, do.; . Parlor Chairs 4-Tete-a-tetes,- The Casket and Pittsburg Coffins always on hand, besides a large stock of.hisoivn man ufacture. Prorript:attention*llite given. to this particular branch of his bliainess. He retnrns,thanks-to thik - pnblic-for their past liberalpatronaqe andinvites one and all to eajl an 4 examine hisiltoektuid learn his ricer.•' , satisfaction guatanteed in nil case[•. JOsEPH H. CRESS, West Hain Street, ' Waynesboro', Pa. jan 15.1874 AND NECK- tiLWviL SASH, DOORS, FRAMES, MAN- TLL . S . ,'BPACKETS; MOULDINGS, .I shall continue the manu&icttne or all kinds of Building Material as heretofore. Particular attention paid to furniihing Stairways, Newel's' Masten!. and Railing of hard or soft wood. Prompt attention given to orders; also Grist Chopping, Post Boring and Bill Saiv ing at short notice. ADD AND ALL `-( Tha.urful for past favors, we ask you for a continuance (lithe same. Factory n3ilesSouth of Waynesboro' Pa april 10 . — tr '_ • •A. AL. G. r rllE midersignedwould most iespectiblly I :inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has opencdpa new Tin Store on East Main street,•'opposite Stover Wolfl's Dry GocidS emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good supply of `COOK*St - eatil STOVES; - MORNING GLORIES; etz r at prices to an i the times. All kinds of work done in his line with neittnegs and dispatch, such as roofing, spouting and repairing. • You will find it to your interest to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the Rig Red Cofibe Pot,'Always . on the_ post.— Thankful for past favors he -hopes for a con tinuance of the same. - nov 19 MK Pure. Concentrated Potash • OR LYE, ' Of double the Strength of any other * SAPONIFYING SUBSTANCE. , I have. recently perfected a ppW-Jiltitliod of packing my Potash, or Lye,autT,sinliow - . packing it only in , Bulls thilliiiiUnk.;':of which will-sliponify,, nrick'doe~ ]ant injure the soap. • 40.,wicked iii.boxes containing 24 and 48 , Polls, anti in iiii'..uther .way.:- Directions' in English' ;in for making hard and soft ;soap' cw ih this Potash acootupanying each - package. • :B. T.:BABBITT, junelB I,ow , 64 to 84:1Vashington.St., . : 'BARBERINGI,....BAHBERINE • rr 11Fr subscriber hail ng recnn tiv .re-paint -1 °drawl papered, and. added new furni ture to his. bhop, anninuicps,to, his.custom ers and the public thitbe ,leave noth-. ing ,undone to give satisfaction, and make comfortable nll.who. may be_ pleased to fa vor him with. their, ..patrounge. Shaving. Seha m pooping, 31 air-cutting, etc.. , promptly attended to: A lung experience m the bar bering business enables him to promise sat isfaction in all cases. W.A. MICE. • Sept 18-tf lIFTER nn absence of fifteen years I again locate in the town of IVaynesboro' for .the purpose of carrying on a first - class Tai loring Establishment. None tint the best of workman will beemployeil, and clothing made in the most fashionable and durable manner.. Also plain Knits to snit certain classes of mien. Particular, attention paid to cutting men and boys clothing all in style. Scouring and renoVatieg done up e qual to any outside of the_cities. My place of business is on.Maiu Street; neattrcloor to Ambersoit's Drug Store, and 2.doors West of the Waynesboro' 'Hotel. By attention to business, and a disposition to pleas., all, I hope to receive a liberal share of public pa tronage. , Respectfully, oct JAS. A. FISHED, STOCIOROODS - FOR SALE. `HE undersigned intending to engage in the mercantile business in Hagerstown, offers for sale his stock of goods at 'Ring gold. Any one wishing to engage in busi ness of this kind cannot get , a better stand id thelitate or County. I will sell on rea sonable terms. Further information can. be hadilby enjling, on , C, i 3. DETECT. uovl9 tf Ml= CHAIRS, &Q. _ COFFINS': MANUFACTURER OF AT THE ANTIETAM FACTORY. TO THE PUBLIC kilA:A,iugliam Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON M. FREY NOTICE.: PRICK & CO., PROWL OEO. PRICK, SUPT. WAYNESBORO' STEAENFIN9IOILER .WORKS =MEE STEAM-ENINNEt v BOILERS; Portable Saw Mills, and all other Machinery made to order. The above out re?resents our Horizontal Engine, wish Improved Side Bed. This de sign Maked,it i3troifg, inlet aiicti dnifible and upon which tie birve - mndei •soine valuable improvements, especially upon the working parts making them durable and economi cal. We build Horitontal En ines with box beds of different sizes and designs and up on the most improved plan. We also make Upright Engines of differ-, ent sizes and styles, and where economy of space is an object, they have some advanH tage over the laorrizontal, also in the wear of the Cyliniter;which is always equal in an I Upright Engine. ' A special point or advantage in these En- , gines is our (A. 0. Frick's),Tecently. inveht ed and patent self-adjusting BALANCED, SLIDE VALVE, Stilted to all Steam Engines and Locemotiv,es. :4, loaves the Engineaas simple in operation as thiiie of the ordiriik ry plain slide valve class. We direct spec mi attention to this superior valve, and in vite correspondence. We give special attention to Portable Engines and Saw Mills; also Agricultural. Engines for threshing grain and for farm purposes generally. Also SEWLAOSZ 33011 _,MRS, of all sizes. Further information may be obtained from the manufacturers, MUCK & COMPANY, - Waynesboro', Franklin Co., Pa. may 8-tf MetBIWBED Apzrz -1070* NATEETBDIV ME IMMUNE COMPANN t OF WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIX. CO. PA. SSETTS OVER $156.000.90. Policies issued on Cash or Mutnitl Plan; and indemnity assured from loss or damage by fire, or by lightning, whether Fire en 7 sues or not. DIRECTOR °. Simon Lecron, (Pres.) B. F. Winger, Jacob Hoover, (V. Pres.) F. B. Snivels, - Jos; - Dguklas,,(Sey.) - A. H. Strickler, J. W. Miller, (Treas.) JacOb J. - Miller, Samuel Hoeflich, - qeo: J. Balsicy, Samuel Frantz; D. B. Miller. - 'This emnpany; . probiieir by Charier from specially hazardous risks, can offer CHEAP INSURANCE on all safe class property; .is economicaLin its Management and-.has paid Its lose without any assess.nent- upon - the premium notes. All orders fer Insaltrtee promptly attend ed to by j une2s '74] Rr.mING :g? N EMMY SEWINGIIVIING! rpTIE subscriber announces to the public • 1 that he has the agency for ,tha sale of the "Remington Family Sewing Machine" in Franklin county. Having tested its work ing qualities and capacity for several months he can safety recommend it as the very ztrsr MAGA= IN USE. Its construefion is such that ft can be run at a higher rate of speed than any shuttle machine now in use. _ln factories where the speed has been registered, over 1000 stitches per minute have been attained with ease. It is strong in all its parts, and free from the r harsh" mid., *rip. g . movements, and friction,".codunon in inforpr, Machines. A: simple change of the rieetlit anal-thread .sew the finest i prl or the tieaviest t leather. The shilitiecOriiis-a large quantity of thread thus saving in a great measure the trouble of filling the bobbins. - !Tlie Remington has 130' rotary cams, cog wheels or lever arms to make a noise, run hard, or to get out of order. ..Any girl of ordinary intelligence can keep* it in ordei3vithont the least difficulty. The subscriber also in ferries his customers and the public that he has just opened out his new FALL'AND WINTER SUPPLY of. COTIIS, CASSTMEREgp, VESTINGS, and s') 'otlAer gpo!ls for gentlemen's.wenr.— Ite.salicits en inspection of - iiiiistiick; • - oct . FILBERt N,Al, ' 011, r - 1 • 'il: rlE'sitbscriber infoitim biti 'customers andthe, public that he continues the butchering business'at the old in:the, celler on the South-east corner of the Dia mond, Waynesboro' Pa. Prime beef veal and landrulwaysen'hand. A specia l sup ply will alwayslbe provided for 'fritturtlay evening. Bologna sausage to be had at all times. 'Thankful to the public for past en couragement ha hopes to merit a continu ation of their patronage. apr3o tf C. STOUFFER. FREIGHT WAGON ! CTIHE subscriber in fOrmg • Ms- customers nod the public that ,he continugs his freight wagon daily between Waynesboro and Greencastle. PerSoni desiring coal or other freight taken to or fro trill please give him a call. All orderg van be left at the Store of Martin Geiser, oct 15 GUNS I GUNS 1 I TIIE tubs eriber would mill the attention of the public to his stock of goods, such as ppuble and Si ngl 0, Iturrelgit , „Shot seven Shot' 'Revelvers, - Sined Shot Pistols rf all kinds. A lot of second-Imnd Iteyol vers very low. Shot belts,. poWder Baths, game ougs, powder, shot, caps. cartridges, &c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash by - J. 11. JOIINSTON. 'julyl6tf CORN, OATS AND RYE.. r VINE subscriber will meet persons every Saturday at Stover & Wold's Store in Waynesboro' for the purchase of grain, Where they are requested to bring Samples, Pay CASH on delivery. may: t: HSTAXILISIIED 1853. —:o: D. M. GOOD, Agent. DAVID MINOR - 0. -W. GOOD VA.I-1 - RNEY'S CELEBRATED 111410D . ,i4EAOER OR,APigitql -=a,-- 101' Ilf tills :titre iiiedicine in pia; house r yore cant.dowitliout purging,Wineena of:Pflin'orSoWders., : Ypti, ; without Salta Castor ,Oil; Citrate of Idagn eke; henna or Mauna, and-ti0. , 0n'47 You want none of these; the IMOQI?, CLEANSER:is aliubeti tree for. the,.whole ,of 'them, And••what is betterlt may be takettwithsaintylind 00M fort hy: the Moat .delisate Amnion ite *ell, as the.robniit man: It as very, palatable, and therefore easily administeirednter children. ItlkiAntaily,.Vegetablepreparati . on.eiditing which mill answer inAliti•placeof.Cakimet Regtilating'tbe - action'of the Liver; without Making you'itlife r leng, victim te the uee of Mercury .or, , Blue -Pills.. It , will ()lien: the• Bowels ler* , proper and wholerome manner —being composedofemitable medidareents. :Thereis nothing, like fliihrne3es; Blood Cleatisner, , for theturebriill disorders_oP__ the Stomach, •Liver„, Polvel,Xdneys and Bladder: 4or Nervous DieeaseS,Aleadiiche i CostiVeitess, Indlgestitott,q 'Billiottu Fever, and all derangeinentebtthelnte raw..., You .have an: thin , medicine for titanti of . the roux °tall diseaegs. • , • : ! , Livini.Computrirriel—The state and qu e 11. ty of .the biln.must : first be attended to, in order to •Tfieblltt fisted State; of :when ;not duly.secreted, is oftener'ol*thicted in theltVer anagall bI ul. der, andbec,omea,a'Oiree o`fdyii~i©psis; err. stipation, 'and nervous complaints, pun,. dice, etc. The Panacea' being strictly veg., etable,"and - containing great anti-billions properties, and great alterative properties also; will act like'd most raitgital , triedleine in this complaint. • TliOnsandii have. found reliekand thousands 11,411‘ yet turn to this medicine; after'exhimiting their purses and patience in 'search of health. . . . • Giddiness.-of tbe'llead, dullneis •of the Injuil;.fcctid 'breath, boated :tfritigue, loss or appetite; Piling and weakness in the atom ach, enlargement of-the liverjeliowness the skin, constant fever and thirst', with a total disrelish forintsingss,pleasure, or any k •- of employment: ' FAH FINE Y'S PANACEA; if taken and persevered in for a, cow days, will remove this whole class of symptoms. -The fluids of the body become pure, the raind.clear,the stomaelr strength ened, the tongue clean,the apnetitelm • rov-, ed, and the. whole, system. so henefl 1,. at disease, during bad weather,iii less liab = to afflict you. .1' '?An cainb 'of Preie ian a (inn t o re." The .Panacea.will not only cure old standing and malignant complaints, but is one' of the best preventa,- tires Of sneh. Ilitiordere• ever offered to the world. You can avoid severe of acute di seases, such as Typhoid, Billions and' Spot. ted and Intermittent Fevers, by keeping your blood pnrified. The different degrees. of all such diseases depend altogether a-eonclitio,n - o , r tal fluid is deranged,yon will take a disease much more readily than otherwise;and the suffering will be pyOportion to the amount of - foreign Matter in the blood. This, is so. reasonable that we need not here make any illustrations. •••.- • _ • Thisinedicineishighly recommended-for all. eh renic or old standing complaints,such as Scrofula, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Rhenmats • - Prepared by P. FA HRNEY'S BROS. & CO., Waynesboro', Franklin count v, Pa. Sold by F. Fourthman andl. Burns Am, berson, M. D. Druggists, Waynesboro', Pa, june2s tf SPRING AND, SOUR GOOD COON & STONEHOUSE fj ATE just received a large and well tinielectill - stock of Spring-and Bummer Goals; Which they' offer tOillue. People ot Waynesboro' and., surrounding coputry . at the lowest cash prices. The stock c9nanits. in part of • , • LADIES DILtESS GOODS of. thoi newest and. latest styles ; • Goods ot , every description for,raen And boy's wear 1 Shirting Stripes, ~ , . grown - and . . . , • Bleached Mullins, Sheeting. • Tick ing,s, - Linen d; cot-- wit ableDiapers * Towels dr Toweling, Table Covers, Balmonds, Calicoes, Irish Linens, Ginghams, a large lot White Cotton Quilts, very cheap, Table & Floor Oil Cloths, Oil & Paper Window Blinds, • - Ladies Lace Points & Shalls,_ • - a large lot of Stockings, Handkerchiefs for men, Women and Children, Linen, Lace & Pepper Collars Laces, Edging itnd Inserting, • • • Silk.and Cotton fringes and ' Trimings of every 'deseription and Cow Gloves,.„ and aviii&t.hri i g else in notion line Boots,'f.hdierf and Strew Hat i, bidies and Childrens Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, to gether with Groeeries, Hard rare, Wooden Wars, Queensware", Glassware, and Wall gaper. • zCaij and see our ,goot4.before OnAng elsewhere.- : ' • • • • COON & S'PONEkOtrSg. -wt. 30,1873 1100UND SUERIKINO ' oR aff.-O v N anti after the first of April next our 1./customers will find us in the zoom now orcupied by Win. Blair as a PrintingOlfice, where we intend carrying on the Boot and Shoe business as usual. "From our experi ence in the business in selecting the best stock and workman 'we hope to merit a lib. oral share of pationage. It will be our cone stunt aim to make a neat and artistic filing boot. We make the best work in town at prices ranging from $8 and upwards, accor -ding to •priee of material. We are ',Orman, eht lir located' here. lire have a few customers that we have asked often for their bills, and if they do not appear soon we intend putting their names in the paper, so they may not catch othem7 <9 r s- DarThankfer Tor past' favors we ask a coutianance of the same. mar 5-tf J. FURY/ VSOX. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! • - WORTH SEEING' rrHE display of fine Furniture, such as 4.,Dressing Bureaus, IVash .Stands,..Bed steadiir-Extefisiiin JTables, .Wat Tots, Hat Backli t Children's Cribs, itc, Everything in the Cabinet-maker line—the best in market, having been carefully and substantially; manufactured out of the very best material—at H. Deraow's, 3 doors East of the Presbyterian Church,East Main St., lihiymaboro . ' Pa. ('all and his display. Prices low. 'Thankful for past favors ho hopes to be able to merit a still further share of the public's patronage. . nov 13—tf U. 'DETROW. Skirts,