The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, December 24, 1874, Image 1

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    BY W. BLlalt.
VOLUME '27. '
~eJett Vottrg.
"For the Record
THE' CIRLI. Iff 1118 ,SEA.
:13y the side of the adop•blue ocean, •
„Where the Oar); waves dash aint•roar,
AO their white manes toss in anger
As they lash .tlie sounding shore,
A strong a 4 ancient, castle,
Well founded on rock,
Jilts Jiighlts ioed-turietel .
And laughs at the teippest's shop s k
Ron tthe sea is Ruing round It,
• .
And the 'waves are gliding • slow,
Arttlieirhol/oli t r.*oiee :
For the storm has ceased- to blow.
Bich clouds of gold and erimso4
Are floating o'er the sky,
And gorgeous forms are painteil
IVhere the peaceful waters lie.
Dost thou hear from those lofty chambers
• That sweet flow of minstrelsy—
Those melting numbers floating
Soft o'er the dreamy wit's.?
Lo 1 see'st thou on the towers
• The Prince and the queenly bride—
The flame of their purple mantles;
And the flash of their crowns of pride ?
They stand in the blaze of the sunset,
And their faces are glad and bright,
And into each i other's spirits
Their eyes are daiting light,
The brows of the bride so dainty,_
'Sweetest orange blossoms deck,
And cinnamon wreaths are woven
About her swan-white neck.
I see the rich gems flashing,
Like sparks in tier golden hair,
As she totses•in wild rapture
Her curls on the sunset air;
I see on upraised finger
The gleam of a diamond ring,
As she points to the clouds of crimson
Which o'er the ocean swing.
But the twilight shade is deep'ning,
And the turrets are hid from view,
And the stars of night are shining '
High up in the dreamy blue;
'Ate night winds, damp, are playing
On.the deep with a lulling sound,
And the silver moon is setting
. For the night is going round.
Now beautiful Morn is darning
With,day in the East's bright halls,
• And her amber banners floating
From Aurora's saffron walls.
Her steps are light and nimble
To the notes so pioud and bold,
-And showqrs of light are raining
From her beaindiful curls of gold.
The smiin his dazzling chariot'
Is passing up through the sky,
Andllis praise the birds are singing
Whe►e blossoming meadows lie.
As he passes o'er the castle,
The castle down by the sea,
lie hears not the trip of dancing
Nur the gush of minstrelsy.
The crimson banners are weeping
Around the gay-decked Ivan,
And I hear the wail of sorrow
In the beautiful bridal hall.
In the preird and so,lems stillness,
Of the night that's gone by now,
Lo the death king left his coldne-s
On the royal bride's fair brow.
And the Prince is left lamenting
With despair in his brave young breast ;
His love was smote in her beauty
Like a rose by the 'sweeping blast
She bath gone to that blissful kingdom, '
Prepared for the good and true, :••.
here the river of Life is flowing
Anil the skies are ever blue. •
istellautas Pading.
Oa one of the cosy shady streets of Nash
ville, the Boston of 'the South,' in an old,
fashioned mansion of red brick, with wide,
deep windows, and!, .0 tuatamotb,pillnred
piazza jutting out like the hold f<nrhead
101 the fatuous man that once lived there,
is the house of Mrs. James Knox Polk,
widow of the tenth President of the U.
Stites—one of the mothers of the Nation.
Aslender, graceful old lady, with a snow
white neckerchief and folds of curls %hat
lie flat on each side of her brow. She is
76 years old, but her figure is as straight,
her stet) as quick, and her eve as bright
as the eyes of a girl; active m every be
nevolent scheme, geneious to an extreme,
hospitable according to the traditiods of
Kentucky's hospitality, and as courtly as
a queen. In Nashville, a few days ago,
,the house was pointed out to me, and a
description of the old lady given, with the
remark that she liked to receive strang
ers. So Lthought I would pay my re
spects to'the ; widow of i< President, and 4- .
bout nom.-day entered. the gate of "the
Polk Place," and went up the long grav
el walk that leads to the house. The yard
is laid out in the old fashioned style, with
flower beds iu different &Signs, bordeM of
box, and shrubs of different sorts placed
at mathematical intervals. An -old-fash
iwied brace knocker, like the handle of a
coffin, bt raished as bright as a ,ntircor,
asked ,entrance for me, and a tient, 'rick
ety old negro wotuau answered the sum
"Is Mrs. Polk at-home?"
"Yes Soh ; joustePin,ksahl Missals
-Polk is at home, ash, hatowas-just- gain's
out, sali, and she' boon' toigo thout'dis
time. Take:a
She led me into an:Old-fashioned parlor,
with shells of all sorts on,themantle,and
chintz curtains with large : to-wry figures
hung befciro the - wiamis. On the wall
were portraits of men in wigs and 'milita
ry uniforms - of tke old regime, and. 'wo
men with high postrdered:.hatr and ruffles,
smith a few antique prints,and ,half-faded
landscapes. The furniture was heavy ma
hogany, and exquisitely carved, and the
carpet half covered with canvass, was a
relic of ancient elegance. I was able on
ly to glance at things for a moment after
the servant left. Mrs. Polk entered, and
extending herinil cordially said :
"I see you are a stranger sir ;hut am
. . .
happy to see you neverthelei3s; People
call every day to see me,", said she, laugh
ing, "or to see how a wOn2,an. lives that
lived in the White House once, an - d 1 val
ue the attention very highly." -
I thanked her and attempted to explain
and apologise for' my intrusion; but she
tapped her hand impatiently with her par
asol, and.said:
"The apology ia.on my part, sir, for I
must ask7yoil to excuse me. I have an
appointment at this hour it is quite imper
ative I should meet, or I should he pleas
ed to entertain you. I pray you will ex
cuse me, and make yourself as much at
home• in my house and on my grounds as .
if I were here. My Servants will shoW
you what people generally wish to see.—
They are accustomed to soeing strangerk
sir ; ha, ha! quite accustomed to it, I as
sure you."
It was something I lad read about,
this graceful, old fasbio'ned courtesy, but
never saw before a real illustration_otthe_
manner, of the Republican court ; and as
I escorted the nimble old lady to her car
riage she chatted away as cordially as if
she was my grandmother, and insisted on
my calling again. Her' riding dress was
of the shiny silken, material that one sees
at old folk's concerts; black, and cut long
waisted, with a plain belt of corded rib
bon. At her neek was a white linen ker
chief, folded with artistic precision, and
fastened with a large brooch, which con
tained a picture of her husband. Her
shawl was of black lace, folded 'in the old
fashioned way and on her hands were
"mitts"—or whatever you call those silk
knit affairs that havn't any fingers. As
the carriage drove away I turned back in
to the yard, and went to the ,tomb of, the
Preside*, which stands midway between
tlie,street and house, at the left of the walk.
It is a plain retacular sarcophagus,"about
sixteen feet in height, of smooth lime
stone, and inclosing a low square monu
ment of the same stone An effort btu
been made to remove it to the grounds of
the State House, which stands not more
than six hundred yards away, but it is
Mrs. Polk's wish that it remain. where it
is, and she wants to be buried in'the'vault
beneath, beside her husband. Every year
the Legislature of Tennessee calls upon
Mrs. Polk in a body, have a brief prayer
theat tomb of the President, and are en:
tertuined tier a few moments by his widow,
with the assistance of a few other old-fash
ioned ladies that have been her life long
Justice in, Detroit.
An Indian had been picked up drunk,
and, though it was proposed to.let him
go over the river, it was desirable to have
him understand that no Indian had any
more rights than a white man.
"Child of the whispering forest—son of
the grassy plain—it grieves way spirt to
see you here,' said his Honor. 'Only, a
few more moons will come and go before
you will be gathered to the happy hunt
ing grounds of your brothers gone before.
You are an aged tree ; time has shorn you
of your strength. You can no longer chase
the wild coudurangu and follow the roe
buck. The buffalo grazes in front of
your lodge, and your arm is not strong e
nouth to draw the bow. The rumbling
thunder and theeliarp lightning make you
afraid. Once you could not count the
camp-fires of -your tribe,' so many did
they number; now there is nothing left
of your tribe but yourself. two old army
blankets, and a shot-gun with the lock
out of repair. Son of the forest, why is
this thing thus? and wi at do you mean
by coming into my trapping grounds and
getting .drunk ?'
'The white chief has spoken many wise
words,' replied 'the Indian in measured
tmies, resting one foot on the edge of a
'spittoon: 'My race has fallen' like the
leaves-been washed allay, as water west;
es put the marks of chalk. I stand a
lone. My camp-fire has gone out, and
my I.odge is cold and has no mat. Kaw
nee-kekick has tears in his eyes, when he
looks to the west and no longer sees the
smoke of many camp-fires. Our great
chieftains have fallen, our warriors are
dust. and the wolf utters his lonesome
howl on the spot where stood our big vil
lage. I am said'
'The led man may go,' said his honor.
cannot give you back your dead, I can
not cover the hills awl meadows with for
est again ; the wild fox and deer have
sought the deeper glens . .. and no power
can waken the warriors whose whoop rang
from hill to river. Qo buck to your lodge;
beware of fire-water ; keep in nights , vote
early and ofteri,and be virtuous and you'll
be happy.'—Detroil The I'm&
If in your business you are grasping,
sordid, tricky, some clerk in pow employ'
will be the same ten years hence, made
so If you are fretful lind envi
ous as a woman or - wife,' more than one
girl will catch the fever of your gonduct,
and somewhere ahead make her home as
' unhappy are now making yours.
WANNESBORO",_-,FRANKLIN - COUNTY' Pk "1111:31 . SDAY, DECE1111E11224,11874. •
The Mad 4,0e13106.1Vt,puh-
Tlie Reading - and Allentown papers are
0 1 0 with eecePataiet the terrible ,, cruel
ties ,to - an ; insane:menu' the neighboillond
of LalorairillecLehigh entinty. ,lliO,cpn
dition was;reeently diseayered bi one Ed
ward Powell,whilesatt,huntingiwhe foetid
upon the Blue Itonatainit.ia thit,peOtion
a Wan in;lirisoaati within four bric k walls
*at 7 Or:Bfeet high, brick top
and inclosiitg ; sr apace of -6. feet 'square,,
without 'either door et:Windt:4. He says
the then picked 'up in that menumental
'coffin; and: who :suffer death in life, is
named Levi Handwerk, and that be has
been imprisoned at that .placolor twelve
year's:. slreme.that the.fatherof Hand=
werk died and -left his son $4.1100. He
was a lunatic, subject to fita'6f - the most
ungovernable rage, , thereby, endangering
the lives of those itbout ; him. The, mother
of Handwerk married a second time and
its then that Levi WasconsigriaCto
this—a violenv ravino• c' madman. Here he
has wallowed in filth , his food passed thro'
the small aperture made by: leaving out
brick in the wall, • exposed to the severity
of the winter weather, crying, shrieking
and yelling, when the storms. have swept
over the -mountain, and making night
hideous with his frantic cries.
Since the matter has been given putt
licity by .111i._Pnwell.the,coroner. has vat
ted the spot aceomPaniaby &number of
the citizens of Allentown- When the
party arrived at the dungeon, situated a
bout 100 yards from the house of the ma
niac's parents they found the Constable
of Slatington and another . gentleinan al
ready making preparations for-the derang
ed man's. removal. s ,The strong iron bars
guarding the entrance. were taken dr
by;the Constable when the party
elsight - that - nret — ..thei
indescribable.. Lying on,a, i patcl
straw; in a - nude state, covered- witha
thick crust of dirt from bead to foot, was
a human being, the stench arising from
the bed :of , filth being almost intolerable. 7
The pen in which he, is confined ,is four
square, of brick, lined with rough pine
boards. When' the gentlemen: entered
they foundliim lying. in a crouched posi
tion, and it was only by assistance that
he could' stand on'his feet, his limbs be
. paralyzed and unable to bear the e
maciated form. Together they carried
him. to his mother's• house , and applied
soap and Water, after which, he was cloth
ed, and in charge of the officer, taken to
Slatiugton. A permit
,will be• procured
for his admittance into the county alms
When brought to the light of day, he
looked wistfully around and occasionally
muttered: incoherently. He- rubbed . his.
his eyes vigorously which were . almost
concealed by dirt, and although .his say
ings were unintelligible, it was noticed'
that his countenance - beamed with joy at
having secured liberty atter so Joug con
finement. It is alleged that years ago
he was in his right mind,.ap records kept
where -he sold game, to other parties testify
of buisness, transactions ny
mums conducted by an insane person
The affair has createdgreat excitement in
the neigborhood, and thkmatter is to be
investigated thorougly. • •
Pnysic AND Bionats.--These area few
cases out of the thousand forms of insan
ity which take possession of many a man
who little expects that his disease is phy
sical, and passes for a sane and healthy
person. He.says to himself: "I am troub
led; I dread my fellow-creatures because
I have become a prey to bad thoughts;
things I never dreamed of haunt me ; my
soul is full of noisome reptiles and .poi
sonous things." So he says his prayers,
but does not find' any comfort from that.
Why, of course, ho does not; because he
has neglected other things. He kis not a doctor. He has not gone ICU
of .town to change the atmosphere of his
mind. No ! He bas shut himself up,and
praying has made.him worse. Of
it. has. My-dear brethren, if you neglect
the natural-laws of God, the supernatu
ral laws will drive yon mad. You can
see this every, day among religious fanat
ics. An emotionally overwrought mind
requires physical ' rest and change, and
then prayer, or prayer with the other nat
ural ; "these Ought ye Icrhaire
done, and not leave the other undone."
estly entreat every young man after he
has chosen his vocation, to stick to it.—
Don't leave it because hard blows are to
be struck, or disagreeable. work to be per
formed. Those who have worked' their
way up _to wealth and usefulness "t.lo not
belong to the shiftless'and unstable Class,
but may be reckoned among such as took
off their coats, rolled up their eleeves,con
quered their prejudices against labor, and
anfully bow the heat and burden of the
day. Whether upon the old form, where
our fathers• toiled diligently, striving to
bring the soil to productiveness; in the
machine shop or factory, or the thousand
other business places that invite:hotiest
toil 'and skill; let the 'motto ever bet,
"Perseverance and industry::
A man is so much more polite in church,
He is on dress parade, as it were. - Nobo
dy was surpristskto see that young man
last Sunday dive suddenly into the bottom
of the pew to pick up her parasol.. While
he was at the bottom he saw the etubroid•
ered edge of her pocket handkerchief StiCK"
ing from under the edge of her drem.—
Ile would pick lap that too., • Recommenc
ed-tugging-at-it- when-- there-was .a---fierce
scutne - and :a little.' band dartettisdown.—
He .catne up without. it. There were Iwo
red faces in the Sanctimry to which the
calm of the Blessed Sabbath seemed to
bring no relief But be was a young man
that meant Well.
Igncirance of the law e.i.cuses no one.
813L1611t • • .
Vlove , ths beantiful sunlight— . • .•
The geni of the balmy air,— .
That drives the darkness out of my heart,
And leaves its darkmiss - there ;
Aiiveito the sioul new courage
v ;To battle with strife "end Sin,—
And keep' the teisple holy, • •
. • That God has made 'within. . •
I low)
the 'pearl_ a the brint . deep,
TWat rolls its waves esir'the ocearCcives
Wherethe 'shark and sword fish Sleep,'
It gives to the •mind new vigor, ":
I :it-makes the,heart so free. • . , •
To seethe golden steitlight
Shine ohthe rushing sea., • „
I love the beautiful sunlight ~
, 48 it shines-on the path of youth,
'GUiding the wayward footsteps
On through theivalley-of truth: '
Down by the•tranquil - river, • • - ' •
Where the flowers of life will bloom
To.dillltath a beautiful chaplet
'Around:their lonely tomb.
' Come; then, beautiful sunlight, •
And'dwell id my lonelY breast;
-Owe , the wrinkles from off my. brow,
And Booth: my spirit to rest,. ,
ConatiliricArm .
Seib!chem.: .
, ,
' 'Bethlehem 'is one of the oldest to w n s' in
Palestine. It lies shod 'six miles from
Je rusalem.-4tri-original-name-was-Ephra
tall which means abundtince,,butafter•the
IZmlites conquered the:country, thettlb
eil it Bethlehem.' ' It' is situated in the
midst Of Rich' fields' en
circle-it where fat flocks 'crop the green
pastures.,.lt, arose • to no political or mil
itary distinction, while Hebron and Jera-
Belem, with no'special aisociatiogs in their
favor, were fixed onus capitals.' But a
higher glory awaited At. It became fa
mous for the nativity Of , Jesus. :ewe
Rachel the tendereyed wife of Jacob and
mother of Joseph-and Benjamin, was bur
ied. The book .of Ruth is a page from its
domestic history. Here Boaz married the
Moabitess which brought her within the
'direct line of the Saviour's' n116641'71111-
troduced Gentile blood into Hisholy
and gave sight for other sheep than those
of the Jewish flock to enter His heavenly
fold. Here David, the ideal, Xing • , and
poet of the Jews; was horn, spent his yciut
and ascended his throne: 'Here Christ,'
David's distinguished Son and Lord, en
tered our world and was laid inemattger.
Here the star rested which guided the,wise
men of the East, .who came to woMhip
bins. Here 'the angels, arrayed 'in beau
teens order a long the sky, sang the natal
song; Glory to Crud in the highest on' arth,
peace and good will toward men, for .up
to you is born this day. in the,city of. Pa
vid a SaVionr Which is Christ the Lord--..-
Here 'union , was 'attack between the Di
vine and human natures.. God and man
meet in Christ. , .:•His-name is Emmanuel
—God: with us-', ,
Bethlehem signifies: tense of war, and
may have reference:4o that bloody Meese- I
cm of the infatirmartyrs -subsequent to
the birth of the:holy R,sdeemer.• : Herod,
that-monster-of , cruelty., : bloody,
dragon, -waged war against , the infant Sa
viour and 1.0 Mike sure a his 'victim, kill
all the babes of Bethlphem. Cursed
be his wrath for it was' cruel ; and his an
ger for it was fierce., But Herod Was not
the only enemy arrayed against the Lord
and his annointed.' All men by nature,
are in arms against Him as the only way
of salvation and life. Jesus is born into
the world a 'man of contention and strife
unto the whole earth; every man's-hand
p against Him notwithstanding the benev
olence Of his disposition and holiness of
his whole conduct. Here in a 'speial man
ner, the War against Bantu's kingdom 'be
gan which shall, result, in the complete vie
tory Of the'heivenly chieftain and the ut
ter overthrow 'of the 'house of darkness.—
From thia mountain the little stone, which
destroys the image, was cut out without
hands and upon whose top the handful, of
corn was 'sown, the 'fruit of which has
shook like Lebanon. .
• Bethlehem signifies also the 'house of
brepti. • Isere Christ,,the bread of God,
the true manna 'whielr came down from
hearen for the sustenance and life of the
world, traa revealed. In this city of Jo
sin the lard'of Rests 'hath prepared for
albpeople, a' feast'of; ihethings ; alma of
Wine on •the.lees ; ofikt things full of mar
row and .kindlY , invitee, ,Eat o.friends I
Drink 0 belov ed I ..brow' the soul has its
appeteticeis as wall' as the 'body its appe-
Wes.- It: hengers.and Abirste, but after
something different and higher than all
the gifts and riches of earth, It may
have these in greatest abundance but still
ls'disaltisfied and laments with the prodi
gal; "I perish with hunger." These are
tne, chaff and the husks in a strange eoun
try—iifit for the immortal mind and apt
to gender disease. Christ is the true, real
bread 'in our 'Father's house, which'eatt,
feed our spiritual natures and nourish up
the human soul to eternal life. • Without
Him we are, like a wearied child, which
though &May. Ventre meat and milk and
almost eirerY 7 'dainty, still frets and eries
and.wants. Christ is'a necessity for man'.
But thee food must be taken and digested,
hefure it Can'sujmort natural life: To on
ly hoer of it or td sit down and look at it
will not satisfy the appetite nor nourish
the body.' Vore•muit take and alt. So we
must receive Christ by faith. Except ye
eat the 'the Son of man and drink
His blood ye have uo life in you. This
sublime provision, prepared iu the house
of Bread sets off the goodneis of God.—
His other gifts, though many indeed, are
nothing compared to this. He meets eve
ry want and satisfies every holy desire.—
Christ is all, in all. ReSder,l
_leave Allis
vain empty; 'world,Atid go to 13ethloblem
and 'ask for The.bread-of life,. which the
son of man shalLgive unto you for him
bath God.ths Father seared. .. . .
[Fbr•the Record:
'The Walking - Cure, • ' '
' He bits pa'ssed' Atlanta:, Ga.:, and ginie
to 'Topeka, KinearDe Idahler-a:man
who has traveled around, themorld and
all over,it on foot. He-walks, fof-pleas
ure. Sometinies.a wagoner on flip road
accosts him with,, 6 Binuter Wait ?"
He always repli'el, "No; rather' walk,"
and some tales on he passes-thelome of
the wagoner, ' who by this time has his
wife and chidren out to look at the man
whO'had rathemalk than ride. ' Mah
ler goei trudging on, like the Wand'erind
JeW. He has put 40,000 miles'' behind
him since 1862, and has acquired slash a
momentum now that he can't stop,
must walk to be happy. Of course he
stops, sometimes for rest and refreshments
*and sleep, but 'tis only a halt. Au Atlaiv
to editer took De . Illahler to. his house
and got some particulars of his walks in
life out 'of him.
He Mahler is a Virginian. He-has es
tates that yield hinisuch an income as en
able him to g 6 where he pleases and en
joy himself ,in his own way. He was
wounded' in the beginning of our war,and
wheti his wounds healed he was bent near
ly ;double, rolled up altnost like that be
ing which, ,turns itself into a ball and
wheels frompiace to place. - -Hi went to
Paris to get straightened
,out. 'PM Bur
geonnoperated 'upon , him ; but; after-"a
fair trial,rthey couldn't make his bead
land feet stay at their resportive ends of
the-man. At I . k the )14 - 11 that
tengt, ley tot, RA ..tat
eon d effectually cure him but
walking, persistent walking. He resole-
to 'try. it. He told his doctor that he
was going to walk 'out of Paris , and
leave 'France on .foot. His doctor told
him he was crazy. He,' however, . com
menced the journey, , and made only 104
yards from his lodgings the first day .with
the aid of a stick.
the doctor ; tended him two weeks on
his trip, that is, until he got out of Paris.
Ire had' then 'begun to improve, and was
filled" with a glorious hope. He put his
whole soul into hiawalk. In a month he
was. on, the supny slopes of the Pyrenees
and had begun to straighten up like a
man. Ho walked on, "and-on,and on:
At length he was entirely cure and strode
with a firm trend. Thus he walked along
the world and, and becatize in.
'tensely interested in his travels. He sail
ed across the seas, but walked the decks
of vessels in order to keep his foot in.-7
On land he News to naturally as
the winds blow and the streams flow, and
noW -'t stop. He makeS pencil sketch
es , of the best scenes and remembers eve.
ry place he has been ib and .the name of
somebOdy he met and talked to. He is
thoroughly aired' of ..his war wounds, but
many lazy, people, think that the cure is
.worse, than the original inflietion.=qt.
,Lofi49 Demobiat.
'4..Youna ,MAtt Pnuss.7-The other
night we observed a young map reeling a
long the street as indifferent as if he were
doing something highly respectable 'and
honorable. He was drunk, - andsa koiing
man,. too. Tell that youngman that he
is not a gentleman, and he would feel in
dignant. Tell him he'is
_unnorthy 'of
Confidence, and that he is building 'up a
black and 'degrading reputation, and be
willpoint_you to instances in which socie
ty winks at drunkenness and pets ' and
fawns upon the favored votary of the cup !
False and, fatal, escuse,young man
You will find it so, and wlienthe world
turns a cold'klioidder on you; and you find
yourself 'a poor, friendless vagabond 'you
will find out when you stand upon the
verge of .a, dishonored, grave and behold
the fancied orgies of, a thousand demons
in the cursed cup ! Youngman, be care
ful how you tamper with liquor ;you listye
a name and character to form ; you have
a life record to make; you-have a destiny
to fill; determine at once how these all
impotant matters are to be met. '
A. HAPPY HOME.—Donald G. Mitchell
who is equally gifted in indulging in" Re
veries," as a bachelor, and in suggesting
home decorations, writes : "If I have no
coaches and horses, can at least hang a
tracery of vine-leaves along my porch so
exquisitely delicate that no seclpture - can
'match it; if I have no conservatories with
their wonders, yet the sun and I together
can build u p a tangled coppice of bloom
ing_things in my door-yard of which eve
ry tiny, leaflet shall be a miricle. Nay, I
may make my. home, however small it
may be, so complete in its 'simplicity, so
fitted to its offices, so governed by neat
ness, so empowered by wealth of leaves
and flowers, that no riches in the world
can add to it without damaging its rural
grace; and my gardeners--sunshine,frost
and flowers, are their names—shall work
for me with no crusty reluctauce,but with
an abandon and zeal that ask only grati
tude for pay."
A Bangor washerwoman, who went to •
California some years ago, had two or
three thousand dollars depositedin Meig's
'Frisco California bank before he "burst
up;i'• After he went to South • America
this woman heard of his success in specu
lation, shipped to Chili, and °nada) , turn
ed 'up in Mr. Bleigs'S office. The result
of the intervieu 4 was that be pot only'paid
her the principal and interest of her ac
count, but also paid the entire expense, of
her trip.
After the prosecuting attorney had
heaped vituperation upon the poor pris
oner without counsel, the judge asked
him if he had anything to say for himself
"Your honor," replied the prisoner, "I ask
for a postponement of eighteen days in or
der that I may find a blackuard -for to
, ntwer that one there."
- The -`Watch and: the • Turk e y.
As a' certain learned Judge in Mexico
walked one, morning into court, he thpught
he . would see whether he was in time for.
bilsinesii; and feeling for his repeater,•he
Pond tat it was not in his pocket. l•
' 4 As'usual," said he tti 'a friend who was
hepassed through,the crowd
near the door ;,!fasinsual,A have le ft my
watch at home un ss- is ' a ss's. " •
. _
He ivent'on the beileh, and thought rio
moai of it. The coint'adjOureed,, and. he
returned home.. , lisPoon,as he:was quiet
ly seated in his,parlor, be bethought him
of his wstili, and turnips to hip wife he
askedliek to send for it.
"But;" said she; "I sent it 'tb you three
houriaso I". ' ;
"Seot,it to me r o _ 1.,,,
. "Certainly ," replied the Isdy; • !eand by
the person you sent for
""The person ISetit-fer it!" iiebticil the
".i.he very persoliyOu sent for it! Yon
had not left 'bottle -raorel . thavi 'an hour,
when a well-dressed maii , knocked at the
door and • asked to , see .me. ,He brought
one of,. the very finest; turkeys I ever saw ;
and Said that on your way to court you
met - an Indian -with's - number of fowls;
and having bought this tine fOr quite a
bargain, you had. given: binii a couple-43f
reels to bring it , home; with request
that, I would have it,-killed,, pieked,-aid
put to cool, as youllitendedto Witte - your
brotherjudges tio dine:with you to-Morrow.
Mid 'Oh by the way,Seoorits,' said he,
'his excelleney 4 the judge,requ'ested me to
ask you to,give yourself the trouble to go
and take his watch *OM iideriliSpillow;
where he sa s hi left it a's anal this
ing, and sen' it• to
coarse , ' did nor
"Well," replied his bener,•"all,l can
say. to you is, that, you Are,as pia a geose
as the bird is a turkey. - The,inan.was'a
thief; I never sent for my watch:. • X i eit've
been imposed on, and the watch is lost
The trick was a curdling one; and after
a laugh, it was resolved'actuallY to have
the turkey for to-Morrow's dinner, and to
have his honor's brothers of the berichrio
enjoy so dear a morsel. • Accordingly, af
ter the adjournment of court the 'nest
day, they all repaired to his_ dwelling.—
Scarcely had they entered, when, the lady
broke forth with congratulatiCns to' Lis
honor upon the recovery of .his stolen
"How happy am I," exclaimed she,
"that the villain .was apprehended I"
• "Apprebandedr
.said the judge .with
surprise. , •
- "Yes, 'and' coriidcted; too by
this time," said thewife: , ;,':- `
"Yon.are always talking riddles," re
plied he; "explain
,yourself.. I know.llool,-
taint thief, watchor conviction." '
' "It can't be Pessibre - "thailintre'biett
again deceived!" Said thelatly ;"btit thiso
is the story:About;:a
pale, young,gentleman, dreesetiia a seedy
suit of black, came to the house in ;refit
haste—almost out of breath. He said he
was' just 'come from court; that he was
one of the clerks; that thegrat villain
who' had the steal your honor:a
. had just been arrested ; that the ev
idence nearlY, perfect. AO convict
O him?
and that 'hba ‘Vai ritiuirea coMplete
it Was the turkey,Arlitchtiustlielbrought
iuto court, and for that.he.lad!beerPsetit
with a porter by youpexpross,ortleref
"And you gave it-to him ?" '
- "Oficoursel didt! WhO,icottld _have
doubted, or ; resisted tile ; orders of a
judge?" . .
"Watt—and ttiikeY-Ltieth 'gone !
Pray, what are we to do fordintierr"-
; But the lady had 'taken , eare• of her
guests, notwithstandiugher sim plieity; and
the : party enjoyed both the-joke and their
BIG LEAP AND FLoWER,--4.suppose.
many of my young: friends read, in the
December number,of Aricholcut an ac
count of the' A knowing
bird thus 'tells ' facts about' the TaliPat: 7 -•
-He says a single leaf of 'this' wonderful
tree sometimes measures. forty :feet around
the edge. Think ,of that !, insisted
that on the Malabar coast ) , where storms
a re'fierce 'and Sadden, .inie may often 463
ten 'or fifteen lieu ntitding shelter in ' a
boat, over which is' spread a single puha
leaf, that --effeetually *teas them `all
form wind , and rain': And' Whet Vie storm
is.oyer. the predious %kaftan be foldon up
like a lady's tan, light as to be
.easily carried, hy man,under one arm.
:The tree' Often ireaehei the' height of two
'hundred feet. Itiiyes from' eighty to a
linmired , Yetra,bitUblosioins only once dli
zifig the • whole period.of its existance—
The flower, thirty feet in,length, bursts at
maturity with a loud explosion that may
he heard miles away, and in dying scat
ters the seeds that are to produce the next
generation ; of trees Jack iron% ask yo
to believe this - withent beking into the
Matter. The books do say that it is true,
but the bait may is to go, and 'measure
this big „flower fur yourselves; but you
needn't bring it 'back fur Jack to wear in
his button-hole.
. Eternity_ is a solemn word and a solemn
world. The soul of man shrihks : hack
with dismay and dread Wore entering Mat
mysterious abode of spirits., And yet all
erm'on their way to eternity / and must
soon enter it :d r one. But how little amok
the gay and pleiumredovint who tread so
now its dark shores, how'soon they must
launch away, on that untried ocean!
, .
Biz and a half Peet of bride stood he
fore the altar in a'Paris chnieh 'the other
day, and promised to'leve, cherish and o
bey three feet and a'half of bridegrdoin;
and that's the long and short Of it:
„ .
A suspicious Wife on being asked where
her husband was, replied that She - was
very much.afraid he was Missing.
$2.00 PER Yx,a it
it ,an t :fru in r
Judging by Expdrienee3
When Maine was a district of Massa=
chusetts, Ezekial,. Whitman was chosen
to represent the district in , the Massochttr
setts Legislature• was an eccentric
man, zing one of this best laWyers of'his
•IDTned a. farm.' and did'much
n land idTvi7
work on his own land: and when he time
came fur' 'him to set out for BoStoi,' his'
best suit of 'clothes was' homespun. - His
wife objected to his going in .that garb,
but he , did not care. "I will get a nice ,
fashionable suit made as soon as I reach
Boston," he said.
Reaching his destination, • Whitman
found rest at Doolittle's City .Tavern.-7-•
Let it be understood that he was a gradu
ate of Harvard, and at this tavern he was
at home. As he entered the pad& orth%
house he found several ladies and gentle-
men assembled, and he heard a remark
from one of them, "A:h, here comes a
Countryman of the real hcimespun
Here's fan; Whitman stared at the com
pankr, and then sat down.. •
'!bay, my friend, jou are from, the coup
tay,' remarked one of the gentlemen.
answethd Ezekiel, with' a list
dicrous twist of the face. .
", The ladies tittered. , ,
"And *bat do you flunk of our
"It's a pooty thick-settled place, any
how: li's:got thnsweepin's sight of hous'a
"And a . good many people too.,
"Ya r ns, .1 should guess so."
"Macy 'people where you come from."
"Wal, some."
"Ta-its, a' fair sprinklin."
"And I-don't doubt that you are quite
a beaux among them." i , .
"Ya as, I. bent's' em home77tewmeetia'
and singin soh - owl.", • • _
"Perblips the gentleman from the coun
try will' have a glass*of wine ?" •
f‘Thankee. .Don't *ear if Ida." • •
The, wine .was brought. •
, "You-must drink a. toast."
, .
"Oh, git eoutl I eat toast-never heard
of snail a thing's§ drinking it. NO I kin
give, ye.e. selltin*llt"
The' lashes , atii, • 'their hands ; but
what was their sit rise when the stranger,
rising, :spoke calm ;,y .and clearly as fot
lows: ; ••-• . , ' ', • .
"Ladies and gentlemen, permit me to
Wish 'you health — and happiness. with eve
ry 'earth - can afford; and may
you grow Utter and wiser with advanc
ing years, bearing evdc in mind . that the
eater appearances , are often deceitful.—
You mistook we, from, rov dress, fora
country `booby, While'l,Tiona the same
auperficial 'cause, th'oilgbt'fou were ladies
and••gentlernen. The niistabe has been
inotuel.7, • •
He had just spoken when 'Caleb Strong,
the Governor of the State, entered and in
inquired 'for Al r.~Vhitiinan.
Were I am, Governor. Glad to
lee you." - Then turning to .the dumb
foimulud eompany
iy,idk you ye,y.y : 9.904 ei,; . ni
. ,
21- wr.z.ttark GUthr.—Our young
friend -Parker.went round the othir eve
uing,to visit the, two ,Miss,Sraiths., After
eutayefsing with themj ,awhile,. Miss S.
ex cu se d herself fn. itiviiile'fand
stairs'.' PreientlY Parker tlimight he he. r 1
her iwing; and:ttliPped: behind thb: dud.
and,suggasted that the other, Miss Smith
should tell, Miss Sus,aA he had „gone.;,
it wasn't,. Susan •, it was old
.31r. Smith iis
his As be entered helookedii
nd and 'said io his daughter. - '
hal i So Parker's gone. Gocstrid
dance. I was just cumin' down to keep
My eye on bin). .1 hope lie hasn't pre - tios,
ed to you. I didn't want. Any such . Jan
tern-jawedt. red headed idiot. around here.
He . h asn't gOt`the sodas 'Ora rutatiag,attir
itiP; *or' Money enough to bilya clean sliirt.
Us gets;Aone, of mydaughtera. Insbake
the life:out of .him if I catch him here A
gain, wind me. 7%. ' I .
Just as he concl uded , Susan came dow.n,
and' net 'perceiving 'pincer, she said "'
-' "Thank goOtlitess,'he's•ginia , Viiiit'inait
is'ennugh to- proVoke A 4aint.., • I was aw
fully, Afraid. he was going to stay .anal
apeud the evening. Mary 11.04r!hopeyou didn't ask him to come agpial v
Theu Parker didn't'kiniw'ivh4thei'fo
stay there or bolt, while lifary•Jatia birdi
ed as if she Would.. liker to drop into* :the
i; But Parker, tratijiy l ,walk&d.. - ont,
and rindied ,to„ tip, entry,
Shot (torn :the front . stepsi and
meditating UpiOn"thiliiitiptniiiis
hapiiness, and the uncertainty of Smiths.
He has not called since, end his life tints
far has been unm olested, by ; the,
'the' Sinitic family; ' - •
'According tan Cincinnati Taper. John
Thomas was recently•sued Hester Prim
comebreach of, promise, : `John l'honitni,
into court !' shouted the. constable.-
'John Thomas needn't, come ) . Me t.C;' coup
me any more,' said Hester, primly.' " 1 '
• • , • . r
A fond husband boasted tea Nand . ;
"Tom, the Old' woman sane netii call
ing me tieney hist night,?` • ' •
."Did she, 131117 What "dill she say?
"She said, • Won, old Beeswax, come to
supper." , ; . ~!
• "Do yea' keep matches •-k a tia,
of a cooritrS , grocer.: "Ob; 5;4; '
was the reply. . itakekaLimutt.
jug ma4ch; the:Mag. The,. VOC?r
. huwe(Jiately l/of
'A Chieagts ' ititia wants - Ike thief'
atgle his , a - Pl . l-bucket • itat - rope
to vuWe
back,tutd take the well, unit is of oouzo
Nn sirl shiAdd take music lessons or be
allowed te'irper ft stleirent 'behind anti).
she to j bake. bread. • •