THE VILLAGE RECORD; PRBLIBERD EVERY TEMDAY 3.IOIMING ' By W. BLAIR. fiIEZNS—Two Dollars per Annum if paid witkin tho year; Two Dollars and Fifty cents after the•expiration of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square (10 ,dines) three insertions, $1,50; for .each subsequent insertion, Thir • five Cents per Square. A liberal discount made to yearly adver -tigers. ,LOCALS.—Bnsiness Locals Ten Centsper line for the first insertion, Seven Cents for subseauentineertien Vrofessional !4ara ' DR. - M,. L. MILLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 'Offers his professional services to the titizens of Qtnncy and vicinity. Office near the Burger Botel. apr9-tf " ISA.AC N. sNrvELY: PHYSICIAN AND' SURGEON, WAY:NEW/30110 7 PA. -Office at_his_resitlence,-nearliloPposit • •Ile Bowden House. Nov 2—tf. sTOSM.P.I3 ATTORNEY AT LAW. WAYNESBORO', PA. Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent-Counties. • N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and Fi reinsurance effected on reagonable terms. .11ecember, 10 1871. VETERINARY SURGEON: "FIR. HENRY BOWLS (formerly of Viz. .iJginia) announces to the citizens of Waynesboro' and the public generally that lie is prepared to treat the different diseas es to which 119rses-are subject,-Including lock-raw. ThorOugh study and many years practice are the best recommendations he can offer.. Versons reguirinhis services will find hitp at Mintet may2l tf , 1 4, • „ ST R C V.• • - 4- PiIYSICIAN I SURGEON. ' 4 9 Office nt his residence, N. E. Cor. of the .Public Square, Waynesboro', Pa. .apr O-tf REM OVAL 1 DR. BE J. FRANTZ has removed to the new' Office bniiding, adjoininglis dwell ing on West end of Main street, where he ean always be found, when not engaged on professional visits. .Orrice: nouns :—lletween Sand 10 o'clock, A. M., and 12 and 2and ifand V P. M. Spec ial attention given to all forms of chfonie disease. An experience of nearly thirty years enables him to give satisfaction. The most approved trusses applied and adjusted to suit the wants of those afflicted with her ilia or rupture. apr 23-tf A. K. BRANISHOLTS, rtzszlaENT DENTIST 47r-- «. ALSO AGENT For the Best and most Popular Or, ,, .aus in Usr Organs always on exhibition and for sale at,his °thee. We being acquainted with Dr. Branis lioitti secially and professionally recommend Lim to all desiring the 4qrviees of a Dentist. Drs. E. A. linnuco, J. M. RIPP:LE, " A. H. STaumfun, 1. N. SNIVELS, ," A. S. I.IOIIIBIT.AKE, T. D. InExert. jnlyll—tf a-. FI. ,FORNEY & CO. Prgauge Gomm Marchantg No. 77 - Nauru' STREET, BALZEIV,O4E, MD. Pay particular attention to the sale of Ejotn:, Urain, Seeds, &e. Liberal advances made on consignments. may 2.9-tf VIE BOWDEN HOUSE MAIN STREET, WAYNESBORO', PENN'A ri; suhserlber having leased this well / lsnown itel property, announces to the public that he has refurnihed, re-pain ted and papered it, and is now amply pre pared to accommodate the traveling public and ethers who may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. An attentive hio. icr will at all timeA be in attendance. May 2:;-11 SA Al L I'. STQN LIVERY ! LIVERY 1 ' BE aubseriber informs the public. that helms opened a new Livery Stable, on 1V et Main Street, at the Sanders' amble.— Speedy horsey and first "elas3 convey :mate, furnished at all times. An Attentive hostler will always be found at, the stable. A t-bare of the public's patronage is respect fully :No:kited. JOHN S. FUNK. july:10 tf TAILORING. lItIE subscriber announces to big old MIS - turners and the public that he has again taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and wilt he pleailed to reedy() a share of public patronage.. His place is on Lei tee,burg street, nearly opposite Bel,'s Pot tery. JOS. ANDERsON. in.ty 1.-tf 17 _A_ I .R. Y . 1 HE subscriber notifies tho public flint, • • iws eututitetleed the Dairy business , itiZi‘tv• regularly every iniTning or Grit-uit at low rates. I io will leave a supply at Al. (ieiscris rt. It iforsorts can obtain either at a , iiir dariii; : t the clay. ~_ %I~C.~~ING_ • - ',Ls friends 1. , • 'inn he 11,;i. purelntsed th.-•• f•t-nt•rlyo‘vi,e , i i;•• ,r i i 1- 00 c t.he slue hus- Ststset,ot the endof iisy 171_nnwledge_ of the MEE= eall•1..;,:•-••• • ^ 1) , !1 tilts best Nt ,, tl:lll. :. and ' by siriei I 0 111 , 1011 to Ili• 111 , pet• ll.eziZ 113t11111;,g 4 ,. All ki w ork 4 , n hat a orders tilled Dromplly. „1:m.14 If MEIN BACK AG-M infgr.74s.,the pnitlie flint ". he ht: , ttg,:on tttl..c.44" ; :ztp-his re;itlenee in Wayne:Moro' tant.l leat,Elo the 11i - .intent of the 11 . ta!ker leti'elintr in which 1 ,, carry on the hoot and f , lanet Litt,itte, He will nlc give prompt otaeti:itt., to a u kind s of repairing. A vh:tre tat the public's pa tronage is respectftilly xoeieited. aprU-tf 171I0S. BRINGMAN. 1 7 1-ZICR :vo. F Ti.; ;I'Kn DR, JACOB WETS MEW( DiERIMIL TEEproprietor of this medicine is a grad uate of Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia-of 1853; since then he has made chronic diseases his special study— has had good .success in. the treatment -of such diseases, which has induced him to put nut this Medicine before the public.— A medicine which ought to be in every fam ily in the land. Those who haire used it speak of its great merit.' Is composed of the BEST KNOWN MEDICINES in the Materia Medico, and compounded with great care by the proprietor, under his own supervision and made in a scientific manner. The DEMAND FOR IT IS INCREASING and in a short time it will become a STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINE. Acts on the Liver, Liing,s and Kidneys Good for the following diseases, such as Liver Complaint, • Rheumatism . , Scrofula, Dispepsia, Consumption, Sieklientiache, uonsumption, - constipation, dotter, and Chronic Diseases generally ; very good for children in small doses, being mild and' pleasant. Try it and convince yourself of its merits, then commend it to your ft lends.' Also makes his celebrated FAMILY BIT TERS which have stood the test for a num ber of years. Good for Indigestion, Low ness of Spirits, ,Dyspepsia, Foul Stomach,. i& Cramp, Colic, c: Try it. Prepared only by • JACOB FAHRXEY, M. D., Office and Residence, 1337 Brand wine St., Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED. Sold by Dr. J. B. Amberson, Waynesbo ro', Pa., Dr. Carl, Greencastle; Pa., J. S. Nix ,_on_Charnt)ersbprg, Pa. may2S-ly TEETH ! TEETH ! 1 TEETH !II BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! Nothing contributes more to beauty of the features than a PER FECT, REGULAR, CLEAN SET OF TEETFLivbile a neglected, illthy,diseaFed month .4ilisristsevery.beholet- er. Such things are noticed now -4- days much more than foreterly; and good teeth and a sweetbreath are considered indispen- sille to every LADY AND GENTLEMAN. 'BEWARE of all prc'pnrations which are highly recommended for WHITENING the teeth. They contain an acid which des stroys the INA4rET. f . Dr. Torrest keeps con stantly on hand of his own Preparation a su perior TOOTH POW DER,which keeps the Teeth absolutely clean, leaving the color of the Enamel just as nA ,ture made it. For the convenience of my pa trons, I have adopted the patent TOOTH Pow DElt BOTTLE, so constructed as to distribute the powder nicely on the BltUtil I, and can be carried when traveling and several may use from the same bottle with propriety. Having had an experience of over seven y cars in thelmnalacture and administration of Ni trou, Oxide Gass, I am prepared at all times to ,administer this popular Annes etic. either to children or adults for the extrac tion of teeth, without pain or any unpleas ant effects. Insertion, Filing and Filling of Teeth carefully executed. Office next door to Bishop's 4rt Gallery, nth , St., Chant bershnrg, Pa. 11. FOIIRE:?f, S. N B.—Teeth that have become discolor ed, I am prepared to bleach and restore to their natural I:Igor. Prices ery nioderale. may2l ly QUINCY FOUNDitY • AND 11 1 P- 1 ITIHE subscriber informs the puplic thrt he has several patents of Iron Fencing and Porticos, Wagon Boxes, equal to the English Box; Motz and Sol f-skarp ener Mold Boat ds, sides, Shears, Cut ters & Points, Feed Cutters and Grinders, 5 different sized Kettles, Skillets, Flat Irons, Dutch Ovens and Lye Plate; also Separator Castings of different kinds, Horse Powers and Bevel Jacks ; also the METCALF EXCELSIOR. POST BOHM Sro 11OOD gAING•IIICiIiNE the shop prices for - which are. 850.00 with-. out saw, $65.00 with-saw. Will saw from 20 to 25 Cords of I ,Vood per day—also saws Shingles. One man can bore from 250 to 300 posts per day. Can he run with water, steam or horse power. ',Vivo different kinds of &.tusage Cutters anil S'ta from repairing (lone in the best man ner and charges reasonable. I feel thankful for past favors and hope for a continuance of the some. Yours Respeutfull , r, JOHN L. METCIALP. Quincy, Pa. 1 Inr 5-ts COACIIIIMAdi lING. I.EP,SCrgS in want of vehicles of any de sjription, new or second-handed, ran he supplied at the old "Waynesboro'. Coach Factory" on Church street. The subscrib er cordially invites those desiring anyt fling in his line to call and examine his stock and learn his prices, wltiCh he feels warran ted in saying will compare thvorably with that of any other °stabil:diluent in the coun ty. RUPAIRMG ()fall kinds will receive prompt attention. Thankful to the public for past patronage he solicits a continuation or the Faille in the future. JACOB ADAMS. april 10-tf FARM FOR SAL:E: Heirs of George "Wiles, deed. offer their farm at Private Sale, which con tains 15 , "A/ Arst quality of LIMESTONE LANP with z)o,d improvements. If not cld,the said flfrin will lie for rent. Fo . r lurther Mrniu tiou enquire of the undorsitzned livins, on the premises. JOHN WILES. ztng27 tf ,A dMaV- 7- 5' t (14' Rf? tiC T.COTICE is •beitoiby given that lettorof • 1 achninist ration - on the estate of 11 - 0111 ET Lmacrlzs, I : , te of Wtisliituttat township, de e'd, lutVe been granted to the undersh;ned. All person , ' indebted to bald estate will make payment, and those having claims will pre sent them properly authenticated for settle talent.' Adm'r, oct226t 1873. 1873. SPRING AND SUMMER I .....-...,,:)..,-... NEW GOODS ! NEV GOODS!! GEORGE 33{ER 3•T ER ffwm,Tvgmroli R AS now on 41and and for Bale a full line of NEW GOODS for gentlemen's wear for Spring azd Suminer, such as C,LOTIIS, CASSIMEIIES, tad , GAZIT STYLES—AND re - s3.)k ii:11 k 4.1:01k teleD1091:1 of every description, all of which will be sold at prices tcrsuit the times and made to .order with neat- ness and dispata4. Also a complete assortment of REA WIT=ITIAIDE CLOTHING Ms large, well selected stock of SHIRTS, UNDER-WEA.R., DILA.WERS, CU 1; FS, .NfC.KTIES, ARE UNRIVALED. Satisfaction guaranteed in all eases.. Call ind examine the spring and Summer Styles No trouble to show goods. Remember the place, South-cast Corner of Public Square june 5, 1873 G-:ois=R, ,, s PATEiNiT SE ilri-B.i .EAULA.II3 DI G GRAJY 'SEPARATOR CLEANER, BIM AND POWERS! o inip:ement more Important to the farmer than a First-class Grain Thresher and Cleaner—for none pays him so well and so speedily. The above cut shows the only Geiser Ma chine now built under the immediate eye of the old inventors themselves, with all the additional improvements made during the past is years, and now with FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN & MATERIAL this Machi. - .e just stands high above all of its class. As a thresher it is equal to the best. as a cleaner it is superior to any exist ing Maclaine. This is admitted by all hon est competitors. Indeed it is the only Ma (thine that really can, by one operation, thoroughly thresh and clean grain tit for market. Ilut the fact that grain direct from this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain direct from any oth er machine, settler; the question of its supe riority as a cleaner over a]] ethers. Impar tial judges at all the State and County Fairs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in competition with other leading machines, always agree that it is more sim ple—more easily-understood and operated by those unskilled ih machinery—more du rable—threshing as much and yet cleaning better—with less power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use— and besides all that is sold for less moi.ey according to capacity. These facts 'are further attested lay the thousands of pur chasers, 'some of whom have had them in use for the last 18 years. To supply tag wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz:— From a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power, to alO Horse Lever Power, with prices ranging, from $l9O to $360, without power. We also make the latest impproved triple-geared Horse Powers, suitable for each size machine, ranging from $9O to $135, and all fully aml fairly warranted. For further information send for circular and price list. . . Responsible Agents in , Territory not in troduced. Address, TII E GEISER, M.ANITFAC'G CO., WAysi;snouo', Franklin County, Jan. 21-tf • Pennsylvania J., Ri., vtatrulisilEßGEßivs OMNIBUS LINE AND LIVERY STABLE,' ly AY NES Lollo', PA PT, riE muler-igneistill continues the same bnsiness at the old place. Office and Stable in the rear of Watshabaugles Tobac co Store. His Omnibus lea VPS NVn y nosba ro' in the morning at 7 o'clock, and returns nt 7 o'clock in the evening. Ills stage also leave; at 0 o'clock. P. M. for the W. 31. It.. via, of Monterey Springs. This line connects at 3lonterey with the flettvsburg Stage at II o'clock, every day, Sunday excepted. E,s„All exp-ess mat'er promptly attend ed to with care. Ail eKpress matter not de lic.ored can be bad by calling gt Washa- Laugh's Tobacco Store. FOR SALE. One Spring Wagon, nearly new, with pole, shaftd and t liree springs, all in fine order. On easy terms. J. R. WOLFERSTEPGER. may 7 tf - G1) - 1,1 B ERWANTED subscriber will pa the highest T HE market price for 15,000 pay of Poplar. 141(1 Walnut Lumber delivered in Wavnes boro'.. G. F. LILY. Oct 1 tf . English; R Amercan Cassimers, Linens, Jeans, Denums, Doeskins, Corduroys, Cottona des, ,Blk. Cgssimere and Cloth. Notions and white goods of every variety, Hambur edging and inserting_Ruilling,_ Honey Comb Quilts, Napkins, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets. • Lace and Linen Collars and Handkerchiefs,. Suspenders and' Head Nets. A full line of Shoes, ' and Gaiters for Gentlemen, • Ladies, Misses, Boys and Children, 1. We have constantly on hand everything usually kept in a well-regulated store. We ask an examination of goods and nriceg -fore-purchasing elsewhere. STOVER & WOLFF. May 16,1872. ' VESTING - HOSIERY, COLLARS, GLOVES, &C. &X,., He is now prepared to put up at short no tice First Class Brick Furnaces and warrant them. On hand a stock of nine-plate Stoves and small coal stores. A large stock of Tin pressed and iron-ware roofing and spouting of the best tin. Repairs done promptly and at prices that none can complain. Call and see his stock as it will pav you for the trouble, and it is right these days to keep posted. DEKA_LITIMORM, MD . Terms $1,i30 Per * Day. ISAA.C.ALBERTSON, Proprietor. J. S. llAnTrn, Mannger. nor \4/ 4 _- The oldest and best appoiuted . lnsti -, ition for obtaining a Business Education. For circulars, address P. DUFF & SOTS 'RE scp24 3m c Pittsburg, Pa. 1574. - SPRING. 1874. STOVER Ilk WOLFF CM= DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, White -Go*Ws; Embroideries and LaoeS Groceries, Queemisware, .Poots A Shoes, Cedarivarep Hardman,. 11178 Dry Goods Department consists in part of Ladies Dress Goods, Black Silks, Black 4Lnd Colored Alpaccas, Empress Cloth, Japariese,Clotias, Mohairs, Poplins, Lustres,_ Percales, Lawns, embracing everything in he Dross Goods line offered to the trade.— A PULL STOCK OP MENS WEAR AT ELDEN'S • - iti -Ay always be found a fun and prime 01 BOOTS 4ND SUOES, HATS AND TRUNKS, - PAPER COLLARS AND NECK WEAR, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS AND UNDER-WEAR, CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. M. Watches and . .Tewelry repaired. North East Corner of Public, Square. Dee 5, IS7n—if XECTJEIC" CID W-oß Offers at low prices a large number of No. 1 Cook Stoves for coal or wood the best in market, also the Celebrated Morning Glo: Stoves, with and without ovens, at reduced rates. Also a number of other Base Barn img Stoves—also Parlor Cook Stoves—Par lor and Fire-place 'Heaters, the best in mar ket, all of which he will yarrant and sell at less rates than any Stove Honse in \Waynes boro.'• WINIVINI NNE . I.lolEtt W. cor. rayett Ifr St. Paul Sta OPPOSITE BATiNV3I'S CITY 110 TEL,, YURNITURE 1 „HUBEI; LARGE STOPK! ..---_O-... 115 ;subscriber informs his customers the public generally that .he has greatly .enlarged his business and has at present the largest stock of FURNITURE ever offered for sale in Waynesboro'. His stock :consists*f Dressing Bureaus, .ef every , description, with or without marble tops; Wash and Parlor Stands with marble tops, Plint, Tepoy, sin gle and double Drawer Stands, Exten sion Tables, ranging from six to fourteen ft. in length ; bluing and four-leg Breakfast and Between Tables ; French Bedsteads, full and half Jennie Lind, do., Cottage Bedsteads of various kinds-and-a lame stock of common Pop- • lar Bedsteads; Wardrobes, Walnu4,4ind_Poplar Safes, dif ferent stnes and prices, Sinks, Hat Racks, Brackets, Hanging Hat Racks, different kinds, Chests, Doughtrays, PARLOR FURNITURE: Full Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Lounge Mattresses, &c., &c. CHAIRS, .&C Cane Brace Arm Rocker, .Cane-back .Arm „locker, Large Captick Rocker, Ladies' Dining Chai Bent Rim Dining Chai Bent Rim Office Chair, Doug/as' Arm Chair, English Parlor Brace Arm Chair, Walntib and Imitation Marble-top, Cottage Tables-and Standq, Round Corner - French, do.; Parlor Chairs Sr, Tae-u-fete, COFFINS: The Casket and Pittsburg Coffins always on hand, besides a large stock of his own nut-n-1 ufaCture. Prompt attention will be given to this particular branch of his business. He returns thanks to the public for their past liberal patronage and invites one and all to call and examine his stock and learn his prices. fite - Satisfaction guaranteed in all caser. JOSEPH H. CREBS, West Main Street, Waynesboro', Pa. jan 15. 1R74 ALIIII L anyil- MANUFACTURER OF SASH,-DOORS, FRAMES. MAN- TLES, BR ACKETS„VOULDIXGS, &C., GEEEMI ANTIETAM FACTORY. -0— ' I shall continue the Inanufactine or all kinds nfßnilding Material as heretofore. Particular attention paid to furnishing Stairways, Newel's Balusters and Railing of bard or soft wood. Prompt attention given to orders; also Grist Chopping, Post Boring and Bill Saw•- ing at short notice. TO THE PUBLIC Tha,,Rful for past fayors, we aslc you for a continuance of the same. Factory 13 miles South of Waynesboro',Pa. april 10-tf A. M. G. NEW TIN STORE r I` HE undersigned would most itspect fully inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover Sr. Wolll's Dry Goods emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good supply of COOK & COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to sui the times. All kinds of work done in his line with neatness and •dispatch such as roofiing, zpouting and repairing. 'You will Lind it to your interest to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the Big Red Coffee Pot, Always on the post.— Thankful for past favors he hopes for a con tinuance of the same. Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON I. FREY nov 19 B. T. 8A.7332.1.2 1 T'S Pure Concentrated Potash • OR LYE, Of double the Strdngth of any other SAPONIFYING SUBSTANCE. I have recently perfected a now method of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now packing it only in Balls, the co !tin , ' of which will saponify, and does not injure the soap. ' It is packed in boxes containing 24 and 48 one lb. Pulls, and in no other way. Directions in English and German for making hard and soft soap with this Potash accompanying each package. B. T. BABBITT, junelB 10w 0-I to 84 Washington St., N.Y. BARBING ! BAhBERING ! rrIIE subscriber having ree-ntiv re-paint ed and papered and added new 'furni ture to his shop, announces to his custom ers and the public that he will leave noth ing undone to give satisiliction and make comfortable all who may be pleased to fa vor him with their patronage. Shaving. Schampooning, Hair-cutting, etc. promptly attended t 0.,, A long experience in the bar bering busillbSS enables him to promise sat isfaction in all cases. W. A. PRICE. Sept 18-tf NOVICE ! A FTER an absence of fifteen years I again IVlocate in the town of Waynesboro' for the purpose of carrying on a tirst-class Tai loring Establishment. None but the best of workman will be employed, and clothing made in the most fhshionable and durable manner. Also plain suits to suit certain classes of men. Particular attention paid to cutting men and boys clothing all in s'yle. Scouring and renovating done up e qual to any outside of the cities. My place of business is on Main Street, next door to A mberson's Drug Store. and 2 doors West of the Waynesboro' Hotel. .By attention to business, and a disposition to pleas° all, I hope to receive a liberal share of public pa tronage. Respectfully, &c. oct 22-tf JAS. A. FISHER. STOCK OF GOODS FOR SALE, 'HE undersigned intending to engage in t the mercantile but-irkess in Ilog.erstuwif, offers for sale his stock of goods at Ring gold. Any one wishing to engage in busi ness of this kind cannot get a better sand in the state or County. I will sell on rea sonable terms. Further information can be had by calling °AI ' C. IL DETROW. noch ti ITRIOS. & CO., PROPS.' GEO. FRICROBLIPT. WAYWE 0 R 0 ' STEAFENGIig AND 101LER VORKS ESTABLISHED 1853. STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM-ENGIVNEt v BORER& Portable Saw Mills, and all other-Machinery made to order. ----:o:----- The above cut represents our - Horizontal Engine with Improved Side Bed. This de sign makes it strong, neat and durable and upon which we have made some valuable of all sizes. Further information may be oblained from the manufacturers, ERICK & COMF.A.NY, Waynesboro', Fra.uklin Co., Pa. may 3-tf _ CIEARVERED APRIL . I$7Q IkUNEEVOII MUTUAL ERE INSURANDE MIMPANIT v OF WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN CO. PA ASSET'S OVER $z50.000.00 Policies; issued on Cash or Mutual Plan, and indemnity assured from loss or damage by tire, or by lightning, whether Fire en r.tes or not. DIRE eTon,P. Simon Leeron, (Pres.) B. F. Winger, Jacob Hoover, (V. Pres.) F. B. Snively, Jos. Douglas, (Sec.) A. Strickler. J. W. Miller, i Treas.) Jacob J. Miller, Samuel TloeflieL, Geo. J. lla Samuel Frantz, Miller. This compqny,.probitea by Charter from insuring in specially hatardous risks, can oiler CHEAP INSURANCE on all safe class property ; is economical in its management and has paid its losses without any assessnent upon the premium notes. All orders for Insurance promptly attend ed to by D. M. GOOD, Agent. jun en '74] REMINGTON SEWING firtllE subscriber announces to the public L that he has the agency for the sale of the "Remington Family Sewing Machine" in Franklin county. Having tested its work ing qnalitiesaud capacity for several months he can safely recommend 'it as the very DES 2' 4 GIIINE- IN UM Its construction is such that it can be run at a higher rate of speed than any shuttle machine now in use. In factories where the speed has been registered, over 1000 stitches per minute have been attained with ease. It is strong in all its partA, and free from the harsh and jarring movements, and friction, common in inferior machines. A simple change of the needie and thread and it will sew the finest cambric or the heaviest leather. The shuttle carries a large quantity of thread thus saving in a great measure the tronble of filling the bobbins. The Veniington has no rotary cams, cog wheels or lever arms to make a noise, run hard, or to get out nf order. Any girl of ordinary intelligence can keep it in order without the least difficulty. The subscriber also informs his customers arid the publiethat ho has just opened, out his new FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY of CLOTHS, CASSTIVIERES, VESTINGS, and all other goods for gentlemen's wear.— Ho solicits an inspection of his stock. oct 16-tf T. T. FILBERT. MASH 31 Ait 1.; T !THE Snbccriber informs his customers I and the public that he continues the butchering but•iness at the old stand. in the celler on the tionth-east corner of the Dia mond,.Waynesboro' Pa. Prime beef, veal and lamb always on 4 haud. A special sup ply will always be provided for Saturday evening. Bologna sausage to be had at all times. Thankful to the public for past en couragement he hops to merit a continu ation of their patronage. • apr3o tf C. STOUFFER. FREIGHT WAGON I MITE subscriber informs his customers - 11 . and the public that he continues his freight wagon daily between Waynesboro and Greencastle. persons desiring coal or other freight taken to or fro will please give him a. call. All orders can be left at the Store of Martin Geiser. oet 15 DAVID MINOR. GUNS! GUNS!! TEE subscriber would call the attention of the public to his stock of goods, such as Double and Single Barreled Shot Guns, Seven Shot Revolvers, Single Shot Pistols of all kinds. A lot of second-hand Revol vers very law. Shot belts, powder flasks, game pugs. powder, shot, - caps, cartridges, &e., &c., all of which will be sold cheap for cash by J. H. JOHNSTON. julylfltf . CORN, OATS AND MM. r g 'HIE subscriber will meet persons every Saturday at Stover 4: Wolft's Store in Waynesboro'for the purchase of grain, where they are requested to bring, samples. Pay CAsll on delivery.• may 7 ,t 2 0 W. O.OOD. DR. FAHRNE'YrS :CELEBRA-TED BLOOD CLEWED OR - PANACEA II -0- WITH this TWO medicine in yotif house you can do without purging,by means of Pills or powders. You can do without Salts, Castorail, Citrate of Magn este, Senna or Manna, and so on. You want none oT these; the,BLOOD CLEANSER is a substi tue for the whole of them. And what is better,it may be taken with safety and com fort by the most delicate woman as well as the robust•man. It is very palatable, and therefore easily administered to children. It is the only vegetable preparation existing. which will answer in the place of CalomeL Regulating the action of the 'Liver, without making you a life-long victim to the use of Mereury . or Blue Pills. It will open the Bowels in a proper and wholesome manner —being composed of su:table medicaments. Tkere _is nothing - like Fahrney's Blood Cleansner, for the cure of all disorders of ' the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Bladder. For Nervous Diseases, Headache, Costiveness, Indigestion,Billions Fever, 1 derangements of the internal visce, on have in this medicine a PANACE,t me of the most painful and dangerous disease - S. ER COMPLAI 'TS.—The state and quail, the bile must first be attended to, in to preserve health. The bile in a vi state, or when inot.cluly secreted, is ur obstructed in the liver and gall bled nd :becomes a source ofdyspepsia,con ion, and' nervous complaints, jann- - tc. 'rite Panacea being strictly veg- . , and containing great anti-billions •ties, and great alterative properties rill act like a most : magical medicine complaint. Thousands have found and thousands will yet-turn to this ine, after exhausting their purses and ice in search 'ofhealth. idineks' of the head, dullness of the fintid _breath, coated tongue, loss of te, pains and weakness in the stom ilargement of the liver,yeliowness of constant fever and thirst, with a isrelish,pleasure, or any of employment. FAH ItNE Y'S CEA, if taken and persevered in for a few days, will remove this whole class of symptoms. The fluids of the body become pure, the.mind clear,the stomach 'strength ened,the tongue dean,the appetite improv ed, And the whole system so benefitted that - disease, during bad weather,is less liable to afflict you. •"An ounce of Prevention - is worth more than a Pound of Cure." The Panacea will not only cure old standing and malignant complaints, brit - sore of the best preventa tives of such disorders, ever offered to the world. You can avoid severe attacks of acute di seases, such as Typhoid, Billions and Spot ted and Intermittent Fevers, by keeping your blood purified. The different degrees of all such diseases depend altogether up on. the condition of the blood, for if this vi,- tat fluid is deranged,you will take a disease much more readily than otherwise,and the suffering will be. proportion to the amount_ of foreign ,matter in the blood. This is so reasonable that we need not hero make any illustrations. _ _ This medicine isbighly recommended for all chronic or ohl standing complaints,suclt as Scrofula, `fetter, Salt Rheum, Rheumat ism, &c, Prepared by P. FNERN - EVS BROS. & CO Waynesboro', Franklin county, Pa. Sold by F. Fourthinan and J. Burns Am berson, 31. D. Druggists, Waynesboro', Pa. june2stP SPRING. 111) SIMMER GOODS,, COON & STOREHOUSE OPIATE just received a large and well I.l.selected .stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which they offer to the People of- Waynesboro' and surrounding country at the lowest cash prices. The stock consists in part of T } ~ - .~' T_ ' 1 -Y i- of the neliest and, latest styles ; Goods of every description for men and boy's wear : ;' Shirting Stripes, Brown and Bleached Muelins, Sheeting. Tickings, Linen & Cet- • ton Table Diapers, Towels & Toweling. Table Covers, Dal morals, Calicoes, Irish Linens, Ginghams, a large lot White Cotton Quilts, very cheap, Table & Floor Oil Cloths, Oil & Paper Window Blinds, Ladies Lace Points & Shalls, _ a large lot of Stockings, Handkerchiefs for men, • Women and Children, , Linen, Lace & Pepper Collars Laces, Edging and inserting, Silk and Cotton fringes and - Trimings of every description Kid, Silk and Cotton Gloves, and everything else in notion line Boots, Shoes and 'Straw Hats, Ladies and Childrens Gaiters, Shoes and -Slippers, to gether with Groceries, Hard vare, Wooden Ware, Queensware, Glassware, and Wall Paper. ' Call and see our goods before buying elsewhere. COON & STONEHOUSE. oct. SO. 1873 ROOT AND SHOEMAKING I REIVZOVALi -0— ®and after the first of April next Onr customers will find us in the room now occupied by Win. Blair as a Printing Office, where we intend carrying. on the Boot and Shoe business as usual. From our experi ence in the business in selecting the best stock and workman we hope to merit a lib, oral share of patronage. It will be our con stant aim to make a neat and artistic fiting boot. We make the best work in town at prices ranging from $8 and upwards, accor ding to price of material. We are perman ently located here. We have a few customers that we have asked often for their bills, and if they do not appear soon we intend putting their names In the paper, so they may not catch others. MY - Thankful for past favors we ask a continuance of the same. mar 5-tf J. FORD k SON. FURNITURE I FURNITURE! ! WORTH SEEING I THE display of fine Furniture, such as Dressifig Bureaus, Wash Stands, Bed,. steads, Extension Tables, Centro Tables, Wnt "'slots, Hat Racks, Children's Cribs, 4S-.c. Everything in the Cabinet-maker line—the best in market, having been carefully and substantially manufactured out of the-very best material—at H. DETreow's, 3 dobrs East' of the Presbyterian Church, East Main St., Waynesboro'', Pa. Call and see his display. Prices low. Thankful for past favors how hopes to be able to merit a still further share of the public's patronage. nor 13—tf H. pErßow. Skirts,