s' - , • 'Clibp C‘bi - , - . , . ~ . „ . • , ~.., ', i '.. 4.-• 0. , • ~, L - - . . ~_ - :. , . ...r.i.,.....„.... . . • t __ , „,- * . • -, 7 ~': ; '• , - ' '•.';:: 0 ) - ~.,, . I , , IFV,r! '. •:. , •1 4 1-,:. - : - 1111 -'. ~ ... ..,_. ..... „ 6 ,. , . . • ...,.., • , , , i . - : 12t .,_,.,..,,,.„ ~. ..., Ar . ' ',,r ,'' . • , ~ • ,•,- . " ..._. , „..... . •• :: . . . ~ . . ... ... , .., . .. . . : • .. "V • B.W. ,LuR. VrottilfE::::27: :_?())IGETIE,X . O . 7.. :•• ,;:. ,SWhenibilthelan ckf isplendori 1-Thy IteitrVis ; tor wbeli .9•411,5 r eye) uye„,gfqing.":', On, the • pilgeantry oft e~ear(l . Ar whin gay plumes are ,wavips In the"danter's - uigq. - wiud; -- Iyhereyo!rg-heafts76eat-withjeyousnel Ar when liii4i4lapring:time,pUtteth on Her perttitheii rabes.Oftoweis; , And w4hd'ritig r zephrs kiss:the-leaves , , Or when prod:arms are,bendiug.dowr With hkiditia.:f4 - 4ii,td - thee,' '•••'• ' • •." Xay; think not theupf„Fue. j when the brightjalid„beautjful.., 0 1 All'PAs*Ai t kYi. And the withered leaves of Autumn Are whispeiing - 4 decaq JaPt . o f,§-o** PP its ,stem tprlosn, ,• - „ . • And the breath_ of dying Sowers • On' the'sighing breeze -Or whelyntdewy evening, iNthileintiiipisattitinone, ; - Lbw whisfietink winds shall waft - to thee Some well - remembered. tone ; .Or When the waning moonbeams sleep 'Upon tbe-.deep „ I Then, sometimes, let.tby : gentle thoughts klndly, upon me.: ' ;' '• I would that tbis might be to thee, 4i,days to eeine,*token : ' -Of bright and joyous hoirs:pa§t, • :- And wads of love once .spoken ! • Surely' then wilt remember all— V 1 ,,. e. once-loved—Abe 'departed— The friends thatgatbered round.thee, '; . Tlie'fond and the true.hearted: When thoughts of otlier,days shall steal Thy gentle spirit o'er, Like strains of wafted music _ Eroineome fair_liut fading shore, And Memory's light shall linger round Each once familiar spot, Full *ell rlindw, deep•cherished one, Thou wilt forget me not. Pistellaiti6li - lleadi4E, HOUSEHOLD IDOLATRY. When George DMAIy was married he thought lie had• attained the summit of human feeility ; and his mother and sis terssaid, George is not happy it will be his own fault." . George Dunkly was the village carpen ter..• He had a , good business; a pleasant house of his- own ; sober habits; youth, health and strength iu his l'avor More• over, being fond of readiug, he had a re. spectable library already. and meant to .have a larger one before he had done. "Ah r said he to himself, rubbing his hand gleefully, "what pleasant winter eve nings we shall have—Margaret and I— when wo both have done work, and have nothin,.„o•'else to do, she to listen and I to read aloud" And George really laughed ed, he was so brimful with the pleasures ,of anticipation. Margaret was young too, and healthy And strong. She was pretty, moreover, and faithful and affectionate. - She really loved George for himself and she bad worldly wisdom enough to line him none the less-for his pleasant house and his _good business. So George and Margaret were married, And the honeymoon passed away blissful ly. George was happier" than ever. But time wore on, and George began to wonder; according to his notions he had ample cause for wondering. For one thing he wondered that he had not found out before he was married that Lis house, instead of being, as in his sim plicity he had always considered to be, respectable for its external neatness and internal cleanliness, was, in flict, a very pig sty (or something near it) for dirt and .dust. That it was so, he had Margaret's word for it; and he had, besides, the evi• deuce of more senses than one, in the.en tire purification of every "stick and straw" that this house contained. He had before known his pretty young wife to be a fa mous cleaner, and he had pleased himself with the thoughtnf.hersuperiotabilities in this way; but now- he found that he had not known half the reality. At first, George was pleased to find that Margaret's gooequalities were not dimm el by marriage ; aud, week after week, he lore with exemplaiy fortitude' the inflic tion of mops, pails, brooms and brushes, the strong odor of soap and soap-suds dai ly renewed, and the inconvenience of cur tuinless windows and damp floors. By and by, however, he began to wander how it was his with never got tired of scrubb ing and scouring, and how soon or how long it would be before his house would be to rights. • .—• Vain were the expectations he fo'rMed. The 'Muse Was neverlo rights.: Every day had its appointed duties; and of these, the first and tbremost was- to scrub tug! clean. If the dinner was ill-cooked, or not cooked at all, or kept back half an 'hour, whar of that? Was there not the washhonse In whitewash? and ; ciaild any do two things at once? If the house -was"turned out at the window,", and the once ccinthrtable sitting room had no chair for Greorge to sit upon when he came' in from work,, what Of, that?', Had not Margaret been ,hard at work all day too? Hadn't she been Varkishingall the chairs ..'. , i . ~ 1 ! ~ ~- .: r' anel :fables,, awl : innkjtig there !shine, Wig, coking.glasses? gao she twn whpion.-; defining?. bees ele.a.riPg of the 'Corner di pbotirds,A.44 4he , pleeets, 77 And'ihadaleheVitlwtboArf_work,yet to get .tinclugh,ANArP,rfter S t ai , :ivoilljci he do' IHi :id l er be'Pus )Ifith them well ilia , 'ißei(ll-1,. where. is .... dirt 'ic!*T/e•'# o . l / 1 '`l•liey...'are-dirty,"G'eorge; and'lonly ewePt•theparlor , -yesterday:- And' 'thei?, that'filtly pipe " ''''''' .".Why ,igatiiyet;" pilatit 00- tured ly., . 4 ..‘y on ..didihilsed to. ohjee,t my . smoking. now.: and .thetur you , • didit'l Say 'filthy pipe' before-we were married. ' "Well,. 'I do , ;tiow i then; , I deolitre it inakesteverything smell : of itobacco.:. •rglie pattor,do'.kfi.t iuto-afterzyou have been smoking there. v. •_, ,". wa good-natured and:forbear ugf. but it was3lard. work for, him to ; swal low the risiug auger ;. nevertheless he did. it. '•Well, Margaret," saldhei "I won'l, go, into, the ,parlor then,, if you mill just make the 'kitchen comfortable and come, and elk with me. I aia sure you hPVP fin ished cleaning for to-day.at least„ • ,Come, 11l ;put, my. pipe down And. read to' you.—' have,not had a quiet hour with you for: 'many Along day.- -; -, • • Ah, Margaret, ! Margaret, what evil, spin-, it was it.thutprompted you to say "There, hold yourlougne I . Just like you men ! Think ikottien'haVe nothing to-do but:wait upon you. Dan'L you see I have two hours' work, to do yet before I, (with strong' emphasis on that ./;) before /cart sitdown?" George Dunkly darted from the house. It was eleven o'clock' when lie returned.— He had been setting in the tavern' drink ing, for there was 'comfort there—of a sort. This was scarcely four months after mar riage. * * * *. Ten years IMSSed away, and still the great object of Margaret's life was to "bus - - tle about" and to clean. Her house was,in deed, a picture of 'rod housewifery—when it was to rights, which was one day in sev en ; and her children (she had three) were orderly, and clean, and well-behaved, and —timid. Good reason they had to be tim id. Dankly 'dwell was not greatly chang ed externally ; but his dreams of domes tic happiness had passed away like dreams. He never, after that "one slip, again de graded himself by excess; for his princi ples were . sound. But his home-;--alas Well, ten year's passed away, and Mar garet, careworn and weakened by her con stant exertious,. Sh&was very ill. Her recovery was despaired of. With re turning, or rather with awakened affection George nursed her, and watched by her bed. At length the crisis was over; dan ger had passed ; and very slowly Marga ret recovered strength. One evening it was a fine summer eve ning—she ventured, leaning on her bus-, band's arm, to quit her wary couch and cotter to'the window. It was partly open, and, shielded by the curtain she sat, still s.tpported by her husband, watching the setting sun. Presently childish voices were heard below, and Margaret listened. They were the voices of her two elder children., "George," said little Margaret to her brother,"tit titer says that mother is getting well again." . "Is she really ?" said the boy in a tone that seemed to tremble. "Ah, that she is; so father says; and I say, George, you take care ; you know it wasn't I that m tde those scratches on the wash house wall. No, Margaret, no," replied little George, with agitation and fear in every tone; "but don't tell mother! 0, Margaret,dear, pray don't tell mother !" It was a hard and painful lesson, but a most blessed one. There is not now a hap pier home than George Dunkly's ; for Margaret, his Wife,: has 'learned that the excess of some 'kinds of excellenco is a vice, and has had the magnanimity to sac rifice. her house idolatry at thci shrine of family love. Do wild birds' and beasts know N ihon Sunday comes? In thickly peopled re gions it is easily conceivable that hawks, crows and wood-chucks should come to know the day of bells as the day of safety. 'There' are no men in the meadows; the horses stroll-the hillside; the wise. of the axe 4aci the voice of the-ox-driver are not heard. The shy and vigilant verthin that frequent farms know Sunday. I have verified it so often,that. l i ve not a shadow of doubt left.— Thomas K. Beecher Like a bell • that's rung for fire; like a careless auctioneer; like, iofttime, a grace less liar, raiSehicf-roaking tattlers,g(i;stop ping you with quaking fear, , whispering as you lend an ear—" Mercy on ps, did' you - hear? "Betsey Bean his got a beau:" No man was ever so deceiycd by anoth er ag by himself. i.r,.;:rl;,ii ,27 AM . EL 'Y'' NE - '''l7" - ii-*.." '-' • DE ifiiiitiiiiiii - tittitiAruitz, LOCAL *lnv GE xpr t ax NESS. ETC. o rd., IP I. Aria W' ',..1i:.. ' ... . • -' , itNESBORO', 'FIAALTAN- SDAY, DECEMLBERI7,IB74. • A Si tin g e . I*-tli+TW Thirteen years ago a young min wooed and won a younglady_ina village 'aid far:frOm.-Daven'port, i•lT.be:pareats 4the -girl objected, and, there was, a dsal-oftyoub-, , le; but ,fieilly die' couple were married at' the home 'of the bride. Three mOlitlie Ed' ;he bridegroom daiired to`-move td iornitribirt-thelamilrof-his wife-op , 1-llartnfigfationraiiirthii BAIA' Was . the - hnshiiid - started" Tor - the - Pacific tviithout ler.i.. :After- tbelitist , Six no:tidiogs from'the !husband were , ved-.+-a nd in less than a year news. .tbat he..was dead. . ln 18.6.3,the wid tied yell who hadi +lied' *din , Gefinany rltlidjlieribed itisband:ivite•eatirelpignriiint arthe that , hih 'bride iiidow. -I - - But: .e.ofignoraneir is - ' •• 8 hortly: ,after4he • martiage- the. .and purchased a farm is Scot t Couxa-• and mx•thifi faria the couple have•Jiy, , ver since, and several children have their union, oiirloW4eks• ago , ' theifiitt Usband - of woman arrived in Davenport, and.On: in. vinquiries :learned the history. of wife's marriage.,Then berade out to 4.'2 861 1 lt r itiOttiriltuite fOr 'her that her loid:Was 'ftWair from -fionle; , forelia Wei/very" much-affected."- , She-talit-hi'm: tbakshe supyesed .dead„. and .go par tied iinfitiliero.and chided liimlciiiiegiedt ing her as T stOik to tell; the i. 610: gist of it being tharite had, determined nemer, to.retUra..uptil he became rich., 177rigA,?, But his wife was miserable in his presence I —anithe'wies'iniserable, tool • "-":-, The eminf lhefconferenee was, that.the first., husband return ed to Davenport to consults iaW3 , :el4afid 4id'of 'the 'c,on pultation that the'htibtatfid'vent t'o' the:wife antd , ll4ll Artilther-len :Pik with hprgfin4„,thpa the two.kepar . ated . ,,,neFer meet again, for the 'man determined' to eress,the ocean .and speed the balance of his i daya 'in G6rinany. ' • . • ' ; The day that he left the 'wife 'entered hersuit for dirrce, on the.,ground of de sertton ; the, notice wiig'firwith served on the . defendant, and hacceptpd'Seritice.--' . At the ' next term of the Cirenit Court the defendant's naMe will be 'called, and there wit be no response. There will' be default, and decree. 0..-diY9P:le grAnktqd- Ap4 may be the wife..,till : be marrieda second time to the father of her children, and, so main contented in the delightftillanne in which she now :liired.in elegance . and cone fort.--Davenport Gazette. • He ivho boasts 'Of' being perfect japer feet in his folly., I haVe been a gold' deal up and down .in the world, and I never did see either a perfect-horse or a perfect man, and I never. Shall until two Sundays come together. You Cannot' get white flour out of a coal-sack, nor perfection oat of human nature , be who looks for it bat' better look for sugar in the sea. The 0/ saying is, "Lifeless,fitultless." Of dem men tee should say nothing but goad, as for the living, they tire tarred more less with the black brush, and half an.ey can see it. Every bead, has : a Sofi,,p4a,F, in it, and every heart, hai its black Every rose has its p'riciles; and every 'da: its night. Even the sun shows spots, aui 'the skies are darkened with clouds. NN body is so wise but he has fully eioug to stock a stall at Vanity Fair. Whey I could not see the fool's cap, I have rtel ertheless heard the bells jingle. As Opt is no sunshine without some shadows, all human good is talked up with more less of evil ; even poor lacy guardians hay, their little failings, and parish beadles at not wholly of heavenly nature... The best wine has its lees.- Alt men's 'faults ut not written on their foreheads, and L quite as well they are n0t,..0r hats Foul. need wide brims; yet as sure irs egg are eggs, faults of some kind nestle in every man's bosom.. There's ,no telling 'when a man's, faults may show themselves, for . 1 hares pop out of aditch just when you , are not looking for them. A horse that, is weak in the knees may not stumble for a mile or two, but it is in him, and the ri der had bettor hold him up well: The tabby eat is not lapping milk ' just now, but leave the dairy open, and we will see if she is not as bad a thief as the kitten.— There's fire in the flint, cool as it looks ; wait till the steel gets a kuock at it, and we'll see. Everybody can read that rid dle, but it is not everybody that will , re member to keep his gunpowder out of the way of the candle.—John Baughman. INCIDENT OF OVERLAND TRAVEL.— Among the passengers ,by the westward bound immigrant train Was a Mrs. W. S. Credilml, au aged lady from Albert, Me., Poor, feeble and alone, she had left her' home to cross the continent on an immi grant train to see her children residing iu this State. • Two grown daughters -a waited her at San Jose. and her son had gene up the road to meet her: He found ner worn out with the tittigues of the pro tracted journey in acoinfortle,ss immigrant car, and very weak. .About. 6 o'clock in the eveningshe reclined., her head on his shoulder and fell asleep there. . just . after the train left San Leandro-a gentleman, who had got on the taain at that place, noticing something peculiar in the atti tude and appearance of the old lady, ap proached her-son and inquired, "What is the matter with, that lady?" "Hush," replied the young man,, "don't wake my mother." "No 'fear," said the gentleman' "she will never Wake . rigain in this world." He waS*.right... ' 9, nie,tly 'leaning on the breast of her on the, poor old lady-bad yielded to fatigue 'arid"peacefully fallen into a slumber from' w ielrelie - passed 'in 'to that deeper sleep that' kedge neither waking nor weariness. The immigrants composed her limbarto rest, and brought 'the body to this city for • the bereaved children.—San. Francisco Chronicle. We all have Faults. t)i- ; •,; BY MARY kw/TaIiLET: Be f ore/ma a kiss; }no; c 9, 41 1, 3. 71 tA w r!/CdAWV , •. ,. . • :. For tin - idle word - that. X p:vp -.„.,... . H ad rankted a night , arid day ? * fi/iiNiiiilitti f f I,• %kali& alifhtifi3 loitished'tci ' • 1 Plfit_poiy..4 apd,stiag oiirtha !,T:1,113. . Grgvy'aiit,oraii .r ; Bitt iingdiet spirit: . • ; : Weight' , no xua , tteriiiright,i •• ; , ~ • • ~. • AndPßlF9,9m l Ft'.°E•ilj.eft49uP! 4 Pr b • ylts, ,rs,s,s , pn , piit of sight.., I let s iiip?.,g6l.o.4, 3 l:fii'nioriiinfe • nuised"oly Wrong - Wittuniaty : ..; ...ft?: • ,t, °M:l4 it t9!! t4M1414,. help me , ,• r. train, hat 'Oftaie;lS Wlma pi' . s ig n"; I. .re '•• , • aignihr " • • Bat siditifeisvelniirg , +Wallows gathered; i• •Mp hbartibegsizito•bniu ~ ,, t , .r., , s,fisiok*nsagetwo i ttf,4is4pfluence - , „ I / . 1 9'4494 "or Als , r•etlF!!'- •. • Leaping against 'tOn•lovi ''l ' tiei3tteet.,:-; . •i• - = , i • strained mq ear hit; step &Mir ~;- • Iwthecrowdioilhurryinghleeti .;:i • • Far Aff? tootheidigunfOt difitgic i 44311 • •• 1 9499;4.:4vVh114wPift' 34,t:t0 a pyle l irptead nuci94 tread,. '' f "_V „ Anai;siiip,lt ut attibet. •ii•,11: I. .7t Some griefs; , tbfouglk.fleep an 4 bittpTx in a t q ur qq , • 0 _ some reta i n the old, old fain • .A,s l i re'en r duiee: • a " " I did notlinOwiri'thelinorning • -- When I coldly turned away, .(1:.: That I should . miss and mourn that kiss 'to my I:lying:day 1?"; • ' iiA Story •.of Life mict.Death. . . In'taiVience, Susie' M. Sinith a • young ladrabOdt,iieirenteen mears'of age, daugh ter of Dr. Q.vouleaf•• ii)nith, after, a. short illness, died,,on ,Weduesaay r Sep,tennber 9 at 6,o'eleck in, tlie' evening, and From that' tiinif r u 'Fridai;'ni 12`o'clack; 'the body'Was'aj pittentl:y. pesecsied in partly other. : .; ' .• , ,On Wednesday : the,Aay of hpr, death, she said ,"Vather I have ,attended ply min funeral." Slie &scribed- it as- very real,dechiied, her Self 'perfectly' .eonsei o us' of what she was saying;:and , also spoke: of singing.and,gave. the names: of :#b B& she had heard. She continnpd, i ratiould during the day,, - ,when auout`six o'clock, she' passed to yiblent • spainisl i ii . gradual Paleness iiVerstliend her'facrefrom the forehead ;! she, became speech less', clos ed -her oyes, and,to;the senses of, .those a bout her' bedside. life was extinct. The unseen power. • The body . Was . novi possessed by a spir it that was cheerful; lively, and not nu,- like - its ,natural occupant. ' The doctor was about to ask if she hadn't better be laid Itack, when the saine'force'agoin lifted them, carried them both backward—he to his- feet, and she falling •to her.first position in bed, appar ently agaiu as dead as could possibly be. . A few minutes elapsed—the doubt was settling into certainty—when a mild voice opened conversation which continued three hours; during this time it acknowledged that this body lied been controlled by spir its out of the•flesh. . A trance sleep followed. The next morning the body opened its eyes and said to 'the doctor, "Please lie down on the side of the bed." He obey ed, and the voice !szid,."Who am I, uny way ?" He replied, "You are Susie Smith' It answered, "No, I ain't; Susie Smith died last night," and thil3j?pinion it main tained. , ' • On Friday - the- sympteins were again worse ;. there were several fainting spells but after. twelve. 'clock thero were no in dieetioni of life. The next morning, while in - ti lower room, and. endeavoring to decide where to lay the hody,an apparition, or Susie Smith as the incredulous or credulous will have it, walked into the room with plain foot.; steps and said, "Right otr the school hill, right on' the side. of the : road"—then dis 7 appeal ed. The location indicated' was selected.— In Denmark, near Brighton, Me., the bo dy lies in a new selecteddot on the school house 'hillside. The illness and decease occurred at the residence of her sister, corner of Cedar - and Franklin streets. The young lady resided in Lawrence for a number of years and was organist at Webster Hall, with a large circle of acquaintances. We ad vance no explanation or theory to cover .the case ;, we give the facts, easily attest ed, and the ctreumstauces warrant the truthfulness of the statements.—Spiritual ist Scientist, Boston:. T9rrible, - Fate the'fillOwing are theddtaklii of 'a ter rible ealitiiiity that overtook-the family of Mrt, William S... , Berudon, a.farmer, of Gage county,, N„ebraaka,;.„ On Apvember 10 he noticed that , the prarie several miles frail' hie dioefling;':ii a s' en' fi re: heaiy wind:Bol6odg about:' faint: text *day; blowing directly:; fro* the , fire toward his house, wariteti Mtn that Idan ger, was grow: ing . imminent. His .children ' were now crying through 'fear, and his wife) Was' itn, ;orth:l244loM te make the beiit'Of'tinie, Arangetnents 'weie soon , for - :the jouriiiiy,r and in ;it I.W.o;heree- wagon ' , they: sfarteiluntore thsta ; ton.miles. in ,advauce jf the fire,, with every i tilde 'to,' got Ont of' its reach' GOod tiidd Was: made by the 'team; and hot iti titlate-lnAhe evening; when : the. wind-in , greased in fury, was there any apprehen eion of danger. ' Abort the 'Whid increased: M s htriica - rO. itd..the .flames began to . approach:. theth terrible eneed;and :awful ,gratdeur. . Faster : and faster they came, and Mr. Herndon says _ bat it was evident-OEllm woula'Oner take thena.in a.f0194 1 941.t144 3 -:- A.Vltt vests to be done under the circumstances. was it question that -had4abe.decided" quick= The Ibrses. had. tot ;become. nman ageable, and , were ,as, likely to; ,oyerturn, the wagon and, stare,for the flames as any Other way. ''A — miersby piecettif groat& Has some two miles distanf,lancitear this was a small branch isf tster. r froui,which he' rein ein liefect 'He liad - - - friiqu'en try water- ThiiiwitailloTenly dance for.life,:. awL haitily.e.leavinelliis ,wagon' and team to their fate, he startedwith all baste for the marsh, -with- his youngesit child, a lad of eight years, in his arms:— It .wes : for life,was. coming, stud ti?py mitp, one grand effort to,get out of its reach; ; 'ales'Tit Was unavailing,. • The little dalighter waS the first that was overtaken, and the mother: Was prone •to stay, iihd,, ,up , _ her life with her; darling, &le, she kept on, while thellalues Welt' yet 'Wore that'w hundred , yards' behind,. and little • Mary was.. left upon her ktiees„.oraying that her ]dean ; enly Father might take her to His bosom and save her mother and fatheraiki little' brotherfrom, perishing. Death soon came far her,, and not ,long, di Deathd 4 wait . the. 'brother and" in meat S the mother', werwolifire; and 'she mai unableto .piciceelk I The. fat. ther, with desperate determination togave, his little son, pushed- on, hut already his clothes Were - on' fire, audithe-little boyitlie pride' of his;heart, :was struggling. .frea bipsel.C.from...the tortlirss, and soon 149 svf!, at rest in dpttii. s body, but. hin dered_ the " 'progress' of the'lether, ' an& te, save 'himself he 'deteriiiited - th' abandon Thus freed 'of all• iimumbrances he succeded: in reaching the , atm m. After. the fire gad psssed ,tpy he retraced his steps and gathered in brie place the black- Asa& charred remains of his,lat,e house ,d, an WIDOWS VS. WIDOWERS.—We tc never been Able), to comprehend, why much sympathy should be manifested, 'behalf of poor widows Rua 'go l ittle for. Divers. Of the two, the latter-in niost• ;ances, are the most pitiable, helpless. despondent - When the man:dies; the woman seems tccept the situation ;• she gathers her limes, -mach or little, together, and. isfers all of the deep„ and ,holy ; love bad lavished upon her liusbind; to ,her (ken.' Thus panoplied; trasting I, she moves 'ori in the even tenor of ' breasting all.the Storms, and over ling all.difficplties, until she has rear , useful and:..happy In. the other hand, when a man losee* wife, iu"most- inks he seems' to lose reason. His, home is broken up—bis scattered. He heeotnes a sort of monomaniac. He throws hiniself into the matrimonial market, a kind of second hand man, or commodity, which must be disposed of on some terms immediately.— He falls.head over ears in hive with:every thing that wears calico. The puppy love of eighteen is tame compared to his fren zied devotion to any and .all who will lis. ten to him. His only cure is death or matrimony. We really pity and sympa thize with the widower, and as we have several now residing in our city, we might as well state, in this connection, that we know of a large number of respectable ladies who join u.; in our condolence, and who would be' willing to sacrifice them selveson the hymenial alter fur their re lief. TITE SACKFUL, pr EA,RTII.- A rich. man had by an unrighteous lawsuit obtained from a poor widow a small. field, ' by the produce of which she was just able'to' maintain herself. The inconsolable wo-: man came to the merciless man with the humble request that ho would allow her, to take away a sackful of earth from her, former - possession. The rich man consent ed with a contempuous smile ; so the wid ow went with a large• sack, and dug and shoveled till it was quite full from the bottom-to the top. • Wlfen she had finish ed, she asked her plunderer, who had been looking on, to help her to lift the sack up on her shoulders. To this he also con sented, and exerted all his strength in or der to lift the load ; but it was of no use —it was too heavy. As he was about to go away to fetch a strong laborer to lift it, the widow held him back, and said, Triend I stay here; as I am obliged to give up the whole field to you, therefore I will leave You the sack ful of earth also. But can you answer me the following question, 'As this sack is already too heavy fir yOu, will not the whole field weigh still more heavily on you before God'sjudgment-seat, and crush you to the ground 1' The mans' 'conscience was touched by , this reproof, and he gave • the Uld up a gain to the widow. Dammam—What wondrous consola tion,. comes to . us in` those - blessed,-,hours when the body lies resting. The spirit roams at 'will; nor distance, space;• Or tithe can separate us fromour loved: The treas• ures snatched away - by, deatitiareiaurs a-, gain. • .-,Forms only dust tc.day,,are-wit us is by-gbae years. • The same tint of hair and Shade of eye; the same-rieh col oring, of lip, and expanse-of !brow - 3 the same expression.; The little -pealliarities• which,endeared, them to,cnr heart3,,anake dreaming a blessed . reality. tiewiiPt we ate to i nig; "Of,' dotild Settieagitin r Beraived mother. you are' comforted when your- baby, nestles iayour arms again, . the little fingers ,thrill, you. when, wander ing as of old. 'The Wee face'brakes bite' smileft'•at•Your!cliFos!.;You w O .OO 4 01 4 baby thneforever, Alass f l - Yon must aivalt,e, -awake 'to' find , etapty 'Cradle; empty arinia; l'Ciaginelleart -- • There is more pleaeure:ja drellii3 than in, realities. 2 The .wseakeaeg jembitter,s both., Brother, sister,,,have _p.m awaken ed from the '0 Miny.dreains of, yoa th ? Are the' 11613,4 lon detail'? Have frieridsforsaken your? • Has disease elainf= e& you forihisltre.y 2 .Because that .was so bright, , tins, , so, dark. , w 11 yowp.,lAoly-, your fifo to be ,a f failure? _lf you cmanot, , you *mu; *lll ybu not be What you - can? Can 'yoit kindle aittea ? you live aright?. ••• s• , :,:s , A ''FriitfgE slice time! age' abimetVeenty:Yeiiis •Of agel,: arrived -, hi Baltiintirefront;Englaiml, and • . commenced to look for; wOrki at ; his trade. Al:ter,several dqyefri,ntiesi”leaFnli, the, titaioe says' .he,entered a litre facto: Ty on I' o 6i - ribald' ;Street:and inqiured 'Ph." tvoriChf the. "siiperintefideut: ' l'he• lat ter qttestioned asking - him his name and ‘tdiere'ho Viai'frori andother"' partic , ulars about untidy; He • told the su- - Ferintendent tha:t his mother resides .in aikijand7 And; had reared: him; is father baying quivre4ed with : her when he, ; ivae, anpfaut; abondened them,' And `it' Was'iirtipesed that Ird had t - come - to inerica,:-but•nottidings'hidibeen• received_ froatr..himw , ..When the .y:oung Man , had: ecniciudgd,. ! the superintendent , .. who for many, years had bea4 • emPlo,yed bythe e firm with ' whom pregknit 'engaged, said' to :the astonished" yontif; 4 .1 ani • y o'ur • They. diseussed : family matters at length, and the fathnr,,hearing from his, son that iiis,Rotheq ,had c never, ceased to mourn their tinforlinatiie difference end bleitbSenee, clete'rthitietl to 'proceed at once' to.EuroPe 'and•iiiing , :hee to this 'country! and endeavor in the: future•yeats to atone for the rnistaico.an,d errars,c,f the ipast,; 7 -., He secured employment for his son, an d . obtaining the ; necessary ; le,avo Absepee from, his, empkers, weels fog "raighttid, intending to bringlii . ekwith him 'on retilru' the *ife'froar who ihe had beeu so long separated; - •• • •'• •-• THAT ELOUR,TRlC:7—Y,estrtlay.ploro.7.• ing,Says the - Detroit Free Preis; au limo. centloCking young' man.' was ' . -loefing'a• round theClentralllepot with one Ottlicise small -lung-testers, which, throw aliandm fat er flour into,a,plaies.face,jtist as:he imagines ,heis going to blow up to one and fifty' pounds: There was an old man waiting' around 'for "the train to' go, and' he was at'once'ittraCted to the machine. Ho saw others blow, and when, told, it would n ot cost him a cent,l e x , i pitch-, He was rilleivcd ..6 blow two 'cif three then the young' man' told' him to put in a regular hurricane, and beat everybody by five rounds. The old. fellow threw back his -coat, got the pipe in his mouth, and theii'• his eyes opened like traps as le sucked' in, all.tho air he , could., After a second. or two lie let go, and the.flourstruck hi''. lie didn't: say a word foi'a ' He softly' laid' down the pipe; Niinked- his eyes; and spit flour, and as the roar of laughter increas ed, he backed up against the wall. and said : 'You kin la, and laf,' but I swan . to gum I'll lick somebody for that, even if I don't never lead another cluss'ineet in.!' And he did. • A ROUT InLENEss:----Many young , peo ple think an idle . life mitst 'be a - Pleasant one, but there are none`who enjoy. it' -so. little and are such burdens tolltetuselves o as those who have nothing to do., ,'Those who are obliged to work . hard all day pp , joy their short period-of rest, and recrea tion so mtich,.thrat'' they are' apt,te think if their life were spent in ,rest,:aud i ,.recre, , stint) it would, be thepos4 . leasautTof all.: But this is a sad mistake, ; asthey would soon find Out if thorn - m(l6'a trial of `the life they think so•airecable:" One'who is never:busy can never enjoy rest, for, .rest implies relief from previous labors; and if our whole, time wore spent in amusing ourselves, we should find it more Weari some than the hartleA ;day's - work; Ite creatioli is oifly valuable as it unbends us ; the idle can know nothing of it. Many pelvic leave off busineis and settle down to a - life of enjoyment ; but they 'general ly find that they are not nearly so happy as they were before, and are often glad to return to their old occupations to escape the miseries of indolence. It is impossible to blunt . the fine edge of some people's fastidiousness.. An in stance at hand is the k of a lady in this city who got, up and went out of church, last Sunday, because She conSidered the minister's remark that We all wanted to "get into Abraham's bosom," as both ma licious and indelicate. 'Wkat.shall we do withiAlau,glitersr inquiLsMrs. Livermore,' — iiiid Western editor %n inhuman iv - retch, replies ; they are like - their' mothers—Wear - false hair, cor s ets; and high-heeled shoes, pow der and paint—wriugibeirTecits.nt mice. Contentment is na luxury, artificial ponyv, • ' -' - • - $2,00 PER YEA R NITILBER•26. ait 31 , 1 m oIN--- Lazy husbands are knowiroutAVestas stove Avatcheis. : FortiOns- 1 o `• is ngan -4 at t -estrie-ant , :ofihr Woods and stare at peoplapassiniby with as much impudenee,as . a sewing, traehtae or lightning rod agent. . - Wolvai are' in some 'A sOmethat'sirnple woman was asked whetheriler husband feared q ,God,•an plicd, guessfpr• 11P. PPY9r, oat an §uuday'ti" Withnutliiking his gun . The name of .the Sheriff,a, white couu 7 ty, Pk, is i lle . .ll,Stprius, tither was an,eecerilrie ; gentfew an, • ifot111)e ti,d; son " thew Otiniect'leipeef,iveljr,._'_Hell: Staruni,Attity Sterns ~ nod , Sue:w Sterols.. - - •Nineteen years ago 'fa a Tennesiee' the.r rifused to let his, daiighter go to a Clindy.:'" disatipeartd. , The'other day she , rebirued,-iifted eleven:children ont:ef the; wagon, .and -ttie house' and-. to.Ok O ,LK her ,thiPgs !" • coyly. I.Y, the hadn't been gone ovei'a da)r. . '" ' " • • . eon , : gregs, , _ )14• wet clay,..aryl3o;u,p agidde,palizl,ps lees, , Dent who mdde deiiniligs?"' • "Sit daivii; stir," said'the grettetiet stern—, ly;- -- "srg :4. • . any system . nb. tbeolßgy. ANktoits' I'6' MAKE A 'S'Air.-- , l3`ruce. noticnig'shice kept a general store in tfie northera:patt of the State. 1,11 , ta1l coun- n tryman stalked into his estaliehmeqoue day yith feet 'encased is moceasiont, and planting 96e - of theta 'ion u barrel, a-ii.k ed Brace if eduld fit him with.a pair of boots. - , •- 3 • • "Cedillalyi", said the latterfAnd.aftor , glancing at •,the foot procedett to dawn i boa fabled "tiascirted,brogt, tits; 13: - • t 01.3," 'selected Pair '.of the -former' - &-sti • and handed it to•tiug ceimtrymanwitli the, polite request; ,`,l'fry„that one." .. . „The. elgvemyere tried,, but .tetAo_pti,r- . . pos,e. Ole ,combined pulling of a dozen horses iouldn't get "those 'boots on his feed.' Twelves'were• next tri ed;. bu t 'with no: bet- • ter•sieeess...s:AVith • as , air •of • assurance • 13ruce:haoded'hiW the.lhiScenti., I ).MPthSir • rid the same fate' of the others. The conorym i ttu looked blank-,Brune p , he Wits - equal to - Ile Criidr ge ' • Quretly turning • the'llNirovel; as io enipty its. contents' 'on the: floor, ha • sinilingly•handed. the amid thetastowelt ed• csminer„witli- the ,reque4:; , , "Hire; :put on mind,: of thin, .socke try,on the hox. A Yankee out-west.who , rccently..wrote 'home tn:his mother. hat he had seen a live Elotiater',.. has sent tier' 'another e p istle' ' Wmitbru: etiquette. • Here' it is : tern- peoplego'lheir death on - etiquette.— You can't tell a man here that, lies, as you , can : down east, without,fighting. -A few days, ago a man.was telling two of his .. neighbeis in my hearing a pretty sfety.'"Sayel, ''stranger,thats a 'whopper.% SAYS he; 'lay • there, stmnger,'.attd.l44lv-• twinkling of en.eye,,l hung : myself In .a ditch, a perfect,quadruped, the Arse for wear audlear. Upon another, &Casten, 034' I. fo' a' ueVer saw before, its ' yitnnan.paWsed him,.`that isn't , a:secimen • ofiyour Western. women, is it ?' bays, he `you • are afraid, of the fever And stranger, ain't you ?' Very mpch, says I. Well,' 'replied - he that' lady is in:) , wife; and if - you• dinft apologise in two minute.% • by the •honor , of 'a gentleman, I sWear thu t thets, two pistols,' which he held in his hard,fshall cure you of the disorder entire ly-so don't'faar stranger.' I knelt do*ii and 'apologised. 'I admire the country ' much, but darn :no if• I eau stand so" much , etiquette, it always takes me unawares." . . . 1 . 1 I:14D IntsumAN.-An Irish Priest was'stAndirig at the corner of a square a bout. the hour of dinner, when one of his countrymen, observing the worthy father 4perple*ity, thus addressed him: ,"0, Pather O'Leary, how is your riy ci•enee?" •'"Mightily put nut, Tat," was the rally. ."Putout! who'd- put out your river once;?" . . _ ! you don't . understand ; that just it; I am invited to dine at one of the houses in this Square, , and I have ihr gotten the name, and I never looked at the number, and now it, is nearly one clock." 0, is that all ?" was the cry;' "just now be aisy,.your riverence, I'll settle that' for you." . So saying, away flew the goad : natured. Irishman.round the square, glancing. at. the kitchens,. and when he discovered a, fire that denoted hoipinditV, ho thunder ed at, the door and inquired: "Is - F ter O'Leary here?', As might i•e expected, again and again he was repulsed. At length an angry foot % man exclaimed . "NO ; bother' on 'Father o'l,,lary, ig nr4:here' 'to-day, 'and 'the cook• is' :in li mp; and is waiting-for Father • Paddy leaping from the door as if the steps were on fire rushed up to the aston ished primt..saying. -"All is rightt your riye,reace; you dine' at 43, and a mighty good dinner you'll get." "0. -Pat !" said the grateful, pastor, "the blmings of a hungry man be upon' you.. -"Lbfig life and berpiness-to your river: - ence! -I have got. -your malady, -only witgly I had your curet" =MOM ', '-•' 1,-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers