Agars * Oathartic 1illis: For the and cum of all derange,. . t . • • mete in the stow ally ever, and bow . eh& Tjay area mild 'llgtens ' • ' =M t and Aut Debit %; laid& grey sootain no mercury or Wee ral haler**, Muer . . seen= ebaksets and. sugaring is promote • . . ed by -their use; azolevery haft Mould have gine a l = their - protection mad 4elint, when' required& Long , experience has moved Mem to be she saf est, sorest, and best orall thoirals with which Ithe r simurket Aboands.. 13y oorasional • Melded& untied; the edi their rruptlens albs Aso mut, teen expelled, obstructions removed; and the • whole machinery of Ws restored to its healthy • istmlugorgans whictibeaome cloaca .. and el are are cleansed by Aveiro. halts, aad stimula into, action. Slum incipient disease is changed Into With , themhze of whlchM wherreckeneden the mat multitudes whtt oy lid bas landlYbo ow/muted. •::Mlietv angst makes them pleasant to take, and preserves Mete virtues unimpaired for any toga of time, so., ' that*Airs ever fresh, sod' perfectiy relhible. ' Alth searching. they are roll ,d 1 'and epergne tritium disturbance to the oonatitutloa.ordigto or .ocoupstion. • Full directions ars given on ths- Was: each boxatew tense th en as a Faml ir li th alb and for the followiag , eomplainia, JPille rapidly cure: For Yor Dyspepsia or Insuiresnem o lglatiarand muses, Ismerner and Mess of Appstlite.tinsr should be taken moderately to stimulate the stew. itch, and restore its healthy tone and action. For MAvisr Compliant* stnd its various Gym fume, .1111111 ens Igeadnene, Mak sidene:Matundlee or direess elieluarea, tone Celle and Millions !suers; they etuaddi be Judiciously taken for each ease. so corms the diseased action urethan] the obetmetions Width cense ForDysentery_ ittlimelmteoi but see dgmmMy For illessustlast=i, Egirevel, P.S. Wea .I. elite • Pada In Ole itt lilac% a id Meta& they should be amnia. _ noudy taken. as required.loChaege the disease!! action otthe system. With Gush chthite these eamplaintefilleapeur, . For Diremsy and Dropsical .111wellhark they should bflakm In large and *KAM doses *invaders the effect of a dualistic purge. For_ distmaresidon. a large .00se should be Saws II produces th e desired effect by um? B As a Meier PUI, take one or two Pills le promote digestion and relieve the stomach. • An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Mance it is often advantageous whets no sextons derangement exists. Ono who hats tolerably well, Ands that a .dose of these Mtn@ makes him tee! decidedly better, from their • cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparent& PERPAHICD HT C. AYEW Co., ;vacated cheabial, ZOWBIZ, X 485., V. S. 4. rOg SA= at ALL DIWOGISTS LIAIRTWEIRS KEARNEY'S FLUID KITRACr DUCH in the only known 'remedy for BRIGHT'S DISEASE, and a positive remedy for Gout, Gravel, Strictures, Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Dropsy, Female Complaints, Non-Retention or Incontinence of Urine, Iritation, Infiammation,or Ulceration of tho BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, Spermatorrhoea,Lencorrhoea or Whites, Irregular:or Paiful Menses; Bearing Down, Chlorosis, Sterility and all complaints inci dent to females. ZEARNEY'S EXT. EtTCHI7 for stone in the Bladder, Calculus Gravel or Brickdust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Die charges,and diseases of the Prostrate Gland KEARNEY'S EXT. BUCHU cures diseases arising from imprudences, babas of dissipation, etc., in all their stages, sat little expense, little or no cluing. in diet no inconvemence,and no exposure. It cans. es a frequent desire, and gites strength to Minot*, thereby. removing Obstiuctions, preventing and curing Strictures of the 17- seths, allaying pain and inflamation, and expelling all poisonous matter. Used,by persons, in the decline or change .of life ; after confinement or labor pains, etc. - . Prof Steele says: 'One bottle of Kerirney'e . Extract, Buchn is worth more than all ether Buchne combined:. KEARNEY'S BUCHII permanently cures all a!lectionsof the blad der, kidneys, and dropsical swellings exist ing in men, women and children, no mat ter what the age. Ask for Kearney's. Take xio other. Pride Oao Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottlos for Five Dollars. DEPOT, 104 DUANE STREET', IMF. Y. A physician in attendance to answer cor respondence and give advice gratis. Send *lamp for pamphlets free. For Salo Li Druggiete everywhere. AvoldQuacks&lmp6sters. No Charge for Advice or Conealkstion. Dr.' 'J. B. Dyott, graduate of Jefferson Medical' College, Philadelphia, author• of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs (which ho has wade an especial study )eith, er in male or female, no matter from what cause originating or how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables bun to treat.di senses with success. Cures guaranteed.— Charges reasonable. Those at w distance can forward letter describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. Send for Guide to Health. Price 'lO cts. J. B. DYOTT, M. 1)., Physician & Surgeon, 104 Duane street, Now York. angl3 ly ,NEW STOCK. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALITY I PRICES LOW t • • • GOODS UNSURPASSED IN QUAL ' . ITY. . • Mlt/FILLER BROS., P. O. Building, Mimes bore', Pa., would respectfully call the attention of t..e public to the flue stock of 3300T5, SHOES 8v G-..A..1 1 1 1 .ET1tS oi *al the various styles for men and boys is lies, misses and children, which they sel F I CZOWL at prices that cannot fail to,give satbifaction. They also have whamd a lot of Boots mid Shoes of -their own manufacture-. in which EXTRA INDUCEMENTS. ' Boots and Shoes made to order from FIRST-CLASS MATERIAL and warranted to.give satisfaction: Repair ing neatly done. ALL RIPS SEWED GRATIS. apr 2iitf NOTICE_ ciLOVER and Timoihy Seed bought and N...)501d all the thue at J. ELDEN'R.. anz2o 4m, . Way.uusboro", Pa. NEW ( Ij l o'D S FILL IND VINTIIII STOCK ! AMMO% BEM is 001. VE have just received a very heavy stock of Dry Goode, to whieh we can the attention of all Who wish to buy good goods at low figures. We are selling alt kinds of goods at low er prices than they been sold for sev eral yews. Oar @bock embraces DRY GOODS; FLOOR OIL (MOM onocEarys, WINDOW OIL CLOTHS HARDWARE, IMPORTED CARPET, QUEENSWARE, BAG CARPETS, NOTIONS, MATTING, Le. Give nis a cldl and we will guarantee sat isfaction. • AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. oct 111 J N. SNIDER, BOOK SET.T.RR, STATIONER AND BOOK-BINDER, CIIAMBERSBURp. PA. 0. --ft- - 12" EEPS eonstantly on hand and for dale, /Lot the lowest limed, School and Miscellaneous. Books, Blauk Books, Paper, Envelopes, kc. Also a ta4raa ovcytta of well ideated WALL PAPBIS, ' BOR D F. RS A ND WINDOW SHADES, CROQUET GAMES, BASE BALLS BATS, RUBBER FOOT BALLS, Etc. Gold Pens, Zephyr and Germantown Wool, Brackets, Wall Pockets', Towel Racks, Pock et, Books, Satchels ; Shawl. Straps, and. Fan cy Goods, which we respectfully invite the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity to call and examine when visiting Chambersburg. april 2.3—tf GAguas Wanted ter ' 08 9 S DAYS Or, Nano eta we "aim This book gives the very crown. of Sci ence, making its thrilling realities, beauties vronders and sparkling gems a hundred fold more interesting than fiction. Every man, woman and child wants to read it. It is en dorsed by the press, cud ministers of all denominations. Sales immense. Agents report 52-45--411-80-87 and fid copies per creek. Great inducements to Agents. Em ployment for young men, ladies, teachers and clergymen in every county. Send for circular. Also Agents wanted' Ow the PEO PLES STANDARD EDITION of the HOLY BIBLE, finely illustrated, Fine bindings for Holiday Presents. Cenvaming books free. P. W - ..ZIEGLER & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. oetl& 3m SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKING. • THE subscriber informs the public that ho has chugged his quarters, and can now be found in the room formerly occupi ed by William Blair as a printug Oleo, on the second-floor, where ho will con tinue the Saddle end Harness making business. He is prepared to do all work in his line with dispatch and ut reasonable prices. He flatters himself that his long experience in thv business will enal)le him give genera( satistution. 2--tf GEO. A. RNA. Butchering Again. THE subscriber announces to hie' old tomers and the public generally that be has recompenced the Butchering business, end will be able to acccommodate them as formerly at the cellar in the Walker build big. Persons wanting prime Beef, Veal, etc, can rest assured that his cellar will be the place to get it, us ho 'is determined to slaugh ter the best quality of stock only. Feb 21-tf T. J. CUNNINGH A M. WANNESSNIP MERLE WAL H. FUNK having retired from the livery business, the subscriber informs his old customers and the public generally that he has resumed business with a new complete outfit. Horses perfectly safe and gentle, either for riding or driving. His To hicles are new and suitable for all purposes. He will take pleasure in acconmodating the publid at all times at reasonable cash rates. An attentive hostler always on hand. Call at`the saddler shop of Wm. P. Weaglev. FRANKLAN lirr i g4o)7. March 6,1872-4 f 'ASBESTOB„.' ROOFING . ..44INT; Olil Shingle , Tin, reit, and maid!, mph can be made, water-1014 Mid rendered•serbi amble for many years at a trifling coat with H. W. JOHN ' S Patent ASBESTOS ROOFING PAINT and MENT ASBESTOS ROOFING for steep or flat roof% in all climates. • • • ' ASBESTOS PAINT, all colors, for general purposes, in cans; kegs,,and barrels. ASBESTOS BOLLERFELTING, Sheeting, Lining Felts,ltoolling : Materials,ete. 'Theo* materiatiere prepared ready for use, and can be easily applied by any one.— Seed for descriptive Pamphlet, Price Lists, Instructions, etc. ..,LIBEEAL INDUCE, RENTS TO GhIiEBAL MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. . IIirCAUTION.=-The public are hereby cautioned against pirChasing dr using any material' for the above orisimilsr purposes, purporting to contain, ASBESSOS, unless they bear our name end dates of patents. H. W. JOHNS; 87 41:41IDEN,LANE; N. 'Y. Para 1110 D SOLb IMAXtPACnnitra ) ,ESTABLISHED 1858: • Lunn°Ns: `,"Smiths,Atiptrate,d rattOn'illizttarP *Osiey SWAW 7 ' • SOUL , Pelonailli—v, WIS. Poloaataer-11 it, gel& *Ws Cielialtio—l. , —. - .del. BO teNte. lain ' "% I 17411M—Latostliidil:AlliiiieinTititiifYsttiiiiiiiZci, 60 awl& M IL 80 7 fiEd"R"lli ala 0 Wail Cloth AIWA ag nnin , : A. 001 . , 5 . -., . • , ~.1 ~•;::, .-...., . •• ..• •. .... • • , .-. r. : !, ! . •,' • _..... 7.-Y-. 4 1':,;.:. : =, , '• - • , • ._. ims - t' . Liten &St Ildef—All Sines—Poittersh with Ckstilt i ltitridel. 91 ' 4 coi l td. ' , 'nee - --- 'l' !NIL en* Coorsklrt— Beautiful — Pattern. with Cloth Nadel. Sib twats.i ' ft - *or • ' ' - gSah. jades Ovaßktrt—rataa and Mont Stylish—Pattern. with C7.pthlifollell, 150 mots. ._ DPI 5. - Backgra Cloak.-Bnrpasece all others—All Store—Pattern with Ciotti Itferdelp lis , cons. ' Mit. Ledy'l Walking Cost or Jacket—Alt Illizes—pattern. with Clot* r-oritir Ws elisido• We give a perfect CLOTH _MODEL with orrery pattern, which ebows jest tow to pot the ice' anent together, after being cat by the pattern. They aro IPsiRwIYiECT:IIC IDES. • • Alti rabnalk on tbhillonen mantled upon receipt ea naarkcia*lce. "I ""*' l "l 2-- WilSESALLL'orrket 2 zot w oWN'o 4 . giltt --,,.. /N 0 Wolth s2.'ae. *4 worm tend it ' 3. PI lio wrsou WWI tate a Benda $3 for 55. moth of patterns; will 'be, entitled to the Ira 85Zastr SW mortar 'FREE, withimoiredittios.' a nibs SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR e., MVPS ILLINTIELLTED Rim= BAZAAR* lite - Olds Oge Mahar and Tea Centaa Year. _ ,; And a oplardid PRIEMIUM,tp each sub scriber FRE pc z Eieebelow.'- . • or Any 'MOW the chow patterns said amICIIPO In ent Dray, vexutor will be mailerilliES, es Pte. 1 mwa, ar (pH douars worth of PatternalTßED to bu eelected when you wee re Tour Magazine. or i h a tift any- fi OR one of the Wowing b y e ntititi . C) tp wEASTER 110IIDAY."_ tt • s _,^ "MARY AND ECU PET LAMB " Carr MATROV," " UN WiCLOODLII visrrou., ,, Theee 0 gin 0 a area ty known, and INCLL RE AD ILY foe hernia to Sti each. OMIT 1:72E 0 .A. Crtatill3, wo wEgfve one chrome Ofttlffilo the *anon whit sends vs two subscribers 011.00 and on litstnfertor pager . on Chrome and Menu) at one time. _ WewtilfrivetwO Chtotuorlextre for illO'ftiterr!Nfit throe Jur Chrome extra far e t, or YOUR CHOICE , of sat enurcuoue acinbar ef beitiiftaiiiiiimlume4 - ses - BEZ aotveubisdlnbormssislst. blirtiligr it aliTin ;fee an I 4 . lrastmicoit 4kb e rvolf, t;) so parsons who w 4 RP the mwmt ultih t:9r enamor betweem now and bum% Triee= who gets UP the Jima gt• gte Is 04 cant anti Prank= on WerySubea Sent In. frearwigao in sad etc., etc. We CIA. E lII.Q 00 is 12 Ot t ? on lora DAZAAII: Vitatontverkese name sad address's win tonna in tour 141.6 7 AI with the number that we twit. Oat a =at tm =e. fisopht copy 'sinned for ill cents- . Smiths ' Loaned= , freh.'!. oti`itletsote al g e ne code. Vatal4no Wiled for one stern A. - 111111111D le 8111111TINU 4,--.,-': Ir, , " V i tt IMO& 644 otodwityi Now Y ork Gills .. . .-. ... HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA ARE YOU WEAN, VERYOUS, 011 rixexurnran Are you so Languid that any exertion re quires more of an effort than you feel capa ble of making? Then try Jnrubeha, the wonderful tonic and invigorator, which sets so beneficially on the secretive owls as to impart vigor to all the vital forces. It is no alcoholic appetiser, which stim ulates for a short time, only to let the ant fe 1 to a lower depth of misery, but it a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liver and spleen. It regulates the Bowels, quiets the nerves, and gives such a healthy tone to the whole eystem 411 13 to soon snake the invedid feel like a new person. Its operation is not violent, but !scheme- Iced by great gentleness; the patient expe riences no sudden change, no marked re sults, but gradually his troubles "Fold their tents, like the Aube, And silently steal away," This is no new and warred discovery, but has been long need with wonderfhl reme dial results, and is pronounced by the high est medical authorities, `.'the most power ful tonic and altorative known." Ask your druggist far it. For sale by Jouiserow, HOLLOWAY a Co., Philadelphia, Pa. dee 10,4 w SHORT POSTPONIIM lIIST`--D AT FIX.IW-FOLL DIMIBUTION. FIRST GRAND GIFT CONCERT. Montpelier Female Huinane A.SSOCIATION, AT ALExAnnsisA, VA. • MARCH 29th, 1875. LIST OF GIFTS. 1 Grand Cash Gift, ............ $lOO,OOO 1 Grand Cash Gift, 50,000 1 Grand Cash Gift, 25,000 10 Cash. Gifts, $lO,OOO each, 100,000 15 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each, 75,000 50 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each, 50,000 100 Cash Gifts, 500 each, 50,000 1,000 Cash Gifts,' 100 each, 100,000 1,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each, 50.000 20,000 Cash Gifts, 20 each, 450,000 22,178 Cash Gifts, innonnting to $1.000,000 141 UNSER - (SF TICKETS, 100,000. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Masts, ....—... $20.00 Naives ..... 10.00 Quarters, 5.00 Eighths or each C0up0n,...... ...... 2.00 örrickets for, 100.00 The Montpelier Female Humane Associ ation, chartered by the Legislature of Vir ginia and the Circuit Court of Orange Co., proposes by a Grand Gift Concert to estab lish and endow a "Hointrfor the Old, In thin, and Destitute Ladies of 'Virginia," at Montpelier, the former residence of Prepi dent•James Madison. Govanisoa's ()PRICE, RICHMOND, July 3 '74. It affords me pleasure to say that I sin well acquainted with a large maj ority of the officers of 'the 3lontpelier .Female Humane Association, who reside in the vicinity of inyhome, and I attest their intelligence and their worth and high reputation as mrithz-, men, as well es the public confidence, infin ence and substantial means -liberally repro seated among them. JAMES T. KEMPER, Gov. Virginia. ALEXANDRIA. Va.. July 8. - 11374.--*. * I commend them as gents of honor and integ rity, and fully entitled to the confidence of the public. * * * -* • * R. W. HUGHES, 11. S. Judge East'n Dist. of Vs. Further references by permission: His Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-Govern or of Vs.; Hon. Robt. E. Withers,Lieut:Gov., of Vs. and U. S. Senator elect; Senators and Members of Congress from Va. Rerulttances for tickets may be made ex press . prepaid, poet-office money-order on Washington, D. C., or by registered letter. For fullparticulars, teatimes:tittle, dec., send for Circular. Address Iion.JAMES BARBOUR, Pnee'v,M: F. H. A., AnessizintiA, Reliable ag'ts wanted everywhere. dee 24 4w MARYLAND EYE ANP EAR INSTITUTE eel N. Charles Street, lialtimcereAck' GEt.,RGE RULING, M. D., Late Wof. of Eye and Ear Surgery in the Washington University, Surgeon in Charge. The large handsome residence of the late CHARLES CAnnost has been fitted up with all,the improvements adopted in the latest Scuoois OF •Eiioes, for the special treat ment of this class of diseases. Aptly by letter to' ' GEORGE REULING, M. b., dec24 4wl • Surgeon in Charge. CONST iNT EIVIPLOYMENT—At . home, asale or Female, VIO a week warranted.. No capital required.. Particulars and valu able sample free. • Address with Bet retain t tamp, c. BOSS, Williamsburg, WY. dec24 AMT. • Va. L 110 N . MN. I ••••• 131 :13 rris bra 1141 Te. C beim bo Amor nuo: 13,. TOO DOM! EVERYBODY'S ...OWN PHYSICIAN - by C. W. Gmuson, Magni/leant vol ume of 488 octavo mes--.lwautifnlly illus trated and•elegantly bound: Contains mat ter just adapted to the iiiintaof every. fam ily. Over 250 engraving& „One agent sold 1 0 0 copies in one ,wesltinnother 88 in three days, and another'2s finir day's. Atoms WANIMD. Address at once, IL N. MoKit4- war it Co.. 725 Sanaom St., Phila. declo 4w Ladies ebrabino- FREES2 I I2IOI, e 2th chyomos. Send stamp, Dimslk C0.,,...89w Bedford Mem. declo 4w WORK FOR 'A - L.L 7 I-At home, male or lb male ; s3b per week, • downy evening. No earner , .aiatdtwatiakk package of goods by maillitee`?.:',Vtldrese with ten cent return stamp, hl.-.Vornio;ll7o Greenwich . • IiIIEr.A.NTED- 114 the 114 Selling V V Prize EltatiMtorr PaCkaie out: Sample Package, poet-paid, for 244„ pirmlars bee. J. Beine,•7B7 Broluiticay;l4olw TOL declo 4w AGENTS WA I)!..DeLorm-kAWAssiss for HOLMAN'S, fuynaiL -BIBLES • NEW 1300 Illnstrations. Address for circulars A. J. HOLBIAN.&0). fifte.Arch St. Pbia. WHAT! know about. Agents,- or how to clear $lOO to. $2OO. per month selling Chromos. Ste nkisioidc''Views, Maps and Charts. A.pply atom:B4oD. L. GITERNSEY Concord, N. ft.. 147. • ENTS, 18004 ilexes Chang Chang sold last month. tnablis,any one to polish collars and entre sal to now. Costa only one cent to ,defeii Urge. ironing, and preserves the linau t auseawr,y„as_soap and sells at sight.litm,,wfggep".bqya and girls furnished with Age. cilajd .. iSyment, partic ulars free. An eleant - chromo - given with each• how for'Bs cWiChtsho CLUNG liannf. Co., 7 WeetntorTSPiltom,.,brt , •P, d • 244 w: 300 PIANOArANDIORGANS, • New and Second-hand,qf first-class makers, will be sold at lowervri&efor'eash, or on installments, or for.rentria city or country during these hard times and tho holidays, by HORACE WATERS•dt SON, 481 Broad way, than ever before offered in New York. Agents • wanted to sell Waters' New Scale Pianos, and Concerto Organs. Illustrated Catalogues walla' Greet inducements to the trade. A large discount to- teachers, ministers, churchn4 lodges, schools, etc. dec24 4w 60 PER 'CENT. COMMISSION PAM BOOS AGENTS on new and most popular books by one of the largest subscription firms in the ceun try. $2 books for 80 t 4 $3 books for $l2O, &c. No humbug. Send, for circulars and see. Address P. O. -Bo x 329'Hartkord,Ct, dec24 COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL TH4O4/' DISEASES, • , WELLS CARBOLIC' TABLETS, • PUTITI , ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. 4 Tried qi4,4ore. Remed. Sold by prime, jind - de c24 4w Johnadf, NolloWa C64Philadelph ia. Pa rill %BB Best e Book . To be sent post-prdd for- 4Wenty_ cents. Address Rev. W. IL Kingsburr,;,Tarrytown, N. Y. dec 24 4w • - WINTEI MILLINERY • miss KATE STICKEL announces to her IVlLlad y customers that Wm hosjust re turned from the Emit with a complete us . sortment of the. latest styles of WINTER MILLINERY GOODS! • • • Bonnets, Hats; Velvets, Silk 4, ' ' . - Sating, twee, • • Ribbons and • Flowers, Braid/14:e Tlutnkful to the italiortfor their past pa tronage she invitps thew to mill and exam ine her new winteAeleelton of winds. ' 1 novl2 tf •,• Harper!ablagazine. There is no monthly Magazine au inbelli gent reading family can afford to be with out. Many Magaiines are accumulated.— Harper's is editt4'..*Thefe is" not a Maga zine that is printed-which shows more in telligent pains expended on itaisitielea and mechanical execution. There is not a chea per Magazine publtshed. riot, con fessedly, a more popular Magazine au the world.—New England Homestead. NA 0 .a . stmoe,lnus;ar ,c oyes and linther spicos whole or ground: atßeid's (koCory •1, , 4w i~:C~;.. YN. thEt4,; WHEN YOU WANT A COOL{ STOVE, • .DLN ING ROOM COOK. - , PARLOR COAL PTOVE, FIRE-PLACE HEATER, POR TABLE HEA.TER, BRICK SET HEATER, NINE PLATE STOVE. THE VERY BEST AND LATEST IMPROVED of rill kinds, we lave on oar floor And war ranted to give satisfaction. . We havO also • • - . . Tinware, • . •• Hard ware, , _ Brassware, Japannedware, - • Tubs. Buckets, Knives and Forks, Botehar - Knives, , . Spoons, • I adios, tin, brace And enprrer, Extra Iron Foto for 000 k Moves, Tin-lined Iron Pot?, PORAMLAIN FETTLES, LARGE IRON KETTLES AND BDASSKETTLES: W Immo aliso for salo CRONK'S PAT. KITAM COOKING APPARMS, MILLER dr. IRONS P., T. FIVE-MINUTE CLOTHES WASH . ER, • PITPNAN'S - PAT. CLOTHES WRYNCIIE, TAYLOR & CO'S. CUCUMBER WOOD PIMP. Inr'Spocial.attention intren Jodie man ufacture of our Tinwart, House end Bern Apouting and Tin Roofing, always-securing the beat noteriel in thernarket, and always warrent to give satisfaction. Thankful for peat &Tore from the Public, we hope for a continuance of the same by dealing justly with D. 11 RUSSELL SON, Simi of the Rig Itxd Horn apr 2:ll—tt & HOEFLICIPS Popular Dry Goods House ! ISMM. FALL AID WIFBIL 184. An inimonve Elio& of Imported turd mastic DRY: a -00=S, at aat3ofactory pricAe. Rare inducementx in all modern gtyleig of Ladi ,D - ress Goodg! Oar stook,of Men's wear IN CLOTHS AND .CASf3IMEREB Is large ) and fine. Al] the Novelties of the Season in endless variety. Watch Tor the frequent opening of "job lots" of Auction Goods.. An inspection of onillrock is solicited. • PRICE & HOEFLICII.' cot 1 BLATCHLEY'S Improved Cucumber Woad Pump, Tasteless, Durable, Efficient and Cheap. The best pump for the least mon-. ey. Attention is *specially invited to Blatchley'w Pat ent Improved Bracket and Drop Check Valve, which can' .be 'withdrawn without removing the Pump, or dis turbing the joints. Also the copper chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will hintlast any other. For sale by - deklers and Rio trade generally.• imp* for Blatchley's Pump, and if not for sale in youi town, send direct to CHAS. G; BLATCH LEY. Manufacturer, 506 Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. mar 12-Bin • MT CD '3lE` X. 411 C, .1W rE undersigned desires to inform the üblift that he is prepated to furnish. ' WALNUT AND ASH STAIR RAIDING. BALUSTERS AND of any style desitetl. Also furnigh PLANS.Iik SPECIFICATIONS - • dor PoWings. Estimates of quintities of Material 'and Prices. Seixt for pries list:— Z.7mi reasonable. . UFO. F. LIDY, • juno4 tf Waynesboro', Pa gxecutors' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters tea tomentary on the estate ofJobn Bench hoof, late of Washington township, deed, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebt ed to said estate will please make payment, and all having claims will present them propealy authenticated far settlemrnt, DAVID D. DENCIII-100F; WM. F. DE=ll/100F, • novl2 6tl 14xecutors.. 4258. tel 4. O T It 4s* Main , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEM ' ICATA, PATENT .MEDICISES, PAINTS, 011 S, VARNISH* DYE- PERFUMERY AND FANCY' ARTICLES, Fine Toilet So ifis,rihir and Tooth Brushes, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, • and everything generally kept in a FIRST CLA:FirtRUG STORE. Compounding q i nd dispensing department under An experience of over 20 years as Apoth °eery is a gtukrantee that nll PRESCRIPTIONS entrusted to his cure will e ' CAREFULLY PILLED and according to the rules of art comporusd ed. • COLD, SPARKLING SODA WATER on draft daring the summer months. • jnue2s tf NEW GOODS! MB HAUL MU JUST opened at the Town Hall Sterp off full line of all the late stylee kif for Men and Borg, a full line alien SHOES AND , GAITERS BOOTS AND GAITERS , a • (rwasEUrs l‘tAkE.) A larp,e lat of Ladle:4, Misses and Children's , • Button Si. Lace Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers of all Linde, a ftill and completelauck of LlN'E'ri IND PAPER COLLARS, aCITFFS, NECI BOWS, NOMNg Or ALL RINDS. kerThe public are respectfully 'trifled to call and examine my stock before parr: chasitig elseWbere, •as no charge ea be made for showing goods. Your Respectfelly, apr 18-tf • M. 11. JACOBS • 1874.. 1874. Nff &VIATER tOON NAM @AMAMI MUMS t ACOII SNIDER annonnese to his eusto el more and the public that he has return ed from the East and opened out an unusu ally large stock of BOOTS SUMS. BATS, CAPS, AND NOTIONS, • for the Fall and' Winter Trade, at Oellig Building, corner public Square, Wayuesbo- He has opened an additional room in the same Milldam exclusively for the halle,4.— To this department of the business particu lar attentiotcwillte given. His stock con sists of ' NEWEL POSTS •BACICAGAIN. • THE subscriber informs the public that lie has again taken up his residence in Viraynesborn' and leased the Basement of the Walker building in which to carry on the boot and shoe making business. He will also giro prompt attention to all kinds of repairing. A share of the public's pit nonage isreSpectilblly THOS. XPE WOMAN. STUFFS, PERSONAL DIRECTION. AT TIM -0- lien's Custbni 3tade LADIES' ROOM. , 31EN",S BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, LADIES' AND CIIILDRINS WEAR OT ALL KINDS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST possrßLE PRICES FOR THE.CASH. Also maniikuloring done to order,•and all work froyn • establishment 74ii.1 be . 4 . gtmrantoeti ALT. RIPS SEWED GRATIS oct 22 . • fp_ —.was are- a pm. _ . egota.. preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains' of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause of the unpar alleled success of VninoAn atrrens tv Our answer is, that they remove the cause of dieeaeo, and the patient weev ers his health. They are the greet blood pm-ifler and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the his tory- of the world has a medicine ,been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vnrawift BriTzes in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are - a gentle Pnrgativo a 9 well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Lim and Visceral Organs in Bilious Diseases. The p_ roperties of Mt. * WALrant's 'VINEGAR =MEM am Aperient 4 Dtathoretio, Carminative,Nutritious, Lasatrm larotior Sedative, Canister-Irritaat, Sudorifle r Altetae tire, and Anti-Bilious. • • Grateful Thousands proclaim Vl's man BITTERS the most vondsvfal- Divisor. ant that over sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are notde stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilions . Remittent, and Inter mittent- Feltz's, which are so prev alent in the valleys of our great. rivers • throughout the United States,.eeperially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado Brazos, Rio Cfnuide, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savoenah, -Ro anoke, James, and many ot h ers, - with their net tributaries, throughout. our entire-country -du ring the Summer and Aniumn, and remarkeling sea- . sons of unusual beat and dryness, ate invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera, In their treatment, a; purgative, exerting a pow erful Influence upon these. various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dn. J—Witerares _Vrenoo.o Brerints, es they will speedily remove the dart eolored viscid matter with which -the bowels are loaded, at the same time Wimalatiug :the secretions of the liver, and generally eastorhig the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body againsit &seas's by Rurilying ants =ids with VlNBant B.PITEtrS. No epldeinie eta take hold of a syatem thee fore-zeroed. Dyspepsia or. Indigestion, Heed nChe, Pain in the Shoulders, Can-2135, Tightness of the Chest, Dlesiness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in The Month, Bilious Attleks, Palpitation nf the Heart, Inflammation of the Lnnee, Pain in the TegiAll of the Rideeys, and a, limulred other painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ono bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits then a buggy edvertisement. , Pa., and Doi's heaVy Scrofula, or Whito UleeiS; Erysipelas, Swelled Ncok, Glo Scroralous Juffammations, Indolent Influtousitions, Mercurial tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of -the Shin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc, In these as in nil • 'other constitutional Diseases, *ALIC.EIeS Vlnmean. lirrrmns .bavo s.l;ovrn the ir .gre4t. .euratiyo pore In the tauct sly stinato and Intractable eases. " For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Goat, Ripens ' Remit tent end Intermittent Ecrors, I)lseases of the Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Thad : der, thew Bitters have •lib equal: Vuelt Diseases urn annsedby Vitiated Blood. . Mechanical DlSOases.—Persons en - gagoil'in Paint and Minetttlk; streh ns Pitunbers; • Type-setters, Gold-beaters, alld Miners, as they life, aro ettbjeet to parrilTsirt of the Bowels. To gistrd agninet this, take a (lois of WaLx • DX'S iffsEGAR Brrtiffts OCCaMoD2II,r. • . For Shin Diseaaes, Artlptlplig t 'Tot ter, Salt4theron, Blotchat, Spots, Pimples, Pustaies, Boils,- Ctutureles, Ring-worms, esl head, gore Ekot Erysipelas, Itch, 4ettrfs t Discoloration of the - Skin t :Demurs and Dmett4os of tire Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally 'dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the else of those letters. •••• • Pin t Tape; and ether Worms, lurking in tiro system of so many thousands, are effectually destkoyed and removed. 'No system of medicine, no rerinifttges; no an thalroinities trill free the s).stern guar worms like these Bitten. For'Female CAnriplaints; is toting or old, married or single, at the (lawn of wo manhood, ter the tarn of life, these Vinie tern display so deckled myinfluenee that int ' provernent is soon perceptible; • • Cleanse the 'Vitiated Bland •wlien ever you End its iMparitiesberstiagibrough the skin in Pimples; _ Brirptions,•or Sores; clOunse it when yon .find at obstructed mist sluggish in the .veins; cleanse .it when it is fool; Tour feelings yotr when. Keep the blood pure, raid the health of theisysteux will follow. • • ' • U. IL. ItlerioNAVD 44 co.. • • Drorgins nod Gen. Ager., Son I:random Paltrolo„ ard cur, or urostinortutt owl Clbratez N. 1. gold by sail Driggeillb boa 11311.1cr.a. JOHN H. COOK'S STEAM MACE= FACTORY 3fantifaefores aver , variety of CRACKERS, SNAPS, &C., FRE:3II CiltlYpip :v1.0141. M stuck is always new and trash. - Yours Lespentfully. - - - • - JOUN It. CODE._ j uly3Otf • • TALKA.Grag % • '• • , . THE ::CHRISTIAN AT:•WoiK. • TIin:I3E.ST HELIGIOI:TS WEEKLY.' • _ , A choice of Two BEA137191:11, An Illustrated Portfolio of .Iti-elve tleisna by Hendscbol, each SixlOCin., or 'the en petb Chronic); "The twins,' 22x28•in., after Landseer. Price $3.25, including postage.. No extras of any kind. Without prelztium s3per annum. Arrstcriox, Am:nal-Liberal commission and exclusive territery. Samples and cir culars free. Send Postal Card - at once to iIOIaTIO 0. SING, Publisher, no'v2ltf Bo^s. 5105.. Feu-,York. Tll . . allatn WIPP. Oa Yi ecy 'at Read kisociwy IIAGERSTOW,IS, MD, umnuf4tcturcd from