agptsbor.o' - offlage Stroti- Thursday, Docemberl7,i'!'74. PREsi s omil3lllkas' Ant."—TLePres ident's Message is : 'rega.rded'as an Able abate paper, moderate,. cautious, and thor oughly conservative in tone, and the press of 'both partiei cernineritlavombly 'upon the sound doctrines it advances. The most important feature of - the message is that relating to the finances, and the recom mendations of the Presrident on this ques tion are thus . referred to by the Baltimore Sun: . "In the very first paragraph of the Ines . - sage, and with-military bluntness and di cectuess of. purpose, be takes the bull of "the financial question" boldly by the horns. It is gratifying to find that upon this nil important subject, . which is pre eminently and above all others,-"the ues- o e tour, taeresit ent a trumpet gives no uncertain sound. Ire declares in favor of resumption and of a return . to decent money, not merely in the abstract or in vague and general terms, but explic itly and specifically, urging upon. Con gress, 'at this session," the duty and ne cessity of placing the currency of, the country upon ti, basis common to and rec. ognized by the Civilized world. 'ln this, portion Of his :niessag,e4in Principle—we do not speak of details—the President's views are as eotiiid as a dollar—and a'gOld dollar at that.: The pUtiliCcreditor to be paid in .coitylaccording to the, bond when thedebtivascontracted; gold or its equiv.' alent," — a - e - obliwititin — ria — te — be evaded' "without national disgrace;' the - repeal of the legal-tender clause, to takovifect' all contracts entered into after the dayfix ed in the repealing act; a revenue suffi ciently in excess of expenditure_ta an accumniation.of .gold in the, treasury to' sustain :resumption ; and lastly, a aye- tem of free bankingns essential to give proper elasticity to the curreacY, These are the, salient recominendatlons ,urged by the Presidentupon Congress at its' present session as necessary to restorer/the-curren cy to a normal and healthful - condition.'' The President reports our foreign af. lairs as in good condition, with some ex ceptions that May not or may, become se; lions. Spain btu; not yet finally settled the Virginias affair, The Cuban, revel t continues, and raises the question of the advisability of foreign intervention. The MeXicans are,stili stealing Texan cattle iagreat numbers, while the President can only hope that the Mexieliu Goveroment gill put a stop to the knav ish business. - But 'Major' Makenzie, we may stiggest, retina an effective, way of dealing- ith the (motion without bother ing. about the Mexican government. Per haps•ths precedent may be worth follow ing. - Along wlth a great number of minor recomincadations, the President devotes a 'considerable portion of his message to the condition-of attsirs in the Southern States. lie defines hiS position as to this question ' with great:frankness. In Louisiana, he will do as he has done beretofoie, i. c., he , will sustain the Kellogg Government, nn, Mess otherwise directed by Congress.— Touching Arkauses, he will do nothing, though he lays before Congress a succinct statement of. the tremendons muddle into, which the politicians of that State have managed to plunge its Government. The President dmribes the. situation of the South which Indy* him, just before the election, lo order numerous prosecutions, and to concentrate troops to support • the officers of the law. He says plait ho un derstands the Fifteenth Amendment and the Luforcetuent law to guarantee the cit. hens the right to vote, and to protect them in its exorcise. He shall administer the law in this sense while he remains Presi dent. If ,Congress thinks that he has act ed on mistaken information, perhaps it will order an investigation. As for the citizens of the south, the President dive them some very plain advice in a spirit of frankness and kiptiness. jfe deprecates ihe obstinacy of parties in "dividing on_ the color line," nod ho gap that if the Southern whittn will make up their minds' to treat the oepo Yas a citizen and vo ter as he is and 'must remain," there will be no further occasion for trouble with him. Ammeg, the ad ,a itag 's of such a cousummation, oneyouid be specially a greeable to the President., that would be his release-from the necessity of interfer in the affitirs of individual States. It is pleasant to be able to believe that to some considerable extent the whites of the South have anticipated the excellent advice of the President. We Ltight in conclusion, to•remark that the President announces his intention of 'abandoning the civil service reform unless Congress distinctly supports it by legisla tion. The condition will not be fulfilled, and the reform will tfieibefora the 4th of March. We are sorry for it. It was au attempt that promised much, and might have been made to yield a great deal.— But if the President has not dune with it whatftnight have done, be bus, a t least, Wen ahead of Congress and et the majority of the public, which bears with .groat patience a civil service that, in tee ny of its features, swindles, insults, and degrades the,eountry. Zer-Have you heard of the greatest herdsman in the world ? His name is Samuel- W. Allen.. He hue a much - eigh; tktniles long by forty wide; lying between the Nevada and Colas tdu rivers,"ia Tex• as, and be has 225,000:v4We. —*The Jersey City Presbytery publish ed the verdict on, Ttiesday 'in the CasOsof Rev.: Jelin S. :Glendenning, acquitting him of theeharnesofsednetion and hreach of omise of marraige, but find him guil ti of u inisterial and unchristian con duct in making Ask Mori E. Pomeroy presents, meeting her so frequently and at unreasOnablelienr3;`nuidliftiii3i such in. iimate terms with her as to uccasion,pub lie suspicions of impropriety. ' The pres byte*, rupsed — fantutiona — als:solvingthe pastoral relations' between Glendenning, and Prospect Avenue Church, in view of thodistnibiniinfluCnces ' incident to the case. • ; .; • • CZ - colonel Berwick, "t4o . ,uput sent out by the Nebraska Aid Society,. has re. turned to °Moho 'from; the••grasshopper distriet; having, visited seven 'counties.— His report Shows ,that 2,300 people Fill need-daily-rations; as 'lel) as clothing,.{ill they can raise something ,to subsist upon in the spring, There have been no cases of persons starving' to death. The',i)ett•/_ ple we, not inactive;; they hive bee!) and . are yet plowingi.and gftOng ; ready , for spring planting, hoping , that seed will be in some way 'proVided. Rut very fe}ir peo— ple are leaving flie l dstrict:' " ' se . ...7ndge Black is the only member of the late Pennsylvania Poa'stitutienal Con vention who served entirely without pay,, The legislature fixed the salary of mem bers of that convention, at $1090; but the next Legislature repealed this, and voted an nppropriation" Of 85,000 to pay „the, expenses of the convention. Taking ad vantage of this act, passed, we think; af ter their election, the members - who were glad to serve at 1,000, greedily voted themselves /32,600 each. Judge Black claiming that the convention had no pow er p. make appropriations .from the State Treasury and that ihe,original sopo act having been repealed , there; was no , fund out of which the'salaries could •be paid, resolutelkrefused to receive a. cept. This fact: should act powerfully in favor' of sencling him to the United States Senate. itifirThe people of: Maine have been exercised for the past two years over a phase of the "female progress" question. Gov.. Chamberlain, out of his , 'sympathy for the friends of the muse, appointed some ladies to:the office of Justice of the Peace. Some illiberal men with narrow er views . of the fitness of things opened legal proceedings to prevent them from entering upon the duties of their positions. The case finally reached the Supreme Court of the State, which has rendered a decision adverse to the female aspirants.- 7 They are, 'however, riot entirely barred from public life, aa the Court holds that they may occupy any office created by the Legislature, but not such as are es tablished by the State ponstitution. Stir Th e mystery of the abduction of little Charlie Rosa has been partially clear ed up by a most tragic incident. The two men who kidnapped him both lie"cold in death. They were shot while iu the act of couituitiinea burglary: in thevil lage of Bay Bidge, Long Island, on Sun day night. Judge Van Brunt, into whose house they were trying to force themselves fired a revolver with fatal effect, killing a professional burglar named Mosier in stantly, and mortally wounding another named Clark. The latter lived ' long e nough to confess that he and Mosier had carried off' the little boy. The detectives have been hunting for ;,hese parties since last July. The child has not yet been found. His Royal Highn s King Kaiak= passed through Baltimore on Saturday morning enroute for Washington. Those who saxv higi while the train halted at the Union Depot pronounce him a very fine looking gentleman . . He was met at Wil son's Station, some ten miles north of Washington, by a deputation represent jog the United States Government, head ed by Beerejary )Fish, and formally wel comed. ,At Washington he. was received with military honors, and tscorted• to his quarters at the Arlington. His Majesty js suiraring from a severe cold contracted duriqg Ns hurried railway trip across the tuattnent. Five children of John Dotted* residing near Preaknem, N. .1., on Satur. day ventured upon the thin ice of a small pond with 1.1 sled. .Whe ic e me way in the centre of the pond under their weight, and they were all drowned in sight. of their mother, who was watching them play from their house. Four were girls, aged 1G,;5, 13 and 8 years, awl as boy of years. • gm-Seven hundred negroes with arms attacked• the city of Vick.shurg Miss., nq the 7th inst., but were repulsed ,with a loss of twenty-five killed and forty pris oners. The demonstration was made to reinstate 'Crosby Shea' who failed to file a sufficient. official bond, and was therefore asked to resign. Mir - Charlestown, the Capital. of West Virginia, was partially burned on Thurs day night. A number of the principal stores and business places were destroyed, indicting a loss on the owners and tenants which is estimated at 2196. The pastors of the Omaha church es have isgted a call to the alaurAes of the cast, suggesting a special collection Tor the sulrereraby the grasshopper raid on Christmas Day. Paytheprinterthatlittleaccuuutlongaue Soca! XtAis.. On all 4ceoluith $1:0 apti. - :upwards :2 pai'd at this office before the Ist January, 1875, a de duction-of ten- per cent:" will'be made. 'Aftei.thUt date'ebsts - *Br be - added witliOut :iespect:to ,per. sons. - . . . F0qia04 . 14w..7--00 the first of Janu ary the new.pcotage law, passed-by Con-. gress the Pa of - June last,- goes .into op eiation,"Whicli will the 'pre-pay ment of p o stage on every Copy of the B'ea• ord. sent out of' the county, This pre-pay ment must be made by publishers, other wise the paper will not be'forwarded. To avoid difficulty in regard to thiineiv reg. : " ulation ,we make'snbscriberi thle proposi 7 . lion: To all who oball have, on the,,first day of January,. paid their 'subscriptions iu ArhAtcer,, the' . paper ivill lie sent `fie of postpqa. ThOse failing : tp make advance , pr.ymentelvill be charge' with the pCstage. thite7Or !l*k —Wii4r*mnie6oes do Tuesday next. —The" 214 and ,the 414ys will begin to lengthen. , —The Legislature will meet on tho sth of January. let—pistant - subscribers who lave long . neglected 'their subscription aceounts•will please hot forget the fact that we have Money Order Post Office. DiirWna.. - Feigley . of Hagerstown was recently sentenced to the penitentiary for the term of ftve.years: IHis offense was larceny: Stir Unless payment: is made in .the meantime the Record will not•be mailed to any aubscriher outside the county in 'a rears for two more years after January first. nELIGIOLTB.—QuarterIy Meeting at the M. E. Church on Sunday next. The Pre. aiding, Elder, Rev. D►. Hamlin., will be present. Services will continence on Sat urday evening. Lunnsr 800 . .—Mr. Charles 'Bell of this plates One . day lost week slaughtered the largest hog of which - we have heard mention made this season. /t clamed 464 pounds. REtacnoue.—The Christmas Festival of St. Paul's Reformed Sunday School will be held on' Christmas evening, Dec. 25, in the Chapel of St. Paul's Reformed Church. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered in the same place on Sunday, Dec. 27. Preparatory services on the day previous. ile - Tho Washington Co. Md. Teachers Institute will meet in Hagerstown on tl• 21st inst., and remain in session three da: Topics relative to the Profession will discussed during the day sessions, and night there will be interesting entertai meats. Y. M. C. A.—On Monday evening ti following persons' were elected officers the Y. M. C. A. for the ensuing year :• President, Jos. Price; Vice Presidents, Sl I. Bikle, Dr. E. A. Hering, Lewis D 4 trieli, 3f. H. Jacobs.; Managers, J. Reininger, Dr. J. B. Amberson, Geo. 134 ver, G. F. Lidy, Dan. Berlin; Treasurt IV. S. A mberson ; Cor. Secretary, S. Dou Jas; Recording Secretary, A. G. Blair, S. S. P.ECTION.--On Monday evening last the following persons wore elected officers of the M. E. Church Sunday School : Superintei4ant. A. E. Waynant ; As; tent, G. B. Hawker; Secretary, D. S. Smith ; Chorister, Mrs. Jenny Haflich ; Librarian, Jas. P. Wolff; Assistants, Geo. Middour, Wm. G. Smith.; Organist, Miss Effie Stonehouse ; Treasurer, Jesse Beard ; Sup. of infant Department, 'grs. Annie E. Hawker. DECEASED.—Mrs. Anni Hess died in Quincy township, on the 13th last., aged 78'years, 10 months and 18 days. She was the mother of 14 children, 100 grand children and 40 great-grand children.— She was a member of the German Pap tist Much 62 . years, and always walked upright as a consistent member. Her dia. uasa was umbilical hernia, which proved very distressing during the last year, cans ,ing frequent paralytic attacks. LARGE Hoos.—Mr. Benjamin Bechtel of the vicinity of Smithsburg desires us to say that Mr. Hoffman is not the only man to furnish a good stock of hews. He recently killed two, Wteen months old, raised by Mr. .Jacob T. Shank, weighing respectively 418 and 421 pounds. 'Mr. Geo. Ziglevf Smithsburg killed two which weighed 41? and 419 pounds, and Mr. M. Metz one weig,laing 418 lb?. There are said to be a few feeding yet that will ex ceed these in weight. SMTIT3BURG TLTLINPIKE ELECTION; At an election of the Hagerstown and Srnithsburg Turnpike company , held at gate No, 2, on Monday, November 30th, the following officers were eleeted,for the ensuing year :-President, I. Q. Brown ; Manages, Philip Beek, Henry CalliQuw•- er, Joseph Winters, Daniel .Hoover, Jr., a i I Da'kl Oswald. ,LE&ITEE.-7-11ey. Dr. Guard, one of the greateit Orators of ,tleageitas ''been en gagel. tis deliver a lentulier in the Isietbo diet Church of Wayilesboro', some .eve, zi)ng in January neit._..l3ubje4—"Meutal activities of the age and the Bible." This lecture has been pronounced by competent judges to be a wonderful pro- Auction, anditl3: delivery -a grand•.display. 42c 1 ,t!1e ,ultupft, inatchlese,.powepl of„thlu grey` aingii- - Ofarni-oliureffean Be eenni and.eentn_ engaged 4 bireallingerk . &Res.r. E Minna, dr 'E. A: Hering. Reserved seats 50 cents. Tamil* talc, ing more than three Oasts; 40 cents—un reserved-seats ascents. -. . Persons' wishing to iseeure reservedeests should engage parly,'as they are likely' to be taken "very rapidly. As soon as the date, of the lecture can be definately fixed. it will be announced. A DAFGEROUS ANIM4L Saturday the 28th . Mr. Win. IlesS, residing some six or eight ; miles north of Ifaneock, in this' ..county, , was out• with dogs and gun' on a bunting' exeursion..--, i 6 dogs having YOGI 11, place to find ,crouched. on the; limb of ,a , moderate sized, pine tree, au animal . of . such size, and.of such 15 ferocious appear ance, that induced him to hunt fui rein forcements before undertakiiietlie 'has= ardous attempt of killing:it; On reach,- Lug the nearest house . he. called to his Mr. Peter Culler, and:both being armed with riflog, made their -.way. back to the spot where the animal' , still , reemined.:-- Proceeding with caution Ufa epot thdy thought sufficiently near, they came to an that olio, was to _fire at its' head, and the, other at its heart. The 37e port of their rifles was simultaneous, and they had thaproud satisfaction -of seeing their game fail to the ground with -a- hea vy thud, leaving:Uo doubt' that,their tris ty rifles luid lone well their Work. On examination the "animal preVed to be a Panther that m ensured ;nine feet in length . and weir, , hed one hundred and forty pounds. Mr. Hess has refuseLte_a Bra INvErrroorr.---Lloyd; the famous map man,who made all the maps for. Gene eral Grin. t and the Union army, ;certifi cates of which he published, has just in vented a way of getting a relief plate from steel so as to print Lloyd's Map of. Ame rican Continent—showing from ocean to ocean—on one entire sheet of bank note paper, 40x50 inches large, on a lightning press, and colored, sized and varnished for the wall so' as to stand washing, and mgiliig anywhere in the world for 25 cents, or, unvarnished- for 10 cents. This map shows the whole ;United States and Territories in a group, from surveys to 1875, with a million places on it, such as towns, cities, villages, mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, gold mines, railway sta tions, &c. This map should be in every house. Send 25• centslo the Lloyd Map Company, Philadelphia, and you will get proprietors of the Reading Eagle were called for sentence for libeling the father of Charlie itoss. An appeal for mercy was made and in reply Judge Allison spoke at length of the gravity of the of fense, and the responsibility of newspaper publishers. lie pronounced the publica tion 'as highly scandalous, and said he had at first intended to inflict the sentence of imprisonment. Ho then called the de fendants and sentenced. them to pay a fine of $l,OOO. SeirThe rabbit forms an important ar ticle of food in Great Britain and Ireland. In addition to the very large number ipn• ported from the continent, it is estimated there are annually bred for food 27,000,- 900 rabbits. The flesh is sold at an aver• age rate of twelve cents per pound, which Is fully a third less than the price of beef and considerably under that of the choi cer portions of the sheep. The value of the annual supply is estimated to be $7,- 84000- Ser,4. delegation of fifteen Nevajo diaps arrived in ,Washington on the *1 inst., from New Mexico. They want to exchange part of their reservation. 'The Navajo tribe numbers about 11,000 souls, and ow;k130,000 sheep and 10,000 Ipm eS. ViAlathew Pabst, of tVashington, D. L, who brought suit against the 13. & O . Railroad Company for $25,000 damages for causing the death of his wife in pe camber; 1872, through negligenee,was last week [taunted $3,568,05 damages by the ,jury before whom the ease was tried: laJohn Baier, keeper of a lager beer saloon in Baltiipore, conunittecl Enda- t ie on Wolneslay of last weak by hanging PHILDELPIIIA, December 12.—A pho tegraph of a supposed' to be . Char- Jig Ross has been reeehoed here front - Ches. ter, 111 ., and, it-hears so striking a rekm blafice that one of the Ross family Lasater ted for that place to investigate the mat ter. It is the impression of the family that the real child has been recovered.— Thetairin:the photograph appears to be dark,. but his hair may have been stained to disguise Ins appearance. terThe proprietors of Johnson's Ano dyne ,Zininzent, , Porsoits:. Purgative Pills, and Sheridan:a Cavalry Condition Powders, have pnbllsh - ed n rea4able and instructive pamphlet, which • may be had - free by mail. . • ria'ltufus Chainnan of Liberty, Maine had a stiff leg . beneat the knee, - Thubered etnfntringthene'd by the. use Of ,4"ohnson's "Anodyne Lininieut.• : ~ , , LOS! • ,Fon.SALs.-12. Shoats,_ 4.large and small. AMY to V: B. GILBERT, Bum Viatm• ' • • , • • decl7,ll All the balance : of County, State,Borom and - Sebool Taxeti remaining unpaid in tl Bordifigh and,T.ownsbip after. January 1875, will positively be collected as, theb directs with execution and costs added, Call and pay as longer indulgence canny be given. F."l-IORNER, Col, decl7 tf • —A choice -article of New CropN. Molasses, jusTeceiNied. • . • declO - Price & Hoofitch —New at,Mre.iester'e. , 'The late* in felt hate.— Call and' AS =mine her ateck. , . , dee3 3w: Fos SALL7'.—HOr, Cor4''att4 "Apples : in . largo and small qiuudiOs. ' dee3 tf kfrearlorof Storm Caps.for ineu and boys at the Town llalt,Storn. ' —A large lot of Ladies'Ywo "cheap," jest - received at the Torn• Hull Store. , for' ladles and gontlemen at tins,Toin . Hall Stoie. —The highest market priciv: paid for all kinds of raw furs, at the Town. Hall Store. —A fine awirtment of Gents and Boy's Hata, at tLe Town Hall,store: - dee3 2w NEW ARRANGEMENT.—Jacob Snider has arranged to have his fine boots manu factured in Philadelphia., Persons prefer ring this plan will be promptly furnished by teu,ving their moaspres with him. GLOVES AND HOSIERY—AII kinds at the Bout and Shoe Store . of Jacob Snider, cheaper; than ever. HATS AND Cars.—A full line and new assortment at Snider's Store, Oellig Build ing. MEN'S UNDER-CLOTHINV.--A full line at Snider's Store, Oellig Building. ANOTHER LOT. —Boots and Shoes best styles and material in market, at Snider's cheap Boot and Shoe Store. Call and see them. GAITERS.—Misses Kid-button Gaiters low as $1.40, at Snider's Store. NOTIONS.—AnOther supply, all kinds, !nider's Store, Oellig Building. —Black Cashmeres, French Mennes, lk Poplins, Double Warp Alpacas, and all Popular Dress Fabrics of the season in sat variety, just received at Price & —For the next thirty days, we will a large stock of Knit Goods at and bo cost. Now for bargains at Price & Hoe- —Another heavy invoice of Wool nkets at auction figures. Call and see in at Price . &lich's Store. —silk Laces, Gimps, Bugle Braids, the novelties, in Ladies' Dress Trim mings, in full assortment at Price & Hoe- fIICIeS. A .11fax Ix Rums.—One of the sad dest spectacles iu the *orld is a human being shattered and broken down by the use of ardent spirits. But the damage may be repaired, the ruin restored 'to per fect soundness, by a course of that most powerful of all invigorants, Da. WALK, ER . S VINEGAR BirrEns. Beware of those "tonics" of which rum is an element.— They aggravate disease and promote de cay. dec3 4t READY-MADE CLOTTIING.-I have just received a large lot of Ready-made Cloth ing, consisting of Overcoats and full suits. Overcoats also low. as stl; good heavy weight suits as low as $B. On band the largest stock of Cloths, Qt4meres, Vestings and Over Coatings to be found in this part of the county. Goods sold to be made up at home, cut free cf charge. Call tad see as I will not be under sold. GEO, BOERNER, 31erchant Tailor, S. E. Cor. S4uare, Waynesboro.' dee: Ow STLLING AT Coen—lntending to go out of busiuess, I am now offerring a fine Stock of Queens are, Glassware and Sun dries, in connection with my stock of Gro ceries, at first cost, for CASH. The public are invited to F4ll and examine goods and prices. W. A. Kern. dec 3 21v ..That dry hacking cough is the herald of approaching consumption. To check the swift progress of the destroyer, prompt and decisive measures must be restored to. A. dose of Pr. Morris Syrup of Tar, Wild Cher, ry and Horehound, waken when the cough ing spells come on, will afford immediate relief am/ eventually effect a thorough cure. It will be forum! equally 'beneficial in ltll forms of throat. and lung disoiders. In cases of croup it is of inestimable yalue.. Call at the drug store of F. FORTiIMAS, and inquire about it, they furnish you with slim.- pie bottle. S epte !211-107 Goods 'ust received B: HAY4LTCRi. ITE subscriber offers for sale a Morn ingg Glory Stove with oven attached, as good as new, coal bucket, pipe, etc. Price $lB,OO upon which a reasonable credit will be given. It can be seen at the residence of Wrn. Stewart in Ringgold. decl7 flt W. 13. STEW ART. These Bonds are issued for the purpose of raising funds for the erection *of a build ing in the City of Now York,to be used for a PERPETUAL WORLD'S FAIR, a permanent home, where every manufac turer can exhibit and sell his goods, and every patentee can show his invention ; a centre of industry which will prove a vast benefit to the whole country. For this purpose, the Legislature of the State of New York has granted a charter to a number of our most wealthy end respec table merchants, and these gentlemen have purchased no less than eight blocks of the most valuable land in the City or N. York. The building to, be erected will be seven stories high (15Dft. in height), surmounted by a nagnificent dome, and will cover a space of twenty-two acres. It will be con structed of Iron, Brick and Glass, and made fire-proof. The bonds, which are all for ';'2o each,girn secured by a first mortgage on the land and building, and for the purpose of making them popular,tho directors have decided to have quarterly drawinj,s of $150,- 000 each ; this money being the interest on the amount of the whole loan. Every bondholder must receive at least gip% but he may receive dec3 3w $1.00,000 Or $33,000, $lO,OOO, or $5.000, or $3,000, 4c. Held MONDAYJANUARY 4, '75. CAPITAL PREMIUM, $lOO,OOO. These drawings takes place every three months, and eventually every bond will participate in them. Address, for bonds and full information, MoRGENTH AU, BRUNO A CO.,Financial Agents, 23 Park Row. New York. Post Office Drawer 29. Remit by Draft on N. Y. City Banks,lleg;- istered Letter or P. 0. Money Order. Postponements linpossible under this plan. decl7 3w %NNE subscriber offers Lis services to the I citizens of Waynesboro' and the public generally as an Auctioneer. Having had considerable experience at calling sales, etc., Jie heroes to able to give general satis factmn to all who may be pleased to favor him with a trial. Residence near the Re formed Church. H. J. WOLF. dealt) 3m WANTED -1000 Bush. Clover Seed, fur which the highest cash price will be paid by ' .TOSEPHUS GROUND, • dec3 5w ' lAitersburg, Md. TA.O•E'S. Oct. 20th, 1874, at the parsonage, by Rev. J. H. Flemiug;Mr. David 13. Hays to Miss Sarah Lackeus, all of Welsh Run, Pa. - On Thursday, Dec, 10th, 1874, at the same pi:tee, by the same,. Mr. J. Hamil ton Fry, to Miss Mary Belle Nedy, both of Welsh Run, Pa. ' - At U. B. Parsonage, Alto Dale, Dec, 9th, 1874, by Rev. P. Anthony, Mr. Ad- George and Miss Lizzie C. Ritter, all of the vicinity of Fayetteville, Pa. In Boston, .Nov. 17th, by the Rev. Geo. F. Pentecost. Mr. Henry F. Swett, of Tofu:inhere,' N. H., to Miss Mary E. Per kins,._of Alexander, Maine. At the residence of the bride's father, in Wash. Ce; Md.;-on the 24tu of Novem ber, by Rev. David Long, Mr. Scott Rei chard to Miss Lutie 8., youngest daugh ter of Jacob Funk, Esq. On tho Ist inst., near Big Cove Tan nery, by Rev. L. Chambers, Mr. W. Car-1 roll -Peck, of Fulton county, to Miss Jen-1 nie E. - Glass, of Franklin -county. )VSYNESBOROP : - .MARKET, (6oll!acrlD WEEKLY.) ' BACON • 11c HAMS 20 8UTTE1t....,.... 25 EGGS... ....... ...... 22 LARD 12 POTATOES' • 75 APPLES—DRIED ' 05 APPLES-'-GREEN ...... . .50 HARD SOAP 5 BAT.TnixonE, December 14, 1874. VtOUß.—Western Super $4,50 ; do. Extra at $4,75 ; choice do. at $0,37} ; Family at $5,50®5;52}. • WHEAT.—Choice Maryland white at 135 cents; amber at 132®135 cents; prime red at 125@130 cents. - CORN.—White at 84®85 cents -1 Yel low at 84®86 cents. • ' OATS.—Southern, 66,®68 cents, bright Western at 70 cents. RYE.—Common at 95 cents, good. to prime at 100@103 cents. PEILA. CATTLE MARKET, December 1 , 1.—57.25a7,75 for extra State and Wes tern Steers ; $5,50a7 for fair to good.— Live Hogs firm ; $10,25a10,50. • Boots! Boots! THE subscriber haS for salo a fine lot of Ready-made Kip Boots manuafctured nine or teu months ago, which he will dis pose of at reasonable prices. 1V Id. STEWART, decli 3w Ringgold, Md. WANTED ! SOO Musket Barrels in trade for anything in my line of business. 7-shot Revolv ers at from $4,50 to $9, and everything else at reduced prices. J. H. JOHNSTON. decl7 tf Stove tor Sale. -$2O Wly L BUY A MST MORTGAGE ?ROB BOND OF TIIR - y - c_Yßac tritUOSTRIAL EX HICatONI CO, =am Every bond purchased before January 4, I 875, will participate in the THIRD SERIES DRAWING, ~"fJT=ONEER=~TC3 - I CLOVER SEE 3J. PUBLIC. SALE. PI7.IISVAI T to an order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pa., there will be sold at Public Sale, • On Saturday the 26th day beeember,"l4, in front of Stoner's Hotel, a let of ground, with • A TWO STORY LOG DWELLING thereon erected, situated .on west side of Mechanic Street, in Waynesboro'. adjoin• ing lot of Isaac Sprenkle, being, the prop. erty of the estate of John A. Strealy, dec'd. The house is almost new, and with good sized pleasant lot attached. Terms made known on the day of sale by THOMAS J. FILBERT, Adm'r. declo 3w " G. V. Mong, auct. PUBIAIC SALE. . ILL be sold at Public Sale, in front of Stoner's Hotel, On Saturday, 26th of December, 1874, • a lot of ground, situate on west side of Let. tersburg Street, in Wavneshoro':ndjoinin k t lot of Joseph Elden, with a very comfort.:.. ble 1-2 STORIED BRICK HOVSE a good Basement, belonging tdassign. estate of Noah Snider and wife. The is well stocked choice fruit trees the house is well built arid, arranged ;wo families. , . rrkis made known on the day . of aaleby • T. •L'VILBERT, Assignee.' G. V. Mong, duet.. elo 3w liaiß CHEAPEST AND BEST TAPER If THE COUNTRY. 6:715 1 1 50 AIN#3I Ixcelled by any Woelily "Literary Tubli m, East or West. CANVASSERS WANTED TN EVERY TOWN TN THE UNITED STATES. The most liberal Premiums and Club Rates .ever offered by any •newspaper.— Write for a circular containing tbll =Hon, stm — Specimen copies furnished on application. address TILL LEDGER COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL, declo 4w PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned will offer at Public Sale in Waynesboro', On Saturday, 19th day December, 1871 the following described Real Estate, viz: , A TWO STORY STONE DWELLING situated near Pikesville, now in the occu pancy of Thos. J. Cunningham, 'with good Stabling, Slaughter House_ and other ne cessary out-buildings. There' is a well of good water in the yard. On the lot which contains an acre, more or less," there are a variety of choice fruit trees. The house is convenient mid all in good repair. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock on said (lay when the terms will be made known by ' GEORGE MIDDOUR: deed V. Mong, mkt. FOR MEN, SOTS AND CHILDREN I Moro titan One Hundred different etylCs and eolorb of HATS AND CAPS to suit the old, the middle-aged and the young—in goods better than the best and prices cheaper than the cheapest, nrtintain ing our reputatil at as loaders for " all kinds of Head t3ear, The largest variety of, NEK-VES BOWS GUMS v v cuff 4. Bosoms. Shirt Studs and Sleeve But• tons; Gents Underwear in great variety, - SHIRTS, DRAWERS and Stocking's, Umbrellas, Canes, Satchels, Pocket-books, &e. Ca . TA 0 V - n our own manullieture of Buck, Sheep, Kid, Dog Kid and Custom Gloves to at all sorts, sizes and shapes of hands. HORSE COVERS, BUGG Y SPREADS, ROBES AND BLANKETS. - For the Ladies, all tho popular styles of • Furs, Collars, Boas, Muffs and Fur Trimmings, of all descriptions.-- Our ladies $2 Dog Kul Gloves fit as neat— look as well end will outwear a half dozen imported Kid, while our domestic and mow kids at $1.50 and $1,60 will outwear a half dozen of the imported dollar kids. UPDEGRAFF'S Hat, Glove and Fur Faet'y Opp. Washington House, HagerstowiL oct 21.—tf.• STILL AT HE OLD BUSINESS, %ME subscriber announces to his nanter ig ens friends and the public' generally that he continues the Cabinet-making bu. sines ut the old furniture stand on East Main Street, Waynssboro', Pa. All articles offered in his line of business will be man. ufactured out of the best material and ac cording to the latest styles. Ile also an• nounces that he haS A FIRST CLASS HEARSE. Ho will pay special attention to the Under taking business, and is prepared to furnish Collins of all grades at very moderate pri ces. He is also provided with a Freezer. - He hereby tenders his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally for past favors and asks a share of the same in the future. JACOB BENDER. novl 9 tf REMOVAL! MITE subscriber announces to his cuts tomers and the public that he has: re moved to a shop erected at his residence on the old Hagerstown road, where lie will continue the boot and shoemaking business'. Persons wanting boots or shoes made to or der, or repairing done, will at al times be accommodated at short notice- and upon reasonable terms. His prices are : Fine Boots, S 7 ; "d'a Cents; Haltsol ing and Heeling, $1.00; Ladies' wear made to order at stow° prices. Persons wanting repairing done can leave such work at tin shop of C. H. Frey if they prefer doing so. THOS. 11. HOLLINGSWORTH. novs tf $25,00 REWARD THE above reward will be paid for the arrest and conviction of the person or persous who broke open and made an at tempt to fire Fairview School House, on Sunday, night, the Bth NV ABll. DISTRICT SCHOOL BOLRD. declO St] NOTICE. HEREBY notify the public that Mathew T Itletcalf holds a note against Jacob Stull with my name on that I will not pay as it was gotten on under false pretense* deca gw PETER ROUZEB.