7364neslore' Ogiailt,Strord. Thursday, PeoeUkber:, ligirPay of all your` small ‘'debni, l thes first of January, and see bow Much bat ter it will be for all financially. , 'Wens trotting hem {lnners died Jung fever in San Premise° a few days since. Re had a record of 216 f, _and is said to have cost his owner $21,500. • eir Governor Hartranft hes 'signed • a warrant for the execution of Samuel Ileighicy, 'Westmoreland county, on the 20th of the January next, for the murder of Joseph Kerr. Wk.:Alexander Cabot 'Wright died at Ban Francisco last week, leaving $1,500,- 000 to he divided equally among seven teen heirs. One,of the fortunate ones is poor tailliner , girl in Dayton, Ohio. see,-In the Beecher case ,there is one thing that the public will'neither fail to understand - while it is going on nor forgot after it is over : - Any - compromise' or ar ran (anent ol , :aritteineitit _through a ' - that IL ;r n court, if cucenfecsion „awry Word" Beecher is a guilty Sun: Sir Mr. Frederick Narr, proprietor of a lager beer brewery at Westernport, Al. legacy county, died suddenly on Ekturday rkight, week while sitting at a table with some friends . drinking beer, and in the act of holding the glass to his mouth ho fell from his chair to the floor and died ;unite diately. - ittiirlt 15 conceded that die coming Legislature will be strongly in fsvcir of the repeal of the Local Option law, and that a bill to repeal• it will certau►ly pass. Most of the counties in the western and central part of the 'State, •whom license was toted down, hare elected mentbers in favor of re • cal. • Usik-Areong the perseine pardoned out of the New Jersey State Prison, on Satur day, was Lewis Hartz, who had served fourteen years. He was convicted of mur der at New Brunswick, and sentenced to be hung. Influential friends obtained a commutation to imprisonment for life.— He was seventeen years of sge. His good conduct. for fourteen years end hie long imprisonment hove led labia release. • DePA distreesing theory has been set tipin regard to little Charlie Rose—Mat ho was drowned in New York bay, by Mosher when the° detectives were close on his track. The only.,basia for the suppo sitionTs that the_ body Oa boy was found some few weeks ago in thalrater by a fish erman, bet. the latter declares that the f attires did not resemble those of Charlie Ito 4, as shown to him in the photograph. Otherwise there is no new 'in regird to ti .e h for the boy, although the ioco. lice are reported to be pressing it eagerly and with hopes of success. . min a drinking saloon in Baltimore, on Wednesday. night of last week, a col ored man named William Henry Wheel er, undertook to drink, as mtioh' vile whis key as a colored companion would pay ftir. William Henry but himeelfouteide of ten glasses of whiskey in the 8003 of twenty-five minutes, dud between each drink he ate luliafnl of salt. Hie friend, refusing to pay for any more, Henry started home, and when entering the door of his residence' fell in. sensible to the floor. He never recovered cqusciousntA and died the following al ferllooll.. • - -END "OF 'ik •LIIIEL SUIT.—The libel suit brought by Edna De in Proctor a gainst Francis D. Moulton for $lOO,OOO damages; growing out of, the Beecher-Til ton abb., Was settled•by the arbitration of counsel last week. Moulton agreed to fay thut he knew nothing against the Character ofMiss Proctor, and that what he pnidished was upon • hearsay evidence. He also expressokl a willingness to apolo gize to Itlibu. Proctor for the wrong he had done her, and to pay all'her costs of the unit (whioh amount to $1,375) Difim rrectoraeceptiod these terms.. • . It is stated that Moultop's own costs in the case, when added to that of Miss. Pro ctor, will scarcely be less than $lO.l/00. A ltiW little sum to pay for telling a lie. tra..The points of the "financial bill a greed upon by the Republican Senatorial Caucus are as follows :—lt provides for the resumption of specie payments on the Ist of January, 1879,, for free banking, and for the retiring of greenbacks to the extent of 80 per cent. of the amount of new national bank notes issued, and also repires the forty-six millions of fraction al currency to be gradually withdrawn, and Silver coins of the denominations of from five to fifty cents issued in its place. The Secretary of .the Treasury is author ized to use the surplus coin in the Treas. ury on and after the day fixed for resump tion to redeem ~the legal tenders, rind if necessary to sell bonds for. the same pur pose; if tho,amount of specie is not suffi cient. There are confident anticipations that it will pass Congress .and undoubted ,ly receive the Presidential sanction. It accords with. both the President's and Sec retary Bristow's views, and it will be seen thatibe Government is already accumu lating coin of small denominations - with st view of 'substituting it for fractional cur-run cy; Tau "Caanun Ross" C.&sn.—The po- Hee breve been hard,at work in their ef forts to make the best of the new devel opments, but up to this time they haVe been baffled at. every point, and have been Unable to discover the whereabouts of the lest child. The natural:a' opposition was that:the Wife of Mosher ' would be in her husband's SeectitAitethhi:Liti-lurried out otherwise. In answer to Superintendent Walling sheiaritll I wish I had hire I how quickly he would be In your hinds." So it appears that the death of the kid nappers involves the ease in deeper mys tery instend.orcleating it. Still-the de tectives cling to the , -hope-that-as there is no motive fur the further concealmeut of the child Le will soon be returned. They profese to be confident . that he is still alive but among other detectives the opinion is gaining ground that ,the child is dead.— Their search is now directed to finding the friends of Alm dead burglars and tra cing- their —nrovements—fer—thli—pt—Cst—dit months. Little Charley's brother, Wal ter, identified the robbers as being the per sons who were in the carriage and enticed Charley away. Indeed, there can now ye nodoubt upon the trutkof :their . being the real abductorA: The Rose family are hopeful, and expect, to hear of the recov ery of their boy. Maythey, be gratified is the prayer of *thenation. LYIWHINCI ur lowA.---At an early hour last Tuesday morning a body of about 150 men, disg'uhied, entered the jail at Des Moineei, lowa, knocked down the jailer, bound him bind and foot, took the , keys to the cells from his pocket,. over powered the guard, and the cell where Chas. Howard, the murderer of Johson, who was the day before sentenced to ini prtsonment-for,lifis was confined. How ard's wife, whci was sleeping with him, clung to him uttering horrible shrieks and it was all that a half dozen men could do to' drag him from his bed: A. rope Was . .laCed-about—Lis-neolr i -aud-he-w; • dragged through halls and courtbouae yard to a lamp-poet and hung. 'AU the men had their faces blackened, and:were divided into squads, each doing its allotted work withAut a, ward being spoken. At ter 'reward A bad been fastened to the post the mob db3persadis silently as they came. It is supposed • tTe work; was done by members of the vigilance committee in that county. im.George Peters, the landlord of a hotel near Lebanon, Pa., has voluntarily confessed the commission of an unsuspect ed murder by him sixteen years ago.— At that time he had been married, and between him and his wife's brother there was a bitter fooling. The brother-in-law came to his house on a visit, and, against his wishes. Mrs. Peters insisted upon af fording hospitable entertainment. She went to the barn to catch a fowl which she intended to cook for dinner. The hus band angrily followed, and ordered her to go back to the house., She refaied,and he struck her with a club, crushing her skull and killing her. She fell under a horse, a and nobody but the guilty husband knew that the animal bad not kicked her to death. He says that be was so stricken with remorse that he twice took ineffectu al doses of 'poison. Eight year's ago he resolved to confess, but lacked the cour age. He has now surrendered himself to the Sheriff, and as there is no indication of insanity; his story is believed. Moasart, the well-known watch inventor, has just been taken to the 'Wane asylum at Kalamitsoo, Mich.. He bus been for yearn at work on a watch which, without being larger than usual, was' to show quarter seconds, minutes, hours, days of the week, days of the mos' and months of the year, and every fifth time it was opened was to wind He had completed it and had received a large offer from persons in New York for the right to mapufactuce it. A short time ago he took the model apazi, to fix, and ,being tunable to put it together again some part having probably been lost, the intense mental application upon the diffi culty has deranged his mind. iteirThe Albany Penitentiary will make a clear profit this year of abouts3o,ooo. Prisoners from many of the interior coun ties, and some United States convicts, are sent there, and the paymeht of their board curers the cost of feeding them.la shrewd management of their labor makes the in stitution a good investment for the tax payers of Albany county. Itee,,,Wlntet is now fairly upon us, and the teams are hastening to the lum ber woods in various parts of the country. Our advice to every man who goers to the woods, be he captain, cook, teamster, or any other man, is to take along a good stock of Jamie* Anodyne Liniment and Parsons' Pnryative Pills. Many months of labor . (in the itggregate) may be saved by this precaution. 1r6.13ad enough to look and fee! bad yourself; buino excuse for haying your horse look and fed bxdly. when for a small sum you can buy Sheridan's Cav ell?' Condition, Po i irders, which given in grain two or three times a week, will make him look and feel well. DeP•Mr. Henry C. 'Rohrer, of Sharps burg, Washington county, died at Har per's Ferry on Thursday a week,of cramp colic, after an illness of onlysix hours.— He Was about 48 years of age dud lesies a fam ily. Sotit On‘lFiae:giaufits S and';'.ujiyvards.pad. at this office before the Ist January, 1875; a de duetion:-oriten will be: : fir - A*.; - :-.4ft4t3hat date etikt*-10;11'*.iii4ed vaitiktut sons. . POSTAGE Lew.—On ,tli first of Janu ary the new postage law, passed by Con gress:file:234 of June last, goes into op eration, which will inquirelhe pre-pay ment of postage on every copy of Ree onAseut.out of the county. This pre-pay ment must be made by publishers, other _wise the paper veillnot be forwarded. To avoid difficulty in regard to this new reg ulation we make' subscribers this proposi tion: To all who shall have, on the first 'day of January, paid their tiubScriptions in ADVANCE, the paper will be sent free of poetaio.. Those failing to make advance payMents will be charged with the postage writ would be well for those desiring seats at Dr. Guard's lecture to call and make selection as they are being rapidly taken. CHRISTMAS FseilvAL.—The Lutheran Sunday School will hold their Christmas festival to-morrow (Thursday) evening.— The public are cordially invited tube pres ent. ..Services in' St. Paul's Reformed Chapel on Christmas morning at 10 o'clock. Sundipfichool Festival in the evening.tCommunion on Sunday morn ing, and services preparatory to Commun ion on Saturday afternoon at 2 O'cloalt- Frick of this vicinity, who keeps a first class •Dairy, and . supplies our citizens reg ularly with milk and cream, slaughtered a number of fine hogs, the largest of which cleaned jive hundred and twenty-ii.z pawls As far as heard from Mr. F. is ahead. We acknowledge . receipt of. Vick'i3 Floral Guide for January 1875. It con tains 500 engravings, and descriptions of more than 500 of our best flowers and vegetables, with directions for culture.— Colored plates etc. Published quarterly at 25 ets., for the year. Address, James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. MORE SNOW.—At an early hour on gullibly morning last a snow storm pre vailed in this region, continuing up to noon, and covering the; ground to the depth of seven or eight inches, since which time sleigh-riding has been indulged in by the young folks generally. The roads are in fine order and among this class floe times are anticipated. Ephraim Dull, of Quincy town ship, killal on the 17th inst., three large hogs weighing 1522 pounds. Firet,hog weighed 579 pounds; second beg weighed 4811 pounds; third bog weighed 4611 pounds; aggregate, 1522 pounds. Mr. E. Knepper killed two hogs on . the 15th inst., weighing 893 pourids. First hog weighed 460 pounds ; second hog weigh. ed 433 ; aggregate, 893. Quincy township' in this particular in squarely entitled to the "belt." DECEASED.--Miss Henrietta Miller; Who had charge of Fairview • School near this piste% expired at the residence of her fath er, Rev. - Henry Miller, of this place, yes terday morning, after a brief illness. Miss M. was an accomplished teachett. and or ganist at Trinity Reformed Church. She was. tuineedutable lady and her loss will be seriously felt by the family and the church. Funeral 'services on Sunday morning at 10t o'clock, in Trinity Reformed church AarThe authorities .of Williamsport, Md. are more enterprising than those of some neighboring villages. The last Pi- AO says they have purchased the ! Fountain Gas Lamps and were putting them in po sition. Our'eounctt it seems are not wil ling to make so necessary investment with out a petition from property .holders, and" many of our tax-payers want several weeks to consider the propriety of thus lighting our streets before signing the pe titim. This much desired improvement, if accomplished at'all, need not , therefore, be looked for speedily. DEATH OF A RE6PECTED Mr. Andrew L. Coyle'died in this place,af ter a long and severe illness, on Saturday morning, the 19th inst., at 5 o'clock.— Mr. Coyle was born in jckesburg, Perry county, in this state, and was at the time of his death seventy-two yearg of age.— About . twenty-five years ago he removed to liercersburg from Newville, where he opened a hard -ware store. Eight years ngti ne clime to Chambersburg, where he has since been engaged in the same busi ness. Tie was a quiet, much-respected cit izen, and an elder in the Presbyterian church. His loss will be felt in this com munity, and especially in the congrega ticru to which ho belonged.— Opinion. ne),..The - remains of J. W. Davis, ex ecuted at Westminster, Carroll couuty,for the murder of Abraham Lynn, have been removed from hisinother's lot, where they were originally interred, to the burying ground of the Baptist German Brethren, of Beaverdam. CURISTMAS.-3ust-to think of it ! Christ inarisAhnost , Soinehow we do ,hotlbak forward to :It with as much an , iicifation and glee 4 . wiisl4l when **ore nehOrt jacket andCarrifid a honk bench' Then Ohristmae meant a help. It Vas a whole week's 'relief from the monotony of the school room, and a plentiful supply of the' gOod things - Vitiloh boys _so much de light in. Christmas .to us was a , joyful ijckfi4\4ilktlt*A.motith - of:the year I pass awaYrll ll ol..::vi, 3 •Segan - to - c° ll Pt the. mooths'andihi - weekOthat,mast'pass away before its return. '-'.But reader,it is differ ent with those whe.havolaid . aside-tkatoye of boyhood and have grappled the weap ons of life in earnest. ; Christmas means something different-from what it did then- It means that*are getting rider; ;life's responsibilities twain ereaSing ; new-Viatica to be fought; new straggles against'the pressure' of often outward cireunii*ces- To many, it means' poverty and. Oa' less want;'to manyit means : no money— no work—no,bread but what charity, brings. Oh, reader, for, the sake of -the hallowed and gleaming feeellections that hoVer -a round us on thiiir neeniod; let wit Inark it with - dreaslhainrierortky of giod'r stew ards.. Be,taercifhl4p.the poor;.-help the struggling,sens Of aulefortune ; you will be the better aniLkappier -fer it. This' 'nay be our last Chrii,itinia-=:matileavenmake it oar best: -;;.• ' STarcsrair Holmium:l.—Last wee* the Cumberland' - recorded the death of an interesting lad, Hugh Gordon, aged 12 years, soiriflT. H. Gordo4:Esq., of that city, native of our 441 1 11 k.. "Of Mr. GOrdon'ti children thii makee the kind' death in hi® being. left_ out, of eleven. The .44fianion says :-- , Lese than twe montbiatinceAhe family consigned to the grave ,ti*i#ltly and interesting pt. tle daughter,' theii- leaving in what had been an unuaual*large domestic circle but threa -ctildiaici;?:death having .taken ne-loy-orve t ,intintlears,that-are-go eight 4' and Sisters. And now, cOntrulitty i kis distressing fatality, cornea thus last poignait stroke, with its lacemtion . cfleelipgs, its crushing out of hopes, its renewarkf Sorrowing. Conclud ing a series of afflictive dispensations it is inexpressibly Sad; . Stirring the sensibilities of the community at large and inspiring widespread - sympathetic, condolence for titti dismembered and deeply afflicted fam ily. • • LEcruns.--Rev. Dr. Guard,one of the greatait Oratere of thong% has been en gaged to, delii;er a lecture in the Metho dist Church of.Waynesboro', some eve ning inJanuary . next. Subject—" Mental activities of:Os*: stud the Bible." This lecture• has been prononnced by competent judges to be a wonderful pro ductionoid Atu i ltelivery a grand , ,display of the almost:. matchless • powers of .this great A diagram f tie church can be seen,' and seats , engaged, by calling on Jamei P. Wolff,- AliO'Waynant, or B. A. Her . Reserved e'eatClso ' Families tak• ing more than three nate, 40 opts—Un reserved. seats 25 mods. . Persons wishing Insecure reserved seats should engage eArly..as they sre •likely to bo taken very rapidly. As soon.aq the„(kte.sf.the lecture can be definately fined, it will be, announced. US;XESki LOCALS • • Lontr.—Tsiiiithiel - Fur Cape on Main, ptrfiSt;j3npdaY! , aFaiiitlga 29th. nie, tinder ivilllphiase %kayo it 'at this Office. • ' —Fresh:.Piih's'and City Swoet Potatoes expected at' M.' Gxistax's Store. dec24 St FOR SALE.-.-A good Basket Sleigh and Bella.. Enquire• at this Office._ dec24tf The person . hp.ving my TorchlLieit Lamp and• Two Handle Baskets} will. please return them: • [deett St] 'M. Games. 7. —Patronize home industry by getting your Fine Boote;mado to order at MILLER 8108. deal 3t —Go to MILLER , BROS. Ihr Ladies, Misses and ChildTen'S Shoes and Gaiters of all kinds whick they offer at greatly re- dated prices. .'i'• —Get yOur.Untier Overshoes at MIL- Lvit BROS:. • 'dec24 Bt, .--r-MILLER tl4 . sl::: , httio afresh assort menk of raqati',iiivy" Boots, which they are.selliag siclOyer figures than' i3ver 'be fore offered. Beraemberihe place., . dec24 3t .Li, 'tit - Baba., P.O. ' —To the Mikiiro - Wayhesboko Lodge, .21 4 6.•219, LO. 0. F.: ". • • It will be to your interest to attend our next regular meeting on DeeenHiber 29th. JOSH B. BustuaLL, E3ftfy. —lf yeti wish •to present your wife' or friend with a line Christmas Gift, purchase one of the King Irons. Call utour residence on Church Eitreetwhere the Iron can be fur-. niched. - • RRAMBILL a; RIPPLE; Fon SALE-42 , Shpats, 4 large and 8 gnu " #l4lX:Pk"llO.y. GILBERT, Buena Vista. detl7. Kii.=-LAST NOTICE! All the Wince ,of! County, State, Borough and School Taxes remaining unpaid in the Borough and To*Uship utter January Ist, 1875, will positively be collected as . the law directs with execution and. costi added.— Call and pay aslonger indulgence cannot be given. V. F. HORNER, Col. decl7 tf• • —A choice article of New Crop N. Q. Molasses, 'just received.' declo Jet 4 ANoss PR49,-200 Bushels per A vie—,Solnefilinp New !-Farmers and Gard ners .ffeaS Thee!-Appeals JVanted /-These peas Wive recently• been btought te• this:: country fiolu4apanl4nd prove to be the , finest knowp for table. or.for Stock-- They grow 'blithe fOrm of a bush. 'from' 'three to five feet high and do not require. sticking. • They yield from 1 quart to a gallim of Peas per bush. A package that will ptoduce from 'five to' ten bushels of ,Peas ..with - circulats giving terms to A -gents.and full directions. as „tO.-_fitne- and manner of planting e Will•be,sent, prepald, any one,desiring to' act as Agent on re. CeiptOf fifty cents. ''The'seed 'Leifer' are Frtsa - and GENUINE, this year's pro daction-• 'Now. is the.-time to- - order, so you, may," be r prepared. for. early planting. Address, QSMENT, Cleveland, Tenn. • ' ' , Testimanitits—WObaVecultivatixi the Japan* Pei the Pnetifeleori • on 'a small scale,:'nnd'iii are' coniineed ;they are a Verfeet success. Their yield wasimormeus. For the table and"fhe stock, they are un anY other_ pas. .They groW well On thin land and are bound to be a No 1 fertiliser.. A. J. WHITE, Trustee, Bradley Co.: H. MIX. A. Ei BLUNT, Postmaster; Cleveland; Tenn. dec24 at. • L A Maw ., irr Bunss.-9ne of the sad dest spectacles in the world: is a human being shattered and broken down by the use of ardent spirits. 'But he damage maybe repaired; the ruin restoftxl to per fect. sounduesa,by a course of that most powerful of all invigomnts, Da. WALK pee VINEaAR Thyme,. • Beware of those tonia3",of which an element.— They aggravate disease and promote de cay.. dec3 4t lie... That dry hacking cough is theherald of approaching consuu9tion. To cheek the swift progress of the destroyer,' prompt and decisive measures must be restored to. A dose of Dr;Morris Syrup of Tar, Wild Cher ry and Horehound, taken when the cough ing spells come on, ivikaifcird immediate relief and eventually Oftiol`alhorongh cure. It will he found equall*Aditefichil in all forms of throat ana lung aiseideis: In cases of croup it is of inestimable value. Callat the, drag store of F. FOBTAMAN, and inquire ' •Pt-itrthe44 - far# lBll- 3"00 r :;. ,s(!pt 24-lOw FOR SAL Hay, Corn ein4 Apples_in large' and small quantles. . • dec3 tf - Z. B. Marmon.. At the U. B. Parsonage in Boonsboro' on the Bth inst., by Rey. J. W. Kiracofe, Mr. Lewis E. Fahrney to Miss Lizzie Mol ter, both of that county. On the Bth inst., byllev. J. W. Santee, at the house of •the bride's father, Mr. John N. Rowe, to Miss Lizzie Martin, both of Washington Co., Md. On the 10th inst,, by Rev. C. Stutz .man, at the house of • the bride's father— Kr. Robert M. Small and Mies Florence V. Cooley,' all of Clearspring, Md. . At the Lutheran Parsonage;on the 17th inst., by Rev. C. L. Keedy, Mr. Wm. H. King, to Miss Mary C. Tharp, both of this county. • - On the Ist inst., by Rev. L G.. Brown, Mr. Edward Hays. to Miss Susan A. Stef fa, both of Church Hill. In Upp er Horse Valley, on the 15th inst., by Rev. Wtn. Qutgly, Mr. A. F. Jones and Miss Priscella McCoy, both of this county. • At Mt. Parnel, this county, on the 17th inst., by Rev. R. Lewis McCune, Mr. Ben jamin P. Huber, to Miss Maggie C. Gil lan, daughter of Chas. Gillan, Fag. On the 14th inst., at the U. B. Parson age, Chatnbersbunr, by Rev. B. G. Huber, Mr. W. Scott McFadden, and Miss Sarah C. George, all-of Chambersburg. • On they 15th inst., at the same olace.by the same, Mr. Abraham - H. Brechbill,and Miss Sarah E. Eyer,.all of this county. On the 17th inst., ,at the same place.by the same, Mr. John Edward Poe,and Miss Annie Coler, all of this county. At 'Alto Dale, oii thel3ot init., Mr. Peter Cook, aged 80 years; 7 months and 15 dairs.' In N'ewiille, on the 16th inst., Jacob son of Mr. John Wagner, aged 22 years On the 4th inst., at: Church. Hill. Mrs. Markaret E. Kuhn, aged, 83 years, 3 mos. and 9 days. On the Bth inst., nearMereersburg,Mrs. .Margaret Stenger, agibd 69 years, 3 mos. and 26 days. In Chanbersburg, December.loth, Mr. Geo. A. Stitzell, in the 42d year of his age. On the 9th inst., near Qlaylick, Mts. Margaret, wife of Henry Walters, aged 72 years. dec24 3t Baltimore, December 21, 1874. FLOUR—Western Super at. $4,4X1, and do. Family at $5,50; Howard Street Super at $4®4,50 ; Common to Fair• Ex. $4,75®5 ; Good toChoicedo.ss,l2@s,2s; Family at 85,50@6,50.- WHEA.T.—Fancy amber at 136 cents ; Prime amber at130@132 cents, and good tb prime red 'at 1256128 cents. . CORN.—Prime white at 86 cents; fair to good do. at 82 @ 85 cents ; damp do..at 78@80 cents;prime yellow at 87 cents; ;igood do. at 85@86 cents, and, fair do. , at 82@84' cents: -- • OATS.—Southern at 65®66 cents ; mixed Wpstern nt 64 cents, and bright Western at 65_ cents. RYR—Good Rye sold at 98 cents, and we• note the market verp quiet. • •frHE annnal election for Twelve Direc t tors of the Waynesboro' Mutual Fire Insurance Company gill be held in their office in Waynesboro', Pa., on Monday the 11th dog of January, 1875, between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, P. M. - - SIMON LECRON, Prest. Jos. Donac.is, Sec'r3-. deck 3w Price & floeflich MARR=i9.C+~7S_ ]~~ATHS. MARKETS- WAY,NESBOBO' MARKET. (OOItBE(.TYD WEEKLY.) • 8AC0N........, HAMS •..... .... BUTTER.... EGG 5........ • lie 20 25 LARD 32 POTATOES 76 APPLES—DniEo.. 05 APPLVZ—Catsam .»b0 HARD SOAP 5 ELECTION NOTICE. PUBLIC SALE ! OF BANK STOCK. GEISER MANPV. CO'S. STOCK, TURNPIKE STOCKS AND CUMBERLAND VALLEY CAMP MEETING STOCK. ON SATURDAY, JANUARY UTR, 1875. irrltE subscriber, Administrator of Alex. f Hamilton, dec'd, will offer at Public Sale in front of his office in Waynesboro', Ta.,.the following, stocks : ' 53' SITAAVELS' of the Capital 'Stoeh ofEIRSTJYATION AL BANK of WayneELboro'. 20. SIT....A.RES of the Cligt_O_Stock of the (EMBER MAN UFACTURING COMPANY. S'ELAILREJS 'of the Capital Stock of the Waynesboro, Greencastle and Mereeraburg Turnpike Road. • 4 SMT-ii.B.,"E; of the Capital Stock of the Waynesboro' and Maryland Stak.Line Turnpike Road Co. io SIRES of Stock of the Cumberland Valley Camp Meeting Association of the Methodist .Episco pal Church, Sale will commence at 1 o'clock, when terms will be made known by J. B. HAMILTON, Adm'r. Geo. Mong Auct. • dec!4 to • v oS. 'l3 111.011 Lit: POE 1875. Published Quarterly.—January number just issued, and contains over 100 Pages,soo ngravings, descriptions of more than 500 of our best Flowers and Vegetables, with Directions for• Culture, Colored Plate, etc. —The most useful and elegant work of the kind in the world.—Only 25 cents for the year.—Published in English and German. Address, Jamie Vwx,"Rochuster, N. 3r. dee24 tf MIAlsl - 3K NOTICIZI ± rtEHE regular annual meeting of the s oc I holders of the First National Bank of , Waynesboro', will be held at the banking house, on Tuesday the 12th of January, '75, between the hours of one and three of said day, for the election of nine directors to rain— I ser ve th e jiriTyear. dec24 St TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is. anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used,free of charge, with the direetions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON, dec24 6m 194 Penn St., Williamsburg, N. Y A gentleman who suffered for years from nervous debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send freo to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. finffereni wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by ad dressing in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., N. Y. dec24 6m FIRST MORTGAGE MINIUM MID NEW '1 7 - OP INDUSTRIAL EXIRDITILIN OIL These Bonds are issued - for the Purpose of raising funds for the ereetion'of's build= ing in the City of New Tork,to be used fora PERPETUAL 'WORLD'S FAIR, a permanent home, where every manufac turer can exhibit and sell his goods, and every patentee can show his invention; a centre of industry which will prove a vast benefit to the whole country. For this purpose the Legislature of the State of New York has granted a charter to a number of our most wealthy and respec table merchants, and these gentlemen have purchased no less, than •eight blocks of the most valuable - land in the• City of . N. York. The building to be erected will• be seven stories high( lrii) ft. in height), surmounted by a naguificent dome, and will cover a space of twenty-two acres. It will be con structed of iron, Brick and Glass, and made fire-proof. - The bonds, - which are all for $2O each, are secured by afirst mortgage on the land and building, and for the purpose of making them popular,the directors have decided to have quarterly drawino of $150,- 000 each ; - this money being tho interest on the amount of the whole loan. • J•.very bondholder must receive at least $21,00, but he may receive $lOO,OOO I Or 125,000, 00,000, or $5.000, or $3,000,.§:c. Every bond purchased before January 4, 1875, will participate in the THIRD SERIN4 DRAWING, • Held MONDAYJANUARY 4, '75• CAPITAL PREMIUM, 8100,000. These drawings take place every three months, and eventually every bond will participate in .t hem. Address, for bonds ant• full infOrmatian, MORGENT}IAIT, BiiLYNG a - CO.,Financial Agents, 23 Park, Row, New York.. , Post office Drawer 29. • , Remit by Draft on N. Y. City Danks,Reg istered Letter or P. 0. Money Order. SMMM Postponements Impossible under this plan. decl7 3w PIMA 0100 ii ai ail :OP iii kftl4l Orr HE subscriber offers his services to the I citizens of Waynesboro' and the public generally as an Auctioneer. Having had considerable experience at calling sales, etc., ho hopes to able te,give general satis faction to all who may be pleased to favor him with atrial . Residence near' the Re formed Church. 11. J: WOLF. ' declo 3m • - : • Boots! Boots: • 411113 subscribei has for sale a fine lot, of .11. Ready-made 'Kip Boots Inannaitinred - nine or ten months ago, Whielt he will dis.. pose of at reasonable prices: ; WILL STEWARt, . ' 'Ringgold, 411 d. . decl7 3w r„ 00 Musket 'Barrels in trade for anything i4in my line of business. 7-shot Revolv ers at from $1,50 to $9, and everything else at reduced prices. 3. H. JOHNSTON. decl7 tf SEED. VANTED -1000 Bush. Clover Seed, for which the highest csush price will be paid by JOSEPHUS G ROUND,r dec3 3« Leitershurg,", Md.* N PHILIPS, Cashier. ERRORS OF YOUTH. -S2O nux A OF THE =cc= WANTED! PUBLIC SALE. 11[1117RSITI1 T to an order of the Orphans' Court of - ' Franklin eptmty,. Pa., there will be sold at Public Sale, , On-Saturday tho 26th day Debiunber, '74, .„ in front of Stoner's lintel; tirlot* ground, with ' • ' A TWO STORY LOG DWELLING thereon , erected, situated on west side of Mechabie Street, in WaYnesbiwo', adjoin ing lot of•lsaac Sprenkle, being the prop erty of the estate of .I.ohn' , A. Strealy,; dec'd. .Thelkouse- is almost- niiiv. - atid.'witk good 'kited pleasant lOt attachad- v • • Terms made, known on the day of sale by • THOMAS J. FILBERT; After: declo SW G. V. Mongliauct. PUB - L - 1 C SALE: WILL * be sold at Public Sale, in front of Stoner's Hotel, On Saturday; 26th of December, 1874, a lot af, ground, eitnateon west side of Lei tersinns Street in Waynesboro', adjoining lot of Joseph Alden, with a very comforta ble 1 1-2 STORIED BRICICHOUSE with 'a good Bailment, belonging asr4gh ed estate of Noah Snider and wife. The lot is well' stocked whir choice fruit trees and the how* is well built and 'arranged for two families. Terms made known on the dnyof sale by T. J. FILBERT Asengilee. deelo 3w ' G. Mons', ',net. C ifii THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PAPER IN • THE COUNTRY, arS 1,50 4MihE Unexcelled by any Weekly Literary Publi cation, East or West. CANVASSERS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN IN THE UNITED STATES. The most liberal Premiums and Chib Rates ever offered by any_ newspaper.— Write for a circular containmg -full-infor mation, etc. Specimen copies furnished on. application. address THE LEDGER COMPANY, CHICASO, declo • 1011 YB i, BOR-4' More than One Hundred -different styles and colors of HATS AIITD ,CAPS to suit the old, the. middle-aged . and the young—in goods better than the_ beet and prices cheaper than I he cheapest, maintain ing our repttation as leaders for all kinds of Head (leer. The largest variety of NECII-TEES, !lOWA, (SOLLARS Cuffs. Bosoms, Shirt Studs and Sleeve But tons, Gents Underwear in great variety, SHIRTS, DRAWERS and Stockings, Umbrellas, Canes, Satchels, Pocket-books, &c. . a- 1.., 0 V" Es-- our own manufacture of Buck, Sheep, liad, Dog Kid and Custom Gloves to lit ail sorts, sizes and shapes of hands.. .. • lIORSE COVERS; BUGGY: SPREADS, ROBES AND BL.4.2VIETS, , For the Ladies,all 'the pt•pufai: styles of Furs, Collars Boas iitUffs and Fur Trimmings, of all 'descriptions.-- Our ladies $2 Dog Kid Gloves fit as neat— look as well and will outwear a halt dozen imported Kid, while ourdemeetie and mow kids at $1.50 and $1,60 will outwear a half dozen of the imported. dollar -kids. _ UPDEGRAFF'S Fiat ; Glove and Fur Fact'y Opp. Washington House, Hagerstown. Oct 22—tf: STILL AT HE OLD BRINES& THE subscriber announces to his numer ous friends and the public generally that he continues the ,Cabinet-malting bu siness at the old furniture stand on East Main Street, Waynssbore, Pa:. All articles offered in his line of business will bo man ufactured out of the best material and ac cording to the latest styles: Ile also an nounces thathe has. „ . • AFIRgibLASii/EiRSE. • • lie will pay specialatAntion to the Unde rtaking business, and is prepared to,furnish Collins of all grades at very. moderate pri ces.. He is also provided with a Freezer. Ho hereby tenders his sincere thanks to his friends• and the public generally for past favors and asks a share of the same in the future. , JACOB BENDER. novl9 tf REMOVAL! HE subscriber announces to his eus toment,, and the public that he has re moved to a shop erected at his" residence on the old Ilagerstown road, where he will contirine.thebootand shoomakingbusiaess. Poisons wanting' oets or iihota made to or der, or repairing done, will at all times be accommodated -at short notice and neon reasonable terms. His prices are : Fine Boots, VII Half-soling,-7 1 4 Cents.; Half-sol ing and' Heeling, s t,oo Ladies',' wear wade to order at stove prices. Persons wanting repairing done can leave such work at-tin shop of C. SI. Frey if they prefer doing so. THOS. H. HOLLINGSWORTH. 0- novo tf • • Administration Notice. v - oncE is hereby given that letters of ./.‘ administration upon the estate of Jacob Shankjate of Wash. twp., deed., have been granted to the, undersigned. An persons indebted to said estate are leficested to make immediate payment and those hav ing claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH 11. CUEBS, DAVID SHANK, Administrators. dec3 at] $26,00 REWARD • THE above mward will be paid for the arrest and conviction of the person or persona who broke %on and made an at tempt to fire "Fairrielv School House, on Sunday night, the oth inst. • IV - ASH. DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD. •declo 3t] • Stove for Sale. - • THE subscribe r o ff ers for sale a "Bforn lug Glory Stove with oven attached, as good as now, coal bucket, pipe, etc. Price $lB,OO upon whielra reasonable credit will be given. It can be seen at the residence of Wm. Stewart in Ringo°, Id . dee] 3t • l 3: STEW ART. NOTICE_ T HEUEBY notify the public that lhithew Metcalf holds a note against Jacob Shill with my name on that, I will not pay as it was gotten on under false pretense' de e 3 3w ' - PETER HOLTZER.